Newspaper Page Text
OKO. WnTv MOaNIKQ. OCT. 6. 1861. Democratic Union Nominations. ,i ,tj!T "k t6b eoTiEN0,( !. .; ,d.l,Z 't tttasMBtratftn i. ... . . ... .... J..) m till, 1 1 ., 14 J flr .nvi .a John' G. ".MsxshalL j.ifijM..r , si Biiwii '. . ".jii.. - .-...-.a... ffTTIilV . i , . .Ifli ' a., . I .THOMAS J. . MITH ji .Q .. ,.ni Of Montgomery ' -n .rliim't Vd b TBlASrmBB Of J -t,i d .,)! I rKOB W. HOfcHEBV , .'J il j ii 1'J ... 0 Amm4 u""" .!i.w..: P 'CIT? BOAbVm fUBtia W0KK8, 1 JABE HP. riTCM, an as in a . ann. Mirnr in eUMSOM) ...ii ill ut.t .0.1 ef mi t hCf "1.1V : t) ft 111 ltllMII I a fc i CI I r. "it ati wiutoai f i io -.1 (nuunruw a imuwrt ) UNION DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. ... an- J ! -: i -. j 1 "I'unw-TOTBr'".;:,!; " , '"TA., GEORGE L. CONVERSE-! . . I .otto presel; :.:;,:. SEORGE W. HUFFMAN." j -. u." in. MATTHIAS MARTIN. niASUiiat yqilN THOMPSON. ., .. I .... i MOOfcDM . ) - ' .NATHAN tOLE. ' .1 , ' --i 001OW10)l, ,, . ; j . JACOB 8LYH. . . .1 -Vl.. COMHll, ... i o f' , ; a j -i . t I );.. Il-'M t ' 1 . UrUWAKT DlUCTOi, . : L.. PHILEMON, 1IE33. j.-j j TICKET. Proclamation. OFFICE OF PROVOST MARSHAL, CITY OF ST. LOUIS, Mo., Oct. 2, '61. ' - WherwM. II tDMari tbtt tb Cteroke N 11 an hu ierwed itt oonMOtloo with vh Got- " wnment of the UniUd Butt tod Joined tbe o-okllad Soathara ConfedmcT. and to ia mo " revolt to Ibe Uwi and GoTetnmeat of tae Unit- . . . ad Stataa, and bow engaged in. raising troope i . : to aaaisi to tbe war of rebellion Of aaid voued. eraoy, and lending aid and ootnfort to lha ene , ' inlet o( tbe United Statee, and it appearing ' tbat tbe agenta of earn nation nave on : depotit V In the "St. Louie Building nod Savinga Bank AeeooUUoD" in tbla city, iblrty-two or -thlrty-thret53) thoaeatxi doHare, part of en aanoity paid tnem, By we uortrnmeaa of we e.. United Ktatea, lor wmcn. aoai oi money aaia - "at. Louie Building aad BaTivgo AtaoettUioi)' bMlarraed oertifioatee of depoeii. " : No-r. thU U to notify eaid "3t. Ltoia Baild log and Sevioga Aatociation," and tbe bolder , . of aaid eertifloatea. tbat aid' moaey, by , force of aaid act of ttaeatloa and rebellion aad tbe act of CongreM la racb aaea made and prorided, ' li iorfeited to tbe United Statea and oonftecated JOHN McNEIL, Col. of 19th Reg't Mo. Vol., Col. of 19th Reg't Mo. Vol., and Ass't Provost Marshal. A "Royal" Reinforcement. :.i Tbe eommlaalon jolt inued to tbe Count .of ' Pari, and tbe Pake of Chartres, aa Aid to Geo. MoClcUan, are aa atracg a. proof of the ' rrieodiiaeeaof franco a tbeyare a Btriklng ' instance of 'the vicissitudes of fortune. .The . Count of Pari and the Puke of Charureetha one about twenty-throe year of age, the other ot at bit minority are grandson of. Leal Pblllippe, hut mherit whatever of title 1m may have held to the throne of the Freoctul lo deed, he Cetntot Pari, aeftret belt to eew " who kM already worn the crown, aeemn ao day . more likely to become master of that plandid - monarchy than wa tba grandsir a few day be fore he swayed tba aaepter. He, deaoeodant i of the proud old Bourbons, but still of tbo eao- tr ibranoh of Bourbons, waa crowned almost ' without forewarning, a a cifizmklngs Mdwhen .. be no longer pleaaed tbe oilizena, be wJ forced, witn ice premonmoo, to aodicat lb 1 throne. ' ' He died in exile, and hi grandson 'ajre bow , fighting to maintain the great Republid 'Which " afforded tbelr grandalre an atylam, and which the Bourbons, and Lafayette, their noblest no - bUmaa, aeaiated to largely to create. I '-' J" ' .. Beelda many eminent European soldiers,' w have already to our raaka a PruMlaa Prince, .. and lavt advice leave it still doubtful' if Gari baldi will not oome to onr aid, . Would It not aeeat etreaga, if ear flag ahould float at one ever two Boorbone, a Prussian Prince, and tha heroic champion of Italian freedom T PAS. Je- auirrr- ... ' , . . ... . ..'".'' w of who so He for that (tb aro H. ! '4 ' ' Wm 11 ova Flxit? In addition to the re call from foreign etotiona of almost every ship of war w had. Government ha parcaeaed nd nttea witn armament, or adapted to trannort t aervloe, Nveral hundred sailing-vessels and . -c . jea-gomg auantera, which have been dupatch " " ed, ae feat aa aeaatble, oa some mission or other. ..1. Ai the number is greater than -tbat neceetary to maintain tb blockada, It J fair to preeum . , that a aeoood Haiteru cxpadltian ia on foot. t This give plausibility to the report tht a fleet " ' .of National ships have rendakvoosed off New Orleana, for the purpose of attacking that dry. 0 .W sboeld eappoee that auoh ae expedition -would carry a large land force, which eaa kard - fj hav been the oue-. It la oertaln, however, tbat an enterprise of oome kind to being direct ed agalnat tbe Southern-oeat, of which the ' rebels nevv got' wind, ai they have recalled troope from Virginia, and ar rapidly garrieou lot tbelr mora Important pronertr. Westell probably hear of blow beinr (truck In some quarter ia a very few days-' W are now farino Ing our strong arm inter the contest agalnat which u rebel nave nothing pbatevet to op pose, art which will toon begin to civ sue- c t 'oeteen . to aompanaat lor the lack of brilliant ok of briUlan mi Iht Bla U 8o on high tild Ri fit day hla tian bom doe tb me.- I .nr. eebUtvewtawtiowUnd. U. Y. Timet, r-dVai, 1 i M . A'Naw aaa Rrev Goto Fratn. A. eorre. ' pondent of Ban Frandaco paper aaya that It ' to demonstrated beyond a doubt that th whole ' region of country embraced between the Cae- 4 .0adi add Reeky-Moantaiae to ana vast gold field, and only require development to revolu J tioi iza it'll entire eoait.i -Ao area of 32,000 " square falle ha been lulCfliently prospected to eatabltoa tbe existence si mineral wealth. Ex ploring partle have been fitted oat fee tbe Elk county and Bitter Root valley, where tarse uroa. pacta ar anticipated., Tbe dear approach of Water render- poetpobement of emigration to f thmt onutw AilwiMhlA hnl In th muIrv thw wul probably be another gold .. , j i " be Uoe ing of . , Firrr-Niimi R-wmwrr. Tbe following' Irk an ppcinirpcruin tba nriy-Motb Kegnucn a 1, i 'Je P. Fy!, of Georgetown, Colooer. ' a ,t.- , Farraa OW.ui. FIicitr, Aje-it-Celonel:"' William .Uowaid, fittavia, First Lkutcntnl 'Bd Qoarurmaeter. .. i' ",, ; Chrl-i T, King; Qeorgetpwov Firrt Llcntca. lioeAtanfjASauwti.'i j.avjcii f .. ... . . Tbr are xcllwt tppointmeot. and 'Will .'.ttilrfd-lTt tftl ,-!. cxmrviita-f the- Rcgl , , meat. , Xl.wtot tb. ,a' lra -q aurrioe, nd , kuaw bow to perforin their. duu.,nd tv tbe " moral cattr" to fe a foe uc-ier ClrOuin g'.uiof. Th t!,i any Ciermont 6'ua, . . 1 lea An Abolitionist a Secessionist. Tbe Journal of jB8ten1ay,(3aturd.vy) icfn- , i ing x MW 01 a report 0 part of Won. akd w Jowoh' epeimb, dellTered in U W Ku" 00 FrtdT afternoon, and pfomhiea taa 1 emam dor in n next fame"' Wt bfrt tealted OTertb paper In Tain for commendation of the peecb, bat find none, nxeept tjitjfll M " neat fDeeob." Whether tbii refera to 1U iMitil. UanrDBient. U la tot ta telL' at ia anotloeabla fcet tUt tha morning of the day on wbloh Go: Jomiiwil tpokiJ the Jrnoloonuined 4 leading editorial, calculated and no doubt Intended" to . .." niiHln. In ibe mlnd of . IU readera agalnat laTebolderaaa olaai, at tha tola aithon of tbe present eeoeetUn rebellion, irbica cam the1 alafeboldera rebenipd. 1 we taaea para iraDh from the jeaffa'e'axtJcVe W, nipl. of ilatoaa and temper: v-t . 1 It it, therefore, aaobrione aa innehine, that tbii ereeent oleTeholdere rebellion ia an organ- feed and rntfaleaa atuek of tbe arietooraUo ele ment againet the demoeratlo in American to hi and iMtitnUoarr. " li la the war of a privi leged eliaa for the exleneion and perpetuity of th-rirneonliar DriTileEea.' It it tbe arwanlt of an unholy -prerogative upon the hallowed right afnatara.:" -'V-'""'" v"i!t ' If tblidoea MimeU tUODg of ite. genuine Abolition .fanetlu. wa ara.inUtaJteii l tha na tare of the animal. Now read tha following paeuge from tha J$wml'i report of Got. Joan- ' I would not bd personal, bnt an Aboiitioniit i 1 . . ...... I ae mnebr a Meeeeionut ai any to 00 iuuua iu Booth Carolina. Nowi 'much' ae theee dlt-nninnh-ta of both cUmm atraefl aaohatbar.they, newtbeleee, both tmlte in layineTlolent hand upon the Government that never harm4 either, if I were an Abolitionist, I would break up the Union; for the' dismpiloo br toe union mutt inevitably destroy and obliterate laverr. Hone we are for the prosecution bf this war to aav tbe Government as founded by our fathers- for restoring "tbe Constitution ae we received it, without retard to tbe peculiar lostironoui 01 any State. 1 'Tbat a seoasaionbt and an abolitionist are on a pari I can prove 07 a euapw -uugi-m aa abolitionist is a disuniouist; a diaunionist la a aeoeaaioaist; therefore, a teoessiooist to an abolitionist! , Cheers and latucbter. j , 1 The Journal li one of the No-party organs for thb county and Stale.' We leave the reader to decide' tolwhst exUnt Its conductors and those who receive it teachings, are, according to Gov. Jotntarm' logic, tainted with accession fsm. 1 Foxy Advice. Like Eon'jfox thai bad lost hi caudal x tremity, the late Republic-, ap4 present No. party foxes having severed itheauelvea from tbelr late unfortunate (actional party .append age, are "going about advfarlog other to cut themselves off from all party organisation, urlng them that such to, or Is going to be the fashion, to last at least daring tbe wa. They have pereusdsd a few rather vain and eredulou Democrat to follow their conceal, who have accordingly been Initiated into the ap- oarantW curfoffcd No-party fraternity. Bat they have found to. their, dlamay that their new aatociatee hare the aame old Abolition narru tie, only little thrunken and contracted, a nails draw In their horns,' to be thrust out again whan the present paoio Is over. , But true Democrats and eincere loyal Union men are not disposed to practice eelf mutilation for the sake of being In fashion with those who r trying to periuade the publlo that they hav rid themaelve of a disagreeable and dangerous exareecence, while they are only hiding it un der the thin disguise of a .Nonparty , badge. Tbey knew that partial have always existed and wiB alway oonUaie to exist in every, free country. " When a party I unpatriotic and tkmal, It U . dangerous and ahould b shunned by every true friend of hla country; but when ptWotio and etfutervative of the national life welfare, aa the' Union Democracy now to, should reoeiv the conutenance end npport every true-hearted man, who d eel re to our glorious Union as a whole preserved end perpetuated. .' Th "greater the publlo danger, tbe wider the tchUm between different tection the country, the more: accessary aad ,IndU pensable the existence of such a party. o Those whose Intelligence la, too limited, or patriotism i too much bdgd ia by lel- Sibneea and aectional prejadlce to understand obvious a truth, will of court e; follow the ojadriceof'thaNo-party managers. . do , by [From the Boston Post of Oct. 3.] Charles Sumner. Caa any patriot read tha rodomontade of thl elasele iaaaUcat the Worcester Convention without a nae of. pain, nausea and dlrtguet? certainly ought to be pat in a etralt jacket' talkinc about -"ear areaeat triwmvt.ihe em?U tccatum, for joy ia tU victory Irtady von , waica my ttftaauy cnjty an (u tcauion." What blataat aonama. - Where to he nine to erect the "fUUrt a Hercvle U enarl (Ae sro- presaff at Boll Run er Lexington 1 . He rejoicee an party division have ceased, and they Republicans) are going to make "Spanish Infantry" and Numidian bona" of tb Demo orate and Union men, and come tbe 1annibal tbe Southern rebellion 1 1 Ha think wa now oaaVisa lift ana t reorvrs ia a vuia eiMrw"-i-w&o doe he mean, .fremontf TW ewrtireie of tUntryviU t,nc mail a 9f lA mar.",. ..We moat carry "Africa int seer," aad our the dieeaae bv emandoatlrin! pill applied externally, I luppoae, or black draught ejected plawicaliy ihrougb an abolition yringeii He better, eatoh ."Agar" or "Ben hadad" Kent, before he talk about Arwlae ihtm pHces. . The heel of eld AohiUe were prob ably net a low aa thoeeof some of our modem tor.. 1 He doe aot inform. a whether Ph it lip of , Maccdfltt had rifled artillery, minuie rifle, revolver and bowle knives, or whether Cains Marius encountered any masked hatteriee I lanainc at xeiamon: no doubt thav nld timH, but King Cotton was not born, 1 Jobnby Bull wa not playing beutral aroaod and - wa sion and th for with this n corner. . Caia Marlu might bar mat tb of old John Brown if he bad liwd la theee and attempted to march Into Dixie wlth MAf eruvta kimm and army of a "tketuni nun" marching "oa fo jjidr-neni.'" ' Csn't thia daseical niaoompoop oee (try 'nttfmbU worn. mmumat vt wmcuira,- eX0Cp UOH COaneetCd with tavary1 1' then no tymnaicsl nwrp, except that of the slave ollgarchylee-. v iptcui auu rrerocia ej vie ft bava neeta rindioated with a vengeance latelyl, -WJjat left1. Dt vis ear about tbe Constitdtiaaiand law when he 1 practicing merlin! law aad which fiumner asyf ar above the Constitution!' 'Whet lsthit7rrfrriao,d" BuDpotc Mr: EamneV, after wa hava aa tanlt treasury, aaerificed half a million -of live, aad Incurred a' debt of two thousand milllbua.of dol lar, alavery rshonld com to an nd. will the Union be restored, and tbe' black or whttaraae airy happier or dwell In,' peace toaeUiarl ancient history prove ht loitead of look-, to ancient history for guldane and inspira had better tbe Farewell Add WASHINGTON. r .frti Mirrr? d'Wv tin CoirMis(difn rot Fobbkhi Mistto at CtivtAB,t)Bio --Th AmerioaiJ Boatdcl Vommiisionnr for roreign Mission eomneucrd'tu' 'adrtoal nieetlng"ai Cleveland, vuw.oa.iuCToay.T aix person 'Tiavw entered upon w miBiiouary wor ffurlng the war; and seven bav rotardad' to fluM.' hlnh tky hl prevloajly oecnnied. "Elevrn- rjcttomi are under appoiniroirai. i pe income ot lb year (tlilrteeU monih) -e bferj fuMo to ail - Ordinary dotitttor,.'SJa.1 IHfi 87' l(.r-lrt .''tr,2 T,27 -ia. oihrt nurr('i't,WlJ &l 'mHltlrtjfJv ttrtat bf IJWJM so; or wtuoir f7,?'j si ,wrd cotitri- oiiilon 'ta tile -iiiisoiou, Bclio. 'Ente'i-f.flse'. rtpcndilorei tare beru $3G9,874 S9'' -A I ,l,iric lu th treasury Anga-t.l; i8(iO; wB "J P"'':' ci,tK5,Ai yi wa-'mencfd 1 wituadsbtof $i7,fc.,5 4',vnlub' ht veiy muh ' than waa aut!clpted a few mouth ago," ( WASHINGTON. A Handsome Compliment to General McClellan. A'yWashl gtoi tuiivj i mdeat of the New York JViiu i-.wuo lt!y wltneeaed tba grand ruview of tint army, lu i'otomte in toat ony, tbuccompUmenU tut gajlant leader oi onr ar miee. General MoClelian.s-He says: -Tflit the wme review 1 bad "an cppMuqttyf ctntratlmg MeVlellan icUA icort er uenerau antl rA km. Thee.were JlaDowilj Porter. KerWv Woiiket, KtoM. pluof, all ttanly gallant faeea and nguree of true military near. mr- Colon la Da 'iVobriaad aad Balm 8al; with tbelr daahlng ohivalratque air.; h Prince de Jolnville. twitted and supping cnvia none; the Orleans' Prince, with tbelr mild, amiable i&cei, and aspect of languid Interett In! all, a moat remarkable group of figures. A bore' length In advanoe eat tha imallest man of 4he party, broad-shouldered, etroog-cnestea.itrwg-necked and strong-jawed, one hand upon bit nip, while tbe ptbar, by an ooouiooai rapia motion, fldov some tommumoetion to tbo pane ing squtdroos of cavalry. The visor of hi cap waa well palled down Over hi fcyeef j not a man In the line escape, hie observation. HI glance seemed to take in at once the; whole spectacle, It without losing any of its smallest detail.;, "lie la a commander," Mid my Aus trian fneod. vBomethlnc In his figure, bis.atti tude, and the square, teoaclods set of hi jaw, reminded me tUlkloclT of Field Marshal Rd etakv. .Iecaaued the tinea , of hie lacelnvaln for some mark of weaknees, indecision or timid ity. All was cool, firm, and prompt, determln ed and aelf-rellant. If ,hs does-aot jastUy ,the hopee and expecutiooe ol tbe nauon, pbyaiog nomy laof no value ! : Fuss Against Fremont—Charges Filed Against Colonel Frank P. Blair. The FaiMOMT and Blaiu imbroglio letters, charge, apeclflcatione, etc. are at length. la nrlnt. We oondenee their content In tb fol lowing statement: ' ' " ' COLONEL BLAIR'S COMPLAINTS. Oa tha 1st ol Sentember Colonel Frank P. Blair wrote to bis brother, Montgomery Blair, Postmaster-General, complaining tbat Fremont wa at fault for not reirjmrclcg Lyon; tnat at Fremont's eamp there waa no discipline; that wooer aten to cheek the enemy nad not oeea taken, and ursine tbat Fremont, should be TU llcved of bit command and a man of ability put In hi place. , Thia letter waa submitted to the Cabinet, and occasioned an earnest diacnesion aa to Fremont' continuance in ihe Weetcrn Department. ' ' -J ; . : ; " LETTER OF JESSIE TO THE PRESIDENT. Colonel Blair's father ' Informed Mrs. Fre moot that these charge had -been mad.' On behalf of her haeband ehe wrote to President Lincoln, to b furniebed ..witl) 'a 'copy of Frank oiair cnargee. j :-.... It it LETTER OF JESSIE TO THE PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT'S REPLY. Who replied that aa impression had been made on hla mind againat tbe honor or Integrity of General Fremont, and protested 1 against beine understood a actine in any Hostility to ward him. .:, Tbat Poetmaater-Ganeral Blair had repaired ta St. Louis a a; friend of Fremont, but not to examine into tbat Department " ? ' FREMONT AND THE POSTMASTER GENERAL. Fremont request al furnish him a copy of Col. Blair' Charge It wa aent with a-rcgucat that Colonel Blair, then under arrest, ahould be released. ; The re lease was ordered but declined, and a a prison er at tb Barracks', the brother of a Cabinet of ficer await a trial. I ., TWO CHARGES AGAINST COLONEL BLAIR. I. Conduct nnbeoomiur an oflloer and a sen' tleman. Boeoifieation relate1 to Blair fre quent treat talk, assailing General Fremont, lb commanding . Ueceral, and hi leoret, in sidioue, nnsustained charges, forwarded to co vertly reach the Cabinet and disturb tb rree ident'a confidence, thru not affording Fremont HJ VUU.I l.lflll 1l UD1DUD . ' - 1 " ' - S. Communicating;, by a : printed article, .to the nubile fame, impressions, disparaging to hi superior offiocr. . i 1: t . '; .' Tbe pecifiatiotireIt,to a sentence in as artlole published y Jilalr, rsflecung thus on General Fremont:..-, - "Ii't t-. " I assure yon imeanlns th editor of said paper, whether yon believe me or not, that I not even shrink from the pompon .threats wnicn appear in your columns, oat Wfioe unia miliar rarb hot ran another origin." I " th in j TWO CHARGES AGAINST COLONEL BLAIR. [Special to the Cincinnati Commercial.] TWO CHARGES AGAINST COLONEL BLAIR. [Special to the Cincinnati Commercial.] The Killed and Wounded in the Fight near Cheat Mountain. CAMP ELKWATER, Oct. 4. The followirar 1 a list r the 'killed -and weanded at the Greenbrier raooanoiseano yes- tcroay. none were cuiea ox toe iBirtv-seoond Ohio, Fifteenth Indiana, or Loom! and Daum't Artillery and Cavalry. ......i , Jj i Ninth Indiana Killed: Smith. Comoanv H. Wounded: Isaac Bryant, same company. Foartoenth Indiana Blllledi,Aiiioa Bovd. Company i. C; Herman Myers, Company H. Wounded: Cant. Foote. Company Ei Serffeant uraer race, in we leg, amputated; Jamca B. Jackson. Company D: Coruoral John Lvon. Company E; Asa Smith, Company K, (lightly iwaniv-rourin umo A.uiea.-(jorooral Mo- Cann, Company B, and an unknown private. . . DareuHtenin Auuiaua wn private cut in two a cannon ball. -.. - .)" Tblrteeath Indiana-One ' pYtvate ! altlj wounded: M Zu' L'- 7?i a. Twentf-Fifth WOUnded.' John Evarino-ham. Company E.rsevere buck shot' wound in the ankle.' ' '' - "' i"J: ' Thirteenth Indiana Killed : HelaVick's.CotB- ptny K; a private wounded slightly. j Howe' Artillery Killed: James Envart and Georgb L, Price. Wounded: Andrew, Dough erty, lost, an arm aioce died; Joha&edridg Corporal Andrew wounded to day j . ; juieut. boi. n.xiiaweu, yomptny H, btnuhio, acoidentally bot by a private of tha iJtb Indiana, at Camp Elkwater, and died Immedi- teiy.' , ; " -- , . j . , , Last nlebt their was1' ittt ' elarm"in'taa aaoea- camp at Greenbrier, 0r1gtaaUg iri a panic among ttrair bwn' picket: Their musket and guns were discharged, ; killing' and .wounding a number of their own'men.1" 'd u It ha been fully ttdert&lned that florin tha engagement yesterday tb rebel' loss, In kiWad wounded, to over five hundred, ' Moat of th enemy paicerie were mutca, and sltnatftd on ld of th mountain'.' Tbe pbsltlea ooou pied by a wa ao oios io th fot of the moun Uln that the enemy 'a gun .eould net all be brought to bear oa u, tba aooonatiagi it. part, our, amall Joes- lOur,AUJed aad wounded were brought hack to CheaUuwmtein Summit aa, and &a dead buried with- due1 hoaota. morning. sjjImJJ lnu Twantv-oc Tireinla and Arkamaa nriaonwa leave fo Columbaa to-morrow... r m.n.. rfj ond uuo oi born a ... oi after war Ke and 1818,-1.11 In and be or . der- ing boat, Tba, same ft i C. D. M. .... VbeettOBiaaiaatleBiTliBmekBd. lai the laat. 'letter of Ioa.f itha, iateiriMt Waahingtoa. emeanoadaoa f -th-. .Btltimor Ssm,iwi Bad 4h4 foltowwr latarettloe reflaa , tlou od the cottoa queatioeai Ua aayac u !i . , 11 la plain tba I iha.eottosaivfl .weatefc' rusnu factara eaa not b icoaUnaad aritboat matorlal. aad that them ieaot cottoa. Asoagh lia Ktm Englaad aod New. ork:towpplyUio paUlsfar six weeks ai ta praaeBturata ot eoastmptioq. Wool) tbey say, is to befimpertod fipifclof rand, and tola av ifaot that aeTaraL catvoe of cotton bavaheeaimpoctea from Liverpool.,. .tiottoa i new aix oeot pound lower ia Liverpool than it tola New) York... JIaaaachutts wai suffer from th failure of tba eotton (apply 'betor U 1 . .ill . W .1 . L J 1 1 nHwcnai wui.. npf Buuiav aimi uji HUi or crook the cotsoa will comaaorwMOVawoVaaeb law ef trade, aometlme mora aotead than the law ot war, ireqnlro it.. Dariagi Napoleon' ware, ail hi rasuricUooscoald mt prevent tbe lBiroaaouoa.o. iriuin wood, had, product Wbereve Ihev were wanted.-, i .i.l j. There to aw doubt tha. Eagliah: and other epeculatora ara daviaing mean to run tbe block ade a oder tb lamptatioa. of tbe rtaing demand oi eosuo. ana tobaacoaad alio, tha demand In tb Booth ior aropea maaufaotaree.1 1 1 ni rumored toa a i alas ei. strongly-built and fant-sailiog merchtAtessel ar to-be fiUed out from Liverpool tb run tbe blojkadi at tbelr own link, xpectfng a. handnome profit even if tbey itjia a vesrci and cargo now'tnd then. XT QaeerfYifcttritV TroclaWatlcnJ of May YMt aDd id r.inpr.r- rtaniieorra More ot beuiralliy, of Juoellfb, xr;j bn bne( maierf eaoo con a aiieuioo proiinuioa 01 all pcrS0ii,','lniUry Try-tfvMIaM,- taking ao anB in the service either oT the United Stata V of the'(9-c!Ud Rtfuthei-a'CoorcdrraUoB." Kot hlldwlng' Trench-ev:illor'o3cori to Join onr'armf l-i, tBorelarb.'buly the rrylig out of ap-l., pacp '," tncotnlced' fourj monibi ago. I.A AJ ' Rumored Death of John C. Breckinridge. Tba, Juunifl lai5) evenrng if"1 .1 an extra o?-jMLinIcjf; th foUjingjrri( by the ed itor 1 ' " ij -. V hava ..Jot bataUnforiaad byaanUamajt from Covington, ay., mat it wa mere siaiea laetepl"-? 'tsat John, B. 1 Hraotlnrid? 1 w kill art! 1 ha f:i,;i8. as trireb-'were: that wheii J. BsCVyUd others - ere 'taken, Breckinridge em-aped iii'o a corni'.eia, ana avoided.. pursuit. When etcauice inti' the cornfield, he was fired nptm tr waa of ihe fOMBlag: party. It wai supposed, however, tbat be had escaped,! add. leaving bis horse and buggy, bad mad his way to lb rebels. )Jt ha nineej ttureei out,' a the statement goes, that be wa bit by the Shot of 3 pnraueir, aad oiaa in me, eomneiaj wncr bis body, bag Just Jtten found. Wglv totamei('s H cm to a'. A j . ! J me ta(emeht [From Wilson' Spirit.] The Death of the War Horse. Very fioe thing hav peeh1 aaid and1 painted about th fleaUtof the (tog,, the., death! of th boar, and kindred subject) ,but muoh more ter rible and Impreieive is the death of the war horse. Tbe war atea is noote a ne prweth la tW Valley1 an rrjoloeth ta bi stfength!" H la fearful la tbe pride of hi onset, snorting and trampling Uk tb White Horse of Hengltt In tha front of battle, and rushln with hi rider through the fiery turmoil of the tbunder- lBgflght! ?"?ATcri r;i ;feT' "Nalgh Id Ihj prlda, my coarser brave, li rt Trample feeatath UU fcoot tyrant aad ilaval'li . , But he 1 most terrible la bla grandeur,-a he "talth amona the trumpeU, Ha! ba!n bi furv rbuaed by a mortal atrokei When tbat young and rallaat (oldler, Colonel WlllianT HL Lyde, left Cincinnati, at th head Of. the Tenth Ohio Regiment, certain of bit .friend, reader of WUkt' Stint of 14 TUn, preaeated hint 'with a snleodid oiacK cnarner. i nat ne waa a Hue hone for martial .purposes aa ever reveled la tba pasta -es of Ohio or old Kentucky, we were assured at tb time, aad we believed ft lor we knew tbe man who had aclacted him daaler fit to have bright and cold Bucephalus himeelft Thl borse C6j6nel Lvtle rode in the late battle on the Geuley river, la Western Vlrglnla.wbere Flovd defended hia entreaohment until dark. and then fled with precipitation under rover of charger died "W .bkroesV'.whlle bU boble rider fell before the ,aamy'e aatbeaxures, ttricken with a severe, but happily not mortal wound. With ringiog about and bloody spur, and aaber flouitabed blab, tbe Uoleoel waa leading oa bl valiant men to charge Floyd' entrenchments, when .h (hot struck bis leg and psased through oto the body of hi horse. Almost Upon tbe parapet they were. Tbe wounded leg bad lost dip. and with a mad bound Into the air the teed threw hi rider. Still with hi front to tb cannon of th foe, welling np life bledd and anortingwith a frenzied fury, th war-horse mad aaotoerbOBOd or two, cleared at one urn leap tbe parapet of .the, entrenched camp and allien died inside. . S .4 1 fc ' . ' -Tne foe,' with toundlto - admiration at the cbivalron courage of tbe man, thought they bad killed him; aad then dividing , hi pistols and aocontermatrU amonr tbelr offisers. lament tb deatn oi ni gauant Diaox norae. - . li .: at Gratifying News from Kentucky. JW rejoice to heaf'socti good tiding from Kentucky aa to eon ta load ia tbe following item olippad from a Kentucky exchange: (.. Uitmn Wi Stabo. Kentucky will icon have forty thousand troop In tb field. Her young man and old men r determined to (boulder musket, tf they cirx get It." 'Ill Estill county nearly half of tbe population ar preparing for active service five hundred bare enlisted. , In Montgomery count, Mr. S. T. Williahi, aged eeoty-w(, be enrolled nil name a a union volunteer, fion. w. r. i oompson, wno is vergi ing on tbreesoor year and ten, and who, for' merly . represented; hi district In-Oonpreaa (erred aa a private In tbe rania of a New York company at the1 battlcaof Ball 'Run aad Man asar Ho la now a pr.vat In tbe Lonfsville Legloa, uader General Rosseaa, ready to amilt anvwg nacc in lavaaer . ' IB General Order No. 84. WAR ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, Sept. 30, 1861. In announcing to th arm v the decease of tha tjommiasaryt-eoerai" of Subciitoooe, Brevet Msjor-Ueneral Ueorsa Oibaoiu who dnartd life at hi residence to thia city, last night most painful duty te discharife.7 i'Zil 'r'..., , One by one, during the laat few years! tha pa triarch of the army, the veterans of oar "Baa. War of Independence," he Ve been dropping taeir peaoeiui grave, i no time honored name of a Towaon and a Jesup were no longer borne on th roll of the living; and ta-dav one to icw remaining survivor or tneir gallant compapy, and one of, the moat distinguished, to aiaoBumnerea wua,ta uiustriou dead. All honor to the worthy oo of tha ReDublle. of it te it golden dya.! ' And may th aoiuim or our young army strive nard to emu late their-bright example, and bo aa itcceagful were 'tbv LB oreeervlnr eaoutheona nntar. nlshedbianytuliiv - " i - - a. aauve. oi x-eansyivaua, usneral, Gibson entered th army .from civil life, a a captain miantry, in may, icwo. ouDsequently pro moted to major and LlautenantColoaeI, and, having aerved with disUnctiea thrauah tha oi aoist-io ne wu aiaoaaaed at It close. A a r iS m t a, . ..... . appointed a Quartermtrter Generkl La 1816, subsequently made Commissary General in tendered Invaluable eervlca, la the former capacity, to the army of Gen. Jackson Florida, and thereby earned the enduring friendahio of .that old aoldlar. HrrttA . Brlgadier-Goneaal for faithful eervlca In 1826, a Major-Geacral for meritorioui oocdaot a Commiasary-Geaeral during tha Mexloaa war, baa admialstartd the . affaire of hi depart ment, for a peejod of ever. forty year, to tbe aatUfactipo, It to baUavrt. of hia aanari- anith army.' Tha an-. fnm Lt- t 1 Ml I "w ri,up mi tvi ui jyuwii. wait ds or I by Majdr-Oeoeraf MdClellaa, command- U we armyofMbo rotoaue. lf'J M an--appropriate tribute of respect to bi memory; tbe' Will t fired at every military oaaho day after the raoeist iof this order. thlrtaaa minute (on, emmnciog at meridian. National, FUgr. wUUba diiptoyed) at fcalf slant, from tba earn hour until unatof tha ayi and for thirty day th praaoribed oaage ot, koornuig .win do worn by th otfioer rtaaarmy.i ' nl, i: and No. lo Which " befor L. THOMAS, L. THOMAS, Adjutant-General. [From the London Times.] The Strength of the American Combatants. i H V"Maaifi , , We So Sot build muoh on ib sncoeu at Cape trattera' it r ia it natal fored tbat tb Ftderal Government 1s' stroiiget,Vhd It wa never probable tba the. Coufaderataalonld b. abie to hold their ota at sea. Ta expedition " miasiBBippi is aa operation oi a more important kind,' but' itA succea. we ahould wibb, i latuasa OBttaia.u la aa expedition la wbiob wemavexoeot te aaa tha ln,ir.. genius 'and tbe adventurpua .oonragel of the Americana ' fairly Illustrated , Th banks ' of the broad, river are clothed with thick forest suggesting every variety of. aanbwcade, and If the tavadera tare tha advantage of rqnlpmast, thtnitlre will ba snpsrio in knowledge of the uwiuwy ana natural resource. AOOV ail. It sauat he remembered tbat b mala armlea of thebalMgeveatoaraion the Potomac, and that tuc trial of strength moat Immediately decisive will take place at tbat point wbr tbe cWed eratea ar (till reputed superior. , Tay may forfeit tbia ascendancy,' nd doubt, If Oiey aaanme th offemlv aad advance agalnat tbe Ifortifled peaiUona of theie enamier hot if, on the other bead, tbey ahould .obtain any material success ia that quarter, U mere distant operation of th campaign would be thrown Into lha ahu! All .wa ran ee at peaseat ts that the North ha oaea maaiug airenoou aadnocerjeerul effort ta convert Itt rnitfeerou tevlet Into good working oldtert, thtjt, l patscisee vast, retourcr la a brave .aad.aaroeet oopulatloii. and tbu It 1. likely te profit by tbe lassoa it baa recelred.-rr Wbat we btnoot tee' I tbe derree la whl. ihll improvement may, ba countei baleaeed by tba MmullaaoaaMocraas at the Sooth. Tke U rt kb$olutclf $i ttnig a iht Nrlh,ut it ka$ nivtmo ottn Kiongtr ta V ntli, ni if km of. oay$ 6 ttrno enuirV In fl human mnbahUU to rtqtt tidj&iwl y nctf tnfore iu uW? Tbat (eern to jbe nqw aluost. nniveilly icknew-. edged a. th,,,! cobCWoiflilaB,. gl,d it i .clr UJ)tiunt3xl tkat tUio a fact thnA hv u.-;etd the U(peatIou (Weatluu Of a Bt-ofifcut u4 tnguluary strife. of call i us (OCI-.U,n ' 1 tic. JL. w -.a wtwra mi atyia.' t-..Ai ,JL . Of O- fr.-wi . .a. Kentucky. 1 ' or now not less than forty thoinsi 3 ret! cal c d But beep ur tier arm t- in Km, tuc: f, aui in a. few day th pmi cr will be wei.rd to near sixty inottXund. , l'bare a-. , at least, teyettty thousand Union men In tba but oeett'es tiioxe m camp. There snowd be co fla ky la nurU.2 dlreouy to tbe Cuiubarlaod to. difperslcgftbe .Confederate camp there, end. Mtt.ui; poeegsionioi toe Virginia ana j enncs.. s:Kartlkd. Should that be done, a blow would have been struck tb enemy from which he could not recover. ' It would be the master stroke of the eampalgnr The enemy ahould at tie; allowed, to gather etrcnrtli before tb Fr-doral troops hay aosaeselaa'Ol Ouslbsr land Gap. With tbat point inWur poeeeaiioB W would command Kentucky, Eastern Tonnea- ... J Iir . tn , a 1 1 ' v . mvw utti ewrn;u-giuia, !. wut('UT:,i Due; for cQeotiv, aggressive operation on Nashvlll and Mem phi at tba, west 'and 6n Rlohmond, at the east.., Every effort ahould b mad to aeoure that pan with tbe least possible delay .-. .Enc.j I f.t fr,))rOT f '.oa Envelope Letter. i Tha combined envelope letter,, or litter en elope, which, baa just been preparl bybe Government, la one of the, moat oseful loontrly-. anoea. tbat we jknow, oi. , it presents li three separate thing in one, vbt: a sheet of lotta ar nots paper, and envelop and a poatagi stamp, all so simply put together that any on fciay ns them with more eeae than ba would tb old en velop. The advantage are,.' first,, that th whole costs lets than the materials wt'uld aep arakely, thus effecting sn Important! economy for those who write many .letters: tecead. the ttamp cannot ne stolen Of ropbea otr, whicb is a matter of tome coneeqQcnoe, wheu w rmem bef that nearly a million of letter are Returned to the Detd Letter Office anhually, fbht have suffered bvthis.way; third, the post-mafrk 4 al way on tha letter luelf, whlott Can'tbertefor-) be used in court of justice,' as a legal proof or tfoo nment, aa to date, content,' to; aodi fourth, at tbe sheet, envelope, and ttamp are ohe, time and trouble are both aaved in coodictlng a heavy correspondence 'Theee ard advantage which must command tnem to general aaa. A Wor-Dict FeanwcAfioir-Tbhro are manv wonderful natural curioeitie and hntiqaa ted relic to ba found iri Kentucky; add one of tbe moat remarkable ol them - it to be found in Allen1 county, on the vTennesaM border, aad seventeen mile from Bowling Green, there a wall of Mild limestone, two; hundred hard in length, forty feet high, thirty feet at the base, and tlx feet wide at the top.orossaaia neck formed by a bend in Drake' Creek, land en loses a: peninsula ai two, hundred a arte, ele vated one hundred and ten feat above the river. Oa (be top of thia I natural mound to as) area of tbree aore, enoiotad by, a wail ana a oitcn, forming one of the strongest fortress' a in th worlds Itia not improbable, that tbe fortunes of war may cause tbia old fortlAottlo i, built, - . ... ml , I luppoaeu, auHrunieui m rava ui ausu woo hold tbe country when discovered by European, to be occupied by a hostile force, and Imade to play prominent part in tnu civil contact. ' 1 1 DIED: Bataraav afftrnoon. Oct. S, Hra. (nSAiniAa uraaaiami the reatdaoo of Wa, li. Btyl, ooraer BUla aad Mound straett. Tbe , frleada and eouaalutancea art lavlttd to attend funeral ta-day at I o'clock. I-; r I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "Get tho Best!' WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED ' DICTIONARY. . -...'u. l- i ' JW PICTORIAL. EDITIOaT. aTPiotorlal IUurtratloo of Military Term titibbtir'i DionoHABt sxom ia thisi. v f and baa. ataanc ethers, nig tot la! miaseatatloaa of louowux; ....... i j . - iir' Barbaoao, Bastion, Battlamcut,' Bar-ahot, BoWhoaaa, BOBus, uannon, varrooaat, uaain snot, vinavMa met. uaitrop, Luaatn, ataantr, aurteii Tewer, Ator tar,Porteallla,ltaTlln, Badaa, Star Jorta, A.,. ,. - No other Engllah Dictionary pabliihad U iqta eoantiy .jt m - . - y j SO Aia rra j J . Tfcfinifinna'ftf ,MiKhTv li Aa, the forantnr, and Abatla. AabbaUae. Amouacadaw Annlatle. Baaanatta. Blvooao. Brarat, Caiaaon. Oallbar. Oaalalarthot. Oantoaaaat, Ctpel.rf . Oaaatnat. Oar- unambot, Ohamada, Unmlaarr, uonmlKmrtat, Ooaataracarp, Obaf da battalion, Ould sac,' Saal(rao gun, aiinieain, etc, i p, 'nr.v.i..'. oT,.-i n.-. .-.-'.. ,1 nouiku p OWUVVl AAVMVaattM. SoMby all Bookseller, ota-Bt .! v-iqt il;-iil iriilrl.j" NOTICE. . BxAMOAaTtn 0. at u:tu arw T. Mtum 1 1 jut QoABTMAAvraa.daKaaAi.'a Orriot. ' . , Oolnnboa, Oct. 8,1601. T?HOM AND AFTER THIS DATE, J 9 PABSEI wUl ba lined by the State of Ohio to sol tier kept il of their iTL , , i alllharWlarLLtlll dlam on furlough, to be rtfaodel Py. ' All hill or trmtpartatlo will aaraaftarbe settled paid by tbe Aatlttaot Quartermaster 0. A.,- at SO. Stat Bouse. Oolumbna. Ohio. . .,- . I " . I,.;:,.. I , . ' mmvw m .n a..uma, .' .. i i i ' . Aadttaat Qawtrraustat 9nral 'I 1 DRY GOODS. (1 ?1 . oTTrt-TT TTTrtTT nmtiTimnlr IM nilli IH Hlljll " NI'KK H. I' I V aw V . . . . aaa , B aa . a, m a a a. a a - a i-.,.i'l!'i --in i-L ' ..itt . i.Al t.:-,,,.m.m AG AIM.;., .u:. 11 1 r. f s. -F A M P Q- -ar w a t-m - a V I an Wl ... ,r I .ci -in ' I now receiving a targe and dMlrabl aiock of all' ''l"L'-r"m.";j. ti fi J J UUvUHi 1 ana wiBier.riress 'I h Will tell at nrloca tBatWlll AhaM.'!, 01 te te-1 ixyuiauon w b iad Cl already eojoya ef iai, turn t . I 1 '4 ' I I'Olioan Otoirtb eVtbJofty. (In.'eSt'wiJbonUj for Csshl the Ut exlraordlnary adyaact, and all can be aaljat ."it uiiii.i .. jwj 1 j i.r .i,..,-n JAM ia u;; Jill JFW. i-awlitm, MiasKM aund ChiMxen, lllJ.(llf (.! 1HH lit At, I the vary teat quality aad taak. ' 1 oor.lallr Invite llteolfaatoMrsof thakoaaa, and anybody elaa, to aod.v-o-ntn aw aiyaks btfora pnrchaalng eleawhere. Si. Btlil' lUJiZ t:.iii riA bodth man btbht, ooluvbtji vaiM. I A-. .l" i,"1' .... . .1.4 , IF . (a ' ( ', ... .-, i f 1 ;. 1 .. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '1 11 1 ' i 1 1 f (lAttoef FluttoaVBatabUaaatent, Jt. Ttl)' ' TROPRIETOtOr THBNBWTOBK laablonahle Bbaving, llair. pnttlef ,. gtuunpaonlng, Aaag, aaatrta AV ivayajitja itsp-jaj. j .f J Boutit "13ltrh St-icorer !,s Store,1 Mifiuc will riytn" In "all "the varlaos ti.- - - - - - - -- Latlea' aad ChHrn'. Birtr "PwnWgdmia ' --. 1 4 1 " '' ua 11 a3a Jl .T-'-t IM-i in i it.n-l i'i.; ':i ; raW,,OOAI.'TAXID. ) . t c - . I ' m i . . t I I i, . . AS. tinDtlitlCSED KEKPI COBU..H",rt, (TAHl'tr on hand for ml, the beat quality Ajfj rrrvrrTKrn n-r a rtirs yia i i-r. hlek be will taU at me lowett market nrtoea. ' i " OiSaaAt taa.Atanal af B-AdrnM'aaaata-i A. In. head CaaaI. 14 UI vii im n "w w i' it t ii I ' i i. ajOiPuyMiT-; ' 1 "' ' 1 tr' - I if f T7CT r rj- B!inar aad fait Bawa . I All at Wag aer . Orator frail repe. Kb. 81 tmi BiAteetreet, ,,1, . J r j.... auffitH i the ; It 1 Is f . - A poat big the , I to '"' ia... 1 In f wWl''u WNtae'tha KE7 ADnTiS::nEIiTEt! i. - - f w i '- wr- 7. W. Oarpaoter j Br. Ti. ,liifl;'Knapp atUtJI"! B vihtub of a wBiT or.n. JPA. IT. tlia aharfe aai. ltt tori ether writ ana li twerltiahn Pdtana Vt. J, d. Soapp UOkiixi ont ia atvar ot wiiuab o. Buon'-ra. 1. 0. Kaapp tt Oa , t ai dlrvstad from tha Ooortof Oommon Plaaa of Palairart atinur. 0hia..2 artil .te.a i. . .k- .tMm Ma. .xv tbaoltx si Oo- larahusj mmlm v.. . i . I Kin., . U - ii.L A . - r . . tx ' , CjJT- 1 I bouou, aioTM, en ltp ladr, two aata lairbsakf soalaa. oa dmk. en 'ht da tUni. ayk j 0 W-...1. . ... . - t ' ' a ' . w r, . - I,.... . WM . ,M it 111 pf'IfOG'-t 3i! j-.l)tila.J)iTl,, p-pul.'l AnSBilbl. - . 1 tO . . - - ... .M . .'..1 -" Tr f ay .l ity .pvi'r,v;f.7. r.lEDICAL'COLLGE COLUMBUS, i,OSIO. A THUB8DAY, lb Mth of OOTOBSB, and conlloae un- iuaib in una ADATttauoarmui vgHa-wTJ. IU HA III VI OU. - l'V. , I "0 I . nr jsa wj f., , a. tvoila 'a;.sMrrH,Kp - in, riilfaaaliil aaat haWMiar AtMl Prwitlrtah.. Taww nataVn? ,S1 ul , tVli'.A I t KI f-'l I. Jl t flH in 1 IJJW lWi;,,-Obtt'rlci A.piaMi.of Wa()hlldr tt ..lid jtrtfj. fAmlteniya-H PtrtloliCgy, iTinu.l .ti ,..- (i t , isi.i ,. c . j, fV.' HAMILTON,' M. it coviK olirii.VBtt,. at tmprf. .HH oH'.-O U'r t .l.t'J t.. Tl .H. .til r.MIlt, 8. LOVfNG. M. D...atot 1W.18VI "l5S it -' Trot1, itat. tiad.i thArap. A Ked. JnHipridme..' j , ,!' r...m...iyirjef lOhatSlitri.l . 4i( .1 Oft fTIiT 1 t. 11 l4VI'l.i . " w f ,.' . ii u R.iN; BARR,"M. D..t .b6 4,iii (.jiPeawpatimtor. of AuatoaVn I iA ni i'.,ll lt'.;,iii't na '! ' f tb minuT too oo S 00 .'SOW Matriculation Ticket (only paid ohee). '. uruoauon rsae .........,..,..,,.,.1. BvmoiMtratlfta (Jervlees. ). I .. i 1 . Bor4ui B8 to 93 per wetk, lBclndlni lurbl ai and faak th Cllnloal aad Hospital adrantagea eorhlit InU large aad dlrerslnad Oollaf Clialo and the ifoipUal T the franklin County Infirmary. ,. Staid tha, the two uiuiarj uampa in uw neignpornpoa W1U.W adwaalble atedlcal Btadaoti.' , . ., ,,..... T . . . . - . -- r'-x-v, . .. "All Innnl-w -fill h. .1.hJ ir roi w . . oct ltd, Dtan. l1 I III ll.ilf. J 01T1T H U N T E H, -'I WZRCH ANT TAILOR, c... 1 ; v ..--j. .t .-.i' JNO.:WJ Houth Hlsh 8tret. Three AJKiyr 30ttUt, OI , JL.'J,," reeervedo eheler eteck ef klt AND imjl rruiKuianitaleff ftwtlBr.n'a wear, Oattoawra will have tbalr oraara aaaUy and labttanttal l4r-Il-At AA tk. Inml i-An- ..-. I ... 1 BspS...H-'.,i,,'wr.r,a . .w I Ir- 'VtL-lt -nESTJEAUX,! Jl fccV 1" ,t!.:3 t":l i(iirr4' anOOBB80A tftf UcklB BEITIIiUXl ' No-' IOC' .nflf: HiVh:, &Tto : - o- -t 7 ' -." Ta-ir-Teli iHv-.'-"" ' au a. J, aiavtr, WO 3ij,l lii Vm" m .''.' I a-o S fr.fv jrt-,ln-n'J cro c c n rr ;,- it oduce PROVISIONS 1 ! UrntJ- --. hit, kIt wii4.i.N.y 1 H ft - ai'r-lii.A Jt ri'liyi J -f FL.OU RrS A"LT. LIQUORSJETC. (STORACE It COMMISSION Jlyltti, AGRlCtJITUEAL Wa4REE(0USB A rv 3 ar-ii.- -ajiu oeea cstore, "v''i'. iittt T h'-; i ; rrnrrlli ninrimJnr ,i'SlAUUt,l,hABB, BABH, rCIIT, GOKDAQI,,, ., Vlli Wro, ,ithMao4 Jtakaar BalUnc, lae , Iaathar, Hoa and I'- sPECiAL:;rfOTicbs t HOKESTT.TITE BEST POLlCr.' VWtanUBlOBS mea .Who AmaDOfaataaa and sail ana adalbnated hlarataa, anjutby losing the Mttodtnee of buamunlty, while Janes fyU', who tnahat a par id fcanume srtiol, n hurt becoming the Wat popular - T.j. ' 1.111 . "T. ' . if. fw VirapiiamOTBl I . JATNK'S AGOE, niXTCRe f aa iafalltble rnaedy tor fever, aad Ago j She ex psriaaee of aiaoy warav la ahaact trot cllnata, prorai that wbrre Oact) .a strict iccordan4 wllh fha tlnctkna, haa rartly failed to euro, not onlr tor breaking1 tha .Kilt. feta-Al-a... , - t- 1 1 , . . ... ... T cum,, mi, i rwving toy morula nawi oiim aynem, preVrnttng tbiteourVanot'of uedtaeaM. " 1 .1. .u,i,r TXTtB 'AKD AOUB, though hot In llaelf dangeroBs, apt, anleat speedily lemared, to haTO aoch patnlr cioua affrct oa the tritnn. aa CT aocAni.r Stinrkmn m-k ImUacftltlhultaair.aa whlchtalanly rndertbe eflar-life of tha Dalian. mlui-iM. l,nt.r in ti.imiai.. tm" , pi-nAyi Att TAif-jpuAi jvnro--if inirerora Wlt lT)ntT-l 'anil' AA While Ili.Xi A. w... ruia la eonadently recommended. Tor sate ir Maaars. WS f JPS?W'10J'. sgcata .svsty. where, aAldirMAaaUnatai 1. . f. t :j bi 7 -J y7-MANH00 ioat Pablieh. In a aald BrrveKiba: Prto-1 cti.i . tKOTTJBI OH TBI WATTJtB". f JtHATHtHT Ar7B BAPIOlt, Orjlll Of BPHttMAIOEBUAi Or Bcalnal Waalcaca, lnvolnntary Saataalont, fenat Debility, and ImpediaianU to Uarrlac CTBArnU'r. NArToai-AA. fcon- aaaipaoa, apiiepty and yita, jaeDUI and flprtleal Iof' Oulmwall, at. P., author at th OiW'Boikr. A Boost to nnsaaas of i ferci-, ander seal. iL to a slain snvalinM. to' an. a-.. paid, on raearpt ef two rtaapa, f- PrOHAS.. J.d K I B H.V.. B . sta..--. . ,7. At, a-t-k ivnioa awz raatjOffleaBoz 'septa-adAw.. , ti subject ts owilneajj and ting- j.' 1 ' "-..... . anziia-as reraoma ! f wll ftahlto, 'niotirthiect to OoetlTtneaa, Headache, OMdlneae, Btomtaess; sad slnr la lheara,arhlngfrea ta great tdow of Blood to head, aheeM aevsr. be without Biandrtu'4 nils, sad many highly daagerous syarptotn Will N rtmeved by rneir iniiniata W. j,v ' ,. ''",'. Th Hob. 1. Bnat.ef WajtohesW eaanty. H. ,T tevwnt.flTe vaaM af Aa.4 -A a .uil.L nltl. . ' ,1 I" A US' -o-, a, aw-. aiMtai.a, . . UU a-K torrttww'Mhta'aol ineaIn.,:rntnhfaeU loaiapaaaa, at it from rjeld, aUiaaaaatlam, Asthma, Head ache, IllUma Affeetlona, Coetrrm-w t Trrimilcal .0l mZov-mfTg MM 1 . . . I . - . alght,one p!U.r JU erety. attach, ft ttekaeas r twenty-five jreara, UUaabapl aaajtbadb failed restore him U haalOu and few. awe ar to aoun and haartraa h. ' 1 n" i,jjo BoM by ion Jt.-'Orior,' rwnfTt, D6il uaapliMleaj.iff-1 ,1 uuit J iniai llllllll All Mter written ty tteiievi'. B; Holm, paitav Bm flerrepolovetreat Batt Church, Brook la,T.T., to tba.Vanxial ndHaanT," Oladnnatl, 0.,4adareaki volnm-a In tvnrf "let wcriJ-ltaawaad aaWdlaiae. Ir .. ,- ,; .u, 7T ' -i 1 1 a 1 111 ii. 11 1 ua nun aaiaw t awl aji maji . VVaaoeaa dverient In mrr' aatwmna arafaa. WiMtaw'a ItoirtHiaa b,-nK Kow wa neraa aa'da ward fTor f a-itnt vnminlnaa-r')-elp ar III-,, ttw wa !' vio r, a ii-ow tv T'm ai.i, it litevrooAlilyaBaaftiia mnut et-eMlnl n.L. ,n.jf L'iAdr, bACAOAO tt ta Ooa Of tt h-.t. (And thoai ye-tt IWAJAW who barf bWa BM'i av than JtaUWll.", eW.JMf , aavor ke fond an bps, ad by I .a J I 00 by aoii .,i lOOl. ; - ; lOOl. GIITJAT WC3TERN DISPATCH, aiiaa asipyeee v,t 1r I V HiV LINE, -ai-aj.4,-aat4iat-V. fta-ez-a-itn'V' Wri&l t And all other lioaaa Leading West B JL I ! fi & Y M n -V r OharUre- Cars over moat Boada on raiaongar Tralnt. Tiaitia 1 rJ hh U il J 0 afi- H. HOTtT,' kft,""'" '''k,l. KHI.HT, Ag't, aiicBBl Broadway, M-I. n t, , UtatBt.,BoatoD. iKiWMi H. PBa&T, lupartntaadent, BaAtle. UO H He FITCH A BON. Af eft., a .Si CI -p3 vrj-r , j7 -craet BJroad street, - coLfjinBcr, Ohio. t Ut a ,'JI. .Hivr f. r R EMOVAL c-fj liA.l "bl.Al.ER' ii''!';"-- trrocene8,..,...-s.. :,, -M.urvt. '.It 1 !,. .i- ,ii;i.t' Producd,'' V'. wti ti IflJ.'A i .tJh.t ' :Jl It.lU '1 M -at -ef-t.- a a .ut-acMi -r.f,, rV HJ .1 '! U . JT 10 V1010118, J T 'Ml it'rt J, .i' jTi i -1 --.A ;f a'iii.Kl H .Fpiigri.'and Domestic Xtwrs. ... It. 4 . Fui et. eifj-',' i "H1 107X1 mt txvuCivtu NO. 34, NORTH HIOH STREET, ilii.;.,i a., i..-ti .... ,i. i .. ,i . .. ,i.,i.r. ' -.Aiao-I 1 1 11?9( 40Q ; mm HililStreet, jS l'J.!Wi ffnJy oowpled byaWat. MeDOKAXB L 3ii u n n 1 1 ar aijail'l i HewlndAlryHeelptof AND FRESH C60D8 , - tfMfft Plat tavin OfeomltoV rjtf.h w'cdVittrr Fronco. If '1 .1 I. At Jt Itrtlooilt delivered to tllty trade free'ofehi leharge.QJ H Kane ao4 Wm Ptttclu, pmetat ' aw BHWin-j ui BBUlaTJBrT, 'aaWf S 0 .0.T H.I N 0FT RUP, Ifyi FOR CHILDRElf TEElTOMa wnfeh graatiy faollHate tb proMaf Mthrng, by toft. l;fth gaaa. ndaeini all toSAJo-aaUon-wUl allay AI,. r AIM and apaamodio action, and Is BCRE TOHEGULATE THE BOWELS. Deeeafapoa lk stotbsitt jrlO IWdKSroarMlvat BXLar 1KB HUXTH TO TOUR DfrAJTII. i ,W have aataa aad aoid thh artiniA tr . and OAK tfAY, IN CONflDBBOB ABB BOTH,af IL what w hare umr Imaa aia ,a a., mi "i au Aiijui a uuaa, wnan tuaaty aara. Mev tr did we know an Inalanoa of dltaattefantlon by any on aho jtaM ltOo tb eoatrary gallon delighted with Itt operatlone.aaA aiiaak In terms of oonmendatioa of ita auioal aSeotoaaAaiadical vlrtaea. Wa wr Ir, iht. BatUr "WHAT WB DO KNOW:" artas tn Vaan a.. AMD PLBIXSB OUB BBPDTAT10H fOBXHJ .LMaUIIOf WHAtWBHBElBBOLABi. Ia even matanea whm tha InfAnt la ttn rTmtaln a wwrnaaa. pain and azbaiutioa. rellaf wlU ba foaaa-u Of lata or twenty aataa toe afwr thcrnip la admlnliUitad. Thteralnable preparation It the praacrlptlon of one of oat BXPlhlitlOllDaM 8ULLrUL N0B8B1 U) ,r.i i t OF OASES. ' It hot Only rellema tha afiMA fm h, tha etotnaeh aad ka-rala, eomafc'eeldlty, and gtVes tcce and enerTT to Lha v-uiIa mim. n n.,. u.i stantly vallave ' ' " wRiriaTtl t 'Jgjt B0WaOS, AID Wf 0 COLIC and erenotMoanvaaHona, which, If- ertaedlly tm, died, end In death. KWe belter II tha BBUI aad BDB. BBT-BBMBDI INfHB WOBtl), In all olaarfnti " BNTBBT and DIAB.B.HIKA in iwn nViu ZFAt It ariaaa frota teetbaaajl ot Kraaalaoy other cam. W wouia nay to eyary mother who hu a child aafferlng fraea snyorthaforagolag eomplaintt DO NOT LBT ' ODB rUBJTJDIOJIt MOtt TUB PEBJUDIOBb Of OTBBRA ru llef tbat will ba BUHB yea, tallow tha oa ef tbtataedleti uu mmn jub ana your tanenng cn'ld, and d the ra ABBOI,DIal.Y SOBB to tome; If tiataly aaad. fall dl- nmuiT Knine aaleeatti faa-alaill of OUBTIJ A PIUUMB: - - - v, , a. wa, a-WIIW. TnpflT, ,1. , Bold by ail BraggiaU mnmakMt tae war 14. FrlaclyalOffloo, tS Cwdttf wtrwetN.Y. FRICEgNLy,25 CENTS f E1V flOTTLE. 0otS74Awly. ... ( '. . I .. ir.'.t' f.tetia f fiii.i r NWMCHLNK WORKS, rt.. li, ,,ir,.mCi tTBWAKK 010, tv ' Slaatiracttircr of iallfclnd of Por- . Ktmaa- aavr aattir Ui-tat Mill, J iii tu WAAvavpt n. UfXA JBODlFi JSwlml AT. 4 lBjUKD TBmUni ;. J. a. ptnuii Month coLtmvg M4.COnea.C0. Sootmllll SSdPOBD olrrlU inhavS GO, lUatml I III fs'y On PnaWhla ErvlnA and Baw VIII Wae awarded the tret premium of S3 at tb Indiana State fair for 1900 over Lent k BoJIet Voa seeeant of the UMiaaa 1 Price, JUghtaeftfflippliolty, economy of fuel ' j and Bnperlor character oft Jumber-aawecL Ou ntatlAaan Bnrtna ttaa Avaaiad at, tlia aaaa fair . the flrat peaoilamol a, ,, j .it 1 KW at th fair at ti npMa SanaAnar BUody't Do vall'a, Solnnibw JUaoiiiua Oo'a,. and Bradford A Oe. a aoanaalttn ot praotlsal aUUinaa Baaiaeen. forprioaaud terma aUdreea 1 ., . 1 1, i . . WUiLAAA WAIUIBB, Treaenrer, .. aeo5-dfcwlyaole..,J.a,., ,T,..l .41 ., MrrarkiOhio R;; r.TCOLLlTER, ' WBtoloeailo MrReta!t Dewier 1ft WW1GAES- BXeep poatetantlr !dLfm tAOWA , .AJ oi Oct. SS-lrd ,k im,.t.r iL ti'tit BRASRKS, CoraarBprtBir ak WattcrSU., : V7. . D. POTT3 TA CO- aITJX J1! '. 11 1"" it '" -.-'tia7Ja ali43UiilVIWrf.hi 6T frei a( Campnelrloa Oaitlsge, iffi.,Wr!W,,.'!!'f:fl - FAST FREIGHT Oal ,iuwi ... 5.i -.1 ;(ii rJ X-uM'-l II jf am t., , -i ', i .. ' f-.-.I.e ,. i, iir,1 ,l., 3 jlm ..,i'l ,,1- ii. . I if .'.) .91. A f tii , Ir! $ lit ,iir.'lAl I i.v, .litils-M i, J . I W ' "IB i'... i ..,.. : uj .. CI..I; ,a u,il ill II i ux .t.,.-i ..iftiA . e , ,; ill lf jlm VdlW. -1..I I' Ifl ,' .4 t tli't ... , t.-l.l ill Wi (!!j,tj l I J,...i l-.. . I .i.,i. 3 1 fly a 1- ,