Newspaper Page Text
,,: ,rr 7: COLUMBUS. V I- OHIO, THURSDAY HOBNING. OCT. 3, 1861. BH D0UAE3 PES TEAB, InvariAbly la Advane. DAILY. TRI-WEECIYAUDWEEZLI MANYPENNY & MILLER, t OB11BH) HB .. AKD TB07BIET0BS, IT Office Bos. 86, as and 40, "Forth High Bt . , TEBM3 piVABIABLY IN ADVANCE . Oatly fi r- . $8 00 per year - bj me tamer, per rni, u Mntl. trr 1.1- a . ' 'X frl-WasUy , uu per year. . . i 00 weekly, ertue ( -Advertising- by tbe Square. uc square I yea,... 3Q 00 Ob-"' t months 18 00 iu " 0 months IS 00 One " 3 months 10 00 Ju months 9 00 Jus ( 1 month. S 00 On square I weeks.. 4 00 On One IfHkl.. I 00 lnik... 1 75 Sdaya... 1 00 One On One 1 I days... 1 Ti 1 Instruoa . Ml Display advertlitmenti half more than tht abort i tei. .. . .. . .. , Advertisements leaded and placed In th oolumo of i .raninuiicM, aouoit int owtttary rmtt. , i . . All notices requlreo to be pabllihed by law, legal rate If ordered on the Inside exclusively after the first week per cent, more than the above rateai but all rack wll appear to the Trl-Weekly without charge. . - - Business Cards, not exceeding five lines, per year. In tile, 450 ner line; outside !l. . r ' Notices of meetings, charitable ocletlee, lire companies ec, half price. All trantimt advtrtlsmtott mutt bt paid for in alvanet Tie rule will not be variad from. Weekly, earn price aa the Dally, where the advertiser eitbe Weekly alone.. Where 'he Dally and Weekly are both need, then the charge tor the Weekly will be aalf the rates of the Dally . Wo advertlaement taken except for a definite period. .BUSINESS CARDS. . p. a. b. smxnjs , Attorney at Xja-w . AND NOTARY PUBLIC. , ' Office Amboi llalldlng, oppoelt Capitol Square, j .T"'.' I "j.i 1 5 . t .; OOLTJMBUB. 0HIOJ A. OOBORBTB, Attorney & Counsellor at law, MARION, OHIO. ' COLUMBUS Machine Mannfactnring Company STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS, , . Cuilagv, MIU-ariaf, BUohlnery ' . AtlO, , , . j X1.a11xo ad . w oxls. OF ITK1T DMCWrTIOK.. . T j OHA8. AMB08. Bop'l P. AMBOS, Treei. aeon, aooo-u 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements.---Time Changed. Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I. RAILROAD. Connecting at Oreitllor with the PirT8B0EOH, II, WATN1 CBIOAOO BAILHOAD . fur PiUttmfgh, PhilacUlpMa and BalUmer. Alto for tori Way and OMeago. Connecting at Cleveland with the LAEX BHORB BAIL HOAD . : L, . . For Dunkirk, Buffalo, Aleanri Boe , , . , Ion, and Now York. ..... . THREE TRAINS PAILY,' EXCEPT BUND AT; ', "' j . ' from Oolombne, In oonnectlon with Trainion the LITTLE fllimi AND COLTJITIBTJB AND 3LA.MA KAilHQAI. IIBST TBAItt. , ' NIGHT SXPBESS.-LeaTee Oolumbn'i at 3.40 A, M ; will leaTe paeaengera at all etatlona aoBtb of Gallon, ' atop at Delaware, Aihley, Oardlngton and Glltad, and at all etatlona north of Oalion, arrlrlng at Cleveland at 0:00 A. MM Dunkirk 3:00 P. M.. Buffalo :9tP. H. Albany I SO A. M., New Vork 8:35 A. M., Boaton 8:30 P. M , Plttaburgh Tla Crestline 3:i0 P. M , Phlladel- AtaSMO A. At-, Chicago via Crestline at 7110 P.M. . SECOND TBAIN. 1 NEW TOBS EXPBBB8 tearea Oolnmbui at 11:10 a. B. WUlstop at Lewis Centre, (for White Balnkar Springs), Delaware, Oardlngton, Oalion. Crestline, Shel by, New London, Wellington, and Grafton, arrive at Cleveland at 3:3J p. to.; Dunkirk, 8:50 p. m. Bni fUe, lUiliA p. n l Albany, Mia. m. New Yoik, H3 p. B.f Boston, 4:40 p.m. This Train oonnecte at Bhel by for Sandusky, end at Ouftonfor Toledo, arriving at Toledo at 6:40 p. m. i v - - THIRD TBAIN. ' , j I Mill, AND A00OMM0PATI0N Leaves Columsos at 9,80 p. an Will stop at all atatlone South of Shelby, and et New London, Wellington, Orafton, end Bene; arriving at Cleveland el f:30 p. m.j Dun ktik,B:G0e. m. (Buffalo, 330. m.;Alhany,S:80p.m.; NewTork, 7:S0 p.m.; Boston, 11:45 p m. PltUborgb, faOrektUncat llip. .; Philadelphia, 1:00 p. m., Ohloago, eVo Crestline, 0i4S a. m. Ihla Train connects at bhelby for BaaJusky and Toledo, arriving at Toledo at SjM p. m. Ptent Bleepinj Cars art) tun' on all ; ' - KightTraini to Chicago, Hew i . , "-York and Boston BattOfi Vfuclud TkrovQk to Nmo Tort and Boiton . . fo) Clevtlamd: alto, to FkiladtiiMa and - Htm lorkvia UrttUtn. ,i Tf.',7 RETURNIN O, .'. , ; ' ) Night Express arrlvea at Columbus at.., 11:1 P. M. CtnolnnaU kxpress arrives at Oolumbue et 10:50 A. M. . AeeomnodaUoa Jixprese arrtras at Oogenous tt7.'K Faro Uo no fcy-nny other Itonte. ... Aib fr Tithtt tia CrtHlintor CUtelani. ' 1. B. ILINT, " - S Superintendent, Cleveland, Ohio. '" JAMBS PATTERSON. Aeent. ''. .- i-;s. A - Columbus, Ohio. . WHuanna, ene u, mt. . jBIt BeMlTedl ilAHf, Oil GREEN and BLACK A V V TEA) top nag prime tuo Donee. ... . l 0 pockets old Do tehOovenunent Java Coffee. .. ! I K rrM flMlm, ftnffM. '' I ' aookbls. standard White Sugars, consisting of Pow need, enrusneej, granulated A and n uouoe. t . (O quintals George Bank Codfish. . ; ' , , SObbla.Ueaa and No. 1 Mackerel. . 1 toe. Pick Salmon. . , , , , IOO bsi. Layer Balslni. ' " , , . ..4 ,- , . M) hf. box do do .. , . ,' "..V. . il ; IOO qr. box do de , , IOO if Cigars, dllrerent brand, and grades. .. . . nevKI - - v WH. McDONALD. . ;, vr(. Me C, ,LILLEY ' -; And Blank-Book Mann&ntarer, . V0BTH HOB StRXR, C0I,TJiaTJB, OHIO i aaarll-dly Jed," White and4 Bine T; JD ca'licoeb, HinnoNS, '' KCattflES."::'1-' MtopeaeSky ' imi unw srW g , y T e S ! W Bcntt fflg;iAwt. ' tr... e.a U new make if O0P SKIRTS Salsaitl In i r"' " " IntrodueeS . .- in-ii'I'i., I WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUAKTO DICTIONARY. Tho LatestTha largest-Ths Best. Mho Cheapest Beososo the Beit, . "The ffltoet Itenabio&tandard A thorlty of tjio EnglUh Lnnguage. . '' "' ' Sto frwidrtd SnUntnl Educator! of OMo, "THB BEST INQLIBH WOTIONTABt EXTANT.' wary Attn Xwnwhtro. "Ha i a are upwards of a Hundred Thousand Words, Whose moltlfarloue meanings and derivations, toeetber with the) i oorreot spelling, and pronunciation are clear lj est before the eye.i . t ,. j " - ' Cincinnati CommtrMal. Btad tht taitiont of the Mrmltr't 'of Ot Ohio SkUt Ttachtr't Atlodttion. ' ',-:. ' The onderslgned, members of the Ohio Stale Teachers' Association, adopt aud aim toasele teaching, writln, and (peaking, the orthography and pronunciation ol Worcester's Bovai Quarto Dictionary, and we most eor dlally reoommend It as the most reliable stnndard an tbority of the Bngllsh language, ee It Is now written and spoken., . , ., ,, i...;,. .iv.,K. -t ... Loam Axnaxwe, President Eenyon College. If. D. Lsvarrr, Superintendent Zinnvi lie Schools. ' "woe. W. Havrv, Bnp't Uasallon Union Schnols, - M. P. OowDaav. Sup't Publio Schools, Banddsky. '. John Itkob, eap't rublle Bcboole, Oiroleviile. - B. N. SaxrokO, Principal Cleveland female Bcmlna ry - wh. UtTcoaiL, Bnp't Public Rehooli, Mt. Union. John OeoM, Prinolpal Btate Normal School, illnno sota. Ovkca Naaor), Principal Fourth Intermediate Bchool, Cincinnati, ., , H. B. UatTiH, Bnp't Canton Union Schools. Xnvrisi BraaL, Prinolpal UcNeely Normal Bchool. Ku T. TamN, Prof. Mathematics, Ohio University. Wat. W. In wards, Sup't Troy Union Bchool, A. O. HoKim, Principal West High School, Oleve land, ' B. A. NotTOH, Associate Principal High School, Cleve land . , . . Tbxooori Stirubo, Principal nigh School, Clove luV ' ' ' B. f , HoMiirrflit, Principal Cleveland Institute. i A. QAtriiLD, President of BlKtlo Instltnto, Hi ram. , W. ti. IIakru, Prof, of Chemistry, Ohio Wesleyat University. . H. H. Barkxt, Ex-Commlsstonerof Oommon Schools, Ohio. Jamb Momoe, Prof. Rhetoric", Oberlln College. Taoe. Hut,, President Autloeh College. . O. W. II. OaToart, Prof. Alathematlca, High Bchool, Dayton. 8. 0. Cromiacsb, Prof. Language, nigh School Dayton, B. M. BARBtR, Sup't Union Schools, Ashland. Jfbvw than Bttt Bundrtd othtr Prttidtntt of Coll gtt, Proftttort, Avthort and DltlUmuithtd Sdwa tori, kavt ondoritd th abovtttntimtni. PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES IN OHIO. Marietta Coixcoa "It h truly e magnificent work an hooor to the author, the publishers, and thowboh eountry." President Andrews. Ohio WnrLSTAHUirrvoniTT."" It exceeds myexpeeta ttona. It will be sny guide in orthogr.pby tod oronun elation, and will often be consulted by me for its neai and accurate definitions. "President Thompson. W. B. Eoteorto OoiAiei "Heretofore we baveusc Webster's orthography. At a recent meeting of on. Faculty, It was decided to change It to conform to thai 0 Worcester's Boyal Quarto Dictionary." President OarSelAv Wawrtu Rcnva Coiwot. "I And It worthy ot cordial approbation. ''President Hitchcock. Osexltx "It more than meets my eipecla tlona. I reoommend It as the standard authority li orthoepy to my children and my pupils." President Morgan.. . , - - Aimeeil Oouaei. I adept and aim to nse In teach Ing, wrltlugand speaklag, the orthography and pronun ciation of Worcester's noyal Quarto Dictionary," President Hill. i ' "In all ay writing, speaking, and teaching, I have en deavored to conform to the rnlea for ortl ography and pronunciation aseootnued in Worcester's Dictionary.'' Horace Mann, late President, a. - Exkto Ooiutoe, Oabsiir. ,-I most cordially rreom mond It u the most reliable otandard authority of lh English language as It li now written and spoken." President Andrews. v BCHOOL COMMISSIONERS OF OHIO. from Sto. Anton Smyth, Oommittlontr of Common . SohotU in Ohio. . "The Dictionary Is an Imperishable monument to tht learning and lodastryof Us author, end an honor to tht world of letters.: The mechanic! lureeutlon . Ik. far supe iquslBted." . .; ' ' -' ; From Bon. u. a. Jiarney. &a-vommitnoptr oj GcAooli in OMo. x "The most reliable standard authority of tho lan- WHAT Tni 7 Xieadlns Newspapers of Ohio f?ay. I from On CUtdand BeroM of Itareh 28 The orthography of the Worcester Dictionary is tha" d hv moat, if not all. authors ol distinction In thli country and England, and conform! te the general usage of ordinary writers and speakers. - ) . Whatever prejudices may have existed previously, a careful study of this volume will Invariably be followed by a warm appreciation of Its great merits, and a deelri to add It to the well seleoled library, be It Urge or small. It Isa library In Itself, and will remain an imperisha ble record of the learning of It compiler. ' ''f Iron tAt Cincinnati ComnuroUtl of April 20 . , . TTur an nnwanli of a hundred thousand words Kood bad and Indiuerent whose multifsrlous meanings and derivations, together with their correct spelling and pro nunciation, are set clearly before the eye. The work Is unqnestlonably the greatest Thesaurus of English Words aver published. . . , , Mromth Olettlani PMndtaltr, of Sift, SO, 16GO. lCvMrntlv WneramVa Rota OoaRto DictioHaRV it not only ihtlatt, out lit ttn vork of tht kind tvtr it tutd , and can by no possibility sutler by comparison ot oontrovsrsy. ...-..,-. j. Irom tht 7bltdo Sladt of May 20. Aa Is HoamHciATioif. Woncnfinr'frTBi STANBAte followed by our beet authors! InileBnltlone he leaves nothing to be deslreo, ana in UHTnoaeAnn n n suuicica to say that WoacxeTsa, cae be eabty followed. L.,.INGIIAin cV BBAG4J, PnblleUore, Bookefllere cV Stnt loncre, NO. 101 SUPERIOR ST., CLEVELAND, OHIO. DklB THE MUTUAL BENEFIT I LIEE .INSURANCE COMPANY, iO'e warl;, Ns eT- . - Dtrldend Jannary 1 , 1 86 1 , 4 S For Cent, ABBETS.Cv.-i--.-...vv.;-.-Ml2ra JO. Statement January .!, 1881s Balance, per statement Jan. 1st; i960..... 13,400,50.' 30 Beoeived for Premiums dur- : : Ing the sear 18)0...., 1763,033 63 . t Received for Interest during the year 1600 ...... mf,ui tv . f . Total reoelpts for 1900, ..ay77,0C7 74 . ' . ' ; ' Paid Claims by Iatb,J57A)U W . . .$ . Paid Pollciea surren-. : ' ; dered. .......... 41,111 9 . - 1 Paid Salaried Pott age, Taxes, Xx- change, etc 31 ,0!0 54 Paid Commissions to Agents 51,325 30 Paid PhyaWuia' fees. ,0l75 Paid Annuities. 1,517 00 . . 1 Paid Dividends dur- . . . , togtbe Jtar ...,.158,500 7 505,001 C3 411,078 14 Net Balance January 1st. 1801...,v'.,..3,8W,5M 50 " .:.-' '.' . '-AS8kT8.-- - Cash on hand...... ....... $0,1284 19i Bonds and Moftgaaasea RsaJ ' ', . BsUte, worth double the -r : amount loaned !,J7,fl4l 98 ' "-. : ' ! t ' Premium Notes, on Policies ., t ' In force, enlydrawingOper- - eens. toterWo.,......t I J70.M4 17'. . : i Seal Estate.. S0.893 87'" , ! Loans on Sorlp ......or..,.l 14,03144" '!:r'.7 Premiums, Nobrs and Oaah, In ' v j course of transmtitlon 4IMS ,.,V " i Total AJsetl.. V s)9,818,5TMl Jo 7,575 Policies In tores, Wiring. ta,4eo,538 . 1,43J new Policies nave been (failed during tb year. ' After e careful calculation of the present value of the outstanding PoHeies of the "Company, and having (be MMseory oeMemMa' reserve tbereror, the Dlreeiors have deelared a Divionia-of 43 peroeot. on the .Premr nma paid at the table rates, to all eelleies lot IHe la force, Issued prior to January I, IM60, payable aoeordlng to the present rule of the Company,'" ) Sates for -all kinds of Life Contingencies, ProepeoU ses, Statements, and Applications, will be furnlihee wintorrr chaob, it the Oiaoe er Agencies ol the Com pany, '" 1 " ' Owl - "vT BOSTJ.' T ATTETtSOH, PfesIJefct, ' ' ' ,,1. 0. OHDViavVloei-ieaUlept. ( l ""T-e. Juhnson Block, , ; MarebSS. ISSi;;" , ,N:u .'1 M0umO 1 1 ," 'i 1 t Ml I l'T I'tX't , ' 1 ' PLAIN - awn riCrHEDf BLACK DEESS SILKS, ol ever, grade. Tke moat select Meertanent In (h i .and at tooai reasonable rates. -.mH 'a ,! a. BAIN dt BOX, arl. . He. SSSoejtt High street. ' ,;!.:, !i .''t.".''-i ' v Ajrer's Sarsauarilla A compound remedy, designed to bo tho most effectual AUerativ that can be made. It is a concentrated, extract of Para Saiiaparilla, so combined with other lubatancet of still greater alterative power to afford on effec tive antidote for tho diseases Sarsapaiilla i, reputed to cure.- It is believed that such a remedy 1 wanted by tboae who suU'cr Horn Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their euro must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow, citizens. How completely this compound will do it hat been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complninU : ScHOFl'IVA. AND SCROPtI.OUS CuMI'LAlNTS, EUVI'I'IONS AND EttUFTIVB DISEASES, TJlCERS, Pimples, Dlotcues, Tumors,' Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Stprilis and Svi-Hatno Af rECTWNs, McaconiAL Disbasb, Dnopsr, Neo eawia on Tto Douloureux, Debilitt, Dys pepsia and Indigestion, Erysipelas, Hose or St. Aniiiohy's Fitib, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising irm Impurity op tub Blood;-- ' a, ' ' .. This compound will rre-rDund a grent pro moter of health, when token in the spring, to expel tho. foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of thn year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disordc-ra are nipped in the bud. Multitudes an, by the tiitl of this remedy, sparo themselves from tho endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous gores, 'through which tho system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, it not assisted to do this through tho natural channels of tho body by mi alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores j cleanse it when yoa find it is 'ob structed and slitggiah in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep tho bjood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something mufit go wroti!?, and the great masliinery of life is disordered or overthrown. . - Sarsnparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing those ends. But the world ha been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly becauso the drug ilor.e has. not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. Daring lata yean the publio have beon mil led by largo bottles, pretonduig to give quart of Extinct of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Mot of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no cuvative properties whatev er. IlencO, bitter and painful disappointment has followed tho use of tho various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still wc call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall reseuo the name from the load of obloquy wliich rests upon it.- And we think wo havo ground for believing it lias virtues which aro irresistible by tho ordinary run of tho diseases it is Intend ed to euro. In order to secure their complete erndientioti from the system, the' remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. - - ' - - PREPARED ly DR. J. C. AYEB & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Frlce, 01 per Bottle Six Dottloe for $3. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral hS won for itsolf stich a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Compluint, that It in entirely unnecessary for tie to tei-nunt "'0 evidence' of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, wo need not do moro than assure the people its quality is kept up to tlio best it ever has been, and that it mny be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOIl THE CURE OP CHfjvens, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dijsentent, Fottl Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Pilei, Rheumatism Eruptions and Shin Diseases, Liver Complaint; Dropsy, 7'etter, Tumors and Salt fflieunt, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and fur Purifying tho Blood, They arc, so that the most eon-u-tire can tnlte tlicm plcMnmly, and they are the best aperient. in .the tvuild fur oil t'ue purposes of a family phyjie. . ' Frico Sj cents pov lox; l lva boxoj for .vl 00. Creatnamlcr; of Clergymen, Plivslciun, States. men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, hut our spnee here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish pratisour American Almanac in which thoy are given; with also full descriptions of the iilve complaints, aud the treatment that should to fol lowed for their euro. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealer nit 1, Other preparations they mnko more pmfit on. Demand Ayer's. and take no others. The si'.-k want the best aid there is for them, and they shau'.d hate it. " .... All cur remedies are for solo by H0BERTS At 8AUTJEL, Oolttmbui. And by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. - CANADIAN ft UNITED STATES HAIL STEAMERS 'J'O AND FHOM LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW, . ' Liverpool, Montreal, Quebec, and " The Montreal Ocean Steamship Oomnmnv's Srst-elass full-powered Clyde-hullt Steamers sail OTerf NaC nrduy from PORTLAND, oarrytngthe Canadian aid united ntates situ ana passengers, NORWEGIAN. NORTH AMERICAN, BOHEMIAN, ANGLO-SAXON, NORTH BRITON, HIBERNIAN, CANADIAN, N0VASCUIIAN. Nil or test, Cbeapoat andQalckcstCon. eyanca ironi AMERICA TO All FASTS Of STROPS. Kateej ot Faasaae to Europe . 830, 860, 80. Will salt from LIVERPOOL ovary Wedneadatw. and from QCEDEO cwery Natarday. calling at liUnuunvanai, to receive on ooaraana mna valla and Pasaemere. to and from Ireland and Sootland. TTTThese Steamers are built of Iron. In waUrtlihl compartments, carry each an experienced Surgeon, and every attention is paid to ine eomtort ana accommode- tmn or Dasseniera. as tney proceed airect to London. DK11Y, the gieat risk and delay of calling at St. John's Is avoided. Glasgow passengers are furnished with ran passage tlctets to ana irom uonaonoorry. Return Uakeis (ranted at reduoed rates. Certificates Issued for carrying to and bringing out paa front all the principal towns of Great Britain and ireiauu, ai reaucwi mm. uj uji. uu ui iinuL.n, ana by the WASHINGTON LINE OS BAILING PAOKJSIS, leaving Liverpool every weca. Sight Drafta for anal upwards pay ablo In Kngland, Ireland, Scot land or kalea. For naasage, apply at Uie Offloe. S3 HIIOAU. WAV, Kew Vork, and 1U WATtK NX., Siivorpooi, ' ''' " SABEL ft IEARLE, General igesta, .Oritt':. , J. R. ARMSTRONG, , nolO-lydtw Poet Offloe, Columbma, Ohio. ,Oo-Partnership. T HAVE THIS niv A Ism ITT Els PTIV A eon JAMBS ADOS It BAItt u partner in my busi ness, ehloa will W after be eondueted ender the One o ' on- . , P. BAia, Mouth High Bt. Columbus, gab W, 1S8J. fc v ,' ,c , ., febiS .......... .W IX Aim mil WhalnttV lali.k . m, mr . 4 uiv vw iw, .MUNwn. enavtnii, 'Hair Ustting ; Ihampoonlng, Cnrliog aad Dieneiniiieleea, Beet Btate ttree over (he Poet Omoe, where settaSaettoe WIU u he ". If aU the vartwas brmeejee. Ladles and ' .-IV, r, " eug eM ui M eeet styaa. .... IfMHUP ,4 ,,! a ..! .ti'.' . ' l -t.-'i ll' vr ,i " tvyt a' A Summer Arrangement. Little Miami Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Cincinnati, Dayton ft Indianapolisl Through to Indianapolis without QhfcDgt of Carl and but One Chang of Can between Columbus and St. Louli. . v ...... Four Trains Daily trota Columbus. '. FIRST TRAIN.; ACCOMMODATION at S a. m., (topping at all sta tions between Columbus and 01nainuatf and Dayton, ar rlvlnt at Cincinnati at 10 03 a. m..and at Dajtonat S 10a. m.,eonneetlif at Dayton for Indianapolis aid uie rreei. : . . .,.. r ; SECOND TRAIN. No. 1 EXPRESS at ll 40 a. n,, stopping at Jefferson, London, Ooarlesion, Gedarvtlle, Xenla, Boring Valley, Oorwln, Import, Port Ancient. Morrow St., Lebanon, Voster'a, Loveland and atilford, arriving at OlndnnaU at 4 30 p. m.,OaytonatS.43p. m.,eooneotlnrwlth the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad for Louisville, Ky., Vln oeunea. Cairo, Bb Louis, NewOrltana, eto.t at Dayton for Indianapolis, Lafaystte, Torre Haute, Ohloago and all Western points. THIRD TRAIN. MAIL at 8.10 p. m (Stopping at all sUtlons between Oolumbua and Xenla, and at Spring Valley, Oorwln, Morrow and Lovelaid, arriving at Cincinnati at 9 a. m. . -' : FOURTH TRAIN. NIGHT EXPREd3, via Dsyton, at 1 00 mldnlglii, stopping at London, Xenla, Dayton, Mludletown and llautltnn, arriving at Clnolnnatl at S. 25 a. m.; at Day ton as 8.50 a. m.; eonneotlag at Olnelnaatl with the Ohio ana juiistisippi uaiiroad lor Loutaviile, jcvansvuie, Vlneennes, Cairo, Bt. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans, and all points South and South-west) also, at Dayton lor Indianapolis, Lafayette, Terrs Haute, Chicago, etc lO Eor further Information and Through Tickets, apply to Al. L. DUilttIX, Ticket Agent, Union Depot, Columbus. 1 , P. W. BTRADER, . General Ticket Agent, Cincinnati. JNO. W. DOHBRTy, Agent, Oolumbaa, E. W. WOODWARD, Superintendent, Olncionatl. Columbus, July 14, 180 1 . - CENTRAL OHIO AND Steubenville Short Line RAILROADS RAILROADS COMBINED! CONNE0T1NO AT BELLAIRS WITH TUB ' BALTIMORE & OHIO, AND AT PITTSBURGH WITH THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL KAILROA.3D: F0BM1N3 THE Shortest, Quickest & Most Reliable Route to all Eastern Cities ! Trains Leave Columbus as follows : M0BNINO EXPRESS Leaves Colombo, S 30 A. M. from Union Depot, via Bellalre or Bteubenvlilel arrlveaat Bellalre, 10.90 A. Ml Bteubenvllle. 18. SO P. M. Pittsburgh, 8 40 P. M.J BarriiiMirg, 1.10 A. M.: eta Aumtoum, arrlveaat New York 8.00 A. M. e PMlatUlphia, arrives at Phila delphia, S.10 A. M.J New Vork, 10.80-A, M. Connects also at Harrisburg tor Daltluiore, arriving at 7.45 a. M Sleeping Oars attached to this Train Froln Colnmbus, run directly through to Bellalre or Pittsburgh without change; and Passengers via Allen town arrive In New York at 8 A. M., . UjTWO HOURS IN ADVANCi OE NORTH AiinbB. This Train also ooonects at Bellalre with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. PITTSBURGH EXPRESS. Leaves Columbus 11 IS A M , from Union Depot, via Bteubenvllle; arrlveaat Newark, Vt SO P. M.I Ooshoo- . .1 . n . , a. i . . . an u . n , . . . o . n ion, r. m. Di.uoaTiiie, r. a., rifcuoari;, b.w P.M. JITThla Is ine only route by whloh Passsngers cut leaveCinclnnaU at 7 A. M., go through to Pitts burgh in daylight, without change of ears or delay. FAST LINE. LMvta Oolumbua 3.13 P. M., from Union Depot, via Bellalre: arrives at Newark, 3.S3 P. M J Z.inesvllle, 4 33 P. M : Bellalre 7 .S3 p. M.: Pittsburgh. 11.85 P. M.i Harrisburg, 8.00 A. M.j eta Alltntovn, arrives at New York,4 P. M.; via FiiladtlpAia, arrlvss rauadeiiiaia, i.iu r. at.; new rora, o r, ai, xnu Train also connects at Harrisburg for Baltimore, ar riving at 1P.M., Xbis Train runs tnrouga to Bellalre or v ittsburg wun- out change of Cars; and from Pittsburg there la no change of Oars to Philadelphia, or via Allentown te new nora -urns oneriog , The only Route from Columbus to Baltimore, Philadelphia, or Heir York, with only one ohaoge of Carg., . Bv this Train Paasenrers arrive In New Yoik Are hours In advance of the Northern lines. This Train also oonnecte at Bellalre with the Baltimore and Ohio R. R. ITThls Route is 30 mllea shorter to Pittsburg, ana moro man iuu miiee snorter to New York, than Northern Llnea. Baggage Cheeked Through to all im port tnt routs att. . ,. ' ASK EOR TICKETS VIA ' . BELLAIRE OR STEUBENVILLE. Ticket Good over oltbor Houte. JNO. W. BROWN, - Qsn, Ticket Agent Central Ohio B. B. I. A. HUTCHINSON, -Qsn. Ticket Agent Steubeuvllle Short Line. JelS lTvmiaxxi am VOlidiriBlVSs OHIOj fVGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE And Seed Store, DIALER m GENERAL HARDWARE,; NAILS, GLASS, SASH, PUTTY, CORDAGE, Guai, fletole, Wood Willow ware, ether aad Rabbet Belting, I ace Leather, Hose and king. ... obl-dly G ENTLEIHEN IS FVRNISniNO fiOODI, Novelties in Neck Ties end Scarfs. " 11 Byron and Qarrote Collars. h SmbroMored Pooket Handkerchiefs, Parle Rid Oloves. eurnrlor make. ' Golden Hill Shirts, various at, Us. Boys' Golden Hill Shirts, do Driving and Street Oloves, do Hemmed Pooket Handkerchiefs, various styles. Halt Hose and Under Garments, " - EAINkSON, aprlU .... - - . No. 80 South High street. SOMETHING NEWe HOWARD & O O ' O AMERICAN WATCHES. CALL AT HO. 88, f OTJTn niGTI ST., and examine ear new make of . , AMERICAN WATCHES, manufactured by 1. HOWARD At OO . Boston. Maaa. Tbeee Watchea are far superior to anything ever offered to the pkbllo, heretofore. Having the exclusive agency, I ean sell them at prions te nit the limes. I have lual receive a largo steea et .... , . . . ' "' AMERICAN WATCHES.' saanufaetured hp APPLE TON, TEAQ Y, A 00 j alae, laeassorttaehtef'' '". i . j. . BsnuE,iH ajiai aaa WAtvUJLay ' ' ; It Oold U SIlTS Oasei, at fanlo piieea. , . . tiui, - Dally, per year Trl- Weekly, per ear. Weekly, per jeit . 00 . a oo ; 1 00 Address of the Legislature to the People of Kentucky. . In this extraordinary orlili, we deem it a duty we, your rerireanutlM. mm t ' w - -r . . . V n V w J V WW UUI- aelyei to say a few words t joa aa to the eon. dltion or the Commonwealth and toe duties we u uceu ueueu upon to perform. We have ardently desired peaoe, And hoped to.!?76 Knt05,ky from the oalamitlesof war. When tha Federal nrbn.tti.. a a wwuw..,a uBiium a. ale. oessary to employ force la eeir-defeose, and to j T. " lD worernment, we assur ed our Southern nalohhnr. r -"O - wi vat fUIAnH.kiV take up arma Tolnntaril agalpst then, not. ...u...u.U4 .ueir wicaeo attempt to destroy the Government, from whloh we and our fathers have received tho greatest benefit. Every ef fort wai made, both before and after the em ployment of force, to tfltot gome compromise and settlement that would restore the Union and prevent the fffu-lon of blood. The Federal Government did not iosist upon our aoilve aid in lurnishing troops, seeming content if we obeyed the Uws aud executed tbem upon our aoll. Those engagtd in rebel iMilugmr, with hypooiltoal profesaloDi of iT v u,r",P"oi piameaoamps ot eoioiert all along our southern border; seized, by mili tary power, tho stock on our railroad within their rtaoo, in defiance of chartered rigbtgj Im pudently enlisted soldiers upon our soil for their camps, whom they ostentatiously marched through their territory. They made constant raidi Into tbla State; robbed us of our property; Insulted our people; seized some of our citizens, ana carried them away, aa prisoners, into the Confederate States. Our military was demor alized by tho treachery oi its chief officer in coinmand, and many of hia subordinates, until It became moro an arm of the Confederate Ststea than a Guard oi the Stats of Kentucky. I bus exposed to wrong i and Indignities, with no power prepared to prevent or resent them, some of the citiaeris of tbla State formed camps under the Federal Government, for the defense and protection of the Slate of Kentucky. What ever might have been thought of the polioy onoe, reoent events have proved that they were formed none too econ. - In thie condition we found Kentucky when the Legislature met oo Ibe first Monday In September. We still hoped to avoid war on onr Own SOU. ' We nu ... K. r .l- Fresidont of the Confederate Statei that our po- altlnn ahnnl.l u ... .... . . r reepecteu; out ine ink wag aoarcely dry with erhinh tha ... .i. ten, when we were startled by the news that our .... ,,. iiiimj vu , ana towns la ine southwest of our State ocoupted by Confederate armies. The Governor of Tennessee disavowed the act, and protested hia innooence of it. Hla commis sioners at Fraokfort proteased the same Inno cence of tho admitted wrong; but our warnings to leave were only aoswered by another invasion in the aoutheaat nt th a,.,. . ... wa.v, nuu m etui mure airect and deadly assault upon the very heart of thoa Klala k-a a. . .a. aa 7 ' ' 01 lD" " asnvme road. These audden Irruptions of tuoh magnitude, skilfuilv directed, show that the assault on Kentucky was preconoerted, prepared aud Intended long Deiore. The excuses made for any of them but add insult to injury. We aball not repeat them, iney aro but excuses for acts intended, without sny excuse. The purpose ia to remove the theater of the war from the homes of those who wickedly orig m.,".10. tbofe of Ken'eky, and to involve thli State in the rebeilljn This purpose ap peared tobo well understood In the acceded States. They need the territory of Kentucky, and are determined to have it, if it must be by blood and oonquect Thug forced into war, we had no choice but to Aall An ,hm i i . tr . 7 " "ivug -ruis ana orave neartl oi Ken'uok7 toxpel the invader from our toil, -... iw ius am oi we rederai Govern ment, as we bad a right to do under the Fedcr al OonetttatIo-,. ' Our foes would diotate terms to a brave ceo- Til a rnnn .Ki.l. , ... f r. ".".u ww cao nave peaoe. we are required to join them ia their unwarranted re- "cwuiej accessory to tneir crimes, and consent to sacrifice the last hope of permanent ly upholding Republican Institutions, or meet their Invasions aa it becomes KentuckUns. We heliavA are Anr, ., . . . I i , , ' "'" uur uuty tv a OQIV- airlo people, who bavo forborne long, but will never fall, at a last resort, to resent an injury and Dun ah an Inenlt. tt'. .t,.,u u.u ' , 7 - .uuuiu uuuu uur teiVCt UnwOrthv tn r.n, tt l . a done lest. The onlv error, n fA.V u ih.t I have not beta at prompt, yon may think, at the occasion demanded. Tnrioo have the revolu tionists appealed to the ballot box, in tbit State, .ue people expressed, by over whelming mntrti-lllna ,ht. A., .- , -J ...V., .uui utrermiuwiuu to ttaorj by the Union and Itt Government. They p-w oeeu aouve in tbla war, not from In difference, or wantnf in.ii. i... .l. a... -. - t vi nu, w his ogps of better promoting a restoration of the Union, 1.(1 MhMVIn. k. I lit. I . , ---"--"a reuetiion oy inatoourte. 4jur hone Of ait amln.hla aln.. .-. .-a - J... . , -uju.kincut, Bou a uesire for peace, led at to forbear, until forbearance ue "" i no attampt to de ttroy the Union of these Statei we believe to be a crime, not only against Kentucky, bat against fi t,"kl.nd-, ?.ot op f tnI '" wo havt left to othert to vindicate, by arms, the Integrity of the Government. The Union It not only at- .T.C . Ti ' . k"u,uoJ a aereeir threatened with tubjugation by a lawlest usurpation. The invasion it carried on with a ruthless deatruo tlon of property, and the Uvea and libertlei of ourpeople that belongs only to lavage warfare. A.i a t no 0h01,oe bt aolion prompt and decided. Let at -how the insolent Invaders hat Kentucky belongs to Kentuoklant. and that Kentucky valor will vlndloata Kentucky's honor. Wo were unnran.-aH k peoting. An Insolent and trench erous Invader telli the people that their legislators havo be- f PAT An In Aim a aad La ... - ' --"" " uesomsj wunnre and sword 1 v e a. 2-!? ?,uok'- to protect tbe boma or vnne fath.M -jr, a...,7. . ,- .., luu.uere, ana listers. Sound too tocsin oa every hill aad in every val ley, until Kentackv shall drive the insolent In- J- H. HARNEY, GEO H YEAMAN, NATH'L WOLFE, JOHN W, FINNELL, W. S.RANKIN, ! . Committee. iLl" A FrAnnh anMIaw wkA i . at Solferlno, thus deaorlbes bit sensations: How saob shot electrifies you. It is like a whin on a racers 'a leo-n. Tha h.iu i.ii. .... you, turn up the earth around, kill one, wound another, and you hardly notice them. Yon grow intoxicated, tho smell of punpowder uiuuuw iw jgur uraio. i no eye oeoomes blood shot, and tne look it fixed upon the enemy There la somethlno nf nil thai flsiaDlnnaa Ism el..s terrible paiiloa exoilcd ia & loldier by tht ilsht Evervbod whn haa trl.,1 it ...: .l. i. T ... oiiium iu toe peculiar Intoxloation that it produoed bv beine .u . m.i. ia au luiaiuaung mnuence about the smell of powder, the thrill whittle of a bullet, and tha sloht of hnmm Mha - hiwviji ISM 1U stantly transforms men from eowardt to heroes from women sometimes to monsters. No one can tell of the nature or mystery of that Influ- Anna Knl Ikiu. U . 1. -. . - . """" " wuw uave oeea in tne Irat them aelves.-, . -. , ; ,.f , ,. 4 ..... A 1 TPOOaiFBIOiL RlorattNT Snoot inii A printer In Western New York suggests tho raising a regiment, or brigade, of printers, and adds: "I am not a very tough made man; but a aoouia aimost aspire to be a private la tuoh an organisation .", , j.v m Wo like the idea. The thing may be done. Although a little past tht "regulation" age, we should deem it an honor tj carry a "shooting atlok" in euoh a tfftlroent. -Wbat tay our brethren of tho oraM . It ft Is k'vote, some one can readily be found to , take Aha laboriof oar of tho Drellmlnarv wotk. Will oar ootemporarlet oaavaH fhetr ofPoes ana aaoottBOS us eeujti-jiiy josfti [From the London Post (government organ) Sept. 11.] The American Passport System and its Effects Emigration—Mr. Seward's Discourtesy to Lord Lyons, Discourtesy to Lord Lyons, etc. Weaio not aware that civil war affords an excuse for internal discourtesy. The Cabinet at Washington may have excellent reason for toe introduction of a passport system. The oc cupation of spies on board the Atlantlo steam ships would be both useless and expensive if the .1 . .... . luuivmuai wuonaa neen favored with the at tentions of the Federal deteotive could, upon landing, quietly go about his business, Just as In those days when Ntw York was tho great em porium of European immigration. There it something so odlout In the name of iplei, that we do Mr. Seward the Justice 0 believing that even be would bo unwilling, ex sept In oasei of extreme necessity, t arrest any Individual, whether native American or foreigner, upon inch testimony. Tbo absence of a passport will now become a criminal offense. ' The man who may have talked loudly or tooilsbly about secession, uuleis armed with a ceitifioate of loyalty, from a United Stttea mlnUter or con sul, must either reiurn to the pore from which be started or go to some Federal for real aa a stats prisoner. But, a coo ding to Mr. Seward'a edict, oo American it to leave hit country with out the permission of the Secretary of State. Tht oiijtet no rfouof, is to prevent tympathixert in th JVofiArom eonotying information w uiher ai lutanct to tht inturgenti. If iht Arrmiaami mrt eonitnt to endure thi system ofopp ettion, English men tan only txprtu their aitonithment and re gret. Hut Air. beward, by a stroke or the pen, hat completely destroyed the one source to which the United Siatet owe, wbat remain! of their strength and greatnett. During this century, many millions of lorelgnereEnellsb. Irish. Germans and Swedes have settled in the United Statei. After a ibort oeriod of resi dence, they generally beoame naturalixed, and loat every vestige of their original nationality and allegiance. Mr. Seward cannot endure the delay ot obtaining an alien act, bat be adoots tne easier and more efficacious mode of declar ing that no lorcigner ahall land in the United States who has not a "passport from his own government, countersigned by a United Btates minister or uoneul." Must the poor Irishman who bat saved money to join big relatives and friends In Illinois or Michigan proceed to Dub lin first to get a passport from "hit own govern ment" either Lord Carlisle er Sir Robert Peel and then pay a fee for the oounter signature ot a L oitea states uonsuii Doe Mr. Seward intend so far to recognize the "Know Nothlne policy" as to place a prohibitory duty In ibe bape of a passport system on the Importation of the very men, many of whom, In all proba bility, would as readily join the rederai army as earn a day's wages at less hazardous and excit ing labor? Uolest American Conanlt have the gift of ascertaining by inspiration the political sympathies of an intending emigrant, the whole procesi must prove an absurd but offensive farce The result, of course, cannot be doubt ed. Tiat ttrti of migration nhich si unuc eountablv hit oroeetdtd from Grtat Britain t North America uill bt diverted U C.nada New Brunlwick and Novi Scotia. We thall no longer hi ir ftco hundred thond Britith iahjee$ Ma ng ta yur at iV,te xoik end only fete tuoutindt vt QmbiC The numbers will be re versed, and the strength, population and pros perity of Canada will tecelve augmentation in the tame proportion When no sound of war shall be beard either In North or South, it will be Impossible for any American government to reoall the policy ot exelnsion wblch Mr. Seward has Inaugurated. Emigration, like many other things, aa often dependa on popular caprice as upon any peculiar advantages which one country may be supposed to possess over another. The present coudition of affairs in the United States certainly offers no very great temptation to British emigrant!. Land may be oheap and productive; but Eoe- llshmen, should they go there, will find not only heavy taxation, but an utter aubversion of ordi nary law and peraonal liberty. The merits of Canada will become better known and better appreciated, ana England wiU retain in ber alle giance thousands of lubiecti who otherwise might have resorted to a foreign and never very inenaiy country, ine cabinet at wasbiogton oo doubt has a right to aay that the time has arrived when tome check ought to be put upon immigration. The presence of a large foreisn element armed with politloal power may be In convenient, especially at a time of civil war; but If thia bo Mr. Seward's obiecc. the tubter- fuge of a passport system, vexatious and har rasslng to the poor foreigner, is only a proof of that rashness and Imprudenoo whloh Mr. Sew ard mistakes for deolsioa and vigor. The no tice neoessarily affects every European State. but yet we learn from Lord Lyons'! Utter to can ttusseu, puonsnea in last nignt't Uazute, thai "tAi notice Aas 6ea wsaeet without any pre vious comiRURtcaltea oa thi t art ef the Secretary of State with nu, or, to far a I irtoio, teitk any of my colleague!, nor hat lit aivtt bten eflicUllv conrmanicatt d to mt." Thii it a moit uneuif a nd ditrttpictful act, and we infer that it It to be attributed to the extremely hostile vlewa whloh mr. Bewara. oat always entertained toward England feelings wblch are not likely to be mollified by the freedom of tpeeoh which pre vails in tbla country, and wbiob may have tome influence even in the Northern Statei, unless Mr. Seward ahould follow np hit passport ejt tem by prohibiting the Importation of English newspapers. : [From the London Official Gazette, Sept. 10.] Lord Lyons on the United States Passport System. EXTRACT OF A DISPATCH FROM LORD LYONS TO EARL RUSSELL. WASHINGTON, August 19, 1861. I have the honor to transmit to your lordship herewith a copy of a notioo from the State De partment wblch bat tppearcd In tho newspaper! thlt morning. It declare! that no person will be allowed to go abroad from a port in the Uni ted Statei without a passport from the State Department, or a passport countersigned by the Seoretary of State ; and that no peraon will be allowed to land In the United States without a passport from a Minister or Consul of the Uni ted States, or, it a foreigner, from hit own gov. erament, countersigned by a United states Min ister or Consul. This notice baa been Issued without any previous communication on the part of tbo Secretary of State, either with me, or, to far at I know, with any of my col leagues, nor has it as yet beta offiolally an nounced to me. ' Lord Lyons enolosed the order of Secretary of State, Seward, dated Washington, Aagust It, whloh baa already appeared in the Herald. I LD. rilRALD. [From the New York Express.] Twelve Hundred Thousand Dollars a Day. Seoretary of the Treasury Informs the Bank Committee here, that he ia iDcndlno: El.- 900,000 dally, or $8,400,000 a week, and mere- lore requiret money with rapidity. How im portant then that vigor, economy, honesty, In telligence, at well at loyalty and patriotism, go hand in hand with these enormona expenditures. How long will the people of this country be willing to nay 11,200.000 t day for what thev tr getting? Bow long can thi amount of money be raited to meet every day's expenses J Lei us not deceive oureeiveat lor it is Impossi ble, absolutely mpotiible, that this rate of ex. penditura should continue for a very long pe riod. What tho Government can do It should be doing aooni It should not havo waited eves till now, to pal forth Itt toAoZ oetoar. . It ia now spend'loe; money at the rate of nearly Four,uwurM a year; nd yet with the abundant resources of men and money al ways at command, It It out-numbered, cut-gen-eraled and beaten In every conflict with tbo rebi elt. Tbe latter bare a population lost than the two eta tee of New York and Pennsylvania) and they aro lasulog ahlnplattert from fit teutt upwarde in Ilea of tllver, of whloh ibey heve tone. Still, few and poor, as they aro, thi havo thus iar proved aa over match for us. Bvery weak has foaael the rebellion spreading over a atlli broader Area rani has anneeantle jadded to iti ttreng aad It jsrotpoct, of uitl mate luwess, a usa if wo uovomment waxa op to the Pact that thlt itate of things oannot laat , Unless it rouse itself from itt lethargic stato and put" forth Itt whole vigor soon, the revolution will have become a fixed foot, aad the great Republlo will take Itt plaoe with which flourished for a season aad then disappeared lorever-RecAMhr t7nt. FrttT EstrUTMCNT et Coat, At Fuel. At an evMnnnA nf ik. .... , ,. . . . - u'Luuuny cxperieaeed bylntroduoertof new article, from tbo preju dice, of a community one, we may mention a ii , , , -""'f"'re"eut oi me use ful materials of coal at a fuel. Wbea coal w uret introduces into t-ngland at a fuel, tha Drelnd'na aaralnat It ... .. 5., " -a" ." aw avruuf IDBI IDC commons petitioned tbe Crown to prohibit the ""7 uei. a royat proclamation having failed to abate tha Pini'sisk PI Aa WsivrtleiailMw - ---'' sy VVtasaMasjejiutt W iieued to ftscrtainwl,o burned oo.t within Ui CltT of London and Us naaikw.Kl ...f - aaew-KiAtaaTWs uvvtif HUH W punish them by fine for tbe first offense, and by .w....,vu vi .ueir luruacee ii tney persisted In transa-remalns-. A laa aw.a A.n. a making it a capital offeoae to burn coal la tbe poruiiiviusj it to oe nsea ia tbe forges in tbe vicinity.. It is stated that among tbe reoorda la the twn of London a document wuto iuuna, purporting that lo the time of Lid ward I. a man had kun i.ii ..a, WH.IVbtH AMJIA executed for tbe crime of burning coal In Lon- inn Tr rinly ek.A. . i.. . . a thi MaainrttsaA. rf The new French Mini tAt in Dam. I k SJTM. " .wv tuai if. ml ' quls de Lavalletta, tbe same who, according ta Avuooiaa eviaence, Drought about the War In tha Crimea, la .! n . a - - . . f .ww mi n W HI can lady, tbe widow of the banker W who tmm a. J . J I A. - I f A S . tuuuueu, i ueiinvo, me oaoxing nouse of Greene 4 CO., tO dav the house nf Vanitan This ladv la natnrallr a Pmiutint ii .v.. r... of ber being seat to Rome to pay court to tbe ups i .ue Buuject or muon remark nere and at Rome. So far as tha Marnnla ia ia not onlv a Catholic, hnt frUnrfiv tn h. t and will strive to maintain tho ttatu quo, to that i or up present tne inendaor Italian unity bare renounced ail hope ol tbe evacuation of the Holy City Part's Gurree JV Y. Timet. IRISH STEAMSHIP LI INE, Steam Between Ireland and America NEW YORK, B03TON AND GALWAY Th fall fit fa fiM nA n.AmlflUHa M .a.. -- C 'uiuUI UIIt1,IWpijlJLI wheel Btitmibipt compoM the abOT line: ADBIATIO. 5,838 ton burthen. OtDt. J. Uadv (f OrmerlT of ths Cnlllnt Mm . HIRRRNTA. J aVinrntta KaeavSVAiak a..a W T 0OLUUB1A, 44W) " - - k.'LarrcBT ANOLIA, 4,400 ' . Nm.,a paoikio, a too " r, bmiih. PUIMOB ALBEKC (Screw.) a.jou J.WAUua. One of the above ships will leave New tork or Bostcn alternately every Tuesday foriulsht. for Oaliray, car nln. tha eovernmanl mall. lAMrtkl.. a. t . . - ., T M auooi, The Steamers of this line have been constructed wiih . . - - k ... iw. vi ,um govern ment, nave water-tight oomparunents, and are nnexcel- ImA t n. n r.n.t. .. . . J J . . .v. . v vj aui. pvm OJ A El J I Ol . I , AH JAT . Tha. ara hw ahL. ... . i - . . a. . ' j "waira ..IIWBCcy VlAlCOr,, and every exertion will be mada ta hohaia ,h. ,f., Ol passengers. anaejenencea Burgeon attached to each ship. First-class N. t. or Boston to Oalway or Liverpool Ali o Beoond-olass, " i. -j Plrst-class, " to St John's 35 Thlrd-claas, " " to Oalway or Liverpool. or any town In Ireland, on a Railway, - - . 30 Tnlrrl .1. llh.HH. . it. i . P - - - - ..w..a. .uipiiaju W1UJ IITO visions of the best quality, enolted and served by tbe ser vants of the Company. RETURN TICKET.. - -"'" '"""it irianus irom uie oia country can obtain tlckeU from any town on a railway, in .. , . ,.vww. .uv..i v.i..r. ui Aniiaaa ana ncot- land, at very low rates. Paasengera for New Tork, arriving by the Boston Etesmers, will be forwarded to Mew York free of charge. for paasage er farther Information, apnly to ...v . . ,v Wm. U. WIOKHAM, At the offloe of the Company, on the wharf, foot of Oanal street. New York. aprill9dta.1'ANI ABPIIf WALL, Agent.. HtJNNEWELL'S UNIVERSAL COUGH REMEDY". Sor.alI Throat and Lnna tlAmnf. 1.1. ,-.,.a ..a. , . . -m miuiuuuii, wild most perfect results, nsooiwa Codob, Cnaomc ara ""i oaoAcaiAi. awn inaoAT uoMriaurra, always forerunners ot Oonanoption. As a Eoorauie Bvaorlt has no superior. Freed horn all Opiate or Eaetlo properties, may be need by most delicate oonttlJ tnllnna anA amr-t , V. A-. .a n i . . wwuti auta wiui rsiCrot WUUtAVDC, HTJNNEWELL'S CELEBRATED - TOLU ANODYNE. Ins Orxatist Natcial OriAn ever flffalla. a tha world, oontaining not a particle of Opium, nor any tab stanoe bnt it strictly vegetable and medical properties. A sore Bemedy (or Kiiiralsu, RnanauTiaic, Oobt, Tooth aho I as Aces. C atari. R.a n n. iaau, and all minor Nervous Complaints. ton Lose or blut, and Beedache In an ice varieties. It has no equal, and to which moat undoubted testmonl als are offered. loa Dblipjoh Taaansj It la a most perfect remedy. loa BOWS. OoMnDrTS. after raaaavw tha It af. as a physio, a moat Important contrast with the const! pa- Ian maAtm AhIh. . To Physicians, Formates end Trial Bottles will be sent, and to Dealer or Invalid a descriptive pamm,let wlthent 'poataee-slaarp.M Prepared nnder the special supervision of - join t.. nsmivEWEiaii, ',' ORKiruT ak rwAaauesCTiei1, Vo OCommereial Wharf, Boston, Kau To whom pleass direct all oommunleatlona. . Prices Large Cough Bemedy, 50 cents per bottle. Small " . S5 " u ' Tola Anodyne, SO - For sale hy the asoal wholesale and aatail Aa.t. everywhere. JOHN B. COOK. J. M. DKNIQ 6. DEN 10 BOrlS, A.J. S0HTJBLLBB A: SON mayl7-wly Agents for Ootambaa, Ohio. . W. A. Batchelor'a Hair Dye! This splendid Hair Dva has HO MBft1.lfieif.4eatAA.a I. effect-Beautiful Black or Natural Brown no staining the akin ortnjurlng Oie Hair :remcmeeraeairar ae effect of Bad Dyes, and Invigorates the hair for life. none are genuine unless signed "W. A. Batchslor." Sold everywhere. , . 1. C0AS. BAT0BEL0B, Proprietor, Jyllwly HI Barcky Itreet, Hew Yon. HAIR DYE-HAHl DYE. Wm. A. Batohelor'i Hair aOya The Original and Best la tke World, All ethers art mare kiltatjona, end should be tvolded Ifyouwlsh toeeoaperldloaie.. OBAT, RID OB BUSTY HAIB Dyed Instantly to beaaUful and Vatural Brown er Black, wttaeut Wuw to BalrorBUn. FIITEEH 1UDALB AHTJ MorUAa k. k.. awarded to Wm. A. Batchslor atnea woo. aevl nva,n tai appllcattona have bean made to the Hair of lit natrons oi nis ramoeu uyai . WM. A- BATCSILOBI BAJB DYE fndaoas a eel or not to be dlsUDgnlthcd from aalare, aad tj warraatatt not to Injure in the least, however long It maybe ooa tin ted, and the 01 e tracts ef Bad Dyes remedied the Ban Invigorated for Ure ay this splendid Dye. Sold ta all aiUes aad towns ef the United ghtee Druimandlaney 0o4srealrs. " HThe eeaatMhasthe tune and addreas apoa a steel plateeeinwrtog ae fear stdee of each box, of WIIJJAaf A. BAlOUJUta, Addresa ' . OBABUIS BATCBELOB, pJoorietoK ' lylS-wlV , , SI BenUy street, New Vert, ADTEBTISIUBjrT. . Mini Foe the DISTANT B1L1BI aad PIBMaJIIBT OTJBI efUe Ahwsaestng eetaylalal aae 8NDTIS SX09CHIAL oiqa&sxikV: Itadehw o; , B. SEYMOtrm CO., tor irrta ,t rrlee 1 pea boat sen.t tree by " t" a