Newspaper Page Text
V ' -H'-" 'lff'iwrivM',lwTCTiy.-iii rlihdtilA t .1341, r.34SHf CV Tr, May, , s- :it -;o v.( .V.CO.! :,.A,0 ptt f 1 I ! 1111 AJ10 -.'UVj' A. Btul.M.ll M ! .aw . .at, r A sill l J '-.' If Uit I fj0 to ! -.1 ! . p to lti. 13?l 'III iiOLtAltk'- frr'wipTr' i. ." lf - TJ . J "l 1 I 1 ' 1 in! i . ' in' i i 1 . i i ' ' il f i j( i T Si I i, i , i.iM m . i ,i , i 1 1 i, ii i .i I ' i ' , I i i m .i ' r - DAILY. TRI-WE1ILY AND WEEKLY ' MANYPENNY & MILLER, PPIUIHIBI' AHt SOPBIEI01t8, " CTOfflM New. S6, U end 0, VertU High Bt TBBhB ravABTAirLT IN ADTANOB." Buy:,y irji w oo peryMr UvJ y u anrwr,"pr wtek, mdU Tri-VeeUy 3 00 per ym, Wwkly, 1 00 - rni ( AdTcrUaUtff 'iiiythit Square. B iqnara I ftu . . (to 00 On " . V uonthi 18 00 On tqmrt S weki..4 00 0n I'. 9WMka...J 00 On Vl lk,.i 17S On "'adAv.V.'loo 3d1Y month )I 00 DM1 'Vl-n$moBth 10 00 Dm 0d roontht 8 00 5 00 On " Sdayl... 75 On " 1 lnurtloa SO I month. Diipliycd tdTartlMmtnti half mora than the bor t (.'''. 1 ' AaTctUtemtnti leaded and placed In the oolumnof ; Biweial Notion," doubt Ui trdinary rat. All uvtloei raqalreo to be publiibed by lew, legal rate 1( ordered en the tnilde excluairelj after the first week per cDi, more than the above ratea; but all men wll appear In the Tri-Weekly without ofaarKe. . BoalnflwOarda, not exoeedlng fie line, per year, In lie, t50 per line; ooteidevi. , . - Notices of meetln(,haHtahle ooUtlet, Ore eompanle tc, half price. AU traiuimt advtrUttmmt mint i paid or in alvfuu TWl wiU notbTart4frn. Weekly, tame prloeaethe Dally, where the adrertltei e the -Weekly alon. Where e Daily and Wetklt refcothnaed.thfn the charge lor the Weekly will be aalf the rate of the Dally No adTertlaement taken xeept for a definite period. BUSINESS CARDS. F.-A.-B. BIKUOHS, Attorney at La w M CptyD PB- W i i.r. OfBot Aatbos Bnlldln(, opposite Oapltol Square. Ii . 14 ilrjOtrjjiBTjB, 0DI0J .45E'? JLm oax3on.3xrjD, Attdi6 S tdunseUdr WUi ooLTJMnrra Machine JlannfactaHng Company urAoniM b; J joi l pMllagtv. EiU-6tijringf MaeMntry., -j Mihrur nl l-Tvh( AH0s"-Ii''' " i ; " .neet i--s. i ' KTT DMOMrTIOM;x ; n ' " OflAj AVB08, gap'l i iP.AMBOB.frea Ill I I 1861. 1861. 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements.---Time Changed. Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I RAILROAD. ' OoaaMilDg(iOrUlM with the PimBOKGD, TT. H M47TN1 at OBIOAOO E4ILK0AB ' J Ib rabwt, PhOadtlpMa and SalUmor. Alto -ri.jJtrlbrtWainttmdCUoato. i Conneotlnf at Olereland with the LAKB 0HOBI BAIL- Hmr i BOAD Fr Pojaklrk, Buffalo, Albany, Boa- Miii .uMaudjiew York. HKEE TRAINS DAILY, tZt't '.''-"wcxn gvNDAr, ., . ..' treat Oolnmbni, Id onjieotlon with Trains on the UTTLB Fllini AND COLTJftlBUS AND XEftlA KAItiBoAPa). . K ,. MBOT TBAIN... , NIGHT IXPKE88.-L.aTes OolumJboa at 3.40 A.U I . will- rear passengers at all stations south of Gallon, atopst Delaware, Ashley, Oardington and 01 lead, and at all stations north of Gallon, arriving at Cleveland atfcOuA, M Dunkirk 8:00 P.M., Buffalo 4.25 P. M. Aibany 1.40 A. U., New York 8:35 A. M., Boston 3:30 P. M , Plttsborgh via Crestline 3:20 P. M , Phlladol' Ma 5:10 A. at, Chicago via Crestline at 7:00 P. M. ',' ' I BIC0ND TBAIN. NIW T0BK IXPBX SB Leaves Columbus at 11:10 a. a.. Will stop at Lewis Centre, (for White Sulphur Springs), Delaware, Oardington, Gallon. Crestline, Shel by, New London, Wellington and Grafton, arrive at Cleveland at 1US p. m.j Dunkirk, 6:10 p. m.; Buf falo, 10;U p. m i Albany, b:45 a. m.; New Yoik, 1:45 - p. .( Boston, 4:40 p. m. This Train ooaneotsat Shel by for Bandiuky, and at Guf ton for Toledo, arriving at Toledo at 0 p. aa. w '. '1 , THIKD TBAIN. p. J MAIL AND ACCOMMODATION Leave Colombo, at I SO p. aa. Will ttup at all ttatlon Booth of Wtslby, and at Mew London, Wellington; Arafton, and Beraai arriving at Cleveland at B:30 p. m Dun- klrkJMWa. a.t Buffalo, SSOa. m.j Albany, 8H0 p.m.; KewTork, 7 AO p. m.j Boaioa. 11:45 p m. Plitabnrgn, OretUlne, at 11:55 p. m. Philadelphia, 1:00 a. m., Chisago, fa Crestline, 0:45 , m. This Train eonneott at bhelby for Banduaky and Toledo, arriving at Toledo ':. '",( I.' " ) K Patent Eleepiij Can are 'nin1 on all BiJtitTiaini to Chicago, Sew r a?.l';Tork and Boston. ,:, -;.. iaggag ChtJui i krouqh, to Kit Tort and JSotton '' RETURNING. ,S 4 sTIgti mpieas als U Oofahbwf W..VT1:I VI V: f VlaeMuan (.sprees arrive at Oolumbn at 10:50 A. M . AeeeasaaodaUoa Bxpress- arrlv aft Columbu at 7:50 JR. 'i ro ma AiMa ay 'ltMrttlr RentA a'v'jt ti 'i i ji..' 'ii . Al foTicktivU &tkn Vkvik B. B, PLIST MM. WhB kaseifntendetik Olm1.nif.'fVl,ln. otI M U "AMtSPAmBSON, Arht,'"' tetano- o ' t Columtiu. OhtoV' 1 .Oolntabua, JanaB, fU,ofri. ,x,ui:,U ,h' .. vlMt'xlcMivoflt '''''' lu , lAh M CHEEK anal ilLACti. AVU THAI lOO bag pnsa W UorvsaMnt ,o 1 At) pooket eld Datca wovernment Java !! ioi - 16 ms Ceyloa Coffee, i '-J jn.-ni''i VTr . 80bbU.eiaiKlard WWU fhMeoMletln eJow' - rl,Chraahd,Graaalaia4 AandBk)oe.iut OauiaUls GeonrsBaakOounshv a . BUbbls. Ales and No. 1 Maokerl..-Jvxl "lOO bx.Lajfer Bauina, . . ,m 4 m O fc-a, rick tuunon . a aSlfca&ooBSntaVel Bwawas se-war - HIHBOMi raoK lies. BAIN at BON, P Couth Bk fnlCT N. t, BOUlB-AUaH STB11T. : ftir tn' UVredf-aw taakiNift tioOP WttvfS btsbtti in a manaor far superior to any yt Introduced 'at s '"ITT,' "-f'w m.- DUlLiiJJTY i&Ilir GRACEl'tJ LN?, s', sah 9B. ii ,., -.j. .i : .. ., . e".tf.'-nu fa ' -..i p.u.a..r v VW b4 C - i 4 ,!aik ;H .,. .The. Cheapest Beoaiue the Sett, "TJir Bloat llVllafcW'sUhtfiird Au. "IHK BUST INGUSH DIOIIOMABT BXTANti" "IIl r nnwatdl'of a ITnni1r(t Thnnund Wsnli. whos mnltlfarlou sManlnn and deriTations. torethet with thd . correct spelling, and pronanslatlon are elearb set before th eye. Cincinnati Comnuretal. tfeflil A DecUionr of the ifttnltri of M Stalt lb nnderdirnid, nuifiMri of the Ohio Itatt Teachers' Assedatlon. sxUdi and aln let an In- taufalnsV writing and, apeak inn,, the' orthography anal proanneiatton e "oroeater's ttoval uoarto UKstlonaiy. and we nest cor. dlally recommend it as the most reliable standard a thority of tb Xngllsh language, as It Is now written and spoken. " J-om Airtintws, Preildent Kenyon Oolleg. O f. M. D Irssrr-r, Inpertotendent Zsnesvllte Schools. Tnos. W. Uat. tlnp't Uassilon Union Bchdols. M. I. Oowoaai. lup't Pablle Sohoole. Bandosky. John Ltkcb, tlnp't CuMlo Bohools, OlroleTllle. i B, M, tiltruv ritnalpal Oleteland lanul gemlna s"'J l-J. '!' tin '!; rf.-'-nJ. wu. MiTcum.L, Hnp't Public Schools, Mt, Union. . , J0la OeDin. Prindtnl Hbita RJornal Anhnnl. MlnaaT sots; ' '..'.M ' u . i ...iii lb -w. i . . . .il (JTSOS Run. Prlnnlturi Vrfarth Trthnruidhta RnhMli Olnoinnatl. . . .: ! . .i . H. 8. kUrtm, lup't Canton Union Bchooll. loww baau.f rlnelpal alcNealy . Noimaiiohool. Ku 1'. ftrru, Prof. Mathematics, Ohio UuWeriUy. W, W, BewalDfc lup't Tror Union Bchooll 1 A. . .Borams. triuoiual Wait Uluh BohooL Olava land.' " ' B. A. Nortom. Associate Prlnclnal IltihBehooL Olere land ii'.')iii !Au -m alAilt I...' .ijX. . Tbcobori Btxhliko), Principal High School, Olere, land.,, 3 f'-;TT .U-r-'A ?f f 0V B. f. HtniiirreK, Principal Oletelanl Ioitltut. J. A. OaarutU), President of Electlo Institute, El tam. , i -- W. L-- Halats. Prof.-of Ohenitmr.- OWb"" WsileTai UnlTerslty. , , I H. II. Barmxt. Xz-cemmlsiloner of Common Behoola Ohla. , . . p fi ?riri. ta MOifaes, Vrof. Sintorle, Wberlla Ortlege." Taos. Bill. President Antioeh Onllme. VdwSS. rf Hl,h . o.. Chobbacoh, Prof. Language, High Bohool rv.;.'"rt B. M. BAlant, Sup't Union Schools, Ashland. ' Mori than 8ht Bundrti otktr PrttidmU of CoVa- get, Profefort, Auor.end ZtltHnguitktd Xthica tort, htm mdorttdjA abov imtimmt. PRESIDENTS OP COLLEGES IN 09. Haxiitta OoLLiai "It Is trnlv a masnlneent work an honor to the author, the publishers, and the whole toaury,x -rrettan -Aixtrewar Onto Wblrvui L'mvaasm It exceeds m exnecta- tloas- It will be my guide n'6rthoitr&pby and pronun ciation, and will often be consulted by me for lt neaf ana aoaurat deanltlons." President Thumpson. , W. B. BcLacTto OoLLtos. "Hur.tofiir v btvansed webeter ortboaraphy. At a recent me. Mm. of oni was decided to chana it to oouform to thai of Wnrctster'i Boyal Quarto bictloaaryWiosideni Wrrrrxn Bxxava Contsx. "I-and W worthy bl ooraiai approDRtioa.'' resident Uitcboook. Oasaua (JoiAiaa.-'Ifr more than meet my eiDecti .tloni.. I recommend It as the standard authority ii orthoepy to my children and my pupils," President Morgan. P , -. r i Aimoca tfoLtAsir-"! adontaxTi aun fiVaM In tesoh 1nv, wrltlni and sneaklnr.'thedrthosraDhy'ahd 'Dronun. ciauDo n oroasier a jtoyai Kuarw. uicuonarj. , President Hill,-' ' ..'Y .t." J. , Vf'fi',"''j I "In all my writing, speailnl, and teaclAng, t Vav en aeavorea to oaionn to we rales for ortrogiapny. an" pronnnoiaiionasooatainta in norocster s iiicuonarv. Horace Mami tat President, 1 ' 1 I Burrow Oollmb, 0xnuarfI aaasteordlally reoon mond Use the moat teliaMMtandar authority of U Kngllsh lanrnaie as It Is now Written and spoken." President AndrewU.''i('i4 . ii. i i At i .ri.Tinru " t Vi scHooLcojiMis&iQSfiRs" w 'onfd. JfromSn. Aium 8tnylX' Commit tioner of Common bcaoou in unto. ) '"TW tMcflonary It an ImpcrlrhablcanmnenrToThi' learning ana industry or tts auto or, ana an nonor to in. world of letters. The uwehantoal'eTCnuttoii la far ana Tlor to that of any other Lexicon with which I am ac- quaintea." . ..r. i-.- i..-.rt - - -i.- - Jrom Hon. B; -Barney. Bx-CmmittUfntr oj jaoou m umo..,.. , , ( "The moit reliable standard authority of .the. Ian. Xieadina Newspajiei Vf ,06, tea jr. from th CUmAand Herald of JuarcnvB. The ortlicxraDhv of the Worcester Dictionary I tha Used by most, If not all. authors el dlaUnotlen la this coantry and Bnglaad, aad aonforau t the general asage Krdlnary writers and speakers. . . . . j . - . hatever prejudices may have existed previously k ful itndy of thl. volume will Invariably be followed by a warm appreeiaOoa sf Us great sMrits, and a desire to add it to th wait seiesiea library, oe u large or small, Itlaallbrarr m Itself, and will rema n an impensnir ble record of the learning efltsoompller.-" 1 i tromtht XMaHOomrrialf A&UVl.i Here ar onwards of k hundred Wreoestrd wordsirood. bad and- lodiaerenb whoso mnltUatioua meaning and derivations, together with their coueot tpelling and pro nunciation, are set clearly before the eye. The work Is unquestionably tb greats Tbeawra ( Kngllsh Words tvrpul)Uneu,3) (ujT' a s Kj o-i .itui .' from th OUMhmd ftaUtSealercf Sept. BO, ISSOVif vtdenU4 WonrariTiii'e Xoru. OrjiRVo Dtewioaalir Hot only ih last, out th as eson of fA inJ er is sued', and can by no possibility tuSor by comparison or controversy. f . jTomOToldoBlaaof iray9sr L'1" At to"WoitBciiTioi,W6kenm u tb STamakB followed by .-oar best aatboret la dennltlon he leaves hothlog to M desired, and lb DRTBongam it is suffloienl to say that M orcxstxa can b saifiy lollowea. , w-iliij , .I'J,.'i.' '-tMfcilaiUe: iuiiaiTt nujtiU Pit biratinra, bookaellerd tc Stationer, ; NO. 191 SUPB RJ0Bj8.JCLTBI'K,,OHI0ii'j aa'.'.. '.'nu'i If jt ,te uae.y.4 va.,K:vI sanaiu t i- LIlINSlRmaJCt)MPAIir, r5 o u .ties: af ,m i Vt l blTUana JAatmtttf n? ige 1 t Fa Cent, L :;'LM errclnrotil worses. 0 .ed-Ms-'I rf,-i;;:-jj:t JIl;sUtoeBt1JaaUtH Moetved for Premiums dur- Ing the sear 1B0 B703.OW W-"" weivea lot tniareet .aaTUig a. i j i. .aoit ear minf.mMfS'iwuii y-Aav3 (tm Iotf Teipa fcr "W. tlrTT.DBT -7 X VB xeAOIsAxmbtCeathexttttaUgO'.cO nxnt Jl aC t-mta.b ! t?.a1STL-,i,'liO iooiJ91A uioelit.tef-J uenfl ).i.i,ii.iii ki . , Id elarf, Po.fWS- - are. Taxes. Bx- r't;l t'rhntjsa.B . osng,i.,..,;Slv55QiM,,j ,; t,,slti0!tf,1B Paid CommUslont (6 , , . .. t lAeniMrtr. n.flfl rtlfr lrtisatoleea'Itaa.-iaVlKW.,; .nivtrti Paid AnBuUtM.,,. -Lftll W :it.UMi tS mi sia uivioend aur- Ing tb iter 160,900 75 Se,(f nuw4lA,rt''14 '") .4eiit-r oov J aim Mm Net Balance January 1st, DM i.miaat S,BJiOSe.9B .... , , ABSBT8. . mlMHes Cash oa hand .. $1SJ!8A IS. Bonds and MortaaaetonBeiiJ . tat, worm oowdw i- - - ameaa. ImbsA iiwwul AiaVf.Mt tMn mm fj at rrm .o.iii j4J bent.' Interest.. ....v. JIM M 1'Pi, ! in iniM. nn vanvu ruitar - Beat Be ran.. una--tmnj lkWS BVrvuf MUl I eeurse oi transmuolotr;:-.? ,4'7fa krrfTIrtinTcre;SnTrif f 1,435 niP6nerei tave'bte HsneA rnflnr1h jreirr" -After' I SirMleohflon'of WreterirHliWtrrtfi inlet Hid InavevsMee el. th. Cemaaar, aoiwatae aeoeeaury jmouni In raserve thenjort Me-Dlreene kave declared t Dtviniwn of 45 per cent, bn the Preinl- amffttM at lilt taut fitei,vn in pulliM for life ID njiee, lttariMVl4 stadl .bi(ev0rIrifeaeoe, PrasreeWi f see, auiemeoia, ana Applieauous, win o inrnunea wiTiioct iHims, At Uib Oliice of Agenclos of the Oom fiuf? 4tm, A) .an,i'arf iimV'.- i .ua ,sssliniiBi 1IUNS -' rATTflnauBt, i-wsiiaeaaii B JL, iiBKBS i.Ul, d -wvere tixlfc-iliemeMMiUwl isaortiweat ta Uf (JiMriuaftiM ntMmvo;e nmm ' LRk .-'-r I. i 1 1J 1 1 1 1 V K If .Mat Vs-oaatrtatnA-. t ... ho,. itJui.ukttsnri AM,fw-' sw kw iwwea ,e eu-.I .ti. a M.U u 1 1 h V 4 gcrofulaor King's .Evil, WimtJtuf iorml dlHeatc a eotrUjptiofl bf trie Worid l)tw)rlch thia- fluid becomes 'vltirtted, nion1;jiriil (mv U'inf n the-virMirntlrm, ft por'viKvw 'llie wliofu-li(Kiy, iid tttuy burst out iii.dUoase ori any part of it' Ko oran U free from its attack, ttoris there omr which it tuny iot t'stroy, , ,Xhe scrofulous tpint is variously ;uuhvtl by iiiervuriiil diicno, low, living, dis !(l4cu;d of iiulieatliykfood, jnipure air, iilth imafjjjuiy .haviitSitl1WrB'ul8 lci na, iiwv, l!;liy?lto erwiwil infection. -. What .'wi 'be its.tiiyvv it. i, liereditary iu the con. titution,.iV.sctuUn,i',iiom parent to children unto tlietlliiilimd fuuitli generation l" indued, it st-pins to bt; Oio rod of Jrim Vvhtf Raj's, "I will visit tlio 'TfiicTiutTeSbf the fufhera upon tlu-irt'riBfl;'1' ' 1 'l lU . 'TItn' drfacM eoe.lmeilce' bV deuosltton 'from the blood of eortujit or nlceroua mnttc?r', Vhicli, in me luiiwv; liver, ana WibAeJp fii'th rl rupHr)rl,0vW6h t-ndcri in the bWod, dcprcuses i3ie t-ni't'rf HoT lifp; rf tlmt Bcrofuldus eonstltu- onv nor oniy utiirer irom ncfoiuiuus poru plnfrrT, linf tlirV hnvi fitf'ss poWer to 'with nntV tile' HtrAdt3''of olliet, diseases j" conse jiterrtlj Vf-it'iumilofri' jttrith' .ly'.disprdsra fWfili; dlrtiriiMi'nbr 8C1AC1I9US 5n yiuir nature, ivr?,tiUJfAvi5; fatal' by' tiui taint hi the AraVctif.'Jirost ot tbeJ consumption wliich do. 'tn'nfe'tticliuititiri fiunilyliaa ita origin directly "iT'tluV 'i4jrofuTrtu9"cbntajnination; ,aud many i;str(tc4ivo diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, mdj indeed, of all "tha organs, ariso from or Jrea'rjjVated'lrtf 'Oie some gbubb .. r :.t I ..puo qifU'er ijf nfl our peopl are scrofulous I uicu;,.iu:ana fua iuvuuui ,uj tuu nuking ia l-ction.'nud tlieir licalth ia .undermined '.by it. I'Q cleanic It miu tlie, system w must movatt tie! VVpOyau-' alterative intdioine, and Itv -. . . 1 . 1 1 .1 r 1 j ytj'juiui,,;!, ff.y: jioiumy man ,suu shiowi aiicji 4 n'icine.w., aupply in J -m-.m-Sj Wi oil si ivt ISZJlJUL. Ua"l t: lac .a:s at AYER S II ;.'0 i41 iWM$RtiMrM Sarsaparilla'; ho imoareffechiRl femMy wblctt'trifr medical dtlH ronr' trm' fcMi devise for tWl.every whetif rtrcvailiyif?ondrhtal malndvv1 It ik com- -tintfi ftofn 'lfiinost active remediulB that' have prr'mirrtrt for thecxpttrgntJoTl of tliis foul B)Met"from' flie blood.'and the resthia of the erein l;fyorrfa' rt ' destructive ' Vdrtertuoriccfl. HHiee t ;wliOii1'dnbe'employerlf6f1he jnii'o of ftofflfiir BcfOTttlrt, But also thosB otnet allcc fm ti-hiflt-'Hrrivg from It, ' ditch JA'trfivB ntl ;Sf?1t rDlnA8E9,; St. ANtlfONV's--r.iftR, OT.oTcftrj i!i,i(fs anuljon.a, fusions, It rTEn. 3nfl SXTTf Ktn-.Pf. ScaD, IIiiM), luttawoUu, i;.:.'-iJ'.l .tel.- ML.Aii. !.; tt.i. 1 ijiii flui-n is Co uu'rifv niid rerenerato thia vital fluid. SjinutLMi, sound' Lcai. js -iinpossible ii ii?Sl.'iV!'iftS0,?tuuiPns9:, to a tf '- f J : -j l -.v. r-3 i) 6Wit i ir.O' Wiv .u; vwrrl fcairoB'-Pti.'trVitTA-iB'br J, tJ fflfni'ja n-.".!-:) n-j!':f.r. " fT .'i,i tnf n iiUIfcnt Tovec, or lever ami Ague, Re-iiilti-nt'cVcr-i t'hllT eVei-f' Dumb Arfai lei at! tea V llo.la1i op DI1 font UniMit,feinait AIUIat . --:Tr; lied cad ful; vln) uln ot u lAHe oi-Ik litsktr hrtr. 1h Ii!!IOi-y' lliftuj;t iiieut, cmiaei) by (Ht'Malnrln o Miasiuatlo Conntrlet. " ' V'c .n il Bualilod hot to offer tlia- community a rcnuiiy ethictyhik'it.ctiret tb above complain la iritli Ptarl'iilt it'i'l poxfectly lioianlcm in any piRitjitv.1' fiifli'it'rtmtuy h in.vatiiable in districts whev-u . thMP tllrt-ht fKsnffleni''Virernrl. '1'hie "Cnni" pxtirile .tlio iirtwrnatia poiiion of Fkveh and AciT. floin flic system, and provents the d velui'Apnt of the dise.sfli, if taken on the first p prtnu'li of ItH Tivpm'initoi Ttmptomt. ' It is not only Uin bent reinoiU vr. ytt tliaoevered for this class lC,riiiijlmi!Ui( but nleo tlio crraapextf -The larpe (m-H)h i(.iiiii,vfof a ilallur triiiss it witliin tbe 'rpttfniM ffS l4r.i "' ln Iriliotuaistricti, where ti.w ti, jsni(ii u prevails, every euur .auouiu 'hitvoil iil '&f4ly bot h for 'cure and protcc 'ii3a. .'trrat'vnTWrtrtfy'Af fills Veinody over any"' other -W ilKvvm-fl ttif tUfirrr-nlv unrj eertttm cure ril Pnti'r'miltf-TiTs ilhPt ittoWhHis no tfnlnlti oririinrral, reniatiMtlfii'pvodi'icrs vio qninlum or other injiiriiiii elleata whatever upon the constitih ,tinn. TlRlfcUit4 by it are left as licnlthy as if llir-y-hfid, never the Uitteo6. liQUloutt thojiiiequeiic o( iiV' fr!?ivnirmr'j'ietiw.-1 ATTmt vrrrtrry nf Tttsor- lili-is :(iiliri IrimC its. trVifation,- tnunif'!vhioU atd i.ViW'frV.rr,--'rVffYir.'i fjW, Tl-'to'ttrie, Mind- virrr, 'I'n ,A-t".- t'."rvli' ('nfn tU'hn.aJ'uU ftitutionjr ('llfy l 't'jf'tiltiiit of t'ia fyrek, t7M(Vr ic., '!..'i in : !'sf, i'ol'f, l'artisia and l)f-jrr;.---.' t'- .U.inm tali cf whit-li, when. oi-1'.'lfc.n I : fft tlitnlaifke; raii'iiff tlie iiitr. niUchi Ifvfcjiorai ,-Sp pcrtodiiml. 'PliiCPiO? "piers'" !thc.prs ra -iiitin ihelilooaiirid Fonlflrerltl) cntps (thein nil iililu'-.' If m hu jiixiilualile pioterliiin In jiiHiniiifUt)l"fJi' wellig arfrsitiportillly in-siifinft ifl-tliWrial Jrlfltls trtRrtfrf.' 1fTnkcri"bcca. iiynjty -at -djiV wltiW infvoliiiii, ItllaHrllt V.KitctH from ftl'o' system, ami cannot 'aci!iiui;t!e in suiiiiiciit ifhnnitr to ripen into dis lease. IU-m f rtwitpexTn rnoaajviiltinliU- fhf proteo Ition tlian m.u-,ti.O(nto will 4rer uiTur from Inter lnrittoBW.Hthejr araiUtbjemselves of the protection itllt r-Mxrv-attrtth..i irX aaruUlmlvMl.-S m Piepved BOBIBTB 8 AMTrtW Colombo.- a And bv Druggist and Dealer evrywhr. -' - s -uovwilrd.twAtwT-r - , , . ii f I- i n Tirlil CANADIAH AUJUTED STATES MAIL I .,IO AM fltOJl. . Xiliforpool: MoatrcalyiOttfebefVi'. btI Wxrt riv-'tf n i-i: lsfie iu i .i.uiO ,;. Ii -- r ' j J'- : ' Ui leifJ The Montreal OceaB Bteaauhlfl Cc'rhv,'t Trst'-class fll.pewdCIde-lulrt Btmunna Mil Tory Bat si ret at V free TOBTL AND, eavrrtox tl Cactadlea .united Btaat ataN exM aaanagat,-v . . N0RWB0Ua,m, NOBTaAWBRIOAir,' " ANGLO-SAXON, T:inBn aBrrArei U1BBBH1AJ1, 'wflananiais-J'- " -' ainv a anivrrAW IV I" , . r. I Nliorteais beapet an4aUckctCoa ,-.TeraucxIAU, . ! AMTMCal WAtB PARTI r-riJ Ha test ot Tsvaasmo to gnropa. Wltl'sfil-from tlVIEPOOt very Weetsteadaf tnd from QUBBB0OTrp Batwrdap. ealllagat LUnDviiu jiaui 1 to receive soara and saco llatktanft Pnogen,.to and from Ireland and Baotland.., ;,., U7tha gieamers ar built of Iroo. In water-tight nDartmenu, earn anon an xpsisnea nurseoa. every attention ta paid to the eemfori and aooommoaa- tloo of passenger;' . At they proceed direct to LONDON DBUt,.thgitrlsk tr,4, .delay t calUng at gi.JiAn. Havoioea,, j,r , 'V-.y'j i) l- ni., : Glasgow passensmarafninlahadwlll) ntaapaMsga UcVel to and from Leudooderry r.s wijim Bel urn Uokeis granted at reduoed rates. , Tr l, fJerttBoatas Issued for oarrvlns to and brintlntool tourers from all tbe principal towns of Great Britain Ireland, al reduoed raw, bx tint 11b of steamer, EyJIitUtlAaiilstaXON LXNB-OP BAIUNtt BaOKBXS, evmg I4verexx wsvar vf..rrni'-r eitftiY Draftrior If etnd wptCgtVda'bAr- I aeie tD aaarasuaa. arwaeaataf - IJ PJ19T vWf ff 'I'TT1? I Tor Daaag(. apply at tb Offlo. f 3 BHOAD-. ltAYVAiw York, a4 l W AltUt swoijav ftaoii gt H'" oraBBia agwt,,g Or to a nitaTBAsin naj. Volo-lrSiir j a 1 iiwnu, , roes van, voiiubovb, vnas, oJPartnershiD.'- IirrV'ltflit'ii DAT AnllTTCBHY ton JAMBS ADOta BAIN aa r.rtn.r In an bail- tet wakib wilt bat., after be MiiultuMaA lafndal tb I Bala as aesxf .v iVBAiAi.atMaiA Aliib Bt. llvmtjna inia iKJl. JfttV rTA.At tV n iim.'- - - w . th Mw York fashloBabi thavtn.. n. Cm jsirosnntenltitr Ourltti bed Ottoeteg aatooa, Jaavaart Street, ever tb Post Omos, wbere nUleVtHtiraifiH 1 verrttr'tt B vartooa knsohM. UdM v CbilOxen's flair Arflxig doa la list MM staisWi&rM ylHU intcrfiDi orenrts(i8.rcrmoa ;ahd,lwl"I'S'i hd on nr info. This foul' cor. iwi.r ji.yi V'-1 -3 V11111 lu UU 4115111. V iny. 'ntlcpa, t.'f COStVf aiNts auisino pkoh ytriA. fert.O'i.lMi'iJiu'i' Iitoou'.' jTlie popular bulivjf ft;W;:fl;frM' Wpwts founded m trwdi, r-Avfiit is 'ckfwratjootf the bloodi 'ilio jViTtttl'i tTiifc 'tidi'noic and virtue of this Sa'rsaca Summer Arrangement. Summer Arrangement. Little Miami & Columbus & Xenia 1 ' U RAILROADS. For Cinolnnati, Dayton A Iadlanapollil i.'i i e:T ( rj4 nl K.U j iiiuj j. J i , Through to lodlanaooliB witheat Chang of Cars -" anrl hnt Ona OianA nf Cava hfltwMrj .' fll ill Columbus and 8V:lf6uVVi Four Trains Daily from Columbus. e,.:4 0 i t;, -j f first TRAW1-13'1 ' J I f " ACCOMMODATION at S a. m.l stoooln a tllsia- Uoas between Colombo and Cincinnati aad Dayton, ai rlvlai at Clasrlnaatl at 10 OS a, a... and ak Datesaat 8.10 a. a., connecting at Daytoa, fori lodlanapolki land "" i . ..... , i. ..M ... :r:-, seconix tuin.; No. 1 KXPBBSB at 1140 a. ..etopplagat Jewereen, ondon. Charleston. Badarvllla. Zanla. Borlnt Valley. Oorwin. Ireeoort. Port Ancient. Horrow St.. Lebanon, fotUr's, Lovelaad and atilford, arriving at Olnoinnatl at 130 p. as., Dayloa at S.4S p. aa.eanetlMrwiia the Obi and MiMli.lppl BallroaA for UaKvlU, By Tut eeonei, salro, Bt. Louts. Haw Orleans, ete.l at vajtoa for Indlanspelia, Lafayette, Terrs Haute; Chicago and ill Western points.' . - T ' -. n ' w "'Third, train, IIAIL at 8.10 n. at., atonnlna at all atatlona between Columbus and Xenla, and at Spring Valley, Corwln, aiorrew ana ioviaa, arriving at uuicinnau at a a. a i-ii , I .FQURTtt TRAINS', . HiauT KZPBB38. via Davtoa. at 18 00 m dnuht. topping at London, Xenla. Dayton, k ladle towa and Bauiilion, arriving at oincinnaU at .na a. ai.iatoay. ton at B.SSa. m.l eonaeatln at Cincinnati with the Ohio and attalttloDi Ballroad Mr Loolsvlll. BraoevUle, Vlneennn, Cairo, St. Loaia, Memphis, Hew Orleans, and all point South aad Booth-west; also, at Dayton lot Indianapolis, Lafayette, Terr Haute, unicago, (to UTTorurthsf Information and Through Tloketa, apply to M, L. SOHBBTY, IleketAgent. Union Depot, Colombo. -' ' i r V. - Sawrtl Ticket Alt, ClnolnnaU. m. :..- M.) , .etfc w woonwAKT,. . - - , , Boperifltendens, Cincinnati. '' Uoiomeot, July 14, hi.. i.'vi EAST. CENTRAL OHIO AND AND Steubenville Short Line RAILROADS COMBINED ! rm..n a a aan ' , 1 1 i;i ,- i . tJONHKQIlIIQ At BBLtAIBB WlTIt fl 0 BALXlMOREi&'OHlO, Jbjb.i ABU AT PTTTSBUBOB WITH IHB , uv r. PENNSYLVANIA .CENTRAL ; i 91 ' KAILROAD. i ..,'.-i'ii;ifowMfi ehorte8t, Qiuckest & Most Reliable ! .n .Route to all Baatern AJitiea I : a i ,, BW - . . ..... -,b i)5( Tfalna Leave Colnmbdaatollowgt..''ii 1 sojew Dnu KOBBIBO BXPBBSS Biij.wi.Utii ttavee Oolumbns g SO A .at. frost Ualoa 'epe Belktir ar Btoabaave-l arrhre at BelaUr. 18.80 A. it i BL.abaa.Tlli. 18.10 P. M.l Plitaboreh. 40 P. at uarrlsbnrg, 1.18 A. M.: eta Ailmtom, arrive at New York 8.00 A. M.t wta PkiladttiM. arrlvea at Phila delphia, ft. M A. M.l hew kerk. 1010 A. H.' Ooaaeets Alee at Banktborg for Baltlaora, ag riving at 7.44 4 i ... ii H i i ii ... - ... Bleeping Car attaohed .to thU Train tiota ctelaaitaia. ibb dlraatlw thretKh ta BeUalr Pittsborgh wttheot haori'ao4 Pungera via, Alkuv low arnv In Mew YoikatBA. H.. , ... .. , TTPTWO H0UBB IN ADVANCB 01 riOBTJIERK la-;-' y--- '-i- ' r:-!i :, Tblj Train also connects at BelUIre with the " ' Baltimore and Ohio RaUroad. .. , ,'U . ' . PITTBBUBGBt BXPBiSS.', . , " J. Leave Columbus 11 89 A It . from Union Dspot, via Stenbeovllle: arrive at Newark, 18 JO P. M.; Ooshoo ton, 8.UP. M.f Bteubenvtlle, B P. M.i Plttsborr, 8.4 P M. ITJTbis Is ttarooly mate by which PasMngor aa war ClnolnnaU at 7 A. at., go tarooga w fins' borgh la daylight, wlthoot change of ears or delay. Ode -' -ii'! 'AS5 eavet Columbus 8.15 P. lui'uns... , ,, .,...,. If., from TTnloa Dspot, via Bellalre: arrives at Newark, 3,83 P. M.J Zanesville, 4 JSP. M.f Bellalre 7 .65 P. M.: Plttsbunrh. 11.83 P. M. Barrisburg, 0.00 A. M.l wia AUntovm, arrtves at New Xrk,4 P. M. aia PMladtlpMa, arrivee rblladelphla, l.iu r. al.t new tort, a r. at, , xcre Train alto eonnecta at Harrisburg for Baltimort, ar riving at 1P.M. ' - -l.-iJ i-f Va-.i Tula Trata ran insvoga a neiiairaot w saari wwmr ntehant of Carat and from Pittsbarf than I enange 01 vara 10 rni'a Bw York thus offering Car to Philadelphia, og vla,AUntowa its i- if.'-"!.. -fl-"fil 1i-i c s-'w iM Tha only Rout from Columbus to. Baltimor, ,,1 rniUdelpbla.or iNw X or it, with only..:.-. on chang ftf Car., 1 tr. Bv thia Train Tsaaanmr anlin in New Tork ttvt boars la advanM of the North rn linee-' Tbla Train alto connect at Bellalre with tb Baltimor Drr)tt.v'l."W .lti...ntV ETThls Route la 30 miles hortr to t'ittsburg, I tifjarid fmoro than 101). miles hortr toi x 1 3.H . , New. .York, tbaa Kortbern Lloee. ; -. i i 1 ;a-!i 11 mt anw.ii vi .-. , ;i . Baggag Cheoked Throogh to all im- ; m ;;,;-portant iPolnta h&'X 'a ' Till IW..-. '0C1 ( , jusv tun, aiuAi e 11a 'ocrf'ttoijriti aTPTTuPvirrr 1 1 .rvi !"", 11 r .' .1 Vt . 1 ' .'.-ii vu Ttckt , OOOtt 4ITB Makr- Btxtt u v' 1 1 1 1 1 iii.nsiauU jjl- i.-vT ns-i.p V7iii.a WOe Wi BBOWTf.'-T Gen. TIcMt Agent Central Ohio It. 9 ' I. A. HUIOHlNBON, , a. d Sea. Tickwt Ageot Steubtiivlll Short Uati itoiliiri'!ll . , . db. aad aad 1 , J aad iTAri 1 1 itm:;A7 0111 ,uisvi.o.oiv;BAiisTa-iii'T--A raio GEnERAL HARDWARE t;ATX, exABs, line rortT. 6oalAon, bttsitH t?ltoU, VfdVtVllow tt-tvre ithartal JtaJMMUt I,Ltt, Bom .rt. !n.n'i .w ,..c,o rTT T 0. "oOoVw S 1 rW"WW HllllttoltoflTlMarect 1. .)uie"t ,BrandairotooTlBs7:,cj 1 u 1 u u 1.1 , a. ii " - - ,JUf '5 u.vi1- "l"v"," l1,,w 1 I . jrarts Aid move mis., M d L 1 T Boys' G Idea Bill Bhlrtt, do-' ---'Jl ,t,CrivmgaBd HLaeM loveaTo:w u .D,-.UuU . , itemmaa gomm suuiaxtonim vanoos SCJMB, ; frrrv&fk bow, eprns- ,n. - no. bobw uign II V ...'n..i:(J ..hi n i :A -it tTj nOV7 AlTD:& OO'D 1 -1 .lJiltta V i .'.k.1 -' rtitL A HO. 03, BOfJTH jDJlt3jqi IT., U and axamlnooramakol. ,." ,,, ' . I AMERICAN VATCHES- O 9nufotr4 by t. HOWABft ft 00 .''moetoa,' Thee WatoMear Aw semaator it aBythto tar (Ceral rtbepablte, ioors.. auvta aa aaeiasiT ma seU meaa at prioM to;tot tb limav .1. bav tMtvdaltrg stock of ' .JT"'. I T ,11 III tTl,BHa.tUAtv- ffAi Wiit.-t .(jn-fj auiSifMtarai h APPLBTOS, tBACT, A 04 I losxesilsMlifini 1 v.nnci .1 ,in:iiti , lj.tu lAvCLlBaAtKCO BWIBV kTTCfiKSe'V- ' eivftavtMsSBtBOv) toast wrfW V.dT. lATAOl ditfSiitfefittitr ! fil .J I ii m 'i"i I' F I rti.ii, fidt-.-iti J.MHB B, t"!r.'J vaiiy, per year.. ......M....r.,.io u Trl-Weekly, per car , Weekly, pet year ii,ii.,.nAi,;,',A,i 1 00 IN Papa, What is a Newspaper ? 1 r ftrgaa that geaileasea play, any hr .ii t ."i ,,T() aaawer th taste of tha day, mv VfAm , u tk 1 Andlp la fail aoaatrt away, my wl v. ! .'.'Li 1 ;f Hews from all countries aid cluasa, my boy, tr) r I , Adrortlsement, sssayi and rhymes, my boy. , Mixed op with all sot ll' " l,J'' it. da , of (f)iylag report. n iii u ,i , ,Aadultsh4A regains tbaavssj boy,.; a-.: -:-.. 01 irtf.'lel ibi.VJ'wi.i.' ml CXJ 11 ' w At least In the editor's tree, ilor.V' Vi odI V) Jj.tieAod logMMgraad -.(. ig fctu ?n , -.i-.iThat few undereiand ,i r . ,jlwraov ,.(T what ln tb applies, my boyp, tUlt,t " Btallstles. refltcuotis; reviews': at hot. ' J " ' LIUl Scraps to lastrMl and amose, my beyvt t I . . a 4 t ..a ,l.:K a leagias oeoaia i , ,, ,..,; .., ' aur wwuraucu ioia io peruse, mr ooy. - ti- Th fand at tksy war aad tkcyaea, my bop, l i an qoiwie ao airs.of lb Mr, ay aoy, , e v l . . A nA .v.h - Ir . T ' -On eema rhli, HhtalrlMl ill, m.kll I 65 ..'Hi' j . .j -kki , -., . ci s. . tu .. e':i i! ! The ag of JoplUr's saoons, my boy , . tk ,-.-..' The stealing ef somebody's spaons, myXoy,,, r , I " u . TheeUteof lb crops. , ' ItMttytoof the fop. -.-P-i And th wit of tfea paoll buffoons, my bey. t i ,. Lists of physical Ull my boy"'.''? J'' . 'ti" ' , Banlsbad by somtbody's pllu, my boy, ' ' i A-.u, . Till yon ask, with sarpriee, ' t ; - B -Why any en die. i ji 1 .:..: ..i ; ...Orwbat't tl disorder that kill, my Uy.;. j,.q v. ' Who hu got married to whom, aiy boy " 1 " ' i 19 Who were on I of In their boyV'-" '-' :i , : Who has had a birth , t ju ti...-,;.,.i .,...' On this sorrew.staiued earth, ,( : b tttn fast to th tomb, my boy.' , u. ' ,(, The prio of M1 tad grain, my Imp, ,l .t ' I. lUreouona to dig aad to drain, my boy, .. , ' . ! , , But 'twould take me too long' .- :o I, tall yea la song . t- J 1 ' ' uA euarter of all thsy eontatra, toy.) i i: jk .ia ill .'.'Ii ' . . -.--.fl A0KWtH(.r.: Visit to a Turkish Harem. " I r ' TllA T..n u1 nrr, mi.M.iuw.i Sa V V. a Tins In . ...WW W . IIB.H.W WIIIVWI. w iu, WWII Traveler thus describe a. visit recent! mad to a.Turknh harem. In oomsaoi with Mia Fred edkaUremei, the popular Qwetd sh authoteait -' Miss Bremer bating expressed, a wlah to vloit a Turkish harem, I gladly aocompanied bar to too noute oi soma oi my old acqnalnutnoet, who were rejoiced to see me after my long absence, and Immediately ' ordered tha slave to prepare a least oi tae most eiaoome una in nonor. no doubt, of their distinguished visitor; for, oo out entrance, a nau ioia toem oi toe wiae spreaa fame of the lady to whom I bad Just Introduced them. The napkins accompanying the delicious abebert, which was banded to n by alavea as soon as we bad taken oar seat, were fringed and embroidered In gold, and the little table on which the refreshment were spread were Inlaid with pearl. Many European artloles of furniture nad been introduced into thia Louse, among? whleb ware bedstead), mirrors, aad at at ohaira. . Mias Bremer asked tbem many ques tions, ana their replies betokened mot enlight enment than I have anywhere also found among tbe tabooed oocopanta of the harem - On tak ing what would become W tbem after dtata, they rephedr that "'tbey cotl not fd, and therefor bad never seen Bt the KogaB tald aboavtbe matrj but their husband bad Always teagut thsm that in goad would go to Partdls, while the wicked would be doomed to panlatt- meat." So much lor having, associated with Europeans! for In their Immediate neighbor hood ar lateral Ergltsb and Prussian lemllies wlta whom tbey ar Quit Intimate. ' Indeed, to auch an extent wer tbey following the' example ot lb ladies or these lamuies, whose Ubeity tbey no doubt greatly envy, that on conducting oa to th top of their bout,, they ventured ii peep over tbe parapet Into th street below, bat oo seeing their dreaded lord and master ap proach, their old fears returned the greatest consternation was exhibited, and darting with lightning speed Into their rooms, they seated themselves on the divan, and having drawn from their girdle strings of beads, they leisure ly commenced" passing them bet weeen their finger, maturing- thlrpravrslBv low and BoietaD manner,-1 It 1 uselee to say that th dolelal and -sanctimonious manner in-' whioh tbey greeted their busboad gave bins no aus to rajptei tb horriblo offense of wbloh tbey bad boaa gaiity.'- .- a ' .iUia ri.- - e-4l -a. Allotment Tickets for Soldiers. to : j f u Ta3earetary of War baa at labgih earrled oat tbe provlalon of tb bet of CongreM author ising aoidior to Bitot a portion ox tbafr pay to th as of their families and friend. It is, as w have often urged, most important arrange ment, rjoiuiara' wiveaaaed no lesgar complain that they csnaatt gat reotittanoM inom lb army. All th (oidiar ha to do is to tlga bis sum to certain papers, wbiob bis ottioers wlU draw ,ap, ta order to secure bl pay to any on whom b may wish to rooalv it. la who! or is Bart... In. th navy th system ha worked Admirably, and it is presumed thu;U will .work uily .well, ia tbo army.. , . c r;b l7s-t.v )) t.- . TbegoMlar iB CAmpof ia th field.Uk th sailor oa tha ocean, baa no need of money j uttwanv araaeariy ait supplied ,ty tb Vov- aw. . . . JL ernment. He baa food, lodglac-, dre. fir. medical attendance, to-, lurnieh4 blm grata- itontiy, aaa tnereiore no oooasloa to spend fiia pay. , w nasi n gets it into nig own bands, an fur tuna tely. b 1 too ant to eoend it untMoeei ! ithar at tba solders' booth or among tbe grog, shop, j Els b Is defrauded of it by tba adroit rotate, eitner ta or out 01 . tb ,1 na. who aor- iBAda - hint, to eogag U.'l. litti1 karmleas game 01 caia.;1 . is every raepact, U is. lto getber better for bitm to assign bl pay to .his ail. , or. if ft ftina-lai tnan. to soma laaraaft frlaod o Io that case, when fa returns from, th war,, joatead 01 On ding. hlsMalf dMtitno, be wilt poses a small sum iaxs of his loimo diatawaBta. ,!. ,linv The wstabUahmnk af th allotment avatem in tba army ought to bomada known as widely as It CAa, b, a it .will ceitalnly 1 aor ease the number of atUiatAsantKaHaav- men have held back from tba army became ther were unable to provide ot' their families duiinft- tha first month ef sorvloa. Now tbey may bav isars 01 tnia Bind, as tbelr allotment tickets, wnicn ara merely dratta upon tba Uovern- mant, will be eaitaa goad aa so maott nnj. .tw 4 ma a e.,.'j .whin, ,m.jimii tBfiW , ' I I 1 Hi I I tfJ,VAl; The Silent Cities. f1. aoi , 1 V . , Vtaoa ay, just alto,. aiwl a 11- r u .l . . .1 n4A aaw a, ara imps aya.,"HiBtta.HTOWtvi tb population in th clues of the living cannot compet with the rapidity which flits lip;, with silant throngs, tb cities of thw-dtad'Greeit wood cmtry wa pea f.totrxstnt,lo 184), aad in 1860 (mmbabiiaat tmsBbatad igk$ Vwutand" 1 .1 Euthty theTUftnd lBt lshteei leara! What vast and Insupportable grief bav attended axtsodootlogr at thia great etteofj who. have takaaibaip plaoes in tee grand caravan that Uadt tb thus "illwt cUImI'? Many, yea, bav friends hi these thickly populated and srsrwuf habisfttloas for th dead, . How-atanv happy thougbta aom stoaUj); araa -. think tb farsta Bed faoetj ho whom w loved la otba dtye tboss from wkoavwahava beecTMpanted ronyelra, baft Wh ttera with tumsM ibt bga tftrtf aikltbtmghi Br 4 epoe their troer,njTba avast iaoiinga- trts e tmw6tci Wftb that vld- by-go Ibvttai wboaw bav lo vtj aad bisbd, waa wa- vwovembov -that their iorsn bavw psmsd away" iVoa aa dovw torwtarS , and tb pirlts havo TAae4 away froab aartb-e bva, sra eld not vlvw alt for semtbiff root and Mnm Msloi aoaa tb fata retetaMaae ol th fatare f ta sWgavaod, wbtob erar taets s aai stated hd boaatiful. -XM. alt, bar fteiow oioraiiiR, have-realiaad tb fall coptnat ol. thea sllet oi tles.i' fldV maavbriRha ey bav rrawfl dlmi beWBisiT roddv ehk hara. aomf ad far, bft W)y (otSTM sand smrtMk those , wd bvvld fadt"wo'y rstd war nlaatd IB tba ftltatw tomb, lewclnff sSwdowrol tbir lovllnM behind. 11 Cyubiv ailvra "ailent elUt"popalatd. [From Vanity Fair.] [From Vanity Fair.] Artemus Ward Sees the Prince Napoleon. 410 , tbe all, still 'Notwiutandru K hilhi? Writ much for the pi per of ltti nebody needn't flatter tbMelva tluttth Dtidertisad Uv deC (Oo tb eoolraryj t ami iire,-,woicn words was spoken by Dan. vil Webster, who was a able man. Even the old-lino whlgs' of Boston will admit that. ' Web ster M oed bow, be w lev en and hl mantlabaa pvobly fsllea Into th band of some deaias UJ ana nana ciote, who can't sell It. Leastways nobody poars to be goin round wearln it to any partioler extent, now days." The "regiment of whom I waa knrnal flncrly cooaludad thy vu better adapted.aa Horn Guards, whieh acoounU for yon 091 bearia of me, tar this,, where the hauls are thickest and where the cannon doth roar.'1' Bate ft Afeericen eiUseB 1 ehll'Ver ooate so-adtair th masterly tdraaoe oat troops made) eft Waahinton from Bull Ron, a snort, time ago. It was well ' don'. I spoke to my wife 'bourli It tbe time.1 My wife sed it was Well tOatUl'fcJe.i 1 ,AJ !: .'f;v.) It havin tbrc4 bl detarmloed U.perUot BAldir4viUatllhagAuds, and as there was po apprehensions of Immrjlt, danger, I thought I would go off onto a pleasure tower. k Accordln ly I pat on ft elo BiUd Shirt and atarted tor Wftsblnioa.n I want there to see the Prints- No poleon, and not to se th plaoe.whlch I will her use occasion to ODsarv l about as unlnterest la locstlt; as thet is ibis Bid of J. Davis' la ter borne, If bo ever does dla, and whero I reckon they'll mak it so warm for him that h will si for his gammer close. It is easy enuff to se why a man goes to th poor bow ot the penitentiary. Lt bocaws - h can't hlp it. .Bat why b should voluntarily go ana iiv in wasmnton, 1 enurely beyond my comprehension, and I can't say no fairer nor tnat' U-.J .a-. ,.:.-(, , .., .-.v I put up to laadia hotels -1 saw tb landlord anded."Howd'ido.Battlrel" n r 1 ' ' -"Half ft-dollar. W chArgS twentt-fiv emt for iooktaat tb kndlord -and ftf u enU fori tpeikln to blm. If yon want (upper, a boy will, ahow yon to tb dinla room lor twenty-are cents. Your room beln' ln tb tenth story; it wilt ebst you ft dollar to b fthowa op thetCi'f L "Ho aiueh do you ax a man for breathing la thia cqainomikal Uvna7" sed I. t .. ' " ten ocnie a or 01 u, was 01s repiy. Waahinton hotels i very reasonable In their oharge. NhB Thia la Sarhataam )l.c .:.:. tieat,up my fcterd to lb frlota, and was lmv mejitlt. unhered before" him. He received me kludifand kxeJ me to sit down.' ,u ' 1 "I bav onm to pay toy re peck to yoa Blio tr Naooleoo. hoola to se vou bal and haru "1 ara qult,wiil,yibe m,.;w jou well, alrl" "'"Sound as ft'cnss!"-"! anBWerel H emd-ts b pleated with my ways, and w entered ttrto ooovarsatlon ta onci. . ,l "How's LewlsT" I axed, and hated" the Em peror Was welt. ! Eugenywas likewise well, he sed. The I asked blm was Lewis a good pro vider r did b oum bom airly ntteaT did be per- foora ber bed room at ft onieaaonable hoar with gin and tansy 1 Did he go to "the Lodge" on nites when ther wasn't any Lodge? did be often bsv to go 6ow town to meet a Irtend? did b hav a gwritlr aoquainianoe among poor young wlddera whose nuabanswae in Calilorujtj to all 01 wnioo questions. tn frlnH periiteiy repllde, giving me toBnderstan that th Emp sOWbalD Welli- (rr .i. )5. J ,?! -r .-r-.- 1 1 tA'1-.ftav vbt toMtionft, jay royal duke and most noble highness and Imperials, becaws I'm anxious' to know bow be sttnds as a man. ' know He's smait. He is cunnio, b U tang- bdd, be Is deer. he is grate.. But ooleta be la cooaV. he'll com down with a orash one ol theee data, and the Booypaiti will be Bastid np agin." Bet yer lifel ' "! '" "- ' HAir yoa ft praacnerf Birr' a inquired, ants- ly Sat katllcul. .- .M,ii'm;t,)'! . "No, sir. But I blev la morality. Ilika wis blav ta .Me tin ai-iuea, Bhow ma plao where tbaroisn'taay Meetin Hnuse and wbar praebr im nevar Bean,' and I'll ahow yaa a plaoa where aid bats - air stuffed Into broken winders, where the children air dirty and ragged, whos gates bar no hinges, where the wlmin air aiip-sbad, asd where maps of th devil's 'wild land air painted upon men's ehlrt bosums wlth'tobaoeo Joocel' That's what I'll show yoti.V Let u ooaslder what tb pretobers do ibr os fei ore we aooose ira." He sed he didn't mean to aboose tb elergv. Not at all, and bo was happy to se that I wa Interested In tn fianypart tamlly. -,; ' "it a a gfale tamiiy," sod I. ' "But tbey sooopea tne 01a man in.- " 'm- "Ho, Slrl" i " i-'-;."-sriav,Jtn ; "Napoleon th Grand." Tha Britishers scoop ed him at Waterloo.' Hr'waated to do too much, and he did H! They toooped hlat In Waterloo, and be aubsekently died at ot. Ilele- nyl 1 There's where tha gratest military man this world aver projuced pegged oat., it was rather bard to couilne such a man as him to Heleny, to spend his larst days in catchln mack eral, and walkln np and down the dreary beach In ft military cloak drawn titely round bin (se nicter-books). but so It was.. 'Hed of tbe Ar my!' ' Them was his Iaret words. So he bad bin. lie was grate: uon't 1 wisn we bad pair of bis old boots'o-eommand sum of Brigade!'!.' & h-uat ti. -. This pleased Jerome, and he took me warmly bt tha bjadVw : i'ni aowr i - v .-. r "Aiixanoer toe urate, waa pnnkios,"A eon- tlnued- "but tNapoleon was panklnser! A wept becaws there was no more worlds to scoop. and then tok to drlnkib.- He drowndld orrtrslntheflowldbal, aad tba tlowla bole vu too muoh for hint. - It glnrallv Is. - Ha dertook to give a make txhibishun La bis boots. but It killed Urn. .That was ft bad Joke AllCl a , i-ji .-..i,i 1:1 OjiS 1 VSlne vou all so aollcl tons about Franc tha Emneron may I aak yotv- bowwour country is getting along I" sed Jerome, in nlaaaant woina. r . .. . . VI . .. - . . . -in BJixea," 1 sea, -war 1 inmr we bdaii ddm out all rlgbt.,"j t-i ' ,vhai "Columba. whed be dliktverd this maenlBV dent oontlnent, oaald bav had wo-idee of grandeur It would on-day areoom,- sed Prints, .uaa-itj-uaq t,ni! n'leiv It boel Colomboiiwrjntr tMasadd dollars fit oat his exploring expeditloa," sed 1 "If Bad bin a sensible man, he'd bar pat the mony m ft boss railroad' or' ft aaa-ompanyi ana thia magnificent connnetrt'ie' tba" intelligent savages, whO.wbeb they1 got bold -af a thing, know enofi to keep It, and who v wouldn't bav seceded, aor rebelled, nor knock Liberty Itttthehed with ft slungtbot. "Columbos wasa fflueaar af eiier, anar alf. 'it -would bav money In my pocket If he'd ttatd 10 bam Chris trient well, but be pat his foot la It fee saled fof Amerloa." V"' '"--! " W talked ' Sum -tabr-About halters thingur and At larst IriVto go, wll K ay good bye to you, -nobl sir, 'and1 food -rook to you; "litktwise tn tame r uotiiriy. to tbe ftorgeoas'pertoha which , eompose' toot. 1 If the Emperor's boy don't like Hviof It tb Tooirts, wbn b gttaoiaer, ana woui fttkato atBbark- u tbate&ow dibpm " eom with me aad, t'llsaaka a, man f, hiss,-. Yoa find as sum what mixed, as I before but earn agin next year and you'll aanleAiMs-Arar.' e--- emu v.Tk6a vtttn bt) to keep away front the,, petes JF auctions of tb East, aad th proprietors, corner-lots ta tb WesWj bid him farewell, went away. u , WARD, (Artemhs) Tharsnsl U Indianapolis will 'eommened Operations'' fof General Fremont, too Monday next, and wtll torn out on boodred thousand cattrldge a ddy front (bat flma" forward."' w.i-in;''"""""1' . . , 1 TT1 a far rNBTANI BBLIB? aad PBBMABBirt 0CBJ lttrajlni tompTarnt M !e5' i'a"li 'U ,.TfTT"i'i j ....HT4-i .'-fj Mlftawy B B. B'TMOUB ft CO., 1"7 Nmsri t- . v Prto ftl par bwn teat tre by poet - ' roa bali at AibBkOaeisika' a rlAwWs ' firr mm. R1SH.STEAMSHIPL1HE. Bteam Between Ireland and Amerloa NEW BOlTPNND fiA LWeVY ' Th followlnt new and nunit.i .M..ut, theel Steamships compose th abov Hnet ADRIATIC,' ' ' 8,888 ton tarmeB, Oapt, . Miue I (yormertot nUOolltDHoe.) BIBBBNI A, 4,400 tons burthen, Cspt. V. Prows. COLUMBIA, 4,40 "i:.-K.LRiwm. ANOLIA, ,i4,0 , ;;tSMt , MioaoLtoa PAOiriO, 8,000 -iJV I. au,a. PBUIOB ALBBKT, (Bcrew.l" V- 3J0Q J. Wautam. i On of the abov ship wfirteuve Hew Tork or Boeton tlteniltely every Taeedsy fortofght, tor6alam car rying lb government aasila. teenhlng at Bl. Johns, N. 1 The Steamers of this lias hare beta constructed with th greatest ear, under th supervision of th govern ment, have water-Wghl wmpartmanbv aad ar unexcel led for comfort, safety and speed by toy steam r afloat. Tbey ar commanded by able and (xperteuoed omcert, and every exentea wjkll be mad to promote th comfort of passengers. . I An.sxperienotd Sdrgeea atUeb4 to Mob ship. HATES OP FABSAOE. Tlrtt-clsesN. Y.or Boston, ta Oalway or Liverpool IOO Beoond-elaes, " ,.."1 t , . 75 first-class, " " toBt John'r 35 Thlrd-elsas, ' ' ?-w-toGlwa f Liverpool. I or any atwa'la Xralaa. oa a Bwiway, - 341 Thtrd-eiaeepaeaengeraar ltberaley eapplled with pro visions of the best qaality, cooked and tsrved by the ser vants of th Company. , HCTCItN TICKETS. Parties wishing to tend for their friends from the old country can obtain ticket from My town on t railway, in Ireland, or from Ike MriaeipAiUei Bngland and scot land, at vary lew ratea, ,..,, Passenger for New York, arriving by fh Boston Steamers, will b forwarded to New York free of charge. I for paasage or further Information, apnly to iv - W it. WIOKOAM, At th offlo of th Company, on tb wharf, foot of Canal street, new Tone; -- ..... j... OOWLAND ABrlNWAbL, Agents. aprlll8:d0m. , ' 1 H a at St. a lie his for and own ... tbe tha to ber lets ssod bin whoa " and now Aite yea snm ob served, Had m0 ukt of and l0 , t ofU t . w - - ' .'J: .. -.'V. HUNNE WELL'S . UNlRSAL : i' c-WXJQE REMEDY. ,-:;a -T-2 1 for all Throat aad tang OompUlnU Incladns, with taostperfect results. Wuoorwa Cooob, Chsohic skb Cobmor Ooreus, Browttiiar na Throat OoBrLaiNTe, always forerunners of OoptompMoa, aa a Boothum Btaor It nas 10 superior, jrrced from an upiaie or Bmetie p rope rues, may be need by most delicate eonstl. tuUons, and with perfect confidence. HUNNEWELL'S , , QEjraBRATEl - -.. -TOLU 'ANODYNE. 1 . ' bi Griatrit Na-roEaa OruTg ever fferet to ihe world, containing not a particle of Opium, nor any sub stanM but ita strictly vegetable and medlml properties. ' A sure Bemedy. for NtcRA&eu, : Baai'sUTHUf, Goer, Toon akb Ear Acne, Catarrh, Boea oa llav Psifa , and all minor NefVooe Complaint. . - foa Lots ot Burr, aad Headache in au ice vanetio It has no equal, and to which moel ondoubtcd teetmonl als are offered. foa DauRica TRRstsn lt Is a moat perfect remedy foa Bowu. CoarLAUm. after removing the pain it eel as a physio, a moot important contrast with the cunsUj a lory eneoie or upiom. - - - To Phveiefana, f onau las and Trial Bottle will be sent. and to Dealer or Invalid a deserlpUve pamphlet with.ut poetare-euunp. .1 jrreparea auuer uie special eujiervijion or 'JOHN L. SlfJlvNUWELliS S-I'-Vlll- cuxMisT ahd rflAaaacctmar-, . Ho 0 Commercial Wharf, Boston, Kast- TowhomplSAse direct all oomujuulcat'.on,. Prism Larye Couch Remedy, 50 cents per Mile '. - email -; V . - "i .' J r Tela Anodyc. 50 " . , , for ml by th usual wholemle and retail dealer. Mrywhar. , . .. - ,. .. B08BHT8 A StSTCXL; ' N. B. MABrtl JO UN ft. OOOK, i. M. DliMIG, - i, Q. DENiaa. BUNS, A. J. BCIIUBLLBB A BON., mayl7-ary Agents for Oolumbas. Ohio. ajr. r-w ot . . 'j0 - PEICK8 BKDTJCBD r, . ITrom the New iork Observer.! Asallpartle mannfactaric Bcwlnt Meehhictareoi- Und to Day Mr. Unw a lioenee en each machine st li, and are a so compelled to make returns to blm, utia-r oath, u to the number sold, bis books give a correct seiu- ment. from this reliable sooroe we have obtained tic following statlitlcs. Of th machines mad in the ) ear 1859, ther wer sold, . . By Wheeler A Wilson 01.305 f " I. M. Singer A Co. 10.W-1 " Grover t Baker...... ", Fhowins; the sales of Wheeler A Wilson to be dout! those ef any other Company." ' Awarded th highest preurloms at th - . ,i . . United Butts fairs of 1HM, lrUD and 1BU); also at tb ' . r. Ohio BUte fair of IMS ana 1M0 aadat nearly all tb County fairs tn tb State. ' Out prist, at th lat ndactton, or 0 low tu any lock liich mashln now sold, and bat a trifle higher than th Interior too thrtad chain ttich snocAfae, now loreed upon the market. - . . Th WBEBLBB fc WILBOrT mACulNB makes th Loot Brum--the only one whlohoannot b raveled. It Is Alixb or Botb Bine of th goods, leaving no ride or thainonth mndir tid. Alt tnacMnt var-anXM 3 vevirt, ana tntrrwcHra gives ln their use, free of entree. -K.U ,1 ji-3 ' VJx,os rtige viniiawioae, v. . WAL BUMNBB A CO., a TswdArwflm Plks'i Opera Hoe. OlnoianatL -' ii.s ,1. " 11 GREAT CURB "'DRTLELAiND'S-" ; '"'.'" . . : i .in ; ANTI-RHEUMATIC' BAND r- ' " " - ' ' ' ) la a iiti uxmli Anuvvn titiucux run., . 11 -.i Eueumatim, "Gout and Benralgia, AND A BCRB CUBA fOB". .1 All ,Mercni7al;Diaease3. - It Is ft canveniently arranged Band, sontalnlag a M tcated compound, to be worn a round tba Waist, without Injury toth most dUMtoprsniabirUi babiui of living It required, and it entiieir removM the dia ease from, th system, without producing tb Injurious effects aiteing free, the of powerful Internal medi cine, which weaken and destroy the conetltuUon, and give temporary relief ooly. By this treatment, the med icinal properUes ooulalnrd la tb Baud sam In Mntact with the blood and reach the disease, through the pore fib silo, effecllugln ewv Instance a perfect cure, and reatofin: the peits tinker d to aeAiR- edition. Shis Bsnd iaaleea motpowrtul Axti staMoaiAL agent, and will enUrely relieve the syewn from the periuotowt efftouef Mercury. Moderate emeee ar oarwd la a iewi dars, aad ere ar Mnstantly receiving- teatimanlait ol ,iu (ffleaoy tn arirravated case ef long standing. - ' J a Paici, to a had of Drirn gaaeralls-, ariMa b Mnthy mail or expreasi ajitb fail dirMiteaa lor aa. to any put of th oounlrv direct (root th Principal OOo,'- iif'.i 1...... .":( .ul.'i .- )At Hi. daid w JoJ 40V BB0ABW1Y, Itv Iwk- iJ odwo, iMlTH cV CO., Bole Prot tw ..-MrtpUvClroJJSenifrM.l,!1 i,x,...Jt A. J. B6UUBLLBB A BOM, Drcmhti, in. rto. 877 B. High Bt., bet. friend tnd Mound, 0lamav CH'I . O" Acmt VaaMd Bvrywtiere. mhS8-lylsovl JAiW :rt v!'l" rxlA tfninilsi tl SV'A A SV 1 1 , mUHATEU t AtlRIO Inea Bbtrt Botem PMla aad rt " f-S " ,-ShlrllBg and Beaom Linen. r. .-,.,,. Wa! 1.11 " ,. BheetlnM en PllloW Casltsv. Linen CaeuhrtMaad Leae Ihhsm.I il r 1 k . .. .1 ., ,, e, v.. TowellinatesKlDtaira ', ,,. LlrwBapklosaedDOyiUe. ,.i, . Linen Table Olotneand Satla Daousk. Llaea Towels with oolored ooruer. , !.l"-a - Mn Siair Oaewetaai aad Csaah. -iaoaifi .b i'l t-Wev?HV2ii.fci af siifv t 1 tr-vi .!; "i - 1 - , , .. 1 . . 1 . . r- r r IV tPtl LAKT Oil ,WTEt.PUO(lf CLOAK ClAmis. Alto, other m,irs uf Surliu 6 'oak Cloths, In ail deeiraWa mlxiarra indii-i, Ta. Ml and Buttons to match r"" ' BalN tkiiV, aprllS K.8BBouUtIlightr ft I . a . J AW V .',.., 1 . .-.