Newspaper Page Text
. KAJrxFXNsU MUllB, Publlshst., Editer. Democratic Union Nominations. v i tt MisaJtfmasuBW. j a" t ' John O. Marshall. tna-.-.-. .. i .ta urn ! oj-ji cy.stsr-ju..ri TBEASURSSOf STATE, . ,)0l f , lOMUE I, HQJUIC ni cut i. .. 4 'i-.i " 7 1.11 JSS94 ,'BEOBSrABlOf BTAIB, ,,. , . .-i.i eit ;0f 8mtca. ,h....i -V, COMPIBOLIKB., 0 fifiawo. ; fOB COMMON .HJUBAS JCPGI,. , . 1 (IUMWi ltAWi.t SUDUOX) . . HENHY N. MfcBtwE" "em. i.-s ,0 i.-. J . : J. . ' ' -1 .!' 8t 'I .i. 8UT 8.HAT0R,,.. t . .,, i i -,lraJU1 . WAY); f, Ml iT u Of Pkktteom, UNION DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. BtrstsxieraTrva, . i- i f ; t t GEORGE L. CONVERSE,' ' PTTQ.PRESEL 'lf. J . 'I '-' i saxxirrV l-: (SEORGE W. HOFFMAN. MATTHIAS MARTIN. a JOHN G. THOMPSOB . ! t-- . .' natuan. Cole ,4 1 , V OOMMt'WONM.' . - ' JACOB SLYH , ELlA3.GAVRi, IXmiltKT PUICTOl, PHILEMON HESS." t:.j. i li lt f. 1 I n Democratic Union Mass Meetings. u ; H : .- - TP 1 '' ' M Tbe Democratic Union State Executive Com mittee lure "ad ftmogeniiutr for holding Mm Meetings m foHpiirf! " .- ' At WooBTt. Wejfle equoty, o Friday, Sj temberSHth.! Speker ' . J " At CutiIamd, Cuahog county, oa'FrIdj ertniDg, 6epteaber 27ifl.,:Speker Hon. 11 J. Jetretl kod etbeia. ; ' ' ,f f At Fmoirf,,Sdtidokj ooDQty, on Saturday, September 28ih, at 11 A. M. . .Speaker Boo. Hugh 4. Jewett," Judge Lang (German), and other.;- l;:. ' , "r I'',:'' J,,, At Touoo, Lqcm county, ok Saturday ere ning, September S8ih. Speaker ilon. H. J. Jewett, Judge Lang (German), and others. . At Maitbvilli, Unioa eoaoty, on. Saturday, September S8A, at 1 P. M. SpeakerHon. Samuel Cox,,'; i V',1." '' 1 la CoclNMTi;n Monday evening, 9eptem ber 30th; " fip'eakera Iloa. Hugh J;' Jewett and Hon. .Allen U. Tburman. At AA.Ciertiioat countyi w Toeeday, October hi, at 1 P. M. ' 8peaker Hon. Hugh J. JeU and UuB. AUea G. Tfaur At Gioicitowh, Brown county, .on. "tVedqea- day, Ootober Ul, at J. T M. : Bpaawra uoa. Hugh J. Jewett irffHwrTteTrtJtarman At HiLUio.woH,3ItighUDd to"unt,'"'on Tbnrtdav. October 3 J. at 1 P.M. Speakers Hon. Hogh J. Jewett and Hop. Allen G. Tbnr -. - - Kl v , v:-4 : At CfliLticoTai, Roei conoty, on Friday, Oe tober 4.h, at 1 P M. .Speakers Hon. Hugh J. Jewett and Hoa. Allen G. Thiirman. t . At CiaOLindt, Pickaway county, bit Bator- day, October Sib, at 1 P. M. Speaker Hon, Hagh J. Jewett and Gov. Medary. v At Hsi!LToir, Butler' eonnty. 'off Monday, Septembee 3Utb,at 11 A. Mj Speaker Hoa. H. J. Jewett, Hon. Wayne Grhwold, . and. Hod. John G. Mirabel.' - - - At LaoTaa, Fairfield county, en Saturday, Ootobei 5 to., at 1 P. M., and in. the eveung Toe afternoon meeting will be addressed by the Hon. Allea G.. TlturmaB,.aad th erealag meeting by the Hon. Hegh J. Jewett. ; At AtHLAiiD, Ashlknd conoty, on Saturday, Ootober 5ih,' at I P. M. , Speaker! Hoa. H. B. Payne and 'ether.'; ,' ' ; '''.' At Moaaow, Warren, cannty, on Tuesday, OeUJber 1st, at 1 P, M. Spenkers Uin. John G. Marshall and Huff. Wayne GrlBwold , At Mt. Vianoit, Knox county, on Wedaet day, Ocu)ba2J,at'l P. M.' 8peaken Hon, John G. Marthall, Hon. Wayne Griswold and etherS. injM ,r-...m 4. ifi f At Niw Liiiiwjton, Perry county, otTTkora. day, October 31, at 2 P. M. Spenkcrt Hon. John G.-MrehH, Horn Waynr Orhwolil,- and f Bon. Edson B. Olds. tr. At 8hwit Crrr, Erie connty", cnTborsday, Ootober 3d, at 1 P. M. b'peakera Gov. Medary and others. "!-; . i? j ' - . . - SAMUEL MEDARY, Ch'n. AMOS LAYMAN, Sec'y. Senatorial and Judicial Nominations. tloa. ' . . . "". At a Union Democratic tnttdrlal Conven tion for the District eosspoted of the eon ties ol Huron,; ErTeVSandoikf,; and Ottawa,' "held "at Clyde, oa Friday, taeSDth last.. Judge Cbasxbs B. Sncaitsi. of Norwalk, was' nominated, for Senator. Th Newaiki?rserimenf heartily In dorses the nqmleation, and peak pt, Judge Snciwr a ' man of tried IptegjUahdjt ound, ua&iacing L'nlan ni'n', Z u , . ., , A Judicial Convention was held 'at the same time and place, and 'iifmlna'ted'fot; Jodes John Wbitiick, of Norwalkj fer the full term, and-Wiu-usi AJtt.8Ui,ot OtVtwa county, to fill the 'Taeaneyi occaaMned by 4t rssignake. efjadoww:. vxr'.w;,;; Mr. Tod Declines the Stamp. -We ere sdviwd thai'Mr. ton has vlei dewn'1 and declines making speech,e.,,'!1'Ws'lhqu(ft)l.De would fiud H an p hiM 1Qiios"Wbydoat the eomaliUe withdraw himJ . Mr. JswetvIs an eh... j tftflBdtJBlwrmB ; and-wlrit lr xhw-nn of trjicg ie kaip the'peopl"Jivided7 1 li 4s rumored that ,tM cUn.s la" MjTuCi poJic) will soon he follows by Us declination. - Tod and Stanton. ba thi eti tlkst c . tb i & party Pt y, aU:vd (rat its iaine of U (D i.od; id-tl efl'UKf aHri v'' W' "f6"0? .L. fn. l.l.iitun.nUI4rtllarDQ. ' These candidates . . rW' vanticin oaillnr llsel represeut an eacluslv trto party. Itaeandlr dates are, therefore, preseated te tha Htm S nhin rJnton men of the ftrst wster. Nobody 4eaiibdiri mMryg-, P wtt'ephloiblia ed wsaek, wlU depend aoc Ue fctare.;cere kBdthd6tloenhotawo aia ana twaaewie-, 1 . jo ii io u)iUotat3 . Ml ercet d of, Mr- StPJ' ' - eehservatlfe-Uel ' ' KepdNttan ranks, whdfio that record, JiavenOconfldende ..... ' . ' J! V-J a'ntl '! 'rn.. laiilatss aunion man. "r- araaa on tha 83th. of Febraary ,lfe (ate. Coa ereesional Glob.Of February S9,"186tr fage ,'STen or eight BUtea bow aeoy wev aiie glanee tt this Gorenuaeat, hav organlatd a separate Confederacy, and hate declared their independence of this Governments Whether that indatMndenoe Is to be maintained tr bet is with the lutare.f If they shall maUtaln their poslaon, kDd If pub tte opinion in tbe Heeding fluuet shall aattaintht authorities then rot a year ortwo secern if at tt anew that Bathing but a -war of eubjugatlooaad oooqueet can briug them back, 1, for; one am dlBpoeed to HK.niaahatiBdeDSadence L' "the Befusfontalne 'foiwtf&(l RepuXlJean psper of Logae eeunty .Sraatoa's) own county , InlU Istut ef 1 Msrch,, 1,' low that Mt Stabtou read thU speech in - mestlfg held on the Dili ofUat.mtBth. in. ft: .Court Hosse at Bellefontaioe, and re-itcrated bit pur ' ode to adhere .to the sentimenU'ft.conislned fba1 fUtiAU bssae;e;ije'J'hve quoted ialwveVW ctmmeilid tepeB.hhaading its article with the Irtlfleanl word--.SPOT tmb- tbsttor..- 5 " " :" '"'j 1 , i. .-i-. t-ti'ew ' '.1 vru . ,That Ji ia the wall matured and. titled con victlon ef Mr. Sr-itTea, y: whloh he wiU be girfded'fa; his fottnV political eddtiet'hal In aue 'i&e .aceded 'States ire able V matolalo their rebellioua. and 4titoroue ergaaUatioa c a Confederacy fia-teJor wo -the Union should be dissolved bv in' ackodwledgaent oh oar psrj "ol, thdfjfnepeadeiceiji msUesfro'm his speech, in Congress last wudea,whick be wrote ot ana bad printed In the Congressional G!obV.3Wof bciu(tta&pU hti tin- grestiooal district were indigaant au ana repn- dieted the disunion seoHmeets lotha Spesoh; Btri Mr; STSitToir resuer'ted )h'eia, tjr rpeadog ills spesch'U .Coigressata, pttblio.msetlng in Bellefpnuinei and. avowing WuWiciy his deter, mlnatlon to adhere te thenv tBreHign thick ind tain. . - ,r., Mr. Stsntoh continues, for aught the public know to tbe contrary, to hold the same views ii regard "td a'dlssolntlon'of 'theUnS6n -Thi tfnibo' V'ea pt& 'fSfM from Col. To Whsteer heaoiocidee with' Mr. Sta-- tost in theae Views. -Th4 silence tf the former Will b'tak J Wdencf haUe does Wo!ni- eide. U he doea not, be .should coma oat eub Ucly and sty est cTils'is iae to himself, te his former soIUrcsl tUndiiir.'shd' tl vreeent atdtade as a 'candiaate'liir the Ughesk jfcffise, fo the gift oi,tkt people of -Ohio, t BesidsaU is rsodersd the more ate stsary from a bataage in kts Utter of acceptance, in wblch he provides for an eventual diuolutionpf '"Uie, rnloQ,and suggesta that la that event, the Korttera States igbt place themselves Bdet the gmartlanshlp ef Great Britain or1 some other strong foreign power. ThiaV least onJLs free Jlarora ..the idea that Cel. Toa aas, stnoe .hie Heaialioo, from intercourse with Mr. SAtim brttherl f a tike poJitiaaV faith aisseiuuon teauntaatf 91 tbtt genjiaman u , Mr. SriNiofty who it aatselated iwhh Celoacl Tod on the No-party t(ckef, is not only In favor i uiBooiuuou 01 fuo uotoB in a oertBisi con tingenqy, bat H ie hie. .theroagh .-end jestuM eoovtaioh, that free and slave States can never CO ex it lp the 'same cdnfedersCy, and that the original mlsuke'.of onr fathers ia'-formjiig a Union of each tatet, ha oaased U. ear past and present national trouble. This position he made k longTand elaborate' argemcat to e tabllsh In an "oration" at BellefonUlne on tht fVarthof July lat.r ,,; , Thisorawea ike iUpublicaa. paper la that town refused to pab'ish. The Logan Conoty Cosettr, a Demooratid papef ,'ottt 91 eoartesy to Mr. 8TjtTow, published stj U it Jssus of July 19, 1861, together with a not from Mr 8Taii Teei.ttatlcg Yhat Id's RmUicth had tef used? to publish his oration, ,.v;, a:tt , la ttUt FoarthebJaly -oration, Mr. flr-irroa Campsrefl thevptereBt'cofliCt'lB 'h United States fo ihslfohtest'ln EogUnd between the ReandhsdVa,sd th Cavaliers, or between Preabyteriaoa and High Ckurehmen, and iaaiste that the existing civif trar to VOt eotinlry if the 'natural, neocsssry, and inevltatfeesult 'of te anion of 4LverM.asi eosaictiDg tociaL erganl xatlona In the same oafsearacy ' This is part sod parcel of the" old heresy, that men havlog diffseetit and djirer and diffaeui theological tenets, could not live la "harmony ander the aame political gorara tn'snL. We hive proved that this, in ' rsgard te our own country at least, I 1 false assumption It la no less a falsa and miajhicTous doctrin to assert that cosamu-Uieeer fitateev with differeat and diverse aoetkl ergtnltttiom, eaa'aotee exist and harmobtts In wssani' Political too fed eta- ey." Oar fsdersl Government foundVd upon tbe gr sa t ' Ataericaa : idem mt aon-iaterfareaee with tht religious or soqisl status of the several etatea. , ,,. . .j, , . "It 1 do to hlmsey (SMiV.peopl, of Ohio, that CoL Toe sboold explicitly tet Irsoi-e poblio ftaoncr, whetbei sine nil phfoatloff, ha bai become ji wnvert.tV'th i''repreaslble conSlot". heresy. Hie elleace ee that head, end certain expressions fit his lste letter 'Of wocep tance, oul4eem (0 glTS 'color V (be.)dei' that bensa. uIn that.Jettcr he propose ,Ieuwg "war stertuaiy," as Us only meaae ef rsstdriag our misMlded Southern brethren to reason "War eterDallvtnd yirrepresaible coafliot' will, In the rsreel jnoal people.-eoqad woodsv. ftil)v alikejo Probabln Chleael Teetdia t .... ... : .rl 1 ..J mean that bis words' should Dearth at' Copstrri 1 tioa, and that hsflors ao suoscr 10s o nptc8SiMe"-dogmae U not, tele hit d ryi te ex plain and repdlate.l'-,'uu, M' l Th tuspiinoB 4lgaioinggjpuna,,iaonpUi people that m pteeariog tbe aoallaaUonol Col. Tod fof Governor and ' BsKT 841$ fofXIev' tenant-Governor) 'on ifiip saBte'ticiey. lBe jioJ- aam ttipuoiicaajsadtrt let a trap to, fall n satpeetbe Dteeertts' sad ther eOaserratiee tTnlopt fcenj btjnldf the stbeme'sacdeso'r'a'id' (fse of lb ,0at,,iapaiiiaet, resignattao, rCffiAvsl or other disability of Col. Tonthe ,,irpr;eMlbIe,, 8tawtow witriabe he GoVcrooi1. CoVTod'i tealh'jsJaUoi't;e be, gborf.'l;tj4' 10 fact eo longer age than last Monday, the 33 J last-, that b wse aonoeneel to speak at Clnj. eeoljrieo't p'oiej but when" the 'neopl'r M; eWdW..t heal bias, it ae aaonnoed,ae Itated (srthe Clacinastl' Oartilt of the text fcorslof , tbaf . Col. Tc. 'ofin w ft tac ,jia.fttack of Mnaaa, vi inat a to . vend " J Li fac, u. ; t4 Ml lH lieatt'i' or .ae;4Maer oav , already aun uoc la - Ue No f .rty or?fe. aa by atiiorjtj fio'ovCoUToD htoualj that it will I V NHWII VpCWUV HHIIU P'"" CsntsalXomsriKM tjfvmade pomefof " ep. pointnwhU ror innjjisreqtorfieiie frying 8tafe. If Col.' Ton's health is thus precarious, twaftsaa Bfi'll eleoleSI'execute the onerous eoA respttasihla duties pf a0jwiaExeoiay 9 the euti, aef Csuaoa.biW bl ill!- try joA naval forces, In e time of perlleat oivll snV whsn tbe State iteell Is an lintafnent dsngsr of InvMlon't Indeed, it It even now the M ofptomlneat leadere end active wire-workereef the boeus No oartv morsmCDt. Ihtt. U. thtlr nachlnatioae are-icre!d .wjiiiBBCoasa, DatiO till bsal the beat, only fcemlaally, tot B.'6ftoa In reantf Ooveraer tl; Ohio No doubt We proi rebt of such w uWwd.nunv'' rot GoTTiw. U hlnll'UmulliPf -9 ilttirael; cal AboUtissrista and othee disaaion ex1rBiiate en tb4 Wcttetntes-rre and W Other' parts1 bf hijioe u-j i JM the 8taie M (?.b v!"ut -1 om.wi Tod and Stanton. The Administration and the Republicans. t . ... . r - Kin ''The leadiog RtpubUoaa eapert e ihe Bute are already "Whettlaghelt bills" W ettstk the AdaUnUtratloil so toon as tht slectloft is over. Policy kseps . them J"i i for h time being. Hon' A. G. RiDDUt, the member of Congress from the Cleveland dlstr!ot,has commenced the attack ihough th leatftV, kThe masked publican bauetiee are ereparing la . open, ed .qsooo as tbe ballot-bbxee elose, on tee erea tog of. the second Tuesday pf .Ociob'en' ire 1)4 bear them, more eertolg than that (hs Government mast rely apoe the aid Nstioay aj Union Dtmocrscy to be imtalned Tfa Ahli hoar oi parllj,-inuj 11 m citar ae-jne oow day1 iv si .f.i.Jt ni ".wi ,l'i-tt ' Ererv toot Uaion Drmocraf; eh votes with this holch notch p'irty, Wni'Tegret It id'tte'llay - [From the Dayton Empire.] Eloquent Letter of Hon. Hugh J. Eloquent Letter of Hon. Hugh J. Jewett, to a Workingman in Dayton. tem. .li:.tt1 ii-.J 3:-'tJU it ahanioof'thi eity, addressed the Democratic Union "candidate for Governor, Hoi.' Hugh 1. ..Bams weeaa aiyvv mr. .u, uu,,ri mhw Jewett," a letter relative to ' the position of - ef- lam in ine COQUirj. iu rRfuuni inc. I..,; reoelvedtbtsoiiowiag eioqaent ana manly jet- Eloquent Letter of Hon. Hugh J. Jewett, to a Workingman in Dayton. ZANESVILLE, Sept. 6, 1861. .. Ma! JoBir Lbxtr Dear Sir: I am id receipt of yeuf k;lod tavor of the 3d Inst : snd aa gratl ted M leant that yoorself and friends stand by toa Union and ths Constitution) the end that tha bteaatnet intended bt our fathers to be ser cored by the one, tad vrotecteA by the othei1, ... . . . t . L 1 -- . - 4 shall be trantmltiea to our posterity as an inner nM of Inestimable value. ' j There is no portion or our people to a reply m ferttted In the maintenance of the Institutions of out country, as they were made snd designed 1y taets great and good men; who, regardless of diflrrsocee of opiniod upon the subject of slave ry, aad aO other;C;aestioos of e local and 00 mastit 'chsricter, stood Shoulder to shohlder toroeg the dark and trying days of the Revo lution, a the laboring .n and the 'mechanW.' T i 'who1 it born to wealth,' to; tilace, and amitiair. tile form 6t kovernmant vnder" whloh! ha lives, so far as tt regards hit personal ease,1 ojusuort ana prospects, msy no oe mawec 01 much consequence; but to those whose enly In heritance it honesty, Industry, energy and native capacity, It a of tbe utmost lmporUnce that they sboold enjoy government in which these qaal iliee tat appreciated, and are made th esaen1 tlal eVementt, entitting tne poesessor to respect lathe community, and to be beard as active aarnclpftnta la in cotnciiaoi tn rjcase ana Hation. There ls'no-form 'of govsrnmsnt knew a tV the civilized ' world, offering Id many ledaeement to the laborer; to (he mecbanio, to hoAait and rntelllftent lndusirj, in whatever de partment it may be found, aa thai under which mm nam live, and for the Vreservatioa of which we axe struggling; and it gives me great pless- sre to learn tbat yourself ana essootetes.eppre eiitint these advantages, ar determined to devote your beet energies to the support of tht Gavernment. to the maintenance of oar alorf oe flag, and tj glvt your Ibflaeoce la favor of retntoing, 0 tne acnninisiratioo 01 tne vovara. meat, to those principles Trhieh it founders In culcated, and wnlch, so long ai adhered to, e oesed t) the people mtb .Mtlon, peso aad TaT'remarlt Ho' which 700 'refer, u havhg been made, by on of your eity papers, refer riag to ths employeet of the Central Ohio Rail road Company, calling'' them "Irish mad dlg er.! atolls ona of tht many eridenest we Dave, that among those who maks th loudest prof eeslont Id lavor or a liemooraac rortt 01 Government, ana of the capacity of tbe people tor aell government, are to be found men who, without 0D Stroke Of th pen, if tbey had the power, would rend the Whole eystem to atoms. .The employee of the Central Ohio Railroad are beyond any loch Influences. 'If tbe attempt was made, tbey would, promptly resent it. Whenever spoken 'tj by any of them on the Subject Of politics, f htve' said to them, a I 6ow Bay to yon, that In this country, the exer cHeV tbe elective franchise ia a solemn and lmnarULt datv. in ths discbars of whloh even man, availing himself bt alt th meant of In formation within hla reach, should appeal to his Can conscience tor tbe right, and in accordance With lb promptings thereof, act and vote. ' la the present instance, as a candidate for 3ov. eroor, I thank yon for your proffer' of assist' eno and supportrbat if, upon further 'reflec tion, your conviction of duty should lead yoe to throw you Influence elsewhere, you will bt none tht lest tniltled to mv ret pec t. M 'I trust wo may both live to lee ths present dlfflftaltlet and danger in whloh we ar involv ed, and by which we ar threatened, pat away; tbe Union or tot outlet, ana pesos boo prosper the restored.' '"" ' ' H. J. JEWETT. 1 !. . . 1 1 T I 11 ii m of.ow , .Till Gals Surrxat mObt readers have been made acquainted with tbe aad oatastrep .e that aoearred laaslvaS Wheatlev'd Theatnf fev merlv the Netloaal-rWUeelpbla,: .he A. tatruf Pikfs OpSra beate laat winter wiU reei egott 4b twof itae Uate sisters a pair el beat Utui gtrtsr srne watw eaaeeiat taveeues siiui iso admirereaf be f raee aad poetrv of motion." TkewefoeistaBeleeMnj-to the seraa b.Utt. at tkerlltae of tee diaaeterr aae three have siaee dieei the 'diiertlv although ewdly bamed.Ul teoever. There ie a uvosaaatle da. uraat atucked te una itmuv.i i am latBer mu Usuteaast in tkf efrttisn avy anal kernel years si ace, while kit daughters srersr. aeudrea, ha suadai asa expartmentai aaceasiB' aaaiieea from enblie gardea ia JW While tm tbe air the art-bveoma eaeana wa IgulkB(t,aad Usut. Gal perished by the aane-gsastete. that hat evtrtakta threej e hit idhwsrei Thefeweee,teaUDAUareaH-all!tiJsHrBa wUa, tUei amehet warl'ttrnt) tkhrows, irlsadlee open th world: tFeut.-srm taken ameer the tait'ioaof a eelebeated psofassor of staactBr, had it.wUl srsasemaeced first mad thehj appear Laaaelatuaooaotrr with-tbe eeJsSmstea sAi Trenae,.! -'1M titsi tela sawepot XuUiitog Her dsstlay aaaa soeirrtat bt feeuraoe..The. mptbetit sUU HvMgaad depend) m hssevw- portqpoa the eatniDga eraesvdstghMrtvwtViat EM, l''l a ia l I Mietiq t;t,i v-!ivJ i, Hello! What's Up!! Don't Go Tod!!! flier'e fs e4!eritty icVeW loose ThrM-' tabnl JStntincl, wool go Tod. rt ,M op opposed bitter rlf td sbaodo'niDg the RepuSllodn party 1 it talk-' "' ""' ;-' i' t- e. e fe' r1beUjd;irsrrrrreor, hod "offered! Hear n it ?lttli! B JM thumbles tdslarery'Demo era' a'nd lhsrhrRcpubllctdi' 'ey,bcr had hiiTfa marhiiier ef rjui faartv have dlsooeeot A r.f mere macutiies. kfed hsve thodcht no Htnra nf a tr.nnfer of ltd landrsd thoosaud voter 'ihsr 'tbey Vbuld hate thought of tell- hr m ' uuf hoes, hjrrpwt V.f punldir; lea-field l-'-;- 1 u Grins' f ffJl tlMnS icodTd Hi. hftiti) nlee? '1 DW riJ a. .h.hU 'in mrfia pre brfl npttuUflOTllr. PROCLAMATION BY GOVERNOR. ., j j of 'Ji Jlonss auss.. u btr t Whereas, a lot toon nbtc th Cocgrei at .1 is 1 I ilted Staf U rqu..ts" the Preaidsu4tn . eeon neati V:i T pnH' kamllUUon. Bter au4 fast g, W beob.w .l bv tha Baud at tha United btatse, with rails Int rolieanstiee Bail siwffvtey--,tVsresal soT)nliftitnM ia Almlshtv God, tor the aaletv d velfar of hte tTiatS" I jbTslngr becoming foi.ell people W ckewl-'re eed revere the tupreme governmeut ef Uud, the Preeldeoi. apf oititad. Huifcaday the -Stv-ei September a a eay or - BaautwHw, v'jvt and tWatine far U the peopla of. the Mtion, I, WlJIistei Pennlsrm Governor of the State or Ohio, 1.1 .uesvi t4juumewj w .-4t topw of thi a Btaia. that, aeoordipgt Ohen vral eraada and aaadea olJtorahlS. the e and observe that day, kt order that their prayer ay babe with the prayer of ne rignt tamaee of ether Statet, for guidance-by tne Supreme Rulet ef tMtleaevsa th end thai lew and order and peace may be re satabUsBeo, ae tntoieta inga ef eivU, and rellgiona liberty teenred and parpetaated threagbout thejrldt extent of our ni"Ll hereof. T'hsV. iLU my band, ard oaased tbe great Seal of tbe Bute of Ohio, te be afflxed tale lidi day ef Beptem ter,, A. J). l8Cl, ef xhe orgnliioB;ef ear State the 9dt. and of tha tooreaeoBoo et tbe 86th. '-" - ' W. DENNISON. W. DENNISON. Meigs County. " Pdrsuant to Mtlo the lemberacr''Mlg ocUDty met la Coaveatioe at. the Caort Hease in romroy,aep44if ooi. 7,7 Charmta. of the, Ceeventioa,, end. X uldr, oeoretary. .00. .'-j cn' By aaotioB 01 Jamas mi. MiUsr.- the follow- the resolution waa uneaimouilv adooted -SrserW, That, the Dsmoeracy of Meigs eoaoiy, fully laaorse tne acuta r toe Dtma flMtln St!- CmvaBttaa. kaM ml nnlnmhn Chitf. Aatust 7th, 1861,' and pledge ourselves to support ta eabaiaatee ewre 'Mnunated. ; vvs awe tbqj waors tne tennmentt eontainett ut tbe patrlotia ietiar of aoospuoc ef the Hob. nuga i jewett,' ear eaadidat toe Ueveraor. ' t After adopting tbe above resolution the fol lowing pertoni fere twiniM 'For Representative. Robert Peonies, ol Oreagei 8berifr TUBajStrlber,, -of JJalsbary r Prdeecutiac Attorney. Jaeob B. Hirkut tf ausaryi uooaty ummiasioaer, Mllo Uuthrie, et Otioge; Inftrta'art Director,' Isaae Radford, ol Cheater; County Surveyor, ,Wm. McAboy, ef Bedford.,.:41 " Ob motion, the, following sersoris war an- eeinted the Demqctatio Central Committee of Ue county: ,i -..ti. ' Isaac Radford, J. 8. Erhart. T. Stride. Ina Battts, Jamsa MartlaV ct Sjl. UA. vaiaouon, tnegiiowiotT Dersont .were aa. pointed delegates to the Senatorial Convention; Mm aa neia at uaAupou oa natarday, sept KSih, sou;, . . .-Or. Rehm, 81IaGsmor.J. M.-Miller, J. W. Shlelde, Robert PeopletR-MoKsv. Jr., 8. Ear hart, Jama Rogeri, Milo Gathrie, Ami Coodle, Tmm Tranerroei!h Afklot, fob ntliptTiiBaStriderjClisZemart. - Oa; motion. thsollortrf-4iHlffftn-n arka Uahitnoaaly adopted: m - Rmoltti. That (he ftieffirrt iV HK-r-t: r r--w-.-.M3T w vaaaar VWM" cation be published in the Ohio StdUtman and tbeCindnaaa4jirerii.M:iT t i .j '. o ua qtloa, the Coaventlon sjimnied. . W. DENNISON. Meigs County. WILLIAM M M'ABOY, Ch'n. W. DENNISON. Meigs County. WILLIAM M M'ABOY, Ch'n. T. STRIDER, Sec'y. Striking the President. Mel. EitUr$ t Die B ortiw? ,Pot :f f.'T 1 Dent vob taluk It rather funriv tarafJaur. nal 0 Commerce, which bat jan tafed it neck oy aweaiaauaa 1 anoertat WALL STREET. We SB Wtmrelretbat-the-lanrnala which were lately la etrone? svmosthv wtta the rebels, ar those which aoi earnestly approve thePretldsMwintstibrsHste with- Fremenfr we propose to tel . them speak wlthCot ' reply."' In tnat-wtjr, at, least, lne rresldeot, win leara whither be is tending iJUor fsswan Pou , In view of the eplendld position of saofr mes a Joseph Holt-, and the hearty- Commendation womd os.rA-ieeioenve . coarse meets r, with throughout the country, end especially 1nJvtsw el the earaeet detire ef all good men te "etwd together by th Prssldent and the Congress ,ol the United States in timet like these,1 is nut our respected neighbor doing bad , work Tby hitting the President such hard blows aa -thlel If the ten only wtshss ts strike at tie, that it -one uuf j out to max e rap 00 ear backs the ex ese tor saying that th President to tending to eympauij wuu mo reoeis, ia, la ear poor judg stent, e very objectionable method or snpport- uk aue wurarum-Hik. rfoiraa oj vvmnurfe. 1 ij..'w I ywap. 11 1 1 vt .'I 11 to bd 4v-. ji of a Philadelphia DSOdr as btn emcln.i t j have beeott destroua ef reuoarlllatlna, f 'lend I have applied for adml Into F(rl La-f fat ette. TLe 4U2auHVbi,;li"- led Vriki Aa"drrta a!1ntA la' -AlMa . ITjuBtila'af'; I : ETTb Zaaesvills Ccart-r Ie food of vjalUnc Union DssBoerel tae Vallandighaai Pemoe racy.T Prey, Mr. Cearier, what doer tbee think of Stanton Unionists T h"J'at - A New Tork psper tUtet that UtiUd Statee tnstriet AMorney tfmltk bat reeelved iiietree tioot from tht 8aovetarieaef State end War to examine Into the ease of a number el the priso Bn now confined at Fort Lafatette. The eat nation will be be eoadacted that inaoowt peruse win not ee eetaiood en boor after the fact, of their non complicity with treatm JU. et awgdea. -Tstsl Ttxatj Taoori U U lUted ikat ti vra veparuaeet nas at last decided to die ehartt toe Testae saldlafsakar ndi Twiggs, had to snrrsader tkeaseelve prisotieit vs.mmf, aoai waw lorawverai nontas past have bteav encamped at Fort Hamilton. Thla n.. ore s;m be taatamooat todlseanelng the seve ral companies of the Fit,' Third eel 'Eighth Regiments of mfantry-'whtoh! ore' now at ths Ftrt, Md steps wlUbetakee at-emee te-reor- . TT ..4y 4 ift,T ,1 Jfaiaow Esoan of TowATTxaiaTSeTc... iaes Alter the capture of Fort Hatters, ene et tbe shells Was tosmd to have pierted the rebels powder magtxina wtthoat barsUng."Oa examlnaaoe.ll appeared thai the guoaer, whose date It was, had serwottea-ea teas off a a..ti ieatberea oap.'ewiinarlly paten for safety. This wse th only shell throw that did not explode. Dad, the cap been removed; tbe fbrtiWtieae would bate bach blows an. and aot a h.Mir.i ef prlsoasr Isft alive te be eaptared aa ptieea IA 'tV taaet (wriJkOf --Steohen drOmwaTI. rr Casaden, Ohio, baa made jonrraet , by j which bet to faraltb one hundred and ftW thonsaad eawoe et weoa me us ueie beatrei jRailrtad Cempaay. The aucnltuds of thla eontraos a. be tutderstood only wbaa we take leu ooaalde- rauea tne laet taat tt saakee-. e pile; fear: feet klgb and net las than Mn Juiaired 'aad afty. even mllee in length, aad raqnire the delive ry ef beerly fjiy oord a dsv fSnndava axeant. , 'ti; j 81. '4.' T Hl "" ' i4i A 1 fITTht Cadlx fHarrlson canntvl BmuUia,. -cati at it msst head th "EspubLcaneooDtv'O iAVm ..i..i. .w... 4 1 77. r f lb the new Unloa Bart ee foUeerei r .1 m.n- -We think It woald have been' best to have WM.r MM (ha Mktl. ...(..(In. 1 .'-J a. have invited aU loyal, ptUitfUe. Demssiate to co-operate wita as ta ths eupport or tbetJev etamenti bnt oar Stale Central Commltte do lermise otherwise, and' we acquiesce, knowitig that-the object W th "Union orgsnltttiea Is the tame as that had ka view by the Republlcaa P-"7i " l"'4 I ttyaai wi witi tiaV. Piac". " thf ledie tided opinion -that the United Butea UI,m ad peace unUiUrifchaul Tumag taks tbe'.Oovt ernmnt4A Baoa, wnico giononsconsamcaatioe Droagu aoon oaiose toeg, iaMM 1 Mrt.FaBavKecabieBaaer'f ex4s.fan33 Here Better, Esei, who I aueef the prieoa-rtP" 'at Fert Lefayeue, te desertbed bf h enespono;-f vedl Tat rreaeot la rsadloc "Johnson's Va&itv of ila. men Wiabes." Th KJY.Erprrtt, eav. that since Mr. Batlor inesrceratloa Mr. Kcmbl It swtuawaiM ' a U VStOrtT"U VblGf S I wi 'T', ii '"7 M ,'ttoe. l "JEW ADV-l ill 11 .L tie' '; , rpn CrlDBHSfM KEfPI COW. X STAHTLI aa Baud ai d ror sal. t ten quallt wUlnafl J J ttl SO,) 1 Call aa w&iUm'mr l-l arouaiu slss- U.M. - cfflc at 7d' IbmWffiM vglm&BryMM EkTKA WHITE tVIIEAT WI.OVH; axta ui wan at ttocaJ1 '-" '.' - mnm BugacOaiad Eaawuif ni v" '' '"'' . Jaicrt4aw., ,jIi' u.u- .. w a oh. ' ,a ""f ''."' .. IB llIS tltllllf "" !!( 4i ,-.lIIH cl JtUhsn !.- rumr rooiuloij ..rl .-(tn?. VJIl'51"S?!:'i ,'"'; i-iuj fv..i ?j 1 1 ' "",l'WI: ii. SBSTliiAUtl 1 "es 8&-lst . v.-'jW jiii-. . t Soath Hl(ttra:ii mi ' , Soap! Soap! ..mi tOkt, tor sals' b eak or duaa.' " ' c 1.. 1 1111 - "wtjv . aiBTTiAbx; ' 100 louitHlfUitrnt. Pnk'Can ro iniunjipt inqjtTBg wo VmZXW SUM iaMHlXi: east. wlU .k etWDtjaaU j.'b lonid li.iTni aiotn ; i'-j.iI" ,111- yie) day of September, ttlho' Clinton Btbk,' fof bajrlpUoRS, aeder ftuj aqparJntaadSDts, lor trsss aota,aalam4ai)atrlMa:l r JrI 17, uoi.i tttMaiUtolsrxtd lasamsaf dflt dolhus, eas iwniM aallars, bvs Aondud dllBni, ess theutuad 4oilars,sas ftss tbswsaad doiUte. rUtU iflih asfssr, 1881. aarabts mite rasas arts te't the arSsr tf the nraerMT er 4ir4Mtl, a bfarlks' MUM at si ths rait af 7 It per sent. aaaadB;'praie UbUdbb: ally: mid tatsvait Mas at eat kt of t-D cents to'seen day sajavsryhaAra 'eollairroi'ln't voorsVilenos of tU'htfjdsr. each sets wmVt'aMtir'kttaclird sx aaMatorrhs mHl'aounta,'o?ifnii annual' Interest. WfaKI soapoat sjay Wditaclied' and prtientnl, far pay- awsui aacpmimavi aivw wit s-jvttsp, Tf rJ i . smlmratsW raoi ' p-iqtu JvM ts rj sWer,daS ofoptning torUnr Informatloa glren oh Application to I .. QovnisiDt8abtcrlptleatrrnt. Sewing Machino 'Work. A 1.1. ttlivna At TiTrr'rttWn. xrrir i. 1N0, QUUTIHQ, BBIHT MAlUNq, UAITEK SlITlMa.As. aroatptlj done In a neat and tob- atantlal MBtf..t H n . Bfi ll Hlnh mtiMk a .Ka Snnth al(Uo lanlnatrala4VlreBilallr.rt r 4 sepOdlw 2j : LiTQf - r-f f ;." fr li'6ot,.''-'''J;' sawsssi aSF sai w wvp n. fI, '-r Off ' Tt7HDAx'. XI tXatBXB, between Wa us eist itr sep Amarlf&n llnt.l Wnil ,ha ewyaa Bloc, la thla aity. a bo la ef Hand la bvor or Jooa Shaarkor baafan for Bftv deDara. kaaihta Ml mt Mt. tatsraat. Xalata to esaUoa all Mnoaa from car. enaln said Dots. A llbtral rtward will b paid for Its- Wlivorj . MB nut. - - - ....'......-.' 1 sapM4ja.ii .- tU ,.!. f.flv'l ,7. '': :U J OHNvHTJNTBR, .r( . ui ij-jiiiLivt a In.-U i , ' . ' , 3 MEHCHANTJ1A1L6R, 6oath(.IZib tr)t;.Threa I 1 W;0Wi';9 4WOO.f,M,r Hai Jotl reetind a choice etsok al ' 1ALL AND WIMTXR OOODB, suitable for (rentUmen'i wear. vora wui nar incur oraory BeajlyAnil saMantlal 1 at the lowest ratr. H. JL J. Jx. - T A Rf.l O RY.H.'A L'L. iTeHtlogs db' Ocassp Ajfrtat Onlmlal'''PaTJSte1wmrTnft, ik or ths ,..'-," Tat ADA P' T Q R 1 '..'. . . 1 l I a, V 1' AUWJ.I " 'OOITHM With . KAMXt AB0T10 T0TA0I8. ta MaefaBBlcBl Moriii M4.i. .ki. Mttea srai piawntad to th paMlo Doer epea 7, artattr rttasattXeMtck,. 1 AaamtaaeatSetnl; Ohlld- bbbchi, j,,t0r ate, MmbU. t.i. .-.u lc SetalW. ;.,,. ;1 .,..(,,-;.;....,. . ) T" xoox. .-i'.VlOOl. QIIEAT WESTERN 1 . . . s"t.l DISPATCH yl.J U 4 tfetteel Statee Expreea Co., Prep'rs. FAST FREIGHT LINE. I . ' VfcVh Kew tork ft Erie Kailroad, 1 ; II And; all other Roads Leading West v-Mi trt h Jr.i and Southwest. jl6Mra4 Oars ever meet Beads oa Paanocer tralaa. I .i'-i'i. '!-; i i. t. .. ' . U. H-faOTlT, kg't. '. 1 A. I. KI8HT, Ag't, t SM Broadway, V. T. S3 Btat Bt, Boston. WU HPlBtY, guperlaMDdtat, BaffI." I 1 :a.cJ! ' . riTCH et aoit, Jlfemttt : t7 TTeat Braad Btreef, intern bin.' -- 1 w iU -(.i ?tal WSwi.fctI WtUiAletilcaECTIE . .ort i ant et wocensarj ;ji)i3aK0a:' t UaiA i?tin V, a- r j ,0 wrfVFaOlf4 Kj'I i-'V. turn I . . ITnWiTirT O 4S rl Tl A4V ll't (TT' T 1 I mCM-T--M 2L .iKfilfilelifj ilc-,iO ta-ie IH 3' isianwoj bus IUA si3l ail; 34. Noiii'.oH mimi two va lloStliiPtas ta4ni4'J ,iei r&.AyX.JXJt I hi1;.-!, 1'""" Lstta'.iO '' j koatuif tubi Mvl wn. ui ,'IJ' .ui Hstotoaatsyaelpts;aiiilta i i4 ..I rA i'.y iIOJ .' riM."iivd'A -sivi'j'! Tt ..- .Whteb hewill aU s,:i ),, .11 ii Cbeaa jsV( Cmeh straDammtsrir Vaadsace. ,r44' et tortvJ mcil to re S7 0eoirvM1e'0rrty 'tratf-rm V eurgtTI 1.4Q. Sufi i4 1 4JW-J I.-IIJU., 1. ..I " ! 1 .14 41..M4V44 tt. ,nll .141 1 .4.r ta 1 . r 'i (" in a Y 1' - -' ' - ' " (Utor riuaftMiihavav)''ri-a mt I . Bwjth Hkfli 3t.-orew Dain'si Btor.' 4 Udlea' aad CWUrselr TrestTof dons la (Behest -Uly f1 - t'A. . '4 IQi t Dm3CrTtt2ZL-l t ' "UV -ir-n-r- r V. r . 1 c1 TTlt triv itv'ft y'W, . JL'2zZZL Cka A J.T'.'J CV 'JL 1 ' -knit lii, , 1 rrBli'drSsa4TalrTiaC 11. Ii I Vail St Waxitfi WWlMicili Depot, Bo.i ..., M1H . j- 4 1 th ' " AVtV neLwril) A If D PREVKHTS 1 tr- -""" a ptia uut im aUBg aioaqalt Mtn, M potMBsui alaaia, BnrlH, Aha kraut, nit rtoi,.i. ,Wt)Hsn lsten.Ur. Will poalUnljr ear arap inVbli lr, wt atTM iaBdiai4 raiwriaine ru4 a4 e torribla oompLintr lo. I ..T. r , . . . a aorawirea. rno,X3 eeau . w " eve nbmM. w alf Um ka"vw"' vol cj pmuw mum iwiiuf HMrninn mi Beaa wtta all saatan, ar wiu.a4wal fa rnwriator eoajwha jnll bad i-riia4i)ii,i,ai s 11 SatB -worthi- ibali CkraipoitaDoaMu?it4frxVnh sotmaias ana Trial Sottlaawnt to Fhjal sonoiitjr prnmpis 10 a mat i laauasoT niiasis hm Z ' P ' ' " rtW.llna.l alllsa3 ! la tlisd l .,,ltVfll-.WIi:iHi ?xerela Pt. wmmerelal,wharf, Boston, mass. srta A punn.1, V. B. Harp), J. X. Oook, J. H , .'lnht os,lA' JrlebStllef ABnn, AKnts llBavtale'i'''"l, mjrl-dlyf ti,-. i in.ui.iui:-v rji ,iim": -.w ' So . 29 South Hith Btreet: sin ,l.uirinI..S VVlKIUVUh BUB HOW OfFKUNOi ,..,. niih.inold i, muo ad Savalia.iaiaa ttaed at eAw r I X asel. h-r t-"i.'''U oneapi .1 iw tm yards VawaUos Brssa Oaeds at iUhiv yalartOst. tmM yards KosiMMr4Mi at lU vaUa9AaatvlJ llNSyarda traach Orgaodlas at 18i, valaaliOaaata. yarda Fast Oolond na at IU, valued J A r lOUSyarda lanlud JUilkialV..l4ie4ii,(i,t. law yard Bulr riala kluk Bilk l a I IX). .ia. a Li J dv meir value,,,,,!,,,;, . ( a,kj, .,.TJ T ililT,H-.i.O 1 . I.! aiiJH lt,.lll I ,r.viOl". J 1 ll.r :ri;nflt S"ic J ,T i'cbb jnAWX . 1 I trHli ,l(xi.t-Jt lfi!U lnM'rt Kai-xufcA ,Tir.. . Commission TJerchants tni?IO lanHahl ,Hmui(rU IH .'D! l-'-T J T,I !- Iu.0 ,!i!llf0 iMPOBTEaS AMD D1ALBR8 tN M4rlMVr nhffl .Wi1.lmf1.1 Ia -tm? 1 IT I .,I.D ai'1'0 hnSMt" .1 "1 WirJEG, DRAHDIES, " see. Ac. ALSO, .bv-asA Jlixrl oNuT l'? ,ii.(I ltvelrMo6iicl J'-1 .'r:n .oirn W.HI8'KYvio eTunru; -'. .. 4. . ,! .t ST' - aMI,.1 . WAKiltlOBatAl.)WCa,P-4 iOOWiHWH aVK, 'V41 xTJ Taj W nun-i" senBJlylt J' v' '!" 4 oj''" I irw hi aiiear ita'ai itaaasaaaasa a nil ' (aw asa'i aav.-taaswi eB-a";yi I JlBOOBBSOa XOVeSBB-eWJIBSTIBAUX) nr. ' 1 .i-;UU al.' r-ii yij lalu;j'. WifOTC f': Wrtaff I i-vjrfn'l .Wie.j ta r;.yit i-iu fM wmaaiW TjtIllTB" TW1' .bI bii ".' q rt p qmmtrw duce FRO Vlsl U HM.oi;v in, r-ni 'l ,r;! e 'OfttoVaM. ,,.H I ".ro'j'-.j a.4Ji- Wtj d -l RJ bywiiiiiitt i LUUK, SaliT, LlVll 3". I f .ci;y 'U5 ",:;'Ui? STORAGE A COM : Jlyl . '-" LOU R, SALT, LIQUOR?, ETC. i.i. I ( TTinrTfC'j .me COMMISSION- ,1) . 4,-,-.- a,f '.!.,-,( , , a - -T 4 U OiarJUttf JiiWM&AM' vp.,,bi.&FVdernltu. i 1 1 NOTICES SPECIAL- -., J ATHENS AGCBm1Cl"tIRE. Is sMftaralllbla remedy for VeveV and Atne. "TWeX' pirleec of auny years, In almost rrery climate, prOTe that wbert usee ,a strict scoordancS with the direction,, It hat rarely railed totaralWf only by break In (ths chilli, tat by removing (hs SMrMd btUt r the systaa, proves ting the reeorTenec ef utdkwatoi " ' " ',r - HVIayARD. AaTJI. thooxh not Is luelf dangerous. Is apt, unless speedily tsnovMV to .have seek a pami cioas aflVaf oa tbesyateB, ss ts engaaear disorder aseb mors banefai (Jian JUlf, tad which aot Only reader, thf af tsr-lif s ef ths patiact aiiarabt, bat are la taaslvcs flen tatali A prompt Sod rfloetual nmasy H fherefor what Is wasted, snd, as inch Da. D. JaYhs's Aous Mix toss Is conlaestly reeommendel. for sal by Messrs' Bostwrt ,Blwu, Oolnoi, n4 yv aaeats svsry- TslE ttkn TOO. THE tilJtlAf IOW Waahlnrton was ths masi for his place. Jecksosi wu ths nan to kill, ths aoastst sank, Junei tfU Is Jh ysry man te bast aUsthsn ja lb assaaXasfays ef aasa aad wasletoms alrtas. Ola Siststls Is ths kind that do the business. Dipot, 3C Waaoiogto IUl,iraw Tork. Sold by gvsons evwrwhersv'-n 'o 17 U. ast PuUlshsd bt a letls Kaireiope ; I ties etavu?l A tECTTTRll OR TBI NATTJBK, TREATMENT AND B4B1CA1, CDBE 0? BrBBMATRRHk A Or Benjlnal wsaaaeaa, inroioniary auianon,, oexaai uooiiiiy, anu liilnnnU aiairiaes aaaeraltly. WtrTproia. 0a-. emaHon, pBapay land 'H,Jdall atvL Miyaieal la - capacity, retailing from SjeU-abai. ste. By Jtobert J. OalverwetJ, BB. VrX th r4 lok, Aa. 1 ' A Beam ts Tbetteasiele f Ball erers, Beat ander seal. In a plain savekree, to soy address, J? oaO aald, oa saeelpt of -two staaips, by Dr. .UUAd. 0. KLINX, 1W Bawerr. Mew lorfe. foav-OSos Baa Bo IJfco. sep7.BdStw : 1 JtfilTB'fAA.I a. I, I .MBtl,.' at. Mill Pegeesieet fssll habttsTWhosr subject to 10oana, Hedcha, Okl4iijr.roajlnas ajrd sing ing 1 a to ears, arping mB) 10 great a Bow or Diooa 10 ths bead, should hsvst M Wlih'oftl BraaonUi's tills, snd saury highly dnsroea syKpCbtaa wiU be remove by their Baatedlat ass. 'f.VW Tbe. Boa. J. EuXiLvA(lhesur county, H. T., rrtnty lr years ef sgs, baSBSad jajBdreaVs mis tar twenty Ave year ee hi ml sdk1n. 'When betssls otfuoesd, a it from Cold, BhoaaBrS!( Asthma, jjrsi- lllons Affections, OosUveoeu or Irrltsttdb f sto or bladder, h doss nothing bat tak k hw a;iii Brandrtth's Fills. ai -i-o.' in. Biafai BIshtaalBMlbodis to tak sispO,and axis-(as doaf each night, one pill. Ia evry tfhwircr sickness for ttsnlytlT year, tnii slnpl sMthod has aevse tailsd WjtaiitbM btti te health; and ftw ma ar to be foandss adivs aad 'Mriww ke. . , t. . 7, tlt. Bold b Jobs R ST respeotobl dsator I medicines voob, vrnirguH,, voiubdbs, Sad by : herd 0lB-dlBi . . " , I 1 . t L,s-t nava-arava-ra a,IK-aj njL ' - .fa ail eases of eosti rents, dyspepeta, sUllesf ad Mr streetisns, plus, rtwaaatkaa, attar aad asas. tsaeaV asts hM schM, sad all gtCSml dmcgeawnu et seajth f tsesa fUk hav lavarlably proved aw tain aad taesdy reskSdf. Aangl trialtrmplBO Oj 1UI Ft4Voad forch,feiUUoa ta-flis-sw ef eyerjSr, Ht. , r. lfaM'arbesnU Kttsm wtu be lossrfswaany ef bos ia attsasss astvaat esbmtyf ystia, has tens,'te sksaem ttaMsat ts amlt mdausa ftrnttb, and every tied t weeta). 'T rhV ltttT trgahl. Voteale by Df. TT.'. ItOTJfAT, pBroadt, VT sWbyallSnssMs.. W'i.i-i BS-awl 1 I III Sihl t,7' V i" t l 1 1 1 It. ','.11 Hie fcllfftrl? lriiettr4rt;fr m Ntter irUttaby in M .-V Bstssa ,rierfettit-Btrat baptlet OhBfebBrookJrya,,!. T.,t VJaraml and V-vtw r.T wioownau, yp, M Speaks viass la Btror et mat wom-BMiawaea Wnm4y't sVifrtmiMt enaAeah nstisnaei "Wat ' "r-n'-nonl to soar solas as ef In .oine.w trraathatattl-a fcn 4 f" ""P iw.aT,T"v' at tw It It aiu.,- one of 1..S fMoataral. M jt af tha . U la aa ef IM ktot. Aad InaN 'btotfiy, " 4- a7.1yef I 1 1 1 L... f f - AllSr d& SON; SO. S9 ODTH BZQB IIUXT, -4 O V F JB3 It 1 Jf :H 1(000 yards soar SlalaBlaok Silks at 100-valS , ai'ta WutAtJ. 1 ? i . ii t t f(S6Vtrdsrsrellni Dress Vod Haatls' Oood ' JOl4i,B.wl,iw er ISnir ,000 rards While Brilliant at 19 lB casts I valaa eo cans per 1 ard. , .( , ' ; "', oaeenoaioiliania ul, , , . j ., (matly ua- ia.vt .aIjRi- ' oEkjlQB 4 pESIRABLE fOT8 CP muiajiiiniyes. sjauaui ao, , I fiBAIlB.'wiji.A iWlHia BaiBOEI.LATSLlJll, id i1wm,' ciuoorj , roraiTi, w:ALl OTHER Naw'Stinxl ytahionaljle, Dream OooiX est daslrabla'atyla and at very lower prlca. fllMBV . Of all Btattrlal, saads la tha most stylbh aianntr aflai ... ....'n.i.'M. i. . . ... ma M4B i ranir uiona in aioai aiefaDt aiyw lhCltyc .'..,,11, r '..' t.i.-l 1 . BSA1N et Vis, At if I v'lili Ma. SO gontb Hlh ti,l . fit. ,01 1 4 IH y . OF MONEY or an lnch of Time! WktoTihe th ti StcLAM atioiv or k dying Qaetn. That iBeh of time aa be procar- -y,0'n i emln t.'i. ii . ' .lla'b 1 '' ".' ' i .h.Ml l4Jr-t.'..r7l 1 -, ; ,Ses swhiim. .-Ii t ' ' I ,nj ... ;,'" '.';. ! .W .... .' I I . . . ..'.' .'"; T i.j ,i, .7, ... , ...! i ; . ' . .A I ItVVIt I " ' i V'J tW .nnsit - BBBttr MILLIONS S4 ss s macn cneaper tars, and aaany long years or -HEALTH AND HAPPINESS tajoyld byeooeaitro br ilBBBT WB ATHBB, who 1 curing the most obitlnatsand lqng-stsndlag dussies, . ot th Ctjmg. Mart, livir. kidmbis, blad- DIB; BTOataOH RHBUHATIBaf DIBBABBB PBOU LTAft TO VBHAIBB, BKIN DIBBABBB, AMD AM. AtrHOTIONB 01 TBB BIB AMD BAB. AtrHOTIONB 01 TBB BIB Hi I Facta are Btabbi Facta are Btabbera ThtBa-sl , ucarwhat the Villi. lUlnhl. Miwrnuurf .' In fli "Oomtnonwaallh,", WIimiDgUB, JXlawai, 8lh of April, 1859: v -. -.t " "Aa Bngllth gentleman, formerly edtntctcd with lb WMtlih Armyf and wb aiyiea hunstlf tbe 'Indian Botanio Pbyslclaa ' hs of lat galnad an tnlv repu tation. br by hi (kill In coring all manaer of com plaints, 'fteaa of bt pattern I bar eooversed With, aad ttey proooonc hi rtBdis snd Bode of trtmnt 4ty anpador. Boai bar beea mtond aa M by alrlcf Tb eiedssiDe be ases ta distilled by hbmelf rnaevanous nerns posstsaing rare caratir proparttas. . VWhlisctiDiatnanny bdvetdhls lchureaw est to a thorough study of Uxagaou produced ay certaih medicinal roots and herbs oa all manner of die Sates. I It seem he ba found s tare and speedy reme dy forlalktb Hit that getk la heir to.' His practice M slresdy extensive and la dtllt Increasing. In tbe eoss ptlats to which rmal aresebjeead, at bu ao Wjoal, aa lara number her hr Itttldtd that tbey owe not onlr their pretent good health, bat their Urea, to the saute thlslBdlaa BotaDlePhysiciaa.n ' Office 37 East Suta Street, Columbus. ;!augi7-43i;,,, " . 7T, NEWARK mCHIM-WORKS, ". '1 j " rTlWABK OHIO, ' ; ,',' ;, -. ' ' flatlBtaelarora ef sail klnAa ef Pot- table sutat Mtatlassary- Htaana Ea " f tmee, saw nine, lt jrtllle, -! 1 .. 4kc, cVe. LiSX BODLIT) Btatml B. at J. BlXjTD TStatenl J.dfJ.n, DUTALL StatmUl COLUXBVS MAOffiyr CO. StattnUII , MBADiOBD . " I Iwla .va. CO. BtaUntlllt ' ' Dar 'Portable Xoglae Bad law Mill' J3' Wasaeardedttsflrst premluai of 50 at th Indlaaa Ui fair tor.lSoOoTsi Lao AtBodlty's a socoaatef :. Prloej lightnest, simplicity, economy of fuel , . end superior character of lumber aawetl. - Onv gauhmary Bngln wu swarded at the sasss fall. . th first premlnm of M0. Our Portabl Bnatne wse awarded fh first cretatu ot ' ' llWaiatalrialeaphlt.Tnn.,oTr Blandy's Da ' . Tali's, DelBBiDojMachlnsOo's., and Bradford A Oo't, . by a yaaaatwe of p met leal Bailyead Bnglneers. ."'", rot BfMa ana avnna aourvvi - 1 . o . 1 1. WILL ARD WARWIE, Trsasorer, uAtcf-dkWtfooi. Mswark,0ul Elegant lace Iilantillas. 1 1 10 ?Cit JLJJLSTldbK 0035J, Nri. 29.8QTitli;Bigh8t.; - rpened aa Involo of vary larg and rn5pER, FRENCH, AND CHANTILLA ,,, i.t IACK.1VIANTILLA8 AND POINTEB. .- WiDsKi4ficH:"liXf Vara Deem FrMch FIouncln Ltces - " v ciir i rjThread reach, CbanUUt 4 Geneves TU yilfinoientiM,' l oint do Gaze; Brussels ' JlJ aaaVau,. a,'j-;l-av Jaiaa t hua Aaretm j.oei ana touari, VAl,i:NCIENNE3 TRIMMED H'DKFS "" MALTESE X ACE C()Lt AR3 Sl BETS, .L..-.. . .- ' j iiisWH rVVABdt vwrrB, v .-tn ,.ni ..wi!..', o'.h .el Ja new: oaapee, a paper collars & currs; ;..r; '( AbiaS ImbI ntl ai.;v.i.- .M-i,r Foe traveling n?IICES TJ K CBUAXXTX" tow. . iil U'i Traveling Dress XJooda. ri? i BIQTJBB, POrUBB, BBIPHBBD'g CBIOK ' eBllKB, rOIb VM 0BBTRB5, . ., . , i (Mt oua Inrti.iii snnnna rirmniii 4. . ... TaW bestead ort fhtaubt -styles In ths eny,""" " 1 . i ana a. u 'Je xraT. ;1A Tlr Beet Artltlelal Hcl ta 4'.. - Hanaam eigkl evec Ajavemt4ds ""1 ,mn.t - "sjr . Mi--y''- J,H-Bt , KEKPs! T'ilB gA-JOFSf . AertTa . r montaf ILa-BM UunrftT kin ef eptetaeles. , All hi flk4aa,.wbeioar r ar or far-elKhtad, ar u' f round IK WMWP'tiB ri.rm wild i griTipr, KU1(1 to a1 o suit lbs 'Byes of all ! enng nataoata, D.Mioees ar Infl.m.loa or iw eras, au Bu-f m.,. OOiat, U Al btat SW, aetiaw at wvanersn im i ! Iteest v ' , tw-eig, " lit. i m cm " t jo:r C.0