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ill) (91)io Stotoiitan MAiaraSlTT 1DLLKB, FnUiahen. mno; Democratic Union Nominations. a etl -L? 4- -i- ii fc WrieitmjruinV 101 "" ' oi Urown. THOIOAS J fi IBIIHi irttHisnRKftOf BTATB, j a a. I EOOB W. HOICKS' . ( lb .-i wtsa-i 'flrjjlUEIAai 01 8TATS, ,., v . '"llilAW W. AttM9TONU, :( Of SnUMi. ., U, ;3". :v' . COMPTROLLER, ;idJ i V. , fn OA Fxckimay. 1 1 1' t. ..... .rr.c BIATJ8 SEBAIOBi i. . ;uvoirrrin ti pcbhii.1 Of tidsatoay. Democratic Union Nominations. UNION DEMOCRATIC COUNTY Democratic Union Nominations. UNION DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. GEORGE ht CONVERSE! , wOTTOPEESEL. ' ! i nmirri"" I- i . f teiHt IQ MARTIN. , iJOHN G. THOMPSON. . i A , j . F ' EEC08PI, NATHAN COLE. ' ' UCOB SLYI1. " : . - : :.C0Wr n ' ' l8FMitT. BlWtCTOV ' PHILEMON HESS. I r .Vi.i .j ' X.::T t' . ; r. -. , "i i-' " r h 1 Democratic Union Nominations. UNION DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. Democratic Union Mass Meetings. Y ' (Slnw.i I , ' The PemocriOo Union State Execnttte Coci xaittM hwe mede tfrengeinente for holding . 3VIass lyieetiogt Aa folbwa i'.r'.Jj A CHiti,icoTHfkRo89 conotyj oVFridajri 'Oe . tober 4A,Vt J P,.M,' Speaiere-Hon. Hugh J. JeweM ma Hori," Aires t3.-Ttwnin.; i , At Ciac'itiTiLLt. Plckawewnotf, on Srtnr y,Ootobei Stli at l P. Mi Speakeri-Hon. Hugh J. Jeirett ajud Got. Mcdary.- y 1 r " ' At Lancastir, Fairfield cottniy. on, Satiirday Dctober 5th, alf lTM., and 1e the Tening The afternoon meeting will be addjwseil by the "Hon Allen GTThurman.. . . t At Abhland, Ashland county, on Saturday, crtober 5lb, at I P,' Mv ' Bpeakert Hon. IL B- Payne and oth'er. I At PoniaoT, Meif county, on Siturday, Oo- iobet&tbrfttl P.M.: Speaker-wHoB.Johii G SAMUEL MEDARY, Ch'n. SAMUEL MEDARY, Ch'n. AMOS LAYMAN, Sec'y. Judge Warden Again. Weeeeby the Joamsfol yesterday morn log that our37tOdge Waidib'i .MrfrlremitathB Voters J)f thU Lounty," die- toreelhUasniJ eqnanltnlty. Hit feverish txr .itenMBt ltd him moat aojaeUy, tad without the!i'pVUclprvidpceii Lttrlbuii;hd';ar taotsblpof ow article W'Mr Cox ' Mr. C. (never aaw the ttli'.MaUw"w' t than Indge WatDtw.'u'nfll tieeair h Itj Jfedj aeeday morning'e Sttiuman. looeed to bat one party, ud etill bejooM'H j4 if ihia b to. most persoaa, we think, will ome 'tu he conelnstoa tharitf fauaf te' . Judge ?f"Ai piii't party. Perbape he can prove that he It How, la krtpiS his jjrtaent company, a concise nt) Vmon'nianl auil waa laet( iriflte when in 'the Pembcrat'ate Convention he argued for the jightei iaoj tajta i oce4eroni (the Uoloq wiiL- j n There U nothing mposaible to acme Btn'i logic, j, Jodg,e Vardcm'i lease ,of personal lden tity jjoliSoally -most be very etronf ,j pe re lri'lcJi 'ni 'pf an'tlltUtratlon', nd on e corUin occaaioait the fF'""f f ' Lxlamo, the CheaUramjunnotb oheete man. He said fha whem be wat a very little boy bu grandfather Jrive hlm'a pocket knife wblctf he ftrew np topanbood. It bad a great many new UAdet, aad eeveral new , handlee bet till it we-tta- MenScal knife hie grajldiather gave The Free Navigation of the Mississippi. Wt'reprodaoe, In another part of thii paper, an exoalUnt arUclt frora the Detroit Fret Prat ontherVeeaavlgatiowof the Mlseltsipp! It M'w&fflSy a carefol and fcttentlve reaaln. ,u ' . We can never consent to the scheme gl tin. I CTAflTOM.aud ome , other bogus No-party men, who propose that if, after a year or two's trial, we fail in whipping the seceded States back In to the TJhldri; we effaall then content to a divide, re- tahtlng with the North, if they deeire it,Westera Virgiala. Kentucky and Mlwoari. . This would toave the ilississippi from the mouth of the Ohio te the Gulf under the control of a Foreign tower-Hf thing .10 which Ohlo end' the Other great Northweatcra States can nerer'agrao That river must b hiiittuoH and the lathers left U, ist its whole length aad width, under the Jurisdiction ef the one FeJttat Government, ""; Those wbv think otherwise, or esteem it a mitter of little eontequenee, will of course Vote rhoTonahd StAWToii ticket on roesdaynext. Attempt to Throw the Train Containing the Ohio Fourteenth from the Track. [From the Louisville Democrat Wednesday.] Fimdisb OoTSAoa MusDia. A train left tbls efcty Monday nlgbt mm np' JrtW. Eratf nenoethe fourteetita Ohio Jtement. As the wain Beared Chriatlansbirrg.fihelbyeountr, (he . cars were stopped by soma fence rails, which jbad been thrown across the track toj some dev. lis in hnman shape, three in number. The train delayed long enough to arrest one of the men, named Allen Nevil, but suffered no other detention: norXS there." providentlallv, ant damage done to any eno.iOa the arrival of the tram ln Lexington, yesterday forenoon; tat prisoner wae mbfcd ihrosgft the oily on- bis to jail, when an Irishman, name unknown, ptepped op, vd, tin burning tftt'trimt, drew instead cat Netil'i thiott frowm Urvtr. "He was immediately arrested ana. taken- to jail. ' When the train left Lexington yesterday after noon, Nevil was not expected to live. Democrats Union Men Rally to the Rescue of your County! Vvr. In tU nlatarw of OillO never, ill the bilry t W country, since the Revolution, his an election transpired bo Important auu vol.imr awrrv IndlvWual weWW ttieil wtjigmj respontiib'ilitv as iW hlnb. IRK 09 1 Tuesday next. ' " Look at our condition a moment e very existence of ou FfideraiPotea to Imminent psril.Ti it U:not ; onJ threatened, but ! in.. .n''ot 'nermanent oissoiuhou. , i Onion rgoi"i e auaof our, liberty will set r l,r. b7t irreatnese as a people wllt beoome but a dream of the past, and Our national PP'tT be turned Into poverty and degradation':; ' v ' Men 6f Ohio t See, while our Federaj fapital ii beleagur'ed, as it baa been for months, a feck less, dating foe disputing every loch of gronnd for tw6 thousand miles' along the wnoie a artn ern line of the border slave 'States from the :. . ... e 1.1 bauks of the rotomao to me waters i seuri.-" MeanwhUe.'-eur own State Is in Hourly peril of Inv-sion, and pur mlliUry authorities afe fortifying for, its safely our great commer cial emporium, which we proudly designate as the "Queen of the West " The great high way for us nd the vast Northwest southward to New Orleans, the Gulf and the Ocean, is ciof sd, and no man can tell when It trill be te opened. . ' Our State, thegreattst la the Northwest, it being drained of her wealth, and her resources are about to be taxed to their utmost capacity Fifty or sixty thousand of pur young and ; able- bodied men are already In the field, or doing duty is camp, and still the cry is for more Ohio troops: Measuree are being taken to swell pur number op to' seventy five, ' and., ir neeuea, a fiRndred or a hundred, and fifty thousand. 1 1I the volunteer system does not somce, araiHos must be retorted td :;,The blanks for jljh'ajf pur pose are already printed "4 & ate use. i i-.xWU.-. m Meanwhile, tho expenses of the Federal Gov ernment are over a million of 'dollars a'day, and those of our own State Government are searing the rate of eight or tea millions a year. It is evident that with1 all our vaBt resources of men and means,' thU ji tate of things cannot iaat always. .-The bottom will be reached some day. - Te save ourselves from the Ignominy of a diegraceful.fcomprcmisei and" the still' greater ignominy of consenting to a dissolution of ths Union, there must be a change of policy in the administration of our National and State Gov ernments; and the loyal people of the North mutt demand the vigorous prosecution of the war against rebellion to a speedy and successful termination,' they must by their political action show to the Union men of the , South, a readi ness to oo operate with them for the security of all their tights of 'person 'and property, add brand with the mark of falsehood the-Seeession and Abolitioa,lie that the way Is designed for, or will ultimate in the destruction of any "es tablished 8tate institution" In the South.'-. V, , "Men of Ohio! Our volunteers have their duty to do in the camp-and the field. Bat not a leas, perhaps a more Important, doty devolves upon us who remain at home, and dd the vot ing. By our votes,, we can seaond or thwart (heir efiorts; we can aid or obstruct the Govern ment in a determination to-r preserve the Union it ever has Jbeen; we cah assist lb making this a wot far the maintenance of the Union by preset ring "the rights and estiblisbsd institu tions of all the States unimpaired,? or a war for the dissbmtlpfl of tbf.Unlon, by ttemptipg to iniMJere wun, a,uo oversurow. jvme ngna and established tastltationa' Of a portion Of the States. In a word, we can through the ballot- box wield and direct a power mightier than that of the sword, either for saving or destroying our glorious Union,' either for keeping oar own noble StitOj W';in, ter ceer of greatness and prosperity, or r making her as degraded as the petty Ul-govwrned-ans poverty-stricaen pnnci- palirJes of-Europe. V:00':J " ' "No true Democrat, no sincerand nfelligent Union man, oaa hesitate a moment as to whick of thealteraatjves we bars named he ought to choose. But lbs jDlndi.i)I.aome honest, well- meaning people aw diitracted.: They say they do lot know bow'fbey ought M vote at the con og election,1 and nence assome an air an; a postuouioi.Jwunerence,wnan,ior me east pi m ' Jt't M aI 1 it Union and our. owa State, every enter' sboold be prepared to east his ballot on the side there It will ten most effedttiajl'ytbr the good of both &eS&teahd tneUgloiv- to 'vmsI VI ! . Two tkketa ara presented (for our mffrares onTpeedVy, both claiming td (be. Union. ',T)ne 'tlwt Hejttu'tijDsn iDsm'eiraoy, which wis fir's inemjauhterl-vtthe tioket of a pari ty which has, er alDev'thl kdoption of tb Federal1 CotfBtifnflou,' ' Bd'fltaine'd the GoVern- meat (wd'the Union,is'peace n4. in war, aad is to-day toe only' 'political organixttion to Oho wnosw memperrare nnsmmoasin tneir aerouoa to theame gVeat ibjeoVt, 'oJhsrW'a' licket whichwaf ,'put in nomination nearly month aftst: the, Union Democratic the ticket pf a party Of vesterdiji a It werewhoso' boast It Is j that it is made' tip pf, irrepressible Jtepubli MaSf Giddings Abolitionists, and a few bortine pDemocrafS a "party whose members are divid ed In sehtimenV-eome supporting .the Adminis tration in itsoonservativowar policy, and oth ers bitterly denonndng itr'some' professing tj deafr the'preservaitofr'of the. Old Union, and ethers demanding a war for ths. ntter: exterml nation of slavery or the formation of a -new NortlwtfContifederacy', ' 1 f l- '.DemocraU 'Union man!... Whieb of .theao two tickets do yonion your onasoieocB think yon onght to vote?' " i""' lo "; irra Stabbing the Lincoln Administration —Aiding the Rebel Cause. , 'i a We gave on yesterday copious extraets from the Cincinnati Press and the Columbus Fet, two'-recognlsed organs of the bogus' Union par. iy, pitching into the Lincols' Administration. We find the following brief but significant para graph in ths editorial columns of the Cincinnati Onwwftutl of Thursaa'yr ' ; .' .' J; J ' The time of the civil authorities la w'aeh. Ington seems to be pretty ovenlv divided be tween the discussion of General Fremont's case id Cabinet meetings" and the appointment of Brigadier-Generals. Tim '.Commercial is the oMof brtfau of thii bogns (Tnlbnpaxty, and theibote from Its! 'col umns,'wiia' what wepublishsi yesterday, is suf- fieiently sugweativf of twbstsve may look for as soon as the election fa "over a1 general attack from theorgsrioffte new pajjt 6n tht Liwpoui OT Tie Clevetaed-fMn Detltr has become as mean as Jotpt ff, CrDttisot since, It (ell in. to Hoe in thit rear of , that jold ainner. i The Demoerata of the Reserve should ft Up the ban against ths Plain nhr And never hereaf: ter aiiowatT w eater tne Utinocratio lolflj ; ; i. ,m .i i. 'mi 'I i .( i .'; I" ,CT Those who want tbe war cairrindi'saae a mere Abolition raidundcr the lead oY Joshua R. Gmamos and lias, wara) should Vote the Ten ticket; whlllhbe whd kre hiof of a vigorous war la inpport'of J.fteConstUuUpnh'' Laws and the preservation of tbe Union, should vote tbe Jiwrrr ticket, ! ' —Aiding the Rebel Cause. The Elective Franchise—The Soldiers in the Regular Army and the Volunteers. . . In renntylvanla at la Ohio, some of the Re publican No-party politicians W 'com Wnatjons of mjooaUaeWrsa'ud" 4angVrsr:e:-Tuet amy nof ma ion- dif tressed, in Vfofdifn WPVfi he; rignOf the; Miejetb thkMi about tbei however, having sought to make the Impression that'somebody ontslde of 'this bogus';'Jnlon movement has contempUt ie, oppeaitlpn ta the exercise -o iuV elective franchise by' the soldiers in the regular army and the volilit; teers. If it were a question about the comfortable- and speedy clothing of the soldiers,-the supply of good rations and he i prompt payment of the men, these parties would be mum, or else they would be, looking after the ."stealings," and, trying to make what ooul.d tiade out of th armv contracts. 1 ' In Pennsylvania; the fluesjioii o( the right ol soldiers to vote, bu attracted the attention of the Executive, and he has "required the opinion of the Attorney-General upon it. Mr. Miar nrrn's opinion Is sfoilowsi:.'-'.-wfj' , j; ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S OFFICE, HARRISBURG, Sept. 27, 1861. My opinion is requested by the governor on the following questions, vlt: . ' 1 I. What volunteers will be entitled to vote at the approaching general rcleotipB their campsl " I " II. Whether the voluuteers so entitUd P t 'tan vote for ofGceret L i am clearly or tne opinion mat no votun-. teer will be entitled to vote in taeir camps, except snch as are In actual military service in conformity with law, viz: Each as are In service under the authority of The Governor on the re qulsltlon of the President Of the United States. Alt the field officers of such regiments will be eemmltsloned by the Governor, and the holding of sncb commissions by ths field offlpers wilt be a fair test of the right or the regiment to vote. II. The act of assembly provides .that (he volunteers may exercise the right of suffrage! 6? course they have as much rigb( to vote, for officers as for other. ." ',, ' " M. MEREDITH, Attorney General. ' After the 'above opinion was presented to the Governor, another question arose, which the Attorney-General bai thos disposed bf ': ! Since1 Writing' the" above, en additional ques tion bus been propounded to, me, via i Where men from several counties, are in the me company, what course should, be pursued t ji am of opinion that la sncb cases there should be separate bsllot boxes, tally lists, ete., for each county, and the votes should be returned to each. county, of the voters entitled to vote In W. M. MEREDITH, Attorney-General. September 28, 1861. ,lf w .properly Interpret tbo opioion of llr. Attorney-General MrarorrH, be confines the exercise of the right of suffrage' to volupleer soldiers. la, Pennsylvania,, under their special statute providing for the voting of suoh, to that class who- are still under the authority df the uevernpr, ana wno nave not. peen furueu over to and rauatereij into the aecvice of the. United States., . We have, not the aot of Assembly of Pennsylvania before us, providing for fhe'votlng of volunteers. 'la their camps,, but front' , Mr. Mnibrrti's opinion,, it .rnast be limited and restricted, to coma within the provision bf that elanse In their eonefltution which Is analogoni, we.presnme,' to the 5th section of ths Otb article of the Constitution of Ohio, which deolares that nopetetn in tha military 'of Inaval service of tbo United States, sball by Teason ol . being jjti- tionea In any garrison In thiealato, be consid ered residuals of the same. : The aet of a sesnbly of Pennsylvania providing for the Toting oi volunteer soiaiers, is peculiar f mat puut, and nnaor, u some ot bar battalions voted in Mexico In 1848 and cast their ballota aaanl only, we believe, Jot Cass and BtJTUt,..,. Un fortunately we have ho such law )n ' pblo, and benoe the volunteers oannet avail themselves df It, '..This is much to be regretted but Ibe'dli- loultr oaa In a degree be remedied in this way Let each man who deelres to visit bis home and cast bis vote where ii can Iter legally Uoae fa the proper precinct or township In tVo' county lit which be resides, receive a furlonch for Wifljcient tlm4Jend';.e'pasa tha(-wiU earryfclm freecf trsnsportatlon la going to bis faomerand return- lag to camp. That the three'years'r'olhijtcerl Would be legal' votcti at their proper tvotiof pieces in tneir proper equaues, seems to as 19 be 'undoubted! bat It is not so clear, wnder our Constitution, that the' soldiers In' the rem at army oan exercise' the 'rights 'of eiecto,ni..,Os thing is certain, that in one Stat we have ne law providing for soldiers voting In camps1; nor oan they vote ln.the,, townships. In wbfcjiths camps 'Jars' located; but by , a, judiios ;atd proper exercise of authority, and on a mosfap proprlate oeoasloa,'in VolODterra' Jnay exercise (br lectTt' fraqcblt li hoaiqby Mmin& a foridngb and a pass for that parpoe. . Those la anthnritv would fa MrflaetlV rastlfiadTn'rMrsn) in-.thW bourse, and 'tag fe Joj wiuti id Tut on iuesua ; next. 1 Speech of David Tod. . Mr. Too made a speech at ,JYoungitown,tMa booing county, ion Saturday. last,: Septtmbt 88ta.:5Ci.-f- iw'f-iai ,"toiit t.f , la It he defended lhebin (u'trO'LceiLLiji!olle Legislature by bMr. Baxbwui, during tbeifirst leasion pf the lest General Assembly, known at the time by tbo name Of the bill to punish Itrikes, and which' tauses conaldorabjoitaa- uoa ana aiscusuoa among we meonsjues ana laboring men of Ohio at the time, belotrtegarl- ed by tbesa a Inimical 'to fheir Interests.6'-' In referring to Mr,. Jxwirr, Mr. Too donomi- n'ated him, by way ot veproeob, as' the eandi date. of the LBaxrauNarBaa and v"ALLAitreiiAit wisg bf the" Democratic' p'trty, and, n'tlmaied that 'the supporters' of IrJawkrp were, not sound Jnioa men. ,Xa this part ef his spsech Mr, To did a greater Ifajostlee to' himself ths'b any one else, becaus the .tatement'ma4e ty' bim is not trae. , The supporters of Ms. Jirtrrr are a loyal and devoted Union md as -aet ft' Ohio, and in that respect are Infinitely itiporlbr to the.mtjority of Mr.;Too't supporters. Mr. Too has men associated with, bim on the State1 ticket, wbft eannot be regarded as uncondit'lonal Union men, and tbis fact he cannot be ignorant oL Ir. Stabtok has on more than one occa sion declared that la K cerUis contingency he was ready to recogflTzs th Bouthefn, .Confede racy and should Mf . Job be elected Governs, wbioh be appears to anticipate as a fixed faet, be Will Ind himself associated with tod knrrbunded by men .who have no lore , or the Union', and bave not bad for many years. 1 Bat the vote of the Slate when polled on Tuesday next and re ported, wilt astonish 1 MrJ. Tbif; and tflselose to rjsdn' iicre, the' sononiqn Pemoqrspy are. 1 Toey will n'U.h great unanltnity vote the Jswtw ticket; "-'' t-:-. i.-- . 1" m B'- n'f ' iinii.ti nil' 1 ;-.'.: i tT The art teles 00 War B. WooDs'of liekl lrii'eoulity; ik. th'e 'GrtsM 'ot esterdaf,, ,6b ihij (authariij of.anAboliHop paper 'la,,Maiifl,ld, the HtnU. is ae mean as It Is. nojost aod'ua- jruthful.1 There li One consolation, ndweVer, 'and that Is It will do Mr. Woods no harm,, .ft ''ErPrsldibt Van Biiren, powjl3 jeers. aid, recently visited Canadaigua, fa ompaoy with bis son Johd Van Boreo. Tbe Ex-President enjoys good bsaltb. [From the Ohio Democrat.] The Duty of the Patriotic Voter. It U . oiiailV .(iiIt ( f the to "keep step i to-the mosio at thsTnlou" kt the ballot- box as in trie tsniea now. nau we majority of the voters .during IM past year or t4 btt as uaerriugly direoted against all fa' natjos and, seetisna(lfis, as the bullets or our brave soloes I aMBftr agsjniath,rbsls, ojr hereforwUpprsidfrosperoue'ooimtry would still be at peace, and every Inhabitant In the full enjoyment of the blessing that flow from its free-and motIApen governments ione but the blindly prejuuiced and fanatioal will deny this trutbiul proposition. , , . ., ' . 1 I What then sheathe te nnd pntriptVi vpter la before dlecbannog bis duty at the polls Dd next TdMdayt" He should , calmly nd earnest ly teview the past ana tno reavDt, buu uoier mine in hi Own mind, thai henbafortb his vote and hie Influence should be thrown for that par ty wbjoh has .aevel ailed to. tally under tbe stars and stripes, both in peace and war that party which has ever maintained broad nation al views, and which ha always followed tbe advice' cf Washington against the danger of sectlonallsm-J-that party nnder Whose frequent administrations onr country has'ecqulred all its glory ia poaoe and been bought triumphantly through its oonfllot ln.war. ' Remember, that, the flag pf the Union, the Constitution and the laws, and the right of tbe people ' to self-gQjrotnment were exUude over theorraioal Stajtes and aoqQired teeiitory under a Democratie President, J efferson. 1,1 V" i Remember, that the glory, bonor, aba integ rlty of the Union and the flag of the country were maintained in the last wa with England under a Democratic President, Madison. ' 1 , ' Remember, that nullification, aqd. -disunion were crushed, out by a Democratic President, Jacksoni ht i --. -" t-i-.-" M '"" """' i . 1 Remember,- ttiat Ihe , Integrity 'of. the Union, a successful war and a glorious peace with Mexico, resulting In the acquirement of the golden coast ou th Pacifli.'were secured by a Democratic President. Pelk.i ' ' ' '' "' n .. - And Remember, th'e Dcmooratlc party Is now and ever has been, lor the Union, the i log, the Country, lb Censtiiutibb and the security of the people in theis Constitutional tights, and that ths beet guaranty for the peace', unity, sta bility apd permanency Of the Union, Is the tri umph M 'the billot-bo,, oa Tuesday, Oatober 8th, of tbe good old Demoeratio party and the tlma.knnfwit rtrlhrtlnlp U aHTOcatCfl. Patriotic voter, reflect, and do your' duty to your country,... .nt --n t PV n il,. Governor Dennison—Gen. Anderson— Troops Three Months—"Red Tape," etc. '-"The TTmrs of yesterday publishes a corrc tpondeoCe' which took place by telegraph be. tweenCol. Wlltsee, of this city, and Gen An derson and Gov. Deonison, relative to raising a reelment here for three months' Kentucky r vice. It ie well known that Gol. Wiltsee pro posed to ralna a regimant here for. three months' tat vleer,. -Th following lathe correspondence : LOUISVILLE, Sept. 28, 1861. Cot. Wiltsul Your disoatch was delaved Keepyoar:TOglmenttmtil equipped .and cady to take ths field. "Drill, uhltorm and arm yoor regiment rpidiy.a (possible, and report from time tef Tim yowr protrress. We have no fit ROBERT ANDERSON. CINCINNATI, 1, 1861. " OoT.Drfmisoit I have anoTder from Gen AadersDn to pot tea eompantea In eobdition to tiikw tha field as aaon u noKaibla. .. H la ttt aj-m Ihtm imfequjp themiT Give me your eonsent, and an order to subsist them at Camp Dennison for niteen days, tseveral companies ready to datH Term ol ealissmstii, Urea months. WILTSEE. LOUISVILLE, Oct. 1, 1861. , Cot., Wiltui Purchase bell tents ond tub slstance for three oempnleff,aad draw on me at thirty dars, Apply to Mtjor.Ktag. attbs Bar- ANDERSON, Brigadier General. Brigadier General. COLUMBUS, Oct. 1, 1861. j, Cot.TOiWigi . I ewMka acpfW-ay ol anteers te eater the service for lees time than three-years, if the war so long continue. Thet-, fore I dqcllho glvipg the otde? jou ask for.. I( your commaDa aeaures-toentertbe service for the r I wiU Issue the -proper order, and you can then join General Anderson and Inform bim bj,.tegtaph 4(jaj dojtiou. i j V -.. s I WM DENNISON. iTTnsTimlatteVs t3oT.'Denmson for his ao tlon In tbis mattercharging that the "red tape principle prevails," and that "three year1 recruiting baa been" 'played out, -because of certain ahottcomincrs of ths Dower that be." In our Judgment, "Gov'." Dennison Is right We want no more three mouths' regiments, to disband when they are most heeded , ft'le not worth while to, waste money .'la the equipment ana subsistence oi saca regiments i, .u i i Bean dee, whaaevef may bs thw shortobtofngi of tbe powers that be, three' years' recruiting Is not played outr-imever was"better. Men enlist for the war Abett'ds fast as they can be thoronghly arevided for. -""Three years recruit. vowld, however, be "played but," very aooni li th three months basinet jrero, commenced agauu-rCM. tstmnwew. 3d. ' ,,j--v i , a , a'.nwi - - .V 1 r.t I (.dulcK't it One of the Pure Before the People. , One of tboee' Dembor'ali'.wbo had met with indifferent success in his aspirations 'for office while be adhered to tbe organization; and who has. beta nominated or Scat Senator by the so-oailed Onion men el Ods ol the central dls- tricts of Ohio has publiohed mi address to th people, It, is, of course, Pry .patriotic. . H was evidently never patriotic before, v, The sen sation is new te bim, and be oavotta nnder' its) delightful influence like a young eolt that hat suddenly come upon sew. and .fresh -pasture Us sajil "anch at" tha vjew which, we, wbi hav' decided to sacrifice, piirty-organizations and party platform's on the altar of our counf try, are endeavoring to bring boforo tbe peo ple."! -All which 4a-ktniivaleBI to saying that the orgauixatiap wlth whloh h- his been con nected has been aad ie lalmloalto tbe good of the country, and sboold be abandoned, now that the oosntry is actually in daogeaN .Such fellows are utterly . deraia. oi principle, ana are ooiy connected with party organisations Cor tbs saks ol the offices that my be obtained through them... We bad alwaya been of the opinion that the Demoeratio party was Indlssolubly connect ed'wilit the welfare of tbe country, and that with Ita overthrow would come tbe most crlev out of national calamities. We are now to be taught otherwise by adherents of the party who are always on point lookout to discover where they may possibly secure a good office by get ting into a new camp, and who justify their de sertion by pleading patriotism, at II "they bna never had any of tbe article before. Cincinnati Enquirer, d, ,:-". .'. Army Appointments. .Thflfollowliig' appoinfineuts'ln' tbs Ftdsral army are announced; ,; , - -.' r. . :.- Army Appointments. MAJOR GENERAL. Edwin D. Mart-an, Governor of New York. to be t Major-General of Volunteers. " BRIGADIER GENERALS. p tbi.nrrvey' Wright,'' Fifth ArtiUey', Irhtteo state army. ii wii- ., .) - . Col. George Wright, Ninth Iafantry, United States army. ' ', ', ' '.' ; !..?,, Col. R. B. Marcy, laspectot-Gsneral United Slate army. h.ii i-i . -o-i Major Beth Willlsms, ' AssisJant Adjutant General United States army. ; '..,'. ,.'!, Wm. R. (Strong, of Nsw York. Cor. Itaae J. Stevens; of tbe New York Sev enty alnth Regiment. " " Thome Williams, Fifth, Artillsry1. United States army? ' Major Jnnls N. Palmer, Fifth Artillery, Unit ed State atmy.. U . si ' ' it Major George Sykes, Third. Infen.7, United States army. II t K t I ) iJLL t .Wm..T,,4, JrooJ TflTaatryyoj States army UM.a.w.-.-, tmitmi J Wm. W, Burns, Commissary of Bubsistonoe, United States army. '-- .-. ..,Cspt. Ji P.. Hatch, Unhed Sutee-Cavalry " Capr. D-D. M.'rJtahleyi'Vnlted State Cttr- 'C.r' John Itf.' Br'ann'an, First ArtUlery.- : j, Bieret Major W, H, French,- First Artillery. BRIGADIER GENERALS. MISCELLANEOUS. Ctpi J, M. Potter, to be Assistant JuarUr. master United States, Armyi cv oii, ' Capt. Oeo. D.JVJae, to be aa Assistant Qo' termaator of. volunteers. Cblobsl Guttave Koerner, to be an Ald-de-Camp to Major-General Jobs C. Fremont. The Forces in Missouri. A Jtffjrson City correspondent of the Chlca. go Tri6unt whites ; 1 . ' ; -.;. ; i ;, ' mere ere'-aqoui sweive-. luousana reaenu trooDS at Sedalia and violnity, two thonsand at Lamine Erldge, twenty miles east f BedaUa, and about serea thonsand here or between 8t. Loals and , Jetferwn-r-tb whole making in the neigbbbrboodl of 'twenty thonsand soldiers. Opposed to1 them Frlcw'has nnder bim not leae than tventy-flve thousand, end MoCnlloch fif teen thousand, a total of forty thousand. This 1 rather an nnder than an over estimate." 1 ne whole addlt male.Soesalon population in West er. Jdiasourl hav loined Price's armv4. - The oapture of Mulligan's brigade baa made them dellrloua with joy.' They are confident Of hav ing St. Louis witbin tnree weeas. bo tney nava turned out en masse, every nan furnished his own weapons, horses' and food, and those who are destitute of food and horses tak them from tbefarmers. s m;t : ' :? " '; J i.'-i : ; .ii ' ! At last accounts Parton Brownlow's houte at KnoxviUs was guarded by secession soldiers, acting nnder orders from Zolllcoffer. Tbo Parson remains tone to his Union principles, and Zolllooffer baa tespeot enough for bie hen. est opponent to protect bim. ; t v . . -: ' ' -; r Tac Fousticnth Ohio Rxoiaiirr. This regi ment came down on the Frankfort Railroad on Sunday night a far as Emlnenee, and went In to camp- at that point. Colonel Steedmanl a gallant officer, is in command. Leuiicitte Jour- nnl, 1st..; t ..i(r.-.i-- ,.-!-. . . 1 . 1 m 1 1 . I JIialth or Ma. Tod. Mr. Tod. we learn, haa baan oomDalled todeoline.oa lb inlunotlOB bf his nbvsioians. the appointments to address meetings, made lor Dim in various pans 01 toe State. His health, although materially restor ed, will not admit of exoiting duties Incident to a stump speaker in a political oampaigu.J loaino Hegitttr. . . :, . , . -' ; 1 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. ' Ullt40iTlKI 0. tllLITIA AMD T. UlUTU,)' " ' QoaaTUWAiTta-QuttAL't Orrics,V ; , .1. I . ., Colombo, Oct. 3, 1881. T?H01tI AND AVTEB THIS DATE, SO . PA88X1 will be tsratd by the Itet cf Ohio to sol dim oa furlough, to be refmded or kept ent of their pay. f I ! ; l ( W ,1 ' - t AWhWtor fraaspertoMoawUlhtreatterbe ttttlad and paid by the Aalttant Quartermaster TJ. 8. A., at No. SO, 'State Hoate, Oolnabos, Ohio. ' j ; -; ' ' I0. BWBIOHT, j ' ' ' 1 - ' ' 1 Anlitant Quartermasttr General . OClttf .i.- ,. t , I I- DRY GOODS. ! 119 SOUTH HIGH. STREET OPEN AGAIN. I ; S. S. EAMES, ,, . LATE OP CIR0INNAT1, ' , . ., , , . I' ; ,1 It now reclThi( a laireanddeilrabl ttook of Fall and Winter Dress Goods! which he will sell at prices thit will enable him to tain the nputaUoa th Stand already enjoyt of being the Olxoetjp Qtoro of tbe City; Hneh of the Stock was bought for Cash before tbe lata extraordinary advance.' aad all oan :be soidat -. ... '3e?S T.HAN"cURRENT PRICES. ''"!- ' HOOP SKIRTS! for TLrtwliasMiesea and Chlldrcnl of the very best quality and mike. eorllally Invite me 01 oniorm or tnenonte, and everybody else, .to call and examine my ttocki btfore parenulng elsewhere. fF3 r0m XSCtZXXOlSy ,... 119 BtrtJttt man . oeU-dtt r j 1. . iv 8TBEIl, :CQt.0KBUS, OHIO k. STRAYED OR STOLEU A-'Black Horse,".'- " b CIXTEEffJ nAffDS niGH, WITH A O Bur in th fortheid; long fall tall and mane; four years old. 1 will pay - A Liberal Reward - To any person giving Information, or returning sail none 10 me tuDwrineron norm rtaier itreei, voiun 1 v."...: h. chambirs 0ct!3t.. ' '. ... , ,(.',. . JOHN. HUNT BIT, MERCHANTS! AILOR, ;; No;' S330 eoxifh ETigh fStrexst; Three - , : ijoore noutn oi ition, . TTA8 Jn received a eholoe stock ef TALL AND JJ. WINTER OOODB, suitable for gentlemen's wear, easterners wtil here thlr orders neatly and substantial ly executed at the lowest ratce. , ' I sep28 . r i-ri-.i-..--- vj -' j SPECIAL NOTICES MANHOOD. HOW J.OBI, HOW SE8I0BXD. Juit Pnblhihedln a Sealed Envelope; Price S cti.l A LEOTUBB ON TUB NATTJBB, TltXATMXsTT ANT) BA.DIOAL CUBE Ot 8FEBMAI0R&UBA Or Bealnal Weakness, lnrolanbwy IlsiIjsIocs, Bexnal Debility, and Impediments to Marriage tfenerallly, Herronsnese, Con- enmpUoB, Xpiiepfy aad rite, Mental and Physical In, capacity, resulting front Belf-abue, Sco. By Bobert it uuirerweu, at. A.,aamoroi ineureenjUKK,te. A Boon te Tboasaade el nflorere,1 Sent nnder seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, poll paid, en reeelpt of two stumps, by Sr.1 0UA8. J. 0. KLINE. 127 Bowery, Nw Yurk, Poet Office Box No 4.586. sep7:3mdaw , Persona ef lull babits, Who are subject to peetlvvneN,' Headache, OMdiness, Srpwilness and sing Inilnlhe tats, aiiiing from too great a (ow el blood to the head, should never be without Brandreth'e Fills, aod many hlly dAotf cos symptoms will be removed by their imaedlaie use, , ;',., . , The Bon. ). Hani, of Westchester eoanty, N. T., seventy-five years of age, has ased Brandreth'e Pills for twenty five years aa his sola- aedlcme. When be feels Indisposed, be It from Gold, Bhemnatlsm, Asthma, Head ache, Bilious Affections, OosUreneie or Irritation of the Udnsys or bladder, he doae nothing bat take a few doses o Biandreth's Pills. ' ii ' : : . fill usual aelhed Is to late tlx pills, aod redoes the dose each night, one pill la every attack of sickness tor twenty fire years, thjs simple aetbod baa never failed to restore him U Valtkf and tew men arete be found so estiva and hearty as h.'i;,;', ' ',.',,,,' ),',,'.. .' Bold by Jobs B. Oooa. Drasslst. Oolumbo. and by all respectable dealere In medicines. eplB-dlm - - .''..- nor FAT'a urtt piim. la aft eaeet ef oostlvenea, dyspepsia, billions and liver affections, piles, rheumatism, , fevers aad aaues, abetl aale head aches, and all general aerangetaeats ef health these Pills have arvarlabry prove a certain and speedy remedy.' A single trial Will plaee the. Life Pillsvbyond the reach oroompetltlon la the estlmalioa ef every pa Bent.",',' , , ; ' '..i ' ' ' -' Dr. Moffat's Phoenix BltUrs will bs to and eqaally eti Beaeioas la all eases ef aervoasaebUltr, dyspepsia, head nohe, the stckoess tneident to females la delicate health, j and every kind of weakhess 'of the digestive srgans. for sale by PC, W. B. SlurlAT, S3S, Broadway, H. X. and by all Dnwglste.., ft i r -- a . , say2S-dkwU Tbe following' t in tttiaot from leueiwrtttaaby tkaBev. J. B. Holme, paster o( the Plertepotat-Btreet Baptist Ohorchj Brooklyn, H. T.,t 'Journal and Messenger,! Olnclnnath Q.,and speaks volemee la favorif that worU-ieoowaed saedloine, Mas. Wimslow's BoVrauis'lnurr roa Osnuasa Txawsuwai 1 '"We eat ah adverthaeat la roat eolnmm of Mae tfnnu)W'i Boonuaw Briorv . Kow we never said a word In favor of a patent medicine before to enr Hi, batw feel eompeiled to say to your raadar that this ta ae basa bog WS BAVS TAUSP IT, JU S . ST V oum. It Ie probabli on of the meat SMueeesfu w 4ds of th day, tMoatu II i on f th bMt. Aadthost of yont rsaoere wae nave bane a't ae laymasappiy.'. ectf7ilje v - -. M . W. flunula, a Urft.v . ..w.m : , 1- liware Common fleet. ' a. Knapp Oft. J r -i,' BY VIRTUE F A WftW'Of H. PAt la the tbove mlm. ana alio two eihe writs, en Id rarot of John P. Bonn vt. J. a. Koapp Co.", aod oae la favor f Wllllaa 0, Bunn ti, I, (t. Koapp kOi, ae dlrwtfd h-om th Ooartof Common (leu of Peiaware oonntr. Ohio, I will ofer for aW at, tha itoro room No. lu mm mnmu mm, 000,070 moos, in uif 017 oi vs lombua, sale oommanelos t r f 1 i ' f 1 ' ' i I Monday, the 14th day1 of Oof., A. 0.1861, at t o'clock a. m., a So assortment of dry r'x"' an4 notions, two stores, one tup laddai, two tots Valrkaak't eoslM, oo oetk, on lht r clock, Jkj Sto.--1 '''iV'.wa'iL.,,. ! ' .. By . Dvi, Pplj.y . IT. MM W DIWI lI - u w. B. Kiht, lucuonctr-, j, ,i 04 MpSHdta. NATIONALS LOAN.; 4 PDKtCAHT 10 ISBTBnOTIONS IBOM TBI BtO BCTABV ,0F THI TBK ABTJBT, a, book wUlj be opened oh the ,;,.,'..",,; - ,'r-.i . ' -' , 31st day of September, at' the Clluioa Baak. For sabterlptloas, nader my superintendence, for Treat? arv Notes, to be lamed onder the set of July )7, lf61. These aotee will be lstu4 In sums of fifty dollart, eat hundred dollars, fire ImnOrtd dollaraone Iheoand dollars, and five thenaud dollars, dated lath Aagf it, lest, payable three yean after date to the order, at the subscribet or aa directed, and bearing Interest at the rate of 7 310 per oent. personam, payable stmt-eotm- ally; said interest being at the rate of two cents for each day on every hundred dollars.', for the convenience of the holder, each note Will bay eoupons auaened x pressing the seveial aaouats of semt-tnnuat Intertsl, which coupons may bt detached nd preiented tor fry .... .. .. t l ment separately rrom tne noui. ' SubtoripHon for rue IVeatvry Intel will te etived dvrinfJIUtn Say I from th day of opntrtf the book at afurmaid. t t r, ,i- T: i. t Farther Information given on application to .-"y ;, ' ' . ,: .',lirl. 0. MIHX4I11, . - i . i - . ..uflovernmentSaheerfptlon Agent, seps3dloe ; i -i... i .- i - ;-..,. STARLING , a ; MEDICAL COLLCE, 'r-tooLTjMinj-omo;;- THK BEflDLAH COCHBB'OS' I.fcf.' TUBBS in this Inttltntlon will commeoc1 on THCBBDAY, tbottth ef OOTOBEI, and cnnliaue n- til the lit of March, loos. ,v V " TFJ. OTJItTY. 4 " r S. M.' SMITH, M."b.', y Prof ettor of Theory and Practlclf, aid Dean . FRANCIS CARTER, M. D , Prof, of Obitetrics St Slaeates of Women fc Oblldre ,:' JOHN DAWSON,' M,' p.Si''J '. Prof.' of Anatomy and Phyilology. , , J. W, HAMILTON,' iii.n , i ... " , . ' Prof, of Bergery. , liivt 1., Prof, Mt. Med., Therap.'a Uf . Jnriiprudsooe.U r ' THEQ. Q: WORMLEY.M. D',"1 Prof, of Ohemiitry.!'"'- . K. a. XtAJlK, OU V; . .- . Demonstrator of Anatomy .4 titiMT'. ' nar-iCi 2. .f.-"il Terms:' Tickets fortall the Profeeton..,.. t&OW KatrlcnUtion Ticket (oaiy paid enca. . . r, . , t 00 aradnatton Teea..". ..,4 fO OO Demonstration Bervleee , 5 OO Boarding $ to ) per weak, Inctadlng Ugbt aad fuel. The Clinical knd EotDital advantaiee eonelsi la the Urge and dtvenlBd Oolleg Ollnie and the. lioiplUt of the rranaun uonnty innrmary. nesiae tntte, u two Military Oampein the neighborhood will be ecciulbleto Meoioai Biaiwaa. - All letters ol inquiry will bo promptly answered eltd S. M. SMITH, IXm n i.;. 1 1 i ii .1 - i i Am "11." RESTIEAUXJ k: , rwi..'Ur:! bt-, '-aril- tiui :in i r - .- . i (8TT00K 3S0lt TO tfcBl 4 TMAUiy!, . No. . 106, South High StrcCti .JtAXBB IN GROCERIES, PRODUCE .". ? i V i l tT "j'-.i i (-. PROVISIONS yjr c I Foreign and lldmestic' Fruits FtOUR, S ALT, LIQUOR 8, E T Cj ..-,.;) oi i 1 STORACE & COMMISSION UUrW. S-.-il-csil iftr!.-ii s- i. ' (Ute of Phslon's Xitabllshment, S. J1 .;,)",' . , i pBOPBIETOR OF THE NEW TORK jl rashionsbi snaving, Aiair vnitug, rJbunpoosuig, Onrling and Draeeing Baloon, . ,', , v ....."l SoatA liiah St., over JSaia'e 8tora where eatlalactloa will be given la all ' the vertex brancaee. . . I Ladlea' and Obildran's Hair prenbg done In tbe bt etyle. Ver. -. .' -t ... u-t vj Ihobesj amiadlet ; ;- !: i - V l' . . , t - r- i I f NEW O OAL YARD. THE CNDEBSieili'lED KECPi'CDPf A. SIAfllLX on hand and for tale, tbe best quality c BTAMTLY on hand and for sale, the best quality pf HOCKING- GRATE COAL,- I 1 whioh he will eell at the lowest market prlcss. TT1 j Call and oxtnino mt Ooal before surcbatirix else wheie. , ; OHM U tbe store of Brsilf.,rS, BuydAia c (Jjj. bead of Oanal . t. BtJTDAM. sep?6-3m Oysters! Oysters!! i HAI JC8T HECEIVEB, AfVts.WILli be In daily reoeipt, by Bxprees, Of,,,'. ' I FBESH CAN ft IIG OYSTEES,' from Baltimore and Pair Itaven. Osll at Wagner's Oyster aad Vrolt Pepot, Btatestreet. . ..-. i.t.., .lieu v No.'etttsi augttf T" COLUMBUS ,in-.a OPTICAL INSTITUTE ... . . . - . .. .i.j - i I P t..y.t Tbe Best Artificial Help to tbe , , Haanan slgbt ever iBTeated. ,v, JOSEPH S. miWl;1, PRACTICAL ft 8CIENTff IOprTJCIAN, KEEP! THB LABGESTAHORT. ment of the sneer toDreved kinds of Bpectaetos. All his fllasses, whetber for sear er fatHnghted, are ground la eeacave convex form with the greatest care, so as to suit ta Byeaef aH easeecaring Weakness, DinineM or IuflamnUioa ef tbe Bye, and inparttug Slreogta for long reading or nne sewing Office, 13 Bast State street, at BelUeY ,WeWj's Marie Store, eag-jy , ( ;t ,owiii'i't lunei .-u t,( J i in .i.i.u J' Irish Jhati XJooadU '! '' TTTsnBtsTtturirmiO1 " ,'.!'-w" V Linen Bkirt Boeome. Plain and f ahoy .r. , . . Bhlrtleg aod Boeoa Linens. - Linen Bheetlan and Pillow Oealnsra. ' . j. ..:"'. ' Unen Oaubrlce and Lang Lawns. . . ' - ' L torn rocket4Mndkrfe, all slses. ' Linen TowelllnnaadDiapert v- tinea rTapkin en D'Oyllee. Linen TM Olotlwaiid Satla Damasks. .. . ,. .V LUtea Tewele with eolored bontws, ' "! . . .. im aostroevwrtogsand Onah V.-IK VP, f saw at tow priee. "'.j'jja m. .1,-,, i, tto. 88 Boatk Bisk etsetU, BONN ETSIe BtlBBONtl TAJBt. AN B KDOBBB, new sty les, jast opens by . BAI& at BOH, . snrtO - X.SeataBlt3ksareet. Sheriffs SalskJ b:. r- f I, AQimAT WESTERN . jtkpresa CalVrt Vnlti : Blatd es- aw FAST FREIGHTLIlNE, i Via Xv' York & Erie Sailir6a; And fill Dthef Roads Leading Went Onartered Otrs oyer moit Boads on Pauenger Traloi. t-Tti 'it f '' . -.-t ' a. H. llbVtt, Ag't. I A. 1. KNISHT, Ag't, tt Broadway, a . x . 1 ' ' 5 State St., Boitan .' ft-WU, Hi P1BBY, Bupirintendent, BnfTal6. ' L' IT. t-ITCII eV BON, Agents, j ',"'' f't ". 87 Waet Broad Btraei, ''" . t'OMJlTIBUBtOHIV. RE MO V A L. WtLUAM : H; BESTtEAUX, Qrpceries," Produce, .vf.ft-'V:-, r ( v i ; Proviaions, -Ti- ' Foreign, and Domestic Liquors, U;;'(:Fruits? etcekr i v. i"' V. h .,, .'i :: t. ' "' " J JHAB'BEM0VBD BU8I0'ak JHOM ; -r Nti. Vii o R T H H IGH STrVe T. -No. .106,, South High Street, ,t,i.i.i-j' yu, oUitiuid recently occupied by Wlf. MoEONALD 01Jm... '- : : .itpe i I ne lsln dally reeelpt of " - - ' NEW AND FRESH GOODS v"-Which he will sell Ctteaa fr Oath or Coaintry Frbdnce. O Ooodi delivered to City trade free'of charge. rvnta wrnoLow, An eaperleaeed None and female Fnytklaa, presenti '' to the attention of mothers, her 9$Q;T H I N G; S yB.yP, ruit tU!L,UKt. iliUTUlMU which greatly facilitate the process of teething, by soft ening the gums, redadsg all inflammation--will allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and Is UIIE TO REGULATE THat BtTWELS. Depend upon It, aothera, 1 1 will give rest to yoonelvei BXXIST AND HEALTH TO YOTJX XS7A1T18. We have pnt np and sold this artlole for ever tea years, and CAM BAT, IN OONPIDBNOB AND I0TH,oflt, what we hare never been able to say of any other medi-eiae-NKVEB BAB IT FAILED, IN A BINQLI 1M8T ANCB, 10 SrrBOT A OUHB, when timely need. Nev er did we know an Instance ef diwatlsfaetlon by any one who need It. On the contrary, all are delighted with Its operations, and speak In terms of eommendatiea ef Its magical eOecte and medical Tlrtoee. We speak In this matter "WHAT WB DO KNOW:" after ten years' expe rience, AND PLBDGTJ OUB BIPUTAT10N FOR TUB rULlLLMBNT Or WHAT WB UKKJt DBOLARB. In almost every Instance where the infant la suffering froai pain aneV exhaaetlen. relief wilt be found in fifteen or twenty amatee after tbeSynrp la admlalalered. This valaable prepamtlon a the prweriptlon of one of the moot BXPBBIVNOKDand BKlLLfUL NUB9BB in Newlnrlud, and has been used With KBVKft f AIL INO 8U0CBBS ta ' ' -i ! TUOUSANDa OF OA8E9. It not only rellevoe the ehlM from pain, oat Invigor ate the stomach and bowels, oorrecta acidity, and givei bme and energy to Urn whole system, - It will almost in ttantly relieve Qj.. esimo m rax bowkls, AUDWiito couo and overcome convulsions, which. If aot speedily died, end In death. We believe It the BBST and SOU BBT BBMBDx IN THS W0B1.0, Ie all eeeee of DTi BNTXBT and DIARltll'HA IN OBILDBBM, whethej It erleea from teething, or from any other cause. W would say to every mother who has a child nfhrtng from anyof the foregoing complaint DO NOT LBT YOCB PBSJCDIOBS NOH TUB PBB JDDIOBB Or OTHIBb stand between yon an your safferlngehiH, and the re lief that will be BURByee, ABSOLUTELY 8UBB to follow the nse of this medicine, bt timely used, fall di rections for using will aooompany aacll tnttle. Nop genaine unites the fas-elmile ef OU&XUSs PBBKIMBj Sew York, Is oa th ootstd wrapper, n , n . .. Bold by all Draggist throoghoat the worhL . in Principal Office, IS Codar Street rt.TT. fRICEONLY J25 CIJNTS EER BOTTLE. "oetS7-dfcwly. . . ;- ' .a-, ti w NEWARK- MACHINORKS, V.-u'UVn'lVu' ;.aairAiltjlliO;i!. inaaufsuitareteaetlt-lrtda of Por .takieaacl etatlenarr eteaaa Uss- , Hlneet saw nilUa, terlst Mill, . . .Vawvr'l w e eV ' ' UA'I B&DLSi Beaten JI.dJ.SlMfJTeaUnt 8: QtiTALL BeatmlU OOLVMBXH " kiqBtSXCQBatmlll iSADIOSD CO. Beatmtlttt Oar PorUble Zortaa aad Baw MUr 1 Was awarded the first pfemrtna of fM arths TJlirtAot BtaU fair for lbt ever tans As Bodley's oa sow ant of Prloe, Mghtneew, slmpMeltv, eoonomTo itoal and superior charaoter ot lumber sawed. Our Stationer Bnsine was awarded at the eaae tali th flrst preailam ().. . J .-nir ..,.... Oar Partabl Bngtn was awarded the first premloa ot 100 at the fair at Memphkj, Tenn., over Biaady's Da vall's, Oolambns Machine Oo'., sad Bradford (ft, by a committee of practical Railroad Bngtasei. ti for price and terms addreas -.-, .rfiI WtLLABD WABN1B, Treasurer, kdeo5-dKWlyeoU. , - . Mewark, Ohlo C. r.TCOLLIGTERr -Wbeiesalef and Uetatl Sealer la ,veVIO. XmXHUl OCTWfcv,- 1 TaTT1' aratar eel, . Keep uaestantir sa band klljtbe wa rlena BHANve ef IrttiDOTrtocl Oct. W lya .aaaaaaaV-Wsa E A OLE BRASS WbnltS, ..tperner Spring dc Water Ste., OoIxxixiTOIIxaV OlxTtS; Wr llPCTTar Ca COO.) MACQSOL131XITO, laa kaenrfc-torrV oT'Prant and" dinoi 'fJailBM, rtalstied Brass Work of all DMorlpUODJ'. Elcctfi Plating and STENCIL CUTTlNCp AC. tMtl-dLy