Newspaper Page Text
r s-' j . ... TSirk ra,,-,.Wi..;V''v' '""''' " vTl" - v ---' - -- f sy-Vf - - V . , - - ;.; VOL. VIII. NO 114; :NEW::,SERIES. : COLUMBUSi. OHIO; TUESDAY .MORNING; OCT.-22i" 1861; .1 IX DOLLARS TUt TUB, uTanabijia Adraacf.r D ULY. TRI-WEltLY A2JD MANYPENNY & MILLER, PUBLISH) B8 ARB FROPBIXTOBS. !U Office Mot. 88, 81 MA 40, HortB High It TERM8 INVARIABLE IN ADVAHOB, oiw '. "... . it IB 00 per year. " By the Carrier, per wmk, 1SU Mnta. MDU.. . , Irl-WfiaUT - - " " ' 8 00 pry Mr, Weekly, "'.' s .: 1 oo ( cruia " AtlverUelne; by Ike Bqnare. uesiiuare I jreai.. . B20 00 'Jim " t inor.the 1H 0U jne " ' II months IS 00 Jne " 3 months 10 00 Jne 1 months 8 01) nc " I month. S 00 One square 3 weeki..1 00 Out' B weeks., 3 00 One 11 lweek... 1 71 One " ' 3 days... i 00 One " 8 days... One 1 Insertion lt. laye J advsrtlifments belt Bore then toe ebon te. , .. Advertisements leaded end placed In the rl"lll of Bneclal Notices," doubt th ordinary rat u. All mitlcea required to be pnbllihed by law, legal rate. I ' ordered on the Inside exclusively after the Bret week per roni more than the above ratea; bat ell enok wil e,in.-r In the Trl-Weekty wlthont charge. . ....... UiuiriMiCardi, not exceeding five lines, per year, In el In, 8'-' 50 per line; outside f. . NoMces ofWcllugs.charl tables ocle lies, Irs eoupeatee, kc, half price. - ! 1 A'l tratitifnt adtertlumtnU mutt I paidor in .! TM rule will not be varied from. Weekly, nm -priee ae the DalUr atheie abe a4Tertlaet. j.HIic Weekly alonei Where 'tie Daily aad Weekly are hnth tided, then the charge Iff the Weekly, will be th mleeof the Ually , .' . No adrertlieuieut taken except for a definite period,!-. BUSINESS CARDS. F. A. B. 8IMKIH8, ' Attorney vt XjO."W AND NOTARY PUBLIC. -i- - llfine Aiuboi Bulldlnit, oppoelle Oepitel tqoue.' ' , ; COLTJMBD8, OHIO; a. osxionisriu, Attorney & Counsellor at Law, MARION, OHIO. Wacliine Manufacturing Company, i) a o o o o e i u o.ii j v o a , MaNuracTOMU aw. .... ,. STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS. Caetlnje, Mlll Oetrlng, Meenlnery. ALIO llrillroMca. . or iTiir Diaxnurnow. ' VOi.VmHVH, OHIO. OIIA8. AM BOB, gap't . f . AH BOB, Trees., deoll, IhjH-tf ..j " i 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements.—Time Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I li.ISxx RAILROAD. Connecting at Crestline with the PITTSBURGH, fT WAYNK k. CDI0AOO EAILBOAD For Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Mainmort. Alto for Fort Waynt and Chicago. Connecting at Cleveland with the LAKB BIIORI BAIL ROAD For Dnnlilrk, Bnffalo, Albany, Be len, and New Xork THREE TRAINS DAILY, KXCEPT BUNDAT, - ' From Colamtne, In connection with Trains on the l.rnXK MIAMI AND COLUMBUS AND XUN1A UAILROAUS. FIRST TBAIS. , ., , , .. NIGHT EXPRE38. Leaves Columbus at 3.40 A.M j will Irare passengers at all stations aoneh of Oallun, stop at Delaeare, Ashley, Oardlngton and Ollead, and at allstationa north of Gallon, arriving at Cleveland at0:0u A. U., Dunkirk 3:00 P. M., Buffalo 4:94 P. M. Albany S .20 A. M., New York 8:35 A. at.. Boston 9:30 P. M , Pltuburgh via Crestline S:S0 P. H , Phlladeh his 5: 10 A.M. Chicago vie Crestline at 7l)0 P. M. BI00ND TRAIN. MW T0BK IXPRB85 Leaves Oolumhue at 11: 1U a. m. Will slop at Lewis Centra, (for White Sulphur Springs), Delaware, Uardlngten, Uallon. Crestline, ahel' by. New London, Wellington and Grafton, arrive at Cleveland at 3:33 p. sa.l Dunkirk. 8:SO D. m.l Buf falo. I0:l!5 p. m : Albany, 8:45 a. m.i New Yoik, 1:45 p.m.; Ikstoo, 4:40 p. at. This Train eonneetaat SLel- ey for, and at OJafton for Toledo, arriving at Toirue ai omu p. m. THIRD TRAIN. MAIL AND ACCOMMODATION Learea Columbus at V.30 p. m. Will stop at all stations South of Shelby, and at New London, Wellington, draftee, and Berea; arriving at Cleveland at r:30 p. m. Dun klik, 8:00a. .; Buffalo, 3:S0a m.j Albany, 9iM p.m. NewYoik, 7:20 p. Boston, 11:44 p. as. Plttsbargb via Crettllne, at 11:43 p. m.: Philadelphia. 1:W a. m. Chicago, via Crettllne, 0:4J a. m. This Train connects at thelby for Sandusky and Toledo, errlrlog at Toledo at a:oa p. ro. , -j , Patent 81eepingr Can are ran on all Night Trains to Chicago, Sew . York and Boston. Baggngt Ohteked Through to Xt Tori dnd Botton via wtrtianaj auo, w t-Auaaupnta ana Stv XorkviaOrttUtn. , . RETURNING. Nlihtlmrets arrives atColembua at. ..11.15 P. M CUicinnall txprets arrlree at Oolumbat at 10: W A. M. Accommodation Bxprese arrives at CcUmbus at 7 "' ' JDWe Alk for TUheUmia CrtHUnetr ClneUni. B.B.FLINT, J" Superintendent, Olevelane), Ohio. . iAMKB rAIXBKBUH, Agent, . Colombus, Ohio Colnmbui, June 17, leoi. -:' .'.: - A A II F. CII OUEEIf an BLACK 1UUTKA8 100 begs prime Ble Ooaee. .... . I . . I J TM.t. lM.M.nM., 1... CaSm t A tan eWvasn Coffee. ' -J 8 OO bbls. standard WblU Sagars, eeasletlng of Peiri dred, Obrushed, Granulated A ana a oohm, SO quintals George Bank Oodflth. , alObbl. Mete and No. 1 Mackerel.-'- '- -ft tee. Pick Salmon- i . ,,.!. j' O 1 00 bx . Layer Baialnt. ftO hf. box do do . . do de lt ' ' 100 U Cigars, different brands ead evades, novlfl . . WM. at DONALD. , 'liCfir 1 "-' ' Me LI LUCY . :u i Ana - Bianx-ijoo jaanuantnrere-j ; KOKTH KQH 8TBXR, COltnOTJI, 0Bl6 rll-dl Ked,;TCtMd,Biie-;; -rNVLAUVKH. NECK 1IE3. Jnst opened by re vr uhtVsl t, ..( I . r 1 r ' t' J sun mm wva, bpiW t i, ... aw ,r.ewathBlghe1rj. A HEW nOOPBIlIUXe,. ,,,,,,, owl w bo. lonrn HIOH SIBBBT." f ae it 1... xtn4 a aW Inake ef ' BTOp; SUlITB Salahed la t mao&ef tar fuperloif te any yetUodupe 'DURABILITY' ANiiORACEroif ESS. f1l ll.',V WOROESTER'S 1 ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY. : ' anaae ( f, t The latestThe largest Tie , Beit, i The Cheapest Beoause the Best. .,: , . i; i ... mmiim'.i:.r i.ll ' ! "The Moat IteUavbJU Mandard; A therlty f the Englleb l.ang-unge," ilim Bundrtd Eminent Educator! of Ohio, "THK BXST INQLI8H DI0TIOKABT JXTANT." ! ' :,.,,. ,,..afit Mt XewryitMwi. "Heie are upwards of Hundred .Thousand Words, whose mulUfarioos meenlnge and derivations, torether with their correct spelling, and pronunciation are clearly before the eye.' I. . .' .; - , ,-.,. Cincinnati Ommercial. u . f ) II - ' - .... x Stad tht DecUiont of tho Htmbtrt of tht OMo Btatt i . jtacntrt Auooianon. r( the undersigned, members of the Ohio Biate Teachers' Aseoolatlon, adopt and elm .to use in teaching, writing end speak ine, the orthography end pronunciation of Worcester's llovel Quarto Dictionary, and we most eo dlally recommend It as the most reliable standard au thority of the Bnglish language, as It ie now written end Spoken. i,-..,f 1 Lome Ardkiwi, President Kenyon College. . . M. D. Laoerrr, Buperlntendeat Zanesrtlle Scheols Thos. W. H.arrr, gup't Maul Ion Union Schools. M . 1. Oowdbst, Bup't Public Behonls, Basdusky. " Jon Ltkch. Bnn't Publlo Schools. Oirolevllle. B.N. Binroap, Principal OleTcland Female Semina ry. ...... 1 TfM. MrreanLL. Rnn't Pnhlli- Brhnnl.. Mt. Union.. . mlm. Qnr rrlnaspgl llel Sormsi School) Uiaee- wvm Otedi NiSOK, Principal Fourth Intermediate School) viDcinnati. i U.S. Martir, Bnp't Canton Union Bchools. Bowie Hasan, Principal MeNeely Normal Bohool. i Xu T. TArrm, Prof. Mathematics, Ohio University. Wat. W. BowaeDS, Bup't Troy Union School. A. O. BoriiHS. Prlnolpal Wasti High School, Oleve land. 8. A. NokTOK, Associate Prlneipel High School, Olere- lena. . - - InaoDOM Btuudo, Prlnelpai nigh School, Oleve lend. B. w , HnHiiToa, Principal Cleveland Institute. t. A. UARrino, rrssKient oi sieouo institute, ni Mm. ...... W. Jj. Hikkis.Frof. of Chemistry. Ohio Wesleyan Unlveraltv. ...;! 1 , H. H. Baskst, Ix-Cemmlsslonar of Common Schools, vnio. . , jAwae Momnw, rrof. Bhetorte, Oherlln College Tau. Hiu PfMlrint Antliwh flMieee. -' '. O. W. H. CaTHOamf, Prof. Mathetnatlce, Hlgb School, Dayton. - , 81 O. CabMSACsai. Prof. Lent nan.. Hlzb Seheol. Day ton. 8, M. BiKiem, Bnp't Union Schools, Ashland, Mart than Sim Bundrtd othtr Praidmtl of Coll gttt Proftttori, AutKorl and Ditlingulthtd Educa tor, Aavt tnaortta tnt aoovt ttnitmtm, I PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES IN QUIO. HAKinrVA OoLkeaa "It la tiraly e maimineent work, an honor to the author, the publishers, and the whole eounvy."iTexvlrnt Andrews. Ome WanurrawUiiTvnsiTr.'It exceed! my expecta tions. It will be sur tuide In orthoeranb andpronae- elation, and will often be consulted by sn lot IK neat and accurate definition." President Thompson. W. B. Xcucrno Cotxneew "Heretofore we have weed Webster' orthography. At a recent meeting of our waa decided to chant e it to conform to that of Worcester's Royal Quarto Dictionary." President Garfield.. , . , ., . fkrmi llanvi ColLtoe. "I find It worthy of oordial approbation." President ilitcboock 1 OtntLii Ootue. "It note than wieets ay expecta' tlone. I reooaimend it' ae the standard authority k orthoepy te my children and my pupils. Morgan. - - ' ' Ahtbcsi OotLes. "I adopt and aba to nee In teach ing, wnaog an speaking, ueonnegntpny ana pronun ciaUenot Worcester's Moyel .(iaarto Dictionary.'' President Bill, 'H'- ' "In all an writlne. soeaklnw. and teaohler, I have en. dears red to conform to tlie rulee for orthography and pronunciation as contained In Worcester's Dictionary." uoree nann, late rreaweni. Kamroa G.asint. ! most eordlally rtoom- mond Itaa the moot sellable standard aatnorlt of the Ingllsk hugoage ae it Is now written and jpoken." Presldent Andrews. ' ' ' SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS OF 6m6. Prtm B. Anton SmvtA, Oomnittiontr of Ommoa Tie THrtlnnar Is an Imnerlahshle monument t to me learning and Industry of Its author, end an honor to the world of letters. The mechanical execution is tar aupe rior to Out of any other Lexicon with which I em ac quainted." , - , . From Bon. B. B. Barney. S&aminuHontr oj ticAooU in onto. "The most sellable standard authority ef the lan. gunge." i- . . ... i ' i ; 1 I , WHAT TBI . -i, Leading Newspaper of Ohio Say Jrom tht CUntiand Eerald of March S3. The Arthnrranhv of the WoTcester Dictionary le thai nrf hw mnat. if not all. authors ol distinction in ints country and Bngland, and eonforme to the general usage : ordinary writere ana sneezers. 1 Whitim nrelndioaa ma have existed previously, careful study of this volume will invariably be followed bye wane appreciation of Us gnat merits, and a desire to add it to lie well selected library, be it large of email, I library In itself, and will remain an impcrisna- ble renor of the learning of ueeosapilesv . Jrom tht OneinnMOmmtrcialof AprttiO.r. Here are upwards ot a hundred thousand words good, bad and indifferent whose multifarious meanings ens) derivations, together with their correot spelling end prov nanelation, are set clearly before the eye. The work unquestionably the greatest Thesaurus of English, Words ever pabiuaea. , . i i. -.. l , JromihtOltvtiand PlainitaUr of Sept. V, 1860 Bvldtntly Wokcxem's BotaL Qoakto DiorioxanVM not only th latt, buttfotm work, oftAtlami ws it sued, and can by ne possibUlty euilsr by eomparlseb eontroTersy. ; ".. t. ...r.i i.. ,: ' UA-ar ,:- ' ', rows tht TUtdo Blad of May 29 ';'; As te reowuncuTtoit, Wotctsrea is ths BTAXnaxa followed by our best authors! In definitions be leaves nothing te be desired, and In OxTHOammT U if sufflcient to eey that Woacnrxa can ue aaieiy louowea. ,, ., , .1 IN O HAITI BBAOCi Pnbllehere, Bookseller ctBtatlorfere, NO jlSl BUPKBIOR BT., CLBVBJ.AND. OHIO.. - TUB MUTUAL , BENEFIT :--i I . j. ., . ..,. iIEEINSlTRlNCECOMPANr, .-..k: V., Of'f-vA';, DirUemdJonaary i,l86lt45PrCent. ABBBTS..tri. .eilSIM - - BtAtenacBi Janry i, iseis Balance, per eteieeaentJea. 1st, J860,;.?,4fl,5 inlMl fn. PMmluaM dut- ' - log tne jeer toi w . a , Becelyed lor Interest during k . , 1 tne jrear tew J1 AlSiX Total recelola for I860. ...1977.067 74 Paid 0 lalras by Death(ttO,0S0 J 1 mi x-M ronclee surren-, . , J, I f a I Aarcd. 41,111 W Paid Balariea, f ott',,. ,.;.. rjl.i.-M.'S it il in i ag, Taxes, , X- , ,.M .1. il ehaaee. etc.... al.oSO 34 , ,. ,...: ad! .tl 4 !'1 Paid Ooeulsslona to Agents 81,J95 30 Paid Physl elans' fres- S Boa 75 ,1V. 0 PatdAaeulUee.... 1,517 00, i-rhi wiviuaiMw aur- Tf i i tog the year 160,300 73 303,001 83 411,11711 i Not Beleaoe .Toaaaty las, 1W1 ;3,8IS,538 p r AISXTS lt -. Caakoa cand...., .nrmr-Mm ie- knaeaMsungeaaaWa(ta.(. ,t, 'state, worth Jouela tb jl M amoans iMnea ,' rami use Notee, en Polielee' eent. Interest.. ......... 1,970,864 17 tmi Astaie...... .......... xu.Kiij g7 rt Loeee on Scrip &,W1 44. 1 Premiums, Motes and Cash, in . eoaree o aran amiss wo. a. ,jh OiJ.-l I ' TtBTS tj olleiee la force, Insuring.. M..Jh88638 J.43J pew policies have aeea snaea daring ne year. " -anr Wsanful ealoulatlea ef the present value of eulsttndlng PoUeleeeaJ Ihs Oosapaay. end having asoessiiry amount In reserve therefor, the Directors hewedeeiarede Pivtpasntef 43 per sent, en Uaa ma tld al tka table raise, te ell pelleted for life la lesaed prior te January 1, KW0, payable eooordlng te present rale ef the Company. i f -tuuahe .1 1 kinAiaf Lite Oontlnaenelee. Prospeet. SUtraenta. aad Applications. eei furnished . . A .1, . .1 us tt iw. nvB0B. P.PimBSOfreeHeit. ""'L. O. DROVER. Vice President. jol-'efl liJHW 0. MILLER, Secretary, trarth33,l6jaCOD aoua, rlfcAlN NI FIGURED ..BLACK OKSSl BTMCSi et ivory graddThe' most t la the eltj, -Si4 a4anereewoe,.tre ntne. , . . . . , ..BAtN aBON,t,,l. W . el I ; ' e , js or - . . M, ap i 1 Y'tw: :i . 14 W . the the Premlr force. the 1 select - !inmsof"lv"la wee pees eve. ; . '' ', ' ' .'. ;"'- .. ... ' ,- Ayer sarsaDarilla A comrjound remedy, effectual Alterative that can be made.. It is i . i i a . er. c . ; concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparjllo, combined with 'other substances ' of Btill neater alterative Dower as to afford an effec tive antidote for the' (Uncases Sarsapariiia ie repuieu 10 cure. 11 a ueuevcu ui ui rdmedv ia wanted bv those whoi auffur ' from o. 1. . .) .... ...1. : ..v. . ; 1 1 acomrjligh their cure must crovo of immense kfirvice to this larce class of our afflicted fellow- citizens. ; How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many 01 uie worse caeca w w auuu u. iue luuuivmg 'complaints : . j-j 1 JScilOFCLA AND ScROPulOVS COMPLAINTS, Eruptions and Ervptivb Diseases, Ulcers, Pimples, Blotombs.'Tomors, Salt Kiieuji, Scald Head. Syphilis and bYPHiLiTio ap- FtcTioNS, Mercurial Dxsbase, Dropsy, Neu raloia ob Tio DouLOUitBux, Dbuility, Dys PtFsiA and Indigestion, Erysipelas, Eosb or Bt. Anthony s Firb, and inaeea tno vnoie cUtSS bf complaints ajasintZLrWli IjipURITX OB ,,, TJrnnn . mi - ; o: L 4: I. t iThis compound will B6rtund a great pro- moter Of health, When taken In tho spring, to expel the foul .humors which .fester in. the blood at that season of the year, ltythetime- 1 expulsion Of them many Tanklirig disordftrs are nipped in tlie Dua. MulUtuues can, pj this nld of trilS Yrmriy, SpaTe themselves from tlie endurance of foul eruptions -and ulcerous sores; thtpugh which tha mtsm will strive to rid ItseU Ot corruptions, U nor, nssisicuio uo desimea to be the most this tniOUgtl th natural ClUUineiS OI tno DOay an Marf,T,a Tnerlloliin. Clfansri out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when yon find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tall you wlion.' Even where no particular disorder 1 r i 1 I 1.1. 1 1- . 18 iuh, people ciijuy ueiier iicuuu, unu ai.w longer, for cleansing 'the .blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, thero can bo no fasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, ana tne great masninery ot Jifa is disordered or overthrown. Sarsapariiia has, and deserves much, tho reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly, because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but moro because many preparations, SStlut or nnv tliinz else, During late years tlie public havo been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsapariiia for one dollar. Most Of jtheso have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilln, but often no curative properties whatev er. Jlerrcc, Ditter nno painiui utsappomtmeni cr.i aierrcc, Diner um psuuui uuujiijuuiuuvu. has followed the use of tho various extracts Sarsapariiia which flood tho market, until the nnitie itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still wccalLtlus compound Sarsapariiia, nnd intend tp Supply such a remedy as shall 'rescue the namo trom the load of obloquy which rests . a t . i .1 r . believing it has virtues which oro irresistible bv the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their completo eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. ' i .t . :- -'.'-ntEPARBD BY ' DB. Jt C. AYEIt k CO. i LOWELli,1 mass;:ci Price, fl per Bottle tSlx Bottle tor $3. flyer's Cherry Pectoral his Won for itself such a renown for the Cure of e.vcry variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality ia kept up to the best it ever has been, and. that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. (' . . . . . h Ayer's ' Cathartic Pills, - . . run xajs ur - - Costivenets. Jaundice. Dusnensia. Indiaestion. Dyteixttry, JToiU Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Pilti, Rheumatism, Ertiptions and Skin Diseases, Ii'tw Complaint, Drops;, Tetter, Tumors mill Salt 'liheum, Worms, Gout, . Keuraluia,- as a Dinner Pill, and for Pmifiitvftht Blood. ' , ' They are sugar-coated, so tlint thej most sensi tive can tako them pleasantly, and they aro tlie best aperient in the world for alf the purposes of a family physic. 1 ,: Price 25 cents per Sox ; Five boxes for $1.00. ,. OrsntnumbersofClergyirrcn, Physicians, States men, ana eminent personages, nave tent tnnir names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but eur' space here wiU ttot permit tho Insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish ptratie our American Almanac in which they are given with also full descriptions of the alxtve complaint, and the) treatment that should be ful- towecuor their cure. . . Do not bo put off by unprincipled dealers with other , preparations they make mora profit on. Demand AYBR'a, ana take no others, l no sick want the beat aid there is for them, and they should have it. ' . '.'.'.'"'..., , i AU Our remedies-are for salo by I ROBERTS ok SAMUEL, Columbus. And by Druggists sad Dealers everywhere, i,: ; . nov:lid.lww CAN AWiH & UHTTED STATES MAIL 'y-f STEAMERS -.t.i-r t J 'f O AND Fit HI : i LONDONDERRY : GLASGOW,' ""Liverpool, Montreal, Quebec, The Montreal Ocean Steaaashlp Ceenpwny's Srst-clase rii.Mnd oivds-hulit Steamers sail orery Nat. etrsfar from PORTLAND, carrying the Canadian and United Btatee Mall ana passengers, NORWEGIAN. - - NORTIl AMERI0AN, BOHEMIAN, ' " ANGLO-SAXON, NORTH BRITON, HIBERNIAN, 1 CANADIAN, . ,.. C B0VA800TIAN.M Nhorteat, Clieapeat andlulckcatCon . . j , veraute arossa 1 ,' AMERICA TO ALL PABTS OP ETTBOPK. "J . late ot PtMBage o Europe, ' ' S3o, me, so. Will sail from LIVERPOOL orejrr ldneBday, end trors QUKBHO owory datuvday, ealllogat LONDONDjiURY, to receive on ooaroana iano nails Passengers, to and from Ireland and Scotland. TTT'Ihese Steamers are built of iron, In watertight compartments, earry each an experienced Surgeon, every etsonuon ie paiu h, ui. iwnur, uu n-wuiunmi- tfon or peseengere. e wiey pnmtw ,v uvhjfv" DBUY, the great risk ant delay or calling at Bt. John's la avoided. ' "" Glasgow passengers are tarnished with ran paamgl tickets to and from Londonderry. Return tickets granted at reaucea raws. . -' Oertilloatee Issued for carrying to and bringing out pas sengers from all the principal towns ef Great Britain Ire and, et teeuoea rawe, iwuu.nuv 01 nn, by the WASHINGTON LINE OF BAILING PACKETS, leaving iiivarpooi every n-r . Jlprht Draft for xi ana apiwara pay Able In linerland, Ireland, Nco-,,.; u i land or Walee. l.t nyn,l 'knale at the'OnW. 8.1 HHOAIf. WAV, New Vork, aad IB VATKIl M'A'., Liverpool, K., , ., ? n . r-arr't.'K' 1 IABXL BEAELS, General AgnuK 0xto4 J. R. ARMSTRONC. ' aolO-lydkw Post Office, Columbus, Ohio.- i f rr 1 wv-a, MSUVlllHSHi 1 fll ATI3! Till AT ADIMIXTED A. eon jambs apsMsh bain as partner In my, which will bet after be eonduoted ender the Of Bala at Bon. P. BAIN, SV South High Bt, Oolumhue, Is IS, SBlt , 1. : , . " fsblS (lata ef rtmloa'S BetabUahaenls BTJ T.i) PAprleMre the New Tec FasMonebie Shavins . ' Balr flutiln. gbrnlrig,Oarllntalhaaalooa, Bast 1 nnM " 'I -pttuiKlws I Be given. -va n:u ou eraaobe.. - Liie , Summer Arrangement. Little Miami Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. H Hamilton, arriving t Cincinnati at 5."S a. m. ; Ht Day KJ ton -at 2.55 a. m.i cnnecllog at Olucinoatl with Ihs For Cincinnati, Dayton ft Indianapolis! Through to Indianapolis witlioat Change of Car nrl but One Chance of Cars between ',' , iwumpus aua ot.LiOuie ,,,, v j..y ... , ,r-j rxp Our IrainS Daily from iColumDUS. FIRST TRAIN. AOOOMMODATIOITat 9 a. m., stopping at all sta tions between Columbus and Cincinnati and Dayton, ar riving at Cincinnati at 10(13 a. ., and at Davtoa at 8.10 a. m., connecting at Dayton for Indianapolis, aid the West. . ,T liVAliV. ' No. 1 EXPRESS at 11.40a. m. jstopplBgntJstTersoa, Loudon, Charleston, Cedarvllle, Xenla, Bpring Valley, Oorwln. Vfirt Anlnt. Un.m. Ut. I.lannn. Foster's, Loveland and Milford, arriving at Cincinnati at 4.30 p. m,, Dayton at 8.45 p. m., oonnectlnt with the cennes, Cairo, Bt. Louis, NtwOrlrsns, etc: at Dayton for Indianapolis, Lafayette, Terra Haute, Chicago and U Western points. j r r - THIRD TRAIN.- f'.'"J , MAti,a't9.IOp. m , stopping at all sutioni l etween Columbus end Xenla, and at Spring V.lliy, O rwiu, Morrow and Lovelaod, arriving atOiuclniiali at 9 j. m, , FOURTH TRIN ' bxpbfjs. vis Dtftm'.t'iBi midiight. .topping at London, Xenia, Dayton, MiodUtown and Ohloar.d Mississippi Railroad lor Louisville, Eransvllle, Vlncennes, Cairo, St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans, and all points Bouth. and Boulh-west; also, at Dayton for Indianapolis, Lafayette, Xerre ilaute, Chicago, eto YCf tot further Information and Through Tickets, apply to At. L. DOIIKHTY, Ticket Agent. Union Depot, Columbus. , P. W. BTRADEB, ( General Ticket Agent, Cinclntatl. JNO. W. DOUERTr, Agent, Columbus, I E. W. WOODWARD, Huperint'-ndent, Cincinnati. . Columbus July It, 1EG1 . RAILROADS. EAST. CENTRAL OHIO AND AND Steubenville Short Line RAILROADS COMBINED! . miiatim o r 1 1 T f ' ofJBALTlWORE ci OHIU, BtJilioCtWCji CONNECTING AT UELLAIRB WITH TnB I AND AT PITTSBURGH WITH TUB . PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL i EAILEOAD: FORMING THB ' Shortest, Quickest & Most Reliable Route to all Eastern1 Cities ! ' " , and nul. f BIT bust see, Una t State .Will' : Train Leave Columbus as follows : -MORNING EXPRESS Leaves Columbus 3.30 A.M. from Union Depot, via Uellalre or Bteubenvlile: arrives at Bcllairs, iu.ku A M.i Bteubenville. 12. SO P. M.: Pittsbunb.3.40 P. M. Harrlsburg, 1.10 A. M.: via AUtntvutn, arrives at New York B.00 A. M.J via Philadelphia, Arrives et Phila delphia, 5.10 A. M.; Naw YorkvJO.30 A. M. UonneoU also at Harr lsburg for Baltimore, arriving at 7.43 a. M. Bleeping Cars attached to this Train Froln Columbus, 'ran directly through to Bellalrd or Pittsburgh wtuiout cnnge? aou rnewngers via Alien town arrive In new xorkai o A. at., irTTWO HOURS IN ADVANCE OJ NORTHERN LINUS. This Train also uoonccts at Bellaire with the B ikimore and Ohio Railroad ' "' PITTSBURGH KXPEES3. Leaves Columbus 11 S3 A. M , from Bnion Depot, vis Bteubenville; arrives at Newark, li 30 P. M.: Coshoc ton, It.lS P. M.; Bteubenville, HP, M.i Pittsburg, B.40 P. M.' ITPrhis Is tlieonly route by which Passengers can leave Cincinnati at 7 A. M., go through to Pitts burgh In daylight, without change of cars or delay. 1 FAST LINE. Leaves Columbus 2.15 F. M., from Union Depot, via Bellaire: arrives at Newark, H 23 P. M.J Zanesvtlle, 4 33 P. M.J Bellatre.7.55 P. M.; Pittsburgh, 11. S3 P. M.; Harrlsburg, 0.00 A. M.j Ha AUentoum. arrives at New York, 4 P. M ; Philadelphia, arrives Pblladelihia, 1.10 P. M.j New York, tt P. M, This Trsin also connects at Uarrlsbnri: tor Baltimore, ar riving at JP. M. Tbis Train runs tnrongn to Bellaire or t'lttsonrgwitn out change of Carsl and from Pittsburg there Is - no change of Oars to Philadelphia, or via Allentown New York thus offer in g The only Route from Columbus to Baltimore, Philadelphia, or New York, with only ; ,s oue change of Cars, ....,. -, -v By this Train Passengers arrive in New Toik Bvs hrtun In advance of the Northern lines. This Train also connects at Bellaire with the Baltimore andOhloK.B. ...,(, ILTTuis Route is 30 miles shorter to Pittsburg, and more tbsn luu mi lea shorter to : .New York, thao Northern Lines. - Baggage Checked Through to all ini' i ' portant roints jiait. i ABE FOB TICKETS VIA BELLAIRE OR BTEUBENVILLE. I Tickets Good, over cither Uonte, JNO. W, BBOWN, Gen. Ticket Agent Central Ohio R. B. I. A. HUTCHINSON, Gen. Ticke t Agent Bteubeuvll le Short Line. JelO GUERNSEY'S . BALM! . niirrtkiArw'iri niitfe ' UUCNUdCrd DALI.l TEMOVES''rIf - PREVBNTS 1 N- Xti Sammation end train, and heals the worst burn, scald, bruise, cut or fresh wound of any kindrr-vevents swelling and pain from bee etinga, mosquito bites. poisonous plants, neuralgia, theumatlsm, ague In breast, salt rheum, ete. IV hen taken inlernally, tt positively cure croup la children, end glvee Immediate rellellntne worst east 01 wis wmoio eompiaiuH- nt. removes hoarseness and sore throat. Price, S3 eeatsn bottle. Bhould be In eve nhoase. For role by Drug gists end Btorekeopere. laiia suna, Bole Proprietor, N ' Spruce it , Be York eetfdsawlylS No real Justice can be done' the above preparations but bv nroourinf end reading descriptive pamphlets be fonnd with all dealers, or will be sent by Proprietor an demand.. Formulas and Trial Bottles sent to Physi sites, who will And development! In both worthy acceptance ana approval.- - 1 Correspondence solicited from all whose necessities curiosity prompts to a trial 01 uie aoova rcuaoie noma dlea. t I - - eyerywhero Fee tale by the usual wnoiesaie ana retail aeaier ijomej ir la Sj iv r. Tt jr. rrvprieiv CHEMIST AND PBAksl ACtOTlrrr, '' ' " AO, tt unamereias w itan, ousiua, ush Roberts It Samuel, N. B. Marple, J B. Cook, t. Denlg, U. Denig A Sons, A. J, Bchueller A Son, AgepU lor Onlerehus. ( unia. . mvl-dly pEMTLKIIlE.1 S . I UUNIMI?IC Novelties in Neck Ties and Scarfs. . . ! " Bvron and Garrote Collars. t S'u 1 - es Embroidered Pocket Handkerchiefs Paris Kid Gloves, superleTwnke.'. 1 1 ;' i . Golden Hill ghlrte, varlone stelae. 1 - ' 1 Boys Golden 11111 Shlrta, do ! Drlvlhg and Street Gloves, do U.IS IIm, .ml fjna.r tlariMBtafe w S - p,..-, BAIN mm. BON. arrllS I J li ft f3 .' Nel W Seatk High street. 40 5r, rJut resWirea si B4BRBLS OLD MONONOABXLs) ,! t . do.. BOUBBUM. , 1 . ssd for Sale low for cash, try an' to I LACBLLSl HOSS IB CO., I SSI Soath High street, Colambul ft lit). il II ly , per ear. ' " ' : : ' i i . .1 . '. ft 00 .. 3 00 ,. 1 00 ia-weekly, pet Aar. .... ............ H'ookly, per yeai f... ......., "'''' v""" mil A SCOUT'S ADVENTURE. to t Sad the will We bad' reached the entranoa of a imrrn pais which led through, gome rugged bills.. Our party tras but small, but its meinbere were) de termined meo,'uooe of whom were novioes ia BCaues of danger. . We marched in silaoce, thai was broken ouly by ths murmured whispers of ths men, the cries and fluttering ot birds, or the quick plunge of some small ealmul through the thick loliage, which, from the very edge of tbe we were pursuing, fpreaa amid lofty trees tbiuly scattered on tbe hills. ' Day was near Its closf. We vera distant stme miles from tbe oamp. ' Tbe eoemy might1 be iu possession of the defile in overwhelming ouuberv. It was determined tbat we should keep in cow pic t order uutll we bed got well bejotid the eutmuoe of the pass, when, as it be oame mure obstructed or tortuous, we should, taking advaiii.gii of every bueh, rock or ic- qtiiiliiy, a,dvabcd emgly, ready for the foe and eokleis of bis uumbeiy. 1 o foliiiie btoauie thicker as we advanced. aud eveniiii fell. On our right was a dense thicket, wbioh we reichid after bavins: lost s'gbt of ths entrance to the defile ia onr rear. Tula thicket reached from the foot of tbeeoree to its summit. Kich step became firmer, but more cautious. There was do whUoerini' now. and every breath was guarded - We were fur Id tbe glen on one side gray rocks, lofty trees, flowering plants and creepers In wild confusion spreading over tbe abrupt sides of dark fantas tic nuts, brokeu at intervals by huge chasms that gleamed wildly in the rays of the docliu ing sun on tbe other side the impenetrable thicket was burled iu gloom. etui steadily and ttsalthily advanoing, each man, with bis rifle grasped easily Iu hie band, glancing quickly to the right aud loft, with un wearied energy orept along the glen. A whis tle, quick and clear, eent Its wild sound thril ling through every heart and ear. - Tbere was sudden bait In our little Iroop. All was breathless suspense. Tbat wss no bird's cry. IN 0 throat but a human one ever gave out a note so threatening. "What was it?" pissed in a still,' rapid wbUper among us. "Guerrillas!" "Hush!" We listened long and breathlessly, and warily peered on every side. Nut a man of us visible but to bis fellows. Crouched, with our very hearts beating 00 the earth, eovered by the Iriendly busb, we lay for manv minutes in tbe hope of bearing tbe whistle repeated. ah was as still as though tbe spot bad never kuown its wild eoliiude broken by tbe foot of man, or disturbed by bis passions, bis schemes or his ambition. Still we listened, bat Id vain. No further sound w heard. Why was there no other signal" Was it some solittry wanderer, who sent tbat thrill ery forth through tbe stillness (in mere wantonuess; and with no other motive than tbat of breaking Its monotoni. Not eo. Thfte was a significance iu that sound that breathed war and dt fiance M plainly as if it bad come from the blast of a trumpet. "Up and moving men!" came, in low tones, from the lips ot the sergeant in command. "Let 'em try it again " Oar march was resumed as before: but we slept more stealthily, listened with painful at tention, and glared on every side with tbe in tensity et blood bonuda. Tbe defile took an acute turn to ibe right, and on the left was a naked space, extending for some yards, devoid of all' verdure, bnt tbe gray moss clinging round tie gray rocks. we began, hastily, (0 cross ibis uncovered space, when tbere was a report of many pieces, whilst red flashes from rocks and bashes la the front gleamed savagely and suddenly upon ns. For a moment we were staggered. ' Then with a shout we rur-hed lorward to noearih tbe am bushed foe. Again tbe fire was repeated, with the muiiles of tbeir rifles within a few feet our faces- I gased rouud for an instant, after discharging my piece at one fellow, and witb my bajonet transfixing suotber to the soft sandy rock, against which be fell, aid pereeiv ed none of my party by my side.' Bui the thick smoke and rapidly falling darkness that now ruled, In conjunction wun yells, shots and groans, the eurronndiog glen, mado all invisi ble beyond ibe length ot tbe arm. ' At tbat inslant 1 felt a sudden pang; dizsi- neee, a blackness, like death, came overt clutched wildly et tbe sulphure os air, reeled and fell. i.-v n - When I recovered my senses, I discovered that I was lying on my side, bleeding slightly from a flesh wound in the thigh.- I bad bled profusely, before recovering, for I was saturated in balf-congealed gore. : Raising myself oo my elbow, I looked around for my oomradee. The moon; was shining with all the sottneef of her beauty ou the spot. ,1 counted five bodies lyin tibia aoompass or almost ae many yards. endeavored to discover tbeir uniforms, bat conld not at that distance.. I arose slowly, and, with much difficulty, reaobsd tbe . neareai. He waa dead, with a blue bole In the center of bis fore- bead, through which tbe bullet baa passed, end tbe Diooa sun siowiy oozed- 1 crawled to. tbe next one; he, too, was past all earthly aid. on to tbe third, fourth and fifth. The ballet bad done Its fall work 00 all. Tbeeehad been. few boors before, my comrades, destruction upon toes, and cat tbat met them. I was the six D&rty. But where was tne enemy, or what bad been the enemy t I heard no sound, and the moon light falling directly upon tbe dead men. gray, weird-like rocks, produoed an effect tbat was sickening ana nornnie. 1 remembered man I bad slaib. I searched fur his body, it was gone. ' 1 searched for others of tbe eue my, but all had disappeared. There were dead left oo that battle k round bat the five fal len scouti. Yet, tbat others bad per inhed thtxe. was obvious from the blood lying In little pools among tbe rocks, behind wblca Ibe ambushed smuuK tue rucas, ueuiuu vuiva iuo soiuuBueu foe bad lurked and poured epon us bis deadly fire ' My wound began to bleed afresh, which broaght a falntness upon me, and I sank to eartb. ; A burning thirst waa consuming and 1 groaned in agony. After a little wbile 1 made another effort rise, but failed; and then falling btck.aaoalm. ly as possible, I yielded to my late. 1 thought of past days, when, In early youth, do cry blood bad yst awakened tbat inherent feroolty tbat lurks unseen in the heart 01 man, until fearful scent rouses It ss It does tbe blood- bounds, and It eprings forth with a swiftness that appals and a strength tbat desolates. , eager tO deal l!nahdlasoVtbt inandUatof A CAPTURE. their or ' - My reverie was broksn by tbe sound voices. ' Then oame that of approaching foot' steps. " As It drew nearer a new life seemed oulver through my veins, like the fresh gush, a virgin spring, me most 'savage toe, alinm tha tnrtura of a oantlve were err uneD . . . - m.. . proaohable delight, advancing Upon me tne menaces or oemoniao, wouia at tnat ment have been welcome as an -angel of In comparison to the looelloees the otter woe that dismal glen, and its oioooy ana anburied dead.-. ; . , .-, - ;i . 1 - Iu a lew momenta a dox?n armed men oo tbe spot, leaning on their riflee and gaging round oa the dead Home stooped and iued the bodies with, oerclees eerotluyt merely stirred then with the, foot, er turned tbem over witb the moulee of their guns, the brutal indifference bloodshed engenders the heart-., i . ..' 1-1 ' " v "They're dead.i Let them roti"- said who appeared te beta leader of the part "Not all dead." I replied. . , o . , Had a voloc aetaally issued from -tbe as mine, undoubtedly seemed to do,' Ite-etTset would pot have bee naaU mora startling EaoB nsn, for an Insiaat, seesssd ehaeged a etatne. .. Then tkt vbele creep made a einmS kanAnna Mnvamsht inward tea..,. ..' 1' .cvv 1 (rThat'B th tellow; thai baieeelled IkB, fcUliwl nna of thai. cekia hie revolver eiAllsred one 91 ISen.cecaiag '" '''HT" Ihrostlna- th massl between my teeth. ' . Ia another Instant I should bar been la ; ' oity, but for tho sudden jerking back of my would-be destroyer's arm bv one or hie- mm. rodes, who calmly, remarked: "If he's got through tbe rooglj work be bad awhile ago, we'll not kill the poor devil now," Withe muttered curse the ruffian replaced bis weapon iu bis belt and withdrew." "Where are you hurt7" inquired he whose Interference bad Just saved me; "can't yon get npj" 1 told bin I had been shot iu ibe bip, and was dying of thlret.; Hen be called a member of tbe party to him, and taking from bie hand a eanteeo, poured some of lis contenU brandy and water down my throat. My wound bad entirely stopped bleeding, but my whole side was stiff and painful.- With maoh difficulty I ruse to my feet, and by tbe aid of two of my captors, for snob they were, mausgid to move along with the rest of the band, through what appeared a cleft in the mountain, pursuing a new path to tbat I had hitherto traversed In tbe company el those who bad hithcrt f ,llen, and whom I was now leaving behind me fcrtver. For some time we followed this road, run ning at the base of two declivities almost per pendicular, wbuee dizxy summits I eould not scan, and wboae rugged sides, of gray, at inter vals, were ebtulog coldly beneaib some stray gleam ot moonlight, that, even In that cavern ous pass, found its way and smiled amid the gloom, like tbe good glance of visiting angel. ( v .uiCl uu ItUlii UilB tJlUUUJ Un file, and f jund ourselves In what appeared al most a level country. Here where some tenia were pitshed we baited, and I waa a prisoner in a guerrilla camp., ' A week elapsed, and I bad recovered from my wound Tbe chief of the party who bad captured me, offered ma mv libert on condition that I gave my parole not to bear arms against me reneis sgain during twelve months. Tbis I had sworn never to .do In the event of my be coming a prisoner to the Confederate army. I was equally resolved now to adhere 10 my oaia. Fiom tbat moment I was closely guarded. witb tbe vigilance known but to an angry foe- Pi 0 sleepy sentinel ever lounged witb . heavy limb and weary eye, in mock watobfuluees, near tbe rugged couch whereon I lay. But, sleeping or waking, some hawk-eyed watoher kept guard by my side, marking all my outgoings and in coming;. In tlat camp was another prisoner beside my self, a miserable creature, apparently, only waiung tbe oertain death that tbe caprice of a merciless baud would, la some unexpected mo ment, burl upon his head, and whom nothing but ibe same caprice permitted still to move upon eirth a livlnc thing. Tbis wretch bad been captured some days after I had, in the act 01 robbing tbe dead after a skirmish. His crime, In tbe eye of the soldier, is a deadly sId. nets tbe pariah of bis class. A vulture too foul for an bontet shot, from whose blood tbe bright steel would receive a disgrace deeper than Its (tain. A thing too worthless to hang; one whose loathaume life should be crushed out suddeuly, with a stone or club, as a reptile should, and tbe contaminated weapon then flung from tbe band forever. He cringed to Lis cantors, and thev drove him from them with curses aud kicks, and when he tawned tbey spat upon him. j AN ESCAPE. of 1 80 tbe bat 00 the me, to for tbe of to of to - with no- light of One night, after unwearied watchfulnese and eeaseless planning, I broke from the bondage tbat held me. The night was cloudy and threat ened rain. I bad beard enough from my cap tors to know tbat a detachment of Northern traope waa enoamped to the eastward, within five miles of ns. Tbis detachment I resolved to reach or die. " From what I bad learned a- mong the guerrillas, I felt aeeured I eould with little difficulty find tbe encampment. After crouohiog my way through and along the out skirt of a thicket (that grew 'by the side of a road, old and grass-grown, running nearly eaat and west) tor at least two miles, I merged from it into tbe road, sweating and bleeding; baties, my clothes torn to fragments, panting and wearied. 1 bad taken my beariogs from tbe few atari tbat climmered through the clouds, ia tbe unobscured spots of tbe heavens, and was about to start alone the road in tbe eaaierly direction, when a man leaped from tbe thicket and tbe thief of tbe baUle-field, (be plunder er of tbe dead, stood by ay side. ( " Oo, on !" be exclaimed, ia hoarse end excited tones, pointing along tbe road in the direction I was about to take, ," they're following." He shook witb fear, and 1 pitied him . Dis gust at bis presence, too, was lesseued by a sense of tbe common danger. Before I could f peak be daubed past me along tbe road. I followed, and thus we fled for more than twenty miuulesj be a little ahead of. me during the whole time. We reached narrow, snnaiahed bridge; .stretching from- bigb banks across a stream.' We began to cross tbe bridge, bat oar progress was much impeded, and eveo endan gered, as our only stepping points were trom beans to beam and plank to flank, moat of tbcm loose and rotten, aud at uneven distances. The bridge waa supported by huge piles set in the river, whose sullen waters we were able to dis tinguish rushing far beneath as. Yet tbe river seemed shallow there, for white breakers earl log round tbe rocks we eould detect also. Oa wara we went. 1 was now la advance some dozen yards. All before as, beyond twenty feet, was lost is gioom; behind, tne same darkness Impenetrable at tbe same distance. Yet or we pressed from one rotten, shaking timber to an other.. Baddenly load ehoute la the rear pro. claimed tbe panning foe. These were follow- help tance and lound him clinging, about a cou ple of, feet above the cross pleoee, to a oar. row Iron bar tbat ran nom one of the piles to another. He was straggling wildly. "How Is it T" I asked, as' I stooped to aid him Bat I discovered my Resistance lo be value. less, onlees I eould place my feet on tbe bar, and, leaning with my breast upon one of tbe timbers, reach over both bands and grasp bim by the collar. As I was making tbis essay, tbe mooa broke fully upon as, and I met ble up turned pallid face. His teeth were set. His , , ,. . m ... , ?'Ir",',p.'l.drWn tt0?tA.ea ,,h lm' that left them completely bare. Uis eyes were starting from their sockets and bis form trembled so as to shake the last hold tJ which he clung. 1 ' 1 ...... "One ol tbeir ballets," be bused between his teeth, "has smashed my ankle. I am go. Ing!" His hold relsxed, another terrible shriek rang through the night air, and he fell crash Ing among tbe Jutting roc as eeiowr ms 0100a mingling with the pure element that eddied round them. . ;::.- "' t 'I : ; ' ' ": " I again pursued my way along- tbe bridge alone. Many ballet whistled past me from my inveterate but bewildered lose, and many narrow escape I ran of being hurled into' tbe dark river, or pf Impalement upon Ibe half-eon eealed rookj, , Bat one snob death sufficed thai night. At length I reached the other lide, thankful but exhausted, Still; with unabated speed, I pursued asy way, until the challenge 1 1- . 1 , . I . .U . -H 1 seouum bhippvu .urvuer ymgren, - a 1 reached one of the picket of th deUohneot lor Thiol I was bound aur gallant wortber- ws, waaeaiv, u sinssw I , Morsisamia, September, 1861.. mA k. k..ii....i.. n4 . n...r,.i .i,.ui I .rom m n.,mn4nlnn. . I WtAnnad and tnrniul. fIe Cllle, 00 Me'for ''lo'o of Heaven, the L . bm r feturDed M 1Utla di were xam others with la ' ' obe Cocgsst Criticism .f-A competitive examl-' oaliou was lately held for Ibe pnrpoe oi ap- pntnting fit persons to some or Ibe uovernment oflloeeln England. One of the candidate in- arlvartenUe eoelleel tne wora veoio witu nV: thus. Vennice. .The examiner, B clever man, but not always correot speaker, wternly ioaurred: "Do yea kaow, elr, that there is one Am la Venice?" ' Then eggs mast be very scare there," was the reply . The candidate tomb, let W- Bad eter. JOHN HUNTxan.t 1 MERCHAritiAII-OJ?, No. &QO PotitHT HlaH trWt4rtHMsi 1 vivii.' Juoorn. mum ox .Aiwasj !.; TT" J" received a tWeloe stock of FAIL 1 AA WINtBB saoou? suitable for gentlwa.u'e wr. 0atoaerS will kav tiiel, enUrS Bcatis aad eaasUoUal- ly execated al the lowest rates. eepws a lor ) T -I oat .t( ANB UAIlDWABESTOnG r ! '., : I,...., i j ; !,i. ,..- h' . f. 1 I . .,. ,. ... j : ' ,iiv. a 1- .wA.-..lYt RECEIVED BY - 1 No. 30 North High Street, dej ei thelUrgeetaadBewtMeetedAeewrt ' ' or .1 i .:i 1- j ' EVER OFFBBBS IU THIS CITO ' 'V "!,;--,,' v r ,a. im'tlJ. Hfjuse BnilderV Furnishings ; j ' OF BVEBT 8TTLB AND (JOALITT. :' French dc American' ' 1 :' Window Cletuaa ! 1 j '. I AS NTH GROUND Iff IX, " od put up in half pound cane for family use, and Dry j . , , , Petntslnbulk. , , . Tushes ot every variety & quality. . j A 8ptendid Assortment of . MACHINISTS TOOLS. OAKKIAGE MATERIADS. AXES GRINDSTONES, ato. ,. ! GUNS, PISTOLS, SHOT, Ao ! FISHING TACKLE, j ROPE Jt cordage; LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER. ' BELTING. EDGES, MAULS, PUMPS, j AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SCYTHES, Ac, j ' SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS Cable and Pocket Cutlery. especially Invite the attenUoa of all interested to mj . rook of Pocket and Table Cutlery, and j . , J MLVF.HPLATEDFOHKS, ' Cable, Desert, and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, e&c, m ttOGBBRe A BRO'S. Manufacture, warranted to be': ntrabeavy, Electro-Plated, oa genuine Albatta. - Ooantry Merchants, Mechanics, and others, are Invited . 0 eaB and examine my Stock, ae I asa prepared to sell ho leaale and Retail." Win. A. CILisV golumbue, Ohio, May 8, I860 . GREAT CUBE . ! DR. LELAND'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND iaf HE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Goat and. Heruralgia, 1 . . AND A BORE CURB FOR : - : 'All Mercurial Diseases It Is a oonvetrtenfly arranged Band, containing a med icated com pound, to be worn a round the Waist, without Injury to Uie meat delicate persons; no change in habits of living ia required, and It entirely re novae the die ease frm the system, without producing the injurious effects arniw from the ase of powerful Internal medi cines, Which weaken and destroy the constitution, aed give temporary re net only. By thle treatment, the aud Lcinal properties contained in the Band come ia eontact with- the blood and reach the disease, through the pores of the skin, effecting in tvery Instance a perfect cure, ' and restoring the parte afflklrd te a healthy condition. ' Thie Baud la also a mostpowerfnl AMrri-MneccaiAi. affect. and will entirely relieve the system from uujjeriMosoise effect of Mertury. Moderate cases a-e cured In a few days, and we are constantly receiving testimonials of its efficacy in aggravated oaaes of long standing. racu e'.uu, to oe bad 01 vnigglats generally, er can besentby mail or express, with full directions fur om. to any part or tne eaantry dtreot from the Principal Office, ;, ' . To. 409 BROADWAY, Hew York. d. SMITH A CO., Sole Proprietors. . N. 1. Descriptive Circulars Sent Tree. , A. J. SC QUELLE B A SON. SentMirra. Aosts. No. 77 8. High Bt., bet. Friend and Mound, Uolumkus, O. ' JO Agents Wanted Everytvnere, mhSS-lyleorlstptlAw ' ' ' HUNNE WALL'S ; . , V.. -I : DNIYERSAL . . . : ; COUGH REMEDY- . 1 . , . For all Throat and Luog Oomplatnts, kaeludng, with most perfect reeults, Wnooruie Cooes, Oaaoaio jat . OosMoa Oeesw, Baoaouaa ana Taaeav Ooatruum, '' always fo rerun ra of OoaeampUen. ae a Booiaiae Sraer B has no superior. Freed trom allOptateor Bmeuo properties, may be need by most delicate oonatis . tatlons, and with perfect eonfldenee. miNNEWELivs v, '. . CELEBRATED :Z El. ;;;;: .; tolu anodyne. ' Ths BaaaTsarr Nareaaa OrtiTS ever offered te the world, eentaining aol a parttsle ef Oplaamor eny safe stance bnt Its strictly vegetable aad madloal peoswrttee. ' ' A sure Remedy for Nboaamu, RaanauTiaa, G001,.. . Toerra an lag Aowa, Oaraaaa,' Rosa cm Hay Fsvam, and all minor Nervous Complaints. '.- f Foe Less or Buun, end lleadache la an ue varieties, It has an equal, aad to which most undoubted teetamt ass are otered. Foa paimrokt nnm It le a moat perfect remedy. Foa Bowse. Oenruisrre. after reaaovtng the pala tt aeej ae a physto, a most Important contrast with the oeuttipa- . toryeffeou of Opium. To Physlotane, Formulae and Trial BatneewlU be seat, and to Dearer or. Invalid a deaertpUve pemphM withaat "do. tare-stags. ... -. Pnparedander the special enpervlsioa ef 0- . . 1 JOHN L. lUfflflEWBU, . .. (. ! cmosirr amy rwggtfemnstv .' He 9 Commerelal Wharf, Bcetoa. Blasev To whose please direct all eomsaaeJoatletie. Prices Large Cough Remedy, 50 cents per bottle Bmall . " . . -8B " ; .-.' ' .1 ' I Tola Anodyne, ' SO Per sah hy the asael wholesale and retail dealers, everywhere, , : -'' l.'1' ., ROUS STB tt, n. n, a.sra, JOHN K. CtMia. J " J. U. DBNIO. 9, DENIG SONS . mayl?-wlv -1 . l.'.'',n il 1 I 'hIIi .1 i A. i - BCHDBLLB B ax SOI, Agents for Oolanbaa, Ohio. No. 29 Soutli High Street, Colambos, rloW OFFBBIHQ)' - ' n '1 W yards IiaveUa Sttm Good! et Sjfc VaSwe v1,u rtUmth. ... . ' ..'1 :tip 8S00 yards Trevelloi Dress floods etlSX, vawettet. , :. StrOO yarde BnglUh Besagee al IS, valae SS cents. , , . , , UHM yards Fteueh Organdiee at Wit', valoe SO cents.' fHiugyafrie Fast OoloeedUwaeet IV, valae Ueessle.''. "' '-i 11HU1 ..Ml. Vnal.rri Dr.M MUkeat JJK. Vaiaa SSS. CSTBes. .1 '( . 1500 yarde Be per Plain Black Bilk et t 00. value 1 . etobes or half their Orgaadie Berage, and English Borage, ateae u, ,.,v ' ' ki , d Beau Mlehatreel.: :,: '. ' ,- '. " t 1 1 1 1 1 i ' ' ' ' 1 ;S . Je99 iAIIOT BBBS1 BIt.kB, " ' , ' . y FABUI naase eiiae, -1 r Mm., arr.we We are sew offering oar Isaaaeaee eseok ef Fancy tveee lilka at prtoea Me uua ever vrwrm eeem ia uis eity. ., The ettenuoa ef the asdics ef tbts eity aaj vWalty t - J-' 4 solicited, as ear stock ss very eeleet and ooeaplete la all , ,. ' ! aaeeWwMllDe -' ' PBTBRBAIST. . "aevei. ,,.,s .4,t t, ; He-B9 Bean HleWstraae.e-,--..i .'. ' " ' i ' ' , . ,' " ' 11 " , 1 " '" " ' )'tl ' OnplRTi, RIBBONS TAGS, AN O HIJUUFa, wewstyiastjaasapesiMBy BA1 sk SO. aprlU lle.BSMmslldtiswet. j -Si,