Newspaper Page Text
.-xoiiaivwu. ..... 0ABDWABI2 STOBB JUST RECEIVED BY WL1 A. GILL, No. 30 North High Street, OM of the a Ba,t B1,4ti fch''1 VSR omBED IN THIS 0ITY1 House Buildc ''Furnishings -tP BVBtt BIYll AMD (HJALITtV-i ' t reach Aierieaa';' "VCTUrxdlow ; Glasfl PAINTS OBOCND IN OIL, M) pal ap i Ml Ku4Mf to. familf ea,and ." PalnUlobulk. ' Brushes Vivery variety & quality. A Splendid Aawtineat of MACHINISTS1 TOOLS. Carriage materiads. AXES GRINDSTONES, &,o. . . r GUNS,?ISTOLS,BHOT, Jw. . ' .. FISHINQ TACKLE-- EOPE 4 CORDAGE. " LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER ' BELTING. - - i x ' " W EDGES, MAULS, PUMPS,. - ' ' i .. J : '.; '. ." agricultvral, IMPLEMENTS, - ' SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS ,! li'able and Pocket Cutiery. ' t eapecially Inrit tbi I ttention"of ill Interntod to ay I ockof Pocket and Tabl Outlery, and , B1LVEH PLATED F0HKS, Sable, Desert, and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, o., U t-i tiOQERBa A BRO'S. Manufacture, warranted to to taicbiry,Blotro-Plitd.on genuln Albalta. ' 1 ' Ooaatry Merchant, Mocbtniee, tnd other, tr brlted I. call Ml nH my 8 took, m I em prepend to Mil r-hoIenalMBetaii..'.- '" W?IA.43ILL. JoHafcm, Ohio, M v ,. LATHROPp LUDINGTON & CO. S3 & 25 ? AUK PLACE, 20 & 22 HDEEAT STEEET, . ,sr3Grwt"X-035:, IlttPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF-, Foreign ,;xd Domestio , D R Y GOODS For cash or approved credit. ASKING, 1861,? i: .,1 our autlaaaa. aupeitor to tnpinlog wo ar boratofor xbiMiedloiatrl ? CLaiH Dlfii'ARTMENT. TV.Ii ba .rowa U It pnmt nagnltad ndr the tnoroub aiaaapaiaat ot a tar of koag aiUMeo tad a"awleded good U.I- W.kMf otIT. Uoe. 1 thtllLti.deUulceat FAKCYVESTmCS . .. . '. '"Z AND " FANCY CASSIMERES UROADCLOTHS, SATINETS, ; ' LADIES' CL0AINNGS, ' k,; : : . itweeds, -f ARME&B' tiid liEECBANIi' OASBIMSBIb, hlSXIJCKI JSAK3, hoav X to P" frd .v.o.t . 3 asdapwtrd, .. f.. ,.... . WBD8, WX to IS oat pet ! ia told a ' .. i .- . . J n to' jrj. s;.-. 'li-.iitc . "'TBETTB If eontii AnrfofAsr PoW eorrttfondinfy Low. ... ... . t .jl .j J- . ( ... , Dress-Goods Depabimest. ' - i 'tit v Utscbettor D Ltlnn, Uamlliua do. , . ., faciaa do, -Prtatad Lawn, ,. Printed Brilliant, Panoy eiaibam, Taaey eittt, . Printed ChaHU, Uaaobwlar fllBihania, Oiaaguw . do. OUutoa do. ' i Ottoman Olotb, ; Alpaoai, -, . t i iia. r Ad th lYi Seliet Styk - FANCY SPRING GOODS.?. Harriaite f rtnU, Oocbaoo do. Rlcbaiond', Print, Araerleta ' do. .. Bunnell'-, to- Pactao ! BsglUb. 1 do. Uanflitattr, dt. rrtot,"c( DOaiKSTIO CXXTTONB. - Ltwrono t). Kbeettafe, AUantlc A. Bbaotinga, Htark t'i ! .Aawakoag j do. . Utbroa. . t , do. r AuplelfB do. . bawDut do.. Bverett . . do. Poeaaeet do. . IJtlca. o., ' do.'' ... AU Grda tnd WUUUi 1 BLBAOSID "ItITI50 AND' IHBBTIBOS.' Wanautta, LonKMle, HUL f ' Swlgbt, - ' Lawreno. Great Palli, 1 ' ' Naumkag, . Wallbaja, . , -Boott, INrJoAUta,.,,,;. , , SHAWL'S AND MANTltLAS, . A L&AQI AMD gXLKTf AgaOKTlflMT. ' . ,. m- f - ;- fcOTWAMBimtnrwty.: -' OilBOKd do. ... riCKlbQS-tlllhe leading bnnd. DBMIM8 do. do. ' 'i BHIBTIfia SrBIPBSU th leading brand. k ABKCBNB do. do. , .1 -,; . . OOaiBXJBARS do. do. MOEHMMa . ' - ' v i do. " 'T - do. " DAI1AABB. PATSB OAMBBIOB, OOLOftlD CAM- LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCKS OF wBineooDs, j - . . ' YABKES SOXTOBS, ; Gentlemen's, Goo ds, yMERELLAS JWD TARASOLS, CAIIPETS AND OILeCLOTTlB, And A great TtrtetJ Of Soorii not enumerated-all at whtcb wo pledg ouraelTee te eell at tb. if mark prion lb piger portion it from 10 to 30 per cent, lee haa laotroa. ' - -v.. , , i LATHROP, LUDINGTON & CO, HEW YORK. arS i, n nr. r-i UT lutllaa Oil, Bartou r co., lornuii a. L ...... 1 - .J I l.M .. 4. ' " Soned BardlueaT tba bibl Bardine imnS 4 o Oapen and Ollntw -,. T.i.i. Muir"I,ea A P'lTiri'i! Titeroetter 'Let a nary."-"lteadliig 10 Waliiat and ToaaatuUalaap H doa..Crn.a a blurketll'l celebnted BnRllafc . rlr,9trtlr nf(liuiliauwef "Pi callll,'' Cbowawa, Walnut," Oa f','' Calj, Beaat," "Oherh"" . .,1 v. . MtatukiBM.'V ot! CO toBdoB Porter. 1,1 vi-i''earttoilootoh Ak. , Olnr Preierm. . . , , ttua. It.iia I'acaioiU.tnd Terajidlll. . " " 8 (riMwOin'e Miri. " , . v OoiCTfui a nini. ms i VgUA aturltrd, t krgt, Ww, tMdWlle.ifl.,Sl;. . i . y.ftigaa, . THE REVISED glATUTES ' Of TBI QTAJTJIl OUT OHIO if A 8 IN HE At HATCnili; IB IOBOM AU8. 1, I860. Hon: Jc;:ph It 0 wan, wiTBroTzs or riot mcjsion or. tbzsq- (Oecklned la twenty-aloe rolumn ef the Obi end Ohio '. BUM lUporuiO" ' ". 3 and bkpibxncbs to p ioa laws. ; LEAN DEB. J.CaITCHIFEt.D,ESti.. la Two 8n Voluwoi. Ptlo $10.(X). Drfot tad nlublt la oil mptou. v ; . . .' It haa nam h UaialaUro aanetlon, barlnr h 9- a k. nrl tha anaalaaaa ToM of both BouaM, aad vaa ordarad U ba diatrtbatad to tb toUowlof tat tad Oonffloml ttafaratr, Attoroer uaoarai, urm ww "--uxr, 0 optroUar, Traaaarar tnd Aadllor of ditto, tad is Hi tntnm floortt, Coorti of Oomama PltM, epor. i.. iVoru. XuAktm. mMi tko Olaiot of too rtriooi Oourta la aacb. ooanty, to loo Hembanot lb Sanato and Ham of KopnaanttttTN of (hit tttto, tod lh florarnar or uk aararai etawaof in uaioa. Thia book,' aonlalnlnr, t II do, all of th Stetnto in ram, and tb aathorilatlT oonatraotloa of uwai tad of th N Oooatltoiloa, will ba found to b nptolal ly arnl la tb parformtoc of their duties, to all s qOD.tTT OFFtOBBB, -..,;, .... .. , r JCSTIOCS 0' THB PBACI, -. I0WNSHIPTBU8TSft. i ,.,.t! 0URK8 OPTO WNBHIPa, tad , cur omcBRs. lotuatca ti ton tuov htn( ht ba atadt la tb dtatuM alaoo tao publleaUoa ol lb laal odlUoa. hp ro saaL tltanilona and addltloaa. tad mtar laiperttat 0 dilooa htTa baaa (Itob bp tb gupraat Court oa ooa- InTortad poiot, tU . AIIOHNBYi AT tAW, , , ., nmHtiS, HKHJQANT8 AMD flUoINiod MIS QKM1BALLY, Will lad lalota iBftlatbl Work. Tim goyat Boo;' FWvm qf ortr JHiuktn Bundrtd . , rag, . In BUont taw Binding.. Trie 110.00. Pablhaodby .it- ' . ' ROBERT CLARKE, As CO., Law PabUabtrs, Bookaolloiai BiaUooara tod ImporUra. . i r Wo. Aft rimiwrunrov fMB:d3aj:H , , , t. :-i . OlooiaBttt 0. PmCHASEB WANTED forC0paokiof tttlontrp tnd Jewrlry, for aale at prloejaa In roleed, low 10 per cent. dlKonat, It tb txprea) omo it Uolomoua, unto. Alma, aaaata wanted to Mil th beat ptoketi of Italian ry (with r wltbool Jewlry) in th market, at prloe lowtr than can be parcntKd (laewser. Aaareil,witn Jfl5-dtw. . . - 1M Court Urtat, Baatot, Hut. S. DOYLE; & CO. Manufaotarm And Wholaohle Dealer! 1b ' BOOTS AND SHOES, Northwett Corner of High and GtySu., cot,uiBC,.. .................. -....omo "A Itrf Stock, of Tint tad 8tpU Sood oa band." .:: SUNDRIES. J kin At -;; ' TAPIOOO, Arrow Boot, Bootcb Oat Mel Split Pa Onoooltt Broma, te. " J goda Prone PreohToMttoot 8io Hie Floor Par1 Barley Orackcd Wheat , Oooo Ortam Tartar; ' !.' Botdlen Btlalai 1 Pnaehaa 9 reoa Oora Treah Cuo'd frolti of mry dcrlptln Jellloaof lUkSndi; JlaTortaf Bx tract of all UrA. ' . Soai Drop; Mtzed Oaadi; " Almond, Pllbtrta, Pooa Ifatt, ' ' ' SnrUab Wtlsata.BraaUMuW.tte, " nwff. '. WK. MdWHAlB. TRAVELLERS! i r TTTHEIf yoa go to How Terk.drtTo dtiwetto tf - J VV , IdlXiiWAIAfl HOVBB, BBOASWAT.OOBHXBOI HOCITON BTIIT , - - CoadncUdOa lb JE3T7ROPE3AIT 1?TJAN. . flood tn,0ood Booau, Prompt Attendaaoe, and Aiod- nto Cbtrg.' i ' t, .' 8IHQLS BO0H1 CIS. 75 CIB. tnd II PXB lilt.. D0U6XH BOOMS tnd PABLO BJ 10 to S3. Maak aa ordered. Tbi Houl baa all lb tppoubaaat of is beat botela, a mut otaual location, and la heated throughout by iieam. . , BAausii aiaav. tbw:tm .. . jrrvpiicivi. ..irraxTii-aaJKrp3si. , AeeifTFOB HOMK,OOrlTI!EITAl,, KaiiBaTTaa, Bauoam, BLd Iitibb Ptai law. Co. ft n Jeaai aUaoaawr' and Orrr fiaaof flaaTroaa Niw You lunaod Oom. Mviwai, Lira - : in'' Of glee, 81 Blfb St., Barate'w Bl - - ' 07-dly "' " Alexandre's Kid Gloves, r PLAIN ANO EnBROIDEHEDj DOW CTJETAIBB aad raauler abas Black. Bid Glore. nbrHrtanrt In whit. Buna, Durpl, Am. TJndrd- KidOloTe. atia 614 Uloeoj. A coapum taeonmeoi of theeeltrtted 6 lore, ahrty lor aale by t m . . aia m avn. febSV Na. ii South High etreet DUES! COO OB, . , " ' ' New ana Attractlre. MottHlIQUU, .'..'.,." ' Tmnua PofUM, v ' ,' Cbkni PonoHi. " . ', . POIL SB CfilVIX,-. ... CuiEUJ FmcaCBmrtna, : ' ' ' 4 ' "; FafMCB MOTUNe, r r . , ".L FicncB OgQArmiu, c.1 j r CHutifi WuHina 3il, r- r a.... . .. BlATY BeMOt AMD MaBTLS SlUUJ And all otbar new aad UtbtoHble maUrial meet In demand fof baodaom Dreeee tad Haatlllu. , , ". BAIHABOIf,. tprSS jj0 jg goath High itrtct. .I.T TT A VINO THIS DAT 8LB OCB XX Block of Orooerlee to 0. B.DBMIHa,wehrfally roootuMBd hia to oar om patron ana mono. TH08. WAXUBASOlf. Cumbtu. March Wtm. I8l-pWUf ... ,-. M 17 LEO ANT PLAIN BLACK BILKS) VOt LU Btreet Baqaaa4 Wanu) aiao. woo, jtoob and TueelJ to match, at 1 ,.--BAIMs- mayXi , -, , r Summer TJndor Garments T ADIEfl JLISL0 TJNDBH TESTS. I i U... Art Art. aa.lllk T... anA Bhtrta. f.Inn Kfil Oeat India Smm Brannd Bhlru., , , , . Oottoa "... " , " Oaua Merlao Under ghlr!. - .. .. " Wklw tad Brewa Drilling Drtvor. . ' ) White Unen Dr.were. , ..i.,,.,., - BxtnUrreOnderBhlrtjr- "' : B.peitor BafllahHalf Ho.' ' i u Long Bteeklnp. . ' u ' Fancy Oottoa Half Boa. Buaponder. w ' Ooldea Bill lUrt. for sale lo prleeg, by v..-. treat rar let j and at aiederate BAIN A BOM, f , . 19 Soath Bigkitrept. r m'ay30. i J' t JL ' 1 1 CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS THEFOLl-CWgNO CHANCES WERE awd IS tb th tin of thl Bank, January Wsh, 1861, to wft: A. nTT,Preldeot, and tataa Mooata, Cteblor, nalgned their offlaee. Davw Tatlob, Km., waa ihen Jeoied Prealdent and W. A. Putt ap- pointed Caahltr. . . , y order or in Botra oi uireou... febS, l8Wtfl fl ft I f:; W. A, PLATI.Oaal.Ur. -mw Mrrni, TiflTORINXS andCUPPg w an Oi bow tolltal M Twry tow fttoea, alee i ill jtr kind falilmaU Ian fBTB BAKB,' 001. ' Kb. S Booth Blgb LafJies' Linen Pocket-HAndk'ft. HETIinEDSTITCHEDLUtEN HA IIP kerohtofk. vary wide hem. , .07 ,1 j. H Ambroidered Liaaa Hindk'i all price. . UmrJmedBtllcbedandplala do, do. do . da .v' ' ' oalerad border. Mourning do blaek wore do do new ilylarroeattltclrfd PmeAppled 1 7 Bw patter. ' MlteeVlala and Ilemaied BUtrbed do all pricee Oomprielng to rBioal arleolaiagrts.ntli) tbe city and atlnwoitprlee,.'!.. J ,v , a i . BAlrl ., term nt, wim niyn nireei. ESTATE OCHARLESCIARIC. NOTICB I henby ewa bat I aaea aa dly ap Botoied edmiuletnte f th aMal of Cbarlae UUrb, late of irenki!euBty.atoM AAUAXL CLAIA. . ft at. CjUttoafM, AMarwrn.. : ' -.-.i.- "" OniODXATESIIiin SIIlTMIfll HOUSE, Nos, 38, 33 & 40, North High St. INCREASED FACILITIES 1 AECEaiEY. CHEAFiESS. DISPATCH HAVING MOVED INTO MY NEW BUILDING, 1 HAVE 0-rvtly TiTn1nvgo3 BOOK- & JOB DEPARTMENTI WHILE both havs been REPLENISHED THROUGIIOUT ".U-WITH New Types, -"Borders, Ornaments, &c PKOU TBI 01IJBBAT1D fOUNPBT Of 0. T. WHITS A CO., NEW YORK, ' ' tBttS UAKIMfl IT TBI Most ' Complete Establishment IN THE CITY. I am aov prtpared to KxacaU all Ordon for BOOK AND JOB PBINTING, WITH DISPATCH! And la th Kot ApproTtd Style of the Art -I PABTIOULAB ATTINTIOK PAID TO MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD Bill f Lading-, Circulars, JJIll Htl Diaaai, i' Cerilflcatoa, Hecelpts, Vxmj Ticket, Kefiatere, HOW CARDS & BILLS IN COLORS, CEXCZS, CARDS, HIASIIGS, jTOTKS, nvsioras, CONT&ACTI. IUuatrated Show Bills, ' TORloOUIfTRY-. MERCHANTS, . Show Kllf, Hand Billa, LabeU, Coneert rro- ribbm, Bcbool and wuere oamam, aa tel B11U of faro, InviUtlom, At. Boon Worn OF EVERY DESORIPTIOH School and Collar Catalogued, XUceUaneoaa Famphlett, Comtitatlont, ReporU, Brief, AO '1 : ii ri i , lli. - r i. J.' y ' Printing in Gold and Colors POSTERS Printed In Brer Color on a UainmothHoe Cylinder, Ike only Titu of the kind la Central Ohio. kty feollitle for doiag any tad til of tb tbor deecrlp Hoa of work, an bow OMarptaaad, and attufaotloo will , guaranteed laeuoaeeo. iryail work ranuaaaa proarpuy oy u u p" ... BIOBABD HIVINi. WHO SHOULD USE J. BOVEE CODS' "VKGhETrAEXiK DR. IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS? All who an afflicted with Incipient Oootumptlon or Weak Lunge ihoold an them. All who euffer from Weak Stomach, Indlgeatioa. Dy pepaia or PUaeehoald an thorn. All WDW waavr iivn v. . .vw.-.. Boatleamenat night, Want of Bleep, Ao., ahould on than. All ponon wbo an oonraloacent after ferer or other dckriea eboald an them. kUnlalera of tbo Ooapal, Lawyer, Lootann, and al public apeaken abould uae them. Vook Eaapon, tnd id. ptraon leading aednntarj if aboard aa tbeaa. - " ' She aged ana room anoaia a mem. AH who nquln etimulanl or tonic ahould on them. All who in addicted to tbo an of ardent aplrlt and Wbh lo Inform, .hcmld ua ujem. ... I hey an mad of a pore b berry Win, and of tb aa Ure planui tad barb of tb eoantry, and ahould be n ommBdd by temperance eoetetlea, clergymen, physV olana, and all triende of buxaaclty, , . , t Tby an prepared ay an aperwBoea n aauuwi puy aciaa, and, aaidotroai their medicinal propertlet, in t aaoat Mllgboai uereiage, ana yes a a aaeuicuie, mn mm naoontaBdharaleaeaitb dwof bearen. CHARLSSwSrTlrJ A CO., Proprletorg, TS William Bt., New Yartt. EOBEHTS ft SAinJEL;Ae;enti, Oalambna, onie ctstdkwiy. Wholesale and Retail Depot for No. 106 South Hiffh Street Wo. Mcdonald, ...... DEALER JN ') AS fine'Fstaple-groceries IN ALt 'HEIR VARIETIES. Dally rrlral, at Good For the Fall and: Winter-. Trade A I ( . ..I , i I , . 1 k nyKETbalNINO BIN fJEBE THANKS TO THU PUBLIC for put hnn and patron- agl, and being PETEHltllNEB to WEKIT aeoslinuta of mb bp etrlct Attention te traee, and nroiapt Aellwery at Oooda, twoaldV call Ua netlee of the public to tbe fact that WUig jtEarf od will eleiiet Stack on bald, mdbotog hVdally neeipt of good from th dlffer aa auukaU, t BaUarfnrwtf that I eaa offer to th dtt an of Coimaaaa, to aay who may deein lo pursbaae. an ajBOTtjaant of irtkMi pperainlng to th BOCXBT toda. UNEatJALBO by inyboa In th dtp. Tbo prte and wUty ot tb geed offered. I guar. Antea ta Hr eAWefacgiim. i Oooda Dolivered Im of QiArga. ,..ot7m,- .., 'M. ltoDOHALD 1 it ; FIRST ' i.i.W I h 'Ir 1.1.1 , i .,. I''. Of o. -d. i SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS .V.ATPa.EOSE'a,1 T AGAIN 'OF TEH TO'TBE PTJBI.IC A'la mitiro new (lock of flood, la my lino, Iut pu reb ated In prw lorn at Uiioneapeet panic raietll wnwn I aball tell It ta amalieet prcnu, lor uaen. my euiwa mrm and Mead an reeooetfully tnTlted to call and exam- Ine my Oooda as Pilk a I ta determined to nil elieap or oaeaper man aay euer nouae ia in vity, awa a I do my owa Cutting, and oaperlnteod my own bua neaa, I feel rured,fro-TT toug eaueilenoo tebaet nfae. te gtte gewaml faltaiacttem- -Tb. An.i ff work- meo are employed, aoaaitwenicwnp iirictiyio umeaou aa abort nolio, and warranted loav- atranneia viaitlng our city woo Id eonault tnelr Inuroat by giving m a call befon purcntting eieewoer. ., j. aiarch-dly Cor l,h,odTi,.B at fAOM and EmbroidenesVi-i XTltEMCIENEB.nieLTEBE M V. Ian CoWare lod Bettj. . I rencn, Pu,ber i POINT tnd Tbraad Yell (uw pattemi.) vaiencieoet, inreaa n Point Leo, M-mtmi-nw voir .v,fiuaiBi.M ad 04lffare. f lata tinea Co " " - 7 7 . 7 a ii A r.-- i n. Vita and vtma, jiirnw vv'..,m r. .Xr .27f.HT'r;i ,ii .liV e j 1' '....'! . B-v t. " O B.tS .-.9:7 tf. c fl;V..- S I ';:8:'. r B U : -. 03 N 89 ' TTTl 1TITIT1 ATTlNTIOIt to toot ofth noit Inordinary tun bp an "" . PEOTOUL' SYRUP, t : Irm are at bom, anl an ono who ba doubt can la- qairt of thtpema whoiitT ba oard byt. , . ,.u ,- nn. wiTatR ti naptnuT) At ANT TIMI Tft HAM1NB LDN08 VITHOTJT CHABQBi POA ALL THOSB WHO MXBO BIB MBDI01NK9. . . ' , i . l"0 til "'" ' - - - ' ATTXHB Td TOnBOOT.Til A eaa of tr year' Uadini eund by SB. fiii'SSB'8 PB010BAL 8XBDP. i:-My wl rrrritctaa, Jan. U, 1800. Da. Kama : M wlk haa been affllottd WltB a Md oonitbtnddlffloalty of krettblog, for Bro or rx yen, whtab . tat Hnni vaarataaaK. aaa muuiki inmm 10 Tloloaa. Tb ooaplal,t ba bao btrodltary, tad th naa dob trvtica oy aavarai puyiwuuH w,.iwu mur net. in thu .tat of hr ou, i prooared oa of your rOW. VWWHU W.H. "VMJH " '. etntoottla, whioh rolimdhor rery atacbi I thanoalled and got a dollar bottl, whleb eund bar antlnly, and boba now no trao of tba former dlKta, except waaa neia. I would ilto atat that I aad th medlctn ay mS taaeoldandonaeh. Tba avedloln cured m by tak ba ono doao 1 nrprcai ray entire ntlira'Uor with th aedlcioe, and you an at liberty t paoiiari una U yoa Mir to do ao. '"y' . Aluannao tuun am. , flTTtBCTRUn, HOT. lO, looa. Da. KiTiia: Althoucb not an advocate of Patent tfadlrlnea. in aenertl. It afford, me pleaaureindeictiba hia ta recommend four Peotoral Srrup. A medicine it la wall worth the attention of any peraon a bo may la an manner be afflloted with ooosh, cold and hoaraeuea r an. bind, and for tb neculiar auallnctllon for re- aorlng all that au&greeaoi leaaauon tKeaqiog a ae- ar An Id. ,J ' I bar been, mora or lot, la my lira, tnootea wit ue Tral of ooldi and hoaraooeM. At time my throat would become eoolueea ta to prevent my peaaing aoore t whlaper, and by taking few doae of th aboya Byrap ItvAuIri rallMramaaBtiral.. ' - ' . In recommending thai aaedicia, I maat anhIUtlngly aa that it la the beat remedy I in: found, purporting ear tb abov. nor uould an family be without tbi remedy fordlaetee o preraleat. Your, mot ratpeotfully, '. KDWARDJ. JONBd. Caahlcr ClUtent' Depoalt Bank. trronnuu.0.; March 14. IPSO I bar uted Dr. Keytar' Oough Byrap for t bad coui'h of aeeertl rear, ttandlc and eaa cheerfully tap it tb beat medicine for tb earn that I hare erer tiken. J.W.PKIOB, COL. PRATT AITD B KBTIIK'S PEOTORAL BY HUP. Da. Kara Dear Bin ' Iina tu delay my acknowledging the excellence of your Peotoral Cough Byrap tooner. 1 take great pleeaur la Baying that It unaTitla. litnooJceatA4nol4mioJ myoo and tbo wortt oa I waa rre- afflicted with: I bar not aU mora than ooa-nall of t B bottia. ana i eon taa wUh Hill tU who tr afflicted would give It aa fair t trial aa I bar don, and they will b proud to aay, "It I ..k iMriiaina . 1 woald not auller aaotaer inch attack lor any coonucniwo, wpwium, u.w noentloaa breath more freely than I T r did. I aball acknowleds a debt of iretilud for lnrnUni axcellent t remedy. ' Yoa tr tt liberty in tnt my nam In thia regard, aa you think proper Jl. v.ratTT,- teBger Oommoa Qoaaoll, Plttaburgb, Pi : Plttbr,b,May U,iaS. . . N. B I am no atranger to my (alrow cltlaeM. and WliV U . ' , .. .....''ill r.i,' . . I.T. PrrmciflB. A mil 84. 18i7. niiTi rni TRUTH. Da. Knaaa: lbaTtadauih- tr .bo baa taken mral awdlotir for a bad oouah without Uneflt among them Ayer'e Cherry Peotortl. I purchaeed from yoa a bottle of roar PBOTOatAL BYBCP, and acfora n bad aed half a Bottle tb Mliand. Th aecond boule cured br entirely of oough. Aitun iaaiA, ' Boblnton atreet, Allegheny. 1TTTBCBB, ironuoer. 01, iwj. A ARCAt CURB BY Dtt, BBYBBtt'S rKOTOKBL . . BYKTJf . I lira In Peebla townahlp, Allegheny county. I bad a couabitii aad .pitting, a bleb commenuod anout tba 4th of f ebruary laat, and eontinoed tight month, nind iha baat Dhratoitn In tba country, and aon.h continued aiiabaMd until early in October. that Urn I waa adrtkod to try yoar PsOTOKAL COUOU bvuiip vhiK I riid. and after 1 bad taken ono bottle wt entirely fro from tb eonghing tad .pitting. 1 n.iri r avar nttiaa wall, and I tbinx It ahoald known that thlertluabl remedy will do for other, what aaa don in my ctee. JOHN 0. LITTLE, Wltoee B. at. am. a-eente townnip. Pattoh Tr.. April 14. 18S7. A wOKDSnrni. OLtte. some um u. an n.iabhor at min waa rary III witb t bad cough wblon nry one euppoeed to bo oonaumptron. HI relatlrea totd at that n bad taken arery remedy they heard wttboat beaent; bla brotner an to ae him at, ma wm oonBrmed In the belief thai he oeuld not Ur. ht .. th third of a bottl of yoar Peetonl Byrap, whteh 1 kit him, aad tt entirely eund aim, to th aatnn iahnnt of all. What make the caao mora remarkable. tt lb ixtnm ago of tb man, be being about eighty old. I bar bo aouot to recwrti eaten oia me. w , ........ r. ivi'Tn nil' trtr-vSTttt'i FBCTOBAL BYBUP IN BLAIB3- YILLB. Please tend m another upply of yoar rala .hu Mnni Hvrno." Almoat ererybody around ha theeold and are Inquiring for "Dr. Keyaer Peetonl Byrap." W bar eold aixteen bottle I ait wek, and ... .ntlral. out. Ur. A. Alter and Mr. P. Maher, of vltlnrlile, Pa., tell n they would not be wllboot IB tbU fuaille. la net, til who ubv n voce want again.-, , Yourt, 1-pa.tfally. - " " " - " gl WAA BBT AAUVAW OWa eyvtli January 30, I860., ii AlffyTHM BTW CS BTI nC ATI IiK. KXYBI PKCTORALIYHUg. 1 bad been troubled witn aoongn end ibtforeerenl wek-o bad waa It that I could baTIhradrln T ' . . . a.. i "a a l M a. LHi m Mil DQValCIaUll WW IA1SJ Q-ltJ, WUUB1 1 OUU1U lAAUAtV, UUt ntdoo.'.IBBllyprowndabottlofyour Potoral Byrup, which eurtd m anUrely. Signed, . ' - . ... - iua.inw ..., .i.-.- .i . aiu.i i. 1.. n (bjui , .., .a..,,..-..,.;-:;,. " BTOFTBUTjaOVOBna."-HweaI dottr to Kyer'toa Wod treat and get a bottle mi hliOoogh rentoiai, aad U that doa't ean yon, yoar eaa mutt daaoente indeed." tbU liaapesbneBof th oolloquy one bean almoat arery day in oold eatobta, period th year. And woaa,' froa tctaal experiment, cheer fully concur la tin anrtwr't admonition a abort, for bar tried th "Pectoral.'' to a moit atakoorn oae. entire aueeeae. Hear two week ago wwaat MPttUbargh, Mtb eaeaf toeenoat dlatreaain. antratyrmallab, ubduabl oough w erer exparieneed etooe ear ad apo tUI mundane por. : w eoagrjea eeeeaiiy bborlontly for on whole week, in hope, of tiring U bat tt waa ao to. In fact tt eeeaaad rnthn to . bar prored by practice, and to bare acquired trengtb.potana or aad diireaetetity by tbe oporatioD. : In thia stag tbig, .we coaled oar way to Keynr't, 140 Wood procured t fifty cent bottle of tbo "Peetoitll" took paooordlug to dl rc tloni, and In forty -e Igbt noun we maatar of tha field. thaemy bar In unconditionally urrenderad, after t brief but unequal conflict with formidable an adrentary a never r . tamoua --uougo Peetonl." wmmn vupjur, xo. ia, inou. DB. KEYBBH'S FBOTOBAL BYRUP a prepared old by Dr fiBOUON B. aUtYBBB, 1S Wood plttburra,Pa. , -r -i QjT Bold la Colombo by BOBBBTB A BAMUKL. rpOoTMACHB HEBIEDV. '- A. 8TJRB3 CUTiTC .Pnptred and told by , - Dl-QBO-H. KBVBBB, Price, StS cent. 140 Wood at-, PKUbargt), HT Bold In Coltuabai by BOBBBTB A SAMUEL, octif7:xtawdoa. . .- - GENTS PAPEH Neck Tlee. COLLAHt AND lUadaome aad ecoBomiotl ilk Tloe, ' ' - ' -- Mklrta. im Alto, Llnnn Col tare, - " . Half HOBO, ;l "" : ' . Itrawan, Ae - .-i,,.. .. BAIlf ABOM, apriiO i i- Mo. W Soatb High (tree! GOLDEN Hll L KniHTi,l ti , . GOLDEN HILL 8UIBTB, OOLDfcN HILL BI1IRTB Tflkp iters of (heee ahlrttare new. Tb Bodies, Yoke, lewre and boeom. are formed to fit Ui proa witb and comfort. Too markapon mob en dnlgnating ta my be nlled on aa being correct, and aacb ebtn raaranteed Weil mad. A full tock ef all quail oaaUotlyfortatoit ' ' -' BAIH'B, aari. Wo. W Boatb Oigb 'treat, ST E L LA III A W Lili'BTBLJiA BUAWLBI1 la all dealnble color, and tX. great barfatr.., . . J ., i ". ,': NT IE ItaKAglEs, BOTH 1 W While tod Black. JB received at THE UNION FOIlUVEill YTNION ENVKtPP HAWiTI- TnrioB LiTTta ass otm piria... 4.- Ittaall tb priee charged by email 4wlen I WaiM' jrrHB A QCABTB R-rHe. 7 SwetB Hign trtreet. VoiUBjou, ay p, jcoj, v.a.Mataia at. ' i,-A . ,, A .lrt.!.'!'.10 .H J ,i J 14 i 'i-ri)vC to I iif 1, ao no aa wt ber 1 my At 1 had b oio I of I til 1 u. in both it n ' . B'S not U , . '- 'Oo b a of w with un- rant na out, na- of Bt. It wen to and (treet, Pi. th - Tory, r A H annimnram IT TH IAT1 - 8IR A8TLEY COOPER, , , Of IOWPOWi "Q DR.1 VALENTIN is nun rat akaowtd(d. Bd of tbo P I - Or IIW TlBVam. profoatloa la etfa m.. v. VMnMHa Tnnln. and TnvlffOrfUlt. Th rhri Krtrant of tba vnim BUBJBT. The Fnraat and Moat Costly Gin tact. INDISPENSABLE. TO FEMALES, INVALUABLE TO -THE ALUKHLC I u nu ivn, - INCOMPARABLE f OR THE AGED. ' THE SAFEST An D BUSY "... ..piiir Tnr larnttl ri DrIL C DUS Br.VtrU.tit in int. WntU. a.t. THnt-a end OnaMTA bT TtrV m w . . .w - nrnrrlit, Orooer, ox Country saeroaaiK. rJz. Z nnntr Mamhant. t' LOOX OTt 0B B00XT8 O N D O N Or I N . ra omi t amrniNB ABTIOLa IS s. tHARLES' L0N00N CORDIAL BIN, B. BALDWIN & CO., Importers, 01 Uberty St, NEW YOKE, Bold In Colombo by ' m .TT, lVX Wholewle tnd Betoll Orooen, Btateemaa Building. la Otociaaatl, by BUIBI, BCKBTtllfl w.. ocSO-deodJtlyw and other. THE WEEKLY OHIO STATESMAN , ' ftAVINO A CIBOtTLATION ' LASQEB by sxvzbal THOTSAHDS than any othr ptp: In Ohio, oatolde of ClnelnnaU Offers Facilities for Advertising Which OAITO0T TAIL to bring .a,jf and HemnneraMTe nciuru. To thoe who tak adranttgi af thea THE WEEKLY tJl AXnsaux - . nMmrnmm. AW m. . riitrlbutod t It U throngh try Pot Offlc la Ohio, Reaches a Large Class of Readers nL, I. nlnakla. and who leldon 10 nuvmm w.tvu Dally Idltloai of dtp JoarnaU; and a only A Limited Kumlierof Advertisements An Inatrtod toll column a, appopriaUly and ttAt3t)S0MEtV DWfUVED! tbit aumoT raaTO Lttxaot Attention Of ALL! WHOLESALE DEALERS Adrertlasi g the WISELY BTAT18M Alt will It idtantagoni In THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which I almcot certain to follow an xtonlT dlaaemla lilon knowledg of their bnainen AMONQ COUUTEY DEALERS I , , ADYXRTI8IMBNTS INTBNDID FOR The WeeMv BtatesmaA :. Bhould bt bunded In befon Irlday aooa, the ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, And g-rowe more ana more papular every day I And teitlmonUla. ntw. and tlmoit wltbont number might be glren from ladie and gentlemen In all grid, of acctaty, whoee united tettlmouy none could inlat, that Prof, Wood' llalr Reatorattre will restore tb and gny, and preeem th hair of tbo youth to old Inilliuycuiniui peauiy.. . , ; i BatUeOnok, VHch., Deo. Bltt,.18J8. Pa or. Wood; Th wilt plea accept t Un to Infbra the that tb hair oa my bead all fell off orer twenty year ago, caaaed by toompiieated enrooM ataat, tanued Witn IB eruption on uie nvaa. a cuuuuuai sonrae of anfferini throurk lift baring reduced m to tit of dependence, I bar not beta able to obtain for cap, aaltber ntr 1 oeea aoi to ao worn up, in of which my head ba luffered extreme It I cold. Tnil tnauceu m w pay prigg mm nooara aimo. the Uit cent I had on earth for a two dollar bottl of 1 uair nawnuii, --""."" faithfully followed lb dlreoUona,and too bald ryot 1 oornd with hair thick tnd black, though ehrt. It I aklaaas uwlna In all AVWaiB tnat KU1. reaftlinaT BBtllnftri I Baaww wvaima am.. ... TV - toal aaotberUrgo bettto wouw rntort enuniy and permanently, i leei .miou. w p..T.rr. ummumm, I ,in itaatlitita of mn. ta nnrchaM an morn. I au aak than If th woahiil not b willln to ndm ! an order oa tblno ageata for a bottle, and neelr to leu in aenptare uauianiuoii uie nww. p, mj that r kind loth widow and th fatbarlen " Tb inna. duiuihabuiii. ' tlgooler, Nobl Ooadty, Indiiaa, fob. 6th, leoB. v Faor. 0. J. Woooi Ihat Mrrle, tb latter part lb year 18W. whll attending tht Stat tad National Law School of th BUM ot New York, my hair, from nun unknown to me, eommeaced falling off rery It. ao that In tb abort apace of (ix awntb. th upper part cf my acalp waa aunoct emtlrely bereft cf covering, and much of tb remaining portion upon lid md btoa. part ot my Beta iiortiy liter Decani, ao that yoa will not be eurprtaed wbn I tell yoa that my return to tb But of Indian, my more acquaintance.! were not ao mucn at a to n ciaooror Cauw OI in cnang in my appearmu, mm uj iuwm anata arjin.lnnuiflea War to reooentl m at All. I at one and appltcatloa to to moot eklllful la tb country, but, nceiTlng ao eeu ranee Ibea that my hair woo II again be ignored, I waa to become reconciled to my fale. until, fortaruttly, th lattor part of tb year 1M7, your He. to retire waa an aaa tr a dnunit. a btloi th moat ble iialr KeatoraUr la an. I Uted on bottle, found to my grot aiUifaetton that It wa producing oeilrea eneot. Bine uib. time, a uv aaa ac,M tor' worth of your Beetontlr, and a a malt, bar rich ooat of rtry toft black hair, which bo money buy. a a mark of my tretltud for roar labor aad axlll tha rj rod action of o wonderful in article, I hare noon mended It a to many of my friend, and Muelntane, who, 1 am happy to Inform yoa, en aalog It witn etteot. Very roipoualiy, your, A. M, LATTA, - Attorney tnd Couowllor at Law, Depot, 444 Broadway, and told by 111 dealen throagh- I out th world. Th ReatontlT 1 pat ap la bottle of three (lie, lane, medium, and email ; th email hold H a plat, reuil for ooo dollar per bottle; tbo medium bold leett twenty per cent, more to proportion than tn and retail for two dollan a bettui th torg bold quart, 4U pr cent, more la proportion, and null for bom. .. . o. J. WOflT) k. 00.. Proprietor. 444 Broadway, 1 Yok, and 114 Market Btreet, Bt Loom, Mo. And aold by BOBBBTB BAHOBL, Oolumtm, lad by tllgood Drugguunaanuy wosui vewen. . aprllkdAwiowly, ,. . . . : - ...... Watches f Diamonds H Silver Ware!!! I A CHOICE A' gwHTDIEflT tflT DOliII il and Bllrar Witch, la area rarimy. . f am a Mai tnw Ilia aitamUAB r .TV. vw., WW ell theee excellent Watchek at manulactunn' Ither Wholenl or Beuil. Com and ohooM from my beautiful dUpley of and other rich Jwlry .. Style Bw-prioe A to Bllrer War ot teruog qualH, I ean thow Ptttern. rry bandaom. . . Hllrer Plated Ware, Tea Ntut, Umi, Walton, Oatton, BaekaU. Plteben, Qobtota, Kntrw, Pork, Bp on., Thia I hareB upply of fine Tabl Cutlery, Xn m. a... ana maur auuj uwwua anou in deelred for preeeotitt ucb prion a are M Indue mem lo tb prheer, - jk WM. BLYHM, Mo, 10 Buckeye Blook BirSl - North lid BUte liouae eqnar. 0: p'ATJPEHlOH QiJALITT, IN OAK. BOTH. Btaodlijg, Bjrua, Penlnay, Beafrow ctuar new thapee. Hammed Pookot HaBdkrohlr, flea, Btocke, Btreet aad Breolng Clorea, Half Bo rery kind. Under OarmenU and 111 kladt of Oeata' aUtiilog Good t great TirWty tnd a mwiarai prie, .v.lSAIM ASONi febSS V .) ',iHSwtkBlghatmt,; jl gALTESE Ac TnBEAD LACE flf TTB of legant qtUUe for Ladac) 1 10, ' tHttj rwafw T, TjO-U-T H'i! f't .-'',',: 'I , fln I bald tge, ai I etui oon from thy bow I t 7 I thy- uiwot of e rap Id whole lot tbo tray, up on eaaual uim uiar phyrt alau from forced la n nnnanriad relia and tbo vvi- t eaa lo IU ' mi and al mall, a $3 New ynio. wa price. Dl mondi low. new at. Pocket a. and Mack ef far I'vr '; (I : DISCQVEIV OF THE - AGE' lfH. EENlfEDIt OP . noiRtJHVl 1V1 baa dlaoororod la oa of out ooauaoa paitunwoedt i a naaaay idm bub . Every Kind of Humor, IB0H vu.,i..7. Xbe wont SorofalB dowa to eoBBoa rimple. Ha haa triad ft In err eltTec rinadrad eaaaa. and nrr- r fallad iupt r two eaaaa, (both UrorxUr hnraor ) Bt ba bow la hi poeeeaaion oror oa hundred oertl&catea of IU yaiao, til wiiwa twenty mi in oi uoeion. Two koUlaa an warranted to nr a aantag or aumlh. on to tore bottle will oar tb wont klad ol rlmpiei oa tnaiao. .Two or toroo bottle win oloar tbo tyittm or Ml. Two bottl arawtmated to an tb wont otakof In lb aoatb or atocaaeh. Thra to Do bottlet ate warranted to ear tb wont kud of Brydpolt. . on to two botue tr wtrraotea to tart tit oamor tBye. Two bottle are warren Ud to oar running th ear and blotch aatona the hair. roar ao tut ,f roar to turn bouo tr warraaua ear oorrnpi an Ono bottle will our nly (raptlon of tb akin Two or three boftle tr warranted to our th want kind of rtaaworm. Ttwo or tro bottleaar warranted to euro th Boat aenwrttoata of rboaaiatieai. Thro to roar bottlMtr ,re warranted to cure mlt-litieum f It to alaht bottle will our tbo wont eaa of aoro fait. A benefit I alwty axparUDeed from tbe Drat rot tie. a pence t cur 1 warranted whin tnt abor qnanuiy tktn. . - . . - . BOXBUBY. HAH Tlua II .dam: The renntatlon rl the Uedical Dir enery, ta oaring all kind of bsmon, I aa wu oakmh. llihd by ta onanlmou Tote oc all who bar Tcr aaea It, that I need not aay anything on th auMect, aa th mot ekll Iful phyalolan and the murt careful Drugglit to tMooonttry tr ananlrawuin it prtia. In sreaenttnt tbe Medical Vlioorery to your nolle. do It with a full knowledge of It oarttlT power. In ri Uwriog til, tnd oaring mot ot tbo dlteta to which yoa tr unfortunately ao liable; That moit uoruelatini I dUetM to an ateottonatemcUieri, NCBSIHO IOBE no fll I cared u If by a mlrtclt; roar owa temper I rcitored to It natural iweetneee, and your bib from abort and fretful ntr toe la and iweet alum be ra: tnd tb Medical Dlacorery beeorae a fountain of bleeelng to yoir boabtnd ana nouaeooia. In th more adtaaead rtaire or . j OAMK.KB . Itlitend, to the rtoroach ,cn,lnr BXflJiAaIA ' which I nothing bat otnker oa tb itouadti then to tk inteatine ana KIDH K X. erettlng a linking, gone feeling, and as Udlfferenoe T to tnaoareeoiyouriamiiy. Your itomaoh a '- - ' . i HAW AND IJiriAflIED tear food dletriiiii rel. tad roa eaa only toko eertala kind, and eren ol that your y item doee not get half th Boarltamoat U toatalna, a th aeriaoaoat Bald the canker t It apt then yoar eompleilon loo bk u aoaiaina. aa in aenmonm Bam II bloom and booome tallow and graenlab, and yoar beat day I gone. lor want of nowrtthment yoar tyitem be- some loo aad nabbr. tad tb fibre of yoar body ao ooao relaxed xnea ioiiow a train oi aieae wnica ib Medlotl Dlacorery U peculiarly adapted to Oil RII ;. I ..uuHm a. rtiahM. Mln In tia Mm. M.lrnM. the nln and antll of th back,- pain of the Mp Joint KkWrS''"' PILES.: How mtay tbouaandaf poor women are auffering from thl diMaae and pin log away e mlaerable Uf, aad thekr next door aolghbordo not know th etna. I wlih.t hapnn on yoar mind intt gooa oia prorero, --an ouno of pnrentton I bttttr thin a pound ol cure." do tb MEDICAL DISCOVER yoa bar both th prerentatlre tnd th dare, with arett and good quality, tba ft will nerir, under olrcunutanoea, do you any Injury. . THE MEDICAL DI8COTEUV b aapeclaly Intended for dlaaaaei of th blood, bat lnc Ito Introduction la th W eater Btatea, II la found to the beet , . . . AUVK tAKinKiyi thatwai erer before the pnbUc Noebtnn of diet Tr naeemry ea uw see r - . J .u, arnfl.h nf 1, . jr - JH B " .... . , . . . . BikBtmoin roa rax Adait on auu apooniui v day Child ran orr tenyeara, denert apooniut vnnuren from In te ebrht roan, Ma .poonfui. A BO direction eaa bt applicable to ill eonaltatlona, take rasicient operate on tno ooweu ww uay. 7 aouniy. M Prte SI -0 per bottl. for yrry druggietb tb Cnltd But. i i Kpni-oawty. D0I0U WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT WHISKERS!; DO fOU WANT A MUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE! BELLINGEAH'S OBLIBEATID Stimidating Onguent, for the WMskers and Hair Tb gabwrTbtn tik pleeeure la announcing oth Oltinn of tbo United Bute, that they Hit obtained Aiecey for, tad an bow enaoiea ngni w publlo, the tbOTt Juitly eelebnUd md world-renowned I VtW ar ... STIMULATING ONGUENT . : . . . na-TT THnnaU an eminent (a pnptred by Da. 0. P. BFLLIBMAM, n emin phy.lcla of wLoado. and If warn tod to bring oat TiTtS.l.. irBe-ial.a"i' i. tha A fc ,w Thl. artlela la th Onlj 1, YhTitaA uad b. th. Inncn. tnd In London and U IB IB WMnai aaa , . , , ,, It I a btaauroi, onomtci, aoouung, yet oompoand,aoUng aa If by magic apoa uie root, otai a beautiful -IV L.nH.nt hair. If DDlid tO gro ctlp. It will ear baibrw, andcaanto aprlng place of tbe bald tpot t So growth of new b piled toeordlDg to dlnotiona, ft will tarn bb L.I. .... ..7 naatnra m blr lO It Ollltlt rowtn oi bw nair. or Inal latrlng It ion, Baooth, and flaxibr. Th. CoootT'' aa todhpmuabU artlol In erery gentlemen' toilet, titer on week' aa they weald not for any eouidention ?! are thonlAtnto forth artloniB tha Unload BUto. to whom all order malt be addrentd. Bria Una Tjnlla. a box for ear by lU Drunlela Tln; or box of th "Onguent" (warranted to the deelred effect) will banl to any who dear It, aiall (direct), .ecu rely racked, on receipt of price BottiM. 81.18. Apply to or addren ' poatag. ei 10. ffifa t HBaIMA(J 00-t ; . atooeina, c., , , , febSOdAwBa ' , d William Btreet, Mew-York. HENBY TOT, Wholeaalo tnd BeUU Dealer In Foreiirn & Domcstio Cigars, SmoUoflr & Chewing Tobacco. Alio, the beet ".ttallty of CTTJlTo ooMUntlj i. W aaaa. .... ;. -i . JXrOoiBtry Marohaato arejBrltod to call kefore chaiing elaewbere. NO. 4 EAST THIRD STREET, , , Bet. Main and Byotmore, botSI-wobi CINCINNATI. 6. WM. KMADE V CO., AT THEIH NEW AL.EV-, J SOOM, if Oi VMBALJIUOBtST. a. a - MOB. J, S, S and t V . BTJTAW BT: Offer for eal Ihelreelebnted GOLDEN MEDAL, . GRAND AND SQ PIANO-FORTES. " Being highly reodmaoBded by tb flnt ProfetNr Ho. tea i Aawtoanoi to oountry, ma Bvnnv ' - . - ; , WABRAMTBD ""liplirJ "i . - flYBYBAM. Th moat UiUdlouttutoatr my rely Pl pleaaedlu erery rerpect, ,, , ., in xarmi liberal. na.ana.a..T etSB AND BASJQINE iSrV."rr, lHellr. Ac , Mo. Hleh atreet. barelu.t opened new etyve or vwn OtitABt, Baeqotira end Baooo, and. w to ' "owni moet ty h mnnr ' --------.a HtaveV atlkw, wry beary, dealaned exprteely MaaUlia end aeaqals. MV, nil) L E A 0 n B D SHEETINGS " AND SUlBTLnua, all wiauia, oi moeieone Mt ii ' - '. Be. SS SMtih Blck tnt terns' ALEXANDRES ft ID OLOTKa- - . ,;..,0 K...i ea'l-I Z.mmt 'il ,;A Mil i inml balTT m A Ihli any by .. to th ni a OU Pirli ng the opto p towt color, to tad tod bar by and - s . .i pai ARE ml y 1 beiog (. via. im for "'"I Dr. J.ILIIcLEAN'S Strengthening Cordial and Blood pumi'Lyn. fi The Greateit Heoaeay m Tbe WarlA, An9 THM ' ' jKonsTxiaoiri r :- Airp --- fi DEUaHTTUL , . CORDIAL . . . EVER TAKEN. V IT 19 STRICT, ly aclentlftc and Vegetable Compound, vrooiredby th distil Uttoo of Boot. Herb tnd Barka, Tellow Bock, Blood Boot, Bareaparllla, If I 1 1 Cherry Bark and Dan delion onton Into It eomnoaltlnn. Thu n. . m . : MOM Taklnttln tcUr roradllluCrittaJlIf prmalplo of each tafredlent I thoroughly i4 . av aietbad of dlatlllinir. prodoolng.. d Helena, 81BBM0TU. . t COB ... k; A ' ncLEANS STRENOTHENIN D1AJL ",.r ' . - WIU effeetually ear - -: ! OOMPLAIBT, DY8PBP8IA, JATJ5DI01, LITBB oiuonloarKerro Debility, Slaoof lb SldoyJ, and all dlaeaaea aril log from a dlaordend Llrer or Blom aea, Pvtpepaia, Beartbara, Inward Pllee, Aoldlty r Blck- Ben of tbe Btomaoa, younee oi mooa e tu u, pala or awlnmlai In to bead. PalbXatloa of th Heait, ruunaor weign in uie dwbuwu, . Choking er auffocattog (eellni whra lying down, Drroea orYellowneaaof the Skin and Bye, Night Sweat, la ., ward lerera, Ptln la tb roail oi in oaoa. o;i i. Buddoa Pluahee of Heat, Dep melon of BplrlU, frightful . Dnaaat, languor, veapenaenoy or " -M; Ban or Blotohe on th Bkin, tnd Jeter and Act (of Chill end ferer.) -;..' ' i Over a MlUlon oi Afottiee ,.:t. n hn mM dnrlrie the butt elx auBtha. and In Bo IB L tano ha It tailed In firing entire ntlafaoUea. Who I then, will m tier from weaaoeaa or vemuiy to. w IjBAN B BTitBnurunnasiv vvjuii.. wn& w Ma lunui een eourtr ta tdeaoaM idea of tbo Jrame- dtat tnd tlmoit mlnculoot change produced by takltg tbi Cordial la the dltemd, aebtllttta ina intuerea nerroa aytttrn, whether broken down by ooeee, weak fay nature, or Impaired by lickneaa, tbe relaxed tnd unetruig organliatlon la reetored toil prlatlo kealtb and tlgor. ITIARRIED PEHSONw, ' , Or other coneclou of Inability, from whitorer (to, will find McLean BtnngtMning uorami a uarouyu regenerator of tb lytlam; and all wbo may naT Injured tliemnlTei by Improper indulgence, will find In th Cor dial oertaln and apeody remedy. McLean's Strengthening Cordial ; Ii a aorerelgn and rpeedy cure for INCIPIENT CONSCRIPTION, WHITES Opitrootod or DUBcalt MoaetrwaUoa, InooaUneaco of TJrln or InrolunUry D lechery; thereof, falling of th Womb, OtddloM, fainting and all Dleette lacldnc t lomtlei. , . - There 1 no XiBtakt About it. : - Buffer ao longer. Tike It according to DIroeUoni. It will itimulate, elrecgthea aad Inrlgoret yoa and eaOM tb bloom of baalth to mount yoar obeek again. . rery botti a warranled toglT. mUaacticn. FOB CHILDREN , If your children an ackly, puny, or affllctod, MoLeabV . Cordial will make them healthy, fat and robaak. PeU not moment, try It, and you wlil be conrlnod. , , IT IS DELICIOUS TO JTAKE. Oaot to. Beware of Draggortier Dealer wb may try to palm upon you- torn bluer or baraaparuia tnat, whlthtLeyotn buy cheap, byaaylnt It la juatai good. Arold inch men- Aak for UoLeaa' Strengthening Cor dial, and tax nothlnr tin. It u th only nauay mat will purify the blood thoroughly and at the ana Ua ttmgtbta th tyateou - -.-- r r " a.. , ... 1 w ...ia h.m h, faatlna la VH wawnwiuw -- a . . . - eartaln prerentlre of Cholera, Ohlll and ferer, Yellow yrrer, or toy aieeaen.. a. ia p wp aa iai tottle. - ... . w . Prise only 11 pi bottl, or e ootue ror I t J. H. McLBAnT, , ,, . i Bol Propria tor of thia Cordial, Alio McLean' Volcanic Oil ajInlmenL PriEolpal Depot on the corner of Third and Pin itreete Bt. LooU. Mo. - - McLeaa'B Voleanlo Oil Llulment Tb beet Llnltcnt la th World.' The Only tan and etrtalo oar for Oanoere, Pile, Swilling tnd Bron chltla, cr Ooltra, Panlyito, Heuralgla. Weakneaa of ft Mnerje, vnromo or innanunaiory wmuwuiai, pmr neaa of th Joint, contracted Muntoe or Llgameut. Banch or Toothache, brulaea, Bpralnt, Wound, freeh Oat, Ulcere, lercr Bona, Caked Breaata Bon Nipple, Burn, Boalda, Bon Thoat, or any Inflammation or Pali, , no difference how erre, or bo long tbo dlaeaaemiy htr iited. MoLean'i Celebrated Liniment a a ear, tain rarntdy. ' ' Xbouaanii of human being hare bean eared a lit cf decrtpltud tnd mlaary by tb on of thl Inraluable mod ulnar . - . - . McLEAN'S VOLCANIO OIL l ;IJimiENT !'.-"' arm n,nm naln almoat Inatantoneouly, and It WtL Clean ae, purify tnd heal tb fouleet on In aa Inondt . ly anort time. r far Iioraea and Oilier Animate. tfi-Tan .nalehratad LlnhntBt U th only aaf tnd re-. liable remedy for the cur of Sparta, Blag Bono, Wind- -galla, Bpttata, TJonatural Bumpe, Mode or B welling. - It will nerer rau to oun an uwi, mu ... rannln Bore, or Bweeny, If properly tppUd. ' for Bpralnal Brultee, Bcratcliu, Borei. or Wound. Cracked He!, Chafe, Biddli orcuiiar bain h m an luiainc remedy. Apply It t directed, a Jd a ear u eraua ia rrery Inaianoe. ' - ... w.", Thn trill no longer with tbo maiy wortbKn Lltil. Kent offered to you. Obuin a atpply mi Dr. McLean' -celebrated Liniment. It will cure yoa. J, jtla incijUAn.Boi a-iopruiui, Corner of Third and Pin Btreett, Bt. Loaia, Mo. a.mI. Inll itru.aiat. . i Kraaleby BOBBBTB tt SAMTJBX, BABUBli, Col tabu, Obla.- ingSo-dAwly P&OP. WOOD'S : :-1.l I preclaely what 1U nam lndloatos, for, whU , . i.t th. taat. It la rerlTlfrl ok. xblUrt-r ! . . . -. V...ln. . K. .It.ll . 'ilog, lartgemuig auu "-a - ' -powr, tnd it lb aa tlm reflTlfle. tela-. . (Tate, tnd nnw th Blood In all IU parity, aod -lthu.Btnorfotr J; rotooacvtodto. ItUthe oo y prepintlon ever offered to lb world, o ohaU- U U aaiw tndtlllfllyoombtaato e toe mo.t TI t - Jlwi inni. ..d at tha aama time (0 orfatly F WPld to, a to tot lo perltot tcoonUao with tbh Cj !awT if natun, tnd be no. will toofAe A tmhaU j1.omic,and ton ap to dlgeure orgin, tnd.y thai allay all nerrou and otner irnutioo. w j'n.nacilTaxhJleretlna.enaai me aame um m CJ compoaed entirely of regeuulee, yet blBed; H la to proouo tn mos. uon.. .u a. . .,., nnarln. an InlUrloU. OBM .J a remedf htilook bren felt to be oealderatua Li R ib medical world, for tt need, ao medleai akUl te MUuttdtblllty follow til itltetoofduata. and proceed tnd Indeed ttyi th. jy.teat opa to tbJ a in.idioua ituck of many of the moet tout, wcbJ O:forexampl,aathe foltowingt OoaaompUoa, in ldlMaea. Dyepepell. Low of AppeUte, ItlatBJM, - Nfrrou. Irritability. Neanlgla. PalpliaUoael tbi Pi' Heart, Mr lanoholy, lgnt eweau, iavojaor, w;cku-i Paea,lletooUon of, a wH Ptlnfal obetrueted.1 toe prof uie. or loo (oeni ueneuuatiuB, auu aaii In. of the Womb. Theae 111 depend upon general' El!d.bllltr. Tbrt pare, attlthy, wale Oerdlal a SBBJ Hiaad Renorator it a nn to an a th tea to rta end Mt. There U so atliuk aboat It. Bau Otia 1b not all. If th ijitem a weakened, we er. ooan toblllouiittaok. the llrer bteoaei torpid. 04 worn diaeaaed, th kldneyi refua to peiformj their function, and w an troubled with aoaldlnai and tncontinanea oi anno, or inroraamry wa- of tha aama. naln la tht back, lid aod b Itwees to ihouldera, xceedlngly Utbl U lllghtJ oold,, ooughi. and If unobooked, toon mclalloo roliowa, tnd to patient g oeea own to a preaaamr. grer. Bat pte win net mow at w eBtmnaie ih. mm. ilia to which wa an liable In a weakened! ktondtiioa of tbe yttem. But w will Bay, la tblal Oordlal and Blood Benontor yoa bar pernwi, aaf. pleaaant and aotaal remedy for Ion wf Appetite, killoeinaaa, Ylatulenoe. we and alok toBUen,aangnor, atirer vobiphhu vwa.. frrtr, or toy Bllioui tttitk, Ooiilreneet, Acidity r the Itomaeh. Menronanca. NeoralnUu PalplU- tlooof the HUrt, DcpreHiOB'of Spirit. Borea, Plmetoioa tb fao.or aay dim arlang from aannr Blood, annh BOTOIUU. arrlVM, .IW . . . i- i . .. . . n bltla, Oough, dlmoulty of Breathing, aad 111 that 01 Hiram otliea remaie xraumn nuioemtod a bnrn. W Will aba tar the arareler Uxpoaad to pld.mloe, chanxeol ellmate and w-. ftjre WIIA t SB yieawaoiiBwt awa waa ay 1 At a aa - luw. aala aad anna aavwiAVa ' i and non sbouh Id rr trarel without. Beader.'aj try it, for we taare yoa yoa wju ana ia it a menu. ainilimeoa. indeed, a well friend la All pereoraofl eadentary habit will And It a perfect prereoUr of a wall a can for thoe ailment to which tbey are jartlonUrl eiuoMd. Hence mlnlatentekteau Jt e - . . . . . a torney, nterary ganueaeauia lauie wb an auu aoraneauia to mock outdoor axerei, wm una iv a their adranUee ta keen a bottl oo natality on baadt aad. abe. a all. aaothan. or the tooenwigl uohl will go throu.h that mol dangefoo period not only wtb ell their aooaatomed tresgihi bat aefa and frae from the trmaaaad eMeaeatl rr-l alentaaont lb female bo rtteaof the w.rla. , Irf tbarU It Ulndwd a mother'e cordlaL. Try It, old! aad leongi ao lenrer roa the rlak f delay) it wllk reller tnd prove Iteeir mpnauoaiix M Vordiai and Mkx Umtumuor. Oa J. WOOD, proprietor. 44 roadway, Hew Tor, aad 1M Market Btreet, 8b Iaata.-Mo.t mhl l.nld be EOBBHT8 a BAMCBL. Columbua, Ohio. land all tooa jJraimta rnc - vw per Bottto.j.. ai;i .is geBrones-eawwTwiy, .1 b.l 1 .: i f-y'. J Lt A'X:IJll ANTE D.-A OBI T S) T p J E L M wanku.. Ml BTATIOMUKY ABA iBWiLHY.LBe J & BMTIVB COlJlt prloe one-third ton tbaa eta k poronaaoo- id OAlloaoraddreN(etanp WMwaeo;. ,L. BAlLif,Me 1M Coart it-. Boa too. Maw. In. i .i B LACK ITBAW BONNE WAflDaTJton,-) awavAew ga ,i!u:D .uljyotiS JJjttT sJi v1 ,u 'J,,6 il'-" 'ol 0) t- V,' Jr. H 0' a. 0'