H ' 1 - 1 ... -- - -.- - . . . m . J ' n -'j r. i ,r : ' i 1 I -i .,. s. ., ,, .rr I r r fi .4- if.it.
" " " - - f - r i i c .-P. ,, .. mi H-tit. ... ii ir i i -.-.. - - - -- i ',iWTw.i't tntft 1 re-. I ' WW
Bus h) bi Axmpm&
By ui Mam, per week, -ii Wants
i tin
itta o
rofle idnari 3 reriu.'.lV
W tvBWOlK U 00
t U montlii IS 00
I "3 tnunttu 10 00
I montln . 8 00
vu i a mekfe at
On l,.k.!L7i
One Sdyt... TOO
On ' Sdsyi... 75
One " IlDMrtlon SO
Displayed -avWWtitt half nore lhn Uw ttxrri
r . '." 2'men lc,lI:i1 Plnced in the column of
lutein nourai, aonot (Aa rii itKeyMra,
All utlce rcqulreu to be published by to
liwlil Notlcci," rfon Ji M .ft;
All UIILIRA ranfllrm-. tn 1 niiV.ti.-J !, l 1 i
piorilared on OiolntldaexclivlfttfLer tkenntweek
per reoi, more uihn the nbove mli; bat nil each wil
war in the Trl-Wuckly wlthvtclwrKe.
liu.iijoajOann, noteicoedint Art lion, per rear, In
le, JJdOuer Hue; ootnjtfe V.
Nolkof meetlngiari UM oofcffTiif pompenta,
AUtrantitnt lur! mimu mvl tit paid or i
tmws 4"ieyie will not iwrieil froiB. , v
W-fk ly, iwui prioe ullie boilv. l.re theadvertteei
lest'.ie WeeWy alone. .Where 'he Pelly end tt ifijr
le both fcfU, then Hie khiT tor the Wetkiy will He
Mf the ratfuof the bitily " ' ', '. . . . ,
, no euvejf uement tnKua except Bit deflnlte period.
Attojwj.ji Pgiwielforrftfe! taw,
, Mactime' Jlandfactaring Compaar
I .
. ' ' 1 1 i.l.i II i.n a, III 1 1 ..i. .,
' ... r i i 1 i i
ju9jtim ' AKUfAOrrUU.OF t il t-i
OMtingtKUl-aMrtng, MMhlfttry
(fi a r
i d :o imi n : j A 1
r:p-T I'
7i i(l r-"r;. -
S ii
.'ne ap iTitr naumoei,.' 'fu "J
:--'r,-T-i vcbttjirxBosroiuo:a,;;
0HA8. AMB08, Bap'l- ". i,..:U aAboB, Treat.''
toll. lH5d-t., . p A -H u
1 tfw. m
1861. 1861.
Summer Arrangements.--Time
; Connecting at Orettllne. . with the PUXflBUBOH, fT.
Ibr ntttburah, PMla&tlvUa. and SalUmon. . Alto
, forfait Wcynrani Ckkfot '
Connecting at Oleyehind with the LAKJI BBOBI KAHr
' " . 'ZiOAD it ' . h. .,j , :
' For Dunkirk, But fml AlbanrV
. WagOewYirt. j ,,, ,
.. prom Coinmb(f connect Ion with Tnlntoa the-' -
KlOnf XtPttBS6:-tetT4 OolambaiitS.W k'.US
, wiU leave pejeeugere at all Uibne aeatfe of Oaliun,
etop at Dclaeare. Aihley, Carding ton and ailead, and
at all iteUoaa earth el OeJleiirrrlluf a Oleralaod
at 9:00 A. U PunHirka:00 P. At., Uatai 4:UP. M.
Albany 3.SO A. lU Mew Vork 6:3S A. Boetoa t:M
V. U., Pitlebarfh via Oreiiline ,3:iO P. M , Phlladel
hit 3:10 A. At ChlcaroTla Urcilllneat7-O0P.il.
... - ';r1 BKC0NDTKAJN." " .VV
NUn TURK EArREsrH-LeaTea Oolnmboi al 11:10
a. . Will atop ktUwie Cbalre, (for White Bulphnr
wytiutm, niHan, varaiofum. ttaiion. vieeaiioe, anei
by, New LoLden.M WelUoetoe, and Oraftea, arrlTe-at
viereiarKi at p. m.; JOunklrk, B:50 p. m.i ,Baf
falo, ltS p.1 d J Albanjr, :a. m.; New Yoik, 1
-V. a. ; Beaton, 4:40 p. m . Thle Train oennecte at Bhel-
oy ior nauoamy, asa at UiUon Kt Xoledo. arrrrlsi it
Toled at 8:40 p. m.
THIRD 7JBAJN. ' '''..'
U 8.30 pvm, Wlllfiop at. all elation Beath ef
Bbelby, ajjd al New tundon, rt'elliugien-elrwteak
end Bene; ardtjng af Cleveland at fM p. m.t fiaa
ktrk,:00a. to.; uiIo,3:'J0a,-m; Allwny, 90 bm
NewYork, 720 p. n.; Boeton. I1.4S p. a., Plitabttrga.
ria 0rettllne.at U:5p, ai. Philadelphia, l.OO p. .,
Chicago, via Creitllne,u:45 a. m. Ihie Train, coaaeott
; at ehelby fuf Bandmltjr and Joledo, errjTlDg at lolcde
BightTrains to Chicago, Kbw-
Tbflv'and Boilon.--
aggag Ofptotftkhto A,Virid
ia'tXeMndj alto, to HiladtLpKia and
.returning. . ..r;.;,
I Night BpWie irrlrtt aicoinmtae a(...'ll:lil P.'fl.
. Cincinnati kaprniarrinaalColuabotat IB:i0AjU.
' Aocoumodatlon Kxpreat arrlreiat Oolnmbue at 7:50
Ju. tnVi l"vf PI" J r:iil ..
Ftttt) mm Low ae mf amy eitAter Hvnee
Al Jor Tick OeafOaeer Onttand.
H?ir0lrl B,PtrlateBdeniOleiajl,Phlaiii
( . . ,nII.?AF?fab.S
flolnmbtu,jBn TH!.' l i T ( :i Y: 'H . "1
. JnitKettjlTtdj " 4 -iiV
AA I IF. CH UHBEN inet ''BtAfiel
1UU Vt&AS IOO bagt prime Bio Oonee.
IBbagtpeylonfjofleer " 7 TJ
tOAbbta. traaoar White Sngara, cent taUng of Poo
dredt fihruehedr OraaalaMI 4 ) B flolfee ' ) j
60 qutolala George Dank Oodfutj.
SO bbla. aleae and No. 1 UaokereL
tee. Pick alm0. r.lf XHllaVr
SOh(.ho,4e) ,Tdei!H?anf( ,m.Mo-i ,faupTa
100 qr. boa do de ,. ....- ,T V.
100 M Oigare, different brandi fnrjTrare4.JTJ 1
Bt!7 t,A ,t,i j.U.Ul J WMlMcDOBUJJ
' ' !"'. ','1 f" .'ii ,n 'i"ii I'.Vjt i.nu tut n el
l-lV'wr'i-lt'l.'EY1''" :i
lad "BlaBJc-agffiiiA
TFI.BBrFa)I erltH latiltititV Itetfl
11 iaAJIa1alKJl4oyei ltei aamaa
atlHHDllM. . I
rem: mf'i
iBAHf mBOfcV"
So. St Booth High imialir
HEW IIOthA aVAt'i'e. U i-itu
aak fjgj'BrrW A tta.ljw ae eWe ttmi -A tt
iobth hjoh iiiitr.'cdttjiujtrCOBio
- wear-w..fBJI't.I r"'' Mia-1!
mK& )lWi WBAiS.erf! V
BajantuK. mnuiip "i."iT','t i?-juMVce.i.Tr
I - I ""W
MaLj, e
I. a at
Lwn in a vi in ii i.i ii tw 10 ,rvii IIJ nil be
pl. m. . w .. . r. .
.-.u i-.TT..Tfrr" uip ,jmionKr.l
tbritr ! lb E(lUii !(.
I "JSWtrWfJheWjtaiWirt.
t ,! ' .:i . .. ,..i-. 'i
whoe moltinrloiu Mtalim u.i it.Hntin. -
i are bdwimu ei a . iinnnr4 ww
f" 1 wrrecc ipeiuac . lea pronaneletlon ue tleeilT
et before Uie eye.
Cincinnati i
nderl(rned, membere of the Ohte 8tte Teeehen
nun, eaopi en a eua te nae M teeetaln, vrUlee
and penr, Uie. ettagiaaeien preaeneUMen' (
WoreMter'i ttoval Qaarto Diotlonery. and Met eer
dtally neoaaieaeV It ael Mm 'Met relteM eaiiraera aa
thorlly of the Baf atb tanfoef aett lenov wrMua and
poken. i ti.' oi n vlj .t J ivtMeoi) iis.j' ei.i.
lpm AnaMhr-raiHenlt fkm PoIKw? '"T
M. P, JhaaXii Baperlnteodent ZtneetUle BcMdliC.''
Taoe. W. Htartr, Bnnt Meeallon Onion Bthoole,7?
M. p. Oowmbv, Bop't Pablle Bchoele, Send arty, 1
Jonii Ltecn, Knp't Pohllo Bchoole. OlrcleTille. r' "
n. w. riro, PrindpU pier lend female Benin
W. MncBB.1, Bnp't Fublle chooUi. M. rnlon,
omk Oamn, Principal Bute Horraal Sohool, Hinne
Oram N.,r1riLXi 3Li"tt .it Jt2iL,L
I ' - "",uivw-w wm
H. B. Mtirn, Bap'l Oantoq TJatan Beheole.,' I I A
own fcaeia. Principal KoNeely . Kormal ecaoil. ' '
u T. Taptiii, Prof. MaUwautioa, Ohio UnWertltp.
. vweane, lip l xroj unioa eenool.
A. 6. Horvaa, ifrinoipeA Weft 1U Beneoi, lm-
nd.i . Ov w e.XtJt4i v 4'V
l l Roam-, Ajeootete Prtadpal High School, 0km-
BoHUrroa, Principal Olereltnd Inetltnta.
tu, rreikteat ol JElecUc injtltole. 1
ti rU4 . f'l UfcA r t jiv
iiW. L. Hue re, Prof, of Chemlrtry. Ohio Wetleran
UnlTeraitr. . .
: H. b. Baurnti fcx-6eoajetMmlrclceB-fc
yawa Bownrrtrrror. ithetorle, Oberlla College
. iBee. nn-u, f reeWent An- Ootlet0- ' i- " I
.' 0. , V. U. (nioMrr I rot. Atatheoulial,' Big
School, Dayton.
B. 0. CDacoM, Prof, tangnage, High School.
vvwi . t 1 h .A. -
ti at. BAkint, Bnpt TJnlon Schoola, AihUud.
.. Mot fAiM BkfBtmdrtd eOer PrtotdmU of CbBe-
tt, aore tnaoTMO. Me owne ninn.
HABinT OotLni "It la tralv a mamlflaent work.
an honor to tea author, the pabUabere, anil tee whole
uuqiry.- rreaideot Andrew.
0n WaetaTaTJaaeawailteweflitiyaapetl
UeneJ It will be my gnlde In rthoeriplry and pronan-
etaMcii, and will often be eonmited by bm for lta neat
eaaeenirat deBnltlou." Preeldent Thorn peon
,B. XcLBOTto Cotiaoa. "Heretofore we hare need
"aeier a enhof raphy. . At e. veoeet meeting ef ear
aealty, It .waa Oecided te chant It to conform to that
of. Worceetrr'e Jloyat earto IHetmnaiy." Prettdent
warneta. v
. . Wttji Bitmri CetLawe. tI flad rt worthy of
ovruiai approoauon.; rreaiaent atitcncocx.
Oimiu CoLwem. "It more then meete my eirjecta-
uoaa i recommend n aa the etaadard aathorttyta
erthoepy to my children and my puplla." Preaident
' -AXiooa Oofxasi. "I idotrt and aSB Wnae to teach
hrg, writlogand apeak log, thaprthografhy and pronan
aua ei neroeeier a Jioyai oano xwuonary."
Preildent HIU.. f- o n q I C) -J O n
"Inall my writing, rpeeklngjand teaching, I hart en
deaTored to ooufona to the rnlea for orthography and
pronanolatlooaeoatalaed4a IVarontr,aI)ieUoary."
Horace Mann, lata Preaident. ,
Kuaroa Oouaaa, QBitn. alert cordially reoota
mondi It at the meat reliable (tandard aathority' of the
English langnage ae It la bow written and i poken."
Pretident Andiewa. A p ,.. i ,T ,T .J A' , i (
IromBtt.tJbitonSmyail tiotnmiMitkw 'c Amine
fioAooft to Ohio. f
"The Dictionary It aa Imperhhabla monnment to the
teaming and rodaatry of III author, and an honor to (he
world of letten. The mechanical execution le far ease-
Irlorto that of any ether ueafcoa with wbfch I
e,7qaaln(d. -
quainiea." - ,. .!, . . . i
from Von. B. B. Bat f. Sm-Oammtmloner ay
i , f ;i Dcooirm OHo, , , r
"The meat reliable tandard aathority of the liuer
A . J v , .. . - .... WlUTTiu ,.. .... .., ;
ladm Nc-w-rrraperei f Ohio pay.
'fron(h CUvUmA Bmili jrrcA89.. . ,,4
The) orthography of the) Werooater Dietloaary la that
tteed bjr jooat. If not all. authort ol dlatioeUoa In thia
conntry and Iceland, and eonforKf to the general antge
of ordinary wr litre eadeweekere. -.-wi , .t.., , ..
Vhetertr prejadloee. eaay haet asieted preeieaalyy a
careful itndy of thii Tolnme will Inrarlably be followed
by a warm appreciation or lta great merlta, and a deetre
toaddHtotbowelleeteatad Ubrary, awUierwteraaali,
It la a library Inlttelf, aad will raaala.aa, impeneha
ble record of the learning of lUeompllcr. ' , ,
, , ti'vm O (Rnotnnati Otmmoroial 0? Jpra So
Here are npwardt of a hundred thontandj wnrdi-tood,!
bad and mdifferenM-whoer maltlfarioaa BMaoiagaand
derlratlont, together with their correct palling and pro
aanelatloB, are act dearly before the eye. The wnrtt le
anqacttlonabiy the (reatett Theawruof BngllahWordi
erar publUhedT "" "' "
xrvte m, v.evtMWKa tamoexuer ty pejf av, icuv. .
iTkiently Woacwm'f Boral QniutTO Dicnexaar ft
ef eWy Me Itur, tmi Ih iter wort of tfu trnd eoer fe
eejtd.aBdaaat vy BO" peanUlMy aater'By aaBipeilenei te
.ooptmfga.lv(t f 4;( eii:i! l:-e.a ttii erjJiMM t u
j .yJVwtA fktMtdK SMUtf JfByW. i
'Ai noMOBGUTioii, Woaoxwna bTtwb SmaaaBB
rbllnwed by oar beet eathoret In dennltloot he leatee
nothing to be dealred, and In Oa-rnoaaaraT it ioAcitnt
to auinai noBcawrsvcaoM aai lollowea.
PnMlahra, Bookaellera 3c 8tatl4mr,
bUiB'.a 1 jaiT,4-'TV ' JT) HUP 110 Mm
, pr" , .rrf if . Of n.i,, a fit .Uw t.l
. 1 1 kTo w-AjEO4" w.rap.4 v,'r
A A t
DlylAenAJjtaavryaJ.gai4x Cemt.
lag theyeali..W.M7a9M-a Wiui Vtt.
neoeiTM ior intertat oaruig Wl) f.aihaatrl
wc y tar aeuv eieiie av w
Total eeedpti.tef. IfW-4kT9'o riatnl
dOlahaebyDcathBBTiOJO,., a;i..re.Tli
T'r?; ..0 -not, 1, t, ,U,
Paid Baanaaa, Pottil,-. ic;.ii'in0 ,n,jta : .-u.r-
.change, etc....... 31,020 J4
Paid OemmlaetOBi to .til. 1 JiT.f,
AterUt4,M..kM.4 tl.tZS M n u) a t ,iici I3a
Paid PayaliW feea,,,S.9i 74, ,i
Paid ABnnltlee.'.a'J,ii W rl " "
Paki Dlewlead au i tltiiu'r a. fl ,in-.vJ
I-ifItheyeMM-180MIi,Bl,0Bl U 4U,t7t 14
Bet ManeaJaaaary let, 1801.... .SJ,8USB 40
Caahoe) hand...., 0.8884 18
Bonds a&d Mortgagee oa Beat u'l-
: -Batata, worth teakie the ,
ameant loaned. ....- aVX17jBr e eiaae
premlnaa Hotee, Co Policlee 1
' hi formryerewtntt periwt.twj-:T;j u
aentJ tateaceeem.eeaeA.BM It unh mhj .
Prmliat,MoteaMd0aBBlfeB V 3 Mvnl ere.1 ell
aearateB y-neailmliai i ctf) rjtvia n eii;ie A
new riitliln tula l-ea toA Baiiai at ll i
After eeaAleeeOBMB-Bwa mtM ttjttjwef (m
Palleleeof tbe ompaay-aja aaTta, Um
wtetatary o-totmi in reeerta .therefor, toe (Mreotora
Danoeciaieoa inrotniei u aeroeot. on tr rr-nl
ami pan at iae eM eaeae, te au polictea for Bet m rote, 4
t"e pnor toyanaary I, inou,payaiiie aonoriiing iq
prreeall raid of tlie Company. '
'Bktarar ek--Wnai Irtfe-Oentlueiwwem, fmpeVt4
aeet.Bwitoeitnta, and AppHcatloaa, will bo tamlehed
wranooMBUtwav eeher4meO or AetneWe of tbe Oeer
lee.. I .M .-.-.'j.iorf ,.i--" -Jrej rn'm-il-
too -
-t-ii .,Tevipietta,w,-
i nit ii mw pipiae, ft
IBBM'arsibaiatBnwa maaiAtvaw
IkRilB BILAR, tH wrerv r.M... r i i
ataii 1iiM.it ifce m. hi .. , .. . T
J ""A -4 . k M 4k &H(
1 r f l.t I. 'i II'" r ia-T ih 1 ::. 1,1 a.-i .iin i.t
Balance, per atatement Jan. Jit, iea0j.-,il4()(I,501
Beeelvcd 4of PrmMma eW?:T1" '..'..Ji
Vl W Mil I
Scrdftlia, W King's Evit
vwk, nnd luinr. Hcintr in thneiiriltiiinjei
I DPn-'iiK'' mi wnoio iirmr. arm mw inW'mtT
in atwnse on anv BHit or it. No r4fULUTlt
from Its nttacka, nor ia tliere oneaa-tcit-U Btv
itfit $cnoy, The icrofuloua taint ieerKwA)t
utiucil by mercurial disease, low Bvintr JTi!r!
, ordcd of vheiUtr.f4ioil,mpuia air, S1H
anu i iuiny iaiouat Jtua: aeprcaaine vicea, atut,
aboytr iiil, -tir llie 1 rrnwrnh- uifevtinn. Whyu
evur be Us o.ib, ii A llediliwBrUeA tuA.
ttitirtiou, (U-MifMrwrBpaftjtVcrrfldi
T a 1 b 1 . .
will, viitrtJiFipifuitit of .tiia futhere upon
tlicif clilMrMiJ'a d:n.tBc.t
Itt nffhftj 0IIIlmc"bTlJe)ultJll firuin tftt
HvkI or c44teUl4feB)rttf41t:i
flitlunge, liver, and internal ortrrtnit, i termed
,tubot-tll Sri-ttl lrmi HkWellitiM fi itd bn
bfiittttfiiccv onrptkriBdrers.T ll.le ihj toWj
ruprton, wlitclt gendera in tbe blood, dcpAtM
MM. tneqjiet, of , e, fJtnf crpfttlotu pi kue.
ewna not only auner irora act'oiuious com
WaiatV 1)HIP liierfco 'fttf tewTrJw
Uitl Hb Mtkljk'a . tl wthoT'tWaBfill Art
qututlr VHtd. hiaiiadrat wrillr --rr tJitdrxtor:
whlclt, altltouglitifit eerofOrokraan Mictiattrtcf i
ore jttiU -rejidocd &tt by ki Anint art tha ,
arsteBMi -Xloaacf d i ' aouwma tiottr which) dawl
cimutft Hie? iiMMraai itmylaievitd teraglB tMrtally
in tliif aofuloiitntjBUi;ii-aliA fWByv
(lesUmtuvo iiiaaoMl t tirr ktoiy4 ttrnin,
i rmd. indeed, of all jtb wnrtuten Ariaa frosv .or
Hire tijnjrayuiei uj;im emye vtiaaij. , ,,
Uimqunrter of uU our people are tcrpruiouv
tlietk pertona are JnvaUd, by tbi. larking Wi
t ction, and tiieir liealth u, undennined hf It.
To cleanse it from the system We imutJ'Vnoyate
tbe. blopa by an alterntlTt medicine, an In.t
ti$trt(S- If by heaitny foofl ana exe,tcwe
Kni'h n moftlr-inA -a .iimlM t . I.V. U t .
I vl ci.'i--a., , ..('j e'W'anntlal 15
Coiiipouhd'Exlifart of Sarsaparillitr
uie mott eiicctuni romedy lucU tlie mexlicnl
skill of. our timet' call 'derisO tut lliiC evry;
wbcfe prevailing and C'tnl malady. It Is.cora
bincd from the most active rcmedlals tlwt linve
been discovered for tlie expurgation pf this foul
disorder from the blood, and tha rescue, of the
avstem from its desrirr4rey 'Mnwrrmnicrje '
iteiicc it should be employed for the cure of
not only bcrolula, but also those-other olloc
tion which arise from' it, cl.s"J2nuPTiTS
and i Sitnr DistAfffis. S"r.: AAnio.vVi ririiT.
Bofp.., or, T.-vsii'iiLASf rmw-Bv Tvktvlub
Ui.otctii!. ih-antsmd Bon.a, Tosnnta, TrHTBH
and f?Ai.tLTlnr!Cf; tytt JTj?ad.' Bwoworm.
Kiiia-MAfiHM, Syphilitic andMKiicNtiafcilie-'
kakii, Ditopgy, Dyspepsia, Ukiiility, anoV
indvvd, am, Comw.mwts Aittmt ritom Vrrmt-I-
v.t joR Jiti'tBB pi.did!)."? ?TliepoptlUbr 3lif
it ' impurity of tlie blood is founded in trath,
or scrotuia laannrenerntionol tirt blood; Ji
pnrtK'iiinr purpose ana virtue ol tins fearsnpa
rillit is to ptnify and refecnaruU tPtirf wlml It ttid,
witliput tvhich- sctrnd healrtt' is' npogsiblein
bnntnmh-itld cnrtatitnllan . "fi l,r r-, . ni
, i.:r.,:i
Tin sPBKDii gvnm-o,
tfeOaw a
Inter-aetteTelt aren or few
r Mtl Ae;nf
lleiiiitttMt .Ai'eTerr CbillFeyeey 'I-r-l
Igte, Peridilieal Mrailarhe, of Blllona
llrailaclie, and iillinne FCVere. imleeil
for the wholoejtue of iataacim-f(4mo.
Ih lu biliary ilrrangciucit, cMiec.l by
tai giaipwaey we eaiaieaa jiic;yoiaet,aae. ) (
p We are cnnblcd hero to oStif Uir community a
remedy which, while, it proa tbe above oomplaiura
with certainty, is JatfjJ pfrpicllj- SeSmieia in any
nonlii.y. .Such arotnctlr i invaUmble in ftcle
lirr;,t!ic9 sOUcfliin oUordcri picYeil..' litis
','Cck)i" oxpt-U Uie mit-lic pviaoi o( f bvk
A?t; Ast'g irom l)m eyetcm, auid prerenU tbe da
relopmcnt of the diaraw, if takta oa he flrst up
proach of iti prcmouitory aymptoms. It is not only
the best ff ineily er yet .ieruveied fwr this ds
of complaiiitBtoBtwlKO llio cheapest. .Tho Jarar
quantity ( supply for a dollnr brines it within the
reach ni everocjyt ad irrbilieia!r(rict, whtr
FtVi; A-tlr Atiih t)rotl, Vvcry Imrlv trhtruli
bare it mid uac it, freely both Tpr cyua raid pmlec
tiom , A tirent a$ "P'T ff ip- raficdf over My
otlitr i-r U.jivcrrriirAliett)ecfly knd 4rhrtn
cure of Intermitiri.tii N lh.it it fulaii't no Quinine
or fairier.il, ciiifcqneiitly it pruducci tio fliiiuinn oj
othcr.i'fririiltXillrclH'ivhafcrer frjn the c'olistitu
Hon. ' 'ihote cured hy it are lurt 'arlicailby anil
the lad tiawor bad tlic,elpoee i - ri 'f r'
,r fc'etiw nd Aiue net alonotaa'oonfcqnenct df
the jpiaHinniic ioieun. A grot varictr of diwir
cicrs pii :o tmu-rits .irritiiin, iMni Ititt'are
AVlfiwW".' tilititmntisHi, tlntif.' i ,i, 7,,' llli ad
mit, 'l'oliituhr. h'mniir. (.'iilnni Asthma, I al-
piMi'WlW- ., iff 'f'l'Cr P aV'ij.f')
ea, J'tiiii !! llmwh, (c, V','.,,M4 ;ii.u kr
ranqtmt.i.1 nf '' ''.'MVO)lJpjwhK'il, B'hen
PTilll.1- -I T ii. I..li C.lUM.', pill Oil the ;,.(,, m'Y.trll
twt. nr Li-i 'ime uerimlic'rd. Thia '.' Coke " cxticli
Jhe jXt.-Mia irkii -t ho blood, and eonavri icntl y caret
iheliiial) mike it ie an invarmrMe protertinu lo
'imWitrniilj whii ih'
Vavlliyii or Kmporarily;
TniamguMiir itutinnirsuiamci4.,vi ukOocua
one (lv or u.iily tyjiila exposed to UiS .m.cciwn.
nu tin ne exvmctririrm tn STtttrtr, ant cannot
xccuranhitc iu.iirI-Vt)t,q'tiDij tB-rijifn lato die.
caie. Henw, t fyoveji more yaluehlo. Ipr protec
tion tliaii Jure, ajidciv will aver sulfor'fioin Inter
taiUctitslf tliejf 4ro.1l Ihethselvet or the protection
Uua. remedy allorus. o
Preptrtd by Sr. J. ff. i7B C" Cd .Tlo welljasa.
rial B0BBKTI k. SAaTCBL, Cotambm.
AodbyDrtrflttasnd Beaton everywhere. 'rV
c "am 45 4 TnertED atAixi kaE
n a
Liverpool, Montreal, : Quebeo,
Mb Mitrfioaa tteaaathto'tlu- Jairt'f irettor
fhH-Bewered Olyde-eallt Bteamert tall Very taU
BirelAT from POBTLABBvcarryUf the Owadlan and
ioiif a Bouee mail aoa paataagara,
irwj DAMABXAN . t5 H 3 KOVABCiniilK M
koiteatf ChoapoBt aaelQmickoslOoaf
! i reima
a I. KtktM Ot PBaBMtCw) tlo'l.ttZXMV1 A
r i ...... 830, toe. seo. .
Will sail from ItYBBPOOli BTory We4aeBeTeiyl
aad from QCBHH0 every atareUap . calling at
tONDONDBBBI , to rteoive oa boar and lend Mailt and
frntcnttre, to aad from Irene and Bcnt-iyt,'.
. irrthcte Bteamert are ballt of Iron, la wattftleht
eempertmcBa), tarry each aa taptmattd tarpeca, and
every Ittentloa it paM to tot eoaafbrl and acotmmodai'
tioa of ptteengers. Ae they proceed direct to LON DON
DBRVk the peat risk end delay at ealUng at St, John'i
It avoided.
flletge pattaagMi SIO Har-fcad With' tAad pa mart
llcktta to and from Londonderry
.. . Betara tkele granted at redeood rttet. ' ' "
, Oertlneatoe kmacd lor earrytoa to aad brtnfiaaentpac
ttnteia from all tha principal towae of Greet Britain aad
Inland, at redaced ralee, hy thle line of Meeatcn, and
hp aas WABHIeiaTOII Ukl l
leavlai -trerpool every weekv
k, --ir-w
$tjrka Draftt ferp-Al
abla Ua fcmtlotmel
I ra atuaelt aa A-,J
Z : r r . .. 5 . I
aamaeit a
a, aai
'Wor na-M, annl
ty at the; once, ij nnt OAD.r
WAV.NeWIerk. and lOWATUt IT..
e -IASI. BZ-JU-C, VJtterel igtiti,"
ra. Uwv AITMSTnONC, '"1
r aBar-ayMtw n, .f rest WeA.flojMlxafcOtto,
rm I l-ViaMliiH
VIA i waiUkUVtSaUUi
X tea JAMBf AUUta Bail -.-. a. i.tt
Beta, which will h ite be tomieeted BixAarUe final
-" - . r. aau, x aeath uiah at.-
-ilttacae, ye 15, 1B81. . . mm
fXaffef PhaloaM Betabttehwaat, . , PartatovV
thW Mew Iork.Pa,hlmi,ie ft,-hMf. rialr
Ihe-rtpiWH CWV ' i fw1 !A jA1iu. jtWHAtaie.
-rrvr Brj fun viUwBk Wttnr nU.-V'tio- -rial
vinou F)r,tSCl: I .l. a... A
vrsMrea a attar i
atttma toacia toe a .t.-.
y7 T r T ''UTTLWItlM
Summer Arrangement.
Summer Arrangement. Little Miami & Columbus & Xenia
AniefirjCi ai.l t I ttaatJH ol .tl- t-i
to tr B Cfcafart 6rCflrtetf
f-Tram I)ailytfrt?ia:OoJmJ3uat,
f' Aj8iU)flllJa-ptTSadteBklA,lfi
rrmriiSFIRaTaaiAia. &XlBeadf.ol
AOOnraOVATrtlP ) Bf.tpwfPei afftb4
ma bewaen erameeml CaieUAatLeadbwaaa, aew
flvlog at Olnclnnatl at ! a.
at Ttoa at
t-e west" WrVT'tfi'w yfflirJt'i.
Hoi 1 BXPREBB at 11 40 a. m. flapping at Jeffenon,
iionaoe, onarleeton, etderrllle-XenlcBpring J alley,
vorwla, Irceport, Port Anelent.-JMorrbw fll. Lebanon;
roetereml.ndala. mllfor) dtrtttnf a4lBtiiaa4i
ate SUn. tn..Da 1ah at B.l nl i nnl,,4--irta l
0Wt4 MintMlppI Keilroaeroe LtelaTUltwKy., Vli
eeaeeo, Cairo, IkLonia. NewOrlfank.-eto.i at JDaytoi
for IpdlaoepoUe, Lafayette.' "Terre HaW. rJhicavO tn
ill wettera pointt. .!
.woIW BATrfT,'.fBallwBX.a
:i .tt?r
.MAIXi tt.U)D.
ttS.lflp. m , Hopping at al) ataiane '
Colombo and Xenla. an
a at runrg alley, corwui,
Borrow and Leworaad, art Ittng at Olotlfiriatf at 2 a.
iaoTBnt -,?t.JVei f frevivui .a. i y,-
.HIUUZ XXPBKi yia.DgyUNk , 13 0 .midnight,
topping at,LouavD,.AnlAH Dayton, lllodleUxra and
keafn: atrlrlng at Cincinnati at S.2S a. mi; at Day.
toe at JlS a. m.i4-internr at Cincinnati wRh (he
Ohio aad Mlaaraalppl Ballroad tor LsBlaelUav KeB-rviUe,
Tlnotrmea, Cairo, at., Leale.. Mempble, New Urleaaa.
wvwti. mi. pv.UI'.c.l) 1 .11, K. jii
hieeia4ia-apolli, Lafyetto, Terre Hante, Chicago, eta
rJE3mtr''tMhtr itifohbailoh ed f hrohgh TlfiefJi,'
appty iam.fi vvMKn.i t, TteaeeAgea urnem Jiepea)
OolambasfjrUtrU onl ,Titnteo''.i ! vjbJ i
ral TlcketAgout, Cinojp;
Aeent, Ootambaa.
-.IB t'.IW kMUl W vnr.--- ''
Id iatno.1 aMo1fcnd4 ; '
iueiomDns, Juiy i, isui. t'n
fi i
Steubenville Short Line
Shortest Quickest & Mdst Keliabld'
Tt. . -m lV'''l'ii:il "
ivouie m au astern vines
R Hi X'7 J'J """''I'1" B t BB jj ,5fc
fi TAln Leave CoJuoib-inlolloirBi; e-er
-v-l I v..uonMOBIIIKa IXFBIBt u cikj e-
teaves Oelomkae 39 A. Bh treat O-ma Depet,
Bcimtra or Bieobenvlilei arriTte at Bellaare, le.xo A.
M Btoabcnvllle. 13 S0P, M.I Plitarrargh, 3 40 P. M.;
-arrtaktmr. 1.1V A. af J via Allmtoten. arrlvee at New
Terk 8.00 A.M.) Ma PAUadtlpMm arrivto tt Phila
delphia. i.U A. M.: Bew tor-.4ft.au A, M.CoMtt1t
also at flarr Itbarg Iqr Baltimore, arriving a.7,-5 fr
BleepiigCari ;4tUoJie4'tgi" aia
I rota Oolambaa. ram dlraatli thioaah to Bellairec
Potebargh wiihout ebangei and PaeieaKerB. via, AUt
tewa arrive In New Tork alB.A. U.,. , . . .. V , .
-, ' ' r L1HKB. - i-" 1 --o - '
I i i . I i i i r i i i.ta-
JTiir tratn 'aim coantoU at Bellalre wttbr tbe
-nanimorean. unio junroaa.""
t) : -.iv.. -.i.i a ra
' TTanrrhrV rYttre1 t1' td
t M a-. 4BVA A- a,
Uevee Colamboi 11 SB A M '. from tnlon Debet, via
BtenbeoTlllei wrrhrte at N4wai4, 1 SO P. M.; CoaBoe
ton, 8. IS P. M.l Bteabca-Hhv Picx.i Plttaliuu. 0.40
P. M. nyrhlt Is tneoaly roeitp aw which PaettBget-
eaa taave uincmnaa ai a. at., go tnroagn to rt lie
burgh la dayligal, wiaatat change or tan or delays n
i j'.- .) ii, twi t it.n-a. .Uf. , vkil
PABI LINB. f.i.i-J-U ...-.I
Lea vet Ooluabnt 9.13 P.
Bellalre: arrlvee at Newark, 3.23 P. 11.: tasetvllle,
4 13 P. M Bellalre T AS P. M.; Pltiehurgh, 11.16 P.
M. Uei-rlebcrg, 9,09 At M.t wia. AUmtowm. arrlvee
at New tork.4 P. 4 via tkUm4dMu,.. arrlvee
Philadelphia, 1. 10 P. M.; New York, 8 P. al, Ihla
Train alto eoaoecta at Ilarriibdrg lor Baltlrnore, ar
riving at IP. Mi ,M-aii .u. 4- i ...,
Thle Traiaraaa throagh to BeOalre oePBmbarg Wrth
oat change of Carat aud Irom Jtlttaearg there It ae
change of Carl to Philadelphia, or via UaatQwn to
M-llrlMHIMIHllff." V- ' 1
Tbe ooly Konte from Cola sbQA-4.-iAlumore,
t tti t ie V -tr - i
v rouaoeipaia, ot e;i g ot, WajB.iviX
By a.-Traaf PtBBtoeere- vrl k Metr Teik v
hoort li advanoaff haNoitherB liaea, tiiwa vt e 1 (
Thle Tniln alaq egiaecte atllaiie w; Iff Blt(iBOe
trial Rub) if Ail4 hotUar.to FitUburg,
apd man tlwaa lUO.' railBt.abdrtee Aauao,
.' Nftar Yotka4bAMh Norther? iiM.lo ..t
I "I '" tt) tt)lBtlli f) J
Baggaet Chseked Trlrotig: ta'aJl' tm
vi- j . portmt PdlatOia'itl; J'
-XlOt'JrAb-- ee,w. 1 . ta.J T
yW t , . r. ' '. irn.vp"4 IN '
7 (--; I'., m. ..I... . . v...
Tickete ,6over.1i,tMB Hoato
lumi i ? it i " 1 1 "
.v.W tirt P4TMOI 47 BBOvPNfn o
tift. He t
ho.I tin. "' 4
d -Ji t4
'TJerf. Tkiref Ajent Bteubenrifle
'u iMXii a 4i ui ,i oe
Hemmed Pocket HiuOkcrcblefa, Vadoai it,
Half HoeeBBdPnuerOanson";' '1
Uata-..0 tW
,H It btnm'iiac ef' ,1 tiiiA it' a n.-i
7lTJLlliVL .. Gtlll"
1 , tVBMHl.-0,
bj4 0dt) tlta boaiei-.il
a that aad Bakoer Belting, Iaot -cathw. Bote arid
kl-. . - - '
Roveltlet la Nook TleaceA AraHk'ie auiaU wet
4K..'B)reaaBdeMrseUCollMB? ill XniHj ,
-. abroldered Pocket JBdathlefc.
Part kid Wovee tnprrior make... ; '.ri ' s
;i.olrhtoHIIIBhWtt.aHeiMemltait M''!
i-,Boya' Oeldea Hill tntreiludo-J at ta d)lw t-j
Tlrltolnn4 It. f II1m.1 -.ttl .-J - .
r. " "" wr , in - rv, ' on in
-.im : .. ... o .a.iaaik u....
l-Utt. i my 8s;oiiTtt niitf W:
J aad axamloe oar new make of I -. a iT) rTj
' " -eatex fW
."' ."'?'' HOW ABB A 430", Beeteev H-aS
Theee Watchee are far aitneilw toaaythag ever oBered
w iwpwii,, 1-M.iva-. .uitT.ua vm xciative affeary,
I tarn tell themalprleet W felt the timet. ,1 havtltat
anting atargeotcttvec' t n-nr,.,-- ,n'i i ui J
msaaraclarrd by, 4rr,lBX09O OQ 4 Jtt,a,
AaeaBtrt.ntatots ,wi,s,,. k.i nt.ui
k BH$I.ilSii ArlD ftUUStaYATCaAXS. .,
Le"ail 9WHrnMtiBhlBrlMBi!-
'fir ii...--f j.,,, a v ,;.,.. -.w ,
av a -aw -BBat-a-- iaT4,4 '-A
v J iw imjta mini
Urii''1-1 tab,.'. 1 !.' I'l ,Uil-lAa.h.
.1 !
utaeo jatxa Aava vw.i ja.,i taj
l oe
,,-ii'weexiy,per-rBr.,.i.l;...v.i.... ...... a 00
-w , eK.v,i.MMi,M.. atjiii
The Ruined Chapel.
'AboflY anfll A and ' f riatf Imn C4fttnA
(te pitirbpolia the lale of Mao, tbtr tt
bay; lt.MBiU hamlet and pier la jt.M-e
DcrBjUavfo. , I walked iatefy to it, 0Qe,ine
ltefao0D,'from Castletown.' Mt way lay alone
thfj 6at oer tbw tarf which fringed the beach,
And vrUoBxatm bv-tha nataanf tha wiia r-ana
'rybtteyertbie Blight havo,beenlt It otj..
Droit ep up and bumpy that a race on it would be
a ateeple-obata. It waa a lovelv davi the wind
bad dropped, and X cOuldHBardTi!ric'iiy the
BhriQ UdrdUf t .pared ef- guile, wbloh jrere
wal-itJg about tbe edge of. aba water where the
low tide had left long itreakrof flat, wet eand.
Tbe beebM hj farmed by aaoialaad, now ap.
proacDcd pj narrow artipeiaV caoiewsy.' Te.
wards' tbe iea tbit U edged with iharp rocks,
wbotd tirata'tdrned Ihaide like teeth tare to
bold, fBt Any llMatcd fhip which' they once
UWontBaaiHiiAa lo ndnom Bill ,miii1 ..)
"JTdrere pnlj.two buildiogs on (be ialaod--
pae e circular aeeertea tort, Duntoy aa .iri oi
Derby to help thetauie of tbe Stdtrli, but long
tbuca lAed,'al lea,t foe the purposed of de-
it. a or, refuge, .I4 id 4iuat, otrotilar and up
right. 1 ,Uot tmall torret bat been built on tbe
waujor the purpose oiabowlog a light py night
aad B;-to!rark ty ttf te) Vtetelt entering
tbe barbof.1. ,Thle ilveo the fort a prick tared
appwranctyand maket jt look, UkeaCheehire
oboeee with a pepper-castor itandlug on It. Tbe
pthty of the1 two bulldiDgi o tbe island It not
poly deterted, bat ia rulot . It wae a Roman j
Catbollo Chapel, aad tbe groood. aroucd it it
till ated af a. burying ploe for Oathollos.'
Abe roof 01 me buiidiog bat lalleu in, and
Dothjag It left bat four Wallt, which appear ae
dob worn by the weatberwiibia .a -ait-oat,
abowiDg that maoy jeatt matt have paeeed
tbaee they were eboded bj A roof.1' The chapel,
wbloq M built OT Mot, loom te II It Bad beer
rained eoes- after It r action, an-' lot aoBiO'
oauae or another bad never been restored.
1 .There wae not a living human creature on
the whole island but mjatif and an old man,
who was orawliog in tnaimjeet tort of a waj
amoog tbe lockt, aa if he bad lost hlmieff and
could pot get . out. .' I tat down and watched
bin, ; Tb tur(, wat loh, and great pieoe of
gray rock gave good rett for my back. He
arae, 4s I said, groping tlowlv amoog tbe abarp
It, btreit'looking iheivee ot rock- X wonder
td what be could be looking forf", EggaT N;
tha tide Doted where be wasj no eggt ooold lit
ther. , Seaweedt ,No; .lbert waa plenty of that
00 the flat ,orej'aud I conld then eee front
Wbavt I lay a br4a and a cart engaged ia Car
rying it away to one ef the netRbbotiug iarma,
where it it ated at manure. I got quite eurioua
1 bunt ipi old man.. There ha was wilh wagging
heed tad alow.theumaUo limbi, Deerine paueat-
ly eboutrAfld every now, and tbea pickiug some,
thing ap. rTbe bid man waa looking for fire
wood, and (hare beiog bardly eoj treat ia this
part Of the ialand, went .'tickiog', oa tbe
thore4 ..The fuel oa.bit beayth would orten tell
strange atoriee, if one could btar it apeak : logt
from which the.-numo floeert of drownlac men
I had at last relaxed their hold; oar-bladea wbiob
had abutk ice la Axotio BOAa.or ttlrred tbe loog
greet id. tame,, tropicar, creek; charred ecrap
which hut hissed. Ju the water at they fell from
a borting ship out Jn the middle of tbe tea ;
thin t lb a of ialand boata, which bad pat In and
wat for many yean, till tome rough night tbe
iad'toqobed toe rock, and cracked like eggt- ,' ,
iWbat a bundle of hiatory the old man tied on
bit back at Uit he and it alike ia the latt
chapter of tbe, tale! . Al be crept toward me,
1 tnougni 01, questioning nim aoout toe rumea
eftare which wet there; perbapa he might know
tie legend; tq wUb a general meteorological pte-
Lfaee.lktked what he could tell about U, and
gave aim a good em off a piece, of Cavendiib I
hai1 tit BWiW fl-rta? If awl . mmi k. VaatainP. "
Sir,! iaid be (I let ve opi the Manx, alio bit
critiqoe 00 my fuj about the weaiher), ''tlr,
I am growing aa 01a man now, and it 1 at muca
at I can do to get tiene few etickai bat l ye
teed more things wotib gipkiefi here tbta them,
ui aiy-aajr.". ,.. ......... - , b:
v"8ucb. at Vcka J" I suggested.,. .
""Ajj jou, are. right there, air. TunwAB
wberl a poor man might get a chance; but now,
what with ur ligbt-bousea and life boata, aud
const fcuari and police, either them at owes
tha wreck get aabore all right, and ' avariciooi
alter their jtbinga; or, if so bo thej don't, 'taint
often' jfa can get much more than the value of
theee few tticka out of a ahip. not even' when
the goea tq pieces.'. uVbj, ir," he contlnacd,
"riot long t ago there wat a vessel wrecked
off' Starlet: 1 she wat. loaded with flour 'fa
Fretck, thin aba waaj, aad. Vtat. they sold by
aBotio.",;'.,n , , .. '. : '
4 "As," said ,aoothtogl "times are'ebanf
ediBat, talking of the past, oaq jou tell me
how Uii ohapel herej came to be palled dowa,
ana way tnty aoa t keep tbe pigs xreo grabbing
aboot among tha gravei." , , , "
i'Wh;, jes." he leierc-oj 6otT tnat' 1
taw, It alone fnyielf, but 'there, ain't a, hond
about nere.wnert.tae taieiam'ii tola, oa, winter
veuiogi.'? ' ,., 1. ..';., . .
e-After h uttlo pretilng, the. old sua ilowly
twatt his bundle of itickt off bis back, tested
Bimtoir oa a siooa.nien ma (Tee on ua rain,
and Tecite bit legend, which I gWf la mj own
lanrhAge. '. ' .. .'. ,,' , . ' '.
f"i Mahj jetra ago, (here was a famooa. ptleat
wlo gave np au tnal be poaaesied, and came t j
twaoh Christianity in these parte, , He was not
B Maakanuo, though ha co-Id talk with the
Deonle in their own, lonaaa. He lived in a Door
borne1 at Derby Haveo. but for all that there was
otaelck or needy perooa Btar but what bs
helped with medicine and food, as well at iplr
itaat advice.,' Along with a kind heart he bad
a ktad f acs aqq voice; to that the little children
weald ran ouitUuti and kiss hie hand when
the law him pass. Fof a I0O2.. lima he' used
1-td'tathep, tha people together In tb4 winter
eveaiog ia one of the largest roomt in the
batnltt, while in the sammer as woald preaoh
t the BJeatratao acta tattr utMitae ta tha tea
ebore, caiti3 iri iw fc- 'u. o,.
Alteraotaa yeart of thia lntefcoorie, ha pro
pBaed tatke caaO that tbey 1 boa Id kaibJee Small
4uatcb-4a tha lsuad.- 8. Mioaaol,ktBald, bad
appeared la kirn ia a tietatt, aad tnlatad act a
otMPtlaa aflat ea-eaaaoa tha gvaea alote to
the tonti ba had aeaa tt, kaaaM,ait plaioin
hiftcdrasmi tha light waa ekiaing out ot tbe
wUoVjwi be aadoraa an aadep tbe wall and
looked in, and let tberakaaaw himself kowel
,iag before a baaatifuk aoetly aftar, aad As rwo
agaittdtBwaaigtegAtioo'BBUtBiBvaeV" i. iJ
1 Jw ww(Blcey.wwra fall of adaWiiiom at
thia droaaa, tha apod father bUe Ueat lite ap
and foUaw bia ta tea placet waera 4hey had
seaiaed IB awa tad btpeU and kti wkea they
get thea they found tbai groaod. marked tut
whtMUeaoaadattaoee- thectapai Bowataad,
aad a a)t4P0.t)eaara. sama dtttaaoa aroaad aa
wbiob that wall was bailt, Whtok yak aan aaw
traet lav tha grata, hud mm II soma aaa bad
taraed ap a aarrewwi bare aavtk aad thea laid
aarpotof lawt wpad It. a; And. wbea' tha aaea
ol the etaoe aay IBs marweli and ha arnly tha
good lathers areata aaa oaen ire at neavta, ha
bade them kneel dowa tberd ad abea, whiia ha
Braved tt St. Michael aad ail aogem that theee
peopit waa ia ai roavw oa ibb gooa were till
they had bailt a ahapei to biai. Tbns tbey
were led to begin, and promlted to give a por
tion 01 tneii lima tut mo on -run mourn oa so
iehrd. -.itrmT mii I'mfi 3'"! I ' nnl.'f :
..Tbera vaa abandaoet pf, atone eloet by, sad
thd. architecUwre af tha ediflca waa-of the
timnleat kind. Tons blaia thick wallt with a
t . . 1 1 . 1 . ' T . . 1 r .
root wat au ipoj ainieu aw tun pari 01
tha work, was eomparallvtlv eaay; bat father
Kelly begaa to be tore perplexed al ll reaoued
oetnpletioD, how,be ehould furolik It within,
and. eq luirui .ua oream to proviaiag taca a
eoetlr aliAr. at bt . was penaa.'ed bt ought to
balld. iThe poor people bad neither ailver ner
old, 7"bey bad already tffered.auch as (bey
had itrooR hanrltttnd boors taken froi their
recti to work. Might alter night,' Father Kelly
na4 to repair to tbe chapel, now roofed la, and
nral la fit. Aliehael to held bin Id bit llrait.
I One, dark vanii.g, b; wssertlorga to0
. . .
uM'eueaan, ae Dera, lomo. footettp oatiif ; tbt
BtoAei be bad fallen dowa with bit face tpon
tbe groUD. befor tbeipot Id which be hopkd to
pat up UwhhaPi' While thtia Droetraealn mat.
el. Bod kMMlna fat at a-nfJaaalian af hla liu
chapel wafla. Having bis faoe upon the, earth.
u pwunu name quite dlsUnotly to ear. Tbey
stopped ani said. Thl Is tbe cbapoli" let as
I " "s-'HS jaw thS pi see far a burial.
"tlU,".., replied auotber, "bow .does
she JleT 4Ieie gott, mate, by the northeast
corner."'-1-' t- .,1 (',...,
Then earn e the tbadd pf digging, sod pauses.
rura wera jifoBg ow to lay something
ttt mound: aftar that. Fathav IT.II. h.,
ths Btound tbut back, and tome one stamp it
eff aae I T'i. 1 1 a e . . . ' .
--urb woeaarc-Badaotbeeararaieh
ad, wro-ci thraeiunerale had Ukea place la the
grevmrdion of which , hs had hlmtaif oele-
baa irf I ,1.-1 -.
,.7T uaaaiiarnoon.vt.o e i .
W bat oould h tba. abjeot of. these atraaga
fi" vwiwrai niamj naa not aitturbed the
dead- they , did not remain, long oogb for
that; theif or,wbaiteree .It u, lettued. to
be accomplished ia a.. 4)aares af aa boar, for-)
Birer nai uma aa heard at slapping or hands,
as If some one waa cleaning them of duety
earth, end a voice laying: . "Thtre, that la
done; 'and, ta dead men tell no Ulei, we may
truat the present compatry-'-T-' -.-M-t-tii . .j'
r -Ay, ay' replied abafaer, Vl trait tbem so
much Idoa'e think wsaetd wait any longer."
"WhatJ afraid, mapt" , , '
"Not t but there It" fouf' weither obtaibg,
snd lbs eooaef we eleav off these cursed rooks,
the better,". . ii .1 ui-ii j;0 ,u ,u iK
."WeM.coma alosg,'.'. ,,,. .
Tbto Father Kelly beard them walk down
toward tha water, and presently diatlogulahed
tbe (ratios at a boat's keel as aha was ouahed
oa; qen ins eouoie tonad ot oars and ths row
locta oiea away, aoa all was still- a got op
from ths floor and walked out of ths chapel.
11 was a miaeammer Blent. Tbe sir was warm
and motionless 1 clouda, however, ksd crept ap
to plentifally aa to cover tba iky, , While he
ttood tberp ootiide tbe chapel,' tbe moon, which
waa aooui a weec old, beoamr obaenred, and
tbe darkness drew sloee to bis ejeti' He oonld
not tea a yard before biai .faa liateaed, bat
heard only iba tlow.waah of tha awell ae tha
rising tide carried it loto tbe clefts among tbe
rockt, wilh now tod tbea a liquid flap, as a
wave raa into a sadden angle, and fell back
upoa liatll. Th'it was tbe only tound. It was
a tight lor bearing, too. He lelt for bit lan
tern, and got but hli'itrel to striks a light
Having dropped kls -lot, la groping about to
find U, bo forgot tba direction ia which ha had
stood 4 and when he got npoa hit feet . again,
alter aa bniuecemlal eeercb, be felt himself to
utterly fct a lotsytbat, alter walking a few ttepe
with hie hand etr etched aut before hint, ba da,'
tertaihed to wait lot tba morning, rather than
risk k fall over one of tba slippery rocka in his
attempt to return home.
'When he bad sat there for tome time, the
rata begaa to fall ia largo though few drops;
theee; were, however, but eplaabes from tbe
backet-fulls which were toon poured upoa hit
head. 1 Tba wind, too, wat looted at tbe same
time, and raebed on him with each violence lliet,
though hs dared Ml search for. shelter lest he
should (all over tba. rock, . be. was. glad to ait
aowa oa a large atone wntcn Be lelt at bis leeu
Ths flrtt flash- of lightning, however, showed
him the chapel Ittolf, aat mara than ten yards
off. He groped tewardt H Immediately la the
giooa, who bit bandt stretched out beiure Bim,
right glad when be felt IU rough' stones. Tbe
wall oooe found, hs soon discovered the' path
with his fi,ad,Whea he got home, wee glad
40-rtetatcnce. , ,..
He had not slept many hours before Be wat
routed to ritlt a rJvbg man lo one oi tbe neigh
boring homes. - Hurvyteg ka - hla slotbae, ba
battel ed to tha place, whera a crowd wae gath
red about .the door, maoy of tbem dripping
(real the tea.' Theetorm which be bad aeeu
the treeing before bad grown Into a terrible
temptet, during wbieh a -ship .bad been drlvea
on the yocka and uturlr wrecked. , All tbe
area were drowned but ope man whom tbey bad
dragged out of tha turf, and carried to' Derby
Haves. He- bad apparently, however, been
saved Iram death in tha water to die oa the
lead, for, be was so grievously bruised aad cut
ay ths rocks on which be bad been thrown, that
life wan ready to leave blm altogether. When
Father Kelly same In, ha found him lying oa
the floor, wrapped ap In such dry olotbet aa tbe
people bed at hatd. He. bad begged them to
fetch s priest. Hia back, ha eald, was broken,
tad hs knew fas could not live another hour; so
the people fetched -ether Kelly, aa ws bars
seen, and left the two together. :. ,.. , -.
.'Father." said the. dvlne man. "will vou
hear tbe confection of a pirate and a mur-
dererr ' ' "
Ths priest, aeeing there was no time to lots,
signified his assent, and, kneeling dowa by hie
tide, bint bit ear to listen, , , .. ,
.Then tba man, with strange brcaka and ramb-
linga In bis speech, told him of murders out In
the wide ease, and horrible recolleotioaa of cru
elty and teniae.! lit- i f'f Jf iv: .J
' " We took a SpaoUh ship soma weeks ego,"
addsd the man, "and came In here to water,
being; a ttle place; when I God forgive my
tout!-i-I committed ay lait-orlmi, aod ttole
from tha captain a box of gold ba look out of
lbs Spaniard. . Anotbef man and 1 were lo the
secret. We brought It with ua, aud burled It In
tbe graveyard ef your little ebapel, Intending
to Bike oar . eacape from tba thip on tba rat
opportunity, and find oar way over here, recover,
ana eojoy tne oooty we naa goi.
- "To whom did itbelonsf'taid the Driest
L'God knowe,' replied thS maot Ho mo bow,
I aappoee. Tbdte who aaaed ih caa aaa it
no mere; the this from which tba capUia took
It weal down with all on board; wa burnt ner."
"What wat ber nama!" asked Father Kelly.
" "Name?" said tbe dying man. ' "There take
the gold aad thrive me: A bare confessed!"
; Then, wltbott another. word, he died. .The
Deonle buried him, aad gathered up soma few
Dleoet of timber from tbe wreck of hie tbip,
Pitt nothing came athors to show whether the
was laden at not, . 'They never Knew Bar name,
nor, foe a great while, what the wai tha priett
not conceiving Jitmself Dopna to tell evea eo
much of what he hai beard' la, confession.
Many jeafr afterward, tha whole story ' was
roaad ta a book wntca toe prtatt tail art or mm
when he died. . ti,,
"Thp words "Ukethe gold" haunted the good
father long after the man who died ia uttering
them bad been committed to die ground Tbe
Ohapel waa llnished but aot fwnlahed ths Jul
ailmant af the draam was incomplete. . Many a
Bight the priett lay awake arguing with himielf
the iawtulneat of a search among the' (raves
for tba freeware iWbioa ho had So doubt waa
hidden thera. vguppeca beeould find it, aboald
ha eredlt tha nirata'a word about tha death of
the -owoerl Could be coniciendoualy appropti
ata It, aot Indeed to hit own use, but to thai of
the eeepalT ' He tbaagbt of the aeatenoa which
felt aa tboea who put unhallowed Bra ia their
eeneori: ha thought of tbe aoouned thing found
la the Jtw't tent, which brought trouble upoo
the wbota people ta wbloh as aeloogr.. ikta,
again, it looked as If tin attacbed 10 tbs appro:
piriation of this gold had been punished la, tbe
eareeae of tba pirates who bad Ukea It. It
looked as if H were revewd from the service
af tba world to be devoted to that of tba church
kaajtnUched from tha devil himself, la ba given
ta Ru Minhaal. hla chief eoemv.
Oa the whole ho decided apou BtiDglbe gold,
(f hs could flud li Ho matt, however ba eeu
tious la the searoht ha would not bust the
tennis to look. Ii might aot be there, aud then
be would ba ashamed There might ba more
thea he thought, end they Bight ba tempted to
take somei at, if aot that, ba (ceiaaa at his ra.
Uiniog ppeteatiou.of.lt. himaeli.-,, Ua would
search alone.. Tbe eon venation he bad heard
outside tha chapel, while he liateaed oa tbe eve
ol the etorm, ladleated tha epot la wbloh be
BllQUia WOKr T '',3 T.v v.:li?! I- ifii 1-
Having, tbererora, , waited for. a auiuble
moonllabt nltht, he. went very lata to the
ebarchyaed with a iptde. There' was ao Vjoe
there, t Tka Shadow of me -bundles till' a 00a
tba likely tpot be would work anpewceived.
even u some retura'ng Oihartnaa, were ta pees
that, way.1, Bell ashamed of the errand, be bad
awt removed many padef-lof aanh frotd tbe
grave ha tmfreoted. bafor haatrwek apoa seaia
idn tard .toopBg dowa, he lelt foe 1 wl
ait oiBat; it wat a heavy boB - He took it op,
imoothed down the toil, tarried it straight home.'
doable, locked his door, and broke it open.r M
eontained i broad, shtotog pieces bf gala. -Tkey
made such a heap on his Ublaa ha bad never '
-"UiiiJl or,V . Thcr f eo?er 'a the bo
a necklace of Urea luaa.ra rl.Mr..iL...:
Jewels for tbd MadonBis. : s t : . I 1 ...
i ""! CJ"?1 WM fdillia.kliu was
decktd, tbe image was brought, and around its
neck be bong the airing of fair larye pearls.
' Fttber Keily taw hit dream faltlled. and. aa
Bwcestt olteu produces ootrviotloa, ba thanked
St. Michael and all aogelt for having torued
tha lobbtr's booty into aacred (.restore.' 80 ii '
was written ia his book, bat be toM no one
Whence these riches came. : Soma Af the.lmnU
folks thought tbs Virgin herself had brought
tbeee Jewels to tbe father. He, however, many
a time, while ba talon the'rorke hv.tli fbr..l.-
loeking out to ttaward, and watehlag the white
ana- go oy, wanoerea Dick to the queetioa
whoooe theee ricbee came, and whether, after
all. they might aot h;de Somd after eurte or
others .,--(
. Uot evening, is he aat, there, a vessel oamn
round the point and dropped anchor Iq the har
bor., She drew bis attention aa being unlike the
common coasting tbipe,'-'Cr even the traders
which venture 00 more distant voyages. She
carried more canvaa In nronortlnn tn ?, hull.
aqd bad her tail (dried almost ae book' ae tbe
naa twang around with the tldo. .'t-i
rretenily, a boat came vff from ber, and wat
rowed to the ahore, Just beneath the tpot where
ha tat. Two men. aDDartntlv iiffieer. ont ni.t.
and walked np to bim, begged blm to eoooni-
pony ihem back td the ehlp, aethey told one ol s
their crew waa dyiog, aud needed, tba offices of
a priest. He went with tbem at ones without
laipioionwa man who bad been with him. and - .
heard tbe aummuna, returned to Derby Haven. -
aoegnoatiy tummona, however, wu a ruse;
tbit wae tbe lister thin of tba Dirate that bad
been wrecked hero in. the etorm, now toma
monlba ago. Tbe new comera had learned ber
fate, and bad landed to eearch for traces of the
treasure the had on boid. Tbey bad first
takeni tbe Driest.. the ti. nuolli. with mtiph
probability, be could tell them whether t ie ia
kabuanta of the village bad plundered tha
wreck, aoa aie whether any at bar-creator
What tbey learned from Father Killy, no
one ever knew. Some of tbe men, icteiaitic
to tbaibore, strolled Into tbe cbat.it, atd duuln
leas rtcognited the necklact at one of the coet
llett Itemt of their loat treasure. The next
morn lug the ehlp wat cone, aod the n0Dle
tearob iug for their priett, who had not retnrni J
home at night, louud tbe chapel lacked aud hit
eorpas tet over the e.ltar in tl.e plaoe where :bo
J ........ ...
- 01 tue mauonna uaa Dceo,wltua kntved
cork like a necklace lightly twitted around bia
Th4 Bncertiiion of t'.m natives novtr nerm't
ted them to nrt the chapel ne&in.' ' It madu
ally became a rum; the roofjell in j the atolm
lathed the wallt wlttlin at well aa witbtat, ub
til at aet it pasted into tbe fate lu which it it
to-dayv"'"-- . '-"'. !.!, ,i. . .1
This was tho slcry of tbe old man. Hu add- ..
td that evea now, whoever etruck tie aJLt tnV ,
lutentd could hear a moan within, aod a Boiie
like tbe Jlngllns of money. . "Yon cab try it .
yourself," laid be, "aud -td whether. I. bive m.
told tbe truth."
1 Aecenttor this rather fearlcM ehtti.r of
tba old geotieman'e, I walked with blm to tbs " YR
wall and knocked, when, lo! I auddonlv found ...1 1
that I bad waked mrsell by itrikii; mvfcaid
apou the atont by which I had act down to feat. :
It wat all a dream, I bad fallen asleep thinking: "1
of .the chapel, and watcbingtbe old. man among .!..')
vue rucaa. ue wag not lu eicnt cow. 1 aaa
quite alone, and trying to replace a piet n of
oro-ea esio. which 4 bad knocked off thet
knuckle of my middle-fioger, by rapping on tba
ttone.i I doubted evea whether I b&d naked the
old man any qaet:jut at all; to I shook rnj
telf, rubbed my eyte, aud looked at tay watch,'
uappii; ,vuuu uii ainouiu not oe too iue lor,, ,
dinner if 1 set off oa my return at ouce.
Uirecliy we lat down, 1 aeked my Triend Tot
the true hiatory of tht little church, aad be told
me there. wu dodo, "Now," said I,"lhatr ,
markable deficiency baa been rupplied through.,
me." j And, when tbe cloth was cleared away,
we drdw around the fire, and I told mr hoat'a
boys and giila the Uue legend concerning St.
rnwnaei a iniiin.
. ... 1 ,.. .ni
Steam Between. Ireland and America
The fallowing new and meguiftcent flrjt-claMpaJdil
wheel Bttamabipt oempote the above line: ; .1
ADRIATIO, ,8K8 tons barlhta, Cspt, JjM,ct
(Tcrmerly of the Collloi line.) ' , .
HIBRRNIi, 4,400 teni tarUie?, Copt. If. rnnir.
uuLtiiUi . etii - it, xitcu.
PAoino, : smw -
mr-iit if BBDh !-. N
I. Ski in.
reftAAWAVA elea9a n A - VV.W.A y , .
t, 1 3,300 - J.WaUtra. "-
One ef the above thlrt will leave New Tork er BcetoB'
alternately every Totaday forUilhht. for Oul-ay, ct
lop tha government mailt, toaebicf at Bt. Jehet, ' ' .
tho Steamers of Uitt Hoe hivt been eonitroctal with
the great teal care, under the tapervltlon of the govern
ment, have water-tight oomptrimenta, and are unexcel
led lor Comfort, safety and ipeed hy any eteaaen euoat. '
Tbty are eomtnandrd by a til and experienced officer,
and everyeatrtioa will he made to premote Uie comfort ''
of paemagart. .... ,Jj;
' An.experlcnced Surgeon attached to etch ship.
HtTM or PtSttClV -,A .'"'
rirst-elais N. If .or Both, to Ueleay or Ure.yool Bliiu
Beeond-olaie, " ' T 75
Pirtlwlaat, nu: " " toBtioBn1! ' i,S4ii
TklM-claat, " " to Oalway er Llrerpool. ,
or any tow-la-Ireland, ca a Railway,' - - 39 '
Third-claapanengereere liberally anpplled wlih pre- . '
vltiont of tht be,t quality, cooked and served by tht etr- 1
vante Company. T . , ,
- . , 1 HETCK TICKETS. . ,
Partlee wtahine to tend for thtlr friends frJin the eld" ' '
eoantry oan obtain llcketa from coy town eaa railyay, la If. ,
Ireland, or from tha principal cltica of Bnglandaudacot
land, at very low ratea. -ji. , 1 - A , , ;!';
ramcngen ior new lorx, arrivina By the Boatna ,-.
Steamera. wlllln forwarded to Hew lorfr free nfA.- ' . '
ror paaaage or turtner tniormation, ap ly to 1 , ;
Wa U. W1CKIIA, ' " "'
At the offlot of the Ctmraov. on the wkrf. fool f ." -
Canal street. New Tork. ...
, MOWLANV 4a ABPIrTWALU Agent.. I ' .i A
tprlJW:d(, . - s. ;. , j lf r ,tj j0 itl
" ', 1 '""l') 6-t I
I L , V3h.-, f-u . 1 J . I, (1 lu. I I
iii.niiT 'Wfyae rwuvpVLi
Ii V
,'i; !i't fi
t lit',! .
.. I .rw
At SB partlee maoufaetarlDg Rewing Maehlnw are eb-, .',. t
llyed to py Mr. Howe a Ucenta en each machine teld, '
and art atoosmpetled to make retaraa to him, onatr ti' -I I
oath.atoUienuaibereold,hitbookig1veacorrrct,tte- ., '
vanl Pre re file relleble teuree wvi have obtalaed the
following tutuoct. '9i the a-ehlset made la tor yeai
19, there were soli, .-ai..
t I ! By Wheeler Wilton. ....'.f C '"t
l.M.BlgerCe....v...w.W.H ,e ti.t:ti.
"' I -'Orover Av Baker .lO.iroS, -
' Showing the talee of WhetletJk Wilson to bt dowMl "U"J
Iboeeof nay ether Company." . j : A
Awarded the hltiMt tremlamt-t tht , i - ,
vi,... United Btatee Ptlre ef IHS8. WliB and lBOOj '
.-.1 ),--! Bkaattbt - -r.i';t,V .-mil,
!p '4 Ohio Stare (aire ef HW and 18W, ,u ,
, eal Ut aterly all the Ooanty lain hi the Bate. J J "''" 4
'Oar prteat, et the hit redMcttoa, art aw lew aeenrpv''
toot sMcA math toe now told, aad bet a trifle hlbei IhaA. r , ,
Iba tnterler twe ftoxi cAoa MicA rMoAuMt, ao 1 ,;1
forced Boca tbe tatrtrel. -- - -
The WUtkl.gB, da WILBOft MAOHUTB kniwilhsr
eos Btbw the only ont which oan not be raveled. II
la Alikb oe Bova lioteof the goode. leaving ae rldt or
cit4aeaatocjabr. elate. . .-,.... ,., j'.'f
laaMiaee ar-ac a ytort, aaa latfrwcKaa)
gtvca is tntlr ate, free ef enana.
rl til V,eVJBAg,ei 1 J-tea, ). 4 )jjvf
.... . . , . " ,u mi. an m uu
eeeS ttW-fctkeAa Plkt'eOwra Heoaa Wom.netl.- 1 ) t''
nScrH LANlT Via, War
Ck CLOTHS. AIM,, oil..
" - ravvr
....-mf aprtuf mi V)
Hlndlnn. T-
QloU CI"IH.iOll tiT-la mi
Hit an! Butlool 10 match.' -
Hit anS Butlool to match. " - HUN A ttnf, - "T
1 r.
apd .B(.'!.'tR'cB (aiMlahiired ituu, i