Newspaper Page Text
VOL. VIILP. jltff NEf !SBIES, S. OHIO, FRIDAY MORNING. 1861. flZ D0LLASJ PX3 TIA2, Inrartablw u Advanc'?. DAILY. TEt-WEHlY All T7XXXIT -aBtaMaMsiasas, ' W, ' . ' MANYPENNY MILLER. fUBIIIHlSI ABTD poijttost fO bffle Bos. SMI Mi 40, Vort&Xlgi it .TERMS INTAEIABLT I ABVANON. , " 1 Daily , o J 'J '' ii J ) 00 Mr mr frl.Weekly .) . .i. OOperyeaf. ,-vv erm of AdvertUlng T Ua lvre. nt nun i mi ., . 120 00 Oct mm i weeks. ;a n 3n ' " Umotlhs 18 00 une ,. itNthilW On "1 mk... 1 75 Jne Jut )at ')ne 8 month IS 00 3 monthi 10 00 On , " I day... 1 M On day..I . 78 On .'..; 1 iDMrtloa M a Booth 8 00 . 1 month. S DO - Displayed adrertlHmsats half mors thaa to above AdTortisemetot leaded ui placed In th column of , All not! ceo require to be published by Uw, lNralratae. ... . m-..iwvu u luiai nuuinijuw UHSMtHI Pet Ceui. mora thu tha ahon wtam: kal all ad wll 1iii.m U 4h IU.VUL1. .UL.i .1 " BuilneiiOardi, DOtexoMdin tUnt. txrraar. to. lie, 0 jr 11m; oauide . - . , .. Notice of naetlnn.ehariiAhlMMlaHafl att ImmmbIm I''1 ih im iirnwklj WIUUIHIUIUIIf . , - fco., half prlc. .. .- r yl trantimt aArmrilumtnl mtu$ b paid Jbr M tA I nri 14 : n ml. sill h.Mj.j . Weekly, am arlo tha Dally, thin tba tdnrUMr mwia nesKiyaion. wun M Daily aaa WMkly tie both nicd, than tha charge lr tha WMkly will M lf the rate of Ui Dally - ' ' J ,, no aaTeniiement outen except ror a definite period, BUSINESS -CARDS. 7 F. A. B. BIHIDfS, Attorney At XjA-w AND NOTARY PUBLIC. -Omce-Amboi Bulldlnf, eppottt Capitol Square. : OOLUMBUt, OHIO a.. oouoniNriD, j Attorney & Counsellor at L&w, MARION, OHIO, i , I' OOXX31kZ3170 Machine Maanfactnrinj Companj HaMcr tortnni or , .' STEAM ENflTNES- & Caitlnp, Jtmatviag, XMktMiy,. r j , ,. ... ir n 'H4 ..... i - AliO, - ': j ' 1 0? BTr MHIOT1M. -,. ! . cot.ijnBca omu. i 0HAB. AM BOB. lan'L Aafana . ' deell, lB5H-tf t 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements.—Time Summer Arrangements.—Time Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I RAILROAD. CoDeaetint t Oreitlln with, the PITTSBUMH, IT. WATNI k. CBI0A00 SAILB0AO JbffitMurt, JPMadtlpUa md SaUimtrt. a . orlbrt Wayiuond Chieagv. i Connecting it Clereland Willi the LAXI IB0M ftAXIc BOAS For Dunkirk, Buffalo, Alomar Bool to., wd New orit. " , . TT THREE TRAINS DAILY, 'w J SZCXPI I0KDAT. ., ' from Oolnmboj, In connection with Train ea the i LITTLE F1IAIT1I AlfD COLUflBCi - AND XER IA KAlliBoAlMI. . f IB8T tKAHf ' NIGHT IXPRISB.-lMTa Oelamba at l.0 A.M J wilt leart paaMoger at all it dona (oath of Oaliuo, top at Defaeare, Athley, Oardiaitoa end Ollaad, and at tllatatlon north of Gallon, anriTln at Omrelaod t8:0oA. M., Dunkirk 10 P.M., Saflalo :4P. U. Albany S SO A. M., New Tort 8 35 A. at Bnton :J0 P. at., Pittabaiwb eta Oicetlln ti9a P. K . Pblladal hit 1:10 A. H, Chicago via Oreatilao at t-ett P. U, - IKCONDTJUDI.- .' - Nile YORK CTPVIRai n.i. a. m. Will Mop atliewt Centre, (ff WhlU Ipkar Spring), Delaware, Cardingtoo, Oalion, CieetUae, Abet by, New London, Wellington and Graf loo, antra at Clereland at J:3I p. mu; Dnnklrk. 80 p. m.l to. falo, W.ilS p. n ; Albany, H:5a- . Hew leek, 1: S. .; Bciton,;i0 p.m. Tha train eoaaeewal iihe y for Bandoaky, and at Glafton for Toledo, arrlTloi at Toledo at 0 p. a. - . ... , ; . THUD TlADr. ' " ' " HAIL AMD AOCOMIIODATIOV-LeaTM Colnmsaw at 8.30 p. m. ' Will atop at all BtaUooa Aantk of Shelby, and at New London, tTelUngtoa. Araftem, and Berea; arrlrlng al Cleveland at f.k p. .i lu ktrk,8:OOa.m.BoJaro,l..m.iAlbaBy,Bp.a.; NewVork, 730 p. m.; Boeloa, p. a.t Mitahank. tVa0retUine,at ll:J4p. PhlkKtalphm, LOO p. ., Chicago, wta Oreatllne, tM a. m. Tha trela conaecta at bhelby for Bandttaky and Toledo. arriTlng at toied atftMp.m.; ri 'jr;x v. . Patent Sleeping Can are ran on all , , Sight Train to Chicago, Sew j York and Boiton. ' c Saggag Omhtd T Anmo fo Jw PofioW Motion efat OoeWawa,- alto, u F)MuUkMamt4 ' jyie Tork9taOmiu4.' -' BETURNINO. rt ' ' NigUBzpremarriTatOolambuat...ll:llP. M. Clodnnatl KxprenarriTea al Oolambuat ItcM A. at. Accommodation Bxpieee arrimat Cclamba at 7:9t -'.! rare) aa Low aa r amy turner Baoato. AA ftr TUbU tim CrttlUmttr CUvtUni. . BaparmlaaaaB, Olerelaaa, Oaiel V uniMrnim a . 2 r . ' ""ui' ColBBtkeav Ohlev Colnmbni lake llRX fi j j.. .Zi eTBJt Bowlft.V-' 100 HP. ClI GBEEN (UBA BaUAVOK inaa iu Ban prrme ue uoaea. n i. 1 SO pocket old Dntch QoTUsmeat Jara Celae. , 1 a ban cerioa oosee. JOQbhl. etandard White hnr,'eoiattn ef Pwbv dree, CbrBabad, OruBlatod A aad B Oeioo. fill qnlnlalaueorr Bank Oodfleh. UObcUi. Hem and Ho. 1 Mackerel.' - 4V lea. Pick BakeMOtfi f -t t a -i . IOO ba. Layer Saieine. - - J' . 50 hf . box do do.. ...r lOOew. boa V ' do ' ' V ll l A V ( lOOk Olgan, dUereat toaada and grade. " ; y botb7 WM. hlcDOIAlB. M. C.LILLllY-, Ttl rJJLIlLH. And Blank-Bool; lUnBiknUrer, btortx xiu btkit, tsxvssijl, csio arll-dly . Red, Wlite taOlsc, TCLAI1I1!9, felLKfe' RIvAIIIUi Jenefeadba - npriw .nr-iO e,lBWthBlitret. L a , nkw aoer skist. j i .i u j t x i xiaOXTTitrcorx. ., Bocrm sua Run. . Baea taet main a BakmedtoameavaafM riKrf?P altottooaypat tone mm rrrw i titV i'K mn ! l rriTT irr- nxanmiiii a av avw uwiu-'vi -ABB ' .'? " " .! -' lt,i -rfc.:.. . J -tWOKOESTER'S ROYAl QUARTt) DICTIONARY. fb UtettTlii ItrjeiV-.Tho Beit, The Cbeipeit Emaom tw Beit, tn flcM. BUaV..'attMavt4'Ame , (morltr ! Mao EmfUem iMpguikg: "HB Bin BN0LW tOTIWAT,nXXArT., Heie BTeipwardfor Handrad'tlweaeaA Wore, Vnoe mnlUfarioa (Maalon ead derWeMoae, lorethor LvT.Tl Piung, tad proBaoalauon are ewv ly let Mere the eje,'; yi , (1 1 , ,-;.r . , .. CwieloeaW Oewwerotol. Mtai tktJDtoUiont cf ih ibiribm of ih OMo Btatt fhe anderftftied, member of the Ohio lute Teacher' aaeoeiBaon, adopt and aim to use in teaching, writing and apeaking, the orthography nod pronunciation of W ofOMlai Hdva OaartA Tlltlnn.rv. .ui mm mv. dmlly reeonuaend it a tha aioat rallabla tfmkrf ah- keritp of the Bagllah Ungaat, a U w now written end .' I,; '.'-"i v Jr.M . Lwm Jjnaiwi, Preeldent Kenyoa College. - D. Lao anil, Beperinmndent Eaneerlile Bch'ool. Tao. W. Haaear, Bnp't alaemloa Oedoa Icaool. . M. I, OowaaBY, Bnp't Poblle lohaom, iandaaky. J" Lwca, Bop't Pah lie Beheole, OinleTilie. fT. lAxross, Principal Olmlaad female Stmlna- W. KrTC3rSBpHmilSeBeeto,kti.TJnU. Joan Ooaaif. Prlnoinal ataia KomI Behoal. Mlana. lot,. , " . ' Otaoa Ifaeew, Prlacrpal I earth iDtemedtat School, a. i. aUknii.Sap'l Can ten TJnionBehoo !.:: Iiwnlmu, Principal UcNeely Normal Soheol. Bu T. Tatvaa, Prof. Math malice, Ohio Unitettlty., Vat. V. Bmraa, Bnp't Tray Unloa Bcbeol. A. a. Bentn, Priiwlpal Wen Blgk School, Olere- Ad' . . . , . . ' B. A. BoiTO. Aanclate Prmclnel Hlih BchooL fllere- maa. . f j i. i - - saavaoM BittUM, Principal High Boheol, Own land. B. P. Hoillm, Principal Olereland Innltnt. J. A, OaaruLp, Preeldent-f Bleotlo Iartltnte, HI- W. L. Billa VfaL at flhaatUtv. Ahla Waalaean Vnrrenltr. , -. H, H. aUamrr. Bx-aaauiarioneref Ooaiman Bchoola. Jaaa Moirnoa, Prof. KhetorV, Oberlln College. am. auia arenaewi aaBoen votiege. - , O. W. - H. OATaoia-r. Prof. atihmaUoa. Blih lohool, Dayton. B. C. Onnaaima. rnf. xannaaa. TTIrh flehaoL VWU, i B. M. Butnaa, Bop't Cnloa Ichoeht, AaUand, Mor tVM mBndrti tOttr frtttdtnt of OoOt- p, eroftmvr, Mor and DUtinguiiKtd Zduoa tltHtmtderitditoatov&tmtiitrml.. . PRESIDENTS OF C0LLE0E3 IN OHIO. MjatarrA Oeusaa ''It m tnle a manlfleent work. an kaaar to the author, the pabUahera,and the whole eeantq.r' f reaident Aadrew. , 0t Wbutu Cnmaarrr It exceed my expede oae. It will be ni anlda la erthoeraoh and nroaan- elatton. and will often be eonealted by me for it seal ad aceoxat deflnlUose.'WreaVUBt Ihoaipeon.-1 W. B. Icaamen flatuaaBMBntofora we have amd Webater'a orthogiaphy. Al A' teoeo metting of ear faealty, It waededded to ehacM tt to conform t that of Woreaater'a Boyat earw DKUeaary." PreaUent flank Id. v.7 - t" " . - i Wnwraaa Baman Ooute. I tni it worthy of evromi approeauoa." rreUKi)i itiicncoei. Oneaua C rum. "It mora than areata my exneehv tton. X reonmmond la aa the etandard antaorltym ertheepy to my children and my nnp li." Preeidtnl Morgaa. j- Ajmoca Oafimm. adontanl elm to aa la feuh- mg, wrlttaa aad eneortnt-. eh orthoeraohy and Broaon- emaoa f Woroailer' a oral Qaarto DicUoaary'-- Preeldeal Bill. -,,J ' i all m wrltn. anealrtne. anil iaachlne. I hare aa- omeered to conform to th role for orthography and pronaaomrloaaaeontaincdln Woroeiter1 Dictionary." Hence Maaa, tote Preetdeot. Kawroa Ocuaaa, OAXnn-'! moat cordially recoav It aa tha meat nilable amodard u thorite of the Bnallah annul aa It la bow written and aDoken." Prendeat Aadrewa. I SCHOOL .COMMISSIONERS OF OHIO.' PrwaaJtet. Anton Sntyii, ChmmUttiJmr f Obmmo BcKtoUtn Ohio. .. ) i "The iMeUenar la aa ImnarahaMa moanment to the learning aad todnetry of ite aether, aad aa honor to th world of letter. The merhenli'il ezecntioa la far npe- vivr tv uh oi any sunt wen wiui wnwa a u ao iqaaiated." . .. t . r Km Bon. B. B. Jtamtv, Mb-OommUHcntr of BoAooU a Oiio. . b mart nllabl (taadard atborllp ef the Un- 118 ,Bmai bbio raage." Ijemdlns Newapeper of Ohio Bvr ' JromtXt OltotUmd BmM ff ItartXm. L' , The orthography of the Worcester Dictionary hi 0ml 1x4 by meat. If not all, eatbore of distinction la thi eonntry aad Bnglaad, and conform to the general njag of ordinary writers tad epeaktr. .. .J . . Wheterer prejndktee may hare exteted prarleoaiy, arefnl (tady ef Ihla Telame will ta variably be followed by a warn aopreciaooat of lb) great merit, and a dartre to add It e tae well eeleeead library, be U ierge er mall, It I a library lalhwlf, aad will remain aa lapertaba ble ieerd of the HaralBf ef It compiler. - trom tU (Baoaaaeff anrefal of AptU 0. Here are npward ef haadred Wieamnd werde good, bad and lndiSren-erbo mnitifarioaa meaning nd derrrattone, together with their correct (polling and pro aaadaUoB, are t clearly before the eye. She work la BBqacenoeibly the greattet Themam of lngUah Word erer pnhUahed. J PrttnootIrinitaofJ'.VBW, IrVleatlr Woacmma' Botaa Qoanno DmoiuT U ntt mif tis latt, Ut earr ecor of tM tfiI ever -MMel.aad eae by ae pemieUUy Bflr by eoatpmieoa or tMTMoBUritaf, Mag. A to nowcBCUTnm, Wceuawrta a nrt STABaau bllewed by ear beet aether! b detlnltioria be learee Botalner to be deal red. aad in 0 ineeaajert It m aflein to any thai Weaoarraa eaa be aaaiy followed. IN 13 HAM at BBAOtS, Fbj ollakera, Bookevllere BtaUlomera, BO. 191 BtTPBBIOB IT, CLBTBLAKD, OHIO. THE .MUTUAL BENEFIT i LIEE INSURANCE i COMPANY, i - --m t-- -oxeax-l-i, 3sr-'eT- - DlTlaeaMi Jaanarr l 186 It 45 Fer Ceat ABBITB..a.A M.w......tljBl3rH M. Btatamiaag Jauaaarr 1, 1S01, alaace, per UtaaBt JanTTat, 1B60 $0tfii Beeeire for P rem lame ear- - - ma IB jear wcw. ' IMce. f7B3,031 toteieet daring - - tot iour... en an in i . ; V . , f I,'. .... rl f ' Total reoeipr for- im..esT7,fT 7f ' ' ' PaidOlalmebyDealh.SrnjIoO 00 Paid Poliewa arra- i ','f ' eared 41,111 89 Paid Babuiea, Poet- a Tl w r. llr0 S paid Oommlelgae la - : PbJerW-?ASw .--. '.' tog me year ....10,500 74 584,091 63 eil,TS H IBet Jaaaan lat, Wl.-. ..llJifMM bi1 mW at Oaka hand..... aga3d JO- BotadkltfM.E1 ,7 . , Betate, worui egebie the T'TJJu" fSZf Tel 4 erot........ tvnt.nsi it J. XCty - . x mm.Bemaed0eaa,ai aaed Braneaakenea 05JO 75 1 Toeal Aawetw........,...,.. tunjjgsi T ITS Peikaai to ferae, bartng..,...otaritSt8l l.eJB new rent aate bbbb Banted eihag ta rem After a enrefal aalealaOea ef to praaart aarae ef Che HOIee 110 PeUeleeaf the Cemeaay, ear ,. the limei y aeiiua1 to Hmn laenrer, tha btreetor aaea eeeawed PrrreearB ef el pereme. eei Dae trmty aea paea ea ene mean Beam, bu aweeaem eje Hfe to aerea. t i--irt-Tti n r 1 i"T iajaaaaaiimdianaii.1 yrwM rale ef (ae Ceoapaayr- Bam tor all htoeaef Lt Oraamieaieia, pTnyiit aee,llBliOBiB Bed AleaMBae, will be fanlhd rrweTcauaaat toUAeeee AglBiteeed Oh tea- 107". l PKTTT8SOS. ' i--. 1' 1 L. C. H0V i a, Ttot MM. V. UU.S a, Becretary . iivtuii m.Mmmn A. Piir ifr" riorpr rum iimmi g:. f rtfv graaa. lae bmI el U 0 corutltutionnL diaroB, a corruption Of '.he blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. , .Ueing in the -circulation, it pervndrl tfio whole boar, nrrd rnay burst out in disease on any part of it. No organ U free fi om its attacks, nor Is there one which it may not destroy. "The. scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or .unhealthy food impure air, filth and filthy habit, the Aeprnirrg viee9, and, above Ml,' by tho' voncreal infection. What, ever be rts origin, it Is hereditary in the con. stltution dene ending " from parents to children Unto the thud mil fourth generation ; " indeed, it eeems- to be tha md of Him who ssyk, "I will visit the iniqnitins of the fathers tpon their children." ,., r ,- . , ' ' -It effeeti coiiimeticO' by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lunge, liver, and internal organs, in termed tubercles (.in the glands, swellings y and on the surface, eruptions or lore... This foul cor. ruption, winch genders in the blood, depresses the energies of lifo, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only sutler from scrofulous, com. plaints, "but they have fur less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases ; conse quently vast, numbers periidv by disorders which, although not scrofulous in, their nature, ar still 1 rendered fetal by this' taint in the system,. Host of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in tltU twBofahnav epntiuuinntion r and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all (he organs, ; arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by It. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in " AYEIt'S ; Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most cITcctual remedy which tho medical skill of our times can devise for this every, where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remedial that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the svstem ( from its destructive consequences. Ilenco it should be employed for the cure of not onW Scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as Ehuptivb and ggiif Diseases, St. ArrrooxY't Futs, Rose, or Eutsipeias,,, Blotches, Slaihs and Bon., Tumors, Tetter and Salt Rheuk, Scald Head, Kinoworu, lliiKi-MATisx, Syphilitic and Mrhcukiat. Ijis kask, Dnoi'HY, Dtsfxtsia, Dkiiimty, and, indeed, am Complaints akisino riton Vitia ted oh Ixpvrb Blood. Tho popular belief in " impurity of th Mood " is founded in trath, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood.. .The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapn rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. 1 Ague Cure, : i : .;. roa the speedy cure op Intermittent Fever, or Fever and Ague, Remittent Fewer, Chill Fewer, Dumb A cue, Periodical Headache, or Dillon HeadarlM, lamd Ulllon Fewer, Indeed for the whole cine of rfleenie originate In a" in hlllrtrr deraagemcnt, canaed by the Malaria of plasmatic Coantrle. - VT are enabled here to bRcr'the community a remedy' trhirhi while It etires the above conyilninls with certainty. r still perfectly harmless in any quantity. Htielr a remeitv m inralurtblc in district where 'those afflicting JlNortlers prcvnil. This "CritB" expels tho miasmatic poison of Fever and Aot'P, from the system, and prevent the de- elopment of the disease, if taken on the first ap proach of it premonitory symptom. It is not only the best remedy, ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, hut also the cheapest.? Tho larne quantity wfsttpply for a dollar brings it within the reach of every body ; and in bilious districts, where Fevi ii asd Aoub tirevails, ercry body should have it and freely both for cur nd protec tion. .', A ijrcat superiority of Ibis remedy over any other ever discovered for (lic'peidy and ccrtuiu cure of Intcrmlttcrrts Is th:it it cimtuiiino Quinine or mineral, conseqncntly it produces no quinism or mother injurious eriects whatovrr rrpon (be ronstitn- tion. lhoe rnrrd by it are icit as lienltliy as ir they hd never had the disease. ; .. if 1 : ... . 1 l. - t th missnmtre pnieort. A great variety of disor ders arise frnin its irritation,' nmona which are . . ff J . I . , 'Mt, 'J'ootfncjie, Enraclie, Catarrh, Attima, iraL mtvf'tl'l. 1'ttilirnl .iprrtion ri ;ne ,;.Vfl, flulttfr in, I'uiii in tin- HttcM, CoSif 1'nrulisis aliu Ve- iHiei'r nt r'ir OTwm, an or wtitcti, rrnm iijtii '.hnm taio ivitnv, ui eli lui- tuttrtuiiitt tvpc, ur biyuaie periodical. . Thi " Cciie "spe) tlie iM.'snn finin the blood, and consequently cure them al) alike U is an invalnabic protection lo imnti-i rtit-i ami crson travelling or tompoiciitf re-.i(li( it! Hie malarious district,, if ta;i'ii prca Mortally or J.tily rrliile exposed to l!;e ii:rccMu, lluxt will be encn-ted fmm the wystem.'a'ud mmtot i-ciuuuiaie in uiBcient quantity to ripeiinto div cose. Ilenco it is even more mlumi c fcrVTotcc- tion than cure, and few will ever ti(l'"r Imrti Inter miltcnts if titer avail themselves cf the rrmctiiun thi remedy arfirrd',. ' ' ' " x t Prepared bjDr.lC. AYEB ti, CO., LoweU. Masa BOBIRTB Jt IAMTJ1L. Cahambaa. . Sid by DretTtet aad Dealers everwhere. aerr-irowaw ..a j .v.- OAS ASIA! 4 UXITZD STATES HAIL B'-L'Jtli A TVT'liJ ttQ t v, TO ANB I'SAOn .. :'e- LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW, Liverpool, Montreal, Quebec, - mnd 2MXJ W The Meet weal Oeeaa Itmmaato Oomperty' trrt-elsm fcU-poweredClyee-beilt Steamer aU owerr BatU rdav from PuETLAJID, eairying the paeon1 lea and vrntea am mxu ana imtngsn, ' ITOBWMIAll, '- - NOtTB AMERI0A5, , BOHiMUII, " I " ANuLO-SAXON. . NORTH BB4T0B, s BIBBBNIABJ, " CANADIAN. . . ,. NOVA BOOT IAN. BnorUt Ckoapeat and QaUckcat (Josi wwymarco xrosm -AKZaUCA TO AU flXTt 0 JCTOOIX :XUt4M 4t raaaaewt Europe ' S30.eao.cacx. . .. .., WTtl tail (rem LTVIRPOOL every Wedmeedaw, tad trom QUEBiO every Bmtatrdmp, calling al LOBDOBDBBBT. to Heetreoa Sear ud mcj mails and fawi 11 crs. ts aaa TTPTCbeas Iteamen are balls ef Iroa. la watar-tLrht aompaitmsnto, Barry each aa expersenead Bargeoa, and erery aUCBttea at paid to the eomrert and aoooeamoea ttoaef laminger. A they prooert dlrem to VOU POM. DBBT, the great risk and delay of celling al Bt. John bjesaidsd. r - 1 Ohnwow simiaginare fwnrlihei with rasa pamag Bcaem ta ana iroai ianeimerry. ' sVrlara ttekets (ranted at ndoced ntM. I OerUSmls I eiit toreanymg to aad brhigingeatpea BBgar trom all the pttodaal toWMetOreat Brllaiaaad Irslaad, at redseed rates, by thK line ef tteamers, and tyUmWASBiaaTOBUBB OP BAULIN0) PAOaJIS, Ilsraif Bnaftw for tt stnel spwarii pay I alo lto SmglamdIrolaa, ;-, I -a. laxmd or Wales.. , t t'ar raaua ami at the Ottos. IS RHOAtl. WAT, New Vorka and X9 WATVK f ., !aerlroAv Pet 0c,CohTjaba, Ohle. ITiATrtnTwiiAr anniTTCo pit aaa JAfeS AiraAlt m partner la my bow7 Beea, tb wux. net agar be 11 ids mid eadsriti arm aba.bve. P.BAXa.aaealkUatk Bta Alt 1A-1 - , - j "xT'"''' IWef rhr'-mw t A t-M UJgein)) t WOJ l' ef rtv '-) Frtv!.' wja. . r ynrtrO vw mww , sMaajveee, maar sjawioe; aapca.4, ua. ssjwm EwaaMn Hm, aao' mtom, 01 . b. e. , c awww wMm srirt MfW ) 1 i aar. ww.. . goaj and voiTm eo-ommaBimia to toot Sot' --, Summer Arrangement. Little Miami Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Cincinnati, Dayton ft Indianapolii! Through to lndlanADOlis witiioat Change of Cars and but One Change of Can between , , 1. i Columbus and 8t. Louis. Four Trtuns Daily from Columbus. ..:.:.t . FIRST TRAIN. ' ' : A00OMMOT)ATIO at S a. m.. stODolnr at all sta tions between Colombo and Cincinnati aod Osylon, ar rlvtoe at Olnelnnati al 10 OS a. and at Uasion at 8.10 a. m., conneetiig at Siyton for Indianapolis and .:. x-i TO, SECOND TRAIN. J JJ l-" ' K.. 1TSIu.iiiH. 1 . T-jr. London, Charleston, Cedarrllle, Xenix, Bpring Valley, Oorwin, I re port, Port Ancient. Morrow St., Lebanon, Poatsr, Lovoland and Mllford, arriving al Cincinnati at 4.30 p. m., Dayton at 9. 45 p. n.,oonnotln(Wlth the Ohio and Mississippi Ballroad for LoeUvllle, Sj; Tin. Mann, Cairo, Bb Loat. New Orleans, eto.t at Dayton for Indianapolis, Lafayette, Tcrre llsute, Obieag and all Weitern polau. i. ,A t THIRD TRAIN. . ! MAIL at B. 10 p. nt., Hopping at ll tstlon'rVH,n Oolnmbo and Xsnla, and at Spring valley, Oorwin, Morrow and Lovaland, arriving at C incinnaU at U a. m . FOURTH TRAIN. ' KIQHT EXPftasa, via Dayton, at 19 00 BldnlJhT, topping at London, Xenix, Dayton, Middle town and Ilaailltnn, arriTlng at Cincinnati at 5.85 a. m.j at Day ton at 2.55 s. m.i connecting at Cincinnati with the Ohio and Mississippi Ballroad lor Lonlsvtlie. IfTansvlile, Tlncennes, Cairo, St. Louis. Memphis, Nsw Orleans, and all polnta Bomb and Bonth-west; also, at Dayton for Indianapolis, Lafayette, Terr Uante, Chicago, eto 0Pr farther Information aod Through Ticket, pply to M. L. POHEHIX, lickatAgent, Union Depot, Oolnmbo. P. W. BTEADIB. General Ticket Agent, Cincinnati. , JN0. W. D0HBBTT, , 1 , , I Agent, Oolonbas, B. W. WOODWARD, bnperlntendent, Cincinnati. Columbo, July 14, 1801. ,;. EAST. CENTRAL OHIO AND AND Steubenville Short Line RAILROADS COMBINED! CONNICTISO AT BELLAIBI WITS TBB : BALTIMORE & OHIO, AND AT PITTflBCRQH WITH THB PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL. RAILROAD: I0BM1N0 THB ; Shortest, Quickest & Most Reliable '. Route to all Eastern Cities ! " . ".'Trains Leave Columbus a follows: . ltoBNiNo bxpbisi '. ;'.; v .;; Leaves Colombo 1.30 A. M. from Union Depot, vis Bellalra or Bteabenvlilei arriveaat Beilairs, 10.80 A. M.i BMnbenville, 19.S0 P. M.j Pituburgh.3 40 P. M. turrlsborg, 1.10 A. M.: via AUtntovm, arrive at New fork 8.00 A. M. wio PKUadtiphia, arrive at Phila delphia, 5.10 A. M.i Hew York, 10.30 A. M. Connect also at Barr ksburg for Baltimore, arriving at 7.45 A. M, Sleeping Cara attached to toil Train Preie Colombo, ran directly through to Bcllslre or PitKbargh without change; and Pssiengcr via Allen town arm In New York at 8 A. M., O"TW0 HOUEfl IN ADVANCI 0P NORTHERN ... - . LINES. This Train also oooneota at Bellalre with the , w. : Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. ' ' " PITTSBURGH EXPRESS. Leart Oolnmbo 11 S3 A U , from Vnicn Depot, via Stenbenvilies arriree at Newark. 1S.50 P. M.: Coshoo- too, 8.13 P. M. Bteabenrtlle, S P. M.: PitUbarg, 8.40 P M. 1171111 I th only rout by which Pxssenrers esa leaveOlnclnnatl it 7 A. M., go throngb to Pitts burgh in daylight, without change of cars or delay. ,i , 1 sv. - ' PAST LINE. " Leave Colnabus 8.14 P. M., from Cnloa Depot, via Rellatr: arrive at Newark, 3.83 P. kt. Isnesvllle, I 33 P. Ml Belial re 7 .S5 P. M.t Plttsbnrrh. 11.25 P. M.j Harrhborg, 9.00 A. M.; Ha AUtntown, arrive at New Tork,4 P. M.; wio PMIadeipMa, arriree Pblladetohla, 1.10 P. M.; New Tork, P. M. This Train also connect at Harrlsbarg lor Baltimore, ar riving at JP.M. Thi Train ran through to BellsJr or Pittsburg with out change ef Cant and from rtttebnrf there la no change of Oars to Philadelphia, or via Allentowa to new xork -Ina offtilaf , . . . - The only Route from Columbus to Baltimore, roiiaaeipnu, or Stew Xott, with only : . , ; , . on change of . Cars. :. Br this Train Paseenrer arrive In New Voik era boar in advance Of th Northern llnee. Thi Train a! connect at BellsJr wtlh the Baltimore and vale a. R. - ITT This Route Is 30 miles shorter to Pittsburg, ana more man xuv miles snorter to . . New York, than Northern Lines. ' - Baggage Checked Through, to all 1m. yl pottint f oiati gait, j , ASK BOB TICKETS TIA BELLAIRE OR 8TEUBENVILLE. Ticket Goad Tor cither Bonte. -,-, - vT-eW). W. BROWN. , ' ' - Oca. Ticket Agent Central Ohio B. B. 1. A.' HUTCHINSON, Oea. Ticket Agent Steobcuvillo Short Line. jelt , GUErtNsirrs balmi ' GUERNSEY'S BAM ' nEIHOPEI AND PRBVENTS 1 PI XV aammatloa aod neia. and heal th worst ban. acald, hrala,eal -f bash wound ef any kind, prevent swelling aad pain from bee (tings, ntoeqnite bile, and sonomi plant, neurairta, rncnmattsm, agne la the eat, salt rstsamuete. .When taken internally. It will posiureiy ear ereap laeniiarea, sua give rmmedist. reuei in tne were so ei ini names eompnunt; also, remove, hoaraea and tor throat. Price, m) neat bettto. .BboaidlaeTibonr' Por .ale by Drag- gam bb sari, irkins. . . - Bote rroprwtor, m opraeeti , mew yore, exilfcwlyle ' We leal lactic eaa done she arxm nreca rations bat by procnrlng and reading deacrlpUre puoph UM. 4 , toana wttn au acBiare, or win no eat by rroprletor n demand. Pormala aad Trial Beam nt to Phral Ian, who will find development hp each worthy taetr mepmnee and approval. .. , , , ' OeviespOBderjce wikited from all Vhcee aeceesltle or eartsdly prompts so a utu oi ta anere satiable Berne i Por at op lb Bawd wnoleeale and' ataU dealer OTVIJF lrto6Io" l' " ' 40t lM.aai;jlBrBWei.i;y Froprleta carkanar am rwxaaACWoTitr, ; - - Vo. Coautertlal Wharf, Bo tea, ax, f, Boberbj A Samuel. BT. B. Marple, J. ft. Ooek. J.. M Dealer. S. Deakr to Ben. A. i. Bchaelkrmiow. Areata r voiaaaDwa. vuw. asyi-oiy ri EifTtenBHiB rCRjeiSHITSO ' M M tl i hJ n i .i -11- EmlBalitrd I Pari Kid Gloree, (nparler fleataa Hill Sbtrto, variea etylc. Boys' Oeatoa UUI BMrta, do -Drlrtnx end Street eiewse, ow eeamed Pocket UuxlkerohieSj. fries- Half Ham and Usdes maimaala aaiit st ana. rtlS a ri m,- High atnat. 1 : t I.TQUOna- ill e. BOtJIBOH.. , . i Bt rwiTol god for mte lew hr ca-s, by . a -' " lACELLB EOS to CO.. X .1 W'i-iBlMHlssraClBme Tim n 1 , '7i per year. .....,.....'.... .......... .a IBM Th Weekly, per rear.. Weekly, peryeai m 4 u toe m Gen. Fremont and the Administration. ,.,... As there Is moon, loterest felt la the eoantry ss to the relations ezistlag between Geo. Fir. our aod the Administration, we publleb the following extracts from letters from St. Louis. Thi statement of the Cincinnati OtttUt that FstatoNT was to be .removed 00 Tuesday, ths 23d lost., la eontradloted by telegraph from St. Louis. These letters show dearly that the or gans of the AdmioistratloB are determined he shall be removed, and tf they are Dear true, there ought be no hesitation lo removing him. Ths St. Louis correspondent of the New Tork World, ao Administration organ, writes ss fol loss: , , n . ST. LOUIS, Oct. 15. The public miod is profoundly agitated upon the administration of affairs la tbi military de partment. Fremont has many tealoat friends, as well as many enemies, irom giouods not at all personal. Much of the dlfoontent may arise from the fact that little has been done la the field as yet, and fresh outbreaks. srs recurring on the lines of railroad. No expense has been spared on the troops Whatever money or Credit oould buy. Irdm brass and silver bands to tent fljoring, bu beeo bought. Ice, water barrels, by the car load, surgical inttrnments enough for the Grand Army of the Emperor, besides vsst quantities of provisions.' clothing, horses, wagons, eto., eto. Verily we hare bad enoogh of tbe "pride, pomp, and circumstance of war," to bave seen its virtues. FLUTTER AMONG THE CONTRACTORS. The announcement of Secretary Cameron re ferring Informal claims to the proper authori ties at Washington, has raised decided com motion, the results ot which will be to lead to some rich developments, in wblcb the whole eonntry is Interested. It appears that pattits lo this city and floating capitalists, have taken large and lucrative contracts for tbe Govern meot npon no other authority than tbe General commanding aua nis suDordiaates. Toe banks bave advanced large Bams of money npon these transactions, holding tbe certified claims as se curity. Tbe Secretary's decision has npset their calculates, and ditturbed the equilibri um of the money market. - The streets bave been foil of rumors of fraud ulent and swindling transactions on tbe part of tbe contractors, for tbe tenth part of which I wonld not vonch, though It would be strange If they were entire flouoo. Thus It is repotted that the extensive fortifications have cost the Government 190 000. when comneteot toA neers say $120,000 would have been ample Another contract for horses was sold for $10, 000 tbe same day tt was obtained. A third was for 200,000 bushels of corn at 60s. per bushel, yielding a net profit of 45o. a bushel! Ooe ps- irioiio inaiviaaai lurmsnea boot to the uovern meet, th soles of which were stuffed with ns per ana shavings! Some lucky one who was out worth a dollar on the 1st 01 Marsh, drew out of bank $79,000 on the day tbe Quarter master left. Aa express company is said to bave received $500 per gnn f.r fifty heavy gnns shipped as ordinary freight, when tbe railway companies wonld bar been glad to get 6O0. per cat. fjr tbe same, the guct baring laid nae- lets on tbe gronnd ever since. Jobbery la provision contracts, swindling In arms, clothing contracts, and almost everything else. Tbe friends of Fremont say that these are malicious representations oi tbe less lortnnate indlvlda els who failed to get their florer Into the na tional pocket; W hatever may be tbe facta, tbe people are promised some startling exposures by the result of the investigating committee, whoso attention will be given to tbe matter at once. ... i i'. i Tbe Pbilsdtlpbia Prttt, another Admin is tra tion organ, has a St. Louis correspondent, who writes as follows: ST. LOUIS, Oct. 15, 1861. GENERAL FREMONT'S PLANS TO CAPTURE PRICE. My letter of tbe 1st con tab an intimation that yon might hear Irom me again, with reier eoce to the regal state in whloh onr military commander lire and moves, aod the lavish ex penditure of tbe publio money by Government officials. But events . have since transpired more worthy ot Immediate attention, aod to wblcb tbe subjects above Indicated mutt, for the present, give place. . Upon too Ian 01 Lexington, me Dress ot Bt. Louis, controlled by Gen. Fremont, undertook to quiet the publio mlud by asserting that tbe omiftion to reinforce Col. Mulligan wonld in the end prove advantageous to the Government; at Gen. Fremont would cat off Price's retreat, turroond him st Lexington, and cither cat him to pieces or fores him to en aDoondltional tor render. This promise of a speedy annihilation of tbe rebel general and his command, was her alded lax aod near by tbe corps of newspaper correspondents who accompany Fremont in bis march; and, do doubt, succeeded in postponing any dsfinlte action by the Cabinet at Washing ton on the General's ease. But tboee of our. Union men woo had measured the calibre of Price And Fremont, entertained no such hope, but confidently predicted that Price would alio through his hands, and this prediction bss bees fully verified! lor rrue is on bis retreat to tbe Southwest, and At leaat ten days In advance of tbe Grand Army of tbe West. "I Tbe escape ef rrioe adds one more blunder to tbe already extended list. . instead ef send Ing his army forward to 8edalia by railroad, and by a lorceu marcn oi two days, encamping at warrensDnrg, immediately in tbe rear of rrlce, Fremont remained with a large Dortion of bis army a week at Jefferson, City, end another week at iipton. ana or uis oeiav trave frlce ample time to fall back in tbe direction of Ar Kansas, ana escape wita bis enure army. THE SUMMER CAMPAIGN IN MISSOURI. t Thus ends the summer esmpelgo In Missouri. by no means creditable ta the Federal arms, and only remarkable for tbe fact that It indi cates conclusively the utter incapacity of Gen Fremont to take charge of a military command. No one doabto ble patriotism or loyalty, bnt blsanfitness for a military leader Is too apparent lor any earn, ana tne sooner be is lupertedea: tbe eooner will rebellion meet Its reward lo Missouri. Price Is tonal In energy, tod far his to perl or In intellect, shrewdness, and tbe pow er to command and control large bodyef mea. - lie. moreover, baa a thorough knowledge ef the eoantry, and tbe people who Inhabit it; While rremoat is ignorant ot noto, ana refutes lo receive Infer nation when tendered to blm by tbe prominent Union men of tbe State. - GEN. FREMONT'S REGAL HABITS. ' Muoh has been Bald la the pablie jonrnele about his silly attempts to ape the habits and customs of foreign courts, ana while I have no disposition to allude to them, as mattets of se- rioojreproacn, yet is may oe uteiul as - indicat ing the mental status of the man. , , r AU treat men exhibit' some oeonUar weak ness of character, and if Gen. Fremont can be classed In that category, his consist in a fever Ish apprehension that tbe world will aever dis eorec iii grtatates... The winning ef few battles over ft all - tarred ana bare loo ted rebeu would scarcely perpetuate his same hevood a dosea ceceradont; bat If he oould catabkeh imperial eonit la she Western wuoa thai wotua eclipse those ef the most polished nations of Kurope, who knowe eat waat a Hioesaaa year hence his name might All the largest page of history T ,Tbe idea le certainty novel, if U poe soseee no other merit, and our general seiied it with an appetite that would bare done credit to tbe vtiaeat ana most oooceitta ywewsaw i In a rr.iwlnr eltt like St. Louis, of ene nna dred and sixty tbeusaod.inbabStaots, U is .at nuuaual to find men, who, from In Jos try and a tita hf amlrltv.' have . acsnmnlaUd ins- jneaee fortunes. Assong those wm Colonel Brsnt, an old end much esteemed eltlieo. who in the latter part of bis Ufa, a many bars done before him, conceived the' idee of buildin a palatial residence, that would not only be an or nament to tbe oity, but ssrvs ss e monument to perpetuate his memory.- No money was spared In Its erection, and I best) v on It ao empty compliment, when 1 aat It I hot suroea. ed (n grandeur bv the mention of anv noble- en In England. ' It waa ranted r Ganswal Fremont at from six to ten thousand dollars per annum, end Is occupied br htm aa his head. quarters, while many of our largest and most oosUy dwellings are Vacant for want of e tenant at nve hundred. ' - , - FREMONT AND HIS BODY GUARD. Ths next steo In the nMimm, in uhk i lish a body guard of three hundred picked men, j which was done without regard to ihi tender feelings of Uncle Sam's treasury. , These men are mounted on tbe finest steeds the eonntry could furnish, and each guard has a uniform more OOStly than A Briradier-Gmeral's. It ia ssld that tbe caps cost from twelve to fifteen dollars m piece. If yon have no ooosotenUont soraples against betting, I will wager yon pair of premium boots that- honest old Abe never wore a bat lo bis life that cost over five. Tbe General never leaves tbe palace, not even to go a half dozen squares without being eooompaaled by bis body guard. Prince Nanoleon while hare called upon tbe General, and rode to the palaoe in a oommon back aoaocompanted by any save one of his salts. Tbe call was oromoilv re turned by tbe General. surronnded bv hia entire body guard, much to tbe amusement of the boys and the obstruction of the publio hlghwsy. . ; GENERAL FREMONT'S LOVE FOR STEAMBOATS. Another elrcnmstance will serve to Illustrate the love of show so predominant in onr general: Yon havs heard of the fleet of eight msgolficsnt steamers cbsrtcred by the General to take blm and a part or bis command to Cairo. Three would have taken tbe entire force, but eight wu deemed necessary to make en imposing dis play, and astooikb the natives who inhabit the log-cabins on tbe Father of Waters. . ! -The fleet wm anchored opposite the city, aod only awaited the presence of the General to start opon Its mission. A carriage (the Identi cal one that conveyed the Prince of Wales through onr street), drawn by two black borses, wss sent to tbe Palace for lbs General. but the furn ouf did not comport, with the dig nity ot his position, and an order was immedi ately sent to tbe livery stable for two additional horses of tbe same mettle and color, which was promptly compiled with, and bis Excellency drawn to tbe boat by four gay chargers. i These exhibition of personal vanity might, to some extent, be overlooked If the txpeim was borne by tbe General, but, unfortunately, tbe Din nas to do looted by Uncle Sam, wbo.yon know, is by no means aa flush as in formsr times; Indeed, It is even birted that, at times, tbe old gentleman Is a little short of morket money. ; j GENERAL FREMONT'S SECLUSION. the will also serve to illustrate his character act! fitness aa a military leader. I allade to bis almost Id' variable habit of secreting himself from the public eye, even to tbe exclusion of tbe most prominent union men or tne weet, who call npon him to Impart valuable information. Gen eral Fremont came here totally Ignorant of the character and magnitude of ths rebellion in Missouri. If I am not misinformed, he bad not been la the State for filteeo years. Under tne circumstances, a prudent ana sxgeolou Gsnsral would have freely advhieed and oon- eultsd with prominent men from difforant local ities, ana gathered the lntormatian which ha needed, and whloh was eo eeeenilal to hie eno oees. But not so with General Fremont, for he closed his door against all such Intruders, and it any one succeeded in reaching bl august presence, it waa through the grace of God, aod tbe peciai presumption ot tbe usoeral's Stan, GEN. FREMONT'S TREATMENT OF GOV. GAMBLE AND HON. JOHN S. PHELPS. A ft examples by way of Illustration! Ham 11 ton R. Gamble, our prominent Provisional Governor, Is an eminent lawyer, of large wealth, ana commanding innaence throughout tbe State. Though a Whig in principle, be was elected bv ah overwhelming rote of the State ae lodge of our Supreme Court, and by his judicial associ ates selected as tbe presiding justice. Subse quently, be was elected a delegate from ibis county to tbe Convention called by a secession Legislators to drag Miesrari out ot the Union. Judge Gsmble became the prominent man of toe Convention, and, by reason of bis well known loyalty and admitted ability, was select ed by the Convention as tbe Provisional Gover nor. As Governor of tbe state, he deemed It bis duty to call on Gen. Fremont, with the view of effecting a Joint notion on tbe part of the reaerai ana Btite authorities in putting down tbe rebellion. He did caU, aod, after passing a file of . soldiers, reached tbe basement hall. where he was permitted to stand until he could receive sn answer to his card. An hoar elaps edno answer came, and the Governor picked np bis broad-brimmed hat and made a baaty re treat to his hotel. : Tbe Bon. John 8. Poelps, now aod for fifteen years past a member of Con gress from the Springfield district, In this State, and, sineetbe war, commander of a large Union Home Guard, had valuable information to Im part ts the General.. He called at the place at 7),MII, and sent his card from the basement hail. After waiting an hour tbe reply came, stating that -the General had retired, but would see Major Phelps the next morning. The Ma jor waa prompt to the appointed time, and, la re sponse to bit second card, waa miormed that Me jor-General Fremont was engaged- , GEN. FREMONT AND THE UNION MEN. Now you would hardly suppose that, after these rebolu, any man, without bull doc Mur age, wonld have ventured on a similar experi ment; bnt men do not always profit by tbe ex- fierience of others.' They have la New York, f not In yonr city, swindling dsns called snecx ewed'eas, and so pestiferous had they become tbal the Mayor baa detailed special policemen to stand by the door with a placard in hand, so on which were printed, ia large letters, tbe words, "Beware ef Mock Aaotloas-". .Yst, notwithstanding tbls precaution, many innocent persons ventured in, and were victimised, , So with Gov. Testes, of Illinois, wbo oaae to see the General on special bosiness connected with tbe war, and many others, including generals, colonels, member of (togrese, etc. The fate of Gamble and Phelps had no terror for them. and they ventured in and ventured out again, without seeing his Roytl Ui$kmm; This silly attempt to ape royalty among a people wbo have been raised to venerate a oublloan form ot government, bat thoroughly disgusted all sensible men. . , : .. . - - The Union men of Missouri, wbo bave brone the brunt of the rebellion here, andwho have risked their property and lives to maintain the authority of the Uovernment, will bave noth Ing more to do with him. He bat refused their co-operation, and tbey wiU new, leave him to paddle bis own canoe. : .. -g, .v t- ; . ' .tt .1 .1 1.1 -. TYT ... J u ' Al Buiuoniiee at tv Bsoiogwa.arw wm: mined to keep alive the rebellioa In Missoeii, they can adopt no method ao eaeotnai as Beep ing Fremont lo.oommand ef the Department of tbeWeM.. At Uas,tie Urns settled oonvlo JUNIUS. ET A London oomspondant says that "the nnhapoy relations that xist boteeoa the Pi la ae Roval of Eogland end tbe hatbaad seleot. ed for her by the laws which regulate royal al liances, have now become ae well known thai le die to remain longer reticent opoa the sub Jeet. It is stated that thaoiroumttaaee baa oo- easionea tne uvenett coaeera u tne most dutia gulshed household In tho land, and thai ae paloa bave been, spared to make repreeentationB ths quarter to whloh aa appeal might he sup posed to have some weight. -. That royal alii. aaoes,ae at present eosdMted.iheuld terminate unhappily, cannot be a matter of surprise, bat tbe Prince oi Prussia, from his youth ead appa rent frankaese and sender, gave promlee proving aa exception to tbe general run ef Ger man brlnoeetils u-tJ , J.j. (( , ' . to n ii i i n w';.t t '' eoMiBB Flcwemos KlfihtloaJe Is eo sorloatly TU as to preclude aU hope of her recovery. . . , . It in of j. UAttDWAKfiSTbCE -' H -'.' ,- , ,', 1 .,5,.,, ' "" Vi''" . . , ) -, ,';.l-, ! . . ' JUST RECEIVED BY .- L?o. 30 North High Street, One et the largest aad lest fclMtsd JumttV Off BTBR OPTBBED IN THIS OITTI ' , ! ar ; . House Builders' Fornisiiinga Of" BVBRT BTTLB AND Q0A1ITY.' , r reach at Aaterlcaa VtrirtcJio w . olcuBfii i :' ' ' ' PAINTS GBOTJND IN OIL, ' tad pat p la half pound cant for family a, aad Dry , Paint in talk. . . brushes of every variety & quality. A Splendid Atsortmsnt of , MACHINISTS TOOLS. CARRIAGE MATERIADS. AXES GRINDSTONES, eto. . GUNS, PISTOLS, SHOT, o- " FISHING TACKLE. ROPE At CORDAGE LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER. ;.' BELTING. W EDGES, MAULS, PUMPS, ' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SCYTHES, etc.. ' SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS Table and Pocket Cutlery. especially Invite th attention ef all interested to my stock of Pocket and Table Cutlery, and ' MILVEK PLATED fOKKSJ, Table, Desert, and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, &c., ef HOQEBRh A BRO'S. Manufacture, warranted to be extra heavy, Electro-Plated, on genuine Albatta. Country Merchants, Mechanic, and other, ar Invited i call and examine ay Block, a I am prepared tear II kolai and Retail. ,. WM. A. OILL. Solumbua, Ohio, May U, 1W0. GREAT CUBE. DR. LELAND'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND ' IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Rheumatiim, Gout and Bearalgia, AND A SURE CUBE POR , 'All Mercurial Diseases. It I a conveniently arranged Band, containing a med icated (ompoand, to be worn a round the Walat, without tnjnry to tbe meet delicate person ; no Chan re ia habits ot tiring la required, and it entirely remeree th dl ease from the system, without producing th Injurious effect arlatnx from th ns of powarfoi Internal audi- Once, which weaken sad destroy the constitution, aod Eve temporary rsitet only. By thi treatment, the mod irislpropertleeeonuirjed la the Band com la eoolaot with th blood and reach lb disease. Ihrouiih the norci ef the to In, effecting hi eeery Instance perfect core, and restoring the parts afflicted to a bealihy oeodKioa. Ths) Band la all a moetpewerful Ajm-MaacoaiAX aawnt, and will enUrely rellere the system (roa ihtymmoiomt tracts o( Mercury. Moderate ease ar eurrd in lew ' days, aad we are eoaetsntly rocetveng Ustiinoatol ef Its eitteeey to arrravatad eaaMcf long standing. raica UW. to be bad of Pragglst gBrally, er can b sen thy mail or express, with (nil dlrecdons for sue. to any part of the country direct from the Principal Oflkos, - ' lo. 409 BROADWAY, lew York. . G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors. -N. Descriptive Circular Bent Pree. A. J. BeOU ELL BB to BO!. Dscwetrre. Aeswra No. S77 S. High Bt bet. friend and Meaad, Ooinmbm, 0. IE7 A are ate Wanted Evorywhoro. mhSS-lylaorlstpdkW PROF. Li. MILLER'S HAIR : IllVIBORATOR An IffectlTe, Sate and- Xeonomloai ' k Componnd, fOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR , Te It original color without dyeing, aad preventing Hair Brum taralnf gray. FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, Aadeaitaf tt,whaonhrem th least parttele of vftsJI .: j . . . e reaaperatl eaargy laaatoiagk FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUK ' - AadallBmnoaetin ef the Bealp. - rOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR. ' 1 ; lamarung to It aa nneqaled glos and brilliancy, makln Iteoftaadcilkp to It taxtars, aad seating It t ctu) readily. - ....... I ha great celebrity aad Ineiwaetag dmd for this a., dquatod preparation, convince th protwmtor that an trial a only ninsmry to satisfy a diacerning public of 1W Mperior qualiUa. eree any ether ptopaeatlea to a.' It ' rts the head and enlp trosa daadreA" aad ether eataneoBS dies, oaasing the hair to grew laxerianUy , giving It nan, (en, giosey ana b.xidi appearance, an alas, whorethehair lelooeenrngand thinning, It will sit ' strsagth and vlaetW she note aBd restore the growth t hoe part which have Sworn bald, eaasiaf lite yield i. rath oorarlng of hair There are bandied ot radios and gestlemea In New Terk who have bed their hair restored ay the ess et tha ' InriroraSar. when aU ether rajeraUaaibar.rul. k. ' hi. aat ta hat pomemlon letun laaamarabts emtiortog to tbe above net, from persos of th highest c edaeeia- j Mtitr. It will eeectaally prevent tbe hair (rom turniag . naUl th la teat period r lttj aad ta teen wneretbe hair ha already hanged laeoto, toe am ef ta lorijrsaalor win with crawly restore it lo it to IU original hue. air ing it a dark, gleeey eppeaisumn-A a perfame for the toUetanda llalr Besteratlrt U le particularly -mended, baring aa agreeable fragrance; and toe great (a- , etiltta tt eCerde tn drsming eh heir, which, when moist with the tavtgerator, ana b Sr. mid at any, aegatred ' tormeHtopiMewalUplaoawB4arpltnrsrtaara i bene th great demand (or it by th ladies a etandard , toilet article which none ought to be wiikoaLa Ih Brio paws 11 wttam the reach e( all, heme i"" ' ""Only Twenty-lit Cent :v MrhotUa. to be bad at all reepeetabU Dnwglttaaad, ... ... - perfemen. ' I'MTLLIB weaVl call th attenOceof Partati'and ' Owardwame to ef hto Invtgoraeor, In eases where ' tea ahiUreaa hair iodines U to weak.. The oat eg a kxjs the roBBdatieo kr sgoo( Amis' Aaar, a II to- : more any hnparittot that may have base mo eoeoeoted With th scalp, the moral ef which I sostamry both 1 tnr th healta ef toe toat, end She fatore ppaaraao of ialr.v ,. .i ., ; - t 04tmo.-HoB gesuiD without the lae-aUalh LOFrB MILLBB aelg the eater wrapper) abw, L. MIL- 9 isri bU1,WTJWBATOB,1i. v., wowa la the ''wUtoalS epet.M twp etreet, ead sold by all 'the'1 erincirai aaas Drmmtam shrMtat ih world Ijiewa) Sn"" r-""""!"""! .1 1 aaa Smtre to pre to She Amsrmta Publie my - rtw m xxnovxD - atuaritson ' j LIQUID :i!Aln DYtV' ' which, afte year ef geteatlne experi-wmtfiig, I awe broaeht t porfmtloa. It e Black , Biwwb tostanslp , witbtiutinJurrteUie Bsir er la warranted, the beet . erttotoaf eM ktad ta eajatoaee. ,.;rRicrs, only 9 cms."; V.,'; Depot," Dcy Et, Kcw York otettttAvir.