Newspaper Page Text
MA5trE55rr KUXXB, Publishers. OEU, W. MAKIHillUTi EdlteaV, OOLVMUUS, OHIO. T0E3'6aY MORNING, OCT. 28, 1861. The People, North and South. Could the voice of the hump otib,e people. NorA?A3out&, uioflueuoed office holder' offloe-sockere, army vcoutriolor and would-be army "coiilutktfs; be Beard and beaded,; this OQDaUril etvU .erar weiild hood cease, tbe Con tlitntloo would be regarded as tbe supreme law everywhere, and the Union be held, like tbe Ark ot tbe Covenant, tqo snored to be jostled It Is one of the rnpst lamentable effecte of tne fretfpteite xtiiDgs, vnai ins orawrj iater-commuriication between the two sections 8f the country Jt almost enUre"! flossdviThe people are gradually becoming estranged irom, and aliens , 4o. eaob.Whsr. In the South tbe great body of tbe people know next to nothing of tbe actual state of feeling toward tbem auonu the tnasflei at the North, lad We t the North are equally Ignorant of, the true state of feellne at the Sooth. At the North, a desire to bare the Southern people- spdecsive as to the teal objects aimed at by this Government, and to see them once more harmoniously to-operating with us in one common UniMvW.ealled -"sympathizing with the South." and is pronounced treason. In tbe Soutl, Vdesire So tie-operate "with tbe Govern ment in the M-esUbliahmsnt b tbe authority of the Constitution and In the preservation of the Union,' irsligmatized as j mpathizlng with Northern abolitionism; and as treason of the blackest dye,, , & . .'.'" "C If the Union is to be preserved in, or restoi ed to Its former state as 'a whole, the North and South at 8 cease to cherish this, mere see tionarnlm6sitjr t&o offspring of ignorance and prejudice. They must devise some means to know each other better, and come to some mo tual understandings the actual wants of tbe people in both sections. Without this, interest ed parties, who thrive upon tbe misfortunes and miseries of other, -will protract the war inter minably.- ,-..lKO i 1 Peace is wanted not a hasty, patcbtd-up. temporary truce; but one that shall meet tbe wishes of the great majority to both sections. and be as lasting as human wisdom can make it. Sometimes individuals cannot be made to know or understand each other', fill both parties are mortally wounded In a duel. We should be sorry to entertain the suspicion, that such was the caso with the, people In the. tiro sections of on, h.tnml M.nW.J - i ,;' "' . - - - - j Examinations of Persons Charged with being Knights of the Golden Circle Concluded. W. Cooan, of Marie county, bar ing been held to bail on Thursday, Oct. 17, by U. S. Commissioner WViia 'at' Cleveland; the examination jal Dr. M. Crianviaa, also ef Marion county, was commenced. ' Bach test! mony M had been oflered in the case of Court, and was considered apalieable tn that of D(. uhsistun, was oy agreemeni eomutea. outer testimony was offered i bnt as it does not, so far as we ha been able 'ti eisjnlne It, develop any new tets or importance so tne puouo, we refrain from encumbering; out colnmns with it ........ .-1- -- .-T As th(je'majte joineariosity tot ite" the testimony of Farorsic (W,. CouaT, as given op tbe examination of Dr. Cbsis-tun, we give it in full frost fbo report in'the Cleveland Ltaierr Frederic W. Court sworn: First heard of the nroanizatlnn of DemMraba about tha flrat or second wees? ta'-Jnlyr Mf: Travis' asked me the Question, MvTere"vou out last, sight.' V 1 didn't know. what he meant. .'He then told ra that the Demoereta of Marion - eounty bad or tranizedtovnt downtbrnob spirit. ...Net day BickerstafT met me ana told toe the same thing and read .t 3 me a paper tiaaila to tbe first obli gation) I assented to toe contents of the paper; at that time U was ccnef any reported that Uoi der bad been' xalsiued and his press attacked; the paper was not given me by tiiokerstafft he explained too eaaswore'and Signs to me' did not give tne grip; never went iurougn,any ow er ceremony of lmiutiou; never knew of any other degree or obligation, or of eny officers, by-laws, saeetinfrs'r records met Fletcher In Berwick, near the stre, and knowing, bins to be a Democrat, anked him II be was In favor of putting down. ,U jueb spirit be said, yes; I then took him to the mill .yard, where -we eat down upon a log' and I read the paper to him; he assented to it; did not ask, him to sign it; 1 bad no other' paper with roe; explained the sign and passwords f&hlni; did not give any grqji did not repeat any other obligation to blnai saw tne second obligation lu tha pnntad aiip lor the first time. Never heard of it before; Pid not repeat any such thin to Fletcher. ' Never in troduced Dugan to Fletcher as a higher mem ber of the order. Remember the conversation with Kepler in Berwick- Toll him tbe Demo crats weret brginaldt against mobs. Kepler did not agree to loin the organization.. Did not tell him what the pledge was. . pid not give the society dj Sim D sneaking to J'lotebev. Never swotiaaed the Knights of tbe Golden Circle to- FietetMr or Kepler.1 Nevbr knew of tbe existence of such., an order in Markm county. Cross-examined. Copied oy paper from One Travis bad. Burnt np my copy some three or four weeks scro. Never Initiated but three or four Fletcher, Dr. Adams, Ferry and Grants- rrobabiy pcant wti the last mat I initiated. That was a few days after I got the paper, In the nrsi or second week in July. aVugan was stand ing with me when Kepler ebmmeuctd tha eon. versauon.wuA. sne.u;i. fi. ' : The eases of Jt: S. GtosTjai aii Taos. Hoobi, were decided by Commissioner Warn on Saturday, (he 13li last., each being requir ed to enter Into his own recognizance (or $1000, without autety, for his appoaranoe at tbo No vember term Of the U."8. 'Court. " ' ; . U' o' '. The csrOwifiTrtvr$ ft also taken tfp, examination waived1, and the defendant Doond over In the snm afJWJ for his appearance at o-oaonieveaone, First Telegraphic Message from Salt Lake City. .... . u . From the Cleveland LraaVr we learn that Ob Friday last, Oct. 13. "religious Cleveland, the Leader terms it, "was suddenly brought Into wnispering oommanieation" with that "twin relio of barbfjsrfl " 0f '. which BaiomM Yo'two is tbe bead.gjuJLiiwJjjpexingsV. look a little nspioieus; but, we hM it's all rlghf."? Her Is BaiB's mecagctW vSv . a t k Lake City. GREAT SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 13. Hon. . II. Wade, President Pacifle.Tslerriph Company, ClsveUnd, Ohio: u ..-.. i Sir: Pernit me to congratulate yon upon' the completion bf tbw Overland Telegraph Line west w mis city; to eommesq ue onerfy die played by yoonwif and associates (q the rapid and tnocesarat proseoatien of work so beneft. cial, and to xpres tea wieb that lti ose may ever tend to promote the' true Interest of the dwellers upon Both tbo- Atlantlo and Paciflo slopes of dor oontlDent: "Utah has not seceded, dui is nrsatee we4onnMttoa and laws of our once happy country, and la warsily. interested in iDnoessiui enterprises as tbe eae so far Cost' pleted. stn u'" BRIGHAM YOUNG. The llqd ,betwea JiaU take City and Sin Francisco1 Vllf It UuUned ' In "a Jew.', days Then, the telegraphif wire' will be stretched TroiS the WBtinrot, and TOs 'Antblle toi Pa. tiao be In'eo-MmtfDl-iifpi. A CARD. liiibtCapilid City Fad 1 last. S'uturday, am charred. In efTeet. with being a membflt of 4 treasonable orier, called; tKe(Kuljhtvotvthe Golden. Cixole. $ v I shall, without delay, give the pub(!sheri of that paper aq pjportnniij, beXor ilielsgeL.ttU bunals, to prove their assertions or siaou cuu vlcted of libel. In the meantime Issy toth publlo, that there Is not one word of troth 1b the acousailon. I amjiotv.not wve. i..evet been,' a member of any secret sooiety, or order, whatever: Nor have I any knowledge or tne existence oi treasonable order or sooiety In MATTHIAS MARTIN. COLUMBUS, Ohio, The "Knowing Ones." This Is the day of sensations. ' Some' people baveY surprising, knowledge ot political and state secrets. .' Tbey are wonderfully knowing. They see deeper Into tne mui stooe ,tnao . conr mon folks. V ,' ::x :-.t . Bat the most aggravating thing to the' poor ignorant publlo Is,' that these "wise ones' know t great deal more than they dare tell-' more than It Is prudent to make Jsnown mors than the authorities will allow them to publish Ther could, If permitted, startle the communl t with the most astounding revelations, that would set the world all a blate, and kindle peneral conflagration, It is well that there Is some restraining poweroversueh capacious and Incendiary knowledge-boxes. , It postponosthe "crack of doom." '- The "Knowing Ones." The Order of Secretary Cameron to General Fremont. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Oct. 14, 1861. GsmaiL The Secretary of War direots me to communicate the following as bis instructions lor your governmentf ' , In view of the heavy sums due, especially In the Quartermasters i-eparimeni in ima cuj, amounting to tome $4,600,000, it Is important that tbe money which may now be in the bands Of the disbursing onicere. or oe received oy mem, be applied to tbe current expenses of your army in Missouri, ana inese neon io remain unpaiu nntll they can be properly examined and sent to Washington for settlement; the disbursing offi cers of tbe army to disburse the fnndi, and not transfer them to irresponsible sgents In other words, those who do not hold commissions from the President and are not under bonds. All con tracts necessary to be made, to be made by the disbursing officers. Tht Senior Quartermaster bere has been veroany instructed oy me sec retary as above.' It ie deemed unnecessary to erect field works around this city, and yon will direot their dis oontlnnanee; also those, If any, In course of construction at Jefferson City. In this connec tion it ie seen that a number of commissions have been (riven by vou. No payments will be made to each officers, except tn those whose ap polntmenta bare been approved by tbe Presi dent. This, of course, does not apply to tbe officers with volunteer troops. Col. Andrews has been verbally Instructed by tbe Secretary also not to make transfers of funds except far the purpose ot paying tbe trocfa. l ie erection or Darracrsa near your quarters la this city to be at once discontinued. The Secretary hat been informed that tbe troops ot General Lane's command are commit ting depredations on our mends in western Missouri. Yonr attention it directed to this, in the expectation that yod will apply the cor rective. Major Allen desires tbe services .of Captain Turnley for a short (ima, and tbe Secretary hopes you may find it proper to accede thereto. 1 nave tbe nonor u oe, very res peouuiry, your obedient servant, . I .... ,..,i . i L. THOMAS, Adjutant General. Major General J. C FaiMoirr. Commanding Department of the West. Tipton, Ma. ,i .... Daniel S. Dickinson. Tbl gentleman, in 1859, made a speech': In which; speaking of Democrat! being, used by Republicans ai candidates, ad. . He occupying that position now. salts tbe case: ' ' The Republican party has always borne testl- soon v ia favor of the1 Democratic oartv.' J looking far eawdiddtes, it strreri hirdtt find Otdie who have tern Dmocrali, and then will parade tbem in tne jortMru ran, and exclaim, "That man ass been m Vemmatput Arm in the fore- ground. Don't yon see wael m fine man be is 7 HewaseoaleniocTat!'' , Our opponents remind me of a peddler In the Western country, who had sold his wares and was going East. Having resolved toast off, he went to a Danker and requested btm to let nim have New x ork money lor his Western wild eat aotes. The canker, however, replied that ne naa bo new xori tunas to exchange tor it. "Wall. stranger." said tbe neddler ."lr vou got same gooa eounterjm money on New York, wkicb yon can let me baver " now, the Kepub lieoni, if ever thty can get Dtmoerat into their party, who ie even counter f tit, tbey think ' be is an object ot great pride,' and parade aim and all others as each, tes hwoo left the Demo erotic party for tko fort ft good. ' l-J-vl rThis It very good. ' , Pennsylvania Election. -In-regard to the Pennsylvania election, the Philadelphia ttorth Auxeruan sayi: i i . , ' "The result of tbe late election In PUladel- pbia turns oat to be more disastroas than at first appeared. ' Both branches of the Citr Conncils bave fallen into tbe hands of. the Democrats by bare majorities, carrying with them tbe various departments of tbe city gov ernment ' The same party carry ten oat of every seventeen members of Assembly from tbe eiry; ana a senator: and tne majority or Thomp ton (reopie's; for Sheriff Is so small tbat tbe army vote la said to swamp it." . :, . - ,i Upon this tbe Albany Araut remarks: . "The press of New York and PbUadelnhla in susnt in rrgsra to mess tacts. Tne telegraph naa oeen sueni aiso: ana too duoiio is not nor- mlttedtoknow that the Republican party bad oeen oisattronsiy aereated in ; rennsylraaia. We bear tbat the vote of the State ahowaa Democratic maloritys and that tbe soldiers in camp bave east a majority ol 15,000 for tbe vemecratio ticket. . , , . ..,,..., " We do not know how true this Is; but the si lence of the Administration press confirms this view of the result. Tbe Republican press of Pennsylvania Is too profligate in purpose and too rash In assertions, to forego tbe pleasnre of ooasuog in success in a partisan, cootiiot, if it , , ( , ..,;.. , ' The National Loan. " The rapid appreciatioai of the United States funded per cent, stock of 1861 to tbe neigh borhood of par, renders it Important to the pnb lio to watch the ioflaenoe of this advance npon the present privilege of subscribing at par to the 7.30 treasury .bonds of 1864, which bave the convertible option of the 6 per cents of 1661 . This privilege i now open to the pnbtle net In the direction of the Secretary of tee Treasury, hut by the tuffertmo of tho AoooeioUd Bonk of New York, Bolo tas Philadelphia, vko moy, fa day' notice, tlot tht popular ouUoription, taking tbe remaiadet ef the entire loan to their account, with a view to the re-sale ol iheT.30 per cent bocda, at a profit oa their eoeversiea into the 20 per cent. 6 per cent, stocks, which,' being already near the par value, while the war ia going, promisee to attain a handsome premi asa en tbe first signs of peace, or tbe first aews of any brilliant or decided success in tbe field. me tubocriptioua aod payments in this city, day, en tbe 7 per center are tbe heaviest of any day ainoe the popular negotiation Was open ed, and all exclusive of the banks , vie: At rab-tnamrr.M striatums.. ..t.;t.a.Mrj Ai b-lraMfT,oBlyclBlaa.,.,. e7,WI0 ,el,tw-:.........f v.ljw..., tueooe "Totol far the ..'... .';l'i.Ut.t.ft.t75.CO0 "The closing bid for the UnltaH Rt.i K m. n. t.l W, Uf f, TT JUL Fa. iJLT'iaewew lorn 7itoe .states' that the riayQan Emijratlosi -feocUly y taklni off the eolored people by huadrtde K Bu Dfnlsgo.X Oo fiatnrday, tbe 19th Insl,J'40O able-bodied and1 IjiteJUgecf eoloted pertoni left JTewTork, ao4 600 Kirs were ecgagad Im the sttt sWprnec!, tlti-i Sending Abroad for Clothing. Wti learn' with tomcera and surprise that Quartermaster Meigs baa ordered an agent to England, With credit to the amount of five anllllnna of dollar, to ourcbase blankets and k...... tn tha GaverAmant 1 ' Thai agent has arrived at Halifax on his way, but has been tel. egrapbed to await further orders, w a trust no directed to-vetorn, and that enr own manufacturers will be allowed to supply the wants ' of the armj, which they are amply MmiuUt to tn. eat aiixtv tier centum of their Mi raini t hailed Into action . The expen ditoreortlgaaum-eol-4akiog tbat much from our stock or gold aepnviug ,u A.lrr nt n vraat an amount Oi employment. and the consequent Increase of the price of the raw material in Europe would be a aer one blow to the interests of tbe nation, and a ser ous embarrassment In the future financial operations of the Administration. Tbe subscriptions to the national loan have been urged and eflected upon the ground tbat the money would return to the people in recompense ior uur u .uF nliM. anil that not a dollar, where It was posal ble to avoid It, would be expended out of the country. - This policy should be adhered to, to enable us to sustain tbe Government and save ourselves from depressing poverty ; we hope the matter will be reconsidered in season tesave us tmm the on fortunate eonscauences the accom pllshmant of the mission Would entail. JJoifon foot. The Fabian Policy. .. There begins to be considerable talk of a postponement of active operations in the field in Eastern Virginia nntll spring. Some of our Washington wiseaeres shake their beads know. Ingly and exclaim: "The Fabian policy is tbe best and we shall probably see no bard fight ins tha rear." These sedate old gentlemen will probably wake up to a new view of things before the middle ot xxovemoer isnere. irsi iiioon dr. N. V. Pott. 'Can this be true? Is It possible that, after all the immense preparations, tbe Admlnistra tion ie determined to do nothing nntll spring? Must tbe country groan under tbe heavy ex penae, now daily accnmulating, and no effort be made to crush the rebellion! We bope there may be no foundation for the above statement, but it it is true, we nave oniy to say, thv, rzo rLi will not submit To it. Already tbey are tired and alck of procrastination. If Mr. Lln ooln and bis Cabinet will not press tbo war to a speedy conclusion, we must create a Govern ment that will. It will prove a dangerous un dertaking to prolong this war for the benefit of politicians, who are In, or are supplying, tbe army. C. Timeo. This coming from the Timet, a bitter oppo nent of the Democracy, Is ominous. What is the Timrs after T Does it propose to dispossess Mr- Lincoln, and establish a bogus Govern ment? - This It a strange threat, truly. Employment of Indians by the Rebels. We bave received from many quarters' the statement that there are two Indian regiments la Backoer's camp, and we bare heard tbe state, ment contradicted. We are not prepared to say whether it Is true or not. Tbe evidence tbat it Is a fact Is direct, and we bave no sufficient rea son to reject it. , It is well known tbat tbe Couredrrate civil and military authorities bave been diligently engaged for some time past In an effort to en gage tbe whole Indian population in tbe war against tbe united elates, and that, to some ex tent, they hare been successful. .A recent number of tbe Nashville Union and American, annonnces tbe mustering of fonr Indian regi ments into tbe uonisderate service, and exalts thereat. Of course these lonr savage regiments and all tbe rest that can be raised by meana of bribes and threats bave been or will be taken wherever It It supposed tbat tbey can be made most effective in the conflict. ; Mere policy will dictate where they shall be employed, for hu manity or any Considerations connected with it can bave nothing to do with such a question, were Deing no dinerence, so far as numantty is concerned, between letting the savages loose open the 'people of Missouri and unchaining them against the citizens of Kentucky. There can be no doubt that both of these States will resound with their horrid war whoops. Louit- sum journal. . Thi kiroarKD AiTaca: on ths Blocxadiko Flict xrt ths Missistirri A dispatch, purport ing to come from Commodore iiollins. In com mand ot the rebel gunboats on tbe Mississippi, gives an account of an attack made bv them npon tbe Doited States blockading fleet, which, the account says, was driven npon the eand-bar and the Southwest Pass, and the sloop-of-war rreoie was sunk . we get tnis account through a Southern source, and therefore mnst receive H with some considerable grains of allowance, it win be some days before we can have a con firmation or denial of it from our own officers, The rebels at New Orleans bave been threaten log to ran down some of tbe vessels of the blockading fleet with their mail-clad "turtle," a naval invention or their own, which baa been repeatedly described. The fact tbat ther wen down and attacked the blockading fleet would imply that they bad considerable confidence in tbeir newly constructed vessel, or tbat the fleet was not very strong la numbers at the particu lar period of attack. . The Preble was a small sloop of-war, of a little ever five hundred tons, tod carried sixteen guns.- It has been used for many yean, In ordinary, as a practice shin, and is probably not such a vessel as eould withstand very heavy guns. Still we must wait for a eon firmation oftbe atery before we believe that she was so easily sunk. -.. , i From Pilot Knob. The report from Pilot Knob, printed in oar yesterday's paper, lacks confirmation. We ob talned tbe information late at night, from what we considered a perfectly reliable source, and are only rejoiced tbia morning to find tbat the report was simply one ol the exaggerated mis statements witn wbicn newspapers are now-a oava so frequently imnoeed noon. l seems from - later reports received this morning, that though an engagement did take place near mot &non, tbe rebels, and not the federals, were seriously worsted. The follow log la tbe latest, oomiDg this time from official sourcesr-'" , ' , ,. , "Pilot Knot, Oct. 17. 10 r. tt .'1861. . "Major Gavltt, of the First Indiana Cavalry. made an attack on the enemy this morning. when, discovering the strength and position of tne rebels, reu back nntu ne came npon Col. Alexander with six hundred infantry of tbe iwenty-nrst. niinoir, ana one piece or aitii lery. , ' ; ' "The eeemv followed, fighting all tha wav. "Msior Gavitt then got bis guns in noaition. and concealing bis infantry In ambush, cansed part' of bit command to retreat still further, drawing tbe enemy Into tbe ambuscade prepar ed for them. "Tbe enemy suffered severely, and fell back with heavy losses." ' " . ; Major Bcbo field's battery, reported to have gone forward yesterday, naa been delated and goes to-ciaj.- oi. umit upn., laia.- 07 The ttsw Xork Herald professes to bave tbe ifficial aceoaats, made np in September, of the cumber of troops, wbicb four of the South ern States had 1b tbe field during that month. These are given below, with the forces which an equal number of Northern States bave des pstched to the teat ot war ; .1, , . i '. New Tort. ...........8098 6ortia. tO.lOS Illinois .45.000 Worth OarollDa...,!r0,570 Indiana-. A. u ...... .35.010 loalilana I4,Ui0 Oonnetcat.... Apt Ttzaa , SO MO Total. .-.,..,.v,,f168,oi 7oUI......72,73 XT The Bub-Treaaory has been actively em ployed, to-day, ia reoeivinr sabeerlDtioos to the ostiooal loan. Over half a mill loo dollars was oaid in for tales at tbe coaoter. In addltion to 1650.000 receded frost aceaeiee. and 1200.000 received Irora. Boston banka on erevlees trails ef tbe eeoretary- ot etty airenciaa ar ell re oaivlog lobserlptioos, aad all Uke tbe tworear six per sent, nctes at par and Interest, and ei cbang ,Uy 7 S-10 per oeot. awtes-i -This privi lege ef piylog ia an per cent, sates vjaa vargely Increased tbe subscriptions. Tri, ISth. - T ' ri .i,-.. ,t i Colo FaJtT.r-Jf joe bavd sold feet, iracaerse them, saoroies; asf evwoins;, in sols' water, rob with roagh aewel, and run abeal wow room till they waraa .Ie one month yo will be en tirely relieved. All these red pepper aad Mus tard applioathKM are like rasa to the stomach- relieve yon to-day, bat leayw TV welder to-rnof-row. y , . .nitat m i'Mwi '' I 'ei'l"1' '! .'i SMI OVfSl t!10it 1 A Virtual Exchange of Prisoners. The Administration has adopted a method by which an exchange of prisoners can be tfleotea, u tbe rebels cocoes. : eauuut, o course, rec ognize tbem, la any way, as legitimate belliger ents, but as fast as they release any of our un fortunate men, a corresponding number of theirs will be released by our government.,. Some iorty or fifty wounded men naving oeen reoent l ratnmad from Riohmood to Fortress Mon roe, orders bave been Issued to CoL Loomto, of NewYork city, to return in tne same way some forty or fifty oi tbe iDcarcerateo iraiiors. mis ia a tender wbicb. If tbe 'rebels have humanity enough to regard it, will restore tbe captives of both sides to weir irienae anu uuiuea. Commmcui' THtoixar. "If yon don't bs Hove in miracles," said a divinity student to tbe spiritualist, "how do yon acoouot for tbe escape of the prophet Daniel, nnhurt, from the lion's den?" i . i - ! "Oh," interrupted X, "they knew it was bad policy for them to eat np their Profits!" IXThere are 5,598 boats belonging to the Erie Canal, of which 1,346 are of greater tun nage than the vessel In which Columbus dis covered America; and it may be added, that the aggregate cargoes these boats can float in a season, from the Takes to the ocean would load the combined fleets of tbe world. Scientific American. ,i . '" " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, TTEMB BISTERS l WEBB SISTERS 1 '', ' ' WEBB SISTERS I . . WEBB SISTEHS t -AT- ' ' ' . Armory IZEctll, ON- . Wednesday Evening, Oct. 23d. acl28 Cranberries I Cranberries ! OA IIBI.H. CKANBRKHIESt II GOOD OU OHDHR, on eiDttinueut. For sal low bj WU. n. RiBTIEADX, oclS2 , .,, 100 Booth Uih Street. Master Commissioner's Sale. Bale of Real Estate 1y order of Court. W. M.TInch. ) vi. ? Superior Court of Franklin County. John Brown etal.) IN pursuance of an order ot the Superior Court ot Franklin coudU, Ohio. mad at tha Mar term thereof, A.S. lHtfl, in the abore entitled action, there will be offered for sale, at public auction, to the blgktat bidder, on ; Saturday, the 30th day of Nov., A. D. 1861, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., at the door of the Court Ilonee, In the city of Oolnmbus, in laid Franklin count, tbe followlnir real estate, to Witt In-lot number 20 of Robert Nell's addition to Die dry of Oolnmbof, being the norlh-eait corner ot Lookwlo turnpike aod JohDitown plank road. appraiied at i, Tenni of sal, cash. WAOBR SWAYNB, -Special Waiter Commiuloner. S. tt H. Chittenden, Attyi. . . Printer'! fn, 10.00. OBI. lBOl-td. Master ' Commissioner's Salei Clark k Co. retail ir. uommon new. . . jonn a. a.iooey BT TIBT0I OF AN ORDEK OF SALE TO Mi directed from the Ooort of Oomaoa Plea of Frank, lln coon It. Ohio. I will offer for sale at the door of tbe Oonrt lion?, in tha City of Colombui, on Monday, the 25th day of November, 1861, at on o'cloek, p. m., the following dficribed real ea- ute, sitnit in tn ooanty oi rrankiin and state or umo, to wit: Lot No. 8. suudivliion of ont-lot No. 39. In ah eitr of Colombui. Appraiied at 1800 00. " ' 6. W. BTJFFMAN, Sheriff, and Muter Commiuloner. Printer fees, 9 W). . . OCUtd . ; -.i . ' 1 -i . ' ' ' ' 1 DRY GOODS. 119 South High Street, $30,000 Worth of Goods TO BR PUT INTO MONET; BOUGHT FROM Broken Down New. York Merchants, AT FIFTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR coniiiTiNa or Lopin'i Beit French Merino, worth " Fig'd ". But Ottomaa Clothi, . r'. Fatla U0kene, . TelvetBep, . " Fig'd " French Telom a, " Irish Poplisa, . ' - .. i All-wool Delaioei, - " Printed Challli (dark), . , ' - " Delaima, , J' n . t 3 Cues Prlnti, " .. 4 . ' ' 1 50 for 1 50 " 1 50 " t 50 ' 1 00 1 00 I on 1 00 I 00 - 75 50 75 37X S7H SS SO 10 . : 10 1 50 1 oir- i 75 " .1 00 " 75 " 50 " s 31 . 25 " . IS 8 10 MX" SHAWLS Broche Long Bhawli. worth $20 fori 10; Brake Square Shawli, worth $10 for $5, Stella Shawli, allpricei; Extra Qnality Long and Bqnar; Plaid Wool Bhawli; Black and While Plaid Shawls; Mines Wool Shawli; flenti TrmTellDj Shawli; Olovea, Boaimy, Da denhlrti and Drawers. Boniekeepers will And a fall anortaeat of Flaaaeli, Blanket!, Bleached and Unbleached Cotton Bheetinas and Shirtings, Pillow Oats Cottons. Irlih Linens. Nap kin! and Table Damaiki, Crash and Huckaback Towel- iDgl. I . A full assortment of French and Scotch Kmbrolderiei In Collars, Sleeree, Lace Beta, ete. . i - uioins, vaieimerei, cattlneu, Jeans, a roll awort- aaens. vie. vie. cic. ' ;i;vS. S. EAMES, 119 Sooth High Street, , 'a ' " '. ' CDLUMBDS, 0. Smith. Maaoo At Oo's New Patent nook and Ire. for saie at uv eontn nign streai. - ootl7 , OOLUMBTJS OPTICAL INSTITUTE :' . ii i '.. v i . - Tlae Beet Arllfleiail Hels the Ilamaia 8ia;ht ever Invented. . JOSEPH 8. PEBLEY, PRACTICAL & SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN, KEEPS THE L.AKGEST ASSORT, smt of Qw molt Improved kinds of Bpectacles. All his aiasKa, whether for near or far-aighled, are roand In eooeare eonves form with tha craateat care. ao as to salt the Byes of all cases, curing Waakmai, biiitaeai er Innammatioo of tha lyes, and Imparting strength for lonj reading or too aewiaf. Office, 13 Bast Stat itreet. at Beltset 4k Webster's none etor. sNgS-SIf Ilonry ZSLooXaloz, t .' (LaUof Phalon'sritabllituaeBt.It.T.,),. - PKOPRIETOR OP THE HEW TOBK Faihkmible Bharinr. Hair Cutlinr. Bhamoooalna. Carting and Draadng Baloon, Bottth IXijzh St., over Bain's 8 tore.' where aatiatacUoa will b glrea la all the varioos kraaehei. ... . : Ladtai' and Children'! Hair Dreatln don In tha beat selWr . i " Oysters! Oysters!!- HAS jrST HECEITKD, AND TTILL be la daily receipt, by Xxpraaa, ot FrBa!lhaor and Fair Hawa:" ',' 1 ' ' i Call at Wagoar'i Oyeterend Frolt Jrpot, K. Si Bart . '. 1 .if? :.jit.i.) a fl,i a- . f NEW ADVERTISE'IEriTSa MEDICAL COLLCE, ".-- coLiiMBusronior TIIR'HEOCLAU'OOVBSE OF LECi Tiriltd la ihii Inetltotlon will commence oa THTJBSUAT, the Mth or O0T0BKK, and continue aa- ill tn in oi aiarcn, joui, . r'- s. m. sMiTn.'k 't);,i J , , Professor of Theory and Fraatkw, and Ciaa. n." i f francis piiTk? Prof, ot Obstetrics at Dlseuei of Women Children. .4 John. pAwsdN;M:i:;:'r Prof, of Anatomy ansj Pbyalology. , i ' J. W. HAMILTON M. T.',' ' ' '' . 'Prof, of' VW ,V!.'Vm' "''" : ''s." LOVING, M; D., i ; . Prf. Mat. Med., Therap. At Med. Fariipradinc. T .. . TBEOV'iQ WOKUItBr MvD.'joV'-.i'i , Prof, of Ohemlitry. , ' ; .'"'' R.N. BARE, M.',;D,v-.:Hrr;' ' '. Demonitrator of Anatomy.. -I.:'; Termsr Tickets for'all the Professsn .....k...!,..., $00 OS Matriculation Ticket (only paidODO). , 5 00 Gradnatlon Fees SO 00 Demonitratlon BrTlee!..........i....... J 5 00 Boarding $2 to $3 per week, Including light and fuel. The Clinical and Hospital adrantages constat tn ths large and direnlned College Ollals aad the Hospital of the Franklin Ooanty Infirmary. Beside these, the two Military Camp in the neighborhood will be acceulbl to Medical Students.- ::. All letters ot loaulry will te promptly aniwered.lf addreised to . . , octltd ' ' 8. M. SMITH, Dean. BOARDING ! BOARDING! ! GOOD BOARD k PLEASANT ROOihs for eight or ten Denoni. can be had by applying to 0. PATTERSON, No. 118 South Front Street, between State and Town Street Being bnt on sqnar from the Stat nous, makes It a deiirabl plac forbuiiniM men.,.; ; i. ooiiv-aim , . . . .. '..'., ,.: AUCTION AND COMMISSION ROOM. THE SUBSCRIBER HAVIPfG TAKER a lease on the Store Boom ' , . ISTo. 11 East State St., has opened It ai an ; ' , Auction & Commission Boom. He Is now prepared to receive on C ommlnloa every description of property, lack ej Dry Goode, Orocerles, Llqaon, Furniture. Carriage. Horses, etc. He alio intend to derete fail attention to sales of Real Estate and Personal Property, at any point, within twenty ml lei of the city. . :.v ... n t Auction Sales Every. Evening; . Consignment! retpeclfally solicited.' . . .i - w. a. aVBflT, auctioneer. 0Ctl9 . , , ;:; ,! Domestic Cotton Goods. BAIN & SON " "' ..i-Ji.'i. j i,.:' Of FEU tbe most x ten aire lAseovta asset of . - i ., . , .- , . r- Brown and Bleached Ootiou Flannels; i. " ;. BamileyCottohBheetlngii . Select Style of Calico's and Delaines; '' Ticking!, Shirting, Olnghanu, tn ; i . And Cotton Batting!. ... - . - - Also, Blankets, Flanneli, c' ' , '., OaitmaretOlak01th,a'lctetc. ;. " r Much below regular price. . BAIN Sc SON, " octIO 7 . . , S South High Btraet. Flannel, Shirting (? pCi AIM, PI.AID, STRIPED T WILL, a. jsii. , The most ztnsiTtook in the city, p v- , , Army Woolen Socls. ' Bhaker Bibbed Socks. - ,,' . u i ' .. , Under Bhirte and Drawer!. , r ... , , Cotton and Merino Socki . Oolden HillBhlrU. ' '"' Gent's Kid Gloyes. ' ' ;' "' Oent's Linen Collars, Neck Ties. ' ' i BAIN Sc SON, " octlfi No. 89 South High Street, TTERY STYLISH STRIPED CLOTH V SHAWLS, la new deiigni at $3 00 Value $5 00, 1.500 yard! Super Plain Black Bilk at $1 00 -Value Si xoayara. French Merinos, IRK cent Value 87Kctsayard. " " 75 cents-value $1 00a yard. BAIN St SON, octlt No. 29 South High Street, PRINTED OTTOMAN REPS, Plain Ottoman Cloth,; Magentaand Black Check Valenclai; - ' Broche Bonbaix Dresi GooUs; ; Balmoral Skirti; . . Alexanders' Kid Glow; . " Got Trail Hoop (klrti. Corset. Uslr nets, Plaid Merinoi. - ' :' BAIN k BON, octlG No. S9 Soath High Street. EAGLE BRASS-WORKS, '. 1 Corner Spring cV Wsite Si.,1. '' Dolxxxkx.loxxa9 Olxlo, W. B. POTTS & 00., ind Manufacturers of Brass and Composition Castings, Finished Bran Work of all Descriptions. r . Electro Plating and Gilding I STENCIL CUTTINC, C. "V VM. II. RESTIEAUX, (BUC0ES80B TO MoKSB A KESTIIAUX) ; No. 100, Sooth -High - Street), ; ooTjUmtjtjs, ; . ' : '''dialsbin;;'':'.;';,''... r C R OCE R I E S, PR O D U C E PROVISIONS ' Foreign and DomesticEnjiits, .. FLOUR, S A LT, LlQU OR si, jETC. STORAGE & COMMISSION V Baltimore Clothing" Honsc. ;l J ' sfaaioraoTtrBBf ajtb wholsuls nuuiu m';- READY-MADE CLOTHING. - . Na 308 W. BaltimorMxeet,'':;' (awTwan iraaatv aaa'srawiaaj I '' : . , BAJLTinORE, H4 k Largs luortsaent ol Piece tai Furnlslilnf fJoods Constantly ei Head '.' WllllAlX&rA; f GrUls . coi.vnBvn, oniop " " " AGRI CULTIIIOlL WAteHOUSB And Seed Store, M in' , !..vy r . BiAtn m til itri GENERAL 'HARDWARE; m ,HAn4,fiaaj, si iTrrrr, conuias, AsikaS ristUrWMslktriUViVaiwt sAw sad BalawMiaa, M Uottot.Voto aa king. Sbl-dlv ' - pnn i I . HEADLEY & E 1 ", TTAVK REITIOVEDTO TIIEIltTJEW Noi. 230 , nd 252 South Hijh Street, aod har aasOclatei wli tfismsslves WM 11IOUABD3, under ths Arm of Joraaiag on of th largest Dnr flood! Houara lilha WJH I ' ; I ' ' ' I 1 ' I i 1 r . y . i I . i v Slils Dona U eouitantly receiving New Goods, suchas ' NEW BTYlis OF DREsS '(Jpo,'1 1 IRISH SILK AND WOOL POPLINS, ' ! PLAIN AND FIGURED REPP GooDs' , j PLAIN AND FANCY SILKS. The Newest and Nealssl style of ".i "' I Hamilton, Manchester and Pacific ' i'.' ).'.'.' Delaines '.' ' In th City, can bl foundat '' ' ' ' HEADLEY, EBERLY &. RICHARDS. . . ,., ,. .mfi )M V, ''I-',..' ,.Vi ; j , Balmoral Skirts, ... , . In great variety, just received by .'.j ''i"?., ( HEADLEY, EBERLY &, RICHARDS", , ! ' ' " i .: -via - '' . I ALSO, 1 1 i sii-.:. ..i'f . i- f. ZEPHYR WOR8TEDS.,m -1 .nwi i .. ,'.. . , i ..., uv, ..' .' i.l -fiiviij M . '' .am EMBROIDERIES,' TRIMMINGS,. , j ! ' GLOVES k HOSIERY,'"'' ' ' LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS, Of ths Newest Styles, just received, and also made to ""r, oy , . ;. , , . , ..,r,, ,K i HEADLEY, EBERLY & RICHARDS, Aj. h-- ', I I'f .( ' ALSO SHAWtS, MEBINOBS, , PLAIDS, CHINTZ, . ', OIOTH8, ' . ; OASSIMIKBS, ; . M SIIiKScTXIiTET VE9TINQS, ' fiBIXTXNQB) ,Vi.W7 . : MEEEIUAO PBISTS, TJOOPfEIETS, j nnrrnN nnirw mn ninpr.T warpr. ' " Thli firm. haTing adoptad th Cash systwm la th pur- ehase and sal of floods, are enabled to sell from IS to St percent, less than other houses under wo credit system HEADLEY, EBERLY & EICHABD3, i 250 and 252 Soath HI eh Street. 1 1 , ; , - ,Colmisi.e Obl. oc!8-dly ' ' ..,. -;,'.a i Nisw ooal VAnb. I . ... . - - V I I, 1 L..1 THE UNDERSIGNED KEEPS COPf. BTANTIiY on hand and for sal, the bait quality of HOCKING GRATE COAL, whloh h will sell at the lowest market prtcei. Call and zkarlna ssy Ooal before purchislni elie wheie. ' v 1 - '" " ' "'''" " Offleaet th itore of Bradford, Snydim k Co., head of Oanal.'v ' " '' ''' '' "v'''' ' ' I D. V. BUTDAMV setS6-3ai i -l ' .......ii. . tt "",t E. M'COLLISTERi WltelesAle and Ketalt 'Dealer in TOBACCO, , SNUFF k CIGARS ": No.' 85' Fmli 'BtreJt, .'iV . -K m i i a r tv-t in tt ' rs i'" ''" Keei ' onetantljr on ban4 All tbe . i . rloaie BBAN VH ol A . , ., , Pot, ttl-lyd PROF. L. MILLER'S ii a i n An j ESetrtt INVIGORATOR EffectlT9, Safe and Economical j I ... i Compound, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR , To It original color without dyelnf , ' and prartntloir ;-i - , . Hair (roaa curnlni gray. - i ; SjFOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, Aadcpring It, when then Is th lesst particle of vlta.ll A i ot raoaperativa enargy remaininf . FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUK H And all cataneou affection! of th Scalp. '' . f OR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR;;,:;, Imparting to It an aneqaled gloss and brilliancy, naklof mi u ana siuy u lexian, ana causing it do cur raanny. . , " . . . - . Tha mat celebrity and Inerss1na demand for thla nn. aqualad prapaiaUoo, ; aoavlnoes th proprietor -that one trial I only nitsasiry to atisry a diaoanuog public of It superiorqualitie over any othr preparation hi as.,. It eieauss ths head and scalp from daadruST and other outaneBua diseaaes, earning ths hair to grow luxuriantly giving It a rich, soft, glossy and flexible appearance, ut also, where the hair is loosening and thinning, it will gir. Imurili ana .t.n. tn ,Ka mil. mnA mMm iV. t .0 hose parts which hare bsoom bald, causing It to yield ' reih oovering of hair. Then a nandreds of ladies and geatlemen In New Tork who hart had their hair restored by th us of this IrrTigoraWr, when all other preparations bar failed. L. at. has In hi poaaesaloa setters Innumarabl testirylng to th above facta, from persons of th highest redsec la bility. ! It 111 unaetually prevent ths hair from turnina antil the latest period of life; and In ease where'th hair aa already enangea tuoolor, th as ef the Iirrlgarator will with oertaiaty restore It to It to tt ong'mtl hue, giv ing U a Urk. loiT appearane. As a perfume tot tht toilet and a Hair BestoratiT It Is particularly nctm mended, havtng an sgreeabl fragranoe; and the great fa eillUei it affords in seistng the hair, whioh, when molat with Ue InYlirorator, saa be dreamd In any required form so a topreaerv U plaoa, whether plainkrla earla bene the great demand fur it by the ladle aa a atandard toilet artlci which none ought t be without, th prlos placae It within th reach ot ail, being ' i Only Twenty-PiT Cents par bottle, tob had at all saepectacla Uruggli il ! . Parfsraiars.. . .J t ." . its sad I. ttTXIXXB would sail th attention of rarentg and Guardian! to ths us of : his Invigoratoa, in cases where thaohlldreo'i hair inclloes to bs weak. Tha us of It lav tha foundation foraffoootAaisd hair, u Um. mora any tmpuritie that snay har beoom connected with tb aealp, lb semoval of wkkib Is naceaearyaatb for th health of th child, ana th (utar .appeaxano of It Hair, , kf ,,.,.,,,. i . irt)'cit . Oitmnn. Non gtnaln without th fae-atmlr LOTJIS MILLSR btlna on th outer wranMr: alan. L. If II- IiBR'S HAU INTIOOBATOB, klawa ia the Ua. Wfaolaaala Dpot,H Bey street, anesold brail fee principal Merchant and Druggul throughout the world IjWtu aucouni to parcaaaers by ue qoaauty, -1 ,, . i i I alio deein to preient to th American Pnblia aay 1TEW ! AID DtTSOVSD - CTRlXrjJTEOTJI LIQUID HAIR DYE, :- which, after years of adenttAe xprlmntlng, I havs brought to prfetloa. It dye Black or Brown Instantly withoutmjury to th Hair or Skin; warranted th bill article of lb kind Ineiistano. ' I i pniri-!. nvi.v fin c.ewth' .. . .1. Depot, 66 Dey St,' New York. 0fltS8:dfcwl. .ii "-" i RE HO V A LT .fi. mum m Mffi .. ; 1 DEALER'. IN ,'; no .4 vnvuviitA .( , V l ...:naj r5,""' ti H ' ' j b if .Ti rroaace, f IJ Provisions, nr. it Foreign and. Domestic Liquors, . n rriiTD KiTro ajt A Aai.My yVVs,V-V.A d a-T-V-'tVi jl'T 'i r.r ' tf WT i)'viv HAS KIMOVID HIS ATOBl f 10T l i Ko. i4, noetr BiariW:;. '' : l ; TkaeM stand raeeatly eeeopled WWWfllw mvvvnAhV, ' . '(. Htatadrtfee!pot l .11. riEv ai:d rnitSH coodsi irticnaswtnssir r 4 ce, Tl)i'J 1I ZT lo faKr-V tf Wot abargsCa .41. ...' 1 1 A r u in si P. ; MILLIONS OF MONEY iForanlncliof Time! m OflfJB Tilft EXCLAMATION OF dying Queen. That Inch of time csn be procur ed at a much cheaper rale, and majiy long years of ! HEALTH AND HAPPINESS tnjoytd. by coniultlng Dr.' UKBRYWB 4THKR, who Ii curing the mdit olntlnat and loogitaniling dlieaic of the I.rjNQS, HB aRT, LIVER, KIDNKYrt, l)lp PBR. STOMACH RHBUMATIHM DISKABK4 l'BOU. LIAR TO IBMAIiSS, SKIN DIHSA8K8, AND ALL AIFB0TI0N8 Ot THI XYB AND XAU. ... Facts sire atnbbern Tblngst Hear what the Philadelphia correspondent taji In the "ommonweallh," Wilmington, Delaware, Oth of April, "An lntllsh gentleman, formerly connected with the British. Army, and who it; lei himself the 'Indian Botanic Physician,' has of late gained an extensive repu tation here by hi! skill In curing all manner ot com plaint!. - Bom of hi patients I have conversed wtlb. and they pronounce his remedies and mode of treatment as rery superior. Bom bar been restored ai if by maglo. Tbe medicine he uies Is distilled by himself from virions herbs posseiilng rare curative properties. "While acting In in army be divoted hii leisure mo ment! to a thorough study of ths ejocts produced by eertain medicinal root and herb! on all manner of dis ease. It seems be has fonnd a suro and speedy reme dy forall the 'ill that flesh ii heir to.' His practice ii already extensive and is dally Increasing. In the com plaints, to whioh Vaaaale are ranjeeted, he has no equal as a large number bere have testified that they owe not only their present good health, but their Uvea, to the skill of thUtndlaiiDotani(Phyiiclan." m Office 37 East State Street, Colombns. YsBgn-dSm .i'juvi- lOQl. lOGl. GREAT, WESTERN DISPATCH. TUpltod Stales Express Co., Prop're. FAST FREIGHT LINE, ( v., ' ,: i Via Sew York & Erie Sailroad, i . . . And all other Roads Leading West and Southwest. i Chartered Oars over most Roads on Paiisingsr Tralsi. M. H. HOVIT, Ag't, " , 251 Broadway, N. T, A. L. KNISHT, Ag't, 85 Btate St., Boston. ! WU. H. PERRY. Superintendent. Boffalo. Irt.'FtTCH ic SON, Ae;ent, 87 West Ilroad Street, ,,. I ' COLUJTIKUS,OI1I. .. sep!3 0btnmbns Wholesale Liquor Store j LACELLE ROSS & CO., COMMISSION "MERCHANTS, i:i " ' ' 4 j IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Wines, Brandies, , I cc. ate... ALSO, OLD RYE.'mONONGAHELA & BOURBON i . t I -t n WHISKY. WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE, 224 SOUTH I1IUH ST., V; COLUMBUS, OHIO. epSdlyli special Notices r-t I i- S4.- i A tl.IMll CASE, fait 1 a very clear Cjse that poisouuus drugs deitroy health. Impure Ba'eratui products . ctoayed teeth, bronchitis, dyipepsia, and general debility. It Is also dear that Pyle's Dietetlo galeratns is pure, aholeiome and sBclent. Careful persons tin no other. Depot, 31S WasblngtoB street, New fort.' ' gold by grocers rerwhere. " , .: .'.',','.,'.,',,' '.,.,. For Femalee Gunelullf.-Th Brandroth Pllli canaot be too highly spoL'n of. They remove all otatrastlons, give' energy and itrcngth; cure tbe dis tralo headache, unfortunately so prevalent with the sex) dspreielcu of spirits, dollneas of light, nervooi affections, blotches, pimplei, ssllowaess of the ikln, are removed, acd a Juvenile bloom snd general iprightllnrss Indicate the power and bealthfulnei of BRANDRETQ'a PILLS. '!.','" .' ' ... ..!,..-,.. n , Ladiaa,,atdelioat periods, will And them unrivaled; they are ths belt medicines for mothers snd children, and cur worms and costiveneis. . let It be remembered, that BRAHDKBTH's PILLS art easy in tyelr. operation, and yst unite mildness with sfflcienoy, and requlr no alteration of diet during their is. . ;..'.. ,. . ." ; 'mtti. att)rgan, comer of 15th itreet and Union Square, rTew Tsik. wa dying, apparently, of Coxioiiftiom. She was given np to dl by her Physicians, and all her friendi, hut after using BsaRDatrn's Pius for a few week!, h cough left ber, and she began to regain her strsngtb.and 1 now abl to attend, to her duties, and feehi sore of soon attaiateg robust bealtb . l" " U ti. trilson, of No. 39 Beach itrsat, New York, hi eared Dyspepsia, Small Poa, Usasles, Dropsy and Ty phus layer, and all Badaohs and Billons diseai i, with BUNDasra's Fills, will te pleased to answer any aesllots. f.-i,... t Bold ay lemm &j oook, vrugglit, Columbui, and by all nepecauSla eaalars tn medicines. MI8Ucltas ' : ' " !l'l" 1 . tiaa infallible itmedr for Fever and Aran. Theer. ' parisncj of many years. In almost every ollmate, proves that whire ussa .a strict acoordinee with th directions, If, 1MW; rarely ftlled to enr, not only by breaking the ciUa, bnt ly removing the morbid habit of th system, pTfnttrg the recurrence of th disease. FEVER AMD AQUB, though not In Itself dsngerous, ' is apt, nnlsss spfsdlly removed,' to have such a pernl eknseffimMostesS,Mtom t awn saaeiui wan lorair, ana wnicn not only render Uio . afbtr-nf of ths pitient mlserabl, but are la themselves often fatal. A prompt aad eaTeetoal remedy Is therefore .' what Is wanted, aad as sttcVDa. D. JiTXt'i Aaoa lira-", . Ttms'Is eonfldently recomaendsd. las sale by llassrs. Boaaan Sc lasttriL, Oolambus, and by sgtnui Tery- , ', waai i,.," s:, .; t, tten91wfrla;sat.wir ' , i -i 'i i . i ; i, '-." y-MANHOOD. - immJm bow ion; sow besiobxii. ;uJust?uMIsurial FrissletMO tBOTOBl ON THI NATUR1, TREATMENT Ainy , s RADICAL COM Of Bf SBatATOKHUKA Or Seminal '' ' Waaknese, Involuntary Kateiiona, Benal DaWlity, ao4 y i; Impediments to Marriage generallly, Kerroninesa, Coo- . , aaaipUea, Xpllepsy and Fits, Mental aad Physical ia- capacity, resulting from Beif-abuae, at. , By Hobert i. . Oulverwell, If. D., author of .the flreeo Boob. Ju, l'i 1 1 X Been te Tboasanels e( 8of lerere, ' 9entadfer seal. In a plain envelope, to any'aditrtsS, " post paid, on receipt of two sum pa, by Dr. OUA8. " i. 0. KlilMB, 1OT Bowbry, tmw lerk, Post Office Box l. 4fti. tepamd).; 1 Thi ; followinj: lii an extract from a lettst vrrtttsa tsytka Bevi tt'i. Holm, paiUr at th lr-" nrrpelbttret Baptiet XlhBTi rooryif. rn"JournalsirfMeaienger,"Cuc!nhaQ,0.,andipeaki ' ' o'iaJes la tsvs tf tvrtrM-iawMd aaMtajhe, MufX Wdu)wV BoVrfiilfi, gfracv roa Caiuni Tswramai M Ws sa aa MlvartWaehr Id yea blemua ' ef Has Wnwtow' SooTwiae bto Now w paver aald a ronl.,i ravot ef ptnt mrdldoSVfare In our life, but w ,.. MPeertvpelM essay to your readers that this lea ansa . bag wa ia vaiaw it, aw aww rr TO aa au, Ji . i ima .It I ewwtijl one af Mj Sv)I wremfnf saeetf H toes af ti Say, bamm it la see at th bnt. And tho m f yaw raadara who kavv babiei 6H't de better than ' latal suppif. vnnOjiku) .