Newspaper Page Text
-. . , . , , i i MASIFMHT HILLE&, nkJHhtts.V UCU, W. MANVl-lfniNirt EaltAf. Ot)IiUMUU8. ohio: . teOHDAX'MORNiNa; SEPT. 29, 1861. Democratic Union Nominations. ,,. PI". ' n"A(l OftVSRVOA. ..... i - t); of, jn.usk.Inga 1 ;".Tohn ,G. Marshall "u5 , . ,T'.".OI AewaU ;.'i: in tjt il ? StJPRIMB JTJDOS, 1 ." '" . nii P THOMAS J. B. smiTII, . , n. Of Montpomtry. '. , .,u tl imtin vJhM48DBia0rBTlT,'-ivf , ir OCOBUE W. HflUM:S":v U'! '- V ' '! Of Hamilton. ' !","'.-.! : ..U v. fECBXTABTOf BTAtB,- '-.''" ... ,(..,' 0' ';;, 'Y,! r, . ' . r :.;n m MJ COMPTttOIABV ' ' ' WAb'NIS GHlsWOL ,'. l1 . f A J..'!' II" K k' JABAB W. f ITVtta ' '.-'- Of Or.""-"- " tv"i POBCOMMOft. H.Al JUDGE,- 41 (taawiu, rkiiiT ins mono) " HENUV l HDGtS Sen., u Of Pict.uwy r- ,, J:i . BTaTB skmatoR, ' , (mnuji amo rvKiWiT) ' ; ( AVeVIl V .. PKKHILL, Ol Pie. UNION DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. " CEOBGE JL. COVEESE.; , .- : 0TTQ DRESEL. ' " " " 5E0RGE W. HUFFMAN. !- - ' " ' AJDTTOt.l :' . ' ., . MATTHIAS MARTIN. V: ; - TIIfHMIi-'' ' viohn o. Thompson;: ; ; ) , . .... mconDii,1- .' ;!'-' NATHAN COLE. , COKMIilOHH, JACOB 8tTU. , , ' CORONER, ' J 'v . ELU30AVER. - ' ''lV .'v. inriRtURT 01RICT0R, " -V-PHILEMON HESS. . ;;',V;-; Democratic Union Mass Meetings. ' Tbe Democratio Ution Stale Executiv Com mittee have made trtangemeDti for holding Mu Mceuogt m follows . At' Amclia, ClcrmoDt conntjr,. ea.Taeedaj, October ldt, at 1 P. M .m Speakers Hon. Hugh J. Jewttt and Hun. Allen G. Thurman. j -'.; . At GioioiToww, Brown county, on Wedoes daj, Ociober 2J, at IP, M. Speaker Hon. Hugh J. Jeirett and Hon. Allen G. Thnrman At HiusioRoooH, Highland county, CD Tbunday, October 3J, at 1 P. M. . Speakers IIou. Hugh J. Jewett and Hon. Allen G. Tbor man. At Chillicothi, Roes conotj, on Friday, Oc tober 4.h, at 1 P. M. Speakers Hon. Hags J. Jeett and Hon. Allen G., Thnrman. At Cuoutilli, Pickaway county, on Satur day, October 5ih, at 1 P., M. Speakero Hon. Hugh J. Jewett and Gor. Medary. At Hmilto, Butler eonnty, on Monday, . September 3Utb,at 11A.M. Speakers Hon. H " J. Jewett, Hon. Wayne Grlwold, and Hon. John G. Marshall. . ,'. v ' : i At Lic8TtR, Fairfield county, on Saturday October 5 th, at 1 P. M., and ia tbe evening.- Tbe afternoon ueetiog will be addressed by tbe Hjo. Allen G. Tburman. : ' .At AiHLaHD, Aebland county, on Saturday, October 5:b, at I P. M. Speaker Hon. H. B. Payne and oftere. ..'-"j:,", . . ' ' , At Moaaow, Warren county, 'on Tuesday, Ootober let, At 1 P. M. Speakers Hon- John p. Mirsball and Hon. Wsjno Griswold.: ,;'' , ; At Mt. Virho, Knox county, .on' Wednes day, Ootober 2d, at 1 P.. M. Speakers Hon. Jjbn G. Marshall,' Hon.' Wayne Gjiawold'acd Others. ,.. At Ntw Lixinoton, Perry eonnty, on Thurs day, October 3 J, at 2 P. M.. Speakers--Hon.' John G. Marshall, Hon. Wayne Grhwold, and Hon. Bison B. Olds.'-" " ' At SaautreKT Citt, Erie county, on Thursday, October 34, at 1 P. M. bpeakert Gor .Medary nod others. ' - . s- Atfomaor, Meigs eonnty, on Saturday,' Oe lobe tot, At 1 P. M. Speaker Hon. John G. Marshal.. , . i". : SAMUEL MEDARY, Ch'n. AMOS LAYMAN, Sec'y. " ,HT A dispatch from St.' Louis, dated Sept 27th, tttteo that A collision oeemred on tbe Southwest branch' of the Pacifio Railroad, near i.Caba, W Tseeday eTeniDjf.i kiiling? wo And wounding elgbt persons. ,Oae was A freight, - And the other a mixed freight sod passenger train.-'Several DUoois soldiers were on board. Tod and Victoria. Since Cel. Ton propoeed, in a certain event, to have tble Republic placed undei tbe guar dianship of the Mother Country, w ice it en Bounced tbtt J'Top and v"tctory" has been very properly changed U "Too and Viotoija." Tbe meiulog is preierved, and the motto only ren- dored n Mttle more classiotl sod signiflaant. - ol '. ' jtnWiTANT Decisions-It has been decided by rbeiaiiKr authwiiy at Waabiogton, that vol- ' tbters discbarivd wttbin three montoi arier en- teiicf tbe eeivioe. for ditiliti wbico existed at tbe time of tbeir eultatarot,-will receive i neither pay nor allowance, rxoept subsistenc and trnir nation to tbeir homes. "' ' " . i - Minora, also, who bay be ducbargtd iftner by trrecivil auiberi'y, or upon, the applicatiot cf their pareots, personally, will be dischargee Without allowance : - ' '.'p ' , low! The Uuldo nuainee for Governor, N. P. BA. Id luwa. ha withdrawn from the eintaM. This leave but two candidate Governor Kiikwuod, Republioan, end Mr. Ma- eoo, wemocrai, ' . ' ' T I . A RiWAtx.sut Mai.-Rev, Jsoil Waldo was sure in Cutneaiicot, 8.t 10, 1(62, et c eccordloelv entered 1 etxw hi en hundr-dt). year on the 11th Inst." He graduated at Yal College In' 17ti9, aiid , ha preached aixty-ninr peat. - In 1U10 .be had charge of a CDUrch ii ' Is 1956 he was chosen Cbap iio of the House of ZUprcscnuiirta, and strr ed acerpittly la tbat oi-cij tmt two tears. -Daring the sanaerof 1859 be supplied the pul pit at Lm'x, Onondaga eonnty. He am prraibes with undiniDiabed interest, an J haste udeulty !u gulvg ibroofih with two aud som. times three tcrvtree oo the bbath without ap parent fatigue. '; His mind tetnu ss Active Ate bio spirit a booyant that of Any yonng del fyfntn,'. ' '' ; . -'-, ; th at Tod and Victoria. The No-Party Convention and the Tod and Victoria. The No-Party Convention and the 17th of September. fit th K,;-parf B.its tonrentlpn, Which wtihela ln, tU!s ekou tbe 5. nlkaA, the follow ing preamble and reeoluilon weron motleo of Qan, S tffAAAf , nalnotaly 4Aoti??! Watim, : The Federal Constitution ws adopted on the l7ih dy of SepieWbrf.! 17e7j and the Farewell Address of Waablngton was promulgated on the 17th day of September, 1796; and, whereas, in the preeent JoAOWro our National affaire. It is right a.,epedlent lor the people to coniider the prlnoiploa bioh unrlerMe Our Federal Ueionj ihrete(e ; 1 ' Rttolvtd. That this Cooreotioa reopsjniends that lu every eouuty of our Bute tbe, I7h day or September, 1861, be oberred broo oiweue in mass wetting assembled, and that tbo Union Central Executive CpmmiHee , ) hef eby lu struoted to iseoe suc acall aa wllj Uf this recommendation tJ b generally known, ci ; .' : JTbe abore action was Uken twoWo days be for tbo 17th e September. The Central Ex ecatlTo Committee, spoken of in the foreolng resolution, was Immediately organised, consist ing of tho following gentlemen:.. ; James ' a 8mlth. President: ' B. F. Martin, Secretary George M. Parsons, C. N. Olds, Thoma Spar row, Isaac Ji AUen, nni John Geary. But this eommittee did not obey tho instrnetton of tbe Convention : it did not Issue A call of Any tort to cause th recommendation In' tho Aforesaid resolution to bo generally known.; At Any rate. n such call ha to our knowledge even the light, and we presome that none hits been It- sued. The said committee nae, thereioro " fully disobeyed the plain and direct instructions of tho Convention which gave It being And ah the authority it possessee.. . , , , . ' .' .i ( ' Twelve days hare" now elapsed since tbel7tb of September. Yet we have not beard through the press or from any other source, of the eel OratUn of that anulversary, in pursuance of the recommendation of the No party State Conveo lion, in anv eonnty, city, town, village or neigh oorhood in the ereat State of Ohio. ''.'There Is no report or rumor that eren Gen. pAAAThinv elf, the father of ibe retolnUon, made Any ef fort to get up A' celebratloir of tho day His patriotic devoljon to'the princlplee ol tbi Ppn jtitution and the .'sentlmenti )o Washington' Farewell Address, like tbat of the Executive Committee and tbe other members of the Con vention; though It shone bright and glaring on the Sth of Sepumber, flickered end went out In the abort space ot twelve days.' ' . ... Bosh a land of promise and so total A blank in the performance, would have exolted no tor p Ise In an old. deorepid' and decaying organ! ittion. Bat that a new party, springing out ol (be body of the lite victorious Republican par ty, like Minerva from the bead of Japtter.ull grown. and armed;. cap-a-pie, should, before it was a fortnight old, show suci aomlstakablt and decided symptom of cowardice, lasaltudt and an early death, appears at first eight rather a curious phenomenon. ..Yet a closer inspec tion will develop the fact that there is A cenifl- (ufumal defect In the organixition of the preeo clous bantling which must shoitly ultimate in what is popularly known as the guic oonsump The managers and wire worker of the Si of September Convention knew that two ot the most popular documents in this ooeotry Are the Federal Constitution nd Washington's fare well Address.:' Tbey, therefore,' concluded ,te strike this cord in the popular heart, by recom mending the obaervaaoe of the Annivereary el the adoption of the one, and of the 'promulga tion of tbe other, which happen, on the tame day, the I7ih of September.;.; Tbey induced th members of the Convention to proolain ts tht world, that "in the present Jonettire of bhr Na tional affairs," they , were unanimously ol tbf opinion that "it is right.! and expedient for tht people t consider the principle which nnderlit m. M.t ntA- - 4 ' ! r This Las a noble. aa elevatiig.a patrwtte euud. - Every lover of one glorious Confeder acy will say that it has the- ring of the true metal. Bat, alB,"the short space of twelve days proved that it was a hollow-hearted and deceptive ouad.' J- iU jijuir .su The members" of the Cotvenlibn, alter bar log made this grand 'eott) ft main for taking the popular heart by (torn, went nomej ueir. com mitteee went to work to elect "Too end Vioto ry" Tthe "Victory" means tho "Irrepressible' Staston), end so ended their patHofK eodeatOrr to induce "the people "to coBalder the ptipcipln which underlie our Federal UolonS j:.: nun t The reason of this ho'h-perfbtmenc is ob vious. There were in that Conveotldn and out of it a lie leaden. and managers, end ee Jnem ben In It oommtltees, men who had deelard publicly, that! in the present JubctQrS)0f'6af be ttonal ajfairs, Itwas no .V'me to oonsideT the princlplee . wbicb' underlie our Federal Union end that he whe stood np'at inch a time in de fense of the. Constitution, was" a sjmpathixer with Mpestion end a Waiter to tbe.Government Were such men elboero And I earnest when they made the declaration that it was highl and expedient for the people to consider these prln eipleat Believe It who eat Ex-President Fillmore and Fremont's Proclamation. ' We are anthorisedT and requested .by Ex Prealdeet Fillmore to state that the stAtement made by tbe St. Louis correspondent of , tbt New Yoik Tribunt, in regard to his approval ot Fremont' emeucipAtion proclamation, i not correct: that he doe, not approv Gen Fre mont's proclamation vDd that h does cordially iodorse tbe position of the President.'. We are hsnov to be able to make . this authoritative statement or cx-rrenaent rnimore's poeiuoo The above Is from the Buff Jo Couru of the 26th... Tbi would appear te nettle tbo contro versy te far as Mr;FliAoRE ie coaosrnsd.i t : . k.!:l ' ' M n- ,- -, ;.. ,j ,;.,a j The telegraph informs us that General Mo- Clellao did not wfial treon draws front Genes Fremont' Depatiment, bsl that tbeScorelAt) Was oretrtd six ree-intest from Miseonri, where they were wi.trd, lo Virginia; wber there were, troops enough, , l cannot but be urneoted,ibt ibo utrj, ie orderio; oil regimste of Fremont' men. to Waehiogton, udes uch etroumetanoes, wae Actuated by a daire t break .oon the Qoatmaadar el the Wtetein Pepafimf ot, i We do ebtice that 8rc raiary Cametoo wa afraid dev. Cremool would i obit? such ,oore ft to become a faosidble oaodidai for the. Pieaideooy,bbi melleiva per on may: charge vf -that, 4.laim , with soma plausibility fiat tbe fact warrant tp la tnakinsr 'be-, acusauon, grare as t, CtmmtrtXatt ,' ', ,, 1; -! Ts MticAseenipiiresitblthAt while Repobltotis advielhg Damterat lOTote rlth them and fci'etk np'tlhelr old Uafon'part, tbey are figuriblor, tie .candidates tx rresioenoy. :Jj o j va n en c, t!f-' I " ' fi II lJflit- 4W . ThA Notorious' 2'o(r.r Cochraw Kitirn Oo Baiurdar at .aicnpauy of men, under bieut -uoi it-ttey, ent out from ' tiraf ton to tbe no of Zch Cochran, 1d Tjl eonnty, for th perpoe of rreelng him. ' Cxhran'e hense was surroduded by the widieri, observing wbich be' attempted to escape by fuDhrrjg om tbe back door, where he ws shot down and instantly killed. will be remembered tbat xM the seeipo''heviff but there,' ied ha been attemptltg to eolleot, tssei Ipr be Richmeod government, and trying telntim- fate "the people,' forcibly takiaggons from (Juln toea od ewtrbg od generally, ' W learo ,th.t on Snrday Utt about Brtyl cttsionlt-'ere wattflred In !fhe vicinity of gjpothsvi'' MartoB count . and luken to Grl.'su6pod MWh-R lOd. " , .t- i J I et , pf aub Proclamation. [From the New York World.] Major General Fremont. : Wot 1 f ;ruda triitr of ,'repeAations, and more than one eonsiUiwabie nttr. baa already been kiailed. b the shock of tnie oontest. from tae pad ea ta I on which papular attention bad placed Uioa. Tb nuloofced, , let ..Ann.. Meeeoniatsble disaetsr in Missouri are to rapidly changing publlo opinion 1 regard to the mUlUty CApAdjt and even the' personal .character; ot Oe,eja Fremont, tbat there is treat tjaorer 'tbartbe sicking of . tbe wave of. popular . favor . eo which be bas hitherto been borne up wiu pe eress his renuUtlonA milcbtatow ItaJuH level as it has bsen tAlaed abera It. General- Fre mont' well-earned fame as a aolentido explo rer, whloo I supported by th recognition of various learned eoctaue ana in irieuasaip miecnt eultivatet ol science abroad, should shield him from all disoourtesy.and much more from all asoertti of treatmeuv eo if tbe pres ent popular verdlot ahoul be oennrmed, that' be Is ineompetentfor toe important military com mandwith whleh be bas been Utruated. It must be reeolleoted ihat t was not bis own seeklne. bat tbe eopatAr eatbuiiaem of wbiob he waa tbe object, that was mainly instrument J in elevating bia tdiso hixh a dommeod t The people have no sight toenvengeon him thOooo ecoueooeeof tbeir own haety judgment, wblob on alouder and Insufficient grouuas, Attributed to him an order of Ability f which be bas given no evidenoe. If they bare eeee fit, in oalmer times, to amnte themselves with a favorite philosophical tjy( if, by tbe favor of still air and bright suu.blne. lbe have sueoeeded in blowing a babbie to gigaetie dimeoaione till it wee eflalgent with All we noes or toe rainnow, tbey have no right to be disappointed If tbp eoreeoua but fragile plaything owUapses At th breath ol the tempest. ...--. n: 'if : rieuioiit'e ju claims to the' diatioctiqn of having enlarged the boundaries of geographi cal kuowledge, bave caused an amount of pop ular incense to be Aurut 40 bim, which might bave turned stronger bead 'than biej and it would now be cruel for the people toaaan on tbe ground the idol tbey have -.a extravagantly ptt.ed and oaraed.' Wttbin the last-day or two, even that poition ol tbe presi which' baa oeea.emoag Fremout'a etatohet aupporier seems t j ba loct nil coandenc lo bt military capaeit "Toe 7"rt eaUk for i'eourr-mat-tiat to tuvettigate ib blunders And difasters that bave occurred in bis tjeparimeut. We see oo good reaaoa why be ehomd be subjected tj that mortiAoation.i. 'A transfer loeemeiess lm poitant comnani would .relieve the country trom tbe danger likely to reujl from hi iua oaoitv. BkW. mere, laoaeaoitr it hardly a charge foraoxnrt maltiateo trjj end If it were, itwuuie neaimcuit to cjnsutitt court mar tial which would give Gee. Fremont a impar tial trial.. It ha lung been kneee in military ciroles tbat he bas always beeu one of tbe mott unpopular men in the country with (.metre oi tbe regular army. The Courirmarual by wbich ne was tried 1813. and found guilty of "mu tiny," or tbe lewlul command ol a superior officer" end "condnot tj tae prtiu dice ot good order and military disoipliue," bas always been accused by hie lueudaer nowmthy prejudices, and it wouid be A 'karsh aud uune oeaeary proceeding' io'place Jils repot iliofl a at fl ood time In the baud ol A similar tribunal. 1'ne President, witsvtit any ancb aid, can aalialy himself ol lb cooipttoooy ol General Fi emoiit tor so Important a command.' as be now boidsj and if be, 'sharing in.ue popular eaumate oi r'remoot's abilUlca, has mad the mieiake ol la j lug on bis a responsibility to wblth he 1 unequal, It U bit duty, under the circumstances, co be as lender of hi repuiatioo as tae higher Juty which bo owe t tbe public safety will allow. .Mi.itti'l .t.w :t ".i ' . It is probable that Gn. Fremont bai no nat ural apt tilde for. the military profession. Tbe eoieruruis And Activity wbich are conspicuous elemeote of bis character, and which bave ore ated. tbe popular impression of his fitness lor high command, hive never spontaneously taken a military direction, till, seduced by the" das slug temptation of a high raok and an import tot theater ot action. . When the difficulty with Mexico was pending, aid war-with that ; power was universally regarded as imminent, Lieut en ent-Colouel Fremont sought and obtained au .bority to set out on bit third exploring exp di ilon. . If nature bad eaUed blei teb a great wldier, ho would ot, at tbat time, have remov ed bimselt ont of the reach of t the probable chances for military distinction'.1' In the lan guage of bit laihet-4n-law, , Colonel Benten, "Mr. rramont was punning science end buu- uing War," when every man of decided military aputuaee, out, or tne army at wen as in tbe army, was burning to acquire distinction' ail . a oldier.- - Oo th day of tbe batile of Resaca de I I'alma, he' waeln the far distant region of ne Tlamath lakee, narrowly escaping massacre by the ludiantj snowing a eoarageand preeeoc of mind, indeed, which would be valuable qaat ulee t a soldier, but bavlng voluntarily pre rerred to exercise them in the more congenial vocation of a -scientific explorer; for science aa It berOee no It than war. But if we bad bad a young Napoleon, or a young Wellington, ww m jvwug auu,t, ,u u aruj wnn tue cob tro ver V with Mexico, which grew ont of the an- donation of Tex, was peoding and 'likely to result in war, we 'may be very enre be would net have been foeod, by fdlunury choice, poll ening a career-ot exploration la the remote bears of the western -wilderness. Frsmont' uatral aptitude class hint' rather with the Humboldt tben with the great' captains we have named, end if the people,' or it those who Are in Authority, think that his loss of Lexington and- two-tblrde w( Missouri demonstrate the presence of no acqoired mllittry skill, h. should At least be treated with the delicate corH atderatlon due n meritorious bet misplaced mab oi ecienoe. , . , i ii - T ' - ' ' li' Major General Fremont. The Fright at New Orleans. Tbo New OrleAn Piynt of the 13ih Intt, bee tbieeeotatloA loteliiKeuce . W have been informed by jnn'tRmiiri has joat Arrivwd from New York nod Philadel phia, that the moot unprecedented exertions ere being made lev ajl tbe shipyard and dotks'af tbee te cites, lor the iumg Oat or tne'lai'g. t aavai expedition ever known lb this c6untr j. fiverr OArpeoter who ean be obtainei 1s em- pieytd. And merehsnt sbipe Are being 'altered ujk war snips, ana en tneieundrieeareat work melting And Altering engines lor ttefcm propel lore w the largest oils, a well as lor email gonboAta.u It wae openly talked el among' the oMonaaios tbat tote immense fleet of War ship was destined tor New OrlBe.','L '' " i Jt would serni that th nreeenf design of the enemy Is to effect a ruse,' by alluriog us on to lake Waablngton City, tbns drawing atf our main lore Into VirginiA, and leaving bur ootnera '- ooeet-;'. comparatively1' delebselees. while tbey Oake A grand demonstrAtion on va riow portions of Our ooAst, end fore their way to New Orleans At All hixirds. The 'enemy can eaatly afford to let na take Wasblngiob Ciiy, which caa be of no great' to bs. nod even Airy laud, if tbey gain Louisiana And tnereny tbe oontroi or our cotton end tbe Missie- sippi eeeet. J U ia -i -jM ju i ittetimew opened out eras ft tbi rrsni eve. eo tbe chessboard of war. And Dreoarel ratlto reaWt end defeat the Ae;my'a plans. Every Teasel la ear bar nor neeld at 6uee b uw u oommlaaioa, and tbe obaie of forte ex tended ell tbo weytoi tbeB.Iiset This' (s no time (or swspplog horses and tbe Qovernmect K ebmood, as well as our authorities here, abonld look to it od beep and doing. ' -' . '-.- j THE FRIGHT AT MOBILE. Mobil H also mcwiog to streueVbso tb Gulf coatt "Tb city autborUisapf Msil ,",sea toe Advei titer. taliens of light, artillery . and Ample store f ammunition." Fort Oaioes in to be streoath- eaea, na to jieignoormg coae( ufo be Atiead WATCHING PICKENS. iTbe. Goofed erat Govern ateat aems not to AS nweb lmporteei fermerlf t the po leMUn l Pentsoula, ee.tbeV Moel Tele graph .abeoaoetA that the Srewpa ttwre will o oroereo on a ouster eoeneAaO tbetr pUcee sap piled with taw eolistmeuteto nodrro iattuo. tioei drill end waioo, Piekeoe- ,.., .,: ss -' be .pbt'iipfd, fVra 1 iatore, aud It ieope Cecbranwa sideved mott valuiib (',; .'jcalu, buro. i.d rheumatism. Esoellent saddle and beautiful .boots .end shoe- have seen mad put pf tbeir tanned ekln. ' Their bard, obit and neliabed ean be employed af a sub.UtBtat thkti wpenAirt Artiols. , , ' i.&LoIaTOS TO BS. TSAo TO Aw UIIt'.A recent author ay the I m t nut lar aiaL.1,1 .when Alligators will be calltd upo t diaotiarge tbeir souaiioo 10 aooeir, sns mat ue bu.laea c.tjhlng ibem will ffrd snothar chance ir ptontitii tnouicv - un pi. a yry pn qualHf tia may be nsed for. a! variety of pureoe 1 while undei the fore fin (herd I n ode iero - tmc rmemblic m'n.k. and which. la .L. ft .p Canadians in the Federal Army. I Montreal papers eonU.-m the ej .Art t at Rtukin.of In British army. In of ot of tbn n UlUa dltt'iote ot Vpp Canada, and A member of JParliament, ha gone to De troit t rat.. . ,tmcnt ol leooers. Th Qll- bee Onmacie weefon:tk eerjA beatng Oi Ibe subject: . , r It Mil be esel tbtW t&getronpd the Queen', proclamation, tbe depot I to bei osiAbltabed in i.n.rti.n volunteer are to be in- viiad to roaa the river to tk Inele 8m' Shilling, and enroll tbemtelves for '" ihA FedesAl Army todar Col. Ranking Whether tbi evasion would have tbe effect of making Mr Rankin safe Irom, Arrest, wheneye be should Motor, hi person In Canada, w tery much doubii but otone thing we are. very cee uui, ibal should be pursue tbe.eowrte ymputed t him by nubUo iuu.or.he 'U met l n other more erto dilemns 4ntJing srvio under tbe Federal Government. Mr. Rankin M a duly eleoted member of 'the Canadian Par. liament, end 1 rrewried, on taking bis seat In Parliament, to subeufibe tothe'-uauai Oaths" of loyalty end fidelity Great Britain. ,As an officer of tbe Federal army, be will be al.o re quired lo take an oath of loyalty, fidelity end serviot to the Government of the Noithsrn Swtee, ' Tbe promisee to be made- and; tbo oaths to be taken ar incompatible. No man nan t matters. '. AllegiaoO to th for eign Governmet.ef, tbe Nertbern States, Sod allegiance to the Government of Great' Brftiin cannot oo-exl.t, and Mr. Rankin will f od it very difficult matter to make hit entre into th Canadian LuUlaturo with the odor of n Colo nel In the Federal Army impregnating hit a I i ..i ' , . 'a . it-. - .. . , .iv . i . r ( - Postoffice Repudiation. rni aara naai. the PostofBoe Departmebfbu been in tbe habit of issuing stumps, of various amounts, receiving from re who bought them tbe lull amount of tbeir faoe in coin. Very re cently tbe Postefflce Department has repudiat ed tneae stamps telling the people tht though they may -have -received. tTalue for. them, tbey will not retognine there, It not presented at a particular day. Now it eo happens tbat thou sands of these sttmps re lo circulation near remote offlo.a,hei ther e is not use lor them, and yet tbey are, under the regulation, lost to the bolder, who hts paid bis money's worth lor them.' Every hour in tbe day we are getting remittance tor ubsqrlptions in pesuffice stamps, from men who bave paid the full velu for them; but we eaoDot ua them, because tbe Govern ment baa repudiated tbem.t Tnit le little short ol swiodling. ' The Government baa issued these siampa 'it has been paid for them aud tbat Government ought to redeem them et all has ard.v -1 Tbe tbiug is in a nut shell: ir the Gov eminent wiabe to rtcall all the stamps issued by it, bas to do Is tj substitute new stamps lur tbsm, but tbe Idea ol repudiating ibem Al together i prepoaterout. It Is A Swindle, i5i Lout irpuViten ., ' r.- ' 1 j. - .... . Porte Crayon. i A letter ti the Boeton Conriar Uijia describes the famous Stather: ' Away, t jo, half gallops, half trot a wild little) hall-grown lOrtl, With bis mane cut short asdbis tail sweeping eul ie the wind. ; A rusty bit, black aa the worn and mended bridle, sin gle rile, end an old American citiien's saddle, are tbe Ubiform..Atd. who rides J A rather mU man with spur three inch long fattened tu bia French boots - lo tbese are puabed dark brawn panto well covered, with spot t, a -good back giound to white boot strap. .Tbe boots themselves7 are worn white end- uoblacked- A dark 'coat, buttoned -at tho' top. tbew a blue shirt sod silk veal, also black and polUbed;- He ears the smallest. Iuduv rubber eap possible, .-front wbich his black halt escapes and revels as if untl?ed tj such reetratnt, And was a rival of the buiby beard.', A lee; gray hairs are sprink led with ibe black; bat bis ejei flashing bright a of yore. Od' his right side be carriee en opera-glass, and on tbe left small skek.-1 -It Is PyiU Crayon. ' Yon bave seen his wonderful sketcbet many a lime. . He Is A man of genias, of maoy.aa-Aooompliebmeot, of education and experience.. He came out in the New York Ninth at a private, but b sketobes now alone lor Gov. Banks, on whose he 1 now pieced. His eyes ere everywhere. - tie sees ever thing. The venerable Birotber. who bas iuit been re leased, by the rebels at Richmond in the father of Etf other.. i;." m-i. : ;'. f. ,. . . I T A t in j. i iii i . j Thi SrrOiTtQM or" LomaviM . Th eitv of Cbuitvili '-ie regarded by thoee'who know 'the most Af.xbe situations as in great danger t ne rtoeis at tneBrtt daub, took poeteetloa of two thirds or the line or the LouiMilie and Nashville Railroad, In the Stale of Kentucky, and of two-third f the rolling etock of the road. Tney are thus In force in the very heart or nentucxy, and good, end direct railway communications wiihihg .whole of tbe rebel states. ,. ... , , D" An old black horse, as Isan as 'a wash board aud a innocent ot ill and animation aa A superannuated balr trunk, we turned on the commons the other day to die. This morning the boys captured the animal, and after aston ishing bim with a peck, pf oats, paraded bim through the streets with , a large placard sus pended from bia convenient ramp, and labeled aefujlow; '! Ut of tk Sl-k Hortt Cs Afry.j Just errieed frum Bull Run-Bully for htmi-i v--v-; - "' ', : - .. . . . ' ' a ' ' 1 r , '' ! I ' 'A Bik,c 8ii '' r!oi.nirss' Fsit 'w Mtoio.-Tbe ScitntifU Antrum bas re ceived the following receipt for maklpg an CI- ccuent composition lor anoiqUhj 3b I set of soldiers during long marches 1 Tke equal pari of gum eamphor, olive oil and pore bee. wskT'and mil tbetn together warm until tbey are nnited and become a salve. ' At night wash the feet well, .dry them, -end then Apply the salve, and pet on.elean otoekiegd end sleep with them on '- Neil day the feet will hi In t oellent trim for marching. ' ' " " t 'J' J '-."V , .a',.-- , jij! .1 tt I Not Jad. Somebodv hae reantl remark. ed, In regard to thg'.Navy . JDepartment 1 It would Seem a if wa mnat truat an tha aaa tj. ibe sword pf ,tb 5 Lord, without moch help from that of Gideon. - r- " -!--, .t't- AnoTHSa Comst, Aoother comet ha bean seen by London astronomers. It right ssoen- tun js tauseeg noare mty topr minntes, and uBouDauou.aijgr. seven uegr. . it sppears to oeiat aDoroaeauig tnaeann. and arm ahnrti . iHirvepuuie hi iuo paaeu eye, - utT. Wi live ft front reKaWe authority that iaw nrst snu secona nentuckv iA Weatern Vrrrlnl. In General Roaeerani'a divUion, will be dettobed, and oome to Ken tucky to aid In driving tbe Confederate back. Then places will be aopnlied'by two regiment irons uai044 u mitt t noetmt.. ' Gom't TBS Was. In Wkiueodn'tv' fli . there have' volunteered and actually gone to the war 1101) men nearlf or Quite eae-half of the voting population, the Bomber ot vote being About 8300 White couotj gives e Democratio "Dies ts.nia tws SlooI." Tha Elav. eetb llliBoi end tbe Eleventh Indiana Regi men i are eacb oommaudta by a tt elleoe. Col, MeArthur, aleo true Scotchman, command in Tweiiui Illinois .Regiment. ; - ' ' "' ' ' ' " " ' "' UniVItaiLl.T CnaNTinM.-'TIi -N'tlftol UotveraaiiM Contebijloa, WbicH' wal in. session ioJJew York last wetk; c'Jjurnd to meet lo voioago next yAt.n .,.w .a--t r " " '' : '?'" ', ,yioi r f 'CMrsars Bcaip The.j LmIs vllie Z)mocrl say. that Mr. fidmondMo, of Springfirto, Mo bsd hie beree taken from bim by m AreeealnnUts, sod it vslue nomtoflly handed bim lo Confederal, s oript. Upon J1 ap plication to Geo. P(U. (ba hpra wa returned, and be hsudnf bsck the eerJpS ;l'Neyr mind," said the Cffictr, "It isn't worth d-n, - h''a n - fT.f . '"t o u ; CosjrfPotyrOTi Malfoii. TTbir.'nnnsaal amouutbf MoofbuDdfed bntf ftlrtr thound Seven hundred bneo) pf tort aa hipped one day last week fronVCtricagoYsnd still there Is ""tllZnmXM yAZlZzttA? ',- ..WJrteioi-. Pm-e-1 B,'c'.' Fardnparao oi:iUiCoiJSregatientl Cbnreh at Geeee,. Iifteele,' peUbs f dard Ip the Chicago papers, loritiug clergvmea bt All de- nmiu.tloa J ig htm In fototlng a eompaoy lwh I"! . ff -ITJ?. ;d fc-eJevlj.-!! j 1 n 1 iu."..'. --Jl A DoeSLA TiiSmA alanMa aallwa- -la vt.. dared, Ji 14 .aid, btteet BalUsore nd .Waeb.f Infftnn. ktih tll ha rfnUla .t,Anli wmM ee obstrsotea. 1 NEv;-'ADVEmisr:r.iEnrs; WIXXi OPEN" ITER IfALL f3i VINTER STYLES OF a -er ".'J iy- tj;- j"? ' r;';03f ytttSDit; OCTOBER 1, 1881, : .r ,rf At 148" South High Street, j COLUMBUS. atpMJtl - Master Commissioner's Sale.! Joshua Baldwin's alm'ri ' . v.- Court of OosuMn Pleas, ftlakard Saowdan atal.I BT VIK rOB Os? Alt ORDER OF Al to m dineted froa tha'Ooari of 0aoa Flaw f IrankliD County, Ohio, I will ogtrfor al at tbe mt af iha Oeurt HouM, la tha elty ef OolamSas, Obto, . Saturday, the 3d day of November, A. D. 1861, at od e'atock, P. M.. Ih followloc pnnlies, ritaaO) k) tb Oitv of O.'lnmbo, Iraeklla eoaatjr, 0.. w.Ki . Id-UI Wo. MS) aHo, Iota Ho. 14, IS, M, 17, 18, It, AO, 81 ant ti, of iaowdB (ubitrliloa af Ual-LoU Ao. WMStlofSaldSltr. ' -aanaL Apprauwdat J401N0. 385 ....3 50 10 t.j , MtiXNi 'b i,at7auuaaea I: It and 17, at SOU au ' 18, 1, 8011,471 00 H "K, at 440 00, : , W. UDSf HAM, S Da riff ' asd. sUitar OoawlalMri Printerttest l.xV ., SerSH'i.u. - , ' Sheriff- Sale. T. W. OarpraUr It Br.i irpratar Jt Br. v. Cnapp J Oo. J rtlawar Coauaoa PI J. 0 Eoapp TIHTFJB OF A WHIT OF FI. FA. tne a bora tea, aad alae two oikar writ, m ho af John P Run J. O. AnaDD A Co.. and L Id f.vnr of Willlaat o. Buaa vt. 4. Q- Aaapp A Co .to aio diraetcd froa the Ooari of CotaraoD Piaa of DrlaWar oooov. Ohio, I will lr fur aala at tb (tar raoai tie. l.t Id th CarpcDMrbuildlot, on Ulgb strl la tbaallp of Colombo, aal ofmnoolo oa r , Wednesday, lbs 9.h day of Oot., A. D. 1861, ettt'clock a ai ,iiot iwlait dry goed pod notion., two (tove. on tp ladder, two aat falrtask'l e , oa Oak, en iht uay elook, ., A. 1 PibtKr' tee ft U. :, I . , . aw. rnrrpntH. hruT if By I. BaVli, Dapat. W. R. Edit, Auetlenter. - J ; , sspSSdt.. ( ... '! ' -. : 1 - t 3ECexxx3r ISLtaolxlexr, (Ut ot PhsloB IitablUkaMnt, . Y. ) ' ' ( PROPBIETOR OF THE NEW TO Bit Vaihiotubl havlDgt Hair Culling, ghaapooabia, OurllosDd DrelD aloo, . : ' I . f8onth Hlzh St., over Xtaln'e Btorw, rw. rtrlpas T whar ati'edoa Will be alvea la all Ue Varl braacha. - Ladli and Children' Hair finatlog don la Ih i I MplSJIy ,:! ' NEW COAL YATID. THS rWDKHBIGlvKD KEPPB C1 A SttnTLT va baad and for Ml, lb beat quality HOCKING GRATE COAL, which h. will ell at the lowest market price. I Call and x.bui af Coal belor puraaailag s. whr. . - , f - . - 1 Offlc at th ator of Bradford, Suydam At Co., btad 01 vaoai. - -.;-!' V . 9. f . BUTBaIC Oysters! Oysters!! TTAB Jt7T RECEIVED, AND XT ILL jul D ib oaii neaipi, ey szpraas, r 1 FEISH CIS ft ZG 0YITES3,1 f r.-m BaltlBMr and Fair Hawn. ' Call at Wagaw' Oyxwaad Prult Depot, He. Jl last Btata ureal. ., ., , , , . ( , - augStti.. , , SPECIAL NOTICES. OLD CHEAP AND POOB PAT. Tha who buy tb oamoa tlndi ef adaltersted rata, t badly sold, and ar paid la ytllow bread, flL health, and pcrvca dtbllity. Pyto's Bhtetle Is par and parftetlj reliable ralD.t aU the evil. Btpet, Hi WaablnitoB Itrat, H York. ' -' JATHE'B AOVfB ISIXTDBBa I I sb Infalllbl reaied for Paver aad Agae. Th perlaoc of many yxn, ta alaust sviry ellautt, pnves tbat where oaaa a strict aooardano with Ib dimrios. It ha rarely fallad to cure, aat only by breaking th ebilla, bat by rmovlo tb Borbid bMI of tb system. prtvtntlnf th ionBe ef the dlataa. TCTIB AND AQCB, thoBh not In I lit If eangerees, lsspt,alHpeedltr lamortd, to have saeh psr don efeet oa tb tyitea, as lo enseoaar dlaordar ataak or kaaafal thaa Ihalf, tad whleb not only raodor Ou afur-llf f th pallaat Blorakl. bat ar la Ihtw. itlrrr ofteafbtal. A proapt ard (factual reaedy I thwafr bat I waoted, and aa inoh Da. D. Jam's Aee MUi' Toss Is cosftdeatly rooaonod. lor sal by Miasm. Bobsbts lanoai, Oelambas, aad by areata vr woere. . .-- isptUtwfrlcsatfcwdw ' MANHOOD. HOW LOST. HOW HZJrOSZD Jat Pabltibel I a lald BbvIbI Prlae lets.l A LIOTUAB OM THS TTJKS,TKSiTimT AND AAOIOtl, OUKS Of UPSRItATOBAilBA Or Saataal Waakaaaa, laeelaatary BnMoBa, emsl BeWHty, aad Iapwllwtaaj lo Marrlara eeamlllr. MrvBa. Oaa- aaaiptloD, Bpllepar bad fit. Mental aad Pb.loal la- capaciir, iMuiunf rram Baw-an. et. . By Hoeart I vninrwui, a. v., aauwr or la Hrwtt Book, A A Beem to ThowenaAe ol Baf ferere Brat usee teal, la a plala eavelope, te sap ddra, pua. para, on noaipi 01 two liampa, of ut. VU AS. J- 0 I UK A, ly;Bewry, Bew York,, Pawl OoW Bo no v. - ,i - . sat7.4BMlA 4 Fereeae of foM bablte, wkoarBhfoll Ooatlvene, Badaebe, SMdlBCta, Drowrinaa and ata leg I a A esrs, arhtnf from toe great a floe f klao ts th htad, rtoaU avr b wit boat Brandmh' Klla, toi aany blahly daorrw ayapttaM will b rtaovel by pair BBBjts . Tb Hon.' 3, Bunt, of iratebatr eoaaty. K. T stvtnly gre yearaef sg, has uied BraadnMh's P1U for twenty Ir peate a ba sot sabM. -WbaibsleslB I dlipoMd, b It from OoM, thcasitlaa. Aitbaa, Hted eh, BUldtfi ArTtetbaa, OoMlrwaoa or IrrUatlo of lb kidaaji or bladder, ka doa Bihto pat tab ftw desas of B andratv Pllt ty . ;t Hi oaual BMtAed la t tak lU plla. sA radaa Sb doeok ht.wa pllh lo or, y tMt likMm tmt twaaty -Are year, tbi tlmpt astbol ha Birar tallad I0re 4rn,ato kaalikj aad few bmb art t kafasadaa auv an aeartp a a. :i '' 1 i. Sold bV JOW A.' Cna. TlnHrrttt flAlnnkna all Mnh.M. a.,. 1. i-i " ' " 1 . u w.v. . wmtbUIW. . . ; ' j arplt-dla' nOTTAT't) LlrsatJPIlJLS. . I Ia all tea af aatiTBaa, apapsta, bUlwe end Dm sstssrobs, pib), rbvamsdsa,' ferar and acaaa. aba net nd aob, and all geBeral eiBBgeaaaa ef bealtb tb PUI have lavarlabhjr prorad aartain tut spetiy mt, A aagl Irtai eta pan Ih Lift PUIS uwrtaea erooaspauuoa, m Ibe ertJaatto ef even sw MaS " f ' r- Dr. Moffat' Pbesnl Bitter will a sbbsA aqBall ef eatrlou Ib all cbm af sarvoa AtUllty, tBaiia. baad acb. the dim lortdsnt t saaslii mislkat kwaltb. ano rrp bib r w.aaii.a or sn Alreatlv rpai for tali by Df . T. B. MOH Af , W, Braadwsy, H. t and by all DruuUta r , . aajli dbulf ,,Ihfj fbllovhoi UWtivot froa i.uarrtitaa hw tb Av t , A. Bob, pa M rhe Pwrrtpolttinret BaptbA, tbarCh, Brebkly, . t., t Ibe'VoaiBal and f " "ntitiA. 1 ,, Irani voIbbm ta fave of tbat wort it wrwoad mrililai, kba, Wobnaw' Boovwai trvxr aoaOjuuaa) Tarrau. 1 ' rMW,MM,aarttaol Ir ywar filaan -.fsTiit IT..UIW- ootie "B0fc - Bow w arw aid wwrd raw t vataDla.a4loiQab.CoM B w 7tMn frw) ooni)IM tow Ie rT rtad.w ll IkAtbiBB haaa boa waaava rau rr. , m w aw....TTl tow. mi tb da. baoaaat II b ana mt th. w-. ...j . pow raadors wk bar kaMa aa' A ua wWlASBarpay.' eaWrtwens 1 n IEVY ADVEIlTlSYf ; : l I ...-1 CT 0 IlHT0CTIOIt MOMIHISifl;. AnrKT Cf KBl lumUAf, a book will bs SUC d jBeptembtr, At shtCliptpn BjOlf.V tar sakMrlptlen, asiaf my rtpartnUnd.nea, for True ry Vet, ts be kwued under the act of Julr if, 11." Xkww twieV win b I0M4 1 ovm et trtjf 4ii". lope taadiwd dollars. Ave kaadrai, dollar, 00 tboaatad eollaN, f iv XbsaUd UrV 44Bt, UMt, pajrabl thra jaara after date to tb ordar f tb sebserlbtr r s dlraeUd. aat baariag ltartt tb MtsefT Wpret.pil '. titbit atml kenu. ajtjn sM siwraet brag At the tab f eaet for each day en every bsadnd dollars, for th eonventaa ef tb h14r. eaoh eot .wUl ,ht esaeea UaaA.d !a prwalDg the vral paouabi ef stal saaual. Itrat,' whisk soap buy k etahd and pratd for pay. Met teparaMy rresl Ih Hka " ; t . -. ihmripUM fw mmA rtoaMM-y YJm mtlt U r. w4 dwrteg Aw tutfrtm ik djy f opmtnf twMenMM. . x ,,.,, , j . f arthr bitermallan give a ppllatla te ' "' I ' ?.. ' . ':' WI, 02 MJffL.! Oovtraaunt gubaarlptlea Agaat. . OtpBMtMt. 0b wring LXachine Worki ; A ix btmo of iTtTonirto; tidck. INO. QUlLTLNa, anIBT,ktKMa, Alinit tlTTlsO. . Am., preaptlg Aooa la a seat aa tab. Itaottai aiaBBor, at Ho. tt nat bleb stit pn to loath Sid of Alek,btwelIl(htrtaaParJllr,it v eepsiaiw 1 JOHIT HUlITflR, MeRCHANTj.lAlLOrt. No. 80 South nigh etrewfv Threx) ,. JfJoor) SoutU. of itiola. ,ti , Hit J-t relvd cbala (took af tLltAVV WIMTIA OUOoe, aaliaki for teotl.m.o'. vaar. OaatowMi will bar Dwlrerdar aaatly and aabatanllal- I. .mmU .1 Ik. kM Hh.. . ........ L 1 V ' " "" '1 V " " Ml II. RESTIEAUX, (tUOOIUO XO HU1 At UlTIBAUtj , No." 100, a3outh .High:1 Streei '"" ooijTJTirxjrr, CROC CRIES, P R O D U C ft ......... . .Jjii ,ii"irvj ... " .) , , . provisions; .i,.'i'f. Foreign and .pdmestitf. Vtii 1 .. , u-t , . (,.,., I ..k .,vw-'ii .'t'l 1 I FLOUR, ALT LIQUOR 8 ETC. : STORACE c COMMISSION Jlll .i-t-'A :V.ia4f ".i''' EXTRA 1VB1TB VrnBHTrLOCft. . .- - linf dual Aaat. ;;i.'i : ,'. n :j- .n Barar Carwd loBgwes. - Jn s i' .' ji .-: -Plee-Aapl Oka. Blab an Bali. ; rMaaaAOoOa.- ., I state, far sal bp ... i- 'j vmirn ' -". - 1. ! WM. H. BBBtllAUZ. spM-le 104 loath Hbjb Btrat - II ! Soap! Soap! t n: TTtBAIBHDBn OOt 0EIINT4L PTJMIOB BTOlfX X' 0r, lr sal speak or oB .u:f.-.. , .Mis un.-Tf. v;j! i-JIm- usTiAUi, I r. ' I Ji lOtfoBtb Uiakalraaf. COLUIBUS (I f.t- 0PTICALJI1STITUTE ;':, -i in in. ii if fi.-0'. t.-r.'J Tk Avtirtelwl Hlf t tae Amaaaaj ( avor lar.ausi - ' n. .1 PRACTICAL . 8pjNTlFIC OPTICIAN, TTEEPB TUB iLAROMT. ASBOBT XV ami of tb moat, laprovod kind of petacb All k Olaaaaa, wbeibw for ar Aul(btd. ir p.u la oaawa cas frra wttA lb grt ear, wa A watt lb Bras ef all aaara, autag WaatiaM. Iliaalinaa aw IaaaMilla ml tha aa knalu Mfwnfth fnr hg raadhigar Aa aewlog. '.- Ofllaat 13 Aaa Blat saws, s Sallaar dk Watatar'i AUBMStarealurril III ..-.:- .i 1 " -, I eboinUJ-iriTja WH0IESA1E LIQUOB iSTOKEa LAOCLLU nOSS&Ooj -t '!? i -;i . -MJ...V ... -..-j , j l-Ja. iTiua XMP0BX1U AKD BUBBI t ':n ' liJEGrBllAriDIEG ;. in vsir-ir!.- '., if ni J - l'l k :du. s. VLSO, : ' ...a Old Rye, Monongahcla & Bourbon ';;s'ilrJW,VfHM, WAB.BHOOM AID OIIICB, I9t gOCIH BIOH III, SSpBdlra M - t . ' it I (J. .l f iii BAin & con; So. S9 tnXh High Street,' Coloiib at, ABB ROT OrrBBtP tOO rds Tisvwba .... I Drs Ooods 'i tX.'vaU RJiW, 'i- --'- i KmyarAi i ravallsf Drra Ooed at If)., vsHts Meul i !r,"0 Oraaida. at WX, vala W unU',, 0Ug par fiat Oolond Lava at I vala IS eont. 1 ewww mrm BBHISbI MaaUVBl ml IWtsT. Vftla. VH skaavtA ' U4 rarda taoar Plata AUak nk aiAi an imiHW rvaiara oro. Bllkaat T7U. w.iwaii .,. htf a 2ST11 hUA "Wf.'?1 K iW K ,:., ! Boeik'Blth SUtJ Elegant lace XlantUlas TJjCLXN cf? DON, , ISTo. 29 South HlgHSti; U wpeoaa aa asrowe r Vary larr and PUSHER. FRENCH, AND CBANtttiaA LACE MANTILLAS AND POINTEJ. f ry Dees Freweh noandng Leees. . . . MAi Tbmd, rrsnoh, CbantllU k GsnsvsM VIaclanA, Polnt ct Ga rroitelt m Qa lWa'Le'';sla,fJOUM TALENCIENMCi TRIMMEO H'DKFS, MALTESE LACE COLLARS V fiI3, LINEN COLLARS CUff8,, "il i".,.; V'i.'4 InBwJr3hApes, .paper collars j currs,1"'" . .... w -M -1 w for travdlDg K0IXUSl4CX.TOfUM. ASBf EBRD'S OHIOXB Bit? A, fPXI. Pn CEfTBJlB,- k . A ,t C7 .iATXUAA, BAOOSB VAtJWOrAS, A a. mi, r t c meat bMhtwabw etyba ai tb aii, Bai a, ani. .... t ' I r WivtIi limit 1 ' by 'J' snTp"001- 7 tnn IOOI. GREAT WESTERN TI T O Ti A m n n Vdltetatatte ;Ekpree -r- EAST EREIGHT-klWE, And iaUljejoaa fading West -and Southwest.,, . Vrt4iftJ0tit otr Jt Aowtteb riMt fralas. IBrortwy, T.(4.,lt.w,lWtl.Iww, I P" P,BRY- luprlatBdt, Bafltt? .Win v B..rtTCf OHAgemt( f7 oa t - BT Wast Hrerfetl )trt . or t cuLtjnBtJB.oaio. pit . 1 -i 1 -..niti.i i' 'i ilHH :si. . ..'at r DKALBnt in ii't a. r-r--tii ifl"'Ut Urocenea, . n . ..1 ,.'. , ' A. .r- ,tji;.. i y: i'l:-!.',- it till!"! t II. Im V 1 rroauce, . .run . .' f. !. nmnnia. Foreign and Domestic Xfduors, Fruits, etc; eio.; " rr'' a-' a 1. . v;,BA8 AKM0T1D Bit ITOBB rftOM' "' NO. 84, NO RTII IlIOH STk.EBT, A -N0V-IQO0 South'Uigh Street, .awians -.e .a a TbsoMtaBd jraMnll oocteby.Tn McDOHiU) . JOJJ.- J I t H .'.Ti1. "Vfft NEW ArD FRESH C0003 ,C3C"if!IJ WkfohCwiilmll I fi" CeVwmtgrrirAeliico. 117sJjUvard;0lj(' l4aim f sharg.5 A ewperlrtoea Kurt and Paal"Phylola7pieaBt 'g. r'- the attantioa of Botbers, Bar iri rntt.n'np-W twrtttwH ' y FOR CHILDREN TERTHfNG J whltb treatlr laeilltana abaproeMaof awMog. by sofb nini tha iumi, radootof all mOaaaaUon will alap AXI. PAln and apajBtodi astton, and I SDJtE Tf HEOTJB.ATS TUB aiTCi.B. DreBd upon It, Bothar, If dll, rA rt to yewselv Kiuzr iD: heaIth to yoto ntrAjris. T bae pat ep and auld thl arttel for err ran nan, aad CAM BAY, IN OONVIDBNOB AMD f AUTO, fit! what w baa Bwvor bmb wbtw to earor anr athrr aad oloa NIVBB BAB IT f A1LBD. IB A tlAwLB INBT. AiiCB, TO Sff 10T A ODAS, wbaa tlaslp aaaA Par ar did wa know an uuuoc af 0Ualiafar4on bp ay aaa who ed it. Oa th eontrarp, all an delighted with Mi oparaUooa, pA (oaak In tarma of a af la aagnal asaou bd aadleal Tlrtna. ' W apaak I thte aattw WHAT WBDtr KNOW;" aftsr taoyoan'mMr rieao,ANB P LB DOB OUB BBPUTATKiB kvA tiaB fOLIUMSNTuP WOAT WMuIABDiOLABB. to awaaw wnwiw .namraol nffrmi paaaaa aanaaaUoa. rail! WUI aa faoad ia aitaaaar twmtr alBBiaa aUr tbadjirap la adatalatarad. ThleeaiaabM ptwdaratloo I lb pnasrlpuoa f aseaf the aoat BXrSklftNOKDaiid BAiLLf UL N0A9nila Mew nland. aad aa bra d With MAVBA f AUr UiaHUOOSoi lr . 1 - TUWU8A1VDS OrCABEfo - - It not on I j rellsTM the child froa pals, wat hgvbja. ta lb MvaaeA as towaa, aomoK Betdlty, aad (Im to aad mm to the wbol a ! At wtU abaail ml ttanllg rliv , , ,. . OB.ft.arj IT. TEX J 0TIL8, AID WINO COLIC and ovaraaatwoavaan, wwleb. If bet (pdllv na dld, end Ib deah. - W bettor It tb BSdT aad SOB. B8T A SHADY IN TTIB WORlB, le all eaaa f or BMTSay and DlAAKBUCi is fjuiLDABM, wbeUai tl rl froa tethh(, ar froaa any otbor eaaaa. Wa would aay lo era 17 aother Who hai child nff.rtiif froa any of thefonsolngooapMlBte-DO HOT LKT TOUB fABJODIOAd NV& TUB PKBJUPlcB OP tXUBSA tnd betweea ra and poa anSwrla ahild, aad tbo r lief that will be 80 KA aa. AaaoLUfBLY t IT AS as (ollow tb aa of tha BMdioUM, If tunalj aaad. fall t raeUoo tor Bring will oooaipoy rb baUla. Rob rwaaaia aaa the fiowlmlm dT VuBriS A PSAAlAai Mow York, k on the oitald wrapper. , TTj. Bld by all Draegirt ibrtmthoot tb wortd., Ppl aclpal Of flea, g r4tr Straw If. w. PRICE ONLT 85 CE Ti PER BOTTLE. i-r-r n ,i . t...,f: I., lot ail I- '1 ."II, r ) 1 1im . ,.iul. H.' TA I Mti I !i.-t . . W ) . . 1 1 i . a-'ur 00 o'uiT nK'. C Ji (f ' it ;t .-VtltX i k;;i - la lna,-l 14 l'(iUi) avfTrft. Maaalaelorer ef all klade f -'rep aawi aaa munry sttini y;. . Ian. bn, B,.u. .1.,.- , .T .. '- -i 5. .''.",T" A1 lASt MOD iii JUatml B. at JI. MJJJTD 7 Jsmf h VAOBTTM CO. BeattnlUI MAJ10M A cd. Btaimt till . ""' Oar torubl Xuwt aad Sawr UUli Wm awarded tb Brat pnaiuaLaf. AW at th fiillaae Itat fair for 1" or Ia fA.BodUy's ea aoooaat! ff.JIghtnees, elmpJioity, eoonow pf fuel ana superior ehSrartter orItimbor awo.l. - Onr Stationar Snrlna waa awards at ihm aama Sab ttMftrMpnnloaofSm,'' nf Oar Portabl Sntlra was awardrd Ilia trtt praniua el Blue at Ibe fair a M.rnphia, Tana., over Uiuoty' Be raira,OoloabQktaohlDaCo'.., aul Bradford UeV . a eoBBltue of practical BailroadBoaWaab for prtoa and tarmi addraaa . , ,v ' vw-t WlLLAJtO WABNjei traMur-r; wBf-4fcwIyol. . - Vawak, uule nrr 'Em r.TCOLLIGTCalr WheldeAld stBtA'Uetall.iSjAler ta ti TV" 'o n nyi't tf " v. Kp onntaitir awf hetiA UtkO w . uti.rlaa BatAu.A af , ,. Oet. wtJiatci.cjt.V EAGLE BRASS YRK 8, y' CdniAf sjpria v Water Bte.. -ll. Mn II.. " And Kaaalbfltar f Bna end Pwaba-" f-"- Bilbiid ! kr of-all Uaaatuaa ' - - tTCKcit.' curnr.csp ftcv si J 1 1 A-J- g - ..! I 1