Newspaper Page Text
ike 011x0 SlaWAii TUESDAY MORNING, OCT. S3, 18G1. Rail Road Time Table. Litti.i Mum k 0i.uwn A XshiaB, B, . Leev.' Arrives Cincinnati AeoaiuinoJatlon, 5:00 A. M. S;1U P. H. ' EipraM 11:40A.M. 11:03 A. M Miiil nJ Accommodation.. 9:10 Pi Mi ' 100 P. U nrlirlil Kinross vie iufcm.l.1N midnight 3:30 A M Jmo. VT. Dosxtrr, Agent, Columsui A Clkviumd B. R. Niiiht Kayres New York Kxprisu..... O 0. tO. tVaySxprea. t i j CouaiLOnio R. B. ...3:40 A. M, 11:15 P. M. ..11.11) A.M. 10:40 A.M. .. .:. P.M. 7:40 P. M ' Jams pAtTtMOR, Agent. No. 3 Express. Mu. 5 lo . .... 3:90 A. U. 11:25 A. If, .... 11:15 t. .. 11:45 A. U. . W. 3. fox, Agent, PimiuittB, OuLtrnan fc Oiicumati R. R. MallTraln ...... 3.30 A. If. 1I.S5A.M Eapresa Train 11:85 A.M. 8:45 P. M ,,MJ . Jos. Bouiuox, Agent. GOLUHBO A iNDUHOrOLU, B. H. (Colcmidii Piqo At Immaxa B. B. j No. 1 Extra 6:30 A. M. " 9:00 P. M No. 9 ' 3:00 P.M. 7:S0 P. M. Accommodation 10:60 A. M 0. W. Sum, Agent. LOCAL MATTERS. Thanks. Our thanks are doe to S .' O Thatchir, of Adams Express Company, for for Dishing na daily with Eastern papers In ad vance of the mail. , ' Also, t) our friend, John Stockdilc, of the American Express Company, for like farori. A Chance for Printers. A Democr-atlo newspaper, recently ttarted, with a elr culatlon of 500 copies, li offered for sale at the low pries or jour nunurta aouan catn. , it 1 printed In a flourishing county, and hat part of the eonnty printing, and Hi circulation can sully be raited to 800. The ma terial of tie office ooat, two years ago, 9800. Thfs.iss good opening 'or a praotlcat printer. Addreis Editor Btateiman, Oolunbn, Ohio, for farther particular.. oct!7-tf A business meeting of the ladies Relief As sociation wss held In the basement of the First Prcabjteriau Church this (Monday) afternoon. Surgeon-General McMillan addressed . the meeting, urging upon the society the cause ol our Bick aod wounded soldiers.' It met with a warm response, and a committee of three was appointed to frame a Constitution, forming a Stato Central Society for the relief of the lick and wounded of our State, an adjourned meet ing of which will be befit rtt the same place on Wednesday at three o'clock P. M., for the pur pose of electing officers and organising snob a society for Immediate aotion. ' . -.. ; Surely this object will reach every heart, and this notice will meet with a full and hearty re sponse. ' , By order of the President.- ' '"--, M. E. DOHERTY, Stc'y. 07 The attention of our citizens is directed to the great auction Balo of SO.OOU worth of dry goods, by P. T. Wood, of Rochester,' N. Y., at No. 20 Town street, Walcutt's building comprising silks, French merinos, all kinds of worsted dress goods, shawls, hosiery and flan nels. Also, cloths,, casslmeres, satlnetts, etc Sale commences this evening, and continue every day and evening until disposed of. - G.G Fristok, auctioneer. . Oct. 23-3t. The Wesb Sisters The Webb Sitters, as they are called, Misses Emma and Ada Wisi, daughters of Mr. Charms M. Wisb, have been giving for Borne time past dramatic and parlor entertainment) In Cleveland, which have elicited the highest commendations from the press and publio of that city. Last evening the citizens of Cleveland gave them a complimentary ben cCt at the Academy of Music. The Leader of Saturday morning says : The Webb sisters have " struck a lead," as gold hunters say. There has been one unbroken I ii r ore from the day of their arrival, and last night the Aoadomy was literally jammed. Huntley aod Brueianni are stars in their roll, and would shine beside any other less brilliant luminaries. If tbey wish to be seen let them seek association witb stars of tho second mag nitude. . . ,: . It is with pleasure that we announoe that the Wins Sisters will give one of their entertain ments at Armory Hall on to morrow (Wednes day)cvcciing.' We predict for them an overflow ing home. " ' " " A Valuable Mir. Valuable and interesting it is at the present time to have an accurate and completo map of Virginia, exeouted with a view of affording thorough information as lo that portion of the country, which Is now emphatl cilly tho "Seat or War.".' Such a map compiled from official surveys, and corrected and revised to 1861, Is' now pub lished and lor sale by J. T. Lloyd, 164 Broad way, New York, and at the Poetoffice Building, Louisville, Kentucky.' The price is only one dollar a copy, and every one who desires to un derstand the military movements of the day and the localities of important, epgagements and great battles which will probably now take place-in that region, should possess this large, accurate and finely colored military map. v Central Lunatic Asylom. This Asylum, located in this city, contains over fonr hundred patients. Among these are fonr female patients from Western Virgiula, reoeived upon, the cer tificate and at the request of Gov. Plerpont. 1 v " m i The National Loan. The following, ddl tlonal subscriptions had been made In this city, at noon yesterday ,tajhe HaUonAl Loan..-, 7 Mra. Ada I.. Adimi. ...A..,.. ; tOOO "J J. B. Bwan... v.. w.... ....... ,t,u .50l Ilayette A. Swan.....'. ....t ISO Jennie B. Dick. .f.. ....... .i.. ......... ' - so i W. Dennlion. WOO " Mra. Fannie Thompton 800 ' JameaB.-Abbott 1000 -'0 John Bathnell. ...... ............ - o . ' Mra. Sarah Jane Ua-rer...... ..n.i' SO - Mri. Butk AuiHn. ....;.. -ISO Robert George 1 9m -" W. B. Hawltee.. ...... SOOO I: W. II. Grlnnell. !MO 1- Mra. I. W. Lord....... . 100 Berchard, Miller St Oo . W a-. Bardll Burcbard .'........"' ! XoUl amount ap to thU daU. ....... .'. 7l,0 IT"LL. D.,h Russell is now tho subject of a disparaging joke la Washlogton,' clrcel. While walklpg leisurely up Pennsylvania ave nue, a short time since, where omnibuses marked "Ssvenln, street" pan, be was ac costed by a tery pretty jonng lady with the m quiry, "Will yon please to tell no, sr, how fat those stages go7".The "gpeolaI,, who nnfor- tunately aspirate the , H, replied fSevenh street to hell, Miss." (L street.),', The lady In dignantly turned from him, with the remark, "I mistook yon for a gentleman," and was off be fore the astonished LL. D. could . understand by tbe young lady whould deem herself In- J '' ' -,.., akwr..-,, NIMH. .. . . ' in -.tli . 4.,,v; w , Miutart'Instroctioi. A clase for lastrao- tion In Hardss's .Tactics, lotloding company ml hatulloa movemehti. And the bsronet ei- nlM. will he formed thii (Tatedgf) evsning at the City HaHr.GeptVmsn wshjng tdolfl wlU be Rood enough to be present n o o cioca. v. Polioi CooRT.An unusual number of cases for drunkenness and disorderly oonducteameep ' before the MWfeitMay-f ;8evndlireT(lwt Individuals were oel la enma ranging iroa i U$3aa4 cost. CfooNCii, PaocMDinai. The City Council met last evening President Pohaldbon In the Chair . Minutes of previous Betting read and approved.. ,.' -t '.. . ' ' -v ORDINANCES READ A SECOND TIME. To assess a speoial tax on real estate bound' Ing oo the alley running at the head of Long street, from Sevcuth. street to Cloveland are 'Making au, appropriation for the. repair .of High street from Mould street to North Publio Iane - . . . f a - ' BILLS PRESENTED. Mr. Buttles presented tbe blll oC Abraham Carlisle for lumber" amounting to $34,26, which Vat relerred to the committee of Ways and Means with Instrnctions to pay the tame from the appropriation for Incidental expenses. Mr. Buttles also presented the bill, ol A. II, Dolsonj for a supper, furnished Capt,, Parks' Company per order ot Mayor Thomas, amount ing to $17, which was referred to. the, tame committee, with instruotions to examine' the bill, and if found correct, to pay it 'from the same appropriation. -'" " "''" '' '' , : ',; ', IMPROVEMENT OF HIGH STREET. The ordinance making an appropriation of $500 for the repair of High street from Mound street to North Publio Lane; was read tbe third time and amended by striking out "Mound street" and Inserting "South Publio Lane." The ques ton then being on the passage of tbe ordinance, it was discussed at great length, and lost by tbe following vote; Yess Messrs. Buttles, Smith, Donty and Donaldson 4. Nays Messrs. But -ler, Comstock, Eberly, Moeller and Staurlng -5. ' "' The vote by which the ordlntnoe was lost, was reconsidered, and tbe question being on tbe passage of the ordinance, it was again lost bj the fallowing vote: Yeas Messis. Buttles, Donty, Moeller, Smith and Donaldson 5. Nays Messrs. Butler, Comstock,' Eberly and Staurlng 4. . " RESOLUTIONS OFFERED. By Mr. Comstock, authorizing the commit tee of Ways and Means to borrow of the Frank lin Branch Bank five thousand dollars on four months, for the use of tbe clfy. 'Adopted. . By Mr. Buttles Directing Street Commis sioner to work Chain gang on High street, com mencing at North Public Lane, by taking metal where the street it too high,' and patting it In the holes; and if there It not metal enough, he may fill the holet with eoch broken stone at he may have on hand, from time to time, till Jan nary 1,1862. ; Adopted. ::''.'.',:.,,;;.";..., By Mr. Smith Requiring the owner or own er! of lots 48 and 66 In Deshler'e Addition, to pare the sidewalk and front thereof a by tbe 15th of November next- Adopted. 1 ' By Mr. Dourr Requiring the owner or own ers of lot 494 to cause the same to be filled up la inch manner, as to prevent water standing or becoming stagnant thereon, i Adopted. :.,.,. "' By Mr. Comstock Dirsotlng. City Civil Ea glneer to prepare plat and estimate for grading and meUIizln'gV the roadway bf High street, from the Northeri to the Southern limits of the city. Adopted, -rv; ' ' t " By Mr. Smith Requlrlng'the owner or 'own ers of lot No.'lO in White' Addition, lo pave the sidewalk and gutter thereof pn Long street, by the 15th of November next. vAdopted. Adjourned. ... ,'.; .'..'-.irilVc t' -;:;';.:.'! ; ' Arrfvau at the State Prison. The sher iff of Mahoniog county sent to this Institution, yesterday, two men, convicted at the last Court of Common Pleas of that connty, for three years eaoh one for horse stealing, and the other for attempt to rape. ; ' ) Two men also arrived from Clarke county. sentenced for three years each one for glary, and the other for forgery. bui H7The Asylum for the Blind in this city eon- tains nearly one hundred pupllf N. B. The following notice was 'found posted on the. bulletin board of Western t offloe:Lt r,i&iA s,nbfsiK. "lost a red kaf. He had a white spot en 1 of his legs. He was a she kaf. I will give tare doler to everibudl that will bring fym hum." j -V- -. - -v... , MRS. WINSLOWMii -. . Aa eaperletiMd Nnra and Temale Pbjfldan, preeeSta ... ... j to the attention of mother, her ' . ' ' SOQ!T;n iNQ .OTRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING ' " which araatlv facilitate the pncaia of taothlsg, tV Wt- nlng the from, reducing all ,rnflammaUon will allaj Aiiai jtaan anaapaaaaodioaaaioanuu , . , CBE TO KtGTJiATE TOE BOWELS. I. . . . . . I J nd apoa It, aiottrB, It will five net to roarsehrat , KXUEf AID HZAItH TO T01TB tKTAVTB. We hare putup and aold thii article for over ten Tear, id OAK SAV. IN CONFIDENCE AND TEUTU. of it. what w hare never been able to aav of anv other medi iM-HlViB HAS It FAILED. IN A 8INQLB INBT t-dld we know an tnitane of 4iatifacUon by anr on wno aaed la. On the contrary, all are aeugntea witn iti panaona, and speak in term of commendation of it auaieal nect and medical Tirtoe. Wo speak In thl mawt "ffUAi uu avnurr ; arier ten jean- xpe iSenoa, AND PLEDOi OCR BSPUTATION FOR TUB tULILLklJINI OF WHAI Wl HK1 DIOLABJ.- In alaaaat evary lntanoa where) the Infant Uaalerincfroaa naui and axhaniUon. relief will be lonnd la tf wen or twenty ailno tea after thcByrnp 1 admlnlUred. - Thla valaabta preparation in praasnpnon or one f i the aaoat BXPBKIRNOKD and SKILLFUL NURAlg In Mow lngland, and haa been n4 -with BVBR FAlIr Ut SU0OK88 In ... ' -if-. 'S'Huusaj os urrMsi Itnotonlr nliataa (he thlld trow tain, - out InvUoa- ties aha tomaoh and bowel, correct acidity, and Rive ton and enenry to the whole ajikm. It will almoit ln Janus' atUev i ' ' 1 - ::t i e .MiiMaK v' esipjra nr thx bowels, and wind couo aonnMionl whieh .' If tot needllv feme- died, and an death. We beltav tt the USUI and BUB 1BT BBMS1DY IN 9H WOULt, In ail eaae of Dlf aiaor ana 1)1 AKHX1CE A IN CU1LDHKM, WDethef Uariate troai taethlna-. e fraaa an ntbe eanaa. Wa woald aay to arery mother whobvi a etiPil lutlerlnf. from any of the foiritoinf complalntt-'-DO. MOT Lair YOOR FKMC1I0JS MOt TiiM PKHJUDlOSSOFOtUHRb stand between yon and om anfferlna child, and the re lief that WUI be BCK yea, ABOLTirKLT SOBrli-te follow the.ue of thiamadletna, tf timely natd. rliU Si ttotlona fat utns will aooompany earn boUle. . Nona awaatM Inlea the tao-aimll of OUBT1H St PBRKIN8; lie York, ia on tht ontald wrapper. J"' . SoM by all BracfUU ihioahoat the world. PrlaetpaiOfrice 13 Codtir Btreetii.Y. PRICB ONLY S5 CENT PER BOTTLB. i.tttwkwiy. ";",'" 1 f at llr ".v , i .cm flhArftT's Wtti W. Bichards, Odn.j Jacob Jlodt, VI. - .a Ovttattf rieu. : T)T virtna of an order of tar to ma directed, from tht 1J nonrt of Common flea or vrankltn eonnty. Ohio, I will oflet for aalt at the , door a (he qoart, Hooao, bt meoiiyei veiuaauaa, ,. ,,,., ... , r. 1, On Saturday, November I6ih A D. I86lr at I t'eleak, Jht,,Ipllrwlnt detcrlbed'teal titate. Loll Hum f 31. rtrtatv three fait, nineteen Y19).' fW- on (91), Ml fllty-flr fSS). In the town of Rome, Prai rie townhi,ln rat eonnty of Franritnv and State of 0i.- Atao, -more nt ItaA wHich'taW itoob Vledt aooiht tf Jeht Wi tMker Aypraawd a4et WW t, K5.0O.. i.jotj l-"H1jicfoett,tf rVV 1 : tl. ,. j& 00 . ! sv an ml C'tlO'tWrtWA lMtUI A l f ui 1 vhih -"ttiwHOFia.ats j tj .SFIAH By Ra. Pavu, Deputy ' MhtrfVei t 00. otU-td ' :-It TELEGRAPHIC. Reported for the Ohio Statesman. Interesting Washington Dispatches. FIGHTING NEAR LEESBURG. REMOVAL OF FREMONT CONTRADICTED. TRADICTED. Battle at Linn Creek, Mo.—Rebels Routed. PRICE STILL RETREATING. McCulloch Marching to Reinforce him. REPORTED BRUTAL OUTRAGES UPON WOUNDED SOLDIERS AT HARPER'S FERRY. Zellicoffer Superseded by Gen. Lee. From Washington. [Special to the Herald.] Washinoton, Oct. 19. Official intelligence from a gentleman just from tbe South says our squadron below New Orleans bad an engage ment witn toe renei equaaron, uoaer iiaiiins. Two ot our vessels (tot aground, and suffered considerably, but none were oaptured, and but few lives were lost. Yesterday Heintzelraan made a reconnois- sance In force ..toward Occoquan river. The Ions roll was distinctly beard iu the rebel camps, acroBB Acotink creek. It appearsthat there Is no rebel force between the 1 elegraph Koad and the river above Occoquan, and no rebels lor a considerable distance beyond Vienni. A contraband reports three rebel resimeuts at Leesburg, ready to retreat 011 Manassas, 11 attacked. . : - Full accounts of the firiug ou the Resolute received state that she was delayed a quarter of an hour by chain stretched across the river, during which time one hundred and fifty shots were Bred at her. lue scnoouer rairlax being nearest tj the battery, received at least fifty shots, when the rope connecting berto tbe Res olute parted; she drifted netr tbe shore aod was captured. No one hurt aboard tbe Resolute. Tbe firing continued from rebel batteries a dis tance of two miles. Tbey have fifteen miles of batteries nearly continuous. ' One shot from Shipping Point reached tbe Maryland shore, four miles distant. It is believed tbat vessels not drawing more than tight feet of water can hng the shore and esotpe barm. . ' Several vessels have already run by. Foreign advieea reoeived by the last steamer at tbe State Department, are more than usual ly satisfactory; but there Is great activity in schemes to violate the blockade and introduce contraband goods. Lord Lyons has addressed a circular to Brit ish Consuls in the South, enclosing laws of blockade, which does not allow a vessel in blockaded ports to take on cargo after the com mencement of s blockade. Lord Lyons -instructs all' Consuls to take this law lor guid ance: " 1 . ... ,,..... . .., v Twior three officers, prominent in the volun teer service, are suspected of giving informa tion of our movements to the enemy. A New York Colonel now under arrest for Insubordina tion is one of them. ,- ' . Only yesterday Mr. Seward assured a mem ber of the Diplomatic Body that the little af fair of the Southern Insurrection wonld blow over within three months. - The porta would be all opened and peace and prosperity reign. One hundred and nTty of the Mew York Mi went scouting yesterday , and advanced nearly to Fairfax Court House. Tbey saw about half a regiment of rebels and no mure, i hey were at first mistaken by the inhabitant! for South ern eoldiers,and were enlightened as to the plans of the rebels, to far as was Known to the cm tens. . - ' ' " It was stated they were discouraged, and Johnson intended to make no stand this side of Centreviile, on the heights of which, however, if followed there, tbey would oppose the Union forces lor a while, but when pressed, wonld with draw to their old position beyond Bull Run. Tbey 'report no obstructions or birricades on the way. ,,,,''. f JO It certain that the rebels have a very small, if BDy force, at Leesburg, and they are evacuating it altogether as fast as possible. The same is trne of Fairfax Court House, as Is established by a reconnoieance. If there is any line of defense beyond tbe old one it extends toward Acauia Creek. The theory thai tbe rebels have fallen back upon the Rappahannock Is untenab'e.; ' ' 1 Tbe court-martial iu the case of Col. Miles meets tmorrow at Alexandria, ilia unquali fied acquittal Is be;ond a doubt. tbe a II. a and tbe at are The A tols of day the ana A cupy sum all, [Times's Dispatch.] It was currently reported on the other side of the Potomao to-day that Fairfax Court House has been fired and destroyed by the rebels. Tbe naviaratlon ol tbe rotomao again appeart to be unobstructed.- 41 vessels passed tbe bat teries' at Shipping Point this afternoon, and only one was hit, the ball going through ber main- sail. 1 ."-':' " ' ' A contraband arrived within Gen. MoCall's linet yesterday; he reads and writes with facll lity. He wae attaohed to the Louisiana Brig ade. -The brigade bad been stationed near Fairfax Court House. On Wednesday they were all ordered to move baok to Centreviile, where it was currently reported a stand was to be made. ' '"- . :' ." 1 The cause of the order to more back was in expectation of an immediate attack from Mo Clelian, and so great was their haste tbey left large quantifies of floor and other provisions. so been St. tion are [Herald's Dispatch.] Thn citv haa been very anlet. The advance of our forots has muoh diminished the number of uniforms npon tbe street aod around the hotels. Gen. McClellan's sanday order appears ta bavs been strictly obeyed-i . . appears that tbe Government hat through its agent! In England purohased a large quant ity of blankets, to the extent of at least three nundred tnousana, sua mat two nunurea inous and more are yet to be purohased. Some of these, it is said, have already arrived. Tbe Government was compelled to exercise this foresight before the approach of winter, as no blanket eould begot in thla market, al thoueh it is supposed that several speculators are holding them back for higher prices. 1 " ' - - la regard to me expedition niting oni to, ope rate against Mexico, our Ministers at London and Paris assert positively, that neither of these Governments has entered into any arrange ment f 1th Spain to join in the alleged expe dition. ; ' ,vt J :. . . i- The renlv to the communication of Secreta ry Seward, which was addressed some time ago it. to lor on a burg in lo loose governments, respecting vue uesigoa 01 those powers, hat not vet been, received. Our government bat all along been assured by both Eneland and Franoe.that they had do object In their interference in mexioan auaira oiner mau to protect their oititene ana obtain reparation for butraget perpetrated npon them, which are 01 long Manning. 1 .. ,. . ., . It la a reraaikaoie iaoi to at tous rar ine troons of neither a tint bare occupied the toil of, Mt.. Vernon, nnleis it baa taken place vun in-a lew dajt., A general watchfulness ha been kept noon the olaee by our troops, and thould the rebels attempt to erect batteries there they will be rtoalstd by McClelltn with root delay, end tbe place protected by a guard of nsuor, compete of troops tbtt btve distin sulshed thamael x ine advance of the -army bat rendered It neoeetary that the1 rttadauartcrs of the General commanding ahoald be removed te Virginia. Arrangemeni are oeinr made, and II It txpeet- ed la t) few day General McClellan's qoatteri win ot in in mat ei ine oampt en the otntr tide. I f i-'o'- m te tu . ,1-1.-1 .., .. .. It tl said that the moretnent of General Mo Call St the head of his division toward Leea- aToH. lain tended to cutoff the rebels. If they have goof in the dfrfcjfioV of Vupet'i Fesr, Ss tomt toDtoe.'ltnctd of falllns back on Ma- aMs, .They hT0 mptt likely done he latter, aod General MoCatl will probably fall to find enemv in tbe direction ne is now marcn ifcv ;; ' [Post's Dispatch.] Mr. Ellet, a prominent military engineer, of this city, has proposed to ine uovernment a plan for constructing a number of steam Rams with Iron backs, for tbe protection of tbe large seaports in the event of a foreign Invasion. It believed the Government regards this propo sltlon with favor. [To the Associated Press.] Waiiiihotom, Oot. 31. The Reliance went down to loin the flotilla last night, and the Robert Leslie sailed thither to day noon. Some forty vessels went down yesterday and safely passed tbe rebel batteries: a large .number of shots were fired at them but none struck. It la believed the) armed steamship or fioat- battery now building after tbe Erioson plan, ill i.a mnUI isf inn ViAattatal TF ta MnSlP EBwm a Vk UVJ fJUUiptOtfJU tUUg wWw auw wnw w finished, the work upon it being of less magni A large surplus from ine sum approprt ated by Congress for the purpose remains. Secretary Uameron returned wis morning his visit west. The good disciplinary or of our troops in their recent movements af a subject for military praise. i.i' There is a rumor here to-day tbat a sharp cor respondence is coins; on between Secretary Sew aod Lord Lyons, in continuation of tbat has already been published, but no au thentic intelligence has transpired and the re is regarded as untrue. Tbe Baltimore & Washington Railroad Com expects to be able to satisfy all the re quirements of the Government in the transpor tation of troops and supplies over it tingle with additional laoilities lor travel. The Government does not credit the report of escape of the steamship Nashville from Charleston. In faot it was stated tbat evidence the contrary bas been received here. -;" - The following intellleence is from tbe Kich mond Enquirer of tbe 15tb: JNiw Urlians, Uct. 14. Ibo expedition ol Commodore Holllus consisted or tho n,iuni, Iron-clad marine Battering Ram, wlih one four-pounder Dihlgren gun, tho sioamer Cal houn, the flag-btiiji, with one twenty fuur.pound er and two eighteen pounders Dahlgren guns, tbo&t.-amer Ivy, with an eight-inch thirty-two-pouuder rifled, tho eteumvr Jackunn, with two eight-inch uoliiuibiadd, the steamer MoK&e, with sixty-four-paunder mounted on a pivot, fonr eight-inch columblads and a twenty-four-pounder rifled, tho steamer Tuscarora, with one eight inch columbiad aod a thirty-oue-paundor rifled, tbe oulter Pickens, with one eight inch co lumbiad and four twentr-four-pounder ciuon- ades. The blockade had the Richmond, Vincennes. Preble, Water Witch, and the schooner Joseph Toono, iu all fifty three guns. Un frluay laht our fleet started lor rort Jack son, the Manassas leading tbe way. . The night was intensely dark, and the Manassas ran into vessel, striking her near the bow, and cutting Into ber upward of twenty feet. Appalling shrioks were beard aboard tbo doomed snip. Signal rockets were fired, the enemy beat to quarters, and a perfect iron bail foil upon and around the Manassas, during whlcb ber ma chinery became damaged. Tbo Tuscarora tbe Watson came up with four barges which had been cut looto and set adrift 00 tbe stream. When the morning came, our fleet com menced to pursue tbe retreating enemy, and a heavy cannonading began, which kited till 8 o'clock. 1 Several shots struck tbe Richmond. Shots from the Yankee a were badly aimed, as tbey did not touch one of our vessels. When firing ceased the fleet returned to the city With the prize schooner Joseph II, Toono, load ed with coal, and which had been deserted dur ing the night. A large quantity of lumber, which bad been intended for tho construction of a fortification tho head of the Passes, was burned. The vessel sunk was not the Preble, but the Vincennes. Three vessels of our expedition arrived on Saturday night. There Are rumors of a batt'o in progress near Leesburg. No particulars. The Federal troops known to ba entrenched on an Island In the near that point. Foraging parties of Fed eral troops daily venture as far ns Mt. Vernon. rumor of Fremont's removal is revived to day. Ibe following telegram from Gen. Stone s command bas been received at head quarters ; gallant reconnoissance was made early this morning by Major Mix, of tbe Van Allen cav alry, and Capt. Stewart, Aasistant-Adjutant-Geucral, from Edward's Ferry, toward Lees burg, witb thirty cavalry. Tbey camoon tbe 1 l:h Mississippi regiment, and received tbeir tire at thirty yards. They returned it with tbeir pis and fell back In order, bringing in one pris oner. We bave possession of tbe Virginia side Edward's Ferry.- Additional accounts ear, up to 3 0 clock to Gen. Slone bad held his own satisfactorily there, though bis comparatively small force 00 Island is engaged with some 4000 of the enemy. A subsequent dispatch received late this af ternoon says Geo. Erans bas fuur field pieces three pieces masked, and almost 4U00 men. prisoner taken mentions be bas 4000 rebel troops and expects reinforcements. lien, stoue at that time believed he oould oc Leesburg to-day and bold It. un oaretui investigation it is round that tbe of slUU.UUU was sent lo Eogland, and $400,000 more is to be sent in thirty days in less than one million dollars to purohase to be made op in this oountry to meet tbe pressing want of our soldiers in the field, un til our own manufactirers can supply tbe goods much needed. The greatest care was exer cised in the selection ot agents to exeoute the order. In connection with the fact that payment has suspended on debts created in tbe Depart ment of the West, it is ttited that the investi gating committee appointed by Congrcta to ex amine into all contracts, and now in tension In Louis, have, in their examination, discover ed great inegularity and extravagance In the publio expenditures, la wiew of all tbe cir cumatances, It is apparent that tho administra will ytold to tbe necessity ot completely reorganizing the entire Department, to accom plish which Gen. Fremont will be transferred or assigned to some other duty. The President and bis constitutional advisers determined that that department of tbe ser shall be managed with prudence, so far as have and can exercise the power to control While the steps necessary to be taken may the standing or position of some few in dividuals, it is considered better that suoh changes thould be made rather than the great interests at stake should suffer by hesitation or Inaction on the part of the Government. ' 1 be Commissioner of Patents haa decided not extend on McCormick's application lor an extension ol his reaper patent of 1847. A court or Enquiry bas been ordered at toe request of Commodore Pope, of tbe Brooklyn, escape 01 tbe privateer Bumter wuiie no was blockading the Mississippi. A Government construction train advanced tbe Loudon aud Hampshire Railroad to-day mile and a half beyond Fall's Church find ing the road tbat far in good condition. Rebel pickets were teen to-day on ine Leos- turnpikes mile beyond our outposts. - -' .A foraging party from Gen. Smith's division advanced to within a short distance of Vienna. Tbey captured about 'sixty loads of hay aod two nundred, and fifty busneis 01 oats, jcyeryimog that section reported quiet. a to . In of The Nashville still in Charleston Harbor. New Yore, Oot. 31. The Richmoudtbqul rer'says tbe Wtshvuie is situ in Charleston Harbor and tbat Messrs. Mason and ttlidell did not sail in that vessel. ,--ri v- , t? , : A Pensacola dispatch of the 13th says ft par ty consisting of Capl. Butler 'and wife, Mr. Packard and who, Air, uuteu end others, rad esoaped to iott Pickens. - . . i - Fremont Not Removed. Sr. Louisa Oot. 19. Tbe statement in the Cincinnati Osteite of yesterday, tj the effeot that Secretary Aameroivea Rio recent visit to thie Department, brought aa order from tht President instructing rremont to transfer the command of the Western Department to Gen Hunter, and that tbe execution .of the- order was delayed at ths request of Gen. Fremont, is pronounced, untrue. i . If Cameron had Birth- order. U was -not presented: 1 The4- Interview" between 'Fremont . 1. ... at 1L 1 A .a1 a. and camtran was a satisfactory one to- pom r---- .1 i:,u ri . Death of Ex-Governor Woodbridge. 'DtWott, -Oot. fi0.iEi-t36vernor' IHHIani Woodbrldge died at his residence fn this city to-WiK4Mjar. Battle at Linn Creek—The Rebels Dispersed. reported acting BNgaaier-Ueoeral Wyman, who left noils, sev oral days since with two thousand five hundred men, has arrived at Linn oretk, where he dis persed s, body of rebels, killing considerable number and taking two hundred prisoners, and captured eighteen wagons of goods belonging to jucuinUf.oc io prominent union nrm whom tbe rebels had robbed.- . '.; f 'f.i Advicet from General Fremont are up to o'clock on Saturday night. He is Mill at War- saw, and tbe pontoon brtgde across the Ossgi was 10 ds noisnea on oaiuraay. utoerti uigere (uvmon bad crossed the river. '.i j K.M I It was reported in our camp at Warsaw that Price bad been largely reinforced by McCul loch, and that their oomblued forcea were forti tying Oseola, where they intend to give Fre mont battle. New' York, Oct. 20. It Is reported that Sec retary Cbase bas decided tbat green teas are manntacturcd articles, eomlng from places otb er than tbeir growth, and are liable to a duty 01 twenty-nvs per oent. - ;'!'. Dasneitown, Oct. 17 The camn Is filled with rumors of a retreat of our forces before a superior force of. the enemy, at and above Har per's Ferry; some say as far as Williamsport, ano 01 tneir recrossing tne river to tbe Mary land shore. These rumors cannot be traced reliably.1 - ' Cincinnati, Oct. 20. The following dispatch passed over the lines on Saturday: CLEVELAND, Ulil. IV. TO llOU. Urightm Young, Great Salt Lake City: Sir I bave the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your mea sage of last evening, which was very gratify ing, not only in the announcement of the com pletion of the Pacific Telegraph to tour enter prising und prosperous ciiy, but that yours, tbe uret message to pas over tne line, should ex press so unmistakably tbe patriotism and Union- oving sentiments ol yourself aud people. I join witb you in the hope that this enter prise may tend to promote the welfare aud happiness ot all concerned, and tbat the anni hilation of time In our means of communication may also tend to annihilate prejudice, cultivate brotherly love, facilitate commerce, and strengthen the bonds of our once, aud strain to be, happy Union. With just consideration for tour hlth Doakion. aud due respect for you personally, 1 am your obedient servant, J. H. WADE. Affairs in Missouri. Hudson, Out. 20. A messenger reooits tbat scouting party, numbering one hundred have been taken prisoners by some six hundred reb els at McCobell, Coldwell county. Four hundred Federal troops at Cameron were ready to march to their roscue when the train left. - . Another party of from four to five hundred rebels was in Carroll county and bad captured seventeen of Col. Morgan's men. Morgan bad startea in pursuit. Syracuse, Oct. 20. Major Scott, of General Sigel's staff, from Warsaw yesterday, says defi nite and satisfactory information bad been re ceived at Sigel's camp tbat Gen. Price broke up bis camp in Cedar conoty, where he arrived iat Sunday week and where it Is said he would stand and give battle, and continued bis retreat toward tbe Arkansas line. ,, St. Lodis, Oct. 21. Union scouts report tbe total number of armed rebels in south-east Missouri atbOOO. A man direct from Price's army says Jack son s reoet legislature is in session at Stock too, the county seat of Cedar county, which place McCullocb was approaching to reinforce Price with from 6000 to 12000 men. The ttatemeot- of the Washington corres pondent of the New York Tribune that Capt. Prince, Commandant at Leavenworth, refuses recognize Gen. Fremont as bis superior offi cer, is false.. - i.-. Jefferson City, Oct. 21. The steamer J.D. Perry, which arrived here to-night witb fifty wagons and one hundred and forty mules from St. Louis, was attacked by rebels at Portland, and narrowly escaped being oaptured. " Her Captain thinks there must bave been seven hundred rebels at that place. s Cruelty to Federal Prisoners—Guns mounted on the Custom House and Levee at New Orleans. New York, Oct. 21. A lady arrived at Phil advlphia, reports four wounded Federal soldiers put to death at Harper's Ferry by ft slow aod cruel process, sucb as stabbing lb em in various parts of the body with ft small penknife. The rebels were aided in tbeir acts by Presbyterian clergyman of Harper's Ferry, now residing at Sbepardstown. She saw about ISO dead rebels. Dr. 8. H. Bradley, formerly of New York, who was at Bull Run aa surceou of tbe 2d Ala bama regiment, has arrived at Washington. ne attempted to esotpe on tbe day or tbe bittle bnt was detected, and sent to Montgomery, whero be was kect confined until Sentember 25th, when he was released and went td New Orleans, cn route North. At New Orleans, Ootoberlst, guns had been mounted on the Custom Iloude and Levee, and on such bulld ogs as were deemed strong enough. A num ber of gun boats had been placed 00 Lake Pon cbsrtrain to repel attacks in that direction. Planters are dissatisfied witb tbe refusal of the Rebel Government to allow eotton aooess to the market. . 11 . at Of Newspaper Office and Private Dwellings Sacked by a Mob. Tira Haute, Oct. 1G. Three hundred or three companiel of the Forty-third Indiana Reg iment, itationed at Camp Vigo, in thit citv. under tbe command of their Colonel, entered the city quietly this evening, and proceeded to office of the Journal and Democrat, and a short time demolished everything. . They then proceeded to several private houses and served them in tbe same manner .y . I be citizens are organising to proceed ti take camp. There is great exoitement. ' ' SO 94 From Fortress Monroe. Fortress Monroe,- Oct.' 20. Some twentv persons, who have been awaiting here several days to go to Norfolk by a flag or truce, will re turn to Baltimore to-night. , Neither the Gen eral or flag officer will allow any communica tion with tbe rebels, -for ft number of daye at lat. ..,,' - .. The released rebel prisoners from Fort Lafay ette arrived here this morning, and were sent, temporarily, to the store ship. ' ' " Col. Dimmick, who bas been post Comman dant at Old Point for nearly two years, reft last night for Fort Warren, Boston. "' The Pony Express to be Superseded —Humboldt, Kansas, Burned by Secessionists. Atohiion, Ktnsas, Oot. 19. Orders hare to day been issued by the President of the Pike's reak express Company at this plaoeyieetop the running of the Pony Express as soon as tbe California line ie completed, whioh will proba bly be early nest week; it is therefore probable that not more that one pony more will run. , Liavin worth, Uct. ai. The . IOntervttive this city has advices tbat tbe town of Hum boldt, Kansas, has been totally burned by sects' slonlsts from the Indian country. It Is thought probable that the records and ' papers of the United States land offioe were destroyed. Two Hundred wagons sua one thousand yoke of oxen have been teat to Fremont's command wilbio the present week from this place. The steamer Florence arrived here this morn ing from St. Louis, having come through uomo- losted by the reosis. k iirtiotrr feet aue stand o ... a r f .'- 1 -. n im . - - - - ' ' f From Louisville. Lomsv11.11, Oct. SI The rrnort -of tbo 00- enpation of Oreensbnrg by the rebels Is prema ture. A very few went there and took twenty muits, wnioe dm oeen niaoed as oontraband In care, of Geo. Ward.-' 1 - -- ; 1 It is' reported that General Ward fell back twelve miles from Grttnburg to Campbella- yllle.' ' ii -jir-.-, ... 1--. ... ,1 .. .. ; ,tt.,.. t,. . He dispttched 6ne hundred and fifty cavalry to reconnoitre, intending they should return yesterday. . They had not returned, when .our ward las about 3000 troops, advanee guard. Tbs 'rtbeti 'at Little' Barren,' south 'tide of Green River, estlmattd at three thouaenl The river iavery hlsh -and will bo Itapaesabla by rording for- sererafdaysr-a private 01s- patcn to oe Joarn&i JS uairan. uas uu, isi len back aa reported,! i (.t i ti- Zolllcoffer hat beeo superseded by Lee, . Cairo, III., Oct. 21 The "gunboat Cones., toga -made a teoonnoitaanoe up tbe river yes terday ss far RS tht State line. She reports s strong rebel force nts tbe. T annua line. She returned this afternoon, having seized two L I J 1 - ... n t ., P - oargei, tuaaeu witn nour, aestintd I or a rebel camp. .Reported tbat the rebels were In strong force at Blandvilleon 8atnrdayi alao resorted tbat Hardee's force it tlx thousand strong at Belmont, Mo. '- ' ' . '.' ....; - ''. I. m 1 ' Bo6TON.Oct.21Tbt Bangor Times punllshea tn extraot from letfer dated Barbadoes. Serit. 27th, stating that s privateer cotter bad been captured by the United States steamer Powbat ten. Letters from bar ties in Bsrbadoes howev er of Sept. 28ibf reeeired here, makes no men tion or tbe report. ,,lt ,.-.,-),', , t4 f New Yosk. Oct. Sl.-J-Tbe Tribnoe says of tne various storie afloat reeardinir Fremont'! command, "we snow mis to be true; . mat ec retary Cameron took. out with him full dis cretionary power to tupeisede Fremont, and turn over the command or bis army to Geo. Hunter, and tbat he did not see fit to cxerche mat power. Ail beyond Una is idle specula tlon."; I ' - ' ' . s . -. Arrival of the Etna. Sr. Johns, Oot. 19. Tbe steamthlD Etna. with four days' later advices, was boarded off cape Kace on rrlday. Tbe King of Prussia naid a two dava' vlait In Napoleon. . , i Tbe Emperor of China le reported dead. Prince Napoleon bad sent the Emoeror Na poleon an Important state paper en American affaire. 1 . .. : ' . . , .'. : , Cotton alight advanee: Manchester adviocs favorable. The market baa an advanced ten dency. Breadstuff's firm and upward. Wheat firm; all qualities advanced slightly. .. , wvEirooL. ureadstutu nrm and upward. Richardson. Scenes & Co. reDort flour advanc ing, with sales at 28(330. Wheat firmer. and all qualities have advanced to ft trifling extentt red western and southern, at 1012s 6J; white western and southern 11 14. Corn steady j mixed aod yellow 31s 6dffl32j; white 3437s. Provisions generally quiet and steady. Beef quiet. Pork losotlve. Produce sugar bad an upward tendency; coffee inactive. JUONDOK Market. Ureade tuffs firm: coffee active, and all descriptions are slightly higher; tea quiet out steaay. London Monet Market. Consols closed on stocks sales or Illinois Central shares at 39 isao .rte ju.u. a go LATEST BY TELEGRAPH VIA QUEENSTOWN. LivttrooL, Thursday. Cotton Sales yester day and to day 60,000 bales; 30,000 to specula tors and exporters. Market excited and firm. and closed with ft trifling advance. Breadstuff's firm. Corn active; mixed at 31s 6J. London, Thursday Evening. Consols closed to-day at 92923. American securities quiet and steady. The London Times thanks Mr. Seward for the just exercise of bis judgment relative to the memorials against Dr. Rutsell, although his (Seward's) shows a strong undercurrent of spirit. The Times also repudiates tbs charges against Dr. Russell, and believes tbtt tbe good sense of tbe Americans will see tbe folly of in terfering with him. . rf ,,' . COMMERCIAL MATTERS. New York Market. [REPORTED FOR OHIO STATESMAN.] NEW YORK, Oct. 21. FLOUR Optnfd doll, with large receipt and only moderate aemana ror export ana none coniumptton; ale of 19,400 bbl at 5 00(35 iS tot rejected; 85 30$5 40 for opoi flue state; IS biS 6S for extra itate; tiliS forchoioe; 5 305 to for inperflne weitern; R3 50U 80 for eommon to mixed extra wottem; $t 74SiS0 for ahlppfng brand extra ronnd hoop Ohio; (6 06(116 50 for trade brand. Canada nour la moderate raqoeat at un changed price: sale of 750 bbl at 4 305 40 for inner fine; S5 55(J 60 for common to choice extra. Jty flour qnlet and ateady at t'i 7i(a4 00. OOKN MSAL-Quiet; ales of 800 barrels New Ha. TewniflKY-Dull; tales of 250 bbs at 21iS; chiefly atsixo- WHEAT Large receipts and only moderate expert demand; market l2c lower; lalea 19,t00 buah choice Ohlcaao aprin; at 1 1151 19; Utter price forchoioe; M,300RaaineprlDgail 17$l SO; 41fU0 interior to prims Milwaukee club at It 17(8)1 M; 33 000 amber Iowa at lS3K133Xilj,30Ord stale at tl S81 31 79,000 winter red western at SI Si: 6,0110 eholoe Canadian clnb at SI tt 1 S; 13 ,000 amber Mleblran at 33; 76,000 ehoice amber Kentucky at (134; 15,600 whit Keuttrkyat St 43vl 47; 10,1100 white Hlehinn at . 1 . . A nfU. 1 . 1 . ma 1 . -au, .uu .x.y nanasonp, uu a si oo. RVK Steady at 7378o. BARLEY In moderate reqnett; aale 8,(KX bo itate atOI8U5c; 3,500bah Canada Wet at7c; 8,000 buah prime Toronto at T3c; and 3,000 bash prime barley malt at 78c. CORK In large snpply with moderate export and trade; price lo per buah lower; sale of 193,000 train 57$59o for darned, and inferior mixed weetern at 60c; good weatern do 60 l-253e; good to prime (hipping do closing at 60 1.2(361,- 63c forweitenr yellow; 660 for white wetern. OATS Bcaree and firmer t 4034 for Canadian; 48 (3543c for weatern and att . - - , r . PORK Still very firm with moderate demand; aale 850 bbl at S 15 15 75 for ma; 9 75910 for prime. BK BC Dull and nnchanged: aale of S00 bbts at St 00 St 50 for prime; S5 005 05; men 9(SS 25 for repack ed mess; 1 11 13 50 for txtrei me; prime mea beef Iliac. Ire. .. . B1EF BAM a Steady ; tale of 50 boll naw weatern at 17c. - CUT MEATS Quiet and unchanged: iho'nlders 59 5je; ham 5 1-86 1-Sol- hauuii rirm ana in mr reqneat ai ox'c roramoK ed aide; talea of 115 bbl at latter price. LARD Continue firm, bnt there Is leu activity In maaket: aale of 300 bbl at 8 l-SCSUo.. BUTTER Quite freely selling at nnchanged price; Ohio 7 1 Ic, and 12 15o for (tats. OHBK8B Dull dull and heavy at 57o. COFFEE More aotir; market very firm; aale of 4,800 baga Rio on p. t. and 200 bag do at 1116 1-2: an anotloa aale of 3,000 bag Santa, cargo of brig Raska, I announced for to morrow, Sii. . SUGAR Raw eontlnn dull. M0LA88E8 Quiet, only amall talet of Barbadoe are making at 37o.--. . ') STOCKS Dnll and lower; Chicago and Rock Island 1-2; Illinois Central Railroad 66; Michigan Central i B. 10: Harlem nrefered. 31 1-2! Bndaon Railroad 36; Erie Railroad 31 1-3; Harlem 13; Erie preferred, 52; Mew York Oentral 77; Cleveland and Toledo 35K, 0. B. and 0. 63; PaclSo Hall 92; Missouri alxes 53 12; United State of '80, 82; United State sixes 81;conooni 1)2; United State Are 74; coupon 84; United State fives 71; coupon 84. 1 1-. ., . . at 00 a Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, Oct. 21. as Mtimattof hoMers,taongh tbs demand is scarcely so active. - - i.- '- WHEAT It seamry u ready of tab as tt was yester day, bnt tbe price are nnchaajred. - '..: CORN la attll ejnoteS nominally at 80a. OATS Are offered freely at 29o, in bulk, and buyers are not offering over 28o. RYE Bell more eleadlly, and is held at 40a. - . BARLEY Can scarcely b quoted aa baring a mar ket. - 't.ii .-.. j WHISKY -vuamw, if mi roiuv h wa. - 1 r 1 1 .. . - 1 1 1 : t At in. Cmmtrclal. . Philadelphia Market. [TELEGRAPHED THE OHIO STATESMAN.] PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 21. ELOUE firm and active at J J7X5 75 for roper fine. , ; ' ' ' WHEAT Active; slet 12,000 bush southern red at I 35. ' ; , COKN Actlre: Yellow 7Jo. PROVISIONS nrm; me pork $15 50; ldeX7; noniaer53toe- , - . . v . 1 X.AHD tirm. WHISKY-Advanetd at 9222 tf. ! ' NEWARK MACHINE WORKS, HCWAIlik uniu, Blantttaclarera ot all k lasts ( Vop table ant ktatiaaaavr- ktnssaa a.ia- lues, taw BUIls, turiet mills, tf- 'j.u' I "' atrV :jI . . t J., B. DXTYALL ; Mtatmltl C0LVXIV8 i ,1 MJICmXt CO. Utaimim MMAMiflUf w'-,. J 1 SCO. lit I Ont rortable fcglne end fcw Mill Wat awarded fht nt premlma of t50 at the Indiana BtaU fair for 1?B over tana kBodlay! oh aoobant oi Price, lightness, slmpliolty, economy of fuel Vend seocrlor character Of lumber gftwetl. .1 Oar Stationary Bngto was awasdad aV the same fals the Snl yreaataaa of SltOO. , 4, Onr Portable Engine wai Swarded (he Bnrt premliua S SIM) at tn rair at aseeapni. xena., ever Biandy us wir. Oolambo Machine Co' a. . and Bradford at Oot. sy s oammtttee of practical Railroad lnlneers. , or pilot and terms sddrees ' ,,-1 - WlLiiARD WUtHIlL Treaearer, ' aW-dawlyesle. . Hewark.Ohlo . Oantoa Uattings. ' te 4, (V4. "Whit ttn Keel mad yWLsunokMorroiertorguaiHy. for sal by 7 I. MllA lS ? bVim a SOU. ' , ;r'"i'! : 1 1 i ;s . ,i rr TBrLLAIT OfS- WATBUsXRtf It, CLOAK 4OTHS.' iAlsnv-lher snakea of Spring 0 leak Clothe, In sit sMrable aaunnes sindleve. Tas- ttl an Battoot to match. BAIH Sa boh, apritf He. WaVwIbHifhttree U I They go Right tflt Jhtj pot Vsi is iastanitfellef OStep iar Ceag k i- ". ( .. ...... ; Parlfjr year Breath? - Strengthen watts- Velcti; i "5 THROAT CONFECTIONS' . .., SB . GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN. GOOD FOR. LECTURERS, . ! J GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, f ' GOOD FOR SINGERS. V " ' GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES. OINTLEMES CARRY SPA tDlNG'S THROAT CONFECTIONb . LADIES ARB DELIGHTED WITH ' ' ' 8PALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. .- i . CHILDREN CRY FOR " SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. -1 They relieve a Coogh Instantly. They clear the Throat.' j '; ; They give strength and volume to the voice. ' Tbey impart a delicious aroma to tbe breath Tbey are delightful to the taste- They are made of simple herbs and cannot barm any one. i . Iadvlie every on who ha Cough or a husky Voice or a Bad Breatn, or any difficulty of the Throat, to get package of my Throat Confection; they will relieve you Instantly, and yon will agree with mt that 'they rlghl te the spot." Ton will find them very mern I and pleasant while traveling or attending publio meet for stllllngyour Oough or allaying yonr thirst 1 1 try oni package, I am safe In saying that you Will ever afterwards consider them indispensable. T Yon will And them at tbe Druggists and Dealers In MeJIcloea. ' ' '" i PRIOEJ ! TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. My slgnatnr I en each package. All other are counterfeit. A package will be tent by mall, prepaid, on receipt 0 - Thirty Cents. - Address, Henry C. Spalding, '". i NO. 48 CEDAR STRUT, NEW YORK. 'V- NervousHeadache B jib os of thaaa rills ths periodic attacks of Aer eows er Oct Btaiaakt may be pnventadi and if taken the commencement of an attack Immediate relief fr ia pain and alcknes will be obtained. They seldom tall in removing, the JUautt and - to which females are to subject- Tbey act gently upon the bowels rsaovlng Ootti ms. t 1 ' 1, . i yi for IMernry Mm, &4nU, DeUoaU female . and all person otudentary habit, they are value LaaaUv, ImproYing the appetiU, glTlng Ions . ttgtr to the dlgeitlve organs, and restoring the natnr slastloity and strength of ths whole system. TH1 CBPH ALIO PILLS srt the reenlt of long Inve Hgatlen and carefully conducted sxpeMmenu, having been in use many years, during which Hue they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffer . from Headache, whether originating in the aerwoai lyitex tr from a deranged state of th ttomack. .' They are entirely vegetable la their composition, an may be taken at all times with perfect safety without making any Chang ot diet,', and tkt abmo of any ditagrnaUe UwU rmdri U tan to udrUnit er Vum Mtidren. BEWARE Of OOtOTEdf BITS I . Thtgennlat bay lTlghtuieof Heary 0 SpaUlag oneschBoz. ...!:.,. ;.'. .'- 1 .V Sold by Druggists and all other Sealers la Medicine. A Box will he sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of the Prioo, QSOouts. iH'orders shoal te addmated to ? - - HEN KIT C. SPALDING, ; tiCedtu- Street, New York.. from th Examiner, Norfolk, VS. Oerjbalio Pills aceomnlish ths object for which thee wore mans, via. I Cure of haarlschs In all its forma. From ths Examiner, Norfolk, Ta. The have been totted ss more thaa a thousand auM entire success from the Democrat, St. Cloud, Ulna.. ' ' If yob are, ev have been, troubled with the headache : 1 tend fur a box, (Cepnaiio Pills,) so that yon may have them In ease of an attack. '-" ', ' from tht Advertiser, Providence, R. I. ' The Cephalic Pill are said to be a remarkablv effect! remedy for the headache, and one of the very beat for that Very frequent oomplaint.whlch bat. ever keen eoTereoV. . ..-,,"' ' ' from the Western R. R. flasetto, Chicago, III. Wt heartily endorse Mr. Ipauldint. and hi unrivaled : Cephalic Pill. fro ' . . Eaaiwia Tallsy Star, Kaaawna, Ta. We araehre that serasns euffertng with tb baasacta. .. . Who try them, will aliok to theeir - from the Southern Path finder, New Orleans, La. Try thaml yoa thai are afflicted, and we are sir that your testimony oan be adrled te the already numerous 1 list mat DM receives: neneni tnai no siner meairtne oae nrodose . Troes ths St. Lonlt Oeaoerat. The Inunene demaad for the article .OephalH Pills - rapidly increasing. from the Oaaette, Davenperh Uwa. . afr. SpaUIug would not oonnsct hi nam witn aa tr Uoleb did not Koto to Doaaem reaJmtrit. . THjTX single kottU of SPALDING'S FKBPABBD utMJas-wuiianaen Hsaee metmansisiirj 11 e . BFAUJINO'B PREPARED GLUC I f"oon rf Vl fcrs sn cin a orv n rtflt ' Oh UUKt- Tft J SrAJJJlMi'S fKi.rAB.ii UkUAt -.r ,; :;T ".;,. tf'f. taritkwiriaitt ' BOONOMTI DIIPATOHI - . y "r lD7'AtrrletwtlAeeaHusj.,J2 As accident WU napsea, evta ta wsll regelated hunf '"''- 111. H tj vary seelrabie to nave seaae eheap aadeaa m -all vensint Way tot iepeiiis furaltare, Toy, Oreafcary y , k ,N t" 'sPALMNO'J'fTtBPARMl tTttJlJ 1 A u t t meets all seat Mgmwilas, and n hasassett sea aSbrd -.- -. .. tosswithoatu. Itaalwajrdy,audaptelhtic, ""I POha1 A niwta i .1 T I ,. a .' XL1 m 1 vumwvm axa jtrjiaa aavunai. - - . -tl.'B. i rtsb eeeeariMaka sac sotll. " ; - ""'n J lii-ji-awwaa-' i. -I " o-.. -.-!! ).ir Vt.H f.j v. , pun, new lots "33 OADXIOsl. u ttoecrnsja snprlndpted aeraoae' ere' stterapHng riM en on wie erneHpesaing piwic, rmitatiom of SSPARiU) OLD A, t www sanMen art peraonttoi amiss before perehaelnf , and ee tht the fw II re, ' i" jiyspaLbtiia t fHfci'AKDbi,os,jjij bMUMeutietwmiwuusHrtiiiuiig tertslts, . . , . . as ----.. ,. ... a"-i w. Brabuinu. . :i: .. '. 1 -.'.7 - " -U' 1.1 v - -... i.ft ,:WSiyt ajr sx.' 1 frtJI-".-.;T! Me it i; 3 -j J . .4