Newspaper Page Text
-I,' I, i i 1 ... . ' v MUXa, TnUlaliere. A EO. W. HIAJIIlrEni, mmrf COLUMBUS, OHIO - 1 - TKBTDAY MORNINg, OCTOBEtC u, A Great Battle. .,natillnrlojBoaiaottiOi4l Rlobmond" Me4 3 tiiwilwVlooklf.i out for a gta e.. 1 ."Ull K..i..1.t. VV e. flenlnlve 01110 01 DaiM. r ' -U..I... iV.lktl - . .1. ,tn.l eceuloa nerve ehall prove to be fully tlP"' w true oueieper wltl be taj to, - lYeTtiJ Ji. SilVl ft BCAla. V- i-- . ,.1 ' .. ..! A nmn rm fiTM 100 Wire. ' ' n kwuv. - - ; . fMim hUcommj.". W. UTonoldeowbat origiu- tM eooh Yeportriolefe "Tf ..U .nk k VeDOrf. WDlMOIl Wrui -- otwmo men forjret btwo na M . .t . o i f not sItIok thenv od. ik. nnirl oo ce B u""""" " nn ffet DO flre Pa wr - -o- - u 6 i iL. afann most bvo n opposing kwj w - isl B4k 4sht. A UJUeo brgsin, so In wur it takes least two to make a battle." it- ' ""'" We mai bear of great battlo toe nezi oour, and that may bo touoweo. oj w"" 'grealbattlee." roteioiy oero juj kill b4 yuly mm UfcW aiuwaii - 7' - become aocustomea 10, " - to ooo iideand the other. If tue reoeia wu notrUk a general engagement, au our 'i" . . i . ,k.m and finht them - us li to auw appw uin " ' in thimn'wM. Either battle, ot kdrances into tne "'"17 rebeli won't eland nd fight, driro ttem oao, the Gulf. Let the onward mofement k hnt not too 'elow. - "We hate made aomo blonder: but it Is eaid.thew are all for the bet-1 lar, ai they have tiught our officers some great . , vk.-..U. The oeoolo are disposed to put ..w .k. nm.ided it be shown that 7 ' v, J , nertKnc-. It is about time hate piofited by tiperlnce. ". now that some tuCBaemonsirauuu. Tha ia with sums folks as mncn 1017 u otuj too long In maaiog jrcpviu r tint ondertaklug, ne taere is wa oio Ine forward before tbey art properry prepared. The country has wetted,, tor oor 8uu mi" to move, with as much patience and cour-1 "teeT a earalier wait for hfly to erTangt her toilet for a ride. 1 ne exouae v. niahijg the telegraph and the papers wltn tne news of a peat battle, ia the the tebela won't fiirht in Uree naaesee,,, prewy cmiu 1 preat one' "on our part! We shall, peer int,Oown , the rebellion y aucb;a polisy. Tnaldaa of iatarvtog or worrying the tebela aut by Uoekr ada and other reetrlctlone npoa'tfada or Inter-, course, Is, or ought to be well nigh exploded. , If tbtetieiTeftise-itan4and lettrs itoot then down: y hundreds and theusamis, what ramin for!mr Generals to'do. bnt to" advioce through Virginia, Kentucky, and Missouri into the territory proper if 1 Beeesda, with aomo ahipg of,theeagcUyii4 1ri0.fitB','Vlr tfAfoiaoV. -Wa have tha war fefel and U aoldiert for such etterpilaes.'.Have waOt; or can, e not have tbe commandeI(Unr.0v they don't intend at present 10 auaca " .ton, CinoinnaU ,f ;9t laiula-o BaVr we to noereat battle." unless It be t defensive United States District Attorney Bail Requested. Tbe Oipit9Li!y.faJ published at Colum bus, Ohio, in an auvoie amrmiuK io .wu-w of an order b tbU Slate of the Knight, ef the Golden Oueio, eays: "w BaTucwx-.. eerwal weeks, on authority which we art opt at -liberty to make pnblio, of the existence of 'Qroie'in tbi city Columbus, andiiamea menbera have keen given o wu., mention or some or wnien wouia . mnnlty.and c.uaeyai men to eha .their 4era t a tde attention of United B-U to tha abore. nd to eucaeat to. h U th proprurty C hv lag; the editor ot tne xer Bro.g Bwtes Grand Jury, now In Session In this eity, and compel him to dlsctoaa what ha'knowa ol the Cirole." The charge is a serious one, and .k. l,ir shnaM aui be nermitt4 to eep- arate without an iuveiiglia oivjCineia r ' . -j Tha aacoad M0ik2 U 4b- 0 TtO f ODUah ireaaon and other ferlmee.awed mttttState Apriri!irth;'I86f; V6vldes:h.yn perion " having knowledge or any treason asatwi mup State or ihe United Stites, ahaH.wJJfuUy jmit or relua ugtva-uiormauon inerav. w u. Govama, ar aeaaa Judge ef thU State, or to the PceelJejt at the United Statti, shall baf daaned a-ulltv aa acoaesarUa to treasoni and, a cost- viotlon thereof, shall ba impr)8one4 In tha pen itentiary, M Urd'.labor,,nVtleea ithan tea nor more than 1 Ueuty jaaia. tLf. t r.. Death of Col. Ryan. A telegraphic diapatca, at aa mat evening;, eommnnioatea melaneholy- Intel)! fence tbe death of Colonel ihaI Ayaa, Hamilton, Ohio. The event is Bculeaed among ear reg ular dlapalohee.,i r o(Y illi'lJ Colonel Ryan, at the time of his decease, wu actively and sealooaly engaged In, organ izing toe Fiftieth Ohio Volunteer Regimen, with most tatterinaj-proepeeteOf kn-ejHy eon-( snmmatioo of tha patriotio work We trust that the euddea terminatiea. ai.bia aaraer wiii . not bar tha effect to dletarv 4b 'pragreaa af eniistmenta ami organisation ) He had long beD a highly noboted citizen of Sailer bounty.. Ws'belisv that h wae " awtiv and to tha maaot born "had held offleee af trust and re eponsibilty, the duties of which, ha discharged with fidelity wee lawyer of fair aapaaity, a gentleman of the snoat wrbaae manner and genial temperament, honorable In all his deal ings, patriotic id, all hia impulse, an ardent Butte' Bight Democrat, and, ell to all, a gen-tlemaaof natur' snolo-Cii Enqwktr. '-- - Taowtrw Akasas. TheOovarnorof Ar kansu la in great trouble. : Tha eooUud mm of a large smarter of itat officiate with tbo Cniederat armj rotmbere ot too iegi- lataret BherllTa, judges, etc. renders U almoet Impoaolble, be aa;, aba the maohinwy af gov ernment can b kept la motion and the lawe ex ecuted. Id codequenbeef this Stat Of tblng. tne Wovefnof aays on half of the offices of the State are practically ,viMDt, and tht there i nd anlhoiity to aupply-th dnunnoy Tata. iail ih matte, r caneina; tha oublie lntrfcto uffe)fm1W7nd th reinbf gotetnmeuiio, nang ousej, .Mlf ,v. -1 j -mm ,i. 1 ;- ' ITT The Harrisbargh (P.) PHjpti Utoi Jv. .J ("" -. S m,NwYork rrttaas haibiadetlje aittgi- lar discovery, that in -tha 'uaw,. 'snaylvasta Huabf AprMttUim th 4lepwbHeaa'r "PannlaV wir ttta -a' emall nalorlty."''!! mild anxzl tha Tribune to Drove) this ear tiou but fortyaevea Hepublicens ar Ieoted to the Honse.lucMine U of that.Dirtv ejeot- rdonUaH illUMlJ The af f-Si.8ett Is rfWrt4 1 a vett delieatwe'e of 'beahlf, a'rd Qyl'.e a war tVr'To nervousueea' and the Atucricut pnpei-ty Tha Parle eorMepondou to. the JUifi Star, mentions that oue of b teu ui ; la "Mr. KIckettKi better koown a AnnaCoe &low'tt" Death of Col. Ryan. A Card. tb Qo ICopit. at CloTolana. Id which Got. MidaM IdUor of the Cmi.) were reproeeated u to. 1 i..,, f ik. .Had or BUM DMUQIUHIT followed up his remarke tj worae aim !l.troDglydenoonoliiglhchMg(MWMU'fr7 ....f. - tki." -...! flt.,lnl mat 01 I ' l I 1 i F "Mitatement UiairATNK naa maae. .. , , T,( L r I 1 I 1 I wet - l j I uted to him, as near ai could from reooneo- I U0Blrial tht teatlafony iraa and' what raTfii I ..tji" remarked. 1'the testlmonv amonnts that I fbould nulloe some .point of a, article .. A ' . . ' l L Bpprlog U (5rie of yesterday, and fcorrect' a mlsuader. M-naiV and mv.elf. In .relation to the pUb!leUQa .oLJ4wUnjKt-''f d UD,urti, lnvol4.. From the eitiole in theCWii,I copy th following Inarai?rarjb: ,', tr-ia.. '.n.,,: am of thditors .t i . . M. nlK HI tbt the cnerge wu sum u uw -- - tbeame tmt denoonolng; it. course. W nartlimllt. Thle . WB .ID j .k..-.. klf mif. snd kDQW- wv uu Ul buuu wviign ' , 1 l0 th4 muer .1 tho tim..( 1 f me Per'on 1!lde,1 " I- ! .in tu oorruu iuum v , y"p f . Itotioi 100 pwtfmw,- oo 'Mootletori of tb iS(a(eMM that I oho "o oi ny oi d lOBiiiuuuT- ,i (,., ,i .iat i, . iV eiUOfcuu f uiu his ... , 1 1 m ; nriikn imni wy oorrooi, wi w omeremur y y I repeated from reqollobtlon wbt Mr. ht4 jjjj stjinooy, aod. hat, f aim, the'.DUtict'AWoniliy. bad laid, I remarked Q tmoDy did not antnoriifr tne pn ;weaoaayf ,b.ibi .wr prooedtageotwearitaay la inooaaeoi vout iwere receuev. ao were nu mm w M,a lttfererenc to thisIerlon county affair, eapeolally 15 regard, to Coow, U fM "oogM j... 4- n (k. that thu uu no.oui.iyp v - teatlmony in ma case at leaat enouia do pnouan- 1,4, that-the? might read and linow Joel wnat ; morn .1 re pro- oBedlngaj..O--. UIe. no on oomplained. c Tbe t Kodeedinw eamo In th Ctereland m - 1 rWer. thtf Mme'b'aperrom .whleV.was copied h tfay'i' proceedings, and therein I.fonnd t i0Uow.ig iri. tbt testimony of Dr. Cmtis- , ThnkiTlfr.'tTodSer loldhIni he cot tbe obli. rstlon from Bm.L Medary, either .directly or through Mr. Salisbury, of Cardington, ,Mor. row cbunt cot tne Impression from Mr, Bod 1 der tbavt the association extended throughout tbe State, and that there was one in Commons. a inen inwnawiw puwisn vu. .our qmnn 0r counieli bat vpan reading raTwi e remarn, J lM they'weTo 'tot Jnstlfled 'or'instaincd .by chwsti an'b teeUmony , and W not pnouan mem kefltMe' te- nBjuty reflected upon Go?. Mida- 1 aJ t jj,, iatimmi wae then eent to the com -lpo!trB room." Then, it was I went touor 1 mI1)AlJ'B office, with the purest intention, and I Mke(, hlm if j,, had fm ha testimony and PAr'atPeech... Pa replied o." 1 Wen re to 'nothing, knd. doe not euttaia Sit. fatMx'a Mmarke.'Vaify Ohjeot la notifying Gov.' M- oiat of tht; Was to 'gi ve Mm an opportanljy of saying.ret; Ws Ofa hmhwhat, be might do slre in oontrad8QPf believing that woeld have more fare than anything I might Say editorial ly; and 'tttf' mtf Itwonld glffmj an j)p DOrtuuliy'.'ef ardaln 'mi. blieI:.of,the-iB'ntantb- folnaaa .afrit 'J'llW A 0 if'ji'lw rna .t -tSsO 1 did arot duggft&ii, becinsd Be Is1 an bltfer and inoTf etperienced man' th&a "myseU, and tnight i4aemjanyauggestJoas.r night mako at prasomptuoua. &Aftet soma. Immaterial oonver satloa, I lelttwilh th Jmpreseloa that he, after reading exactly what 'had been aald, would no tice it, either through the SmXwb or bis owa paper? and that I would, of course; with jileae tire bablbjh'wrlalever be felt catled'npon to aav Bat hi, as he say 9,',' inin;thei falsity, paid no lor tbe attenliaa to tha matter at the rime." Ia h etrange, then, that I, hot Aowln '' but JefitniaiiHnelr .falstty, should pay no further attention to the mattei at the time T ! "- VM s maoh Iapreeeea with the belief i eonld te, without he sajlik ao.'that wah"6nid have a card jjroia .ttov. $?' th next day, b thought (ha matter of eumoient Importance. Tniabaine: thaoaseIwaa hatotmded at what tjectnred on" the atreet the fiext ioorhlng be- tweeauar. udabt ana .myseu, ana wnwn would aot allude to were it not that a false statement baa been published in a paoet i this city, and copied v extensively jinrongoont in State, fU:.,cri ,.4.- ,,.. iis oc nThia morning, tha Governor .met MrMarOn oa hla;way to tha poetofBce, and atonca'selced bim bv tha eollar. uaicr eome Terr forcible Tarn guage, and telling Mr. Martin tbat ha (Martin) wa tha irst JCniKot ever made In tble eity , that tha Stateem office wu their headquarters, and thai ha would ha arr member of tbe Order in Una eity arreatad fov treason before oight.A ''.Three pomtt'ltl tble eiafement are nntroarr farst", .That Col' MuoAar.f by tha oeUar;" free', That 1 am one of irhat termed tha Knlghtar Third, ThHhe men offloe wal their headquartere.' Tha iM C0I.H1BAB eonld have p$ithely dnled.'s' hi did not hut his band" on me. ''He eonld Also oontraaioi ,iue eccvna juiu wire, witn af moob eocfldeoc aa J could hav contradlot--m 1 ..w a rTaiM.V 'O ' Col. WinAi publishes- (ha following article from tnePWf-"!?e!a th h? u ;.-.. THB UbITW rATrtimlC'ATTORNIT OF twb poCrai ear 1fSTncr of umo. 11 is seldom that w nooe anytblng pobllehed In the paper printed in 1M1 city called tee vatia( viij re(, but In It leant af Thursday, October. IT, an ar ttole appears, from which wa ' extract the fol- lowlne, which demands the attention or tne au noriH..r l.. :.. 4 - , -W wonid rem trear in is matter as a dmb- lea dream, disbelieve tbat leading members of tbe DemocraUe party iave conspired to over throw th' Governmentj but tha reality s too palpabl M admltof doubt. ' Vf e are surround- a Dy aangeroua meo, ana 00 one snows iubi ne I not ConvetetBg with a (supposed) friend, who has eworn the moat terrible oath to murder his neighbor nd destroy me Uovernmeot. Is not tha refleatton BlamtnaT ahd are toot loral men ealled npon to move vigoronely In the work of ferre-tin out tho vii fiende who bar sworn allegiance to Jeff. Davie and destruction to the. fliilnff T ' ntu wmin men nam ecm una 10 or. luti iht txitttnet of tuck tganiUtio pu$tiki tt kmv bttn aieare far ttteral oi. o a. tLtbw 9ica weHtr not f LberiH U mail tublie. tf tt ccfcrtenre fc 'Circle U lAi city; mnd itnc, tht mtnthn tf earn f vhieh mold $trtte smMttnVv. and nsi loyal men to thun their fT. - ... . a. nbiwvatnM0 oeaiaieenoeaout oiwnoi olotb, and a fibel njWo ' th people of this oity' And we U twBef e tbat any man beiog poneeswed af enab tAlOrmatiefl ne1e here .stated, and rerftdestewaka trpatiHo.of Drlng the of fenOeteMlmntediatepQdlBhmealh an Jnfs mlaMgeroOebrarl ' t It will not do toaaye nol ifllbertV to make pB)le t,i 1 (b4 uiy of a good Vlifzfn taakpfleif and- proenr tfie; arrr'of any peteoiiaaogagedlii' aBr Ckenitatloo'to lojor vat peopla 'or id In "ovetbrtwkjr their GoretamenU -And If tbt edftor of the Ftet Is poetess Of the ftet ha profesee.'kod will bat dvis tbeaiill'e.'.W1!! POtt Mr; Ball.ihe Ualtd States" Watrio Altornf,td',inbp!ia Mr.4eryiiBe-eduof n tnai pper,-Deior the United State Grand Jurf ia aetalonf to eiva teatlmuny aiulnet th eonapteatoro, who, ( ay art J VUI v; t u n (iniw-n 1 .noon sJ tfrm IJ t-ukvr u t tbe city demand It. The story has been repeat d qoHe often eoongh, and should bo substan- tlateJ, or me auioora &iuvu wuucnug soorn o-our people, Commthting on Wils ha says: And atlll more infamoui, h above article from the Statetnun wu written by tne very editor who called to see us. aVBoticed. above being careful to" puMUh tho-false charges m mt n. in ina aain. Danar. wtuioui a uwnf diatlnn. and aa era have stated before. iMtelne tMm t kSU'. We hope,' therefore, and hope u muchitrtnaer than kedttt. that he will euo- .Vleeed in ttirring pn fmettigathn. W tout a$iiathmitfmnturluprtptei: wosnre lv aland well Doete now bet Ore tne WOriu, auu wo should dearly like to sea what more Can be aald! -, -. - ' ;" Now how did, Col. Mcoakv know who wrote this arUole? I told him I had written sacb an article, and that It would be in tha Sfoirrmon the next morning. It Was written btjort I had eeen tha Cleveland testimony, and bad' not the slightest reference thereto. I told him if there chart as, that ware made daily against " leading members of tha Pemooratto party" were true, those making tha ehargea should be compelled toga betora the grand Jury and have them ar rested. If they were false, aa I believed tbey wore, th&ae making tha false ehargea shonld be exposed-: Cot.' Midaet earnestly replied- J'that U eight."' What "infamy" there wae ia this article, wising from the foot that It was published In tha same paper with the testimony , ia mora than I am able to ooderstand; ' My con; tradlotion of the testimony, and even a posit! oard from Col. Mioast would not in the least have changed the character or the effect of the ertiole. Jf there is any thing in this prejudicial to Col.' Midait or any other man, it was en' tlrely unintentional.;' The Governor further saysi ' w a hope, there fore, end hop it mucktrmgir (ha ki itt, that he will euooeed In stirring up an Investigation.' There seems to be an iniinvation In these lines, which, to mi mind, is very unkind and unjust! able. Whether bis hop Is stronger tnan mine, we1 shall see: ' Tbat be Is as anxious for 1 9 . a ' It, and that he will prove as invincible as' my self against all snob eharges, I have not tbe slightest doubt In the world. I fully appreciate all he has said In relation to the scandaloos at' tacks which have been made upon him and oth era. . I know, as well as I can know anything not direolly attaching to myself, tbat thiy are false, and bava done him and othara groat wrong. - This being my feelings, as all of oor mutual friends well know, U is not pleasant or agreeablo to read or bear spoken Insinuations carrying with them falsa and injurious impres sloni. 'It hai seemed to me just to all concern el that I bou!d mke these statements to set myself rieht, end refute any belief thai there 1 or wee tha slightest Intention or disposition to do Gov. Midart or ''any other man" . tbe least it;' Injustice in the matter. : ' - ", J MATTHIAS MARTIN. Mr. Hodder's Testimony. I if i Is tr m! 0,(1. " 1 la the Crisis of yeeterday, Oct. 24, wff find the following at the close of a long editorial on the subject of, the testimony taken at ueve land, ia the investigation in relation to an al leged treasonable organlzAion, eatd .to' exist .in Marlon chuntyj" ' , '-i'-T': I a-ti .' t Why doe the Stticinon omit to pucliah Mr. Hodder'a -teBtimony eiplaloms; how onr name became mixed with tbt affair -1. Tbe Stmteman omitted to publish the testi mony of Mr. ffonniB for the'reason that It pub lished the testimony taken on ike examination ot faiwaicK .Codbt only, with tbe single ex- oept'ioo of (ha evidence of Const himself, given on the examination or yt, cautTiAit. As there was in the testimony onCotniT'a examination, a refereae to Gov. Mxdabt, editor of the Crisis, In msttc totiffl w' give beTow'Mrl Ponbia's testimony, wnicn, explain,. near la.cioa inv occasion of that reference.; ' Thorn aa B. Hodder swora: I have lived In Marion two vears last June. Am editor of the Democratic tlirrtr. , Three or four weeks from the fall of Sumter first heard of this order. I was attacked about the time of tbe fall of Sumter. About three weeks after Ibis I met Mr. Saule bnry. He suggested tbt existence of a society for the mutual protection of Democrat,' and banded a paper ta me. The paper wae similar in substance to that known aa th. "first UUl a-ation.1' I have lost that paper'. .Don't re member whether Saulsbnry read the paper to me or ScofieTd first on that day. " Mr. Sanlsbnry ar rived ra Marlon the evening before the conver sation with me. ' I did not inow of the pevlons existence of tha organization. I took the pledge .about the first or second week In May. He read over tha caner to me and I eaw no ob jection ta H and told blm I thought It was nec essary, unnsuan got in paper irom me., . administered what Is known as tbe "First Ob! I ration" to him. Never heard of key farther obligation nntll I eaw it 00 a printed slip, circu lated-very extensively on tha Friday before tbe election. " The paper containing what is known as the "First Obligation" contains the only oledee'of the association. I originated the altns of IlftinC the hat and the grip, aa I oould not see the effioaoy of tbe order withont some signs.' The passworoa were given 10 ma wneo I took (he obligation. ' Tbe change In tbe word ing Of the obligation from "sign", to "seal,' was made after I took it. - Don't know how the change wu made.'' Witness proceeded to narrate In detail the attack made on him pre vious to his joining the organisation..' The or. iranlsation wae composed entirely of Democrats'. Never knew of 'any officers, places of meeting; or records, or any signing of document. Nev. ee knew of the existence Id Marion conhty of the Order Of the Knights ot the Golden Circle. The organization to which I belonged wag never heard Of ta a branch of that Order until It Was so charged in tbe Republican. "The organiza tion bad no connection with that or any other Cross examined."' Don't know when; T lost the paper I got from Sanlsbnry. ' Read it at (he lrrvltatlotj of Dr. Christian, Osborne and Tin Vleet " Made copies to use In the initiation of others. ' Gate one copy to Dickertotr; another to Dr. Christian, another to Dr. Devore; after initiating- lhem. I nave tb em the fapera so that tbey-could initiate other.- fiiave not eeen tha. orisinai , paper for ..soma 4wo. months or more. . It wae varv mush worn, and I- threw it into " drawer. Probably, 4 iinrnt It op with aome other old panera some time since., The laat man which I initiatad. wa a younjt man from tha country, abont six weeks ainc. Don't remember hi name. Did not give him a. pa per. Initiated Osborne before 1 invented the signs. -Th sign ol tipping th bat meant gen erally thai there wa danger- The answering aiim .was merelv to show that tha members were ready to fulfill the pledge of proUotion. Slight OBV tola vnneuau tna preeuweu tuai the organisation extended into Franklin county lor the protection, of Medary, Didn't . know that It actoaliy did oM pon't remember telU log how many members, were in ibe. State. Might nave eaia now many were w morrow eauotw bnt dont' remember.1 Don't know anything about arrangement for4 arms for the order.7"1 i (uw . . ,! a' ' - Ui"- ! j .v. u w. k m -i .. 'A -.W.K y. ; ' ' Att tb Rotrrn. The Bdentifld' Ameri can says tha statements regarding a want of aah In the 600th ar incorrect. It is supposed tbat the Sooth ar entirely dependent upon the North or foreign Importation for It supply of this ne oeesary substance,' bnt this Is not the case. Next t Ne York, Virginia'makes the great eat o,antitf Of alt anooally of any State in the Unto. '-The amount manurtotirad by'New Yark ' 6,593 HI tnsbels per atmonr, hf fir-' glaHJ.e&O.OOa Tinsheu,'-bf 'Florida, 70,oow. BaN le'mBnfctnred A eiereh :8tatet, - the tniattrfnaiietbefnaT3.o79;447 bushels: bat (hie la not quite' half tb amoani that is wgotred for tie, a to 180), We Imported 14,094,527 buahele. of 'wbfeb10S35,256 came fromEoglarid. ' '-'' : ti iir.n rvfr. nw,.i ' " w- Wd EtfUctoi 'wis'. ieTzed the ftthdf 'diy" Whfle dinffiar'et Mdnnt IHelvilIIh Scotland, iih tit rnVr.--wri!1;'a tcrnilnaiea. With bU Hie 'If wae (be moij bofular Ylceroi that uTaTvW. Mil s... 1 A- .i-ltt ( J NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, TKBB S18TEBS 1 MI i VfXBSt aiSTBBU WEBB BI9IEBS ! WEBB 8IBTEH9 Friday Evepng.Oct. 2tlj. J.M.tS& V. KGERNER, ..lii'wo-.oo;--' Corner of Broad & Front Streetp,: v doLUMBUS, ;; CROCERIES, PRODUCE AND nnnuieintie ' '.T.i ' 00 ." I FOREIGN VD0MESTIC FftO.lTS'i i j, PIOTTE, BAIT, IiaUORsT ETC. OrSTIBS BT TUB OiN IK XBKIR 81AB0H. eotSS-diy rK !f . .. . it, "pi,,,. " C A LT H O U S E, No. 178 North High Street; '" v.COLUMBUS, OHIO..' THIS HOTEL II BUT ONE AND A HALF 8aCARB4 from tht Deoot, and ntrtoot ar ririDi or wlihtnf to Uka panag any 01 tat traiot, .ill o tht Salt Btu. decidedly a conrenlent aUp plnf plat. .' PaawBsers waked op at all hturt of tht night for any 01 ut trains - . j.i-ih Imi nodtrate, t suit the timet. , , , v ( AKIN & EMERY, 169 SOUTH HIGH STHEltTt ; . - Bay- i full sind Oonpleu Astortmont of HOUE FURNISHING GOOD, StOVCS Cfe GrXn,tO0( TIN AND COP? jER: W ABE, j Of almoit tvtrjr kind, I Elegant J,ChamberfQetB,' ; C..SWCE AND. ?EED. boxes, j Tiu Toyijaiid Articles in that Line, -; jor'iittis peopi, ''ry,. "' "' " . 1 Kxtiven and XVteka,' Spoons, Tube, t Buckets, Bixorel aAd 'Tortea, U I 'In J Coal Hoda, eho,1 - " w j ." ; 1 for iht Larger diet. j ..-r - - 7 r , vr I WewoulA call your farmer attention to the fact that w art B0L1 AOIRTB for tht tale of Iht STPXICOOKSTOVEJ Which It. In all mpeott, clarlyTlie"AUTO0EAT Of THB KIXOHEnV' havtof aeaaatl la tn tomplettneit of Its ptrfonnant an ceoaomy of fuel. Iht clentt testimony tf Its tdperiority it tht fot that aianaft tareni and dealers ar eonatantly ImititlBg it, coming Mr It u ruiMlbl In XXTBBBTaL APPICABtNOH. . Call and eiaBlnt ear ttoek. It Is no Uoablt to tho ewrgooat. - . AKIN& 'EMERY?- 1 . . - OCt-dlB f The c Union Forever "' 1 ' - . -t -ivinj. jri ' COL:UNlBUS"";; ARMY TENT STOVE! MANCJAOrUEKD ASD VOtD BV . JOHN l: gill & son,- . .'AT TDKItt BALK KOOHB.n j lit--' e-J 9,1 1 1 1 . . ( j . Nos. 90, 9,-94: & 96, -,. NOBTII'. HIGH ITHEET, 1 ".' j . .-..j'.r-i... ; f Th nttUN and atott complete Iter for O&cttf Tnt rr nanafutnred. i vi . Bold at vry low agar 011 and txuslne belort pnrchailng tltewher.' octStt-dtr rrj-r. E. MC0LLI3TER, ... WboieMti Ktail Deafer 1st :t tobacco; snuff-& cigars n 1 m 1 ri ti tt n r r f rv i'C r r 11 o u u li. ut 11 tr. av-' Keen ataatlr am hand all the'1 41 riona BUAli lu wt 1 XraaTpoxt3a. 01erazs. Oct. Wl lr -Ai NATIONAL HOTEL. . HKll.CirtOK BITdT, , . r - '!',' ir''l 'T' 0 IKl.jj'i'' C0LtJMBUSrOHI0. ' 3CE. ixiDTrig-oXjiDa. TBatHS. . .OHB DOLLAR PER DAT'.''' eelS3-3a - ' - , - - T-T4J -k "r . I 'HI ' , Cranberries I Crabbenies ! OA BBf.N, CRA1VB EHHIEft, III CO0A 0f ORBBB, 00 coailgnmtnt, Boraalelowby . t wm. n. 8TitAtrx, ; - lOOBOumillgn Buwi.- eel3S ,.t PQARDING i: .BOAIlDlNGIi' noOD BOARD; J7I.EAB ANT KOOjriS VJT for eight or ten eroni, can be bad By applying to y. rATTJtaBUN, ao. tie Bonln rroot- Bireei, between Bute and Twn BtteeU - i I Being bnt on square from the State HooMtaaht Its qetirahi pic 101 nnalnets men. , ... ,.ri-.,n. i - notiawi list v. . . .- Uf 1 il it; m ' .! tTEHT RTTLtaH STRIPED LOTU 'V 8HAWL8.lnn.dtlrataj OO-Valo i 00. 1.S0O yard Coper flaln Blaek Silk at 1 eO-Vala ' 1 l JRTQ. trench alerinct, NX (nls Vain 87K Ota a yard 70 cent Value Bl vuayard. -. - ' ; ik an? oetlS. . en aaik m,k ' EAGLE BRASS WORKB, ! .j ',' Caa 8iarB Water ., ' !fi.....i '.'.V? r W. B. POTTO &' ca., I . , .-, , . ,iie, .I : ind Uunfactonrt of Bran and OoaMeHk Ihatlaga VinUlied Brats Woifc of aUOonpttew .i--- Electro FlatifiilGiWiiff 8TCNrXUTTIMCfjBiC nOTJOTaT REPEI'tiANT 4Jbt TAT!'-P',"BI CLOAK CLOTHS. . il,,M ln at Bp Oloak Cloth, in all. detlrabla fea-Hi.ii'''1ti.jr aU end BmUms to natfh. 7 7l Jt4' AUQTI0Nni1NDC0IMI3IQN pus, vciUeiiiWji irithid TAiti L a to ta the I tor boom 'iAnctiU1 Commission Boom. ""H ( BfiiF prtprti to rKKlTt on Oommlnloa frary deatrlpUoa ol property, stun a Dry Uooit, Orootrl, Linnonu f unltBrt. Oarrluta. Hon, ete. ' B alto InUndt ta rt hit atttnUoa to 1 of Baal ltat and rtnenal rioptrtgr,! any potnt,wluua twenty oflhttlty... . .:, 1 .', ;o .-'). . Auction!Saies Every '. Ilvenin ,. . , I t IHJ' .JV. I 1 Oonilrnmenti reipeolfitlly solloltttl. B., KaVt.'iaotlon .. IT oetl' I f ' " ;ii.t" new stor: T HEADLEY & EBERLY ,, ..... . .... ' . M-'1 TTAVB KEIT10VED TO THEIR 1 EW N01. 250 and 252 South High! Street, and aav anoriatta with thtVMlves Wit. ilOHAkl8, andtrthtsnaof,--.i 1 -,1 ,. ,. - ; Headley, Eberly tV Kichardsj ForBtng tne of th largea Pry Ooodl Homes la the West. ,. .-. , ! tills Bonis Is comtantly reselling Mw 94ods, saeha 1 ' ,. .' NEW STYLES OF DRESS GOODS, '' ' , iRISil SILK AND WOOL POPLINS, PLAIN AND FIGURED REpP GOODS PLAIN AND FANCY SILKS. It Hewitt and Mtatttt styles of r . .. Hamilton, 'Mancliester and Pacific ....mi.. Delaines '"" .. , t. .1 ''' ' "' la th City, can bt found at :.; ! . -'' ' HEADLEY, EBERLY 6V RICHARDS : ; '- -, . Balmoral Skirts, In ireat varitty, Just rsetlred by : , . HEADLEY, EBERLY '& RICHARDS. ,,r . : r-i.-n ' "' ;'" '-; ZEPHYR WORSTEDS,;!;' .,; "r. V";, EMBROIDERIES, TRIMMINGS, GLOVES & HOSIERY, ; LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS, Of th Veireii ftijlcijBit woelred and also made. HEADLEY, EBERLY. &- RICHARDS ,.:r ' '4 AllOl- SHAWLS, UIBIKOBB, PXAIBB, ,u , CLOIUS, , ' ) ' . CABS1MEBI8, " 8IlKtTILTTVI8TISa8, r. ;. , y gnitinios, ,."' AfEBBIHAO PEINI8. .? HOOP BKIETB, COTTON CHAW ABTD OAEPBT WARPS.' Thl Arm. havlnr idcnted the Oaafa sntem In the ear. ohaand al of Oood, ar enacted to nil from 1 to BO percent, leas than other bouaes under the credit rjritea HEADLEY EBEELYf & EICHAED8, : ColnntaVv-if Ohio oct8-dly JOHN , HUNT Bit, " ''j MERCHANT; iAILOIf ,'"; No. SSO South High Street, Thre jjoora eouta ot jttioii, i HAB Juat reeelved a choice stock of f ALL AND WLNTXft OOODS. suitable for teutlemen's wear. m ,1 Outomara will hTt tbirordrs neatly and abUntl ly ezecated at the loweat rate. ;, eep ... . SPECIAL NOTICES. ;.'., A CLEAR CASE. . It Is a very clear cue that poisonous drugs destroy health. ' Impure laltratus produces decayed teeth, bronchitis, dyipeptla, and general debility. It Is alt clear that PyU'tDlttetlo Baleratns Is pure, wholetomt aod efficient. Careful parsons nt do other. Pepott )4J Waabiagtoa stmt, New Torh. Bold by groeM tnrywhere. 1 rr Female Generally. Th Braodrtth Pills aannot be too highly spoken ef . They remove all tbstmetlona, gtv energy and ttrenf thr euro tbt dls treiilng headache, uofortonately so prsvalent with the lex; deprtttlon of spirits, dullnets of sight, nervous affaotlona, blotohu, pimples, sallownet of th skin, ar removed, acd a Juvenll bloom and general sprlghtllnee IndlcaU th power and healthfulnen of BBANDBBTB'S PILLS. - Ltdli.atdlleatptrtodi,!lll find them unrivaled; they are tht but medicines for mothers aod children, and curt worms and coitlrene Let It be remembered, tbat BBANPBJETQ'I PILLS art saty In their oparatioa, and yet unit mildn with Heiiey, and requtr so allaratlon of dltt during their net. sirs. Morgan, control 15th strestand Union Bfuara, New Tork. wu dying, appaitntly, ef CoHttrnmog She wat given ap to dl by her Phyilelans, and all htr frinde, but after Bring BiA!niTB' Pux for a far week, th cough left her; and iht began to regain kr Strang lh,aad. 1 now able t attend brdarler,-md fsslt sr tt toon attaining robust beaila.V 1 1- .-AAJ Mr. Wilson, ef M. JBeaoh ttreel, Hew Tork, has cared Vyrptptiat Battt Pe lleajletPropry aod Ty phusftver, and all Headachesj aodBIUou ,dleMi, wlfh BaaHnamw 1 auwluili. v wear to anawsr any queatlons, , . , , y Bold by Jan R- flooly titti', Oolnmbus, Sad by ail rerpeotable dealers In medicin . JATME'S AVSUfi - niXTDBEt til ! InAUltbn remedy for fevef and Ague," The tz perieoee'of tnany yean, tn almost evtry ellmate, prove that when ne at stfloaocordanos wtlk.ih airtlona, It has rarly. failed to core, not only, by breaking tb chills, but by removing th morbid haw of the tjatem, preventing th reoorrenee of the dim. . ....... flVtB AND AQC,roughsoUlitl( dangerons, Is pt, nnlaas speedily itmoyeU. t have sueh pint- elous effect on th ijratem, a to engender dleordars much mor banefal thin ltrlf,lnd wlileb not Onty' render th fi-lir of th Ditlentmaeribla.bnt are la thensle eftta ftttlk " A prdmpt and sireqtua) remedy Is Ihtrtfer what w tioteVeDi,' ir's Aav ttn- tusa Is conBdently eteemawhded. rf or Sal by Messrs Boaati BA,wrt1.0loW.,an4 ,bygnU.eTary- where.' '1 '.'i i.. :..u mm i. biJ (w SpVldlwfrlktatfcWW -- V .ai e i " Ki "! mi iu J MANHOOD. bow, jost,, sow auiosxo. i 'feet febTlftsdin a 8ea1a InTefopti Woilct.! . . A IIOItTEB ON THB B ATCBB, IRBATMBN ABB BADIOAL OTJBB Of aPBBMAXORaUBA 6 Beatlnal W taken, lnroluntary JtmiMioo, Braual Dabtlity, and impeaiment re varrtag trunuiiy, vmnpntm, vd' unntiim. iniiaiin ami fit, llental and Ptuilo! In eapaclty, retulUng from BeU-alnue, dee. By Kobrt I UurrwU, at. 0.,auwior oi ia wroii bum, y A Baani t ThtBianai an Baggerara Beni anicr teal, In a plala envelope, t any address, poi paid, i, en reeeipi oi tv t -two (tamp, by Dr. UUAB. Utter wrltb by Vf hn,astay.JH, ta riWpoinlBi1WytH.Cbroh,,BnokimA the Moiinal aa lliiiiiigrTtBetnati; O.ilnt rMtk. vetauaos lato f a wertt-rtnoyaed edkln:'K., I sromurwli Boevwrae sriii( Jtarijuau.l. W a aareriueimt Bv.yeavolnasM efhta Wnaaow' Boernww Braon1' lloww norer wld word to Sam e eataiVilawbiai M ' o jtfr W ttlceti leeS'ewar mine feat ebh it n finm a fwew-Tt wiaw at tr awua. rAi teekaMp ewe ef loa 'Uerf . i id r - ..- mm of tt , aeatawteaebl. 'A n t j oMi-"wataiar bwsr w i - J ka supply." . e7dyl' MKMaaaaaaaBaBiaBaiBMnaaMaM 3 iVinood Hunt and female Fhyilelan, pn FOR CHILDREN TKETHWOq ' T wlleh greatly satlllau the Meeeta el awiaingN' fty oft-1 enlngthtguau, redootng all InflaaiautloD will aUaJ . II I .1111 Ml..l I II II .11 III, I II. I JTJXUE T6 atSoilaClTlT TnWlJ- aepaaa-ponn,anun,'ii wui gin rwi io yountiT and T vmtt jfD XUTE X0,T0UXOTATH. vv. nav. pul ap ana uia uiw .nii. iut vtbi wa jaw, aadOAM BASl AN. fltUIIIDBllOa AND THCTHof It, what wt hT never ba ablt to say of any other iril n-NBVBa BAB It IA1LS0, LB A BINOLB ltiHT, A Bin Uaelj adon ANOB, TO MUMQ1 A ODBJs, wae tnaelyeed; Kv- tr did wt know an Instance ot dlMaUanwtlon by any ant he att It. Oatheeontrary, all ar delighted with Its Operations, aod (peak In terms of owmtoaathm tf it magieal oecai ana meaicst virtue W pk W thu awtUeWHAT WB DO KNOW:" after ten year'- exn. Manee, ADD PL1DOB OUB EKPUTATION JOItlliB ULILLMBNT Of WHAT WB BBHB UHULAua. in aw where th Infant Is nffrlng from pain and exheatlaw-itf will be found In ftfveen tr twenty aUa.tM after thByniplalallrar;'. ' Tbt Tlnbl preptmtioa W tbe pracrlptlon of oaeor th ml BXPBUIBNOKDand SKlLLrUL NOBSBBIn Dew Bngland. and bas been MM fltll a V a . vajAB annnuaa ' M ' ' ' 1 It eetenly relieve th ohlld from ptln, but Invkor atM tha ttonueh and bowel, correct acidity, and air tone and energy to tht whole syitem. It .iU ejnwat h an avemaa aonvwufona, WhlSB, H not rrftedlly rtme died, end la death W bell It the B4bT and BCB Mot Ktnilll' n in. wv.uvi in u vnuvm tiiuttr BMTBBK and DlAJttEHBA IS OBILVBBU, whethe it ar!s from teething, or from any other cause, would any t every motlwrwho hea eWM (ntrerlne ffsm aayof Iheforegoln aints-uu KUT I1B V IUUI PBIJUU1UKB nu ft THB PKBJUDIOKBOV pTUBBA tndblwenyo. and your fofferlng eht lit, n4 thi re lief that will bt SOKB-ie, AB80LDIBLT; BUBB-to follow the use of thUaudleine, It Umelytadf fall 1 41- s Jtl aim at lata rtl KrtfrT. tfnnl uheiiaeb.ilr. COBl'lBkVJgKIMg, w I era, we me ""ri"''; I Bold by all Pruggiaai uatt thWorldt 11 rlnclpal Office, 18 Cedar Street rT.T.T Prl ncloal Of flee PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE, ..u.4.,.'l l-iliehS .eMT4 :ir 1 t: aaiavjaBau Domestic Cotton" Goods. BAIN & SON ,t ir.- 'T'-'V'. ' ,.,11.? u , y .L.K'a.ra l-w lv10r? rvrrEB tua most Extenuve. Aeaert J mentor - 'om!'". j, Brown b4 Bleaohs Cottea FlaaualiJ " Musllnsi ?ft BanaleyOottoBheoUngi.''a Halat Mtlln of 0UCo'(.d.Bliaal,-WT';X ). Ticking, Bhlrtlng. aintimrw, oh'V '' And Cotton Btttlug. . -. ixe-Klc AUa, BInkU, yitnneu, 0liure, Oloak Cloth, to,W..-,-;rt ;:iIehUIw regular price. ' " J--' " - : " ' ' T3t.AIM,PLAlDnTBBPB0TWBXIi X ID. Xh mostxtnilr siock in ueoiqr. -w Army tiwm hkib. .t, -v - 'ttkJ. nihkrf BAAlr. aMT.tnb jT H ,1 Under Bhlrt and DraWera.J( Snw " flnltnn and llarino bock. j.(-w? Cotton aod Merino bock . . . Ooldan HU18WrU.,.,,- nkH ar'B" '"- Gent's Kld01ovei..,..r - inv9 Bent's wnen poiiars, hock iiei. ..a octl .tnv dt No.'OT Bonjh ijn B treat KITTED OTTOJVAJV UfiPaLporrvA t -K-J Jl lam ottoman uiewi--.-t u -trrw 11 ... ... aia.k nhlr 41 Wl Broch Konbtia Dress Qeodtl Balmoral Skirt: v .. . -n, ,a r, ft Alexanders' JLId eioTta; w imvim Ooi Trail iioop tairi,,,,,,, " Comta. Hair Nt,aa,M eto- Plaid Merinos. . . - i oetW " ' " no: SB Booth High Btreet. i nm J lOOXL 77..Z71i'X".-fpr-'. tf, if. on GREAT WESTERN, D18EATCE-S rjnlteA State Expre Ca., EMtop'ra, "3 FAST FREIGHT LINE VLn New York & Erie Bailroad T in oer'llJoads LcadlngWes Chartered Oars over mo'lt Bold oaPaitinser.xraiai. W,' . ':-rfWPl f.'k' ! tt-r" ( BU n. H0V1T Ag't. I' -A. t. KNIOHTY Xff, k Ul Broadway, BY Y. "- " 5 BU BU, Btxtoo .;- f u . ' 'i WU. B. PERBX, BaperinUndent, Balfakwi " kT. PITCH as sjoif , Affent, , Vf Tf Bread Street, V"VA?tJ0irirAaii7$,.oai. tPl3 .: f' tin"' t'"''" .at-i. ' 1 '. ,l ,.WH.':II; RESTIEAUXj (lUOOISJOBTTO HcKM fc RK8ntAX?Ij .'M'.tVViHV'f ar' 'ji :( j ( M rrtvar;rai v t4 , j;t..HtAIJEINnvei R.oy.J8Jojj5 STQHACE A COMMISSION JiyH li.nuir,; -'.nftiti htt H.tTBt . r.i i .-t t.' w,C V auroraoTcaaus aaw waavasawaaii e r 1,11,1," ... -i READY-ilADE CLOTHING; (arrwan uan Air B0WA,,', ' - BAXTimoBBf Mav- A larg Aasortnunt el fiee jui Jornishini ! OetaOdly aAm nM,a.t1a'M'",',a M- i' -J- T ' .i nt RE M O V A L. si ae'iSrl WILUAM 8, DEALER 1H tjT0 ".""f urocenes. -t v-rtt Jteraiat. .xr 9 v CXJ2 11 e aw ut- . Produce---; qjrta i-l'rovASioii, Forcigif and Domestio Lfquore'' .i; Jt' AlUWt CIM aVtiU'oi lt y ' 'l t ' i 'W '':,. zrjrszcix tw"M ,rjr gavji p j6VTHtii I o a ta b s t, i e l ie vAm4 Th. Uslw-fubtlyWVr1edVIUf McDONAXD, VBj4iy.wseltr ... lr WtffnsnrTfitifi . . . , i ww turn i "' ' awi iCroee-vj- lyn 11 ''Aici4mmmmmmitwimmmmmmmmaammmmmmmmmm ylmf E v I l,r . "OvtSTil'-Yfe j,wm. g i -r UOOBWaTsaD dt tub ut $IR. A8TLEY COOPER, the aekaowledf d Head of the Frofetatoa la efth Hemltphn. . . - , . ni m aw varic ' P'fBieVat WureMe. Tonlo, and Invlgorant. Tb guMfw uowei or me ataiiIAW j uhltui BnUUkT. The! Ptreat And Moat Costly Gin El avil. 1 INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES, INVALUABLE 'TO THE 8ICK, ,1i Rt.H INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED. - . .THE SAFEST AND MOST DUCI0l)3 BEVERAGE IM THE WORLD. Tot , Bale. Flnta md Qnarta, CT ewarf Drogglat, Orooer, or Couotry Merohanfc .il lOQt TJTJI'FOB BOOUB UO ND O N O I N S. THB ONLY 0ENTJ1NE AHTTOLB IB CHARLES', LONDON CORDIAL SIN. "b" Baldwin & co., " "'"iminorters, 91 Liberty St., ,Aol4b.qlb.yf McKIB A BE8TIBAUX, rWhpltaalaand Ratal Qrocen, Ruteaman Building. fvTj iV V 0. A. WAflNBB. and other. ..In Cincinnati, by - BDIBB, XCKBTEIN A 00., oe20deodUiw-To ? i endotuere. ... ,' ij.t i a NEWARK MACHINE WORKS, .aJdl'.,' t " NEWARK OHIO, naaafaetvirerw'ef alii kind af Pot table anet Mtatlenarr Mteam En- . lss, daw mil, urlst Itiill, r- n. Ti-r i f J ' ,. 7 lAirisSOStSi Btalml B. . BLAXDY Btaltnt J. A jr. J5FT DVTALL Beatmltl COLUMBUS .HUCniWt CO. icattmlltt BRADIORJ) KiiT d CO. BerUentlll! Our Portable Engln and Saw Kill Wa awarded the flnt premlnm of (50 at the Indiana State fair for 1M0 over Laos A Bodley1 on acoeant ol Pride) ngutneger eimplielty, economy of lunl and superior character of lumbor eawetl. 7 Oar Btattonary Bliiglne was awarded at the tame Fall the Bnt premium of ewe. -One Portable Bnglnewu awarded th flnt premlnm oi flOO at th fair at Memphl. Tenn., over Blandy' Do vail', Colombo Maehiae Oo'., an -Bradford A Oo't. by a eommltue of practical Railroad Engineer. ' for price and term 4ilrea I j W1LLAUD aASNEB, Treararer, decS-dAwiyeol. , Newark. Ohio NfiWf COAL YARD. TUB tlNliiliICJvF.D KEEPS CON. BTARILT on hand and for salt, th bwt quality ot ,,rHQ.CraalGRATE COAL, which hi wilt1 dell tt the lowel nrket pricet. Call and.exuain an .'! , i(ort patchaitng (lie- where. 1 iM Omctattue itore of ir:iitor.i, unraam tio head of Canal. i' 1 . - -ai. r 8TJTDAH. Ip90-3m H- COLUMBUS :opticai: INSTITUTE. js;-1' .'t ' ' . " Tate' Beef Artificial Hcla to tb - " Haman Stall 1 iir luvenleil. ;rTw Joseph s. PElLLEy, , PRACTICAL V feCIENTIf IC! OPTICIAN, tTEEP" THE LARGEST. ASSORT. IV mtnt of the meat Improved kinds ol Spectacle All his Olanet, whathtr for near or fir-righted, ar gronnd In eoneavo convex form with the greatest care, aa to vult the Eye ot all ease, curing Weakn, Diaalne er InSammatloa of the Ey, and Imparling treagth fir long readlngor fine e wing. , i Office, II Bait Buts itreet, at Bdiaer A Wabiter's MoitoBtnr.. , . ;wiy rK'W 'V ' "Henry ISLoolalor, ( Lateof Phal9'iEtablUhment,N.T.,) PROPRIETOR OP THB HEW TORK . f aahlonable Sharing, Unlf Gutting, Bhampooning, Curling and Drasakag Baleon, R - - ' Boutit JIih. St.orr Baln'e Store, " whar aatavaetloat Will be glveh In all the various branch. . -..' vn- ; Ldii and"Chlldr Pair Brettlng don In ths bet "epi3diy M -' "r,a '.',.'' : 1 t .. .till ..I . ai.' II In. t ' WT Oysters!;' Oysters!!', taV'.M a -'. "''v'-Ai , ' v ' O. aW-AOTiTiail. TTAS) JUST BECE1TED, AND WILL XX be In .dally receipt, by anreas, of FEEStfCAB & HQ OYSTERS, I r?m Baltlmor and fair Harenv " j Call at Wagner' Oritur and Irult Ctoot, No.JJl But Itattati I J. 1 . i i' ugMtf .av nr' : ' - - JImblir Wko!csiilev Llqtlpr Store LACELLE ROSS & CO.; ; COMISSOJJf.MERCHANTS' li64lM AND DBALBBB IN - - Foreign anJ Boiarfs(if Winei. irandiei , . : ! X7LL3LCX. VjJuJ.. 1 w - .W3A .E J a . OLP.illBi JBQMONPAHELA t BOCRTJUN jTABinousfi' and 6nici,22t sonin nion., . jsp84l)BI.Ilt joQvmuv. OIIIOI r iGRiCULTUra ; .WJIBUOI ffC . -eW , T I f NAILS, aXASS", J ASJL. ftTTTT, MRDA4IB3, g -m kmt flJoii.'iffe.diwiliew Wartv etaeraad aabber Belting, a laetaer, king, . , Boa ant M-alf .nwr !: r ' It; ' : i!Di'"i'i-j- . - iMr?