Newspaper Page Text
UTEROrr-LlJDINGTON fr CO. 20 ft 22 MTJERAY BTEEET, IMPORTERS' AND JOBBERS ,QF. u , Foreign j wad Pomestio DRY GOODS OR CASTOR A PROVED CREDIT.. - EJTu? bualna ImrirCto h,thlng w. bar. hr.tofor. xhlbttedtolhtrd. Tbl bat groan to IU praautotltad. horohngmeiit of a buyer of long "Perlene. wWl good wwJ Wkttwt. Hne. III final tUa WUlGCDk FANCY VESTtNCS Akin.. , x? a vnv ' n A'SSIMERES i.bYJonndiutn.-.. 4ljiUBtuUo V Ale, f J1"? ",..,1 BR0AUCLU1U. SATINETS :;?;:- -.JI-' LADIES' CLOAINNGS, . (. i : .- ' ; (TWEEDS j i ri4inii'r l WEEDS, m U. P" "i-U" POINTED SATINETS, ai r , ; And Dtktr Good eorretpondinoli DresGoodb Departmeot. Manchester De Lelnes, HuiUUiBn n - tt 1o. Printed Lawn, Printed Brilliant. Fancy Gingham, Bombasine, ' Ttncy Bilk' Piloted Ohallle, Manehetter Oinghamt, Qlaegow do. . Clinton do. Ottoman Cloths, , Alpaca, Black Blue, AN, puna. A.dthtNStk8tyUf FANCY SPRING GOODS. . -n-inta.' Blehmond'lPTlntf, ' Uerrlmao Prlnta, Amartoan do. . 0ocbeo do. d0. Paclno - : f" " do. f u do. Appleton do. Po,.t Aa(;r,(,(f,Bd wAa. BLBACI1BD ' BHIBTINflB AND BnEBTINaB." . ,,. DwIkM, lawreno. ?S 'fes sr. (KewTorkMllU,:o.,fco. shawls anFmantillas; a taaoi aHD MLiOT botiit. COTTON ADB8-a great tarieljr. 0I1KCEB do. ' IICKINQB allUie Jeadlnjjbranda. - BHBTINO BIb'iPBB all UielHlnf branda. IMHkKNH ft aawa'- t" - OOKbKT JKANS - do. alOKBBNB oaSabkb, papbW CAMBBIOB. 0OL0BBD CAM- 'do. iilKCJS AND COMPLETE ST0CK8 WH1TI600D8,-' .:.'' ' HOSIIET. TAHIH 0H0HB, Gentlemen's . Furnisliiag Goo ds, UMBREtAS AND TARASOLS, ' CAHPET8 AND OIlCIiOTHS, And a treat rarttty of oodl not nnmerat.d-all pHcae toe lamer portion atarota 1( k W per teat. nan Uat year. v .'i .. ' " LATHROP, LUD1NGT0N & CO., WEW YORK.- mart . STONE'S' BAZAAR;: No. 4 Gwynne Block. A. T. STONE & O'HAItllA a ni"iWKrrEIVIltOIIKIK Wilt A trr OOODI, and taTlto tha paMto to Inaneet tbm. No audi Mock of flood na b broog bt this market. The Boutb, in eonacqnenc of to failure of lb. train crop, liaa not been able to purchase the quantity of rich good, and thai faetawfonad Importer, to eU them at publia aactton. Our kayar (Mr. Stone) toeini in New fork at the Urea aalea, a iTautaa of them, and w can and will nil oar good, hire, at lw than nay on wha pntcaaaad tw waelr aiaee. Diid for then ta llow Xork iraratotk, Uoomplal ar.ry departmant of . , . . . , EL KG ANT DRESS BILKS, OTTOMAN VELOURS, ' BROCHE VALENCIAS,- ' ' PRINTED MERINOS, -' PRINTED COBURGS, ' - DYED COBUOSj BLACK ALPACAS, . . ORLEANS, - - FANCT WOVEN FABRICS, ALL WOOL DELAINES, -.v -i ; POPLIN 3, PRINTS, ) i : DELAINES. SHAVLS 'AMD CLOAKS! Five Thausand Dollars Wortii Bought in One" Day, tl LADIES FURSi ' HOSIERY DEPAIlTMENf Men'a,Ladiea and Children'. Under Bhtrt and Drawer.; Ladiea. Miaa. and Ohllrlren" Hoalcry of all kind, Wool and Laaab1 Wool; f iaatar Uaad aad Cotton fllara of Trf auk. : t -ALtO- '"- A camplete aaaortmsut of U the naaal Tarie. lies ol LADIES' CLOTHS, CAS31MERES, I OVERCOATINGS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, - -.' RIBBONS, , , ,,,.,DRES3 TR1MMIN03, Ladiei and Gent'i Linen Camorle Etnd- kercMeft, de &o. To penoni who eall on , wa pladga ant word ahoa them tb larert, beat and cbaatmi atoek of flood, erer wen In Ihl i&ark.t, or pay tba ana dollar boar while looking. docl-dljSiawliw. BTONI O'BABBA W. A. E&tehelor's Hair Dyel Thi splendid Hair Dye baa a equal rtutaooa'ta afftot-BcaaUfal Blaakw Natural Brown no staining tha akin orlfijarftig ua Hair Ttmeayarawacaar aa affect of ttAfijs. ant JcTltaratai tb bait Jot Noaa are genuln nlHlgnd "W. A. Batch. lor. SMvIywbr..""-, 1 ' ClTAS.'BATOlIBUroprMer, ' lyttwry j A j Bl JBrarBty itiaaa.JI Tm. HAIR DYlXlAIirr-yPXE. Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye! The Crlirinat U ; BtrtB f th World. All ether, ar aver bnltationa, aa'aboald h roiM Vyea wUh to aacaye tuioaia ' flBAT, BBD OB BUBTT HAJB Pyt tnatoatly aaaatlful aad NataralBrow w Blaak, vilheartlaTaay Balroi Bkln; ,'' " 'r'-i fi F1FTBBN VEDA-LB ABD PIPtOJfAt liti' t awarded to Wm. A. BatnlMkn alno. 183, aad rverSO. applleatloaa Baa aaaa aaad to Bear f felg aatrena tklafaaasaadya " "'" ''-" .--. WM. A. BATCHBLOBf BAIB STB frduoaCl ar act to b dl.tlnral.hed from natara, and a warranto aot to rajara la the toast, bower long H may keaontla a, and th 111 sTeel ( tM Tvyee rnnelltod- lb Ball tovlforated for flft ay1 Oil kolendld Dyal. . ' Sold la all due aad Iowa f BhaCalakS Stato lrrrttta aad Pam-y flood, Dalra. . i 11'oettaaalueuM t v a4 !nas ai steal pUu (nrrarinn oa luui ..! vf en kuaf aiXLlAM A. BAIUUBlAlll, A.i-lrv. . ... . ATi:r;ri,f.B,rjm-rlft. 1 yl-wl ', .i...W aueat, Kswkarlu. 1 ' i ' 1 of Mat ' to aa nal lb took la - ' In to par WBEADY.-: 1 OaEVISEP Stf I '.; ii of ton ' iti.; !, t ... fi 'Jfji.'VJU OUT 03CDCO IF A GENNBAL N AT.CB.B, IN I0ECB ATja. 1. ! HoxV Joseph RBwan, ; wiTBjrDTsa or rns dboisioxs of riaaif I ooubt,- - (Contained in' kwenljr-tM totumi of be Ohio atiu 0M i Btato WporU.r ," ANDBBfXBKnCBSTOPBIOBLAWL AND A TOLL AMD eXMVWlMr- WHW K In Two Royal 8vo. Volumes. Price $10 00. w Ibsea snared to auk thwork oerfect and tellable la all respect. .-''; . . i EfcuMttbi leirlslatlve sanction, hav ng been p- .roved V Burly "?--V;i.:VM.ln. BUU . aa.r .-I ...... vBrAt. f.f twill. 1 nMH. UK! Wll OrUOrTW W WJ wikuwnh r - t,d oomvm-.. . ; i . .Mn. UOTVrtlOr. AlVUTDVJ MBU "J"" " n" , . 4Xpl,0lUr.T(eMudA Mih rroMia vouriSf vuu, v """"uu - rr.: ! "7 t.-77T .-7 iitoPa-. AVArl tiM flWrkfl of Ul r ua roiH vn'wi - . . . Vatl'lOQB UOHrH IB HKH W Kuy tauu andHMMOf XepnaentatlTN o( Ihla BUI,tnd Stall book, containing, aj It doet.allof thaBtaWrea , . ' a .k ukli.HM MAatmatlna (if tlttal SOW in iuiw. au ' . , , and of the New OonaUtaUon, will ba found to be eipeclal- . . . . I r I ih.l. Amm .A all 00UNTT OFFtOEBB, , JUariOlB OF TH1FBA0E, 1 XOWNBniPTKUBTKEg, M ' CLBKK8 OF TOWNSHIPS, an 1 1 ' ' ' , C1IX OmOBBIJ. , Tnumnch aa Tara aoany ehansea hava keen Dade In the Statatoe iince the publication of thelajt tdltlona, Dy re . w. .ml ulflltinna. and manv ImDOrtantda. dalo'na taw bara glvan by the Baptaae Coart on aoa- iroTenea poinw, an u. -.. - BANKB&8. MIKCnANTS ' , AND BDBIMBsB MBK GBNlBAtlT, rill And Oita an Invaluable Work. ' ' ' TwoBoful 8tw. ro!ume of owr JVneteeti Bundr ... y , r Inltronf law Binding. rrlotlW.00. -PaWUbadby " ' '-f - 1 wmmT rrrATULE. 4c CO., Law Pabllabera, Bookjellen: Btollonen and Importer. X.O OO vi ... ' feblftdSauli . ClnolnnaU O. nCBOHAIER WANTED forSCOpaekageaof X Btauonery ana j.w.irj, . p. . r--- leu 10 per oent. dlKount, at th ipr offie An'towantoi to Nll lb. tal Pk.U of Utl. ry (with rt without Jewelry) in th market, at priee lower than can P putcliaatd claewhere. . Addre.1, with .lp clod, . , ' . : ,.1. BATLBT. ;iyl5-4tw -IM Court itrtt, Boaton, Man. S. DOYLE & CO. Manufacturers and Wholeeale Dealera In BOOTS AND SHOES, Nortbwott Corner of High and Gay Sti.f ' ;,. No oil : COI-CMBUB, -OHIO "A larga Block of Fin and B tap la flood oa dam." p31-dll' 1 ,1L ' - " ' ' ' SUNDRIES. TAPIOCO, Arrow Boot, , Baoteh Oatllaal - Hnllt Pea - - - Hini. Ban Rioa Flonr P.arl Barley Oraokad Wheat OOCO : I 1 Cream Tartar, Pig Beedlaa Baliln . Chocolate r , , i Broma,.tc. : Bod - Piuuo ' FreahTomatoea Peach Green Corn Ireah Oann'd Fruit, ot rrery deoripUni . Jellleaof all kind.; - Flavoring Bztracttofatlkbfj. n. TVwvm HluJ flanHiM Almond, Fllberta, peoon nnu, Engllab Walnut, Nuto,to. ' , , :. iiWM. AleDOKAXD. aoBT i TRAVELLERS! WEBrT yoo to to Wew York , driy direct to Hie " , sirxlTusuniAM mojise, BBOADWAT, OOBNEB 01 HOUSTON BTBRT t r. . , "' ; na Conducted oa th , ;. . EUROPEAN PLAN. ,v. flood fare, flood Boomi. Prompt Attendanoa, and Mod- rat Onarpa. BINOLB BOOMB M CTg. 75 0TB. and II PBB 1AT. POUBLI BOOMS and PABLOBS ti.W to IS. U a BTf. I. TTaA.1 Tnu aril Iba atwartl ni an an Bll B BBI mm ejruayivymr A-mim aaaaay aaaa a-w aypviowww r tU best botU, BaOtt eentfftl locmt ioo, nd W lMt4 . . . Q i VI II VI. m kIMAlk AaTU(AVU( 9J tmWm , , ,i' BlalaB U iM aa.eaara JOHH B WHZELXB, - a," A OENT FOB nOBIE, CONTIlf EKTAIj. A. mnTT, ' " ..w.. -- Dm Toaa; MsacauaT' and Cm Put. or iUarrua Bw loailonanduoa. avoumwr. ..; , Offle. 81 latch Uawaaie'. Bl . b71ly ... -.a-- i ' ' . . Alezandre's Kid Gloves. ! . -rif.AIW ID EDIBKOtDEnKD, VIOO X QUBTAIBB and regular hp Black KldGloT, nkmU.Mi In wkitff. TBwtnta. Dumla, tc. Dndraaatd Bidfllove. allMe Kid 0 lore. A oample aayituint f UMMlebrted flloye alwayi lot a"T . ' - BAISI A BOW, (bS) I Ho. SO South High ttreti DRESS GOODS. - j : New an Attractive. mmabisiqijis, '-'-'v-r; !;v.-. , . Tbatbubo Popuirs, 1 :' CW PoPUHS, ',''. ' " ' ' : Pou. Chxtbbs, r ; Fsiuch Cmirras, ,",',. ,'",? Fbinch Motun, ' Fbibcb OaoaifDiis.1 , ; . . " -.. V ,f , .Chibtsi Washibs SlLBS, ELK? ART DSBSS SlIJOL i :.j i W.u-i .r - ' HXATT BASQTJI ADlATt SiLBB; And all tbr new aad faahlonabN aratorlal aioat naand for naadaoau Dreaan and Mantilla. ; - .,--. BAM A SON,- t,. aprS9 No. 19 Bonth Blgk (traat. J3L. OAXLD. TV A VINft TniS DAY "OLD UUH 11 Block of OrooeriHtoO. B.DBMINO, wechrfully rwemawnd aim to ear M aatroaa ana rneno. - tuwb. WAiiavaiaiaa sunt Columbus, march th, 1861 apl-dtf T7IE6ANT PLAIN BLACK. BIL.KB FOB IH BlrvMtBaaqsaaasd staalle.; am, sue. xrammja and Taas.1 to aaaaca, at , - BAJual - aaaya . ... Slimmer Under Garments LADIES LISLE UNDER TESTS. Ladle flaas Herln do. do; u.nt Bilk vrtwr aaa anin. Sent Indi flsua Drawer, and Shirt. - Cotton - ' t " flaus Merino Under Bhirl. , Whit and Brow Drilling Drawer. ' WhltoLlnea Dnwwrav i.-i - Bxtra lam Under Shirt. - , . ..... " Buptilor English Half Hot, n " 1 Long Stockings. . ' , j" - Fancy Oottoa lUlf Hoe. . Buspender. . u Ooldaa BUI Shirts. , , , For Ml la great variety and at auderat nrie.. bv .T A art, v- ; T "-:;"" wo. South High Meet, aiay-w. " ' Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS n rpjlE EOLLOWtNCr Cn ANDES WERE I mAm in tbm tha afllser of thi. Bank. January xvth. 1H61. ta wiL Wa. A. Putt, President, and T.oaua Moo sis, Ca.hir, realgMd tbelr clloe. Davij Tavua, Baa., wu thee elected Pidal and W. A. Plstt ap pointed Oaahier. '' '" , " ." , s .', . By order ef th Beard tt Dirwetor' - L."' (eb i, Ibtl-dtf. W. A. PLATT, Caablar- 1 MINK MUFFS) TIOTOBINBB aadCUPFB wa ar aew Mlllng tt very low price, alw all ether kinds kd,iu is, - - VKTB BAN B. tl. ',..: ; i.r:.. . ., MauthBIW.) i t . ai iv r .1 i r. ai,r. , JVaUiXOa. A,mrn sTOCBBk-ftM.IIM'. Hi TTKIvIIvJ ED STITCHED LIN EN If AND AA aeeonler, very wmm nem.. , .. Baao4ilerad Liaea llandk alTarlee).'' vti I 1 . . . ' . t t .1 ''' do colored border. 1 1 rm i wvau buiuihuuii u ou. on. . , l It- ! i J BJewrnlaf ds . black anrler oa .. . aw iiri. cross rutrnad Plna Armie do new pattern. M Wee.' Plain anoT Hemmed Stilrhed d kft prW..- Coatp rising Ih meet eot tasortass-t la lbs etty an at In-sat price. '"o "'' "' . .... rvo. w-mv nil DUvSSl. ETATElDF CHARLES CLARK. NOnCB u hereby given that I va aaea duly ap. a-inttd lulmlniatrator of fh atiat of Char tea Clark, mto of FmaklUioaaaty, a ' " ' t ..ii' 1 .'- .n t .'.. a.AVAU.ii tiwaa. s S. AH. CUrteadthAttoBya.... vm U i .,. llV-lvw . , a . .. .i ,i-l..a ;SM.;i 't .ivtJ'-it.2 el. -yolced, at - tal la OHIOi-CTATiJIIAII HOUSE.--' No236, i8 i 40, North High St. INCREASED FACILITIES t - i J i i in I ' at I aa HAVINO MOVED INTO 'MY NEW BUILDING, J(-.t' 1 HAVE- :-'7 ' ' ' .n I .., MY v.,V,.'.i B00K; S JOB DEPARTMENT) WHILE BOTH HAVE W&lUi. , REPLENISHED THROUGHOUT ; . ."WITH-- ,. ' New Types, Borders Ornaments, &c IBOM THB OBLBBBATID I0CNDBT Of C. T. WHITE ft CO., HEW TOES, THTJB UAKINfl IT THB . Most ' Complete Establishment . IN THE CITY. I ajB now prepared to ZzeenU aU Order for BOOK AND JOB PRiNTiisra, WITH DISPATCH! , And la th Most Approved Btyleef the Art, ii i '" : PABTIOULAB ATTBNTION PAID TO MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD Bill. f Lading-, Circular, . Illll Head., Hlanka, Deeda, C'ertlflcatea, - Aiacelpta, VrT XlQk.l., i Uejiafera, HOW CARDS & BILLS IN COLORS, CHZCIS, CARDS, VOTES. ENVELOPES, CONTRACTS. HiAsmas, Illustrated Show Bills, FOR COUNTRY MERCHANTS; Show BUI, Hand Bills, Labels, Concert Pro rruaunea, School and College Scheme, Ho tel Bills of Fare, Invitations, Ae. Boon Worli OF EVERY DESCRIPTION School and Colleg Catalogue, Allieeuaneon rampnieia, Constitntions, Reports, Briefs, kt Printing in Gold and Colon POST EB.S j, ; Printed in Itotw Color oa IlammothHoe Cylinder. Th nlfFress of th kind la Central Ohio. r . . .ii.i . j.i . ... .... . V. - ' my noiiiuoB roe; muj mim au w. kuv unuir Hon of work, ar now araTurpaaied, aad aatiifaction will b gurntod in all eaeee. ITPAll work rarnlened promptly by Ui Hme promiMd. .-!, t . B10UABD HBVINB. ' I WHO SHOULD USE DR. ! J. BOVEE DODS r.j;. ;- 1 , ... vxxxrr abides :- IMPERIAL WINE : BITTERS'? ' AU Who art afflkted with Inelplant Ooniumptlon All who aST from Weak Stomashi, IodtreeUon. Dya pepalaorPUabonldatnm. ... . i . m - - I HmmI m K.nnn. H .hi I AU WOP VU.I tlVVMM VV.M.. . Beatleauaal at night, Want of Bleep, o., ihonld u Au'rxmuiwb ar MBvaleaMnt after ferer or olh.i DcknemmoaniaaeBiam. - , MlaliUr of Ih florpel, Lawyer, Lecturer, tod l pabilo ipeaker ahould ute them . Book epr, and all penon leading aedntary If choaid them. i j.ueaavaaou whim piwv , ah .v.. .iin.l.ntM(iinl. ahnM la u.a Uiam. ' A U who an addicted to th aae of ardent (pirit and win iomiorm,auouiu - .i . -4 . ... Iiwm 7Im. anil mi ih na. luey bmuv w " K"'- " ' - (It plant aad barb of tha eoantry, and ahoa id be re eommendod by temperance aocietie, clergymen, phyal. una, aauau inouua ot . . I k mvarianoA and aMIIfnl aha.. 1U.I W .wyw 7 "---- r . rklan, and, aei attract their medielnal propartiea, area oat delightful kercnaai and yet, a a medicine, are innocent ana harm iea a. uw uewaoi ireu. ; Bold by draggteai ganerally. ' CHARLES wTDDLFIaMD CO., ProprUlor, . i '-' tb Wllllana St., Nevr York. EOBEETS ft BAHTJEL, Agent, . Colnnabaa, uhl. ecWdkwly. ' ' Wholesale and1 Retail Depot for iFAMtLVCROCERtES; .r No. 106 South High Street. Wa, Mcdonald, DEALER IN TEAS,. ' FINE & STAPLE GROCERIES IN ALL HEIR VARIETIES. Dailf rrlval ef G.oJa For ' the Fall and Winter Trade i Of .1860-61 TJHETCKNING BINCEUS TIIANKB TO THE PUBLIC for past fcvor and patroa- aga, and being DETEUMINED to MEBIT aeonUnuaoe f same by atrlct atteBtlCBl trade, and prompt elellTerr Geeda, I would call tb notice of tb publle to th fact that bavin .aLturse and well Selected siecK on band, and being indally rooeipt of goods from th differ as t markets, I naAiry-lf that I can offer to th dtl- una of Oorambu. or to any wh may ietii to purchase aa aaMrtment ef artlola appertaining to tb 0B00BBX trade. CN EQUALED by any bona In th city The arise and quality ef the goo, offend, I ffuar- antee tm ftr tlafactl. - Goods SeliTored Tree of Charge. avT. J i' . ,, i .1 , WM. MoDONALD. y.'' : ' .- ; first, v.- .1,,, , OPEQIKO OFTHE SEASON . , ; OF i ....... -A , , r - SPRING AND SUMPR GOOPS I AGAIN OEEEK TO THE PCIII.IC ' an lire new atoek of Good. In my Hoe. Iu.t purch- eed In New York at tb cheap panic rateiill of which t hill sell at th aasalkeat aroflu, lor Cash. My utoaa- r aad frkodl ar reapeeuuiiy inviwa to can anu exam i.. mtfbMii and Priest, aa I at. determined to tell a heaa t cheaper ftraa any ether boa to the city; and aa I do air own Cat.;, and urmtend my own basl. nrs. I feci enured, frota my long experience rebust- Maanl aatllfactiOB. The Boelt of. Work- awa "are emplnyed, and all work done itrlctly to time and ottrdty wooto contalt tbeir Intorert by giving m a call ktf.ra ,.rck-al.I-hr . -L-. archdi " ''Oof'lll.b and Town sty." .. fjicca and Embroideries, v VALENCIENEN.MALTIK "JI?a teeeOoUer. end Belt. French, Pa.her nd Thrd Lao Veil, rw ,t':,"Hllrl Point Lao kaibMloarad Co I lass, , Triaadnaw and MriB1- .Ooiff.nm. ri. ta" Oolla-e, VrtU sad CaU,BJvWrT iVij - gr" 1 ', " " i w. M !, Uixk Strait' 1 ' i ,J i I&m i' ari-t oa v. I oi u .K- ' g . , -l.iv.. . S W - 8 O-t : - ' m sj : TTTI ISVITB ATTBNTinN to mai of th mott ex traordinary cure by my . PECTORAL SYRUP. ' ' , .' . . . .. They ar at home, and any on who ha doubt, can In quire of tb penon who hare been cured DB. KBT8BB IB PB1PABBD AT ANT TIMB TO BXAMINB LUNOB WITHOUT CHARQBi FOB ALL TUOBB WHO NBBD UIB MBDI01NEB. ATTBND T0 TOUR COLDS A eaae of Are year.1 taodlng eured by DB. KKISBH'8 PBUTOBAL BYBUP. rfrTHOiaa, Jan. il, 1880. Da. Karma: My wlf ha been afflicted with a bad eoutb and difficult of breathing, for Bra or U year, w men, lor (ereril yeanoaoa, naa gnuuaiiy mcreaaeu in Tioleno. The complaint ha. been hereditary, and b had been treated by (eyeral pbyaiclan without any re lief, in thi .late or Mr ae, i procuraa tome oi your Pectoral Oouth BvniD. I bouaht. th Brit tim, a fifty oent bottle, which relieved her very much i I then called and got a dollar bottle, wnien cured ner entirely, ana the hu now no trace of th former dtaeaaa, except weak- nea. I would lo .lat that I need th medicin my Mlf to a cold and couth. The medicine cured me by tak ing on do. I exprea my entire aau.racuon. with toe medicine, and you are at liberty to publish thi if you deair to do o. wm.wil.buh, Aldermen firth Ward, " . Pii-moisH, Nov. IB, 1838. Dr. Karat : Although not an advocate of Patent Medicine., in general, it afford, m pleasure iudeacriba bl to recommend yoar Pectoral Byrnp. A a medicin It I well worthy the attention of any peraon who may la any manner be aiHIcted with oough, oolda and hoaraeuea of any bind, and for in peculiar quaiineallon. for re- moring all that dlaxgreeabla atnaation attending a ae- rereeoiu. I bar been, mora or leaa, In my life, affected with the MTereet of cold and hoaraeuea. At time, my throat would become aoeloeed a to prevent my .peaking above whieper, and by taking a few doae of the alwy Byrnp itwonld relieve m entirely. In reoommendiuii thi medicin, I nut unbeaitttlngly my that it i. the beat remedy I ever found, purporting to cur. tha above, nor ihonld any family be without tni remedy rordieeaae ao prevalent. Your., moat reapectfully, KDWAUD J. JONKb, Caabier Oiliien' Depoilt Bank, BTTOaarrvTUA. 0., klarch 14, 18SB 1 have naed Dr. Eeyaer' Oough Dyrup for a bad count) of aeveral year atanding, and can cheerfully tay It th beat medicin for the lame that I have ever ttken. I. W. PitlOB. COL. PBATT AND DB K BY 8 HE'S PBOTOBAL BYKUP. Da. Kara Dear Sir. Bxcum tb delay my acknowledging the excellence of your Pectoral Oougb Byrupaooner. 1 lake great pleaiur In laying that it all you aay It I. Jt IcnoctM vu nol4 otu Of my oova aad the wont ona I wa aver afflicted with: I have not need mora Uiaa one-half of tha bottle, and I can and do with that til who an afflicted would give it a fair a trial a I have don, and they will be proud to aay, "It la no quack medicine." 1 would not .utter another uch an iliac K ror any oonaweraiion, or at any coit. a am eon. Sdent I can breathe mora freely than I en r did. I shall alwav acknowledge a debt of gratitude for inventing excellent a remedy. You are at liberty to us my name In thi regard, as yoa think propar. jt. r. rAiy, kleatenger Common Council, Pittsburgh, Pa. Pittsburgh, May 11, lbSU. N. B 1 am no (tranger to my fellow-cltliena, and who enter tain doubt can consult me personally. . i . r PirnBDaan. Anril 84. 1857. BIAD THB TRUTH. D. Knaxa: 1 have a daugh ter who ha. taken aeveral medicine for a bad oouan without benefit among them Ayer' Cherry Pectoral. I purchased from you a bottle of your PBOTOHAL BYEUP, and before .he had used half a bottle ehe wu relieved. The econd bottle eared ber entirely of ber cough. ' JOHN DAMN, . juDinaon aireet, Aiiegneny. PrrmnaaH. December. 31. 1833 A GREAT CUBB BY DH. KKYBtrl'B lBOTOltAL 8YBDP. I live In Peeble townthip, Allegheny county. I bad a eonghlng and .pitting, which commenued aoout lh4tho(Pebrury but, and continued .l(htm9n tha. emoloved lb best pbyaiolan. In th country, and my oough continued unabated nntil early in October. that tim I wa tavuca u try your rauiuaan vuuuu BYKUP, which I did, and altar I bad taken on bottl wu entirely tree from th soughing and spitting. 1 bad despaired of aver getting well, and I think it should known that thi valuable remedy will do for o there what It hae don In my ease. jurin u. JjHTL,-., . Witness B. U. Bnta. Feeble townhlp. Parroa Tr.. April 14. 1837. A WONDBBFTJb CURB. Bom lime ale an old neighbor of mln ws v.rv lll.atthabad cough which every an luppoaed tobeeon.umptlon. Bl relative told m that be bad taken every remedy they beard without benefit: hi brother cam to ae him die, and wcr confirmed In the belief that be could not live. bad about th third of a bottle of your Pectoral Byrup, which! rave him. and It entirely cured him, to tha aston lahment of all. What make tb east mora remarkable, 1 the extreme age of th man, be being abouteigbly year old. I have no aonbl in rectors! eavcu nie me. , JOUMM' GLNNIB, DB. KEYBBB'B PBOTOBAL BYRUP IN ELAIR8- TILLB- Plesse tend m another (apply of your valu able ''Pectoral Bvruo." Almost everybody around baa the cold and are Inquiring for "Dr. Beyssr's Pectoral Byrup." We have sold.Utcen bottle, last week, and now entirely out. Mr. A. Alter and Mr. P. Maber, both of Blairsvlil. Pa., tell u they would not be without In tbeir famille. In fact, all wha as it once want nln. Yours, resnectfullv. i. 8. WATTBB80N A BONS, January 30, 1MW. A NOT HER NBW CERTIFICATE DR. KBYSBR PEOTORAL BYBUP-I bad been troubled with acoagh and cold tor nveral week o bed was It that I eould sleep, 1 bad th advice and prescriptions rrora three thebe.tphysicianiin the eity, whom Icon Id name, but aot do so. I finally procured a bottle of your Pectoral Byrup, which cured m entirely. Bignea, J. W. BIMONTON. 236 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa , Jan. , I860. "STOP THATjCOUOBINO." 'How can I do Itr to Keyser'.on Wood street and gat a bottn of bi Cough Pertoial. and If that don't cur you, your case must desperato indeed." This HAiptoimenof th colloquy ana hear almoat every day la wold catcbioc periods th year. And w can, from actual experiment, cheer fnllv no near In tba advner' admonition a above, for havs tried th "Pectoral.' in a moat .tubborn ease, entinauccea. Near two weeks ago we went to Pittsburgh, with en of th moat distressing, oonirary, muiian, a ubduabl cough w ver experienced since our advent upon this mundane spher. W aoughad steadily laboriously for on who) week, In hopes of tiring U but It wa no go. u laoi u sccmeu rausr w nave nnived b Dractloe. and to have acquired tan ey and dMrttibiiUf by tb operation. In this stage Has atetre. we eoujtbed onr way to B,eysr, iu wood orocured fifty oent bottle of fcb"Pectorl,' took according to direction, and in forty -eight hours wo war muter of the field, th enemy having unconditionally surrendered, after a brier out unequal eountci wita formidable an adversary a Keyser' famous "Cough Pectoral." Jfrovmtm VUpptr, JMO. 14, Ituu. . DB. EBYBBB'B PBOTOBAL BYBUP I) prepared sold by Dr. QBOBQB B. BJCYBBU, 140 Wood atreet, Fittaburgh, Pa. JU Bold to Cotumbu by BOBBBTB A 8AMTJBL rpo OTHACHB BEMEDT. A. SUHJC CtJRKv Prepared snd told by Da. GEO. H. KBYBBB, . . . i . : Piice, SS cents. 140 Wood at., Pittsburgh, Pa. IO Bold In Colombo by BOBBBTB A SAMUEL. octiI7:Stawdtlm. a1 ENT8 PAPER COLLARS AND Neck. Tl.. f . .. . - ; " , Bandaes and eooaoailoal. Alto, ' Bilk Tie. , Bblrta, Llnoa Collar, , ' Half Ilaae. . - ' . ,.' ,i . Drawtis.icci , BAIN A BON,' aprtO ' ; ' . No. 99 Boutb High (treeU GOLDEN nif.L SHIRTS, - .- GOLDEN BILL 8HIBTS, nni.riKM wti.i. biiidt Thenattcra of the. . hi rl. arena w. Tba Vodle. Yoke. deeve snd bosom, tn formed to fit the person with ease and comfort. Th mark a pou cn ens aeignatlng th. is stay n renea on e beta ft correct, and cca anirt guaraateed well mail, A full dock of all qaalltle on.UutlIoraaie! BAINS, , novM. ' No.lrf BoulKtllgh (treef. CTRL LA DRAW LSI STELLA U BliAWLBll la all desirable ooIot., and at graal bargain. 1 BAIN A BON, . apriia No. 20 Sooth niiib atreeU i y "ri .pBisn a a.a. Bjaa.JBa.rWf BOTH .V V I Wot! aad Black, just reeeived a . .1-dW BAIB'B . THDUXnONPOIlBVIini UNION ENVELOPES- BAB1TY Of esignvat S4.00 per 1,000. , uvioHURnAarnvonrArix (thall oift-rtaaltdrnaaalidraimu j- 1 f , TTTni AD QUART E RS Bo, 71 Sooth nirb Itrael. ifh niya th f.H. alf ,!.( ijl ti t:ii Voiuddu, ssay o, ami ST. 1 of il ac I I be of all ni an It net of do "flo with and out, ua' of Bt. It and n I BJOOinnnrDED bt thb lati SIR A8TLEY COOPER, or iowdow, A wo DR. VALENTINE MOTT or waw vosjt, ' ' The acknawlsdgsd Head of the Profession la OttBaT juuiittv ..... Tha Vt Tilnrntlo. Tonio. and Invkforant. The rineM Extract of th ITAX.IAN JVmHW BKJELKY, The I'ureel ana Moet wauj um ft aank. . . ''! ' I ' V I : ; ! . J INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES, INVALUABLE TO 1Mb ftri, INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED. THE SAFEST AND MOST' " DmCIOUS BEVERAGE IN THE WORLD. , ror RbIm. Pint nd Onarta, by TVf DtrjjjBtit, Grocer, or Country Merohant LOOK OUT FOB BOGUS tjONDON GUNS. THB ONLY OENTJINB ABTIOLM IB CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL BIN. B.BALDWIN &CO., Importers, Gl Liberty St., NEW YORK. Bold In Columbu. by fc RKBTIBATJX, Wbo.s-l.and B.ta.1 QHWto In 0IncinnU, by BUIBB, BCK8TBINA CO., ccSa-deodtlyw and otter. ' ', . '. THE . , ,.-,.-.. WEEKLY OHIO STATESMAN i HAVING! A 0IB0ULATION LARQEB BT BXVZRAL THOUSANDS Than any oth' paper la Ohio, cutald of Cincinnati Offers Facilities for Advertising Which CANNOT PAIL to briny. ' Bpeedf ad BemnneraUT uetnrna To those who tak advantage ef them. THE wyiHIHTiY BTA-Iaia-ra-N Distributed aa It la through every Pott OBo la Ohio, Reaches a Large Class of Readers Whoa nalroniR 1 valuable, and who seldom c Ih Daily Bditloni of city Journals; and aa enly A limited Kamber of Advertiiements Are Inserted In It colnmnt, appoprtotoly and ( H AWP$0MEtV DIOPt AVEO ! nrrr OawnoT raa to ( ,.k,,j Attxraot .Attention Of ALL! , WHOLESALE DEALERS AdverUdng In th V.KEKLY STATESMAN will fin , It advantagou In , . . . THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which I almost certain to follow an eiton.lve diasemto ' atloo knowledge of their bnslne " '. mom couutey dealebsi.' ADTEBTIBBMBNTS INTENDED FOB . . The "Weeldv Statesman Should be handed tn before Friday noon.'1 1 THE ... ONLY PREPARATION , V that has ; . STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, And arrow more and more peanlar every dapf :- And testimonials, new, and almost without number might bs given from Isdle and gentlemen In ill grade, of aocioty, whote united testimony none eould resist, that Prof, Wood'. Hair Beatorativtwill restore th bald and gray, and preserve the hair of th youth to old age, In all It. youthful beauty. ' , Battle Creek. Mich., Deo. Slat, 1858. , Poor. Wood: The wilt pleas sowpt s Hoe to Inform thee that the hair on my head all fell off over twenty year ago, caused by a complicated cbroolo disease, at leaded with aa eruption on the bead. A coatintal course of .uttering through llfs having reduced me to tat of dependence, I have not been able to obtain .tnff for cap, neither have I been able to do them op, In con sequence of which my head lis. .offered extremely from cold. Thi Induced me to pay Brlgg A Uodgea almoat th last cent I bad on earth for a two dollar bottl of thy Hair Keatorative, about th first ef Aagatt laat. I bar faithfully followed the directioasnd the bald spot I now covered with hair thick and black, though ahert. It la also coming tn sll over my bead. Feeling confident that another larga bottle would restore It entirely and permanently, I feel anilaa to perstrarv In II use, and being dotilut of moo to purchase any mors, would arit thee if thee wouldst not b willing to aendm an order on thin agent for a bottl, and to thy self ,th scriptura declaration "tha reward I to thoa that are kind to the widow and the fatherlem." Thy friend, . bUsANNAii KIBBY., Llgonler, Noble County, Indiana, Feb. 9th, 1B59, Paor. 0. J. Wooni lar Wr.-In th latter part of the year IBM, while attending the State aad National Law Bcbool of tb Btal ot Mew York, my balr, from cause unknown to m, commenced falling off very rap idly, ao that to th abort .pace of tlx month., th whole upper part cf my acalp wa almoat entirely bereft of it covering, and much of th remaining portion upon tb Md and beca part of my bead shortly after became gray, o that yoa will not b surprised when I toll you that up on my return to th State of Indiana, my mora casual acquaintance were not ao much at a loa to C lovr th tana of th chang In my appearanoe, ae my nor lair mate aoquaintoooes ware to lecogoiae me atall. I at once made application to Uie moat skillful physi cian In Ih country, but, receiving no assurance from them that my hair would ataln bs restored, 1 wu forced to become reconciled to m fate, an til, fortunately, in the latter part of tb par ls77, your Restorative aaa re comineDded to me by a druggist, a being tha moat relia ble Hair Restorative In uss. 1 tried one bottle, and found to my great ntlafactloa that It wa producing the desired effect. Binoc that time, I have used seven dol lars' worth of your Reiterative, and aa a result, have rich coat of very toft slack hair, wluofe no money oaa buy. A a mark cf my gratitude for your labor and skill tn th production of so wonderful an article, I bar recom mended It ua to many of my friends and acoaaintancee, who, 1 am happy to miona you, an using it with ilk very respscuuny, yours, . A. M. LATTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Depot, 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers thnsoga- out th world ..,,, i i Th Restorative Is put up In bottle of three site, vis: tone, medium, and small: th until bold it a plot, and retail for on dollar per bottl; tb medium hold at tout twenty per cent, mora la proportion tbaa the email, and retails for two dollar, a bottle! the large bold quart, tu aroani. mora m proportion, anaretaiisior g a bottle. O. J. WOOD m 00., Proprietor, 444 Broadway, New o', ana lit maraei oircet, ni. ijouis, mo. And sold by BOBBBTB A BAMCBL, Columbus, Ohio, ana try an good Druggiiittna fancy uooos Utalen. aprill:dAweowljr. . Watches I Diamonds !I SUier Ware III A CHOICE A"SOHTATENT OP OOLD A. a. aad Bilvr Watches, la (rest variety. I am Agent for tb Aaawait Watc. 0-, .an a ell these excellent Watcbe at taauufacturor' prices. eiiner naoiewis or Bctau. , Com and chooaa from my beautiful display of Dia monds snd othsr rich Jewelry. Styles new -pries w. A to Silver Ware of stsrUog quality, I oanaaow a.w pattern, very nanuaome. . Bilrer Plated Ware, Ta Belts, TJm(, Walter, OmIor, Baskets, Pitcher, tablets, Knives, Forks, ftpeon, Aa. Then I have a anonlyof fin Table 0 ut lry. Pocket Knives, a Mora. Ac, aaa msny ssney ueuo sac a ar desired for presents at suck pricea u are an Uiduca- aem to the purchaser. wm. nuinn, : -t;: ' " , no, nr jiecavye lfloa, " marSl ; ul l i North etat Aloua !.., r i ' . '; Gcnr'Lincii .Shirt ;Cpm" rT HUJPEBIOB QTTALITY.IN 43AR V HOTS. Biaatung,. ayiua, rrsignay, Jtenfrew and other new ahaoe. UemmedPocktlUandkerchlch. M t Ties, Stocks, Street and Evening 0 loves, Half Ilose of every krod, CaderOaraieaM aad all krad. of Oaa!' Par aiablng aod ta great variety and t moderate price. fb '".i w , . N. t Boath High trol. A JtEXANDBEN KID 3LOYE-, . -, , , I iV AllaJat oojoajut opened U u, Biiyg. ,v G C) iVln.'!,,,. v -. ,. .;- .v-'try.. I a a ef ? I, a rJ.v" "c7 i a.. . strv sjn n nji m t fmmm OF THE AGE. H. KENNEDY, " Of ' ROXBCH 1 has dlseoverad la an of our aoaunaa aaatnra waada a remsdy that cure Every Kind of Hunor, ! ...... wo" f-.,.... Th worst Sorofala dowa to a oommoB lJoip!. He ha tried It in over eleven hundred case, and nev er failed except In two eases, (both thunder humor.) B ha now In bi posse. loa over one hundred oarUftoatoiof It valu, all within twenty mile of Boston. Two bottle are warranted to cur a narslng son mouth. On to three bottles will car the want Mad ol Plmptc oath face. i , , . , Two or three bottle will clear th system of bile. Two bottle ar warranto to ura tb wont canker la Hi. tnnnth n ilnn.uh. - Three to fiv bottle ar warranted to eare'th Word Kndrryeipla. ,. - , , ; (, On to two bottle are warranted to cur all humor . hBye. . - Two bottle are warranted to car runnlnc ths sar and blotch, amons the hair. . Fear to alx botie are warranted to aura corrupt gad running nicer. On bottl. will cur scaly eruption el in etln . Two or three boftles are warranted tocure ih want kind of rlngwona. 1 - - ....... ." Two r three bottles re warranted to cur the most desperato aaa or rheumatism. Three to roar bolt lee are warranted toonreaaJt-Kheuia, Fiv to eluht bottle will cure the worst case of acre fula. . ...... A benefit la always experienced from th r.t bottl. a perfect cur I warranted when th above quantity I aaaa. r ? I ' - EOHBURY. af All. DiaJl MiDL:- The reputation of th Medical Ws1 eovery, in curing all kindaof bumorv, law well esll lished by the unanimous voice of all who have aver aaad It, that I need not say anything on the sahjeot, at the most skllimi physic lan. ana the muaiearenii uruggist ta the country are unanimous tn Its praise. In presenting tb Medical Discovery to your notice, do It with a full knowledge of It curative power. In re! llevtng all, and curing most ot those dieeaao ' ' wbiek you ar unfortunately ao liabl. That mot waral discs, to an affeotionste mother, NUH8INGaOBE mti TH,7 I cured a tf by a miracle: your awn tamper la rattorad to its natural sweetness, and your bab froaa abort and frcUulnan to calm and sweet (lumbers; and the Medical Dlsoovsry become a fountain of blowing to your husband and household. In toe mora advanced stage of r '"' 1 "' G ANU E B Itaxtends to th rtornar.h ,emn.1nr " i" . jufii' r, BXWKXBlm, , ...- . which bi nothing but cantor on tb stoma; fko to la Intostin and ... ..... KIDNEYS, creating a (Inking, gone feeling, and an lndlffereno evr to th cares of your family. '. .'.rJ " Yosr stomach la .. . HAW AND INFLAITIED. . your food distresses you, and yoa can only take serial kind, and even of that your ay. tern doe aot ret halt the nourlahmant It contain, aa tb aorimonoa fluid th canker eat It apt then yoar aompleaioa ton Its bloom aad besom sallow and greeaiah, aad your beat day I gon. For want of nourUhuant yoar ay.tem be come, loo and flabby, aad lb fibre of year bedy be come relaxed Then follow a train of disease which to Medical Disoovery I peculiarly adapted to , ' . .-o-- on HE ..-..;! if. PalpltaUoo of tha heart, pain la tb (Ida, Weakness tb spin and small of the back, psln of tb blp Joint when yea retire, Irregularity of the bowels, and (Is, that most axoraelatlng of diieaaea, tba -. t . , PILES .:;! Bow many thousand cf poor women ar .ufferlng from thi diau and pining away a miserable life, and their next door neighbor doa not knew th eause. I wish lmprea on your mind that good old proverb, "Aa ouno. of prevention l better than a pound of cure' la tba-' '.; , ItlEDICAL DISCOVERY ' : Fo kav bota the prerscitatlve and the euro, witb thb great ano good quality, tnat it win never, anuer any circumstance a, do yoa any Injury. ' THB NIEDICAL DINCOYEKY ' - I aapecialy Intended for diseases of th bloed, but (the It Introduction In Ih W cetera Bttt, itl. found to b thtba.t ' ' ' ' "' . ,-. ' ADB KEBIEDb' ,y. 1 1 ... thatwu svsrhefors th. public' ... No chang of diet rrer neoesiary eat th beat yoa car and gat enough of It. - V ' - PikacTioRa roa eta Adult ona table tpoonfnl par day Children ov.r too year, teajert spoonful Children front iv to sight years, tea spoonful. .A no direction, can b applicable to all eonsitutiona. Use sufficient operate on th bowels twice a day. i , , Yours truly, DONNALD KBNNBDT. i Price 1100 pr bottle, for v y every dragrlstlo tb United Btatet. ,.... . eapw-dawiy. DO YOU (WANT WHISKERS? DO YpO WANT WHISKERS? ;! DO YOU WANT A MU8TACHE.' DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE1 BELIIHOHAM'S '.' " OBLBBBATBD X'''m V' Stimulating Ongucnt, For the Whiskers and Hair . Tb CBbcrlbra take pleuar In announcing o tb Cltiaeni of the United States, that they have obtained the Ageacy for, and are now enwiea w eusi m ua as. publio, the above) Justly celebrated and world-renowned arttol. Tb . . ' STIMULATING ONGUENT ; prepared by Bat 0. P. BBLLINOHAH, an .mlo.nt physician of L.tdon, and as warranted to bring out thick Ml oi ; Whiskers or i Mnstache ,a lo from thraa to tlx weeks, TbU article to th. only on of Ih kind used by tb f ranch, and In London and Pari It lain universal use. ...' It Is a beautiful, economical, (oothtng, pat sttmalatlag eompwnd, noting a If by augl upon Ua root, anting (beautiful growth ot laxariaat balr. It applied to th acalp, It will cur. aAUavaa, and causa to aprlng up place af th bald ipct a fin growth of new balr. Ap plied according to direction, ft will tan a or town ..n.uid rutin, m balr to it oriirlnal color. laving it eofl, maooth, and flexibl. She -Uxocsirr" an Indlspeaaabl. article In (very gentleman'a toilet, and after en weak' as may woaio aei ur any eswra hwltkABtlt. V - Ih inbacribtn tr th anl Agant for tha trttcle the United States, to whom all order must be addressed Prire Ona Dollar a box for al by all' D runt lit and Dealer; or (box of tb "Unguent" (warranted to bar the desired sCecU will M scut to any wno eesirs n, ny mall (direot), Mcnrely packed, on receipt of price nd postag, BI-1H. Apply to or aaarea , . , BOBACB L. BBOBMAN A CO.; . '.' ' T ..." nacMiiT, Ac.,1 leb20dAwa ' I- ,! Wllllaj. Street, NeTork'. ::: HENRY' TOW, WhsleaUand BtoUDalrl Foreign & Doxnestio Cigars, , abb ai smatra , ., . , , ,. , Smoking & ChewiiiajTobacoo. ,. : Also, tb best lualltw of SNTJIT'S ooBitaatlf ... . oa Aaaa. . mrConntry Msrchant ar Invltod to all bsfore pat chasing elsewhera. . . r; . . ;.. i - ft , , : NO. 4 EAST THIRD STREET, , - Bet. Mala and Sycamore, ... , BvSl ir6m ' , CnCaaOTA,Tt,"0 WM, KNAOE V CO., AT THEIB NEW SALES---------. ' " . ' NOM.llandTN.BXTTAvr .. i, , , ( wttof toraw utirasrurawa i r GOLDEN MEDAL,,, " ' ; ' ,' i . .M'ADl,ftlslE ,... 1 . . PIANOFORTESr .-.. i Bains hlshls MiMmsada ba tha fWst Prolsssan latd sia.Ki AWHHStus oi sue WIUIH7, m BYBBY V v ' INBTBUMBNT , , , I i WABBANTBDfOB. . I -.-: p fTVBTBABB Th most tuUdloBsenstom.r may rely poa baing pieeaed la very respect. i -A lerma naerai. , w,-ass.v, BNLTZEB A WBBSTBB. Aaenta, t otSa;lydw ,, PqlambaavPhle,, '.l Pr.t : . v t-...b .,. ' i i ," in .i 'i M' mi m r O-Naw STYLES Main Not. No. B Boutn High street, have lust opeaed aew style of Owjth t)ia ctnaa. Bavuouiu sod Sacaoa, awls In tn neweji ana. most otyll-h manner. Also, "per ria a Black. Alike, vary heavy, rtgned axpreMly tog hUaUUMandBaaqulne. ,, ,,, ;, ,, .- i laprii E AC HMD ' BIM.KTINU8 , AND IIKT1N0S, all wldU-, af moHMlelirave, rad la gnatoat variety and t7 low P , I. : jilt a Bt rat aoIrd I0H. , aprill No.manihHlgbitrM. 7TT H fALTESB At THREAD LACE HITTS 1,1 ef etegaat qaaiitM lot U4t la, tHam' Mill BALM'S. M i.,.,Cl 'U -'irt VX 1 I , of to ' to ' a ta la . Dr. J. H. McLEAN'S Strengthening Cordial and Blood ) ...p. it i.ArT) The, OjreateeS Remedy Ua The Uerld, i.'-t aho ma Biorr imiaous - ' AND-' DE1IQHTFUL .A CORDIAL JfcVER TAREN1.,',' IT IS STRICT. -ly a nlentlfie and ' Vegetable Compound, trocuredby the distil itlon of Boot!, Herb '' , a d Hsrka, , Yellow . Bock, I Blood' Boot, ' . Banaparllla, Wild Cherry Bark and Dan-. dellon enter Into it. Otfore ln&ur.Sv.- After Taking. priactpl al etch ingredient it thoroughly eatracted ty iynew method or diaaillng, producing.. aeurirue. c ll.ratlng spirit, and th meal INFALLIBLE remedy lus ran ova ling in oiaeaaeo aystem, ana restoring wis .ici, urfering and debilitated INVALID to HEALTH anil BTBkMatU; ' . ' ncLEAN'S MTHENOTHKNINO COB , .-.iiiiiio', ' I' Will Beotuliy ear ' . LIVE It QOMPLAINT, DY8PBPBIA. JAUND1CB, I ; Chronic r Nrvooa Debility, Pisceses of th Kidney.; snd all dlstaMS arising from a disordered Llvei or HuimJ sen, Dyspepela, Heartburn, Inwtrd Pile, Acidity or Hick nea of the BUimeoh, Fullnem of Blood to the Ilea l, bull : pain or swimming in the head, Palp.-tatlon of Ih tleait Fullaeaor Weight In the Stomach, Bour Bructatlon Chokliig or suffocating feeling when lying down, I'rvoti. rlellowneaof theBkinanii Byes. Night Swats, In ward Fever., Pain In the small of the bask, chest or side. Buddan Plushes of Heat, Depression ot Spirit, Frightful Dream, Languor, Despondency or any Nervous Disease ' Bone or Blotches on the Bkln, and Fever and Avue (or Qhilliaod Fever.) i , Over a Blllllon ot siettlo Have been (old during the laat alx month., and in no in stone has It fsiled lu giving entire satisfaction Who then. Will .offer from Weaknen or Debility when He LEAN'S BTHKNUTHJINIHO OOKDIAL will cute you? . No langaag can convey an adequate idea of the iinoie dial and almost miraculous change produced by taking this Cordial In tha diseased, debilitated sod shattered nsrvrms system, whether broken down by excess, weak by . nature, or impaired by sickness, th relaxed and unstrung orgaiftaattcn la restored tort. prmUn lualthaud vigor. 4i-u UAiUiiEU rrjuuna, Or bther ooasofoal of Inability, from whatovtr cause, -will find. McLoaa a Strengthening Cordial a thorough . neaturator of the rvstem: and all wTio msy have lulured themselves by Improper ludubrencaa, will find In th Cor dial a certain and speedy remedy. t ucii'j to the Ladle. ' - McLeaa's Strcngthcnlns Cordial " '" I(aoveralgnandapeedyeurefor . INCIPIENT CONSCNIPTION.WHITEH Obtruot4 or Difficult Menstraatlon, Incontinence of Orin or Involuntary Discharge thereof. Palling of tli Womb, Giddiness, FslnUng and all Diseases incidns t fatal. - - " ., ,, Tnere 1 ao Mlstak About It. Buffer n longer.' - Take It according to Directions. It will srlmnkte, strengthen and Invigorate you and cause th bloom of health to ttount your cheek again. Bvery bonis t warranted to give atlsfaotlia. i.M fi for CHILDREN. . , , , 1 ffyOTrchlUlranareaiekly.puny.orauTicUd.MoLeatlr , Cordial will make them healthy, fat and robust. Deb) no amom.nt, try U, sad 70 will be convinced. IT 13 1 DELICIOUS TO TAKE; ' CPTtow. Bewsrs of Drugglsto or Dcalera who may try to palm upon yon ama Bitter or Baraptrilla traal , . which they can bnyobeap, by aaylni It I Jut a good. Avoid suck man. Ak for McLean's Strengthening Cor dial, and take nothing els. It I th only remedy that will purify tha blood thoroughly and at the asm tim ctrenglbcn th syitsaa. i . " On tablsspooulul token every mo ruing luting. It a seriate preventive of Cholera, Chills and Fever,, Yellow Fever, or any prevalent diseases. It 1. put up in large Mla.n I l - a ..' . ' . Prla enly Bt per bottle, or S bottle for i. j. ' . ), U. MoLBAN, i V Sol Proprietor of this Cordial, I Also McLean a Volcanic Oil uiniment, ' t riaefpai Depot oa th soroer of Third and Pine street SU, Louis, Mo. .,,,, -i . , , MeLeaii'B Volcanic Oil Liniment. . The best Liniment in th World. Th only af r.d certain cure for Camera, Pile, Swellings and Bron chitis, or Ooltre, Paraiyata, Neuralgia, Weakness of tb Muscles, Onronio or Inflammatory Uheumatism, StiO aea of the Joint, contracted Muscle or Ligament, Banco ( Toothache, Bruises, Sprains, Wounds, Fresh Outs, Ulcers, Fever Bore, Caked Ureut Bore Nipple., Barne, Scald. Sore Thoa t, or any Intlammatton or Pair, nodifferanu how (rvere, or ho long th disease mi y have existed. McLean's Celebrated Liniment I a ar. tain remedy.. ' - ' Thoutanaa of human being bar bsenuved a life it lecrapitud and misery by the use of this Invaluable mec otn. ...I- f'f- trii.t:- .1 McLEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL m,-,I-'' LINIMENT Will nth pain almoat, and it wil; clean, purify and heal th foulest sores in an ineraui ly short tune. Ear Horaea and fJtlier Animal. MeLaa Mlebratod Llnhnsnt I th only af and re liable remedy for tbaeura ef Spavin, Bing Bone, Wind gall, Splint, Unnatural Bump., .Nodes or Swellings. It will aever All to cur Big lieaa. Poll Evil, Fistula, Old running Bore or Bweeny. if properly applied. For Bpralaa, Bruise, Berate he.. Bore or Wound, Cracked Ueela, Chafe, Btddl or Ctlar (..ill It I aa Infallible remedy. Apply It as directed, a id a cot 1 certain In. every tottanc. Then tritle no looye. itti th uj ortn less Lit ! merit offeacd to yuu. Obtain a supply ol i"- McLean celebrated t. It will cur you. J ft. NlcLKAN.Sol Proprielor, -1 - 1 Oomtr of Third and Pine Btrsols, a t. Lou... tl. i f ot al y all druggl.t. . Forulsby !-i - 77, BORBBTB A SAMUEL. ' ug9e-4AwIj' J ..,,.,,. -. Oolumbui. Ohio. PROF. VVCUJ'S I'lii 51 BLOOD RENOVATOn R, It precisely what Its nam IndioaWS, for, while (pleasant to th tttt. It i revlvifyi ng, xhllarat ing, invigorating and (trengthening u the vital Unw.rva.aad at Uie am lime revlvlfia, itln- blitata, and renw th Blood in (11 It purity, and thu. al enee rtulorM nd rtuitrl (A ivsm in- fkulH4ralUto attack of dUtaM. it l( th only) res ' preparatioa'vr offerad to to world, so cbemi- 4 U ealiv and akillfaUy combine a to a tb n powerful tonio, and at the urn tim d perfectly tdpd to, a to act fa perieataosordano with the U iaa ot awura, ana ueuoa wm mm wwmhu IpWowfcnoA, and ton up th digestive organ, and-Q thus allay all atrron aaa oiu.r irntauo. n ui . -. ..t.ll.Hiln. mnit mt Ihm ..inn lima It I.I imposed satlnly of -vegetables, yet o combined M u io preduoa ins moss wtorosgu wbsiuwi, wim.-, out producing any Injurious consequence.. Such l ha medical world, for It ned. aa medical skill y nu long neen ten wm. u.u.,uu luiLav wir lN inatdablllty follows all atlaoksof disease, and UnuvaMia and Indeed lay the system open to the aVlnaulteu attack of many af th moat fatal, such, V tor example, aa in ioiiowmjb. vw.w"h-". -Ln..i.,. Uvanenala. Loa of Appetite, Kamtoea, lu n irMtaiuuw. neuraiuui. ii .h.uu.m w UaarU atlanoholy,NlgniBweau.iioguoiu'uui laasa, etotentlap of, as wsll u Painful obstructed, toe passu, or to scant Menstruation, and Fall lise ef ta Womb. Ihea all depeud upon general i rdeallily. This pare, Healthy, tonic voruuu ana BiaaA Henovator IS a sure a sure as uss sua w ri-a and set. Tber 1 no tniltak about 1U But E i ihia to not all. v if the ayatem ta weakened, wt ar apt tobiliouiattack, the liver becoma torpid, or won dlseaad, tb kidney refus to pailonu lhlr functions, and w are troubled with scalding and laoontluance of urine, or Involuntary dx h.. af the same. Daln In th back, aid and be- liwaan tb (hooldera, exceedingly liable to alight. c oold,cugba, and If. nncnecxea, eoou macuioB feltowa, and too patient goa aowa to a prematura grave, j But (pace will not allow us to enumerate: Cordial and Blood Beno valor you have a perfeut, Dt,ll saf. otoaaant aad tneetual remeayior, una i ,nt aad effectual remedy for . lost ol n Appeot. Biuoaaness, suiiuicun, " stomack, Languor, Liver Complaint, Chills and nw r... ar anv Blllou attack. Costivanea, Acidity of tba-Btomaoh, Nervoutmca, Mewralgiar ParpiU-1 Hi.; tloaaf the Uteri, uepraatioa m npm rimpleaoo th. Face, or any dl.saa aruing irom ... kinnrf. nrh aa Barofum. Eryalpela. Bron Ihltst, Oough, dlfltoulty of Brathlng, and all that :,- rjalaaa 'OX auMataa oalisu lewaiw wwu-w, .tad aw We artll also say ths traveler Laeeeed to epidemic., change of climate and wat- .... . . . , .liiniMMkuawll.1 Sii1 i . M bairn v ntiriniTnn CQRDIAL jer.wlliand It pleasant, sals and sura remedyLJ I. I . . . aa " A.aM. sari t basts, t . U ua. Amm jW . 1 an aorta eeowa ave. """ vr "7T : BW "' fur w aaaun rou you will find In It a friend, . A mm ml ua trlaod la OSd.' All MrSOUSOfl ' ' '. identa aaMiawiil.naivapuwpv.iurwv, ri u well a cure for UioaallmeuU to which they are J ' particularly eapoud. Uea atabln,tunenis,l -a lorneys.UtanurygsntleajenjtndUdlM-rhoarenot j . socustomed to much outdoor exercise, will find tl 1 a thair advaatasa ta keawa aotilc ewnttaatiy on (hand; and, above al), mother, or thxae becouln sueni wis i go mrougn ina. muw. f"" oct only wtall; HiU( aceuuomnoj s.reu(H. fa anil Iim frnm tha thnussna Slimenis wu vrcr- a(ent arson tae female porlisn of lb world,! In .h,.., "I, l. InAmfA a nnUutr'a COrdial. TfV It, OlU and youag; no longer run th risk of delay! 11 will relieve and nrove Itself- vpAtoally o-AeatofiA-1 O.J. WOOD, proprietor, 444 Broadway, New York, and Harket Street, Bt Louie, Mom an. k. KOunKTA A. SAMUEL. Columbus, Ohio, IT!, l ' Vrlra One Bollal HlBotitoLi j.uii.uvs i;Tj;sab-AFowly j . . . 1 L l-i- a aaw. as. La .tMwaval 0 ST. m. WkJJ?" HATI0B1 and JBVfBLBY,.McI1., price. ball 01 a ona-iaira im ansa saa w iun v--- -. - - . 14 Court at,, Boston, ataarv STRAW BONI-ET AN Jt v., noons, ia siT&t variety at BAia a. DLACI A etantl ... ...... Sla. Hv0,-BlgaaVreltO IhajIij ..Wirt 5 ' 1.1 tl li; 11 UJ' fciiu