Newspaper Page Text
IMM nnT i ism: IX D0ILAS8 FZS TZAB. , inTanaoiy ia Aarancf, I 1 2k OhiiJ StiijtisiUAn D AELY. TEl-WEEEL Y AND WEEKLY MANYPENNY & MILLER, fBBtllHJBI AID FBOrBIKTOBS. O Ofllc 'Bob. 80, 81 40, Kortn, High Bt TBBMS INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. ; Ut - 00 per year - " By Hhs Carrier, per weak, law MoU. Weekly, 1 00 arista ( Advertising by tba Square. aestiuar 1 vtaj...e20 00 Ons aquar S weeks. -S 00 Out mot,fht 18 00 ,,)n " t bodQu 13 00 Jn " I month! 10 00 Jot, i month a 00 One. (.'', i acuta.; 5 00 One On week.. 3 00 " lwek... 1 75 " 3 day ,..100 ? 8 day... 75 One One On I Insertion 50 Displayed advartlsament half mora than tht abort t to. i , Advertisements leaded and placed In the oolumn at . jim nonces, aouoie tht ordinary rant. All uutloet required to be published by law, legal rate. iui u uie luKw exclusively alter m n it t week per cenl, more than the above ratee; bat all such wll apiwar In the Tri-Weekly wlthont charm. ' Busltxass Oarde, not exceeding five Unci, per year, In fi le, 1 so per line; outside . NqtloMof meeUogt.charltables otletlee, Are oompanle Ate., half dam. All trantimti adiurtUttnmtt atuti P paid for in m w,-m a . ruie win not pe vanee irera. Weekly, asm price a the Pally, when the advertiser i the Weekly alone. Where Dally and Weekly an both used, then the chsrg lor the Weekly will be an un rautoi tn uailjr Jl atlrertlsraient taken motpt for a definite period, BUSINESS CARDS. P. A. B. 8IMZUJ8, Attorney At Law AND NOTARY PUBLIC. te-Aiuliof Baildlng, oppoilU Capitol Square. v.W . ; ooLumjDB, ohio) Jm OSBORNE, Attorney '& Counsellor at Law, MARION, OHIO. ' COLUMBUS Machine Mannfac taring Companj (euoooteesuaussDiKs I , : HAN0TAOT0UM OF , 1 ' ' STEAM 1 ENGINES & BOILERS, ' Outlngt, mu-gorlay, lUhUry. Railroad XfVoxrls Of BTBtT DBcwrnon. ' COLCDIBU8, OHIO. 0HAI. AMB08, gup't. , . r. AH BOB, Treat. dMll, UiM-tf ,, . , ATI - 1861. 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements.---Time Changed. Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I. RAILROAD. Connecting at Oratlln with Ibe PITTSBURGH, ft, WATNI . OB 10 AGO BAILB0AD nr rvutnrg, Philadelphia and BaUimar. AUo tor tort Voy and VMeago Connecting at Cleveland with the LAKK BH0BI BAIIr ''" ' " ' . BOAD t'r Danbirk, Buffalo, Albanr Boa. . t ivi rnaiia nww itri t THREfl TRAI1SS DAILY, . IXCBPT BUNDAT, -- from Oolnnbus, In eonntctlon with Trains on tb A.1XXLE HI I A in I AND COLCJIUCB V' ' nsi at,ni naiLHOAlll, t- !.!. '- ' .' IIB8T TBA IN. iUHT lArlllsl) Uavee Columbus at 1.40 A.M wiu Kav passesgtrt at ail tuuon toatk or Oallun, 'ttopat Delaware, Ashley, Cardingtoa and Gll'ad. and at aHttatkmi north of Ballon, arriving at Oleveland atlrOuA. HH Dunkirk 3:00 P. at., BuAalo 4 45 P. H. Altany I SO A. M., New York 6:35 A. M., Boeton 8:30 t. at , Pittsburgh via Crestline 3:20 P. at , Pbllad!' hi 1:10 A. at. Chicago vU Crestllnat7'00P. 11. 1s - IBCOND IBAIN. Nlw YORK IXPBB88 Leave Colnmbut at ll:lU a. a. tvuittop at Lewis uentre, (lor Whit Sulphur Bpringt), Dtlawan, Carding ton, Gallon, Craslllne, Shel by, Mew London, Wellington and Grafton, arrive at Cleveland at 33I p. m.j Dunkirk, 8:50 p. m. But falof lOtSS p. m ; Albany, H:tS a. m.j NewVoik, 1:45 p. a.; Bctton, 4:40 p.m. This Train connects at Shel by for Sandusky, and at Giaftoufor Toledo, arriving at Toledo at 0:4U p.m. i: ' . ' THIRD TRAIN. MAIL AND ACCOMMODATION Leave Columbus p. m. Will Mop at all stations South of Shelby, aod at " Mew London, Wellington, areton, and Bona; arriving at Cleveland at 8:30 p. m : Dun kirk.llrtJta. a. Buffalo, 30a. m.; Albany, "0 p.m.; MswYork. 730 p. a.: Boston, 11:45 p. m. Pittsburgh, VaCrtllo,at 11:55 p. m.j Philadelphia, 1.00 p. m., Chicago, Ha Crtaila. 4:45 a. m. This Train Connects at eh.lby for Banduaky and Toledo, arriving at Toledo at 8:55 p. a. , . . . ,: - Patant Sleeping Can are run on all Sight Trains to Chicago, Kew . As-, York and Boston. Maw CntetU Tknmah to Km Tori and Botton 9m Otftand: alto, to fhiladtlpMa and , lork via OruUint. . , .WiHV'VRSTURNlNG. ''' " -,. Bight BxpreaarrivaatClBalaiat...U:l5P. K. aasoaatOUea Bapt arrival at Ooluarbut at 7:50 sa.v - . i f . . , .. jr artiaj any atber Uente. Aih for 'nckutAmCrttlUnetr OeteUnd) ; . 1 ii i i - ''. ILINT, " ' v SBpsrlotenoent, OlvUnd, Ohio. ,( Ul f, JAMBS PATTBRBON, Agent,. . '.A a - "" Ootaabn, Oble. Oolsttbut, Junt IT, 1601. , Uwl 13 ' Jut BwldJ , '-ivl . 100 nr. OH OBBBH aa B1VAOK TAiAB lOO baaa piiaae Bio Cone. lOpcktaold Dutch ortmBMal Java OoS. Tilariiwmvom. .. u. OO bba. tiandard Whit So gar, wneMing af Pow ' dred.Chruaoed, Grualated A and B Coffee, a O quintals George Bank Oodneb. BObbls. Mess and Mo. 1 Meeker!. . . ' . -: 1 - tea. Pick Bslaon. , ... , ,t . . lOO ba, Lawr KalsluS. ui..' Sofii bodo do . dqr. boa do d 100 M Clgtn, dlffegent brandl and grade. ' : : noviAT i - i . wm. Mcdonald. r p i i ii aa C. LILLEY 1 I , I' ! And Biank-fcook teanttlkntuwr, ,f iTOSTls U0S aTTXin, CO10KBUI, 0BJ0 ll-dly aJaBatU TGLiAVIIIKH, XJ OAlilOOEKi 'J I t V v - , :, kia ar.J AWBttyBk, 1IBI, ' jMtoeady 1 n'ff 7 nr ' BATTf Al BOW. awTifD '-'.rBa! SomtkBlahatataC .m-MHiKVtn. Sim STBBB?.-...., ' Vtm lata elv4 a w mlteVHobp txilTS bwUaaaanaerbt aaptrlor U any yl Introduotd r 1 a r i ' I f i -y. e1 DURAXILITT AND GKAClurULNESS.' rs'vr.;i,rf KQYAL QUARTO flOTTOXt " ' . -II ."' ' . 1 .S'.MiA M 1 V- r. -f Th lateit Th Iarggt.-Th Uert. ' The Cheftpert Became tlio Bert; : ' 1rbe nt Heliabt standard ... An.. . tberlty-of tbEaglUbL,a;aaKa.H , Sim Uundrtd XnHtunt RimMtort of OhU Tito ' BEST BNOttBII DIOTlOWART IXTAKT." trary Urn IofyuhertK. 'II arattpwardiof a Hundred Thonaand Words, whose multifarious meanings and derivations, together with theli torrwt spelling, and pronunciation ar oltarli set befor th eye.1' f --, Oinoinnali Ormmtroial.' Btad th4 DteUton fie Uwri f tki Ohio StaU Ttacktr't AuocUtlon. Xh nnderslsned, ntantn of Hi Ohio IUU Ttaohen' Association, adopt and aim ta uss la . leaobJog, wrlllo and tpnklng, th orthography an! roBanoUUon ol Woroestsrs Hoyal Quarto liotlonary, and we saost or dlally recoainirad U at the most rellabl standard aa thorlty of the Knglbh laugusgo, at It It now written and spoken. loat: Airnaiwt, Prsiident Kenyon College. . U. D. Laaerrr, Superintendent Zsnesville luboolj. Triot. W. HAKvtr, Bap't Haullon Union Schoolt. M. f, Oowoaat , Bup't Publlo Bchools, Sandoskr. Joun Ltkcb, aap't Publlt Schools, Olrotevtll. N. Sutroas, Prluclual Cleveland lemal Bemlna- Wm. M mau,'8np't Public Schools, Mi.' Union Jpu Osdsh, principal But Normal School, Mlnoe- tola. . . . . ,. , r i j Cinch)0 H0"' P'lDC,p1 'oartl Intermediate School, H. B. MinK, Snp't Canton Union (ehooM. - v' ' ' Bowia Unit, Principal UcNealy Normal School. u T. Tarran, Prof. Mathematics, Ohio Cnlvsraity.' Wat. W. BawaBBs, Bup't Troy Union School. A. fl. Bonun, Prinolpal West Ulgh School, OUre land. ' B. A. Korton, Assoslate Prinoipal nigh School, Cleve land . , IntopoM Stiiiux, Prlnclpil nigh School, Clev land. , . r . r B. f. Utmurroii, Principal Oltrtland Initllut. r i. A. Oaaruui, President of Xlsctlo Iustitat, HI ram. Yf. L. HAaaia. Vraf.'af fihemlMr. ohu' Wa1vr, University. D. U. Bmkwi, Ix Cemmlsaloner of Common Schools. Ohio. . Jamb Uomtoi, Prof. Bhotorlo, Oberllo College. ' Taoe. Hill, President Anttooh College. ' O. W. II. Ctuoat, Jrof. . Wathematlct, High School, Dayton. t ir ; , O . B. 0. Crum bahob. Prof. Lintmiire. Tjlih Hchool Daytnn. - . r . , B. At. Biltsai, Snp't Union Schools, Ashland. ' . Hon than Sim Bundrtd other PreHdmt of CoTU- 0, Profamort, Author and DitUnnUKid Educa tor, hat tndornd th4 about imttmmt. PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES IN OHIO. HARiirra Couxot "It I trulv a mstnlfleent work. an honor to the author, Ui publisher i, and th whole vumry. rnsiaeni Anarewt Ohio Wblsta Umvnim It exceeds mv ezncta. none, it will tx my guide In ortnoirrnpuy and pronnn. elation, and will often be consulted by me for Hi neat ana accurst definitions." President Thompson. W. B. IcLtOTlo Oollesb. "Ileratefcra havanaed Webster's orthofraohv. At a reoet.t meotlna of oni Waadeclited to chanva it la conform to thai of Worcester' Uoyal Quarto Dictionary." President uarncia. v Wtrrn Bnotvi Cotuot. "I And II worth ol ooraiai approoauoB." rrcsneni juiicocock. Ostxiis Cotitw. "It mora than mteU m eneeta tkm. -1 recBrnrsnd II at the standard authority It orthoepy to my children and my pupils." President norgan. , . j , v u U y Ann oca Couxsi. "X adopt and aim to as In teach' Ins, wrltlnt and speak Insv the orthocrashr and eronnn. cuinnu oi noroetter aoyai uuarto Dictionary.'' rnsiaeni am. ' ;f "In all my wrltln. toeaklnr. and teachln. I have an deavored to conform to the rule for orthography and pronunciation as oootalntd in Worcester's Dictionary." uorac uann, iat rreeiaent. J Ksjrron Columi. Gamim. '! most cordlallv reoom- mond It as lb meat rsllabl standard anthcrltv of Oit nngiun annas at It It now wrllMn and rooter.." President Andrews. . . ; SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS Of, OHIO. Vow Bov. Anton Smyth, CommUtiontr $f Oommon oahooit tn vmo. "The Diotlonarr la an Imnulthablt monnmBnt to the learning and Industry of Its author, and an honor to tht world of letter. The mechanical xeout1oa it fa aapt rlor to that of any other Leilcon with which I km a& Jnlllntw1-I - .J . jrom non. u. tt. nanny, jga-vommutumtr oj oenomt m i"tip.. , . r v. U i "The molt reliable standard, authority of the. Ian gang.' i . i i . " 1 ' WHAT TBI ... 1 -a f - HitiacLlns; Newarpepera of Ohio &o.y. Iron tht CUtnland Herald of Harsh 88..'. Th orthography of th Warcteter Dictionary 4 tba1 need by most, If not all. a a than ol distinction (a this country and Bnprland, and conforma t the genarai stage of ordinary writer and speakers. . ui . , WbaUvcr prejodioae may hav (listed previously, a careful itudy of this volum will Invariably b fallowed by a wara appreciation of Its great merits, anda.daslrs lo add it to th wall selected library, be If iarg or small. It I a library In Itself, and Will remain -a Imperisha ble record of the learning of It compiler. J ' Iron tht OtnotnnaH OommtrtUl tftprO S0 J Hsr ar upward of a hundred thousand word good, bad and lndlllernt wboc aaltMariaa- aaeanlngs snd derivations, together with their cotved ptiHne;nd rto auDClatlon. are set clearly hefora th . TM work It Unquestionably the greatest Thesaurus ot English Words tver published. , i rora tht CltotUu IWnitaltr bf&pttft, iStal , Bvldently Worcsstis'i Royal Qd'arto DrOTtONART is not only tht latt, but tht tsar work of tht kind tetr it MMd.andcu by no poMibluty tuffsr by atimpariton-or controversy. ' j from thtlbltdoBladttf HbyW, : ' At to M.OH0RCUTlOft, WdRCtSTIR II TBI BtAWDARB followed by our best authors! In definitions ht leaves nothing to be desired, and In ORTBoeaainiTtslaiaffloteai to say that Waataara. aan hq. tafji followed. (, j . I INOIIARI Sc BKACCi rnbllabera, BoakteUeraet Stationer, I NO. 101 SUPERIOR ST., CLEVELAND, OHIO. ' ., .J - ... . . M T ! THE IpaTUAL BENEFIT LIEE INSURANCE COMPANY, 0P , r r-i tin ",rt:.ft ') oxaaxaatp NT- T- DlTldend Jannary i, ie ft 45 Per cent, A8SETS..Vi,..t..r.T3..Sv4e413wS 30. Statement Jautnary lT I801a; i Balance, per statement Jan.' 1st, 18C6.....i3,400,58 J '39 Boived for Premiums dur ., "!.' T;l in th jear ltitO.. $703,053 55 i")t . Boelved for Interest during jta ear im.., .,..814.014 18 ... ,. , Total recelplt'for' l8on.!.77,l7 It'-, ' '.' PaldClauaabyrjath07,giJIW,i ..' v. . ' Paid Polieket torrn-. ... r - . " dred 41,U t . ....,. Paid Balariea, po.t-. i ,.v. ' ' ' ' ,ag, Taxea, ..... . . change, to.... 31,630 54 Paid Coaualsaioas t Atwnt 51,325 30 Paid Phyilclani fni.- 8,900 1 Paid AnnalUe......l17 00 , r. PaK Dividends ur-' r-VP' I. tog to yr ... r.VidB,oOO 75 5ol,tPH 83 - id r . AB8KTS. Cash on bno?.. V'..4 tflfSM U( f ' tCl'' Bond and Mortgateaon BJ ' W ' V' r Bttat, worth doabl th U.- vi.i a v.. i amount loaned t,397J4 18 Jra.a'.-ai i Premium Mote, oa . PeMesci t- -'jfl'1 In force, only drawing t per '"''1 . cent. lntrasU.-.w....l70.BB4 fj.V, .VJ Baal Bitais W.H)3 87 rr Loans on Strip..... .'..' i o 6,031 44 i 1 I Pramlumt, Note and Oath, In course of trananlttlon .. 1 1 '45 AlB 7 i l j- tl Ti5T5 Pollcte In foroa, lnirb)k)'...esft,4aeAet8 l,4VB4l(lldnmarabidrUj ' (After aoareful alool(tlo t i4 PrMUYfalheitr tt oautaUding policies of the Company, and having . th ntetttarf amount v 'M serve aiarefut, th Dirrtr nav oaolasea UivuaNB at percent, en the- trut am paid at th Ublt rate, to all policies for lite In force. Issued prior to January l,.id(jti, payaUla aobordiag tnths preacn i raw of. lb Company. Bate for ill klDi'sol Life OoatlngBeUvfrcrot tt ai ipplleatlab, will be tarnished Bats, Slatemaottj wrrawtrt aaaaait, at the Otto ar Agtaelw ot th Com' vdvi v, rai iannni, rrnrami, . -fc.,61WVB VKwremeooU IBlfJjO, afIW.BR, Bcrtavw f . .m.rl' .HU U -HVa. WalilStjW JeSC51 1 ' 1 - ri ia e n' rtavii black i vpvaaa biauvbv ever anada. Yh U ScrofulayO King's Evil, is a coiutituttqnal digoaadT a corruption of the blood, by which this1 fluid berjome yitiatcd, weak, and poor.' Beiriff' in the circulation, it pervades. tliQ whole body, aod may burst out in disease on any port of it. ' No organ is free from its attack), nor is there One which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercuriui disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habit&V the depressing: vices, and, above all, by the venereal infcetion. "What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending 11 from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation " indeed, it seems to. be the rod of Him who says, "I will visit tho iniquities of th father upon their children." ' ' ' Its effects commune by deposition from tho blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles ; in the glands, swellings ; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer' from scrofulous com plaints; but ;they lavd fur less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases l conse quently vast numbers ; perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by tliis taint in the system, ' Most of the consumption, which de cimates the human family has its origin directly In tills scrofulous contamination; and many destructive diseases of tho liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all tliej organs, arise from or are of grivated bf fie fame cause. ' - One Quarter ofnll our people are scrofulous ; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate, it by healthy food and exerclso. Suoh a medicine wo supply In AYEB'S . ... . Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing snd fatal malady. It is com bined from the most activo rcmediuls that linve been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of tho system from ' its destructive consequences. Hence it should bs employed for tho cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as F.ruptivb snd Skin Diseases, St. Anthony's I'iiib, TIobb, or Erysipelas,, Pustules, Blotches, Blaims and IIoilk, Tumoiis, Ti-.tteb and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Kinowouh, Riieumatisu, Syphilitic and Meucuuial 1is eases,' Duopht, Dyspepsia, Dbiiility, and, indeed, all Complaints auisimo puom Vitia ted or Imwus IIlood. Tho popular belief in " onpttrw of tht blood " ta rounded m truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. . The particular purpose and vlrtua of this Sarsapa rilla is to tmrifvnnd reorjnerata thia vital fluid. without which sound health is impossible in vuumuiuuuvu constitutions. Ague Cure, ron the speedy cuke op Intermittent Fewer, or Fewer andAgne, Iteralttrnt Fewer, Chill Fever, Dumb aru, rerioaicai Heartache, or Bilious Headache, and Bilious Fertr, Indeed for th whole class ofdlirsiei originat ing In biliary- derangement, eaneed by the Mularla of Sllusmatlo Countrlo. We are enabled here to offer the community a remedy which, while it cures the above complaints wilii certainty, is still perfectly harmless in any quantity. Such a remeuv it invaluable in districtt "here theso afllieting disorder prevuil. Thit "CuitP." oxpds tho miasmatio poison of Favnu ani Aoue finm the system, and proventt the de velopment of the disease, if taken oa the first ap proach of ittpremonitory symptoms. It is not only tlia best remedy ever yet discovered fr this class of complaints, but also tho cheapest. f.l'lie lare quantity we supply for a dollar brings it within the reach o every hotly ; and In biliout district, where Flvbu and Aoub prevails, every body should have it and use it freely both for cure and protec tion. A (treat superiority of tills remedy over any other ever discovered fur the speedy and certain cure of Intermittents is that it contains no Quinine or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious ell'ects whatever upon the constitu tion.. '1 hoe cured by it are left at heultliy as if they hadjierrr had the (lit cote. , , i i ever and Ago It not alone the constoWnce of the miunmntro poison.. A great Variety of disor ders ariso fiom its irritation, anions which nr f'ntrtiltria, liheiimntim, Oiut,'l!ratlacht, Blind-firt.Yof-j Karachir, Cvt-irrh, A-itimn, . eikuiM,' Painful Affcrtion of tlin Sjiltrn, llisttv let, Pain in tho Bowrh, Vulie, Pctralysit mid he rangtMrt of .tht Htomach, all of which, when origmatinst in tins cause, put on f Tie tulcrmilttnt Ifpt, or become periodical. This " Cuna " espcls the poienn from tlieblood, and f nruenucntly cures tliem all alike. It it an invulimblo protection lo hnmiyrnnts and neraous travelling or temnornrilv fctiding In the malarious districts. If taken occa tionally or daily while exposed to tho Infection, tlint will he cicreted from the tvstem, and cannot accumulate In mifBcicnt q'usntity to ripen into dis ease." llenro it'ls even more valuaMe for protec tion than ctir,nad ttvi will ever tuffcr from Inter mittents If thtv avnil thetntelve of the protection tins remedy afford..-: .' :; ri faj. prepared by Dr. J. 0. AYEB ii CO., Lowell, llass. nonnnTa a BAMrrrr. ni.h. : AadbDragglttandSaUrtvrwhir. ..,.' nuvv.uu.iwaw . 4i . ,ri . ..-. CANADIAN ft UNITED STATES MUX STEAMERS ; . TO AND IUOJI , ' ' ' LONDONDERRY; GLASGOW, j Liverpool, Montreal, Quebec, ' I,, . axul ...-... ..... I rJ JJia W, YORK. the Montreal Ocean Steamship Company's nrst-clast all-anwrd01yd-hnilt Btwuwrt tall everw Sat nrdav from PORTLAND, earryiBg tht Canadian and United Statue Mall and passengers. I vK0BWROIAN, , - NORTH AM BRIO AN, ' BOHBMIAN, ' ANGLO-SAXON, ; i : NORTH BRITON, ' ' HIBERNIAN,' Oanadian, . - , NOVASUUIIAN. ' Nttortcat, Cheapest and aiulckc! Oao . . verauoe sroasi ,, . , , Amibica to ail mil or pjBorr Katea ot Fa aan go to Kuropes, i .H t 30, 6G, S3SO-- : Will tall from LIVERPOOL every Wedueadar. and from QUK H BO everf balurday ,alllnjat LONDONDKRRY, to ncelveon board and land Malltand Paaeenrsrt, to and from Ireland and Scotland,' IlZpThet B learners art built of Iran, tn water-tight otinpartments, carry each an xpnnoed Burgeon, and very attention I paid to tb comfort aod accommoda tion or passenger. As they proceed direct to LONDON. DBRY, tb gieet risk tnd dslay of calling at SI. John's It avoided. . .. Olatguw pastenirert are furnished with rata casaan tickets to and from Londonderry. ' Hsiara noaat granted at reduoM rata. Oertiuoatoa Issued for carrying to and bringing out pas ngers from all th principal towne of Great Britain and Ireland, at reduced ratee, by this line of tteamera. and .icmuu, ifiuii mw.. "j un. unw oi noumni, ana by lb WA8U1NOTON LINN OP BAILINQ PAOKBTa. leaving Llrerpool (very week. , v Blgbt Draft lot tx and upward aar 1. able la Kncland, Iroluud, Scot- ) laud ar Walts, Tor paeav,-tpply kl th Oflloe. 3 HftOAV WAV, Naw Bark and lt WAXUak MT. 8ABXI. BZARLK, Qtseral genu, Or lo- j. fi, ARMSTRONG, nolOlydfcw Poet Ofilot.Oclumbot, Ohio. I . - Co-Partnership. , , Iff ATK Tni DAV ADMITTED KIT son JAMBS !..,, ? kL,k "7 lruier ia my ust- ili l?a ", "' wnduoted (nder tb firm Of Bala at Boa. . . p. m.,i. mk a.. Coluabua, b 15. mu,n t am, i. 1,7 lebat . tf'v.-iv X1SNBV KtEUAJEMS .; flat t rnaVmt stabllshaienk g, V i ,.hrfk 4 ). I'Y. "-t'Vltt i Summer Arrangement. Little Miami Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Cincinnati, Dayton tk Indianapolisl Through to lndlanaoolis withont Change of Cars and but One Change of Cars between .' .' '.' 'Coltunbns end Lonlg, Four Trains Daily from Columbus. FIRST TRAIN. ACCOMMODATIOy at S a i stopping at all tta tlont be we i Columbus and Olncinnall nail aod Dayton, ar- riving at Cincinnati at IS 05 a. a., and at Dastonat 8.10 a. m.,conactU.( at fiaytoo for Indianapolis and tb West. ': 8EC0ND TRAIN. No. I EIPRES8 at ll.40a.a.,topplDgat Jefferson, London, Charleston, Cedarville, Xeula, Bprlsf Valley, Corwln, Import, Port Ancient, Morrow St., Lebanon, Poster's, Loveland and Mllford, arriving al Cincinnati at 4.30 p. m., Dayton at 8.45 p. a., nnotin with th Oble and Mlealatlppl BailroaU for Loalsvlll, Ky., Yin. ceunee. Cairo, 8u Louis. New Orleans, to.i at Dayton for Indianapolis, Lafayette, Terr Haute, Chicago and alt Western points. ' THIRD TRAIN. MAIL at 9.10 p. m , stopping at ill t'atlons between Columbue and Xenia, and at BprUg Yalley, Corwln, Morrow and Low laid, arriving at Cincinnati at 8 a. a. FOURTH TRAJJ. Mient BIPUKSi, via Daytoa. at It 00 midulgiu, t'npplng at London, Xania, Dayton, Mtadletoirn and Hamilton, arriving at Cincinnati at 5.85 a. m. iat Day ton at 9.55 a. m.; connecting at Cincinnati with the Ohio and MliilssipplBallroad lor Loulavllls. Evansvllle, Vlnoennes, Cairo, St. Louis, Memphis, Naw Orleaos, and all points South and Bouth-weit; alto, at Dayton for Indianapolis, Lafayette, Terr Haute, Chicago, io ICf Tot further Informstlon and Through Tickets, tpplr to M. L. DOHERIY, Ticket Agent. Onion Depot, Columbus. P. W. 8TBADBR, Oeneral Ticket Agent, Clnolantti. . JN0. W. DOUKRTT, Agent, Columbut, E. W. WOODWARD, Huperlnterident, CinolnnaU. Oolumbui, July 14, 1861. EAST. CENTRAL OHIO AND AND Steubenville Short Line RAILROADS COMBINED! CONNEOIlNd AT BELLAIEI WITH TUB BALTIMORE & OHIO, AND AT PITTSBURGH WITH TUB PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD: , fOBVUNCJ THB Shortest, Quickest & Most Reliable Route to all Eastern Cities 1 Trains Leave Columbus as follows : MORNING BXPBS8S Leavet Columbut I SO A. M. from Union Depot via Bellalr or Btaubenviil t arrives al Bsllalrs, 10. SO A. U. hteabenvlll. IS. TO P. M.; PitUburgh, S40 P. M.j Uarrisburg, 1.10 A. M.: via AUtntoun, arrive at New York 8.00 A. M.; do PhUadtlphUt, arrive at Phila delphia. 1. 10 A. M.j New lork, 10.30 A. M. Connects alto at Harrlsbarg for Baltimore, arriving at 7.45 A. M. Sleeping Care attached to this Train f role Columbut, ran directly throurh to Bellalr of Pittsburgh without chaos. and Paewnger via Aliesv iuwh uiif, a nav sura ai o A. sa., IL7TW0 HOURS IN ADYAN0B 0 NORTOBBN IiINBs. This Train also oooneoU at Bellalre with the . Baltimore aod Ohio Railroad. niTBBUROH IXPRB38. Leavet Colnmbut 11 85 A M . from Union DnoL via Steulienvllle; arrive at Newark, 18 50 P. M.i Coshoc ton,. 15 p. u.. Btsubenvllle, t P. M. PltUburg, 8.40 P M. Tr?ThU I iMooly ronM by which Paaeenien aa leave ClnolnnsU at 7 A.M., go through to Pi Its burgh lu day light, without Changs of can or dslay. ., f AST UNI. Leaves Columbus 8.15 P. M., from Union Depot, via Bellalre: arrive at Newark, 3 83 P. II.) Eanaavtll, 4 33 P. U-i Bellalr 7 .55 P. 11.: Pltteburah. 11.85 P. M. Harrisburg, 0.00 A. M. via AUtniewn, arrives at New York, 4 P. M.I s Philadelphia, arrives Phlladelnhla, 1.10 P. ii.: New York. S P. AI. This Train alto connecli at Harrisburg for Baltimore, ar riving at 1P.M. Thia Train runt through to Bellalr or Plttiburg with out chang of Care! and from Pittsburg there la no change of Cart to Philadelphia, or via AUentown to New York that oleilng , The only Route from Columbus to Baltimore, rniiaaeipuia, orrie York, with only . one obangt of Cars. By thit Train Fasaenrers arrive tn New York Ave hoar In advane of the Northern lines. Thia Train alt oonnact al Bellalr with th Baltimore and Ohio B.B. ETTbls Roots Is 80 miles shorter to Pittsburg, ana more inaa iuv mile snorter to New York, than Northern Lines.. Baggage Checked Through to all im portant Points East. ABE YOB TICKETS YIA XELLAIRB OR STEUBENVILLE. Tickets Oaod arer altker Haate. JNO. W. BROWN, Oen. Tick St A sent Central oble B. B. I. A. HUTCHINSON, . Oen. Ticket Agent BteubeuvUle Short Un. JelO WllUam -a.. , G-lll . COL,fJBlBfJBs4H10) iGKICULTUlULWAIlEHOlJSB And Seed Store, OIAXIk IB GENERAL HARDWARE, NAILB, QLABfl, BASH, PUTTY, COBDAQB, : Oant, Platala, WctdAWHUw vrare, atharand Bibber Belting, lao Leather, Ho and king. . , ; ;. -:!, . ,? lT, ol-dl . GENTLBMBH'I rURIYISHIKO GOOBUi ,v , , .. , , .i NotsIUci in Neck Ties and toarfi. " ' Byron and Qarrot Collar. ' " " Bmbrolderad Pocket Handknehrenj . Parle Eld Glove superior aaka. . - ., Golden IIIII Sblrla. various ati la. Boyt'Oeiden Hill Shlro, do Driving and Street Ulovea, do " Utamed Pocket Uandkerchleft, varloa atelas, ' Half Uoat and Under armnu, . h , ' . BAIN at 805, ' apilll No. South High ttreet. "SOMETHING NEW HOWARD &OO'0, ' 'AMEHlCglN, WATCHES,; M CALt, AT NO. ets SOUTH HIGH MX and tiamln oar new make ol AMERICAN WATCHES, aanafactnidd bp I. HOWARD 00 Boetoa, Mate. Tbeee W a tehee ar far eaperlvr to anytbtog ever offend to tb publlo, beratofor. Uavtog th aolaiT agency, jou aan uaa at pnee as (uiiiiie ume. I have lust loalv4 a laxg ttaa of . J.!;?MtWICAK v7A,TCHES,!f. 1 ; aaa"u(otared by APPL1I0N, TEAOT 4 qq , , aa atteroneni or XNOLl"Il AMD feWIII WaVTCnjEI r, tnwaidaad lihfer 0ae,at PaaaprHw.) , t 1 W.J. gAYACUI- jffCDIjb Statesman IIIII, Dally, per year.. , Tri-Weokly, , .fSOO . sou . 100 weeity. par y Mr. Russell's Letter to the London Times. The Timet, ol the 11th. nontalna thr.a lull... from its special correapoDderjtlnAmerioa.dat- ed respectively tbe 20ib, 23d aod 27th of Au gust. iDey ere, evidently, more moderate In their tone than those heretofore published. vt w uiaae a tew exiracwl MILITARY QUALITIES OF THE AMERICANS. Il Is not to be supposed for one moment that tue American people eaunot lurnlib the ma terials of as fioe so army aa tbe world could produce. Ho one questions the gallantry of moir race, i nej coraoioe the "lurla rrau' oeee" with the cold courage of tbe Auclo Stxon Hut lo ibeir coatesis ther have been fetl that do dependeoce can be placed on mere perionai urtvery, in wbleh moat meo are equal to a military sense, as tookeu of bv Jomlni and other writers, and that bravery pu rJisclpline canuot ever fail to prove more than an folia tion for the tame quality minus discipline. EXPECTED MOVEMENT. The aggressive campaign has eoded thus far uoaucceaaiully for the North. The second pari ia yes k oume. wnicuwiil De the aggretsor mi time in me ngut is yet to be teen, but tbe Indications are thak.tbe South will try it band lu an offensive moveoieut, ahd il it does tbe North will, I ttiitik, bate ha revenge for Bill Run, and It may be a balance U its credit on tbe other side. Whatever may be tbe object In view, it it certain tbat the government at Rich mond is action, as il it intended to create appre bentions In Washington, and thereby animate Its frienda, and thy are exceedingly numerous lo Maryland. It Is affirmed that tbe Confederates eould not advance because tbey bad no trautpori, and that they are now in poweaaion of proper train but any attempt to cross tbe river now would be very difficult, owing to tbe activity of the gov ernment in purcbaalng veasels aud hastily fit ting them out as steam gunboats, lo neutralise whicb tbe enemy mutt erect strong batteries, wltb guns of loog rsogo, to clear tbe rivet a work of time, if It can be done at all. The hopes of secessionists are kept alive by rumors, a sort of food whicb la by do means healthy in these parts. PREPARATIONS BY THE FEDERALISTS. Meantime tbe North is In such a mood tbat the Gaveromeot is encouraged to proceed to the most extreme acts lu repressing opinions hostile to tbeir meaoures. It 1 dow a orlme against tbe United States to denounce tbe war, or even to ory aloud for peace, and tbere Is a spirit e brood whicb promites to make the strug gle last as long as meo and money can be found to bring it to au end. THE SPY SYSTEM AND ITS DIFFICULTIES. The authorities are all working with energy to bring every power to play against the South, and as tbey consider it important to prevent communications between the Confederate and tbeir commissioners in Europe or tbeir friends here, tbey have rtsolved henceforth to stop and board all tbe steamers outside tbe ports, and place officers on board of them to look out for auspicious persons. But what can they do when ladies will wad tbeir crinoline with percussion caps, and carry galvaolo batteries in tbeir ten der bosoms when Ibey bug sulpburio acid under tbeir arms, and wear stays of copper wire when they pad their pttilcoata with revolvers, snd swell their stocking lent with quioinet A REVIEW. On the 26th there was a review of Cea. Mo Powell's division by General McClellan at the Other Side Of tbe Potumao. I rode orer In tha forenoon, and found the troops drawn up in the meadow w hi. 'h extend from the river toward he MMOutonf. Tbe sentries on tba Loos n. :a .1 . . n 0 cABiuinvu iu paaiea cioaeiy. Une ttteol of tbe reoent ordeis in relation to passes has uceu hi uimmisa toe numoer of people 00 the rueu so tue camps very mucDj but there are great quantities of esrts and wagons on the move, and it looks aa if tbe authorities were determined tbere should be do want of trans port. No army in tbe world faas finer horses than those which have been collected bv tha aotivity and efl'jrts of tbe Quartermaster-General Meigs. Prlnoo Napoieon was much struck with their superiority. The carta are almost equally good and numerous. Ueneral McDowell and bit staff were in front and some twenty or thirty persons, of whom more than two-thlrdi were soldiers from the oamp above, oomposed tbe whole of tbe specta tors. I believe tbe gallant offloer whose modest and truthful report of tbe battle of Manassas must bare secured for him reeoect and amna. thy in Europe, will soon be relieved from the Indignity of such a small command aa tbat to wnicu ne nas Deep, reduced after bavins? led a great army. He has studied his profession thoroughly, and practically knows the constitu tion ot all the European armies, bss served in Mexico, la m travtled gentleman aod yet in his own uatlve city was to be found journal wnicn aeoiarea tbat bs bid lost the battle by bis personal incompetency, and that be wad Sit ting In hit tent drunk snd playing cards while the fight wm going on. -It 1 an admirable comment on tbo way In wnicn tneae stories are conooctcd, that the General Is a water drinker, and never drinks either wloe or spirits of any kind. As an 11- lustration 01 tne ready way in which Americans Uke up arms, I would add that one of his aids, lu.jur iviarence crown (nephew ol tbe ex-mem berfrom 8outb Lancashire), was and la a ml veto in tbe New York Seventh Regiment of State Militia, and that he Is now discharging tbe duty of an ailde-oainp with seal aod alao- ruj, aituongo out a lew months ago be was en gaged in the business of a OOuntiDff.hnuaa. sue uiarvuiug wbb generally very good. Tub men were silent In the ran ka. and thara nn cheering. With some exceptions there wsra maov reasons to De eat IsfleJ with tha tnn... anoe of the divlaton. . Tbe President, whn dit not remain an hour on the field, drove back over tbe Long Bridge. Tbe troops marched back and reformed in line, and finally, after the re- 1- a BAT Ml aa view, venerat racweilaa rode away Into Wash ington. He has examined nearlr all tha reel ments under his command, and la txertino- him self greatly to get the army Into oouditlonj but mere win ne do movement lor. some weeks to come on bis patt. Tbere oan be no good gained by It, unless the Southerners are foroed bj tbeir exigencies to make some decisive demonttra Moo.' They have got a large foroe, and are threatening tbe Upper Fotomao forces from Leetburg, out there it do Importance to be at- taonea to it. Personal. Col. James A. Mulligan was born In fJtina. New York, In the year 1828, aod is consequent. iy in ma toirij-seoooa year, nil parenta were natives ol Ireland. His mother, alter the death of bis father, which took place wbsn ho was a cnuo, removed 13 unioaco, wbere she has re sided with her son for tbe past twenty three years. She married a respectable Irltb Amert. oan In "Jhloago, named Miohael Lantr. U wm educated at tne liaibolie college of North ioicag,o, unuer toe euperioienot.nce of tba Rev. Mr. Kinstll.r. bow of Nsw York citv. Ha ia a strlot member of theCaihoilecburcb. - Ia 1653. 1563, aol lobs, be read law U the effloe ot tbe Hou. laaao N Arnold, ooDgreetmasj from tbe iniot:o eieinot. (era sbori tlae be edited tha WiSfrra Toilet, a temt religious weekly pa per, in Chicago. In 1858 bo was admitted as an auorney-at-law re Chicago. At thit time he held the position of second lieotenenl la the Chicago Shield Guards, one of the eompanles attached to the Irlah Brigade now In Miaeourl, and whiob hM oone so well lo Lexington. In tho winter ot 1857 Senator Fitch, ot Indiana, tendered him a olerkiblp la the Department of tho Interior. Ho aoeepted . the position, and spent tho winter at WMhlotton. During his reeldence lo W tablemen ha tmresoondad with uoutioa 2rorA,over the BoBOo mloaio or "8ataaM r .t .,1 .. ' , h'-flu.i bn(fn."i n-,i ; Alter bis retnra from WMhlngton ke was Y elected captain of tbe Shields' Guards. On the arriving oi tne bombardment of Fort Sumter, ho threw his aonl into tha n.iinn.i oause. The Irish American oompaolee held a meeting, ol which be was chairman. Shortly -- "o wen to waanington win a letter written by tho lata Senator Douglas on bis death bed, to the President, tendering a regU ment to be called the "Irish Brigade." He was elected colonel, and immediately went to work with a will. The course of tbe "brigade" up to the battle of Lexington, la wellknowai it has nobly, bravely, and honorably done Its duty. Col. Mulligan. Is worthy of all praise. A pur er, better man does not live lo the State of Illl nois. Since be baa been sble to tell tbe differ ence between ale and water, a glass of spirit uous or malt liquor h. a not pasted his Hps. He is a rigid temperance man, although he Is lo ouod and whole so., led to a fault. He Is six feet three inches in height, with a wiry elastio frame; a large, lustrous, btsel eyei an open, frank, Celuo face, stamped with courage, pluck, and Independence, surmounted with a bueby profusion of hair, tinctured with grey Honorable In all relatione reapeoted by all be haa won hit way by untiring Industry and uoqueetionahle courage. On tbe SOtli dy of October, 1858, he wm married to Mist Marian Nugent, bp the Roman Catbolio B,shop of lblcago. Ho is a fioe scholar, a good speaker, a brilliant writer, and a promising lawyer. A Remarkable Discovery in the Alps. Toere is news from Swiixerland, styg an English paper, whicb painfully recall the mem ory ot a terrible catastrophe which h the Graod Plateau of Mont Blano on the 20ib of August tow. Ua tbat dav a Dirt. r-nnl.,lc ol 11. It -I I ' .1 . O . ...luuici auu auuje gentlemen iroa Uo neva, started up tbe mountain. acaonananUH he several guides. A descending avalXibe swept off three of tue latter, bv name, Augusta Tair rix, Pierre Balmat and Pierre Carrier, all three belonging i families inseparably connected with tbe history of the mountan. From tbat day up to tbe 15th of this month, not a trace of them was ever discovered; on tbat corning waa discovered, on tbe lower part of tbe Glacier dct Botsous, a number ot human remains and frag ment 3 of dreas, accoutrements, eio., which bare been recognized as having belonged to these hapless guides. Tho relics are stated to conaist ot 1. An arm In tbe most Der feet (Late nfrr.a.e. vation, witu tbe band, fint-ei a. nails, ak in and dried frcsen flesh intact, in no way discolored; pais vi a awe noger only gone. Tbs length of tbia limb ex ends to the elbow. 2. Part of two different aknlla. arlth a 1.1mA deal of bair remaining with the tkin on both; one ueioDgiDg to a iair mo, tbe other to a dark one. Tbe bair most wonderfully preserved In color etc. Oueof these fragmeota was recogolaed by Julian vc.umuus t,a survivor 01 the IB'JU ascent) as beiog that of Pierre Balmat. d. fart of a guide's knapsack, with sundry portions of a lantern attached to It. 4 An iron orampoa, which tbe guides at that time strapped on their shoes wheu they crossed the glaciers, etc , to prevent slipping. 5. 8everal portions of guides' dreas, cravats, bate, tiro portions of linen. Dortiooa of cloth. coats, etc., all easily distinguishable as belong- up v uivu ui mo guiae cists. Two of tbe SUideS who aeenmnanlmt of 1820 are still alive, and It la aaid th.s n. Hemmel atill survives in Encl.nd. Th m,, interesting circumstance in connection with this recovery of tbe remaina of these long-ags mourn ed men is. that It ia In exant fnlfllln,..., r P.( James D. Forbes's prediction, baaed on his obser vations and knowledge of the laws which guide the motions ol the elaclers. Prof. Fotbes, it is stated has repeatedly told tbe Chamouolx guides that they might look out for traces of tbeir de ceased comrades In the Lower Bossoos, In about lorty or lorty-ave years after tbe catiatrophc, aod that be told Augusts Balmat in 1853 to keep a look out. . . A Bit op 8oldieb Boy Foi A conesDond- ent or tne Bjstou Lfcurier, who is one of tbe rveoster Mas.) Kegimeot.says: "Tbere is a little of comedy often mingled with the history of this war drams. A small party of boys from the Regiment, went up A-orauurgjurtoocu over tne rotomao,and round themtelvee in Virginia. After a.fewmiles of quiet warning, mey aaw over ma Bold a largo bouse uriuieuuy ngnieu. ui course tnev cm had tha fence and crept up towards it until tbey beard tbe merry voioes of tbe Invited guests. Here tney look oounoil and decided tu arlvnr- uiad to see you,' said the host; 'no apologies; whst did you do with vour hone? Ban wait. iog for you. Come in and let ma Introduce you.' Tho lady of Ibe house presents them with many a smile, as the cavalry for whom tbey were waiting-, -vvnere aia van in nva a disguise?' 'Oh, we found a party of Yankees and striDoed them: we are aftav man. mn know, and oould get here better by leaving the ntgs.' 'Close by, I reckon!1 'Yes, yonder.' aua m tne taoe 01 a cavalry tbat could not be ar on, tney ate toe supper aud politely retired amid a shower of eomoiiments. and aomethin more, if the chivalrous fellows told no stories snout tbe 'little dears' of tbat American night's entertainments, whose history is yet iu ua wia in me osxaarB 01 tne southern sag dad." . [From the Boston Saturday Evening Gazette.] Ike Partington's Vacation. HILL TOP, July 31, 1861. Dear Bob Bally for vacation. I'm having tbe tip toppeat time you ever se. Uoole Nathe was as glad to tee me ai be could be, for he's a cross old ourmudgeon, and makes the bovs toe tbe mark, I tell you. He said be hoped I'd be gooa, ana 1 aaid 1 anonidn't be anything else. He whispered something to Aunty Hetty, and looked al me, but I didn't seem 10 mind it He s got a new horse that's very old, and pre tends tbat he cannot be got along nnleis you push bim with a whip. Its all sbam, for I Btuok a brad into a stiok and touched him with It, and be went like smoke. He kicked hit hind beels through the dasher, and broke tbe wagon aod landed ma and Bill Into the ditcb. Uoole Nathe said be couldn't see what bad got Into the beut, but I guess It wm the brad, though I thought it wasn't best to men tion It- We btd a flsg raising here yesterday. It waa big fun, you'd better believe. We hadn't any flag; so I got one of aunt Hetty's sbeete, and palutcd a blue square in tbo corner with ber Indigo bag and chalked out some atarn then I got Unole Natbe'a pot of red paint that ne mates nia auocp who, ana made tome eio rant atrinea. and tho flaa waa dona. Wa tnnb a brat new cord line of Uuole bathe's for hal. yards, then cut down a oioe little maple for a pole, and nailed It up on tbe barn. One of tha neighbors went down aod told Unole Nathe what wa were doing, and be came op from the . A r meauow aa mail aa nop, I see by the way bo acted he was a secet sloner. He took down the flig that wa had eooaeorateo, and I could rt stand It, so I made him a speech, and told bim the flag tbat he had pulled down wm tho emblem of our right to do as we oleMcd, and he bad better be careful bow he trifled with the spirit of liberty. I'd better not said tt, because all of us boys had to go to bed without our supper thai night, aod Aunt Hetty gavo us m talking to about tbo thett. Wbat a fuse folks make about tilflra. Bui we had some fine fun next day with Un. la Nathe. He's got a big white rooster, that he sets everything by. 80 we oaught him and oolored one of his wings blue and tba other red, and bo looked m floe m aoythlur yon oversaw. Tbe hens did not know wbat to make of him. aod they all seoeded. When Uncle Natbo oame Dome, tne nrst thing ne saw was h aernw. or, who got upon the Woodpile and yelled Yan ked Doodledvo," aa loud as bo would bawl. Csela Nathe did not know wbat to make of It al Brat; out wuoo bo saw the fun or tbo thing, he did not laugh any. ' - -, ., I with yon waa ap here, If yon were, we would train round, I guess. There's clentv of berries, and lot of birds, and Unole Nathe hie got a gun and two aouoda or powder, aod there's boat In tb pood, floe fltblng, aad everything to make a fellow comfortable Can not yens steal away aod Dome op here, aad make 'em think yoa're goo te th wart ' , . yi.nv , r i . lours, loolaver, ' r. a ' IKE PARTINGTON. IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE, Steam Between Ireland and aimerlea NEW YORK, BOSTON AND GALWAY 1 a -hf SUV! h." MW "a sntt erit-tlasspadJU wheel Bteamthlpt eompott th itaov Un: ADRIATIC, 4,681001 burthen, . Capt,J.ntAO (Pormarly of th Collins Lint.) HIBERNIA, 4,41)0 tons burthen. Ctpt.N. Paowaa. COLUMBIA, 4.4MI .. V u, Vtob ANOLIA, 4.400 " " "ZmJ ' PAOIrlO, '00 " ' I. Bmiib PRINCB ALBBHr (sorew.) 3,300 J.Wataia. On of th above ahlne will laara Kmw Vo-k Alternately every Taesday fortnight. forOelway. car. rying tn government mailt, touching it Bt. Jobos, Tb Steamer of tills lint havt been constructed with the greatest care, under tbe supervision of tha .ov.rn. moot, hav. water-tight eoaspartmenls, and are unezcel led foroomfort, safety and speed by any steamers afloat. Tbey art oommanded by abl? and experienced oiUoers, and every txertlon will bt mad to promote ihe comfort of pueengera. , an.txperienced Burgeon atlacbad bt each ship. s HATES OF PA8SJAOE. . Pirst-cltis N . Y . or Boston to OaI... or l.;.rrunl a 1 1,1, Becond-elase, .. i 75 Piretclaie, " USt John' '33 ThlM-claae, " " to Oalwae or Llremnnl. or any town In Inlaid, on a Railway, ... 30 Third -clan paseniiers ara llber.l i .unniiaA wiih .... visions of the best quality, cooked and served by the ser- vtautay va VSiVJ VUlIipUJi RETURN TICKETS. rarUet wiahins lo seod for their irieuds from tht old country oan obtain tickets from any town on a railway, in Ireland, or from th principal cities of England aud Boot- land, at very low rates. Passengers for New York, arriving by th Boiton Bteaioere, will be forwarded to New York free of charge. Por pstssg or further information, sp l to . . . , Wa H. WIUKIIAM, At th office of 111 Company, 00 th wharf, foot of Canal street. New York. IIOWLAND A8PI.WALL, Agents. tprllll) doia. HUNNEWELL'S UNIVERSAL C0UGII REMEDY. for all Throat and Lung Oomulalntt. includnn. with most perfect resulte. WHoonaa CoroH. Oiianmr aaa CoBiaoa Corona, BaoacuuL sail Tuoat Cnari.Aive, always forerunners of Consumption, as a eouriii.e nvaor 11 nas o superior, treed from all Opiate or Boetlc properties, may bs naed by moat delicate conatlj tutlons, and wltb perfect oonndsnce. HUNNEWELL'S CELEBRATED TOLU ANODYNE. Tb OatATtn Matcial OniTt ever offered to the world, cobUiuing not a particle of Opium, nor any sub stance but it strictly veritable aud medu-l proper tin. A sure Remedy for Nsraanau, Rhsi Aiua, Oudt, Tooth arn Baa Acna, CaTAaan, Ross on Hav Fv.. and all minor Nervous Complaints. foa Loss or buar, and Ueadacne tn an' it vartenu. It has ao equal, and to which auel undoubuidteetinorl als are offered. , Poa Dmaica Tatans It it a most perfect remedy. tot Bowbl Coarunn. after removing tbe pain it ae'.s as a physio, a most lmpor'ju.1 contrast wlUi the coii.ti,,a lory effects ol Opium. To Physicians, Pormalas and Trial Bottles will be eeni. and to Dealer er Invalid a descriptive pampnlrt withoct "postage-stamp." rreparea under tn special enpervtslon of . JOin 1. IIUIYNE WELL,, cnsjsurr aa ruARBACicnn, Ho 9 Commetelal Wharf, Boston, Blsia To whom please direct all communications. Price Larr Cough Remedy, SO cents per bottle Small " i Tolu Anodyne, 50 " for sal by tb naual wholesale tnd retail dealt; rv everywhere. BOBBRT8 A BtUtTBL, N. B. HARPN JOHN R. COOK, J. M. 1'BNiU, Q. D8NIG a BOKS, A. J .nCHUELtRRkbON, mayl7-wly i cents for Oolumbui. Ohio. W. A. Eatchelor's Hair Dye! This splendid Hair Dye hat no equal Intiaotaneous In tuwr-Bmuiai aiiavw or naiurai nrown no ttainin;; tie skin orlnjuilngtiis Hair rcmcaicstneatear aa effect of Bad Dyes, and Invigorates lb hair for life None ara gtnaln anlest signed "W. A. Bstchelor " Bold everywhere, CHAS. BATCHBLOB, Proprietor, Jyl&wly 81 Barclay Btreei, New Yort. HAIR DYE HAIR DYE. Wm. A. Batchelor's Eair Dye! The Original and Best In the World) AU other ar toer Imitations, and ahon'd he arcidnd ' If yoa with to eaoap rtdlcnl. GRAY, BID OB BUSTY HAIR DyJ luuntly to btauUful and Natural Brown or Black, without Injury to Hair or Skin. flfTBBN UEDALS AND DIPLOMAS bar bee awarded I Wm. A. Batebelor since lW9,nd overfO.OU application! nav been made to th Hair of hit patrons of hit famous dye. WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYB producer! a ool or not to bt distinguished from nature, and a warranted not to Injur In the least, however long It may be contin ued, and tht 111 effect! of Bad Dye remedied; tb I! air Invigorated for life by this eplendld Dye. Sold In all clOe and town ot th tutted Slate Druggist and Taney Qoodt Dealer. ILTb Genuine ha th nam and address span a ttnl plat ragravtng oa four side of each box, of WILLIAM A. BA10HXLOR, Addree CHARLES BATOHBLOB, Proprietor, JyU wly tl Barclay street. New York . GREAT CUIili. DR. LELAND'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND1 13 THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Goat and' Hearalgia, AND A BURl CURB BOB All Mercurial Diseases. It Is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a med icated compound, to bewesaaraandtn Waist, without Injury to th most delicate person e: ne chant ia habile of living required, and it entirely remotee the die eae from th lyetea, without prMuetog the tojarioet effects aiUSng from U aaa of powerful internal medi cines, which weaken and destroy the constitution, and give temporary reilel only. By this treatment, tn med icinal properties coMamed la the Band eome m eootaot with tbe blood and reach the disease, tbioa.h thepure f th ekia, effeouog la tttry Ineiaao a perfeot ouie, and restoring the parts stnu-tcd to a heel. by eoudition. Tha Bind la also a moslpuwsrful Awn Hrracoaut aaeut, and will entirely relieve the ayauiia troa unptrmoiou effects ol tlercury. student ease an oun-u ia a fnw d vra, aud w ara oooauutly receiving MaUaenlal of it clhoacy In asvraraled oaaesrf long .lauding. Paio ti.tM. to be bad ef Druggist aeuerally, or aaa beeeotby mail or expreaa, with full dirwiloaa for as, to any ptrlof tha oountrp dlrwi froat lb Principal Who, - . , Xo. M9 aXOADWAY. Htw Yerk. O. SMITH 4. CO., 80I0 Proprietors. ' N. S Deeoriptlv Olroular Beat free. A. J. BeUUELLER A SOU. Dana,rra. Aaawr. Me. S77 S. High Su, bet, Pnand aad Atoana. tldubas, O. 1 lrTAs;uta Wailtd Lvsrywhsr. . S'bSe-lyUertstp aAw - - - . - i " . Irish Linen Goods.' 1TTAROA t TED fAHUIO 1 'j ii.i V V Linen Shtrt Boeim Piaia and faarar ''-' i ! airline aa aeoooi buiene. - ,,(. adnea aaeettpe and Pillow Casings. Lias a Cambrica aod Leo Law na Line Pocket-handa tt, all slsa. ' Linen TcHrelllap aad Diaper . trlMa HapklaeaadD'Oyilee. LlrraoTabls 0 loth aod Sat Daosask.', ', . Llaeo Towela with aotoreS border. . i.i.m ai. 1. nn n .k I - for sal alios prion. ' ' baim a eotr, . . . . Ke.BWBoaUi Uiakaieeet, BTtaNE OHirrswDan. . . . benst t- eairrtMOEa , I 8, i H. T. CHITTENDEN . Jiyoap. tVt Broadway kew fork City, aad raaws' Boitaiaa, Oelaabat, Oaka. . , 1 ( M ... Groarulattaitla paid t CoUeoiLm. iaprllSdoai - I : . v ) ''