Newspaper Page Text
l.t 1 .11 m 1 "a i H ABDY ABE STOBE JtTST-RECEIVED IT : Wli A: GlIiIj,;fc Ho. CO ITcrth Hi-h Btreet, tat ot tiw Urgeit ott Beat Bumvm oi tie onywVJW f"T?v.' , 1 Of BTBBT iTTll AND fgOAUTa1. I , .pJlTi I '.IV.U'-r.." . M.mV;'1 i ''u" 'faint uoijnb w ami ,t hp IB Ultoa.t. lfm--"" .EXClTOmZO Yatotoiabalkra'7 1 liruskea oi every .variety & quality, MACHINISTS TOOLS. CARRIAGE MATERIAD3. ' A . I't 1 nT i a 'rw GUNS.riSTOLS, 8UQT, c : .am I.m FISHING TACKLE. ROPE CORDAGE, r LEATHER AND JNDIA AtUBBER. yo M. 'li 01 x,T ' - - . -" I 'T a V BELTHTG. - ' ' 1 .. . ... liTIUM ' . wDGEo NAUUi U8I ' -rt I ; ""l k raPTifTTtlftAL IMPLEMENTS, tl .i;i.'i-ij( SCYTHES, ate, ,t--i h BC ALES, BELLS, CHAINS' J Table and Pocket Cutlery, 4 ant-"r IdtIU tba attojUon of all toUraatad ty took at fockataad Tabla OaUary, and j -H .,. ,.iH.T PITTED fOBKS, , Table, Deaert, and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, &c, 'ii at KOei&LB A B101. ataaafaetara, warraatad toka aaiaawr.AUabPtoUd.otTiaaadMAlbatto. ' mto JlaTcban,ecbanVoH ad oOwn, an lnrlted Tnail and ettilna""! aWak, aa I aat prepared to Mil 'ajk aU RateU. WH. A. UlLIi. Oarambaa. Ma, Map 8. IBM- - - . ' LATP0P,:Iin)lNGT0N&C0. 20 & 3 KTULBAY BIXIK, 2ST33W WrORTERS ANrf JOBBERS Of , Poxeiga. ;and Domestic .PBf GOODS rot CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. -.fc..jttnll lanini i.attaaaWaa aaaMa, Maaaa at oaaa aa -ClMhwataM. anm a aaytaaac pa aaaa aarato , anhnnBtouda. ' 1 i ClSlil DKTAHTMENT. ad -t. . " - FANCY CASSDIEKES , evtao and anaaaa BMADCLOTHa. . .. SATINETS, t v a - .. ' ' -r ,. ' LADIES CUJAISIGS, - . . wvaraia-THr-riBHarnBa-' TWa I taltipaaaBBt aaafaibaaa aar tfc.thmab anajrtawat of a bayar af to aayanaaaa acanowitor f d ato. aapaaiaaaraa liaal 'JTUCM itAti,btm X to EX par j ; aad'apaardr.-',; ' ' ' " WaXBJkliJi to IS aaato par yard laat jtar fold ,:.m fajjHIDiATDfTa.atmilH; w . ' - ' "iWatttr (Ml BamataaaitajV Duss-Qoods . DePABMESTi . Mi ' Taaey tla. . -PrtatadCaallla, Baalllaa aa. Paaaa - aa. ,.r .. PrtnHd lawna, Prtntad artlliutoa, - Paaa Oinaaailt . . ' BaaibBilBca, w wi Black BUka,. ,..( Okaaivw ' da. 'OUaioa' i -a. Otlaaaaa OMba, PupUaa, ti i'Ai I N8tied StfUtf FAf.CY SPRING COODS. 4 MarrWafrtaH, a " - ' lUakatoad'i Print, Goabaoa' a- ,mv AaMatoMk.-t aa. ; . Coabaoa Paaiaa w t tl t Danaall-a .aa.- BpracaaV do. - . afllak aa. Waoebaator, auk Prtato, ka .1 .. . j " COMEEfnO COTTONS, i 1 Uaianoa 0. aba Unfa, Atlaatla A. bbaetinp, Burk , ., do, , .. AawakaH do, Uihroi ' " da! ' ' Apptatoa do. .i . i-r. khawovt ' -.w da. . -i i MtaraM. t. v do, "''" Paaaant ' " ' do. UUea, dta.t o. da. AU Oada mU Width: ' -1 BLBA08BB SHIBTIHaB . ASB fHXITIHaB. - ' T W tby .(.. r. ! -1 . Uwraaaa. r' Vonaaaw. -' raat f aUa . V ; Maaatkaaf, il- : mil, . . i . Wiliktu lo.Baatt, -IHavTaakatUlBiAadM.''' ;,"' shawls iFniB; A LAMB AMD BBLBOT AaaOETItlltT. OOTTOHADBB a iat latlaty, ... . I 0UII0H.B - - ., 1HJK1NQB alltUtoadinf kraDdl. j . ...DBNIM8 -. da. - .-da.. . ., . ',. BUIHT1N9 BtBiP-U tba leader branaa, lr-ANKkKNi . " do. " do. ' ! wmttiLn - -fa do. --: " " ui.u.mi Aa. ' do. - I :,f il BAMAAaA. f APBB 0AMBBI0B, 0OL0BBB 0AM- " "LlljbJf AlTO COMPLETE STOCKS OF WHUlBOODt, . I ii ' -'"UMBRELLAS ANO PARASOLS, ; Ti VAMWKT AW OIllOTHl, knj a mi varktr af Aooda aoi anaaiaraladll iS ahloh tra pllraaoralai to aril at tb kmaa) Mrbj ' . . baa laat wear. . ' ! a) -1, "',, .1 ... ... , . . l m tl enjea Iiiin Oil, burton k Co., fortabai aat. a ' " fe,.ncMl baidlnaa, tba bib! OardtiM laatd . A - '.a and Vlln - " ' ' "6 fr-Mixa- at' farrla'a Warwutar- rf. ; '1 '' Tar'alaltana,''j"JohnuU,v Haraay." aeading." f I ( ruh.ut od Tomato Uataap. , 1Adol.,OroM at ftlackwatla anlefcratoi Bii(Tb rH, awttawupj at "uaaiinowD., . Cbow-iJbo," "HaliiBt," H)n t, ," "Chj,,'' "Bflai, " "tlbark'" v 1. ... " - ' I , .1 ,.. .'-.-'..'.--(!.(.- Ala.' I- ,- 'i ,. . - - ,'.tJ TsrMilla, j ' "' 0 , .-, m. ' e lbrata &iillaa Mlttard, ltiLtgA, boltH, C - bc and at . ' .1 OWKlilAXr,LUw inMEVISED STATUTES; I ti b.rj.i, b t Of THa ., , ., , it AttiHwti hattjbb, in fOBCi am view. vim tioirslbr kWtXoisiomor'TsiaQ- (0t4to.twty-Bli rH of U, Ohio and Onto f . J ! j But BpotJ. '";. t f AND BBIIRBNORR ftTI.i:AWECB,'CH,I'El'Dfl,1; AND A niX AND ' COHTINIKT pbui , ik Two RoyU eT0.1Vo,He,f' 10 . N.'an or mtmebM been ipred to Mk On virk i khM BnuiBoiu oM ( both HoM, Smteidtnd to M diitailMlwl to Unlollowln 8U i GoTvrnor aiuhtht n"mi cui-id.i Our, 0wptroltr, Imam ant AaAltot ot Iteto, m to tlx Protato 0rU, Ooarto ot Oommoo PUm, SopM i ..j D.iiM AauTtL Asdllarm. and ih OUrkl Of ii wtoaj OonrH la aach eoonty, to UUe atemban of Ui Swata aad Ilwue ai BlnantotiTW o hn tlata, and TWa aoaav aoataUilng, aa it doaa.all of Uia gtataftaa ao la fbroa, and In autboritatlva aoutraetloa of then and of tba Naw Uontmauoa, Will va lonna in na npnw lr onfal In lb parfcnDano ot Uutir auttaa, to ail ' 00ONTT OFHOIKS, 7. '. , A .. juBTioiaof tat piioa, -: i TOWnBUirXBUBTBKB,! , ' ,,1 . . 0WKK8 0PT0WN8rXIP,and, ' ' CUT OII10KHB. Tnaamitch U mi atanr ehaogaa bTe bara mad la lb Statu tea it no tba pablicaUoa oi tba laat adlUaaa, by re i. aitamlnna mad Mlditiaaa. aad aua uaportont da- eiatoaabaTabaaa titan bj tba 8uprama Court oa aoa- Imrarted point, ail - . ATTOKNJIYS'AT LAW, " BANKKBS, BUtROHAMTS ' ' ' . i i AND BCUMKbS MJCM OIMIRAIXT, WlHladUria aa Inralaabla Work. , , ... . Tuaul 6m. Voimnt tir JHiultm Mmdrti i .Of ' .ragt$- . ?.h : , In Strong UvBindinf. friea 10.0, i, MU8l(.ir, (,i . i,.n . :..! ' I ROBERT CXiAJRKBV CO., La Poblianara, Baokiellani BtaUooara and Iaipertora. waat foarui anwj fabl&dgm:la . , . Cincinnati 0. OCRCIIABER WANTED for20Opackgiof r autionera and Jewelry.' for aala at prloaa aa In voiced, leaa 1 par cant, dlacount, at Ibaaspraat ofttoa at Ootaabaa, obio. ;... ''V.'.'..;. . Alan, una wanted to atll the beet packetaof itatian ar (with or without Jewelry) id the market, at price. lower than can be parehaaed elsewbere. Addreat, wire tuuna anoloaad, ' ' ""' "i"LlL: ' .i- .uJilei,,! . 1. Ii. BAILBY, :iylMtw., jiaCaartitreet, Beaton, Maya, S-;pOYLE:&-Ca- Maaaactarerf ua WboieMid lieaierd in ; BOOTS AND SHOES, ' Northwest Corner of High and Gay Std., COLCnBVS,! ...'.......'.........'....OHIO A Iar0 Btoak of Pine and Btapla oa oa band 'yJI-dtf - ." " 1 " '" ' ; i .sundries. .V. .1 T7AU1NA, ..TAPIOCO, Pearl Barley ''"' Pplit Peaa Oraokad Wheat ? Cboaolato .' . , , , , Cream Tartar,. . Boda , , P1)r ' " Pranaa 1 Baedleaa BaMaa . raah Toantoe : r failm . ' MreeaOora fmaOaaa'd Pralla of arery deacrlpUen; Jellieaaf allkindi; piaTorin(Bitnctaofankir. - mm Unm aUaad Oeadiae; V. 1 . Aaoeaaa, riiecria, recva naw, , aguaa. niiHasanu. 00 . WM. alcBOSAlB. ... TRAVELLERS! 1IUH m. va fa He Trk . drlya direct to fne ' - . MfltlTllWIa IAN HOUSE BBOADWAT.COKXnOf HOCSTON BTXrT ' " " "' OeaBalaaCtSfl tl IbV) Bead tare. Peed B uaaw. Ti art Attoadaana, aad Mad- anuaCharcaa. . ' littu boovb a Cra. en. aad B raa va DOTJILB BOOM B aad PAALOBA $10 to SX Meab) aaardead. Tkii Hoart kaa an be appetaojaente of tba beat kaoala, a await ecatal tocaUea, and la boated IBwaaaoatawatcaav BAMCAJiA. MaAD . .rropnator. 7 - ti iOSX X WSfZtXIa ACEirr roB hobib, comi-ijtkhtai UaaaTTaa, Damrrr, and lariaa Pau laa. Oa.' war Toaa; Maarauwra aad Orrr reu ev ataaiieaa BawTaulMaadOaaai.MrTvaa.aara. - - ., OfTIc, tl HifBi BUf BATava Bl aWT-dly Alexandre Kid GIoTea. ' PLAIN AKB EMBBBIDERED, BIOCB ODBTAIBA aad taralarakapa Black Kid eieaea. aaibi itoerad la wataa. aMa-wato, aarpta, ate. Gadreeae BjdBlaiaa. Mlaaea BalfctoTta. A awaaylato aaaiartam at eaeaaaaakiaidaiawaaaiwaylotaleby " . : atAia ax bub, ,-.K. ' Be. M Baeua ILfh euatt. TiKESS COOPS ....... .T ... . Ww aad! Attratctlve. AV f ,...; MoUaTBNBBB.-'- a. - ' j .-. I " " " " TBAWatlMrorUBt,'''- "J-"".'" ". L Catrrt Potum, ' . I . . 1 a ! : : . . , . -.w !!: FuKCH Canimu, -t .. . Fbch MosuMa, 's';, ' FixacH Omaitdib, -i 1 -1 .; . L' " ' " ' ' CmXU WadHUIel Saxa, : EtBCABT Jii8i SiucB,. ;: :?-?.- ( . .1 11'. Bkati Baboub and Mamtu Eilu; And all other new ' aad fuklc&liila auterkUs moatB daauad for aaadacaaa Bream aad feUatlllae. " t,L apr29 ' Ko. SB Booth Btjlt itreei. 0flJELI-.:i, HAT IN A THIS DAT. SOLB OCR Btoekef ttnewriee to Q. .IKM1N0, wacbeerfally raaoauaaad aiai la war aid patrooi and rnenda. . . , , - . .,..1,. TUOa. WAIJUS aOir. Colubsa, March (9th. 18B1 apldif " ELEOANT PLAIN BCA OK Bit, BIN P0 d treat Baaqaea aad kUatlar, alao. Bioik Trlaaua and Tarnle U autoh, at BAW- aaayM el . .-. -,l ....... v.-,, - -7 Summer Under.: Garments. T" AD1FS CISI-B VNDF.H.VESTS.-I.t XJ I.trtiae Oaaiev Merino do. da..', o .! I Ornbj (Ilk Draware aad Bhlrtav Oanta India Baaat Brawartaad Bbirta. i t . , Oottoa " -f-nn.-i Ornaa Marina DodarBWta. 'a, While and Brown Drilling Drawara.3:-i White Linen Brnrere. 7" 1 . w Bit lerya Cnder Bblete. ,'l BapailorBnitllabHalf WtaH.-JtH " Imf Btoeklnga. 1 ' L, ,1 ii .. " ,'Pawcy Oottoa Half Bon. '.; 1 " Boapeadere. ; -Kil .U I to ,v . e.iii ! iVs iHHi For nlB'la -'gtaAt Variety and t aMderi'te friaaa, bj) 1' - Ui s i..? .(, i aaay3B. .... , Ko, M Booita High fuwl. Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS Tiik t'ot,totTInii cnANGF.i were aude la the lbaneriof tliiaBank, annary autb, 11, to-Wit r .Waii A. PLaTTPrealrtant, and Tnoiue htooma, Oaahler, reaiined tbilr ollicee. Aavia Titlob, Baa., waa tba a etootod a'toaldanl aad WR. A-Pbart ap pointed OasbWr. ., . -.-.; Jfijj A By 0 ordat of tna Board 01 inraewiw. tab. Milallf., ...I. m waa ji.y-' r MINK BTOim !TIITOMNBI andCOTPB WW Art aw wiling t TBfViow wrmto, l all eOir khtd faahlotvabta fara. PICT a BANS. A a. ST A efKtSRwwthHith at. HrnnEDnTiTcnEDUNen hand, kerch.efk, very wtdabema. . If '4 , 1 - tifinmcd Bt Kobe and pi. in do do, - " ao aokindMraaVB. ... A ft (jrj! ),w. " , , iv 1 a i tim. , c( .new atieruaiaup;n. s,: Pnm Armleikt.t . WVL'tlinx 1 I MiMW.' fMuu ad pemucil tHih iil af! price fjonprlaln Ui aio.twliKliiMurlu.vMln the'eity and al pricee. HAlNfcaoN,' MetA .. , h If y ,'. " fit Bowth High Street. EST AtCOF CHAnt-tS CLAKIf . NOTICB b) -hereby grraa-thet I have beendnlyap nnlnled .rtrainlftrulor of the eetato f Cbarlet CUtalllikliaounto,Beeel. ja.i. . . " JVAOllJEl Ctiig. B. AH. CUUtBJcn,AtWrD7. jtiwrw OHIO 'ZfiATZ , . c i i' 4 j r 1 a 11! 11111 . ' " L i-J . Jj Jo Jv-'-w , -,i ait ina J- '1 l.ia.. INCREASED FACILITIES I i i . . 1 ..1, j . .'V , j.-j ' "1 f;;ffiiPIiSS;;lISPffl t uanit ': J i",."" 't .' 1,1 1 ' "'ait t' i .'Uiviva wnTin I bto, If Ti ' iiemuildihgH BOOK ;i JOB. DEPARTfflTI i' WHILE BOTH 'HAVE BEEN .i 1 , 4 KEPLHED.,TIlROlJGnOlIT:' WITH '-' : New' Types, Borders,' Ornaments, &c, ntU TBI ' OIXIBRATID fOtmMT Of 1 C. T. WH1TB, ft ,C0;' HW .T0RK, . THTIi MAKIHS IT TEA ... Host Complete Establislunent .V; '., ! IN, tbue ,,CITT, ' .1 ) I aa bow prapaiad ta XxaeuU All Orddrt for ' BOOKND;TOB PRUvrTiisra, VVITH; DISPATCH! And In the XoalAppraraA BtyU of tha Art : .11 - ' - ' l.':- j '' 1 J PABTTCTOIAB ATTINTION PAID. TO ' , , MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD I HINT I 1, 1 ji.i 1 Bill ! K.Ai(t,, tqirculr r .. ' Bill lleada, , Blanka, Dee4a, . . ;rtlf Icatea. " Kecelpta, iray Tickeu, tteftatera, HOW CARDS r& BILLS "IN HIADI5B8. COKTBACW Illustrated Show Bill F0K,C0UNTBV., 3,. thow BJHb, Haad'BlBaV XoUrto6ri lrf- p unmet, Ben 001 and vouace Bcnenea, no .. ' ' tal BiUB of Tart,'InTittUoni. fcc. 1 33 00 is. : o r li ' ' OF' EVERY ' DESCRIPTION n'i J ! .1 ii. ..,. ' ; 1 , ,1 ,vs feBool aad GolUn CdtaJonaa, .. MUoellanaonA Faapbitts, : , ! - '' Conititition, Bpa rta, Briafa. As 7T- M iv, ..'.il Printin - in- Gold ; and Colors ' ..... ; n T-HnI,:y' IVdO J3 TP 3Z3 1L ''s' jwrhV wij.coior Vir:; I :;; IlaminotliHoe Cylinder, -Tbb alf FxajBf Jh kind U Camtnl OUo. ' My faeiUtiei tor Bolnf any and til of the abort daaerlp ttoaaat work, are now anaarpaaaad, aad aatWaoaoa will aa aaawNaad ta all eaaaa. 1 ti'AU work taniabad araarpUy ar the tine proarlaed. WHO SHOClB XI8K '-, r ; ,.t J. BOVEE DODS DR. IMPERIAL f TOE BITTERS? All who are afflicted with Incipient OonsttmpUoa' or WaakLanneaMMaaataaaa. - AU waa walet fraaa Weak fltoaaaeha, InaiaajMan. Pya- arruaaabaaidaaauaai. . who amler fraa fleacral ar MerroaeOaall at aifht, Waat af Btoep, a., ahoaJd 1 ito aaa conTilaaiilaftar arror at ataar Mlaiaaaraaf tba Ooapel, tawyara, Lactarert. and al aaMieapeaaanaaoaldBaaUaeai. ' '- BaakKi,pira,aadaU aaraaaa hajdln a eaaaatary V ahoaad aaa laaav mi :...'. vf Tke eyed tail nitiai ahoald aat ttiaai AU wbe reqaire a atiaiBbnit or to ate. ihoald neethea. ' All rtxt are addicted to ana aa of araaat apuita aad WtahtolaaofavabaaidaaaihOBU . , . .:, r nayaraauaoi a pa at baeny Wlna, aad of fee aa Ura abuila and barb af tba ooantry, aad ahoald be ra- anaiaiandil by atmperanee aoetoUa, cterrjaxat, phyaV eama, and ail frtanita of beaaaaily. i j - Caay ara piayarad by aa agpenaaeed aad akllMal aha. aWaa, and, aaidaf raai their awdicinal propertiaa, area atoat delixtiUal eeaoraaai aaa yet, aa a art anoeent and barm leaa at th awwiot hwifi Bold aydiaxi WUI renaraliyo ,' v l'i CHAJXTJ WUraUltUi l,iTrcrtfra, f..r..r. 1 WlllUtml SU, Bmaf.Vmraial S02ZST8 ft' 8ASTUEL,' Afflnti,' v.di i, Ok)l ; etstddtaly. Wholesale and Retail Dcpo for FAMttV.CfeOCEntESa , A . (aammxmwa ' . i; '. 4 a No, 106 .South High -Street, Yci. HcBONAtD, ..... . . . .... .... . ........ 1 v '.si PEALEft IN j Jv J FINE & STAPLE GROCERIES . -IN ALL THEIR. VARIETIES ! ..iinm a . iliJi If . ..- ( ... Itt.fT. j . aaauiy v nai ti, u.e For the ' FaU and Winter rade - il. n7BCVUUNlOBINCEBETnANK.S TO TIIK FCBL10 for paal ftton and patroa- gr ;nd elng IHSIKHnmeti to rriw.aax a aeoaUaaaa of (am by strict AlMmtiagg a ram.od prpi delfTcrw ! 0Af Iwoald gall th matlc of to puhlw to th But that having JvlMf sad wall lectern Btaeh; on aaad, and toaalrdmly eipt of good from th dltr tutmark, I Baiter myatll that I aaa 0 Bar to tbaait ana of Oolnmbue, v to any wh may deeire to parch, an aatortment of arttel tppertalulng to tkaOROOBRT trad. VNEQVAliEB by arm hoaad tn thd dty, Th prlo and quality f the goodt offerad,' ! (Bar. ant.a t riw " 1 Ooodi, Delivetei Treo of ClaTpe." JvS7, -n.-ri I-"', 1 3 , ,WM,MoDONAtI. I 1". ...' -, -cfi'td 1...11J. i,i .FIRST' WAiu-.ut tin 1 ij,,at ?' OfEtatN' THE .$EASl)i,i ll.ty.ijH v'H .(.r t Off! tr.v 13 .f spring; and summer: coops I BrrsH to the vvnvtc "au entire new atoek of Goodt In ai line, lu.t purch. aaad la New York at Uwcheapeat panU) ratal ,.11 f which I than wh at th tmaiiMt protiu, for uata. ay i nand friend ar retweetlully lav Ued to wall and to my Good aad Pitou, aa I ara determined lo tell aa beap ot ohtaptr lhaa any etbar .bom In lb tlly; and a I do toy own Cutting, nd tnperbilend my own bai neu, 1 leei aa.area,irunr ej -nmg exyvnvm. anav nea.; to (Iv ceaeaal atlfaatlra... Sha taemr, nf rk- aea .rwemptoyed, aadallwark done.atriatly to time and oa (Tort twite, and warranted to Ot. biraim,. ylilllng our elly would cnanit tnetr unerenny giving tut a 011 before purchatliig urwher. -'l r. uiB, m, . . . 1 ... 7... , nrrvM. wwr.; IWf-rr.7 01 lK)l.uyry .vtajaui. ii .i it ' 1 t i " ') i :'.vri ,.m '' j ill Liicca nd EmbroidcricaJ- vl''A5;l,w!l!!a!!i' Laoe OolUr. and pott, frpneh, Pnnr an Thread taeW VIH, XnWPrBi) VaeonotoB, hv-aad tw.i imJ ax Modeled Oollaaa Betto, Trlmalnn and 1 ISkirt(,Lart"a wiirai I letlnana Ct Woleid Co ' . o Skrrta,LaaBtlieadOoia'iir, Pbiln tineo Oollurt, liar. ...u in neittl ball J.SON. . v MS,MualtlahBtrwi ,V ft 1 uo. -y ft r . n a - 5(ttf.i ao jr; iHjj.i J rt .ii)iJ 5-"- i;i,l,H. ii '-li JiiJ ('i,.:)u, t.ll lufft-ij aa li.rjoot iiJig ! faI jLvii TTPI INTIT1 ATTENTION to aome af tba mptt ir- iraonllnary cares by my t .1 I ; ' PECTORAL t They are at borne, and any ra who baa doabto onn In' qotm of tba partoa wbe hay baaa eared . ... -' TiR. a-araw. ti prdpabvh AT ANT TIMI Ti BXAMUIB LUNGS WITHOUT CIIARQR1 f OB ALI Turui vortn uiih nra mianrniMaft. .. l,.. . .. ..lii... -...3. : ATTBND TO TOTJB OOLPB A eaae of Bye yein' tending an red by BB. KB If BAR'S PBOIOBAA. BKKUP, .'II. tt. . f. 1 w"' . i:;..,! . , ?rnraaDkaa, Jan. j. 186 Da. Krraca : My wife ha been afflicted with a bad eoagh and dlfflonlty of breatblnf, for Bye or elx year, wnicn,ror aererai yearaoaca, nau inaaaiiy maraaaaain ylobnoa.' The ooaaptalnl ha baaa hereditary, and aba had bean treated by evnal phyitclaaa without aay re lief. . In tbie etato of her eaae, I proonred aom at your Pectoral Oonjb Byrnp. I bought, tba ant time, a any oent bottle, which reUeredber very much! I than called and got a dollar battle, which oured bar entirely, and aba baa bow no trace of the former oiaeaaa. axoapt weak- aoee. I would alee elate that I aaad the medtoln toy telf to a cold and cough. The medicine cured n by tak ing one dote 'I aaprea toy entire aatlif action with the BMdlcbw, and yoa ara at liberty to pabliih Oil if 70a deeire to ao o. , . c-.,n, , wm. wilbur, -..n,.... Akleratea fifth Ward. PiTTtaumaa. Mow. 18, 1MB. Da. Kirn! Although not aa adaoeato of Patent Mauioinea, to general, 11 an oral m pleatar Indeeoriba bie to recommend year Pectoral Syrup. A a medKlne It It well worthy the attention of any perton who nay Is any man dot be afflicted with eooghe, oold and boaraaneai of any bind, and to tba peealiar qaaUAoetioa for ra moTlnir all that diai(rBlie aanaalioa attendlne a ... . . 1 I bare bees, nor or laat, In my lire, affected with the eayereet of oold and hoaraaneae. AA tliaee toy throat would eeooae eooktead a to prrrent my tpaaklng ahora awhieper, end by taking a. few does at thaaboye Byrap It would relieremeentirely. , ' j la leoommending thl nedidn,! nt anheeitatbgly au that It U tin beat remedy 1 Tr lowed, purportiag to ear tba abafa.aoi.ahaald.any family b without tbla remedy frame o pnmieni , ., , I , Voun, molt reipectfuTly, I 1 , H Ml lUWAKDJ. JOMBB, ' T v vaaniar viuaana iepaaii vaaa. BTaraarmuAO.. March 14. 18511 f bay ued Sr. Keytar' Cough By rap for a bad aouxh of eereral year (landing, and can aneomiiy any It lb beat medicine for the aunt thai I bare ever taken , ,iiii 111 (.....) :f W'fRiQR- I...... '1 , .... , mmm- ..; OOL. PBATT AND HE JCXYBEBB . PBOTORAt HVltllP. Dr. Karen Vear Sir: Bxoua the demy 11 my ackejeartoaglag Bieakoniletioe of yaw PeetoraiOoagb avrao eooner. 1 take areat pleaturo in taslng that it ait voa aa It UK Jiamooreq tns ewwaa cm. u p.v wnwi nd tha wont one I wt aver afflicted with: t hav not ued mora than one-half of tha bottle, and -1 eaa aad da with that ail wboaraaatietod would give It lair a trial at I have doaa, and they will be proud to ay, "It it no quack medicine." 1 would not tuner anoiner aucn aa attack for any eontlderaHon, oratenyooeU I am con Bdent I eaa krealb more freary than I ye( did. I thall alaaya acknowledge a debt. 01 crautatt tor inveaung aweltont a remedy. Sonar at liberty to at my nam In thig regard, a yoa think proper, m. r. rnai a, , Meiaenger Common Council, PlUaburgk, Pa. i!Wttobargh,alay 11, 1MSB,. m -rr . 1 -. , al . M. lam a tlranaar to my fellew-cUltena, and . , IjrhoeatarJaindouWaimnconjult mtp ": " . .1 ' 1 ' ", e.v f-; 1 ii . 1 - Prmaotoa, April Si, 17. i. BBAB TUB TRUTH. Da. Kayamu A hav. a daugh ter wha ha token aeveral madwine for a bad oough without benefit among them Ayer'l Cherry Pectorah I rnrohaaed from yoa a bottle of your PBOTOBAL BiKOP, and befaraeb had aaad half a botila ah waa raUeved. Tha attend bottle wired her entirely of bar oough. J011N DAR1V, Bob! neon atreet, Alleghany, . s 1 tmu.-$ it..- r flllm)Um eotmr, 31, IBM. A BRIAT CURB BK Da, KBVnBB'd t'BOTOBAI. BVRUP-I lire la Peable townahlp, Allegheny ewanty. I had a ooughtoc and (pitting, which commenced afloat toe 41k ofVtbruary bat, aad eon tin Bed aiht mostha. employed lb beat phyamton in tha ooantry, aad eoaah eootlnued ,ujialmd aatll early la October. that Um I waa advlwdtotry your PKOTOKAL COUGH BYKUP,wbichIdid,andalterI hadlakeaoa bottle waa entirely free from tha coughing aad aplltiag. I bad latimlmd if evwr gaUinf wait, and I think it ahoald knowa that tbie yaiaabto ram arty will do for other what rt baa doaa to my eaa. ,. , . dOHB u. tiixi.., WitoomB. M. KJl. - ' - Peable townhip. I ti.. rn.M.wv aiia. nary ' 1 WfflnntTT. OTJKB-Bom tla uo, an old aetghbof ef aaa waa awry Utjwlth a bad aoagfa which every am wppoaad totooaampUoa. Hi re la tire, told ma that ha had tax .a every remedy they heard withoal benefit: hit brotner cam to ate aim ate, ana wmrm aaaarmaA la the belief that aid aat live, had about th third ef a beetle ef year t eetaral Byrap, wtuebl cav aim. audit entirely eureanim, to ueaaisa- hmirnl of all. What make th am more remarkable, to th extreeae age of tbe man, he beiag aawutwighty year old- 1 bare we eowbi the Pactorai aavwd bit life. .otiaUI'GUfBIa. SR. KXTBRR'B PICTOKAL STKTJP IN ELAIRaV TIU.R- Ptoae sd ma aootaer (apply of your valu able "Sectoral Byrup." Almoat everybody aroand a ha tbe eo id aad ar toqutriag for "Jw. Keyaar't Peotoral Byrap. Wehere !tUea bottle mat week, and are aawaBUrelveuU. Mr. A. Alter and Mr. P. Mahay, both of Blalrrrilkt, Pa, toll a they would not a without la their families la feat, all Wh oat It sue want acain. loar, retpeauully, !r.;. , . WATTBBaOB A BONB. JuiaarvSO. 1SG0. .1 AN'onriB irrw cbrtipioats-db. utbbr'I 4 pBOTORAL BVBOP-I had keaa troubled with Aoeuga aad old tar tavamlweekl 1 to bad waa it that 1 ooid not .leap, load lhadviM and preeeriptioa from khreeof th. beitphyatdantln iniy, wnom ioouiuaam,mna not do . ' I finally preoared a bettk f year Sectoral Brrup,wklcnoaraumaBiueiy.; aicnea, .. .i.V. , . . ... . J..W.UMOMTOV. .,:,,. llbtrty ttrwt, PiUaburgh, P., Jan. 9, 800.- .... r ' ..-..,.. . . . 'BT0PTKAT100aHIN0.,' 'Howoanldoltr "Oo irrkyer'oa Wood aleat and get a bottle of hi Cough PeetcaL and ff that doa't car yoa, yoar aM mutt deaperato Indeed."' Into I a paotmaa f th otiloquy on nean gimirei rrrry riry r i oawuiag penuuaoi tba wear. , And we can. from actual experiment, cheer fully concur la th advlMr' admonition at abeva, for w bare tried th "Pectoral." to a aot atabeora aat. with aatir 11 1 r Hear tow week ago w weal to Ptttabargh, wit, one ef to meat dwtrawlng, ooatrary, multan, ia (ubduable oough we vr xprlned aloo ear advent upon thit mandaa tpber. W oughed ltoadlly and laborioualy for ne whole week, In hope, of faXay U out, bat It wat no go. In fast It teeantd rather to hav lm uennd a aiaattoa. and to hav aoaalitd lUeogtb.DOtea.. ty and dittrmiUtUUf by th operation. In thl eaageof the dag, wt oouxhed our way to Krywr, 10 Wood fit. procured Bfty oent beUle of tha "Pectoralf" toek aceardieg to dlreeUeaa, aad la fotty-olght hur Wa war ma. lor al to Bold,, th aay having anoondltlotiaily, after a brief but anoqual eonfiiol WUh a formidable an adr.rv.ry a aeyaer. tamou' ruoagn Pecuiral." i.'iMwwi' iMifT, jm. , tow. 9 BR. KXTbBB'B PBOTORAt BTBTJT 1 prepared and old by Dr. GBOROR M. KBJfBJCR. 14 Wood ttreet, Plttiburgh,Pa.. i.r, - . . . Jg Sold H ColnmJM by KOBBRTI A BAMpBL ,1)1 rpoOTHACIIB BEMBDT, f ! C .'i lituJ ti' iiifl l' rl.aBOi;KaTB'BA . ' " . . ......iv i.On,fc I 'TFitetttntr.: ei ti'IdO'W,Pllnrrh,ra, .J.i-iu .cm1i.)u'I h-.'li ."iiin ',) ml 1 UT Bold la Coatmbat by lOBBRTI A BAMTJBL. oa7tawduau.. i- GENTS TAFEB COLLiAHht AMP -HBCICTIdWe" "".. !,;, ''r' 11 Bandoaaadoonomleal. Alo, J.' Blllr Tlemf ' .t ' r-o-kafi-it air 1 i t-,v,iut ..jiti l i.i.,..rii-T a.-.w.ra. a-flP JboJA '.I rAIN A BON. apr .1 tn.U .K..rtRothHlghtlrtt. rr GOI.OKN I5II I. BHIRTInvtu 3 ThenatUm sf then .blrtt ara Bw ft. Bod lea, Tokea. ami and boaam r formed to fit tba perton with eaae and aoaafort. Ta mark W( eackaaa daaignanng the at may a relied on a belqgreorreot, aud eohehlrtf guaranteed Weir mad. A full Hock of.alt; qtaalltle oooatantly fetaalwat' ' ' -'" ! i.Ji -'' BlIN'R, aowat'.. 4 t .J il UI t i' iraw.iiia,ew . .) n, ,1 . 1 al ' '' w- . J i-' ' C V B Ii u A .fill A w iPI..a titiaiA ij, BUAWL&II In all oeirai.oi..r., ano . t.Wry great liargtin Urniu.' uairr nun, apnia No. W tony. High atreet. 7 I lK IliANTaJK MAHAUEB, BOT?l ,fthlU and. Blfck,,iuit received at " ' ? -J ' Tim u:nc: j ronn vuni UNION BT!Wpr,rx. ggAVftt w wlal4,ttaVlaU)ll!:1llll.i,... j scw t i:.-tt::1 A'STD B0T2 TttZZt .tBiBVlt i- poeehtrf ei ty amall loat)r. ' :rH ' TTPtlB AB fcCAKTXIttV-dUa' BB it" tr-to. X?ata,ldab,lt)UU -t j(-,;,.ivM.UL.Xf !Z1 4 ia . D3J E W.3'..-.u.i 4lrP a at ?w -C:. i i J' ' irw- ..'',V.5'eJ'l,0 ii-;, . . f o & jit, .t j a 1 1 '! ax, - t . . I T 1 be of It it bt H , - ' t Sl mV : '" rfcj5ia. k-J BX0OhnfjrwiBT BT THB Ufl j j SIR A8TUEY'COOPtR. ' I townow, AMD . I ' DR. VALENTINE IIOTX - - 1 m nw mwm iau. m) jNtaovladged -Heed af the Profaaalcai bl tthaTi .. ...i v,-( raumaarw XJ i'i Tha lwmt IMnrcdJa. Tonlo. and Uvteorani. Tn flneM Kxtrnot, of tba JTAIOAW 3VHrRU BhaiSZ, Tha Fnrat and Bloat goauy uia mm- INDISPENSABLE TO FEMAUS, . INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED. THESAfTST "Wr HOST .TT7 DELICIOUS BEVERAGE 1M THE WORLD. i For Bala. Pints and On Art, by BTwry DrojiAt, Orfccer, or Country uorouuK. U'- ioox out for soetrs L O N D O N' I G I N S. THH OMtr OEnTTJIHM -ARTIOLM IB V (HARLESMONDON CORDIAL-QIN B. BALDWIN &.CO v l m T ia. aa - : NKW YOWEL Bold I. Oolambn. B-j 'mni WboleteU and Retail Orooera, Btaleeman Building. n. ai wiONUR.and Other. . In OlnotaBBtt, by BHltt, BOKBTBINdt OOr- mi tl t',fll THE S WEEKLY 1 OHIO r STATESMAN1 HAVINO A OIKOULATIOM' t v., ' UXQXB it ItTOAt " MOT;IabT)bv Than any othe papet in Ohio, oaUld of OindnnaU Offers 1 Facilities for-Advertising VwhknOANrioT ikih to Wnft'-'''1 iHitr ml Hemnaerallv Betnrat j - - I, . To thoa who lake advantage f thea. TJTJC . WEEKLY . STATKBMAUT, Diatrlbatod a It I Ihroagh rtry Pott Offlce In Ohio, Reaches a Large Class of Readers ....... ... 1..., 1 , 1 -1-r ' ; Wheaa natrnnaira It valuable, and wh geldom ee the 4miiy maiuoua 01 u jvhiim.,., A Limited Homtex of AdTertiiomenti . , an batrtad la ha aolumnt, appopriately and , HASWOMEtV.pmAVEp!; .ttZAOt mk.ttOXXtlOXl '.-'. .... u .-Of AU.I , . , WHOLESALE DEALERS Advartldog In tbii WBBKLTBTATBBMAI Will In ...H advantogooj In THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which H almcat eertaln to follow an xtenelve dltaemla aUon knowledge of Ihelr bualnaai iS ( . AMOSQ COUBTEY DEALERS ! J --..- . , 1 1 . 1 i I'll, 'I .' II - -1 I . ;. - ' ADTKKTI8KMBNT8 INTBNDBDfOB . , .. , The Weekly Statesman '' ' Should be handed In before Prlday noon. . :. .-. .;THR j,..: . ONLY PREPARATION : , .THAT HAS ....-., . ., : STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, Am a grtvii mare anal marc papalar , every day! And lettlmonlslt, new. and tlraoit without numberl might b given from ladia aad rantlemon in (11 grade, of Mettty, whoa united tottimony non oould retUt, that Prof. Wood' lialr will nator th bald and gray, and prwerv th hair of th youth to old age, in all It youthful beauty. '-A' Battle Creek, Mich., Be. lt,J18M. Paor. Woob: Th wilt pie aoceptalloe to Inform thee that the hair en my head all fell off ever twenty yean ago, oaaied by a complicated ehroal dl, al tended with an eruption oa th and. A continual our of tufftring Ihroagh life having reduced me to a tote of dependence, I have not been able to obtain (tuff fur cap, neither hav I been able to do them up, to eon teqntnee of which my bead bat (ufiaMd ntnomly from old. Thl Induced m to pay Brlgg A ilodrr. almoat tbe laat oent I had oa earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Hair Aeato retire, aboat lb firtl f Aagut but. I hav faithfully followed th dlrtcUoaiand th bald .pot It now covered with hair thick and buck, though (hart, II I alt tarn big to all aver my bead, feeling oonAdenl that another larn bottle would recto re It antlraly and parmaneatly, I, fktd aazloM to peraeT.rve In It Bat, and being deatltut of Been to purch aaa any more, I would aett ahee U the would! not b willing to tend m an ordar an thin ftrtat for kottl, pd reoeiv to thy elf 1 lb (crkitara uaelaratlon-'toe (award la to thoe that are kind to the widow end thefatherlew." - ;. ,., . . Ihyfrmnd. , BUBAJiNAll KIRBT. . , tlgonler, Nobl t,'0Ubty Indiana, fob. Jth, 1H5B, Paor. O. J. W0001 htar tjir: fh Utter part of tla year- lUSfi. whll attondlat tawBlato aud National Law Aobool of-OioBtoto ot hew Tork. my hair, from a eaua. ankaown to me, coMBnced falling oil very rap. Id ly, Be that la th ahoy (pace 01 tlx m on toe, in whole upper part of my tcalp wt almoet ntlrly bereft of It eo mi tog, -and much of the rimalnlng portion upon lb id and baok pari ot my neaa tnoniy aiier ptcame gmy, to that ya will not b uqirund wha I toll you that up on my return to th Stat of Indiana, my more catdal acquaintance vera aot mach at a low to ilaaover tin taut of tha chang la my tppearauoe, w my more tola mate acrtulntaoove ware lo reeogntae a. atakU 1 I at one mad pplictia to lb moat (kalful phy.1 elana tn the eounlr. but, proelvMii a awuranw from them that my hear weald again a removed, 1 wa forotd to beoom reeonoll.d IW Biy rie.'Miaiorvunawiy, in cba latter part of lb year 4057, your haaaoratlve wa re commended to ma by a draggal, a. being th moat relhv bl Hair BeatoraUvw la aw, I triad oa bottle, and found to my great Mtt traction that M wa producing th desired enact, nine tnai time, a navw uata wvan uoi Ura' worth of your Betlorallvt, and at a retail, have a mob aoat af vuy aoit.wack uau, wnica no money can buy. iAa nrark t my tratllad fot year labor and (kill In tA. production l ao wonder'! an arattoi I hav raooav mended it nw to many or my menu and acauatBuuc, who, I am happyno Inform yoa, ar axing it with Ilk Attorney and CoUnwllorat taw. Via... al. awja.. .hluitai,ll iMl iVM..t, ultbeworUa ( t ,,U ' -t '.t fl-I 1 X il. neawraiiTa m V . up ra vutiiwa umniw, vuk tort, medium, and amall; the email hold H a pint, and retaile -tor on dollar per bottle; theawdlum hold at lexrt lwnty per ecut. more to proporlloa lhaa tha wnall, and retain for two aoiieraaootue; tna urg notut gn.rt, 4 notnUnxor la proportioB, and retail tor'1 A --.- , O. J. WOOD A 00.. Proprietor, dad Broadway. Kew Vaek- aadllA Market UtneL bt. Louie. Ko. ! : And widbyBOiiKKTB A BACaL, Ooluiatta,hfc)J and by all good Druggiite and fancy Uood Baalen.J11If, prtlitdawMWU. Wttoheil Diamonds!! Silrer Wart!!! A 'CHOICE ArsoBafiriENT OFQPlltr' i V, and Silver Wtehw. In gnat variety. , . I am Agent for tna aaxaicia bitm uo., ana exn II tbeea aicnllebti Watcbt at manutactaren- piicea. tlther Whelewleor Belall. ' j Come and oboeaa from my beautiful dliplay of Dia mond, and oilier rich Jeael.y ty le. a w prtcw tow, At i Silver Wan ef eterliog qualliy, I aan (how new patteree, very naauxaamw -- ..1 Bilvr PUtad Wan, l ea Beat, Urn. W altera, Cutora, Baekala. Pilch. rt. ttoblet. Knlv, fork, SDOon. Ae, - Than I bar upply of fln Tabl Cutlery, Packet Knlvea. Buoia, Ac, andmany Tanc Good (Bob aa ara dt ttnd tut preeeoa at uch priOit at an aa ludue- awnr to IM puvenawn. y 1 v -11 1 wm. wbtNlt, no, iu sacteye Block, NeHh tlda Btato Uauw Mn.' i)Uaral : ,t-Bt 0 Gents Linen- Shirt Colla: AP HX aTRmtfftiQti A MTV KAIibtA.'tluniUirki Byrud. "iiir.l! . l and other new tbape. Uummttd Pocket liau.K'. . -'. alee Ilea. BtocttiSlreet Aad Ryening' eilovm, llml liiavf very kind. Coder Garment, and all klmt bf t ur, niahlag taoodaja Anat variety and at moderate r'woa -" BAiN A But.,.. 1 . A7 HPA ; Id' V Tf Bl 1 a.a WW . AM at a. r : .i. .1.1' I IffaVagST' ll ,lf( P", W BWalLAl AAiglat BUWUti tTALTErAsaTirnrAfft e.acpi iititts i.i of tterant aaailtieg for Lauior, aiM, Mh-e Vital S greet Vmiy . ' J " BUM V (aaytl' fcita..-- -.a 4,'tUB.i. L1EDICAI 'WSCOVERY of AGE. MB. KENNEDY, 1 OF ROXBTjRTl ha dlacoverad In one four common paitare weed . mdwgbAtcMi (.,."- I' 1 Every mnd ol ilumor, tit worst BorofuiA iowa to a tommon Flmple. Be haa trtod It to aver eleven hundred eaae, and nev er failed exoept In two ami, (both thunder humor.) Be be now In bla pommion over one nunureu oaruncateaoi it value, all wllhln twenty mile of Botton. - . ; 1 1 Two battlat are warranted, ta aar a animhg lor KMlth. 1 ' ' 1 ! ' ' One to Dire bouietwuioureui womnnaoi nmpie ttUM.fao. .; - - .To ar thraa bottlaa Will alaar lb mntom of bllet Two belt) are warranted to ourt to wont canker In hmenhrttomch.' K' ! " . Thraa to (v aottlei ara warranto to ur in. won. Undof Brytipal.. M I One to two bottle are warranted to ear all humor; thBye. -" .' .-(-(- - I - Vva battle are warrantod to eura runnlna 0 the ear nd blotch, amoug the heir. , ' . J fur lo tlx botie art warrantod to cart corrupt and running uloer). , : j j .j . on bottle win curt toaiv rutnoa or u um.' 1 .' Two or three bottle ro warranted to our th wrt bind ot rlnvwnrm. , J.'-,.. 1 Two r thra bottl.i rjf warranted to, ear th moat uWerato oaao of rhenmatlaaj. v - t hree to four bottle, are warranted toeuratolt-Bbeam Piv to elil bottle will Aura Ut wont cat of tcro- fuaw' - .V t-'-' '' I . a benefit la alwu nptrlenead from U Brat boltla, a perfect curt to warrauuid bea th abov quantity I ak.. i ii.i XI t wnrnmiT. mabs.' Mam MaaatT--Taa repatatlon of tbe Medical IHtH 00 vary, locating an trnaa ot nomon, m to wen emao llihad bv the aaealmout yatoaof all who have ever aaad it, ghat I need not my auyunog oa lb tubj act, a th meat akll Iful pbyiwtan and Iba anl careful Drugglat la tbtoountry are ananimaaiin it praue. In nrmintlnr tha bledloal Diaaoverv to voar Boliea. I da It with a foil knowledge of II curative power, In' raj Having all, and earing moot at thoae diaet to vmiea you are Bufortunataiy to llabi. That mott raratoUa( attiatt 10 an aneouonaw motaer, 1 NUBSINO SOKE BIO 1 TH, I tared at If by a tolieSai Viui owntwoeei m retlired 1 to It natural iweetnear, and year babe fro of abort land fretful nap 10 oaua ana .weet iumbera; and tna atedioai DtMovery bae a fu&taia of blowing to yoar hatband BBSdA BAUaaayayaavaaaa In. the more advanoed itarea of O A MK E B Itlltondl U) thtttoniaeh .cuiinf , . . iwtilchHaathlnf hataanfcay on tbe wumaohi than to Ik 1 - araattaia W, won feeliag, and aa tmllfferjntoi to thcareaoryuataatoji. a?tMaaf , TUTtoaobavi T3fZ v. U . . mm m nr aa WMttArn, aar at r m BWt an ara. -a"" .9) vanr food d ttritiii von. and won aaa only Uk eertai kind, and va of that yaarayatom do not gt half Um noariahmeat It oonUln, tba, aerlmouoa. Suid ef the canker eata It opt then, your complexion Iott Iw bloom aad become .allow .aud Biaanlah jnd. wour aatl day bl gone, for want of nouriehment your ryitea kw ome loot' and flabby, and th none or yoar body b or relaxed Than follow a train of dieeaaet which th aouioai iuooveiy m peculiarly auapieu mi i"1" -' 1 J.u.viia tj t7 HK"-V 10 b01 Parolmtlo ot lb htort, pain ia th rid, wealuiaa thaepia and tmall of th back, pain of thabipjotal when yon retire, irregularity of the bowel, had alto, thatmoatcxsrueiaungtf dueiwauto, 4,( j' ..l.:'.w ,!Jiw . PI IEa.ita.'! V Row manv lhaniand of Door women are inferior froaV fhl dlwat and pining away a attorabn lrf,rd their next doer Mirhborduai not know the caaax. , I wah to Imprew on your mind that good old proverb, "An on not ot pravantioa to better than a pound otaar,?,.!, Uto ku ,.;..'. nEBlOAIaXtlSCOVEBVvT you haw both ah atavaatoUy lid fh ear: with ihit gnu ana gooa num. 117, u. n .11 ncrvr, vuuer. any eircunutancea, do yoa any tnlnryi j THB VEDICABa.BiaOOVEBV nl to Intended for dhwaawot th bleed, hat line It Introduction in u W extern puie, 11 u louna 10 or th belt - ' . ' - ". i:-l ic Ih.l eai aver hefor tbe CUbllS. NoehangeofdM vr n acorn try wt th hart yo cat and get enough ofll. t -. , . .-a niiam.ioa.aoa nawAdull bo tabU (noonful par day C hitdre vr tea yean, dewert gpaanfal Obildna from five to eight year., to ipoonful. At no direction. een be applicable to all eonaltuUCBa, takaauOicieat to operate 9a the bowela twice a day. ., , a . . lounUuly, a wimw ,i . . 1 ia ;-.r,i jt bonnaCD kbnnbdt.' Price B1W Pr bottto. for y every drugglat tn thtUalted Butte. ' ' "' 4 - RWAwly. i : 4-f- nOTOU WANT WHISKERS? f' ' DO YOU WANT WHISrlERSt t -,' .... 1 DO YOU WANT A, MUSTACHE. - vr wy (.,..x5 .j iDO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE! BELLIKOHAlf '8 - I i M Ll m B BAA A am as f StiDnlatiogOngncnt, Vrl Tba (at For th WhiakBM and, EAir but. w .(k... .huDH la anaoaaelnr m. ...... .a iTUna aiatea. that ther havfobbuntd the Agnoy for, and an acw envied to .for to the Aatrioaa pubJio, th abov Jtutly oelcbnttd and. world-renowned artioto. Tn J ;m. I .'iii,.,i, j:u n,.a .!.(.;. U1.1 ,.at I V -1 1 , 1 v a . . 1 t w yijju ".VJ I i 11 1 P.' BB CLINOIIAM. aa ninnl 1. wwai.aaad W llB.'f phytVciaii of London, and ta warranted brUig jou ' IF iilOAtliS VI AlAwoamwaxw 1 ( , In from threets ht waekt. TbTt artwM to am cary on af tha kind uaad hy ah ynnchi and in London aud Pari U to In anlverwlww. ' L ,, " It to a beautiful, aowaowlatl, atmthlng. yt (thaujatlng oompoaad.acUng aa If by magleopon tlie roouvwuajng abeaulllul grawta or luxunan. a. myr- r r eealn.ll will war Buww, andoauNto tprlngiBp Io nlao of lb bald rpoU a fin growth of new Ap Li.i . Mr,, ti, dlnaliona. It will Inn XBB Ot'toVVI hair baxa,aad ratter gray pair to it ctoxii roomy, leaving KoO, am ooth, andxbulble. Tht HiBaoawy" la an tndlDnaM article In every gen tie ma "t toilet, and af tor on week't in they would nt toraay iidntioB a.HaM.ia. ,. 1. , i.'i v 1 The inhecriber. an th only Ageul for ft rcl In ah. aula., la. whom all arden mult be awdrawtd. rlrn.. Dollar a uow-4ar eale by all Drum Dealer.; or box of the "Onguant" tatmuted to hav the dealTe eUacu trill b KroL to any -. aw mail (direct), teounly iiwikenNotlyt of Brit and rw-.,rsaariK .-'.',b3 . i,.itt. n., mueajrga.AdO tlA0womiiO dir.. WUttamWt,Ww-Bort. ' l L. il ' ' ' -: H -a-. MH.JN Jti lUL'UtVV .'1 . amt-.l laa M Ttaala. laa . . 1 Foreign ft Dbmc5tioIgarfl , . -v.. i - . ... .i4.ivi iibt .' ,rtfti.-,-J o.Mtt axujamjf,;,., y lin'ikiBr Chewin Tobaeoo 7 , Alto, thO t Balitf Bt tBTaTTl 'fcaaisBtiy1 BB Baaa'."-K"." . UT'Qonntrr Mtrchanl are (nvl ".. . . . -a a.t.l L ; . L tetto'l can neion par ahaalng tUewban. 10 NO. 4 EAST THIRD BTREBT, z.-h 5;.'m;,. , Mala and Byramorni bat b,, r aertl-wtat . I , v CINaNNATO Oi - , r ( Y WM.'KNADIT CO., "a TIIKIfet HEW r)tl.E-a-' A ROOM, HO. m MALaiMOtiJitZl . -f ""VOt. "(SdtW.lTjTAW BriiTj j - Offer rorkiJaUiett wlelmtet yij qpWEN MEDAta, . . ''1 cfi -.elaliiW ms-i'ti ti AJSDCJARE .v rl A Nfl-FO RTE3. ' I " ... v r .. , , -1"" ,-r: ;z. J! JJ,w m,A Being highly i -. ,. ul. uia. - -.- M aiic Amateur, of th oouotry, aad .WMll J BVBUT 7.' r' ' . )j a . a" ft rt r,""T . I ir,,urTwAB8. . ipha- maat ' fatHdloa eaatctoW .. H bA pleawdlq vryntpMt. , ' " wuwABB AvdOlSfll 4'rmiMrt- ll r.i.v,-, .: . fikl.T2.BB A n apot a ,lydN .' ... -v. 1,. I ainlamlMa. AaiAl- O bkiRlriO IHK" !ANH .BABHIRES ST NAW .i'TLK- Mi oU) lii.h atiwt. bv. ju.t opened neWltyleaot OtowH Ouva oaiujuw BawiufJiB .,! Bav, mail ta in newe.i ana winot . " BMkoner. , Ah. Buperb VItO a . j m , -rwwj aaearyy e.iajieai ea'T ' ' 1 kiaiiiiuaaewl Vrlftowt-.') j.r ;flrTir ..,Pn Wl. P! A tl f K" B MlE'ETIrTtiB) Ja'tTD 1 t,..iftT UiMd, all vrMfhavof avwt wWwate toakea, wwwv.irwmvwrivif'z Liu. - 1, apriU . V'atM If 'sai' W Bomb H'gh final. ..11111. i l r.V' A XEX AN nn VM K I O LOVE", t 1 tY All (tow vivrt L ' I I T,Unr.j Ji aat ll. -1 S-w,wav,aaajvft . il prtj.n.nciaiaAN'a. .........jruAUJa'juuic.' v DELIGHTFUL Oil ( An OOBHIAL J ItllRlHIVl'- ,j a V 1 aoienun ana f vegeUbM Compound; ' procured by th imi tation of Bool, Herb Blood R00L : Banermrllla ar I I A vnerry sark and Dan Vr deiioa enter Into Itotamait Before Tn.ring.ut aotiv .remedial ArteT Taking. atraruialtlAn. qh. - . . . principle t aach Ingredltnt It thoroughly ztraflted by my new method of dliUHing, prrmumnaia ueuwi -ij, y blunting iplrlt,endtnemonnat.wDL.a raueuy ranovating th diteued tyttem, and rettorlng tha tick , , tuffering and deblUUted INVALID to BBAtTB aud iutanuiu.' n..i,ri..iM.j!.1,.i nelaBANV TBENaTHENINCJ . COH- Will ffeciuxlly eara LITBR OOMPLAINZ, BTBPBPBIA, MUNBIOI, Ohronio or K.rvout Debility. Die eaae ot1 th Kldntytl and all dlxeaae. artilng from a dieordered Liver er BtomJ ta, Pyrpcpta, Ueartburn, inward me, AOMity or Bteaa am of the Stomach, f ullnew of Blood to th Ilea J, Dull pain or twlmmlng in in eeao, raiaaauoa wi ia aan, Puilnewor W eight la , tlm Btomanh, Boar BrvctxUovjl Oboking or tugocating feeling wbea qrmg down, urvoee ortellownemof th Ski and Byte, Might Bwwato, In ward f evert, Pain In th anall of dw back, cheat or tld. Buddea f luahw of Heat, Depreartoa of BpMtt, frlghtfal Praam, Laaruor, Dwpondenoy or any Mervoua Dlteeaa Son or Blotch w oa th Bkin, and f vr aad Agae (or Ohllliand ferer.) - - over a Bllllleit f Alettlea,, Bav ben told during ab lt tlx month, end In no In ttano ku It failed la- giving nUr wtl.f action. Who then, will lufferfrom Weeknew or DebHity when Mfj t.H.N't RTaiNOTiiBNiNa CORDIAL will euie lout U-,Hq buguaga can convey an adequate Idtaof th Immo- atate ana aimoei miracuioua onauae piuvnw e"- Ihia Oordlal ia lb- dlwaaed, debilitated (ad (battered pervout lyiteia, whether broken down by Mow, Beak by Datura, dr impel red by tick nan, tlitralaxad aad anatrUDg oiganUaUon li rwtercd to 11 prietlnt health aad vigor.. . ITIAB1I.IEII PEItBONB,"1 1" Or eth.n conaclou oftnaMllry, from Wluflavav caaat, will find McLean Btnugtaaning Cordial a thorough n gene rx tw of tbe yitem;nd all who may hav Injured themKlvei by Improper indalgencwa, jrill find la th Cor dial a 01 lain and iWlJ I"lAt:J w .twwiTto-MrVMfi, . lIcLeaa's, StreigtlieBiBg Cordial - i0 , ItKyenUjnandpaycunfor"'1 INCIPIENT CONBtinTIONlWHITES OJwtructod erlMmcull H.bitraaUoxs hitontiBtrs of Drip ar Invoatatory Dlacbanr tbareof, falling of th - xvttnb, aiddioew, fainting Bio all Dtoti inaiaawi I female. i-w..5t u i .U. that tS BdKlsUkA AbOBt tt.. But er w tongar. Tak it Mcordlng to Dlrectloog. It wlllitimuUlt, iirengthee and iaylgonto ye aadcauw th bloemef aealtn 10 (aooat yenr coee. again.. . t '1 . BverybetueU warranted to give wtuiaotltin: aula ouiAiUHKll. 'v . If your tklldren ar dckly. puny, or afflicted, feLeuor Oordlal will makwthem teaUhy, fat and nbutt pb( notaaiom.nt, trj lt,audyowUlbe convinced. t IT IS DELJCIOITSTO'TAla:, 4f' -1..W.a .LlaanMnnvftata ar linLaa urha aua try to pirn npon. yoa torn alitor or BartaparUU traab. Which they can buyoneep, ny Hying u jai a good. Avoid aob meni. Ask lor McLaaa' Strengthening Gov- which I 1 dui, and take nothing elw It I the only remedy that Will puruy in 0100a inoraaguiy bbni m in, 1 Um toangtbaa ta gyttom. . . On tobletpoonful taka rrtry toonilnj'fwatlol. It Mrtalu prevaaliraof Obeien, CblU axsd fcvar, Sellow fever, oy any ynramnl diteaic. t it put np la largo tottlet. ' " - ' i Priot only II Whbr(l,wrdwtttofor S. ,1 -r.- u., d. H. MoLRABT, ( Bolt Proprietor ef thl Oordlal, t a.L " ,;AiM()Iaa Volcanic Oil -InuninL . PrtoriralDpotontbooraeroJTblrduidPtM(treeBi Bt. Loulx, Mo. ' - -i i"1".1"-"' iiai'.la ' -" McLean's Foloanlo Oil UniBMtix, . Th beat Liniment In th World. Th nly aa and certain ean for Canoe n. Pile, Bwallbig and Bran ohitia, og Goitre, Pualyal, Neuralgia, Weaknew of lb M uac lea, Ohroeia ar JLnflaamalory EhtuauUaa, Btifi bow of th Joint, oontraotod hi uac let or Llgaamte, Baraeh' or Toothache, Brabwa, Bpraina, W.unda, Vrwh Cam, Utotn, fever aerea. Caked Brawtt Bon bilpplea, Barn, Bcalda, Bon Tboat, or any Inflammation or rain. oedllfervnc to B1 w (vna ar how long th da 1 uy bav xttted. ttoLton uewbratea iiinimcni a r; ' ' J t. ' ... ,M tain remedy. " ' . j-a whnoaanua rjfbajwa belnri aave neaa Bavoa a ur i dtotopltod aad mlatry by lt a of Uilt Invaluable mad McLEAN'S .) iVOLCANIO ;JoiL ;.::;tr 'jmmtw -':-' Will rallev pain almoat, and -It wil cleuM, purify and heal th tool! torw la aa tocradl ly thorium. 'i aa.''' , rf Ueroeo Att4 ottte Alaaaia. McLean oeleb rated Ihrfmewt It th nly af and n BabU remedr for the ear of Mpavta, Ring Boa, Wind gall, Splint, BnnaturxIBampe.blodea or Uwelliaga. It will never fall to un Big Head, Poll Bvll, fittula, Old running Bora ar Bweeny, If properly epyiwd. for Bpraina, Bruiae, Beniohoa, Bom or Wound, Oracled Ueela, Obafe, saddle orOotkw ami 1 it hi aa infallible remedy. , Apply l at dlnntod, and a r Uac ruin la very lottano. 1 n '. . Ton tritu ao longer with th Wy werthleat LlnU mnt offered to yoa. Obtoia a tapply l jB,.MLean' celebrated Liniment. It will own yoa. , ...i . . v J.H. ncLKAN.BoUPreprtotoT, Ooraer of Third and Fin BtreeU, Bl. Loala, Mo. or ab b ail dranteto. ' " forwreby -j BOBBBJB BAMUBL. Bugwaawxy jo-' ,.Oolnmbu. Ohio. 1 : ITORAK-COM AND U .;. i-H ,d L rii I precltely wtut It naxwa. ladlaxka, for, whll. IZJnleaaant to th toil. It la revivifying, txhlkral' iia. torlroratiaii and ttnugthauiog to the vlull lr.nwera.and at tha tomk.tim rertvta, tela tv .lite, and renew raa-Btood la ail It purttp. and I .A an J . Mifar. tfta air.f.ra eat- t iculntrabU to affaovto o(fia(. It U the onlyj preparation ever offered to tna world, ao cnemi-i call ami iklllfullr rctnbtn atM at mott H WweKul tenia, and at lb urn w ywrtvotlyi Ujlari af aaUire, and bene will tooth. IA tfaaAwj JJ lau1aafkaVK IHl aBAl rii BaRf. an BlaBBIiait BigaiiiiB iniw Wflaau IxfonvioA, and lone up in aigteuvw eryanra.u Qio. a lavall narrout BOW oioar uvrenxraa in .rii.Miln.. a. U tae axm liaa It It com noted entirely of vegetable, yt o comblnedl H M 10 prooaoatn moeiuioivugu . " r nut nr.iurirte an r iniunone wain".w, vmw, a aatv haaiona been ttU lobe a itattdtratam Inl Lh. ii.i for it need! ao medUalaklU to laet thatdaWJIty follow all attaek.ef diaeaw. and If lO.luioueavuMja. v, -.-"j - - 7 for example, aa the following: Ooniuxaattoaii in- Lllmln. D.euaoaU. IjOt or appwiia. aailiiia i ... L-'-r-' -fj.l..,...l rJ IkJ Mervoua rriiawiny,neTa.(,a.i.-- -1 Heart, M.unoholy, Night Bwtatt, Unguo. GHdl- uJT..,h. . taa trmat Menetruattoa, and fall' n.M iiaiantioa bi. aa well bb ran... n.i m, Hog of ktm, rrocuh anawe .Kr.. i.hiutw. Thl nan. hwaltby. lobit Oordlal aadi J Ulood jtonpvator it aa turw w .... mm . . rlw arid wt.. ' Tbrto ho avUUk akoat It. uBat thig I BstaUw Al thayaUm I weakened, w an . - - 3: . . n ... , ipea to ouuiue bii., w-w ...... " T . : ehe idnav. nfn to awiform Uwlr fuucUana, nd w an troubled with ctUUng a 0 0 ..j i.niinanna af urlna. or Invoruntary ait l Li.... -1 .K. neia t the back. idaad be- l;'r.k..,l,l.rJ7,.-.nln.i lltbl tO lllgbdl l IIWajTaSB Wiy fuvBiwi " "-v , .7- I 'fcoW,wmgh,wa.r aaBaa, e . foetowa, aud to pueni gow uowu w a p. I . w u... L. ...i .iinw. wa ta en am era! e '."'il--.. 1:.11 llabi lattwil L.diiloB of th avttem. But we will eay,in thU klordlal aad Blood henovator yen be fwawet. bafg, ptoataat and Beetual wn4j fog teat r 9 Hieh,Laagnor; ur OomplaiuhhUtoandj A ....ui 1 f aa Ml InUfiflMA BT IAVLB1 ITU1UJ. tt taaa (' rvr, or ny niiieu attack, uu'""H,D"TTi. r it,. M ii.m. .1 n. mervonanaaa. erewrwiew,...r'". iku..liL.u- n..w,a ai bnnii. aorw, n i..U nn U.. U.-. a. an. dl.IaW rUU0g fnm VI apuri blood, tucb aa Barofalh, ryalpaiaa,Brou J1 ibitto. uoaau, dluiauKy at u raauimg, a..a.. , , AUlaw of diaeaae called female weakotw, and rt UkatorbMiavvaa W wilt tlw toy th traveler U Ltv.naed xo enirlmlaa. nhanre or BlimAta and WBW k.Uud ntn old, vr tnvel withouLj J'd5 Wlry It, for w euun yoa you will find la It a friend t .ir, will Bill HB pietwnx, wiw wiw 1 naiideed.aewallaaar.iaadia.BaMl. 1AII Wrnol ..AaaA AAeaall J I amaaJ 1 All aammWammalBI Oil P unwy! HUrary ganUaaMand Udlra who r aoll . aoeuatemed to mucbouldooraxaiwiavwtal tad lUrj u their wdrautog. I heahotUontonlly oal j" I-. Abl am Ultbrt. rt ikiD4eea moUif'l orJilf Tr ifjOW IM rwliawwgk akiifi ntAai tlamhlB amnriALiilfai 1 .J .... t.Mr,U,,l mjI UlrnA IMMV..IT. ' ' Fl , O. i. WO(ID,prnprlotiir,,0 Broad-ay, IT' ri?brk.anfl lit Market fitival. ua. k-o-1 aao AlgtoWfy aVOBSBi'B A B ANUVI'i Oolumwxt, tmm, ,Cd all Igood' fcrM..i.i -pr.rfiH,.i'l)llai Hpr Rottl. ti.,J .j aaai.flaSwwly WATT n 1'."'-,! irrtitBaH paJraaeVef BTATiOt V 4. JlWBLBtHat prion aue-tiiinl lea. Uia aao be pnralwd ttaewban 0.11 oa eva-UrM (.mmw atod d,lf lM j - wa - Qeaettt., "' ' aaaroa ao.uaa. , At H '' fit A 'UttNNKTiir EI '' y I .aaul kaWOUAJnArtW Tarl haiil . - . ' tu tan .8)3 f Ly v.T.!!lii,,Wl. ,t