Newspaper Page Text
If M I ' MM : d I V : , ll I V T l I A A.lil . r -'1 AM I II I A lT mVY iW. '.. far a, M as " V a. r I fi vii 1 . 1 ' 1 1 . 1 1 w T -'"n iii- 11 u Li.. .vi ir 'i1' ....... r . 1 M iv 13 11 it ii .. . o-ri. w 11. -v . u ..'in'i Muw 1 - 1 w -jrv v w a.- v in. i Jifi if i a ' i o 1 1 7t I i ii Tit 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii ' w-" 1 1 - ii ii '"ii n r- iiii. ii a 1 1 ir ii a. asst m a ' n !-k,ki . s bl -i i ' .aiiitBiai j 'l . a. mm mm mm - m m a m urn - - , . .', w a ' a '. sr a . i t . - ( Banana- a . i a . n i V lik"' ""-crv VVWVIVU 1 " VJ. Ji.-.ll-ilJLSJ4i.-:;T t Ll A .Wk' M I x II ft Hi IT I ; VOK Vlli. NO. 89. NEW: SERIES. . OHIO. SATUBDAY MORNING.. SEPT. 21, 186L UT9 Ttnrravei awn w a "-'.." wviuuut A AAA A AAA, : Vf f- ; InTarlably la Adyanct. (Hie InttStntown .. . '1,,,.' -"-.tin Mi DAILY, TBI-WEEKLY AffD WXLI MANYPENNY & MILLER, f VBLIflH) Bl 1HD PBOPBIITOBI, I jHI f nil. 11 1 1 Df 0(Bm Im 18, II Mi 40, Berth High It nivi prriJtUBiY in aitamoi. :i '. BUi .;l .V . : S 00 pwrwr k th Carrltr, p wek, JU e&U. ,. M-WwMjr ; ... - ,: . ., I do pwtmt. WwMy ' . . i 00 " AdTrHin br tbe Square. n k ? yw . .'2tf 00 1 On nam 1 mttku .mt 00 " J Jf On , WMkf.. 00 3M . i " J monthi 10 00 1 One . ' I Un . 1 00 ; Boom. 9 00 1 One, .. ." ... 1 inmttvB 60 PUplgyM 4dTrUMBinU hH mor Una tht itxm AlTjttUtmBMnlM4d p4 piM in th eolnmaof All uutlow rqalrM to t pablUtMd by legal ntM. If ordaridMi UNlalMtolailTlTftrthflntwk MI iMli. Mnra Itila Ika . k . . a 1 I. mll Ml noai Una 1.1 J. A CI ., ban pnc. , rrr""'.".- tromimt odMrUummtt mini bt paid tot i advance 1 ml will not b ntUi fr. .... WMkljv Mil pric h th fisllr, wImn tMkdrmtiMi Mf th WeklTloiii. Wbr Pally u4WMkly iT.X ' "I? hkr l WMUy wUl k If tk r!lof th Sally .. Mo idnrtiKiMnt Uka (zMpt for dtftalU prixl. ; BUSINESS CARDS. B. 8I1IXD.8, Attorney at Law AND NOTARY PUBLIC. , ... (. Offlot-Aaboi BolMlag, oppotiu Oapltol Square ' - . OOLCMBUB, OHIO Attorney & CounBellor at Law, MARION, OHIO. OOXaT72kX33X7ei , Machine Mannfactnring Compaoj MaNOfKmiMM or STEAM ENGINES . & BOILERS, Owtlagii HUl-flotrlm, lUhliry. . , ALIO, ',r,l'i ! Hallrood Worl. ot iTiiT Disomirnoii. 0EAI. AMBOB, Bap't. - F. AM BOB, Trtaj. ' it 1000-V. 1861. 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements.---Time 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements.---Time Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I RAILROAD. Oonnetln(tOfatnn with the FITTSBVBQH,. ?li 1 WATMB k OEIOAOO RAILROAD Ar FUHlmrsjK, fMa&iLphia and BalUmcrt. Mm ConncUD at Glrrtlud with the LAKB BB0B1 SAIL ... p,0A1) Fr Dankvlrk, BaffalorAlbanr, nse tou, and Titr Horn. THREE TRAINS! DAILY, KX0BPI BUKDAT, from Oolombaa, lo ooMetlea Vlthlrilai on th Jinn JlK-n J.Il UAliiUOAUS f IBSt TB.AIH. " NIOBT XZPBXBS. LttTM Oolambai at 3.40 A,M will kT BaMBn at all itaUoo ath ot Gallon, Mop at DUart, Aihley, Cardinftoa and Olltad, aad at allitaUnsa north of Otllor, arnrlni at OIraUn4 atO OUA. HM Pnoklrk3:00 P. M., BaJUlo 4 StS P. M. Alkanyl.tO A. M., he Vortt f:3 A. M., Boton;30 t. M., Fliubargh Tl OmUlM WO P. M , Phllad! UaklO A.M. ChlcTUOrMUnatTMUV. At, aKC0NxKAi, , . " NIK tOHK tiPRESS Lan Oolomboi at a. UI tiop at Lw Coatr, (rr Whit Balpkar prlnp),, t:rdUi(too, Sallon, OntllM,a. by,Mw Lotulon, WalUnitoa and Orafton, arrtr at 01Tland at 1:33 p. Snnklrk, 6:30 p. m. Buf falo, 10.HS p.. i ABmbj, 81a,m.SwXoiE,l.iJ . a. Book. il.a. ThU Train wnnMH at BlMl by for Baadatky, awl at Ouftoa for Toledo, arrlrlsf at , : , MAJTX i JTlf ACC0MM0pATI0N-LTt Oolnmbni at (.30 f. a'.. Will Mop at all MaUont Booth of belby, aad at Mv . vooos, Welllnfton, firafton, and Bma; arrlTlay at ClUd at B:30 p. a t Pan MrV 1:00a. a. Banal, I'M, ra. Albany, p. a.; wTork. 740 p. a.i Boitoo, Jl:5 p. m.l JPItUbank, t0rUto,i llip. a.) Philadelphia, 1:00 p.m., Ohwago, wis OnetllM. : a. n. Thu Train eonsMti at kholbf for Bandnaky and Toledo, arrlTlnf at Xold - ii i t 1 i : ,r '..i.' i- Vi Yattnt Sleapisf Cari are ran on all Sight Tr&iaJ to Chieago, Saw 1 ,f "York andBoiton. Maggot Ctnettd Thnmgio Jftw York and Sotton Uk abmiU alto, to PMlaiUipMa mud . ..,4-.,RETORH!, . ;: Hlaht Ixprea intra atOelnabu t.,.kl:14 P. JAV"' Olodnnatl BaprurriTiatOoliMabafatlO:30A. M. APSOBunodaUoo, Xzpna arrlr at Colombo at T:M rara tt l.oitv.- nrlh BfBtd ' i i Ml -H I .rtwl ' -I ' a.a. IUNT. : .rr on , ,;j ,,;epnuiaooh uMveuad, w. 1 JAMEB PATTERBOff, Ant, " ' . ...HI'. Onlrimkiia ftH.:: f OolmakiM, Job 17, 16S1 Jut RMOtad! 1AA J1"' OH OREEN and BtiACK 1U V TKAI IQO ban prbM Bio Oone. 1 0 kia M Pntoh SoTtnunrat Jit Ooff. 4 Carl flMlra OoTTm. OOQbbli, tadard Wbtt Borar, oolllii)f' of Pow dnd, UhraahM, Kraoauttd A an M UalM. BO nlntal Gonn uom uao uoanin. aObbla. At and No B tea. Plok fulnon.' , 1 Mckerl.'".: i, tVJr a.3 .J.J. ' 100 ba. Layer Kaitiol COW. boa do 1 doT f . ' - rr-, f IV IOO or. boa de1-1 dd ItK) U 01na, dlJIcreat braiull and pnl. 1 - -'"! mv7 wm. McDonald. M C. LILL'EY. soor; 33xrix3ijxt And Blank-Book Kannlkntaror; . VOBTaVBiaX STEZXZ, CQLimUI, OHIO BBWClaVlAT " ".1f T 1 TtTI . . . 1T1 . -1 . HECK TlKd : Jnjtopaalbf;-j cl . -aAWkBON,,.. '.pVe.Wlona Blgh alrW. a nsAva; jaotir jaxBT. ku tic " Bit luat rnlT4 a aakt rttrHOOf BTtlBTI DU1ABILTTT m"CACltJtN'I:', I ; "WOROESTJ2R'S ROYAL QUARtODICnONARYr The latMt-Tia largait-Tko But, ; The Cnaapeit Beoauo tha Beit, ,. - ,i . i ' , l.-.W l 1 al-ii..- , ino.t Hukja ataadard A , tboritf of the Eat-Uaulianrvkta.' iS BimdrtS fmiumi Bhwdort of 0Mo, "THfl BEBI IMOUBH DMTI0HAK BITANT." -' rary Mm BvtrfuKtr.' 'Hi art npwirdl of Handr4 Thooaand Word, whoei imnltirariont tneanln and derlTaUoni, torthr with thttreontot pllln(,and prontuMiatlon an clearly Mtbtfor ih .' . . . .. . ! r .. Cincinnati OmnnrMal. Mad th4lKttUmt of tha Un&or 'i of tU OMoStaU . ..7eArMoiafo. th nndtrtlined, memban of th Ohio Itat Taaehan laoolatlon, adopt and aba ton la teaching, writing and ipeaklnit, tbe orthography and prenauolatloa of Woroeitar' Boyal Qnarto Dlotlonary, and w moat oor dlally noommnd It a ih aoat rellabl Mandard a thority of th Bagllah langoag, aaltl nw writua and qioken. , . . .. . . j ,., ,, ... i Lpatw Ajtomw, Pntldtnt Knyon Ooller. M. u.Lnwrrr, Superintendent Zanetrlll Bchooll. Taoj. W. Banrar, tup't Maallon Union Behooli, . . Oownaar, Sup't Publle Bobool, Bandnaky, ' Jotm Lrnca, Bup't Pnbllo School, Olrelerlll. o. N. SairroiD, Principal Olmlud Itmal Semina ry. W. Bmmt, Snp't Pnbll School!, Mt. Union. JohkOodw, prinolpat Stat Normal School, Minn- 0nnAn,PrinoIpil fourth' InterBedat School, H. 8. Maaroi, Snp't Canton Union School!. ' BinrilBMAt,PrlnalpfilMoMb7 Bonaal School. ' . lu T. TiiTiH, Prof. Mathematics. Ohio UnlTemtty. WK. W. Xnwaine, Snp't Troy Union School. A. 0. Honiin, Prinolpal WM igh School, 01m land. ... B. A. NolToa. Aaaoolata PrlnMnal Rlih Irhaol. fllMra. land. " m ' Saionou Itiium, Principal High School, 01t land. :'.!,. t . - .; B. 7. HoHitTon, Principal Olmland Initltnle. J. A. Oaariaxo, Preiident ef Xlectlo Inatitnt. Hi ram. Unlnnlty. ' H. H.SajurtT, K-0mmliV)nr of Ooauaoa SchooU, Ohio. Jahbi Momtoa, Prof. Rhetoric, ObtrUa College Tao.HiuPrealdentAatloehOllege. 0. W. H. OAtaoAJtT, Prof. MalhemaUca, . High School, Dayton. 8. O. OanHBAnaa. Pmf. TjnmUM. ITIvh BflVAAl. Davlon. ' ' M. Eaaua, Snp't Union School. Aahlaad. Jforw Uan Btm IhmAriA eir PrttUmdM at ruu. tot, froftitort, AnUoro and PUUnguUKti JUkm ton, A at tndorud Oo abov imHmtnt. PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES IN OHIO. Vaxiitta Oollboi "It I trnlv a aantftaent work. en honor to th anther, the pubUhr,nd thtwhol eountry." Prealdenl Andrew. OatO WntLaTAn TTanrtaurrv Ti amajbla nw tnaplfl. tlOn. It will ha aa amtHa In Arthmmnhw and nmnnn. olation, and will often be eontaltedbyaeforTta neat n4 eoourat deflnltloni." Praldeat Thorn peon. n. a. boiktio Oouei-"Hmtofore we har uad webeter'a orthoeranhv. At a vaoant maaUnv aff Mr waa decided to chant It to conform to that of Wore!' Boyal Quarto Dictionary." Preldnt 0rHeld. v le-ma BjcrHTl Oouau.-xi Bad It worth of ovraai approoauon rreiaoi ainsoocs. uRa votuej. -it nor then rnetu ary expect Uom. I rMoamend it a th atandard authorlteln rthoepy to my ehlldrea and my pupil." President nerpoi. . - .- x,- .. ... ... Aim oca CotXMl."I adbotand aim to aa In tMh Ing, ritlngand rpeaklng, the orthography and pronun ciation of Woroeeter Soyal Quarto Dictionary." Preddest Hill. ..... V "I til my wrltln. eoeaklor. and teaohlnr. I hare en. dearored to eonform to the role fcr ortbography and pronunciation a contained la Wont etc ri Dlotlonary." Horace Mann, lata Preiident. EnrroR Oouaai, Oajfraa. ''I mett cardial 1 reooav mono) It a th moat reliable Mtaderd neboiity of the Bngltth langnag aa It la aow wrltwa and tpoken." Praldeat Aadrewi. i i t - - SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS Of)HIO. fron Bat. Anton AnyO, OtmmUtiomr of . Common OCAOOU M CUO. 1 aTh lMetlonar la an fanrjertahabl aonnmani to the learnbigand Industry of It author, aad an honor to the world of letter. The mechanical execution Itfaraipo- nor w mat ei any other Aiexieoa wita wdkh A an quainiett.- From Bon. B. B. Bamty. Mk-OmmUtlonor Sonoot Ohio, i "Th mot reliable itandard authority of Ih run.'' WHAT TBI Hrfwulina N"ewappora of Ohio Sat Iron th OloMtani Mtrald of Martk. Th orthography of th Woreeeter Dictionary I that urn uj Dnu ii uui an, auuiuia v. uuiinuui tu tuia oonntry and Bngland, and eonform to th general ol ordinary writer an ipeaaer, ' 1 Whaterer nrelndloe aay bar exti ted nnrloaity, a earaful study of this Tolnme will Inrartably be followed by a warm appreciation or m gnat mm, ana Mire to add It to th well t looted library, be U large or analL, It I a library intteelf. aad will remain an lmMriiha- bl record of tbe learning of It eotnptler. i from too (XnoinnaH Oommorotal of April SO. ! Hire r crrord! of hosdred thonaand woTtfHrood, bad and rndlffrnt who aaltlfarioa aaalng and deriratlon, together with their correct pelllngna pro oanclatlon, lie t olrly befor th y. The work 1 anqneitlonkbly th greateit Theauru ot Ingllah Word erer pabUahtd. -. ...... . . -J - iron to noUmi rwtwitaltr of an. W, 1880. Xrldentlr Wclcirm'l Both. Qoaut StOTtoaaar a aol only Mela, but A wtwrkoftkthtdooori' Ml,odoaa by no poaibiuty tuSr by oomptrlaoa or oontgoTwiy. i l rroni4TbloioBUtrf Mof1. 'y' A tb raowbiroiATiolr. Woaxerfta iftn StahdaMi followed by our beet aatbore; la deftnltton be leare nothing to b dctlred, tad In OftTaoanAraT It I inOctenl lo y Kilt woRccmm can be tartly followed. Fn blither, UkwlUra dc 0tatl)nr 191 BUPIBI0& BTrLBTBLANS, OHIO. E lfUTTJAL BENEFIT:; . LIEE; INSURANCE .COMPANY, jjf-iSi?: 01"ai n.u i - i rw owarlt, T- Pivldead Jaanarr I 1 86 1 , 40 Per Cant. ASSXTB.,....,......x.S3I9rUI SO. ptaianaaat Janaary if 1801 ' ', Balaacd, periatament Jo' let, 1800. : ,:,3,t08, 38 1 30 BolTd for Premlam dor- .... lag th jeer lHto .7I,0J3 33 , ,ri. , Beelted for tntereit during ,th tear 1600 l4,01i - : Catat NOlnl for 18.'..',i977.od7 7 . WdOllmbyDeth,o7,0W()0 ' ,' . .. Paid Poltol nrrn- dared...... 41.111 U -I.-:. .11 : .tlt ' tvij aiA. Pa.. ... v.- .. .. . i . I M .ITf Ii 1 l I : Ii ,l.r:a I. : ,Tr, xaze, ' chacre, m..V IIW 51 Paid Oommladoni to Agent 31,333 30 Paid PhuWan1 fee.' 5,WX) V5 Paid AmmlOe. . . .. J 1,317 W J i I Paid DWdon dor- ylnglhejear.,.., .106.300 73 303,(101 OS ill.STS M .Ket Balaooe Tannary lit, 1801,,... 13,819,358 50 .l n m I ". ASBBTB,. ' ' ' ' Ouh bn hand - I8 J284H ' Bond and Mortgaae on Boa 1 Batat, worth double the . amonat loand. 1,347,841 SB . Premium Hotel, oa PeUatee . . . ' .'.' la tor, only drawing par . .; , ' cent. IntereeU. I.STS.Ptu 17 Baal Xltal...... .......... S0.W3 87 ' ' Loanoorlp........... 8,03144 rremlna,MoMaauu,, t- v 1 1. otfrt 9tt teBpilloa.j.. . iiyXi 73. ii .... A i - Votdl Aakt.'..U .'. U .. a,8U,58 SO T8T5PoUcle to foroe, hnwhi--ais,480J13i 1 f lrtSJ tew Politic lar been laraid daring th yeai, , . . , ... .... .... . . . , .After ear mi caicniation or in preeent yai-Mi ol th ntatandlng Pollclet of tb Company, and hering th nmmtary, MaoM ta reeerr therefor, th Director! bar declared a Pi runt ef 43 per ant. oo th PrenaV am paid at th table rate!, to all policies for life la force, laaed prior to January 1, I860, payabl aooordlnf to th prenni ruif ti veapeny. - Bahnfoi all kladaaf Lit CoekmntKile. Proececi- du,Bttmntt, And ApplletUon, will be furnished w.Tauoa aa iKtiM vino rAieoMoei an voa- pany. t.,iTtt,Jfl .anoTBiu Visa Praaldani. J 'Jl 0.MIALKIU Seoetari ! ' - ira T i. ,o... Il,U.Ef40rta JAMAIS i' niiAIN A N rinirmirio att.arrtg PHSHS B1LBR, 4 erare rnl,, AM eeleet auartmeat la th stln and at aott nwM. rM. aaavraaeaii .At. I, - ltWI riA .If. it e 4II aktlN. la, as lu-. uuh urai.. t-v-street. I A compound remedy, deiignea to be the most effectual tAltirativ that can be made.' It li concentrated extract of Para Sariaparilla, to combined with other ubstance of still greater alterative power at to afford en effec tire antidote for the diseaaes Saieaparilla It reputed to cure. It it believed that such a remedy it wanted by those -who suffer from Strumous complaint!, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large elate of our afflicted fellow citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints : :,' '. ' : ; ', ! . SoRorut AND ScBOPtLovs Complaints, Ebuptions ahd Ervpttvh DisbaSs, Ulcers, Pimples,' Blotches, Ttooes, Salt Bhevm, Scald Head, Stphilis and JSyphilitio Art raoTioHs, MbucoeialDiiease, DnortT, Nec Baloia on Tro DoviotrsEtnt, Dtvxuxi, Drs P1PSIA and IndioestioN, Ebtsipelas, Eos or St. AjtiHONt'a Firi, and indeed the whole class of complaints arlsinjtfm IirrtrHrrv op thb Blood. ;; , , V'.'i ' ThU compound will M-t)uad a great pro motet of health, when taken irt the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at thnt season of the year. .By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud, Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous tores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assiitted to do this through the natural channels of the body br an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores oleanie it when yoa find it is ob structed and slugguh in the veins cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder it felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing tha blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this Eabulum of life disordered, there can be no isting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsoparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. - But the world has been egrcgiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone lias not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any tiling else. '-. ' ' . r During late years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself it justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition aad cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we nave ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to. directions on the bottle. ' .'- ; - : prepared bt ' ' DR. J C. AYER 6c CO. LOWELL. MASS. Price, fl per Bottle t Blx Bottles far $3. Ayers CherryCPectoral bat won for ltielf eueh a retMera (or th care of Tery variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it ik entirely unnecessary , for .us to recount the evidence or its virtues, wherever It Has been em ployed. As it ha long been in constant use throughout thi section, re need not do more than assure th people its quality is kept up to th best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do, Ayer's Cathartic Pills, TOIl TUX CUSS OT Cotf irene, ' Jaundice. . Dusnepiia, , Indlqettion, Dytenttry, Foul Stomach, Erytiptlat, Headache, Filet, Hheumntttm, Eruptions mid SMn Dueates, Livor Complaint, Dropsy, Teller, Tumor and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Kettralgia, a a Dinner Pitt, and for j'urifjing tho Blood. Inty ire sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Price 25 cents por Box ; Five boxes for $1.09, Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, ana eminent personage, have lent their name to certify the unparalleled usafulnet of these remedies, but our spice here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our American Almanac in which tber an given l with alo full descriptions of the abov complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure, it .- t vo not be put oil by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Ater's, and taka no other. I n tick want th best aid there i for them, and they should have it. All our remedies'are for sal by BOBBBTS a SAMUBL. Oolambui. And by Sngglit and Da!n vrywhr. DovKiya.twaw .. CAJADIAJI k TJSIIXD STATES MALI i-STEAMERS . ! " xo Ajtu mom ... . LONDONDERRY, .GLASGOW, ; Liverpool, Montreal, Quebeo, ' ; v ' and" Th Montreal Oman Btaunahln Com nan v1! first -clan full.owrd Olyda-bollt Btnn nil every Data urdav from POBTLAND. oamtnc tha Oanadlaa and vnneo. aw mail ana pngis. , K0BWB8I AM, :. (, "' If OBTH AUTUOAN, BOHBMIAN, ' ANGLO-SAXON, . ,,. MOBTH BRITOn, 6 ' HIBBiNIAN, , CANADIAN, MOVABOOIIAN. ehortetl, Obeai andQUckctOeii . vayavnoa gram ...... . AKEBJCA TO ALL riRII Of XTOOPX f KU.ot XMaw-to ZhuOTk ! , , r- 930, SCO 880. ; - Will sail from LrviBPOoi eve rr We!aeday , and from Q0IBEO -frf Batarday. aalllogat lAuwfiiamjba. w raoaiTaosi ogara ana laoa ritmrimi lWeennr. la and froa Inland aad gootlud. - . Xura Steamers are built of Iron, In water-tight oomparonena, carry aan aa zpeneaea Bargeoa, and very afantlon I paid to th comfort and aooommoda- om or run air ra. Mueyenoeeaaireot to Iiundon. DEBT, th ami risk md deUy of oajlrog at St. John's toavotded.. .1iiii - "- ' - - " ' " aiugow teMTi ire rarbMhsa with rtki itnge UckUtondfroaLoooderry; ".'V."' .. ' lUlnm tlnkat nnMt ! tmdnnjt tatu.' ' LB ;l 10 ' Certificate usned for eanylng t nd brlogUg eat p tauter froa all th principal town of Oreat Britain and Inland, at reduced rate!, by thla lln ef itmn, and by th WASHINGTON UNB OP BAILING PA0&BTS, waving idverpooi every wna. Sight Draft far Si and npwardi pay. .U". 1 1 , .;, land ar wsUea.' . i foTpMg, gnply t tbe Office. fl IIROAD WAT, New Vark, and 10 WAIEU BT., V i IaBXI. aXARLI, eBsrallgnts,. .Oita-vC'kJ. R, ARMSTRONG-u yol0-lfdw nrj fait Offlf .folumbus, 0ha; Co-Partnenhip: tO ,'."! I wave nrm ta- aditiitted bit aoaJAMa Artfiau sue . . . i M l.. Bess, which will h Afi in.jk anaant. r. aALN . all snath Hiun Hi. 4laba, fee 19, 180V : , .IfsblS BTETf RT KfTULEHi. (Um f ThaicVs Bit.b!l.hna, p. rg Picvrietot- x abnwineonfn. C a r 1 1 b mtiA Tl..t. . ... i vet? b i,A vx o. :.,. ..,i.r.H... . eveei to 11 tj varion kiruji, Wi and Summer Arrangement. Little Miami Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Clnoinnatl, Dayton tk Indianapolis Through to Indian aoolls withoat Change of Cars ' and but One Changs of Cars between . 1 . Columbus and St. Louie. .iu i ' Four Trains Daily from (jolumbus. i ' ; first"train. u AOOOMMODATIOtt at 8 a. m., stopping at ail sta tions between Oolnmbus and Cincinnati aod Dayton, ar- rtVlna al ainfttnnkit akinnA a. m. at Tlflvln at 8 10 a. m., eonneotli at Davton far Iodlansoolla and the West. , . , SECOND TRAIN. v muuu s ii.wai iaa sjivulujb; ayvgii wiwvui London, ObarUston, 0drvlil, Xenia, Bprltg Valley, vorwin, areepors, ion Ancient, oiorrow at., loanon, Poiter'i. Loveland and MilfonL arrlrlue at Cincinnati t4.30 p, m., Dayton at 9.43 p. B.,oonneettr-wlth th Ohio and Mlsalsstppl Railroad for Louisville, Ky., Tin. eennee. Cairo, 8u Xouia, New Orleans, eto.i at Dayton ror indlanapolli, Larayotte, Torre Haul, Chicago aod 111 Western poloti. THIRD TRAIN. . MAIL at 0.10 p. m., stopping at all iiatlom between Columbus and Xenia, and at Bprlag V sjtey, Oorwin, Morrow and Loveland, arriving at CinclnnaU at S a, m. .".Ii FOURTH TRAIN. NIGHT EXPRKSS, via Dayton, at 13 00 "midnight; stopping at London, Xenia, Dayton, Mlddletowa and Hamilton, arriving at Cincinnati at 5.85 a. m. I at Day ton at 9.33 a. m.; oonneotlog at Cincinnati with the Ohio and MfMlmlppI Railroad lor Louisville, Zvanavllle, Tlnoennei, Cairo, St. Louis. Memphis, New Orleane, and all point South and Bouth-west; alio, at Dayton for Indlanipolli, Lafayette, Terr Haute, Chicago, elo, or M further Information aod Through Tieketi, L. SOHEKIV, Ticket Agent. Culon Depot, pp ipv to : Oolu bni. P. W. 8TBADBR. General Ticket Agent, Cincinnati. . . JNO. W. DOHBBTT, r. ,., j. ... Agent, OelMmbaa, . B. W. WOODWARD, Superintendent, Cincinnati. Columbui, July 14, 1861. CENTRAL OHIO AND AND Steubenville Short Line RAILROADS RAILROADS COMBINED ! coNNBcrma at billaibb with tux ;' BALTIMORE & OHIO, , AND AT. PITTBBUBQa WITH THX PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL. EAILEOAD: Shorteet, Quickest & Most Reliable Route to all Eastern Cities ! Trains Leave Columbus as follows : 1 i MORNING ZXPBBSS ... Leaves Oolnmbus 3.30 A. M. from Union Depot, via Bel lair or Bteubenviilo I arrive t Bellsire, 10.80 A. M.l Btenbenvlll. 12.20 P. M. ! Plttabnrah. 3.40 P.M.: Barrlsbnrg, 1. 10 A. M.l (a AUtntovm, arrive at New York 8.00 A. M.J PAUacUlphia, anlve at Phila delphia, S.10 A. M.i New York, 10.30 A. M. Connect! also at Harrlsburg for Baltimore, arriving at 7.43 A. M. Sleeping' Can attached to this Train Proln Colombo, ma dtrotb. thronel to AMIIalre vr Pittsburgh without change; and PasKnger via Allen- town arriv in new xork at ni.u., TT7TW0 HOURS IN ADVANCE OP NORTHERN i.iriB, This Train also connects at Bellaire with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. ' PITTSBURGH EXPRESS. Lean Columbui 11 S3 A. M , from Union Depot, vli Bteubenvlllet arrive at Newark, 19 50 P. M.i Coshoc ton, 9.15 P. M. Btnbnvlll, 8 P. M.; PltUburg, 8.40 P. M. Tr7lhl 1 trwonly route by which Paasenrera can leave umcinnau at 7 A. Al., go tnrongn to rnti' burgh In daylight, without change of care or delay. . . PAST LINX. ,.' Leave Oolnmbus 9.15 P. M., from Union Depot, via BellelrK arrive at Newark, 3.83 P. U.f Baneivllle, 4 33 P. M l Beilalre.7 .53 P. M.l Pittsburgh, 11.85 P. M. Harrlsburg, 8.00 A. M. aia AUmtovm, arrive tt Nw Iork.4 P. M-; (o Philatitlpkia, arrtvee Philadelphia, 1.10 P. M. New Tork, S P. M, This Train also connect at Harrlsburg for Baltimore, ar rlvtogat 1P.M. . . a Thl Train run through to Btllair or PltUburg with out ohanre of Cant and froa PltUburg there la so change of Cars to Philadelphia, or via Allentown to new rora mo one-ing The only Route from Columbus to Baltimore, - FblUflelphla.or Kew York, with only , . i oue change of Cars., , , . , Br thl Train Paert arrtr In Nw Tork Sr boon In idvano of tb Northern line. Tbto Train alio oonntct at Usllalre with thl BalUmor and Ohio B. R. UTTbls Route Is 30 miles shorter to Pittsburg, and 'more laao iuu miles snorter to New York, tbao Northern Lioes. .' Baggage Checked Through to all im I portant r olnti Jbait. ' ; ASK fOa TICKETS VIA BELLAIRE OR 8TEUBENVILLE. i Ticket Geod aver ettber itente. . . JM0. W, BROWN. Gen. Ticket Ageat Central Ohio B. R, I. A. UUI0H1N8ON, Ben. Ticket Agent Steubeuvlll Short Lln. JalO I COtCHIBMi OHIO) AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE And Seed Store, ; 4 i,.-::..;. OTALEB '"' '' i GENERAL HARDWARE, KAUB, GLASS, SABH, TUTTT, OORDAOB, ' Siiti Pletela, Tree A Wllielr Ware, stheraad Babbr Belting, lao Ltbr, Ho tad . ting. j - . i j . aoi-sur 0, SNTIiEfSBIf S u o u D . ' No-MlOe rn Nd Pa and Sarfi.' M1.! . ? t y I f A 11: m.. i- wtA'ai,.v mm-tA.m.b. aatnroira roeaei mnaxTcnir- Hill Bhlrta: nrtanaatilM IS..),' IV Bors' Gokiaa HUt Shires, da. - vuic.n i i 11 Hemmed Pocket Handkerchief, VftlUaJ itji. i r Hlf Ho aad Under, Garment, T" pril5.i eft) t - No. tt SouU Blgh street; "i i ' " i s i SOMETHING NEW? : HOWARD & OOi St AMICAK ATCHEStV CALti AT HO. 83. SOi7TI HOn BlV..' aod eaaara oat aew make of .', , AMERICAN WATCHES, J mairafactxTed by . HOWARD At CO.'. Bottea. Hie. Thee Watch ar far eprlor I anything ve offered to th pbiia, nerato'ora, , Having in aoiualv gney, lean sell them at price to suit the Ome. I have jusl iwoeivea a jarg woa oi . . v ii ; Ava w WA'n.orrr.ii StutAotgrW by APLBI0H, TBAOT, A OO i alt, SaaBortnnte( r.-.' , t',wn ,!J:i i mnnhi9U Ann iwibi watciiei, ; , , ftoid aid sunt Hm, ftal prio. . i U.s. ni' ,i.v-i :....'-. w.. PAVA8X tyttityo Statesman TIB Ml, Oally, pr rear.' TrI-Weekly, per far. 8 00 .3 00 . 1 00 neeiiy, per year Terrible -Twenty-two Lives Lost. From the London Time of the S6th ult., we Uke tbe following account of one of the most terrible railroad aooident which slnoe the introduction of tbe railway syatem Into WIIKIH11U, The accident took place on Sundav. Ana-. 05. on the London and Brighton Railway, In the Clayton tunnel, about five miles from tbe Bright on terminus: ' It IS necessary fbv war of nrefjnei tn atatA ! that an excursion train leaves Portsmouth for London at b A, M., and la made due for denart. urs from Brighton at 8:5 A. M. There is also an exourelon train which takes Us departure from Brighton every Suoday morning at 6:15, which run to London without ttonniue at any of tbe intermediate stations. Tbe regular Parliamentary morning train, stopping at all statloni, leaves Brighton at 8:30, being due at London at 10.40. There are, besides, occasion al excursion trains from Brighton; but when ever these trains are put ou special Instruc tions are sent out to the various ttation mas ters, signalmen, eta. It was owing to some failure of this last precaution that Ibe casually oconrred. Tbe Portsmouth train which, as previously stated, passes through Brighton for London at 8:5 A.M. left the elation about ita appointed time, and duly arrived at the Clayton tunnel, where tbe 'all right" signal was displayed Tbe train passed on without interruption. Im mediately afterwards, the 8:15 trom Brighton oame within sight of tbe signalman, lie, re membering that the Portsmouth train had gone by a very short time previously, alleges that be attempted to put on the "stop signal' which he found would not act. He then showed a red flag, indicating danger, to tbe driver of tbe Brighton train, who was close upon tbe signal man's box, near the tunnel's mouth, at the time. Tbe engine driver, however, with great presence oi mind, thinking, doubtless, from the signal, that tbe train which he knew bad preced ed him had not got clear, Immediately reversed his engine. The impetus prevented the train being pulled up before it had proceeded some dietauoe Into the tunnel. A man is stationed at either end of each to telegraph the entry and egress of all trains, in order that two trains shall not be in tbe tunnel at tbe tame time. Tbe signalman at the Bright on end of the Clayton tunnel, perceiving that, In spile of the red flag, the teoond train did not ttop, imagined that ite driver had not teen it, and telegraphed to tbe other end to know wheth er the train had paaaed through, aod received for answer that it bad. He did not know at tbe time that the driver of tbe second train bad seen tbe red signal, that be bad reverted hit engine, and that the train was in backward mo tion toward the south, or Brlebton end. Mean while tbe 8.30 stopping-regular Parliamentary train came in sight, and the eignalman, having received the answer above referred to, gave tbe usual signal for tbe train to proceed, which it am, at its ordinary speed. Wttbin a short dis tance of tbe mouth of the tunnel, a fearful crash ensued, tbe tecoud train backing, having come into violent collision with the other train, which was rushing forward. The shrieks and or lei are described aa being most fearful and heart-rending, the darkneaa tending to heighten tbe terror of those who were uninjured, and leaving them powerless to aid the wounded. After a short time some passengers in the flrat-class oarriages procured lighte, and pro ceeded to render assistance. The engine of tbe Parliamentary train bad tmashed the last car riage in tbe excursion train, containing forty passengers, and tbe consequences cannot be adequately described; the unhappy passenger were scattered and mutilated in' all directions; several were scalded with the balling water from toe engine, ana toeir yens ot agony were piti able In the extreme. -The telegraph was immediately set to work, communicating tbe terrible nature of tbe calam ity to Brighton. Ae speedily aa possible Mr. Hawkins, the traffic manager, Mr. Denvil, his assistaot, Mr. Craven, the superintendent of tbe locomotive department, with numerous body of workmen and others, proceeded bv spe cial engine to the spot, accompanied by medioal aid. Upon lbs fragments of the carriages beloe removed, npwarda of twenty persons were found to be dead. The engine had literally tank no on the tecoad carriage, and tbe bodies of several ot the sullecere were underneath. They had either been smashed or soaided to death. On an fortunate woman had both ber leg eut off nst above tbe kneet, and she wts quite black in the face. Another woman had ber scalp torn completely off, and both her arms brok en, One man bad hla face crushed la such manner, as to foroe bis eyeballs from his bead. The bodies of the dead, twenty two in num ber, were oarefully placed in carriages, and th wounaea received tne most careful and unre mitting attention from the medioal gentlemen in attendance. : As soon a possible the wound ed, the dying and the dead were conveyed to Brighton, where tbe nnbappy sufferers who have died, were placed en tablet in tbe company' office, to await identification. The wounded were taken to tbe Sussex County Hospital, wnere iur. r urner, wno accompanied them from tbe scene oi tbe disaster, attended to their ne cessities, assisted by other medioal gentlemen. Nine of the Passenger had bean taken into the hospital, and two of the oases were at one teen to require surgical operations. A Frightful Scene. I. ' i a The London papers contain account of an exhibition at Cremorne, on Monday evening, the 12th ultimo. . A female Blondin had been engaged to oroes tbe Thames on a tight-rope from the gardens. It is said that tbe aotnal span of the river at this point is two thousand teet wide, while the height of tbe rope from the water varied irom nity to one nuodred feet Im mense crowd bad coUeoted to witness tbe feat, and the artiste when she made her appearance was received with loud bursts of applause. Two-third of tbe distance had been accom plished with apparent ease and certainty, when the performer stopped to rest on one of th main supports of tbe rope. She remained so long that apprehensions of a contretemps began to spread. Nor were they groundless, for at tempts were made by attendants on shore and in boats to tighten the remaining six or seven hundred feet of rope. For a very great part of this formidable length no guv -ropes were to be seen, i There were talee of the ropes having been out in the course of the preceding night for tbe sake ef tbe weight by which tbe main cord was or should have been made steady". On tbe other hand, it was alleged that these weights or gays bad nevurbeen put op. ' ; j ,"' ; ? Alter sitting a wesntome length or time on the narrow ledge on the summit of the timber support, the performer essayed to advance, She very soon round tne laix too dangerous, and backed to ber awkward retting place. Tbe time from ber first arrival at this point to bar finally quitting 11 was lull three quarters of an hour, i Again tbe female Blondin set forth, and at. this time made so much progress that when she hesitated for tbe second time it bad become nearly impossible fur her to recede. . This she nevertheless attempted, to do, auder the great- est aunqouiea, a ot rope swayed like a garden swing. ..Cries were raited for a Hue, and, when one was brought efforts were made to, throw it over tbe cord on Which the poor creature was endeavoring to maintain net Daienoe.v i i-.- , v The excitement became general, and soon Sew Into alarm, for ewmie, many pictneq elr fears with a half suspicion that tbe dagger was only acted; but its reality soon becsoe ap parent. Twilight was deepening, and In a little time she would be suable to see tbe rope. Having stood for ten mlnutos or. "longer, .unde cided to attempt a retreat or an' advance, the iemale Blondin sat down on tbe ropa, and bal anced her. pole across her knees.' Renewed efforts vers made to throw eords over the main rope, but nnncoessfolly. Al length, en oatory was maae that she was going to lalL. At that moment sDe relinquished her pole, whloh oame splashing down among the boats below. In an other the was clinging by her bands, now to tbe "tight" rope, now to a couple of weights, and now to tbe eords by whloh part of tbe rope was held In Imperfect steadiness. The courage dit P yi'y ber at this period was truly admira ble. Descending by tbe grasp of a three quar ter Inch cord, or roar wbale line, in fact, this dariog Imitator of tbe "Hero ot Niagara" reaohed in safety a boat which bad been rowed toberresoae. On reaohiog the boat she was loudly cheered, and received quite an ovation 5 he,r.reta,n t0 gardens, where tbe lament ui ter" her 00' b,Tin8' completed a task which the felt thoroughly eompetent to per form. Her bands, tt Is stated, were severely out by the line which had afforded ber tbe means of escape. "I'll Smash Yer Head." "Come back here, or I'll smaah yer bead for you I'm not going to run after yoa the whole blotted day come back, I tell ye." It seem bard to believe that a mother would nee suob language, words not proper to be spoken to a dog; yet to It was. Tbe little tod dler of scarcely more than two summers bad esoaped tbe din and dense air of tbe bouee, aud upon the pavement was enjoying the sunlight and the fresh air of heaven. In feature and gesture bo was a perfect pioture of intenee en joyment. He wat intoxicated with delight. It teemed that every limb was thrilled aod every pore of the body was Itching with ecstaoy. As be turned the corner of the street sod passed ot, bis little drum aticks flying about trying to beat time to tne nappy mueio or bis overjoyed beart, bit arma and every finger extended, hie face as lull ot joy as ths full moon in the almanac and shouting with each breath, "Goin see pap" "Goln1 eee pap," we halted and looked after nim, wondering that so small a boy could oon tain so much of ecstaoy. Tbe little fellow bad every escape pipe open, and yet he teemed in danger of an explosion, until be was overtaken by the words of our text; and the words only served to quicken bit ener glet and hasten him along. Who wondertl ' 1 wat like tbe terror! of tha abvea chaalnc the joys of light. He seemed to have learned, early in lite, that bis mother's words were no more to be regarded than tbe idle wind, and from her fierce anger there was nothing so genial as es cape, for this the little spirit was willing; but tbe tender limbs were unable, and with tbe col lision there came a fearful collapse, which was full of broken spirit, anger and sorrow. From the whole appearance of tbe excited mother, we expected to see the little top-heavy bead all smashed to jelly by the first blow, and the little towy curls all besmeared with brain and gore; but not eo. The smashing blows came thick and fast, mingled with most bitter words, and it the mother'a threats to smash the bead be all executed as this wat, we opine that ere tbe son it older he will soaroely know enough to tell "which end his head Is on." Is this, taid I to myself, as the conquering mother dragged the prisoner back to bit con flnement, he at the same time drowning ber angry threats and npbraldings with the cries of his broken spirit's displeasure; is this govern meat) The secret of all government is found In tbe respeot of tbe subject for the governing power. This Is the rule In the family, in the school and In tbe nation. What respeot will a child have tor such a parent mother though she may be, and if a mother can bring up a child thus schooled in falsity, abuse and anger, what respect can tbe youth and the crown up man have for tbe outside world, for tbe forms of society for law and order. Tha very germ of bis better nature geta the withering blight of death fixed at its center before he leaves his cradle Society may protect itself against the dep redations of such men by ita police, ita jails and ! prisons, but they only palliate. The germ of the trouble lies further back aod cannot be reached without reaching that power wh'oh bend tbe twig, and incline the tree. When the calm hour cuuitte, aud tbouguta of life, ita Outlet and destinies steal over that other's heart, will tbe not tremble? Are there not hours when she thinks that she is responsible tor the glimpses of joy and the ciouas ot sorrow wnicn will come to the sou of tbe growing man ber son, blood of her blood, bone of her bone? . Wonld she have bim like herself 7 Will she not make him worae even than she is? Surely, if she thicks of tneae mines sees toem as they are- as she must see them when ber angry soul's fitful dream is over and she awakes In tbe dawning of reason, she will tremble. If she would train up a child in ths way it should go, let ber pause, lest the little "brat" whose head tbe promised to smash," who never dreamed that it was wrong to enjoy tbe sunlight and air, may yet live to crush ber heart, and bring panga which she never before knew. Sandntkf Register. "I've Done Smoking." Too following is from the Boston' Trmveler. Let those who tmoke go and, do likewise,, and the blessing will follow the deeds Uur trlend delivered hlmieir thus, honestly and in earnest. As he emptied his mouth of the last cigar, pur mouth become full full of Blessed is ths man Mmeif. . He is more wise, more cleanly, more savory, and more reasona ble, than . when he went smoking and puffing about like locomotive. Bleaaed is the man's wt. . She is the , happi est woman, for tbe four reasons mentioned in tbe last sentence, and for many more. She had hoped against hope for the last puff, bnt it baa been made at last. We seem to see her face brighten, ber step Is more elastic, her voice is sweeter, ber welcome to ber. husband, aa be reaches borne, is more cordial . She baa oar hearty congratulation. :, Bleaaed Is tbe man's houi. An unsavory spirit haa gone out of it. More easy can it be kept neat and tidy, uia repeiiancea win re pulse no more. . : Blessed Is tbe man's apparel. A certain fra eranoe has left iti but not to tbe sorrow of tboae oft in proximity with Hit wardrobe is minus a real annoyanoe, and plus tbe bene diction of many a friend. , i .. : ' . And . blessed Is tbe man's fWA. , In the smoke and firs he so long kept beneath his nos trils, he fed an insidious enemy,. Aod bis whole nervous and digestive system unite in the benediction we now indite. . :''.,. - And blessed it tbe man's pocket. A leak is stopped. As much as before will now in, and leea How out. We aeem to near a voice lom that quarter, "there will be batter days in the department of oar master's domains.' Aud blessed is ths man's reaeiiKiea. ,, May U tower aloft, like a granite pillar, above all the smoke aod fire that may assail it, . The last pnff 1 : Be it the last! And though tbe smokers will not join, yet there be enough to unite Jo a uearty Ameau ,:::. :: t. .. The Pacific Telegraph. Xt Is expeoted that by the first of January en suing the line of telegraph connecting St. Louis with San Franoisco will bs completed and la working order. .This is an enterprise of Im mense Importance both to wniornia and to tne "Atlantic States," as that part of the Union lying east of tbe Rocky Mountains Is called oat there. Steadily the improvements of the age nave been bringing together, as il were, the toattered sections of nor country, and none have bad mors reason to rejolc at this progress thn tb people of tbe Golden State. .When a railroad shall nave been laid, and tbalroa borse plunges across the ravines and plains from the Mississippi to tne rtoino, scienoe may pause in this work of clasping .a OQniinent. and allow feelings of mutual friendship and fraternity to oo ue remainaer. ii, wnen tne railroad and the telegraph have gathered the divergent tea. tions or our territory under a . material allii auce, some blessed Providence1 shalf "have re- storxl the political Union hat was once oor pride and boaat, what a glorious day that, will be. for America: At. Uui KrmbUtan. t . , . I Canton Ilatlis-x j K4 -' ' tTbltat aad lied- 0 Tt .Whit Cheoked ol superior onMtty. tnr eale byj ;.. - BAIN a RUN", . l1"- V gahSS .;, .1 . , HB8 6tBH!ghV STONE'S BAZAAR No. 4! Grwvnne Block. A. P. STONE & O'lTAMA them. No inch itock of Goods haTevir hi.. hZT?, &2: aL? SSt . r, ' -tt Kb uivsjaj imtn mitm. bMik wrutw or UiAtin, Mil w ma and vlli Mii aBr very derronent of "", P'et In ELEGANT DRESS SILKS, UATUMAN VELOURS, -' ! BROCHE VALENCIA8, r r v PRINTED MERINOS, PRINTED COBURGS, BLACK ALPACAS ' ' - - 1 ORLEANS, FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, ALL WOOL DELAINES, POPLINS, PRINTS, DELAINES. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS! Five Thausand . Dollars Worth Bought in One . Day, LADIESFURS, HOSIERY DEPARTMENT, Men's, ladle aod Children a Under Shirts and Drawers; Ladies. Misses and Chlldren'a .n irinH. in Wool aod Lamb' Wool: Ileeor Lined and Onttnn ninw.. of every make. ALSO A complete assortment of all the usual varie ties of . LADIES' CLOTHS, CASSIMERE3, OVERCOATINGS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, ' ' RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ladies and Gent's Linen Cambrio Hand kerchiefs, &0., t&O. To penom who call on ns. we nleilo nnr wnrH. ,n boa them tbe largest, beat end cheapen stock of Goods ever seen In thla market, or pay them one dollar per uv.i nun. uruaiiia decl-dliStawltw. 8T0SB A O'HARRa. NEW ARRIVALS OF1 ; ' Spring & Summer- -Millinery. j . Tha Stock Replenished DAILY FRO 71 LATEST IltlPOHTATIlircS 4H NEW YORK. MT STOCK OP .. Spring & Summer Millinery Ii now complete, oomp rising every variety of Milln- try; also, a large assortment of Xmbrolderiei, Hosiery and Notion!, dco., and la quantities and prices that can not tall to suit all who may favor us with a call.' Tb good! ban been bought at Panto prices, and will be told at a small ad vano on cost. - 0 , MILLIHEBY 1 ' ' Miss M. E, YOUNG, late of New York City', will inperlntend th Millinery Pepartment. Her long experience In the most Fashionable Establishment In Broadway will alone b a warranty that she will be il.le to gtr entire satisfaction In matters or taste to all who may favor her with their order. Th Ladles of Columbui and vicinity will please ac cept my sincere thanks for their liberal patronage, and 1 would respectfully solicit a continuance of the am. R. H. WARE, ' 68 Eaat Town St., Columbni, O. PBICXI BEDUCKD Trom the New 1 ork Observer. 1 Al all partis manufacturing Bearing Machines are ob liged to p.y Mr. Howe a lioens oo each machine sold, nd ar a so compelled to make return to nim, under oath, as to the number sold, his books give a correct state ment. Proa thl rellabl source we kav obtained the following statistics. Of the machines mad In the year lS59,ther wen cold, ... .... By Wheeler At Wilson .81,305 T " ' I. M. Blnger a Oo ..10.AJ3 . " Grover at Baker..... 10,SdO . showing th eel ot Wheeler Wilson to be touble Uioee of any other Company." - - Awarded th highest premium at ths ' - United State fain of 1048, im aod 1800; . lso at th ; ," Ohio State ralrs of lRS9nd 1880; ' and at nearly all th County Pan In th State, Our prices, at th law reduction, or at lot at amy look titeK maetaln now sold, and bnt a trid higher than tbe interior Sera Mreott otae MoA wtaevUa, bow ' forced noon the market. The WHBBLBB a WILSON MAOHINB makes the ' Lock Stiob the onlyone whloh cannot be raveled. It la Auk ok Both Sioaof th good, leaving no fdg or eAainonth under.tidt. , AH machine teaerranted 3 year, and iuttrncMon given la tbalr nit, fra of eharee. . v-' ' , ,.H- OaAB?,81 High it., Colombo!, 0. . WM. 8CMKBB fc CO., ' dec3 twd3m Awfim Pike' Opera House, Clnoinnatl. IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE.;; , 8team Between Ireland ajid America l NEW YORK, BOSTON AND GALWAt ''he following new and mcgniSoent Srst-ciasspsdlK wheel Btcamiblpi compos th abov line: . t ADRIATIC, 3,888 ton barthea, Capt, J. Mao (formerly of the Collins line.) V HirtKRNI A, 4,400 torn burthen, Capt. V. Paowe. COLUMBIA,.. 4,400 " " , " h. Lirrca. ANGLIA. '4,400 " " u Nioaotao " ' PAOirio, . j JMW - ", I. Bui. .ji)n4,. . PllINCB ALBERT, (Sorew.) ;.- .. . "'. 1. li - On of th abov ship will leave New Tort ar Boat ; alternately very Tuesday fortnight, for Galway, car-tying- th government mailt, touching tt gt. Johns, ,'' - Tb Steamer! of this' lln har been eonitruoted with : ' " " th gratt care, nndar th wpervtaloe of th govero-r'.v , meat, have water-tight oaparinrwl(. and ar anexoel led loroomfort, safety and speed by any steamer afloat. . a Thy ar eommanded by able and eiperienoed fSeers, ""... and avery (xerllon will be mad to promote th eoasfort of puMogtr. ' - - An;(4peaiend Bargeoa attached t sack ship, c, ;.!, tC V - i" I - HATES OF PASSAGE. .... .,.,. j yirst-ilasiN.I. er Boitoa to Galway orLlwpool aiOO " Beoondla,' -." tat .u a-.. ii 8:a rmtrelaa. , " " , to St John's . , 3S, ThlrHilaai.'1 4o Galway ewltvtrpoot. -4 OTany tawnia inliauSeaaBatlway, . - SO - Third-claw passengers are liberally supplied with pro visions of th beat ualHy, oookad aad ami by U ' " vaiofthCompey.. -t -, r - .j,!, r:rsD oil I jSETl'BIl TICKETS. . . ,, ,, ParUe wishing to send for iholr friend from the aid ': J 1 oonntry oaa ebial uetts froa any town ee a railway, la, Tr A Ireland, or froa the prinolpal cities of England end Soot teivt, atvery low rata. i -l 4 v.'! , Paaseigere -for New Tork, arriving by the Boston . Steaaaa, ! forwarded to New Tork fre of (bug. ' ' , PofrtsMg. r furth.r AM- '"ft thi ffle of th Ciafegyi "th wharf, foot of ' .aa-tllD Utr. w1"" ,i, .,, t RtVri.liT Oil- WATEK-rHOOk? , CLOAK, OLOTQB. A lao,' oilier cakes o Spring ' ' ' t Cloak Cloth, ta all deslrabl aulxtar liindinira. Xav'v tsls ant Button to match. UMU a KUX, , , , i ... .... aprllS H. 89 South Hih tre