Newspaper Page Text
S THURSDAY MORNING, OCT. 3, J861. COLUMBUS POST OFFICE. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. DEPARTURES. Matll for Mew York City, Boston, Albany, Pittsburgh, eleubenvllle n, Cleveland, Zauasvtll, Nswark, (Iranvllla, Washington Oily. Baltimore, Phila delphia and New Orleans, elof dill (Sunday except ed) it 8 o'oloek p. m. . , A Uirough mill (or New Tort and Cleveland oloios dally (Sunday oeptd) at S o'clock p. m. . . 0. 0. C. R. it. Way Mall olosss dally (Sundays cepted) at 8 o'clock p. m. . Central Ohio Way Mali eloses daily (Sundays ttcepted) 10 o'tftook a. m . Cincinnati Way Mall eloiei dally (Sundays excepted) at Chicago, Dubuque, Delaware, Marion and Worthing, toa Malli close dally (Baadayi eioeptsd) at o'oloek p, m. '" 1 ' ' ' 1 1 ' ' Hilli for Xeala. Boringfleld, Dayton. Toledo. Cincin nati, Indianapolis, Loulsvllls, Bt. Louis, and Detroit, cloeM dally (Sundays excepted) at 8 o'oloek p. m. A Uirough mail to Xeuta, Springfield and Cincinnati -l - -1 -1 1 a 1 . a.Mntail a 1 II nMnnk. UKI1 hhijwvi tmvjiwj v mv v vw ... mm Urbana, Plqua, tiffin and Union City mail doses dally (Bandaya excepted) at 8 o'oloek p. in. Lancaster, Logan, Nelsonvllle, Clrcleville, Ohlllfeotha, Portsmouth, Washington 0. II., Athens, Marietta and Ulllsboroush mails close daily (Buudajs axospted) at 8 clock p. a. ' ' But Way Mall by National Road to Zanesvills doses dally (Sundays excepted) at 18 o'clock m. ' Harrlsburgh ilailoloMl daily (dunday xoeptd) at t o'olookp. Bi -alt. Vernon Mall, by way of Wsstervllle end Bnnbnry, elose dally (Sundays sxeepted) at 3 o'oloek p. m.- -Dublin Mall closes dally (Sundays excepted)at V o'oloek p. . " Lao cuter Way Mall dotes daily (Bnndayi exoepted) at o'clock p. m. ARRIVALS Halls from New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Albany, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Dayton, Toledo, Xenta, Detroit. Borlne-nald. Olnelnnatl. Chllllcoth. Bt. Louis, and all Southern elites, arrive between the) boars of V clock p. m. and 4 o clock a. m. Malls from Indianapolis, Chicago and Dubuque arrive at 3:40a.m. Malli from Washington City, Baltimore, Wheeling, ZaaesTiile, Newark, Bteubesville, Mt. Vernon, and the 0. 0. B. K. Way Mail, arrive at wo'ciookm. Way Mail from Cincinnati arrives at o'oloek p. m Lancaster Mall arrives at 8 o'clock p.m. est Way .Mall over tlx National Road arrives at II o'clock a. m. Mt. Vernon Way Mall arrives at 11 :00 a. m . Mall from Dublin arrives at W o'clock m. Urbana Way Mail arrives at V o'clock p.m. Harrlsbuigh Mail arrives at U o'oloek a. m. Lanaaaier Wav Mail arrives at 12 o'oloek m Office delivery open every day (except Sunday) from 7 o'clock a. m. to 8 o'clock p. m. Open on Sundays from li to U o'clock In the morning, and from S to 8 clock in the In be JOHN GRAHAM, P. M. Rail Road Time Table. Littu Miaui It Ooiciisosfc Xsnu Bi B. Leaves. Arrives Olnelnnatl Accommodation. 5:00 A. M. 8:10 P. M. . , ir,aa.k 11:40 A.M. 11:03 A.M. Mall and Accommodation. . 8". 10 P. M. 8:00 P. M, Might Express via Dayton.l2:00 midnight. 8:0 A. M. ' 3m. W. Dohctv, Agent. Colcmsos k Cuvmiro B. R. ' ' Night Ixpms 3:40 A. M. 11:15 P. M. New TorkKxpress 11:10 A.M. . 10: JO A.M. CO. AO. Way Kxprees.... 8:30 P.M. . 7:40 P. U. . j -j t j. Jihis Pattosow, Agent. Omo R. K. No.llxpreis...7.? 3:30 A. M. .11:35 A. M. No. 8 do,..... S1S.P. M. 11:45 A.M. ;.,'.lJ'. . iXfiu, Agent , PrrrssoasD, Oouihbos It CutcuraaTi K. B. Hall Into 3 30 A.M., II M A. M. Ixpress Train 11:25 A.M. 8:45 P.M. ' ' Jos. Bobirsow, Agent. Colombos Jt Ikoiahopous, B. B. (Ooloksds PIQ04 fc Ikdubi R. R.) No. 1 Express 8:30 A. M. " S 00 P, M No. 2 " 3:00 P. M. 7:0 P. M. Accommodation.. ' 10t50 A. M. ' i . , . 0. W. Smith, Agent. of to be our LOCAL MATTERS. The Adams Express Company places ub dally under obligations to it for the very latest papers ( rum the eastern cities. The American Express Company has onf thanks for its daily favors in tba shape of the very latest eastern papers. -. '.t . ET Gov. Dinmbon has appointed J. J. Jan. hit, of this city, Director of the Ohio Peniten tiary, la place of Nathaniil Mxeion, resigned. The latter baa been appointed U. S. Commis sary. ET Gov.' J)fnmsoN has pardoned Hamilton Jordan, who was sent to the Penitentiary for four years, from Hamilton county, nearly three years ago, for passing a two dollar counterfeit bank note. . ,' ST The annual meeting of the American Board ol Foreign Missions Is now being neld at Cleveland. . - : ''. . ' Ohio's Foscc in th Field. The entire force of Ohio now in active seivice is stated to be twenty-eight regiments of Infantry, five bat teries of artillery, and fire companies of caval ry. 0 this force, twenty-one regiments ol in fantry,' two batteries and two companies of car-, airy are Under Kosecrans f two regiments of Infantry, two batteries and two cavalry compa nies nndtr.Fjremonl; five regiments of infantry, one battety-and -one-cavalry .company under Anderson- , Three more regiments and three batteries will: be immediately, sent Into Ken tucky, which will give; Inactive service thirty tegimems of Infantry, eight batteries of artillery, nod five-companies of cavalry.' I,, , ll I ! II I I III-.' . tl Eight secesu prisoners arrived, at Camp Chase n Monday, making the total number in camftlftf.V'V:. . of il, if A BlhBiVAar ArroiNTMUTS r-Tbe following gen tlemen werei'po Tuesday last, appointed by the Commander-in-Chief First and Second Lieuten ants, ani ontttered into the service by Major but bs on . FIRST LIEUTENANTS. John A.1 'Bennett, 1st Regiment - Artillery; Rofliff. Brenkerboffr 64th 0 Regiment; John B. NeU,Adjntant46ih Regiment. Lieut. Neil was t the; Frankfort, Ky., Military School, at the breaking out of the present rebailion, and tu driven out by Ike seceealonists, ' . .. SECOND LIEUTENANTS. .William Btedman, Cth Reg. Cavalry; Veloras T.niU, SOth Reg. Infantry; Henry C. Thomas, SiOtb do. i George F- Nelson, 421 do.; D. A. Scolt, 43d do. U. D. Gaylord, 41st do.; John Hv Cherry, SOth do.; Samuel McClaren, 43d do.; Richard. P." Wright, 43d do.; William J. Kumoar, Thos. Turner, J, H. Balater, Thomas T. Clark, Wm. C. Butterfield, David W. Hill, Willougbby W. Webb, Uoraoe Park, James U. Coulter, Harwell. Obborn, . John . P. . Kinney, Lewie H. Webster, Henry Guty,46ia Reelmeutj N. N Greer, 4Uth Regiment Infantry; Charles W. Gordan, b2d; 0. B. Crause, 58:h; Oskar Von Brander, do.; Enlel Arnold, do.; Horace P. Clougb, 60 lb i C. E Smith, 63d; H, F. Guth rie,C2d; IsaaeGaes, 64th; Alex. P. Rudolph Hooker, do,; Isaao W.JAyres, do.; WtlUaat O Saw, do.; Clark' S. Grlgg,.65ih; Henry 8 Mills, do. ; Jacob N, Victor, eo. ; Mar tin R. WrlKht, 66th:' Versalla Horr, do.; Wm. Hf Harris do.; William A. ' Sampson, do.; Samnet MoMorran, do.; Jonas; Ben nett Wblteley, dot William Hamilton, do. --' - - llo ine at city 1T Cpt lAltroBKLi, brought to tho city on Tnisdailnlgnl'l flae company of stalwart look ing from Jeffersoa county. They expect to do er.vjct) ta Kentucky. trCapl. Lawson, of the Third Ohio RccW menfcow In Virginia, flU be here tq day; to reft forth regiment. ' ,; j a- IW :ltf .it: . OTA false end inlamons slander has bean pot InolrcalAtion in mis city in regaia to uoionei IsaaO K Marrow's loyalty. It Is most abaa fnl thi onr pfSoere. should be' thus slandered whDe.tley ate l"lhf Jleld, b those Vho kre'fi rr'mi- yr""r late of theSe'cona Comp'r. '.VMette; arid Mfw ttaoha4 to the ThlrryisWenj Rglaeui,'took the first prlxs for off-band target shooting at the match on Tues day, goWea Pp by tbt Targe, 8hooUii Clftb, ot at vi, . : I ; 1 ID The Seventeenth Regiment, organised at Clmp Dennlaon, crossed the Ohio river at Cin olnnatti on Tuesday eveDlog, and took the can loot on the Kentucky Central Railroad. The officers of this Regiment are at follows t Colo nel I. M. Connel, officer of the Camp. Lieu tenant-Colonel M. F. Moore. Major J. Dur bin Ward. Adjutant A, J. Davis. Captainr, Company A, Butterfleld; Company B, Stlnch ooruli Company C, Riplc' Company Dj Rea Company E, Rickets; Company 'F$' Ogden Company G, Haynea; Company H, Yoti Com pany I, Whlsaon; Company K, Spencer; extra company, Oetxendanner. ' ;.i Ja v. 1 - . ut?" The Thirty seventh (German) Regiment, Col. Sibca, from Camp Brown, pear, Cleveland passed through the city last night, on their way to Camp Dennison,., A torgh-light procession went up t) the depot some time before their ar rival. They were greet ed by a large couoo'urseof our German and other citizens, and partoos ota collation which had been prepared for them They are a fine body of troopa, gathered from different parts of the Slate, and will no doubt do effective service ou the soil of Kentucky, which supposed to be their destination.1, '.. '' ID The officers of the Coldstream Zouaves, attached to the Forty sUth , Regiment at Camp Lyon, are H. CGtaar, Captain; Eo. N. Up ton, First Lieutenant; Joseph Millin, Seoond Lieutenant. . , '"'... '. O Two Regiments were to leave Camp Dec- niaon for iventnokv yoateraay. anu juo is to leave to-day. . .! ,'; V ,., . ' ,'" How to Msisuai Corn in a Cris. A writer the Prairie Farmer says it may be done by multiplying the length, breadth, and height to gether In feet; multiplying this product by four, strike off the right figure, and the result will shelled bushels. He finds this rule reliable ET Several (companies of the Forty-sixth Regiment marched from Camp Lyon, near Worthingtdn, to the city yesterday, and after remaining In town a few bonrs, returned to their oamp. Their appearance excited general ad miration. ' ID Maar McElhanxv was before the Mayor yesterday on two charges of theft iu the larceny clothing. On the one charge, she was sent prison for thirty days, and on the other, for twenty, .... '. . ; ,'v'. '.. O We find the following in an exchange: There Is a rumor from Washington that the Abolitionists, who assail the President, are to sent to Fort Lafayette. . That would serve tbem exactly right. ... --. ,. 07 Can it be that Cincinnati lain any dan- ert At this rate, bow long will it be before uffalo must be cut in a state of defense, and Home Guards called into the field? Buffalo Sureenough. Huw long ! - i m i The Medical Facultv and " Kxnnidt'b Medical Discovery." Pbysioians aro very guarded In their remarks respecting any medi that may be Introduced to the .public, cs penally If the discoverer has not received medical education, and we honor them for their preoaotion and good judgment. Be! the cures humors that have been made by "Kennedy's Medical Discovery" have astonished eves the learned doctors, and as they have stood by the bedside of a patient and seen the favorable re suits arising from the use of this medicine in cases of Scrofula, Erysipelas, etc eta , they have beed led to exclaim, as did one of the most distinguished physicians of onr State (Dr. Whitney of Dedbam), "Whatever tht'pudicine tt u aouMltu the but oj tit kina; kief an tciri by all meant." . Baltimore Clothing HonsrJ, aUMorAOTCBHS alio waouaaLi diaum READY-MADE CLOTHING. ' No. 308 W. Baltimore-strect,: : (arrWVJOt UBfJlTT ADD lOWAED,) IIALTIJnOIII Large Assortment of Fleet aid furnish in Ooods Constantly on Band OotSMilll 'I GUERNSEY'S BALM! GUERNSEY'S CALM REMOVES AND FKEVF.NTS I N taaunatioa and pain, and heala Um worst burn, scald, bruise, cut .or fresh wooud of any- kind, prevents swellrn( and pain from be stlnrs, mosqnlto bites, and poisonous plants, neuralgia, - rhramatlam, arns in the Breast, sail rnsnm, ate. vrnrn tason internanv, it mil positively euro eroup Inehlldren.aiid gives Immedlats relief In ths worst east ol this terrible complaint; also, removes boarseneas and sore ttrroat. Price, (3 cents bottle, Should bs in tve i jhonte. Tor sals by Drug gists and Storekeepers. . V IRVIrf BTONE, ooie rronnewr, sr . mpruce St., new lora ' estfdawtyis ' . . ; Ko real Justice oaa bs dona ths above proparatlons by procuring and readiuf descrlptivs paniilts4 , found with all dealers, or will be sent by rrovrtelor demand. formulas and Trial Bottles sent to Physl elans, who will lad developments In both worthy tlieii aoceptanos and approval. . , , . ; Oorreapoodsnos solicited from all wlioas necesiilles ot eurioslty prompts to a trial of ths above reliable item dies, f ' let sale by (he Usus wholesale ami retail dealer everywhere. . i . 4 ji : 1;.;. v JOHN l. nfJimEWELL. l'ronrieto chimibt anO riiAasiAotuTieT," No. 0 Commercial 'Wharf, Boston, Mais. Roberts Sa Samuel, N. B. llsrple, J, B. Conk, J. H Denlg, 0. Denig 4, guns, A, i. Bchuollcr JiSon, Agents Columbus. Ohio. ' ' nurl-dly Master Commissioner's Sale. John L. Oil I n st al.) Superior Court. Amos . Hall BTVIHTHE WFANUKin;HU'Al.E to me directed, from the Superior Court ot Vrank- Oounty, Ohio, I wlir offer fur sale, at the door ot court House, In the city 01 coluuitms, on Saturday, tbe Sth day of Oct-, A. D. 1SC1, 1 o'oloek. P. si., la fnllowln dosrilbed real estate. Situate In the eonntv or Vranklln. and State of Ohio, to win bot number 13, of John Morrison's suridiviaion of , 0, 7, a aud 35 of John klorrlion'a add itlon to Ihs or uoiuatbu. JhV.i .s. .J Appraistat l,850.. f , , xit.,it. . rrialexe lees 8.l0. - ' , . . t O'. W IlliFFM AN, Sheriff - ;:;; a a4ttalr Commissioner H.O. Noble, Atty. au3l-td. - .-'t. vrt.".i -I" Master Commissioner's Sale. ' Joshua Baldwin's adm'ra . . vs. court of Common Piesi- RlchardBnowdenetaI. - '- T.. , 1 " ni viitTCE of Atf OBDEnorsiiv XJ to me directed from the Court of Common Fleas of Vranklln connty, unio, 1 win oirer for sale at ths door ths Court House, In ths city of Columbus, Ohio, on Saturday, the Si day of November, A. D. 1861, on o'eleok, P. M., the following premlaes,' lltnats In ths City of Columbus, Franklin oounly,0., to wit: In-Ut No. 303; also, lots Nos. 14, IS, 18, 17, 18, 19, xi ana w, or cnowaen s sHouinnoa m vui-bois aos J and W of said etty. Appraised atf lot Ho. J0J er... ....... .J 500 04 . i-", Am(M.ltan415,at47&00iioh. j n'j v ' 1. 1 and 17. at too 00 , ft ''. -U e 1,"- - ' W. at J40 00. I.. Jrin'ar'S fttf 5,M, . and Master Ouaiaiiuluoer. ispiruwia B'onn hi "M&uo4 taPU UOUSA,aswatyles,jastpn(dby . 1-' .aprlli. A IU Ax lOVw... Is. UaaaUtBiaAitwUl H" '! I'l " r ' ' 1 R1 ETKl.t.AI'IT --4At ,, W ATKH-PUOOsT CbOASl OkOIHSiAkm. other makes of Surlns Cloak cloths, la all desirable mixtures Bindings, Tea sels and sattens W SMtoa. hair son. auriU lf. VuUBlhltr TELEGRAPHIC. Proclamation by Gov. Morton. Indianapolis, Oct. 1. The morning papers or this city win issue an address from uov. Morton, calling on the citizens of Indiana to enroll themselves under the militia law of the State, for the protection of on own bor ders. ,: . - - Reports received here from Evansvllle to day, state that on Saturday evening 2,000 rebel lulantry, and 1,500 cavalry were 'at White Plains, 15 miles from Hopkinsville, Ky., march log on Henderson. ''...' Fremont Preparing to Strike a Big Blow—Organization of the State Forces. [Special to the St. Louis Democrat.] JEfFEasoN Citt. Oot. 1. A boiler of a loco motive. BUndlna on the Paoiflo Railroad track at Tipton, exploded yesterday morning, scatter ing some or the Iragmeots to tne aistanoe oi a quarter of a mile. Tbe engineer and fireman were standing on the box, and two or three reg Iments sf troops were near, but "nobody was hurt," . Mrs. Fremont arrived here from St. Louis, tbls afternoon, and was received at tbe depot by tbe General and staff and a detachment of his body-guard, and eaoortad to tbe camp. ueneral rremoiit receives numerous visitors dally, who desire him to .lend a regiment to this place and that in the Interior, tor toe protection of Union men'e property; but be is obliged to disappoint all auch applicant!, as hs is deter mined to send out no more small oodles of troops t be surrounded and taken prisoners, He is colon to strike altogether this time. When Price, and the main body of tbe rebel ar my is annihilated, be will then see to tbe pro teotlon of every Union man In the Bute. ' . cicueral Smith. Adjutant Geueral ol tb State, ia bere bard at work issuing commissions tbe officers of the State lorcea organizing under Governor Gamble's call, lie gives as surances that the forty-two thousand volunteers called lor will bo obtained wltbout trouble [Special to the St. Louis Republican.] Booneville. Oct. 1. Glasgow. Sedalia and Georgetown were reported quiet at tbe latest aocouuts, but it is not improbable that we may bear at any lime of a skirmish between our own and tbe rebel pickets at tbe latter place ; as Price's men are said to be in that vicinity. 1 lie recoostruotlou of the telegraph line to Syracuse, Sedalia and Georgetown will be com menced to-morrow, by order of Geo- Fremont. blxty rebels from Lexington plundered tbe Lunatlo Asylum at Fulton, Galloway Co., a day or two since, of five hundred blankets, all tbe bed clothes, and a number of socks, giving aa an excute that tbe Asylum belonged to the State, and they bad a right to tbe property. ueneral rope has not yet left, as previously reported, but is anxiously awaiting orders to tako the fluid. Boston, Oot. l.Lieuta. Bool P. Loval and N. P. Butte, of tbe sloop of war Constellation. arrived at Porismoutb, and were sent to day to Fort Lafayette, for having refused to take the oath of allegiance. Both were Virginians Lieutenant H. K. Stevens, late of the Ports mouth, was also sent to the same place for the sume reason. Secession of the Cherokees Confirmed —A Regiment of Creek Indians for the Confederacy. St, Louis, Oct. 1. Rer. Mr. Robinson. Mis- sionary teacher in the Cherokee nation, has ar rived, lierepotti Cbiet John Robs finally auo combed to the secession pressure. August 2Uth ne ciiiea, me council torotber at Taleauah. Sent in a message recommending a severance of their connection with the United States, and an alliance with the Sonthern Confederacy. Tbe Counoil approved the recommendation, and appointed Commissioners to make a treaty with tbe Southern Government. The Confed erate Commissioner assumed tho payment of an nuities hitherto received by tbe Chorokees from our Government. Tbe Creeks have raised ten tiiousaud men for service in the Confederate ar my, and the Oberokees have formed a home guard twclre hundred strong; it appears tbe troops sent into Arkansas bv Bcu, McCalloch, after tbe battle of Springfield, were posted on the border of the Cherokee na tion to intimidate the Council and force John Hoe to yield to the demand ot tbe rebels. Lol. St. (Jeorao Cook, of tbe Utah forces. nrrived to-day. Ilia regulars, sis hundred in number, will reach Foit Leavenworth in tlireo or' four days. " Breckinridge and Powell Requested to Resign. Frank kort, Oct. 1 At the afternoon session of the Senate, yesterday, Senator Wbitaker otiereu a resolution reques log John C. JJreck iuridge and Lazarus W. Powell to resign their seats as Senators in Congress, as tbey do not represent toe will of tbe people of Kentucky! and if they decline t comply, the Senate of tbe united & tales la rcspectlnlly requested to In vestigate their conduct, and if found to be in opposition to the Federal Government, that tbey expel tbem from tbelr seat. ' Tbey were passed try a vote of SO to 5, and sent to tbe House, which adjourned without action npon them This morning tbey came op as tbe unfinished business of the House, and a suspension of the rules to consider It was refused by a vote of 40 to3U. at 54 19 Arrival of the Hibernia. FAaTWa Point, Oot. 1 The steamer Giber. nia from Quebeo arrived at Liverpool on the 16 alt, '' Sales or cotton at Liverpool for three days were- 70,000 bales. Tbe market bad an up. ward tendency and a rise ot i bad taken place. Breadstuff firmer, and upward tend eucy. Provisions quiet and steady. Consols olosed at London 00 Thursday at 9394 lor money. Tbe French Government refuses to allow tbeir officers to join toe U. 8 Army, ine ureal eastern nas arrived, Tbe gale the encountered was a fearlul one, and twenty five ol her passengers sustained fraotures occa sioned by tbe tremendous rolling of the ship. 1 lie aociueoi is maioiy attnoutaoie to tne breaking of the rudder. . Ibe St. Leper was won by xlolliveur, beating Kettledrum by a bead. - A letter in tbe Times says East India cotton Is. regarded wllb Increasing favor it makes beautu'ul cloth, and takes dye better than Amer ican.' The Times brings forward evidence showing tbat so far from American oottoo being arbiter bt England's destinies, her emanci pation from all uetd of it ia perhaps a Question ot eight or nine million pounds sterling. ' cl. r, - : - n .. . a , t ... sue runs sjuine was urm anu. ammatea. Rentes closed tbe 18ih G9i 25o. , . Italian journals express considerable uncer tainly as tu Garibaldi's ultimate decision about comiug co America, aud ask what is to beome ot luiy in case be should. Uusseii'a late letter to tbe i imes eulogises the army of the Potomao, and says It wiU justi fy the expe nations, and treata the Hatteras Inlet affair as Important. Tho Times editori ally does not think It of much importance, but speaks of the approaching expedition down the Mississippi as very Important, but less certain of execution. ' It also says tbe South bas shown herself able to resist subjugation, and tbla fact sbould have suftrceted a suspension ol so profit less a strife. Tbe Times says tbe invitation to Garibaldi Is very humiliating to tbe Amerloan Government. .- A Paris telegram officially denies that Garl baldils ooming to America. -. ' .' Manchester advices are unfavorable. ' for for . ing at a Meeting of the American Board of Foreign Missions. 'CiivEtAwo, 0., Oct. 1 The Amerlcao Board of. oreio Misalous met this r. M Jude Sirotjo-, ot fenDsylvaola, presiding. Tbe annual sermon was delivered by Dr. Btorrs, ol Brooklyn... The .Treasurer's report snows a total expenditure of 1370.000, and a deficit ol less than $38,000. - - Gen. Polk at Mayfield, Ky., with 20,000 Men. . Cairo, III,, Oot. 1, Troop stitloneJ at Nor folk have bees ordered to retire to Bird's Paint.' ' .-... l ... .: .1 .1 ... - i vThcVe'ari epor,ts"ln"clrealatl'oia tj tba tffect thai wav witu. xu.uuo rmn, bad taken poesee ion Majuaia? ivy, ; ETotythlDj U inlet here and at Padneah: ' ' rHrUotLfHlf, Oot. IMThe new rooboat Iusoa was launched to-day it Hlomaa s Stuoh er't sblp yard. The guoboal Toboma, buUt al Wilmlugten, will be laonohed to morrow saorn log. From Washington. Washwotok, Oot. 1.-4. large company of telecranh men and bride Duuoers are at work to-day on tbe Vlrmla side of the Po tomae. Great activity (revalls along our linns. There are no signs of ay movement of the enemy to day, and no nw alarms occurred last, night. All tbe troop on this side of too Potomac are in readine for an Immediate marob. - ... 1 It la renorled that tbe rebus sre strongly post ed at Fairfax Court Ilouse,ond also that tbey have several regiments belor Leesburg. Prince Balm Salm was iome time aeo ap pointed, bnt at bis own rquest a change has been made, and be is nop attached to Gen. Blenker's staff. , 1 The following appointmeits lor tbe volunteer service have been made tcday : puianciuon S. Wade, ofOalo; Lovell S.loseeln, Kentucky, and Alvin Schrep, of tbe Ditriot of Colombia, late examiners in the Pateal Office, to be Brig adier Generals. Maior Hunt. United StatetArtiiiery , has been appointed Aid de-Camp to Grn. MeCellan, with tbe rank of Colonel. . . Cantaln CooDlnaer. an EiRlran oiiloer, late In tbe Papal military service has been commis sioned a captain in onr volmieer service, on the reoommendatlon of his loliness tbe Pope. This makes tbe fifth Eunpean moaaroh who bas reoom mended officers tor service in the United States. This morning tbe Island Belle come tp. She reports all quiet down tbe Potomaci to firing from tbe rebel batteries bsvlog occurred since Thursday. . , No change ol the Federal troops on tba Vir ginia side bas taken place alnce yesterday . Tbe rebel pickets still occupy tbe lower end of Fall's Church on the Hue of tbe railroad Tbe troope of neither army are in possession of Lewlnsville. OuipltkeU extend ouly to Lonr ley from the Cbalu Bridge. Longley aud Le tneville are three miles apart. A contraband came into camp this morning and was taken to Gen McDowell's headquar ters at Upton's Hill, and stated that he was the servant or tbe surgeon of tbe ruteentb Ueorgla ttegiment, whicn was encamped four miles from Fall's Church. He also said that there are no rebel troops except those just mentioned, and mere were no lortiuoations tola side 01 cainax Court House. He gave as a reason for the re oent precipitate retreat of the rebel army as mentioned by ofiloers in bis hearing, that they were fearful of a flankine movement by the general army from tbe direction ot Lewlnsville, tnat be beard bis master say on Thursday last. that tbe fortifications on the river below Wash ington were very expensive, and that General Beauregard had given orders to close the navi gation of tbe Potomac to our vessels. From Fortress Monroe. Fort Monroe, Oct. 1. Tbe steamer Soanld- ing bas not yet arrived bere from Hatteras In let. Flags of truce to-day conveyed a number of wounded reOels, made prisoners In Western Virglula, to Craney Island. Arrival of the Niagara. Sr. Johns, N. F.. Oct. 2 Tbe Niagara. from Liverpool 81st, Queenstown S2d, pissed Cape Race this morning. Her dates are two days later than the Bohemian's. It Is inferred from an article In the Moniteur. that tbe going of Garibaldi to America would suit the French policy. The Great Eastern, after considerable trouble and anxiety In regard to her, had arrived at Queenstown. Tbe London Times ridicules the Anneal of Mr. Chase, tbe Secretary of tbe Treasury, at w asntngton, lor a loan. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. New York Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 1. FLOUR-Stlll miss In favor of ths buyers, with a good business doing fer export sod horns eonstunntlon ales of i.CuO barrels at $ $ 0i$3 10 for rejected; S3 20 95 30 for asper&ne state; IS 4333 53 for extra state; S3 S03S 30 for superfine western: S3 4303 'i0 for com mon to medium extra western; 13 70S3 BO for shipping brsnds sxtra round boop Ohio; and 15 906 30 for trade brands do; market doling very firm. Canadian Bonron ly la moderate request, and prices slightly In favor of ths buyer; sales ot 730 barrels at 15 SOj)5 S3 for super fine; and 3 4538 50 for common Wholes extra. Bye floor quiet and steady 2 754 00. CORN MB AL Quiet, end nominally unchanged. WHISKY firmer, with sales of 950 bblsatSlK HHe. WHEAT Prime Winter red scares, and In fair de mand for export at lo advaooe, while pretty much all kinds are dull, and slightly in favor of buyers; sales of 000 bush Chicago sptlna at 11 HS1 18; 13,000 bush tUotoo spring a 11 161 10; 13,000 do Milwaukee Club atei ivil liu; 30 uou do Amber lowest (1 StKil 81; 1,000 do Hed Kentucky at 11 19; xS.OOO do winter red weatsrnat SI 3$1 31; SrJ.OOO do at II 3D; 10.000 do white Mlehlsanattl 361 30; 8,000 do white Kentucky HY a Quiet and firm. Sales 6,000 bushels Northern iu, to arrive. BARLEY- Quiet and steady: sales of 6000 bush Cans dlan on nrivals terms. CORN Scarce, and prices havs advanced about lo per both; sales of 130 000 bush at 3Uo for damaged mixed Westsrn: 513J for Inferior to oboios do: &KS54e for eastern do: bi&ii for sbioplni do: oloalna- at Sim Xc; 339360 for Western yellow; and COc for while Western. OAT8 In modsratt request, at 3033o for Canadian: and 34435 Xo for western and state. PORK More ectlve and firmer; sales ot 3,000 bbls at lit &&St4 73 for mess; 113 30 for uninspected do; and 3O1000 for prime. To;al stock of old and new, Oct. 1st, '81, 40.838 bbls; same date last month. 51.3C2 do: same date last sear. 34,649 do. BKKf The market continues steady, with sales of bbls at 14 004 SO for country prima; 3 0093 SO dt mess; 1991l SS for repacked mess) 913 75913 50 sxtra mess. Tout stock of old and new, Oct. 1, 1B01, 13,059 pack ages: lame dais Last month, 17,994 do;Edo last year, 1S.V18 do. rrime mess beer ana beef muas continue dull and nominally ths same. OCT MIAT4 Kale quite flrmi we notice salts of t5 casks shoulders at Sot and S (4148X0 for hams BAOON Continues steady, with a moderate butlness doing. iiAKD bees sours, bat tne market is without Im portant obange; sales of 800 bbls at 1X99X0. nU f Tii A fair bualueas doing at T lie for Ohio; and 13915a for slate CHBKoS 8 sedy. at S97e for oemmoa to prim. OOyrsR Bio eontlnaea firm; sates .800 baia at 15Woi 8,059 bags Mararaibo at l7Xe. rtJGARs More active and firmer! reflnarr anoted at 798Xo; sales of 9.830 hhda Ouba at 7k9Msi Includ ioi nuas rorte moo at eo, and tw poxes uavanna at 7Xo. MOtiASBIB In moderate request, and the market very arm: salss of tl btida oommon rorto Rica al 30o: and 13 bhds prim do at 40o. Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, Oct. 1. - on any isst tea days, merely because of tbe dlffloolty aitending abtpment. We quote the minimum rant of sapernne S3 90, though pnrohass have keen made at 3o lees. Sellers are not willing to a:oepta lower fliurs as the standard of ths market. Extras range at ti 1394 83, family at 14 31X34 SO. W HI AT Had alaa a haavv market for the eanses abovtahowa, and w reduce the prloe to 7597Sc for prim red, and S3 to 90j for waits; tne ouuiae ngures may ne regarded aa extieme. UUKM UommacdS -So readily. OATS Ate quoted at an advance of one cent a buihsl the prlr current throughout the week, and sell resauy atuso Bahlby Has a nominal marMtattac. KYB is enliy bought at 3dc. Will jKX Was to day again restored to Ho, and had market. rsaJy , vommtrtuu. Cleveland Market. CLEVELAND, Oct. 1. FLOUR Ho sales of Importance. WHEAT Lower and oulat. Sales of 1 oar rsdon track at 94c! 100 bush, all t at lame; t ear (hole red ettfio, end Joart white at 87o.: i . i CORN Quiet at S&AU40. OATS Sales of 1 car at Mtfe and 1 lo at S3. HIGH WINBS Salss of S3 bbls at 16o. BUl'TSR eales of 14 flrklni pooral So. EQUS Blither and sslllng at Bt. DKIKD AfPLBS Sales at 5c, POKE Salss of No. I memat13. ' Ltadtr. Master Commissioner's Sale. Bale of Real Estate) br oxler of Court M f. Finch. ) vs. irowaetal.l Buperlor Oonrt ef Franklin Oounty, Joha Brew tf parsuano of an ordsr ot tbe Superior Court of , r ranklin oounty, unio,maoe a. we saiay era inerew. A.D. ltwl. In the above entities, action, mere win e offered (or sal, al public auction, to in signeti bidder, ea Saturday, the 5tta day of Oot, A. P. 1661, at th hour of 10 o'clock A.M., at ths door of the Oonrt Ho, la the eity of Oolumbas, la said franklin county, tbe following real eetete, to will - , la-lot number aw or nooen neii s aauiuon q ue eiry f Columbus, being th north ee.t comer of Lookwbi tarnplk as jonneurwn plana rw. .m r ..... Appraised at fl,mw.M. -..v-ti as 'jj '' 1 Bpeclal Master Comalmiooer. ' I. fc-H. Chittenden, Atty. PrtBr'sfeee,M.85. Aug. St, Wol-wtw. si. qpHE OHIO STATESMAN .STEAM b BOOK AN0 JOU PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT ' - Having Increased lu'aireaily, .r;.;.i EXTENSIVE , ; . ,1 . PAOlLIT.lBe, M 1 .1 ! U 1 1 Is fully preparsd to etecutS In tli M08T, E LABOR AT BiMANlfErt, AMD IN . ... i . is THE . LATEST STVLEt, OATAioatns, BRIEP8, BILLS LASina, BILL DIADS; NOTES, DRAFTS, OHK0K9, OIKOULAB.B, . PAUPIILETa, Lima niAss, ' LlQAt BLANKS, DIUY BE0IIPT8, LABELS. CARDS, j. . ' ENVELOPES, RAILROAD, INSURANCE, And every description of LETTER PRESS FBINTIN6, E'ual to any EitabUlUment In the State, and upon terms Which will compare avorably with ths -leading Eastern Printing Hooks.1 Having .every Facility to aid TJsi IN TBE PRODUCTION OV ELEO-ANT POSTERS a kd HIGHLY ILLUMINATED SHOW CARDS, W offer our service, to all who may deslr that class of work We bavs connected with oar stabuahmtnt a - BLANK BOOK BLNDERY, From whi we produce the XUxtoaBt DE31nxxlc Worlt Aim thi atoar B i PE i. RAIL EOAD SLASZ BOO OTJR TABLISHMENT Is to bsadmltteJ T11U Ts A "FLGrin&T COMPLETE IN FACILITIES, am tu aton. - 't-r PERFECT IN OKOAlfrf ATION - Is this City, and w may add, . . ... ... . : i WB WILL FAVORABLY COMPARE WOT ANT ' Printing Hsite a the Weat. JXICnABD NEVIUS, ' ' fBOPKHETOR. Sheriffs Sale. W ray Thomas 'ray Thomas v. I A. Brown stal.) iperlor Court. Edward i BTTIRTCB OT A WRIT OF TENDI to me directed. Sroa th Baperlor Oourt of frank lln county. Ohm. I will otr fex sale at th door of th Oonrt lions, la theclty of Columbus. Ohio, On Saturday, Oetobei Sth, 1861, . at ot o'clock, P. at., th following premises, attest In th county of f ranklla, sad But C Ohio, and bound ed as follows, to wit: that tract or parcel of land tying east of the elty ef Co lumbus, belag a subdivision of half section No. SS, town ship Mo. S, rang No. W, Betuge lands, and described on a oortatn plat recorded In th office of th Recorder In and for said franklin oounty, la Book No. SI, per U (refsraoo the rate being hereby maws), a lot Mo. xtf, containing ivn acres ana svniy-sven one-nuoo cedths of an acre (11 77 IvfJ). and which was oonv. yed to i yali a nana by donn, aau ky sal vyaii a Davis and wi'e to d ward A. Brawn, by deed dated Ootoher 7th, A. D IBM and recorded in Book No. 81, page 178, In th Beoorder omc in said rranklln oounty! u above premise hereby a aforesaid eeerveyed, feeiox sub ject, in ths hands of thasatd Bdward A. Brown, I th claim ot nis motnsr, uaroiin vrown, lor toe onarg ana xpene of her reasonable aad eomlortabii support ana malBtenanee during her natural life. Also, the following described real estate, sltuat in fh oounty of franklin, and State of Ohio, to wttr th west half of m.ia to wuinivuioa or nan teo tlon No. S3, township No S, raoge no. Ss, aa made and described bs a oertain plat reoonled IS tbe Beoorder's offio of Frank Us oounty, la Book N. SI. pge W (It. fug lands); th whol of said lot containing eleven and seven ty-three hundredths or an acre (11 73 100), and baloc tbe same land that was conveyed to the said Kva'l Davis by John Oralghton, and by said Byall At Davit and wlf to 0 on tan tin Jobaioo, by deed dated Ootoher 7ih, A. D. 18S0 and reeordeS In Book No. OL, page 175, In th Besorder'e omo of said f tanklla oountv. . Appraised at Lot No. 89 H5u0dper'acrei t nesiusiioiiioiiio.xa.aiioii vu " 4 , .., . 0. W. HOFfMAM, Bhefiff.',' ,. , By In. Dayu, Deputy.' . J. 0. Baastat. All'y. ,,' ,' ,, . . ; P,tnto,-.fee.10W. ...J; ' EXTRA WniTR vTRRtT riVBe BXTBA BBD WHBAT ILOUB. t Sugar Oared nam. ' - -" -' : ' Sugar Onrad Beef . .')-. Bugar Cured Tongue. ':--.. W. tV. Cbees. Plne-Appl Chtt. ' -' - . Pish aad Salt. - . Teas and Coffee. . .. ; la store, for aaiebw -' . L'i..U i septM Seatli tfitrSk frtteet. i .. . -i Iv'T .J Jltl TMimTDiH oov oKnirtib mulct itoki aOAP, V!. H-ixsTfiAtrx. p90-lw VN Svta Big a Btrvst It ' In th th MILLIONS OF MONEY For an Inch of Time! WAS OSCE IBE EXCLA9tATIO?f OT a dying Queen. Tbat inch of time oaa be procur ed st a muob sbeaper rale, and many long year of HEALTH AND HAPPINESS njoytd by consulting Dr. MEBRTWB ATBIB, who Is euring the most obitlnate and long atandlng dlaeaies of the LONQ8, HS ART. LIVER. KIDNIId, BL.AD IlSB. STOMACH RHBUMATISM DI8EASBB PSOC. LIAR TO FEMALES, BKIN IlISSASES, AND ALL AyfECIIONS Of THB JK1B AMD BAB. Facts are Vtnbbern Thing;! ' Hear what the Philadelphia eorrespendent says in the "Onmmonweallb," Wilmington. Delaware, 9th of April, 1859: "An Xnsllsh gentleman, formerly connected with the Briliah Army, and who styles blmself the 'Indian Botanic Physician ' bas of 1st gained an extensive repu tation bere by his skill in curing all manner or oom plalDts. Borne of his patisnU 1 have eonversed with, and tbey pronounce his remedies and mode of treatment as vsry superior. Borne have been restored aa If by magic. The medicine he use I distilled by blmself from various herbs possessing rar curative properties. "While aetli't: to toe army he devoted his lelsur mo ments to a thorough study of ths eOeoU produced hy certain meaicioai roots ana nero on an manner or dis eases. It seems be has found a sure and speedy reme dy forall the tils that flesh I heir to.' Bis practio Is airvaoy extensive ana is aanv increasing, in tne oom plaints le which Female are raojeoted, he hs ne equal as a large number her have testified that they owe not only their present a-cod health, but their lives, lo tbe skill of this Indian Butanlo Physician." . Office 37 East State Street, Colnmbas. angl7-d3m .;: .', 1, ... ' , PROF. L. MILLER'S HAIR INVIGORATOR An Effeotlve, Safe and Eoonomioal Compound, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR To Its original oolor without dyeing, and preventing tiatr trom turning gray. FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, And earing It, whan there I th least partloUof Tttali or recuperative energy remaining. FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUF And all outaneous affections of th Boalp. FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR. Imparting to It aa oneqalcd sloes and brilliancy, maklnt aoft and silky ia Its texture, and causing 11 to cut! reaauy. I tie great Mieonty ana increasing demand for this an equaled preparation, oonvtnoe the proprietor that one trial la only necessary to satisfy a discerning public of Its superior qualities over any other preparation in as. It oieanse th head and scalp from dandruff and other cutaneous diseases, causing th hair to grow luxuriantly giving it a rich, aoft. glossy and flexible appearance), an also, when the hair ts looming and thinning, U will rtv strength and vigor tdthe roots and restore tbe growth to hose part which hav become bald, causing it to yield a reen oovering or nair. There are hundreds of ladles and geatlsmea In Mew Tore who have had their hair restored by tbe use or this Invigorator, when all other preparations have failed. L. M. has in his possession letter Innumerable testifying to th above facta, from persons of the highest redaec la bility. It will effectually prevent the hair from turnint until the latest period of lilei and In eases where'the hair has already changed im oolor, the as of the Invigorator will with certainty reato,r it to it to it original hue, giv ing It a dark, glossy appearance. As a perfum for th toilet and a lieir uestorauv it is particularly recom mended, having an agreeable fragranoe; and the great ta ct 11 tiea It affords in dressing the hair, which, when moist with the Invlfcorator, can be dressed In any required form to a topreserv It plam, whether plalnlor la curls; bene th great demand for it by the ladle aa a standard toilet article which none ought to be without, the pric puce it witnin in reacn or an, nemg Only Twenty-Fire Cent. pet bo Hie, to be bad at all respectable Druggists and reiivmer. L. KILLEB. would call th attention of Parents and Guardians to the use or nil Invigorator, In cases whore th children' hair Incline to be weak. The use of it lava the) foundation for aeood Aeod of hair, a It re move any impurities that amy hav become connected with the scalp, the removal of which la necessary both for th health of tba child, and th future .appearance of Itaaair. .; .... Carmen. Nose genuine without tb fao-slml! LOOTS HILLBlt being on trie outer wrapper! also, a,, aiib LKB,' BAU XMTI00BA10K, ti. Y-, blown la th glass. Wholes I Dep4,( Dey street, and M by alt the principal Merchants and Druggist throughout th world Liberal aisoeont to pasonasers ey ana qmtButy. I alto desire to present to tb American Publlo my .. .' JTKW" AHD IHPSOTED JXSUXTUteDVt LIQUID HAIR DYE, which, aftar year of scientlflo experimenting, I hav brought to perfection. It dye Black or Brown Instantly wlthoutlnjury to th. Balr or BkU; warranted tb nasi articl of th kind In axis tan oe. - PRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS.- . Depot, 56 Dey St., New York. oeewidawiy. - BAEST&SONV - HO. 89 SOUTH HIGH STRUT, A. RE NOW OFFKRINw 1,000 yards Ssoer PUIa Black SUks at l 00 value II 85 peryard. - 2,500 yard Traveling Drttt and Mantle Goods ; 1 1 eentt value 20 eenta pat yard. S,000 yards Whit BrUllantea at 12 1-2 cents valu 80 oso taper jard. ; 8.0CO yards fin and Domsatl OIngbams greatly un der value. ; -AiiiOr-LARGE AND DESIRABLE LOTS OP KOZ&kBIQTjis. UtZ0BlTSS,!T7 , '"7 CHAIXIS, VOTTLASO SHiS, ' ERQLISH BAREQES, LiVELLAS, i LaWsTS, CALICOES, FOPIERTS, AND ALL OTHER . . ,f New and Fsmhionabla I3retl OooCL th most desirable styles and at very loatrs prlee. all materials, mad In th most stylish manner aftei latest Ptrla Fashion th most alsgant styles eity. . i " BAIN At BON, may 30 So. 29 Bonth High street. coLUninuo . WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. LAOELLE ROSS & Co , Commission Jllerchants, ' " 1MP0BTIBS AND DBALKES W V?. .'. .'V . ' FOBEiajT ABD rOMESTIC ... .r .,,,'if.. ' " . ' WirJEG, BRANDIES, Old RyeMonoiigaliela Bourlbn k " ' i v.sii WHISKY. WA&inOTJEB AUD OIIIOI, S94 SOUTH BIQH IT., ' " -i columb'ds, omo. 1 ; diyie.-'v''. r- j. . . vTlWriW MMtilMSl ttSSLHIaT sf- ii i .' 1 ' JJevt .IA10 DBBSB SILB.S, fS n." ! .. . -mAOJ VKJBBSt lL,a.B,, J . i r W ara now oSertn ear tssmeDM wtook of Faaey Dree Vliaa at price sees wan ever ueiw, ia wnfuv w, .. .... lal m lhl.lui. viaiatV la 1HHUBHII V. wwvw w ' ' ' aolMitsd, a our stock I wry select aud complete In all vanes vi iwn law - - - - - r bovvs. ste. W south Hick strest "Jhey go, Right to the Spot! Instant Belief ) lisp)ar Coifk Parity yBr Breath! , - trng-tben yonr Valref - Ti-'"f THROAT CONFECTIONS ' - aaa GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOR LECTURERS, , GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, ' t GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES. ' aiNTLEMIS OABBT SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTION;' . LADIBS ABB DXLIOfJTKD WITH 11 SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. CniLDBIlf OBT f OB SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS.' They relieve a Congh InsUntlj. They clear the Throat. They give strength and volume to the voice. They impart a delicious aroma to the breath. Tbey are delightful to the taste. Tbey are made of simple herbs and cannot harm any one. I advls every on who ha a Cough or a husky Vole or a Bad Breatn, or any dlflloulty of th Throat, to gat a package cf my Throat Confections; tbey will rellev yon Instantly, and yoa will agree with m that 'Ihsy go right to th spot " Von will find them vsry nstfuj and pleasant wbll traveling or attending public meet ing for stilling yonr Oough or allaying yonr thirst f I you try on package, I am saf in saying that yon wll ever afterward ooa elder them indispensable. ' Toa will find them at tt Druggist and Dealsrs ia Medicines. PRIM TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. My signature is cn each package. All otters are oounterfelt. A package will b stnt by mall, prepaid, on receipt of Thirty Cents. Addresa, ... . . Henry C. Spalding. ', NO. 4R CEDAR STBB1T, " NEW YORK. 4 CURE 0 NepvousHeadache CURE 1 By the use ot the Pill tb perlodlo attacks of A' vow or 3ici ButdocHt may ke prevented; and if taken at th commencement of an attack immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. Tbey atldom fall In removing th Hantt and cAs to which female are eo subjeoU Tbey act gently npoa th bowel removing Oot fMSt. lor literary Mm, StmUntt, Dtllcata Female and all parsons ef udmtarf kabtti, they are value as temaWee. Improving th apptMU, giving ton njor to Um digestive organs, and restoring th natnr slastJctty and strength of th whom system. THI C1PEAUO PILLS sr th result of long love Ugatloa and carefully eondneUd xperimanta, having been In a many years, during which tun tbey hav prevented and rsllcved a vast amount of pain and suffer Ing from Beadaoh, whether originating w th summit system or from a deranged stats of th ttomach. They are entirely vegetabl In their oompoaltlon, aa may b taken at all time with prfeot safety without making any ohaoga of diet, mnd A abunct ef any Ainagrnablt UmU rmdtrt it easy lo adminU sr tktm eMldrm. . BB WABJ 01 OOUNTBiiIBITS ' ' . Th fennbr hare Bv slgnatniM of Henry 0 Spalding on each Box. Bold by Druggist aad all other Dsalers In Medietas. A Boa will b sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of the Price, QO Ooxxts. All rdrs sheuld be addressed to i HENHT C. SPALDING, 4S Oodsaf Street Nee Verk. from tb zamlaw, Norfolk, Ta. Cephall Pills tooompllsh th obleot for which the were mads, vis.) Cure of headachi In ail Its farina. ' from tbe Botamlner, Norfolk, Ta. They hav been totted In more thaa a thousand with entire from the Democrat, Bt. Cloud, kflnn. If yoa are. or hav been, troubled with th headache ssnd fur a box, (Cephalic Pill,) so that yoa. may hav them la oaa of an attaok. From th Advertiser, ProvWsnc, 1. 1. Th OenhatM Pill ar (aid tab a retaaikably effective remedy for the headache, and on of th very best for that very frequent oomplalnt.whtoh baa ever keen dis oovoved. 1 " T From th Westsrn K. B. Oaaette, Chicago, III. Wt heartily andorta Mr. Bpaaldina. and hi an rival so Osphallo Pills. , Fro Kanawha Valley Star, Kanawha, Vai'' VTs ar rare that persons sufmrlae with the asadach who try tbem, will (tick to thm. r. . From th Bouthern Path finder, New Orleans, la. -Try themf yon that are affllctad, and w are nr that your testimony can be added to the already numerous list tbat ha received oenentsuuunooiner meuicin can produce. ;'i :. i . .rv. From thSt, Loals Democrat. "- -Th Immsna demand for th wttekt 0pbaU PlUa lj rapidly Ucrraauig. . , From th fleas tu, Pamrport. Iowa. . Mr. flnaldtne wonld not eoanaet hla bum erlta aa ae. Ucl he did Be fat liai real ssrH, rrpA sing Is bottle of SPALDINQI PBJPAKJP QLUB will savs tan Urns Its oott annually.JH . SPALDING'S PREPARED QUjV1?- ! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE V,x SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I - -' BAYl THJPlsWlwl - -:N- - 00N0HTI. . -. - ' - -- W8PAT0H1 jr-yA Stttcw Turd larat Nnra.naQ At aooidaat will nappen, even la well regalsted fan llle. It Is very aeslrabl lo hav aom cheap aad eoa '' veatsnt way for repairing Furnltara, Toys, Oroaawry IPALDINSt PMPABJD eTLTJH ' meni all snob emergencies, and no aoosebold sen afford tobewliboatlt. It I always rady, aad ap lo tb stiok '""'iram nr btbbt botjbi." . ' H. B.-ABrmm aocceapanls eat aettl. rz7W: - v - HBSBT 0. BPALDIN8, Ho. sB, Oeda Itseet, w Test. . .-.,-OAHnojr..'-'.4 a As esrtata anprlaelpM persons are attempting I palm off on ths unsaapeatlng pablto, tanllatious of m 1'BJtPABBD 6LTJB, I would eaudan all persons to, satin before purchasing, and see that the full n--e, IX'BPALDlNts'l PKKPARaDULlllk. t tbeoattid vrappriaU ethers are (winaiuij trtslta, now or ef7y,