Newspaper Page Text
tfti LOCAL MATTERS. (iA: r tiiE union f orevpr v-i LOCAL MATTERS. DEMOCRATIC MEETINGS. 6mocr'ecy witf me l',". lTie Monday; EyENiio.'Af 6 o;cldck. After which addressee, they will proceed, towe sliti'Botafc wher the Union Betting will tV addressed by .,' f ,.11 J ' " "' " " l bVriftl WM.'M'E'.Biifcirt Hotel, o u uim bouujo addressed br-oi .; id. .rli,;w 1Q0TKB.-; I" 1 iJiilirf - in n-i.iiuii .. uii.i,i. . p. : , '"'. I h'.t.-i'.'S Let these inengTbe rouscrs . i.lW.p-1 JJ , I '1 Mp ilp-Jjp. I " ' ' I,:;? Aiotbir'txkmlnMioo . for . Armj SoritdDi wiUoceat la Co'Urobu"0Obef 16th.- Caodl s.rWtttlbOrf fawAf d their address to the under "'signed, bV '''itar.'iritl'b 1bj'fded1.eon' ,,., ,,,, v.,j;.,Wt HAMILTON,! i-, . . '... &r0yMedical Board. OitobeT0, I86HIiHW .. ""'"d'4tj - Will ill ill j I l-.j , . ".ktnimtt. Worm,' No.' ,9.-Yob are her l;4jttt toeppeA el wane Armory (k.WaK 1- watt's Building, Town tweet;, on mommy ', ' .mg ieiX". October 7thi""t eight a'cloolcror ' the ; fot poet ol'-nukiof . MrDgen,ehtft',;to F,WW7Vi 7,1,1,.., -) AlLvko Mo.ltereet ln, Ulfc Comply are j;,JnTlwdwpepeDi.'.'i' -m . i. i bi,m'',r-lty.ifder' offie CommtidIii- . V "f n in " ''-i 1 '. LOCAL MATTERS. DEMOCRATIC MEETINGS. Grand and Petit Jurors. pi.4iwdn4 WflW .'9? T,, fn rp4nf raniMa J'liU lOT MII counij, com' ,eiig,T)ifiila,'N0Timbrl2; 1ii 0,11 r.l GRAND JURORS. -,' jotn AmAtfdd,i, IJobn Weerer Gwwp White, John (Hbrfotj & B. Brtw end Joeeph WelU, 'oJ Montgoipery "township; Horace A. Rlgge v u4 Joieph 0!HMr',Browi. XfU PtterBon Htr ' tltOB end .Toorne."B.T,VMe,,. Btmtltoa, kp.l m; ibfl Richard Long, Fr.nklla tp GRAND JURORS. PETIT JURORS. BoioeiM Lighter, Cbetter M&ttoon, Drigen MUru:tl. H. Moooerend Tbohue F,Jone,W :, JMcmtMmef -towBahipt B. ttf.'C.tllbb'yMkdl- em'tp i Eceki'el Comptoni Jfferton tp., Loreoio ..1 .Tejlor.laio tp. Wn.-Hoi FrenkUa .tp.j - " RiMba kod Artbaf O'Hur, HtmiitOD- tp. : George HuDnaivMt, uienaon p i..U -ill ,iiip . Ci IS m Ua ... , I , (SiociWM-The pUee to eupply jour family ,f Ith. iiferjtb'oK' in ' first claae grocery tore, at reaaonablo price, U at PiitiMt NrawairottiNo. 26, North High etrtet. 6lr theii nil. ; J i .-( 1 - m . r 'J' I I.. . I, - .H ,f I." I ll l-H- 1 Miift. Comni.-The following la a viiA li Vpu'nna ''hmltiOail in' lha acfieral " "Military Com mitt-xi, . ' oa' Atljutant' ' G tneral Buc.oh,i order ot Sept. 87: I ;r " G W Carter. R; Bachanai H. Keaaler,: 1. U. Tiratet,W.S,Groeabec, A. joe, vlH Jodge8tale,a48. MolllWrii - A V 34Wml8okfc 9phohn , Johi r. Eerj, Martin .T.'Stetene and I a Howard, W Iirael WU- .-... ai Kamitm. ..... -4th Joba R. Koox, Barton S Kile, Jaoob . -CoakRa; Beciamia. ,Jietcll, Ueorge w.,An- t ;.. drewtv L. DatU and W . M. Gaoby. ; ' " 6th Jadge.A. A., Latty, Richard MoK.S. 11 nr.ia rw UmiI.i Inhn H. Palmar. JTaaanh hi; . " -wnini w.., . t: KnvSihCoL Cockerel. D. W. Cf. Louder 1.t-.l ,fV flailtk anJ I U ItTaillnm. c. ' 7lh-E.'8. Ntchola.OrL Merrlckrl & Al M i leu, J C DQalery, W. H. Clement W. HJ Baldwin, B . Uarlan, fr .. .Toland and R; ..a ' Sth- Lawr-ence, JW.'H. -Weat, Ichabod Corwin; John H. Young, Major W. Hunt, John Jaldwio P. BhelUbarger, C. S Hamilton and -Thompeon. ,:v4l"'W1.. : 8th JUP. Buokland, John Jennr, R. S. Mc- K Kee. C. Sjatohr Alex. Ramsey, R. McKelley, W.Bwlgart, Vt. J, u. rrwDee. , UOthf-Generat h ?T. Worthlngton,, Carey HmbW.tW. Ui BeWi j.p. iiregory.u. a. alter U. a. uaiwy, tiiiea aa--,xiDg- ly, Ralph LntiiJ MA 1 , Hth-rD ,TAllmadge, W H., Cullon, A. Mo NlghVB .&, Ai bWcluJobn P. Piley, C. D. MartlnrW B. Horton, . 8. Colburn.J C. " James, H.F.Remwle WB.Rigby,L, S.Bmlrt, "James Miller, .0: James. ! --' - "J-i ' ! ISth-rWllard. Warner; W:,B. Woeds. lJ. F. V Martin. Otte Dreeel.tfelaon Franklin.; j! 1 ' 13th W. Smith, Irwin C. 6bernianGfloTd MFa1K'J. .Pewfi J- M Root. ' 1 1 . -ii. M'i.... 14th James Monroe, .Hon.' H.' Blake, WB OakrDrjadSe W.,0LTertn,.W. M. Orr. O'J--lbtbCol. G. Wi MorivJodgeR.C. Horfl, John K..BWcr9ft.'E?X.?P"K'C tl! -L . n 16ibA.iIrHrc,.;iA. ,Ti Ready, t. W. Pwlo, Jbe O'Wsll, JaAn .K. Hoqa( Ponglak 1 ,,,Futntn, DaTftwreen.'" " aM. 1? ,.. , (So8 17UE, Arohbold,, Tolin'Welehi Xet C! land, J,.C- DongUa,, iliaw"ieatey , B; 8. i,J Cowan.",'""1 " n.i ii ...i- ,1) I , lj .... . loin it 1. ueeoa.u. wieyior, u.a.ow rt weAther', t". y ."BlercjV.vKeb Jsjrris,' Aleunder 1 "miUIWI"'.' J ilillo.l.. jril t, ,rt.j ,.,111 "Tl"4--F;iT." aekBS,"A.i Stone, .JK.f Tj iiWMpjf.lylor. J; .Y I win ii.'TBrBone.'H. vaawaili.JOna nUE8 V kl'-'C-.R'; Hnbt; R: W. WbittUeey.- uTvlat-t:p..W,!cC6olt. T..L: Jeweit, A. nSuuL.jBMwiJpiA4.iiiglMpm,'JH i. ... .. --. H,'iim filftfflftf faf?j?f I'.TTf wil oefini 'ikmai italJwUoiw.laVinbi bplolon of mini 0;.TaarbW,44d;, miMypdgBaf atistrrpMsei, y "any similar" work.' One of the chief ujes of a Li'i JClotloaary i io ascei;laln 'toprtclae meaning ''RiJCjWtfV,' Pb).b4 of jwords "otieoiete or rareiy aaeui uiiati toui fiurpqmng -'A'iJ-.Ai r:'.il w, r'Ltihiii' .waii .Xw. ll",.WwP VP..", vp 1. u,y .-Y" riwapM w 7;,utdal!y Wnaalted nWAbetorV. Unabrldged, is t Htat tha thing: BMrteO, 1l1J, , V f f w U "" cotnlng- tato-almoet daily nee, andacortantly ij "ire)ociraing''Ji).'ae D, l''In'lcotrverBtIbTl;1' Of. the exAct-' meaning , of iwMrf''l' hesa tar mi mfliiar mtk as Well 'as 0 1'ilvIllAtii.Wo: i-onndiV'IgnoiritTBet will 'found teenrately defloe4tbj Webateri See , ' bbbbbww aiaw-i tiff UO JIHtt W faj rtX&UfmHOb' . a avja enaVpBBTiaMB pB an t. . . , .... -...-.v . pin .iiiuM'i. rimui ,p. ,AQ Vtf..llWV fh t.U.aJ tMa doijmMda-ilOll InsW . Tbe Orand Eacampmeat and .Wrana, council C",tlnl6tIiJ,u""t''J' ti, ii.ii bDM viu! 1 "n 'j , C r,ltolJifjtaedion'i''6i' tetd, td'bemwfaotafid WW VUUM PVPPira. , .CHllyQ lpt, fpf vi J a jre. Ptaafm tf-Morfaj ctyity, afrjtd,! f Ooli CAMwN,a Keglmatvtw m h, j i . L.i,.lTMtil.v Bh rtmt from LtVF - .T0wlv teaaLa. th'a.flilj - 6TA P L E RpPA NCy O R Vi3 0 ODS. r "nil- j i .'Jit-1 . 1 1 ...I i ,, i i if i i p "j, j.uii'ji'M iuhLJ,. HEADLEV.f BERLY5 Sc RICHARD ST ""lj'.'. wU i f .Vl : J...-V.I t. . '( "it 01 li ??W .11 i 3.ll . .II fJU l Tfc. 1 JJii.'p.. .J'mJ, .lj, i 1 t:i;r HEADLEY &: E :HEADLEY & EBERLY 'S BUILDING, .''r'S'aiQ feouth Ilieli.treet- , : i ;: I ''! " " 'ill1 i.l I.J.I We offn iipolpjjor"tne spaoe we be jnpy this morning, to a dceorlption of tbe splendid newbailding erected by Merirt. Hiadlk Ebialt, for the accommodation of flieV oontitau-' ally-Inoreaain trade, not only became tbe saoceas of our butlneaa' flfm's U a matter of public 'interest, bnt the building itself Is an ernamsat. a . t-.-J1' 4 a.'.1- A' I''.tt'l noora oonrenienoe ana neneiti community. . ai win De eeen Dy me Tcry oeauuiui engr'trtng 'at-tbe need of tWi" article, the buildinc l' four 'stories in 'height,' 10D feet deep by 47etfront, baiitof 'br)ck, jn tbe most substantial manner. As we have said, the Aral floor 1s designed and fitteop expressly as a salesroom, o be occupied by the new firm of Hiioiir ftsniv oa Kiauans, wao nave iiormea aj Bene e. This stori Hb'i irpnt po h.f ttfeet the !,'glyjbg an area of over 5,000, square fee.. feet, rows of counters and pbelrlng, so arranged that the room. -There are two entrances on High era oaiiiender togress'oi,sgrtsdlffldultk'j . t . . I ' ' j ' The buineis arrangements, too, are aofoiWief each 'deacriptloir of goeAs has w depart-' ment allotted td its sale, with gentlemanly salesmen, whose duty it to to attend to one pardon-.. Ipjbirfii&iihti taok'of ,'tho store, is, an eleraiedeakr intended fos the caahief, who ip so seated that be baa ah anobstruoted view oi all the 'counters, and 'can tell at a glainWwht is going etv To thla effioer la animated the superyislon of the 'financial transactions, and be is responsible to the firm for arciythlng soldi ' Qnr the star rpropen, is lage roo,j3eT0td to keeping sarplua stock, and to'aopaqkiag and marking goods, previous to their being placed on the sltelvcs baliW' ,TbM jrn Undei; the store Is a largo and welVligbted cellar, tt belted as 4(pJ mentf, all oonhslda WlToided In the salesroom, on tbe receipt of new goods, by taking stock,' or packing orders or tbe trade'. ""w'.'j)' ' . , . -- These rooWerJail Mghly finished, iht decorations are In the beat possible taste, and the paiatingAnd gra;&tflg''iiplV11' ipImenh'oJttwiriuiis'nthipl OtbojoWi;ijia)m4ateqtirely composed p( Frenqly plate glass, nearly half umns of atone, ligbt and graoaiul, and Wgniy : .The upper stories ere dlrWed , into spacious,jflioejaccses to whichU obtained by a circu lar winding stairway:' These room are all well making them the moat convenlent'end pleasant isbad in good style, and lighted tr.4 gl Mngbput,- . J v 2 Jo- , r. j TP I ,' J , The buildiDg, whloh we hare thus attempted briefly to describe, wai commenced on ibV lit day;f ApriJ Uat, and although oonpleted in so remarkably abort lime, Is built in the most durable ana subetantlai mariner. Thigtrchltecture and internal arrabgements reflect theUgh est credit npen Mr. Hbadut. who drafted ttfd;gt,"aa ipbo M i?t foai, Uih;architeott who succesfully.crried.out hi. Idea.. I The brickwor'of tbil bUildVn'g wai done job they hart made, has added largely Jo tbeJjeputieB, 'jTheiyenter workwas done by DiU, E$oa.jd Jef WrWfiO have addedf to tbtir reputation by the very excellent job iby' have turned out; while the painting and gfaang'by J 'Kno'p j'annot bo excelfed 'J3 fc"' j This firm opened their Western Uty moods. Jast, sd fm that, time (otward we predtot that thev will have all they can do to wait oa peir custoueri.t TOej UAMi U UUdocted: man. entirely Dew A;stem,r;Casb on Ieiivery it1 to be tbe rule, which hss been adopted in Order to' allow of goods being (old at the lowest pos,i "Sible figorc viavingioj th pprcbaer !h usual advaace of, 15 or 20 per , cent', charged i'oV col ' lectlons'eto.--''""i'i -. f',v et ! n'"i .' ..:.;', .". ; I11' j i Mr- Wai. BwiuD,'w))e partner in the mes. of tbolitoek; 4)bdl' bto rejtteAtit.--jfl jt'fcu'wjio(ee ffyWPtfNW.l?, !b.! J0???!" c the boat quality and newest designs. ''" .;;' ''' J JClb'v'l 1 i Jn Z&ifiHtf the Caahier'a deak. and our wU, known. Intend, fUiur Coazauos, will be found Were ie; salesman department,, wbipb is sufficient assurance that Olid baalS.""' u '. -"' I i-:',: it Icj )h tlfcrf. an4,.t)ie splendid store on bf frit tn a t ii '. . . co-partnersnip xor carrying on ine vry-uooas Dnsi entire width of the building, running back 100 !.Theam is .baadiomely fitted u?. with four an excellent light is'obtamed in every part of street, so.wide that no possible crowd of chstpm e90m. (By thetadditidrl off ferse two pa.;t; aavinca tn thickneac-ctbo jloor, and, window col UDibivea;., -.i. j.i.. , i, ; ' lighted, and to eab ne la added a side room, , offices' la th ehr.f The entire building la, fin- H I VI U I , by Sntois k KAtMHtaxa, which, by the excellent raiace to ttie pubiio on yveaneaaay. evening firm, Jbaa control, pjt, the purchase And atrange- lrane, mr;nrixiptCT,nas coptrw or ine Doanciai. the - establishment will alwaya be conducted on a .Ji'dl . o.l.n.ij.l .., mmI ,!..., ...',',.,. ; ', I ' 'JNtwl BMlMWtfi-iEiettnj nfw regimeate T . I'J. t I" wet anthoeifsdiast week.JrjMn. thftSixtiel the Seventy fifth inhlasi vevy Aboatone nunirtd LieuteaAnta,Mve bes4, Appointed fglmeUts-'ii'Tbo following Are t$i and twenty fox .these yeslmeUtsYL'The 'following are t,Sd ColonelA Of tbese-veRiments And their, places 'of reBdzronsii. oi ,..,i., .. ; a.'"i Sixtieth Reglmerib Cblonel W, H.-Trlmble, Camp Mitch!!, mUaUroneh.'';- " ! ,'.' ' BiitylrstOoiooei ,w,;ttoweicn,. jancaner. Sixty -second Colonel Lucl us P. Marsh, Camp 6oddAid,f ZaneavliW.' " " ' , j ..Blatv-thlrdloneft; ffmp Puf,' nam, Marietta-m'- ).i , to ;mi : 1 " ' SUiy-fourthCotohel- Joba-hertaanv Camp -.!.! Hf.OI '! il.vlw.. ,lirru,,, 111 Jl I 1 '. I saruoj, miuawiiu,,,, . . . - i M ;1, vi j iKtyuitb-tt-uamp tiaruey, luananeia : i.. SlxtjSSixtbuCamp MoArthur, Urbana. 'Btxty-eeveDth-Camp Oliver,. Toledo. BtvlpIffklnr.pnn f,&tta. fllinnlppnn. , BUtv-nTnth Colonal L.,D, Campbell, Camp. Ma' HanilltataL ll M I i 8vilietb-CbK)nel "Ji R Cockerlll, Waf H.I - 1 ' 8TntT.ifXSwirJ tin CrochAn. Fremen J ... . . ir . .... i...ual . Savant fitnrth Rendrvoua not decided on. f" o-- . ii5i.'D-,Awk ri' tai-r ..A r.n. araij.uiiu uuiuuci ai. v. mwuwwi wwpp JoniMoteAri.CinclnhAtl. j - fi."'J- . -!.nc-. ,T P: Fear 4atei, . arreatei 'tofficerf McCana tna yimi iov fliMtcMrlj conduct, were jyr t3V eA;iAeJ4f Major Thomas, three dellera 4il oottU ilS nl w York, Is the flratiB the M'AUayajMMK VlfiapkagWing preaaatioiij H,,ha faoojnmeoded Tbnre day, tne wm oi jNovembei;.., BT Two epjonanlee of 'Lickfnif ddhnti volu" teeriTafre ia Western Ylrglnia; two in Miaadarif oue.ln KehWcky'.-kba'cjne (cavalry) In'Canip r.haL irr.": ?..V"" y-j. i wm - -- . .. pi'un . i- ,i'W (I ForUai8T.TbiJrJ states that . It is Capt. J. 8. MaioN, U. 8, A., a native of SteubenvQIe,' 'and a Weif FblM grAduate,'wo; hU beeu 1 appointed to tuooesd Lojmb.Anpkxws aa Colonel of fte roarfhuRegll!rVent.M(? iOsno Tboots in Karrnjcxr. Slnpo the Beoea: sloulat litre eeo'ttiraAtentng Kentucky, Ohio bWfebthsoltowiag troops lab. thai .Stats: , MsUtfC iieedman) 15tb, Colonel DlekeyflsiiCotqnel Colonel bloael and tVVcoifiiianloe of cavalry, ftf ,& tthWe We brii Cnhdd': and tatxt Aeaesh ptdaOen0! Nortpp, fi(h, CaWelVfliernmh'; Bfaaieyt '87th, Colonel iierl, ri?,ht p tiibai,CSpVidCutUr,i'3bKy-'ofrt i .ii i ii ii.ii ryi rill rn un OPTlCAtlinSTITUTE. I., i i ,i ii ..I u,a be ' Beat Artificial J Help to thaj, i.i .t -ppp. f nyii.. u .4 PRACTICAL SCiENTilFi6 ..'dp'f tCIAN KEEPS THE LAKGEr .ASSftBT. .mint if tht: soil lnprovnt kioila. ol ipectaalaa. hta OlacN, whethtc (or. tvnr or. fax.tlghte4,re eroand. in WDeava canvas forn with tbf greatM aan, o.aata suit the Sjsiotall cwu, eiuloir Waakaaatv JiuintM of IptlammaHon of th Xje,. and taparliof , .ualh fn. lAna M.illnP P. flpPUBlttP. I .1 ' ' n . i uoue. ix .aait pie,wt..M neuKC weiawa Matw ewre. i.m. amivittl it rr ,. xia n hi : .ausiHUv i I I. ,o jlliftiJl.' I i jpii va iyg.IE$AIE,IIQtflRV()KE. II f...u ?it ( 'li . 1 ' 'J '. : r ,'. ; IaACBLIsB UOSS &CO, Ir-fi ii P 4 fel I 'll I11UV.I4 1.111 AltiVtA tilll ..UlP .at.d .Ji: litanii. TnifRTftW ATTD DOMESTIC, vlMatl? Mft Mnlarrirvf . di'V 4T .':(' j i tt i WiHESmRAWDiEs; Ate. Are. ALBO, Old Rye MonongaBt&Rtrbon . e"( k.u'.'l '..-... i- 1 ! Li -'!. oik' 1 nlr.ii4 J WW HIBai 11 a. WittBnft'n'iiE'iBl. OfFICB.Sit'iWTjTn tJldn IT.. Il IMl 4 ,VHaJ 8U.16 1 tjr tTVtt. vi I el coiTmTO'OHip;: eiW.2, fl'jf-y??; '",JI".'" .-..11 " b4- READYIADECLOXUlilQ; 4.1 itulli UJi.)SC5 .OS", BAJLTIMOJIB, nP 1 tAitv 'AmsrtoUdl Jot f toes, and Fr)Uln OetaSdlf . Uvm ' -, - TELEGRAPHIC. Preparing for Defense in New Orleans. $ Louiavntc, Oct. 4.-A genlldman leavtoi New OrUans tea days since, sayi one hundred 4. noundera hAd Arrived, there and been mount ed in various localities.-: MGold was 14 per cent, premium. I ' , Tbe number of troops in amxatouna mo mij was not over sitthonaand. fr 1, ' . j. He savs numbers of troops from Texas, Mis' . - . .... f i.i. 1.4.M Sisslppl and Arxanaaa, were mmwf iu u nessee and Kentucky, peorly oUd, And Tnoatly tinarmedu " i- . r-2 J, i The offlcere of the Confederato army say that forty thousand troops were at-Columbus, de-. signing to take PaduealC 1 Evacuation of Lexington Confirmed —Battle Between Gen. Sturgis and —Battle Between Gen. Sturgis and Gen. Harris. St. Loms Oct. 4 Capt. Read, or tbe L,ex Inetobj HomGuArdssrodi Afterward of Col. White's 14ih Missouri regiment, who escaped fronjiithe rebela. on Monday, last, has arrived. He ooafirma.tliawvaouatiQacOi, that place by. Prloe'a army. Gn Hrr1s,s'0iVts18l!,i thoUaind strosg,' orbsssd the ''river bat Saujaj. 'find, wbeh ab6ut six miles from Lexington, they met a Federal force, said to have, beeensmder Oep, 8(urglo, wbea a battle ensued, i a ..a i u-rut .. I Little Is known of the eflir, other than tbat Harris was driven back with a loas of hia trans portation train and equipAeer Harris reached the ,nivr, sbout-.mtdulghu aloiely.followed by Sturgii, and imaediatelf began to transport his meA aerosrln ferry eat, noder a' galliag fire of. Federal' rnoBxetry; Manyirdbels 'awam the rlvee dn.l their impatlenia, to' gel'ACcoas, spreaeveaaggerated raportietuturflia a.auengtn throngbottt the city I " One ferry boat la reported sunk, and. A Targe, number of jrti! is said to bare been killed and wounded. V . t ". I Sondav evenine Prie tiesao t evacuate the.; town, and troops depiniog'ub tu nve O'clock m.indaT evening, wnao tne laat regiment left. . ' I i Capt. Read bead some rebels say tbat they were going to Baker's Hill, a commanding Ami; neuce, eight miles southwest of Ltxlngtoiti fortify it, and make a stand tbere.",.,' 1 i They aeemed to think fremout'end Sigel were aowoaeblnir wlthfiitv thoasand men. I . Read savs Mai. Sevier. Provoat Marshal of Lexington, told him, Friday last, that iorty-e) tnouiaoa rations were issuea mat aay.i., i 8turr!s badn t crossed the river up to Mon day last, and nothing definite was known re garaiug nu sireugin. .... , i.i ;l A Skirmish in Kentucky. BrjcxaviLLX, Kr Oat. I Dr. Hagard is or ganlxlng a oamp here. ' I . ' L.aat oundav some cavairv and miantry sur prised a party of Tenuesseeans, killing aev.n .. ui.; .... "-" - ' '' I auiwuiiiinw.!,, i. t ... ! ....... L . .. . ' The Kiohmoml Uispatcb aays frince folig- nno bks received en Appointment on Beauro gard'e staff with the wok of Lieut-Colonel. I ' ' . The Montgomery Mall sayl Captain, Jffifig me Montgomery iviaii AAyi uaptain, w. r. eom- CarolUiA and Virginia, with nine steamers ready, and more r Kp aitilpiit ' ' v - ' '.' I ,,'.,)-. II.. - .4. ..,. ,. ... I ; Southern News. Lootaviixx, Oct. 4. The eity waa mnoh ex cited to-dav, by three tumora which Are deem ed apochryphal : 'The oapture ot New Orleana by Federal forces, the killing of John C. Breck inridge, and the arrest of Humphrey Marshall. Tbe nrst come by war or: t. Louie., ine uui letln says'tbe'secessionisMia various parts of Kentuckv Are told tbat ir they don't Join' tbe Confederatee at once they will be forced Into the Federal service. i ' Lteucenant A. Morton, of Illinoia rolnnteers, wai 'arrested Wednesday at Bt,; Louis for trea i" Tbe headquarter a of Buckner on tba lal wis at Wo0d80hvllle,"witbl aboat three thousand menA 'tit at .mi: .ii Affairs on the Upper Potomac. DxaarasTOWH, Oct. 4 At noon to-day all is reported quiet on tbe fiver line' from; the Point oi Kooki w tne weat f am. , ma enemy nave not made their appearance, ia aay force, aince tea vrof -tbaif Boasaea.'Opoatto - Moddy Branch., veaterday morning, -. There' has been consider alula movement among tbe Union troops in this vloinity to-day, bnt notning to indicate any Immediate advance or heetllUics.'" 1 The eaemv 's recent movement toward Lees burg and the Point of Rocks is construed into a strategetlo movement only, and one not requir ing the strengthening of any particular .point along this line, basidea, tbe present high Stage or water in the rotomao win lor some aaye pre vant the passage Ot the river. 'Oar positions bave baen oelealad with so great care that no experienced effioer would recommend . croaeiag even jjf tacticWe.'.'' - :: ' i , , i If piivate information' ia id be relied npon, the enemy's strongest position ia About one end e quarter miles in the rear of Manassas Junc tion, where it ia represented the entire Availa ble reserves of the rebels are concentrated.. , . i ne Dearer w Jine iniormanoa nas recently visited alt tbe principal points from Richmond to Leesbnrg, and haw given many important detail as to the nujnber, position, and resources of the rebels, r,wbtoh .are .not r(iqoLjfito te be published at tbis time. ,.ri , . ' "'" --All fiwmiMp? PP.a.vltArila .a tn itiA n. ! r I f n H Alt 1UIUI61 P1RPDU1PUIP .V .MV 1. II..IUU.) discontent, and jjemoritlzatlonof the .rebel troop i are f ully copfirmed. . The officers still attempt to Inflate I he hopes of the soldiers tbat Washington- will fall ad easy prey to the chiv alry Of the Sonth, but the recent.tocoeeafnl ex pedition to Hatteua, and the .progress of Gen. RoaeovAaa In Weeterar. Yirglnla. togetbe with the scarcitfof food and money, are rapidly coo vinolDkthe dnpes of polltioal aSplrantn that the days of the retgn of the Southern Tyranny are nomberea., Tne.foimen ana aBnaitams, and to many OAses tne, .pincers or ntg'graaa, utter load complaints against .Virginia, ior not fur- nishlhg tb' matertala and eiaewe ioC war1 as promised tnrongn tne partisan leaders.1! .1 The gantlamaa who Mnlthes this lnforma- tlob sincerely believea that delay 1 the surest and niekefr weaporr no-reduoe' the South to t..'U. l'-.:,"l ij.j p. 14,.1,, p , If ' re From Kansas City. Sr. Lomr, Oct. 4 lofbriaalioa from, official sources dlgctoMs the fact that ' Toeadav last Ganeral 8targil,,wiUt the commands ot Mont- Komery ana jeaiiMaptBBniDeruig i,p)uv, were ai Kansas Citri ketptng' oloee -watch ot Price's mpvementi l . r , .Tne foctineetionloo tneaouthweatsiae or St. Louis, begun byCaptala Beard, by -order ot Gnralj Fremont, -twenty-fire day a Ago, were finished today. tThe athar, begun by the Gov ernment four weeks ago, before Fremenfs ar rival, Will require five or six -weeks to complete them. n.i.nmiirrl of The Union Cause in Maryland. BaLTi'iidaa.'XJoti U Tbe Uoloa Execaftvt Committee are preparing an address presenting tne issues or union ana atsumon in lorwaie Unnn.n. Tt. will Kama mmmapiII. .lit PP.WIfP.,Vp j, PJVPP, .HI PFPJ PIV VVIHI VHPMPP, WiPU ateunioniais. i ,ri u. fIIowr4,is axpeeted todaolioa-tha nommation for Governor. (The Unionists Aisert there will be a eisir Iraox for tbam. Ho v;i isu Our Wounded at Lexington—Colonel Our Wounded at Lexington—Colonel Mulligan taken South. [Special to the St. Louis Democrat.] Jirriaaoit Crrr, Oct. 4 The--steamer Ca milla arrived this evening with- Aire wounded fromUxingttm.:,'';,''-- j ,t About one-XoCwstl tebelr Remained in Le inatOD on Tuesday morninc. u MrPresoott, a oitiaen from Lexagtns; wbo u In Mulligan's fortiflcstiona during tha siege, eontradiets the tport that Sturgla 1 bad j arrived there.,Mr.'Preot)tl lata' h beard Price tell Rains and , Paraool , tbat now. was the time to tight, ir anev ever uteaaea ta ana beard thum fllsews the propriety of tailing' back to fottUv Kdsa rim, in lonason county, ntteen muss weat efuWarrenaburg. tie wiou,, however Miat their real mtentlon la to retreat to tha aouthweat or to Arkansas. They bad cast two eanboa at tBeToundry m liextngtoo, Whico locreuad their figld pieces td fourteen. ' 1 hey ' alio' nd two mwrpaj. 1 rv in . hi ,, " MotHmn waa tnkim Snnth with Pili avail appointed, and likely to do bplendidj flght- laa'nlt&'aalflaWijulhti Col. j. aimn, moved waj.,w-w,iBipt f ieccamp ao nixht eighteen atilea eat 1 ill IiCp.;bl tW HBTtani, w)iowerja eB. tured a , abort ytiiae aiBoOa whil inrylaf dii- ..4. t rr p 1 ! T . ..4 pnwiw.w wp i nww, pv. mum. WPPP1V, ,uu tffrf oBfiBrt &f(7 BOwa l dungaoaat Wes -saddles portcatne dot aoa tn Emllie. havlDr escaped front Leiio ton.. 4iu Ji.iAC -j , Caf t. D. D. Stanley, of the regular cavalry, wbo taistinguianed bimseir al W& 9nY,dg,baa bteprappolatedi si Brigadier General, nd will assume thcDmand af th catalrybtlgadejo Gen. MoKlnstry Is'ltt td 5b .MsierrM 't6 Kentucky, j- He rUl have com maud of tbe fifth dlviaioif of the arrui pf the West i will start Weat -to morrow! " 'mip i J. uia-fuonEni uen. rremont. wiu also leave to-motrTfi -He and bis army era nthutiaetlo and eosfident, -and are bnmiaK to meet the ?wn nu at m?A m any. i I i [Special to the St. Louis Republican.] j f Cola. Grover aad Wjilta were left at Lexldg iioi th former Id ,a pfitical oondltlon,: and) the1 inter nteiy o recovw.-"'" .jj Tbe report of a largir amount of loaded shell having' bsen dot up Inside of Mulligan's An- Lttenobmenls after the surrender. rs st Ultvuii' irj From Fortress Monroe. Fort Monbox! Oct. '4. --The Pawnee baa re turned" .froa. . HatterAs. 9h teporta the loss of tbe propeller Fanny. i. Sha waa under way from tbe Iplet to pbioomacomea, tbe encampmentjof tnej Indiana reslmentJ Hha waa eHDlureA bv ihred rebet toga, whiob-jpui out from .RoMdoke isiaaa; i i iro med eaDOOn,:tweaty.uve ot sue IndianAt regiment, looludlng.. Quartermaster Holt, several of Col. Hawkins's regtaeot, and banda of the rabela. The eantain of the no- pviier a?a orew atone eaoapea. , r i y; i ii A ' . . ....'I . , fn yvi iw if .r i . aivwi I saii WaaI I at Arnantari at K nrirAja MAntnAl to-morrow morning. ,.T r t It is wen understood tbat ino'rebeU will on attempt t ran the blockade from Old Point with two eteamera from Nnrfojk and.Yorktown, tnd aootber bowei lot steamer on James Rlver, " Paeoengers by ,ihe 0!d Point boat say that uen. Marflder Tnd' demanded tbe evacuation or Newport pews Ju welve bonr I h I . The Kentucky Legislature. v rsi - . 5 afixroaT-, UoAs 4 The; Legislature took a recess until November 2Gih, directing the com - umwd vniaaaa veapwniiQ to inquire into tne Bank of Kentucky promised its quota of $776,. lupiiPKcmirut vi mo vuiv uuuiBviiia. 1 as 1)1111 fftm tha ilafanflA At ITpntMhto. TIia T , t. . . . ...uiuvpj. . un uiuk vi T.iMilaa.ll. l. . ..... - AAnn nnn e i """i wuvdo (uupb was 9uv,uvu, prumneu $200,000. The Northern Bank premised $25,. UW.more than, its quota, and the Farmer's Bank Sromptly responded to its quota of the $2,000- 00 required.! i f i Jill f I ii i ! Discussing tbisqueeticn in the Senate, Sena- w opeea sata met a majority pt tta Louisville Bank Direotors would gladly welcome Buckner, and open the vaults freely to him and therefore ha wished the managemant'expdsed. - 1 oenator uooaiove saia toe commercial flanx would promptly respond to any demand made lal this emergency. I u '(,11 , ii ! Senator Speed's resolution of Inauirv into the management of tbe Bank' of Lotiaville, passed both Housee. i"l;i;i; t 1 1 1 1 i 1 1. i he of 1 From Washington. Washinoton, Oct. 4 The following lal the result of inquiries to-day in official quarters: Thp .V. ....... H.Ar..,i k. r.i t? i di -1 . .P"K.i . uipinipu u. vui..f man against Maior-Ganeral Fremont on the 2Gih of September have, not .ot, reached Washington. According to the. revised Army regulations, charges are rsqolred to be tranamjtted through tne anperioromcer, waien in this case ia Uen. Fremont, Umself.i .' A copi of tbe charges, how ever, hare not been received to be filed, in tbe event that GencFromont himself shall neglect or aecune to transmit tne original document to the War Department. '-' I in responae to a requisition or Uen. r remont for a Quartermaster for. tbe r cetera Depart ment, ae Brigadier-General McKina'try ; hu taken tbe field, Major Robert Allen baa been an 1 , appointed to tbat position.. He Jbas the reputa tion 01 being one ot tne best officers or tbat kind In the employment' of 'the Government. Jt Is further ascertained tbat Brigadier-General Etna-ana will be promotedie a Major-Generalship, and will take tbe command of the Depart ment of Keatuokyi-dTbetleUeata atate ot Gen! Anderson's health alone rendera this arrnc- mant necessary. rTbere seems to be no doubt that Gen. Fremont will . ba euperoeded. I No official notification baa yet been given of, this fact. Gen. Wool, It is thought by those well informed in military circlea, will proceed to the WoA'nirer'apM&i Inattentions, and It ' may be that be; will supercede Major-Geueral Fie- raentj no posltlra. Information ia derivable on tbe subject. " '' !.. The tuabiaie ran aenore under tne battery at Acqoia lreek, and was nred upon witb shells. Nd one was .injured. The sound of the drum and fife was beard continually on shore through Wednesday nigh,, , Toe cause of It was un known.' V.5.HM.I9 11 I..-; 4-i.U , S, 1. ..1- a 1:1 .tf An arntv nrdur haa been laauad ,nnutn'.in. tuat all denredatlons noon private nrobertv will be severely punished; tnat no remission for such outrages will be -exercised ,-i that the euards placed over such property will be held responsi ble as well aa tbe principals.. '." J . A number of . militari gentlemen of Ohio have applied to Gov. Dennieoa of that State for the establishment of a camp In the vicinity of Cincinnati. It ia proposed to establish an en campment comprieiag a brigade ol Zouaves, six sqaadrons of ploked cavalry, and a battery of eight rifled guns. 7, ' .'.-.( - The loyal nitizeas of Kansas nave petitioned the Government for. military aid.. Tkey (ear If Price i not defeated in Mlsmwrt tbat Kansas will fall lntd the banda of the rebels. .-1 Gen. Wool, accompanied by two members of bis staff, aaa reached Wuhingtoiuii.ii . t The President declares this morning that Gen., Wool, , Is not to supersede Fremont; that be goes to Missouri, it la to examine the military situation and report. . . -1 The -National Republican or this morning inumateainai mere win nea speeny aavaboe oi inn rvueravariuj. ,'iij viip.,,i A private letter from Darneetown. savs thai private P.G..Mrtlp, f the 4Gth Pennsylva nia regiment, suot v01. ivuipe ana nis con, neither fatally. .( . . .-i ff .-i-t' ' The Tribune's dispatch Savs that' Brevet- Major-General Wool arrived here to day, and do 1 ted to tha Secretary of War J The bar ream direattao of oar affairs iaMiatourl greet- nis coming aa tne nignest evidence tbat Gen. Fremont bad been superseded, and would speedily, be Brougnt sere to confront a conrt-. marjjal; but tbey are grossly mistaktn. The mete In thUiwhele eaie are these,: j Gun. Wool was ordered here for, consultation", and Geri: Mamfleld was sent to take temporary command Fortress Monroe, that being a military point too 'touch imporiamoe to be left even a day . . 1 . 1 j 1 . . , . witooui bb eiperiencaa cqmmanuer, . ,1 1 Gen. Wool this morning had an lotarvlew I witb tns,rreaiaeMktne oeoretary ot War, and Gen. Scott." No hew command baa been- aW a!gBedhim,,nor,has uen. Mansfield bean or-J- dered to remain permanently at rortress Mon roe. No Cabinet declslod baa been arrived at on the Missouri question, but ivithia the next forty-eight hoars the AdmlnlstrAiloa wall da- c'ide either' M 'supplr3en Fremont with the rclaforcements, arms ana money asked- for, or supersede him. ' If tba lattery Gea. Wool will be ordered at Onoe to St.-Loeisi to. take com maad, and in that case, men. money and arm will ba sent on. y It. la atill believed, however, thaAGan. Fremont will not ba aunarseded. nn- leaa tha next news frotn, M,Uqarl la of an un-f aatiafatory and disastrous character. ,. Our troops . breakfasted., this morning six miles beyond Alexandria, oa tbe Fairfax road. large detachment wcat-te break up a neat of ena thousand nve hundred cavalry, wbo) were plundering tha Union farmer- of the district and turning them oat of their homes. . The ras cals, apprised of, the .expedition, got Into their at da)bietg JHV W tWft tp.feceive the tiro of our head niea. iba wounded fell In anmbsra, but wire throwp oa, tbeie borste And carried off! 1 Tbe cburchiWM oaed AAbarracka, tba bads, on the floor being vet warm. From the'ehurch fernnaiiy 'mllwh west, north and eoatbt a reoonnolesanoa waa saadewbich showed tbat there were no large bodies of. troops Ills side at uccaquio. 1 ne reoonnoiaaance peaked about nlaa miles further IntA, Yrg)nlA,tban any made slnoe Ball Run Ihi st li,tp v tn i A dispatch from Qa McDowell this evening to Un. ucuieiiAa savs, that Lieut, a. j; veig ler, ot Stewart's eaialry .regiment (rebol) baa just been osptured by too pickets ef tha New York 35ih: . He gives bat little inforrifwlon, batatys JelT. DaviaBeanreprd, Johnston aad G W, Smith, late B treat Commissioner of New York; now' a General tn tbe rebel cervical were at Fairfax Court heme yeate aeyrroviewttig the fJeVaid's itteiai srts. a'report bai sst . ,'ori, fowl fieri te-nlghtt that GeW MhClellaa waa aboal to start to Kentucky, to taky com mand ef thai depart sent, uader tha lmpfesaion that there is to be ne ooocpa lion foe thi army tt tb PoWtnab: "There IBM foundation! what- eveafor taia renort. it W tmbini tatnn.n u imi uea, Mcgieilan's bead Quarters. T - 7 .. t an, aiwraoani a party op rebels evidently making a reoonnoiaaance on the Virginia aide. .' rm.i. . -fci i . . r r - . . . ubu urea ana, pauea, ana opened nre upon Oar 4eweeofi "tn4 Maryland aide, cflmmaBded yi uen, .raov-au.i , opie .Qf rVrot gans were immedlatslT nlaeed In noattlon. Ab ant l5 ,noM from."aol of then threw the rebels mto eoniuaiooif and aatiahate tm fllcrht hafAM they were able to dq any barm to our meo Information baa been received bv tbe Gov. em ment that the British steamer Bermuda, two thousand ft vd hundred tons burden, which was aeveral weeks ago reported to be fitting out to carry arms and provisions to the rebels, hae sao needed la fanning (the, blockade, and entering the ,port of Savannah, with a large and Valuable mkii ui .uuh ftuimiiuiuuu. uruviHiuuB. uiuiu lug auu military storea. ' -," n , Advices were received this morning from A. Grant, armv contractor, dated Sjiua Ft Ant 20th. v He iutbrmed the GoveraWent that Forts Bucbauao and Breckinridge were destroyed by ur dt Lieut. Aionre: tn Brerent tneir laiiuf uro u Duds or tbe rebels. .' , , r ': ' I Fort McLean bad been abandoned,' and' Fort nil more Bad beer, trnuhamnI anrreridarad. v BoylorJwho be'Dfitri tb the rebel band, claims wvawevarnor or AiizaaM .... , . Graat' railed trte uui aadatrlnea over hbl flaga.ithe face of the rebels- His mules, wag- rancne, ana aresaed bis mole train with small h ..k.i. ji . i ) ft The rebels Bod Indian, are dtvaatat nr iDg the Wouie couDlrj., C i , . The World malcVtli 'lulTrnrlnc atatemeat The city la not j et purged of traitors, and tbov uu nittinumv uieuueivee undHteoted near, era cere bitjh in1 DO7r, . An orourranoa h whir-h the night rxprdition against - Mmnon'e Hill miscarried in its maia purpose, demonstrates tbis fact. Gtn.' MoCiellan did, not subject twenty thousand men to -a aight march, with other ohjeel abaa the eeouDatloa of an anim- rpfprinnr hill. i. UA k.j n . .1.. .A ........ ' u Hpp iviuipu H.PWV4I.UI, the six or eieht taonaand rebela who mmtl in that vicinity, and had arranged certain signals, to db oispiayed from Washington, in Case any uuiureanen-. pwiikfitfim ahfiniii mmja uia atnp ditioa to be abandoned at the laat moment 0M Hl.rU.l... J-J . . ... ... , . r wcu. luBvicijia uia not oonnae nis ptan toanv .-. . . . . - uui a very iew prominent 0 ulcers, whose coop eration waa necesaarv. What waa his Indiana tionthen, when be was on the field, pereeuully superintending the movements of the orcei to e the sigosls from Washington, requirloit the troops to remain in camp. The rebela bad dia- covered tbe algnala before he did, and,' Althdugh redoubled his efforts to hasten the departure the roops, the rebels bad got beyond hia reach When he arrived at their entrenchment. WaaHiNOTOir. Oct- 5. At the rraueat of Hob Aigastus Frank, C., from New YorkJ tha superintendent of the Census Bureau has pro pared a statement of the white male popula- Uon of tbe several counties of that State, be- tween the age of fbarteen aad? tbe propottion from each count v to furnish! tbe of one hundred thousand. '" j 1. be Superintendent aavs. tbe State presents effective arma-bearing population of 760J314, , , , , ; -; MM tnd Dxon's line, equaling tbe combined mlllta4 ,tr.engtb of Alabama,, Arkansas, flor- aoout nan 01 mat or all. tbe States south of Ida, Georaift. iouisiana. . Miaaisainni. North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. a Muskets and Ammunition for the Rebels. , Nxw Yobc, Oct. 5- Cant. Souoer arrived this morning, reports the schooners Zelda and H. Thorne. under British colors, but belbnir- Ing to tbe South, and the schooner Red Fox, of new Urleans, under Mexican colors, are all loading at Havana with muskets, lead and am munition for New Orleana. ., , ... ' ; ' Recruiting for the Federal Army in Recruiting for the Federal Army in Canada. Toaonto, CW.. Oct. 5. To day's Leader calls on toe, Uovernmant to vindicate itself by instituting oriminar proceedings at once against the Federal ageata engaged In entlcioe 'meo lor service in the Federal army. , .. I 1 COMMERCIAL MATTERS. New York Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 4. VLOrja There is leas doing to-day. bat the aiarket is generally without decided change. To-dai'a aalea amount 10. lo.iuu Darren, at j imss mror rtjected: A5 2i5 40 for superfine state: 13 S55 85 fori extra state; 5 35$i 40 for luperflne weitem; $S 5035 75 (oreoBimon to medium extra wMtem; tTmgs w tor ablppiag bnnda extra romnd aop tlbio, aad 9S 9330 60 ror true uranas 00; cioeiog rawer quiet, wuo no dMpoel. lion on tbe sort i4 holdara to ptcm the aiarket. nana. doing: aalea ( 150 bbls at 15 3035 4fl for superfine; sadJ oian yituranuaiwa atcaay, wit n npoaerate oviinjeni tyav bmsjsav fv ivb uiiumvaa av vwn-w vaum . Atjrc flour t -a. tcmr.fSA n - wan miAU-Dtcaui r. WHISKY Doll and droeploti'aalcref -90V bbla at aiX21Xo, chiefly at the Iniide prica. " '" WHEAT l2o per both better, wllh k fair export demui. chleflr tal i"ranoe. Tbe tnaoirv is rather bet. ter for parcels to arrive, than far thoeo on tb spot..A large portion ef the eatee noticed below an to arrrre saieaof iv,w sun unicagoipnngat i iwsii); lj,. 000 do Kacin spring at $1 81 1 8J; 16,000 a Umber Iowa at 1 31 17; 8,000 do Amber Dm Bay at 91 28; 6 709 do mixed western at It S8; IfiQO do red atate at 1 931 32; 800 do winter red weetern at 1 35tl 38, Mi latter price for Amber Michigan and Ohio) 1.400 do xadaoutbern at 1 69, delivered; 6,500 do whltfc Ken tucky at 1 37K1 3, '18.000. do wbite Mlchlruntll ami 45; -400 do cholca wbite Sr. Louie at tn aSTT RYU Quite arm; salee ot 3,5(10 buslt red AtT5$. BAttLBY Continual scarce and vera Ann. v, no tice aalea of 900 bush Jersey at 67o; and 4,300 bush itat at7173o. 1 -.-. j CORN Steady, with a fair business doing for export, and for home uie and speculation; sales of 173,000 bub atSI95SnfbraBaoanAnd inferior to mixed wtitern; $3p854o for common do; AtX55o for good to prim ship ping do; 54o for common wane nortnarn; and Motor white western. '!.- ,';!-,. : i OATS In fair rrquost at 40(S34o for Canadlallnd 3435n forweetern and atato. 1 PORK Quoted a shad firmer, with a fair besiness doing; salaa of 975 bbla at 1 14 75 15 00 for meat; and 9 75(9,10 00 for primes j BE Bf Quiet and steady at tt OCXS 4 50 for otmntry prime; 15 00(85 50 for do mess; 9 0011 S3 for re packed mess; 118 75413 50 for extra mess. CUT UK ATS Steady, at 5X0 for shoulders; and SH 0Xc for bams. '" ' '-' - j BAUUN airm. ana aemana goon, at oo ror ary lted sides; and 7o for smoked do. j LARD In bettor requeit at firmer prices; sales of 910 bbliatBxaoxo," '-" i " BUTTEH Beiltng at 7llo for Ohio, and 19455c for Stato. . .a i , OHEBSb Quiet, at 5(B7o ror common to prime. OOrrEB Coielaod trm aalea ot 369 ban. Rio at 15 (9 15 He; vndimkaga GaverBmentJawaataua. j . BUOAH Raw m lair eenaua as gooa pnoea.--" B101A88KS Very firm, with a moderate demand at a t Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, Oct. 4. TLOTJB Teaterday's feeling ai to flovr was contin ued to-day, and S4 was entry bad for tha HiUa it good Snpfrtea-Uiat waa aokl. Bttraa waiuuuuowat ft ia inui 1 1 bb f v afvaww n i r a '. 3VUKAT buyer an atiU detarrad from, oparAtidgM- n. i tix auw. it . a- mm mum u . w - aa. a - i j th difooalty ol shipping, and tne manet is ooBMquent- ly rather augnaal aa lvalue tor rea ana ooisawa ror wklte. . TbeeutaWe Ogure contmaad Brat rat oaalitles, and areexcepUonal. -- . :- , '' . ' j CORN Doe a 04 (o;aMV xo, notwitnaunaiig ngnt raasipai..-i i . r-.j - -. i. .... . X UAT a uommaaauM aaaany. v i BARLBT-IssUUwltboatamarket, , ' RIB Of fabl euality was Sold at 35o, but 38b It tbe nominal standard for prim qualities, lea. . Latlto WUlh.Ki ataaagW puLt"V T Cimnterelol1'. 3 Cleveland Market. CLEVELAND, Oct. 4. yiiOtIR Firm and in good local daavand. - WUIAT-Advanced. Sale this morning work 1 ear red a -track, at aajie, oar en track, an t,W busk free on board, at 87c, 600 bub at 8o. free on beard, aad 1 ,oo wblta, .fxtej Boara, at a Boon' report, 6,000 train rod sold at ft 00, free en beard, aad I J900 bash While aSoet al 1 1 05. I ,.OOMN Bales of 1 ear at 34o an trsolt, and 510 bua V.llnWrromatoreet'Jrj'"' I'H HIi r A. ma A.t.. .4 oaA941A.:ilt -:! .ff lk.'tm I I .' 'mQHWlSBB-fclxbblst lle.o .lt-i ' ' B008-8carond ear at 9ie.;, q, "BKItDS-Tlmothy I qHt -r-a "'' BUTTBB Dull t69o. .1 IVu,. ' . ... . . -...;. mil 1. 3-i.vt I XeAdef,,. 1T., ilSOMETHmG-tllJ !) It ECQWAHD AGO "it. JiWATCIIE! CaLi. a Nd.'sakSotTTniiifH nfTt .and anadne oar nw saak ot . ..rW w,, Aw!rrifAM WATriire1 w,piiivnn f Maviibv. pMif iianuhKtBTrtby . COW ABB At 00 , baionl Theea Watcbea are tftranperlortoaiiytblogevcrjoBend to toepuDiie, neretorora. uavinr ue enianve ireorr, t can acli Ihvia at print to HU Ihe timeav-: I bare juit f reiieive.a larg stoc of '' ' '" -'. i.-lilTlAMERICAN WAT(JnK3,i manBfaatorebi AfPLitOSfriRiCxTATir fintaSaertmeBtofH'- "t JIATtiJ - ' VA;- also, ',E;rionsa, Afnt iwim watciiks, to Sold and purer oaasa, at ranie prices J7 Jai .r:nM.-4i4u.H a .a ' la ... h d ( ft luaUralKeUsfl Ii:fPA4.ut-J)oi,ak. , Ptarifa- fonr Breath! , 0revAaJb;en o)ar. tolcel oi'A.Xaioiiira-'o THROAT CON FECticiW. . '-I -.!:,f 1-.,,- k4 j H .,'--';..' . ABB c : . " v4.x.atij.En, j- G 06b FOlt ''lecturers; '. GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD. FOR CONSUMPTITES. SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTfniSK. , r. U, iui,, nr.,,., SPALDING'S uTHROaT CONFECTIflVS. SPALDING'8 !,THROATu,CQNFECTIONS. TtQ QlXe a CenJh-lnilaBtly J O A M Tbe, clear tbaXbrpM,T.K itj They give strength and volume to the voice. They Impart a delicious aroma to IhdVeath. They are dellgbtfut to the taste. They: are; mads!ioT,mpIe herbs and Mnni harm any one.. I adrlM Trji ane irha hum tomtiotk hh.ii VoUp or Bad Brastn, or an difficult pf tha Throat, to (t package 7hto ,ClJfcianl- thir will relleva you Instantly, and 70a will agree with ma that "they right to tha tpbt."' wnf Bad tbaa vary niefil aofpltaaaot while traveling or attending- pnblia meet, toga for atllllngonr rJongS'or allaInf' yonr thlnt. If 70a try one package, I am aafa In aarinc that-von will ever afterwards consider them Indlspentabla. Sba will find then at tbe Jggtiti and Dealera la U..1-, 3 toil: ritioa TW ENTYrFiyjp; jCENTS., w Ky aignatnre Wtta't-kit AdiJfA'ia etfceie bm oontrfeit.., v. f . . , A package will be lent b niall, prepaid, on 'receistof Thirty Cents. - - , , , Addrtaj;' titI lUI-iliii Hemy '' .NEW YORK. By the a,e of these Fills the periodic attacks of tH or 8k iZfodaoAa ma be prevented; and ir take the conuaencement of an attack Immediate aaiierfrum pain and slaktaBt WTU Bs ,MaUd;. Thay feidon Tafl M rembrrnf tba 'iauua and ocas to which fcmlS sga so rabjaot. for IMtrarr Mm Btttdmi,, Pelioele remale and all persons efssdoitory kabitt, they are ralna lamaHo, Improving tb OppUt, itrtng' (Mm etoer to the dlgaettva orgaia, sag aeatorlng the aarni Sbmooub'wbA Strength ot tb whole art ten . I'jsf OBPHAXIO PILLB ire the result of long lave Bgauoa bm carerauy eonaactsd experiment, sarin been in a many years, during which time tkey ban pre rented and relieved a rut amount of pais and suBer tag frou Headaoht, whether originating in lha nereovi systen or from a deraagedstau of tha vmA. They are entirely vegetable la their oompoeltion, an may be takrav. at ,all Uaus witb pmrfrot aafsty without naklag aay hasg of diet, , oauf A aAMnoa of any MurmabU UiH trndm tt taty to tdmtnU sr fcUwt i irbwIbbo aorjMirintts i The geaalae , bar tn ilgnatai e o( JELsory 0. Smiling onaachBex.iii .,. MtM., Bold by'DrugjUtta and all other Cealervta Medioum. A Box will be sent by aulVprena orr1pt of tb iioo, as ooiatiB- All order thonld be addreaaed U"i to -i-Z n HEMltr piAA,OINO, - .tfttpodnt street New fork. . 'I t hr Iron tba Bxamlner, Norfolk, Ya., Oephalto Pills aommpliah the object Cor which they wr made, vm Jure of beaaaob In all ttrtorms. Iron tha Biaminw, Jlorfsik, Ji( The bare been teeted in more than a tbaamn i with enUre mun. -- -" 1 -1 I "iffi Democrtti St. Otoad, Ulna- ' " ' If yon an, or bar been, troubled with tha hmmiih. and for avao;, (Oephalto PlUa,) so that joa; may have them la aaa af Mtak i k ':-rmth ArtiriTiTlds,il, The Oephalle Pill sit said to be a Mmibibl, ee-e,ti. for tM.keadaok, and one ol tba w t.t very freqiist eai lain t.whlcb has srvr bean dt ovred,liai jji.a j..-. .-.-, 'fT Wftsri B. Oasstta, Chicago, III. lyteentartiUV aadorU Mr, Bnil4l Lk Mm p.Hnu OepUalic Pills. " . " . - ' .JluA U,'41Ji-4J . . fro Kasawba Talley Star, Kaaawha, Ta. Wa are rare that pertorMaafftnarlrinV fM baadacbe who try ttem, will atlok to them. a a1 auJ . " ' - - - -' . from the Sou there Path finder, NevOf Irasa, La. , 'Try thaml yoa (hat tre'afflitred.'ahd reWrttun that your teatlmonyean b added to thd aire dy 'mraaroas lid that hae reoelTed beneSt thatn othet medicine eaa ' 'ifrora Wst. 'buuy Deaaoerat. M. 1. rv -a' from tb 0m Ma. rMienportr W sue d ?"... tfT.'SpabMrg wtwiid aol eonnect hi naaae with sa uole he did not taot Is DOaa real merit. tori fcouta af aPALbrKdg PsawaBBB M! .will sne ton llm flag epat auqeeliy..jr. j ' ''SPALDlNdi'S PREPARED 8LUE I - Vj" " '-lf J.-V. .:A 'AJiqpRErAREiyG i . ' . SPAIWG-S PAkED'oLligt geenrom t g ; . TbuPAtom 1 HnO.i i.1,,-J WfAMM A. Wiw.tXTT AsawaMealswIH happiw, warn la wall Ktrdletad km lite, t la nnr AMriraiila to bar rm ehaap aod aea r4Mal wy Ar c4UU4t uoi.ij, Toy Crockery !.', '.mwchrnxpjBtv,i,ttf' aet alt such emergKncIf, and no buuwi .la oia atTerd ba without it, ., It la alwiys ready, and sp to tb Uok .iiAi. tA Break awMorpaaks bottla. ' eeata.- ' .Addrewa, , t(a. 1 HKNRT 0. iPltprKO, i "K. Ao. Caoaj Jtmr), Mew Tork. I HHWiwrtl."-. .'ivW-r.w-., ...itjAMioJI.-- - r ... ,.. . ... ..... . .-. Al eertaia Bnprlnc'il pf ,n are altemprlng In I Firm wn we wm pnoiio. rm IkMPARGD OLTJK, I von In cuttu all I rnbllO,lni;ttonW nKin to i b...(or pan-'- a" 1 --e -t I' il n.w. 1f.i-..llr''t'U'- rs- ..'v ,J Wi ea tu SAUkae ti , )l t At( o . . iimiiiui ywit. riles bl atiljad 4iMr.- ...' ... BOW .lervduiHeadache uir.oit.air a.'i.b,,..