Newspaper Page Text
fumvAmiSTOSB " . i JUST RECEIVED BY ; " V " WLI A. Ca-ILL, No. SO North High Street, OM K t- UrgHt ul Bat MaatB. in Of t omut 'w cirr (toe Builders' Fttrnishings Off BVBBTBTTIiB ABB ftOAUTT. ., rrwrncMfcABwarUtua vTcr-iT-irio-ctr Ola1 rAiNTa onn;a in iia, . w a.i mm for family ata, and mm p "r - , ., 4 , ' ' ' Talnti Inbalk.' Brushes of every variety & qna ' A Bpltndtd AsBortment f MACHINISTS TOOLS, CARRIAGE MATERIADS. AXE3 GRINDSTONES, .Vo GONS.FIBTOLS.SHOT, ko. 1 FISHING TACKLE ROPE CORDAGE, LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER. BELTING. : W EDGES, MAULS, PtJMPB, ': ' ' u AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SCYTHES, bVc.,' ' ; SCAItES", BELLS, cuai ' Table and Pocket Cutlery. 1 w.iw lBtito the kttonUoo of kU tobweeto to mj (took of rookotkBd Ikblo Ontlery, and BIE.TEB FfcAIBD rOBKB, Table, Desert, and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, &c, . I AOQBBBb a. BBOt BJBMtoia, wamnted to to rahMTy.IU-otro-PUted.oa renaln. Albarta. CLu7Mot-t,baai-, and otbera, lntltod laoall oad bbbmIwjo ktj Btock, m 1 oat prepared to otU WIeao AetaU. QoleabeOBlo,lkat ;!. - - LllflROPr LUD1NGT0N & CO. as wrAaKriACE, ': 20 ft 23 KOBJELAY 8 IB EXT, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF, Foreign and Doraestie DRY GOODS For CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. SPBXNG, 1861, ' . Miiu . oaraBBlo warereeoai. at too aooto IS !EoaV S UI.Ua of too mx dapartte iopeTto anythtni w. hare berrtofore We ml at oar toalaaB. wperloi xbiMtedlotbetraila. . . ... tunltado asder i. ..J.. Thl. hM Brto IU pr-t "-.i . kM. WO keep aaBm lb. boom ana luuitMi FAtJCVVE$tlt$G3 AND FANCY CASSIMERES -IB lavBABat Uk lh Ta to foBBdta tao atat.., .,iM aiaeriBioaUoa. Aieo,ai ,., .". . .. BROADCLOTHS, , -. , . SATINETS, , : LADIES' CLOAINNGS, 1 ITWEBDS, bib vwna' and MXBCHAHT8 CA8SlalBfcB9, CMTTJCKY JBaBB, U - a- ti m. n n ?n.mi pw BBdspwardi; tWlBt8,BXtoM nta parjkrd-l nr told J ' IS to SO? - .!iTtt.:i -.i oBTTTTirn iatWITB, at It ctau; .-.-..t Aaafpttor (h oarroajWiiiwf iw Dress-Goods Depabimeot. UaehMter Pa tafnoa, BsaUtoa do. taaep Ilka. ! t; V.ted Challla lUBCtotWr Otagnaaa," DUtfO. ' " do.' rrktttd tawaa, friaiad BrUtlantee, - OliaMB : ' do. ! Onoaaa CVotht, Alpaaa,, BlMkBUka, '- , . .. . FANCY SPRING GOODS. Printo. aviOBOtiet rnta, DaaaeU'p BBgUab i TrtSiuB.. ALUs tie A. Bhoetian. Blark do. , ABMkaag ao. do. . ' AppletoB l W i '..BeaMtt '; oW. Latbrop PaaaMt do. . ' uuca. -. . , All OraaTa Bad lytalAB. jji.i,,- X1A0HBS BHIBTTJSai ABB IHBBTDIfll bbbb. ii--jalaaV , IwiBnaa Io.Mtl.T- ' 'Matralla, Naa BUI, . i.t . Walttoaw; -. Boatt,.. .. tBewTorkMllli,ate-,Ae. l m i wttv IV I TTP1TTT I ft SHAW Lb AflliUAlUllxLAa, A LAM! ATO nUOT ABBOBTBllirr. OOTTOW APBB a graat Tariety. Oaaoaa ao. . . -0. ... , TlcKiaB-an toe loadlobranoi. SlBTISB BXAOPM-an the leading brand.. ABKAANB ' Ml, ", .V OOBBBI JBAKf , . ....... J' . . i 1 T.M. js- .im OAMBBIOB, 0OL0BBB jjUCS, avo., A. ttA&OB AND COMPLETE STOCKS warn soot. . V .-.f GelillcmVFmisliiarGwo " fJMRLU8AND.PARAS0I,oi ' aiARVBTB ABD OItCI.OTB9, .-4 . . Aoode BMOBBBOtatad-aU BlLB aliiitge warMltM to Mil at tto ImomJ martM ?2E?ZZZmZa haa laatpaw. 1 " rvniroiaTEi) goods. Jtbt urvtiM . . . SO omm liAlUa barton Cn. f tab" bm. j-a. A4 B a. MautAXaL gWMHtgB bwTbbbMbA, ' ' - -Tiatdt . too WII aardtoM baa't a ibu tvuvlM At PorrlBB Woroortor ohlra." 'boper'a BoliaM,",jyB Hairey," "Heatlmg.'' K 10 r WalBtokadTowjatoCatMp. , A MUckU'l Mlabratol BogHab ricklee, aoaaUtlng of"0aoliwer," oallll," lbawOhow,"-WalBBt, -Ob-Ira," '4Cabto,e,' tfaM," "Oherk'e" t -it Al'x nekbia. . m tv . .'"v gj) l,doBPorte. ' t v. .:t.iu't Mwaratal BoobiA Ala- :. ej tnmtox'iwi fitaurtee. tn b.t i .. MMMtui.kBd Tmcaollla. fl r - Dot e tMrtMlao. ..:-...- - Col'iMkMktaitMB.ngllaBaitoJ gnpaari. tvlUta. aT WM.ltcBOBAlB. 1 Ik. fllfHHt of. , ' ' jbm a 1 ' " , . .J 1 :.'43rt OAkV OF :NOWBE JpY. TEE REVISED I ..ITTJTES I ' Of TBI f -i oTATm o:ir omo r AOBNBBAl HitCi. a, IN f CR0K AWI. 1. Hon. XcscpIi 2..C"."?TJ3, irnr jtoixj or rm dscisions or- fin bv- tOoatttned la twenty-nlna yolumet ol the Ohio tod Ohle . i it tut Beporto.) ' AMD BMtUKNOBl TO f BlQB IWS, tan A m.t AND COHTBUMNT ITOM. In Two Rojal 8o. Volume. Prloa $lfl. 01V r! i a, emeu to Mob aparod to mate the work .iwTb. ni.rlT to. onenlmoue Tote of both Homm, od Count, emaeiai .lBSnWBearai UoTtreor. Mruo - ' - Z. , . . an. 0 mplreller, iWurer and Aueltar of ltM, M S, roHo. OourtA, Auditor., and tbe OwwM ri. Wttln.k Bounty, to tha Memben o the int ud Uobm of BepreeentatlTto of roll BUM. Thit Boo. BOBBtninp, i "TT . I. . surf .h. anthniiUttTC OOMtMeHOB Of IhOB ud oft. M.w OooaUlaUom will to foand to to MMetet If mm ml m UM pononnue rnir asm, " 00UHTT 0FN01RB, JCBT10S8 OF TH1P1A0J, - .. CURBS Of TOWNSHIP!, MM ! " ' , . 3 j . v. .v cm orriosM. . " " - TDumnch u Terr but ehunf kToboB md. la lb lUtatoi lioo Uw pabhomtloa of th 1 MiaoDO, vj r. dwL lwnilam tod iddlUoiw. kail aunj lmpoiunt a . T . i i k ka AMHvMn Onnrt AH BOS won nn own jitm iv v. UoTorMd pointy til , : , i .,. BANK KB. BKOnarTB , , 1 ! A bcbim KreiAUT.,1,,i WUI Bod toll lDTlBbUWoik.,.,i. ' ,, - . ... TVofotwl Ho. firfwv Jfhu BvoirU fuhlUhOdfa? "ii" H -.u ... ' :.' . v .. ROBERT CTiT?,TvKV e Wh U PublUben. BookMllar.; tjUooeti and Ifportort. - . . NftJ'0"1ri5r.l, tbiftdSa:lf .. . .v OlnolOMtt u. roieod, ten WpwMBfcalMeeMt.MttooapTMi a. y . .. - A .. am .-a 0olaaikui, Ohio. - ery (with r without jewelry) ta the marki lower thaa tan to patohaKd ek-.wb.ta.' j atMaoxdoMd, j aJitrii, tj i T"! ... V ..i .rk.l .t .,IM ... Addrera,wiwr BAlt.IT. Mjlstw 154 Ooart ttreet, Bo. loo, ktiM.,. g j QOY LEf'CO. Manufkotnreri and Wholeakle DealerB La BdOTS;ANP;SH,OES, Northweto Cotw trf lligb aaa Say Bid., '?l toma-j .''' T ; q JC 9b. : . "ABrgoBtookof rinBaodltapto wodooa bbbo.; ySldlf . , .,.,i.-..i . -i- '. t- : -- I . TTZ t .. , SIJNDRIES. FARINA ,,,, TAFMilW, . . ,.M B.go: -. r. Arrow BoW : .x. 'o- Btoerioar jj 'if foart Varlo, . "i BpLU tm n cu- 4 . : OraaaadBheat Oheeeiato ii.,.r4- j Oooa - 4T1 ii Broeaa, Oto, i .1.1 , v, Oraaa. TjikafH.''..u. :u. Baaa c'-fVit ij.i ' flee aj.':i .-', rraaoa m mi.'t MImEbiIu- riMhloatatoai i a 1.... rwsha. Ones Con ... ... TwiJiOannd fralteat won dettrittUBi ..,, ..-, -Jeluatet all klada; t" -.- ui ofeU Ur4a,j f bb BroMI bUaed Caattkat' - e :. .. AlaMaaa,IMlbetta,iaoetoial,. . . . iBoguak Walaalo,aWlBBte.ta, - bo2J : JTZ ivl WBU MaPOBALP. j . TRAVELLERS!; TtJttK f f to York. drlT, "rto. IRO AC W At, CORIflB Of HOTBTOBBTBBT .. .. Vui,iBvtvwvai flood rare. Good Roobi, rrtarot AtteiioBheoi and laraMCharget. uCyJ OTf- YtZTa rll'J BIN 0 BOOaU IB 0B. 0TB. bad II fBB KAY k DOCBLB, BOOHS and f ABLOBJ )0 m ordarod. Thla Betel dm all tho appoint thoappoiatBenta t-nJ! at bS totaVB. a i-tMntrU ltoa, aodta AAJlllKL B. UBAB. 1 - ;.- - BarobBaBB 1 tA ta ,o j Aropnetot' JJaUUMWJ44je . - job h wirxnxa, . ... 6EKT FOB H0m,OBTIB"TAI? k. K4..4TT4X, Bacoamr . and taTinw rma Im. A 1 -. M .WBlaapiOBali HirrTIITT. Blia llTIBaj I1U IBM Raw i7LLr7aC7coKr14Vhl . U TJ4Ber ma fa to vmr anfl lirTT BT IBLBI UBT BaVAB, A V Offle., 81 iiiClk BU, Bavwavse'a WI Alexandre Kid Gloves,- TttAI- AtB KBHTB-I BEBBB, I , hT .ta. Undrd I wbbxwbv.-.- - - . ..a. I -- hiavvbbi BLka uutvjbw m. aamvmm mm " of thaMMlMratod 1otm alwaya loc rale bp BAia A BOTf, (eon DHESB COOBB AMmrtI.,. MoTAHKUTaa, . .-; ' I TkiTiuKO Porum, " ; !V l i Cam Poruiw,ri-; V. 'a T r a Fon,.,m CHTTIW, Fbbnch CHiimia, Fatitci MvatrM, L .. J 1 .'.i i.. . ... EUOAirr itaaa tuixa," a ;. '. P' BabwB AWBMAifttB .at in ;.PLAN.'.. And all otbernew adfileavatMlaB.toBiriO. deaund to haodMoat Preatee and naatuiat. , r, ..Bjaaataun, aprS9 Ho. Boa th High dJ.'v a wtefl nraaaai i.a w. bold H liana, laf 11 ITBfBB rBaal Ijl at Sa DMMaJIfta V teoeBBMnd hla lo oar old patoon. and frktode - ' i TOW W AbbbBjb. apjAto bbb Oolaabaa, MawhWtb, Xflit-eBt-dtf ; T7L.EOAIVT BTLiA Wf BfcACaK BHJK.B UJ gtiMt aaaiiBM ana bbbum, bot m . .. . .... . .... . , . i.T f I.W-, Rnnner Undcr'Gameats. I OMtoBllk Pra-MoaBdAhtrta. iu.u imti. nuu Btrawan and Bhlrla. . in wttguiia, .htSia'OAn'T; 1 Whlta aad Browa Prililni Drawera. While Linao Dr.wert. xtBrwCedto8blr VV JAM - Bapeiwr angiiM nau now. . Lang BBKaLknga. - HTZjl it Paacp oottoa Uu ttoM. Baapoadora. I J .' n V. , OoldeatlLUBUrti. roiBal. U rraat Tarlaty tol At audtttta PTjtoB, ...'. 1 AI!ffcBOB..ft ' t - 1 i utr I I a XV BOBta XlifX oumy ataylO. ... .? T",,", " Notice, Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS . of TnErOT-tOTriiaOCMANaJEBBrElli BvadetatbotbooffiMreof Mile Bank, Jaaaary nKiTrit.. km. A-ILawV. Jrraeldaat, and ..L. dnM their offioM. D4i bmTTwm thea oloolad JjaaWanA and fatt Ai IrbA, IBol-dtf.. r r " ' ' " 1Z kl, , "Tt a -fj'X' ElieiHTITCHa?a.Il"rBl B1AW0 k.H.4..r. jvaraarUla heme. Bmbroidend Ltum Daulk't .Tl prtcet. x J Bemaned BUtahadMd plato da, da n w ia Mooralog do black koroere j J . . -mm at.uimMaaDllehaa. v . . 1 f. 11 . fine Apple Jo ' ' ; iihtol'latBaWltoBBBlbiltebWtoallprkeai in.l .4. auaat aad t tl 1 ,1 If ' la IB. Bltt a toaeat prtcto. . ,?, "J1.. rwgp, iy r ap B 1 jf. ta krut ESTATE OFCliAntaEtwCLAniL NOIlCSh h.reby rn mat "n7r i 7imi'.tr..tor of the Mtaw of Claik, late p I bwiI . i'tuni' ..ncmra udCUPTB M ?t -Ilin.rerVlow PrioM, bim all b 4aW,i JLtblTluraJ T Vr O ? f BAHB, blofMblo furtJ JJJ fO ttaualhUlgk '. . ... , . 1- . n , in f.i a. 1 .(A J In 1 rii T' 1 ' I lW.Lllltn Paexat-lIailaX If I. A tl. CklUenuw, AtWruey. ' ieUJf - . I , I i t c n v,i . , bMbtd Oo.r VVt vmbbw ,,.vl OTJB i n " J . . -n . .M j Son; I tH 1 11 fta alobel Btaarrtrr t "r 1UO DOHlfl . BlIH tJMarfktlLl r. pyw e . u.w BOB , 0'4 .1 ,. i . I :. 1 tvta, Twoeua TailM, 1 TttrfTBr 1 t 1'. .tlrt ,. 0d a a Vaarw, we are I T (AO A11B rFKH. T BTU kindt l it oatiro aw eakirf Ooode to toJutt BMd to Brw Yo.kM IhaUiewnui itra et. ifBallMllattbetaMllMtprunU.forCMh. ISyeuttoB- L . are and frt.nd.aM rUully United to ealiind ". I y Hou. m. rt0. a. I W aenaiM . . . . a .caar tban.tta other booM In thaeitp; mr iii iBt4iXX' r (Tiiiiijeiwir ' j '.'- .i .... i t : - Nos; J, $8 & 40, North C!;h Stl J r ... INCREASED FACILIT1X31 i ii iii till I - m :J ISMlWltOimKi. I toX)i to to -p i i ,. . HA.VINO MOVED INTO .MT. k IJBWiBUILDINGi riVJOBlEPARWIl WHUS BOTH HAVE BEEN RILENISIIED , THROUGHOUT. .m ; V-"'1 .' V tTH -. New iTypes,' BorJeri 'Ornamenti ... VBOBl TBI 01XXB&ATU VOnKBIT CT. T. WHITE CO, HIW 'TOBX, - ' THUB MAEDKI It THB :n:,Jwi Uost Complete Establishment I bj mow propkroi to XxmoW til OrOsrt br 1 BOOK AITD JOB IA TH D I O P AT CHI . " , . ut Unmd Itrla ftf tka Art " I ., .. " vp.oyjr'v , f )s ( , w, t, ' -Arn Om ' . ... ' - r vrrv n i if nn ... . i. mm - w ra.i a' ' a. -" . " ' . V Blll-T ummimMt- ,twmwwi -j. , , v fill aaw-aiat t . . .! " iiVar.dai-'. I iaaVtal HcfiaterBti . wmw9 ' HOW CASDS ifc' BILLS IN. COLORS, ; aXADDIOS.. . COhTIIACTb. .4 T11a.aA K Viriww Til I In' lUUIUUIfVU ,u aa wjt( ?..""7 ' ' 1 U .wmMarWui : - .,i FOIl OOUXITttX BliuwnAriisj,- r bow BIHb, Hail Bin, UKelk, CBBrt Pn- .. ir.aaM, ahaat and frllatr BonaMBa, Ho- " tal BillB-af ralw. InnUOOBa. oM. iu) w?.;i. ,,,aiJ fi.ii . . . j . ... 'I X3 ools. wor 1-. t . 07 EVERT DESCRIPTION Ix.iv x . toaoa. anl CoQbc CaUlog-UM, f fitgi.. BTIaaallanaonk PunnolBti." u ' t! Oonjatatlona, EeportB.IrUIi, BB .fruk nr ii nrr h'i'i ' .cut I lo Lo ' iii. ' T ,'( 3E,;0 ,T 33. R.o e. i ltB Ii' JcW cblB'ta .iiy..s?i j o.i . i wi.ti ta Imi Catat-na a . . V IJaxnmpthHoe prawdMa.1 Wil- ala -UUBfcL UUVV I ,-T4l i)iPimiAi,rjTP3iTrERS7 1 - - - - - ltSS--. ' .V wLITT . . I ?!T "hVToAarfaBi eii.ral or Kottom OeMI" I " . . 1 AT- ... a, lV.a . W a Ap " - - - ABrB an Ada 111 .7" f H - TT. . iiparMMwhaTaleKMlartM wcw aafeteepMkeia eboaldBM than. PiTl-...rLZ. IWI.. V'Moanlan gbbt-M. tb-a. . . y - 1 All -to ror. . r4iUatUi. ouli a-flltawl PWM. 1 J .VL.i. 1 I A II bbbwb avank awtylUitaBfl BMJ Umb BUaj AI AnKDI HliniB " ... tt . r I .4 .. .KmiU u. thtH Tbap an bom 01 a pare jawy hb Bam, aaaau irwan. m 7..- .-.f kb, aadau irtaade 01 nai Tbap ata prepared bp an I HIV HUUWl'lV' Brian, BBd,oaMo(roB tboto awojcuat proparBoa, Boat AelichtfBi bavacago. and yet,ae a BOdidne, pre ipmiBBi bhI bMBltB m tbi dowiol kearen. ,.4 Bokl bp draap-t. geoorallp. - 1 . . . . , n CHA&LXI WllXSIIIllD CtU.fwptUtflrtt ' 1 ' is WllIiBna Bt., flaw Tavlt.f KOBZRTS 4 SAJtm, Amenta,' ! CalBBaast uaie eetStdAwlp. .wn-ia 1 - , i ffc .A A. -r I 1 ,T1 . II Tl 1 i rx J j I iT"Tr,i..'e:T' 7n 4 IA la oi DEALER lNto7 w -.i. t4. rrt "rr. A i ca . r w ! M,iii iJk. i AJ4 rrrtu wm iJ4 FTm?:&ummjiiiiocERiES ,' . W- ALL ' ?HEIR ifARlEIEi.iir: 1 1 'ijo rv-"vAk- oat ft I Mk.lIIJ i : KMt CEttEtnAifBJI I TO THB r """tT.rt M I ... iA tio, TJEXEBIIIiWKrF Br iieteR4iiitbb r wbrib ------ I lra.AS'ka4 bp trlCl gttterBUBBI I I mbIA aall fha Bttlca) at lht pwBlM M xbb mm I BBttoa rmVtMKn aa4 U Belcc U4 Btexilt i 7-' . . - . I baa, kak arrof r--t- I . ..t. 1 txttl gamV that I oaa Oief, ta in 1 1 " .1 to AmIm to - I , ....... i ul.k.4.A.OtnAltt l'TZT. ( - - - - Bl om pjH.u BJ jAbV AavaAEa AbAt UM Bl I mwww r-w I Tba' bBBaaIBriof ttoBtotooaB J:BlBr ta wlw aatlBfaetlaVat) rlKW l""T . '--a'Arf' W t.i .' II B . . J v v-. 4J tar prtQT"'" ''! Mi IJ ii fi 141 .r . tmi:(i.vHW' CPE!R(XOR,THeiSitI- " nr sipijsutoft GOODS flkXy 4Ta JV-"-" B pr;ii.itj aalAo y ewa Cutting, and e.peflftend y bwb B.M.1 fcwIeBttrM.lroB mW VOg ai..' 1r' H" ' "'""" The 6n'i of waloyed. and .11 wort Itrleily to 1lnr0 oa abort B.tlM, and warranted to Bl. tnr.Kri war eltp woaW eouaalt tllr loterMt by gltmg . a tofoMpBpa-Mr..,, J". M.rebaatTallor,. W43 M. Jl ptatchi94U. eatakwuuwa- jjf"''' d si et ( r -a tftCC3,EBCl?imbl0lJcHc3a1 V V 4I.14W.U.0 rail i r4, J-a.hef.. f taea Velio, aaaw.pwt.nw-l aleBolanea,. 1 w i r.tnlLaM. ltoAkkaMWdi'olUtaila,ti4. .. . . ak ri.uiirH. li' a t ' . Ti. ..Mll...ln 4-..- IB. 1 ' . ; ..... . m A4.1. I IOamMaaotgBBpanaau or uj.kwt,.f- 1 U . 4. m ana .lillinnBtll BBd OaUBBCtlOB irr." c'jria"'?'"-i 1 M4 1 IU J U J.'. ieuoau4t vu.wvv-,i-rv-j"-i le.BtaafiitAbwW Xrj M .1 v ; purr tnjf 0.H a. oad .. i ,-i -2(3 Wato ZmJU roar Paotaml Brrip. A IltwaUartlwttoaOmMaBWaiitioi f an aunaar bo aflllolod aiih aoaaha. comIi ai 1 . I .1 T I 1 ? I 3 i I . I f tSaWi-B- I ) ' I . 1 1 44 ,. BBBBB .At J if .1 BaA aal . area M & 1 i j ma 1 1e (1 al at Ud .ua pattoar, t bo BiinUM. "V V "It 1 J aa . T Bail mw.r wotk BMaaM aad ylirltln. ea l ',.-d k'.d nod I I Btft ' i Will I I ... bbbat otjbb h i .tiXitj3 to i . ! g i U 9."-4i!-.i ( J ioij: . - 'timi t1 m Art ef ,nU-P bfa KL 5 " giffniH- J 5' t' :r km:) S g e jh..J,. CXj ti"t rj,ll fljil .B.J ,T 'il uSJ ,fi It OP MM brarraral phjciaa, Wllb..l y rl , . I KiftSWtiHwKnU.w.1 T-lr-,w!iS,f?r,!UC"-9r aiatop.itoawfc, s. riiirW'ni rtm.i M IK'SSjW TUOoJ WHO Ult Hil KWI01N Jta. ii imwn fA vnn nm.Tn a am oi dt rwri' I .... j .. 1. 1 i.9...iiti r.'1,04 t.K .9nMMMwii.ftml . D -Hr b"1 ourhoaddimoaltf of bnauuna, to m ob Ml hloh.fottnmlloontoolwlUl7loo I . . . i.i I. . . Lu. haaoAilaM mil lis r pto FMtoralOoBghBprBp. Ikaaglm a arM,lla a nftr kui4 huk nliand bar nrr BOGh 1 1 th.a OkUod oad fat aoUar boUIO. WDJOO anna on reureij, ana obo hto no o tram of tteformt biMO,axioaa-1 aoaaTlvoakialoaaUM that i aaa la aMdlokoo ar 0,UrtBtoUadaBaga.,lbaiBlaUan laaoaaaow I ItzpraajBT oouro H.uua.'Uor who uw aMdieiaa, ana you aro Too art at Utortf to pablbn uu Jpu aaoiia to do to. r Baa i - (' . r ' ? rt . 1 111 ' PkJ ajrrm':-Altlioa(l oot aa adraoato of Patrntl f n I . . . f I lajaaaj Bl u. in. lUJUi 4 pTSJSa. a aba auu Ut and Jkoaraweai wt fot pMuUar onallfloaUoni tor r awrtof all that ditagroaablB otntaUoa awoadlo a at ffeoted wilii tho I hiT bora, Bton or lea, in aiy lm, i t of Midi and Boareeoeat.1 At UotM mi throat voald tooome wolutad u to preraht Bpipeakln aboT .hlnn. nlkf takln. a MaDBaiaf to and by taking iwwBoMiai too aaoto arop -r. - . - r . UwoolB Muooortooaaraipwi tji'f it ' la rooottBOBdlBB idjb bioqicuio, x twa ry that It Blbeboet rnwdr I OTtr found, porportlng L Bbora, aot ihoali.BBp fkOJltytoWlthontihl. rejw a-ar.. . -a --r --- .. af MToral the beat BOdidne " ' "I?.'!: . !-5n a ,i 3-w: ii ! ?). .t -a ,-io.1 00 IifBAtT ABB KABBXBBB'B PlOTOKAil, yUP. 'y v f ail roa bj K kv MimodHdi laweMOMawep wwavae nd lha worateao I ru ma aaiekM wlthi I hare aot - i !!-!?Ji4?4iM'ljJlI'5 2 Sir ltud auaca rot at BmvmMi - --- .t. MikBaM (nalr thaa IeT-r dld..IebaUf- .iMUt.iiniiUU at RatUadotortoTOBtiBkMl aamlieMatMMdpJ TamanMUbarat MMBpaaate la thla lafara. M JOB tbiak proper i B. I. BaXT, i MaaMgorOunoaCoondl,PlUbiirh,P.. I H.BaBaoetraagwtoBtotlowtlMaa.and WbaaBBBaiaaaabtaema teioBitBaBariOBlw.i ll. . PrrrBmaaa.ADrlitl.lSrt. EXAD Tin TRUTH. ua. biibm tBatwaawiav 1 .ha aan Uaaa arrml Boatolato for a bad .oawaA 1 ".. .. .. i1krrr VaMilnL wiuiuai naatj a "-"4,. E Btod BrMB pom a aotua ai yoax iiv.vmji whin in. had atod batf a bottle aba The atttad botua oaroa wr anniwiy m -iiw i .iu. i,-.,-.iu. o al .4 JUIM saBuii JUbiBMB ilnUlbli- Wnn TV,. iKt. 31. 1853. bW UxBMb'bv t'awivavu BY0f -4 Uva to ftoblM towaahlp, ALU BMraahiB. AUeabeny ooanty. aooimenoea aooui etrttBOniatr a. ka. itijiiBi. la tha otUB ama -?-tt4 anttad aatll ear It la Oetober. :. "T. .1 rT. .a an Anikd 4 u AA 4"S-i VHir44,Jiihiu it bhiihJ torn that tha tataabto PMaadf will da tot 0 than , MbMaoaa IB bp MM. j JOHN (1.1.ITTI.: ; witnett iihm... . vTrv-",r-. 4 ,LU.4U ei.j ,tju:.jil ' Tirroi Wlj'Ap'rnla;1!. W I Lrjf nw om aappoMd totoMBBBBpUoau Hb raUttya. I toM Be that he bad takea .tor, iwwdp they beard 1 Biefeuaaat - DIB BBTTILllBir fBUaBBJ bi bbbbb alt MB Uli laltB wmbX-' to tS toWthM baiwaldBot lire. lJ''TZrr 1 the extraBO age af tha Ban, be btUgabmitwlKhlgrpMrt 1 1ilT I ban aT doabt too Feetoral Bred hia Ma, f . ' , rjB.. UYBIA'B FBOTOBAl BTBDB IS JLAIB8- I TIXXB. fleaM Mad bo 1 I abto Ttotorel Byrur," i bm the .old and are iBwalrk i iumib-t -- - -- 1 wl-Tr I Bl BBvaaal Mts buuiUIbbT KIDD IW OI VOOT AlBoet orerybodp aroaBd katmlrktc for "P.. KeyatOe pitiaral M .By.waMktBlntan bottlM BetweM.aadaro bww BBttrolp oat.. Nr. A. AUwaad Be B .ataber, af aUttrtiK fa., tell at they would not bt without tothalt faBUleo. Ia feet, ill who BM It onto Waal MB. -- Yoara, ttopMUBiiy, 1 . 1 ' in-:o . " - Trr5. WATTBBAOJI A BOMB. BaaaariBII, I860. . .Bjn.aif: ..:! 1 ABvnniA inrw CnTiriOAT-Bl4."KIT8BB &ntviB4i. BTB.nP.1 bad toea Iroablad With and Mid Im eeraial woaka--M bad awa It Bbat I taaid toop.4lbBd loaiWtMaottpeMenpMoaairoM tbo baBtpBytteBoola tnaatp, pbea loanld name, but Bt do w. I anally prooareo a doiiw or poar nmm "w-m--,u"5: wntob: !-BS8IatortiBtrta.littBbay ta-, JaB.Blo0. I 4,'.'l ...1 r. ' "it"-i ni.m i in - - - MiMVinaiTTlUl M. T An lit ta tijiu'i oa wood ttnat end pt a buttle of hUOoogh IaotoiaJ. aad B that doot earo yoa, poay com mart A.1MlHd.1 Ihlo at aeMeiBOB af aao mm,. AadWBMB. frea mibbI oxvortBteBl. mllp ooBoar ia tha adytMr'aadaoBttioB m, OBOVretataite BaarWe wootooa aa bobI torMtMargh, with aaaaf tbaBint eT.IM"lm, eontrary,Ballib, avagba we otat oxparioaMd otnM oar Bpoa tbla BB&daBt epbera Wo wughed ttaadtly labs rl out ly fot one wboke week, la hopae of Alraap a) balHwaeaogo. U tool it 1 law at rattoa ta mmmm h maatlM. aad M ban aoosirad itraiictb.BOtaa op aad aUaMMetMMry by the operaiioo. in thl. ikaatn. wa aoabad oar Wki to KoMTe. 140 Wood Aproenreda Bftp ont bottle of lha Peoe.ali' Baoaraiiia M dinottoao. and tatirty-eigfai Boat, wo mumMmrml tha Bold, the obmu bayux BBMndltlonallp Miiendeioil attar a brief bat Bneqaai oonfllot with toiMldabla aa aaarawy jw Kayerr'e ffi.t rMtototMayaatairt wnw, rr.t .t3 no BW4.U BSuttaiji'. , BB. KBTBBB'B rBOTOBAl. BTBtrr U prepared JoidbyPt "AOBQB.B,,. IUITBBB, .140 Wood Plttrijh,fB. - ' . ; 'J" ri-.": A ILr aotd bl wiaakBa op atvajasn m hbuiim rpiPOTIXAGIIJi BaKinUBAiX,.! . Lltl e-joa4 n iti:itaa bim .ta .-u: !n;if r:. . . ..".IB 4.JK.rM tl '".Vj -4' aad ictljuuU '(-K ,Wirii x(4l B.AUOi B.ABYbAB. (- aa Bduci ra w - .- 2 .1. PBm, tl aaata. 1 4, aoW.WoaatTitttbartA,Pa 1 ITT BoW to Cotaaatoa bp BOBJETB i I AaftTBTi; 1 f-'t: I X f ' rt B " T B rAPE4AClI.Ani VJ - Nacat. Ttawa, a von-.i atm t,nk.i I bMia irtolllat dad OMBdaateaaV Aieoi r. Ulf Tlad ,6ru.' xl ad Maiqisq Mrtw k4 iaapen "";"' ' ni HJ'iu tatr 4iA Mill laaaST-1 ti', '1-3 ItrBW.ri.ftf"?i KtUa .aNuA T'U wi4 jv.4t-,Vi 'WalAUf to BOB.;! tPiSt bevfrM M .i,w JI.W,8oathllbieK. 1 Wl !' PJ J 1' Thopa aleaWMaBdt AttbaottiMwltb and eMBfort. Tbo atark apaa eaoh one deelgnalina nrreot, and each lht Bap to toltod oa aMil nrreot, and eachtli gaar.uteM .well Bade "A" full otoek of all qua MBetaatlprtBleal bwotl AVAlB'B attuiUatbraalaak at'.i. 1AM OM UWH .aVAIIBVl j poe4.J.ii't atn.'liniOMWtaaBto ukb iurm a ft i n ' " ' ' i i rTRI.I.A III AtY LB1. BTEtLI Pj. BUAWUlflB.alt ailreble oolore, and Ut gnatNirgttua,' -BAlrfleaoH,'- Pvi t, ra P7. B Baanh fltah-aeretiiia; Bafiia 4 I. n i . i i ..i. 4 W Whit, wd Bltoti. Juat received el - 4... j"""J7r3,3,r4,.H I-a orrat TiTi2Tjrioi:rci:viiiit rrnoa rn"i'liiprtA itAJat A IJ gaanaa. at 4H ft LtM. f u a 4-3 0d , i rrsins uttxa abb raiAJt. tk. pnee oVaf ed by aani'l daUrm j aTTBBAB QOAATAB0.7i B4t HIw QolwtbtBalayB,lul. J.M.AUuatatd! -LB. fcmaa 4ar bit. sioaeo uo imtw vm M vat a wnBW laaMrola avlnf that lib) I . oiuni.ii tm.t. aaiara. 'J-- cnLi: BILL tl faf.' ttera of Hmm Mlrtt aro newvTba Mnl, at. aviftiiWkrd. . DIlolY Ait's IV IAIN A 'WW1 "lma-loW'aiW tk. utoOTtodpa JW0" ' W W-j'XmWM; 5!l K.frm.w .ni Unit Costlv Gin X awA rrun pa -r. ,.1 ,. i l- ti iMviiiiiKir iu inc. Diwixa I " i INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGESt I f ,,! .ri 1 1 B t SlFESTllRD "HOST.''!- 1 IV.r.' rr V ... tup .imnt n 1 KtVtKAuC IP 3 tnl WVnIMt I w rwiuroRUb wiuvw., j . I . , J I t I . .... 1 I I I i to I ItHB WEHHKLY OTATKa IVT ATt, -fx ., ,. t . t . I i-k n . ; p1i WU n : ' a Ptp At whaf 41. of all I .. . TbVIM' at both it U -i, ..J IMMk not fuwaai do . . "fin be ootlaaap ohMr- we aa MbdsabB adtent and awt, aaMbar etege of Bt. took t wero m "Cough , and ItrMt, ,,. i i 1 14 iu ,-w AMD &rft at p n,o. Te to. tho tli'rt la nalltled Per, . BtJf ba ,J - ItnoioU HVI ,A , ; , . wi " 1 1L , mw ab a tt An ' PITO . I WM ni 11 trail 1 11 II IVCBblttCl a Aulgv .yu rvV I v .i ' ...... iBI-- . 1 . -;,4M .'. -I JiM (i. rOX . 'ZyjfTmnt. - i " JLJ'.''llZ l ' ' 100X OCT TOSVBOeUI " 7 t r. H V C IN 1J V-i. . THB OHLt OElfOTI vy, ..1 f4 O. f 1 fJNDON CORDIAL BIN -r'- ... ,..,,. IfiiTi .importers, 91 Liberty St.rr D,J! ' '"' ' N Ml W ' BL UXfcOl .... : ii-: i " ' " I1? t J 1 I. U14t i.i I , - J Md In Oolambuj bj 3i , mBTtaux.. , Wholmi. i lUtall Sror., B--- B-lldlo,. , 0UIKS, Uft.r31M ' rutin i t av., by t-dooddclxw ,,,, OUVtitoiaa m,.,i : ... uiit r.u aidkKCwMU. WEEKLY ,01ill). J AvAVinW A VliUJ4ta44V4. . jtvetMTT inirAif IJvBQKIf , Bf PJi.'ft i . .a 41 fi . ..... ' ,. nUlt , fltodnnatl TT 7 . . . aiiatjibotad, M H tbroogkoTerlTortOnoBmowo, i. th WhoM patronan la tbiuwfw, ana Ul Jib Bdltlon. felt Jonrnal.5 and a. fat, :. inHrtn is urn ooibimw. rnvvw . " "T.-jTrr.. " . -i-. a tTit -Atftt ' .DlSFLAYCtV I c VAVB s.u, Tt twrOTaiitaCn " 'P! . tat. Ml Bill 4aL.TTXA01i Wa,w-.i 0 a aaea .1 uX.e3 ul . WHOLESALE.. DEALERS ... - u.ilj..' ,v. a.en.T ot iTBftMAS will la. WttaWtav tk bVBBSLT BTAIB8MAB will la. 1 m KJii, Aiama. ln' t-,Mif iti.i THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which H liioott eonaiB to wijow aa wBiur..; I attoa 1" ttBowMga of tbab? bwatteft,.(i.,V xl kwAn'iIAin!llBVi Yi-tTW9 f I , - K - . , . I M '.li d 1 .IhooHl I DB handed la featoia Trldap twtav, 01 JLV PREPAR ATIOH 14i.- j TfTAT5 tTAB STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, An gpawa aranel,faara papatlar j ' v. . ; Ttry. T 0 -n k.j kifi-mi.ta. ni: aad .ho cat withoat number Bight be giren from iwuet aoa genuem.n in an grmoo, Ql eOCttiP, wnOM inmi .1. .f ' mwmm uiim avmimw it... Pr. Wood'. Hair BMlanMlrawlU ration the and gray. and preterre the hair of tat youtn to oiatgo, Inalliuyouttuui Maatp. B.tUeCrMk,aIlob. Pee. 811838.- (rtitf. woon: TIWowiiioieaM Bcormaun. m ioiiiib thMtkatlhobaltaB ay toad aU 111 off wrar twenty - S-a A-.!f. IZZ on IS TUB Ur,7,ud "to ttate of dependeaew, I bata Bet bora able to obtain I for caca, aUief ban I bsMi Mia to do thea ap, taMn-l aeqaeoMOf wnica B, bom bm auaaraa nmawy tro" m Thl. InHuiwul ma tiuf firiart A II ml re. alBOtt IM BntVBl 1 UUBWM iui ,.u wim. mnivvi falthfaUy tollowod tbo dUMttona,aBd the bald opto to oororad with, bolt thick aad blaok, though abort, lt n . ii.. ,..n Ik. m mm ...1. a an BUwooaing la all oret B, noao. rotimg MnnooBi MB. anouivt. mwx . w... woald aak the. If thee would! aot to willing to Btnd an Aider on thine agenta for a bottle, and imoIto to MM the pcrlptan deelandoatho reward to ta thoM (bat anklndtatoB wraaw aoa toamawraraa - . 1 . kBP ttieoej, ... i BUHanaua4ai)i. " Ugonieb Noble uoaatp, Indiana, fob. 5th, ltB. Taor.O. J. Wood) AW Btrr la tbo Utter part Mw year 18S8, while at landing the Btata aad Motional La BrfMoi af the batle M New York. y hair. Iruota oaaM ankaown to bo, foarBrnred lalllsg oS rery Ml,, m that In tbo ebon rpac oi tlx noaint, no wnoie iimi nart it mi eoalo wu alawet entirely bereft of MTortag, and Baob of tbo reateialng portloa apaa aide tod too. part ot BP bom eaoniy atw iiem giw to that poo will sot be turprlied when I tell you that b, return to the Btatt of Indiana, y mora oaual acqualntanoM won not n maohaialaM to ilaaoret oaanaf theohaagaa bp a,p iibbm, m ay awe ataaniktlBBtrioM wore to reoognaa ae at.iu . ... , I at oooe Btade appllcatieo lo the boo! aklUfut pnytl' etana la lha eountn. but. Roelrln. bo Bwuranea kbea that ay batr woaia bkb m mmreii, a wm la ktBBOMaonollod to ai, kvCa. BntU, lortaaalely, the latter part of the year LM7, poor tuetonure bm ooauMndad to bo by a drnxntet. M oe In im bmi but Hair RMtnraUTO la bm. I tried oaa boulo. found to B, gnat tallefaotleoi ttoa a til pradaetng deatraaoawt. uwo vat eaa, a aan tuoa mtob tea' worth of your KettoreitYe, and aa A reeult, bar, rlobpoatof eery toft black hair, which no aonep h. ........ r. .,,.. ... 'i,.. 1... ,. ., Atattariof apiratltadelM pew tabor aadekUlal tk. oraUaelioo o( m Kaadert.l ao artiele, I hare twooov BtondedluaM toataoyof a, friend and aoaaalnaaoea, wbo, 1 am aappy to Inront you, are anng it with eoeot. very reapooaaiip, yoBim, - i- ' ! atttH! ..! KltwiiAiH a .n'-iA K. lATTA,..x Ui. 4 r,"Jj ai'Attonitrand;(toojiMUotBtUw.v lepOt,444BrMdv.aadoMbyaU aatloai toreagk Batueworia. . 1 . the BMioratlrt U tut op ta bottln of three dtea, largo, aedlua, and tetallt the email hold X a pint, ratalia tot ana dtfllar m beatau thBatadlato a. Ida 1.MI tWMity par cent, aore la ptaarviaa kbu the and n tal la for two dollar a bottle: the lanreholdia quart. 4u per tent, more In proportion, aad retail for B Off ma, ... " . w ... 0. . WOOD to 00 ProprtttoB, 444 BreBdWBp, lo'k.aadlU Market BtrMt, Bt Leula, Me. .. , Aad wld by ROBkBTB A 8 AHObI., Oolombua, and by all good Draggtita ana fane, Uood Pwion. "- ' i - - ' ' - f " Btolxoi ! inm6ndB; n WtrtJII A CHOICE AIBBTfUltT ? 430LO ' an BM, WaaahaK. to a-ZMA TarlotT vmmi ii 1 A 1 1 km Ageat for Ibe Aaea4j Watcb Co., And VIKtU thew exaeUeat WeeebM at Bwafaotorart' . I .ih, hhU.k nt atail. 'II.'"-1 Com .ad cbeoM frea ay ttaattfal dtaptw af aptwto and other rtch awalrp. , AttpMt no wprloM . Ae to kilter Wan af ttcruuf u,uilif f. oaa ehow naiwrnt, rtry noatua , . . . pllrer Hated Wan, TwA Botla, TTraa, alien, Oteten, aakM.. aitclkwau aoklMei Katroot Btok, Bpaono, I baa I bomb .aapplp o Abo- Tab, Catlorp, Ketroe. Ittnu, .ate., ana man, ran, wooae tuon ire drtired for prrrtot at tuck prime to an oa Indaoo- Btnttarhyatieeri"-- " amt,t' IJ I ,va'-?iK p . .i -....-.t . wwrnrnvrm aiaiim,, I Btrtl i I. -nooa I i arn mum mWm mm Maare. Til w "Qftni')iljaOTi bhirt Collars. -ii i i - ... . , , r. r . M i J 0TB, BtantJIi-g, Byroa, ferrtpt, M hetnerwh.p b.amid Itelet Ua(UibW.rw8k. Ylee. r ory 4, nti.i at arannip uirra nan xiomec Otry kind, (J adat 6raaoBaad all Made, ot (trnUf -BlAhini Oaode to great axietp aad. at awxtarate prieapvt v sr.'j:t .. V a ir r Mit ae tiiu'ea rt o t; f s' j.- ot .n (UAjillvl for lau.on; t'.u. A ' ' - a g ro. TatwtPv ' ' I I . ,a laapaB ' . iMKii oa.tha.avo.-. t . , . v . T" oVihrt. bottle Will rt tk. WltM. WtM wtotttoiBtoamnto4to JrolM woi.OMkorJ Mi1uM u w.mtot to mo orj On. to two bottle, lio wirnntod to caro kit namof i v. i .,1 I oobm Ioom and nabbp..and I rMMIiBa BIIIbVXBXI X. U9U IVttVW JSedkial BbxiTOrj 1)1 : s DM 1 Iraia I B I I . . I i.t. u Ii UJ 1 I a tuff I bow 1 1 . ao thy , : of rap Ha the up on the httr ti from loiwau la n- nua- Bad tbo. aot, a can lut Ttr aad at email, 3 .... low r VtlO, -aprUl:dAweowU. can piloeo. Dle low. new A. rocket M tX t- . . end la : '.rr!. " - it.' f,C IfR. EENNEDTi OF . HOXBDRTI hs dUoovoted la on of ont common pMtnra woedt Every Kind of TJumor, ft if I m.v... r hw iAtt It In onr Blttta hsid otoei, and i- OOW 10 DU poOMOBlOB OTw OD Bunim nruram 01 iti nln, on wttbia twoair MM ot aoawa . r. hot tin aro avmnted to earo rannlni a the r an.1 kinb.kM annn. Ihm hklr. t .... .. roar to Hz oolMiare varraaiaa oaoara oorrapt boo uaa boum will con toav orapuoD oi to hid. Two or tbTM kvtue. aro warranwa w oora oso worai tlod of rlMwoaa. u i,. .. ..,.. n ,,m J Two or thno bottlM aro warranted to eon the mot ?'r : ii-i toloor ittlear wirrxnUd tocnraH Rbenm IiT to aiht bottle, will ears the wont mm of ooro Abeaefitla aiwayi owleneed from M tnt tottk, aorleotenro Ii wamnted when im aooro quniiiy Sub aUBAi--Tho tOBnUllon of khe Uodloai Wr 0TrT, ta carlog all kind of homoiw, wU eaub iikivafi nv um Htiinimau voio. oi ui wuo ubtv Bin Bra It, that! Bead aot nt BB-thlBg on tho ntyoofc, " the iaUUBi PDjriiouuk. ana HNnwHiaremi veukb1" .d...niMuhi 1l . finlM ' " " 7 ' " lh.MintH .matiMllwimlll It. antio. IB prawn tint tne juaxmi vwo.orj wv 1 It with k fnll knowledge of lt earatlte power, In re, .11. u,d aariu moat thmo dleeMef to- wnioo. ton are BBtortunateijt K uaow., 1011010.4 wiii aieeaM to an aneoHonn. wiurni Uenred tolfbyBBlraclei Wtwatmpa Wrartorol to lie aataral ifMtum, ani poot babe from thort and fHtfalaape tooaha and iwMt .lninbert; and the Medici Pteoorotir kieaain biowibmb BOitarina ta ywar and rxwaanoio. , . ..., .j,,,,,,,) hr.,! In th. more adTanoea rtir- or - -1 . . C AAHB K n Hi an l' llttxtohdjto i IJ(Sra.ASIAAl(.i ft ico f;c orbioh Ii aothlni bat canker oa tho then to ta MBO foeilBflrOBd aaanAWareao. om i faatiiaJ -A v U U. WW TAUto. at faWuT AUAtaBBBBBHat tWlaBBfl Mil BBB BMB IKSOBJUUI th. mi. ltnpt thea-poar oobpIoxIob loeeajte kku.banau atllow and pear beat ,,,, for want of noarbbBont yoaf rjrttem be the Abn. of roar body be i train af diaeaoae wUloh the UUcorer 1 peculiarly adapted to A, . nn ntt: V TaMtatloa of thobearf, pain In tho etdev wealirrtM y aboaptoa and mn 'Df'tli. back, pkla of tboMplolal WBOBpoaretiro, lrregnlaritp .of the bowete andlto, that boo excroeiatuig w. aiaaaert, mm Ajct.v :i4.:o;r!':PMB'.nna a .iaoit i ' BowauBp vhoBoudof poor women aro enlTerlni from Itbia dteeaaeand plntng tway a BlratU Hfa, and their' Beit door BOlihbirdoot not know thoaaM I with tmpraat oa poor Btnd that good old prow9tbs'lABroanot 1,i1vu,BnWitBBMMaiJjl o faWBal - aim great . w.m elreaBubwoaa, do yoo any injury. THE nEPlfJAij aisvuyisuy. . - - wiv.-v . ... v i;v M thataM. narhafafB tha OUbllO. . " Hochann of diet ator oeoeaBry eat jn.WJMai an got ouoagh af H. v -r- V, j I . - LJi.:, lay Child raa orer too poan. deteert epoonlul Children rmat Bn ta atiht nan. toa tooonful. Aa no dlreetioni eaa Wawltaabla to aHwantitutionp. tola tut&Cient eparate oa tho tnt twUe a daf. AuiC.C'AAUi. vmh truiv. . . . P0NHM.D BBNNBDT. Orlr. net bottle. rorr nv JftMn dnmaittln rp di iy21-i fh. nniKd Htua. MpZldAwIp. floYorWM 'WHISKERS? -; ( 0 Af1 " 0 . W a, H YOO WANT V?HISKER8T p. OU WANT A M0STACHE1 DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE, BEL LI HQ H A M ' S ' . CILIBAATIO .. . i . i. a r i . v. StinnlatingOngacnt : 1 Tor the WhiikerB And Hir - . . . . 1 tu ... .Tha tubecrlberi raxo p"" "'ZZ'fIllh. A"aTr. To..Tto. p-biC; tho aboy. iuttl, and world-renowneo arneie. ne , ; K- .3 A ? .I i i j , . . . . , p revered V k. 0.' PiBBI.LrrX)HAM,antoitoaot .fcpaclaa ofXondon.aod lawatrantod, to bring out of . t t.a-x At.r u t fi ft.'.re'--' 1 - . . 1 , .It.- I . M. irht. .rtSnla la the only of the kind need by thl reach, and injdonand 111., beaatifui. aooaenleBn eoothln pot itlmaUtlo eoaipound,M4logMif by mloBpoa the roojuting abeaallfBl growth of iBJrarlant bakr. U applied to pUeV of the bald tpou a fine growth of aew balr. nUedaaoordtoi to dliwottooa, it wlU tara am or aa todl.paaabo articla la-erery gentleaui't tolbm altar oaa weefc'ajRM thej wonldjtot (Of tf w!'dr'! bewilnaallt.;. t t. -',.-1-.:-ifcuj,.,.w i.Th tabMrtbertara vna onipajrouia tbaUnlted State, to whoa all orden muitbe tddreated n-ll.. . aala hr all DrkKKlttl Doeleniaraboxof lba"Oaguent" (.warranted to the dMired effect will weeni w anj " 7"' aatll (direct), geennip paokoo, ou twueip, wi r,re 4i j aaoMirrs, Ae., it; .il.inii-l'-v ci-i I-.-- nt;W4W r WM. KNABE cV CO.. A t?.HMBAK!.;".l XV BOUM, AC. tH AUlX.iXairAataa., BOB. ifc. BboA TB. BIJtAW Ml Jit Offer for axle their Mlobratod GOLDEW MEDAL. aKd AND SQARE l . Mt.j-ArtpTANO-TORTEB.'" Being highly b taa Aiat Btaikaaort HtilcaT Aaateaitof theeountry, and at bbi IHITBUBBrTT Tl.?sliteA!Wi Tha aoet ttoUdlou OBjtoaMf a rely upon pleeeed In eTcryrttpect i. TatatoUbonUv- L.L lw' ""W-Sii j uaiiijiB BMia, au7. , ffB-B f WholaaLand B.BD BwalOT la1 ' Por6tffni'& uDbrictioffars, abb atar i Smoldnf 'CtBwlni? Tob-oo.a ' da haul. 1 A . oh Mine Blaewben, a r Ai4tT-4iBPft 1 ttTfU... fc i! ,CWWi -PI l-K.O t. OAKB Aft 81 O KBW BTTH -'' i of Ci Ttl.h atrmc. lBMnatoaBiadBwoiy n ' . . . Im. BBttrt riaia Maattlaa aoa an- a r a ti II H t-'KEA " .not- Wlrt,t t,? M n r ii A All BVtllBiABrtBJJrtfkvtah Bmm. i A. At" BepBtoinraW--- Ata.Uadiiba,Bl'r"w,w,wtat do y I iram ?Umb i - j - i to . T. to ! ih. t a la ti ona rartt the Ap towi TOWT r, It and aad Mta " bxtj aad eln UCUP r -I Out- AHB , r Dr. J. Hi KcLEAN'S 4b W Bl Ji. fcg . - KOSI; DTUCIOtJI AND DELIQHmJl , , oorbiai. ;V ever taken: ,v TTI8 BTBICTi I I. . N. mA a,u c VeinUM. ComDOOiid. i ' ) J " proeun d b tho dlttlt. 7 - Utlon of Hootl. Herb knd Birkk, Yellow Dock, Ulood Boot, BamparlllB, IT 1 i Oh.rrj Bark and Dm lelloa anteri Into lit 4i'0:t .i f 'A &5-f . .... ' I r .4 "' u V ' lU3af Rrt.ii.iia.i .. :l Bciforo taWii&',miAWtf Taking- v. wj prlBOlpliOl Bb-1.trUlfc -.. .plrlt, and the mSt WrALClBLB remod, lot' 1 r.D0TaUD the dlaJ ertian, aoo ni"'uK ,-?"". " debilitated. iMVA.UP to 4" D'. ,..r'I PIcLBAN'S TUBNCTIIEmiPIO COKai'-; .t.m "'"I DIAa..r-li-J-JfjL)i .iliatlll ai Bu-i-. . ... . . win oireotBiiwowiwi"" " - 4ii. a.J tiyiu okpAiHr,' BBima;ijfi.TJaPOB .v,), 1 r. 'j .1. 1 i , , . .. . fJhuilo or Herrotu Debility, DkwaMMofth Klihif'' " and all UMiae. .rlilor troa k dteurdcmd Urot oi tttoal uh. Drineijati. UeuUurQ, Inward rile Aoiuuy or dx. BOM of the etomacn, raimeee or niooa ui iuiji u vu ; i . i-, IK. hi.i Pal. iLin nf tha llflfljrt ifnllneil or Weight In the Stomach, Boor tactalloM'"w Obakkal-winBocatleefeelltigwhoo lptogdowB;)aTBOii0 ,,.,, or YelliwBe-Bf U 6-lnaBd jea, Night, B'eau, Ib ' ward revert, Pain In the unallol the bk,eheit or eMejr -I Baddeu Pltuhe. of 111 i uiHi iiiiai oraim muniu, t j , Peruondencjr oraoy BerromPiieaee ' i on &e Hktln, nd fetor and Au(or ' ti:i Dreama) Langaor, Hon. of unuusna toner.; I over a million of. AlOHico . itare beeaaoktdtaHBg.the Iwt alx nontha. and, lo no Ii - k... i, r.uwi in iHtIov .ntir. utlsfaOtlon Wn ,itf af! ' ill W then, will eirirrtfrorn' Weakwae or BtWlittr wb lo to MoJatitnMte oknconfetknkdequaie lilra of the tame-1 . (ai dlatoaadalaBliacBlonkObangepiodBOtd 11 thll Vordlal In the diKatea, aeDiitiaica auu iun. Barvool i'Ont, whether brokendwebpekoeae,wekb j it i ptare,iorlBpalrodh, Hokaea the relaxed and onitrniB . yr orgaalaatlon U reitored to lie prlitlne health atid Tlgorr 1 " , itw THAltRIEar rEBaviti !! '. ts Or othenr ttcloM uf InaWlltp; frba whale rer oxok, ..,, will Bad ttpheaue Strengthening Qprdlala theroath renentor of the tytleto; and all who nap-hav to) ore .wtai tt.JlbylBra.licaHir)4l And .Oo. nruln and meed t remedy ,,1 unoyereignanatpw4yor.iu. Ilaat'. Ai.n'a ...j .. nifflii M.hBtjrnn.tlar4. Inoontlneneo of,J'14 Crtoo or InVehtntarp Btebhargo thereof, Balling, of ha-,it", wmh.roiUinaM.alnliiia and all J)ieeaaea IncldM t PeniilaiT w 1 t-1 t w iaiijinoo at nericiB6Tnit'AbWl it-' .uiaiiiui Ji ,-6'44-MiWTAaai aetoraW'to PWeUoae. wUl.tW..Wn(tUiWiand 1"'; J,0""11,0" ..fl .4.Kinnr v,Hh m mount .oarchMk airtnn. , iea Knrp botwo ipBartaBtol leglyo atAialH1?"! ,ytly .0 If,ourchlldrenartrlcklp,pnny,oraffllctod,McLeapt Oordial will make them healthy, fat and robot!. Belt -oa notkaetBeoWtrylBBArottwmtoMiiTlnMd, 9ltT; It Iff DELIOIOTJS ? T0v'rAKE;. TBI; .... ' i'ff ? 1 u: -iii OxoriP. Beware or DrOrRltla of Dealer! who bw try to) palm ttpoa pow oaa UKtat or aataaparllla tmi,i ao which the, oaa jbny oheap, by aeylni It U Jntt Mood , AToid Bach tun. Ail lor noueMi Dironinmsuar- dial, and take nothing eltaji -It It the oaly remedy tbatj,,, WiU tBrify the blood thoroughly and at the awna time ItrenKtnm the tytteo. ' ,u ...i.iu iiii.j,jiiui Ote tali Bap. tntttl nut w "'" """l 3 itT eattaia pretautlTe o( Cholera, Chilli and rem, fellow 1 Irra, Or any pietaieni mw.i mini .v - . na' Prtot bnlyll petotne,OTarKiMiOT. ,l j :; 1 lu not i jju 4 jiik.n 4 n J.U. AlcXBAtf, flnla Pronrletor of thla Oordla), tilt , JUI'J ..0 Alao McLean Voloane04l4ABiaiat.;-'j aril Prlrfctnal lie not oa the eorner of l'htrd and Fine ttreeto B Leuu. Ilo." ' ' -;" McLean'B VoldthTe'OU LlnhrleJht.' na iw io iteit liniment tn the Worll.' Tad only mm aad jtt I Thai certain euro lor Canoe re, HIM, gw.lllnrj and Bron ehlUtToi Ooltro, Paralyei, Neuralgia, Weaknoaof tha Huectee, Oeronio at Inflaaaaterpi iBhoBBxatlaB, BtH- h:u ted Ala eo, Bpn leiedil any In bare TxbHed . t oLoan'a Xalohratad Intent It a otr . . lain Mnflad.. 1 ' ' r...-.,i. Jhnnua totara bata beaaiMTed A life U, o a'eorepltude and alMr, by Uie um of thl Inrkloablo moor BlUtla . - - - . MctiEAN'S VOLCANIO-jt 0LL ,1 - )j TjTNJJE1yE''':i 4) otu In bi! rtllert peln abnoet tertaatanaoUAly, and N wlx ,tb Will elmnte, pBrily and beat tbt toalott ponn an prodl (j ibort tune. , , .i'eot norbea atttd Other Anlmala. v ' UcLm t eelehnte Llntaoot la the onto ttto andre.,-,, it Uebloreaedi lor the euro of Bpajin, Blng : Bono, Wtod galUBpllnte, Unnatural Bump., Bodeo or Bwelltogt.' II ' ' will new fail to cure Big llead.I'oll BTil, rtatula, Old , a .. amrm- ir nnoerl BDDlled. tor .4UJIU, r ,.-Wa. nAmm Bpnln, Brume, Baratnhen, Bore- or ' tfui. ih.r.. iuddl ortiuilat tall I Hrutaea. remwuu -. fi - . " . . fl.i. (ihafaa. aaddle or Cullit tillt It la an lnhlllbla nmedy. Apply It at dire, .id, cure le oertAla in un rrery lottenea. ' ..i, - .-).n i. :.i lJ-H V'l'l .t'IJ Then trifle bo lonirci with tha icao, OTorthleet r Willi Ul. vimui w. .-. . . AilAJl- Benta offered to you. Obtalnarappty 01 nr. auar ' v' I Corner of Third odPlM8Ue,at.XV)ai, Mo.. J. Vol a'. S " 'rWUVDBRialt- B AM0BI.. aaA-wlp tf'-'l Oalaavbaa, Ohla. ) Tl PEOF. WCUD'S a.,,, .i m aV ni. Ann. llSli li ii oopWovatoit;'::;; CORDIAL URllllU rr. ....11. h.t It. nama" IndMaWS. ton WniW- " HV to. twrwfylaa.a ,dl , -Kurto. M'4.rIW . Li, KfetoTtod rrXd atd taut at oooa rmwnw. ' 7'... 1, J . . - urtoaraltoo erer offered to the world, Monemi- u UcLy MdekllllullyoommneeMto bt h4 BortTJ Hu...! tontj.aBjat th eametimfto perfeotly f i iBiapttAAtolBtottoByrutotMt ,f of nature, ana u.ue. i w " .... tnmM in the dixMUTO arBaBlt and (hut allay all neryou and other irritation. It U Mectly exhilarating, and at tho aaao Oaf h tJ SUcMd.euUnJpofetob T-I. j i. ... hHnaVau. n.oM0WM0t BaosJ 1 1 rawedy ha. long laea fell to be a de.lder.tum lol fr it naede no medical Hill tc Pi on Ihatdobllltp tollowa!! attaokeol dtoe-e. and) roceed ana luaeea iaj "". .. i ' ..biiooaattackt of awl of toe aool fatal, toebJ r 1 A mm tJtto UaA 111 BP LAJ a uuiuaatl'tiva,." UVF7irj.7to?Ai.MUU.Ykmuea, PjllieMUMelanoho.y.Nigbt ltl PeB.lteieniionoi, . w "" "" ri7iT. ErtaftBoWarb. Tb-o all apongeaaraU ffblUtSr Tbt. pari, boalthy, u-ulo vlorulklttoj' " Ltinaa lbnofBtM k) to etna to attnaavaat aw iia ttaa to' . ... ii.. i. .a mlatake about It. ..Bat 1 J . . t mitoeroMeto oft-iot o dWetiM. It to tbo eaja j.,: j. pt aao .. i""iwoej I? Jut It not All. v.- " n Up- toblllattooU. tot IJW JtoatoM .ir worn uiaMaou. ' .. j-----.-. Pi Uhelr funotloBe, ana wo an muaw. ollowt. and the patient goM i j i r"r;;,;iu it allow -to aau.r.n . . . i .r ' aaT"Bt. Mrlorm n UUnlL -au aBdilaMntluaaM Bl anno, or "--j l -eXBti STrto the te.'paln la th. took. d. jnJ bt-f iwmb tBe Mouldero, eauBBdlBEbji Bebto to f'BHVywaT rTutauoo.tlui.And if unchecked, eoon MtacUiIoul'-' "kI... in. lo ahleh we .re liaoie in a wtaacp w- . A, bat r'r" pwulwMA and AtekVW, alaujalataralplta-l, -B4 .'iwi wtU lltoMj thatnteleilj.. .auaaed to lldem 0. u"t - " I trund 'lt a pleMout, Bala tad ,e-ed,-u lA aotn aheuld wet. Wttnoul, ttaaiier. "r,rT,T..V4.are ,0u yoa WllUnd hi It a irteod JJ'toJttMrTB s- 5b a 1 JB .t Be 0u, Anting froaliH 1 i-JirVTL TfcrSula. KryatpelM, Brear , u..u...MHla aaad. AU MrMnooll . 1.1 HiN, awr.w. "-- . ., .1 .V '" Mdaotary habiU will And It a periect P '"Nf 1 TTIiT.. i. ihM alhuena towhkk ttkwaWLIaaa partlmlarly expooaai iiteu, i-" -i .1 urn. rt, Uterary BtoUeaea and UMm who are nod t aeoMiomed lo much outdoor .... - -xj ( to their ndTaBtagw to bm a tottto awratonilp to' handi and. aboee all. methea. or theee beoooilnii iTi ruehi will go throonh Oiat mo aaogerow. watieu ix H ool only wth all thtlf kefliietuB'id otrMgiar bail U -i aiiiallMi a luauemeaM anm.n.. nnr i x pwri a A toal-Ba th. lom-e. fo ;ri VJJ hurt, It uinoeeu a bom"""--: , I7iV "J and tOBBWi aa loBger caa the rltk of delay 4J all, deed A BO .n... ami Drat, iu.lf emphatically Lttto um OmfiiiJ atut Mood Aaaooolor. mfjt f(Joa IU O.i. WuOP-i praptUtM.. t..JlrOA4iy4r I -nYerltj tod Lit Market Street, BL toule. Alo., en iiiita TttOUaHl'd A BAktUlU,? 0olutoOb.nif MtTl.aM Untllel. . a . . mifHvJ . -- -0 t war-- r n rvin - i- . . . - . . . i... ti... nan c I u 1 . ... . M vuiu -, i. ... ,i.ii. IM. ar Call OB Or AUAlrOM (Ham r -------- - b OeanetaAoaeM ..' a., .", A lav A - ApB y flaapaaiftowM aaii .. B4V x o ,nl ytal 11 U3 101 fi bum boa Tfetod ) rt-Mla Bat. 11aV aa ftai U