Newspaper Page Text
.HOTATfilG i.eru A iurwO .W null'' w- .al'qel at fidJ ami eWav. . . . f TT TMTT IVtBVwwwin - ei U .bobb d ' J I (Wl.lrl t i t--A l-T-rl-.a 1i.-i.-i1 nprrmoOlonfl .0 tic 1M jm - s su ittflfC In ..,,, MNYi?ENNY,fcIMILITER, TJBLUUtBI it UTjOJIU KM. SO. 91 IU W.'HOTU BUD .wi.'lwa .l,:tiBM lMTAEUBI;T ttf KtTANOl. .mUv .ran j 1 1 1 h ISOOMrrMjr ,i,,iBnkUrrUr,prwek, ltU MttU.uJl .will U0tTMr, 1.00 On (fnr 3 wck(..(4 00 Ono " itmU..lM Om- " IwHk... 179 0n manthi-1$ W 3n, 3 monthi. 10 00 WW dyi... 1 00 f monthi' e an j month.' S Ml fcuMrUoa ou on Ibia th abort . UnttiKmont! laded ud placed la tb Bolsma of t meiai noncei," aouou 14 trcnttary-rmtt: All uotloet renlna M b! pubiuhod by law, lfifal ratal . If ordered a Intldh txeluilnly after the Brit week peni, mora man tne ahoye raiea; but all moa wll )V I iapeidlD the Trt-Weekly wlthoot ohanre. aaiineai uarde, not ezoeadlog Ore lioei, per year. I i . a 4 tn . .ii. ( i iNeftoetof meettogi'.oharltableeodleUei.Breoompanlei o., Ball prire.t i , . 'T 1 AUtraruitnt tdmritftunU mmi ie paid fir In rfwMd The rale will not be varied from. Weeklr.iama, prlcaaa the P all,, where the adrertleer K eee the Weekly alon. 'Where ! -Dally aid Weekly are both need, then the eharja terthe Weekly will be Ho adTertieement taken exoept for a definite; period. , rtBUSINESS 1CAROS. ijx5?-)(7,m .kwF.-? A; B. 8DIIIS8, Attorney ett Xjt-AT 'er-ANO NOTARY PUBLIC, j ni i Attorney & Counsellor at .MARION, OHIO: OOXjTTIMEX3t7l Machine JlaiiufactarisCoiiipaaT " aJtoVAtrnrtiM of JjJe'e! e e eY o u e e b e"o i jvlp'j 'j ft ..II tl M ty n (J I ... i (1 :mm . ENGINES : & TOILERS, ,J . i l - alloy 11 TiA itnuinii.'nnin to t OlAS-'AMBOS, Bip'l.' ' ' 1 ' ' ,f. AMBOl. Treaa. ii4 tell. iH9ar " ,J' : 1861. 1861. 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements.---Time Changed. Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I. rwj RAILROAD. 1 X 4 Sfrl l Conseotlng at Oreitlln with th PITTSBUtaB, " WATNK k. CBICAOO BAILKOAD FT. .rjVilaWi'P ami BalHmlm. .Wty. Connecting at Olereland with th UKX 8H0BB BAIL ,m tniiFOr Dsisiklritt Bnrrale Albany- Bos " - - ion, ana nw, a.srM, ' TTrrnTCTi! Tl? ATWfl TVATT.V , t.T, rf'; T AMJU1UU ' AMUXU1M aiX14JA .I'-i.-ruir r.. u.. i. - ' i i " ' ;1 - "' AXCIPT BUNuAf ,' I AiiiH '.'l l. - Vwam-aa tnlrtaM fa nnnArflA atrtlW ThJ am lfu v er a vena W vaaaaa vaaara aa wvuuusniVH H l , ay waa auv 1 rJ nr'VV C MtafMt. au arv . aAi wTMaiTsi ft" ' AM u 4 ,AkMt .is'' .11. J , . .. t : Vm M. ijm s AS1 iv uvsuv iisuva JkUNlAV UAlLUOAllkl., ,.. . '".' .?iv .' ... tiiue rum. ,. '.,, ' Sl JlX 11 I'l TO T.l . , . Ntan? XSrKSSS.-LnTes Oolnmbui at 110 A.H will toava ngr bt all station south f Gallon, atac a Delaware. Aihler. Oardlnctoa aad dilead, at all station north of Gallon, errWIng at Olereland1 J i 1 1 atB Sb A M., Dunkirk J:( P. II., Buffalo Si P. Albany I.xu A. M., New xork e: A. St., uwtoa xiu Jt. at , PIltAburgh via OreeUin 8:80 P. at vPhllaOal Al5:10 A. at. Chicago via Creetllne at 7'0U P. M; L ' SB00ND TBAIN. J MIW T0RK IfPREBB Leave Oolnmbna at 11: Will atop gt Lewie centre, (for Whit Baipaue Bpringt), Delaware, uarqington, union, ureeline,Buei-i by, New London. Wellington and Grafton, arrive Vlersland at 3:3S p. m.; Dunkirk, t):SO p. m-r Bu flo.,lU:8J b. m.l Albany. B:i5a. m.: NewXotk. to. a; Boatoo, d:40 p.m. Thl Train sonaect at Bhel ty fur Sanduiky, and at Giaftoa for Toledo, arriving .Joldat:Up, m. ', " x f I THIRD TBAIN. 'U MaftTAND AOOOldMODATION leaves aMumsut r yv y ITS ' at blKlbv for aandueky and Toledo, arrlvlni ttf Sbtt.yUnd at Ne Losdoa. WelUngton,arafUD,l I and Brf: arrlrhig at Clevelaad at b:W p.lm.i Dua-I f m.) Buffalo, :WJ. m.;Albany,9:ilSp.m.;1 VKt i;rr-oiiiiif, ii.dh p. sd ( aVuiwraiiuisB-) i ? Olikraafi i OirtUlM, 6:45 m. . TtUi Trmlil rr l?Atent 'Bleetinff Cars Are run iirv s:Br;--iif Train, - ria-n Sm ' VVVJ VIST'S v "-vg,, rtu,1;.a &i'CclMr throuQh to York oil Men 1 1 mlm tiWMi; auo. ay fhuaatipMa ana Right BiepreaSarrTweSatOolumbus at. ..11:15 P. M. OlocinnaU Kanrete arrive at Columbus at lOrSO A. tmm.M,Jl.ttnrf 1,Am .MlmMal Cnlnmln. .1 rs w-i v.. t, ;: i X""r:rriJ:i : elii. i iwtu weeBajBaHWtaMe-MM- sTaursj sto Sw.wr gta kr siBiythor owe. . aw. .-. a ri k n a 1 1 '. -mv,'A .iy S i .vnae Inter VnArr-aPnt,OlevlaJi IIIB WIS Cil ail'M' mmmmmiLMmajBi, mginpiMu lilj i mneaiaii, vnrv i'. 'tl I .' Wot 1o .ii'WJast Seeelvett u:;l1 u1 eJ aUU XaCAS I(HSv pra Mo Oewee. r.-u 1 BO poekebi old Dank (krveraraeirt Sara CbffeSw w t nim t-1 1. 1 v baw oey ma uom.. .....-... vh.ifa'liasailbbla. ataadarS WhtW StibarS, obcieii jSDIi.-'1" 'nd, Ohrusbed, raMlatd A and B Q r.M.40e.amMrtBrik ereh. X .. '.". , gobble. Mes BBda I laaeavret.'1 v. .nBfc,3iT S to. Piek SalaWBJ 1 ' .... . , liK),ilijrlOb. Layer BallnS.-t''tlT'' j.iia olM..lf In -AM al. a... ao gredeei mciivnaiiV,. rf UJlOlU I'ulnl'f'l el ee i I . . . . V inrl VlaTiV.V!naTl'WanrTltr'P., . - , le V ' li siaLioobb-. : r;V.te.0y.fctrt':"', kLKR, , HEtJaV XI fc3. -! Iaafb,adap . BA(eiii;tii ,0JXi4s8ft CU A J'UC A'J.J s.2 .V Uwhf ....TTTV Oil' . a a, ' .. i. -,ni'i3 sari's- a. I0TJTH- HMa tv-.?.,, oauj a , -r- , rsAa.. . W .yrooi SntabcdlB iuur fsr sup-jrloc loWitl Aitroduce; unn imn ""- -- --.-vi. .,,; itri JtM I . i jiifolriorto that of say iejrlyo witbwhlck I am ac j.H,, ""tL rr". a rvL I Lead ina I ' . JrWMti lil Tbeorthegraphf of I hmI hw innaf. If flitt a eanw "vm - - I irOUDirF ftOd SDSlsUmd. I , ; and H. 1 xiu ' " W all 1:4S at ss.t 7 i ao -il,-,-.. J J, 1 f rii, ln "1 ' ... . . INUUA"i BHA.CC,, p.f.llahers. UOB.acllrs it St. 7-11, 1 j ... . i y.i n. ..r.j.. i-c .sllll ., . j . ' 'wBr-'r1alslo.w; v i i lm.n..'hv-f4 aa jolabaa irm!(l ' - ,,n r.,r. ' 1 " I The, lattwTt,EaTilti!h.e, 'Beit,' -!WJV! a .t re ..- srffctiw, lilfct pio,t nuiL-- jaw Ihul ' Xiittun&mtn4ntXdwxdortof Ohio, VbUre anb&lo-t J miJk ThenMml Worfl. whoM mnltlhriool meujnp ud dnlnttonij tointkar ninuppwmcTiraiaf.mtmiiiMiiuo! nimi H L14 JJ f Alt ai iblhcMm of-fhcrMmhtrt of th Ohio I The ifcdnvTrrin nmbhAw'Bf Oik Ohio Stat TeWneW iatoolatioa. adoui and alaa teuieln teachlhf . WrlUot and rpeaklnrl lh Orthoirniphy ana pronnnaiaUaD . ml iWoreeatat1! UofalQewrtd Uettoaary. and we mor oar dlally reooamend It ai the mott reliable atandard an- thorlty oC tbe nf lh laagnaje, a It la now wrilkrn and --.TJ . lJ.-.-,' '5 ... . uukiw arnnn, rreanein nenyon uonege-t " M. T. LaoaaTT, Ruperlntendent Zaneaellle SebocM im. wHim, sap Yi ftapHllaeal Ion Union Bchoole. .,. , Sou-'l PnbUaJkhooli, Bandatks'.'' m't Public Bchoala. Olrolerllle. ' John Ltnca, Bup f,. Awrofj paqclpal oBTlana female aee T7' ' I ii 0 ,T, Jok 0sn. " miLMmup v ran iio dcbooib. n u tat! Normal School, Wtnne ia' via. u w! jo, njloal ;jroyrtntenedtot! School, II. 8. JUAiTW.Snp't Canton Union School!. . Jbwi Bbal, PrtnOpal UeHewly Normal School. 1 Ku T. VAmaa. Prof Hathematlot. Ohio Unlreretty. W. W. Kdwabim, Bnp't Troy Union School.;-, nfm i A. a. uoreiRK-vrtaoiMi wed uied ocboeuMier 8. A.MoiTokj AMeobWrrlnclpal High Schoet Wew- UM. t '"on TbsodoI! Snituaa,, Principal High School, 01ra land. -ova Ail ,-(ij 6. Ae AT ! SSUeVlaTlmfaTWVipM V c AUweiluni, t- , - A. Oiruieeklfn, vCJKlecUftlttitej BI W. 1. llAiuj,ff; VJ.'Ct'itry,t '6iiI' Weeleyaa U Vhi.h T1.1 f1ll.. J T.alltnla H. II. BaixM. Ifx Oemfcltiloher of Common Bchooli, AtiiA.'.:.:.. -. i.i. i;!;.i:eoir Im io; i.. l i - ' i .ifetntt,' Prtf,llh; Obrf1lnOollw.u'' TBoe. Bux.Preeldent Antlooh Oolleie. ' J. t -oj n: 0. W-H. OaTnOACT.' Prof. Hathtinatto!,, Bigk School. DATton. .IIJ.lJ,S.U,wa ., , B. O. CRPMiirorr.'Prof. Lbngnge'' 'Dl(!h' School. DaTton. v , :iu BY M . Kuan. Son't Union School. Athlaod . a a- eUur-Pmtdmti of CbJl ffeav rroftvrti Author M ilMatrUA4a kiuca- ?RE3JpENT3 OF COLLEGES IN OHIO kf ARirrrA Oouaan "It la trnly mtcnlfleent work. Jn-noner to the anUreri ttre publlthere, and lb wbel w.airy.' rretural Andrew!. - I I Omu WaeMaUMairi!iIteihiyrpat none. k It will b my fnlde In ortkoKraplylandpronan elation, and will often be eonaaUed by me (or ltf scat and accurate dtalU."Praidea! Vbompioa W. S. IcucnoCouaaa. "neretoforavelhaTtneed Webater'a orthorrarhr. At anecent meetldn, ct ear waa decided to chant It to conform to that of Woroeitar'a. loyal Onbrto BlotiooAry." Prteldent OarioU.1 - .4 a i a . lid H Wmrrama Kmnn Ooixtoi. "I And It .worthy of eordial apyrobaUon.'Wreeideat oitehoock. I Oioiub OoUaai. "It mora than meet! mjr expechv Uom. I recommend It a the. atandard aalhorltyio orthoepy i mreiiildren and my paplta." PreeWent klorgan. x I Awnom CoLLaw!--"! adopt and aim to bn in icacn- bg, Writing and tpeallrjg, the orthography and prbsa eiauon or woroeetcr s noyai Quarto Dictionary, freeldenl Hill. , , "la all an writlnr. sneaHra. sad teaehltr. I have n- deayored to' conform to th rule for orthography bad pronunciation aioontalned in Woroeeter DMUoaazy. ttorac Jiana, sat rsMKMPT. Kamroa Couana. fliiriin. ''I mott cordially reoom. mond it a th mast rellabl Itairdard aathortty of the MnglUh lawgaag a n H new written ana ejwien.- frealdent Andrews. s SCHOOL COMMIS3IONERSOF OHIO'. From Bet. Jinton Smyth, Oommiotum of J i n ti vr aakovm MIK I - 1 i yj Th TMcUonar U an lroDerUhAbie aoniment to th learning and Induetry of It author, and an honor to th world 01 letter, xn mecnanicai utcouud m i i "Tbe'moet gaago." tellable ttandard Authority ofl the laa- l. wa,x TW j. Ne-wsrpapersi of Ohi Soy. ClMtlattd Herald of JforcA lb Wdreaater Vlctlonirry ill. author of dletlncUoa. la and oaaronas to th general luage of ordinary writer! and ipeaker. , "L.-", Whatever prejudice! may bar eitated prevlouily, riiiiiui-.f thlavslnma will Invariably b followed by a warm appreciation of It great awfita, Sod a deal to add It to lb well lsld. library, b U large or small, It ie a library laitaelf, and will reraaiar a, lmprih ble moord of ta learning of psoompller. a 1 .1 AVvanlA OnoU-toAl Xlnirtal o ipf 80 . ti. .Muiirf a hundred tbaaaaad word-:fOod had and lnduTarenU-wboM malUUrlou meaning! ' dedTAtloni, tngelhef With their cotredt ipeliln and pro- Tie work nniutlenabl,tb araalMt Xbaaaarwai.BDgiilb WrA ttiMUM. art. aet'OieariT veiorw -w "j." I ,r nubliiUed. , ,,. .,. r-i a , .. t " " Iwldentlv Woanrarsa'a RoTAb tuar DtcrioMABr Auii tmlt, ihi LuL but th best wort oMe tiHtLmm- etMd.andctB by no pomlbUlty auflerby cxaapalj-Jor oonivry. J I . AA 4 MTTro.rWoeffrwa M raa BTARDAtn fellgwed by oay baVsaUirMiin l!SnUloni b eac nothing to h deelred, and Id 0TaoaRnir It W ufflcinl HtatUwere, OHIO. y . - .1 c . i; V4 v a-t4'.. . '"''" 1 jpw'Wt .bf'7icarevi VA.;iaG .xaTri a.rl.s V CO DlTldend Janmsur 1 B I Per Cent ABBBTB. . T.T. . BJ,8l356 II liSyASOskitlrtlAalll 1 A. V J AJt r J. - - A . ., u 1 MOBIVSBU IU A I uyias naaaaai aaaaa I a4hyeaviAHM'rMWtO.VS I WiiT-ri,yhrrvfi-3ii?3;jf:,i n fbM'WslDW.WBSlr,'! P.ld Claims bv.DeUi.'!C7,037 W. haT-' .'"'-I U nil t.Tn) 01 ,Jo rvu rwiw - . rterpvtf'?:11"" Paid '8ahifi,,, Port-" ' . ig, .Tasw,Jewu" -.uiiw, w"rT.T"n ' '.. ... f ati04MsaA)saltw i ,.rr irc-i L,Jeril-.9rjWiw'"KHlKiJ ii-v Paid Pbjlclu' feee. 5,1 75 K ciro iPald-Anaall bcakaa.nrntT e'hll'iik) .wiil A..! .saaBSViit n. V wJr4 JWAfaTsMS Jat, -IflftWr a.ineSISSB ,'TTlTrif !fMfcI"I"M I . .fcmbniria Jned'lw J ASWihdt .lT.'d nil 1 -aainT en w -. r....,r;v,tmj nttm Bondaand Wortgageaon Rl ,lwll . siaio, worm aouni ui I HBBBOWBt-lrteJ, l.Mlli4. A3UT4 SfC Premluis; llo wob,,,-,, 'I' -.lrr!l BealraUaatse.,lMlAaMtVii sStMnbVSth tl ' . . - ,.j . . , - i . x eUrm S eaHfaldaleaUtton'or th Vrresent talae of i in i'iM nd i i J a.r9 4?i?-i' -ef Mr&wftsw wMlB3 18,559 A- f Tl 8T 5 reircie in rorae,' 1 . . . . i . .'.,, . fi 1". '. ...... MnrrDUfm UT ww HnnDf m I attaadin Pollcieaei bOB0pAn,-B harlng MOMtory anotn ,rae7 threfx rt. bar deciaiva a Jlivroaan oi w per m. on paid at th tabi rates, to al) nolle loe for life ta kwaed prior Is January 1, 18S0, paswai ordiiig t iiieeeiit rnls Tf r- r - i '.Riteafnr all kind of Lit OoaUnrvfWte, IPreepec aaee, IMoinot,-4 Applleatloo, wilt be wiTRovv rAitasiaiMBlvWf MjOSTawrse eg an ! . ' xt JMUbiftt i'.'PAtf tnW, Preeldent; - (,t, - .,y " lij4rtiaB, eiee-erreejufnw . m-.i vwl''-Srwk" sbr.artr i a a. m i i ..a n - at hji' - X .T, i At even gtml.Ibe mott aaaortuiei. V.tH v'.1-saJ 4 MM'm,te' ""aisrtd;r Jy M that wMf;Vv .ticjusf eani 5 I feffeetuar AUerti m ear beina.J & ttosti,2SSa- btrf Alterative Tywe M toWford an effcc antiaot0 Tot, tw'diwpariii u I s re and hi U U- 11 I 50. a tl WJl 50 reputed to cure. It is ueucrctr wi ucn a. ear. rr- .v tb Director, rranii am (erne. Ui 'furnlthedl , v remedy If varlttd-tjT.TlroBir who buffer, from ptrumous compiamw, ina xnni. o Bceompuan meir cure laTim-jrmn 'i""nf terrlce to tMs large cVtsa of out afflicted fellow Wtteens. 'How completely" trris (tornpoutifjjwill Bo it lias been proyert by txpwrment on nasy Of the worst cases to to found of the follo wing Wmplatttsj- '." "'.N.. l,' "!iw:,i,' IH.rnr i ' iVrl Hmmbt.ot. fjArPLAlltXi. i?iA;pTl6rf XlJTrvlJEAti Ulcbus, riMPtE, 'UtOTCftES, TU0n, BAT-T JjtHEUM, t"ectio!4s, MEhotmtAii Pise; Dof-tr, Neo. nlifiiA'ptt lQ'lJoci.0tiBti,tI8iJiittt, Dvs-, Pr.PKll 1N1I INUllir.nilUnt w7"" pa $i. ' Ajt0t,s Fift, iind indettj t jvhole Ioss of cornjtUiiJS ir'rtM . yThiBj coiApouutJ ll; bei)uncl a groat pro raowr ot itmui, waen., ujiu;ii m iuc pji ",. epDl 'tho foul Jjumoja , wjiich fcster iniths ,booiat tlit season 9? tljo ycar;,. JJy thn time ly (xpulioi of tlicm mariv rankiijg dfaordoTS ara. ruppoa. n t,ba bud, -ju,uiuiuut cun, oj (Uaia UtiSim4yi sparo themselves from n,1..n fmil flfnntinn! nrul UliferoUS oiev Jlwotiglv which th vtcm will strive to nd 4teU: M.qrxWPUODS, u Bon uswsieu ra uo this titfpuck tlH natural channeU of tbo body iyn. aHeratiys jwi)kiM9n Cleanse out the wiiinisJ lilond'whpnnver vou Hail its itnbnritics ,Birfiting.throuojh ahMkinWrpunples, eruptions, pr.sorcsv cieanM;i iwiien yo imti a i vo strucUA .and sluggish in the tcuvi i; cleanse n whentver it is foul, and your feelings will tell you whon.- Even where no particular disorder u feltt-peopW enjoy better, health, and live longer , for cleansing tne uiooa. rveep ine blood healthy, and 'all is welM but with this pabulum t4iro disordered, tncro can do no lasting health. : Soones ;or later. : something must flo wrong, and ths great machinery pi life is disordered 6r overthrown.' j - Sarsaparilla has,; and deserve much,' the VcDufotMrri of aecomnlisltinv these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by rrrtparation tof it, partly" becaute tne urug aions nii noi an -vo vircuo iimt is ciuuueu for it, but more because many preparations, pretending tu be concentrated extrnuts of it, contain but little of the virtue-of JSurshparilla, or any thing else. ;";' "-"' " i During late years tne pumic nave ocen misr v,frftlr Vintrnfllriij to iriva a hnart of ExXract of SaMaparilla forne dollar;" Most f Uiets haTe pees vauas spon uie sick; iut tiiey not jiy 'oonmns iuuc, u ny Dnreiipu rilla, but often no curative properties whatey er, silence, bittor and painful disappointment has followed thenisw of -the various extracts' oT Smamm;ilvrilp1i rlnnd tlia markot. tititu tlic nkffieiitsclf is justly i(W4scd, Bud lias become IT tl.ia onmnnnnil Snrsnnarillol and illtulltl to'sritinlv such a remedy as shall rescue tlie the load of obloxravl Which re3 mprmiti And we tiink we baj-e, ground for ficliwing It bas virtuesv wfuou Te irrcbibuiuc by the, ordinary run of the(discascs it if Intohd cd,fo.curo(1 Ii order to secure tluiif tompUte ernejcation from Uie system, the remeuy euouiii be Judiciously taken accorxlins to direddons on the bottle.-- iV'l . dr; jr.' c. Ay.BB.AV co. 1 :LOVEt1Ii!i'MAfeS. S'T' Prlco, ft po UotUo Six llwtUca for A3. saver s L.neriT. .rcctorai has won' for itself such a. renown for the euro every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that It is entirely unnecessary ior us to rccuum mo evidenoe of its 'virtues wherever It has been cm ployed. As it lias, lung boon in constant use tnrougnoui nils sccuon, we nceunuiuu iiiun, umn aaaura the people it quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and ,thnt it may be relied on i . . i ' - j. -r 1M 1 . 1 ..... 1 r 1 , ,u HO ior mcir, rciici an it hub cvui uvvu iuuiih w iVmtfs Cathartic Pills,,'. I :t ..:.-.s.'o:-0 - j M-f-Aa CastiBcuess. Jaundiced 'Puuteusia. niaigcstloti. 'Dysentery, Fbul Slointci, Eryxipcla, Jkttttacie, . . . . v. I ..' - r f l-l.'i fV.... rues, imcumaiism, umjntoin anu o"i" furjw'. .iW Comnlaint. Divbm. Tetter. ..Tuimiis' mul Salt Rheum, Worm's Gou Feumlglai "as Dinner Pitt, rnictflr hh !jiiij M? llltyi-, 7J TheV are stiirar-coatctl. so tlmt the nrnst sensi tive -eon' toke them plensnntly, and thejorcthe best apenent in Uie world lor ail me purpascs oi family physic. ' 1 ' "- Pries 25 cents por Box; Tivo boxes fc'jSUMIV ! f'c? rif-irrumhraVif Clere'viurnC thvsiciani Slltss-' men, and eminent personages, uavc linti mor, names to certify tlio unparalleled lisefulnessof thejt remedies, hut our space here wiH not permit I irnertios of tliem. 'f he Xdrmts beloMrjisiicd fur- nisn gransonrAMEUiCAW almanac in wiin,u are given ; with also full descriptions of Ihnbovi eomplamlsl and the treatment that should be ft lowed for their cure. I -i, Dq notbeut eff by unprineTbled dealers Willi' othe tpT(-pvatio-ia they make more prntu Demand Ateb'd, and tako no others, flio arK want the beat aid there is for them, and they should have it. . , i.ii at All our rcmcTliM-are for lalo by B0BIKT8 st-BAMCBL, Oplukbna. And bv DrSggtetiatd baUtrsiavtnwhar. rl MVlKIvrklwAw ' T'A. A io CANADI AH ft TJBITED STATES MAIL 4 i,i'steamr$;;i: 'fft-..r...i Xf AJsl STKHITl . ,r).-,..)i L0ND0NDEIUIY. ,aLASG0W: III Liverpool,' Montreal, VQifeWKS,1"; ana 'I -WaT,.SA"ll'-1 "A Vlel Ti Th Monfreal Ocean Steamship Company's arst-elass' ll.nnwerad Olvde-bulU Bteamer aall every ! rdKy from PORTblBD sairylsg th Oanadlaa United State I Hall and passengers. I NORWSQIAN. . NORTH AMlrUOAB.) JO BOHBMfAN, " 'T ,Pi:ul ANLO-6AX0N, NORTH BRITON, lilBKKHlAN, CANADIAN.- 7!i.,i.Jf.1.cN0.VA00TIArTv-' Namrteaty CtAdaiweatwiiAfleilcaTCBtCone i.j.wjti.4 Tiiaace irwai ' ( ' AMERICA T0ALL PABTI OF ITJROPi: ... T- 830. SlQtt 8SO. f lllll Will sail from LIVERPOOL every Wedaeaday, and from oJBHSO every Maturday calling LONDONDKRKV, toraceiveon noarfi and lane aaiwana mmtmrttnmui and" free ireiandaed Scotland; ur.i -feTX7ThM Bteamr'-ar built St Iron, in Water-tight twmuarwaania, aaray mmom mm Hfnifiwni auifniu, every allcution Jm Paid -o uit-nmuiiu auiiacuinmuwe in iS nawwrArai: ' Aa thevSroeeed direct to LONDON DBHr.tlr gieal ma ana no raj 0i caiupg at pp IS avoided. ' 'rJlT I dlf i aiabaec -pasttBgerg are raraiicea wim-raa Hcireta to and from Loadsnderry, i. l" Jtelura tickets granieu reuuoea aair.-,'t . Oertifloatetlatued foroarryiag toaad in-lnglagaat tengars from all the principal towni of Onatil Ireland, at reduced ratea. by tht 11a -( aieal byth WA8U1NUT0N LINN OJ WWiOJ, iai uiwne w wnaajiniauiaaa ajeatMra, AOKBTBt leavLoalVlvervool eTerjl.wesk, ,, , ,, T- I nut gAUVerpooi gyeiji wcae . , r-j-TA- I a ra--aJtwvjowXi AatSaawar bllglU nitavSow-.Xl AwctasSwarda ble la Kngjlande Ireland. Ht&tnix,' 1 ulsuaA e Walew 1 ViwaTre, sttily sll th OTBoof BJnytOAVe a 1 .. , . , ToTTiassag, ATl dl i r - ftie babvt. a BBIBT aVaneral Atrshts. Ot to " "J. R, ARMSi nUJfUetiaO aou-iydSrw i K-g n-ai w-i-iwtui Co-Partnerihip. i r-HaVHTHI1)aV ADIrllTTsJTJ S. I ton JAMCvAD8RBAItf u partner laimyaeb arsx. bicb ub will hot after be condwetfi aoder tbo i StniJ ' f. BAlM.ajtl Soath Uigb,-BW, sjai8fn. . of bain ColambUA, Jet, U. 1861, I? .. iV 1111 lll.KU. I . - ii si iz-v . : iZTrfT i vy riAWorrri'i ! i " ment, If. X.,irap'itor' th Hea-lork lubmuH b having, lilia I- fb-ytKiiiii- jarimv-! Drewtdt-v Sefooa, iat asleol s vuwei, rer-tb'PotA tiAe.-wberd aatt-facMnaikM b gtva.4-t 4ta ?e4rW lMitMW 'I bauieg ,j Chlklraei'a (lalg Atwtsla. dooA ta law boat srl.;,.f7r IfU-dly .Jv-u. e).il 7- 1-K-jat I RAILROAD. Summer Arrangement. RAILROAD. Summer Arrangement. Little Miami & Columbus & Xenia .EqIIZ - ,1Pv "i RAILROADS. . . . , - - For CinouuiAti, Bayt & IndlanapolU! m, ei. i TjiwttBito.In4UiMli8ihoitChi UitubwA tt One duwof Cr. botwM ,( , tin ' ,-M f. .f to .'.-i.i tMi ii.tnsil ai all ! ,-v.ti FIRST iTBAUfcaii bf f A0CQMU0DATI0N' a 5 S. t.'i etoffrfb at all t' Hons between Colambnaaad CipMiAtlid Daftoo, r- nviof ai Ulncinnat! at lu.unv a. maaa i 8.10a. m., conneotiigst Paytoa fo.IadlanapoM'aad the weet. j j -' . " "' 1 -ac.!.; ''")' 'ttflW, TRAIN? "'XK BXPRtBS nteOa. m., ifopplng aiJefferwn, London, Gharteitotr, OedarrllM, Xenla, Sprint valley. uorwln, Freepora, SartstMlmt. Alerrew at.,, (.euane, loater'a. Lmreland And Mllfard. anlrlaa . OinclnnaU atA.30 p. m.,Ilaylonat8.4ip. m.,conneotln with tUI- uni ana uiauMippt juiiroaa ior inifTiue, ,aj, ennnes, Oaire, St. Loan, NewOrlaDe,"t.l BayUn for Indiaaapolki, Ufayatt ttsra. Sakta, .kiao aU Western point. ,n,,t1 t J, i i 'uv j tj. THIRD TRAINl af Alt.btO.l'op. 'm stopping at all ittAnda between Oolumbna and Xeala, And al Bprttig- 'VoHey.i Ocrwio, ktomw sod luirelaad.acrlTlDt at Oiadtmati at 2 a, m . " - FopRTf'lAI4,,i, ! '' NIOUT EiPBKdS.'via' Dylon,2 lSTOO' mMnSn?. t topping at London, Xenla, Dayton, Middle toa and lUuillton. arrWina Wt Olrieinnatl al Mi I. at Day ton at 2.6i. m.i oonntoUBgi at. Olaebmati with lu ObioandclilslmippllUilroad lor Loaievili. JtrantTine, Vlncennea. Cairo. St. Louie. New Orleane, and all point Sonth and Booth-wert; ), at Dayton lor inaianapoiu, Aianywit, Terrs name, vnicage, w i. Ii.),:i '-m ii. n . . i ' ... i. " I (. ) TTT of farther Information and Thromth Ticket. eppif to M. L. DOHBttlX, TieketAgtaA. Union Depot, Oolumbusi '' ' P.' W. BTKAMR.' I v ; ' " flencral Ticket Agent, Cincinnati. V' 1 JNO. W. DOHBRTf, oi 1 . . .. Agent, ColumbsJ, f I ., . B.Wi'WOODWABD, ' 1 ,'l I v Ii I. ' 1 1.'- i bnperlntendentt Cincinnati. oColumbn. July 14, 180,1 - EAST. CENTRAL OHIO AND AND Steubenville Short Line RAILROADS COMBINED! of to wi a ' a ; on. , r.d 1 . ; .' " ' co'mtKCtma A toil aibi witb thi B A LT I M 0 R E ! & ; 0 H i p, y.; AND AT PITTBBFBQtt WITU TUB ; .. . PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL i: t.-W f . " wAnxiinrr this i u rr i r".v:r :r.7 i.o ?; Shortest, Quickest & Most Reliable . , iiouto to ali Eastern Cities i . ,. . - Trains Leave Columbus a follows : . ; -i f MOSSnidlXPBBgSI .: !" ' . Leave Oelumba 8.30 A. M. from Union Depot, Bellair or Steubenvillei arriveaat Bellaire, 10.80 M Htenhenville. 13.20 P. M.: PitUburah. 3.40 S. U. rJrrlbarg,i.lS A. M.l j Mlmtoum, arrive at New York 8.00 A. at .1 via TkilatUlpKia, arrive! al Pnlta- delnbla. 5.10 A. IT.: New Xork. 10.30 A. M. Ononeom also at Harratbarg for Baltimore, arriving at M A. , . i. i ,. ,,, , ai Sleeping. Cars Attached to thii Train Praia Columbaa, ran directly through to Bellaire Pituburgh without bang and faiHngers via Alien toivnarnv lanew. xoraatOA. - . -r f irpIffO QOCB8 IN ADTANOB 0 N0BTHEBB I This Train' slao cODDbcU at Bellaire i;tbf Lt' i -1 or? ? 9 Bsilrosij. . . ., :., . PITXSBUBQft BXPBJBBSmkJ Leaves Oolaatba 11 Si A- Al., from Union Bepot, HiuhnTille: arrive at Newark. 12.50 P. M.; Uoaboc ton, S.1S P. M.l Bteubenvtlla, B P. M.; Pittsburg. i. M.- IETI! b thaly mate by whleh Paaaengers caa lean UisclriBaU at 7 A. M, g through to Pttu burgh la daylight, without chog of careor delay.- i i " " ' ' k ...... BAB MNB..J,!, ,..,1 : 1 Lwvei Oolumba 9.1S p. tt.f frtm ColoB Depot, Bellaire: arrives at Newara, r Ai.) nriiie, XI r. m. iwiiaire.r .an r. m.i riHenargu, af.; llarrisbans 9.00 'A. kf.: io JtUmtovm. arrives at New Yorkyd P. id BkU(viipkia, arrive PhllAdeli.h.a, 4.10 P. H.. New., Kark, e V.IM, Thl Train also connects at Harrieburg, lor B(tl(uoro,, rrrlnVt IP. m." ' ' - i Taw Traia-rans taroBgir w -uajinrre or rnn,arwiia' oaA abani of.. Oaacand, from. PltUbung Shdr 1 chAnce-ef Oar to l-blladeluhia, or via AUantawa OrilujbTsiIiil i mi ' n . . . , . . 1 . .. I. - n . T.) i 1 110 on IT stoute iruia voiuruuu tu joa.Hiuiuro, . Philadalnhia. or Naw York, with' Snl V u ctl! rim OB ChADge Of Carg.1 Piifi"' By this Train 'Paamgeri arrrrs 1nHew Tpik boars la advaao of the northern llnee, . -u i. - ., This Train abra ooonect at Uellair wna w vainmor vSPWt t iAi5n-;u-ri.,,ia);atO ItTTblsRoute h 30 miles shorter to Pittsburg, "'-( and'morev thaS IU0 (ailed shorter to :j 1 rsw York, than Northern Lines, A Baggage'Ctecked Tlrough. io; ill .a.ponant jrmxt a. b . ; .: t Ana. wun iiuivain S .'.I !i l BELLAIRE .OR. glTEUBENVILLB.- Jd .iii;ii .iii. Ticket 'Good )WO Ither Bowte. i -itt H-L' vlil.d VI i JNft.-W. nRowir: V I -t ar- j In. IBII.W..S A a .. A.l ikkln D II it li I ' or ajjrejB A IBM AWHWH veuMSli uuw 1. Ai HUICHlNiOBc SsVb; r sea. Tictet Agent BMiibaiirtii! anori utaa. I and " ' -l at i uii Mail r. , pasaage p- and V mar- ST 4 n TflT , - - pairing ,M . ,Sl " GUERNSEY'S BALMI GUEnflStY'SBALM TiJVll VJK A s J-KBVBITlIt-11. Sammfttinn and nain. and heala ths wdrat scald, bruise, cat Or freeh Woand of any Bind, twelHng and pain from be Sting, moeqoit bttea, BokMtwua pkania, aaahrla,,irbMmllemi arue la breast, salt rheum, ate. When takes lauroally, U poeluvely cur croup mcoiiuran, ana gives anmeaiaie raiiernitnw woraieav vi uii, wmm, vw."wiii,.iiui eiMhaarBm and (or throat PHo. ti bottl. Bhoald a in are raoaae-t, Po sal by gtoan48torkapr, , . , , - xia aruwB, ... DOie irviriw 1. ivyimii.!.- iW l 4AA&-lwkl ' ii..l i ii lj -.,i ' No real Justice 'can0 b Heir1 ttl,: Wve'prapara'tloill bat Bp pmeuiwg ana ivauiBg u-n-iimra-aaii-i'-bttnaadvilh ail dealer, -or Will a tat dor .Proprietor .. . . . ,, ,. . . -una. ha. i . ... a . clans, Who wfll Sod development In both worthy aomptano and epptotaf. r - t- if OOff raspoaaen kwiwi rw- mm mmtmm mmi ivaiiM ariaslls prompM to a 4ilat f .law shove aaliauU nroV'salii oy 'tfael ajiuil whoiaial 'an'j WhlrdealeV virjrwh-.'-'! ' "' i ' ' ." jroiiTl. VityVlmxyrxtp Propriete) iij Boi ft Commereial Wharf, loste aUss. . lobet Samuel. NB.Marpi I. 'B Oooa Denlg, 0. Beaig a Boas. A. ddkbafller a; Boa. lor Oolumbu. Ohio, i ' , w '.. '. , . , .j aurlfily I CNTI'RHE 1 ' B'SJIINIMIIING Uf , U O a S)..i ailitti nj ifi I s....-t ....aoveiHcaj" "e" --.-i , . j .vttt mimiv t nbnuered Pocket Uaodrerchleri I Paris Kid Blerrea, raairlae am. ). i , , ,lldea Hill Bhirts, vartea etla..-.,- i Boys' 0ldea 11111 Shirts, do M l: i..:. , a o.u m..J' rf. W I;'' UriTin Biiu di v Arm YlL Hemmed roeaeruaaaaeraneia, TmrKxn aiyiea' .AlaJMleaaaaa tisnet.aiaiaaeuia, -u.. - , . .i ii tmr-rifi w r 'k'."' : AIN St BON, '. ' 'anrlli A . .7. "i 0 South Utah 11 rr , i.:,;v., A.a U e AWBkwa irH k'' V r l?. eo-.vXn oVJj LU U Villi. -1 l ' a-IK. itiV tft.1t MrwnWl.Tff.aIJ, ; .'-e-J bwte Sil d.- OORBON.' I fliOl a1niv4rwadawlaBSf!raal low for -., i di fcei-5r- mmJW'. --7. l?Vi a awi voiaaaoBB. ''iwij'Mw:,Aiv..-.v.U:v:.'.tt.,. ifesfes- MISSING. l.,Tbev follow Ip Jioes b' a,yApggt and t touoUbg pathos i V i " i "Jl t VU t among th lufferloe wounded hoi among 10 ptaoaral dead; -Until, tbronah her Palnftif tearl.,n, ' ' !" rafle ne ar aajue to aisoailed blm ' l i :i:.,- ,;;. orlheM tw-adrtwnlyyeai!. . i ,.; ; t ' " Bdund'hef, ill II peao andTplenly ; ' , ! ''Bright and clear the yellow Soorf ci While lhe.manlaa.eliivlaakik i.p. U ; All around the kitchen donr. mn.i '- " ,. . iuvii i x uireicae.wu uvupe-uu . , . , j . ' "Drowm In hli patch of iai; . JnillT thine the oaken drpuar' ' " ' All the morhlog,a work I dope. i 'I' Vl.til 1,1 I ; ( ... 'I ...l-l. I . )l . Through th window eomei lh fragraoct ' ' - Of a nrmy barreit morn,1 ' II l , ; 'raiment eonga from dietaat reaper. ;j ana in mailing oi ine oorn. ;il trnrU i .Ili.H i ); t,u t-ll.l .-( li : 1 i , i I . . . .vAnd th rtcb, breath of the garden, ' Wherith! golden'melona lie; is i; Where th bluahing plumaaro turning , , j.AU.thelr'rodaheekitvlboaey. 1; .) . sitting thu within the snMbUMyr, w Mailing la bar eatr cnair: ' i With aoft line upon berforehoad,' 1 And lbiivr lnberbnlr-..J i- .) ,., -i . '! '. i - -,t .. .a-. Blind to lunablne dead to fragrance , " On that roral harvest morn; . f Thinking, while ber heart I weeping, 1 : ' i , OI ber nobl browed Brel boro: - - , ' - -; I t. ' i. Dow he left ber In the Springtime, .... I With bis young heart full of 0tm I v; ..With bit clear and ringing footatep, ( , With hU lithe and supple frame: , I . ! L n- .... . . . ' vi . How With Uerskl eyes war brimming I f. ' AhkliedaUat''woodby," . ' ,. tet ike beard him whittling gaily, ' , As he went across the rye. , j , Minute I Why ahooM He b mining? ! li would flKhl until he fell; - And If wounded, billed, or mleilng,' ' ' . i . Some on there would be to tell. '" j i ,: i ; .-..: I.-. ! , JIimiso: SMI a bos to cheer her! , . '' 3 caie. inumpoani. ne may come, '' Wlih lh vlotor-army ehontlng, . WitktbeolamorodtlMdraml IiW ' -1 So. through all the days of Autumn - In the or and In the morn-' " ' ,. She will hear ble quickening footateps j .(In the lustjlng of lueeorn; .1 Of. she will huih th houeheld - i - Whll her heart goa ieapton high, ! j j Thinking that ehe bearabim ahiaUing , In the pathway 'hroogb the rye. Par away through all th Autumn, In a lonely, lonely glade, a la the dreary desolation ' I , , , That tin Batlle-biwm has mad. . "' With tbe rust bpon hi musket la th v and lu tbe moru la the rank gloem of th fern team , Lies her nobl browed flrst-bern. ,. Another Letter from Prince Napoleon. . 't A third letter, from Prince Napoleon has made iu appearance.. This letter enema, to leave no doubt that it la from the -band of the Prince himself. It is dated at Washington, Aor. 16lh. We quote the following i .'' i t. GENERAL SCOTT. al or via 8.40 j- ., General Scott is s man of enormous beicht And corpulence, sges about seventy-tire years, worn-oat, almost ended., lie is lieutenant General, s grade corresponding to that of Mar shal, and to wlncb is Attached tbe peraunarjl oommmlo.tbe regular army In time of peace aa well aa Ja. timootarar. In the United States there te but one Lieutenent-General, and be la WMftiitv Commander-in-Chief of the army, .sort of war minister for life, while the Cabi net officer, who has the title of Minister of War, is more specially charred with the military ad ministration, i General Scott, therefore, directs all the operations of the present war, just a France tbe Minister of War direotl the armies in tbe field commanded by generais-ia-chief. General ecott is, or rather has been f or I peat be has the air of a man iwboee . career ended si tree gentleman, tbo manner of English general, well- educated, enlightened, sod belonging;, as well by Us age as ; bis man Bare, to quite a different ; generation' than rawsenfc- .i;.vi r.JO i . .. - GENERAL M'CLELLAN. r. ar- no to J Sr - 1 t is im If. 4 l lu General MoClellah commanded, some days t- ta 17: I.I. . : u 1 r agir, iu nwiu r irg,uiia a ururiuwn ojau auu- jected and half revolted. Charged with duty ol paeiiying it, ne scqatlted himself ol mieaion who ine greatest suocess. vi 'ins secession generals who opposed bim one taken with bis. whole column, the, other killed, and his troops dispersed. These iuc oeeaeS, which American exaggeration has trans rormed into great victories, bare, given dav tm day an immense twoularltv to Mi!ellan. V.. A.r w't,TT 7 xooiee nis name at jjbw , loraon piacara. on D&noeri irt, Jo the newspaper headings, se, 'MoClellaa two yictorlei In the phrase, . , . , - - i . . ., General ii oooti are aimoat loose oi a general ny with ths Minister ot War. T General 1 I a. .1 a the Army with the Minister ot Wan. : General Mccieiiao, s pupil or west roiot, Academy. s man oi tniriy-ure years ot sge, very small stature, with black hair and moustaches, an .... ... ' . . ' teuigent, open ana most agreesoie oountenance, ana a aimpie sna moaesi Dearing. enouia see bim on tbe street in raris you would tainly take bim to be a rrenoa oiiicer, of i oeer or wtiiiery. ,, ,, u f.ti fc , ? Thl connectlons'lf General " UobaOM'sviM.1. GENERAL M'DOWELL. at 'J stow ' j aura. prevents aad the will wtrmu Urug. ,t, ' n u their J Mam ' - " S.. Agea . General McDowell eombund all the troop on th right bank f ths Potomac" He ie s ot forty-two years, tall sod large. His faee not particularly nae, but n is remarkably sod sympathetic throBgo lie elf 'Of frankness aDdkindnesst .r.iu:t.m . u i -, 'If oneof our eaglneer officer. McDowell resemble one of Our In try offioer. Did I Dot dread reducing to shades the Search Ibf resemblances and similations, I Bbord Say that McDowell has typo of tbe chief of battalion of foot cbassMrs. ills oonvsrsAlion, bio oturaeter end bis pnocl pies sro superior to his smiearaiiee favorable that la. IIo.Ja.ione of the honeetest, simplest xeen ust yon can meet.-1 He lustaloed terrible check st Bull Baa, and he epeaks it .without btUerneam, without, reorinlnatloa, with on Bocestxtf Sincerity and an elevation sentiments that do- him tbe greatsal hooor. Deteived of the supremo oeeamand ' In qoeooe of that reverse, be has seen MoClsllan, bis fellow . student ai wesi roins,' yonsger than; himself by ssvoral r years,? inherit koaors, bis position -sod hie growing popular ity .m niIi !0 6-i.)lAl ttr f.,ti.,(in-'i . He has token, without eonpiaio eaa murmur; an inferior place unds him mission it Is to repair tbo mlsfortnDO attached ta hie name. J Well, no one doubts that Dowell will belt he mostsubmbwive, most ed of MoClellau' llontenante. MsDowell aidee, s repatatlon In the army of being a sort stole nhlk)sopner-a.rpoaoB sought after more or leas deserved by a wertain somber Wast Point pupils.- tie drink neither wine, or coffee, does not smoke, asd bas habits aad self-denial quite ia keeping with rarivta prtoeipies, u ,a-'. : j i r i j i i i .:v.i WAR BETWEEN COMRADES. ,r'-' (. ,r streeti OJ 'Tbe1 war appears to be between In Western Virginia. MoClellan bas bad onerate ssa nal two West Feint eompaulons le one or whom, as i naragaio, was auieu.auH III V-UVI UIMIV .owuw, . , . t ,- , ('arrl an Mitten, military TT. .. . ., m.lnl' -r ,k. Annn.ina nam: wera nni aril - 1 gaVd Wtttt w ma iiwiu.ue wui w bouso.than MoClellan's. od When. MnCUiiaa went Bpntn Be eiayeu wi1" no ooa out ar.l.' Ona aide end the other srk kcuhalHted the "thoet, Intimate manner, and sentiments, ehlralrous eateeos are lound Aimoet.CTerjwtjerf la both a taps for fornav rienid, ndw ,ecome ARMY ORGANIZATION. tsvalry is very seantr. .Aa to field hlilr. there i scaroelr any to be seen, whiori prove that th losses In the' battle of Bull Rtu have sot yes bsenr epairer. e-Tner reualils, then, the Infantry, enostopedjii o Jfreolkr, bat "Ti'Tf oowiurtsuia manner.,, to m lormar letter i spoke of the voluDtoer organization, sod I need' not revert W tt: 'Thefr- jniliUry besrlDg is very adifferebt, owing as loadh to the suit or toe men, who, atipw ds t T-lraegers w iDB,.uu i sauuary t leaolmeas, nd lbs xeepiog oi tbeir arms,. as to th powarleesneea of Us, AdmloiBtration., which is far frdm hav- leg! completed Ip a proper, maooer. (b node of iuriHBpinK oioiniDg, oapa aid shoe.. ,.i I The iustguciiou oi tbs soldier is Very indif- isrent, almost .notbiug, and ,1 do, not (believe they are actively occupied with it-.. In ieneral, tuw apuearaooa oi me estops IS SAO, due SS muCQ 10 their SOmbre color And bad cnrtrlltinrJ nf tha materials, as to the attitude 'even ofh men, wsion is navy wiinont animation And Switbout cbeeriuloess. 7 . - THE SOUTHERN ARMY. 1 At first sight sn ides may be formed of the seoeasioa, soldiers' , exterior. , The qneftioa of uniformnot ,ully aolved in the Noul, ig not thought of at all si the South., Jt, would seem that the aUempts at uniform qave f otjgot be. rond the distribution among, some coips of a kind of jacket of 8. heavy gray c. rrianulao timed .ini VircinlaJ -Thai olntbM. mhnkhar nf regular QuUorai or fancy, se all in s ytry bad eoytnuoni (ne soiuier, ofvertoeisss. preserves tteoeatb bie.Mga.Adi. Aspect sufliuiently tnariial, and perfect order reigns in, ths camp aafl st the P04t4r,. . , v., . v. t i, 1 urn iu-.:.';-. I T . -!v t i.i i urn ii..:. THE SOUTHERN CAVALRY. What strikes one most is the eavalry , which is very romeroui, admirably mounted, and com posed of superb men. it is plain, at the nrst glance, that these men are the sons of farmers and landowners, that their horses sre their own , and that they are accustomed, if not to inns, at least to s rough country life. ... Besides, nothing Is more plctureeqbe than these Sonthero cavalier. Tbev wear the most impossible costumes, wofuliy dilapidated by s tbree months' bivouac; hats without fcrowns, bouts without soles, with an air and beriicbear-ing-tbat Don Ccsar de Bszan would tyave en vied. And since these ragged cavaliSrg have as fine, energetic, Virginian faces as tbeir hor ses sre magnificent, wbioh they manatee with great daring, one la filled with, admiration, just as we admire tbe fantastic figures of tbe war rior created by balyator Koas. . - . THE SOUTH STAFF OFFICERS. The staff of the geqerale io chief (Besuregard and Johnston) are remarkable. If the United Stales were hot s republic, I would Say that those et ffs ere composed of the flower of tbe Southern nobility, , Most of .them posses Im meuse fortunes. .. , ... . ; . ; . THE SPIRIT OF BOTH ARMIES. la in re is ao the l. the It is iaconUeetible that there ie much more passion and ardor among the officers of tbe Southern than among those of the Northern army, ii is inaiaiea in ine secession esmp mat this ardor, tbis disinterested devollos to roe common cause, is shared by tbe soldiers; that in tne south they serve tbrougn bonor sod con victioo; that among the Federals the- soldier knows no other allurement than pay, SO- other impulse than tbst ol want tbe best recruiting otucer among tbe populption ol large cities Certainly it is going too far ta generalize s fact which siay be true to sosao extent.1-' Indv vidual bravery Is iocontestibly superior fn the Confederate camp; but tbe Union army makes ud for tbis disadvantage by s mote advanced military organintlon and knowledge,' at least bbiObk toe eomtorsi so mat matter being al most equally balanced, it is diffleult enough to foresee towards which side the fortune Of war will incline. ' - It is true the victory of Bull Run is of a na ture to excite to the higeet pilch the confidence and enthusiasm ot tha ttouthera men: but I find it impossible to see in the result of that battle one of those solemn Judgments, without appeal. which condemn one side to bow the head be neath thelirreslstlble ascendency of the victor. Tbeee men, after all, are nearly of tke same race, or tbe same mixsd races, and, despite the divergence or opinion, they have a common fund of ideas, meaner and feelings, which does not permit line to be drawn tbrougn the thir tleth degree of latitude, and to have it said: All that la north of this line is inferior to ail tbst is south of It. - ' -' tsii- To estimate tbesvent of July 31, we mtfct leave a wide anargio for the local incidents, the chance and nsexpected encounters on the field of battle, the unforeseen events which take hold of the imaginations of tbe masses all second ary causes wbioh operate on tbe war by so mnca the more s ths armies . nave less experience, discipline sod knowledge. ; BEAUREGARD. wu . with one , i ei I In In- jou cer engl man Is open bTP!ili!1 a!."!!!' Bsauregard le forty yesrs rs of ago. He ely- vigotousV small, brown, thin,1 extreme: though his features wsar ft tired -expression, nd his hair has whitened prematurely t Fsce, phyelognomy,-tongue, acceot, everythlog about him le Prench. v His bravery is great asd unae- alabla. and evervthlrje' dsooiaa lu-him. if not aunerror general Intelligence. et-least a very remewkabio utiitory aptitude, -lie is uicx, esoeeted mi fllHllllir IIIHIASr-BB BAI UIW IllBiyalSJI IM II muss, aotqe- 17, " ""illi K. .h.t k . o,arl "K. Umesoffend.lefs by what ao says ths4 by manner of saying It. Perhaps bo does natre- preea with sauiolenS Bare tbe vtnlfeeHtious ah ardent personality which" knows Its worth, and to wbioh sa Immense miNUry eacoess have given legitimate eeir-cosndeacs. tie extremely impassioned m tne detente tu oatise whloh he serves; at "least, he lakes ear to conceal his oaaaioo noder -eosJm. sold exterior than do -moss or ni eomraaes either army. T sum' up all, the South lound In hi m a man of an ancomraon krdor, oeaeeless activity sad IneVxnitable power of -"characters by whtoo we recoghw ma destined to win battles and to lest psriiea.,. Decisive Battles of the World. fan puer ile as the ss treeet, of of eooeo his witbost whoso Mo devot of end of tea of ao bttoty bis 1 Io Wders mm. v.m. iiraurw in .fcogiaua-A tsJ-sr;-.. ut uJI r-V Tha decisive battles of the fi which, to use Ilallam's words, a fonlrafyyeialt would have essentially .varied the drama of tbo world in all its tubaequent cenes sre number ed s fifteen by Professor (preasy, why tile the chair of Ancient ana laoaern .iiisiery- in tne Unlverttty,oi lAnaou...Aae7 are uia graou subioct of two '.volumes by him- lately, from Baat ev.'s press, ana are. . '-wvi l 1-l.a Mai-Athon.foucVt 490 B-C- a which he Greeks- under Taemlsloclee. dtx feates tnaaraaua,uui4ur iaiiuii .uva-y wu. log back the .tide of . Atiatlo . InvaBioa.whioh se wnuia nave swept over urupv-, o v 2. The Battle of Syraouse, 416, H.-dD ia which the Athsntso bower was broken, and the west of Europe saved from Greek dominion. .j. Ana xtattia ot ariumn, oji a, w., m which Alexaader, by a defeat of Darius, estab lished bt power tn Ada, sad by ths hitroduo tioa of European civilixation produce.) sa effect which msj yet be traced were., 1 ,j r 4. The Battle of MetauruafougM SOU B. C,. th Roman, under consul nero, aeieauug ' ., . 4. r..l.K.ll .n,l k. mm y-'-B -,.(..; J.'..V,!. jj:' a. t. b aainairaiiiaiia. sisiuiia. sa-m uuimsii bbiutabs mr w which tbe supremacy . vwvw established. ;., ,. . . : , - l a. Tk Victory of Armenius, A. ui B.oyer the Roman legions, under Verus, whiegefiur- ed Gaul from too Roman aommion. B. Tha Battle of .Cbalooa, A- D. 43 1. In --Kih Actius defeated Atilla tbe Hud. the self- sty led "Scourge of.God'. snd saveiEuropt froas entire devastation. ';: ... I ' 1. The Battle of Tours,'A.tJ33,lii.whlcb Charles Mart! by tbo dereat of the Saraofb, averted tbe Mohammedan yoke from Europe, ' n MnL.-'. . ' A r 1 1 II. i l' , 0.. in"' oa.uq ot naaung, A. i.:iuvu( iu which William ol Normandy was viotorlona ever the AnelonSaxon tittrold.and theraull of I whleh was the formation of the Anclo-Normso, i , f. anw w ,. i-"-'i whloh the .Mipiisn wor ouaica. ana iuo s, igpenorni iimem" .-"v- ".uiii.., -, I 10. Tbe defeat cf the. fcpauua "Arrttds, A of.! D.,1538, whi Jjyed .oi of; ujic ,lu II. Tbe Battle of Blenheim, AT1T7I704, in wbioh Msrlborough, by the defest of Tallard, I I f0 n wtwbed tbo smblUons imiioriJM'AlIj '.'U.A. 1 . la- JAtdsfeatoft CWI. Peter tbo Greet at Pultowa. A. D. 1700. .hth .n,ad thesubHUy or the M.weov Ho Empire. ,frhfc?.-fto2l VfrJlxD. 1777, la Which Gen. Gates dafaauul R,.,n.. a .u.i, deolded the contest fn favor of the American revolatlonUls, by making Franco their sly, end 1M fowere frlesdly ta them. 14. Tbo.JBatiro.of,iyalmy, A. D. 1792, la which the Continental allies, noder tbo Doke of Brunswick-, were defeated h th. f, m, ... der DuaonrleiyUhBi3rtloh the French rev olution would hv been stayed. is. 1 ne battle or Waterloo, A. D. 1815, In whiek ths Doke of Welliheton nttarl d-f.t-vl Napoleon, Sad tawed Eons from his grasping smbltlon 0 ,is at- a s and Ki. bis of may is toe less and oi has a will man 11: .f-n-.unri'J ' DR LELAND'S r I I ' t .7 .rr ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND' I8 THB ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Meuiiiia'ottt'iaiaL. Hearalfia, V r-AJfo A BURS OCRS I0B All , Mercurial Diseases. "It aavralanarenglS Sand, ooutalnlng a md ksated oompouod, to-ha worn a round tho Waiet, without Injury to th moat delicate persona; ao chang ra aabtt of, ItTtngte reijulrwl, nd tt entirely remove tb die eaa from ths system, (UMbral pntdaatag lb injurious effects arising fans IA tie of powerful Internal medi cinee, which weaken, and destroy th conatltutioa, and . wH,n,i.i, bu.iv. vu.jr. dj uiw ireBinieui, id, ntn- Icinal properties oon talned to the Band come In contact with lh Mood And Beach tb diseaee, thronsh theoore of the skin, effeclioglB wrw loataiio a perfect cure. aou restoring ine pans auiwtea as a neaiiny oondltlon. Tbis Band tt alto a moatpowerful Aan-AluicuauL aavnt, and will entirely relieve tlie eyttem from the-jeraetiaoei tQ ecu of Merouiy. Moderale eaasi ar tared la few day, and wt ar constantly receiving teatimonlale of it eUioacy in aggravated aaee of long etendtng. rauia .."", 10 no naa oi uruggiau generally, or eaa be tool by mail or eapeete, with full directions for ate to any part of th country direct from the Principal Oflioe, ' .i oJ 409 1 BROADWAY. Hew York. G. SMITH Av. CO., Sole Proprietors N. S.-PexriptivpiruaiTS Bent Pre. A. J. B6BUELLBR dr. BOM. Dinooirre. Aaairr No. SfTT 8. High Bt., bet. Prtead and Mound, Oolomboa, O. 10ATetits Wanted Kveiywbere. mhSB-lylsorlitp.dfcw IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE, Steam Between' Ireland and America NEW yORH.,B03TQN AND GALWAY v .t.C . . i . 1 ', 1 1 . i ': e i i . . '.' Th following pew and magnificent flnt-classpalilli heel Steamship compote the above line: ADRIATIC, ', 3,888 tons burthen,',. 'Cant, J. Mu (Formerly of Uie Colllna Xlue ) niBERNIA. . 4.400 tons burthen. Capt. N. Paowae. COLUMBIA, 4,4i0 " K, Lain-u. ANULIA, ' 4.4ts : w-- ipumoiMB PAOISIO, StiOO . f 1 I. BailH. Pi(lNCH ALDSKT. (Screw.) .; . , I . J.JW. ... . .. . J rr ALafca One of ths above shine will leave New York or Boaion alternately every Tneeday fortnight; forQalway, car rying th government mail, tosehing at at. Julmi, M. P. .... ...... r - i "riri.'-..- - Ik Btesmeas of this lloe hav been conttnicted with the ireatest care, under the supervieion of the govern ment, have water-tight compartments.-' and ar uneioel- bad foreomrott, safely and eneee by any learner, anoat. Tbey ar comaiandrd rry able and axpwienced olbeere. and every exertion Wkll be maOe .toiromoi tae comiun of pasaengera. An;ezperienoea Burgeon aiiacneu v ainp. KtTKt Of rAMtOK. Plirbelaal N. T: or Bettna to 01 way er Liverpool MM Bsesaw llass.-, I ' i - ' -- 7 - riravolaaa, h. " 4 ,." . . toKt Jobs' 33 Third-cla-e, ' .' to Oalway or Liverpool, or any town in Ireland, oa a Railway, ' - - 30 Third-elate paneng-Ta are liberally tappllad with pro vteicino of tb boat quality, evoked aad aarved by the etr yanbyof th Company. '.',l"..liXllBH TICKETS. Parties wishing to send for their friends from the old country can obtain ttctets from any town on a railway, in Ireland, ovfraw th principal Okie of Bogland and Scot land, at very low rate. , . . " .T ' raatengere for New Ttrk, arriving by th Boiton Steamer, will be forwarded to Nvw Tork fre of eharite. ' tor pi mag or further information, aimly an - . i . nm. ai, witiHUAAi. At th offloeot th Company, on thewharf, fout of Canal street. New York. - HOW LAND a ABPtNWALt. Agents. aprlllOi i- i ... 'PROFe L. MILLER'S - .'ai mx . - . a. - . - I ' HAIR . IUV1G0RAT0R An ' Effective," afe'ani . 't'cbhomiOaJ 'i i . . compound, i : '. FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR To lu krlglAsU color wifboal dyelDg, tnd prtTeoUor ' - ' slaJrlrom taraliiat atny ' ' ' FQlt PREVENTING BALDNESS, And curing it, whan there la the least partiotaof vital) or recuperatir energy remaining., FOR REMOVING SCURF ANflfiAIjDRUF Aad all utanooes affections of Uw eaalp. FOR BEAUTIFYING TILE HAIR. Imparting to It aa u&eqabvd glr-mandbrtllancy, Baking ItaoflaoA silky to iUK baxr, lOMUlag it to cur' readily. .. - - -,! Th gnat eeiennty ana increaamg aemana ior uia an Squaled preparaUon, ooavioce the proprietor that en Irtol Is nly a a' -Mary ia vauiiya uiainiio- wanne oi iw superlorqualttie oyer aay other praua-Alivato uee It oleAote Ui! neaa an acaip irom auurun ana evner eutaneou dtteaae, eaueingth hafr to grow luxuriantly giving it a rich, toft, gloeay and flexible appaaraoo, au jo, whan the bait k ImtMnlng and thinning. It will giv strength and vigor to tb roots and jrauor h growth to hoee parts which hare become bald, causing It to yield a reek ovorlng of hair. ' " " . 1 Thra ar a hanjdrds of ladlas ahS -gaataaaBs la New York who have bad Mwir hair r-ard by Ute uae of ihi Inrigorator. when all other preparations bare failed. L. Id. ba In hi poeaeesioa letters inumrah( aiattrytng to tha aarjva fatls, from pavtoa of ta U4it radaecta bUily. HwlllaSOetaally as-rataH hair. from turnina antll tb latet period of lire, and Incase whore'th ha y baa already changed luoolor, Ui u,e uf tlie Invtgorati r Wlllwttheertaimyrntarelt toitto tta onginal hue, git Ai for a . leg W a dark, gloray apwaaraaaavt a perfume fcjkrt end Hale BeetotaUv -tt I pattloartrly rom auoded. having an AgteeAble (ragranoa; and the great ta eilltles it affords Ul diettlng the nalr, which, when molal with tb Invlrerktor, eaa br dreaeod ta any raquired fbraeo as toymaeise toaaasi wtw-aerplaiiilDrln curb hao tbe graat daauad (or II ay -tb adiea aa a ttandaru .toilet ailicle which uone ought to be wtUioat-M tbe prlca places it within (be reach ot alii being " ' i.. OBlT twettti-Tiye CenU twbatUa, to ba bad at, all- reapeclAbl Urirlit aad . . . ' Perlamen. .. r L.U'aiitLBB would eaU tht' alTen uoacf Parents aad unaniiaua w mean. ' " --. ' -'-'- the cbdili-m'a hah- mellaew.u k weak.' Th as of II ay the lbundkiB ler I food -tonti kar, It re Buxes aoy taiyuntte Uiat sVy bar beoasaa oonaaoted with Hie falp, the removalof which I aeceaaary betb for tb health ef the child, and tin ratar wppoaraoo ut lavUairi'a ' I'm ' " 1 -i 'e.trr-eir-irswe vmaaMwtlhBtth tae-srmll LOTJIB MlLLaJl Mmg.oa tha oaMr wrapper; alao, L. 111L LBH'S 1UU WTOOitAX0R, N. Y., blowa la the ''koieaaW Bept,5 Bey atreot, kill Bold by all th arinelpal Merchaut aad DraggitB througboat lb world - . .. ... i.j , k .k . .j, I bias deelre to present to th Amerieaa PabU my llff AXB i: Xllf ROVZO IHiIIABTAITOUB 1 ' 1 kbv altar yeaw el stieaHa. -rwamtlBg, I hav broaght to BrfUoB..- Hlf We Brown l"ty wilhout injury to lh Balr or SAifll warranted tb teat article of Ine kind in SileUne. " yjfRicE;oNx,Fivrs- Depot, : 68 . Dey ot; -New x otk eetJ;dAwfy. Vi dsntoa' Hitting aA. SJ, lrnne anim ilea mmm Whit tlbocked or tuperxir i"""y- - , I ... a-. LibAIN A SON. ahSS ' . ". tvM-vSvBaatb Blgb Llachiao 'Work .- . ... r , T " e .s.c-f-i . ' ., nlr.lrW. W , - , A l,l,kni''"( ll't:,'"VI i." A, 1 'K O.UII.TINH. frillBT MAKING, OAlIkg yi rTliU.' Ac. Sro-. prr.Krily cl v in a heal aod aub Ite-Aiai -.inner, at N. Ui .. A .eh atreas. a tb South Vsbteof lUoh-biveai U' rA4 T' Mp'-dlW . .pi;'i (--rv-V J.t fff I