Newspaper Page Text
FR1DAT MORNINGOCTOBER S25,' i861 Rail Road Time Table. ittmi Hum Ik Optciioi St B.'K. XMnt Olucianatl Aocoamodatlta. I:(0 A. M..1 - . BipreM....,,.li:40 A.M Mill tnd Aooommodttlon.. 8:10 t.'U. Might Sipreit Tl Dtyton.lS:00 midnight- 9:10 t. U. 11:03 A. M 8:00 F. M 80A. Night Kxpreea I... ,.'..3:40 A. H.' I lliUF. M, Now Vntt l.nlil ...11:10 A. M. .. 10:50 A. H U. 0, AO. Way KxprtWifuSJO P.M. , 7:50 P. H X.L W-i-.'i. ..... Jean Patmmou, Agnl,j Otnraa .1 Hum lj tt.l No. 3 Bin'reu... .'.''.'."SSO A.' M. i. m No. 'oV-V...t ... M'A M. PmuuM.Ouu)MmwsH0uwunu.Tl B,. ' ', 3 A.Mii!lh9$ A.M. .Bipreti Train 11:25 A.M. 8:45 P. M . rt i I it l , Jo. BoanioW, AgtdU OoMJHiai fc iNDuMuroLU, E. B. (Coumtot riun, (wuiu ft. B.) No.l KnirU.....M, 6:30 A H.. i 8:00 P. M No. 8 " ....3.00 J?, 11. 7:40 P, M. Aooammedttlo) v. ... 10:50 A. M i a ... .Ml.l Jn j,., ,0,1, tMlTM, Af tat, , LOCAL MATTERS. i . ,. . ' ,- 'J 1 ' ' .,.'!, & , -ift A Chance for PrlntersrV ' A Demoertlio niwepapir,' recently Ur(eil, with chr culltlon of 500 wplti, It offend for Mil lb low prlo of our hundrtd dollar ccuh. It Ii printed Is flourlhloj county, n4hMprt of theeoanlr printing, and Iti circulation eta uly bt ralict U 800. Th B- terllf tlHlcott, twoieftrl go, 800,r. TUli lit goci optnlog for a pnetloal prfator. . AddrM Idltor Sttteimtn, Ootunbni) 0hl, for furiher plrtlcnUrt.1 ; 1 Trti Webb Shtiih if AmiORT Hit The ' Hill was again ejowcjecl jas) ntgiil wth a large aid delighted andieoce, at we hare no doubt It will be egftia tp Dlgbt, ' There wa last etenliig aa entire" change of programme from the pre. ceding cue, which ehowed the wooderfol pow er of traDiformatloo these' young lad lee poieeu. Nor ehoold we forget to award due praiae to the other members of the eompanT, whoH ier era) parti wee presented to the life, and ierfd t let off the performance of the. Slater '-with brilliancy and effect.' ' 1 " " '""u'" " The Union Forerer for me,V aa aoog by Miai Apa Wiib, la well wotththe prloeof ad. mission. It was last erenlDg end the rentog before eathuelaetioaliy encored by the andieoce The ball will be so early Hilled 'to-night, that ererr one who desires to hare a near fiew and a comtortabie eeat, SDoam oe oa nana u gooa eeasoo; The Vftf Sister, a long ae they stay In our city, will attract overflowing housu Thc Oalt IloUi. We " commend ' thla'. old and, weli-known establishment to the patronage of etrabgers and the. public generally. . It 1 now, being neatly and tastefully fitted op1. and wilt- be ' oondooted In a ttyle eondnelog to the convenience and com fori of the giiestj. ''Meals will be furnished at all hoars. The proprietor is one of the raost aocommodating of landlords, and a good Union man,' In whom' there la no guile." " " Foamsir Youa Hoqjis fob Wihtib -Aa the cold eeasun I approaching with suro and steal thy (real, It Is proper to, direct the attention 01 onr readers t the place where they can supply tbemielres with suoh artlole as will be needed ti keep their dwellings, shops, office, eto.; warm and comfortable during the winter,, as well as with other things necessary and useful In the housekeeping department. Ti this ead,'eall pri Meetr . Aim A Emir, who btfe a complete aaioitaen of the kind of artiale alluded to, and whoae advertisement appears In another column of this paper. Look at the advertisement and give them a oall. , .. ... . - , . , GaoctMis.1-We call attention to the adver timent of ftlesira. J. W. k V. JCaaaia, who a MUAieiTon the corner of Broad and Front streets.'' It will be eeen that they have on hand every variety of, articles in their line, including fruit' and oysters. Those trading with the Messrs. Kxsncb, will find them obliging and ao Oomtnodatlng, and ready to give as good bar gains as can be obtained anywhere in the olty. We advise our readers to call and see for them selves. - - . ICT Reader, you have beard a great deal said in praise of the Wis sisters.; Go and see and bear for yourself these weird sisters and birds oi aong.'and you "will say with us 'that the one half had not been told you. . r., t ... ' -:.: 'J Columsu A ear Tint Stove.- Our-enterprise fellow townsmen,' Messrs. Gill, have manufsoturedi and on tale at -their ware rooms, No. 90, 92, 91 and 95 Jfartli'lHlgb; street, the neatest and rnost compscl (tore fbr officers ' tent vjiavver seen, weighing but thirty fivefounailn HI.' Officers would dd well. to oall and examine these stove before purchas ing fowno"rov',i . '; .', ".Z'l- MiLiTiJT'ArP0iriTiiiNT4 The following ap point neots have been reoently mad by Gov. DtMten " ' ''' ''' ''-'-!- " it- -t.i ; John C. Douglaa, Cambridge,' let Lieuteo ant Uaartofmaster 78th Reelmenr. Henry W. Cist,' Adjutant 74th Ree(ment.T,, B: M. Skinner, fomeroy. Ma)o ,79th. Regi ment. 1 '' -.: i " ..' t,'J yi'l Char'ltfaB. Ellis, Major 75th Regiment. ' JameiE, West, New.y.ork, Major ?lt, Regl ment.'l.. . .i.-:m.- o.i M ,-.- . ., W. B.' Herton,. Major Quartermaster 66th Regiment.'A' I: !"'- ' w '.- O.JVistre,,P(t,,)itjor Adjutant 67tltRegil Craft J. Wright-, Colonel 83d Revtment Charles W ; ndrMffClricVtjatl,, Msjon JWJ Regiment Wo. E. Gilraove, Chilliootbe, -Lieateeaaa- Colotel 221 Recrment' -i... t Aaron M... prown'," , Aw''nt)S"urgt'6fl(;S22J ivegjimeiii. j ail ".: t arj.ri inn , W. B. Fay, 1st Llettteasnt and Adjutant Rtl merit. ""4. Wm. Bradford, Lleatenabt Qa'tirtarinVsler'Sj;! RegisSeBt, vna .' . ;. , , ,.a,ir ,n,;, John Farvot, Colombo, Lieutenant nAdluUnt 1st Regiment. ; ; ' ' ' W V. . Womoo; ChUUcotie; iXJHtftflitt Quar:termaat 134 RegimeoC,. ,iu Ottd Baretenblnder, Colonel 7th Reglmmt,' Jerome B", PhlUIpe Os tell." 1st LuUnnt Quartermaate 6th CavaIrj.Vr y;,;,. Oscar r.ttibbi 1st Ueatemnk Quaxta-maatt 29th Jleglmen.,l,",, 1 ' -.. W.' i. Hotcjiinyta ateny; ftii'wyflritttlter Cth CtTaVy.i Xj UX .Imi tfi tJin. aa,h v WUliw SteadmaOfx Randolpbf Major 6th CaVdlrf. 1 ' '- "o"oi: mi vl Hl 1 t )f,.,l.l.iv:''.. f .H W 1lW,in J at, of, fer tt the 18 of a . 1 I J one rio l)"nrrr 1 i ma n . -,,. CaNlrlB 1 IaABOBNTOf MBWUAFBUTh Clnom'niti.rBflnffef' accoonti ' for the o6mIoB' al lareeny of that ptpep by laying it to to oharge of tiiog of remarkable' taat iiid", Wul llgeneei oelrnglflg to It gentletnai ktUflhed to the iolkeCtiitpeeitiaMtit .eanlne Aj WBiehiltWtf 4omlotB0niw lng,1t lenpf the fence AndV'ftfepU the tfforti of bUi mwi to eallhlm baok, disappears down the etrekUila tbeeoeuwenof ten or Aftoea attov otee be rerarne wltkw-wepy-el Ue-fafitaroti, whlohiof eorrthe mtihve toltfrem ome eBtlemaa'e reVsor-etepU 1 eboaii-eny our strotwlbeTBliitBB ;thelrpapef f rii6pe sber wm atviphte into. tght fecr. It tatgkt eatkaps be welt to Injlitule aa Ueee tigBtrwArf; inch surfttsUg Uit Bad agapltyia Colum-l bas. lia j , it r-' A4 1 S . n. . 1 n T-k. following is statement or tne nip ana awaras Ifer army fltbjog,' mide t the QQartermaeter. General' cffloe,Jn this oily, abovt the lSib. f the present month (Ootober): : 1 ' 7 'waVliiD'ooviMj J.T. 1. ktDtte, Oolnbu,S,00O.i 0 W712 kt. I. Thoupwn, Olnelnnttl, 9,000 .....0 75 t z, Hyp :;r::n:::":: Ss J. Breyfogit, rt-AA t v imx Wn.Hoddfe Co., ClBGlOBttL " ............ i 85 0. B. Ounifcfla.. I I SO P. Ac H. Ltwit Bre. , New fork. 9 OOO. A. .... 0 73 Awtruta to HtfMre a uaiimu. 4 sou u ( otvatar and itillit jackxt. 0. Briyfojlt. Oolamboi.',. uwigai Blum, uelumbu.... ..(. a 95 1. L. OuUl It. Loiil. 4 Ml Bmlth. illlltr fc Ooautook. Oolamba....w..... 6 SO Htidelbtck, Werthelmer Av Co., Olnelnnttl 0 SO Awirdad to J no. L. floaUi. Bt. Lonli. who hlllu Li iarnun iecQri.y, no oinor twtra wu nuue. ,a Comltoot'lIliUr it Bmlth. Ool ambni.. C000.' H. 'A 00 John b. Ootttt, St. UuU,fiOOO 3 80 A. J. hn A Co., Philadelphia, 6000 . ) 85 Awtidtd to John It. Ooaiet, si l.oala, who tailing to mralth Mcnrttjr, do othtr award wat mad . r A L, Pwlght 8 ton, OolumbDi, (000.. $3 50 Litopoia uooaaosri. uiDOiaDaii.bOOO, eaiQr,v it uu It X. B. Millar, Oalanbo. 6000.....,.,....., 3 19 fhu.h. Unit, 6000 45 A. i. Iitna It Co.. Phlladt nhia. 6000.. a 15 8aith Oomatoek, Calombua, 6000. .....y. 3 JO fuiatlbtea, wtitbolmer Co., Oineltutl, 10u0.. J US Awtxaoo 10 pmitn at tomitoon.uow,.,.. .,.,... 3 10 - - r i . 1 ' " '(, 'll M uwhi . Dwlght Bton. Columbui, 18 .000. . . $) 15 uo J. At T. B. Millar. Oolnmbna, 0,000 15 45 John I. Oottat, ei. trait, 18 000 13 00 Ij DontldaoD, Agent, Oolambus, ifiOD.... ...... 15 85 HeidelUoh, WarUwlmar t Ot.tOljiBaatl,3,tO0 15 00 Awardad to Jon. Ii, Ooatat, 8t. toula. who falling to rumlth awurlly, awaid watatde to Cwlgbt Stone. Co- uiuMa, u,i.uvi.l...,.,.n......,,...,,M,,a,f io uu ( ... , 1 1.. ,1 f 81AWiB. .,,. ,1, ,,.'4'.(o a. M .,1 ... 1 nir.:i ! . . vW: Parriotm. Dwlrht Blooa, Oolomboa. 18.000 .;...4, .........ai4 00 at S. B. MUler, Oolamboa, 9 0oe. 19 85 1 " ' J' V.......... 19 95 Joo. L. Ooatat, 81. tenia, 18,0OO..v ....,. 13 00 1 jjontiaton, Agtnt, uoiambut. o,uou yi su Awtrdid to J,tl,l. Billet, Columbus, 18,000 12 SO ' .. 4,'J (-"OAVALaV OVMOOATS. Comttoek Bmlth. Oolnmbna, J.OOO.Vi. r...vr. stio 75 is ........ 10 75 John L. Oottat, Bt. Lonlt, 3,000 Awarded to Oomt took Bmitb l.OOq. . 1NFAMT1V 0VMO0T..iUo) Ji .Ii. .1 Pwlght Itone, Oolumboi, S.OOO------- 910 00 I. U. UOtWt, BkliOOIt. I,UU........v.. ....... 0 05 Oomitoak A BatlUi, 3,000.. ; win. M twtra tua. . . . ti r u j , f. 1. Killer, Colombo, 6.000 ..kM.,l 48 do . 4s a 000.. .......... a in Lntntr Dooaldaon," Agt., Otlnmbnt S 000...... 1 40 B. BetTts Ac Oo.,-Cincinnati, 6,000 1 15 1. Kotnt at Co.. - do - 6.000...'. 1 40 ' 1 iX 1 45 I M ' 1 40 y Slmklnton at Co.. " do " 6.000... Bldelman, Ivtna At Co., Oolnmbna, 1,500. 1 - - oe ; - 00 . :- -Awarded to If. I. Xoens at Co.', 6,0W.V, 6. . I avti . '-.! v.,'.' LAItBXT9.'li'.j 1-rf ! iO(htr Donaldaoo, Oolombmi, 4.500 ptlr af 85 per lb no awaro maaa. 4 .1 1 - j t f:-J.;. it ''SOOTS, f .r" '' )';'-! a T.K.Muitr. Cbinmbos .ooo''..,:.;.:'.v...;:.t25"oi Jot. Maiury, Olevaltnd, , 3.000. v. .....'....,, SO 00 ao ao 1 ikju au ei do do . r i.euo..r. 33 67 do . . do., 3,000 as so 1 UU . , .1 ,uu ,vuu. ............... do . . .' . .. ,da ., 3,000.. S6 S3 ., ao- 1 ..oa. . w o.wu.... ......., ... vu 1 do.. do?;-,rsooo.,....M...,.,;.,7 96 do 1 " ( r " ,s,wo..;..v..'..h...v 93 80 v, J4 da'T'a.0004(4(.4.,h. 99 70 do do 3,000 33 00 do '"do ' ' .000..-...V,....V.... 98 03 le do- do ' 3,00(1.. . I... ......u 99 70 do '-do v'3,0OO;....;. 99 00 ...'. J m. nr. Btdtlmtn B. Crawford. Ooltmbtt, 1000...,, 98 09 I 00 . , , . . 0 i,, 10U0M... v. XV uu . Sonaldioa. Oolambot, 3000... 37 SO John t. Ooataau St. Loalt. 3000... 40 rO B. Bttvatec Co., CinctnaaU, 1800... 97 00 do do ixou... KB ao do do'' lO0...,'..rt.. II W Tf.T. Koateet Co,', ' dew sow..,...ri'90 00 do do 3flOO......M"3 00 BlmktnioaSfOo.' " df ' K0.. ........ 89 00 Awarded to Wi W. Koeot at Co, Olncin'tl, 3000. 30 00 SOCE. , tiTi-il .-Via. u John t. 0ottet,8t. tonli, 18,000. Mt. ),...'.. -Sua Awarded tint no aocurli was Turnnaeu, ana no oon- tract mad. ' ' - " o-l aCrif yon Bre ever ponied to flnd" Just what you want In the grocery line, calf ornVrH. RiSTiiuoTt, neaf ;t,h soatb-east corner of, IIIgD and State streets, and we apprehend the diffi culty will b spoedily removed,. . . j d To MiUTtBT Obntliiim anb Civilians Yon will find at N. GmnSBKWBk'(, No. 139 High street, next door tq the Goodale Hooe large and superior stock of teady-madl ElaiT tg, and a like excellent stock of cloths to mannfaotnred to order In the merchant tailoring department of bis , establishment, " Mr. j B, Sfoblino, who superintends "this department, a skillful cutter, whose ability and reputation afford an Ample guaranty that none bnt the beet work will be made under his, Inspection.! 3 V Onr readen, military and otherwise will find to their advantage to purchase their clothing ready made, or leave their orders with Mr. Gvn DitsHUMia,'woo kj ao oldand ciperleac'ad jner- onani 01 mis city, anu is enaoiea, irom tae iaci thai he buy hi goods, for easb, eU'at-- a very low figure. ' " ' '' '-.ft,' Kemember N, UuKDtiSBiiNia, No. I'M South High etreet.'. -'itocti-lmeod .Master. jCmmissiojierjH 6aJef Fraderlck IwUhtr, Adm'r, Ao.v ii r. an, .v,k:m . '! . - nopanor uowrt. ,.!. Joht Brtnker et at. " I ar ii it.o. T Tlrrot of an order of salt to lot dtreet4 from tfio' 1 Bunanor Court ol Franklin oomtr. Ohio. I will of for ttlt tt the door of , tot Ooart Hooh In tht Olty of L rjalnmhna. an . r -.., ... Saturday, the 26th day of Oot., A. D. 1661, , ona o'olock P, M., the following nal (tttta. tlratto Irf oountjr of Prankllt and Btttt of Ohio to wit' On hundred and tlx acre! off tha eaat tnd of tht following tract or parcel ql land, tn section 6, quarter , town-' thlp'lu, rante SI, Ootigrtaf hwdt (Mttintwt't warrry)'. batlnnrni tt the aorthwnt oorntr of laid aeoilon. thence tnntli 158 7-10 no lea to t whlrt aim from wbtch It a beach tnebat in diameter. B. 49 der. B. 45 Hnkt, tnd ewamn while oak, SO lnchet, N. 44 deg. 39 llnkt, thtnet tut 809 6-10 Dole to a pott, altoata from a beech 90 lnenat at aiaautar. n. uuf. mi uu nnu, aao aaoUMr batch S4 lnchea, B. 4Kdeg W. 65 llnka, thenot h Itndt tht htlrt of John BinUS, deceajed, Dulh 157 6-10 polet to tht ttot'tln aa tht taut M of Mid station to ttakt, thence weal thing the taction lint to tht aoulh- watt corner or tam aaouon, tnenot norm tioeg tot watt Unt of tald aectton tilt It tnttnaett tht said nrrt men tioned lint, tht whole tract oontainlng nt hundred tnd tight torae end nlntty pole); - 4 Apprttaed title pttatra.nP eli"1e -10 . Prlntti'i net, 8. j. - yjlTf i ,..,. W.'HUf WAN. u u" , , Bhtrllfttd Matter Comminloner. 0. t. Coavtrte, att'y. SpS3-td. : rraOI-OrT Ai'i i at ! f la to ant. ;rili Cl.l.:. onenu a oaio. m r. W. Blch , a. ; Jacob J I , W. Blchtidt. Oia.u 1 " r 1 V. I. 1. T virtue of an order of ttlt to me eUrtttaoV froan the 1 Ooart of OemaaeA Plat or Vnnklin ut. uhlo. will alter for tahtt (ha doBrwritht aOeant Uoaae, In Qttlta4 0t4amfg, u;-. PBfltBrQByrWoTember16ibl-ATi)rl86l,-: wtote thrat (3), twMtrthret (aholatawtj 410), flrtr Mi), ana nny-nTt iui, in thajo.nni pi. tasaafalp,la tho ODnat 0HiakUn ona State of I'lNi aia,w pom, ainw Mae. waica lata Jacob gloaittugnioi 4onn rr ttnv 55, 90 80 , ni.'t'idO tt niiiiHBn,,xnans. . ATTinojr'irtat ew w - w ,anitatS beta tVSt MB . tVi-IMK'Jtn aoiii-w "t if I 1 1 " trttejoaj-pwtlr' j,ieA a3 dltMu a front tht Court of Common PIcm Of Trtnk- on'r, Ohio, I will offer for tale tt the door Of tht Itiditrt lion, In Uit Cl'J oTColunibaty oj . j . BaiidAyvBe S5Ut 'd j otJ&iutm&iri AaiUt e oo af4'-.T tM,;-vieWTter dttetltdr Haw-t kttB. attoate m the ooWna of IrankUa aad Itatt of Ohio, lottfti 9, stAHilmtti it ems lt tin Ba ta leAQoiwiwiw . . ' mmA MttaWtawtt inVAmlai.tnaW . . ! 1 - 1 CJ IKY1 Bf In! '1 ,nw W 4 wvn, . PrioUr'tlttt-li SO. eUOr-td 4 TELEGRAPHIC. Reported for the Ohio Statesman. Reported for the Ohio Statesman. FREMONT'S CASE REFERRED TO THE PRESIDENT. Union Troops in Possession of Leesburg. Leesburg. Cassins M. Clay Desirous to Return Home. NEWS FROM CAIRO. Exchange of Prisoners. TERRIBLE SLAUGHTER OF THE FIRST CALIFORNIA REGIMENT. LATEST FROM MISSOURI. The Affair at New Orleans Not So Bad After All. PARTICULARS OF FIGHT AT SANTA ROSA. From Washington. [Herald's Dispatch.] Washinoton, Oct. S3. Generals" MoClellan. Bmks and Stone have been on the Virginia side of the river all day in the vicinity of Leesbnrg, and It ts telegraphed to neadquarters to ntgbt that their troops' are In possession ot that place. The whole of General Banks's command have crossed the river, so that our forces now are In sufficient strength to meet any number the reb els at e capable of concentrating at' that point. A reconnotssance in loroe was made to-dav from (he camp of General Blenker's division by way of Annandale within a few, mile of Fairfax, without discovering any body bt rebel forces.' It Is evident thtt the-enemy nave ie- treated still farther . from the trout of our lines. I am informed by the highest authority in this Government tiat the published statement in a New York paper to dny that at a cabinet meetlnir reeterdav all tbe member of thai bodv pronounced judgment -that Fremont should be superseded, anu that the order to tbis effect would be issued to-dav. Is nntrne. No such de cision was made in cabinet,, and as a matter of course no such order has been issued. Tbe fact are, tbe condition of affair In General Fremont' department wu ditcussed in cabinet yesterday, t Some of the members were In favor of depriving' bim of bis command immediately and ordering him here to be tried by court-martial, others opposed, such aotion while in bis present position in the face of tbe enemy. : Tbe subject oecnpied the President and Cab inet for several nonrs, wnen they decided by a vote to leave the whole matter to the decision of the President. :'"'. : The( latter find the question a very difficult UUO Ml BVbhlD, lUTUlVIUaj BO la uuco UUk VUIJ me great pecuniary interests of ,the Government, bnt perhaps Immediate aud Important military i Together with the law officer of the Govern ment, be win Vive toe einject tnoroogb in vestigation, ana acoiae it in accordance with the facts. i Caseins IHClay, onr Minuter, to Russia, ha Intimated, to the Government that, uvrie of tbe threatening attitude of tbe rebels, he wonld prefer to surrender bis present commission, as representative) to Russia, and enter tbe army in active defense of the Government: Tbe Cabi net pbaa the aublect - under xouaiderativa, end Kentuaklans here are apxiout )y tbe return of tbe cassins. [World's Special.] : Only tbe Rhode island officer stood by their guns, the men' tettBatlpg esrfy q tbe fray. The enemy charged from the woods in all di rection, converging npou our foroej they were bravely met, but .the slaughter of our beet oUL oers and anen was eb terric, that .the Federal- ins-were t Itst obliged to retreat ; Colonel Baker was killed by a hosfcraan who rode close to him and fired five shots from a re volvor, all taking effect. -The. slayer waa al once brouget down by Captifn Deniel r the same brave man recovered Baker's bodv, lead- In: a oharge oi bis company for that purpose. ' The California Keglmtnl iook over, oi men and officer, six hundred and eighty-nine.' The drowned are abont fifty, killed thirty, prisoners three hundred, and wounded one hundred and twenty-five; total, five hundred end five; safe, about dne.bundred and elghty-foor. " '"" ' Two' howitzer and two field piece of tbe second Rbode Island battery, were hauled np the bill end effectually bandied during the fight by Colonel mier mmseir, eiaea ty wis tar, bis Adiuttnt Iiawley, Colonel Cogswell ol tbe Tammany, and company u, iaptaio Uerrtoi, First Ctlllornl "" ' " I The forces which' crossed the'Potom&o' were aatollowg: 1st Battalion of the California, six hundred and eighty-nine men;" Maisaehusutts lDtb, one, 'thousand men; ; Massachusetts 90th, about .five bnndred men; Tammany, two hun dreds toula two thousand three hundred . and eighty-nine' t : r.-- -m -.. On tbe advent of the news of the fall of Geo. Bakei. Gen, Lander was Immediately ordered to Ibe soene. beln at that lime- makrog ar- rsogemeot' to prooeed to new command. ugher up tne rotomao t Gecu GusUvu W. Smith, we not.ia the ah. Mwardref errr. ' 1 he rebel armv wteoorr mandei by Gen. EvanB.; ".",..t! " " ; 10-uaj duuu tuo eucuij wvru uua iu lurco iu immediate front nearer to Washington than CcntrevllltW i All their troopax ar withdrawn irom Fairfax Coatt Houtt -andBtsHon 'cept the picket guard, " , L 'i,. (Tribune's Correspondence.) Bsyes, of Kansas, arrtved here to- dav is beaifer of dispatches containing .certain charge against Captain Prlnee commander at oTl teavnworin ine pnnoipai 'Oiracurey his refusal to -fill reqOlsitions of General Lan-, . i .- .mi-, 'i - - i ! .j .-V! t The following are to be assistant Adjutant- Qencrale: Ctptain Wm, H. Scheater, to report General Wood, Conlsvllland Csptiln Fred. . . . . . r. ' i nr 11 . . ' n . iveuuera 10 report, to .voutiMirr tuawtjm dUCah. ' ;"v.) ,''j . it .fv F(i t . : .1. Y.i I [To the Associated Press.] I WiSHHiaTowT Oct." 21 Irtw-Tramoscd- the rebel Iteamer Page ran ont of Acquit Creek' In the, dark,, and fog on .Taetdaj nighu ,he crossed over to the Maryland fide yesterday M terneonv and Uapu rarks, wub ma giAsa,-cottld that ebe was evowded with eur-"8he was observed ,to mke only one, trip.; She 1 pro tected by the rebel betteile. .The Page, while on ber trip, fired three shells over IB tbe Mary land shore. In the direction or me position or ine 3d '. regiment 'fit Slcklea brlgad" .Several small boata-baVe been jobiervsd prosnlng atr near the eame point -" ' : A aehooner wltrf wood, which rod tne Wock-' ade yetterdtf . W4 firing between the Island .. .a ' Vfa.l. . 1 . 11 fa.. . Jl. Belle and- mttniaa rotoi oaenes quue on- tinotly on Tuesday night. - - - [Post's Dispatch.] . .. . , It le understood that the rebel steamer PageJ which has beea eoBflned la Acquia treek, is now oo tbe rlvet j 8he was protected, all sum mer by the guns of) Aoqul Creek batteries, bnt present erwielng betweea that place and Shipping Point, to tlok n what stray transports eb. ma, find. ;'t:,;- " t,-:.. The rreeldent baa at laat suspendea ine writ seorpua la the JJlstrtol or coiumota. e and lsipyerB have mad themselves dome with thels offlclou interference wuo,,.muarj mira uuti tmt.Decamo seces. V: Mof'.J r.i-v.r3'K:Ja intirf.aKiLL i.- -i I. r wtua uivr b vnnuitj BaUTltrri 1 1 UlU uu- twda?:Frvtisirtf eat toMlsisf hundred1 wnl twebiy ktlle, wetredeel and- tnlHlnr, maby or tbe.'latter'.bslng'prisoners to. the rtbeU. A6dl ant.wtndajiog U tht,woii aud esi tbe sboteel pf.tbet rptoao. tioBei tUystowd lie aad oloner Vocuwoll were both taken prleonera.. -TbttfKaBiUce'nofco (3epral Bmlth' W'n'OAlCfdayleforjd lenn ani -an nomber ofi(ul.oiw4i NAauaunat from the etbav liOtr rX'tb river represent every tmog qniei t' I News from Richmond. i PautADiLTBu, Oct.- S3. The Rlohmond WLIqt a copy of which bas been received here, Iq au editorial on tbe way, aaya all tite Indlca tlota point to a long war. '- commenting upon what it term the Bafer polioy of acting on the defensive, which bss been adopted by tbe rebel Generals, a poli cy which the edltor.i.falls to appreciate, and showing the snpremaoy the Federal forces have gained, threatening the whole coast, and able to assail at ant nolnt the entire frontier of the Sooth, the following declaration of despair is ottered: The possibility of our success is not within range of accident. To prevent onr subjugation or extermination I all we oan hope for. We have no skill In strategy know nothloz of the moans at tbe command of our Generals but If this Is all tbat is loft us, we bad as . well be looking out for terms of submission, and tbe sooner the better. . . An endless war, which af fords no ooDortunitv for either victory or re venge, is a booties undertaking. The South ern people who have offered themselves and their all for the prosecution of this war, and have Dlappn Imnlicit nnnrldence In tne men In vested with its conduct; have looked for some- 4t L..- - .. .... eing oeuer. : -r.e-wM ft it a tin a It is not to be denied tbat a sense of unqual lfled distruet is gradually supplanting that gen. eroos confidence ; that a snspicion is gaining ground that ail the advantages of our position have not been profited , bf aa they might have been, tbat the war baa not been prosecuted with tbe vigor and euergv demanded by tne emer genoy. . We hear, muttering complaints, spsrt irom those connected with tne uuartermasier, Commissary, and Medical departments, growing out of the appointment of so many civilians to hjgri commands.1 Many of taeee appointments have filled the country with' apprehensions of weaater. . . . ...!V.-j"i ii.... - From Baltimore. Oct. 23. Judge Bind, to-day, sentenced John King, one of tbe 12th of April Motors, to one year's imprisonment aud nve hundred dollars floe, at the same time telling him that tbe testimony warranted his oonviotioo for murder, arid nil taking prut in that riot were guilty of murder..' " ... .1. At toe fair ol the Maryland, institute, a com pany ii the Home Guard and a large delegation proceeded to the Hall, demanding tbat tbe band of the Independent Blues should play tbe na tional airs, which bad -been suppressed-- Tbe band struck np Hail Columbia, which was re ceived with cheers, and tbe waving of handker chiefs by the ladies, and obeers for Gen. Scott, the union, Dix and MoClellan, by tbe crowd outside. ' " Further Particulars of the Battle at Santa Rosa Island—The New Orleans Affair. New' Yosk; Oct. 24. The steamer McClel- Ian arrived from the South west, Pass on the 14:h. - On the morning of the 9 lb about three and a half o'clock the euemy attacked Colunel Wilson'a position in force. Company J, Third infantry, Captiln Hildt, and twenty-seven men; Company A, First artillcy, Lieutenant' Taylor, eightynve men In all, under Major Vogdee, mot (he enemy some disianoo above Camp Brown. '"Major Vogdos was taken prisoner im mediately... Captain ( lildt, taking command, engaged the enemy. ' Our loss was four killed, twenty-one wounded and eight taken prisoners. The enemy's loss was much larger: eleven' of tbetr men were found In one heap... Major Ar. nold arrived after daylight to tbe assistance nf Cant'. Hlldl. ' :-ju- eyj -.---- I The command then proceeded to a point where the rebels bad disembatktd, juat as their eteamers were leaving, and opened on them a destructive fire. The enemy's Iojs left on tbe island was twenty-two killed, fire wouaded and thirty thrc.0 prisoners. Many Ot the wounded were carried off. Captain Bradfoid and Lieut. Elmnswere killed. Three officers were -captured, one of them Lient. James,-formerly of theUoiiei States Marines, bidly wounded. ',. 1 Gen. Anderson was in command of the rebels, and was wounded in the arm. After disembarking the enemy acknowledged tho Iobs of over ono Bupdred. "Ia addition to the loea on bus side above slated, the 2juavet lost nine killed in their camp and eleven taken prisoners'- The Zontve camp was situated on Santa' Rosa' bland, about one mile from. Fort Pitkens, and waa so distributed as iq command all tbe approaches to the Forehand -also to pro tect the batterieai Theebel forces, fifteen hundred strong, embarked from the Penaacola navy yard in three large eteamers, and landed on tbe Island about four milta above the camp. It was about H A. M., , and very dark. They rapidly formed in three columns, and proceeded Silently toward tne Zouave oamp, hoping to effcot a total surprise. In this' they were, but partially successful.- ine picket guard, iu- tionod about sic hundred yards from tbe eamp, discovered and fired upon them, giving the alarm, which saved tbe regioiont from annihilation. I The attack of tbe rebel oolumne waa simulta neous, and volley after volley was aimed upon the volunteers. "They wore lorocd to fall back, leaving their camp In tho bands of tbe rebels, which they commenced burning. , . . ',, ' V ' Fort Piokens was by this time, aroused, and three companies of regulars eame to onr assist ance. The rebels then, commenced retreating to their boats, closely followed by .the regulars and a small number of volunteers, keeping np a destructive fire upon them, killing and wound ing a large number. .' The rebels finally reached their boats, bnt the steamers were over five hundred yards from the beach, and our men ponred repeated volleys into tbe crowded matt. Every bullet told,' and by tbe shonts and oonlu- ion of tbe rsbcja, it waa evident we bad obtain- ed ample lausiaouon. t u. , -..). . i . :... ; .' Tbe Zouave weie badly managed, and Col. Wilson very much censured for inefficiency, not reaching tho scene until all was over. Tbe officers and men Jot. almost everything. Msj. Newbv had a narrow escaA irom capture, being confined to his bed by daageroua illness. ,u '., The regiment lost ten killed, sixteen wound ed, and nine prisoners.' Tbe regulars lost four killed, twenty wounded.aiid tea prleonera. The rebels lost, b their owa etitement, three hun dred' and fifty killed, wonnded and missing We too, tnirty-nve prisoners, including tnree doctors, wbo were releaeed. -, .' .,,,. , The MoClellan bring reliable accounts oi the fleht al tbe month'1 of the 'Mississippi.1' The rebel fleet consisted, "of. six gun-boats, the Bit teting-Ram Manassas, anil .a largo number pf Ore ships,' wnton tilled tne river irom enore to shore.! Our quadron:comprrB6d the Richmond, HunUvllle, Water .Witch, : Preble . and . Via- oennes, and store-ship Nightingale, which were at anchor inside ot the southwest pass. - " The Manassas drifted tool of tbe Kiobmond, knocking a hole ft ber quarter and atcrn, doing but little damage. " ''" . ' v To avoid the ore-ships, the squadron got un der weigh immediately .And. drifted down the river. " in ,nn i-Tffv- The Richmond, Preble. Vincennes and Night ingale got ashore on the bar, and while asbore were attacked by the rebels. Only one of the shots took effect, and that struck, tbe Richmond on tbe quarter. They were beaten off -by the Vincennea with two rubs, sue having wrown tbe rest overboard, and the rest of ber arma ment, with bar. chain? anchors, etc to lighten her, she being much exposed to the rebel tire. i Not one person waa killed' or wonnoea in to Bflutdrpn. .TJ'.Z'.. ' I Tht.Hionmpui,,.rreoi ana vincennea; were towed off tbe next dav by the MoClellaa. . Toe aightingalo was still ashore, but would, proba y get off next day. ,-it i a .tlHtfn I Enwiani'a Firry. Oci.'fM.-UDtitm vi Skir mish last evening, oppositthll pint,' General Lander received a oalntal flesh wound In his left lag. Tbe ball tiaa been extraoted, and no datvJ gertoiifeor nmbTB -apprthendedt i - r 1 r r, Vote in Western Virginia on the Division of the State. .VTutfcun-a. 'Oct. aiAi'.elwfion btle v'utioa of the State, aa ordered) -by an ordinaeoe ori the Iwtt Convention,'; eame off throughout Western Virginia to-day. Tbe vote In this city and oouniy wai not 'iuu, out overwoeimingty for divietoR,-Reports-from tbe lot eriof, aa 4"ar as rodlvd-, Bbow ttlll graaterVrMtniaally t Of It. Tklrty-Blne counties are includes in toe new Dtate.,,,;. r,. ..,. Meesrti Lamb, PaxtoB-and Battelle are elect ed' delegates ftovrtni ewontf otDvoivtinon w&Ich.meta on tho'TCth' bf NoremberW frame at rrfinalltnltnti ft awaw.ww BojrWoVt.a.TeReVW Tftbinfcutted fcemael Hooker ' Jrr Co'ngrs'1in place of Ajpletqtu re!gefl. ".L,1 . -ny Vf-'. um ilB)' apntauaTt.. 'ft'- ' 'f,w, LftvM at Ah maaiBh of the Misatssippi ttvatvea theHtb. Tbe Blooper-war Dale was spoken oa th low IB the unit stream, cruising Capture of a Rebel Steamer. I New Yok; Oot. ?M4 Key West letter of tne aytfl report tht arrival at Cardevaa en U)e loibej af tie t rebel . eteamer Theodora, from CbarleatODt with the frenchContnl and family and Meters. Maeon and tilidell, Commltaiontrs to; trance ana Cogiend. $ ; ; p ;The steamer Salvov-'rom Ifavana wish con traband goods, was ctit'irod on entering Tampa Bay by tbe KtyJBtjne State, and towed to Key West. Her cargo la said to. have consisted o six hundred pistols, .half a million peroattlOQ caps, sis hundred 'dozen bate, eight ease of shoes, four hundred thousand cigar and fonr bnndred bagB of coffee.:'' paotairi tioott refused to give bis price np to toe United State Mar shal for adjudication, and" to obey tbeorder of tbe United State Uourt, (and sailed with hi pnae tor iNew xork. - - Cjosol' Savage seat InteMrtenoe ti" Major French of the sailing of the Salvor from. Ii vtnna.tnd aho that another vessel loading with arme and munition would leave on the 18;b. There being no naval vessel at Key West sbe will undoubtedly slip into lamps, which la not now blockaded. f , ., . , i Gale on Lake Huron. I DxtroitI Oct. 24 --The schooner Wai" NeU son, Flying Cloud, L. M. Mason, Union, Ei J, Uray, U. Harrison, and three others, name no known, all laden with grain, bound for the low er lakes, went ashore on Pretque Island, Lake Huron, luesday nignt.' ine three for .uer like, ly to prove a total loss. xr'.r.? ,r, j sim ." ; : Four tugs with iteam pumps will be sept from utre to ineir aseiaiauve. , P., Ft. W. and C. R. R. sold at Auction. lion. Clivilano, Ojt. 24 Tbe Pitttburg, Fort Wayne and Ubioago Ktilruad was sold at auo tion here to dav, lot two million dollars, to J. F. D. Laoier, lor purchasing committee, .and iur auiv has uccu cvuuiuiau vj i.wut.a t New YoRg, 6ctj24". Tbe guuboat Con'oectl cut is coming uu. 1 lue Brig .Ureuoda, from JNcu vitas lor Wew York, wascantured on tbe 13th. In lat. 33. lonn-. 71, at midnight, by tbe pirate Sallie, ol Charles ton. . : " 1 PuatoiLMii, Ojt. 24 The Washington correspondent cf , the. Philadelphia Press says it is officially Informed that only a portion of Gen eral Banks' division, was thrown across the river on TueFday, and tlioy uow command both sides of tbe Ferry.' ' :. " - u. ,. At a consultation between MoClellan. Banks and Stone, It was decided that there was force enough in Virginia to meet every emergency, and those on the Maryland side need not be moved serous. . 1 From Cairo. : Cairo, Oct. 24. Col. Buford and Cant. Drei ser, of MoClernand'a staff, accompanied by sev eral other gentlemen, went to Columbus yester day, on tbe propeller Sampson, for the purpose ot exchanging prisoners. The oartv waa nrwrfi. ally received by Gens. Polk and Pillow. Sixteen prisoners .were released. The town Is well for tified; a battery of eight 24-oounder Is nlactd at tbo upper end of the town, and two forte are being built oue mild and a half above the town. No guns yet mounted.- The number of rebels at Columbus Is not over ten thousand. at 1 ' Later from Edwards's Ferry. Enwtaos's Tkaar, Oct. 24 A flag of truce crossed therTverTo recover the'dead bodies and inquire the fate of tbe missing." The bearer of tbe Hag bas not yet returned. Ibis afternoon a rebel brigade waa teen on. lug tn the direction of Conrad's- Ferry, and dis appeared oemna tne .woods,, where it is said there is an earthwork, numbering seven him. dred. This i(betwci n the river and Leesbursr two raileaJVom Leiiburg a 'J j , j. I Aoout tne same time uea. Abercrombie sept wurf tp beadqnarter that the enemy wis ad- Ttuclug .tjiula.hia po.Uioa, 00 the Virginia) Bide, from above and below, and asking fur re - ipforccmenls. Orders were Issned to rob over1 a strong force to bis relief. 1 ' Up t the present hour (one o'clock, P. M.) no attack bat been made. Yeaterday.learnlug that, a iarce force of the enemy via approaching, and hid arrived at two points above and below the Ferry, it was judged advisable to withdraw onr troops from the- Vir ginia ehore at Edwards's Ferry and Hartiton's Inland. Thia was also necessary (rout the high R,te ?.'K4nr. jtftf.f .!,! ii i ili From Fortress Monroe. I FbRTi38"MoNci, ',Ootr 23. Tbo 8 A. Spalding returned from Ilatterae Inlet, laat night. She brings no new of importioee. 1 nere nave Decn no military movements in tbe vicinity of the Inlet. A few davs ago six reb el ateamera made their appearano there, bnt withdrew without making any 'demonstration. ; Important from Missouri. 1 St.'Louu, Oct. 21. Col'.' Morgan, with two hundred and twenty men qf the ISth Missouri Regiment, and two pleoee of .artillery, bad a fight with some fonr bnndred- rebels, On Big Hurricane Creek, Carrom county, last Satur day, killing fourteen, taking sight prisoner, ana putting tne Dtitnce to nignt. Morgan had fourteen wounded, two mortally. ,- -''J It is believed at Sactede tbat tbe notorious Martin Green has desertod Price, and is trying to raise another band-of ontlawa in Northern Missouri.. , a, i [Special to St. Louis Democrat.] Jtrpcasow Crrt.TJct.' 24 Colonel Wagoner arrived to-day from Tipton, and reports tbat it was rumored and Deiieved there tbat Lane and Montgomery bad Intercepted' MoCulIoah". or some one assuming tbat name, in bis attempt to join Price, and out hhr whole army to niece. i ois report is aiso neiieveo nere. We are reliably .informed tbat there are Some five hundred rebel congregated - In and around Fulton, Calloway county, whose design is to seise tome passing steamer, ferry them selves across the river and. burn tbe Osage bridge on the PaClfio Railroad. A vigilant and formidable guard will be 'maintained at the bridge. ;- , ,:r r f remont is said to have discovered one hun dred and Ixty thousand dollars in coin burled at Warsaw, add delivered it over to the U. S. Paymaster. TIT-1 ?? t.T !"" T " n .'! ae .--... The Steamer Mary Cook Fired Into. GaLiiroLis, O.. . Oot.l 24. The government steamer Mary Cook wu fired into last night at Cannelton, on the Kanawbk rlvrr by abont three hundred rtbol .cavalry ,Atout one bund red Ahota were fired into, ber, wounding one man belonging to the boat; . Th fif'e was ve turned by. the boat, and due rebel borse crip pledThe rebels'; followed the boat several mJlesi but sbe succeeded In escirjlng.-4" t RiLalniuaia, Oct. '24. Tbe Rlchmohd El- amlner ot the 13th lay late news from Manas sas Is full of Interest, and apeaka of. the Aban donment of fatrlax Conrt Hons. r r.-t-u. :. A dispatob from Memcbis .sais.a dueLwas fottghtaeu there, between. Measra. Lawke and Chamber, ol MlBsisaippi, rivtl eandidatea for Congret. i Lawke waa mortally wounded. . I Toe Charlestpn Courier of, tbe 16th sUtea tbat the Federal fleet off there consist of seven vesseis.e,w' (,. i -u- v i EleoWob retdrnlTrom Mississippi Indicate the re-election of Got. Petjtrie,-;; ; Mastef CommisIidiicA Saltj." )l vie 4 1 ptritr weurt frank lit! County, m Dei otftl John Brown ih,ordr,'of:'tiii SlfpeVlo? Vjen'rliV r. unto, mane tt rat atytma thereof. at v. &ou&, iu me auvro ciiiilicu aciroo. nere .will oe tfered (vi Ule. at btbllc auction, to the trighnt bHder, caiaireuiiiaiw auua way vt 11 WT a.m 1001 at'tit itoiir t4 lOo'ciock A.ttat the door of The (tonrt Jleutt, kt tht tily of Oelmulnu, la said f racklln cpapty. wt nutter 9 f Robert NeU'iadJItiou to tht oily i twarn aub - . of .Ooluabat, ........ 1 1 4 ,... I L. 1 I AppraltedatBU86.ia-. , .uiuif.a wwwHu.wn n uiu. ,. .... . It H. r . vpeciav maater vommiaiiuui ,ClttwrVi.,A0jrsi.i. UC3 H-w JJ baat wi'.H( m "1 1-' '.-- t , .tt.'TtVbIia aaA ilea1 otta BthSB v Ma,B9BwthDlfa COMMERCIAL MATTERS. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. New York Market. [REPORTED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] NEW YORK, Oct. 24. JTLOtlE KarleV a sntdt flrmr,wlth lair experl aad im aaananu, aaiea orxu.uw ooia ti u mm3 w tor i, Jecled; f 3 3iua si for inperflno tuu; (5 KA 5 for extra ttait; anaa tu (or taptmno weitern; 95 60s 5 60 for common to medium txtrt weitern; 5 iOdii DO ror tripping Dimnaaczut ronna noon unio ana at una 6 50 lor tradt brand!. Market tlealat rather outet. Inelndod la talte ar 4a00 bbla txtrt ttaw delivered at qtlrjl aalee-uf 730 bolt at 340AU 45 lorraptiaoa, end ti tiOSU 75 for common to chotot extra, itjrt flonr It f iw vBuauiaii uuui m .iiwi. .uwer, wi.u Mwi.niiv 111' qaletand(UadratS3 0(UB4 10. COBK atBAL In medaraU demand, with sales oa 100 bbla of common wratern at $i 8A, WUlBtY Market dulf and droonlnr. wl'.h aalca af 191 l.kla 'Hirn'niu - ' WHB Al-klarket tt abont la better,'' with good txpori aanana, ana a large poruoo or ttlri art to trrlve; taiei oi u.uuu Data vcicaxo aprtng it ft If 1 VI; 0,00 In ferior do 1 13K: 4 4(1 1 Uii-lna mrln, ar tl IS 111 81- 73,000 Milwaukee club at Bt S2l Si S8.0O0 amber lowaat 1 suaVlV7. the latief tn oataldt pr.ot; 13,500 rra aiaiealtlJll jjiagu Inferior red weitern al mi'JS: 96.000 winter red weitern at I 30I 35; 90,000 amber Michigan tt tl 351 3d, 550 amber Keatuetr tl I 38; 05 ,000 rerr Inferior while Ohio at Bl 3U; 5,000 do Bl 45- So.1 .7401 ir rt ,l ,431 5iW0 mu BYB la ouila firm, with ailoa of 4 nnrihnar. .1.1.' .1 HAULKx la nnchinitd: ailu af H rui un. aatm 65o for ttalt, tnd fide lor conuion. Canadian 71 1-9 for prime do. JOHN Market opened ih'tn tod eloaed 4 trlfl low. or; talet of UW.OOO bulb tt 57 jg for Inferior to oommoa mixed weitern; a6$o0 for good prima tblpplng do; eloa lag price; WK8B1 for weetern yellow. 04TB In Mr re a neat at 4floa4.fnn....i!... 43 for wettnra add ttttt. ' - ..ik...,,.,.,., POHKOtntlnnet moderate lod market without (aa. porltnt ehasge; atlet of 400 bbltat li SJHIS-IO tar meat; 9 7510 for prime. -. t In-, . ' vuii; iietoiiaxibouktflieassenfeoantry prime; B5 005 So for ooantrw mete) $5 00311 83 for repacked meee; 19 75iatlt6err extra prime) meat. scar hams Aft dull and nominal anchtnted. I CUT MBATS Oolat at id.r.Vn . .K.. uri, OXoforhami. ' " n" BAuua in ralr demand; rslt of JCO hhJi tmoktd aiuca D p. a. .-.... . 4 LAHD-la In moderatt rreueit and rather ralalne prlcea; aalet of 50 bbltat , . . BDTTRR Btllinv outta rreaiw at rv n. 9hw89IIef state MXeBlfti. " CUMaBK Dull and near tl ML7a tot eommnn I. prime. -'- -' . . , BUU4K unehtnred fn nrtcee and ere onate Mr n good lefloert tt IMIAI 7 Hi atlet tinen enr laat 460 hkda wvoae lor uuot, 0,0 tor rort Alee; 173 noxea Havana fort et7)e, and 4Mbtga Chiotoa p. t. refin ed tugart ire unchanged In prlcea tnd In moderate dt M , .-. . , ..... . : .;i t Cincinnati Market. Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, Oct. 24. FLOUR Wai only In medtitt reeueet at tht nrloai lately ourrent; the demand I Mill mainly total, btltg reatrlcted bj tht dlfficulUet ttttnding Itt ihlpment. W II BAT Baa t reedy market, at reported In eat laat. Tht prime qualltiet Bnd ready tale tt b-ii to 67o for red, and 8o to 9-Jt tot white. . , ' , 1 ,1 .. CORNMIommindt 30c, with ftfr demand. J ' ( OATS tre held mottly atSTo. bnt aalea ware made 90c. and buyert tre Indifferent tbont paying more. nia-ii mors aarttittie, ana ouaot bt had tt len thin 40c. . - c- HABLBT It ntrveltti tnd flit at trer. . .-. v , W11I3KY DrODned to lie and anlla alowlw at it.. .1.. dine.- Cmimevolnf . ' Cleveland Market. CLEVELAND, Oct. 23. Belling in a rmtU wty only, at unchanged ratei. ...... ....... WHEAT Silei of T0.008 buih red fret on betrd'tt ou; 4 etra on track tt 09s, tnd 9 oan do at SI Oil. CORN Baleaof I car on track at 31c. " OATS Balei of 1 ctron trick tnd 740 both from ttsre atS5e. " -- r - 1 iKQaS-SileiatlOc., ?"' , , . r.j.ei - - ' rrwfaaf. 't iM'OlJ a I MILLIONS OF 'MONEY For an Inert of ;TimeI- WAS ONCE THE EXCLAMATION Or t dying Queen;- Thtttneh-of tlmeeta be procur ed at a mush oheaptr rale, and many long years of . HEALTH AND, HAPPINESS tnjoyed bp eontnltln'g Oi.. VBBRTn BiTEBB.Wne online the moat obillnaieand Iodi it aniline dlftuei the LCNOD, ntART. LIVKR, KIDNBYB, BLAD DER, STOMACH BUBUM4TIBM DISEA8B8 PECO LIAR TO FIMAIB9, 8KIN DI8BABK8, ASD ALL Arrsciioua Of TUB BXB AND BAB. , a?aete ar Biabbart Thiaartt Bear what tht Philadelphia eorretDOndtnt teat In "tht "Commonwealth," Wilmington, Delaware, ih of April, ipov: ..... . . "An Bngllih gentleman, formerly connected With Hie Brlllih Army, tod who ttylet hlnunlf the 'Indian otanlo t-hyaiclan ,' hu or late galntd tn txttnilvo repu tation hire by hit tklll In coring all manner ot com plalntt. Bomt of hit patient! 1 hart convtrted with, and they pronounce hit remediet tnd mode ot treatment very tuperior. Borne hare been reetored tt It by mtgle. The medicine he met It dUUlled bp hlmttll from vtrlout herbe poatetelng rare euratfre prapeTtlet. '-While acting tn tne trmy he devoted bit ttraare mo menta to a thorouih itudr of tht effecta produced be oerttin medlclntl roott tnd herbe M ill atnntr of die enact. It tetmt ha hat found a lure tnd tptedy reme dy for all the -lilt that fleih it heir to.' Hit practice U already txttmire tnd ll dally Intrtttlng. ' In the eom plainte to which f eentlet are eubj acted, he hat no equal a Ltrgt number here have teetlfled that they two not only their preteat wood health, but their Uvea, to tht uu or inuioaitA aounioroyaicitn." , ... . Office 37 East State Street, Columbus. iugl7-d3m -i .... ir , a; In. -f Elegant Lac e'LIantillas, tjaxn cb soiir, ' No.- 29, SqxitlrELigK Bt., , ' . . -. , . . . . ... . . . J tM m jiaak opeuea an wtoiqw, oi .lerjc, aargo. am IX htndtomt '.-..' .,. j; ,: . j PUSHER, FRENCH, AND CHANTILLAi I ' LACE MANTILLAS AND POINTES.' Wide1oc;'Lace3 :jroR,25nAWLs. Very Deep Freneh Floaanlng Laoee.-" i ' Real Thread, French, CliaaUlla iyabeveA. Valenciennei," Point; it Oaio, Brnsieh i ana xnreaa i.aoa na. toiutrs, VALENCIENNES TRIMMED" ItPSFS, . MALTESE LACE COLLARS So-SETS, LINEN COLLARS k CUFFS, i'J -..-. ;. t !!-, j.,lBnewSbjw PAPER COLLARS dt CUFFS.rl ,p:- "lt t . For traveling PRICiES TJN VSV ALLY IXW. , Traveling .Dress Goods. MO7.AMBI0.rjlB, POPLINS, 'CBEPBBRD'B OHBOKi jli;s. toihpi ottwrkts;.'.;' ,iuvLtA3,inocliX-TALcuVi-:. Tht bail aad ttett fatlilwithH tiylet a the el W ,lt4 J ..vnajioathHiahBuett,- 1 a 'l. Pi TV t I 1 I. IU it BamaVil OUrtf n ft i rt'Cs.f pi e 1 So. 21 6outlv togh Street, Colttlnlria,' A. ouo yanie liaTellw Snat Boodi tfrVeant asMytrdt traTirng)rei fSoodi BtH.if T4 ets-. ii) yard! freneh OrgandlH at lijf, Vtlut to cents.'" Km yard! feat Oolorrd Ltwnt tt 10, Vtlut 13 centt. io ytrdt ngitan Beatget at 1. , Ttiue eenti. 1000 yard! foulard Dreei gllkiat 37, yalnt 50 eentt, t&ee rtrdi gupei Plain Utiok BllkalBI 00. nine BliO. a. RdUior Organdie Verage, and Bngllah Bartge. t .e x - - ,F'. a ia uttt Blejh Btreef '"llNiiTlti,i'il..i.jtf w mm m r-. m , fa- i-'liNdif riUKHt fcn.rt)!--1 Of 301TU arW etetaar enrtmmer.rt 'ekKik ef nT Preaa via at pnee teat tl -n ever Iwwre eletwel at -tide etty Th tMeoUea-'of tbe kadtea et thle elty tnd Ttolnlty ll to Hoi ted, tt onr itock la vwrf tket and imanvW in all (ltdeeof oodt la this Hat. FBTBH BAIH, - a. v 901 in lug ttrtwt. Id j I 1 Thcr go Right to the Spot ineiantRefief r'' ittVymrCth ' I Hi. hAA I ' l 1 ! ' A -.iJ , ... Fn riff fail r Breath t I 'Ja-iCiwlii s, v K . 4...-. '.'., ; I 'j 71 i -, Strenarthea f snr Vaicel VX J',.i '1 f THROAT CON FECTIQfiS ' .'f '--"Jat-f. , GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, ki: , GQOD.rOR; LECTURERS, ' GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKER .'-, . i GOOD FOR, SINGErV." " ', '! 'I.,,. pOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES. ,C ,'iit.-: ( I-Zcfv i,r : I :i" X'. ' 0NTLBME" OABBT . SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS." IADIBS ARB DKLtaniKD WITH SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. ''.'..; . ..... -, . , oniLDBIN CBi POB SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. Tbey relieve a Cough Instantly. They clear the Throat. - , They give strength and volume to the voice. LThey Impart a delloioua aroma to the breath They are delightful to the taste. , Theyere made of simple herbs and ctbfiot harm any one. ' .1 , , I .: .iulu.. ' ' ':' I ... t , I tdrite every ona who hat a Cough or a haiky Voice er a Bad Breito, or en difficulty of the Throat, to gtl ' s package of my Throat' Conbetlons; they will relieve yoo Intuntl7,.afi4 JOtf will teres with me thtt 'they go right to the spot." Ton -will find them very uaefa I tnd pletaant white traveling or attending pablla meet tngi for itlMUig your Con)h or allaying pear thirat: . if you try ont packagt, I am sift lo laying that yon will tvw ifterwirdt eanilder them lneUtpeeiaahle.. " ". Tou wilt find there tt tit DruggUt and Dtalert in Medietas. a "... . .,' "T'T ' ' e,.- I . .. ruoia . ' " I TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. ' . : ' ''..'.... . ' '' ' My tignator It ca each package. All ethers are counterfeit. A package will bt tmt by mall, prepaid, on recefpt 0 Thirty Oentt.' ' Addrett, Henry. O. Spalding, ; ""IfO. 48 OIDAB BTBB1T, . ' NEW YORK. "eBW-l- a, ' CURE' Jc By the wte-ef thete Plllt tht period to attack! u( Set tout or Sb ntndociij bt p reran ted; tnd If taktn tt tht oommenoement of to attack Immediate relief rrr m pain and ilckoeei will be obtained. . they atUea fall la nmerlng th Sauna tod ' oA tn which femalei are to eubject. ' They aot gently ope the bowelttwaovlng Ctulii aeif. . i Wot JMtrwry Xut,' Studmf, Pellotte fetule and ill pereeni ofnJmlarf kabUt, they are value a . aa 1 LamaUtt, Improrlsg tht appttlt, giving tone - ' eir at tbe digaailTe organa, and raatorlng tl,t naLur laitiotty and itrefifth of the whole tyilem. ! TBI CIFHAXIO PILLS srt tht revolt of long Ineee ' Bsattoa aad carefully ecadnoud axparlmanu, htTLtg keen hi net many yesrt, daring whlah time die hate . prevented tnd relieved a vail amount of pain tnd tuSer lug from netdieht, whether originating tn ti wertoat syitera or from a dtrangeditatt of tht teveauoA. They art tntlnty vegetablt la ther eoapctition, tn may bt takes at all Bme with perfeet tafet without making any thang of ohet, and f Ae obune4 et ant AUaorabU hum rmdtrt tt aoey e mdmlnlt ir Din. ciAldrtn. , - , BIWARBOf OOUNTBdfBITai , The genuine bav tre tlgntiniee of Heory 0 Bptldlng oaeach Bo.- - -J -'' Bold by Praggbit aad all other Dealera la Medlctnee. A Box wilt bt tent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of tht ; JLPxIoe-123 Ooxxts. , -( Attoexlem ilaenilW tddiataidU ' V-'. '' i' -.''' I j ,r HENHV U. MPAliOtNO, , t4Oaela atreet Naw Vark.' i . . L . .' ' ' ' front the Ixamlner, Norfolk, Ta. Oephallc Plllt arwonalUh tht tblect for which the wire made, vJs Oar of tMtdaons tix all ia ftrtat, , from th Bxamintr, Korfolk, Ta . They hart been meted In more than a thoaaad eaate With entire auooeta. ,.- '.- I ii' . i .:-'ri . I .u from tht Demo en a, St. Oload, aUea., . H rou iro, or hare been, troubled with the mwrlnche end fur t box, (Cep hallo Plllt,) to thtt yon may have teem motet oi to iitaca. -.- ' from tht'Advtrtlttr, Prorldenoe, B. I. ' , ' Tht Oephalkt Pllli tre laid to bt a remarkably effeetlTt remedy fur the headache, tnd ont ol tht very kett. fev thtt very frequent eoapltint.wklch hat trer been etvereo i . i , from, th Weitern R. R. Ottette, Ohtotgo, III. Wo heartily endorse Mr. Bptuidlns, and hit nnrltttvl OfphallorilU. ,.,.v ' fro 1 1 ' Kanawha Ttlley Bttr, Ktntwht, Tt. WeaTettramatteeOnetufrtdna-wltA Ihi haadanhal I who try them, will lUok to the, . , from tht Bouthera Path finder, New Orleans, Lt, , , "Try laeavl yea tbat are adllcted, tod we are tare that I Set tettlttotiy eta be. added to the already umh . t that hat nceired beueOO) thtt no other atdkiue tam .-. produtatAAUS 8!.'7 ;M. j , , reot the Bt. Louis Demooiat. ; . T The ImmeoW dernind fo' th trtlelt ;0phafU) Plllt ia rapidly locreailng.,. , . T'. ,, i t-'e'e Jrm tat elaaetle, Bartnpoeal' Inanva.-a .!; Mr. Sptldla wewkt not eon eee thin nam,, wuaaaaf. -tklahe did not wi H oomeea real merlU , , ., T0A angle hottl of Bf ALDIrtCI'B PBBPABBB ul.w a ,wji awre vam naaaa uaMoa)iaatxatiy.j lAl6ll0 PREPARED GLUE I ' " ; '17(1 n "ir'ii SALDINO'S TRF.PARED, OLUE lf ' IPALPINO'S PREPARED QLUE1 r I h-.'i.' I ''''- ' .1.1.'.' "tattit-s Jil I bavb tub riuaoi . . , , OOWOMTI . MSPATOTtr LX' I HT" imras m tuts f ivat 5nrt."JJ w At tocldntt will happen', tre ta well ritraltted ramf" ' lllte, K kt rery Seal ran le to tar aome eheep aodoot)'"1 vwltaa way fcr.aepelJtag f ajrttktttree.Tflra, OMhory,! t " 'A,tnTtia'B MtBrtRBi) oiritj ; miett tfl tne emii'gintloo, end we aoeueaole oat twoj i t. lobe without it. ltaaiwayiready.and tettlkeetei,! ie Nhriifri ri iTiBT hotjbb." '".' t mC4 kmah trromnanlM aaoh botlie." " f ? r" ' " te.-"' - AiMrm - . aiiaurwax - ' . van edi jt-r-M niitr oi wrAAorwoi u ,ty?.,4l, Oedag. Btreet, Hew Talk, t, AU!f lelt1 BA0TJ!f., l'" " 1" n' ! f, I .-.-', ,.. , -... . . At aarwlA anprinelnud pnrtoot are a!tropt!ng a' . 4 pah o Ll't nn,iui'nti.ig puulio, Imltatioiie of at . ruaPARlbd tILTJB, X Would taiilioa all benonalot T" .' amine betre prHMalnr,tmeae U'it therull nave, E3ibi.lui tl.F.PAR,aiULUBw4Jll .u , M ea Oitostiidt Wrapper; all olhtrt ar swlntiiug ' ttrfetta, BOB . , n mva er Urn