Newspaper Page Text
Vlt 9lu0 Statesman SATURDAY MORNINC., SEPT. 88, 1861. LOCAL MATTERS. "I lH II ) 1 ' f 1 ( Tb AdamEipres Company place n dally under obligations to It for the very latest paper from the eastern citioe. The Amerioaa Exprea Company has i onr thanks for Ita dally favor In tb Up of tb very latest eastern paper. Probate Court. ... ,' ' in the Probata uourt or j. , " ' Atm. at n t It A mAt T IflMa A I )WV. nil. IS? r" 7 " ' V T ,"u Probate Court. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED. v. .,mh.r fif license Issued was thirteen, v.- f - . ' NATURALIZATION. , f,ini nf netoralliuloQ ware Issued to Patrick Collln. John Doyl and Patrick O'Heoe ill natives of Ireland. " DISCHARGED ON HABEAS CORPUS. TM following minors, navmg raiisica witn- out consent oi parents or, w. on writ or s.oes. .err.r '". or Jkoox county, uranvuie nt. v. Ing; Dav.dH.Dunn.of Knox, and Ford I Mo- uiocutin, oi rairneiu-Bii tuiu.. vnase. MiuTAir Rivaw Camf Chasi-TH re-1 I.w of tb Tnlrtyflrsl Regiment, Col. Wa. a, ana oi ,. .cB.u.0u. Raikom. at Campwase, oy in m uumm.uu-1 "-C,G" VtK'l " Wednesday last, we a very fin affair, and won great pra... and commendation, from tb. no- merous visitor p reseat, for both offlotM and mn. Th bam fight between tb Infantry and cavalry, whioh took ptao after the review was over, was managed with much tact and addre, ana gav uespectaiors an waung o. . t A.l !. tiA klAil still I place on the battle-field, minus th blood and laughter. ..... '. ' u'"'-": '' There are four Infantry regiment at Camp Chaae the Twentieth, Col. W lunutUT, four companies t'the Thirty-first, Col. Walxm, full; the Fortieth, Col. Ciamsw oompanle th Forty-second, Col. Oaifield fiv oompanler Betide these, ther are Col. Ransom's regimen of cavalry, nine companies, and Cap. Coma's company of artillery,' on hundred and fifty men. . ' ' '.": ; " ; Tb area of Camp Chaso conalst of on hundred .and sixty acres. Tb troop ar ar ranged in tb following order, beginning on the ! aide of the camp and proceeding to the west: The Twentieth Regiment, firstj then the Thirtieths the Fortieth and th Forty-Mooad, with th cavalry In the extreme west. ' There are Sutler tent in tb eastern, central and western portions of th camp. Judge Jam- son 1 01 tbltoU;tu ino euuer ior too ut"f . ... n a .t - - .1 . camp, who. arrangement, and gM glv general satlafaetloo There ar on hundred and fifty prisoners of war held In durance at th oamp Tb military arrangement at tb camp ar 1.., t .n Aatmlaicd tn Inanra cleanlinees and the health of h oldlr.. Atv.llle, eaeh company is required to jmt tbeir quarters la neat and nronw order, and th. Lieutenant ot th. Police Gaard, noting as Inspeotor. take his dally round to ss that thi reqnialtlon U fully omplled with by every offloer and man on the grouad. H Pisb SaooTuio. The annntl Targtt Excur loa of th German .Target company of this city, will be held on tbe grounds of the compa ny, on. mil. south oi Columbus, on Monday and Taesday next, Sept. 30 and Oot. 1, commencing at on o'clock A. M., Monday. On hundred dollar worth ol prises are offered, as follow: Oa th stioh target, eight prize; on tho kehr Urget,sipriiM,offbandshooting,fonrprlsss;l1(1 aantar shootins-. three nrlsee. Th Price oil a - ticktts are, kehr and off band, ten shots for fifty cents; stioh target, flr shots on dollar. x Th prlxet bar been selected, and may ba seen ' rr s,...M rv. ILTCol. Dioaai's Regiment pesstd through tba city on Thursday afternoon on its way to Western Virginia. CT The Thlrty-Bxst Regiment, Col. Moses B. Waikh, left tamp Cbsse yesterday alter aoon, and passed through th oily to th depot, wher. they took. tb. ear on tb C. & X. and L M.Rod. Thi I a Una fegtmtnt, andwhef- erer It may b ordered, will be distinguished for th. gallantry and brayery of both offleers and men. - Thar, ara bow remaining at Camp Cbaa threw regiments of infantry, no on of which I emplete Erraon y Fast DaiTiaa. Teo young men wbo had been out of town, on Thursday after- aooo, with a horse and baggy, returned into thai alt In th aran nsr. drlr n at a ran Id rate. On - taraiag a Cornet, a wheel wa knocked off th tgI " young mea wr.mrown oni, and tb boggy torn In pleee by th. frightened w bars running eft two or three squares bsfor he wa stopped. Tb left arm of on of tb young tor, CauBtka Mitteu, was broken just below ra ahonldtr Jolnti tb other, named Howbll, pad wilk a slight brnlse. Licawa Cocittt Faib rh. FoartMnth An " Baal Fair ai. tb-Licking CounTy Agricul tural Society will b. hold ba lb ' Fair. Grounds, near Newark, n th Id, 3d and 4th days of October . aext. Wa ara undec obligations o A. Adaib, Secretary of the Boclety for a ticket ta the , Fair and a list of tb premium. : Tha prcmi , nau are aumeroas and Ubral.Th exhibition vUL, wsj tfoobl not.b highly oradltabl to the farmrto4 stock -raiser of Licking, who bat - fewaOperlora ta th SUte Tba Fair, will close . . a,. .a eaa " with an addrasa By . H. Mowaoa, ot uraiv Villa. ! t .Y. f-4,l 'J ... ' . II (t attain Da Vauaas,rs aaoaaA fmai Rink Bond and tnanc sent a A..Alna'ti, Caaila PInrVna. ta OiarlMSnal r - " soa-lnUw af Jo.iAauaSTAH mte'foraarly af thi city. '.1 ;li "x.tfc1 vvj r. IT, FiTtB ..HFfjr! London, formerly tt tkUrtry, haa baen ppoutdjiBUnantCoL asel o Iha Fourteenth Rglnt.": I70(0ii JB. Htrnuwaotta of Duhlla; BamlsWrfCommisryof ths Fortysmh ' , , Kegfmenf. Colv WotTBisotOB, at Camp Lyon a..' ...-..1 " .' ' 1 ; . ' ' ' BaWftblDgton 4rrfH'tJv ya .1. Ir u.ti iVj WfwTaa u CoMiaaW. hav now aom. vry IgalSpatl and ttartliog iniimatinns tnat w lutes la peehifig..Th ooldand dop Wtatbet aaAM Smi In aa Bailors, atttlna rnnml TTr.T'T' :r. ".YT....: iTa":i. f'P,Br"" . -i i "W' Ta bare gooa iuoa, wa mut nav goov mi. Kathlp for thafnrpo. eaawsoaad taa flock. laiCei.-o ale by D.r.k DiA)iUlf ltpr af lAAi, CMiAiCra aaadaf S-ftTtilWnt rUnat Tfatf. af the ."7.V 1 . J ' '. ii...i. Kentucky Rsglmaat, oeptarad aom Ua BlnCa, aa thd Kanawha Rlvar, in company With aaal' WoriDar and r.ftt.lii Da Viuiaaa. ra-1 tbAltaaaL sSrdvestlsaaiaa, I ABVIOB GlATl. BOT 0B TBI US Valoa it.' If yoa want Ml extra Whlta, Wheat Flour, and other obolc article la tb grocery and provision Hn, call on W. H. Bmtiiaoi, on the aait ilde of Hlsh (treet, lew door aouth of State, wbo enumerate lorn of the extra article h ba oa hand. In an advertise ment In another column. t - Baa .Thb MiDioib Faculty and " Kibneov's Medical Dhootht." Physicians aro very maided In their remark respecting any medl oloe that may be Introduoed to the public, - peolally if the discoverer has opt received rn medloal eduoatlon, and w bono them for tbeir precaution and good judgment. Bni the ouree MedIw, DIlc0Tfrt.. h... astonished even tb doctors, .'no1 a. th.y hav .tood I th bsd.ld.ofa patient and seen the favorabl r. nlt arising from the nt of this medloinr la " of Scrofula Eryalpelaa, eto , etc., they have been led to eiclelm, as did one of the moat distinguished pbymolaMof oua8tat'(Dr Whitney of Dedham), Whalettr the tudiclne is, i doubtlttt the belt of Hi kind; frep on with tt f """" i T -. , 8ollOI AM Ait.-There is at the American-, Room 71 . gentlemaDt Dr. Hatm, who com bines la one the Phrenology, and the Artist. .,., ...... mnll ,....,,. ,ni ... Lj, bMuUfn, lTOry.yp picture. : Call Ie, Wn ,nd nl piotnres. . , ... ... ... . ' M(jor of ;FoMy.f(mrth Rglmen. D0W encamped at SprlngBeld. U we on of . , , - . comply l0th.8eond Ohio R.glmt of threo ' . - nnin.n1.1 ,.4m,nant,, flt to D, made.. - . . - .. . Wli r . ' Na' 0,4 Snuti'.' Hioh 0M SQnlh of R,ch( h,y,DjparenM. tb ftn ,a two kre keepl on hand frMh pMOhe of the best qnaUV ... tv. which be will sell on the lowest terms. Call on him and obtain som samples of this dell otom fruit. ; ioiawij I Stn t. MnAmiriala Xr. "Rnnrfimi I I I I I ' fSWl anil kT ; rti-h m-c '-' '"i- r-aj. sq"o. Q ttOUth HClgll Bt., CoMttaVB Inst opened aa Invotos orvery largs" aa U aandeusas . rp jr r - ' , r r ! COLUMBUS 1. s-t I' mi OPTICAL INSTITUTE. ' I J .9 . I.I r i: Th Vt Artificial nelp 1 to the Joseph i. periet; .-X" r: PRACTICAL & SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN, KEEPS ' THE I.ABGET 'ASSORT, at of the Bwt UapioTed kinds ol SixcUcU. Ait hie Oil wbeihu Car mr r rwdhwa are srauii Is eoaesvo toBs ram wita M frattMt eve, M u ralt lht Byi0f M, wriBr wto. Offloa, U Bait Beat street, at (kilter Weestsi's Sum atora. . ' OOXaXTXVX13TT0 WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. L AOBLLB ROSaft Ob.,:; Commission H . - . 'I tMPOETBBS AND D1ALIR8 IN 'V. t 1 ..-. 1 FOREIGN AKD'DOMESTIC -4 wines, brandies; tit. Ae. ALBO, t. r' .'.. ; - O't b ..... . .. . WHISKY. WaBiSODM AS opijci. ssi 80T7TB Hian T.; -' -u'-" s i LULUJLJSUB, VtWJ. ia8dlyis '" u il1'7 fit) (4 T Oysters! Oysters!! iigi ti O. 3L. HAS JTDST RECEIVED, AND be la dally receipt, by Xxprsss, of ' r&xsH can ft zza OTsms, , from Baltimore and lair Bhten. ''' ' Call at Wagner's Oyster and frail liapot, ae. -.i mm State etreet. r . r r i , - i augMtr ! . : j-"U", . T" ul iAi. t. a b t ". '' sr ' BTo.'29 South: High Street, CoiumtuV, AKl rTOW OfTKMB ; , 000 yards Irate Utt' )'.'i.n 1. a rut lit,' Dress floods attXltatas boo yard TrareUngDre Ooode stT3X, raio Mea. tS ... c ..... , 5 '1 I ? set ngiisn jreaagw ai m,itMcaw - loggyards rrenca urgaoaiee ai raiue 10 oeua. t I soon yards rest Ooiond Levne at 10, yaioa is cena. -: I KMlfi rarrla Foulard Dreaa Sllka at 37 . Talne 50 cents, . PUlln BUcl gllk . I Aebea of Organdls Benge, and Bngllah Borage, at eae I half lr value J . I-.'. - ... half their value. rvalue "BAHf At .ON;" ' South High Street. ;UaltlniAr P. Afh na If awoA AHiaajuwiw'. vavkuausj uvhoii ninaa bium wuroraOTClitM an .wwotaaau bbaubs m READY-MADE CLOTHING, No. 308 W. Baltimote-atreet, satrr ara lowiio.f 1 j ALTtttOBE, nt k larg Asaortauot.ol Flee and rurnlshlni i ' ' fJoods Constaatly -aa Band vesseaqr - I ajl aaai c ' l 1 ' jr : 1 rs ,, t r ruoaca., ihwwb.aiw VHAWIILLA I , at a Mwm a a a atMir wan a , ' AaAUIS SUB , A,laAO AUIU ryiJNTES. - VVIDB JBBKNCH ,JLA(,F9R DHAWLS. Very Deer Frsreei noouoJoxLace, .k, r, n Real Thraad, Frtnobi UDantllla Qtnev. VXLii-aJtCJ. Jr--'.'"' I'nra y...lJlA. Vstfffliciennes. FoiUt tftf UtUO, TrOSieTll -. 'kaaa. a a .... aul y,.rVrr.MjRa trimmrd ti'Difirfl: 1 T glAiUilWAWUBiaJW bb mmm ibbb 11ms aemeacwowp n MALTTSSft fiACE COLLARS ot. S&TS, il ."TArEH cuiabAtui ea wjr a, . . ". .: " Mraia. i Va valine. ' I -"" 1 1 Mii iwiinhrteadiu - mJZ'ft sr-Tr- --sr-sn A m- . I ai--.j ,'.V- ,YW-r - IltOairtlftTnta. fri.lKB SHaPHlUf OBIOU BUJH.OtlrDi tBmtl, ',"'' UTgMutuiUWUAi lAUMBVlAMt C nrikaia l-WvnVV AS mrAaWaetai ear a aaaaaaa aa at e,,r.V ;,m a-MTiTA."! ?": r1 iJBP' J.)' tU m: TELEGRAPHIC From Washington. I I WiiuiNornH. BDt. 85. The Quartermaster General to-day dismissed tne mipeowr of aorse, rot th. Government. . i a . The number of aiok and wounded soldier In th six hospital of thi district ar. seven hun dred ana sixty-seven. v . ' The Indian .isnreaa nas received iniorma- lion oonaldered satisfactory, that nearly all the Indians who joined the rebel ar naif breeds. .' " '.yc'V '' i"1 ; This mornloB a larea rconnolterloa partr, nndef General Bmlth, went from tb Chain Bridge toward LtwinsvlU, for forage, etc, and returned at two o'clock, having eeised a quantity of forage, beef, sheep, eto. While at Lewineville a large body of rebel Infantry, cavalry and artillery, frosa the . direction of run CbiKCB, approaonea ana openea on our men with their batteries, whioh we responded ta bv Griffin' and Watt's Runs. Bom thirty hot and shell. wer. Bred, whioh silenced the retjel eannon. UThe enemy retreated to rail s Cbtfrcb. ,1' is not known what damag was don ta them!" On. of our men was wounded. W captured a man representing himself an aid to Vol. Htewari, 01. Virginia reoei oavairj. - " ' WhliBthe Second Mlobtean Reelment wer. 00 picket duty at Bailey's Cross Roads, a' flag of truce was brought in by two Colonels and a Major or the rebel army, at raunson' nui, aaklnr soenensioa of hostilities between pick ets, wtilob was aoceded to by our commandant, -Nxw .Yoix, Sept. 25. A dispatch from Washington to the Post say, it 1 understood thmk th Qmnnmint lll taka Da imimediata notion in th case of General Fremont. - The General will be allowed loll opportunity to car ry out hie plan of attacking the rebel foroes under McCuilocn ana rrioe. Tne State Department ha made satisfactory explanations to Lord Lyons in reference to the new passport system. Tne omission to inform Dim 01 tb adoption 01 .in new pian was mereiy accidental. - . Tbe condition of Kentucky cxoltes th llvell est Interest; several prominent oltizens of that State have arrived her for th purpose of urg ing upon th Government tbe necessity or for Wardlne laree number of Federal troop to sustain theUulon men.' " " J . Th Commercial's speolal say that th en, my' entrenchment on th Virginia side of tbe Potomo,hve rxtendd nntil they now reach from Monson'e Hill to a point near Alexandria. The' panlo-mongera ' still profess' to believe that tbe rebels will soon attempt to cross tbe Potomao at Edward's Ferry and Aquia Creek, but there Is no foundation for auob apprenen- Siontj 'i r;i:i v. i'i'v ' f . Mrl Lowe made a balloon ascension from our line this, forenoon, and 'Was fired on by tbe enemy. Won or tneir snots, aowever, took W ABBiNOTON. Bent. XB.-rTh Herald' special say, the steamer Delaware arrived at the Navy Yard; thi noon with a body of marine from Philadelphia; ' Tb Captain report that tbe battery at Freestone Point was unmasked when he passed it this morning, the wood having been all cleared away, and that it opened npon him, firing about seven shots, none of which1 took effects They were all good Un shot but fell short or wen' over. . Two just grazed his deck., ' -: v " ' " " Cant'. Cannaa sav about fifty vrsels passed th. battery, up and down, but bOiie were fired except id ueuware t. rrom me uiBcioearet 01 n rcuvi ULUUC- i ii itwiiiuv ium tua w - m L .1 1. 1. ik.s sk. k.A a .t. I? .av i- AM.MMa.Mlul k U V Navy, sad that trier ar batteries on the Vir- Hartitsitjtiin. fnrmnrif as. tvimmavnn A in in si VI. B. glnla side of th Potomao, every two and a hall mile from Occoquan to Mathiae Point. To river is now oonaidered by naval offloer as ef fectually closed r i - r .1- i -. -' Onr Potomao' flotilla' I Insufficient io'olesr it of the numerous butteries npon Its banks a , uauaa, Und force'le indiepensablrnry, and It I. haiiAved that within a few dais, nerbaoe boors, tbs rebU will attempt to cros tba how r Potomac Into Maryland.' iTbey will meet i nanttnn- hnt It ma ha flanaMarW tn Btransthen our forde in that direo'ton. "'c ' " The World'e dlsoatob says, a flar of trace crossed tb. Pototnao at Edward Ferry. on. come I I ...... t- ... .. A wer rlaced under arrest. Yesterday a Lieetenant deasrted Ironr ana of oar regiments on the Upper Potomao and went over to tbe renew, ginng tnem, it is mppoeea, full information. The Tribune's dispatch ays. Sherman' ex neditioa to tbe Southern coast will sail within threa weeks at the farthest. Fifteen or twenty regiments will hare the prirllege ot going to unaneaton, as me pnnoipai omcen in com. mand believe, or to Mobile, or New Orleans, aa others cooieo'.nre. Gsneral Veilea's brigade of fire reeiments. now n camp nere, win form a nrt of th force, and will ro to Fortress Moo .L 1.1.1. . rr-,j n i roe SO sail toence wiiuia a, lew uaje. ucuvrai Sherman will not sUik. the only blow on the seaboard From Kentucky. them at BirbonrBvllle1, It I very eertaln that th. greats prt of their infantry fliUy refused to tak part la tha fight. . , ,..- . . Jamea B. Clav -and fifteen comrade Jiav Louisvuxs, Sent. 25. The Journal to mor-1 row will conuln a statement that the Con- Con- ieauraaea ara uuiiui.iug) ww.i Sonthern border of Kentucky . that Monday . . j ... u.MM.t.InM MnlM .m An lh.1 ara committing outrage on me aftprnooa seme two hundred eaTalry took took S300 In gold Irom Dr. Brecktl,and thirty- six suud ol arms, and ammuntion belonging to loo bhuii . ia viuaoia vi uwaHTiue umiw baea warned tbat tb Tenneeseeans propoa visiting themi.and they have prepared to receive thenv-i . !' - .. . i . - ' . "- . Tbere i maob distress at Albany and nuritee,- vlilej and the people mere ar calling to mea au aimo., .,, , ... . , . Reoorti are DrevAieot Of tb. blowlne no of toe iron unugv wn'inna ami. " ramrt rjrobsblr erode from tbe burning of the bridge over Bacon' Creek, near Mnnlord vlll.i"i' '. hi. -..--.r -..., :;.fw " , Is I reported thai Oeni Bockner, with about 10.000 troots.1 a few jniles north of Bowling (aveen. ,,.,.,..'.: ' . 'A i ranaiort aispawa aaya .ouioonsr oavai- ry af teenrmg tb. country in tb. vicinity ot bl camp,arrcsting prominent ynionisist aeeiroy- Ing tbeir property and running off their slaves to Wsslon oi Aioany, in. rouniy seat or union county, eighteen mile from Surkesvuie, and levied contributions on several Villas, store. Tennessee., iney nave taaen posaeasioa 01 . . . , .t.. ni.. email uiwubi iuviuuiuh , nmwir v... I-O.I. nr.-1 l U....4-........ :.H .. oonnty oait n oral. . t Tba UuUetin says vol. moiienry, wun six bundrea men rrm vaviee ana umo-ooonuea, .rfM.tAtn hWnnuMilnii nrnaranahaM? to oay. s ,.,(,,...,., 1 .t .,1 ,-w..- jh The jtrankJort aaoman aaya tnat uampurej tr IT-A."! Vrvr r".-?' rrZZrSlZ rumored' her.' that General Wimai. J.' Ward, Oa T. Ward ancV Warren L. Under, wood have been taken wieonen bv tho Con ed- zzT-'t7 -; .v,;':. " ''raT moved Irom Cam p Dick Robtnaon for th moon- F. Ulns. 'and camped last night on th other aid of Grab Oronara, anoaiMveotv muss irom to rebels, wno hav lalleo back to Cumberland Porta, nitean mues irom narnonrviue. , United StaAea troop .are tha mountain boy, He knows with Colonel Qarrard at tneir Head. ' a the conntr well and is a' flglitlne man. . The rebel Colonel wbo was killed, was Pow. ell.-oae of their bea men.-1 He wa' leading bm arreted . ud ar. at CampRobin arrees gives great joy ,u.r.. Romney, Va., Taken by Federal Troops. ; , , J .... 25.- men o( ah Foarth Ohio, with on pleoeof artillery add Rlnegold'a Cavalry, svent4v la aomner, i.. 11 ... J I.,.. taJ.ul .. Itltr UUI uameail, aua linn umwm an. the-Eiirhth,Ooio.. under CoJ. Park, mad. I- . . ' " - " " a agf . . ii fu.t n MnnAmw Inaaul Romney. 'They drove" the enemy, sevea Don etrnnV. nnt Af Maehantoabnrr Oan. on morniDa-t ar tne lam. ana aarBncuui oa A-uoe. r, stormed tb toww causing tne enemy, os. fore- numbered fourteenliundred Infan- I BTf BaVBaaa uwyairv. au A CljarBg aa aa feiASW WUIIUIBlUBi .aaaJ Aia..l.a Aak, A aM IVa BiAHnf aln I witb tha loa of about thlrtv-lve killsd.aod I I .J n... l ... ,u. ' 1 bw w wnwiai, vw.ana waa awe Ikilladasd tea aonnrterl." "' lin'.aaa B I Mi a. V- Tom pt . Rock. iOsarv'aiorcehUaa acUoa-io-dav wilk 1 kndwd rebel oa th. Virginia tid af tba ifotaa 'rby;wreheltered oa a high S S . I'.lnAkln Fllnrirf .la TBa -- iUH UltL WrWUUt iiAlabJUi IU A UCJ "WT uriTOU . -a,.', . , aent..M-A POftfOn Ot i"??:09 woonaea, oonoi Extravagance-Drafting in Iowa Forbidden. Niw!ym, September W-Oea. Fremont, a day or teo since, made a reqoUltlon of fiv hundred thousand dollars, to 0 paid immedi ately, on account of porobaae of oidnano and tdnan etoree in St. Loot. r : 1 General Ripley peolally reported to-day upon this application: First, tha no authority what evae ml ttkn In tha Ordnanos Bureau for Gen. Fremont' making th puroha. Seoond, that voucher accompanying th. ' application how that exoessiv. prices wer. paid for many of the ertlolas. Tbsre U no .vldenoe from Geo. Fremont's command that these arms nave un dergon. inspection by a United States officer , or any Inspection at all. . , - Finally, Gen. Ripley report that unless pur chases and expenditures like these of Gen. r mont's are regulated and restricted by the War Department, the liberal appropriation ot Con great wilt be wholly Insufficient to meet tbe lia bilities that oan be roll4. op against th Gov ernment. . A dlspatoh went t-dT from Bwretary vam. mn tn tha (Intmu af Iowa forbidding the drafting of troops, and expressing his anbound eo oonttdenoe In tne patnousm o vyi intimating that th policy of th War Depart ment would b to ely on th popular lov ol freedom and th. military attaonmsui w iu Union 1 .i.iiv-l.-3 4m 1 ' A Herald dispatch says that the picket along our whole Un. ar. doubled to-night, In order to b. fully nrenared for any movement tnai may be attempted on th. other aide- No P"" wnatever ar. to be issued iomariow hi to th other elde of tbe Potomo- I learned to-day the oonflrmatlon: of a fact which throws lama Ilaht on th Fremont affair, and which will go far toward, exonerating the General, and which explain why be was unable to send retnforoemenls to Colonel Mulligan. B th mUHia nf thi montk General MoClel lan had all th troop her. that ha wanted, and mora than he could possibly use, yet about tbe 13th Inst, tb War Department sent .orders to Gaiiant Framont tn lend here Immediately Six regiments of Illinois troops, which were at that time at Bt Louis. '1 nese regtmenw naa oceu organized for some time, snd had been long in tha flald. and ward. In all reSDOCtS. th DOSt drilled and beat disciplined .troope under Fre mont' command. "Ul atelee to aeny inai Fremont reoelved ft. tfrder with snrprise, and executed it with reluotancej but h. immedlat. ly obeyed it, and without .a moment's hesita tion. (General MoClellan has bo use for the traona tiara, and thev will have to be But Into a oamp by themselves, and a Brigadier-General appointed for tnem. it tney nao oeen eeni op tbe Missouri river to Lexington, Colonel Mul ligan would never bars surrendered'. '. ' " " ", l As three oi onr gunnoata wer. passing the mouth of Oooaqoao river' Us night, a rebel batury at Stony Point opened fire on them. Tbe fire was returned with spirit, but the boats were considerably out op, and were , obliged to ban Off. t '1Jw. bfi t lol ql-Vi! C'i.o'j Uti i'" i ' i. Release of Col. Blair from Arrest. 1 I 1 I I I I St. Louis, Sept. 96 The following I a por. tlon of a not directed to Colonel Blair, by the Adjutant General here, bv order of General Fremont -.i - t, v 1 ".i-. In conetqneno of a telegraph from your brother, Postmatter-General Blalrj followed by a letter asking your release, for poblio reasons, yoa ar. hereby set eased Iroas acresk and direct- ed to resume toor wro, ana join your regiment y-v W ' r rML'C."T;, T;.i.- UADli.ala J. I lUUIDlBra VI, IUI AS WIIUNI - UL -..MiHt.i p.iA..i 'i rBKUlair MTTlVVa UWm If WW UWIIUfeCH WWMW w vmiw. - " command 61, Glrar dean. r-. r-m- Il l pi t. n.. I Commandef Everion. with two gunner and twenty sailors arrived to-day for servio. on tbe Mfoslaslnoi river. . . b Mr. HudRina arrived to-day. with a flag of true irom Lexington, with, a proposition to ex --.-. ..? .. -I I ... I- l "rTw "hX,-7: member of tb Stat Convention, now confined at tba Arsenal her.' It 1 understood that tbe proposition ha been accepted bad Hudglna Mt W t .(C ,i .'.- 1 I ' .'- 'iiiiami 1 1 m Claib, Jackson Moving on Boonville Claib, Jackson Moving on Boonville and Price on Georgetown-Osceola Shelled andthe Rebels driven out. [Special to St. Louis Democrat.] i 1 I i ,i .1 - th, CoL Mulligan took passession or in. uur Ball and about one tblrd ot her aargo on the I io.h. and than ordered her to dron down oooo-1 ueiKbeli In Laclede oouniy, eommlttlng u I . . . " ... .. . Ji'masoa CiTirl Se'niC i8 CapUia tsKKArt, of tls Twenty-filth lllinoia, baa arrived from Otterville, where he heard yeeterday, thatClaib. Jackson waa advancing on Boonvilie wltn ten thousand men, and Prloe was marohlng toward Georgetown with about twenty thou. and. the army at Lexington bsrlog been dlrlded for that pnrpo. ueneraa aiaew is ta oommana oti our forces at Georgetown, ' where a largel nnmhar of troooa oan be concentrated la a shortl urn.. k. . -i , . w,.i.,- The rebel wer reported meelng; forwara to burn tb. Lemoin. bridge again, bat It wa weli deiended. Scouting patties vera reported near n...,ll. l..i ' ' Boonyillfl laat night. v -. . , , .., . t Gen Blgel went west fro-n here to-day. r Ei-Gen. King and Jude. Ryland hay been .aiaaaed b tba rebel! u..ri h tha rahalai .- o . . 1A NotbmMehabl.babeenMoMurned,.rto Noibtoa reliable has been ascertained as" to the , hereabout of Ben. UoCnlloob. tNu, , .. tne a aereaaoaaa as Baw. inuwiuiwu- Nu f Two of the crew of the steamer Clara Bell.t .. . i . . . T aa r. 1 1 L. - - arrived from BoonTilie. Ther reoortl iUe n8 entrenohment. 8he wa afterward Mptured by tbe rebela and tha remainder 'of i Br aargo slaeo. , one waa lauuuoii wivu, u w nhandiaa foe Santa Fe. ..-r.,-. .. j No considerable number ol Price' troops had leii Lexinnton on Tuesday. ' No batteties Were aMa orj y,e ,rtt banks between Lexington and Boonvilie.-' i .' ( -t . tCU. DIuraiB Willi aiarro uuuurcna aivenmiu I A . mint eli milea Irom Lexlnston on the 19th I Instant, out learning anal aonti aro anoueauui Prlna'a rehala' wer eta tinned: In 1 the wooda aklrtina th. river, waiting hi ap- j nroaohi h marched to Liberty, and ihaaca to I jangss City.'1'" '' M ' ' " ' fteootu which ar. ierarded as fellable, say I that Colonel .Montgomery, of GeneralXane'a oommand, attacked ueceoia, Bl. uiair county, 0D Friday last, burned the town by shelling It, ,nd gepnUed a Urge lorce U rebel. ,7 . , " I There ar said to ba about four thousand 1 nr niDnauiDDR idod uoiui ueu I .- . i Jm--tl . I torOerS wo. e store, a Jbiuu vreea, nae been robbed again, and tvu.uuu worth cl, prop- agtv carried ctr.' i ,vr- jut t ' .... 3 iut-i iMB'ix 1 Jnt.uir [Special to St. Louis Democrat.] General Lane after the Rebels-Ben. McCulloch near Fort Scott. . iaWoaTi.l Sept,:f56.GenerI' Lane's ne i xh mas tcrf px innocent women ana onna AtrA the I ram. bv blank hearted traitor lately burning flva Po point I UaUbaSM Hlliai BUttawamww aer - n .i.aaHii kUiS.rl laaat atlaUnM gAnfl gTll In all Ska Alt a whiea yawaaifo taair twoepilon. Tba I a. ... ,a ann. Tiannla nf Waatam i rvaua aua r. y j. r r- tt .."-" -" armrti' ehonaa va between tbCml ' The One leads "a 4 - " ... . 4M t j " Rr1.l"9 7' 9nm,t "eaaar tnvW.railaTti.i . .Ull J yam .vaieee W"- at rapinsviue, ma, aan , an aiw- Severe ngni, routew . iiwug rooted them, losing venteea oiad. ! W .it .a Urea' nnmhaf aranndad. iTha IIIV and all tneir tout, wagon ana supplies. I t lea MAaSat ha nntrfn S An 0aAafafl A. BjajAJt) U IVVVIVA yv tW aaawT aaagj " wenrwwawe Tna wane ot rebel wbo raeantlv Sacked the sown of Uumooiai, nas oeen uoicatea bt fore from Fort- Soott, and their leader, Met- aa a ... . i- . . . thews, killed. On his person was found aa or dor from Ben. MeCuUooh fot th. enrollment tb littappaw inaian. r l,.hw - - Booutaallort soot repon nacvnnoon wiw fiftaea thouaand man WltUlU tnirty mile -t .k.oi.. ...a . - : coo, oa "e" -r" Z,: it" General Lane has Issued a proolsmataoa: the naoDl oi Western Missouri, ia which, after sating for what purpose he I there, aad arging rU.VUn, . "Shoold yoa, hawvr, disregard my advloa, 1 (Qg gtern vtsitaiioos w war wiu o ewa I m th r.hala and their Tillies.- I (halt than loonvlnotd lhatyoar arming for broteotloii ta'a Uttami and, rest assured, traitors 1 wha caught r Lv.11 .in. ili.initiir'adnae.' Thai mn uw nn . . an I bean exhaoetedi treasoa wiUnerealte ba treat a I . , ' . j baM ..IV a. a I 1 . Muea? " ' l. I Dnasee ua ww m awwa awtaww, anauiuati that a traitor wui jwrpewatw mnw woion U would shudder to wmmlt. 1 Tbey hhkll Tba'.reaeuIj1hTo-TWR aneaa cttv ala somDaAlS"Ot tn. aaacsaa litta, and Bra ooatpanlsa of Janniaoa' lUgi- I .'k f owtiAtffi O-rrv -n-k-vr-, WiaaS Fremont's Report of the Surrender of Lexington, Mo. 8. Lodis. Sent. 28. The following Is the text erlglnal telegram seat by. Geo fre- moot to Wasblngto) relative t the parrt sder atLsxIngtoo:, i H $f t HEADQUARTERS WESTERN DEPARTMENT, ST LOUIS, Sept. 23. 1861. Tn C,A. E. C T.Taseid.' Alll'Genf: 1 hava a ttlfCTi-n ltbo Brookneld thai Lexlng ton has f alien Into Price's hands, he having cut oft Mulllgsn' supply of water: and remM-oe-menti, four thonsand strong, under Otb.Butt -gea by oaptur of the ferry biats, bad means of rosiog tb UsA,in Ubj LteeV fo'ee frnm tha mithe.t. and Davis's fores from ihe southeast, upward o eleven thouaaud in all, could not get, there i time." I am taking; the field myself, end hope -to- destroy tb enemy, either after or before tbe junction ot the foree uader MoCulIoch.' Please notify tb. President Immediately - J. C. FREMONT, Major-General Commanding. Affairs on the Upper Potomac. Dunimwe. Md.. Seot. 21. Tho - vloe irom th Upper Potomao state that Capt Caroes, formerly oC the rebel army, wa at Uam NO. 4, wltn a company oi loyat irgiwaua, performing picket dnty. . '..I ',;Ti At WUUamaport and llagerstown onr force have been considerably strengthened.1 On tbe Virginia side of tbe river, from Harper' Ferry to Dam No. 5, there wero about four hundred rebels.' ,'' .''': l It is said that Capt. Henderson wa recently killed In Jefferson county by one of hi privates named Mailer.- ' "J - ' - There are about fiv hundred root soldiers In and around Martlnsburg, bn- tbey were generally employed In taking up tbe track ot tha Baltlmora and Ohio Railroad from Ope- anan Bridce to Duffield Station; a distance of twelve miles, and alx mile, above Harper Thafrebal hav sooceeded In carrying off three of the new locomotives, and wer augag. ed In tiklng to piece four other. Th looomotlvee. a well as th rails hav been dropped at Stephen-ton's Station, the near t point on the Harper' Ferry U .Winchester Rallioad. 4 - ' ; ''''V. ! Nothing baa been dona toward laying tbe track from Winchester. toStratburg, on tbe Manassas Road. , . - At Charlattowo. ther were but two compa nies of tb. rebel militia, wbo are being need ai laborer. At Winchester, there are from three to four thousand rebel mllltls, half clothed, half shod and half starved. Tbey are also be log need a laborer. - Their condition la deplor able In tb. extreme, and tney perform in an tie required e( them with . th greatest, rsluc tsnoa. . . . ' ' Gen. Johnston wa at Lee's ranqnlet Sulpbur Springs, 'where he hsd been staying several day for th benefit .of his health. Ol this faot. tbereoan benooouDt. .. . " ' The general Impression among tb. people In Winchester and Charlestown was, that the time for crossing Into Maryland bad passed; and that no attempt to do so would b. mad. r; w. Steam Boiler Explosion at Peoria. Paoaia. III.. Sept. 26. Th boiler of Cbaa. R. Carroll' distillery exploded to day, killing tb. engineer and another employee. if ,Tbe building I a complete wreekr . Lot not aavaiuu. ' The exolosloa Is said to have been- ansd by the carelessness of th engineer n letting the boner get out oi water. -. , ' . ;- ' u I Tr- .' - Botialo, Sept. 25 The Courlei is authorix ad bv tx-Prealdent Fillmore, to contradict the statement made by a St. Louis correspondent of the Mew York Tribune, eaylng be approved of Fremont's emancipation proclamation. . On tba contrary, he does not approve of it, and' cor dlally Indorses th President' position-. r' T Gen. Prentiss at St. Joe. . fit. JosirH, Sept. 85. Gen. Prentiss arrived hero Monday evening and aesumad command ,MMrday Tb Journal says no man in tb whole western army oould hsre been sent be. more acoeptable to the people north of the' A and St. Jo. Railroad, and under his oommand, Uoioa troop,' whether Federal or State, are willing to do battler' COMMERCIAL MATTERS. Columbus Retail Market. FRIDAY, September 27. 1861. ; j - - j; jjXSS pVr. VaTi. tjai oo I anite fish perhf bbi as sojaaisina, it B. Box....s so White tiah on or bbl Bl 0 " Layers I I I l I I i1BS.hVuii. id 7rZT7 Jo iofmHiIpn. . , ! " . mMt.,;,.,;;.to&t oOiW 0.ngara,.. loailo rjaa a ta Suclnapie do. ......... .ooe Oornw oa. tv Moieans gal - eoa S?V" o ITT I'slir, sr.r.j Z V a r vZi. f..... ..... n oa Dried Appiea t ba. . i so ru Coffee t .... isiee Dried Peacbei... a 7S3 oo I era do... stkawsc Whleanebu.lW)(lS Bice f .......... Z,rZZ a a.aia Z m aoai 'w . . ...... aaoo gait a bbi ai tOiAoao (oozi 9 a.-.t. Beef a ewt. ,." B Irloar a bbl.....e a... nraa... aMio Oaadiaa.Taiiow.ha; c iswa Wood cord. ... tmi H Oandlea. Onau boa..- loa Mactorel Ko.lhfbbi assjooheaaea t,M...weoaUK I . - - ai. B ..kkl X. IUaa.aaiiaiai ua auaarBa . i B l gaai godrta k .,." f gj JJ, BV.Vmtool TW.atrl IUsW ISUmI ara. t a FRIDAY, September 27. 1861. WHOLESALE MARKET. WEEKLY REVIEW. I ' f tr,ca.le. at f S5 W 50 for hew rrt, sodt4TS 4B4 9MH foe whltel market aaaettledV o i c I a WaaaT-dailat0ieO. -L s. J.PJ Cor aalea at SOo uaTS sales ami at iocbotc, v Bra small sales a- -ayaAOeJ OaTS-sales dull at VmWip" if T;" " e eo . , 1 Hat aalea at BidBS. PoTAToaa 'I alee at tOSSSe. Baajra tales at 67oSS 1 So. ifJXJOi Balt rolee at 91 M per hM- -" Wbits frm mis at a 9&AS 75 per bbl. Bugars, Teas and Oeffee advaocing still. ' 1 ' .' -'- a New York Cattle Market Binoaipreeeioweipraoew eTt je i ""; I xdinalad at from one -fourth to one ball sen t net a pound a Otrortlpretiy low oil an lata la the day.. Alter the mora in tha trade haa keen dull, and sales slow through all tcnoav, Septambs Bt.-Wenate a very Urge sup pig of bun eke on the market this weak, sad a slight d. 1 : . . .l . ,., . I IBB IBBB UUB Bay W0OB. JUlunm.BinuioliilIirai 1 4, Whioh to more abonaaat taaa met week, and ioeaat eiade. which Inelodes a pretty large atock of thin, light grace Mean, oews and half ara, and some tots of wretenea ecaiiawage. ia bhuihbi iibhi n iuki a not much eJtBtted, and Mill very near Ihe rates of laat week, the aupply of this olaaa If large, and the supply of choice ca tie to euffletent fas Ihe aoeaaad at aa avenge price equal to t cents poena tor tne mesr, too eeiier link I LTgTtai. ' aim ve eaeae (iloeU will srii at prices ,1ttwhapmimaak,aB she aumbereeid w tna lowest oosauns aevw report whi ae eoa- alderable lanert set Ihe BTeraze. If band Upon the trans- ta M , ,bbu, sw-a sa the sues of 1 -a a. M till. .1. auMtwaail af tVtaaa anJ VtNP.tai aM 1 eagBQBX irVASB SlllUWia, aywsaa rvsreu wa aaaa n muaia ea wiw I sturs of to 8 ewt. each. There bee been reported tor B -a - - ah IKa SSVaaarl I tale thbwaek as the rwrty-foai ib 1 treet auikes abvat 4.M0 bead, ahoBt ball 01 wnioowiu oe aom le-aay, aiu the remainder dlrlded betweea aonday and Wedneedey, I erith a pretty large ete-fc for the leat day. anleaa buyer I eons tn aa tney eomeuatee ao jut at tni giooe 01 Miee, Bad take ott reaoants of drore very freely. Thle will ba apt to be the eaaw, kecanee broken fear holding ever al. ak. arka ! aa fail aa aiU be faaaUaad to aamot. Ll thamlddla o4 theday, Thieie eotytha aatum) renlt to I "i'. tJLA Joli. ,m . tail .took laat week and aa exeeeetTO one tha week kefoiw. Bat tha state af the aurket to day fully ecnaiaa we fct tha eptnloa that wa hare aeea tne loireet rateacr nearaeoa. xaaweawee; to-day to 1 arorabla, clear an m Ud, and Srtt rate for aal jn HIIbji ireia'usi nvvuta Banaea iu aara II. I .iV.a Ka.a.dia aannaerw aeskaaarl ia akbi IbSAI ' ' twol feej sf saie b. , ,t; ,. ,. ' .t Mis. I Prlatar s fees SS.oB. , 1 I j gmArlUIS CTI.LIiaEI, VT 1 1 1mJIA ''" ifa.iiidia. V WW , , - , wui be haal - aa aa mu- I Master Commissioner's Sale.m Oalumbas Ifaaohlna Vanufac taring Co.) Oommoa Pleas, ai aralnee rvi 11 rrankuauo ' 1 T.i.aa.kraAdainara. j Ohta.-J iea la-aa atiw an atria imren 1J B9an y -" " awai.r 1 JT froatheOoartof Ooauwm Pleas of rrmkiiaeentM 1 Akl aa fatal dlrMtAMl IB UM KbtM .kBIltiM gMdlABIa 1 AlBAmil Ohla, to sea directed In the eboew entitled aotloBa I shall Bar for sale to juw augnret muaor, o . i rcr- a r-V4 X. ""! CU4 w aauaaaaii e- ww"") . the hoars of . . sad tBn.iM fMar ben etoed Said Baker's mill (reeenily barned), h PtaaV an Valley. Uadlaoa eoaa y Ohio, the rolraerrav prep nents of aaohhrer arty, SIS. taa wa ididi eoaioa, rea I 1 I ' P .1 ' . ' . . ..v . rrrrin riv.a R-titruaHlP TTEBETO- fore aautiBg between- the aaderafTi, arde BnaBameol AHJSrTRUWW inoarawi, navmr ad by matunl eonewtea the t day e April, look. k. a-. ., ... nf km m a In will a aatilad hr au. Ajurri nor., Whs eontioaes the eaataae at the old ewaA. i i had aM..B, a. aannuuaet . I . IJIVJrini II L1U1A. .. tb B. 0. - .rT-ui : o: MILLIONS OF -MONEY t For. an Inch of Time!- WAS OUCB THE EXCLAMATION OF a dying Qataa. Toa laeb ot tuae eu be pnsea d at a mush cbaapar rate, end auny Iscf yeam ot . 1. Li', health and happiness:'.;; enjoyed by eoDraltlnff Dt. MaRRrWIATHXR, who Uoarinatae moit abitlnaM and long-ituidliii diMiiee of tbe LVHQi, nRT, LI V 8 Ft. ElDNSYd, BLAD DIB. BIOalAOH RUKOMATIBU DIBBASIS PBOU LIAR TO VBUALBS, 8KIN DI8BA8BB, AMD ALL AIKIOtlONS or TUB ItVS AMD BaB. f ; . v- ' Fact ar. atubbeira Talagsl " Hear What tbe Philadelphia eorreapoBdeut says In the KjnnmoDweallh," Wiimtiigton, Selawue, Sth of April, 1B59: , "An Iniliih gentleaun, formerly eonoeeted with the BrltUh ' Array, and who stylei himwlf ihe 'Indian Botanto Phystctan ' hat of late gained an extensive repu tation here by bis skill In cnrlDf all manner or com plaint,. Borne of his patlenta I bare eonrenel with, and they prononnoe his nmediee and mode of treatment aa vera uparior. Soma haM beta raatored as if by Biatlo. The medicine he nsea le dlitilled by blmxlf from Tarlou, barba poiMulng rare oarallre propertiee. -, "Whlloacltir In tne army beaevoiad his utianao. aenta to a thorough study of tha eSaata produood by eertaln medicinal toota and herbs on all manner of dle eatee. It aeema he has found a snre and ipaedy reme dy for all the Mils that fleah la belr to.' His praetloe to aireaa ezienaive ano a aaiit inorauiDS. in cue eoa- plalnta to which remain are eubjaotad, he haa so equal, as a large number here bare teaUfled that they owe not oniy tneir present goo Malta, but tbelr Uvea, to toe skill of this Indian Botanic P by ileum." Office 37 East Stat. Street, Columbus. , . aglt-3a ., . ;a , u r .T'.I,. t-7. J PROF. I . Mil I .PR'?:.. i w p v mm mm t HAIR INVIGORATOR An Eflective, Saia' and EconomicaJ I f " Compouad; . . ar )J I'O'k'IlESTRING GSAY HAIR Ie Its prlglnal eolor without dyeing, and prerentlog I i oariroa (onung gray. . , . FOR' PREVENTING BALDNESS, ' ' And caring It, whe there la tba leaat aarucle of Tttall or reonpentlTe energy renewing. F0RREM0V1NG SCURF AND DANDRUF j And all ontaneonaaffeotioBi of the Boalp. FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR. Imparting to It an nneqaled rloes and brilliancy, rnaklns U soft and silky tn lta teztnre, and eauiing It to cut unduy. v -' ' . - .- . in gnat ceiennty ana acreumg aemana rnr tnie an equaled preparation, ' eonvuieae the proprietor tnat eae trial a only neceeaary to amtury a aiecemlng pnbile of in eapertorauallUee over any ether preparation In aee. It 01 oan ace tne neaa ana ecwp rroce aanarua bm etner eataneoae dieeaees, oauaing the heir to grow luxuriantly giving It a rich, toft, gloeey and gexlb iieai aiao, vnera the baur u looeenlogBM thinning, It will gtre trengiii and rigor to the root and reetore ihe growth to ir li looeenlngaod th hoea parta which bate beeeme bald, oauaing tt yield a noa ooTering of hair. Than are hu undreds af ladles a4 gaatleaea In Me York ano nave bad tneir balr reatored by tM aee af mil Inrlftorator, wban all other atapaiaaoea hare failed. L H. baa In his poaaeaaloa latlare laaaaMraaa teatinriai to the above facia, from persoas of tbe bigbeet raaaacta billty. It will ffeetaaiiy prerenl tbe aalr (rota tornini until the lateet period oflle; and la cam woe re the ball has already changed it, color, the aee of the aaelgaratoi will witnoenainu reatore sssuis onrnai hue, Ing it a dark, glowy appearance. As a perfume for the toilet and a Hair sea torture II a peruoalarbr reeont- aended. baring aa agreeable tragranooi and tae great ta- cliltiei itaffordetn dreeaing tbe hair, arhioa, whoa moiai arith the Inrigorator, can be dreeeed la any required Ssra so ae to preeerra lta eteoo, whathar plalnkir In curia; the great demand ror it by the ladles ai s atandard tolletarttcle wbKh aoae aaght to ba wtthoaMs the price placer U within the roach of all, being ,, . t 1 Only Twenty-Fiva Canta perbpttla, to ba had sa alt leapaotaMe Druggiabi and I . .... fan am en. .... rt. : inLLIB would eall the attention of Parents and flnardlans to the see at hie Invlgorator, In eaaea wbeie the ebiMren's hall tneltaes U be weak. Tha aas of it laja tha foandattoa lor a food taod c Aoer, aa it re mo ree any tanparihee that may hara baeome eoaaasted with the ecalp, the removal af which a iinmiri aatb ror the ueaitn ectae cmio, ana toe rature .appearaaoe ol Ua ualr. CiC-noii. None geoalBS without the fte-stalle LOTJIB aiLL.aa Mine oa ina outer wranoer: aiao. ii. LB it' BAIa iMTiaOBAIOB, H. blown In Us (laes. . Wholesale Sepot,St Dey street, and sold by all the principal Merchanta and DrnggUta throughout the world ajaoenu aieovui to parcnaeere ay we qoBDniy. I also desire to present to the Aanerlean PabUaay IW ASD HCPBOVZD , OTttHMIOTl LIQUID HAIR: DYE: which, after years of scientific experhnraUng, I have broagnt to parteonoa. it aet Black or Browa mataniiy withoattnlun to the Balr or Bklnl warranted the but article of the kind in exietanoe. PRICE.-ONLY 60 CENTS. Depot, ; 66 - Dey - St, New ' York. ooc:datwly. .. GUERNSEY'S BALM! GUERNSEY'S BALM a ... I'" REMOVES AND PHEVEHTS I N Bammatioa and pain, and heals the worst burn, tea Id, bruiaa,ont or freeh wound of any Und, iirerenti welling Bad paw troa sea auoga, ajoequiio nice, ana potsonoui plants, nearalgta, rheumatlam, ague In the bra aat, aait rheum, ate. When taken mteraaUy, it-will poaiuvely cure aronp la ebliaren, ana givee unmoaiite relief In the wont can of thli terrible ooaplaint; aln. nana hoareeneee and aora throat. , Prloe, St oeatia bottle. Should be In eve nhouie. for tale by Drag- giiaandBtorekeepers. lavm btunb, - ooie rfopnenr, a 1 .iDpnaoeit., new aora. eaUdAswtyl .. utf r'. , No real lattice caw ba don tba above preparations but by procuring and reading deacrlpuvepamphletaA be found with ail dealers, or will be tent by Proprietor on daman. PonDUlaa and Trial Bottles teal to Pbysi dun, wbo will &nd devetopmenta ha Both warthy their acceptance and approval. 1 Oorreapondenoa aoltcited from all whose neneeltles of enrtoaity prompt! to a trial at ana aowre nuaoie am dice. ... tot sale by the nsaal wholesale and retail dealer everywhere., ltiij ,..,., j,,.', .-m - JOtin trHCNNEWEIiL Praprleta CHBaUK AMU PHABMAOBUnST, . ' Hot w Commercial Wharf, Boston, Masa, a.t 1 u.i. "a. riAnfc. 5:ss Dentg, fl. Denlg A Bone, A. i 8ohaellara(oB, Agaaa tor Oolumbus. Ohio. - ' ' ; . ' aji-aiy 1 '"' i "' ."Wc-S i .1 .' .v BAINs&SOJST; HO. 29 SOUTH EIQH . ITBIXT, i NOV OFPHBINO 1,000 yards Baper Plain Black Bilks at l 00 nl" aa aaawarA .-' '- ' ' ''- i.'W r ' r, ttSOO yards Traveling Drees and Manila floods IB 1B eenhrralaa' go aeats pet yard. 3,000 yards- While Brllllaalea- at-18 1-S eenU yalaa SO seats per lare,-; i f SeOOO fare lias and Dcaettia Q lnghims greatly ai fvare. i BXOZAaTBIQTTXB. BAXZ0iU9XB,l 1.. cHAixiB, itnOAjRo saxs, 1 v.. - xxauia SASsoxa, utklus,: ronixs, AN 6 ALL OTHER An m Nreo Ka3. 5rahdlm'bAa Pr.aa GJocxl - the most destrabwstyla sad at vary lawae pricaa. if H'aurini mi . r Ta- " . r Of all saateriale, made bt tba ateat stylba manner th mtetl Paris TarMeria In yaost ilegant itykw a arty. 1 -.t-,i-,' -rn i-"'1 ,rttna Av laas uy S , r !.i 4 j fta. S9oatk High street. AJlOV'ltttf M BII.KB, a IV... 4m. ud, all A) lv . l.i.n .i uw. PANOT taSsS IIXBsV . PAI yTeari ho aerering oar Immeate stoek of fttey Silks M pneee aaea Uun ever aeiore onerea in wueiiy. t haataetilaoa. ol tba ladiel of tills Ctiy and -Vicinity J .AiaiJ naat. ti.ii llaa. f Tfc tt ItAlU. VMWl.-t , ' . - t afta ffwis k - " They go Eight to the Sp5t.r 7 r.ff lnstoytt Itell I'urlfy yonr Iirenthl .at I. Mrtnjrlliei) your VolrcJ ' I .' r 5 iV.e----i, a-.-ii V TH M t) TJC ONF6CT 10 N ft ; ASC GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOR LECTURER3,jti.xvi0 MiU " GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS. ' ! '.GoWrOR SINGERS? GOOD TOlt' CdNStTMlTltES'. ' OINTLEMKS CARRY SPALpiNQ'3 TOROAT cdNtJECTIIfNsfO'' .. i ' '' ttiHt r'ja ! j LADIES ABB DKLIOHTED WITH SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. SPALDING'S TJIROAT CONFECTIONS. Tbey relieve a 'Cough instantly:'. Thev clear the Throat. .. I lit., l :I8UA'J Tbey give strength and volume to the voice. ' They Impart a delicious aroma to th breath.'! 7 They are delightf nl to the taste, r ' 1 1 , . 't ; , They 'are made of simple -herbs snd cannot harm any one. , .i" ' " " - I advlis erery en who hu a Cough or a hiuky Volet or a Bad Breatn, or any difficulty of the Throat, to' gel ' a packaga of my Throat Confectioner they will relieve yoa tnitently, and you' will agree with me that 'they go right to tbe spot." Ton will And then very otefi I and pleaant while traveling or attending public meet logs for stilling yonr Ooegh or allaying yonr dibit.' It yen try one package, I am left In saying that you will per afterwards eonaider theo lodlapenaable. ' " 'HI Tea . will And them at I Droggieta and Dealers In Hedlelpea. , 'PEICB TVVENTY-1'j.VJ! CENTS. j ...... . ,,. it n f My ilgnaturs Is en each psokags. All others; ere counterfeit. ... A package will be sent by mall, prwptid.oa reoeiptbf Cl'i J ThlrtyOenti. Addrese, , ,. oviu-a iui.)uH Henry O, Spalding; 1 V llt;i, HO. 4B OF. DAB STRUT, 3 NEW TORK.t--'- 7t 1 lefe KepVduM8adachfi,a ,ieaiif. Tfr'TT' Hl . Ml-)-. ail !., to By the aas ot theas PlIIi ths periodic ittaeVt af .'. 'T eoiM or OVA AoxttHAs may be prevented) god if tJ:eno; tt the eommenoement ol an attack immediate reliel frea 9 . ft pain and alckasu will be obtained. tl . They seldom fail In removing the JVitutea and ' ooAe to which femalei are so tabjeos. They aot' gcetly upaa the bowsle removing (At( t ,. aee ' ' ' - . '', ; I tat ' ZtUratf Jffet,' Student, Delicate Pamela . j rT and all pereonj of ttdentary kabUe, they are faint !.... 1 u a Lamativt, Improving the appttit, giving fcxu . ' '1 atdey to the digestive organs, and reatcriug the calm slaiiiclty and stiangth of tbe whole aitem . IEB OBJFBAUO PILLS ire tho result of long Inm tlgatlon and carefully .conducted ezperlmenti, having bee a nse many yeara, during which tiros Oieyhvei prevented and relieved a vut amount of palh and snffer -Ing from Headache, whether originating in the fieracut system or from a deranged itate of tba sfotaacA. - ' Tbey are entirely vegetable In their oompoaitlon, an may be taken at all times with perfect eatery erithoot uking any change af diet, and fie aeeenos of any ditagrttatU fasfe r mitre it eaey to tdmlnU tr them eMUtren. BB W ARB Of COUNT B alBITl 1 '.lC The genuine have tv rtgnsturt of Henry 0 Braiding on each Box. . "" ' ' ' Bold by Sragsts and all other Dialers la Medicines, ar i A Box will be sent by anil, prepaid, on. rerelpt of the All orders shonld be addretard to 1 UENBV C. aPAXDIHU, ASOaasur tttreet, Net, fork. I ..." "' ; from the Baamlner, Norfolk, Ta. ... ,. Ornhallo Pills aoooaiMlih ths object for which thev.". were made, via.) Cure ot headache in all lu form. j?i-. ! from tbe Examiner, Korfolk,.Taj ra4. Tbey have been teafad In more than a Ihoaand qatet with entire SBooees. . , , '.'"., f ..'u.. w. ' i froa the Democrat, Bt. Olond, lllnn. . It you are, or hare bees, 'troubled with the headaoLa tend fur a box, (Oepbalio Pills,) so that you may have t themlneaseof snatotok.,1 1 ,:.t-- ; 1 I tYoa tba AdvoTtuar, Providence, B.L . -I3,;g The OerhalM Pills are said tabs a remarkably attaeave remedy for tbe headaobe, and one of the very beat lot si that very frequent complaint which has sver been die- n 00 re red. , . .ti;: .; . ; from the Weetern R, a. Oittetta, Chicago, III. We heartllr eedoanllr, (baukBni. and ba nrlvateA ' SephaUePlllSv... .... iS :.. ! fro Kanawha Valley Baar, Kanawha, Va. We are sure that penoni rafferMt with the leaeaohsV - J who try them, will stick to them. e .aH') from the Sonthern Path finder, New Orleans, La-' " i r91 Try theml yoa that are afflicted, 'and we Srt tin your lea.uiiuDjoau urn avuuck, v uiw .imu, uumgni . 1 1 ( in.i n.a raflaivea nenenta uiaLno oiner mraifina ran ' prodoca, i-. J-:;.u) ..i--: .Tjr,,, 1 from tbe Bt. Loan Democrat. Th rmmeuae demand for the erUele .Oephalle tllUv . , Is rapidly Increasing. .i .-iy. t ! ' from the Oawtte, fttvaaiwitTjri' Xni Mr. Scakrlns would aat eannaat his name with an sr Bob) be did sot aWts to noaaaea real anerlU TJJA stngle bottle ot SPALDING' PBBPABBB ajliUll win ear eeai auaaa nuy XJLJ , SPALDljj&'S PRPAR,ED (JLt)r? 1 ? t " .1 ..-" ., L'. "' ' " UA ' BPALDLNGU PREPARED, GLUE SF-VLDING'S PKVEPAiED flLVRl" , , , f BOOSOHTT J 4 h Y . -1 IBtATOHI t K?"A otitob m Turn vafllurs.,-fjl a. As aeddents will happen, even ra well regalaeas laea; Ulea, U la very seal rat; le to ftere auete cheep aad eoa renienl way ior repainag eaaanaaiaa aoa, wevoaery "1 BPAiaraa'afmAAiDaLCwi ;:!. S-Stts all euuli aaaai aeiielaa and no hnaaatinlil sin alt it to be wtlaoat a. aiiaaiwaye raay.aiiu uiuaa,u.K " a. 4 T, B. A krash sweearpante each bell lea aanU. Addreae, -r '' . . IIKtlBT 0. f PALDIWO.' fir j . fT' Cedar Bereek, Hew afaslv , 1 c- 1 .!!-, I r,'fy'k k lit eertaia an i. " narrwrnar tlcg I f Bf ralaa utoa the anaaapeetlug labile, louuuloiaM rtiraaaw aaua. avni. iwiHnaii varaoaaioi . ..u. lifnM narahaaine. and aaa Laat lha full . -. . S TICj,",LWl'a'" a'HBIrAAhPtlUJB.JjJ b m tlieoatalde wrapper-, all lucre are ssluU..., tatfiatss. ti T!r ( sa-. 1. ,rw., , a," "..a .HIMxhW .pw ti