Newspaper Page Text
lATUROP, LUDlKGTOH &m C3 ft 25 PASS PLACE; ; ( . , v .,f 20 ft 23 MTJEBAY 8TJLHT, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF . Foreign ' Domestic DHY GOODS nn r.ASII OR APPROVED CREDIT. tfalMled to th trad. CLOTH DEPARTMENT. Ibt. hymn tolUpn-ot ata L!S2lS i.henaawnent of a buyer of Aff PreALW.3 thorough management acknowledged good tatte W keep exten.i ht Bntt elte euoHW. FANCY VE$TIC$, AND Ti a vrnv h A riSTMEEES 10 b found in 'JftcTcolon and fri.tle. .l.rlmlnatluB. AtotiBllg" ... . . .. BROADCLOTH, T,IJE7r?T',a.CL0AINNGS, I. : ITWEEDS vaRMKRS' MKU0HANT8' OA881""8' and upwards. i Wwp.r.i. ,M to 15 cent. p.r T. WloSO; -,!,' PRINTS 8ATINBTB. at Ano olAer Good eoYYtajondiBer Urn. Dress-Goods- Department. MancheiUr P Lata- ' Paaey Btlkl,' ' Printed Ohalli, pfenebe.ter Otaghaml, Glaagow . Clinton ; . Ottoman 0Ui, Alpecee,, .... Hamilton, Vactfto do. ' Printed Lawne, Printed Brllllan'.ea, Pancy Gingham, Bombatinee, .. j ' Black Blue. i ,,';, . FANCY, SPJNG COCJD8. ajoanMod'l Frlnta, MtrrtaM Prinla, Oocbooo . V"" Paoifto ABMrtcan " DonooU't do. - SncUah - - do... . nruMl OO iAWtenoo 0. abeoUnia, do. stark J" Appiotoa do. Ltbrop .. do. Bbawoat o. Tjaom, A., ' "K' AH GradtMni Width. BMACHKD BHIMISaB AND B'1: Wanantla. Lonidalo, Bill, Wkltbaa, UMU, i (. lHtwToikMIIU,ke.,o. SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS, A UHI AD BILICT ABBOOTitWT. COXTOHADIB tarletjr. ; OUBCKB " " " TJCK1NQB-H 0 fading brandt. 0OHBBT J1ANB - ' ffit tiin .CAM BiM. Ail) OAK BBIOB, .f LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCKS OF WHOTteOODi, ' TAHXZX I0H0II, t Gentlemen's FurnishiDg Goo umbrellas and parasols, CABPKT8 AMD OH-CI.OXIM han laatyoar. LATHROP, LUDINGTON & 0., NEW YORK. mart STONE'SBAZAAft, TSTo. 4, GKvvnne Block. A. P. ST0xE & (MARRA an wntv RKRKITINO THKIK WIN A ua eOODS, and toTila tba nobUe to ioopoot tnem. No inch atoek of flood hat oror botB bronght thlt market. Tho Booth, In eonaeqnenea of tba hlloro of th roln crop, hat aot ban abla to panhata tho a lanT rtrtch toodt. and thb) tatthatfomd Iraportora to wll them at pnblt auction, tlnr bojei u. a.s m. tn Hnw York at thoM laraa mlea, took adTaotace of them, and wa oaa and will aaM aooda haro, at km thaa any on who porehated two wotkaataot, paid for tnem Is new lore. vuiw orerr department of ELEGANT DRESS SILKS, ; 1-' ' ' OTTOMAN VELOURS, ... BROCHE VAtENCIAS, . . PRINTED MERINOS. ' : - PRINTED COBURG8, . DYED COBDG8 BLACK ALPACAS, ORLEANS, ' ' FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, , ALL WOOL DELAINES. ,,. POPLINS, PRINTS, . . DELAiNB. SHAWLS MID CLOAKS . Five Thausand Dollars Worth Bought in One Jfcfta LADIES FURS, HOSIERY DEPARTMENT, Men'. ladles and Cblldm't TJadorBhlrai and Vrawani Ladlea, MleeeaaBd OWWrea'e Bcateip at aU Unda, Wool and Lamb'i Wool; fitter Lined and Cotton SloTtt of artrpauk. . i . f j . ' ALBO - A oannleta MWrtaient of all th nedal Trid '.. LADIES' CLOTHS,- CASSIMERES, OVERCOATINGS, . . , . TWEED8 FLANNELS, - " -RIBBONS. i DRESS TRIMMINGS, L&diei and Qent'i Tinea Camlri E&ad korchifrfi,o, &o. To pdnoBtwho tall on m, wapledc eurworde tbow thorn tho larftot, beat and onepe eteok of oade oror teeaiatUa market, or paj loa ea dollar p boar while lookloe;. . ' . dool-dUStawnw. aTOMAO'BAMA, W. A. Eatchelor'i Hair Sje! . TUitpkndld Hair Dythatao oqaal lntantaotomi tffeot-BeaatUal Blank or Xatual lien . t at thotklaoelnjuilnt taeHoir-umiliettBttaaar i effect of Bed Pyet, sod tetlfotattt fho hair for W Moad art geoalno asleee rtfaed "Wk A. Bateholer.'' isldttiywhart. ' -. ' ' CBUI.ATCTmB,Tropr1aor,'' Jplftwlp .... 81 Barclap lUoet, Bew York. HAIR " DIE HAIR DYE. Wm. A. Bfttchelor'B Ealz Dy! ' Tha OrlclBJd bbA Beit 1b iU WocIAt ' AU tthen art Biere bnltaWmf, and thou Id to aroMai Ifroawlthtotteaptrldleula. ' ,. OBAY, BAD Oft EUBTY.BA3 Pytd lnatanilp to fcoaatlfaj and Natural Brown or Block, wtUtoatlAjBip t HalrorBUt. .. - .,. H ' '' - ' tr tlfTXBjr MBDAIJ ABB DIPL0MAB haw kat) ' awarded to Wm. A BaleotlorrloM 183S,Md oror 80,01 appUoattonj aaet bats Jaada to the 8alr of bit patrtat af Uafamoaadrat ; a . ..i , ji . .N ii .t .WM. A BAIODKLOBt HAIB STB prodacot Ml - or aot to to dtitingubhed from Datura, and U warrmated aot to tnjura la th loait, kowtrer Wng ttamy to oontln- loil,tiid tho HI efltttt of Bad Sptt maediedj the Ball UTtfOWtodfsrllfa rpwilttpiendldlrro. . ; Bold la all eltiet and towae ef ftoCaltoa Itatta. SnHrtetaafidfancpSoodiDealort. Ifjrraa Seamnt baa Uie name a? d e "tm tXMi ItM plate er..ih, f four v.t-a of t . t Ikx, af a 1' UAjC A. BAiWJi ' i " " ' ' " ,' tiuaSLoj i WT." fr4j; -Jjl tip -Jv, ," ;. . 1 MVNr tavet, !( lOffcV to tha la to ! TUB REVISED STATUTES . Of TBB OTATE3 OX Jl A0X3IBAL HAT0B.B, IS f 0B0B AUfl i IBM. . CX)XXiA.TEID BY Hoa., Josepl It Uwaiv riiar o nw ixowbqs, or rax s , i. th ... JJtJUCM OOUST, ; ;' (Ccmtataed K ttwilM relume if th Ohio nd Ohio AHD UTIUN01B TO TtHOK LAW! - la Two Royal 8r. VoIub. Wo 10 00. w or txBMMohu tan tpuei tQ kO ft wor . i i- k mm nMi nti of BOtn Itonaoi. - . .... ji, m.t. iod tu ordOMd to M dlf mpawa i im miwwuh b Count, omeon-. , -k . Aoroniur vwnfj vvuiwi -i r. - lanrToWtrolltr. Twmiu" :4 Auditor BU. loth ProbsloCoMU. Oooriiof 0??oV',T' rJTlj ...,1. nrx AnrflloM. o.nd UK OUfkl of lb Cp.t, Bd of HepNMnteUTM of ihli State, M .. .hk mmI ftifttea af tbo TJnlom. IbU book, oontalnloc, M It don.Hlof tbofltotelM aoir la foreo, and Um aathorltatlT eonitraetton of thoia and of th KevOoMtltaUoa, will bo foaad to bo oipoolah f aMlttl IB tao ponoraanoo 01 um w COUNTY 0ITI01BB, JUBTIOIB Of THIPIACi, , - , ' ' T0WNBHIPTRU8TBEB, ! , , I " l ' CIJCRKS 0 TOWNBDIPBjknd ; .., .- our omosaa. . . , .. Iauaiaok; at vary mm abantw tar ba aado la th ItatalMiiaoothopubUoaUoBof tbolaM odiUoao, rrr poal, altmllona and addition and "l,f'! eUVaubaTa bow fttoa bj Ua Baproaw Ooart troTorwd poinu, an - ' ( 4 " ; aiNillAllT, VIII and thlau fanalaaMa Work.' ' . ' Tim XoihU Boo. VoIvom oeaf Situtte umam ' la Btronc law Blading. Frio U.00, . InMoMty -r- ' '' 1 ' ' i ' "nrDHETRT CLAIUCE, 4c CO tawJ . f.ui.b BookMllons tatloamaadlaiportaM. . Wart f oarth atioot, J; ftbl&diavla uincinnmu v PrBCHAIER WASTED for 900 pookuwo "uontry and Jtwolry, tor m at VJ"JK ooloed., Iom l par orat. dMoonai, n 9olojnbuo,Ohlo. ' A l- ..ta MB A1 K M l ID! nHDMBVWVI rewurw . - . a. a .1.. .A a mtmt (mj arr (with r withoat Jewelry) in tho twkai, at prtoei lower thaa ens ba puienaoto auwwnen. Addraa,wlth atamp aneloted! , J. I.. BAI11Y, 134 Ooart ttreet, Botton, klaat 5j-4tw Q. ? DOYLE & CO. MjinJjtarriajidWholUDaaln BOOTS AND SHOES j U NorajwoN corner w mgn mo wbj To- OX, ' naf.nBXBDB.... vitio "A hurt Btock of Hot and BtapM Ooodf on bbm jrlWtl - SUNDEIES. TAPIOCO, Arrow Boot, FB Baca JUoofloar -Pearl Barley Oraokadffhati , Ceoo Cream Tartar, . flft Beodlatt lalilM Book oat Meal BpUt Pi Chowmta . , . Bioma,ato. , Soda . Prnaee ' Preen Tomttoet rtaehea firoen Com Irteh Caan'd fralU of erarp deeertpHept jellleeof aU Uodj; ; flarariat Batraemof allkt. u Irropai Mld Caadlee; Almondt, fllborta, peooa ffnta, Bncllah WalBBta, Bnatl NuU,eto, boST WK. JloSONAXH TRAVELLERS! inmr mr, t lira Torr. dries dlraot to tno VY - SJUIXAA1AIAX MOUSE, BBOADWAY, 00KRJE& Of B0U8TOJI BT1IT OonduetidoBtht .E3XTI103PB3A.IT PLAJf. flood Tart, flood Xooma. froarat Attendance, ano,Mod- atatt Oharrea. .- . ' KH0UI BOOHS SO OTS. 75 CIS. and fl PX 1AT. j -. S0TTBLI KO0KB and FAELOEB 10 to Ktalt at ordered. Thl Eotal hat all the anpolntaenti tf Om beat hotel, a moot otntral locatloa, and It aeatad itral locatloa, ano m tow BAHCBba.lUUD. Biraaghoat bp tteom. pjarohM2ta . .... froprtetor. ; XTTOXTXl.kSbTOZLI. ! ' '" t -r r TOOT H WB3XLCR. ' ? 1 AOEKT FOB HOBUB, OOMTINEUI TAIm BtunuTTAB, BaroBUT, and Utwo lar Iaa. Oo.' Baw Toast ataacaurre' ana um rau o mi Bear Tobk Idnead Con. Hmu tim. , ! . v; . ffice, t Ulfh St., Ymf a .Bl : tM-dip - - ' - ' - Alexandre's Kid Gloves. t tLAIN AHD EMBROIDERED, BIOUB- L.AIIW JtnifKIIIDBUivani.v.invvr OT7BTAIRB ud raaalarahao Bmek Eld Okm, A aabroidtodtswMta,mtBm,parpta,deo. DndrttttaV EidOloTet. ktltttiKldeioraa. A eomplott ajaornaoBt of tbattotUbrawd eioret alwtri (or a w - aaisi m ovn, i febM BTo. S Benth High ttreet. kKESS COODS if aw am4 Attraxtlwe. A- 1 HoBAMBlQUXB, . Tbatbumo Popumb, ' ... Chbui Popubi, -' Fort m Crnnn, ' Frbhobi MtnuHBr j ::'-Taxirc Ouatrons, , ? - -i' CpjnrBBS Wabmwo San, EuMjrr DBxat Sua, V-i HxjkTT BABont aw MAimi San And all tUier bwV md fathkraaW ajaterlalimoot demand for kaadtoaM Dramaj aad ItaatUtM. "-' , !'"" -' BAjjiao. ' Bo. WBoath Hit ttreet. w-r 1VIKA THIS DAY BALD OUR XI gtoek of Orootrlet to fl. B.PIK1MO, wechterfally raoommOBd Biat M OUT m pawwat ana iraro. rtooBOBOBa wmerou. YB0a. WALBAB as BOB" Oolnrnbaa, March 89th, IBOl-apltf T7I.EQAIIT PtAIIf BLACK ftlXBkS fOB ill ttreet Beeeawr and hUnUeei alee. Blah Trlmmtai adftanltmatoh,at " BAM majM A r! . ' . A. .; d Omaracr Under Gamcats. T AD IE 8 f,IBLE CHDEB TESTS. XJ laaioa tmaaa ainw av, aw. . Stan Bilk prawart aaa anuia. OonmladiaOaaa Brawonaad Bhlrt. ' Oottoa " -v r- j . , Oeoat Marina Cader BWrll. - WMto aad Browa PrUliaf Vraweri. i Whit Uaea Drewwrai mxtra lano Under Bkirm. I: , 1 1. f " Bapai lor BngUek Half Uatt. . , iMfl Btooktna. ' I taacp Oeitoa Batf Boat, a k' j Baepinoeia, ' OoldoaUUllhlrtB. ... For 1 la : treat variety anA at Bwierato prleee, bj '( .j.!- - ' ' , HW im. 'fc" .m aay 30. ij 1. V. Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS rpHK rOLEOWIIf C CHANGES VERB WW, tarioa. Plan sp. I. twll dlf ay..m.j:iiij wmiuei. Ill BTTJffBi ,TI0T0BHBB JI2 bow talliac at Ttrp tow priott, aloo all oekktdt taaienabla firm-. ; ; , .- nil ui tfftSBMlAHicblt.. X aaaat ut no mo inwn i wiw wmmmmi ii wMt Wm. A. Paarr.Prttldtat. tad fl m ..... OuMa. mebrnad their afoeeo. Parat Be., wat thea alooted t remdtal aad Wa. A ( IJuUaa' luen rcckt-Iudli. rTEnitlrDBTITCnEDlXEN nAJYD vmowii, wm ran. ... . a i BmbroUlered l!a HeodlTf II prtOt. ' ; . ; - neoauicuMtoaiiinn no, no.. ,7 i - do . colored bordan. '. ' 4 t BToomlnl do ,' , lack border! . . . Ml.eni' rielnead Beul tiltched dean trteee. ; Oomprlelnc t)4 ajett aalaat atttrtmaat la the eliy and at towoet prtoe. . baib a boh, . . n. y rmui nijrn auoee. ESTATE OFC.:AnLC3CULnX. NOTICB I boreby ftre that I bae been itlpap. a.lamd admiutaimof of th aetata at Jmlea OltJBtiilmlvatftitM. . , ,; , - . -i . A.j:ti ctAXx., f'.At.thllttadja,Attetapa...,f u , , ,. .JelaVrW ' r '. i .uti ... t! . '.. bt ; I . OHIO. J3TATE3IIAH fMS! Nos. 3, SS & 40, North High St. INCREASED rACILITlX3t lECtaiEY. EEAFIfSS. EI5PATEH HAVlNa MOVED INTO MT'; HEW BTIILDIIIG, .. ju,..-.' ,i -HAVB V' BOOK' & JOB ' DEPART MENU , . WHILE BOTH HAVE BSJCfl . i REPLEMSnED THROUGHOUT . WITH f New Types,, Borders,', Ornaments, &c. IBOal TBI OILIBSATI0 fOUUPBY Of 0. T. WHITE ft CO., JTEW YORK, THTJI H AKIKO IT THB . Most Complete;, Estawisnmeni ;...' IN THE PITY. ' ' I ah at prtparad to KxonU U Ordart Jot BOOK AITD JOB i PRINTING-, WITH DISPATCH. I Ant U th ModtApproTa ItyUofth Art. fAATIOTJIAl ATT15TI01C PAID TO MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD Bill of lAtUf t Clrcmlar, Bill HeaaU, , Blamhe, Deed, CrUflcat), Kecelpta, Pimy Ticket, Baa;laters, HOW CARDS & BILLS' Df COLORS, OHXCXt, CARS!, HXADHQI, FOTM, SHTZLOFU, C0HTBACTI. Illustrated Show Bills, j ".' FOR COUNTRY MERCHANTS, ,' fbAW Bill, Bab! Bill, Label, Coneert Pro ', rhun, loaool tad Collefe Bchw,, Eo ttl Bill of Ttre, IaTiutlom, A. Boon Work 07 EVERY DESCRIPTION ., goaool bbI Oollaga CAUloffnat, x XittaUaaeoBS FaavhltU, . j ,x . ) CoBBtitBUoM, BapertB, Britft, At Printing In Gold and Colors ' Frixtol la Xrery Color oa a " . IlammothHoe Cylinder, Th ealy rreas ef the ld U Ceatrai Obi. BTp melllUte far eeiaf tap and aU ef th tbore aaajrlp- Dona af work, art bow aaatarpaeeod, and tttltfattta WU1 'jAlTwork farsied promptly bp th time proeileed. u AiOHAAD BBTIMB. WHO SHOULD USX . J. DOVEE DODS' DB. IMPERIAL TOE BITTERS'. . AU who are affltetai with IadpltBt OoBtamptloB or WeakliUnntbeaUueeUem. AllwholuBee from Weak ttoataebl, iBdifetOoa. Dpa- - - IN 1 mBaaaaa Let atfem thm. rU wa tar from taaral or KarroaaDtbU aoUonmeenat Blffat, Want of Bleep, ko., ahoald ait AU peraoat who are oonTaleeoent after frrer or other ackneee anonm aae mom. Mialatanaf th Ooroel, Lawyer, Ueotarera, and a) 'lttra, aad alTpertoni Itadlnf t tadtalarp If boald an tham. ' aaMUaaBea. I AU wh roqalrt a ttanamnt or toalo thoald ata them. ' All w1h art addicted to th aee of ardaot eplrlta and tlXXXlZZ, Wa-,- - thai MeoVlnnttaadberbo f th eoantry, and ahoald to rt tomsMnded bp tamoeranc tocieUoa, tlergyaMB, pnpaV LTlirlweaaairttBOtdtltdaM thma7ad,aaldelrm thtr tatdtrtnal ptopertta, art bmM atltchUal brrerace, and yet, at a medicine, art at iBauieutanaaanaieeiaainejJwe". a aT.TnwTDyiKLB a Oa, Froprtotora TB Wll 11 aaa St., New TarM. ; K0IXST8 ft IAKUZL, Aganta, ! oato ootMdAwlp. '. Wholesale and Retail Depot fo FAttttVCSOCERtE$;: No. 103 South High j' Street. i T7aJ lIcB ON ALD, !,Y DEALER IN . . ,teas .; FINE & STAPLE GROCERIES IN ALL HEIR VARIETIES. Daily i rrlwat ! ;; For - the' Fall and Winter Trade I ... . Of .18601- 1 ' ITTKETCBHIHQ BWCEBE TIUAKJ ra ihb fCBlilO for patt faron and patroa- and being DETEB7UHE9 to BIEBIT aaonttnoaa t bp OtrtCt AttOaltlaBI to traaa. and PBBt AellTOPT t Iwwald eU Uto ! f lb public to the fact that harm ilaun aad well Be lee MA aiocK ea kaad, and atUg taldally noelpt of good from the differ AtamrtI aatterawetlf thai Xeaaoftt to thteltt- (a m Oolambaa, t to tap irae may demn to parobaa. tmeitmrat of arttoto apportahilsg t a aaooaaz trade, UWEQC AI.E by tovbotae ta fa dtp The nrto and owalllp f fAegoooe toene, iguar tao le) flwo amtiefactlaai. ' Ooodi PeliTwred Ttm oiCluurgt. Bm. WB. McPOHALS. ,FIRST,. ... SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS A.T P. ROSE'S. t AOAin orrEB ro the Brtva.iw 1'.. miiM new etoek of Good, la mp llncluet numb, A im k. York at the eheaixiel tanic ntetll af which I thall aell at the moalleet pruBta, for Oaoa. Mp tuttem- an reetwatraiiy mriteu eowiaira u- t my flood ad Prteet, a I aa aaa f cheeper thaa Bay otbey I do aip owb Cutting, and aal J feel Bmwred.from top k M, to glre aemral tamtactloa mw jh.bIo.m1. and all rork i am aoteraunea m eeu ee ew Baaet la tae eity 1 aaa aanorlnlend m own bael I fool Bmwred.from top long xperloo toM. to air aeaoral artlelartlow. The Aaeae-af Work man an empUned, and all work en ttrtrtlp to time and a bort notloe, and wamnUd to i. Btraoger rkdUo our clip would eooeah their tatereet bp ginag m a call Lrf..amaato.lwhr.f - ' ' r. , I tof on parohatlBf eleewbere. MerrheotTallerr amxchSO-dlP Cor. Blh aadTowa to. rAraa and Embroideries. r ejfAfcEIBClEBEBtBalTESB BtroWT V LaeaOoltanaadBetw. frrnea, Padmr m Tbreed f. M. oaAtera,, WaleneieBaa, vnrea ad f JZt Looea, TtVrhrotded Oolmrt, Betla. Trlmminr aad Vlrto, Uat nVn, "' ; vv " FIZZ? BAL4 A fjUl v:v - BAaBtathBiaA Atreety' ' r.Voj t itav, rt ,H . i S H ..." 'V B tel S UTI ISTITB ATTINTIOIt to torn of tha molt Iraordlnaiy earee bp rnp PECTORAL SYRUP. J i I : - ' ' ''. They ar ai Boat, and any one wh hat doubU oaa In quire tf the penoa who hare been eared SB. KBTB1B II PR1PAEBD AT ANT TIHB Tn BXAMIMB L0NOB WITHOUT CHAR9B fOB All TU0BI WHO KUBD BIB MIDI01NKB. - - ivravn ta vnna ooi.Til A' nee of Brt yean1 loading tared by CH. KBVBBIl'B PKOIOltAbBVBUP. !': . 'l ' rrrrartrEoB, Jan. II, I860, Da. Imni-Hi wlft hat been afflicted with bad n,h ud diffisultr of bnatnini. for fire or ilk yearn, Wluoa ,I0r tererai yearn oaea, oau iwwy wwi.m.u ia violent. Iht oomplalnt bat boea baradltarp, and ah bad been treated by eereral phymdana without any re lief. In thlt elate of her eatt, I proound tome of pour Ooarh Bwran. I boorfat. tho Brtt ttmt. B BftV otol bottle, wbloh ralhmdhor rery maeh 1 1 then called and fot a dollar bottle, wbloh eared her antlrefy, aad th bat now bo Iraot of tho former dlataea, axoept wtak nett. I would alto ttat that I need tba medicine my- mlt to a cold and oouib. Toe mediolnt cured me by mk Ini one dot IexprtM mp entire taarfactlon with tht medklna, and job ar ai liberty to puDiioa tnu u job deelr to do to. Wm.wii.Bun, Aldtrmaa fifth Ward. ' PlTTttUlOB, Ifoy. 18, IBM Pa. Krrtrji : Although sot aa adrenal of Patent Modlrlnaa. In reneral, U offordt bm pleaaar udeteriba bit to recommend your Pectoral Sirup. A a medicine it la wall worthy tht attention of any porton a he may la any Btansar bt afflicted with eonrbt, ooldt and hoartenoaa ef any bind, and for um peculiar quaunnauona lor re- meTlag aU Jbat dltairteabl ataaatloa attendlnf a - re re eoid. i bar Man, more or lett, in my lire, ametta wito tna eirereet of ooldt and beanenem. ' At timet mp throat would baoottt eteloeed aa to preraBt my apaaklng abeva t wbieper, and bp taking a few dote ( th abort Byrnp it would rtllert aie entirely. In rtoommtndlni thlt atedldn, I matt nnhetitatlnrly ar that It It tba beet remedy I trtr foaad, porportlnt to care the abort, nor ahoald any family bt without tba remedy loraueaeet to prtraiaat. konre, moot rttptctraiip, . BDWAAOJ. JONI. ' ' r . Ctahler Cltltent'DepoillBank. Biauaejum. O.. March It. 1BS0 I bar atrd Pr, Key eer1 Oourh By rap for a bad aonirh tr ttrerai yean ttanainr, ana can enoarraiip tap it lb MM medicine tor tno tame mat i Bar ever leren. . w. ruoa. COL. PBATT AND PB KBTBBK'S PIOTOBAL lYkL'P Da. Krreaa Dear Bin Bzeaa th delay uf my aeknowladflai thaaxeellenea of your PtotoralOongh' Byrup toooer. 1 tare (real pieaturt in aaying toat it l' allyoatay ltw. Jt Mooxea Me aoex eM e ww evuoA and tba wont eat I wat oror afflicted with! I bare aot need more tbaa one-ball ef tna bottle, aaa 1 aaa aad do with that all who art afflicted would aire Uat fair a trial aal Bar dona, and tbp will to proud to ear, "It ia ne quack ttodioint." I would aot talltr aaotbtr toch au atiack for any ooamderatloa, or at any ooeU I tm eon Adantloaa breath mere freely lhaa larrr did. I anall alwaya aekaowwdr a debt of (rati lode for iaranUng ei aacelleBt a remedy. Toa ar at liberty to am my nam ia tbit rerard, aa yea tniak proper, a. r. raaxr, . Homager vommea Council, riutbargo, ra. fltmbargh,May 11, lo5. H. B I am bo ttrangar to mp fellow-cltlania, and ' wbe eotartala doabtt can oeara It me pertosal ly . ' M'ttA. ' Prmttnwa, April 84, 1857. ABAP TUB TBUTB. Pb. Knraai 1 bar a aauh- mr wbo haa takea eereral medtcicee for a bad oouah without keaedl amoag them Ayr't Cherry ptetoraU I iiihmiil from yea a bottl of year PBOTOJtAL B1AUP, and before ah had need hall a bottl ah wat n tiered. Tht teooad bottlt eared her enUrely of bar ooagh. JOHN DAWN, - juxnneon ami, auegnanr. Pirreaoaea, Peeemtor, II, 1B5S. A OKBAT CUBA BY DM, KBIBAlt'a faCTOHAl IT BOP. I lira U Paablet lowBthlp, Allegheny county I had BOoaghmg and optttlng, wbieh ammenoed aooat the 4tk efleoraery laet, aod oontinaed eifktmootha. 1 employed the beat phyaMaoi la th aatry, aad any tough aoBtlaatd Bimba'td aatll early la October. AI that time I wat adrmed la try your PAOTOkAL OOCOH IIAUP, wklcbldid, andaller 1 bad taken one bottl 1 waaaattraly free nroaa BMOoagning ana tpiiang. inaa deep aired of trtr retting wall, tndl think it ahoald to known tbat lb Taiuabia remedy wiu o tor otnera wnai It baa done In my ear. JOHN 0. LITTLB, Wltnem B. M. amui, jretoiat townntp. t attob Tr., April 14, 18ST. : A WOKDBBfTJL ' CUB B. Borne time aco. aa old aaUhnot of mlna waa Terr ill. with a bad eouh which rrtrp sot auppoaod to to ooniumption. Bit nlaUrot told bm that he bad takea arerp remedy they heard of without btatatt kie brotber cam t eee aim ie, ana au were eonnrmed In the belief that he could aot lira. 1 had about th third of a bottle of roar Pectoral Byran. wbloh 1 gar htm, and It entirely eared him, to the aeton lanmant of all. What mat to cat bm remarkable. It th extreme age of lb man, be being tboattlgbtpptan old. IbaTtaodoabtmefeotoraimreana we. , JOllaUI'aiBBU. ' PA KBTSBB'B PBCTOBAL BYKCP IB BLAIBB TILLB Pleeee tend m another repp ly of pear Tola able 'Pectoral Byrwp," Almoat ere rj body aronad aa ha th cold aad ar inqalrtog (or "Dr. Bayter1! twatoml hni." Wa hare toldtlxtoen bottle latt week, and are now enUrely out. Mr. A. Alter and Mr. P. Maber, both of BlairaTliw, Pa., toll a they would aot to without la their lamtlwa. la tact, ell who aa It oaoa want tenia. koata, itauiotmilr, ox,.. ,. B. WATIBBBOH A BOBI, January SO, 180. ' AKOTBBB BBW OBBTIPIOATB PB. KBIBBR'I PBOIOEALSiBUPlhad beea troubled with a eouxh and eoid lor eeremlweeke aa bad waa It that I aoaid not aloep. 1 bad tbtadrloo aad preecriptloni froaa thro thbtaluileianalB thtdty, whom 1 could ntmt, bat do aot do eo. I Anally pnoared a bottle of your Pectoral Byran, which oarod bm ankniy. aignoa, J. W. BiMONTOB, 3t Liberty ttreet, Pittaburgh, fa., Jaa. 9, I860. i , ... ... 'STOP TBATJOOTJOBIVJO.'' Bow east do ItT "Go to Keraer'tou Wood rtreot and get bottl of bllOoagh Pectoiai, and' tt that daa'l can yea, year tmastto deeper.. Indeed." Sbm m a.peoimeaef th oeiloquy aa bean almoot awarp say la old aatohieg period, tha rear. And wt oaa. from actaal experiment, cheer fully concur tn tho adTleer1! admonition aa atete, lor we bar trie bm Jrotorat, ia a moat manoorB eaeo-wita entireeoooeee. Hear two week ago wtwenl toPltUburgk, with ana of th moet dutnaung, oainrp, mauaa. aa tabdaable eougb we rrer experienoed tlnot oar ad Tent poa thl mundane aphen. W oonghed ttoadlrp and maorioatlr toy aa whom wak ib bopa af mraaa at oea. bat It wm ee go. Ia mot tt teemed rather la hare km- prortd by pnodot, and to bar aoqulred itnngth,polB' cw and dUtrmtibtiitw by the operation. Ib thl itatwoi the dare, we eoarhod ear way to Aeyeer't, 19 Wood Bt. aroaanda aftp oeat bottl of th optttoral;'' took Booordiag to dlraoUoaa, aad la forty -right hour, we wen annate of th field, th enemy baring aooondltionally nrrrndered. alter a OrMt bat anoqoai conniet with foimidablo aa adraraarp ee Kereer'a famoue Ooagh roctorai. roeciuowe impptr, jva. it, oow. PB. BBTBBB'I PBOTOBAL BTRUT It prepared tad told bp Pr. OaOBOB B. KBT8BB, 140 Wood (tree Iittirjargn,ra. IXJ" Bold to. Oolumbu bp BOBBBTI ft lAaTDBL fpOO' THACHB BEKIEDT. ."' . A SURE CUTtK , . ' - ..'. Prepared ted Bold by ; Pa.flBO.B.KBTBBB, Pmca,tSiatt. 1 AO Wood tt., Pltttbargk, Pa ' . u . .. . . y, .. i . i ID Bou to Oelaabu bp BOBBBTI A lAMUBt otVMlawdtlm. pE"TI PATEBt COLLARS AMD V "cA Xla. ' i" '" HaDdMBM sad economical Alto, . ' 11K Tl, , iBiru, - .Haiiii, i : " ,..'! - BAIB A BOK, apfM . v , 'j.ia . . Bo. 9 loath High toraet. OLDEN flll.L SniBTB, OOLDBN BILL BHlaTB, uOLDaH B1U SHIBTB. i The palten of thaee ihlrt, are new. Tba Bodlaa, Tokea, lerree and beteea t an formed to tt th penoa with aaea i no ataiaanoa aaaa on aeeigmuiog an deome to nHed ea tabelat taiteat, and eeehahli saaraaleed well mad. A full atoek f all qaalltle eeneuntly for talt at ' 1 B AIM'S, Bom. ' a. Bato Bigo rrw CTILLA IBAWbll STELLA kJ la. all detlrableaolon. and a Tory great be rgtine BAIN At BOB, apnia He. South High ttreet. w IDE A Alt TLB BAB AGES, BOTB WWtad)ot Jawtreedylat, ' Banrs. rnnTJmonroniJraiii TTBIlOll ENVKLOPrtWAV aAJTX Of U derlgnt,! H.OOper UlJ. . -k '1 VTIOB LXTTZS AX3 tttZJ, at mdlf Iht priot charged by aoall dealera. 1TTBBAB OTABTTKM. Bowfll Btrb rtrewf, I ! 0lmbs, Maw S. leol. 1 , i 9.U.UULlt f 1 'fl..' ..,,' r.wi ?T.'ii-i.-.,'iV .i'.tl ) ' ,M.r;?e Vtt; It l if '3 1 ft It It o( HUNNE WELL'S i : COTJGIT ItEMEDY; Par all Threat and two Comtialnm, fceriidr. tth Btoetperreot reeaiw, WBoonaa Cooaa, 0 mould an Oohhob Conone, Bkonoauk an Tbboat OoaKanrr, alwayt fererannert af Oonramptlea. A A Boot awe BtbopH hat n toper lor. Preed from BllOpiataat mail proparu, may to atad by mott eeiloat (partli totlona,aiiawlthprieetoonnatnot, i ( nTJNNEWELL'S ; K ' CELEBRATED ! T0LU ANODYNE. Tn OiuTm Batoul Omr tret offtrtd t th world, tonteinlng not a partmbi of Opt am, aor any ab aot But lia ttnouy e, uu w wv . mi Bemedy (or Naokaiau, Kkxcuatiui, flotrr, Xmtb a Ba Acaa, OaTaaaa, Boa oa Hal f btbb, and all minor Mi arrona OonnmlBta. f oa Lora r Biaar, and Ueadacb tn ail It yanttma, It hat no equal, and to whloa moel andoutted tettmonl Bit ar offtrtd. Poa Pauanrti Tamttaa H It a atott perfect reaaody B Bowm. Ooaruium, atier remorini Oonruium, after gtbepalauaam at aphyttt, moat Important oontrait witn tut eoniupa- phyrla, moet Important eontn tffeota l Opli i PhMtrUna. P ' To Phytielana, Pormulat and Trial Bottle will be cent, Bad to Dealer or Inralid a deterlpUTt pamphlet withaat 'aottagMtaatp." - J. . rraparta anaer w tpociu (mm ! ..,.f JOUH A,. nCNNEIVELL, , j'",' . . otaaaJW Palaajucarn,.. Bo 9CotnANlU Waartioetoa, AfM To whom pleeeo direct all sommunkiatlonj. . Price Larre Cough Bemedy, 50 erat per bottl ) , . Small f. i i M " J".;!'; for aal by th atttal wholttalt and rttoll dealer, remrhetej. BiBBRTB A BdknjBL, BT. B. HABPa, ,; AAT ItauTA JOHIt R. COOK. tj. ATA . Mr Bill A U Q. DBNIO A B0NB, auyl7-wl ' A. J. 80HTJBLLBB A BOB, Agent for Oolambot, Vol. THE ... WEEKLY OHIO STATESMAN-. HAVING A OIBOClATIOH LAS0XS BT (TTZRilt IH0TJBASD8 Thaa any othe' paper la Ohio, oatald of lndnnatt Offers Facilities for Advertising ! .'; : Wbloh CANNOT I AIL tq brink Saaedr' mmA BeaanateraUra Batmrme " " T thowwta take Bdrtntag of thrat Tvrm "WZEKLY BTATESMAMi Dlttrtbuted to It It throni h trtry Post Offlot ia Ohio, Reaches a Large Class of headers Whoee patronag to ralnakl, aad who feUoai t tht - Pally BdlUoni of elty Journali; end at enap 1 A Limited Unmoor of AdTtrtiimenti i ; ' Art laiartod In it eotnmst, appoprlaftly and ? 1 HAIwtOMEty Di$PUAVl ,'.'!' ' tot itainarr rio to ..'Vii i . ... t afSLttvaot .Attention i'i 1 . ..... i Of iul . u r. 1 : , Tin WHOLESALE DEALERS Aortrtltlni ta the wBBKLT BTATBBMABwlU Ba ,i ' adTtntarouj U '' THE INCREASE 0F;TRADE Which if alaott etrtaln to folio aa tittwlTt dlttembx stioa knowMg of Ibalr bamatt do. AHLOBfl COUNTRY PZA1ERS V ADTBBTIBIHBltTB X5TIHPB9 fOJt , The Weekly Statesman BbMtohandodta tofort Friday bob.. i THE PREPARATION ONLY . THAT HAS i' , .:. STOOD THE TEST OF.lTIAItS, Aa arrow mtr mm, bmopo mapeilaP And teittmonlale. now. and almoat without number might to glren from ladlea and geatMBMa la 11 grade, of eooiety, whon united toitlmonp none eoald reeiet, that Prof, Wood' Hair Bcttontlrt will ration tht bald and gray, aad preterm tht hair of th poath to old age, is all tu loathful Dainty. - ' Battle Creek, Mich, i Bee. IM, J8J8, Pa or. Woob: Th wilt plea acoept a Its to In form thee that tha hair oa Bay head all fell off over twenty yean ago, oaaaed bp aeompllcaied ehronM diaaatt, a landed with aa eruption oa th head. A continual eouraa of tafftrlng throurh lift harin reduced me to itato of dependence, I bar not bora abb) te obtain ttaf lor eaoa, neither hare i been aale to ao mem ap, in eoa- aequoooe of which my bead hat mffered tatiemtiy from gold. Thl Induced m to pay Brigp A Hodge almoat lb latt oeat 1 naa on eartn ror a two dollar Dotii or my Hair Uoeto retire, about thetntef Augutt hut. I bar faithfully followed the dtnoaoBMB th bald tpet It aow corered with hair thick and black, thoagh abort. It alto coming In alt orer mp bead, .feeling confident tbat another larg bottle Would rttton It ntinly and permanently, I feel ankloat to peieeter, la Im uat, and btloa deetitot of meant to Burohai any more. would aek thea If thea wouldat aot be willing to tendatt aa order on thin agenta for bottle, and reoelra to thy- teir .tut tenptun aeciennon -ine rawnra m to til on that are una to mo wtoow anu we lauvorMee. Thy friend, ,-. BObaNMAU KLBBT. Llronler. Noble uountr. Indiana. Peb. Sth. 183 a. Pior. 0. J. Woooi JMar Sir: In th latter part in year m, wmie auenaing -tn state ana nauoaai UWBCboolof thabtateet Mew lark, aiy hair, from caat unknown to me, commenced falling off Tory rap id It. to that la th abort tpaot of tlx month, th whow upper pan of my acalp wa almod entirely bereft of la, eorerlnf , and maeh af the nenalalag portico Bpoa ta aide aad bam. pan or ary aaa inertly anar aeiaiaegray, ao that rou will aot to tnrpriMd wbaa I toll rea that ae on air return to th Btato of Indiana, aiy mora catnal acquaintance, were not eo much at a loea to iwoant the cant or utcnang ia mp appearaaet, ee any mon to maw aeaaalnmnott wen to reoucoixe me at aU. , I at ano aud applkatloa to th meat ekillful ohnV cUm Ib the country, but, Retiring a taxanot from them that my hair would again to retoond, I wa forced to toeom leceadled to my fata, aatll, foraanatelp, the latter part of the year 1637, your AeetoratiTe m commended to m by a drnrrieL u be lux the mod nim ble Hair Eee to rati t In bm. I tried on bottl, aad foaad to my great tatbdaetlea that M aa producing th aedrea eatot. otaee wat ama, i Bar aaaa errea aot' Ian worth of roar Betiontlre. aad at a reaulL aaea rkb eoat of Ttrp toft black hair, which ao mosey oaa buy. . . . Aaa mark of my gntlrnd for pearmbof aad CrOl the wnduetloa ol at woadertni aa article, I Bar n mended It. um to many of my friend, aad aonntlnttnnet. who, lam happy to inform yoa, are adng II with Ilk tnect. Ytry reepocuuny, pourt, - A. M. 1ATTA, . Attorney and CoanMllor at Law, Depot, 444 Broadway, and raid by Ml dealcrt Ihrongh out tha world. ' Th Bederatrr It pwtut In botlwf of three three, rta large, medlam, and email; tht email bold H pint, and retaila tor on dollar pet botttos the medium hold, l.Mt twenty per oeat. more In piopertloa thaa the mull, and ntaltt for two dollar, a bottle! th lam bold quart, u r atat. anr ia parporttoa, aad ntallt f or BDotua. ' "i i ' 0. 9. WOOD A 00-f roprUtort, 444 Broadway, Btw ci, ana u marttt d treat, at. liOBM, mo. And told by BOBxKTB A BAJfDkL, Oolumbu, Ohio, aaa ey an gooa vrngguu ana yaacp uooat vaaien. aprtlltdAweowl. Wateaei t SUmoadi II Silver Ware !! A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OB GOLD and bllrer Watch, ta great rartotp. - I am Areat fop the Aaaattaa waroa Co., aad eaa til thett exoelleat Watobta at aiaintactanrr1 aiieet. ttoer nnoieaMeriau. . Come and ehaote froaa my boaattrul Stop my ef pm OBds and other rtoh Jewelry at. lea BOW . trite, tow. A to Bilrer War f ttarlinAejaelliy, leaaabewaew pattern, rery B.niium. - . . . Bllrer Plated Ware, Tea Bettt.TJrn. Walter, Oamon, Baekett. Pitcher.. Ooblet, Bnlree, fork, Bpeoae, A. Thea I bare a tuoolref Ba Table Oatlerr. Peeket aaire. atort. ao.. and many taaap wteee eata aa art deolred (or preeeote at tuak prim at are ealadaea- BwBI to th pnrcnaatfi . ,. a. (Mia, aural .';.; -. North dde Btatc Hoaet nuan. ' Irish Linen' Goods. WARBAfkTED bTABTBBO !v.-!a,-., Idnea Bhlrt Boeem i Plata a4 feaap f ,, Bill I .ir?; ' Bo Bhlrtlng aod Hoeoea a.inene. , , . , . Lines Bheetlng aod PUloW Oadngt, Liaea Oambrle aad Lont Uwas. 7 ' 1 1 -r, Idaea Potkd.bandkrfB, all etaat. r :;. l i ' Lli Towrlliogi aa4 Diapen t biuqd simywutm man v vufii Linen Table Clothe aad Bella Ltom Tewele with colored bernen. I I i .i.. J i-.'-.i Liaea BntriMTeriBreead Ocakh, t.. tvi'temi.l. treFffMr fabKB Bo.xBBomhHIxh ttreet" ; ! Gents' Linen. Shirt pilars, M ' ; BvrEBIOB QUA LIT T II AJa IOTB. Bteadln, Byrea, Penlinay, Aeafrew ami Bewtbape. BeauiiedPaclt(tLenakercblefa,Beok Btoekt, Btnet sad Breetnf Olerea, Belt Hot., of klA,UvW)armentotadanklBda erOeatr-Pcr ether Tie, Bi atohtaB Irtads ta autotp m al tavWe eoarn ItWl , , . ' ... . . Be. f8authbtuwl, , a LEX AWDBES KID C OTL". U.X, AUektoBtmd tolOMiBawe 4 fci. otw7 ;.,ii'!)'M9 . aBirmy fK ' " f .'!;' It I la i ra at 1 ' anlrfi -'toyh..l BDMI DIS .t...U- . , , .T-f. r .i OF:: THE AGE,, M B. KENNEDY. ROXtllTRTt ha dlaootond la oaa of oar aeaamao u.u. mfo h'i1 ",..)! ... '' kl ,.; Byeryllind of Hwaor.v; ' i k .nOBI yci;'h o ;.a)"i Jb went torefnlB iowa to a eemmoi' Flaipl. H. ha triad It la em tie Tea tinadrtd ataeat and new. W tailed except la two etaea, (both thunder humor .) ' Bt hat Bow In hit pomeatlon oror en hnndrtd otrtiilcatei of 1m Tata, all wiUda twenty mllM of Bottoa. ' two bottle sr warranted to cut b aarttof tort oath. - ' - ' --i One to IhiM kOUlee wfll eare tht Wont Hnd of flanlae -Two or three bottlt will clear the trrtoa of Mitt. Two bottlt ar warranted to tor th wont canker In th moath or ttoaweh. " ..'-' '. Tr Three to an bottl are warranted to rare tht wont kinder BryripeiM. una at two bottlt ar warns tea t ear an nomor the Byee. - - - ' Two bottlee ar warraatod to care raanlng th. r tad blotabea amone tha hlr. roar to nx ootie, art warranted to curt corrupt aaa renninguioere. " ' ime DoKie win curt toair trntmou or toe am.' Tw or tbree bottlee are warranted to tart th' wtrtt kind of rlnaworm. :i ) " - i tw or tnn bouit ar warranto t ear tn coot oerperate eaee I roeametlam. - - Ibree to loir boUlee are warranted to enratall-Kbeam f Ira to elihl bottle will eare th wont tat of aero fBla. A benefit It alwayt experienced from thd am bottle, lperfeotoare It warranted wlien th aboTt quanUrr to " BOXBTTBT. HABB. Baaa M.aiLtr The repiutioo of th Medical Pto- ooTorr, In curing all hlnde of humor, It t well attab Hthad b taeanaaimoutTelceof all whobererrer ated ILthatlaood aot eay aaylhm o th wubleot, U th moot tkillf al phyetotana aad tht moet careful Pruggtito la tea ooantry ar auanimout in ite pre tee. In oneontJnr th Medical Dlteortry to roar Boltoa. 1 do It with full knowledge of lie cantlro power, la n liertoi all. and eurlni moet at thaee dlaeaeeg to vbtok yoaar aniortnnateiy ee unpen, '.iiainoei dletaet to aa aBaottoaan autntr, FJCBSINO SOBH no t TBi I rand to If bp l tolraeief pear wa temper It re. to red bt Ita aatunl awaetneat. and your bah from abort and ftatfal nana ta eaba aad aaeal aleaabent and tht Mtdtoal Pmetmp beeomet a (oaa tain of hlemtng to your htubnof and houeahold. ' . . . .i ,j ,,-,.,, ..(, ta IBtmoiwaaTaneeuamreaoi. r. XtaatoBdttottoitoBuehMadn .f.AHl iBar.aAOIA,,-,., l .on" whlchaaothmg tot canker ea th ttomtchi the to the wanantaena K .n ' - m it KIDNBTS. r o treating a linking, gooe feeUog, and aa Indlffenno trea . ToarttomaehlB ; n ,-t.;.,; ,i .- :..'.. . BAW Alf D IWrLAJIIED, wear toed dlatreaae rea. and roll oaa only take eertala ktadt, aod tna e( that poBrtyatom dot aot gel half tha Bonrlabment it toatolna, a th aerimonoa Bald el th canker eata it apt uiea your eompiexMa loeet in bloom albeoomaa aal low and rrecnUh. and your beet day i. gone. Porwanlof Bourlahmaat oaf ty.tem be eomet looet and dabby, and the fibreiof your body to come n taxed Thea follow a train f diMooe. wbloh th Medical DaooTtrp I peculiarly adapt to 4 y -r C TJ B E I ...i --. t- jti ilata th dd, weakneat the mine tad anall ef the back, pain of th hli rajnimaoB ei we neen. nan we mue. htpjotal and el, when yoa toUro, trregutarlty of tht bowtlt, tbat mott exoTBCmung or qituatue, me . . t; W .:.!.....'-.'piIjEi . ' Bow many thoamnd of poor women are tafftrlBt from thlt dime ud pining wap a mtotnbl lift, aad their next door neighbor doe not know the eaaee.' I with to baprtai oa year mind tbat good eld prorerb'Aa ennee of prerwtion It better than a pound of can," Ia the .V inEDICAL DISCOVERY "TT'"' yra ton tottthprereatotlTiidth cur, with thlt gnat and good quaUty, thai tt wlU nrrer, ander Bap oinumetanoet, do you any lnjary. tt , t TUB BIEDICAJU DISCOVEBT ta espeelalp tn traded for dleeceac of fh bleed, bat rlooe Itatotroductloa ta the WMtern Btatt, tt It found to bf AWm BEWED V IhatwM rrer befon the pubUe... H.eaange ef diet erf Bteetatry-eat lb beat poa oa and ret enough of It. i PiaaoTtoaa roa oa Adaltooa table pooaful par any Childree crer toa pean, demert apoenful ChlUroa froaa Br to eight pean, toa (poonful. A a direction. aa to applleabla to all tonxitatione, take efficient to openteonthboweUtwVday, i 'i -i l...-- a. ToaiBaTBly. f PONBAtB BBNBBPl. frlot 11.00 per bottl. Ioi,, yrrery drargittta thj United Btato. f) 6,... rf, , ,,s tpSl-dwljfV: . .' 11 1)0 10U WANT .WHISKERS. DO YOU WANT WHISKERS i . DOyYOU WANT a' jjUSTACHE?, ,a . , ( - DO Y eBEI TOU WANT A MUSTACHE! BELLISGHAM'S OBLBBBATBD J ' -il 1 ' Stiiating , '" C Fwr'''tne;.WluBA4ri . and Hair., V TM tabMribtn take p learn ra ta announcing o tht Oltiten of fh United Butte, that they hare obtained the Arency for, and an now enabled to offer U the American public, the aboT Jnitly celebrated and world-renowned artNla Th " 1 ' STIMULATING 0NGUENTr .1M A , ,y . :j .. .,,,,.,.(! t,' 5 ' H if It prepared by Pa. 0. P. BILLINOHAM, ea amtatat phyeleie of London, and i. warranted to bring oat thick tet of t ( .ri -f ; I tTOdskers or i Mnstaeie la from thro, to r!z waeki. Tht artlele to the anlp on af th. kind aeed by th Irroch, and in London aud Pari. It I ta Bnlrenal a. . - : - - i It a beautiful, aooomloal, toothirg, yet ttlmulattng otmpoand, acting ta tf bp magi apea Die room, eaaalag a beautiful growth of Jaaariant hair. If applied to Ib acalp, it will can biMM, aad caat to eprtng ap to place at th told tpoto a an growth of new hair. Ap pliei aoeordln to dMvtiont, It will tan tea ot towt hair ait k, and pattor kwy halt to It original color, leering it eoft, smooth, cod flexible, the KiHeuejrr" b aa tndiepeneable arflcl In rrery gentle man t toilet, and after a weak' at they would set (oranyooaeidemtioa to without It. ...... ... -..'- M The tuMcrlben an Uit only Areata for the artklt In tba United Btatt. to whom all order, mutt bt eddretaed Price Ont Dollar a box for tale by all Prurtdte and Peeler.; or a box of th "Onguent" (warranted to hart tkjtdctirtddlact) will btaent to any. who detln it, by mall (direct), atcanlp Meked, oa receipt if prlc and pottage, I (.la. Applytooraddren -- -k;, - J i; BOBAOB A. BBOBBAlf A OO L it, . , r amoewiart, -,.,. ir rebBOdawdm ; ' . 4 WUlmmBttatCBew-Tork. i ! - WM, KNACS f CO.V 01 1 AT THEIR HEW SALIRa--- MOB. l,a,nTa. AUJXAW iu. Offer for ttl their wlabrated GOLDEN MEDAL. , ' , - v. .7 GRAND ,... AND 8QARE PIANO-FORTES. i Bdnghtxhty reeeeeaeeadedby the tnt Prefemeritad Bfatteal AjeAtaanef 14 eantry, sad . , , BTBBI ' '"J"f ' i rjflTBUMBWT , I WABBABTBB BOB ' t HTBT1ABB .-Th mott raitldloaatBttomer map nip upon being anew at !. .. i , rcrmtUhetai. WM. ERABBAOOv j .... BBLIUa A WaBeTBA, Affenm. . i ' eaaeiiyd. : ; TTKNIIY tow; I -WtototaltaB4BtoBPatorla-.v !S( e Foreign c ft Donestio C&Umy 'i".'-' . ' i ' -i "ta,7.,a . T) AapBtoWgaaeBW nt-t, ktrtu 1 ! BmoklBf k Clu wiDl To d aoct. ' ' Also, tba beet fatlitT of fXlfrn ooataatly oa aaaa.,. - -4 TO'Ceuntrp Mtrofaaato an farrUed to aall to ton par ehatlarslikwbtr. : i NO. 4 EAST TKIRD STREET, v-r Be. Mala aad By erne in, t -1 ' aTfHrOm C3CXCWATWr4 i I -i' nvegetnin rf.nittl awib BASuINES P BBW STTLB xUm ae, v South High dreet. Bar lost eeeaed swyie " vawra v lat er una, Battnaai and saoa, bum la at awel Bad ananae. aiee, wwpw.m .arimim Bala, a kllk. ..rerr.twar, dT.ned aapremy tor Maauua ead BatHsta.,'.. ;. ' , . ' laprUB ... tJiiRioniiii ;sj;eeti)3 AB XI BM..iaHaawidthvef I Ien4 la rtoHf and at Ten iU-JWSW4w4Miiio!ii fc BUT f A LTESB THREAD LA f" p-t LI af e,al1lKi 11 leieM aerr, m) tW .... Ball, ' r -. .tK tf l Jl I I-VeJ . Dr.J,n.UcLEArT'S Strengthening Cordial and Blood Tat Oreateot BomoAy l Ttto U opI, 'i y -j mat, ?ua .r..K0BT BBXICI0OI - awn " j. COBPIAL Ever:'.taren.. vir ITISSTBICT' ty tdentlBe and . Vegetable Compound, ,-t; procured by the distil lation or aco la, uernt lit Barkt, fellow Pock, Blood Boot, Banaparllla. Wild Cherry Bark and Pan- jf i delloa taten Into It MnnAiltlfMI. Th. ta. Before Taklntu aour remedial After Talcing. prtadpleef taoh togndtoBt U BaIP JW mpaew method ef dUUlllng, produoing..B deliclrna, a hitoningVdtht moet IN PALLIBLB retned,(o, reaeraang th ameaaea ryrwi, w i ufferlr.: end debilitated INVALID to BBAtTH Bad , StaJCMaiU. ...,....!. . . ' i neLBAN TBEKOTHENINO (JOB. DIAL ...... . : Will effectually tar . LITBB , OOMPLATBT, PTBPBPBIA, JA0BD1CB, Ohronfc or Barroa DebiUtr. Dlamaat of fh KldMyll tad all dlmaee arldng from a dlaorderad Lrrer or Mob bob, iryenepam, ueartMra, inward Pile, Aclditj r BWf Bcnef lheBtomaoh,fnllneaaof Blood to the lieel, Ditll pain or reluming la to bead, mpitauoa or tna uean. Pullnem or Weight la thaBtoaiaoh, Bour Breelattona Choking or TOffooaUng feeling when tying down, Prrnee or ItlloeuatiOi inenaana ayoa, nignt nweaie, m ward Peren, Pal la Ihe email of the back, ahet er ilde. nddan PlnihM of HeaL Dennmlon of Bnirlto. Prlrhtfnl Dreama, Languor, Peepondeney or any Merreu Dleaua Bona or Blotohee oa the Bkla, and Prrer and Aaaa (of OhUUand ftrtr.X T i i ' ....... . i oror ntlllon of. uottle . Bar beta told during th laat ala mouth, end lu no In . Iktnot baa it failed In airing entire tatitfactlon. Who then, will tufferfrom Weaknen or Pemlltp wbto Mo 1 LHAN'fi BTBJDNSTHBN1NI1 OOBDIAL will ui you I ' No language can eonrey an adequate Idea of tuejmuie data and almoat mtracalout change produced by taking" thlt OordlaLln the dlteaeed, debilitated and .nattered aerroBi ayttem, whether broken down by cxeett, weak by Baton, er impaired by ttoknem, th. relaxed and umtruug ttgantaation U restored to lit prltUnt health and rlgur. . ... minniwn pkhmiii. ; I.- Li I Of elban aoaaMta of fnabtuty, bom whattrar eaue, a will And McLeaa Strengthening Cordial a thorough regenentor of the eyitem; and all whe mar ban Injured ahemnlre by Improper tedulgence, will ind to Uie Cor- ;. dial t ortela and rpeedy remedj. ( . , .'I 't To tho LaUUee. ' '" ' ' McLean's Strengthening Cordial l.-r , ...toatorenloaadepeedytanfor .. . ., tl INCIPIENT CON SUMPTION .WHITES v.. Obrtrnctad or PUBoalt M.ntrutlon, beonUntne of Urine or InTOlnntary Pltoharg thereof, falling ef the c I Womb, Olodinem, Painting and all Plneac Incidn t , , , .( ftaxato. . v' i Xnero Is ae Xlita Aboat It. H' ! ' . Buffer Bo longer. TaktltaeeordlDgloPlreeUoni. It ' '. wlll.Umalate, ttrengthen and Inrlgont poa and caoee t th bloom of health to moant your cheek again . j ui Bverp bottl warranted to giro eatldaoUoa. ..1 '. l.S,U;. EO-.eHILDRKJIe..w ,.T IfyourehiUrenanickly,pny,oramieted,lloLeiip Cordial will make them healthy, fat and robuit. D.U aot a moment, lrp It, and you will be eoarinaed TT ta DEUCIOTJS TO TAKE.'1 OaonoB. Bewan of Praggttt or Dealer who map lip to palm apoa poa tome Bitter or Banaparllla Iraal, Which they can buy cheap, by laying it It Juat at good. Atom tuck men. Aek lot McLeaa' I lengthening Oor- t dial, and take nothing ale. It 1 th only remedy that will purify tb. Moot) thoroaghly and Bt tht tarn tlm .' etrengtbea th tyeleai. i . . One tebleepoonful taken Try morning ttotfnr, h '' tertalu pferentlTeof Oholera, Okill, and Per.r, fellow ,- lerer, or any preraleul dleeet. It ia pat ap la large battle. ;-' ' -; ' ' ' frtot eatp fl per totUe, or B bottle, for 5. ,Trw r- j.h.MoLBAB, .'.': a Bolt Proprietor ef thia ConliuU, . AhMMclWi Volcanic Oil utnlmtnt, frlsctpal Depot on tb conwr of Third and Pine itrteto t. Loala, Mo. ' j McLean' Volcanio Oil Liniment. ' Th tort Liniment In the World. Tha only axl. and certain can for Oaoeera, File, Swelling, and Bran- . oh! tie, or floitre, faralnia, Meunlrta, Weakneei of lie Measles, Ohronto or Inflammatory Bhaamtllam, BUS Beat ef th joint, contracted Mamie er Ligament, ' Bench f loothaoba, Bfuiaae, Bpraina, Wranda, f reah i : Oata, Uloan, frrer Bona, Oaktd Braatto BonNipplee, , Born, Bcalda. Bon Thoat, or any Inflammation er Pair, ee difference how cere re, or bo long th p , bar exirted. mcLaaa' 0tbnted Liniment it oar; tola ittatdp.. : . ' Thoeaanda of human btlngl bar been ard Uf tl . fecnpltadt and mUery bp the an of thlt Inraloabl mt MoLEAN'S VOLCANIO OIL LINIMENT ' " 1 WIU nlitr eata almoat hiriantaaeonily, and It wll; ttoante, pnrifp aad beat, th fouleet aore. la an incredl ly abort tlm. ; For Boraea Bd Other Anliuais. ' 1 McLean t otltbntod Llnbnent U tb onlp taft and n Uabla remedy for the tan of Sparta, King Bona, Wtnd gallt, Splint, Unnatural Bump., Node, or Swelling. It wlllaenr fail to eare Big Heed, Poll Bell, IKtala, Old ronntag Bora or Bwttny, If properly applied. - Per" Bpraina, Brubx, Bcntchea, Bore, or Woundt, Cracked - Obafea, Saddle orUollar 011 It I aa Infallible remedy. Apply tt a directed, a can It certain ta frerp tatmno. ' , ' . TbeatritloBO long, with the manp worthies, Unl. u mBt offered to you. Otiain a aui..l of Pr. McLean Mlebrated Liniment. It will cun you. ' .. , : . V - - MC VlM.U.U,M..tM ... & a ... , uu - ..., Comer of Third and Pin BtreetcBt.Ljla, Mo." f or sal by all draggtito. . . . fornleky , B0BIBT8 A BAMOBL, 'ogfM-dAwlP " - Oolnmbut, Ohio. PEOP.WODO'8 lu ; GESTOrtATIVB CORDIAL AND BLOOD. nENOVATOa ,It nnclMlp what It nam. Indicate, for, while, nleamnt to the laete. It t rerlrtfyl off, (xhllarat- Ing, tarlgontlng aad auangthantog u the eiteU L.n aad at the aama time nrlrlOea. tela litatee, and renew the Blood ta all Ita purity, and tba at one rertore awut reader fA ytoai ta-i r leWnerooteto aUaakt o dia. It 1. th. eniyl i IpreparatloB rer ffnd to th world, thtmtd H csllp an taxlltuiiy oomnaea oh h t. amu.. pjwerul tonic, ana at mt tame in, eo pormuj adapfad to, to sd la pariectataordaBO with the tore oi mtua. anu oeno wu, m mwumj Ltamaek. and ton UD th dig eeure organ, aad . i that allay all Berreoa aa otaer irnmuea. it uj periMtly xhllaraUng.audBt th tarn tlm It Id aomDoeed enUrely ot Texelablee, yet to ComOlhed la to predate tb moet thorough toaio efeot, wltb-l out BroduciBg any iniunoua ooneeuuooma. bku la remedy baa long beea fell to to a deddemtum in I the medical world, for It need, bo medical akiU to lore that debility folio waaUaUaokt of dieeeee, aad proceed and indeed lay to tyima open w we Intldloat at tacit or many or in mom aii, aacn, I titar ammnle. aa th following: ooneumpuoa, la- V dJgedloB, Pyrpepela, Lee of Appetite, Pttolaemj Nerroo immoill, nemreiiw, mpw... um P.!UeBrt,Melaaeb Cljueaa, feeteatloa t toe profuee, er I Melaaebely, Bight sweat, Mngaor, uioai-i i.tinB of. aa wall aa rainiai ootuaete. , er to teaalMenatruatloa, and PalHd ileoility. Thlt pan, health, teal Uordml aadl . J Blood BeaoTator U aa tun to sun at the tan to Iriee aad let. I here la ao minaka about it. Bat a Pitbull not all. If tht ayttem I weakened, w arel P-f opea to lalioaa attack, th Urer beeomet torpid, ; ot went dliooocd, th kidsty refot to perl orml . ihdr funttfona, and wt an troabled with oaldlng ff and iDecotlBoae ef art no, of Inroluntary die- W cham ef lb tame, palala the back, aide and be-! jtreen lb hoaldera, exceedingly Uabl to tllght loold,ooghi,aau anoneoaea, toon eameiauoo . Iroltswt. aod the patient goee down to a prematarr Irrare. Bat (pan will sot allow a to moment. ID , Um many Ul to which w an liable la a reekeaedl looaditle of the ayaum. - Bat w. will my, ta Ibid 4 lOordml and Blood aeaorator yoa Bar a ported,! totfe. pleasant aad effectual remedy for teat ei: -lAppeUto, hUloutnttt, Plataleace, weak and det fl linmanb. I ti , JUrer Ooaaptotat, Chill aad M. frrer, or any aUlioo attack, OoaUTenen, Acidity! . lot tb Itomaca, McrTouanata, Meunlgla, Palpitor m. Uoaef toe mean. vepnaMoa m Kiiirua.svm niflmpwtea thekaoe, or any dtaa aridag (rem w mourn elooa. i as Borefula, Brydpetaa, Brea T Hhlti. Cough, difficulty ef Breathing, aad all that r Ulan af diteaee aalled tamal weakneei, aod fl , f enameraled dtore. Wa 01 alp cap th traretor 1 1 4 V 0 leooeedtoeptdeaile,aaaceo (umataandwat-Bt' U Cad aB ahoald orer trarel wahoat. Beader. VWUIBSaita pieamns i mm wuw lomegy, u n.: .IA37 well aacurafor IhoeeallmenH towQieb they ar&ll i. ., Hmmb nUM.rintelLd4- y., Uterary gintlrmesind tod let who an not) . I itemed to mao outdoor eaentaa, will da lllgl ' to thtlr adraatM ta keep bottle oontmntly enll.. ItadM will go tbreagb east moatden-eiio I Bolonty wthall their kceuatomed eireugth, butlijA , bare aad free from tb thee, aad allBMaUee pter-fri"- Irylt,loweae4yoayoawUllUdtnKafrlod1,i1 , todel, well aaa friend la seed. All pononwefL' 1 Umumrp behlta wUI Bad perfec prerenUre oilA ' 0 eatBmB th tomato perUoa ef tb WMld.f , An mr4i abort, It la Indeed a molher'e cordial.' Try It, IW J land Mweg; ae longer rea the ik e( daky; It wMJ' a mliare and arere luielf emphatleelljr a M40oriA hrnn ' . i . t mj i .. ,iny - - . i" II r Pt la.J.rVuon.Beeartet.- Broadway, 1 fork, and 114 Mrtel Street, Bt, Loal. e, anal '1',3.''' 1 Uwld by ttOBchlo t Ilium voiemnw, v lamt an im arruivw - . , i ... . , 'VBetttoVTi Mt'l ii atarditaVdawtaWly" V1 w4 mia a si to at i jA fl ss at '- B .avavwuw BMkaeea eg ATAIUlSAAf aad,.0(, evtoto ene-U ltd toe. lhae aae be f.7.7l W Uil as ram (- ataP; tilt at i!l i l . - -- - jmaae. Te-ait hJteevd, mat Tr a SAW . 0t wi -. X- ' '".Vaeajl''' ''" -7' . '',oi 1 0 7I;-,v7 Mil Sihl