Newspaper Page Text
LATEROPf LUDIHGTON & CO. 21 &mpaib: place, 1 - 20 ft 22 MUEEAY STREET, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF . Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS OR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. SPBING, 1861. r .,. .(.-. .tour ample wareroome. t the above .xblbttedto ...-.; , CLOTH DEPARTMENT. . iinA under the cknowieagea g ' r Uieflnretandehulccrt "and ' ' FANCY GASSIMERES To fa. found In VlFZiS anil varletin ot: discrimination. i . BROADCLOTHS, . ' 8ATINLa7iWcloainng3. . L TWEEDS, AUUKR8'endalKB0HANT8'CA88IMBBB8. and Bpwrdi; iU,,rd-..tJr..r.ld. 18 to 20; PlUNTBDBATINBTS.AtHcent; And other Good, rmpongh, Low. DressGoods Department. Manohe.tot De Lain' Hamilton do. Paciflo o. Printed Lawn., Printed BrlUUnte, Puny Gingham, m lr HilV. fancy Silks, Printed OhHU, Manchester Gingham., CllHJWOW uo. Clinton do. Ottoman Clothe Alpacaa, I'cpltna, FANCY SPmNC COODS. Ucbmond'i Print., Merrlmao Print, Cocheco do. Pacino do. !a;v;.prinu,.( America? u. Dunoell'i do. KnglKh do. . P9kc "SESTET Stark j0 Lathrop ?0 Amookeag do. Appleton Everett do. do. do. Hh.wnilt 00 Pocauet All Grade and Width. - BLEACHED BnlBIINGS AND 8"" Waniutta, Lonidale, Hill, oWtfilU. Nanmkeag. Waltham, , Boott, tN. Vnrk Milll, Ate., Ac. SHAWLS AND MAISTILUS, A LA1QC AND BILKCT A880HTMENT. COTT0NADKB-A great variety. 0HKCK8 do. . TICKINQS-Hilltb. leading brand.. tUIKTUia BIWTO-A leadlngOa, do. ANhMSKM) C0KBKT JKAMS do. oaSawb. JAPBB oambbios. do. do. COLORED 0 AM- BRIC8, Ac, Ac. LAROE AND COMPLETE STOCKS OF WHITE GOODS, Gentlemen's Fnrnisliing Goods, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, rPETSABOIli.CLOTHS, .i . .,1 Tariet of aoodl not .num.rat.a all And a great vanety w marh ZlSSS, h5r portion at from 10 to 30 per cent, lea, lun laatyear. LATHROP, LUDINGTON& CO, NEW YORK. cart STONE'BAZAAR. "NY. 4- Grwvnno Blok. A. P. STONE & O'lIAKRA . ucmaiv HI'f'FIVI!GTIIKIK WIN A. TBB GOODS, and invite the publio to lnpect ibem. No uch .lock of Good bu ever been bronght Uii. market. The South, in eonaequenee of the failure of the grain crop, ha. not been anie pure ui. , r VU ..xula. and thai fact ha forced Importer, to aell them at publio auction. Our buyer ( Mr. Btone) being In New York at tbw large aalea, took advantage of them, and we nan and will aell our good, her. at lee. than any one who purchaatd two week iinc mid (or them in New York. Our .lock U complete very department of ELEGANT DRESS SILKS, OTTOMAN VELOURS, BROCHE VA1ENCIAS, PRINTED MERINOS, PRINTED COBURGS, PYEL WHUliB; BLACK ALPACAS, RLFANCY WOVEN FABRICS, ALL WOOL DELAINES, POPLINS, PRINTS, DELAINES. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS! Five Thausand Dollars .Worth Bought in One Day, . LADIES FURS, HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. Men'., Ladle, and Children'. Under Shirt, and Drawer; Ladiea, Mian aad Children'. Hoalery of all kind. Wool and Lamb'. Wool; fleecy Lined and Cotton Glove, of .very make. v ALSO A oemplete assortment of all the usual rarie ties of LADIES CLOTHS, . ' . CASSIMERES, OVERCOATINGS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, RIBBONS, V DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ladies and Gent's Linen Cambrio Hand kerchiefs, 4o, &o To mikii who call o , w pledge wirword. bow them th targeat, bart and otaeape! rtoek of flood, ever eem to tbi mariiet, or py them one dollar hour while looking. . decl-dUStawltw. STONE fc OABBA, W. A. Batehelor'i Hair Dye! Thl. rplendid Hair Dye baa do equal lr.nt.neon;(n effect BeaaUfal Black or Natural Brown so f taininf til. ikin er injarfng to Bair - lw ateffbeCMaar an effectc Bad Dye, and "terlforatee the fcatr fur life Hon are gesain. emlmtbrned "W. A. Bakhelor." Baldeveryi rbei . .. . . f , 0HAS BATCHIL0B, Proprietor, yl2:wly ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 8T Bart lay Street, Hew Tort. HAIR ; DYE HAIB, DYK Wm. A. Batcelors Sair Dye! . The Oricinai and Beat la the Worldl All other an mere taltationi, aad ahaald be avoided If yoa wlah to eeeape ridionle. OBAT, BED 0B RTJ8TT BA1B Dyed tnrtantly to beautlfnl and Natural Brown or Black, Without Injury Balror Skin. , - j . ,. , flfTBEN MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS have be. 'awarded le Wm. A. Batchelor (inc. IKK), and' ever B0, 00 applkatioB. hare been made to the Hair of tie patron. of bl. tamoo. dyei WM. A. BATCil BLOB'S HUB DYE prodaee. a -I or not to be diitingnttbed froai nature, end le wagrranted not to Injur, la tlx leart, bowcrar long It maybeeontta- aad, aad lb. Ul eCtect. f Bad Dye raoediedi tb Hail nvifratd for UT. by thi. iplCDdid Py. Sold a all aitie and town. of th United State, Drirrt. and fancy Sood. Dealer. ' ' r ' ILTtte Qttnatne be th umud addmt w a atael late iintTitie ou (onv tWm of each boa, of WILLIAM A.BAIU1ULOB, AW-i- CH BATCtntLOB, Pr-pricter, ' yl ylf bl Barclay r fccw York. of to -... th. In In to NOW READY. ; THE REVISED STATUTES Of TUB ; ' QTATZI1 OUT' OHIO Jf AGENERAL MATURE, IS fOBCB AUG. 1, CXDLXuVTHZD BY - Hon. Joseph IL Swan, wnasoTsa or tbm dscisioks or tbs bv ; ; riuua oovzr, ' : : . (Contained la twenty-nlne volume of tb. Ohio and Ohio " y CUt. Report.) , AMD BEf BRRNOBB TO PRIOR LAWS, UV LBANDEB J.CBITCHIFELD,E8,. AND A POLL AMD COUVMIMT INDEX In Two Royal 8vo. Volumes, nice siww. k - or nMimbii bMB spared to make th work nerfect and reliable la .11 rtspect. .vTt.i.u.. Mtloii. bavin been p- .Trri;a.Mroo. .t. of both Hou-. JTrdTrid to b. dirtribatod to th. following 8ft. and Count, offloen: Governor, ""jr "p-- tary, Compwoiier, , -.-. -p, --g' lorandPolIc Oourte, Aaditore, and U. Otort. of tb. rsxiou. Court. In each count;, to tb. Membenof to. Bto wdHYu-of Bepnwentstlvesof this State, and the Governore or me nverai , Thi. book, oontalnlng, H It doee.nll of th. Sto tote. i. . ..j ah uiUinriulin eonatraotlon of thorn and of tb. New Constitution, will be found to be especial- lr ateful In th. performance oi ueir ouwi, .j OOUNTT Of FIObBBv JUBT1CSS Of THI IKA0B, TOWNBHIPTKU8TBE8,. CLERKS Of TOWNSHIPS, nd CITY Of V10K&8. T...h wr .Ium hum been nud. I the Statute, olnoe tb. publication ol tb.Ust edition., byre .i and additiona, and many Important de cision, have been iT.n by th. Buprem. Court on con troverted point., an ATTOBNKib AT liAW, BANKKH8. MKKOHANT8 AND VD81NK88 MKN OKNEBALLY trill find thli an tovalnabl. Work. 7M Royal Svo. Volume of over Iftnetun Munarta . ragti, , la Btrong kf Binding. Price tlO.UO. PuWuhedby . ROBERT CliAEKK. fc CO Law PnbHhri. BooUellow BhiUon.n and Importer., No. SS We.t fourtn nmu feblftdSmilt . Cincinnati ( PTJHCHASEK WANTED Stationery and Jewelry, for aI. at PJ" ': voiced, le. 10 per oint. ducount, it th. epree office at to M)l lb. be.t packet. of .tatl.n m rlth o without J.w.lry) mth. market, at price. i-.V tium be Dureluued etaewhere. AddreM, witn .lamp encloaed, j,, BAILKT, JylS-ltw 15 Oourt .treet, Botton, Maw. S. DOYLE & CO. MonufACturers and Wholesala Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, Northwest Comer of High and Gay Sts., No. GX, coLumudSc ..OHIO. "A large Stock of fin. and Btapl. flood, on hand." f31-dtf . . - - SUNDRIES. TAFIOCO. Arrow Boot, Scotch Oat Meal Split Pea. FAB1HA, Bago Bice rionr P.arl Barley Cracked Wheat Coco Cream Tartar, fige Beedleai Balalui Chocolate Broma,eto. Soda Prune. freah Tomato.. Green Corn Peacbe. Jrebh Caon'd f rulU of .very Jellicof all kind.; -flavoring Extract, of all kirk. Gum Drop.; Mixed Candle.; Almonda, filbert, Pecon Not., BokUib Walnut, Brail I Sou, etc, B02T , . WAt. AtcDONALD. TRAVELLERS! WHEN you go to New York, drive direst to fbe sirirrusuniAN house, BROADWAY, CORNER Of H0TJBT0N 8IEET Conduction th. EUBOPBAK PLAN. Good fare, Good Boom), Prompt Attendance, and Mod erate Charge. SINGLE ROOMS SO CIS. 73 CTS. and SI PKR DAT. DOUBLE BOOHS and PARLORS 1,50 to S3 Meala a ordered. Thl Hotel baa all the appointment. of th. beet hotel., a mott central location, and I. healed throughout by (team. BAMUKLB. MEAD, march9d3m Proprietor. XDeTi3X7XLLZTOjn. J0HH B WBXELEB, r A CENTFOKIIOMEjCONTIWEWTAl., XI m AJIHATTAH, anu x. iw a inm vu. New Yoaa; MaKcaam' and Cm f la or HaJtrroae Naw Iou Lira ana uom. atDToai. nirm, . Office, 81 Hista St., Bawate'e Bl eb7-dly Alexandre's Kid Gloves. m ill AND EHBROIDERED, ITIOCS IT QUETAIBB aad regular ahape Black Bid Glovea, . hrnia. in white, magenta, nuntle, Ac. Undreaacd- Kid Glove. MiaseeKidaiovee. A eomplet. aaaortment of theae celebrated Oloveialwaj. for aai.ny BAIN A BON, . ttVH Ho. 20 South High Itreet DRESS GOODS, New and Attractive MotUfBIODIS, Taavbuno Poplins, Cueni Foruiis Foil d Chevm, . Grizellu, Fainch Chintz is, . Fbehch Mdsuns, . . Fjuuioa OaoANDuea, . . ' Cmiaax WASBma Siles, ELEairrr Dbebs Siles, Heatt Basque and Mantle Silks; An! all other new and faihlonable material, mott demand for bandaome Dream and mantilla.. BAIN As SON, aprS9 ' ' No. W South High .treet JSk. OAB.D. HAVf iiw ini. w. " - Stock of arocerie. to 0. B.DEMINO, we cheerfully -mrmwrrt n.nai mi reoommena nim our . P--- .AV Colamb , March Mth, 1B6I apl dtf T7I.EOA-T PlAIUBtACK SIWI fOE 111 Street Baaqae. and Mantle.; num. J-ca and TaMeli to match, at "Am a ysi Summer Under Garments LADIES JLISLB TJBDEB TESTS. Ladiea Oaaae Merino do.'do. . . OnitaBilk Brwr.ananina. Oent. India OaaM.Drawen and Shlrtf. ' Cotton " " " GanM Merino Under Bhirl. - ' Whit and Brown Drilling Drawer. White Linen Drawer. ' Extra Urge Coder Shirt. " Supaiior BngUib Half Ho. " Long Stocking. ' " fancy Ootton Half Hoe. Suapeoder. " GoWen Hill BblrU. Tor sale in great variety and at nwderate priees, by BAIN A BON. ' Ho. South High atreet, BayM. ' Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS, TnE FOLLOWINO CHAHUES WEHE u la th th-officer of thi. Bank, January SiHb, 186L to witi W. A. PTT, Preeidmt, and Tnoau. Mooota, Caahlmr, Reigned their ffic.. vavn TAVloa, In.. wa thn toe4 Prarktoat and Wm. A. Plan pointed Oaahler. feb i, IBJl-dtf. W. A. PLATT. Caahler, to inrv irnvwa. TTfTTORINKS andCTJfffl we M new Mllimj at wery low prion, el? ell otter kind. fwhlonaM fan, a fara. . ri Oaexl, " .. . . No. 89 Sooth High ft. . Ladies' Linen Pocket-Handi'li t" T En !TI ED ST IT CHE D 1,11 E IN HAND AA kercnlet.. very wide tieme. ' Embroidered Unea Handk'a all price. Hemmed Stitched and pain do, do. o d colored border.. VmrntSfgd bieok kortar , .. do do BwatyleroUtcbL , Pin Apple do newpaturn. ' MmmPmI and Hemmed SUIehed d .11 price. Oompritlo th avoat Mleet usortawntm th city and at Ir-aat price. ; . .. , , BAIN A SON, arhui no. wMnin Hirn a. met. ESTATlf OF CHARLES CLARK. NOTI01 1 hereby gtrta that I nav been dnly ep BolnUd admin litre tor of th atot of C bar lee Clark, tot of franklin count, ded. 'f... , . aaaitrt. etawr 0. A H. Chittenden, Attoroer. It-3ww - in ML ap are , OHIO BTATESliAIT 1G Nos. 36, 33 & 40, North High St, INCREASED FACIIITIES! - EAVINQ MOVED INTO MY NEW BUILDING, : .- I HAVK ". Greatly 33xxlaxrs3 MX ' BOOK 1 JOB DEPARTMENT! WHILE BOTH HAV.E UiSJSfl REPLENISHED THROUGHOUT WITH New Types, Borders, Ornaments, fcxc FROM THB CELEBRATED J0UHDBY Of C. T. WHITE A CO., JIJSW xuaa, i WVMVIW THUS MAKINQ IT THB Most Complete Establishment IN THE CITY. I am bow prepared to Execute "all Orderi for BOOK AND JOB PRINTINGS WITH DISPATCH! And in the Moat Approwed Style of the Art. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD PHINTING. Bill, of Lading, Circular., Vill Heads, Hlanka, Deede i:rtifivatee. Hecelpta, Dray Ticket, Kcgi.tera, HOW CARDS & BILLS IN COMRS, CHICKS, CARDS, HEADINGS, KOTKS, ENVELOPES, CONTRACTS. Illnstratea Show Bills, FOR COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Show Bills, Hand BLUi, labeli, Concert Pro- rramaoi, Bcnool ana vouege Dcaemew, no te! Bills of gare, InTiUtione, e. Boon WorK OP EVERY DESCRIPTION School and College Catalogues, Mlicellaneous rampnieti, Conitlttttions, Reports, Briefij Ac Printing in tfold and Colors POSTERS Printed In Every Color on a Mammoth Hoe Cylinder, The only Pres. of the kind in Central Ohio. II. fMllUea tar dnlne air and all of th. abov. deatrlp- Hon. of work, are now onaurpaated, and aatutacUon will b. guaranteed In all caae.. irpAll work rurnuuea promptly ny w. ume prmnw. WHO SHOULD USE DR. J. BOVEE DODS VKGKTABLK IMPERIAL VINE BITTERSI All wbo are tiBicied with Incipient OoniumpUon tBT-l. . ahnnlrl rttm them. All who .uffer from Weak Stomach., IndlgeiUon. Dy- pepiaorPUehouiun.uiem. AH who .ufler from General or NervotuDsbll Beatlenne at night, Want of Bleep, Ac, ahould All'penon. who are convaleecent after fever or other ilckne. ahouia ua. mem. Minitten of the Ooapel, Lawyer, Lecturer, aad pnbllcpeaken ahould uae them. Book Keeper, and all peraon. leading a todenury boa Id an them. en,.i .t Mm ahoald ate them. ah -k. i aiimnlant or tonle ahould at. them. All wh are addicted to th ute ef ardent irlU with to Inform, ahould t them. .... They are made of a pur. Sherry Wine, and f the olanta and herb of tb country, and ahoald be commended by temperance ocitiea, clergymen, pnyai. -i - .ii twtmAm eS hnmanitv. v rT- h an anrieneed aad akillfal Belan, and, eldfrom their medicinal propertle, a,delhrbtfol bevent! and y.t,aa a medicina, an innocent and harm lea a. the dew. of heaven, gold by drogrleta re oerelly. CHASLXS WIDDIFIXLD CO., Proprietors, 78 William St., New York. ROBERTS ft SAMUEL, Agent, Colntakue, Obi ootfodAwly. Wholesale and Retail Depot FAMILY CnOCEHtES No. 106 South High Street. Wm. SIcDONAlD, DEALER IN TEAS, FINE & STAPLE GROCERIES IN ALL 'HEIR VARIETIES. s Dailr rrlwal the Fall and f Gawd For Winter Trade Of .1860-61 jjyBETIJKliIJIG SINCERE THAKKS TO THE PUBLIC for peat favor and patron- age, and being DETEHF1INED to lttEBIT aeonUnaana of bf atrlct atteatlaat traaa. and pranept eJellTery Oaade, I would call tb at tlce of the public to tb. fact bavin AS-tfC and w.U Seleesea ita band, and being injlally receipt of good from tb dlffer- nt markets. I Batter myaelf that lean off.r to tn n. of Oolnabo. er to any who may detln to pareaa, aa (Mortannt of article, appertaining to th uoucaai trade. UN EQUALED by any bona. In th Th prio and qoalitf of the good offered, Iffeiara atea B-lwa Mtiefaeiian. Goods PeliTcred Free of Charge. Ber-. - . vTM. Mcdonald 0PEmC OF THE $EA$0N Of ' SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS T AO A IK OfFEH TO THE -Utl.u iin ik Oooda In a line. it purch. aed la New York , tbeeheapeet paaie rateell f which r .h.n II at the am last Brnnu. for Caen, my cseuw ...I frlcndaan reauaetfullv Lavited to call and exam, t nda aad Priaaa. aa I am deuralned to toll ehD r chearer than any ether huw la th. city; I I do any wn ";. wymtuMwrn. ww - aa. I feel aeaurad, from my long experteoe In bun- 'an amnio ved. aad all work don atrVrfry to time on hort notice, and warranted to At. Btreogen viaiting rnreftv oald e awlthir totereit by giving m a call before purch-tngeltowhere. . . archSOdlf -,i " Oor High and Town w. .. Lace3. and. Embroideries, ; Lac Collanand Setto. freweb, Fn&vd Tbnad Lac W Vila, (new ptu i J v at mm, ai Po. l, fibriid.d Collan, Betto, Trimmlnr. and nirKeVBarto a4 Carea, f torn Linen Collan, vtitaiodi vusfcjuamotiwrei itiw jii ojr - - ' .- -' f ar a a th ni.h IuhI oi ai If and na tive re phy ana a. for te that en dti- city, and aud u M o 3 CO r. o C O t3 H U ' H tt ft O r-H o o ITPI INVITE ATTENTION to tome of tb moil Inordinary enre by my PECTORAL SYRUP. , They are at home, and any on. who ha. doubt, can In DR. KEYBHR IS PB1PAB1D AT ANY TIMi iTo BXAMINH LUNGS WITHOUT CHARGE) TOR ALL TU0BE WHO NBBD HIB UEPlUlCn. ATTEND TO Y0CB COLDS A cae of Sve yean1 landing ouredbyDB. KKYBSB'B rnuxunaiininur, Pr Moaaw, Jan. ,1, 1880. T)r. Iimi : M wife ha. been afflicted With a bad eongh and difficulty of breathing, for flv or tlx yean. wmuU,ior aeverai yeareuaca, u vioUnea. The oomnlalnt ha. been hereditary, and ahe had been treated by auroral phyucian without any re lief. In thi. etata or ner eae, 1 procurea aome oi your Pectoral Cough Byrap. I bought, tb. fint tim, a fifty nt hntiu. which relieved her vary much 1 1 then (ailed and got a dollar bottle, which cured bet entirely, and an. ta. now no trace oi uic lurmer uwwi wwii i wa ne.. I would alao (tat that 1 need tn meuicin. my ir tn a eold and eoueh. Tb. medicine cured me by lak in one dote I em rem my entire a Uif action with th medicine, and yoa an at lllierty to publlih thl. U yoa delntodoo. oi. niiisun, Alderman fifth Ward. n ma , Dtfl riTTIBURWU, HOT. AO, 1010, Da, Kavrut: Although not an advocate of Patent Medicine., In general, It afoida me pleaiure IndeKriba ble to recommend your Pectoral Syrup. A. a medicine it 1 well worthy the attention of any peraon who may In .ny manner be afflicted with eongbe, cold and boaraenea. of any mod, and ror ui. peculiar qnauueatton. lor re moving all that diaagreeable aeniation attending a ae vereeold. I have been, more or leu, In my life, affected with the HVeratof oold. and ho.raene.. At time, my throat would become eocloaed a to prevent my peaking abov a wbUper, and by taking a few dote, of the abov. Byrup It would relieve me entirely. In recommending Oil medicine, I mu.t unbealtatlogly ay that it la th. but remedy I ever found, purporting to cure the abov., nor ahoald any family be without tbi remedy fordueawi o prevalent. Youra, moit rerpeotfully, BDWABDJ. JONES, Caahl.r Cltlaen.' Bank, 8tt rjncvux,0., March H. 1859 I have uied Dr. Keyaer'a Cough Syrup for a bail count) or .event yean .landing, and can cneenuiiy ay it lb. beat medicine for the eama that I have ever ttken. J. W. PRICE, COL. PRATT AND DR KEYSF.R'S PECTORAL BYHUP. Vn. Bare Dear Sir: Excuae th delay of my acknowledging th.ezcellenoe of your Peotonl Cough Syrup aooner. I lak. grant pleaiure In raying that UK all yoa tay it U. U knocked tAtnoit out o( my cough and th. wont on. I wa ever afflicted with: I nav. uot need more than one-half of the bottle, and I can and do with that all who are afflicted would give it a. fair a trial a I have done, and they will be proud to ay, "ltUno quack medicine." 1 would not .uffer another .neb at attack for any conaideretion, or at any coat. I am con fident I can breathe more freely than I evr did. I ahall alway. acknowledge a debt of gratitude for inventing a" exce I lent a remedy. X ou are at liberty to ute my nam. In thl. regard, at yoa think proper. E. f . PRATT, Aieawnger common council, rituonrgn, fa. Pittsburgh, Way 11, 1M. N. B 1 am no .tranger to my fellow-eltUent, and who entertain doubt can comnlt m personally. a. . a. Prmi aoB, April it, 1867. READ TnE TRUTH. Da. Krrixa: I nave a danib- ter who ha taken aeverai medicine for a bad eongh without benefit among them Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. I pnrcnaaed from yoa a Dome or your rsuiuai. SYRUP, end before the had uted half a bottle ah. wai relieved. The aecond bottle cured ber entirely of ber eongh. JOHN DARIN, akODineoQ airvei, Aiicgueoy. Prrn.caon, December, 31, 1853. A GREAT CURB BY DR. BEYSBR'd I'BOIOHAL SYRUP. I liv. in Peeble. townthip, Allegheny county. 1 had a coughing and apilting, which commenced aoout the 4lh of reuruary latt, aod continued eight mosina, i emoloved the but pbyuclan. in the country . and my oough continued unabated until early in October. At that time I waaaaviaeu hi try your rnuiunaij wuun 8 VRUP. which 1 did. and after I bad taken one bottle I lu entirely tree bom the coughing and (pitting. I bad deepairad of ever getting well, and I think it ahoald be known that thi. valuable remedy will do for othen what tthudoMlnmyoaee. JOUB U. MTU., Witnc B. M. Keaa. l'eebln townhip. PaTToaTr., April 14, 1857 A WONDERFUL CURB. Som Urn. ao. an old neighbor of mine wa. very 111. with a bad couih which very on. nppoaed to be contumptlon. Ilia relative. told me mat b naa taaea .very mneay way neara without benefit; bit brother cam. to as him die, and all wen confirmed In the belief that He oouid not live. had about the third of a bottle of your Pectonl Byrnp, which I rave him. and It enarely cured nim, to the talon iahmcnt of all. W hat make, the caae mon remarkable. it th. extreme age of th. man, he being abooteignty yean old. 1 have no doubt the reotorai eavea nit me. J0HA1N' Ul.NNIS DR. KEYBER'S PECTORAL BYRUF IN BLAIRB TILLB. Plea, tend me another npply of your vale able "Pectonl Byrnp." Almoet everybody around ha. the cold and an inquiring for MDr. Keyter'. Peotonl Syrup." W. have told tb teen bottle, but week, and an now entirely out. Mr. A. Alter and Mr. P. Maher, both f Blainviile, Pa., tell u. they would not be without in their familice. In fact, all who aa It one want again. loan, retpectfully, J. B. WATTERSON a SONS. January 30, 1860. ANOTHER NEW CBRTIf ICATE-DR. KEYBER'S PEGIOKALBYRUP. I bad been troubled with aoougb and eold lor eevenl week o bad wa. it that I eould not deep, 1 had the advto. and preacrlption. from three th.aty, wnvm I oould name, botdo not do to. l finally procured bottle ef year Pectoral Byrnp, which cured me entirely. Signed, J. W. B1M0NT0N, 236 Liberty itreet, PltUburgh, Pa., Jan. , I860, 'BTOP THArC0U0HINO."-'HoweaI do Itr "Oo' to Keyter'.on Wood itreet and get a bottle of hi Couth Pectoial, and If that don't cure you, your oate muM deapent Indeed." Thl I a.pecimenof tb colloquy en bean almott .very day In void eatcblog period, the year. And we can, from actual experiment, cheer fully eoncur in the adviier'. admonition at above, for have tried the "Pectonl." In a moat (tubborn can, with an tin auocee. Near two week ago w. went to Plttaborgh, witn on. of tn. bom outnaung, contrary, maitan, aa, tubdoabl oough w ever experienced ilno our advent upon thi mundane aphen. We eoughed eteedlly and laborioualy ror on whole week, in no pet or Hrvno owx. but it waa no go. In fact It aeemed rather to ban im proved by practice, and to have acquired Unngth, poten cy and iiitritibtiUy by the operation. In thi. .tag. the .lege, w. ooujhed our way to Keynr, 140 Wood procured fifty not bottle of th "Pectoral)'' took acooraing w oirecuona, ana in iony-ignt noun we w.n mute of the field, the enemy bavin nnoonditionally urrendered, after a brief but unequal eonflietwith formidable an advenary at n.eyer . rxmone " Oough reotorai.' vrovmn iHjjm-, wo. j, itv. r - DR. KEYBER'S PIOTORAL BYRUP I prepared and old by Dr. GEORGE H. BJtYSEH, 140 Wood atrMt, ritunargn,rr lp Bold In Colombo by ROBERTS A SAMUEL rjHli OTHACUE REMEDY. A. subk cttrb: Pr pared and told by . Da.GEO. H.KBYSBR, PrietraS etnt. 140 Wood tt., IltUburgh, P., JO Sold In Oolnmbatby BOBIRTS A SAMUEL. ocbf7:xtawdm. EPITS PAPER COLLARS AND Neck. Tie. Handaom end economical. Alas, Bilk Tlee, Shirts, Lineal Callars, Half Hae, Drawer, Ac. BAIN A BON, pr No. K South High .treet. GOLDEN HII L SHIRTS GOLDEN BILL SHIRTS, - luiT.ntK mix auiifi Tb pattorn of then ablrU an n.w. Tb Bodies. Yoke. leevee and boaom an formed to At the nenon with w a. eomiorx. i n mare span eaen en deMgnatin the Ma may be relied on a bein g correct, and each ehlrt gaaranleed w.U ad A fall docket .11 aualltlee eonstantly ror al at , . BAIN'S, nov.i, . r no.n Boatn Big itreet STELLA SHAW LSI STELLA SHAWLS II In all dwlrable eolon, and vary great bargain. BAIN A SUN. apnia No. t South High ctmei. WIDE flANTLB BARACES, HUTU Whiu 4 Blast jrtiivdal . mh .p .. ,,.i ... .. um. THBUinoiiFOimvEni UNION ENVF.LOPF.S-A HABITS VF dalgn,4IWnrl.aue.' : ...... . v ToiimAEDioTirAra. I taalg the price erjarged by awaall dealer. TrTHBAD QUABTBRS N. 75 Iratb Fir trt, Coloaboa, May 8, 1801. J. H. BXLEI -St. ....... . oi a. It It of be of we of St. It to a IIUNNEWELL'S . UNIVERSAL COUanitElIEDY. v.. !( Throat and Lun Oomnlalnt. beludnf. With I .nrrfM. remit. Wnooru Coco, Onaoaio awe Oohmo Oooaaa, BaoNonua Ann Th.oat Coaiiwr, I alway forerunner or vonaampuon. mm a wooraww Bvanrlt hai no euperlor. freed from all Opiate or Emetlo propertle, may b. nied by moat d.lloale oonHlf tntloni, and With perfect . . IIUNNEWELL'S CELEBRATED TOLU ANODYNE. rn.' n,.,n NiTOi.ii, Ofi&t ever offered t th world, oontaining not a paruow n up.., .r auj . .tone bnt It .triotly vegetable and medical propertle.. a .n. nr MeuaAuiia. Khiuhati.m, Gout, Toot a Baa Acaa, OaTaaaH, Boeaoa HaT favaa, . .ii in M.mni flnmnlalnta. foa Lorn or Btaar, ana iieauacue m a i ...,, It ha. no equal, and to wnwn mo., ubuvuomh all an offered. ... . . . , . vn TtM.iBinkf n-evw m ii ! a moat uvnvo dbivu. BnaiB. rinHpi.Aia-ra. after removin th. pain It act a a phytic, a moat Important aoniran wiui oou.a- To Phyiioiana, formnlai and Trial Bottle wilt be tent, and to Dealer or Invalid a dewrlpUve pamphlet without "po.tage-.tamp." ... rnpanuana.r aneipeciai aiiiem.ivvui s JOHN Ii. HVNNEWEI.L, cnutuT awd raauoatmn, Ha A Commerelal Wharf, Bo ton, a To whom plea, direct all oommualoetlona. Price Large Cough Remedy, SO cent, per bottle. Small " S " " ' TaIm Anodvne. 50 ' u ' foraale by the utual wboloaale and retail dealer, everywhere. , ... BOBKBTB At BAMUEU, n. n. ion. H rtnnK. - . ' J. M. DKN10, Q. DBNIfl A 80NB, A.J. BOUUMLLRR A SON, mtyl7-wlv ' Agent for Colombo. Ohio, THE. . , ; WEEKLY OHIO STATESMAN HAVING A CIRCULATION LIBQEB. BT IXVEHaI THOUSANDS Than any othe1' paper In Ohio, ouUld. if einclaaaU Offers Facilities for Advcrtisin Which TANNOT f AIL to bring Nnandv and. Bemnneratiwo Itetnrne To thoM wh take advantag at tbm. TIIK WEEKLY STATHSMAN, DUtribnted a It I through every Pet Offlo In Ohio, Reaches a Large Class tt Readers Who., petronag I valuable, and who seldom tee lb. Dally Edition, of city journal! and a only A Limited Number of Advertisements . An Inverted tnlt. column, appoprlaiely and HANDSOMELY DISPLAYED! rnrr tiairaoT ratt to Vtti"aot Attention Of ALL I WHOLESALE DEALERS AdmUalnf In th ViEEKLT STATESMAN will In It advan tagoni In THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which ii almoat certain to follow an extenirve dlatemln ation knowledge of their baain.M AMOKQ COUNTRY DEALERS ! ADVERTISEMENTS INTENDED fOB The Weekly Statesman Should be handed In before f ridaf noon. TUB ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, And arrow mare and mare pawnlar ewery day I And tettlmoniali, new, and almoat without numb- might be given from ladiea and gentlemen in all grade, of tocietv. whoa, united tottimony non eonkt ralat. that Prof, Wood'. Hair Botorativ. will retore th. bald and gray, and prwerve the hair of the youth to old age, inaiiiiajooiumi Deauiy. - Battle Creek, Slirh., lo, Slit,,185R Paor. Wood: Thee wilt vie accent alio, to Inform thee that the hair on my head all fell off over tventy yean ago, canted by a complicated chraolo dlieaat, at tended 'Witn an eruption on toe neaa. at couunuai courae of eufferin throuzh life bavin reduced me to late of dependence, I have not been able to obtain Muff for cap, neither nav i Men anie to ao tnem up, in eon Kquenc of which my bead ha uffsred extremely from cold. Tbi. Induced me to pay Brigg A Hodge, almoat th. but cent I bad on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Hair Beetomtlve, about the fint of Augutt laat. I ban faithfully followed the diractlonMnd the bald tpot la now covered with hair thick and black, though ah.rt. It It tlo coming In .11 over my bead, feeling confident that another large bottle would ret tor. It entirely and permanently, 1 feel anxloa. to per verve I It use, and being dettitute of mean, to purcbaa any mon, would atk thee If the would! not be willing to tend me an order on thin. .gent, for a bottle, and receive to thy- elf .the acriptore declantlon "th reward I to thoael that are kind to the widow and the fatherleat Thy friend, HUSANNAH KIRBT. Llronler. Noble County, Indiana, feb. oth. IBiK. Paor. O. J. Wood! Xur Sir: In the latter part of the year vsa, while attending tne state and national Law School of lb State ot New York, ay bair, from eane. unknown to me, commenced falling off very rap lb- th. whoto I bereft t ia idly, o mat in the anon .pace or tlx mon upper part ef my acalp vu almoat entirely covering, and much of th. remaining portion upon th ad. ana na part oi my neaa .nortiy alter Decade gray, ao that yoa will not I turpruwd when I tell yoa that up- on my return to th But of Indiana, my more casual acquaintance were not a much at a loss to ditoover th can oi in. cnang. in my appearance, at my men urn mate acquaintance, were to rccorniae me at all. I at onoe mad application to the moat aklllful physi cians in th country, but, receiving na assurance from them that my hair would again be restored, I wa forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately, the latter pert of the year 1857, your Restorative wa. re commended to me by a drnririiL at bein the moat relia ble Hair Keotorative In an. I tried on bottle, and found to my great ralltfacuon that It wa. producing the desired effect. Since that time, I bav used seven dot lara' worth of your Bedontive, end at a ret a It, have rich ooat of very toft black bair, which bo money ean bay. At a mark of my gratitude for yoor labor and .kill tne production ol so wonderful an article, I nave mended it nn to many of my friend, and aequalntanee who, I am happy to inform yoa, are using it with like enect. i ery retpecuuiiy, yours, A.M. LATTA. . . . Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Depot, 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealer through out the world. The Redoratlve It pat op In botile of three Mae, via: Urge, medium, and email: the small bold. Si a pint, and retail, for one dollar per bottle) the medium bold, watt twenty per cent, nun in proportion man to amail, and retail lor two aoiian a Dot tie; the large bold. quart, 4u ercenu mon in proportion, and retail ror a bottle. . ' O. i. WOOD A 00., Proprietor, 444 Broadway, New Yok, and 114 Market Street, St. Lonla, Mo. And sold by ROBERTS A BAMUKL, Columbus, Ohio, and by an rood Druggist, ana yancy uooot Dealen aprillidAweowlr. Watches! Dinmonds !! Silver Ware!!! A CHOICE AaSORTBIENT OP GOLD and Silver W.tchee, In great variety. I am Agent for the Anaaieaa Watci Co., and can tell then excellent Watches at manufacturers' prices, sither Wholesale or Retail. Com and choose frost my beautiful display ef Dia mond and ether rich Jewelry. Style new price low. A. to Silver Ware of Marling quality, I can thow new pattern, vary handsome. Silver Plated Wan, Tea Setts, Cm. Walton, Oat tors, Baskets. Pitcher. Goblets. Knives, fork. peons, Ave. Then I ban a supply of fin Table Cutlery, Pocket Knlvea, lasers, Ac, and many fancy Good each an deeired for present at anca price aa are aamaocw- nect to me purchaser. . "i No. 10 Backsy Black, martl KorthMdeBtatoHoaMtquare, Irish Linen, Goods. . WARRANTED PABBIO , Linen Bhtrt Bosom Plain and fancy ShlrtlnWand boeoca Linen.. Linen Mheetlng. nod Pillow Casing. Liv-B Oambrie and Long Lawn. . Linen f ocket-handkrfa, all tlie. Linen Towelling, and Dlnper. Linen Napkin and D'Oyliee. Linen Tabs Cloth and Satin DanuakK , Linen Towel with eolored border. " '.!' Uaea Stair Cvsrlngad Orash. for tale at low prlee -, a sun, fctes ', Vo.te South Rid, itreet, Gents Linen Shirt Collars, ' .'. OP SCPERIOR QUALITY, IN OAR BOTE, fttaavdati. Byna, Pardsxiay, Beafre and ethCT new sbas . liemmed leektt Handaereblef, Neek Ties. Stncka Street and Evenln OIovm. K-if tin every kind. Under Onrnsento ami all kind el Bent.' for Dishing Good la f at Variety and at moderate prisea.. ' - ".r '-: -: ' - BAIN A SON, , ft2Sl - , , - i - V. 99 goal High stros. A E ANDRES KID DLOTrw.' at A. All tunand evloitjiftepatted lr - SAIrTB , wa.ii. Be. WSva.Ct .!. , a I a a In e, at 1 I at TS!E CKA'!EST,k- DISCOVERY OF. THE AGE. M"' Ew-3Dr, or noxBcnv) ha dlaoovered In one of oar common paitareweedf a remedy thai rare . . ,., Every Kind of Iltmior. i , PROM Tbe worst Sorofola- down te a eomBioa fimple. D ha tried It In ov.r .leven bnndred caae. and new. r failed except in two eaee., (both thunder hamor ) lie haa now In hi. poaioolon over one hundred oertlficatee of It value, all within twenty ml lee of Boaton. Two bottle, an warranted to can nurrtng tor mouth. One to three bottlee will cure th wont kind ol Pimple en tn lace. i Two or three bottle will elear the mtem of bile, xwo pottle an warranted to care tne wont cancer in tb. month or atomaoh. Three to fin bottle an warranted to oun the won! kind of Ery.lp.laa. una to two bottle are warranted to oun an nnmor the Eyee. ' Two bottlee an wamnted to cure running o the ear and blotchee amon tb. bair your o nx botlea an warranted to oun corrupt an running uloen. - f une bottle will cure acaiv ernption or tn. nin. Two or three bof tie are warranted to our. th want kin of rlarvoni. . r..... Two or thro bottle, are warranted to cure th moat detnent caae of rheumatltm. Three to four bottle, .re warranted to cunatK-Bheum, flv to eight bottle will ear th wont ea. of eero- fnla. A benefit Is alway experienced from tne flnt twtu. a perfect nil warranted when the above quantity I akin. BOXBUBY. HAH, Daaa Madam: Th reputation of the Medical lri- oovery, In earing all kind, of humort, la to well talab limed by tn. nn.nimoa. voice oi an wno nav. aver aaeo It, that I need not tay anything on lb aubieot, aa tb moot klllful phy.iclan. and the muat careful Drnggt.1. la Ui country an ananimouain it praiae. . In nraaantin th Medical Dlacoverr to roar notlo, do It with a full knowledge of It ouratlve power, In re; llovtn all, and earim molt ot tbon dlteaMS i whian yoa an unfortunately ao liable. That mod exerae dieae to an affectionate mother, ' ' niiKsiNo sohh noi'iii, I. rated a If by a miracle) your own temper le ret to red to It natural (weetneu, and your babe from abort and fretful nana to calm and tweet lombera; and the Medical Dawovery become a founUin of bleating to your hatband and houaehold. i In the more advanced tUroe of , O ANA E R It.xUndtetbrtomach,euilnr . , which I. nothing bat canker on th atouaobi then to th Intoatine and KIDNEY', creating a .Inking, gon. feeling, and aa Indlfferenoe va to tb care or your family. lour itomacn la r HAW AND INI'-AIUED. four food ditreM yoa, and yoa eon only take certain inda, and even of that yoorty.tem doe not get half th. nonriahment it oonUint, a the aerimoaoa Hold the canker eat itUPt then your complexion loan It. bloom and become, .allow and greeoUh, and your beat day I gone, for want of noarUhaaenl your tyttem be eomee loon and flabby, and the fibre, of your body be come relaxed Then follow a train of dteeaeo. which the Medical Diaoovery It peculiarly adapted to OTJHEt Palnliatlon of the heart, pain tn the aide, weaknea I th. tpln. and email of the back, pain of th. hip Joint when yoa retire, irregumniy oi u vuweia, aau aim that moat (xornoiatlngU diK-atc, the . PILES. tIaw man. thonaand of poor women are .uff.rlng from tbi. dlaeaa. and pining away a mieerahle life, and their next door neighbor don not know the oaaae. I with bnpree on your mind that good old proverb, "An ounce of prevention le better than a pound of cure," la the MEDICAL DISCOVERY ' yoa bar both thep Tentative and the cure, with Ihlt great ana gooa quaint, to. wm ctrcunutance, do you any injury. s TUB ITIEDICAAi DISCOVEHY. I wpeclaly Intended for diaeaae of the blood, bat tlnce IU Introduction In th WeternBttei, It li found to the belt . ' that w vr before the publio No chanst of diet ever nectary eat tb. beat yoa cat and get enough of It. i . . DixaenoM fob ou Adult on . labia rpoonful per day Children over ten year, deaaert rpoonful Children from Ave to eight yean, tea apoonful. At no direction can be applicable to all oonaitutiona, take tufliclent pent on the bowel, twice a day. xwure h.ii DONNALD KENNEDY. Price S 1.00 per bottle, for y every druggl.t the United Btatee. pl dawiy. -r DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACIIE? y DO YOU WANT A M0STACHE1 V BELLINGHAM'S CELEBRATED StiinulatingOogiiciit, For the Whiskers and Hair tij, aBhwrroi taka Bleaann In annoanolnt . o Cltlaen. ol the United Stale, that they have obtained a... fn and u now enabled to offer to the American publio, th abov Jndly celebrated and world-renowned article. Tb 1 STIMULATING ONGUENT P"?"4 V ' BBLLINOHAM, an tmlnenl Pbytieiaa of Condonand U warranted to bring out Wicst sfs wa ... Whiskers or a Mnstaehc i. imm Dims tn els week. Thl article I. the only cm of the kind used by (be French, and In London and Pari. It 11 in uni veraai uae, ...... It ia a beautiful, economical, oo thing, pet ttlmnlatlng nwinmmi.uUnf ifbv aaule bdou tb root, oauMng abeaaUfal growth of luxuriant bair. If applied to .ralp, It will cure baldrms, and can, to .pring op place ot the bald (pott a five growth of new hair. Ap- puea aoeoramg w uiroouon . wU. L.i...i.nJ r tore erav bair to it orialnal oolor, leaving It aoft, smaoth, and fini bt. Th -OmDairr" an tndiipensabl article in every gentleman' toilet, after one week as they would not for any eonaideraUon bewithoatiU , , TJie aberibren to oniyAgenw lor we anicio Ilniml Staiea. to whom all ordera mult he addreased PriraOna Dollar a box for aale by all DrnealiU Dealen; or a bo ef the "Ongaent" (warranted to the deeired effect will be sent to ny wno ueiirv u, mail (direct), securely packed, on' receipt of prleaand pod,l.l. AppryiooraAiaren AllWAUAl S. B.U.HAn mmj VV, aatMum, die., lebSOdAwOm d William Street. New-York WM, KNADE U CO., THEIR NEW SAH.Bv.iii BOOM, HO. IU BAL1JM0MM T,& f V'll Aa L'jw NOB.L,and7N.EUTAWBTtKt7 . Offr for aU their elebraUd GOLDEN MEDAL, . . GRAND - AND8QARE PIANO-FORTES. n.tnhihi iwommended b the tint Professor, musical aieiines me - BVBBY ' . e INBTBuaanx ' WARRANTED fOR ' f 1VB YEARS. Th moil tastldlo. eattomer may rely upon being pleased In vryrepot. "!'- a, nn TtrWim TBI. mm. u..mwa w. BBLTaE A WEBSTER, Agents, -tt9S;lydw. Oolnmbaa Ohle. HENRY TOW, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In . - Foreign & Domestic . Cigar, ' moling ft QewingTobaeeo. rv Also, the Vest (BtUtT oi aUTDTT'S eontUnUy .OB lui , " -"'; ILTCoantry Uerobaato are loviUd to 4 be fen pat chatlng tlsewhere. NO. 4 EAST THIRD STREET,. ,'r. Bet, Main and Sycamore, ...... novSl-wfiat '. AOmCIWrNATJ. O. SPRING CLOAKS AND BAStlINE umw STVlnd llala ten. No. li 8 South High Mr, bav lutoped new atylee of Cua Cut- nLaa. BAaqcr a and tUBVnm, td to wr aewnt meet etyllaci aseaner. Alee, Black ailka, very heavy, dnlguod ex preatly fc,, MaaUltojaodBMqalnM, , if" ' " . ani BLEACHED suEKTiretia Aru SHIRTINGS, all Widths, o mart c WieaUd max. new offered in inateet rene w aw. "Ym A BOM ... V.. BO L. 11 1H - pniei -r a i i ,i i ' ' V 1 I l V fALTI'SK ATIIHEAD LACK ITIITTS rl f M qaailttes lot LadieT, 10, ItiaW Mitt nil it a?'1, .t ,i jLtl t "" - - a of to be to In the the the to . b and ui and have aj ' and " - Dr. J. H. McLEAN'S Strengthening Cordial and Blood 0 A- puiupiian. TtteOreateet Hemedrln Tbe world, ., AND TUB . KOSX Dixiaons ANT, a1 ' $ DELIGHTFUL UUUU1AL 'W . EVER TAKEN. Vi TTIS8THICT- A lr a eolentlfio and Vegetable Compound, Procured try the aittii- itlon of Boot. Herb and Bark, Yellow I Dock, Blood Boot, - Banaparllla, Wild' ' unerry utm ana van dellon enten Into ltvi Before Taking'11 acuvo' remedial After Taking. principle of each Ingredient I. thoroughly extracted by my new method of dlUlling, produclngi. , deliclpna, hlleraUng eplrit, and tne moat ini tnui""" nnovating the diseased ryatem, and re.torlng the iok, differing and debilitated INVALID to HEALTH and BTKEMUTU. neLEAN'H STHENGTHENINO COR DIAL Will effectually ran LIVER ' COMPLAINT, DYBPEP8IA, JAUNDICE, Chronic or Nervoot Debility. Disease of the Kidney., and all disease arising from a diaordored Liver or hiom acb, Dyapeptia, Heartburn, Inward riles. Adult) or dick nee of the Stomach, f ullnoa of Blood to tlie Ilea J, Dull pain or awlmminK in the head. Palpitation of the Ueart rullnett or Weight in the Stomach, Bour Eructation Oboking or luflocating feeling when lying down, Drvuen or Yellownea. of theBklnand Byes, Night Sweat., In ward f even, Pain in th email of the back, cheat or aide. Sudden fluane of Heat, Depression of Spirit, frightful Dream., Languor, Despondency or any Nervous Dlecata Boree or Blotchee on the Bkiu, and Fevor and Airue (o Obilliand fever.) Over a million of Alottloe , Have been sold during the last tlx months, and In no In dance haa it failed in giving entire Mttltfacllon. Who then, will sutler from Weaknen or Debility when Mo LEAN'S STRENGTHENING) CORDIAL Will ouie you? No language ean convey an adequate Idea of the Imme diate and almott miraculous change produced by taking thl Cordial In th diseased, debilitated and .battered nervous system, whether broken down by exoeas, weak by nature, or Impaired by aicknesa, the relaxed aud unitrnng organisation I. restored to it pristine health and vigor. I - rnnovnei; Or'btben conscious of Inability, from whatever cause, will find McLean a Strengthening Cordial a tborounh regenerator of the lyirem; and all who may hava Injured themnlve. by Improper Indulgence., will find In the Cor dial a certain and .peedy remedy. To tne Ladle. McLean's Strengthening Cordial - . I. a aovereign and .peedy cure for INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, WHITES Obstructed or Difficult Menitrnatlon, incontinence of Urine or Involuntary Discharge thereof, falling of the Womb, Giddiness, Fainting and all Disease. Incidne t female.. There la uoHlstake About It. Buffer no longer. Tak. It aocordlng to Direction.. It will itimulate, drengthen and Invigorate you and raun the bloom of health to mount your cheek again. Every bottle la warranted to give aatlefactlcn. FOIl CHILDREN. if yeur children are alckly, puny, or afflicted, McLean V Oordlal will make them healthy, fat and rohutt. Deli not a moment, try It, and yoa will be convinced. IT IS DELICIOUS TO TAKE; ClARTio. Bowen of Drnrzld or Dealen who n try to palm upon yoa eom. Bitter or Barsaparilla trial., which they ean puyeneep, ny aayinf u i. jui a. goon. , Avoid neb men. AekJor McLean's Btrengthenlng Oor dial, and take nothing els It le the only remedy that will purify the blood thoroughly and at the same time drengthen the eyitexa. One tabletpoonful taken every morning faetlnp, I. a eertaln preventive of Cholera, Chill, and fever, Yellow fever, or any prevalent aieease.. iiuput ay iu iarx bottle. Prlee only SI per bottle, or s bottle, ror o. J. H. MuLSAN, , Bole Proprietor of this Oordlal, Also McLean Volcanio OU Ailnlment, Principal Depot oo the oorner of Third and Pine street. Bt. Louis, Ho. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. Tb belt Liniment in the World. The only aafe and eertaln oure for Cancer, Piles, Bwelllng and Bron chitis, or Goitre, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Weaknea. of tt Mate lee, Onronlo or Inflammatory Rheumatism, Stin nett of the joint, contracted Muscle or Ligament, Baraohe or Toothache, Bruise, Sprain., Wonnda, Fresh ' Out, Uloen, fever Bores, Caked Breast Bore Nippier, Bum, Bcalda, Bora Thoat, or any Inflammation or Pair, no difference how eevere, or hov long th. disease mi y bare existed. McLean Celebrated Liniment It a oer. lata remedy. . A . - Xnousand. oi numan pe inga nave veca ht uiv . lecrepltude and misery by the ute of this invaluable meo oln. McLEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT Will relieve pain almott Instantaneously, and It wil, cleanse, purify and heal the fouled tore, in an incredi ly short time. ror Iloraee and OtUer Auliual. McLean I celebrated Liniment It the only tare and re liable remedy for the cure of Bpavin, Ring Bone, Wind call., Bplfnta, Unnatural Bumps, Node, or Bwolllngs. It will never fail to cure Big Head, Poll Evil, fistula, Old running Boree or Bweeny, if properly applied, for Sprain, Bruiae. Bcretoht, Bon or Wound., Oracktd Heele, Chafes, Baddle ort ..liar J -Ilia It I an Infallibl remedy. Apply it aa dire, .cd, n id a cure Is certain ja very lnitanc. . --,r, Thentritieno Iudk't i:Utbe uviov worthlet. Lli.l aunt offered to you. Obtain a .uppi) vi f'r. McLean' celebrated Llnimeut. It will core yoa. Jl. U. McLE AN, Bole Proprietor, Corner of Third and Pine Streets, Bt. Low,., Me. for aale by all druggist. . for nle by BOBEHTB A SAMCBL, aaeW-dAwlf Colombo. Ohio. PEOF. WCUD'S BWOD HENOVATOR Ittatet, and renew, the Blood In all It. purity, and h. .t ansa ratfore and rtmler the msUm in- vvlnorabU to attack ofdUcau. It is th only! Lnr.tinn ever offered to th world, ao chemi-l H catly and skillfully combined as-to be the mod . Dwerul tonlu. and at the tame time io perfectly Ldau'sd to, a. to act In nerieotaooorusnc. witn the . . i . ...... A. i K i i--t Cj'iar. of nature, and hence will tooth thi wumlj PjitomacA.and ton up the dlgedive organ, aodQ Vpenectly exhilarating, and at the tame tim It It (fl con) posed entirely of vegetable, yet ao combined lit to produce the most thorough tonic effect, wllh- i.i,. aiiar ii nafinuB kdu uiucr uiiiauvus ad aa r H Lr.nt nrndUClnff Bl) T luiunoua wukuubbv... vhvu a remedy has long been fell to be a desideratum In .h. ..inl world, for it need, no madlcal (kill tu . follow, all attack. of disease. nd bTroceeds and Indeed lays the syttem open to tb4 ja nnsiuioua biiku . r ' U.for example, at tne lonowiog; vn.iupvi., uv.naoaia. Loss of Appetite, f ainuiest. -' lltiaoa t-awaa) -a- i . , , -- . . , , .. iNervou. Irritablllly, neuralgia, raipiiauua w lieart. Melanctioly, migui oweata, ..auguur, uuw kuntlon of. aa well at Painful obstructed. too prolut. or w wu .-, ' . . . ...I Kng OI IU OHI O. A UM. I . utpuu HVU klenillty. Thl pun, healthy, torn uoruiai ana Blood itonovaior ia aw aura . eure aw ui. hji m rln and nt. Then la no mistake about it. Bui thia la not all. If the ay.tem 1 weakened, we aw .men to bilious attack, th liver become torpid. a 'o b or won diieaaed, th kidney refuse to parlor, their functions, and w. an tronuieu witn acaiuin and lnconlinenoe of urine, or Involuntary dn rhatve of the earn, pain la th back, aid and be tween th shoulder, exceedingly liable to .light colds, cough., and if unchecked, soon emaciation follow, and the patient goea down to a pnnutare grave. But apace will not allow us to enumerate th many 111. to which w are liable in a weaaeseu condition of the tyttem. But we will say, in, this Oordlal and Blood Renovator yon have a period, aafe, pleasant and effectual remedy for Ion ol Appetll. xtuiousneBs, sibidibo , ( ... dtumuh.lanauor. Liver Complaint, Chills aad ni'ever, or any Bilious attack, OotUvdhets, Acidm jf th Stomach, Nervoutnets, Neuralgia, Paipilar 0 Itlon of the Heart, Depre ation of Bplrita, Sure, i'implea on th face, or any die se anting from 3 n hinoil. ank aa Scrofula. Krv.ipela. Bron Ihiiia. flonih. Aifflnlt of BnathioK, and all that .-. OIjoUbs, of oiseaae. cauea lemaiw w . enumerated above. We will also aay the traveler .exposed to epidemic, change of climate and wat-i lor, will find It a pleasant, aale and aura remedy, I (Ana nonel ahoald ever travel without. Header. P' try It, for we ataun yoa yoa will find In It a Inendj All penontof sadenury habit, will find It a perfect preventive oif a well a cure lor those ailmeoU to which theyaiel irtianlAWlr exaoel. Hence miniltersatndenll,at torney., literary gentlemen .and Ladin who an not laocastomed to muab outdoor exeiolse, will find ii ft to their dvantBg to keep a bottle constantly on lhand: and. above all. molhen, or than beoomiiiK LTi'tuch, WiU go through that most dangerous perlou k M oot only wth all their accusttimed atrangth, bulja . safe and free from the thousand ailments so prev- ' 0 Uleat among lb female portion of th world. In B isbort, it to indeed a mother' cordial. Try t, old Li land .oun: no lowir run th risk of delay; IPWill and nrova itself empbaUcally a Aesfora lm, fie Cordial and Mlood ktnovaior. Ill O. A. WlK)U , proprietor, m Brstaway.Jiswi- v.ri, uri 114 Market Street. BU Lout, Mo.i audi, jaold by ROBaBTS A SAMUEL, Columbue.OhtoJ'il all good Drwnltta - Price Ou Dollaii r- per Bottle. marchJB-daiwsow ly if' 1 mmmu CORDIAL pries ooe-Uiird ton than oao W purchased elsewhere , 6.11 onoe address (dP wloed) i"""" J lMCwrtMBdoa,Aian. . ? ' march a.UJm. . r . rj, , BLACK STRAW BONNETS AN p ELhi ' . i ' . . J