Newspaper Page Text
.THURSDAY MORNING, OCT. 24, 1861. Rail Road Time Table. Lit cu BIuhi k Columbus & Xnu B. R, Leaves. ' Arrives Cincinnati Aoeommodatlon. 5:00 A. M. 9:10 P, M Kxpress 11:40 A.M., 11:03 A. M Mail end Accommodation.. 0:10 P. U. 1:00 F. M NtohtKxnrosa Tl Dsvtan. 1S:00 midnight. 3:20 A. U Jnv. W. Doiienm, Agent. Columbus At CuvtUMO E. B. Ei,m 3:40 A. II. 1I:1S P. M New Tor Kinross 11:10 A. M. , 10:50 A. M. C. 0. 0. Way Kxpr).'... ffcJO P. at. 7:40 P. M, James Pattxmok, Agent. Okntral Ouig H. H, No. 3 Kxpreu , 3:30 A. H. 2:15 P. M. 11:25 A. 1 No. 5 do :15 P. M. u:o A. , W. J. Inn, Agent PlTTSmJSOH, OOLOMiDe Al OWOWHATl R. B. . . MH1 Train .' 3 30 A. Mi 11:85 A. U Kxures. Train H:5A.M. :45 P. H Joi. Bobinhon, Agent. COLlTUBrJ C iNDUNOrOLM, R. R. Uolumbu Pwo IHDUM4 R. R.) No. 1 Exurtn 0:30 A. M. 8:00 P, M No. 8 " 3.00 P. M. 7.20 P.M. Accommodation 10.50 A. M. 0. W. Bmith, Agent, COLUMBUS POST OFFICE. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. DEPARTURES. Mull for New York City, Boiton, Albany, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Meubenvlll way, Cleveland, Zanesvllle, Newark, ilranvllle, Washington City, Baltimore, Pblla- del,liia and New Orleam, cloie dally (Sunday except ed) at B o'clock p. ni. Athroujrh mall for Hew York and Cleveland doses dally (Sunday excepted) at 8 o'clock p.m. C. 0. St 0. R. K. Way Mali clotea dally (Sunday ex cepted) at o'clock p. m. Central Ohio Way Mall cloiei dally (Sunday excepted) II) o'clock a. m. Cincinnati Way Mall oloiei dally (Sunday excepted) at 0 clook a. m. CliiCHio, Dulraqne, Delaware, Marlon and Worthing. ton Matle close) daily (Sunday excepted) at It o'clock p.m. Mails for Xenla, Springfield, Dayton, Toledo, Cincin nati, Indianapolis, Louisville, St. Louis, and Detroit, closes daily (Sunday excepted) at-8 o'clock p. m. A through mall to Xenla, Springfield and Cincinnati elose daily (Sundays excepted) at 10 o'clock a. m. Urbana, Piqua, 'iiflin and Union City mall closes dally (nundays excepted) at 0 o cioca p. m. Lancaster, Logan, Netwnvill, Oirclerllle, Ohllllcothe, Portsmouth, Washington 0. II-, Athena, Marietta and Ilillshoroush mails close daily (Sundays excepted) at 8 clock p.m. Kast Way Mall by National Road to Zaneivllle closes daily (Sundays excepted) at 12 o'clock m. HarrliburgU Mull close dally (Sundays excepted) at! o'clock p. tu. Mt. Veruun Mall, by way of Weaterville and Sunbnry, closes daily (Sundays excepted) at 8 o'clock p. m. Dublin Mail closes daily(duuUay exoeptedjat 2 o'clock p m. Lancasler Way Mail cloie dally (Sundayi excepted) al o'clock p. m. ARRIVALS. Malls from New York, Boiton, Philadelphia, Buffalo, Albany, L'ltisburgh, Cleveland, Dayton, Toledo, Xenla, Detroit, Springfield, Cincinnati, Chlllicothe, St. Loull, and all Southern cities, arrive between the honri of 9 o'clock p- m. and 4 o'clock a. m. Mails from Indianapolis, Chicago and Dubuque arrive at 3:40 a.m. Mails from Washington City, Baltimore, Wheeling, Zanesvllle, Newark, Steulienvtlle, Mt. Vernon, and ths 0. 0. R. R. Way Mail, arrive at 13 o'clock m. Way Mail from Cincinnati arrive! at 3 o'clock p. m. Lancaster Mail arrives at 9 o'clock p. m. iiaat Way Mail over the National Koad arrive at II o'clock a. m. . Mt. Vernon Way Mall arrive at 11:00 a. m. Mall from Dublin arrives at l'i o'clock m. ' Urbana Way Mall arrive at 9 o'clock p. m. Harrtaburgh Mail arrives at 11 o'clock a. m. 1. Lancasler Way Mail arrives at 13 o'clock m- Olllce delivery open every diy (except Sunday) from 7 o'clock a. in. tos o'clock p. m. Open on Sunday from 7a to 0 o'clock In the morning, and from 8 to 0 o'clock In the evening. JOHN GRAHAM, P. M. LOCAL MATTERS. N A Chance for Printers. A Democratic newspaper, recently atarled, with a cir culation of S00 copica, la offered for aale at the low price cf four hundred dollart eath. It la printed In a flourishing county, and has part of the county printing, and ill circulation can easily be raised to 800. The ma terial of tie cilice coat, two yean ago, 9800. Chi I a good opening for a practical printer. Addrei Editor Statesman, Columbus, Ohio, for further particulars. octl7-IC An Incident. Sitting musingly in oar office, last evctiing, sadly in wnnt of a fresh boat iiem, our "brown stud)" was suddenly Inter rupted by the apparition of a familiar faoe. Our friend looked (O entiling, that we Inquired whit "streik of good luck" bo bad lately en countered." "Why, this morning," said he, "I stepped to a carriage to speak to a lady acquaintance from the country, and fuund her surrounded by bun dles of dry goods, which she opened, exhibiting shawls, dress patterns, etc, for the girJs, and cloth for cotta, vesting, etc., for the boys. She kept me a full half hour, expatiating with true feminine volubility upon the quality and price of the pools, and the fine bargains abe had made. " 'And where, Aladam,' said I, 'did yon ob tain fuoh rare bargains?' ." 'At Ilr-ADLT, Ebirlv & Ricbards's,' she re sponded, glancing at her acquisitions with evi dent heart-felt satisfaction. "Leaving 1 he carriage, I encountered a gen tleman, an old acquaintance, who held me by ths button to dilate upon some purchases for winter clothing ho bad made this morning. Mrs. , who is a good judge In such mat ters, had assured him that he had never done so well bofore In his life. 'And where,' said I auxiously, 'did jou meet with such a chance, in these hard times?' 'At Hiadlt, Edirlt & Richards's,' returned be." "This scene," continued our friend, "to out a long story short, was repeated in the course of tho forenoon three several times. At last, 1 concluded to go and try Hssdlt, ii Richard myaolf." "A very sensible conclusion," said we, thoughtfully. "I found it so," replied our friend, exulting ly, "and I advise yotrto do likewise." ," Thi Webb Sisters at Armort Hall. Toe Wins sisters were greeted with a full house last evening. The performances, for their va riety and excellence, were exquisite. The sing, log was capital. Every one admired the grace, ease and naturalnesn with which the young la dies passed from one character to another, rep. resenting each to tho life, and elioltlng from the audience spontaneous applause and merriment. It would be difficult to devise a more chaste, pleasant and amusing entertainment. The sisters perform again to-night at Armory Hall. We trust their efforts to please and amuse will, be duly appreciated, and the Hall crowded again this evening. It will be prudent in those desiring convenient seats to secure them early. Missionary Anniversary. The anniversary of the Missionary 8oolety of the Christian (Campbellite) Church commenced at Cincinnati un Tuesday evening. Addresses were made by soveral different Elders. The principal one was delivered by Elder Alixandu Campbell, Trestdent of the Society! the most widely known and influential minister in the connection. He is now more than seventy years ot age, and spoke with -spirit and energy for one who has devoted so many yoars to active labors.' ' The session of the Society was continued jeeterday. . . . . .' . Ths Seventh. The Seventh Ohio Regiment, Col. Tiler, which has been recently at Gauley, has moved to Charleston. CoK Tyler succeeds Col. J. V. Go-rain, of the First Kentucky, si commander of the post at the latter place. ;'-' D Up to Tuesday noon, the subscriptions In Zineeville to the National Loan amountei to $58,000. - "HOOT HOG OR DIE." BY ALBERT R. HARDY, OF THE THIRD REGIMENT O. U. S. A. I will tell yon of a itory that not hsppenad-long ago, About ths Third Regiment, when from Ohio they did go J They went late Virginia; I will sot tell you the reason why, To make the rebel get np and dust, or " root bog or ;dl.' They tint met onr army on the top of Laurel mil, And when it cam to lighting, I guei (hey got their All The Inllana boys chased them off ! I will tell you the reaion why,- . Cauie General Boseoraoa mad thu slDf '.' root hog or an.-- x Then on Rich Mountain the rebels they did go, - And there thiy expelled to make quite a show; . , But when oar forces met them, yon ought to have teen them fly, - ". ' - For General McClellan made them .ling " root hog or dio." Then on Cheat Mountain Ibe rehela the' did go, And then they expected to make another ihow; ' But when they beard we were coming they all began to cry,'" ' Baying our men always made (him ling " root hog er di." How, Jeff. Davli baa been kicking up a fuse, Re bad batter keep quiet, or he will aurely make a noise; We are bound to make them cotnpromiu, I will tell yon the reason Why, - for General Bcott will make them ling "root hog or die." O To believe a business impossible is the way to make it so. How many feasible projects have miscarried through despondency, and been strangled in the birth by cowardly I mag nations!. ,' . , Fashionable ,Revorh. Fanny Fern writes in the Ledger that the day when it was consid erod Interesting and ladylike to bo always ail ing, bas gone by. Good health, fortunately, is in fashion. A rosy check is no longer "vul gar," and a fair, shapely allowance ol flash on the bones, is considered the "style." A lan guid eyer and a waxy, bloodless complexion may go begging for admiration. The "elegant stoop" in the shoulders, formerly, considered so aristocratic has miraculously disappeared. All this sounds fine. We hopo it bas the merit of being true. Contributions vox the Soldiers Tho fol lowing articles were contributed, on Tuesday last, for the benefit of the soldiers, by various persons, as certified to by tho Quartermaster- General: 207 woolen blankets, 349 pair woolen socks, 79 pair woolen drawers, 71 woolen shirts, 39 (bed) oomforts, 39 (neck) comforts, 3 great coats, 95 pair mittens, 6 pair wristlets, 1 oil cloth blanket. . , . O It is said that Major-General Botler ev ery month deposits the amount f f his pay, on account of the 7.30 treasury notes. Winter is Near. We had yesterday an as surance that winter is not far off. It was so cold that warm clothing and warm fires'became necessity. Tho sun is rapidly receding toward his southern limit, and we shall soon have the short days and long nights of December. Are we all prepared for the winter of the year, and the winter of life T National Hotel. This House, under the ansplces of Capt. II. Reynold;, has taken rank among the first class hotels of the city, not only in tbe management of its affairs, but in its eapaoity to accommodate "bombers. Tbe recent large addition to tbe boose, which was rendered necessary by its increasing patronage, is nearly finished and ready for guctts. In passing through the bouse, we observed that every apartment was newly and tastefully fin ished. The sleeping rooms are commodious, well ventilated, and seem to have been arrang ed with special view to tbe comfort of lodgers. The traveling publio will find the National a model hotel In every respect, and its proprietor one whose compeer . in tee management of a publio house Is seldom met with. t f ST The attention of oar citizens is directed to the great auction sale of $20,000 worth of ry goods, by P. T. wood, of Rochester, N.Y., at No. SO Town street, Walcutt's building comprising silks, French merinos, all kinds or worsted dress goods, shawls, hosiery and flan nels. Also, cloths, cassimeres, satinettseto. Sale commences this evening, and continue every day and evening until disposed of. U . G. Frjstoe, auotioneor. Oat. 23 -8 1. A CLEAR CASE. It la a very clear ciae that poisonous drags ilcitroy health. Impure la!ratns produosa dacajf teslh, bronchitis, djiptpals, and fentral debility. It 1 also dear that Pjl'Dlettlo Bslerstn Is par, vaoleiom and effioitnt. Careful parsons nae do other. Depot, 145 Washington street, New York.. Bold' by grocers everywhere. E. M'COLLISTER, Wholesale and Kctair Dealer In TOBACCO, SNUFf fc CIGARS No. 25 Fifth Street, PIT StfURGH, Pa. Keei '-ouatantlr on hand all the wa jlane BKANlssi of Ixn.oirto3. Oljyarai. Oc. W-Jjd , .. ,v ' Master Commissioner's Sale. Sale of Heal Ketat by order of Court. W.M. Finch, ) va. npertor Conrt of Franklin County. Johia Brown etal.) IN pnrananos ot an order of tlio Superior Court or ltrankltn county, Ohio, made at the May term thereof, A. V. mi. In the above entitled action, there will be ffeivd for aale, at publio auction, to the highest bidder, on Saturday, the 30th day of Nov , A. D. 1SG1, at tVi hour of 10 o'clock A.M., at the door of the Court Houm, in tho city of Ooluaibus, in said Vraiiklln couuty, the following reel estate, to wit: In-lot number SO of Kobsrt Noil's addition to tho oily of Oolumbus, being- the north-mat corner of Lockwin turnpike and Johnstown plank rosd. Appraised at S 1,308.0. , Terms ol aal, oaah. .... WAOKIl BWAYN1, BpecUI Waster Commissioner. 8. at n. Chittenden, Atlys. Printer's feea, SO.tiO. - Oot. il. 1801-td Master Commissioner's Sale.. Clark Co. : St oo. , ) v. Kinney etal.) Common rleis. J oha M. Kinney BT VIRIUI Of AH ORDBtt OF BALE TO Ml dlreoted from the Court of Common Pleu of Frank. ti la eonnry, Ohio, I will offer for l at the door of l$e Monday, the 25th day of November, 1861, a.toae o'clock, p. m.. the followlnt described ml m. ta to, situate In the eonnty of Franklin and Stat of Ohio, trswiti Lot No. 8, subdivision of out-lot No. 39, lo tha city Of OolumDua.. - , Appraised at 180O 00. 8. W. BDFFHAN, Sheriff, ' '' and. Muter Commlaaloner. YrlnUr'afe,!! CO. ' ' eetSiHa ' ' - ' ; William : Xk,m cvixi A G KICULTURAL WAREHOUSB AndStxxi Store f . s. . BSAUK HI !GlNEtfAL':IlARDWARE Cw.ias,rsstlet Vsslcvillsw Ware, Stheraad knbbat Beltlsg, Iao Leather, Boas aas sung. oi-tu TELEGRAPHIC. Reported for the Ohio Statesman. LATEST FROM MISSOURI. Further Particulars of the Battle at Edwards's Ferry. THE FREMONT IMBROGLIO. Banks and Stone Marching on Leesburg. Arsenal and Cannon Foundry at Memphis Burned. From Washington. Wabhingtom. Oct. 22 The Wit6hiDeton Star's description of the fight at Edxardd's Kerry, says bath wiogs were attacked as early as 9 o'clock, A, M., but the enemy was repulsed mU An en ka annoseerl At nKnuf fi tnf.(tr P. M. the right wing lound Itself confronted by near lour thousaud of the enemy, under Gen. Evans, with artillery, Col. Baker gal lantly essayed the charge. la which be was killed. The offioer left in command Immediate ly ordered tbe men to fall back near tbe river bank, wbere tbev could be supported Dy uen Stone and the portion of tbe army that bad at that time eaected a crossing, i ne mea oooy- od In good order, carrying off all the dead and wounded. Ua reaching tbe position selected, tbe right wing turned, though under the fire ol the enemy, which gradually slackened until midnight, when it ceased. Throughout tho night the balauco of Gen. Stone's force croesed the river and throw up temporary works, that render his position secure and enable him to protect the crossing ot tbe division of Gen, Banks, to be essayed this morning. i be obiect of General stone s movement was to enable bis command, with General Btnks's division, to be salely transferred to Virginia. Evans attacked Gen. Hiker in kont and on both flanks. Cel. Cogswell was probably token prisoner. Uur Information so far this mormus: is that General Banks's army arrived at the Maryland landing, Edward's Ferry, last night, and bavo been croseiog the river securely since daylight. [Tribune Dispatch.] The repoit made by Adjutant General Thom as of his recent examination into the admin istration of the Department , of tho West by General Fremont, was this morniog considered in full Cabinet meeting. vvitn tbe reluctance which hesitates to injure a distinguished man and wound and disappoint tbe friends whom a popular leader gathers in his career, all the members of the Cabinet slowly pronounced their judgment that tbe in terest ot Missouri ana or tne union required that General Fremont should be superseded io his command by Major-General Hunter. The order to this effect will be issued to-morrow. The President wsa (trestle afflicted by tho death of Col. Baker. [Special to the Herald.] The latest news to-night Is that tbe whole of stone's column bad crossed tbe f otomao and is In fall pursuit of tbe enemy, and that General Banks bad reached tbe banks of the river and would speedily follow and support Stone. information received late to night from uen. Stone's command announces that the fight was a desperate one and that largo numbers were killed on both sides. Although the ene my was much stronger than Gen. Stone, ho was falling back before tbe advance of our troops, and would undoubtedly have been totilly routed but for tbe fall of Col. Baker, which produced a sudden confusion among our troops. Gen. Gustavus W. Smith commanded the rebels, and a private dispatch asserts that he was shot from bis horse siid carried olT the field. Gen. Banks with his command Is now sup porting Gen.Stono,and being a Major-Geueral, is in lull commauil. Gen. McClellan left for Gen. Btnk's head quarters in the field this morning. . It is a subjeot of regret that Colonel Baker should bave engaged the enemy, when, accord ing to report, be was ordered to make a recon noissance only with strict Instructions "It at tacked, to fall back aod not hzht." - Col. Baker made bis will on Saturday last, end deposited it with Lol. Webb, and when be left for tbe field be said to the latter, "I shall participate In battle in forty-eight hours. If I fall, 1 request that you tike charge of my body." An effort is makioa to supersede General Mc Clellan with General Halieck, who is on his way here from California. 'This change would create a new revolution in military circles, whore the greatest confidence is entertained la Geo. McClellan. Col. Geary reports that the four men who were killed at the battle of Bolivar Heights, werealterwards charged upon by the cavalry and atabbsd through the body, stripped of all their olothing, not excepting shoes and stockings, and left in perfect nudity: one was laid out in tbe form of a crucifixion, with his bands spread and cut the with a dull knile. a it [Times' Dispatch.] At tho Cabinet meeting to-day it was decid ed not to interfere for the present with Gen. fremont and bis command. Judge Divis, of Illinois, was commissioned lo take testimony in relerence to contracts made in the Western Department, and all bills that be passes will be paid. Trustworthy information received this morn ing from Fairfax Court House states that only tbe rebel pickets are present at that plaoe. A small force, however, is stationed at German town, a mile and a half distant. [Special to the Post.] Wishinoton, stoppage of navigation on the Potomao baa produced a commotion among shipping at Mat hi as Point, and their fate is yet uncertain. It Is believed the Government will speedily take effective meas ures lor clearing awsy ths obstacles, to permit tbe free passage of vessels In the river there. General Halieck Is now on bis way to Wash ington from California. It is reported that he a ill be assigned a nign command in tne army immediately on his arrival. Gen. Scott's health Is much impaired. Ad vanced age and severe bodily infirmities begin to tell upon bim. Tbe funeral of Col. Baker will lako place in this city to-morrow. Great preparations are making lor tbe obsequies. Tbe Treasury uepartment bas allowed an old claim of the National Intelligencer, amounting to ten tnoosano ooiurs. ' it is tbe same that Secretary Dix rejected. Tbe Harriet Lane went down the river again last evening. . ' . Yesterday afternoon tbs tug futen brought up to the navy yard the schooner Hugh Jenkins, which was disabled ana sudk oy a collision. Tbe gunboat Yankee run tbe blockade day before yesterday, and brought to the Harriet Lane the news in relation to tne new batteries at Mathias Point. Tbs Union, tbe Ice boat, and the Satellite, are between Mathias and ShlDolne Point batteries. There is a seoret cnannei near too Maryland shore that Is navigable for vessels- drawing eight feet of water. Several of tbs vessels which bave run tne Diocnao, came vj tuts route and escaped notice. ' , ' [Special to the Post.] [Special to the Advertiser.] It is raining steadily here. The Potomao is raising, and mil It try operations are necessarily suspended. . [To the Associated Press.] Reliable Information from Virginia confirms the story of discontent snd murmuring, not only la the camps, but among all classes, at the management of affairs by the so-called South ern udvernment, wnica snojeot them to contin ual sacrifices and privation, and brstows no rd vantages In return. i ., i ... , ,t . , ,lt Is believed that bnt for theoverawlne ore eooeoMhe Bootbern army, Eastern' Virginia wouia now oe reaay is return to loyalty many evidences ot welcome are disDlavad b the In habitants of Loudon county towards the newly arrived troops Of General Banks. Is ta weft understood her that the reports of Intended interference- .with our blockade bv European powers are for the most part ths Invention Jf cotton speculators, News from Missouri. Rolla, Oct. 23. Lieut. Klrby and fifteen men of Major Wright's battalion, had another fight with firty five rebels, near Linn Creek, on the kid, Ruling tire of them ana wounaing aDout a dozen. ' The result of Maior VVrlcht'i march froiu Rol l to Linn Crtex on be summed up as follows: inrce euceepeiul ingots, in wnicn sixiy-cigni rebels were killod and tbe same number wound ed, slizhtv-seven nrisoners taken, and twenty- three guns, fifteen horses, several yoke of oxen, wagons and many other articles. Piico'a armv woe at Greenfield last Wednes day still headed South. Keoorts fioin Snrinefield say Get). MuUnUe, of the rebel foroes, bas resigned and is on bis way to that place, to disband his division sua return home. Col. Taylor, in couimaud of tho rebel forces at Springfield, recently issued a proclamation deoiarinc that all Union men who had belonged to the Home Guards would be required to leave the country or go into the Soutnern army tor tbe samo length of time they bad served iu tbe Federal army; and requiring a p.ledgo from tbe union mea now there lor tne exemplary con duct of their friends who are absent irom borne. The croclnm&tiun also orobibits the oarrying ol any more slaves South, as such a course is cal culated to lessen the confidence of tbe people la the ability of the Southern army to sustain itscu in AiiBdoun. 5 0 1 News from Missouri. General Stone and Banks Advancing on Leesburg With Fifty Thousand Men. New York. Oct. 23. Dispatches lo Phila delphia Enquirer say the regiment of ' Col. Maker, together with those engaged witn it, are said to have Inst two budred In killed and wounded In tho late action. . Col. Biker, It is said, was a prominent mark for the enemy's bullets. He was sttuek by a bill in tho heart, foor in various parts of the body, and three in the head. Coli E titer, when he w im killed, was on horseback, and dressed in full uiforw. It Is said that one hundred Mi36iisippi rifU-s were aimed at hi in when bo lell. A telegraph (jirr.tea from General McClcl- un's bcadquarU-i is said to bare been received at tlio War Ollice n. two o'clock this (Tuesday) alteruoun, staling that Leesburg would be tak en iuau Lour. Tiiero bas been sharp fighting in that neighborhood all the morniog. It was also reported that Generals Stone and Kinks had croKscd tbo Potom&o end were advancing with fifty thousand men on Leesburcr. Tbe Washington Star ol tho vil, says tbe expedition from Annapolis sailed yesterday. In addition to the troops from Annapolis we learn that quite as ruauy more will joiu the ex pedition at Old Point, having been quietly shipped for this end irom New York, boston and elsewhere. A letter to the Democrltio Stato Committee, signed by all the Democratic candidates aud State officers, Is in favor of vigorously sustain ing the Government in Its present struggle to maintain tbe Constitution, laws and Union at all hazards and at any cost of blood and trcas mc. ' at and at Killed and Wounded at Edward's Ferry. Philadelphia, Oct. 22. Information receiv ed here by privato letters estimate tho lues in killed and wounded at Edwards's Ferry at one hundred and seventy-five. The main portion ot bicklos'e brigade is now opposite the Confederate batteries, and it is said are preparing to acton tho cfi'ensive against the batteries. at The Pirate Sumter. New Votik, Oct. 23. The North Star brings tho old officers and crew of the sloop cf war Lancaster and one million of ti ensure. New Grenada, exceptiog the states of Couca, Antioque and Santonrlor, are now in arms against Mosquera. The Panauia Star has received intelligence by a British steamer from St. Thomas that the pirate Sumler i Et-.ll cruising ainong the witid ward Hands. I at New Yok, Oct. 23 Tho Commercial learns tUt nn English gentleman who applied to Ben jimin, rebel Secretary ot State, lor a pass to the North, was told by him that Mason and Sli de! I had gone to Europe via Tampico, Vera Cruz and Ifavsnna, and that the steamer Nash ville bas not left Charleston. The steamer North Star, from Aspinwsll, Is coming up. Private Rome, of tbe Massachusetts 1st, wounded at Bull Run and taken to Richmond, has arrived hero. His account of tbe treatment of prisoners there Is interesting. He says the only Northern paper in Richraind is the New York Herald, regularly received tlio second day after Its publication. to From Fortress Monroe. Fort Monro, Oct. 22. Gen. Sherman ar rived here to-day, on the Atlantic. Tbere was slight sffair at Newport News yesterday, but terminated with slight If ds on either side. .' Calais, Ms . Oct. 23 The shock of an earthquake was distinctly felt here at firo min utes past eight o clock this mornin; . for said PHiLsbELrHU, Oct. 23, Messengers from Washington this forenoon, report that the de pression caused by tho death ot Col. Biker has already disappeared, it being realized that the movement on Monday was an entire success. None of tbo military movements are Known there, but entire ennfideoco is felt in the sue cees of Gen. McClellan's operations. - may for Death of Col. Ryan. Hamilton, 0., Oct. S3. Col. Ryan, of the 50;h Ohio regiment, died to day at one o'clock. He was taken sick on Sunday with apoplexy. tic of From Cairo. Cairi, III , Oct. 23 Gentlemen who ar rived at Paducah from Memphis, report thtt tbo arsenal and caouon foundry at that place was entirely destroyed by fire a few days since. It is reported that a portion of tbe lorces at Columbus, Ky-i under; Polk, were sent to New Orleans and Mobile. Only sixteen hundred repels are now at Columbus. lira B. and day St. Louis, Oct. 23 Investigation into tbe atl'airs of tbo Millers and Manufacturers' In surance Company of this city reveals tho cm- bexelement ot Su.uuu by John W. (Jlark, sec retary of the Company, From San Francisco. Great Salt Labs City, Oct. 22. The Pony Express passed east to day from San traucnco me linn, r. m. Calculating men say It will cost one hundred million dollars to accomplish under Fremont what might be accomplished for ten million dollars uudcr a prudent and sagacious Major- lion era I. Orders have been issued for the transfer of fivn eomnanles of Colonel Linnett'a Regiment of infantry under command of Major Curtlss, aud five oompanles infantry ot uoiouei juaart'a Kegiment, to reinforoe the various posts in ur- egon. The ditlioulties between tne rrencu uommu- siouer and the Haytian government have been referred to Napoleon for settlement, and the French man-of war Galathe, not being any longer wanted to menace Honolulu, bad sailed for San Francleco. . I of at the SO, 33 Master Commissioner's Sale. James Clark et al. ) va. Comtioa Pica. Daniel Decker etal.) 1-lV VIRTTJH Of AN ORDER OF SALE TO MS XJ directed, from the Conrt of Common Pleas of Frank lin county, Ohio, I will offer for sale at the door ot the Court Uduae in the city or columbu, en Saturday, the lGth day of November, A. D atone o'clock F. M., the following1 described real estate altoateln Ui county of Franklin and State of Ohio, to - A aart of In-lot No. S39. la the eltr of Columboa. be ginning at a point on the South line of Gay street and the North line of said lot, 03 feet B tnohe West from the Northeast oorner of said lot! running tnenca Weit on the tald North line er mm lot m tees and 1 Incnett toe Doe South 6'i feel and 0 Inches to the South line or said lot: thane Bw with ald line ta feat andO Inched thence Norm o wet ana o incne to ine puce or begin ning helna th Weat Salt 01 said lo-lol Ho fill), leas 31 featanu9 locnea, nereioiorv cvnTeeii vj tne Trustees oi tha First Oolored Baptist Ohireh of Oolumbus by Fan nel Pike, by deed dated Ftb'y 3d, 1841. being the mm Wndi ordered to be aonrwyee u aforasatS to Jam Clark and Sarah el. Bailey, heir ol eamuoi VUUk, aeo'4, , Appraised at $1K)0 00. , ' " ; JS0MJ1 W. BTTf f M At, Aherltr.' '.. 1. ' aud Msster Oommiatloner.'-' Prinfai's tie $" 00. oot I ltd to i COMMERCIAL MATTERS. New York Market. [REPORTED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] NEW YORK, Oct. 23 FLOUR May hi quote s ih&de flroier. with in creased ripmainl fur exo . i a"fl home eoiituipption ales of 3'.I,0U Mill nt SS ll'ISi'Jil f .r rejeoted; $5 30 40 for i'ji - I t stale J j Jii'a i iu lor auperlloa west ern; 5 50 " r, BO fir eomm,m to medium extra areitenr, S5 605 Oil for ihipl'iuK braoili extra hoop Ohio; anil SS 006 00 for IraOe brand, do, the market cIcsicK quite firm. Inoiailea in uie sales are JJW nom or snie fliur. dHlveriMo in all November, nt S C58.i ly. Canada flour is a shade better, with a fair il'axir.ilt sal's of tMObblsat S5Htia So ror supers no, una 55 J: a 70 for common toolioice extra Hye t) ur qnni aid ati-ady: salta of 15S bole at WS mm 1U' lloUN MKAL Qulel aod nominally anchanaed. WI1IHKV Knser: isle WW hbl at aikfaSlo. WHEAT la ) 5;.'c better, wl:h piod export Inquiry for Knglun4 and moderate Vreneh demand; sale, of 33,000 bUhhIaChl0BROSpHnfr at S 11 SI; 2i),0U0do Racine spring at St 19561 S3; 42,000 do Mllmnkee club ate I liOail 'ii; ri'J.UUU oo amoer lowa ai iiuis i!S; 11 500 do red stale at SI SNt 31; 56 000 do win ter re vairern at SI Swat 33: 50d do red Kentuokv at fl 30; 40 500 do amlwr Michigan at 01 3ll 85; 501-0 white atate at $1 33; ffiOO do white Michigan at 81 39 S'l 4,1; 17 600 do white Kentucky at mwi m. RYK Woirce and 11 no; isles 1000 bush atate at 7Po. II ARLCY Without deolded change; sales of 57,000 bnsh Canada at 7 lo. CORN Fair demand for export and home eonsnmn Hon, without deolded change In prioe; Bale ot K 10,000 huahela at 5758o for Inferior mixed weatern; 59C0e for good to prime shipping do; SUfto for choice do; tile ror western jellow, u Tt scarce ami very urm at su.o ror ganoaa, 42i!43o for atate. rOIlK Firmer. There I, only moderate bualneaa do sales 670 hbls at $15 50 s; 15 75 for mess; 18 SO for clear, and SO 7310 00 tor prim. BKKK Dull and unchanged; aaleeoMOO Mill at $4 00 4 50 for prime; S5 00 5 50 for mesa; $091185 for re. packed meis; $li 7513 50 for extra mesa; prime men beef Inaclve. RKRV HAMS Inactive. VUl. UtltA L O ;umif D 1.1 111 !.. I. . .w. annniders ana J,'i'aiiic ror nama. UAIlilN Dull anil noinlua r unciiangeii. LAHD-Dnll and prices unchanged; sale of 800 bhlt 8tcoc. BUTTlSit Selliugat 8llo fur Ohio; at,! l'Ji16o lorsia'e. C'lllitsE-SlejJy at 53i7d I Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, Oct. 23. FLOUR The flour market was to- quiet. $4 0 wa regarded ea ths outi'do flynre for aaper Bno. If roiu tbts to t1 ov rang prices tor extra una family- tVHKAT Ilaa about relapseil. frcm tha adranr achieved during the week, to the figure current last Tuesday. We now quote red at PUar;7e for ordinary prime. White at fSSOjj, lor low grndee to choice. CORN TIaa a fair market at 30c, OATS Have declined Irregularly from 111 the max imum daring the week to 27c. Sales were made to-day S0,ic, and the tendency of the market la toward a further decline, though -vj la atlll maintained ai the aekinar figure. . Ii IK I in soma demand at Jfc; ivopcr Dumei higher is aked. BARLEY Sella In a small way and from wagona at 4550o. VI1I3KT-Went at lljfe. . Cummtrclal. Cleveland Market CLEVELAND, Oct. 22. FLOUR Quiet and unchanged. Wll KAT Market heavy with only a few trifling sales $1 (or red and 1 03 for whit on track. CORN Sales of 3 cue at 34o on track. OATS-Sales of 3 cars at 85c. IliaUWINKS-Sale of 3u bb!i at IGVc, and 50 do lOo rORK-8aleat $13. BETTER Sale of 14 ktgs lood at :.and flrklna common at 7o. KQGi-Firmat l 'c Ltader. Sheriff's Sale Tt'o. W. IlkhiiJs, Qdn.) va. Jacob Flodt. Common Flea,, I)T virtue of an order nf aale to me dlracteJ, from the ) Oonrtof Common Pleas of franklin countr, Ohio, will offer for ule at the door of the Conrt Ilouie, in thecily ol Oolurabn, Oo'Salurday, November ICth, A. D. 18C1, 1 o'clock, P. M., tho following described real citato, wit: Lo-a three (3), twenty-three (S3), nineteen (19), fifty one (51), and tuty-flve 155), In the town of Rome, Prai rie township, In the county of ,'rankliu, and State of Ohio. Alao, 40 acres, more or less, which said Jacob Flodt bought of John W. Dakar. Appraised at Lot No. ;), s vo.uu 30 00 it), " 51, " 55, 40 acres at o. w 850 00 SO 00 kO 00 SB 00 per acre. HUFFMAN, Sheriff. Tly Ko. DiVia, Depuiy. Printcr'efecs $6 CO. ooill-td' Notice. August Amanda Arnholli Lewi Arnholt. ) THE DKFKNDANT, LEWIS All. holt, Is noliled that the plaintiff, Augusts A. Am holt, on the 5th day ot October, A. D. 1861, Hied In the office ot tbeOlerk of the Court of Common Plea of Franklin county, Ohio, her petition for a divorce for two oautea: 1. That the defendant Lewis is In prison In the Missouri penitentiary, under conviction and aentence crime in violating He law of laid State. 3. That the Lewie I and for the last thru year and more has been guilty of gross negleot ol duty, a buaband ot said petitioner, In neglecting to provide aubsls'enca for the petitioner aod child. Prayer That tbe said petitioner be divorced, and have the cuatody ot tbs child Fer dinand, mentioned In the petition, and general prayer equity. U. W. WABBUN, Att'y for petitioner. octlO-wOw. In NOTICE. NICnor.AS nARRINOTON and DELILAn HAR RINGTON. In the State of Kansas, will take no- that Robert Uurna Griflin did, on the 18th day of May, A. 1). leul, rile Hi petition in tbe superior Court Franklin county, Ohio, against the said Nicholas liar rlngton, Delilah Harrington, Peter Harrington, and aetting forth, that the (aid Nichola and Delilah Harrington executed a mortgage to tha said R. B. Grit On on lots Nos. 42 and 43 la the town of Alton, Frank- county, Ohio, to secure. the payment of a note exe cuted by said Nicholas and Peter llarrlnetnn to aald R. UriCin, on the Oth day of January, IKS'.), for $306 30, payable two year after date, and praying that said mort gage may be forecloaed, the mortgaged promises sold, the proceeds applied to the pas inent of the aald In debtedness. Bald Nichola and Delilah Harrington are notified that they are required to appear and answer petition on or before the 3d Saturday alter the 2d oi December, A. D, 18C1. , WAKUKN et DKKBEti, Att'ya for R. B. Urittin. Columbus, 0 , Oct. 19, 'fil 0wwv8ddoc) Master Commissioner's Sale. Baldwin's adm'n vs. Court of Common Fleas. Richard SnowJen etal.) , V VtllTCE OF AN OF SALE J to me directed from the Court of Common Plea of Franklin County, Ohio, I will offer ror sal at the door the Court House, in ths oity of Oolumbus, Ohio, on . Saturday, the 21 day of November, A. D. 18C1, one o'olork, P.M., ths following premises, situat to City of Oolumbus, Franklin county, U., to wit: tn-Lot No. im: also, lots rtoi. 14, 1 j, in, 17, in, r.i. SI and 32, of enowden's subdivision of Out-Loti Not. and 31 of said city. Appiaiaedat Lot No. 305 $3 500 00 1-ots No. Hand 15, at $475 00 each. " 16 and 17, at 500 00 11 "IB, 10, SOt lil, 475 00 ' 8V, at 550 00. 0. W. HUFFMAN, Sheriff and Master Commissioner. Printer's feM 5,95. . . cpSOulwtd. Legal Notice. Oharlcs Heath, Plaintiff, against William T. Jennings, Benjamin Court of Common . Pleaa, Franklin Oo. Ohio. F. Robinson ana James 1. Pettui, Defendanta, partner doing business under the firm nama of W. I. Jennings, Pettui et Co. rTUin IEFESIiArTJ WIXI, TAKE A notice ttat the plaintiff, Charles Heath, did, on ths lilih day er uctoner, A. u. 1001, ui nis petition la the Oiark'a office of tha Court ot Common Plea in said sounty of Franklin. The prayer and object ot which la recover of uie sain aerenaants ue aum 01 alx bundred and aeventytwo 35-100 dollar, oa a promissory not executed by said iefendanta on tha ldtb, day of Novem ber, A. D. 1857, In their Arm nam, due anil pajab'.e tlx monthi after date. Defendantl will take notice that they are required to anawer said petition on trt keth day 01 November, A. v 11. or aald petition will be taken at true, ana juug meat rendered accordingly, , - m nur rees,fu . jobr m. nan, ...... .Attorney for Plaintiff. oeiio ti. - j . . 1 . -- Notice. i'i.l, ViIRSOKS ARE HEREBY NO JX TiriKD that my wife. MAHI ANN, ea th Mih dayot September, A. B. left my wed and near Without J ust cause or provocation, and I hereby give ao tloe that a will lot no responiuue 10s maj acuta wa- traotad by her. y oolB-Sw . JOHN X.0QAN. MILLIONS OF MONEY For an Inch of Time! WAS ONCE THE EXCLAMATION OF a tlvlns Queen. That Inth nt tlm Km t,ru.n-. ed at a much cheaper rate, and many long year of HEALTH AND HAPPINESS enjoyed hy consulting Dr. MERRTWEATHIR, who curing tbe moat ob.tlnate and long standing diieare of tbe LflNOs, IIBRT. f.tVRR. KIDNBTS, BLAD. DKR. 8TOMA0U RUKUMATIHM D18MA8I8 PKCO. UAil TO FK11AI,KS, BKIN DI81A8KS, AMD ALL AFFBCriONS OF 1111 hltB AND UaU. - facte are Kltibbern Tblngat Hear what the Phlladelnhla earreanoiutent In ih. "Oommot, wealth," Wilmington, Delaware, Sib of April, "An Kngllih gentleman, formerly connecter! with the Rrillsh Army, and who itylee himself the 'Indian UnUnio Physician haa of late gained an aitenslv repu tation here by his skill in enrlne all manner of run plaints. Home of hie patients 1 have conversed wlih, and they pronounce his remedies and mode of treatment a very superior. Bome have been restored as II by magic. The medicine be use is distilled by himself from various herbs possessing rare curative properties. "Vrbilo acting in tne army he devoted his leisure mo ments to a thorough study of the electa nrodueed h certain medicinal ruota and herbs on all manner of dti. eases. It seem he ha found a sura and speedy reme dy for all the 'ills that flesh Is heir to.' ilia practice Is airi-auy extensive ana 1 aauy increasing. Iu tbe com plain 1 to which Female are lublected. he ha no eoual as a large number here have teititled that they owe not only ineir present grod health, but their lives, to the saiuor imsinaiun uoi&nic rnyslolau." .OJSce 37 East State Street, Columbus. auKl7-(13ia Elegant lace Mantillas, XSLISaT cf3 SON, No. 29 South BLighBt., HAVE Just opened an Invoice of very large and handacm pusher, french, and chantilla lace mantillas and pointe3. Wide' French Laces for Shawls. Very Deep Freneh Flounciog Laces. Real Thread, French, Chaotllla & Geocvose VEILS. Valenciennes, Point de Gaze, Brussola and Thread Laeet and Collar$, VALENCIENNE3 TRIMMED H'DKFS, MALTESE LACE COLLARS & SETS, LINEN COLLARS & CUFFS, la new Shapes, PAPER COLLARS & CUFFS, For traveling PRICES XJUTJSTJAIiXV XsOW. Traveling Dress Goods. MOZAMBIQUE8, POPLINS, BnXPIIKRD'fl ijHa'CKS PILES, FOIL DB CHEVBE3, LAVELLA3, TtUOCni VALENCIA3. ate. to. The best and most fkthtonabfo styles In tha city, A.T VERY LO"W PRICKS. BAIN at BON, ..1 '.'J South High Street. EXTRAOHOIWARV BAHGAINS BATN & SONi S0. 29 SOUTH HIGH BTEEXT, ARK NOW OFFERING 1,000 yard) Baner Plain Slack Bilks at 1 OO -value 91 2i per yard. 2500 yards Traveling Dreas and Uantla Qoods 12 12 cent value 20 cen'J per yard. 3?000 yard White BrlUlante at 12 1-2 cent value 20 cent per jard. 3,000 yard Fine and Domeatlc Ulngham greatly co der value. -ALSU:- LARGE AND DESIRABLE LOTH OP MOZAKBIQUES. BALZORUTIS,; CBALLI8, rOTJlAED 811X9, ENGLISH BAEEQES, liVEtliS, LAWKS, CAIIC0E3, F0FLIN8, AUD ALL OTHER New and Fashionable Drewa Oooxl Uie most Jcslrable styles ami at very loeis prlcr. 3M 3NT Till Hm A. S Z Of all materials, made lo the most ityllih manner aflsi tha latest Pari Fashion ine most elegant ityle tbs city. OA1N V SOX, may 30 fto. 89 South High street. IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE. Steam Between Ireland and America NEW YORK, BOSTON AND GALWAYi The following new and mairnlflcent flrt-elspadilU wheel Steamship compete Uie above line: ADRIATIC, 5,888 ton burthen, Capt, J.Mao (Formerly of Jhe Collins Line.) HIDERNIA, 4,U0tontbura.n,Capt. K. Paowaa. CULUMUIA, 4.4(iO " h. laiTcu. ANULIA, S,40O ." NiuakitMk PACIflO, S.titK) " " " ' I. Santa. PlllNCK ALBERT, (Screw.) S.3U0 " " J. Wautia. One of the above shin will leave New Tork or Boston alternately every Tuesday fortnight, for ttalway, car ry ine th government mail, touching at St. Johns, N. If. Tho Steamer of this Hot have been constructed with Ui greatest oare, nnder tha supervialon of the govern ment, have water-tight compartments, and are unexcel led loronmfort, aafety and speed by any a teamen, afloat. They are commanded by able and experienced officers, and every exertion will bemad to promote the oomtort of passenger. An.experienced Burgeon attached tat each ship. KATES F PASSAGE. Flrat-clusN. Y. or liostou to Oalway or Liverpool 1100 Beoondolais, " Pirat-claaa, " " to Ft John's 35 Thlrl-claas. " " to Oalway or Liverpool. or any town In Ireland, on a Railway, - - - 31) Thlrd-clata naeseniTOr at liberally supplied with pro visions of the best quality, cooked and served by the ser vant of tbe Company. KETUKN TICKETS. Parties wlihint to send for their friend from tha old country can obtain tickets from any town on a railway, in Ireland, or from the principal cities of JCngland and Boot- land, al very low rates. Paaaencer for New Tork. arriving by th Boiton Steamers, will oe rorwamea 10 new nor a in 01 cuarg. ror pasaaga or further Information, apn iy to Wat U. WIOKUAM. At tha offloa of ths Company, oa th wharf, foot of Canal street. New sore. HOWLAND Se ASPIH WALL, Agent. . aprilUtsWa. '.'.., u .. ' 1 BAIN & SOU, Uo. 29 South High Street, Coltunbos, ARI NOW OFFERING. S000 yard Xiavehn Dress Goods at t), Vain O0 yard. Traveling Dress Oood at MX, Talus 80 eta. Win yards Enguan nerainsa "" ltai) .arris French Organdie at MX, vain 80 oonta. Smsj yard Fast Oolored Lawn at iu, vain IS mnt. - lW) yards Voaura urea, bum i ts, ti tra sin. U yards Super Plain Blsck Silk at (I 00. vain aitt. Robes of Organdia Berage), and atngliah Be rag, at os half their value. v . . - . - ' vain at bub, f M Soath High Street. TTU-rvCr TJRFSS SILKS, 1 .FANCY URK3S BILKS, 1 FANCY DBKSS BILKS. W ar now offering onr Immense atoek of Taney Dress Bilk at price tea than eve betora effend la thlaelty. Th attention ot tha ladies of tills oily and Vicinity w slssllad, aa oar stock I very select and complete lo all graeeaos snwoaist uua uaa. jroewvat., ( vnlti. 1, ,. , ,1 , , No. 89 South liUth strtat. nonKCTs) ninnoNs tads, Alt 0 AJ RU0UK3, new tyie,jawapTisii oy t BAIM BOX, . aprtlS waaia lUah stn mi T- . . . .a iney go ivignr. to uie , epot , ' ' -' ' .. .v ;.- ' , Instant Hellef f 5, '; Vtp ynr CwwRla " j Parlff rur MrealU! , . ,. ,; Ntrenartlsfin wour -Valaet '. THROAT CONFECTIONS, aat '.. ' t . . OOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, ' ' GOOD FQR LECT0RER3,' ; ' ' ' . - GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, ' 300D FOR SINGERS, , ' 1," GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIV'ES. ' OKNTLEMES CAS IT , BPALDINO'S THROAT jDONFECTlONb . i LADIES ABB DELIGHTED WITH ' SPALDING'3 THROAT CONFECTIONS. CHILDRIH OR? POP. , SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. Thoy relieve a Cough instantly. They clear the Throat. They give strength aod volume to the voice. They Impart a delicious aroma to the breath They are delightful to the taste. They aro made of simplo herbs and eanoot barm any one. I aJvlie every on who has a Cough or a hiuity Voios oraBadBreatn,oraoy dilBoulty of tha Throat, to gat a package of mj Throat Confection; they will relieve yon Instantly, and yon will agree with me that 'ihry go right to th spot.1 Ton will flud them very usefu I and pleamnt while traveling or attending publio meet log for stilling yonr Oongh or allaying your thirst i f you try on package, I am safi In saying that yon will ever afterward consider them Indispensable. Ton will Bu,l them at t o Druggist and Dealers in Medicine. PRICES TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. My aignatura is en each package. All other are counterfeit. A packag will be sent by mail, prepaid, 00 receipt o Thirty Cent. Address, . Henry O. Spalding, NO. 48 CEDAR STRICT, NEW YORK. CURE .c$r CURE 0 NepvousHeadache Si, .CURE 1 By tha ue of the PHI th pertodlo attacks of .Vrr eota or Sldt Beadaehe may be prevented; and If taken at the commencement of an attack Immediate rellet from pain and slckne will be obtained . They seldom fall la removing tha JV.iumu ui acAs to which female ar so (abject. They act gently npoa th bowel removing OnUi For Literary Jfim, SutUnU, Delicate female and all persons of asvfeftfary kriUtt, they ar valsa u a LamaUx4, Improving the apptU, giving fosse nger to th dlgeitlv organs, and restoring th uatnr elasticity and strength of th whole yatem. IO C1PHALIC PILLS ar tha result of long love, ligation and carefully conducted experiments, having . been In as many years, daring which Urn they hat , prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and so tree. Ing from Headache, whether originating 10 the turtcu system or from a deranged state of tha sfowocA . They are entirely vegetable In their composition, an may b taken at all times with perfect safety without making any dung ot diet, ensot t4 oosvwce ot en dlMgrmabk tart rtndtrt U evwy lo admnit tr Vum thtidrm. B1WARB OF COUNTS AFIITB I fhe genuine hamflvaignataieof Boor 0 Spaldisg on each Box. Bold by Dmggjft and alt other Dealers In Medicine. A Box will be at by mail, prepaid, on receipt of tb 3Flloo, C3 Oonta. All orders shonld be addresnd ta HE!tfHV C. KFALOUiU, iSVedar Mteot, New tork. From tha Kxamlner, Norfolk, Ts. Oephallo Pill accomplish th object for whkik they were mad, vi Oar of hsavlaoha In all It forais. From th Xxamlner, Norfolk, Ta. Ther hav keen tested In mors than a thouaad oasea 1th sntli saocoss. From th Dtmoorat, St. Oload, Stlna. ... If yon are, or bave been, troubled with tbe headache send fur a box, (Oephallo PUIS,) so that yon may barva than In cas of an attack. . From th Advertiser, Providence, 1, L Th Oephallo Pill ar aald too a remarkably effective . remedy for th headache, and on of th very best for " that very frequent oomplaint which has ver beta eovcred. From th Western R. R. Oaactte, Chicago, 111. Wt heartily endorse Ur. Spaaldlng, and his unrivaled Oephallo Pill. Fro Kanawha Valley Btar, Kanawha, Ta. We ar suns that parson sofferlni with th be dacha: whs try them, will (tick ta tbta, ... , -. From th Southern Path finder. Near Orleans, La. Try them I yoa that are alBiated, and w ar mm that , your testimony oaa be ajlei 10 Us. already Banuuroas list that has received bausfltathatno other saoJtciu tan . product. from the fit, Loul Dsmoorat, The Itameiuo desnand lr th arOol ,0pilie Ptlla la rapidly Increasing. ' Frosa th Oaaette, Davenport, tow, - " - Mr. 8)lding would not eoonect hut nam wife aa ar-" Ucs h did not bun so wusaaas real nsartt, . TrjA sing! bottl of BFALDtftO'S PRIPARIO SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I . SPALDING'S p"rEPARED QUUE I ' 1 SPALDING'S PREPARED GLDCt V ATI (HI PltWlSI KCONOMTl DUPATCUI I lLr A STtTCSI ot nar eUTSss Buta.''m ., , g J Aa aocldnt will happm va In wall rscalaled faai Ilia. K Is vary Seal ran la ta kan auat ebeap and coal venMnt way for rapatrmt Furnltara, Toy, 0 rookery - gf AID INO'SPRIP ARID attmj Mt all neb asaergenclea, and do hoowhcld can atferel '" tobawithoatM.. It ssalways nad, and apto vhestkat ,.' ; .,?- BMnrA in iTiiT nonsi."r ft, S.wA araah aeeompanlaa anna aotlk. w . ,. . nt. Address, " ' " lle!WT O. CPALDttrJ, i-M ' i , 'i ; : No. Cedar Street, New TortV-, : ( .t t.-' . . . . x 1 i .., Ala srtala nprlaelpled person an) attesaptlnt palm off on th aneaapeettng pablia, tmiutiou of na I PUPARSD flUIst, 1 would oautlon all persona tot asulos oeior pnrrnamne, ana m tn.t uie rail ritme, rrBPALDItt'S PRKPARBDULUanrj ' bs am Ui. ooiaida wcstcbirl all oiaera ar. in.u,.,. terssits, act