Newspaper Page Text
uurtrzxvr mum, rnuuhew- t.fcti. W. WAWOKWWK, . ,..- OOljPMBPB oiTimniT MORNINQ, BErT. 88. 1861 i Democratic Union Nominations. xxtigO' " o wet-up iiiiirii"' otijio, John O. Marshall. f ( . 0 njn' ;VrTUA8Cali OF " - OfHimUltn. : ',U ... Of JSrec.1 ' ' 'a-.' ' M'jr: I'.fti comptbOLISr, ' ,;. '1 'boaxb of ruBUO womb,; i--;; . K Of Cyn9' '. to oommos rm JPM1. - : . . (ituuMi nuuwn . ."' . .. -Of Piehnff - (ytAltua M ftCAWAY) AUCU mmUA Democratic Union Nominations. UNION DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. . i i i - unn MTATtrM, ' Wrt ' GEORGE L.' CONVERSE, , otto dresel; - (Biurr. -6E0RGE W. BOFFMAK. i J ', '! . t AJDftOI. MATTU1A3 MfRTIN. pOHN 0. THOMPSON. tXCMBCIi ; IfATHAW COLE. .. . . - . JACOB SLYfl.; - COMHM.' "UJ' ELUS OAVER. JHltMr BltCT0, PHILEMON HESS J' n t; TICKET. Democratic Union Mass Meetings. Tbo Democratio Union Suto EontlT Com nikiH'hui mida rraoenietitf lor holdlof At Fmmokt, SMdoiky county, on Siurdy, Scpwinbor SSth, 11 A.M. , Bpeltert-Bon. Hugh J. JeweK, Judge Lng mM;, oihtni. '- - '. i ' ' '-' At Toledo, Loc county, oa 8tttrdy er nlng, September SWib. Bpeikeri-Hoo. H- J. Teirett, Judge Log (Oerniao), nd othfrtr,, , At Martitilli, Unioo pounty, oo Btunly, September Mih, 1 P. M- Spekr Hon. 8mu,l 8 Cot. '" ' - At Ahilu, Clermont county, on Tuesday, Ootober lrt, t 1 P. M. 8peker-Hoo. Hugb J, Jewttt and Him. Allen O. Thurmen. , (, ( At Goorrowii, Brown count;, on. tVedne. dty, Ootober 2J, t 1 P. M. Bpetkere-Uon. Hugh J. JeweU and non. Allen G. Tburman. Ar'HjtLUoioooH, IllgbUnd county, on Tbuudiy, October 3J, at 1 P.M. Speaker Hon. Horh J. JeweU and Hon. Allen G. Tbur man. At Chiixj'cotm. Roas county, on Frldiy, Oo- tober 4:h, at 1 P. M. 6peaker-Hon. Hogft I. JeweU and Hon. Allen 0. Tburman. . - At CiactiTiLtt, Pickaway county, oo Salnf day, October 5th, at 1 P. M. Bpeakere-Hon. Hagh J. Jewett and Gar. Medary..'? At Hamilton, Butler county, oo Monday, September 3Jtb,at 11 A. M. Spcakew-Hon. H. J. JeweU, Hon. Wayne Griiwold, and Hon. John G. Marabull. . . ' At Lamcati, Fairfield county, on Saturday, Ootober OJi, at 1 P. M., and io the erenlng Toe afternoon mretiog will be addrened by the Hon. Allen G. Thnrman. At Ashland, Aabland eounty, oo Saturday, Ootober 6ih, at I P. M. Speaker-Hon. H. B. Pyne and othen." '. . At Moaaow, Warren connty, on Toeiday, Ootober let, at 1 P. M. Speaker Hoo. Jonn O. Mtfshall and Hon. Wayoe GrUwold. v. At Mt.Viw.ow, Knox county, On Wadneo day, Ootober 3J, at 1 P. M. Speaker Hon. Jobn G. Marshall, Hon. Wayne GtUvold and other.' i;..'T At Niw Lixiworew, Perry county, on Thnrt day, October 3J, at 2 P. M. Speaker Bob. John G. Manhall, Hon. Wayaw- GrlevoU, aad Hon. Edsoa B. Old. !'p ; 1 At Sandwit CittI Erie county, oa Tboraday, October at 1 P. M. bpeakert Got . Medary ' nod other." ki-JM At PoMinoT, Melg county, on Satrday0 tober 54, atl P.M. Speaker Hoi. John O. Mar.hll. '.' ' ' ' " SAMUEL MEDARY, Ch'n. AMOS LAYMAN, Sec'y. Appointment Withdrawn. Tb appoiotmrat for a Mam Meeting U Cln elnnati, next Monday wveolng. Srptember 30th, 1 withdrawn. ' Tb meeting will not be held. SAMUEL MEDARY, Chairman of State Ex. Committee. AMOS LAYMAN, Sec'y. C7 Tb 3al. en Fast-day momlBg,dIBJ up tb folio eing delightful fnorrma foT it reader: !- outi .a. .t . ' Even If ft Union should b divided, tber. 1 a eaui fur apptMeneioa at the Nertsw , ll la settlMl ,iwet ere can go Lew. - ,, . Atismpts at wit or smartoesa often (bow w bent oi a man' mind, at "straws ah. which way tb. wind blow." W. read ot o. who scatters firebrands and desth, aod sayr, "Am I nottosporlT t .. ' -;, , ' , , s.u-". - ': ii i i o "' The Meeting at Clintonville. Th Uoioo Democrstie meeting at Cllato Till wa oo of the best sod most enthnslsstlc we bsve seen.; JUr. Jams Fisousou was Presl dent of tb meeting and P. Urss aod William R. Hoa-r. Secretaries. Mr. Cex mad. on. of bis beet apteebca," ,Mf . Convcsja' speech was a clear vindication ef bis actio a our Kepr. sen tati V w r -vi i 'Spelter," which was Bred from cannon, by nojd, at tb battle of Uanlry, is denned Wobdtrr a, a commeroitl asm. for xlnc. In this, however. It means irrefdlsr sbr(:d UA'et of Uiad, mads by ponrlof tb. ho lead law water, ioruiag dtfc.oa DiliMilet with thsip Jtgged corners, The Democracy and the Union. Dtmooraey of thif ooonwj'wa "Vaj hii Issna with Us sottha preserve. Hon of th Union tad th tieiatsnance or. to " . .. i IUOnStltUUOWa A BS le OW ew ' . . . i . MlI. l.tkJ lAAfl BUBl oi in venrocnrcy- ni i i It U sot. a- r "- t "Th old opponent of th. Dskperacd er. . . V .1. . M dUSt 'I1R . ft . foad of quoting th. patriotic w- - ."J J log that all pMty ut - ,,v . during the ,...' .YmA to la aside, asm we consent, agreed to ij , , . . i..i .u BnuticsA nw II ernsnea, we r -- . ti... .... iktu thai tolato dlreoUy. to malntenano of vuo oa w vo or r;roD:roiti. out a elngU other quntlon whlofc Petoort sreMwralrfnr. M on lgU position they now ST Bww w"ti v. ,.. .v. . Uke, which doe. OOt Dear u.r.0,--. grand pokt-U.e presrTlwn of th Toion a oor faiber mad t ) f "!," 1 fe . .j...hh tneaens mi lemoormu r F v , . -i,.nh ts. '.w la made. They nro aocusea of AMkloe to maintain, their organisation for 1 the mere sake of low pattlsnn ndo-tb Mont' taai cnarg ues "- - onanitatlon has. In our past history, been tn salvation of tbo country, Opposing an Impregna- bl. bulwark to tb Msault. of thofoe. i I- ... t ff m. titilni to I vunsu.u.iuit miuf w w d.y tbo urn position, and tt oissomuon wo b th sore precarsor Of th dissolution f the The Democracy ha been, and U to way I sals, sore and tellabU Union wrganlcaoa in the oountrT. In thl oe,lt I to mr party. i . i a. a Uboriog to effsot meriy partisan ,. band of patriot dsroHug it energl ud using its orcsiiBauoa rot sow one IS. ef saVlni th. Gorernmt fro- or r r i - i . . rr,.tin"fMi throw, and the Unionthe whole Union from diesoluUon. i U coaautnu aaotew a "- rrt- ....i,.ifnB. siMnnd which goou F.-.w "--rr-. number to sar ou glorlon lanrlo Q f werai and Stat Qoremmsnu atom sUher partial orl t3tsl aMtruotle).' w ut,t i: .w,d r "! ijwi sniraww .,, , . . ;:Tb .n: f bo Trent int. proa, or we .up mktft)chrgthtih Democracy I talnieg lu orgaati tlon-" for Btreiy vaiun ana DirtUsn ends, 'know that H h ntterly falsi- Man, of iU: aro ooplUh th. annihilation disbsading 4 tb Pemooratl! Mlotionol tne vaioo, nnowwg. v organisation exists and continues powerim, w disunion cbm will b tnwartwa. int. evidentlv the design of many of tb. leaders In tbe recent No-pert, moveownt in Ohio, who believe, with) thai Candidas for Ueuteadbt Governor, that tb great mlftax. In th. formai Uon of our Union wad, lb. anion oj iree auu sUve Bute In th earn Confederacy, between whom an til they sr. eeparated, thee ataSt be, mo!lns' to Stawtow and bft eo-workere, an andlaas conflict. .... ... 'The popnlar aentimswlis now la favor af malntainlow th Uolow. It WOOid DO IOf SB Ditanlonlit at Jieart to oppo Openly thl bop nlar earreatt heac they bynocrUloally arrogat. ti themial vel tb exclwtlv. Mtl. f Uakl , and attempt t throw tb odlam f DwuMoolam from thslr owa shonidr opou in. vtmooraoy. If they crold tba,br.sjk" np t. only aUanch iintasi oranUation'Ln. thoanlry, then the public mind might b gradually wroagbtronnd t stnodon "their" plan of a paraUon. Of )h free and alar Slate, ta t dr fo- sep tb horror of an btermlnable war. -Ui- The President and Fremont. 1 r ....... i.. ul' mmm at- V tL The ChiUlcotho 7ed, a Repablloan paper, tpetklog of th Presidsit ftofflBcation of Fre mont prociamauoos i , -,.(,fj .; . iu mMhBaaLian atv the President, on th. other band, be bee received as they would bsve re- oelved tb news oi great oeiea. feci, w fear, will prove more dieaeUoua, than tb root of our tore at Maaaasa. . It la a step btokward whioh w cannot sfford to Uks. . ' ! ..Wa haa aen to loon already ia Ukiag n tbe gauoUtt whlofe tbo rebels threw down to as .k.B tha bases this.Wat.l W bare bwSO atraid to meet boldly aod fearleeely th que Hon at ttew frrnnttd a to . W have ntade negro , eawfaer of wur soldiers In aoms la staaoe. wib the vain hope of showing them that we doa't want te lnterfsr with tbeir.f'p oaliar inatitatlon,". r! r. . .i1 ' Tb evidence is olear that sosooaasths ! tlon llbver th. Abolition pre, will commence on th. President. The cloven foot uj now, being shown. - Til router for thai pportUg tb a us fJearr Unlet It ta buMinbed for negro emanplpaaoa, lbejr kaf.'ljp jnUr1 or esrj Ip It. 1 fOiU 5l!t!, tl Vtl .IT Now and Then-What Differance! Th. Wnaatar Rnublictm Dubllebe call to th people to attend a meeting at' that pUei, in which W. Bnd th. roUowmg:, "AU pauiota ano lover ef tb. country, all booest men should be preseot te beer tb eUlma ef their couatry pre- aantad bv the. ' Ienrrsa -orstor. Tn. IT '..4 r.a' ' " J orawre miw a- " r r i , .. Oa th. 84 of Auga 1800, Ton made a DMNKAjmeeoha WeosxerThe editor of the Wooeter MepvbUti gaTW Mm tke fbUowfoj no- .,t .s VFot-Mital.Davt's' Mxnjwe- For week nau tha Donalaa leader have been a in lb mast daeperat xertione t teenr an eadieawe tar PoL-anata! lot on i. BSSUAI waioi.i. aun and rnnner wsr sent la every direction, and UTery stables trsely patroniasd. Tbe evsaing earn, and wltaU a reepeotanle Cearl fleas full of Dooglae and .Breckinridge Democrat and Ropubiloaat, attracted from eorloalty so fee new Davy Tod would prove DougU . geanme Destooratl. eaodldatt, and a bogo. W. wers not present to bear the, peeoh only about Ave minutes, but have been informed that tber. neve wa a more weak, tat, vulgar, profane speech delivered la Wooeter.., A Breck inridge man infotats a tbat el asset every aara grapu contained ate et lest oaths, and that to tktkiaridg men were com pared to thivea and pettiteotiary birds, without tb boner of even gamblers, and all because they relused to be led by tbe D joglae bolmnt. Tbe whole operated to buUd op the Breckinridge party in Wayn couaty, and make rote for tb Repob Ueaa. W bop fet-ntstal Davy will corns oen again to, W iweter, a4 coot .of ten between aewnod ToMmber t- iho .-jitiT .n ti . W.doBOtpubllaavbiso tb parpoeeethv dortlog It, bat thafooi friends eiayee wkat abanee ukas nlai. la VS OvlOlon 01 UM. mn, when a Dnwest eoneenl to A, asea ,py wein few tb pnrpose of e1v1dingn4 destroyiog Keprleele " 'JO It would Vsem tfiil tbs nroolamatlon of Get), Present, la respect to the slave of rebel, ha opened a gam at wbtch two can play. Tbe troops el venersl itulilccfJuv la Kentucxy, are elaing tbe slaves ot tbs Union, men, and ran-, nlng tbem .off to Tennessee! Ae .the UnJofl men In Kentucky nee the holders of. the great er soar of.tb slave, this form oOtUlistlon, will work unplessantly tn tbtt Dtate, and per Bitpe be tbe o oca, ion or some sonmary eoaver ston.-CW.-Jrr , '., ' A') nrtfjl tT Tb. ktnhlican of Dslewar. county hv y ' aomlosted Jaaca, R llossru. for Jtepreseotk live. "ETSTaAH, a nsw eoflrert te RepttbHoan- Ista, Uled bit banRai, j:ipa np.--' iny would xtol IrtMrt blow r 1 1. e ) o i Now and Then-What Differance! The Seizure of Southerners' Property. Th blowing elroalsr lit btn lata, by the WASHINGTON, Sept 21, 1861. w , property In trenail, or ruroo y tlntenano p f , , Mfl I , I r"'ltncn wamw-fnr as. ' '' -, ' .'. . , - Bisi Jo Order U prevent ' " ' ... .-.a,.!- K. .ftfltn III MlUUft HI . . , . UHa, wvuUKiua - w-.- . ,, I .!. asDfli attsction or fflmoui .. IT I. J (3 .. - . . sa a MinwItinH H Tbs 'bin Moflon of th Aot of July 114 P- -Tw., .d .bM eed J" chend., coming from or piooodlng to a Btate o plaeo WWM uea,wguw ' . . . M ... .. nereocs to or from w . ' ". . . , a .i.. ,oh Btste or plaoe, naii oe ranwwn . RtAUia. rThu MMion obvtoualy applie g t wherere tound, U liable to sell D, wly redrwM of fMUe wnay ikinlr h..ulM rmtun& it tT PBal to rV 0T 5TT.ury. who U U..i4 h pwtr ( 'j, m.i,. alon. . Th fint aeotion or an am erororea aukb - II . T .i u..nn.. hla. p, oeoiaree , m. y j- .n ' . ISiuire. aell or 1 aor property, of whateTer kind or description, with Intent to promoting such innrretion, or any pereon or therein, or if any person or parson being th owners of any ob property, l VTIVTZW Vm.Tfl vr .lainviunu. wi " ." . . At such property is hereby declarea m oe inwiui ,ii,Imi nt nriM and aactara wberevst found. . 7 ' . J .L.. .1.1. .ullio Me OouW cab D ninauiea ... ..n aauidaraa. and that It operation we intended to be limited to property usea in mr tbersnce of the insurrection only.- Seisarce nnt ,h. nt nr ! 13 ahoald be made b tbe offloers a under th direction of tbe ottoer of i inn i rsiunrt i lAntrimi tbe Treasury Department, and an viaine a k Mjtb,l, ymtsd States Md aU pfuctile eounset and kid in i u .w.wji w. . JJJI 1 o mane ot id tusruiu w u proply mtJ ... 8-et i. genera i or putwuiar oirtetioo or we iisrrrci ; I or uhar anDarlar sniharilT. ..i. . . .. . . .. .- mltigaUon or remission in the secretary or U i T,UIUrT, h , Dliulot Attotner or other o porior autbomy may dircoi the disoontluUALee "J P"10! "t th,2l?';,M, f M .-.toration of the nrooertl Seized. .... fc wJ Vew, fcoi , Wpeotloi of the. I provisions or- th ! ot CeogrtM, ' tbat' do property I oonnseatea or tuojeoiea to lorieiuv, exoept such as i In transit, or proTldeft foe tra. ftt ' r7rUoo:, Re'al M bonds, promissory notes, tnonej on deptav i AU officers, while vigilant in ta. pretention or conveyance ot properij wiur iruui miui recti Oo att Stat, or lb use of It ft r 1nsnrreo: Nonary purposes, are expected to bo bsreful 1U avoidloK tmneceesary vtiatloa and tt'- WM. Secretary of State. Secretary of State. Manifestations of Gratitude---Read Secretary of State. Manifestations of Gratitude---Read Both Sides. s ThsHsneock Cburfcr ssy truly that the two following modes of manifesting gratitude, and expressing thanks fer tbo bravery and gallantry of th Ohio- volunteers, and for tht services by tbem rendered to the cause of the' Union,' the npprloo of1 rebellion, and tb enforcement or tn learn, were adopted by tbe Dsmeoratle n.lo. and the Hanoart StaU Conrtntlont: t" ResolaUoo! of tb. No- Ketomuoo or tns usnv ocrttlo Union State Convention. 6. Tbattb.volanteef party Union Stat Convention. ' soldier who, at the call' hi f their oountry jmmpt Ml?. 'A 11 i j, u:A LO-i It went forth to do' bat tl bt defeu. of lu Coo '? t :,',) mo,iw rf. sUtutlon and laws, and V 1H Jlj X' liS fl:'v get.! l.j - iit I i'j-o ijfi.u cii r,ic lu.. .i t,,.r ; i i,',.-!.!, i, .1 nto ti.l If) t 11-. I t'.O tht!'." .Cj! Jti u(.Ui ni iJtv"' J.tii I !.,! jti..utl0 who. In many oases. bav. been compelled toj Ogbt under lnexpetleno- ea caioert, are eotiueu to our hearty thank for th. ctllant manner in which ' they bav. did charged their duties Secretary of State. Manifestations of Gratitude---Read Both Sides. The Union-savers and Union-Sliders. t. While the Democracy war. constantly telling the Republican abolitionist, tb calamities to which tbeir nsotlonaiism weaia iesa.ano wr whiost we were called L'rwm-Sasers, Baaka, Gld- dlasa. and snob leadD Ravuoiioao wsr aay lo. "lf rt fJnton iuis ' Kow had we Demo cratic "Uolon-aavere" better go over to these " Union tUuHtf u be good Uuiea men, or auu fight lor the Uolon, she Coastitattea and Laws, under oat eld banner whioh ha Mood tb test for alzt eaara. aader tbs ssmS asm. Th m- nbatie aoower of everv Democrat will be MO! mMMMfitU 0Mca ens xtawter. i mu, [From the Seneca Advertiser.] Gen. Myers, of Crawford. la 'Crawford eounty, a In tbi eonaty, tb. Repabllean. appointed Democrat, a delegate a their Fasioo Senatorial Convention, wbe had ao svmnatbT with thair toovemerjt.' Id Craw ford they aasd Gen. Bemaet Myers st a del gate. Tbe General did not like tble move, and he earn eotma toloy card la th Ftrstat, esy fair that the US of hie asm. Was tnauthorised, aad pissblog 1l th. OiddUgt, Wad. tad Obr Ini Uaton eeriv.4 ' " (t '' Tbe fotlowtagt tb. eoscladieg oarsgrapb of tb.a,dlaibFsrwr ''' '.-'." i Allow m ti aay ta eseelasion, that, bad svea been dhrpesed to aot with th. patent Union tarty thl fall, the aetoandlng and1 traitorous tetter ef Mr. Todaceeptisg the nomination for (swverao weald hav proveo an erxeetaai enre to sey each aawise aad misguided dlefoslUo I snald aerer votefo any en. whe could r esse aader any eircarastaneee t g back andef British rule. ' I am te holding en ia peao er la' war, la prosperity or la adversity to tboss blsosVbooghs right handed a ay to faiheM et thevevolottoa - J"-'-' "l Vonn.tmlv. .JSWJ.I SAMUEL MYERS. Logan-Union Democratic Convention. .' Tble Conventtoa me at fUefontalnev' on tn. tttli last', aid' ubmlnats 'We, following tlckeU Fer RenrsaetkletiT., Dr Robert . i GlIcrtwH Treasurer, Thome Habbardt waucUmotise, Hanson Thoeseer innrmarT- mrwQtjt, svewext nj ,,,iiiimiK km iTha Beoatortal "atd JaaUdal Co Vention, saaaKy nostioataou vi )" sJ,' ,n3, wi ioaho Fee gen. A, Oabeme, et. Mar low aoaatyy lA,m lMKaaaaav.ef iaaaeoaatr. .tsi ' . v.,.., Mr. Stanton's Speech. fl baboAj.a aved tSd'!fmrjsl bit ;ev seewM tarfonewteg front a speech aaade ft Ccagreet by nW.m, tn. for;. fsBsact yolon oaadlditt. for UfoUovernor; J(J tBnh, Mr. Cbaitaa. last are soms tntag that gsaUesaea oegnt te-oMertuna.) a m a- c iv d craa rea eery f ceely anl frankly, that 1 do tss heilevs ibis Oovemment sa '- a kl lawstbtt BT eall'tari forev J W aaf ii-e tet f ttia tk CotUrtl inTf aaistsO'y mtyuyf aae eesrraa ta tour, 0eeemeTwi ereataert I avae iaBOf dy each thing.-' it i agatom tn ganiaa aaniriaoitbaac. Nobody woalAaBdeisak. jor mob thing ogara a eWilweteereaUt Ail., ike aaeatla that thee tt te.c alU- ssetely e eofMrate confederacy.., 4 bsve a. idea thas sash wee wewlel :aeV sMhcrwlaa thee la toaarstien vf bW.Uf 'iOUegalMjJB oTparste oeJedavaciSA. .1 la pmUr eat- uss .r ,hS- . AaTSSKJT u new" IWV.OtA- Iseot ew evea aevan et clgbb f 'he States a hebeldaaastjagatecr teqaar4.tPltoae taaksa a isslatkk.'' xa, erbethtf : they eaaar aet,aooshaot th7 It If against th. epiriai and f et tbafg; ao4 M ,fteucii"rirj Union Democratic Convention in Delaware County. Punmiil to noilo1. a Delegate CosVutlon of the Union Demooraoy ot DeUwar Oouuty was held at Tempiar Hall, u Delaware, a he Ust of September, Jor tbe purpose o( bomUiaung candidate ior tb various oonnty olao ' On motion, tb Conveauoa was orgaoisea oy tb. eleoilon ot Jadg Morn 4CbUmn jMd P. tt. Hammond as beoretary. -r A oommitte oi three on Credential wa ap pointed, as followsi ., WlUUm. Jaeob 4iUt, J. Hardin t ls a "eommttiew en Reeolwleoj, eooiistlng ot Dr. Klapp. R Smith, . U. Dent J. W. Coo, H. R. lnefrock: Th 'jQonTntlop;;the Mjournt;rtiot .on. o clock. t Atone in. uonventioo rfwgwuKu,, G. Benediot wa appointed. Secretary ,lnpnf f D.N. Hammond, who resigned. Tbe report of tbe commute on treaenuau was adopted. ' . Tb commute on tteoiuuons, sorouga meir Chairman, Dr. Klspp, reported the following: t VVusxAS. Tns record of the Demooratio par ry, ttendlng back through many year oi our Nstional xiteno,ln prosperity an In adver sity, in peaoe and in war, in foreign diplomacy and In domestio politics, furnishes a ufflcieot guarante lor Its fidelity In the administration of Stat and National affairs; . Andhres lb recent political ercanua tloo in our Stat oalllng lUelf the Union party, having do record in the past, offer no guaran teee lor th futurei lherefore, r u . -, i Jittelpta, That we, th Unloa democracy ot Deiawar county, pledge our hearty -and and! Tided aopport to the candidate now Id nomina tion on the Demooratio Stat tloket of Ohio; and that we go into th. prent political cam paign with tb union for our watoowora anu tb Constitution for th. plattorm of oar. princi ples, .-, . ,,. , M ' 'l..l .'--J- Wf, That w sustain the President la all nnn.Litiiiinnal efforts to nut down th rebels aow in arm agalmt th Governmentj and that we especially approve or me oraer to. uenerat Jobn O. r'remont, compelling him to comply with tb sot of Congress. i Balloting were then had for th various Can didate,' wbich resulted a followsiY.iV - vl (or innrmary . v ireotor Keuoen iteigiert Commlssionsr d H Bradley; Treasurer Na than Williams; for Representative, 8. Q. Ben adlet was nominated ht acolamatlon. 1 '" 1 W. P, Reid, F. Poppleton, John .Converse, J. B. Uoxaod wm. u. sietat were appotntea Cantral Committee far the oinin -ear. The Democrau of tb oonnty were invited" to attend tbe Senatorial Convention at Jonnatown. The resolutions were greeted with great ap plause, lbs Convsutioo rising and giving three cheers ..t" On motion, thd proceeding war ordered to be published In the, Ohio Statuman and th. Crtsi....,' There being no further business, the Conven tion di JUDGE NORRIS, Chairman. S. G. BENEDICT, Secretary. ' tT W. copy th following-jfrorah Aihta bula &nfinel, a represent I Dgtne jfterlot the rrwe Republicans of tb country: General Fremont. vW hive copied, from tbe ClttoinnaU.waaear an artlol., which will b. iound on ourieoond and tola to whioh tbla oonntry i tending, if tb. policy of miking th. notion of tb.. border slava Stst. Uiion men tb. standard, is to be followed'. 1 Tbe fact must and will sootf b. very dearl learned by themte. men of vJie North, tbat tb. Uoioo men of those 6 late are-for the Union, It slavery can be preserved nnder it, and if not, they ar. for slavery at any rat., .Thslr doctrine is: tb Union with slavery, or tlavery wtthont tb Unions Thlt may. look tils a s vsrs charge sgslnsl them j' but UH nevertb lose tru) and the sooner w. understand it the better. ; . The let. fu.iiae.ter a-M nsa uaraicd all or lb North making Unloo tpeeobest and tbe neweoapan bar. pnffed nun td ike ikies, as pef r iiraarsvlIaioii.maUr-wUb whom no fiortbeta ataa eoald He compared. "And yet hi Union I am emoaota only te the kind wo do- He wa ta van maa wa wrota to tb Piesldaataa bare Fresaeat'e siasasmtiion stod ifled. and demanded it as tbe ootid tUo of Ken tucky loyalty;; ' 7 ;C Coogress acted upon too . umoa aianatra ot Kentnoky', "when thsy essssd th oon&sostion aot, and mad it a mud u tney aaied to mak tt, ta Us' raee I tssir nHbraeonautnenta, wbos ' msntled -armv wae Ulllne tb aesDttals from Manassas. They legislated ander fear" of Crittenden and 'tboee Union men wbo ar. lor slavery first, and th Union afterward, and ea aoted that a slav tboald bs forftittd, only wben ni master pm forced, bim to commit treason in arms. They 'dodred behind tbe term forjttUd, lest imsacwa'ee sbonid alarm iwentucky. And now Union Kentaeky alarmed, and thongb her represenutlv man Holt demands that tbe Utttr ot th law shall b. observed, and that the sieve af rebel shall not be emancipated te te make the slaves s Uoioa a so noaajy." Ta. rreeldsat, la ordering tbe mooiaottion, only carries "eat th. Instrooaoo Of Congress. Wshooe the blam. msy rest where it belongs. Congress Is rssponsible; sod th. people most look to them. The President only doe. their bidding- They, bar.' dot oly:.bowed to th. tiara tatarest In shaping their aotloe at the ex Ire eoioai bat tbey bave demoralised the North -by organising tbi Union party on the basis of Crittenden' Resolution,. Till lbs North cite a it strengtb, and. com pale Con- trset to sot for liberty instead of slavery, we shsll 6n1y protract tb war, t laugh tor Our sons. and weaken our uovernment instead oi snp- pressins: tbo rebellion. If tb people don't want 'Fremont's proelamatloo tnodiled,' let tbem make thsmselvse heard. ' page, for which we pespeak a oarin raaoung. It places the subject of Fremont's proclamation in tb erooer Intnl. sad pointeeut the difficulties Jacob Gates no Fusionist. 1 , ,mm .i . i.-i i W. are requested by Mr. Jsoob Gates io say that tbe Republicans bav. need hla nam oa their tloket tor lonrmary Uirsotor wtthont1 bis aathorlty aad tbat be twice tent word to strike it off. as he wee ea old Union Democrat of the JelTersonlan and Jaokson school, and eoald aot saner nta asms to remain tnar. . Air. uates is a Democrat of tried integrity, andTwiU aopport tb Demooratio nominated ticket, . Tbe Utrala will therefore do bim a favor, oy taking bis aame off of ' tbe Repnblicaa Union No-paity party tick sstHke bis nsm. from lb. Nov tisgtsm IUtr 'Uke hundreds at -ttwmttnd of oihar Democrat, he at ae willlna aader anv cootinsscey,-) be autda s subject nf Queen Tie. mum end ajwtv-m "v . How remarkably popular Baa who have been Democrat are getting. The Republloan try thslr beat . tbem to run on. tbelr, Uoket, Jacob Gates no Fusionist. Ohio Prisoners at Richmond. vTb. liberatsd lurgeoo front Rlohmoud have enbUsbea a utt ot tne prisoners- ia tost puce. The following ar. the prieoaere Of the Bovsntti Oh Regtmsfct: l';-,A-Compaay A. Theodore, rivals. Cleveland, U.j Jue. JfaodiOr to. uieveiaaaf tvnariee ater sha. do. Tbomiieotf. O l Mjroa Whaler, ii Cleveland Rlohard Waldron, do. Cleveland; Andrews BcorUls, do. Clsvelsndt rrsak Wil Hans, eorooral. Clsvsltnd; ' Cumpsoy B -. McCabe, print, tJIeve land, O I George Yf. William, do. Newburgj Samuel Bojr. dorBOmaltf Oeorg" Robinson, do. Bi. Paal, Mln John Rfrtr, waiter, Caf tAge.O.j . R 8 tiles, serreant,. CJarkflsUJ. 0. Company C-W W.. F.raseotev, Mrgeaat, Mowat Veraee UUO fc. w saorey, qo.. went, N. Y i J F Manh, eorporst JBroadhesd, Wj.. Wm Bircs. Drlvaie. Enrla, iPbU.,,?. Bodl. do., Dartfoid, Ooloj J.M .Sum, do iGeebM, Ind B-eisfnorn, a, nurvrr- cvans, pi. . frlvafea fS-,.X: Curtis, Elyria, Oblo S. M. Finch. Cincinnati;. A. Hohoell, Oberlloi A. at ilalbest. Oberilat 8, JBKiugaboryr-Caaadeai e. C. Newt, LitehSeld, fna I, At J4eble, BwlinaQraear A. 0JUro.i"itCbilWJk-l,Ar kar. Ooerlini E. C -Root, Ooeriini W. ff. rtnn.t. U(Kf.taUsVl D H . Th oftl psoo uOVt oa L. V.TutlleNew Hsven", fnu.j. Leroi, War ren, OberilHy TV.,Wh.Ser,: (Ocw-.oMlob a.jof, MadiseAffli f ;lill,"flferf Wnefvll, Ho ae Huotooo, drummer, falnetville. Compauf r' 0 -?rt,t A Cal VCaroll, rloesvillt, p. ,;.vk1ae,,KirUadvOhlo -A.. iu.Uiuuml L A. Rulueoa. .New Ceetles J.flberbnFarevMTf Joha Brolthi, de.t A.' 8taitb, CbsgrtnFsUsj :tt; e'f i jfcjM. Uabbsra.Oorporai.Agawaj, . . ' rr,ir.its James i.awflr. HUsBa R..u.. Ham e,i aonntvi jjan..asraa-eatf -- - . , .,- ta IUr. fa JHaHaar-i wgw OATAJUl.-r . V Sweet, Milan; FranoisStUwsll, Berltu Heights William Glbhe, Mtlani Gilbert Fox, AUeo couaty, Iitd.i irank Wilkinson, Milan. Company G Corporal J. C. Logue, At water i privates Baniosl EiOis, Ravenna; Micnaei tv tic, do. i , , !,'v, 1 Company HCorporal E C Palmer, Quin- oy, New York; private J. N. Moblen, Hoanv company I Private Jam Johnson, nil; D. H. Juhason, YonjostwB Charlee Bo.le, do Jams ayder,r Warrn ferdy Larkine, H use I mcboiae rriedenberg, Toungstown; u. W. V. Thompson, dp. i. Morgan Lewylan, Min eral Ridge. 1 Company K Sergeant, Adolph Koblmaa, Clove and; Private, tfeonr Aekerman, Plato, Lorain eounty Simon Belbl, Eoglebcrt Fendy, Oastav Oreeowald, Charles HaskeL Tebia Habbsy, John Habbey, Christian Oeringer, Sol omon Keadv. John Schmidt. Charles Stahl, Ju- llua Wolf, Anw 0lzma, Cleveland. . WOUNDED OF VARIOUS OHIO REGIMENTS. First H. F. Proctor. Wm. SeseusL Han tlowliskv. Jas. ' MoLtnshlln. Georc Wise, Gebrg MoCabe, Christian Hoot, A. Spaden, J. Morrle. Second Paul Ntumlle. Twelfth James Stewart, Germantown; T. N. Dugaa. Thirteenth Q. B. Shafer, J. Trump. PRISONER OF THE ILLINOIS REGIMENT. Private, John Hardley. Important from Washington. I We stated, teveral dayt ago, that th Gov ernment wa about to issue an authoritative declaration in relation to the confiscation of the oaptial of residents in th seoeded State., held her. In trust, which would greatly modify th. action hitherto taken by tbs District authori ties, and qulst th. whioh were sxsroltlng such a disastrous influsno upon oar Intacta! in terest, w were not then at liberty too more definite, although we had cood authority for our statement; bat w hav reason to know tbat tbs announcement, partial as It wss, gavs grsat satisfaction to all classes in the city, aod that in consequence of our publication, larg sums wblob were In oonrss of transmission to Europe beoauie of th fear which had been ex cited for their safety, were detained for a few day. to await th. lssu. It gives u plsesur to b. sbls to ttate, on th. highest authority, tbat the mtasnro has been Dsrtected, aod that Secretary Chaae na prepared an Exposition of the law, as it relate both to th confiscation of Beuthara balance, and tb. prohibition of com mercial tnterooort with the Insure. ant, which will settle the notations that bav been to un happily agitated aod created such a feeling of Ineeourity In fiuaneiai oirolet. w . bop. to be allowed to print tbi documsnt In th. lssu. herewith; but it can do no harm to ttate that it give positive sssaraooas that money on deposit la banks or elsewhere, la loyal State, will not be a isturDea . unless there is sufficient reason to believe that It 1 to b. ased In aid of tbe rebel lion. , . Tb. mere fact tbat It belongs to a resi dent of, th Stats declared to be In a stat of Inturreoiioo. I not to be oonaldered a resaon for Its arrest, and it may remain on deposit at aa disturbed as If it were owned ia this eity. Tble ought to bare been plainly announoed at the outset of the movement. . W have good reason to believe that It has all along been th view entertained by th President, by the Beoretary of the Treasury, and by moat If not all of the other members of th. Cabinet; but it bs suited th. plans of interested parlies her to aot noon a different policy, until many person, supposed thatth. Government itself wa committed to the great mistake of confiscating all property held her which was owned by aay on within tb limits oi tb teoedsd State. To sxpoti tloa of Secretary Chat cover tb. wool ground, and ia a clear a it i eomprahenslv. Hereafter capital from any part of th. world msy safely seek an asylum la oar olty, aad be Invested, or left on deposit for future ase, with out danger of molestation. Tbe reader of th. oaraai Goswrt'rer, who know bow earnestly we bsve advocated tbi coarse, will appreciate tb. sens, or satisfaction wth wbtch w. an bounce tbi result Joumd tf Omtmrtt. -, Two brbtheri. one livlnr In Portsmouth, N. H.. the other , fat New Of leant, owned four ships. Tb. Southern brother hoisted on two of th. ships th. rebel flag, and the vessel, that dis graced were eaptnred by lb. United State aery. Th North era brother hoisted on two ot tb ship the atari and ltd pee, and these Teasels tans adorned were captared. by th privateers. Headquarters Ohio Militia. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, COLUMBUS, Sept. 27, 1861. GENERAL ORDER NO. 55. The pressure of business In tbe Military De partment! of tbe Sum render it necessary to Secure a reasonable portion of time, free from In- lerrapiion, for consultation and tbo dispatch or Correspondence It is therefor ordered that from and after this date, tbe offioet of the Com' mander-ln-Cblef, th Adjutant-General, the Qiiartermaater-General, and Commlsssry-Gso- rsl, shsll be open to visitors from eight A. M to three P. M-. and from half-past seven P. M. tstilteoP. M. Atlall other timet tbe office. Will be elossd. By order, GENERAL ORDER NO. 55. C. P. BUCKINGHAM, Adjutant-General of Ohio. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . i For One Week Only. ARMORY HIALL COMMENCING MONDAY. BEPT. S3. ZColloCTS cto Oo'o ! Great Original , Panstereorama W1R 0F1861. T'OOITHIB with SB. KANl'B ABOTIO T0TAG1S, 1 In Moctuoloal Morln( Models. Tbo troalMt txbt- bitionsverpreMntoa to us pooito. noon open at eanaia rUMattMo'eloek. ASaltttaxeUssnttj ChlleV rsa aoaor u jrsatS si sse, esatt.. . sQ81alw. ... -,,-. t) V. 0 OsrpeaterfcBrd.)Ai' ,' ' ' " v' psBtera!Bf.)Al"i',' '' vs. i I irsisware vomwon iimm. t. a . KaappAVe. ' TT VIHTTJE or A'RlT Or FI.FA D ia tbs above oast, aad a 1m two etbar Writs, one la favor of Jobn r. Sana vs. . 0. Knipp at 0., sad see la favor of Wllliaa 0. tu, t I. 8. Kaapp A Oo , to au dlrootoi froai tbaOoan at Ooaaatoa float af Palawan county. Ohio, I will otor lor sals at tat store room No. , la tbs Oarpeawr balldlnr, am High strsat m tbs stly ei uoisjaims, sais osBiissnsiag oa , v . , Wednesday, the lib tJ Pf Ooi, A, D. 1861, attVclook a si afla sosortannlaf dry feeds sad Baaaas, tw stavss. aao stp saSaer, two est fsinsaa's soaao,aaUoasoBSsisayleaa,te4ets. .r , Frialac'tioes SJ. ... Ki.Ua. . w. sturraan. snona By . Davis, Popsty. , 0. W. IBSI, Anelioaoar. sept ddt PROBATE NOTICE. Ji 'i I I '.A l" Settlement of Accounts. rprg rOLMTITIO AOOWDNTt HATE 4ai tlod In tbs rrobat Mart ei rrantun tnm- It, Ohio, and will ko hoard for sotlisawnt ea WBDN1S D.V. ihatSd a at October. A. D IW1. Is Wit: 7 fhm a no tt 0 bar tat trodort ifc. essoator ef fhe will tt Joseph tattler, deeMi the rt atooantaf Uin aarete. jr.,adai,rr Haws aarbas, os t the B- at at Jonataaa Tivoa, seat r wiia win aonw as a, Bamaal H OovoTt, ooo'S: the Baal ereowDl oi th laa Brawn, oaardlaa ef Pav d Outlon and tbe toTsa seeoaat ef P. N. Oray, nteotor ef the will of Uttlttoa B. On Sae'd. . .- .V i Ivi frebats Jadge. I 'OoiasiBe, 8pt. ta, isrt dawit. : i - (UUtnslon'sB.takllahaMat.II.I.J T)BOFBIETn tor THE HEW YORK B.' raoklmablo "navnf, uav vaiuog , saaoiaoosuic Oaraag an uroanag satsoa " i Scmth XXigH et- vrer Bsttn) Store,' abtro oatlofartto Win S slTae' la all the vsrlea kraacho i tr' r jUdlrf aoi rJliUdra's Balr trifB aims Ja tbe hest ttpl3iy J1UVX. i O O AL YAHD. ' nrtfiti owDliRJOFiE.Karni ran. X STAlilLJ aaAwlaadbrMio, taoboMeaaUty af ! 0CILTO GRATE COAL, - 4hhdi b wlU tsll 'aTtlw'aywtsYsriotVrteofc ! eat nr savetise r oal batsrs yvrahslTngetr. -1 "- 1 ar intrnm' i. vwru uri .: .... , i sspvo-tt nmw ?.. .... . . -r '.- V"Xl HEW ADVERTISEMENTS,) I7ATI0ITAL LO AIT4 PPPairX TO IKiTtDOrlOSI IXOX TB HO M r AKT 01 IHi TUAIDKT, s book will bt ontae SUt day of September, at th Clinton Bink, Isr sDbserlpUsBt, anSar uj aperlntsodsnes, fer Trsu- art Xotas, s se baned aadsr las set of Jal 17, 1861. Tbsss aetas will bs Issosd Is sasts ef fifty dollars, eat haadrst dollars, Ave handrsd dollars, ess thousand dollars, and ire tsoaaud dollars, datsd 19th daiast, 186 l sarsbls tbrts ysais aRsr eats to tbt ordsr of tbt sssssrlbsr at as ilrsoUd, aal btU( litsrsit at tbe rats of 7 110 per osnt. per annua, pajable atml-sonn-allyl said iotsnst brinf at tb rats ef two stats for sash dsreacTttThesdrtd dollars. -Jor Its eonvtnlaaos of tbs holder, sash aets will bsvs seapoae attaeaed s prstsui tbs snsrsl amousts ef soml Annaal utarsst, wfckk ooapsae mj U dstsebsd and proton U4 lor pay- mtai aiparAUlr firoal tht solos. . ..... AioWiMft for sm TYiarury jkoui wfliNn- w4drv JtlUm ittttfrom tU day ofeptntng tMlQhaafrmU. Vsrtbsr Inforsutloa lvoa on spplloation to u WM. 0. DXIHLIB, ' ' aoTSrssitntRahKrlptloBifont. - M5dtoel4. .... Sewing Machine Work. ALL KINDS Or BTITCHIHU, TIJt St.. 1N0, QC1LTIH0, IHIRT-MAHING, A1TKII TITTINa, a. e., protaptly done la a aoal and scb. ataaUal sumaar, at No. 15 But kloh streot, on the Booth aid ot Kloh, bttwees Blh stroot sad Poarl allty SOpSMlW ' JOHN HUNT BH, .. MERCHANT 11 AILOR, 24. ECO BontH fflab. Street, Three X)ora South of Rich, HAS jBit neolTtd a ohole stock ef tALt, AND WINTia SOODt, saltablo for frntloiaon's wear, Caotosaors will hav thalrerdors neatly and sasttaatial- xj azooawa a, too nw. . . . v 7M. II. RESTIEAUX, "' (itfCClBSO TO MoKM At MBTHAUX) ,i No. 100, . South High . Street, ' boXaXTziu ' ..,..,.:., v. -,;m w. CROCERIE$vPnODUCE PRbvi8i6Wa "V Foreign and Domestio Fruits, FLOU R, 8 ALT, LI QUO Be,' ETC. 8T0RACE ti COMMISSION EXTHA WHITE TTHEA f WH7IS. IXTKA Mb WBlAT JLOCR. . .., , ; tapir Car Hasw., . ... . tacar Osrod aW. .,.,- ' Seas Oared teagast. ,"-' " ' J '-W.B.0BSSSS. -f ' J,- 4'"- : ' pine-Appie obsss. s " - rry,'lrV, ; '. ViasnoBalt.' 1 '- V 1 6 '' ,) Teas so Ooffo. -' . In state, te sales? 's" ' ' ''"; ' aspts-lw , , , , , loeonlkIIhltmt. v Soap! Soap! 4 FUBtllCBE A OO1! OalltrTAt rUJUOI IT051 rOAJP, for sale by oakf nrdootn. sepas-tw .j ,10gouUillshBireet. Liouona" , BABBITS OLD HOWONSABJLA. ' -ii t aaoaaoN. Jaat imlti i sad tor sak w for part, hy f kAUSULB BUSS St VU., ' 934 Sonih High strtet, Oolnabnt. sspim ? ' ' .... t .. SPECIAL NOTICES , SOLD CHEAP AND POOR PAT. Those who bay the common kinds of adulterated Sal s rttas, get badly sold, sol srspald la yellow broad, 111 hoalth,and asrvous debility. Pyls's DteUtle is puis and porfootly rsllabls sftiast all tboss otIIi. Ptpot, I4S Wamlngtoa Btreet, Nor Tork. JAfE't AGCE niXTUBE. Is so tafalltbls resssdy for Fever sad Ages. ' Tbs ex psrltnes of sasny yean, In almost svtry sliattt, provss that shore neoa,n strict aooordenss wltb tbs dlreotloss, t has rarory fslM to ears, sot only by breaking the thills, but by removing tbe morbid habit of ths system, preventing lbs itearraaee of tUdlaesss. , ; I IT1B AMP AOOB, though not ia itself dangerous, Is tot, unless speedily ttstovsd, to bsvs sash spornl- sloas sStet tn tbs syststs, ss to engender disorders atuob surs banefuLtbsaittslf, and wblob sot only render tbe alMr-Uft of ths pstlsat mittrabla, bat art In theatttvts eftaa fatal. A prompt sad a Tactual restedy k ihersfsrs tbat levanted, sad at tech Pa. S. Jatis's Asob atat- vs Is soaAdsnUy sssmaatssdsd. tor sals by Messrs' Bossars st fuutsrt, OelauAus, and by. agents svsiy Whers. " ' ' V ' v-" ' teptldtwfrlkmtAwtw ; ; . t . manhood.: SOW L0I7, HOW XKII0XX9, ' J ait Published la s sealed lavslope; Pries ett.t . A 1B0TTTB1 ON TBI NATTTBB, TANATMBNT ANP BAD10AI, OUBB 01 IPaBMATOBBUBA Or Bosilnal Woasneas, lavolaatary Kmiationa, saiaai utbiuty, aaa iBaadisaaaU to atatrlasa soaoraiiiy, aorvooanoea, uoa suptlon, Bpllopty and Fits, Mental and Pbystoel In. eapaoity. ratulUngtroa BtUabato, As.' By Bobsrt J. OalvanroU, M. P.,utbor of the dram Book, see. A Hm t Taiweaa el astflerere, loot aader seal, ta a plain en to lope, to any address, rit paid, ea. reeslpt of two stamp, by Pr. 0UA8. 0 ELINB. 1S7 Bowery, New York, Foot Once Bos Ut. , v ; , -.t sep;soaaie Perseme eg faU kaalU, Wsssresabiaotle Ooetlvesess, Baadacbe, OMdlaess, Prewslaess sad slur teg la ths ears, arising frosa too great a flow ef blood to the head, should asvsr bs without Braadrsth's Pills, sad many highly saat-wsus tywptesas Will bs rtniqvM by their lBBtdlats ass. . . : , The Boa. i- Euatt ysstshsstsr eonaty, Jf, T ssvsatr flvs roars of an, has ased Brsndreth's Pills fer treaty are rears as his sole atadicloe. When bs fssto laalapoeed, bs tt from OoM, lasasstllaai, Asttaaa, Head ache, BUIoat Afestleaa, OosUtoboos sr Irrltatloa ef tbt kldaeys er bhtddsr, bs doss Both leg hat tab a few doses af Braadrsth's PUIS. . r ' Bis asnal sMthod Is Is taks six pills, tnd rsdses lbs doss each Bight, one pill. Ia every sttsek at Skkasss lor twenty-Bve years, this ample method ass never failed to restore him U health; and lev are to ko fotnd so sstlvs sad hearty a he. . . ' Bold by Joan B. Oooc, Prunlst, Oclambut, sad by til rsspsstshls dealers ia BMdlclDos. ssyUVdtm - noaTPA-ra Lim riixa. ' ; : u( j ta til oaots ef sosasasst,dyspspsst,hlileas aad Uvet affsstlsas, piles, rbseaauiaa, amis tad tguss, eswaj Bats bead sehes, Sad all gsesrsl eTsnganebtsof health mess rUNaavsmvarlshly peeved aesstala sad speedy rasjsdy. AtlagUw1alnUplaeewtlPllhlwyeo the reach eroastpeUtka m ms wamttfoa ef ertry ps- Br. tJotal't Fbaante BltiaM vQl bt toemd sXTSatTysf gosOoas la sU eases ef aerrsas easlUay, dysyspsm, besl Saba, the tkkaots ktatdonl Is tawekni htdeueate health, aad even kfatd af wsskatss ef she dlgesttv. srgaas. Fee sslesrPf. W.altX)FIAaVa Broadway, t. tad by sll Prastwts. "r I . awaat a,wl Xitt ttUffxlrf it ta extract bw a j. a. Beaaet paster et the tlentpewHsTett Baptist CbUraa, Brsaklya, . T., is Bis "Journal sad Uliensger." Olasiaaaa, 0., sad speaks lsawwssAveefms world rCaawaad siisl sine, Mas. TJ asstewls let iwias Ivacr rea Qsntsaas Tsarsaaos w I wnyaaaoan aevwvtlmeat st aar eonuaas ef Ma sjiaiii ' lvrm Sirao. New e aeror taMs ward tlavM ef a hwi sattlae katars bt sar Ufa. sat we j r f'U4 w tt ywu rmtUn tbat Uiit lu ae hum kua- s vs tio rr, aa it n H aia rr aMis'' Aa)Mviro)oaiiBe satai saaiwi aw- atasaaf saeaaa, aawi m m mm m m ami. , af par mom whttsv saUsssa 10 aotw WWB - wMIyrt ' IA lOOl. lOOl. GREAT WESTERN DISPATCH. TJnileA atatse Exteee,Ce.a.Fea. FAST FREIGHT LINE, , ........ , Tift Sew York & Erie Bailroad, -. And all other Roads Leading ,We and Southwest. Ohartered Cars over most Bod, on Pautnger TraUs. M. E. BOVBY, Ai't. 1 i. iNiant, Art, 't S5 Stats Bt., Button. SSI Broadway, R. T.. , WUi H, P1RBI, Buporlntesdont, Baffalo. 11 FITCH Ac SON, A feats, -- v- ,, fa ti T Wee Bread Street, i .")' ,. coirniBcsyOiua sspiaf , j t . . ,- V.'-nl R E M OVA L. ... WltUAM tt;lTOI,i DEALER IN ..',', ' Groceries, ' ' , Produce, - h . Provisions, Foreign and Domestic Liquora,' " ... Fruits, etc. etc., r ' , ' ' HAS KKUOTKD 1118 tTORB IKOlf NO. 84, NORTH HIGH STREET,,. I , . . ' I. ' .u M.TO-Y . .... . :. K ' NoMOG: South HigV Streetf Tbs old sited rsesnlly eocopled by.Wlf. MoDONAXP . - Be tarn dally rsoslptef jf ttJ. NEW AND FRESH GOODS . ; ; , ; Which hS Will Kll Ohsap fer Cash er Cewntrr rreCWee. T '.,, ... . i m,rm r - r- i- TtT floods delivered to City trad frs of ebsrssfa L1 Alll.Hl'fi Mns, (wmsLOW, An esperisneed Kane end Female Phydeiaa, y rseente to the attention of mothers, her j ,. . 800 THIN 0 SYRUT, FOR CHILDREN TEETHINO in, it on enlng tbt ruma, reduelng all inflswaiatloa-rwUl BilSf ALL FAIN and spatmodlo action, and Is SDHETOHEOULATE THE BOWEL Depend upon It, Bothers, It will glvs rest te yoarsehres end .... . r , C7 B1LHP AND BZaXTH TO TOVt tMTUitf. 1 We bare oat ao and sold this arttefe for over tan years. aad CAM BAT, IN OONFIDBNOB AMD TnUTU, ofrt, what e hare neror been able to say ol any other saMI-. elne MBVBB HAS II FA1LBD. IN A SlMOLI INb AMOB, TO BrrtOT A CUBS, abon tlmtry sar, sjev or did we know an lottaaoa of dlaaaUafatttoa ay-aey -wbo aao lb Oo tbe contrary, all are delighted with Ms opt rattans, and speak In tone of sommoadaUoa ef Hs magloal effects and nodical virtues. We speak la ibis matter "WHAT WB DO KNOW;" after tea years' espe rlence. AND PLBDOB OUB aBPDTATlOa FOBTBA rULILLMNNT OF WHAT WB MBBB DBOLABB. " ta almost erery Inisanee where She mfaat le eaterlng frees pass and tKbaastlon, relief wilt bs found sa tikttaec twenty mlnatee after theSyrnp le aumlnlotored. Chle Talnabie proparatioa a tne tiuttiliiMua af on of ths most auaklBNOBPsad BKlLLf UL NnkoBtlat Hew Bnilaod, and has been OMd. with fBTJB FA1L INfl BU00BS8 In 1 . ' . THOOflAlfVS or oasebv Itaotoaly rt Herat lbs child from sain, eul rnvlsav ton and energy to tbe whole system,. It Will slates! Id) sttntly relieve OSiFUlO IN THX E0WZI8, AID 'WIND COLW and overcome eon vuittons, which. If not speedily reae died, end in death. We be Hero II the BBS! and BUB BST BBHBDY IN THS WOHLK, In allcaaoe efDIt BNTBBV and PiAKBUOiA IN UUILDBBU, wbethw It arises from leethlog, or Irom any other cause. We woald say to every motberkohaa child tafitrtngflrom any of thtforenotDeompllntt IK) HOT LBt TOUt PBBJUDIOBS NOH TUB PKBJUDlURSOF 01BBBA stand between yon and yoarsnterlngohlld, aad the re lief that will be BOBByee. ABBOLtoraLT acaa-te follow tbe ase of thlt medicine, a Uoely ased.. Full dt- notions for using will aooompany each bottle. Nope genuine unless tbe fac simile of COEIIB A f BBKINS; New York, le on the oattlde wrapper. Bold by sll Druggists throughout tbt world. . , Prl iclpal Of rice, 13 Ceil ar Street fl.T. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. " : ssn7T4kwly. '"' ."' '! NEWARK. MACHINES WORKS, ! ,:v. . . BBWABK OniOi ;t Blasiaf aeturera ef all kindle rr ae table sta4 atatiestmrw a team Bum, table sm4 Ktatiestmry wines, kaiw mils. tiriat JUiltav Vet Ac. J. A J. B. JDU7JJ.I Btatm lit C0LVM1CB MAtmnti CO. Btatmlttl MHADIOMA i co.it4imiriir Oar Fortaal login aid law Mill Wss swarded ths flrst premlust ol $50 st the Indtaaa Itate Fair for 1640 ever teas A Bodleyw sa aeeoaatsf Price, lightness, slmplioltti eooflomf or fuel - . - i i ana superior cnaracter et mmoor sawstt. ' Our Btattonary Bnglne was swarded at the same Fair tbe first premium ef - .. Onr Portable Bngine was swarded ' tb flrst premiss, ee 100 st shs Fair st Memphis, town., aver Blandy'e Pa rail's, Oolumbne Machine Co1,., and Bradford OeV. bra aaaitk, of nrastlnal Ralitoad BnrlneorO. " V For price and terms addreee' " . WU.LABP WABJTBB, Treaeerer, , doof-dkwlyooU. -'"' ' - WewariuObje E. f.VCOLLIGTEriY' ; TFbelesale afeUtll fJealer fa TOB ACOr fKVflf CIGARS; PITTSBURG ni. Keep ceaetsxatlr est ban all the wa I nsasBUAnotsf ;,CL. XzXXjpOirtdXX 13lGWfm Oct. aj-iyg:', i'.i:..t.:H t ,)4 ; EAGLE BRASS-VOItKSyT , , r if; . CeraerBprlag- Jx Water at., X7. 'D. " P0TT3 A .CL tadlfAr."rfMhirr bf Brtat and rjarlrdcga, I . ' Fisko Brass Worker all iftwiiruoae. 'fM'tiu" .,,. -, g,..