Newspaper Page Text
V yoLrviii, gFiPT,25, 1861 i i , ooiiAsa rn'TidXB.- wdm a. ..!IJUV"WH.feUJl VVlUi,lUU U " 'i -VCj-ai 71Ctii",;.:., , rTM ,R J . Ail J J - - 0 1ILT. TKI-WEEILY AND WXESIT MAN YPENNY fc MILLER, PUBLISH) HtrAKDtfBOPBllTOBI. ' ' i i' " ' "";- i tXOfnee Sol 88, 88 and 40, Horth High 8t TERMS ilfVAKTABtf IN ADVANOB. W-'-K ' 6 00 par year ay tb Carrier, wr week Itu cents. frl-Week-lv" ' ; - "'- 00 peryssr. Weekly,-- .J.r.-.j j.., .( ,, ft" etui ol Advertising by the Square, t MSart t yai ; . .(30 00 On ' " B moi.thi 18 00 One square I week.. S4 OS One. , 9 week.. 3 00 On '' 1 week... 1 71 nv."" G month! IS 00 in One 3 nonthi 10 00 mAnlK. U nil On "'adar4.; i oo On " Sday ... t. 71 On " 1 Insertion SO On .'V 1 month... 5 01) . ! J . 1 advertiitiroent! mora than Uit ebon ' I r. Adreitliemonta leaded and placed In tb eolumn o! , rnociai noiioei, aouvi LA ordinary rM. All bulla roqulre&to be pu.iiltshed by law. It gal rata i r ordered on Uw Inslne. exojuairely alter the tint week percent, more tliaa the nrjnr ratei; but elliuch wll fpnear In the Trl-Woekly without charge. Hualneae Oardt, not exceeding Bre lines, per year, In el te, t i SO per Una; outilde '4, Notice of meetl u(ra, charitable Miction, ore oonipanlea c, naif price.-"'"' " " All tranthnt aiiwrtteeunmt murt li paid for in m rwK r a rwio win u'n mi Tanea irora. Weekly, aanie price ai the Pally, where Uie adrertlMi acitli Wraiclyalono. Wner "he Dally and Weekly are twin naea,4hon u eharg le-r tli Weekly will be an uieruiceoi ui lawy . , -) No atlverliaement taken except for a dcflnlte period, BUSINESS CARD&7 Attorney txt Xaetw AND. ROTARY PUBLIC. iac-Amho Bniidlnj, oppoilte Capitol Square. , 1 ' OOLCIUUI. OHIOj" A- OSBORNB, Attorney & Counsellor at Law, ' ' MARION QHIO. . L ooxiTJivtnxTa iischiae Manufacturing Company xw. : " J ' t 1.1 :i . - MilUMonuU Ol '' !'''. STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS, r ' Castings, mU-Cwlng, gachiatry . ',' . ALIOf. , I t ;. . ( - HaUroad ; Xrorlx or BTMV DMC1I moii.. ' . VOVvnUVH, OHIO. ' .. r. 0BA8. AM BOB. Bap'l. ' - r: AMBOa, Treaa. -atoll, UBB-tt TS 000' 00.0(1 00 00 PVj i I 1861. 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements.---Time Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I RAILROAD. OonntctlsitttOrtjUlntr wlih the PlfTSBOKan, IT. WATtll k. 0BI0AQ0 KAILR0AD Ibr Utttbttrgh, PhOadtlpUa and BvMmor. AUo . (or Wort Way and VAtctgo. -Conntctlog at Cleyeland with tht LA El 8II0AI RAIL ROAD : t . t or UMniiirK, Unf fal. Albanr Botv ilra.i THREE TRAINS DAILY, 'Aitl a'XOEPr STJNDAV, . ''.' Iron Columbus, In connection with Iralm on the II I TIK 1HUBH AN II SJVI.IilTlUUM AMD XEBIA HAIiiKoAUS, i . ; 'flRSt TRAIN. . NIOUT RZPRBrtB.-barM Columbus at 3.tfl A.M J will leave paattogert at all lUtlooa aouth of Oallnn, top at Delaeare, Aahley, Oardington and Ollead, and at all etalioni aortb of Gallon, arrlrlng at Olereland at 9:00 A. M., Dunkirk 3:00 P. M., Buffalo 4 2SP. M. Albany l.0 A. 11., New York 8:35 A. M., Boiton 3:30 P. St., Pltubargti ri Ortatlina S:S0 P. M , Pbiladsl hit 5:10 A. at dhicagorla Orettllne at 7:00 P, M. ' BBC0ND TRAIN. NIK TORE R.XPRR88 Learet Oolnmbna at 11:10 a. m. Will atop atLewii Centra, (for Whit Bulpbnr Spring,), Delaware, Cardlngton, Gallon Onatllne, Bhei by. New London, Wellington and Grafton, antra at Olereland at 3:33 p. m.j Dunkirk, H:So p. m. Baf.. falo, I0:KS p. m 1 Albany, B:4i a. m. New Veik, l to p. m.; BtiloD, 4:40 p.m. This I rain ooantctaat Shel by for Sanduiky, and at QJafton lot Xoledo, arrlrlna at Toltdsal 0:40 p.m. ... . . . .... . -... r, T-a . THIRD TRAIN. " ' . " '' MAIL AND AOCOMH0DATI0N Lcares Col'ambni at p. m. - Will stop at all staUona. Booth of Shelby, and at New London, Wellington, tlrafton, and Be real arrlrlng at Olereland at P:3U p. a.; Dun kirk, 8:00 a. at. Buffalo, 330a. .! Albany, 9) p. m.; NewTork, 7S0p. m.: Uoeton, 11:45 p m.: Plttaburgb, vfaOnaUlnt,at ll:S3p. m.; Philadelphia, 1:00 p. m., Chicago, tia Crettline, 0:45 a. m. Thlt Train ronneett at Shelby for Banduaky and Toledo, arrirlng at Toledo at 8: p.m. , . ., i .. .4 ..... ".. t . . . Patent "Sleeping Can are rod on "all ; Uleht Trains to CMoago, New r. ' York and Boston. " f" Baggaet. ejected Through te jVeto ITri and -Morton J 1 j. - , .J OJ RETURNING. Nlghi BxprrSs arrives at Columbus at. .. 11: IS V M. Olucinnatl Kxpret a arrives at Columbus at ltkiO A. M. Accommodation Rxpreat arrives at Columbus at7:S0 . St., -a V . y , rare) sr Lor, ky any other Bonto At lit VAVfsDbt Ufsmor .r B. B. FLINT. " ". . ', loperintendeot, Olereland, Ohio. ".' '; ' V. 4AM0 PATTRR80N, Agsnt, ' . ,,., Columbua, Ohio.. Colombus, Jane 17, 1WJ1. ; . t "-,- Just Beoelyedl ...... 100 IIP. CII 6HEEN and nilAt;K l'KAS lOO bags prima Rio Oonee. 1 AO pockets old Da ten Government Java Oelfe. 1 a tags veyion uorxes. ttlVlbbls. standard Whit Sugars, consisting t Pf- dred,0brashd, - i SO quintals Oeorg Bank Codfish SObblt. Mesa and No. 1 MackcrtC. A tea. Pick Bslmot. '! . . JLJ. I. .. lOO bx. Lay' Raisins, . r 10OkClsr,dlfftrttbTOdsand tradHe.''1' '' V nonrt WM. MCDONALD. r M. C. LILLEY ' 3D' 1 BOOCi Z3XXUJLHTEl And Blank-Book JlaaTifiuittroT;' kosth stia& RBxzt, colviudb, Ohio rlt-dly ,:-t Trr-rT . 't'.i-Rcd,'Wi.it6 andBIncv-j! U i; OALlcJOKfi r, T f f )TdiJV!3J.a -1 4 1 RECK Jastoptoedky 1 rl r, , , BAIS 80K, No M South High strtat aprn i. '.rj.Ul3 Hare lust received a sttWenka af iBOOf 8EIRTB Salahed In nuijner J,ur5ajatjltuotd sab t ' ' . . .ri a ftliif .ruSSvUdia'ilKl -1 .WORCESTER'S Tht)mIate8t-Tha targeiti-Tliei Best. Aiie tneapesBeewM the Best, ; Tlte jriatt RellabiA .ttMndard Au thority of the EDff 11th Langitaf . , : ; 1 1 . . ; Shi Sxtnimt Bninrnt JBluoatort of OMo, "IHK BKBT ' INGLIITI1 BIOTIOlf ART IXTASt." ! ' V , t t . u :'T ernry Aim AMrvwAtfw, 'Haie are onwanli of ' Hundred Taooiand Wortt, whote mnltlfarlom meanioga and derlratlooa, togexber with thai, oorrect apelling, and pronunciation are clearly tethefora the eye." . . , . Vindnnatt Otmmfroial. '. Bead hfitittikmrof the Mmrhtri ef'Vi OMo Stat - .,, -,. atooAor't AModatUm. . , f . Tht Undenlpied, member! of the Ohio Btatt Teachen' Aaaoclation, adopt and aim to lut In leaching, wriMof and apeakin. lb orthography and pronanoiatloa of woroeiter'i Uoval Quarto Dictionary, and wo moat cor dlally reoorametd It ai tho moat reliable ttandard an tnorlty of tbe Ingllah language, aa it If do writlrn and P"en,, ,, ,. . toaia) Aitmawi, Prottdant Ktnyon College. :."' 11 ! U. O. Lawrarrr, Bnperintendent Eajieerille Sohooli. Taoa. W. Baavn, Bnp't Haaailon Union Bchooli. , i U. V, Oowmbt, Bnp't Pnblto Bchoola, Banduky. . Jnn Lmoa, Bnp't Pobllo Bchoola, OlmleTille. B. M. Bairroao, rrlncipal Olereland lemale Bemlna- Wm. MiTcatiL, Bnp't Pnhllo Bchooli, Mt. Union. Joiin Oodik, rrlncipal BUIa Normal Bchool, Mlnne iota. Otriti Niton, Principal yoarth Intermediate Bchool, Cincinnati. II. B. Uasthi, Bap'l Canton Union Bchooli. Kdwih Kaaau Principal McNeely Normal Bchool. i Bm T. Tarraa, Prof. Mathematlca, Ohio Unlyertlty. Wm. W. Bnwaan, Bnp't Troy Union Bchool. A. O. Homxi, Principal Wtat High Bohool, Olere land. B. A. Noktor, Anoclate Principal BighBchooL Olere land , TwoDoan Btikum, Principal High Bchool, Clen land.' ''.,.lf I - ' . ,- :. '.,. R. I. noMirron, Principal Olereland Inrtitutt. J. A, Oaartaxo, Pmldent of Electlo Initltute, Ill ram. W L. Daridi, Prof, of Chemistry, Ohio Waaleyan Unlrertity. II. n. Daarrrr, Bx Conmlatlontrof Ocmaon Bchooli, Ohio. Janet Moxtoi, Prof. Rbetorio, Oberlln College. Tuoa. Uux,Prirtent AnUoehOolleg. . , 0, W. U. Oatboait,' Prof. AtaUienatlca, High Bchool, Dayton. B. O. ORDHiAoan, Prof. Ungnare, High Bchool. Daytnn. B. W. BAam.Bnpt Union Bchoola, Aihland. Hort than Sim Bun&rtd eltur Pntfdmt of OolU Mt, erof4tton, AutAort md DitUnguithsd Bluett tort, hen mdorttd lA abov ttntimmt. PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES IN OHIO. MiKirrra OoLuaa "It Is truly a magnificent work, aa honor to tht author, tht puMUbere,and the whole tountry." Preildent Andrewt. Onto WinnaaCaTraajrn'Itezotadamyaxpeet tlona. It will b my guide In orthography and pronun ciation, and will often bo eoniulted by mt for lit neat and aeuuratt definition!." Prwldent Thorn peon. W. R. Boiictki OoLLaaa. "Heretofore wa hart need Webater's orthography. At a recent meeting of our faculty, It wae decided to change it to conform to that of Wuraaattr'a Royal toatto Dictionary." President Garfield. x WatTtsir- Rimtri Coixeoi "I find It worthy of cordial approbatloa." Prttident Hitchcock. Oioaia Coutai. It nort than meeti my expecta lloni. I recommend it at tht ttandard authority In orthoepy to my children and my puplle." Preeldent Morgan. . , Ann oca; Cotxaoa. "I adoptand aha to att In teach log, writing and ipeaklDf, tht orthography and pronnn ciattoa of Worcester's oyal Quarto Dictionary." President HU1.. , - , . , "Id all my writing, speaking, and teaching, I hare en dearored to conform to tba ntlet for ortl ograpby and pronunelatloa at contained In Worceittr'i Dictionary ." Horact Mann, lata Preiidtnt. Kurroii OoLLton, OaJiaiCT. 'I most cordially reoom mond Itaatbtootl reliable standard aathortty of the Bngllih buguagt at It It now wriiun and ipoken." Pretident Andiawt. . , ) , . t SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS OF OHIO. from fior. JLmon Smyth, Cbmmtrffoeer V Cbwimon ooaooM in iwuo, ( "Tht Dictionary It an Imperishable monument to the learning and Induttry of Itt author, and an honor to the world of letters. The mechanical execution Is far aunt- )rior to that of any other Lexicon with which 1 am ac quainted," V " from Bon. B. B. Barney. a-OommUtfanr ot . . tkhooU in Ohio. ; . t , "Tht most reUahlt standard authority of the las- aag. ' WBAt TBI Leadinz JTewepaporsj of Ohio from tht ClMtland Derail y March M, The orthography of tht Woreetter Dictionary It that used by most. If not all' author el distinction la thlt country and Bngland, and conforms to the general usage ol ordinary writer and apeaken. '- 1 Whatever prendlcea may bar existed pnrloruly, a careful itudy of thlt rolnme will Invariably be followed by a warm appreciation of Its great merits, and a desire tt add It to the well attested library, be it large or small, It la a library In Itself, and will remain an leu perisha ble reoord of the learning of Iti oompller. ' , ' tromlh oueinnan vommmxut y Apru ao. Her are upwards of a hundred thousand words good, had and Indifferent who multifarious saeaaiags and derivations, together with their correct spelling and pro nunciation, are set clearly borer the aye. . jhe work II Unquestionably tbe greatest Thesaurus of Xsgllah Words srer published. ' - ' i from Ms Ctttilani riain&taUr oStz. SO, 10. i Krldentlr WoartaraVa Royal OcTeT!crriomiaY it koiM(vlA) kut, out (Ae nrr scone of tkt kind mr -ewedl , aad can by so feasibility aufisr by eomyarison or Sontrortrty, . 1 , . .. 1 .. r:t . m w si j . .. tTnmthTol4dotod4oMav-- ' 'r t As to ntoannciATioa. Woaiamsa m rwa BrurBAin followed by our best authors; In definitions he leaves aothlng to be deilred. and In OaTHooitamT It Is sufficient to say mat woactwrs fan sateiy followed. ( .. ' iNoiiAin tenACOri ? Pnkllaliera, nookae'llera cVltatloa)er), ' NO 191 8TJPKUIOR BT-, CL1VBLAND, OHIO. maiS 1 ' fvy '-i ,ti: " ." r yt "'. ' ' , I THE. ItTOTUALNTJENEFIT -J mEiPUMCEQrlPAH, .ifiJX v - e . 'li V. 0 ui plTidena January Is 180 1 AS Far Cent; A8BTB.'tf.U..Ti Alt. J. X lJ,81l5Sh"5(i. 1 Ktsttetnent Jattnary 1, f80l Balance, per statement Jan. lit, 180O.....3.4rirl,58J 39 lleetlred fot Premiums dur lag the sear IW'0.'-"..-..e7C3063 hi' Hecelred (or Interest during ih. 1 fit :n ...... . eu,0H If '1?T": , . I .1... i:7: m-,. ' TotaJ receipt for 19C8....B977iff 7 x PaldOlaimabyDeaih.SCT.OOO 00 , 4 ,,.,,, 7 K'i t en 1 raid rolicies lurren- ' ' dered .a 41.111 80 ' r . Paid Salaries, re- , ....oi ..'U . age. Taxes,. Is-. . ...( : change, etc. 31,020 M ' , ' Paid Commissions to , . . . Agents 81,345 l . : , Paid Physician' fees. i.'MM 7k . .... Paid Amtattlet.ii..-. 1,517 611 " Ptkr D trident smf '-i -J i-'t .t ;.'.:.' i- . ,lnths ,.1C4,5W IS SC8,6l CI 4U,7t 14 Net Balance January lit. lPfil.. ., 1 1 ' .ABBaTpe - Cuh on hand...., 80C894 In Bonds and Mortgage on Real . 1;- Batata, worm eoukt the -. amount loaned......-., SJ77JI4I Ck . ... Premium Note., On Policies " In force, talydrwlaper' "ti'. ;,-, l ... ent. Interest............ l,27t.f)64 17 Real Estae... 90!i37 . Leans on Scrip..... . ' 593144 ' " 1 rieanwBBB, Romioswa, la 1 v '- - . 1 - ) toarietf traoamissjoo..-. , 1 43,348 75 .. ,t J tmt:AirtS.A.'..?.... ........ tlBl4jl5jrfl Ti Sit rolloleg In teres,,4t8,638 " 1,43 ntw PoUelrs hare beta trtaed aVantasj the year...: 'After a earefnl talcalaUea of the piawsm rn ef Use ctttstandlng Policies of the Company , aad harlng ths fieomtory amount' In teserre . theraar, the Director bare deelaaed h Otrtotwa of 43 per ceas. on th Preal. nai paid at the-table rale, to all policies tor MS In forte. Issued prior to January I, lr)60. payable according, tfljht present ml of th Company. Rate tot al W kinds 4 Life OcetiateMlse, IVoapeof naea, Statements, and Application, will be furnished rsotin's4BH th OUieser Agttet al she eoat- Pan, w as -.i. ... 11 ' ... ' ' . ; . R0BT. 1. PATtP.RBON, Preildent. . I Ij 1 O. OROT BR, Tic President SI. a MILLBR, aavAry ': . ..,.. -' . ,iraT.e It JUHESOH elyea vJke tawarfeei , J. (lubneoa Block,. -o-ArcnarW'" ,w. Coliimbes, 0, . T) EVA IN AND) riOSSBfi HliCK A r DlUlBi4riB et eeerrgrtt,. at'M BMt tsieet Sitaaent la aa 4tyraeA bom eesMnnbl ,!.. ler-iitl .we A4 w a. m ti tiAial HtiNJoea SairllAu ima ti : ' , tt BsutA AilukaUMW Ayer?sSars"anMlla A compound remedy, designed to be tbe most effectual AUtrativ that con be made. It Is A concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so. combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford art effec tive antidote" for tht diseases SarsapariUa is reputed to cure. It. Is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who guflbr from Strumous complaints, and that! one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow, citicens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of Uis worst cases to be found of the following complaints : :.. - -.a .:. -i-.. ScnorvLA and' SorotpVLOvs 1 CoiifiAncri, Euui'tions and EuuprnrB Diseasis, Ulcbrs, I'iuples, Blotckrs, Tcsiobs, Salt Rkbum, Soald IIsad, Syphilis and firmnmd Ap Vections, Marcurial Disbasb, Dsorsv, Nbu raloia or Tio Douloureux, Dsd.htt, Dys pepsia and Indioestion, Ebysipglas, Boss or St. Anthony's Fiiie, and indeed tho whole class .of complaints arisingrran Impukitv op thh Blood. Tliia compound will Detrund a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fcater in the blood at that season of the year. . By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, (pare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores ; cleanso it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins 1 cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well i but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. - Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. - - SarsapariUa has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of BsrsapaiiUa, or any thing else. :. ,,j v.c v During late years the public have been mis led by largo bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsnnarilla for one dollar: Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for tttey not only contain utuo. ii anv. Baraaoa rillii, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood tho. market, until the name itself is justly despised, and hoi become synonymous with imposition and cheat. ' Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue ths name from the load or obloquy which rests upon it,- And we think wo ava ground for believing it lias virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is Intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete erauicauon rrora we system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to direction on tho bottle. prepared bt DR. J. C. AYE It & CO. LOWELL. MASS. Price, $1 p Bottle Six Dottles for 9. Ayer's , Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown fur the cure of every variety of Ihroat and Lung Complaint, that It is entirely nnnecessarr for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, Wherever it has been em ployed. A it hat' long been in constant use throughout this section, w need not do mors than assure the people its quality it kept up to the best it ever bss been, and that it may bt relied on to do for their relief all it hat ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, .. . . FOR THS CTJRX OF Cosiietnesi, Jauudiat, . Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dystntery, Foul Stomach, Utynipdai, Ilradacht, Pilts, Rhetmatism, Entptioiii and Skin Disoatts, Liner Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tuman and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout. S'eunlqia. "at a Dinner Pill, and for Purifying Oi Blood.- They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive ctn take them pleasantly, and they art the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of family physid. , ; ; ) " , f 1 4 ,1 . y i Price 25 cents per Sox; Tivo oozes for $1.00. Great numbers of Clerirvmen.Phvsicians. States men, and eminent hare lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the Insertion of them. The Asests below named fur nish gratis our Amirican Almanac in which they mngifvu,. wuu aiev iuu ueacnpuon ui tne aoore complaints, and the treatment that ahould be fol lowed for their cure, --i ! f : ; rc.'i, Do not be put off bv onorindnlod dealers with other preparations they. make more profit on. Demand Atbr's, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should hare it. All our remedies-are for sale by 1 ROBBRTB St BAMTJRL. CelumkM ' And bv Druggist and Dealer everywhere. norv: iru.iwKw C All ASIAN ft TORSI) STATES MAIL I( v , STEAMERS ' to and ritora LONDONDERRY,' GLASGOW, Liverpool, Montreal,, Quebec, and' Tb Montreal Ocean Steameala OomDanv'a Srattaa full-powered Olyde-rmllt Bteamer sail every Sat II relay from PORTLAND, carrying the Canadian and united states man ana passengers, !' NORWEGIAN. NORTH AUKRI0 AN, BOHEMIAN, ANGLO-SAXON, . .. NORTU BRITON, HIBERNIAN, i CANADIAN, NOVAB0OTIAN, Sbortest,, Obeaptral andQalckcat Voa j ... Tcyance irona . j AKXSICA, TO AU PARTI 01 XTEOPX RatM ot &mmmtu to Ehirorwi, 3o, oe, nso.- Will sail from LIVERPOOL every Wottaeadaw, and from QCBBHO every Satardav t ealllngat jvni4VGii4iani , ro leuviveon onaraana race mails and Paaeengere. to and from Ireland and Bootland. UjThese Bteamen are built of Iron. In watsr-tight companmeuia, carry eacu an expenencea purgeon, and every attention I paid to th comfort and aoeommoda. tion of paaaangera. At thtyproosed direct to LONDON DERT, the (teat risk and delay of calling at Bt. John's I avoided; S ' r- I -' i . .J Glasgow passenger ar tarnished with puts patjag ucaeia ui anu livaa uwuuunoorry. .... . v. . . Reiurn tickeit granted at reduced rates. OertlAcatea keued lor carrying t and bringing tnt paa engtn from all tht arlnetpal lonislllrii RrltalaiaaA Ireland, at reduced rates, by thla lint of steamers, aad by tht WASHINGTON L1NB Of BA1XINO) PACKETS, iMwtnef T.lvMiwiartl slwiir awtvasr . fllfhl Draft lot 1 aad ware.iLar- r moicj am a a a ireianu, suet. nv ii i land erWaleat.. ... .) for petMurt, hppry at th OftWfS' HHUAfl. WAY, Nat; iorei, and 1U WATiU KT.a S.swraeelg ' - . , - . IABXI ft UtASII, Gsnerai 4grato,K K ot to- J. R. ARMSTRONG. T I neld lydatw) i Josl.Offloe.OolusntaA. Ohio. ! ' Cc-Partnershib.1' ' r as atr par ADiniii'Co ntv . m iwunr ,u mj vim nrt,hleh will ii after be emdaettd endertht firm v . r,tAia,niBnuisuii it. UKHHI 4EHSJBSrr.,-M'" (tats ef Phaloe'S VetabHttitnat, R. f i joorltrere . the new lerk ttiovbtt alaTiBi, Batr Cattiac . BbJupoonlr.g. Oar ling ami Dren 3 ,, ' nreeit eret auw rota uoie. . ... bt arena In all the vann krunrM. Ladlss and : . , . - ' tib-::' stA Summer Arrangement. Little Miami & Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Cincinnati, eOa'ii 4 Indianapolis! ' ,...'?' "'"'1',r''r'i ) - ni- Through (o IndlADSDoJis withoet Cbaoge of Cars and but One Chana of Cars between i " " ' J f ' , Columbos and St: Lonis.', '-.' ; Four Trains P4Uy:.iyom Columbua, : ',' , k?nRST TRAIM.'-v V!. V- A000MU0DATION at S a. as., btoanlnr at all ata. Uont between Ooluaeha and Olnetanela aodVayton, ar riving at Cincinnati at 10 03 a. ., and at Dayton at B 10 a. m., connecting at Dayton for Indianapolis aad vm n est. .... ..... ' SECOND TRAIN. 1 ''. ' " . VAJ. ItBDfl H l,,V, H,.IUlIIUS.6U01JU, London, Onarleston, dedarrllle, Xenla, Bp ring Valley, Oorwln, IreeporS, fart Ancient, Morrow Si., Lebanon, fosUr's, Loreland and alllford,artTtof al Olncionatl at4.30p. m.,Daytonat8.45p. as n connecting wlUi the Ohio and atlaslaalppl Railroad for LoBtaviile, Ky., Tin osnnes. Cairo, Bt. Xoait, New Orleans, etc. I at Dayton for Indianapolis, Lafayttto, Terra Banle, Chicago and all Western points. ... .- -- THIRD TRAIN. ' J : BfATL at 9.10 D. m itonnlns? at all slallona bciweea Oolumbae and Xenla, aad at Spring Valley, Oorwln, Morrow end Lorelaed, arriving at Cincinnati at 3 a, a. FOURTH TRAINS " ' ' NIGHT XXPRC33, rla Dayton, at 13 00 mldnigUt, Stopping at London, Xenla, Dayton, Mlddletowa and Hamilton, arrirlng at Oincinnatl at S.SS a. an. 1 at Day. ton at 8.55 a. m. connecting al Cincinnati with th Ohio and Mississippi Railroad lor LoalsrtU. Kransvllte, Tlncennes, Cairo, Bt. Louie. Memphis, Ntw Orleans, and all point South and Bouth-west; alto, at Dayton lor Indianapolis, Lafayette, Terra Haute, Chicago, ett O for farther Information and Through Tlckeaj, apply to M. L. DOHRRTI, TlcketAgeni. Dnioa Depot, Columlius. . , i . '. " " P. W. BTRADRR, General Ticket Agent, Clndlonatl. JN0. W. DOHIRTT, Aaeut, Ooltunbua, ' B.W.WOODWARD, , - 1 Superintendeat, Cincinnati. Columbos, July 14, 1881.,.. . .. . RAILROADS. EAST. RAILROADS. EAST. CENTRAL OHIO AND AND Steubenville Short Line RAILROADS RAILROADS COMBINED! VP" ' ji.,- - COItNBOtlNO AT BILLAIRB WITH TBI BALTIMORE OHIO, ' ; ' AND At PITTSBURGH WITH TBI ' J, ' ; , PENNSYLVANIA r CENTRAL KAIIaROAJD: . - ; V0RM1N9 TBI - - . Shortest, Quickest & Most Reliable Roattj to all Etstern Cities I , , : (1 . . : . . "' . Trains Leave Columbus as follows : "MORNTNd XXPRtBS tJ' Leaves Columbui 3 30 A. M. from Union Depot, rla Bellalre er gleubenvt'le i arrirea at Bellalre, a, H I Stenkenvllle. 19.89 P. ai.; PHttbargh, 3 4S P. at aarrlstmra. 1.10 A, M.: vsa diVtwftiawii arrivee at New Tork S 00 A. M. eia PhUwUltMa. arriree at Phila delphia, 8 10 A M.i New tork. 10 30 A. M. Connect! alt at Banraabarg for Baltiaere. arriving at T.4S a. M. SlaepiBg1 Can attached ta Uiis Train Prore Oolumbos, rag directly throe gh te Bonaire or Pitumargh wtthoat ehaogei and tteitngert via Allen town arrivt In New York at S A. M., . . .ii H7TW0 HOURS IN ADTANC1 Ol NORTHERN ( . i.lAia..,. .,d , . This Train also connects at Bellalre with the Baltimore ado. unio ttaiuoaa. - , PITTSBCRSa KXPRiaS. Leaves Columbus U 83 A M , from Union Depot, rla Bteaoenriiiai arrivee at Newark, is w r. st.t uotnec- ton, 8.13 P. a.; Sttubtnrlllt, 8 f . at ; Plttaborg, S.40 r 11 rrnii u tnt only route ny wnicn rateengert can leave CincinaaU at 7 A. M., go through to Pitts, burgh in daylight, without change of cars or delay. .. ... VAST tVn.-t. - Learas Oolarajs 8.15 P. M., from Union Depot, rla Bellalrei arrirea at Newark, 3 83 P. Al t EaneerlUe, 4 33 P. U Bellalre 7 .53 P. Al.; Pitttbargh, 11.85 P. M.: Harrlabnrt. 9.00 A. M.: Wa AUenlosen, arrtre at New Tork,4 P. M.; efit Philadelphia, arrire Pblladali hsm, 1J0 t. M. New lerk, e P. M, ThU Train alae eonnecta at Harrieharg for Saltiasorat ar riving u ir,a. Thla Train runs through to Bellalre or Pittsburg with- tnt change of Can; and from Plttaburg there I no change ef Oara to Phl'adelpbua, er via Alletrtewa to New lloik Uiua ooei tog ,. j k..-i;l ,.ka,i,t The only Routs from Columbus to Baltimore, rhlladelphlai or new York, with only -:j ooe ohaogs ef Cars. " 1 Br this Train Putters r arrive la Hew Toik fire hour In advance of tht Northern lln. IMt Train alte etaaects at Bellalre witt me Baltimore and Obit R. R, (: , i., nn t r , ,. ... BTThls Route is 30 miles' shorter to Pittsburg, ana more man too duos snorter to 1 - New York, (han orthern. Lines ; "U i Baggis; QiSi.TAironffa to ail im- portaJit roints East; ... e ! ASK tOR TICKBT1 TIA !- ' "- ' BELLAIRE OR STEUBEN VI LLE. ," Ticket Good arer eltber Hoate. li 7.1 taw Oen. ticket Agent Central Ohio R. . r I --I" I. A HUTOniNSOI. ... Oca. Ticket Agent Sieubeovill ebort Una. ii iMfi l. ' .-1 a t ...-i'lV I 1 fi i".'-'".'!t I .j: I ' ootTJDtBvs; oiiiiij 4 .t'',0'. ; A.nd Seed Store, Ul.:, i DEALER tW . I'J 10J11S.-1 GENERAL HARDWARE; : NAJLB, GLASS, SASH, PUTTY, CORD ABB, taae, Platola, Wood tt Willow Ware, stnerand aatewr a)siiu( sac beainer, acmm ant fcKftTLl! JIIErXtS X GOODS, ruBNisaiito .noTsiaatia aewYjeranoj axxtn. .i- til I is: j.,.."aTraaaasaareminBWi, - v "Bmbroldtrta rocket iiaaXtrcjhirx.m ! Parte fclA Otnrea lUMrloreaake... ' m"' V OoMea Mill Shirt, rarroasetrlee.' E J',1"! t Hoy' Golden Hill Shirts, de . bltow Ai Driving aal Btrett Owe, do-. . -j -.,T03 u . Remmed Pocket Handkerchiefs, Varloss styles. . ' Hall Heai and Under flimmlr. 1 " er' '. ..ii irti v,.m i.i,n.v..i-. pAire at 'every 'apru:iis.'u it: a v. o.n (bm.t eei Align i. t'-' '' "' " ""'"1 iS0IJETHlHG,;JIE7;: ,U:! IV) t i?aiicwiTcnE-: tHacti ATri tl ss, nocth itftik ajr',', v -aadexaalittouaawtaaJreef - 2 1 V !.::;E.nicAaVAti:ii muaiketaiedbp I. B0WART CO gsatMti; Katt.1 theae Watch art tar ataertar it anything erer etTend w tn public, oeretoior., uanng uie exalwaire agency. lean tell anesa ai price ts sun in urn, I 'havelu. tocseawaxav atoaS tt '1 .1 a... 4. . j ri. .MERidavAftiiiLi;! B)A0tatareBf AfridirOllaXaO, .tJIJ I Alt, Oa tworbnoato, .,. . -, ,. .n . RUliigg ANfl IVlX& CATCQXL, ii. . 9tarBmmnrmutTstea, . 'I TTTfliLlli W.J, BAVAdl .. ... l.,,,,,,,,,,,, . Daily, per yer.J .:.....S0 Vn-Weakly, per rear..... , 3 to I WeeeUy. .per reei ............ . lee DOCUMENTS ON THE SLAVERY QUESTION. An Act to Confiscate Used for Insurrectionary Purposes. Beit tntelei by tht Senate and Hetutt af. Rep. rcientttivet of the United Statet of America, in Congreto amembltd, That if, during ilio present or any future insurrection against the Got era ment of tbe United States, after the President 1 tbs United B tales shall have declared, by preulamation, that the laws of tbe United States are opposed, and the execution thereof obstruct ed, by oosibioatioDS too powerful to be suppress ed by the ordinary oonrse of judicial proceed iage, or by the powers vetted in the. stsrabals by law, any person er persons, his, their agent, attorney, or employee, shall purobtseor acquire, sell or give, any property of whatsoever kind or description, with intent to use or employ the same, or t offer the same to be need or em ployed, in aiding, abetting or promoting snob. Insurrection or resistance to the laws, or any person or persons engaged therein j or if any person or persons, being tbe owners ot any snob property, shall knowingly use or employ, or consent to tbe use or enploy ent of tb same as aforesaid, all sooh prop erty le hereby declared te be lawful eubjeot of prise and capture wherever found, and it shall be the duty of (be President of ths United States to esuse the same to be seised, coo til oated and condemned. Baa 9. And be it further entelid. That sooh E rises and capture shall be condemned in tbe llettiot or Circuit Court of th United States baring )urlsdiotionof tbe amount or in admlr. alty In any distriot in which the same may be seised, or in which they may be taken and pro eoedings Orst instituted. -...- . 80.8. And Uit further enacted. That the Attorney-General, or any distriot attorney of ui woiieu otates, in wnion sata property may at tbe tim be, may Institute the proceedings of condemnation, and in such case they shall be wholly for the benefit ef tbe United State) or any person may file an information with sueb an Attorney, in wbioh oase the proceedings shall be for tbe use of such informer and the United BUtes In eqnal parts. -. Bta. 4 And bo it further enacted, That whoa ever bsreatter, during the present insurreotion against tbe Government of tbe United Statet, any person claimed to be held to labor or ser vioe under tbe law of any State shall be re aired or permitted by the person to whom such labor or service is claimed to be due, or by the tawtui agent or sucn person, to take up arms against tbe United States i or shall be required or permitted by ths person to whom such isbor or sorvio Is claimed to be dne, or his lawful agent, to work or to be employed in or upon any fort, navy-yatd, dock, armory, ship, en trenebment, or In any military or naval service whatsoever, against tbe Government and lawful autnority of the United States, then, and in ef ery such esse, the person to whom suoh labor'! t claimed to be due sball rorfelt blselalm to sack labor, any law of th Stat or of th Uuited States to tbe contrary notwithstanding. And whenever thereafter th person elaialog such labor or terries eball seek to enforoe bis elsim, it shall be a lull and soSoleol anseer to suoh lair, that th person whote service or labor is claimed bad been employed la- bostll service against tb Government of the United States, contrary to th provision of this set. - Approved Aog. 6, 1861. The President's Proclamation. WASHINGTON, Aug. 16, 1861. ' J Br TBS PaiSlDtirT or THE UNITES STATES Of Ameeicai ' Whereas, on the fifteeoth day of April, ths Resident ot tbe United atitee, lo view of an Insurrection against tb laws, Constitution, and th Government of tbe United States, wbioh bad broken ont wiibln the States of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texts, and in par suanco of the provisions of tbe not entitled an aot to provide lor calling forth th militia to execute th laws of th Union, suppress insar- reotlon, and repel Invasions, and lo repeal the act cow in force for that purpose, approved February 38, 1795, did call forth the militia to suppress said iDsufreetloa and cause th laws of th Union to be daly executed, and the la surgents nave railed to diapers by tb tint di rected by th President; , And, whereas, suoh insurreotion has sines broken ont and vet exists within tb States of Virginia,. Hot in iroima Tennessee), and Ar kansas i and, whereas, tbe lnsurente in all th aid Steles claim to aot under authority there of, and such claim Is not disclaimed or reoodl- atea oy tn person exeraising UU ianouoas of Uorernment in saoa Bun ot States, er U the cart or oarta thereof In whloh aombinatlona an. 1st, nor has such inturreoiiva been suppressed oy aaia oiates; . , flow, tnereiore,!, Aorausm. AAnooin, rrtsl dent of th United Elates, in snreuanoaoi aa aot of CoDeresa. pasted iulv 13. 1861. do her. bv declare that the Inhabitants of the said Stats oi Ueorcla, aouta Oarollae. Virginia. North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana, Tax- as, Arkansas, Mississippi -and florid (except tbe inhabitants of that part of the Stat of Vir ginia lying west of th Alleghany Mountains, and of euott other parts of that Stat and th other States , hereinbefore . named, as mav maintain a loyal adhesioa to the Union and tho Constitution, er as may be from time to Urn occupied, and enrolled by th forces encaged in the dispersion of said ins or Sent) are in a state oi insurrection against ths sited States, and that all oommetolal Inter. oonrse between tho earn and th inhabitants thereof, with the exceptions aforesaid, and the citizens of other States and other farts ef tbe United States Is unlawful, and will remain n lawful until sooh insurrection shall ceas or has bean suppressed: that ail good and chattel. seres end wtrrcuiadisa, aiming firm ant id Sfefee, with th exceptions aforesaid, into other part of. th United States, without tbe special license aad persnlaeion of the President, through th Seoretary ot the Treasury, or proceeding to any of said State, with th exoeptuna afore said, by land or water, togetbor with tb vettel or vehd txmeeymy tie tome, er etawyta person! to ar frtmtaid State with tatd emotion. vnll be jvTjcvca y ia tvnuce) oiextei aaa wot Jiom ana after Jijtotn days from tot issuraa ej tkti Prtcta. motion, ak okipa and oettel oekngteif in whole or in part Sy ewy cifista or saieiitaitf t) any of taid StJtt, Kith toid exception, found at order In env ewrl e; us tvntttd euatta ana m itrltuet to fAelaifeeJ.StafeS. . ,. I And 1 hereby enjoin apoa all Listrlot-Attor-eys. Marshals, and oflioere of th revenue, and of the nlUwry snd naval forces of th United 8tktes to be vigilant la th execution of said sot, ana IS w eniotcement or tb penalties and forfeitures, imposed tw declared by it, leaving ant Party who jnaf think', himself excriered thereby: to bis application to the SecrtUry of to a reasury mi tue remieaioa or any peoaiiy, f lor fofftltur Wblcl (be) said Secteury Js tu- taoricsu oy taw ia grant, , 4U, njs judgment, ths speolAl eircumstances of any eas shall rs- U44W WUVI SV444US4VU, , . , ,Ia witness whereof I. hsvi hereunto set m hshd, and caused ths seal of. ths United Stales A ka affle'ad.' 1 ' ' . - ' " ' i Don U tfiecl'tV ol Wsihinstsa.'thU 16th day of August, Is th year of our Lord 1891, And of tbe independence of we United states, ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Bv ths PreslJenl' ., .. .... .':..'. WM. H. SEWARD, Secretary of State. General Fremont's Proclamation. HEADQUARTERS OF THE WESTERN DEP'T. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 31, 1861. CtmnHtaowi, la sjy judgment of sufficient rgeney, tender it necessary that tbs Cerumen d Ina U-meral of this Department should assume disorganised condition, tbe helplessness of the civil armoruy, tn total inteonrity of Hre, and the deraetatio of property by bands of mur derers snd marauders, wbo infest nearly every ooonty in the Stat, and avail themselves of tb pnblio misfoftanee and the vicinity of a hostile force to gratify privet aad neighborhood wen- Seance, and who And an enemy wherever they od plunder, toally demand th severest mea sures to repress the dally looreesiog orlmes and outage waion are oriviog on tn inhabitants and rtiniog the Bute. - la this condition, the publio safety and the suooesi of our arms re quire unity of purpose without let or biodranc to the prompt admlnlstrstion of affairs. In order, therefore, to suppress disorders, to 4444.iui.ui aa lar ss now practicable tbe publio peace, and give security and protection te tb persons and property of loyal cltlitn, do hero, by extend and declare established martial thrmiyhout the St ett f Miwi. - The lines of tbe army occupation in this Stat for lb pres ent declared to extend from Leavenworth, by way of tbe posts of Jefferson City, Rolls, and Irontoo, to Ctpe Girardetc, on the Mississippi river. All ptrtont tela thtll be taken with arm is their kand within tht line thall be tried by court-martial, and, if found guilty, teill be hot. Tbe property, real and personal, of all persons in the State of Missouri wbo sball take np arms against ths United States, or wbo sball be dt reotly proven to have token active part with tbeir enemies in the field, ia declared to he eon. flsoated to the publio use, end thtir thxxi, if i ny iiir y nuec, are nertvy aectarea jre men. All persons wbo sball be proven to bay de stroyed, after the publication of this order, rail, road tracks, bridges or telerranha. shall anffet the extreme penalty of the law. All persons engaged in treasonable correspon dence, In giving or procuring aid to the enemies of the United States, In disturbing tbe publio tranquility by cresting or oiroalating false re ports or incendiary documents, sre, in their own interest, warned that they are exposing themselves. AH persons who have been led away from their allegiance are required to return to their homes forthwith. Any suoh sbsence, without sufficient cause, will be held to be presnmptive evidence against them. . . Tbe object ot this declsrstion is to place in th bands of ths military authorities the power to give instantaneous effect to existing laws, and to supply suoh defleiensiss ss the conditions of war demand. But it is not intended to sus pend the ordinary tribunals of the country, where the law will be administered by tbe oivil officers in the usual manner and with their cus tomary authority, while tbe same can be peaoe-. ably cxeroiscd. - The Commending General will lsbor vigilant ly for tbe pobllo welfare, and, tn his efforts for their safely, hopes to obtain not enl ths aooul- eeccDce, but the active of tbe of J. C. FREMONT, Major-General Commanding. Major-General Commanding. The President Condems the General. WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 11, 1861. Major-OencralJoh C. FrtmoiU. tilt: Yours of the 8 h, la answer to mine of tne aa instant, was Just received. Assured that yon, upon tbe ground, could judge better of tbe Bweeaaiiieaoi jour position than 1 could at ibis dlstanoe, oo seeing jour proclamation of Aug. 80 I perceived no genersl objection to it; the particular clause, however, in relation to tbe confiscation of property and the liberation af slaves sppeared to me to be objectionable in its noa ooniormity to tbe act of Congress passed the O b of August upon tbe same subjects, and hence I wrote you expressing my wish that that olause should be modified accordingly. Tour answer Just received expresses a pretareooe oa your pars that I should make an open order for the modification, wbieu I very cheerfully do It 1 tkerefm ordered, that tbe said clause ot said proclamation bo so modified, held and eonstraed aa to souform with and not to tran scend tb provisions on the same subject eon- tAloed in the eot entitled "An aot to confiscate property used for insorreotioaary purposes," ap proved August .h, 1861, sod thai said aot be puoiiansd at length with this order. Your obedient servant,' A. LINCOLN. Mr. Holt on Fremont's Proclamation. tlan. - WASHINGTON, Sept. 12, 1861. Ihaatan tn nlaca inemnr hanrta the Inclosed oorreepondenee with the President of tbe United State. Tbe action which he has token was firm and decided, aod must prove satisfactory to tbe friends of the Union la Kentucky. - Tbe sol of Congress alluded to was a neces sity QOder tbe eircamsbamet. and area in!1 justified by tb usages of civilised warfare me wovernment bee tbe same right to confis cate slaves engaged In digging trenches or mounting guns for the rebels that It has to con fiscate their arms when captured during tb pro greet oi to warj but, baring conn seated them, Congress goes no further ' Upon this law tbe Pretident stands firmly, and In doing so, snd In disavowing Gen. Fremont's proclamation, ho given anotner or tne over multiplying proofs that tb war, which is on for national exiet- ence, does not seek to extinguish or Interfere wita slavery aa csteDiisiied in tb Bute. If this institution suffers detriment front tb event or Issues of the rebellion, the blow will some from those who, under tbe pretense of delendiDg it, are striking at the life of a Government un der whose Constitution It has enioved oomolete shelter and protection for three quarters ot a owasury. TI . . . .- -.!. ..(..".:.. ? Tbe occupation of Columbus bv armed Tso- nesseeans, under th leaderahlo ef Bishon Folk and Pillow,- baa excited no surprise her whet tne unscrupulous easraoter-and ultimate aims of the rebel chieftain ar-we)i understood. So long as Kentucky maintained that most Illusory of all attitudes neutrality aad carefully guarded an extended and exposed position of tne iroaiier oi tne reoei uorernment la a word, so long aa she eubeerved the nurooses of tne conspirators seeking toe overtbrow of tb republic, and gave reason to boo thar she would finally unite her fortunes wltb them, she was graciously let alone; so soon however ss sbe declared ner loyalty to a Government to which sbe is indebted tor all bee prosperity, and to wbioh sbe is united by the most solemn ties of duty, of affection, and of interest, her soli is ruthlessly invaded, and, under the promptings and guidaac of traitors In her owe bosom, her vote at tb polls i now to ha rev versed by the bayonets of Tsnnesseeaiisv and the proud old Commonwealth redaoed to the condition oi a conquered proviso of that sol It iuBi a auuraouiuea eauea sno sou in era Uoafed- I I B- .1 1 . , , . . , r. .. . eracy, ihote wbo have read he biason aad know the spirit of her people can hare a fears aa to tne result er turn audacious- assault a noa ira. Buuur wis ioe votero meat her will give ail potaibls rapport to Ui Stat at the earliest mosaeot 1 Very sincerely J. HOLT. Gen. JAS. SPEED, Frankfort, Ky. WASHINGTON, Sept. 12, 1861. - Dbar Star The late aol ol Congrsss pre' viding for tho ooofiscatkm- of the eetater of payMons in apt rebeliioa Sgaisat tba Oovera ment, was as s oeoeesary wnar-meaanr aooepted and fully approved aythe loyei -men ot the bountac It limited th penalty ef ioonfisoatlon to property actually saipieysd in th ervlo af tb rebellion with th kaawledgg and consent otiJSi owoersriawi. instead ft massuipatlng slave una employed, left direlr-stAlur ta bo drtet-funed By tb vnr of .th United StsA, os by sabsequent leglaUUoa., n i-., i, to -,. .Uc : i Tao proBlamaUoBr bowoverO ef Cssv fre most, tndot date f tb SOtb. S Asgwet, traas ends, snd af course vkaaA,th. kwti ka tota thM partiouUrs, and daoUre that tbe fxvpwr ty of rtbela, whether sued la tantmrtof the mm. bellUM or aot, shall bo ooaflssaieS, aad if 'eoae-j sisting ia elsves, that the shall be at en maaBmlttwd.i The tea- of CoBtrtmlarnA tm was believed It embody US mtervattvw policy ei jr jaamionnraaaa epea tnu atlteatw sod perplexing quettioa, and beneelhe loyal meaef ih border Slav-StaAaw. bate feitlieved of SU fears of try attempt ea tXtt part of t5 Govsnment ei the United Bta taw. Uhwata loddsnly la their midst a population snprpir4 Utrol Jt X? tofBj PP'cbmiBica if not a IZi'ST0? THh b. UnioVtovIng cM- JyJKhp the pressure of mllltarj S,o. o Frsmont believed inlti?Setpt(Crtl3,0; th particulars spec I fled li h.. V bation and wUUot b. enforced u'teogSuca of law. Ths magnitude of .the mtrreVt at stake and my sloeers desir that by no miMp prehension of your sentiments or purposes shall ths power and fervor of the, Lr...w. v.. tacky be st this moment abated or chilled, most be my analogy for the frsnkness with which I hsvs addressed yoo, snd for the request 1 ven tore to make of an expreesloo of your views upon the polnm of Gen, Fremont's proolsma tion on wbioh I have commented, I have the honor w be, J. HOLT, His Exoelleioy, AsstBAMIiajooiii, Presi dent of the United Sttes. .. EXECUTIVE MANSION, Sept. 12, 1861. The Hom JoaxrH Hmr- nnr v,v i hI dy lnialtin to the late proclamation of Gen. Fremont, fa received.' Yaaiarda. i addressed a letter rj hlmby mail ou the same subject, and whloh is to be made publio when ua in-nin ii. uerewnu sena you a copy of that letter, which, nerham. ahowa m ivuittn.. as distinctly ss any new one I could write. I will thank you not to make It publio until Gen . Fremcnt shall have bad time to receive th original. " Yonr" obedient servant, ' ' A. LINCOLN. The First Manumission Deeds Since the War. FREMONT'S PROCLAMATION. HEADQUARTERS WESTERN DEPARTMENT U. S ARMY, St. Louis, Sept. 12, 1861. The Maior-General Canmnndlnw eh. w..A.n Department, having satisfactjry evidence that Thomas L. Snead, of the' City and CouLtr of St. Louis, and Stite or Missouri, has been tak ing acUve part with the enemies of the United Slates in tbe present insurrectionary movement against us uovernmenl, and tbe Military Com mission, now in session at tbe Arsenal in til city, having repotted the lact lo these head quarters as the result of its deliberations, tbe ra,.jor-ueneral Unamending has executed aod ordered to be published the following Deeds of viauumiaaion . DEED OF MANUMISSION. W hisi as, Thomas L. Snead, of the City and County of St. Louis, State of Missouri, has been taking active part with the enemies of tbe United States, In tbe present Insurrectionary movement against the Government of tbe Unit ed Bute i now, therefore, I, Joha Charles Fre mont, Major-General Commanding tbe Western Depsrtmont of the Army of tbe Uoited Sates, by authority of law, and ths power vested in me as such Commanding General, declare Frsnk Lewis, heretofore held to "service or labor" by said Thomas L. 8oad, to be free snd forever discharged from the bonds of servitude, giving blm foil right and authority to have, use atd cooirol bis own labor, or service, as to him snay seem proper, without soy loooooubility what, ever tj taid Tbomss L. Snead. or anv one t claim by, through or under blm. And this deed of msnumitsion shall be respected aod treated by all persons, and in all courts of justice, as the full and COmoletS evidence nf the tnerfnm of said Frank Lewis. ., In testimony whereof, this aet la done at tha headquarters of ths Western Department of tbe Army of ibe Uoited 8 tales, In ths City of 8t. Louis, 8tate of Missouri, on the 18-h day of September, A. IP. 1861, as is evidenced by toe Liepartmentw sesl hereto affixed by my or J. C. FREMONT, Major General Commanding DEED OF MANUMISSION. ' Waiaias, Thomas L. Snead, of ths City aod Cosnty of St. Louis, Stite of Missouri, bee been taking so aotive part with tbe enemies of ths United States, In the present Insurrectionary movement against the Government of tha United State now, therefor, I, John Charles Fremont, Majoi-Oeoeral commending the Western Denaittnent of the Armv of tha Unit- ed States, by authority of law and the power vested In me, ss such Commandinn General. declare Hiram Reed, heretofore held to service or labor by Thomas L. Snead, to be fret, std forsvsr discharged from tbe bonds of servitude, giving blm full right and authority to have, use ana control nis own isoor or service, as to blm may seem proper, without any accountability whatever to said Tbomas L. Snead. or to anv one ti claim by, through, or under him And this Ueed of Manumission shall be re' spscted and trotted by all persons, snd lo all Courts of Justice, ss tbe full sod complete evi dence of tbe freedom of said Hiram Reed.- . In testimony whereof, this set Is done at Headquarters of th Western Deoartment' of ths Army of tbe United States, in tbs City of St. Louis, Bute of MiaramL on thla 19th da of September, A. D. 1861, as Is evidenced bv th Departmental seal htrtu affiled h sn or J. C. FREMONT, Major-General Commanding. .' Done at the office of the Provost-Marshal, In tb City of 8t Louis, this lSih dsy of Septem-; ber.A. D. 1861, st bine o'clock in th evening -of said dsy. , r ,, ; Witness my bsnd and sral of office affixed.' - J. McKINSTRY, Brigadier-General, Provost Marshal. IRISH STEAMSHIP llNE; Steam. Between Ireland and America ! NEW YORK, BOSTON AND GALWAY ' .Ti ! Ml. I -..!. . r A The following new and kiagnlfloent Tirat-Utipaddir -heel Bteamabips campoac the abov Una: i 4 , ADRIATIC, 8,888 toni burthen CapLJ. Macs' , vrvimeriy or tntuotiins une.) ' RIBXRNIA. . 4.4O0tooilmrUea.Capt. . Pioeraa. I COLUMBIA, 4 0 " . . . k. Ltrroa. ANOLI A, ' 4,400. ": " u"''- NicBoteoii ' PAOItIO, 8 WO 4. i, ., j. tmnn, s -PRINCB ALBERT. (Screw.) .... i ,' , , a,JU ;,.. i t. Waitbb- One of the above ihlpe will leave New Tork Bostea u alternately every Tueeday fortnight, for Oalway, oar rvlat the gerenuaeot mails, touching at AC Johea, The Bteamen ef thlt lint hare been constructed with ' tht greatest care, under the supervision of the, gevtra maet, hare walrr-tight eempvrtmenm, and art anexcel ied torceenfort, safely and speed by Bay , (earners aflaao. i they art commanded by aal and txperlenced otbven, and every exertion will be made to promote tht comfort' of passengers. -. - - i .7 . . v , Aa.expeiienced Burgeea attached to each thin. RATE" OF PARR Plnt clsN. I. et Reeled to ataiwey er Wlreryool B100 Seoond-clatt, , " , , h " " 75 . Ktrw-a, - ' ' toist JcnaV-1 8 thlrt-olae. . to Galway r LlTrpel,3 vr auj wwa in aiciaou, on a siaiiway, su Third- east misusers are Uheeal Ir aaDnlled with ao- Msiona ot the beat quality, eoekel and -mi by rk.r-i yasts of th Company. , . . ... , PaVties wlahlns to tend for friend from the aid" eonakry eao ,ltale ukemfrm any town eaaralrwarf rn;l tralaad, e from Ike priiaclpai eauaaef ArngtaU aaae4- ana, as very iof sate. ; . -r-', r,j ,e.,j raseengart ror Hw rorx, arriving ny the Boatoa reamer, wtlt he rbrwarded to Mew York free ef charge. ' for peatagt er furtlier Information, apn ly to ' .... -'Ww M. WIOKHAM, Atrhaeac4( thd 4estBnVM tbe. whea aaot ef 4j(rj3 .mmef'vl oi tsitii ta ttm .-3 L' l." in, 1. 1 j mill a,. t ,1 11 Irish Lincu Oooda.., -"i mRKAKTEDPARItt.v - a laSnlrtB..cB, riu andlaswy . Shirting and ikieom Llnene. . ti lO.lHneo t)h4Mingaa4t'o0trt.4!' s ;hw ,'M.x) Utmlattis1oaacid Lang Wceii'.';' ; lilaea Poeket-handa'ts,all sleaa,, t. urtaiv;i;:t ." idneaTaliM Clouieaod aw a, Dnsta at -".'ill rl ,11 itllaeTowa vineelore4 annieetj ft:i, ,t Hmvj -,;r'';'t i;, ,.1 j.,4 - .. e,fv a. e-C' .t fcMt .5" in?p (as.CaWi&astte.' r