Newspaper Page Text
--- , : - Im'K-I O'.l .!fi7..jr Olr Ifl'rt Va "'1 ..' .J,I, f :i;.v,l VOL; VIiI:;NO.H: MISERIES," rr : i COLUMBUS.OHIO, .BAY mm MORMN6. - OGT. - 20..18C1;;' ' . -1 vi -' 10 , SIX POILABJI PZ2 TZAB, .: lTarlaWj la Ad pane IDIitiy Strttmrrni D AILY, TRI-WEIKIT AKD WEBSXI MANYPENNY & MILLER, PUBLISH) Bl AN1 PaOPIXEXOal, ir Office Not. 86, S8 and 40, aTorth High Bt TED MB INYABIABtY IW ADYANOB." - " By the Carrier, pier weekj IU eenta. rrl-Wotkly . ... . . r. , a 00 per wear. Weekly, . . ' . ' - i- .... i oo .-AT: iiii'io or Ad ver Haiti.- bfth HquaV. m iuit I yeai...20 00 1 On. ,,ar 3 weeki..4 00 On. " Vtooi.thi 18 00 On . " Si,.. m Ino " ' 4 month! IS 00 Jtie " 3 month! 10 00 3d 8 mo.ilhi 8 00 Jne 1 month. 5 00 On ' " Iday.... ! 00 On dayi..,-7s On 1 t 1 lueertion SO outplayed AdVerUnaeou half mo Ida tha above 'l"'a'entalM?'l-nl ptoeed in til oolomn of ...., ixbom jm erataary All uutlce. require to tw puhltahed by Uw, legal rata. - viurreu vd uietneiaenoiaeiveiy attar the nretweek -j viau aim than tb above rata,; bat til unb wtl .)ier lain Tri-WoeklywUhouUluuge. , , .. UnsineM Cards, not exceeding fivillnei, vet year. In. ill, io per Una: outilde B(f. '. r ' ' rluh until, thta U cbtrg IwUiW! Will b il ill Hie riitfu of Uio IliUlf ... . - tthf NotrCto(miiilng.i,ohiriUblxoei,rcompnloi ka., hlf ptlee. . ' t I V, i . , AUtraiulBnt advtrtlummt mutt U cmiiof l r inw TernlIlUotbTtlc4fromr , , . , l, Vkly,i,B prtcauthc DaUr. whtra tfaa Urrtli ctUie WcekljaloM.- U'htn 'h I BUSINESS CARDS. J .4 , .-.In Ittornoy At Zjaw AND NOTARY PUBLIC. )mo-Ambm Bolldlng, oppotlt Capitol gqtur. " ' COHntBOB. OHIOJ OSXJOn3NT3D, ; Attorney & Counsellor at lawj MARION, OHIO. j ooiitiMBna Machine Manafactnring Compan; MANOraOTDUM OP biniAjft jfintrjusjfis k boilers; Caitlng, XUI-atarlni;, Huhtaarj;. ... '.r4alO,,( :im Worls, . . or imi nsoiurnoN. ,-, -t i i . CObVnBUS, OHIO. A,,-.A?!f!?8: P 1 ' ' ' AUBOB. Xraa. deoll. lH5d-t( . - . 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements.—Time Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I i" 'JLPlw'1""" J ' mmj RAILROAD. CoDnectUigat Creitlln wltb tb PItTBBDBCin, IT. WAYNE fc 0DIOAQO RAILROAD Icr ritUburqh, fhiladtlpMd tnd Mainmort. Altt ' i ' i foe fort Warn and Chieago.' v i I OcnnecUDf at ClareUnd wltb th UU 8H0B1 RAIIr mi: ROAD ?.;,;, ,. I for DuDhirlt, jtaffaio, Albany t Boil mvwnj ini aVXKfl , i. THREE TRAINS DAILY, ' ... EXCKPI SUNDAY,. ... ,'";;',,W Prom Oolnmbaa, In onnctloD with Traimoi tb1 JHIAim AND COLCnDVI , PIBSTTJtAIN, ' NIGHT EXmrSS.-LfaTM Oolnmhui at 3.40 A.M ; will Itar uaawngen at all atation ton lb ol Oallun, atop at Dalaware, A hly. Carding too an4 OlUad, and at all (tatloni north of Oalloo, arriving at Olarcland atfclw A. M., Danairk3:00 P. M., Buffalo 4 25 P. M. Aimnp 90 A. M., New Xork 8:35 A. M., Boa ton S:30 P. it, Plttabargh Tto OraatUn 0 P. H , Phi lad I hi 5:10 A. M. Chicago Tla OnMllMatT-OO P. M. - BBCOND IBAUJ- , - biBftTORK BXPRHSB-LaaTM Colnrafco at 11:10 a. a. Will atop at Uwia Caotro, (for whit Bolphor Bprlnga), PaUware, Oaratogtoo, Oalloa, Oratlln, ahp by, Nw London, Wslllngtoo aad Orafloov arrlT at Oleraland at 3:3d p. m. Dunkirk, 8:90 p. m. Bu falo, 0:3 p. n i Albany, tfSa. av.) Nawloik, l:4i p.m.; Bolon, 4:40 p. n . Tlria Train aoanwui at 8ht bj for Baadutky, aad at Oiaftari for XoMe, arrlTlng at . vnwv m w .iv y a ga - .- '! - THIRD TBABf. V V.i:"T '' MAIL AKD A0COMM0DATI0H-tiTfa Colotebaa t 9.80 p. ta. : will atop at all atatiom Booth of Bfialny, and at New londoa, Hlngtonj fininon, and Barra; arriving tt Olavtland at b:30 p. m : Caw Jlik,:tl0a. . Buffalo, l0a. m.:Albany,p.iB.i ltoilc, 1S p. m.: Boitop, 11:4J p. b. Pletaburgo. WaOrattlln,! ll.Mp. m.; Philadelphia, 1.00 p. aaJ, Chicago, wfa Orenllna, 8:45 a. m. lhn Train connect! at bbelby for tandniky and Toledo, arriving at Toledo ai8:Mp. n - .. . T Patent Sleepinff Cari are ranVoa" all avigui. Aioiua io vmcago, aew .York.and Boston. ; ;.. , ' j aggag Oiecktd Tbrtmdh to Kmt York and Botton . - , A-kmdnU, tofkOaidphtaandt.. , Aato lorliia OmUitf. j, a.t BETtlRNINO.. 'r'J"rl ' Klght txpnaa arrtvea atOolnmbtu at. ..11:15 P. k. Cincinnati kxprae arriraa at Colnmbol at 10:50 A- If. ... AoroawdailoB kxpraae arrival at QoJoaibtU at 7:56 i M. . BtXow ai by anytfcer Hate. Ak for Ticktu via CrtttUnttr CUvtUnd. j DBDf nulSuuODL J lOTt UBO. llfliA. r f. , t james PAttCTnoir, AgmtTT Culumbui, Jane 17, 1S61. 1 'I' '-' '- f ' I 1 Jait BolTfd! ; IIP. CII GREEN ttfta !; BLACK TKAS 100 ban prim Bio Oonea. .... T 100 f ailMdriAlj T)mIaK flimrnnMl J.m nnlAA I t A ban Oevlon Oofle. ' I ' JOObbla. nandard Whlbi Bagara, ooniht!n of Pew- orto, unnauM, uranniatea a and u yunea il' feO qalBtalaUoorga Bank OodDah. .' u . J I KObbla. aim and Ho. 1 Uackerel. A lea. Pick nrmoa. ICO bs. Layer Katfaav -t n , hf. boa d o - . -vfA5 lOOqr.boi do d ' IOO M Olgata, different braadj and gradH -' 1 novirt I.. .Wal.ltoDOHALD. M.' C. tlULEY -: 1 And Blank-Book Mannfmtarer, XTORTH EI0H BTBXR, COIOTCBVi, 0EIQ BedfYWhitc and Bine DEIADIF, ''"ioa:U a;?it'j.Uw . CAL1COEM, irUIBBOni, NECK HES. ' a i l is-jt Jaatipiaadhp apr T . . Tfo'.'Sa iouthlHihltr!. Bo. M, B0CTH BXcrB ITBllT. ' " Bavw lart iwtlvwd nrff laak of EOOP I Bafckwd k a aar fal tprtof t anr p W j i .i V U I i a t a . hi . 1 1 . I XIBT8 trdad UUSAIJLITY AK9 .PRACEFULKESSI ,llr,''.)H, W bPa7f ,ailtt ,aarQ la "S ! Ml .goifeB trMad liMrMli l-j .pat WORCESTER'S ! (I,. II U!:k The -LatestThe largestThe - Beat, The Cheapest Because jfcho Best, IV it Ue.labJletandard in. Inorlty ol (he EnKllab Lanfctjaa; . tfto iTwkira vMani JBJmatori of OMo, "THB BKBT INQLIBR DICTI0,ABt;XTANT." tram Me IttruvXtr "Haia ar. opwardi of'a' Hundred' ThoarandlTorda. luaflona BManloga and darlvatlona, toylhr ZlTtjr ' Trr' "F'ing, ana pronunciation ar clearly aat bafora trjo av."' - . - BtaithtDnltUmt if tfu Xmbtri 'of tt ' Ohio Stat itaaior t AHOQiiinory, , -Th ondtrtlgnod, metnbar of th Ohio State Teacher1 aaaooiauon, adopt and aba tone in teaching, writing ana apOaklDV. tb orthcxrrmnh in) nmnHMiallnn nf woroaawr'a Boval Quarto fiiotlenary, and w moat eor dlally leoanmond It aa tb rtliabl itandard an tborlty of, thf XnglUh language, aa It II now wrlttea and anokan. " v M. O. J,awrrr, Baporintendent Zaneavil School. U Taoai W. tUavrr. Uao't Muallon Cnlaa aohnola.. . M. P. Oownaar, Bup't Publio Bchoola, Bandruky. Jobji LVmcr, Bap't Pobll Bcbooli, Olrolevlll. '.. B. N. BanroRD, Principal Cleveland rental Bemina- Wn. Mm-uix, Btrr.'tPnlittd'BckoolJ rftf Union. Jona OooaM, trini(al BtauNoraal Bohool, Minna iota. Orar! Non, Prlnclpat Panrth Intermedial Bcbool, B. B. UaartR, Sop't Canton tnlon Bctiooli. J Bnwm kaoaa, Prtnolpal UcNeely Normal bobool. u J. Tarraa, Prof. Matheaattca, Ohio Unlvoralty. I - W-jDwaaoa, Bap't Troy Union Bahookr' i A. 0. Bonuwb Prlnoloa) Weit High Bchool, Cleve land.,,. t -o t-i i' i uw S. A. Hortom, Aatoolat Frlnclpal High School, Clevi (WDoAa BtiaiiKa PriiMlpaf BlgW Bchool Cla ! land, . ,.t.r. pi.,, I . P. HtmlTvmrPrtnlt)f lvland Initltat, ' J. A. flaaruLB, PraiWent of K lectio IhiUtut, HI ram. i ' i i ( W. ti. Haaaut. Prof, (if (ThMnlatr.1 CM ttl.4tn Unlveraitv. ' ' , H. H, Baanr, Ex-Oemmlaiioner of Oonmoa School, JaHaa Momtoa, Prof. Rhetorlo, Oberlln College Taoa.HiiLtPnaMentAnUoahOolleaovii . .. .0. Wj. U. CTBOa. Prot.TUthjnatlca, High ScTiool, Dayton: ' -J...-1. ' S 0 OaraairTaal M!.' linvuiira. TIIh RrhnnlL B. at. Baaua, Bnp't Union Sohoola, Aihland. JkV Man Bundrtd oVisr Prttidtnl of Colls, ft, fro nor t. Author and DUtinwtUhti Educa- PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGER in OHIO. Huimi OoLLMI "It la trulv a mamlfioint work. anbonar ta the author, the mhHihara.and the whole eountry." Preiident Andrew. Ohio WrjrtT a Uvmrnarrr Tt avnaada mv a vnata. oai It will be aav nlda In artbORaDb and n ran an elation, and will often b eonanlted by ma for it neat and accural definition. "Preiident Tbompaon. Webeter'i ortboaraDb.. At a reoent meatlna of our waa decided to chanva It to conform to that wonoawr jaoyal Qaarto OlcUouary," rreaident BarBald. i... , i,i i Wamaa Bzraava Coiuait. "I find It worth of vuruuu pprooauan. 'rreeioeni tiiionaock. , OaaRLtw CoLLioa. "Tt mora than naata mv arnefltar tlooa. I Mcommand it a Ihe itandard authority In orthoepy ta my children and my paplli." Preaiden Morgan. i Aimoca Couaatx. "I admit and aim ta fiia in icaoh lag, writing and aneaklna-. the orthomraDhv and Drilnnn. eUtlon of WoroaaterV- Itoyal Qaarto Diotionary." rrraoena tUJl . . , ... . I "In all mv wrltlnv. eneaklnv.and txrhlnr. T hmra enl deavored to eonform to tbarulea for ortibography and pronanaJatlonaeeonUtned in Worceiter'a Dictionary." Horace atana, lata Prea1dent. Enroa OotLaoa, Oaaaire. 'I mo it cordially recoroj. mond II aa the moat rallabl itandard authority of the Inaliah lananaeaaa It la now written and anoken.- Pieeident Andrew. ... .-.i . ........ .. ! SCHOOL' COMMISSIONERS OF OHIO. Irom Btm. Union BmytX, OommUttonor '-.of .Common "Th THotlonarv la an lmnerlihabl monnmant to' th learning and Indnairy of It author, and an ban or to th world of letter. The mechanical execution li far ape rlor to that of any ether Loaicon wltb which 1 am ac quainted. " ..... 1 jnrom Bon. it.' B.' Barney. BaCommUHonor oatooto m VtOr - "The moat raliabla itandard authority of "" f r : ........ , WHAT TBI Leading 2?ewarpeper of QT Irom li OUoUamd Herald of JfarcA Tb arthorranriy of th ' Woreeater Dictionary Died by moat. If not all. aathon of dliUnotlon . In thia eountry and Inglaad, and conronai to th genual aaagS of ordinary writers and apeakera. . Whatever nreladloee may aav rallied pravlomly, a careful itudy of tbla volam will Invariably be followed by a warm appreciation or iti great menu, ana a deal re to add It to th well ealocted library, bo U large or tmal I, It la a library Inltaelf, aad will remain an. imperial! We record of the learning of lta compiler. j I trom O Cincinnati Oonmtroial of April f). j Bar ar aoward of a hundred thoaaand wordaroodL bad and Indifferent who mnltifarlooa maanmgi and derivation, together with their eorreot ipelllng and pro annotation, ar aat clearly bator too aye. xne wore anqaatlonably th groaleet Ibeaaarai of Engllih Word vr publlahed. J j Irom th aUend Flatoitaler of Sept. BO, 18(0. i IrMentlv WoacnTaa' BovaL Ooabto Drotioiuay U not only (A Joaf, out th a an work of th kind or ,anaeaa try no poai.Diiiiy inner Dy oompariaou or oontrovtray. I Irom fAa ToUdo Elai of Haf SO. - A to raoaoacuTioji. Weaomrt ta tb BTaxnaaa followed by our beat aathon; In defipltloni be leavea nothing to be deitred, aad in OaiHOoaanrr It II inniotent to ay that Voacmia can be aafeiy fallowad. j wnn.M a. VI . - t PnbllaUere, Boobaeltors v stauotieya, NO. 191 BUPBBI0B ST., QL&TKLAND, OHIO. goMfJi t-icv-u -jl 'Jt-Jh,. ' ' " ' 1 m ' i ' ! .''I tin v 'THE, MUTUAL, ' ..i .vi ,-.jii ova DlTldendUanTifttT If lfieis 45 Pr Oemt - a V aJaaeaaBB. MC VI . ' I , ;i f(i . ' t ASSBtS...'.... i....W..iJ.Ml5 li ,'la Statemant January 1.1801 Balanca, per itaUment Jan. liV18C0.v.f Jnflnj 3P awoeivvq lor jrraniiiuua nur log tba iat 10 w....7e3.033 S5 Booetrad for Inter it. during i rt i . J.- th iax 1GC0. r f , ' if u i . ii. r-i G2 ,cS Totaf reoelple ' for 18ffl)..MT7.0C7 71 PaidOlarmibyDeathMT.OSKOSijno fpa A dered 41,111 Paid talarfea, Port-,. ago, xamay, -.-.; iii:. w ; . eliann. !...... 31JH0 54 ... . 2 . ..1 ... Paid Cinmiaaiti to , ln ,;n5"i,.-l ,,t AawDta 5,3!S 3D s H,U' a-i.i PatdPbyokrtWJeoM.S.SWl 7... , 1, , rara vivwenu aur . ,. ..,( r rl lng th jr ,..,..160,300 7 505,001 C3 411,01014 "Net Baiano .tan'nary lit. lPttl 8I,M3 SO . A33iIJ- i Atk M hanA... .if. luindi in r - . - . .... ..... , fVAdn . V . 1 Honda and kirtruMnn Bal h.L . t h UU, -worth mblw ta- , amount kaaod.. M H.VaMt CB a rnmlam Bote, on PolWe iltAAC2 U fore, onlyirawingtl per' 4UfX " ant. tntrU....naaempeg 17 Mai euMa. ....... vo o93 87 . Loanaonaorlp..;........... 5,03a 44 i-.ut rraaoluma, Motaaand Oaah, la rr eoaiMot tnaamawbm.wv i :4Sja 75 id aCJotal 3,81&dUa to T,a75FonflfatoforelMnrlai.f.,..ij8ft,4aa538 ' 1,435 now Follciei hv bead taraed during tb p'car.i Attar a oarefal balowU'Uoa of ana fannt vain f tie ontatandlng Polloie of tb Company, and havlnr the Mttaeirarp mount ta raeerre ibarefor, th Diraeaon have doaland a Divmaars of 40 par eant. a lb Pr mi aul paid at th table ratsa, to all polioioa for life In foroa, laaaod prloa I January A, lb60,payabl aooordUig to tha praant raka mi tba Goapany. ' o .. .. , .1 1 Bate far all kind f Lit Oontlngouele, Proipaci naaa, B tataraanta, and Applioatlona, will b furnlabod wituoot ciuaaa, at th uuwa or Agcncwe of lb Ooal 7;j:.4 Ck:B0BT.rX.AtTraS6W,Wdenl. L. 0. OROVIB, Vie Preiident. -' BiajC.alllLlia Beoratary. , ,;T UalaEJpjf, at. ' " . Ki fTohnion Blook. lCarchM, IBBi; :' T'te a. ti I Columbua, 0. . . i1 iia ;n ti'."'.iT TliAIIf AND nOUHSD BKiACBt A DBBBS BILK, of vrv grade, tb baib a ouji, tUun V that apnia rtw.BovaiiitaKiad IMf5 Vii fr4 to id iot! C2 1' 'i lVM.tllWW' KfiavWr'aC.otf.uUwi'Q'ii blood.iba w liichi thisi fluid . Womea viliatud. Weirlii'unrT prtofi ; Bfling- in the .eirculfttlort.'it pewndr. tlie whole bodjr, and may burst out in diLfuc on-imy, piut ol it. i.Js'o pran, is &o fi ora its altudks, nor is there on which it mny not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial .disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air,, filth and filthy habit,, the doproiiauig vices, and, nboy U, ay tlie venment .infttction... What ever ptiaui:itxi3xliereditary in the con. ulitutioii, desr untiiiig " nompnrenu to ctdldren ujtg tits thu d uul foui'tlvceneration ; " indeed, it axtma ta- bu.lle.jod ol ILwa.vlio says, "I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon rtujii-'tliJUlrenV r-r ;i 7? ; Its efi'cctt commence by depoiitiori froifi tni blcyU of .corrapf or ulcerous matterwhich, in (lie furig'; liver, ailtl ifttcrnnl Organs, is termed WVutclui ? in. tha glands, awollines f and on the eurfuce, eruptions or sores. This foul cor' ruptipn, wjiieh genders in thajbloodddepreases tho Oua'un'of iii'e,-o,)Jint scrofulous copsdtu tion not only auTur from scrofulous com pluliiM. but they have fur Ics8-p6weftd with.' stand .the attai-k-j of other .diseases i cghse qucntly vast" numbers perish by disorder which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still '-rotuktatl fowl by thia taint in the syuni, . J-Iost of the cousumptiou which tie cimafcrfthe hnrhail family has its' origin directly in-i tlii v ui ofulom eentamination ; : and - many dontrtictive di.-.ensc's of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of nil tin prgang, nri ftom or me ngrnvnted by the same cause. One riunrter of all our people are scrofulous j their persona nro, invaded, by this lurking in. fection," mid their health is undermined by It. To cleanse it from the iyatera we must renovate the blood by nn alterative medicine, and in vigorato it by, healthy 'food trnd exercise.1 Such ,rnpdicliio .we .supply, lu7 3. '0. -jn AYprs ru5 Componnd' Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which tlie modical skill of Oiir times Can devise for thia every, where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remcdials that have boon discovered for the expurgation of this foul disordi-r from the blood, and the rescue of the (system' from . it destructive consequences. Hence it uliould be employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other affec tions, which arise, from it, such as Eruptive mid -Skim Diseases, St. -Anthony's Finn, Rosn, or nuYSH'ELAA, Puipr.KS, TrsiriES, nr.OTCiiiss, Ulains andBoii.s.Ti-'Mons, TtTTEB nnd.fjAiT IvitF.ui:, Scald Hrad, Kinououm, UltKf MATMM, SrPlHMTIO and JlEnCOUtAL DlS- f.ask4, Iitni'sr,.DvsPBP8lA, Deuimiv, and, indeed, Ai.r, CoMPfAiNTO akisino ruoM Vitia ti: on Impuhb Blood. The popular belief in " impurity oftht blood" is founded in trttth, fur sc rofula is a degeneration of the blood, The particular purpose and virtue of tins Sarsapa nila is to purity and regenerate this vital fluid, without winch sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions.' : vfi ACER'S s '. .. . ..;....,- . KVi FOR TUB SPEEDY, CURE OP . Intermittent Fcvor, or Fever mid Ague, Itfiiiittriit Fever, Cliill Fever, Dumb A311C, I'crlndiral llea.nclie, or Billons IlenUuxhe, and Ulllou-j Fevers, Indeed for the ivliolo clnsa oi't-.Ucnaea nrlfiliirtt. ina; fu lilllnry derangement, canoed ,liy the .11 alar la of Miasmatle Countries.' Ye ro ennbled here to ofTcr the eommunity a rcinwfy wliich,' while it cures the above complainls riUi1ri;triity,: is still: perfectly harmless in any qiiHtiiitj'Jjucli arerueajf ia invaluable in districts wIipk)- itlieje alllicting tii-iorilors previiil. . Thii '!Cctt8i? pels tho ntiakmatia poiaon-'of Fetku! anu AiK f.ain the systcui, and prevents the de vr'ijpmrat of the disease, if taken on the Hist ;ip pruncli of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only tlie best rrmnly ever jet discovered for this class of comnlalnis, but also tlie cheapest.?'. The Iotro quantity' wryanpply for n dollar brinas it within the rriii nf every D idy ; mid in bilious districts, where Vfevifu ANv'.AciT. jirevails, every boily should have it utyi usu a ii.:cly both for cure and piolec lion. A irif tnprrinriry of tliis remedy over' any !. Key rtMMivweit iV.r- the upepjy and certain cure of IntvrrirUojit in lliiu it coinains no Quinine or niiuera), cnateiiicutiy it jnwues 110 quinism or other, iignviuusdUii' taivLgitevcr upon tlie constitur iion, ' 'liiose ciirfil by it are left as healthy as if tiii't'Kart'tiricr hurl tho' disease. ' '' ivr-t "fnfl'Aefie is Bbtalonclhe consequence of '.lie niiiiMuntic poison. A great variety of disor-, lViH-ii-iirttfttion,-among ulucb are f'etn riliai', UU'UhuUitru, (i, 'r Jliaiiac)t, lilind- iwakio Vr'.ufoc.'tt, Ltilmri. Atltma, I'-aU wheri ttciit f yj..'t.( ft .'( :.'i'bi"t)fUu" expel tneiuot'-miiiiitin- luei-ruourOna cures rlvtti : I nn. , jit ifj nn invliuU4o protvciion to i l) 1 i 1 .i ; 1 . 1 - ,iini peiins travelling or tempoijuilf rU,a iji.tjr' ii.harioiisiiUtri-t... ,W taken "cea Jjjii.iitv I't ;i".iy hi!e exposed to the infecii-ni,' 'v fl'tSr- V.ex.-'tW' llrwm- the 'irrstem, antFH nnnt ai'i .iiri'imi.- in sufiicirM q'uanritrto TineTi raw fli. Mi.K ilimee. it ia.cten juoraTaltia.jic Jcc rnttt e- taii:VilinH'(l,..iJiu few.wtli evg suti-;t():.luwgr laiueuu, if UteyavaU lhemslycji'&Jf tiie lujuttion this remedy alwrdii. " . .. 1. Prepared byDr.J. 0. AYER & CO., LoweU, Was. .. -1 -B0BEBTS A SAMUEL, Oolumbui, . And by DragglitB and Dealers mrywhar. . aov:lyd.twaw - 1 ' -'-'i" i.ii 1 iMiaa in i 1 ill 1 1 CAB AW AJT ft TXSITED STATES If AH LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW 1-LiverpooVIonta and - 1 " lil W, YOUK. ! Th Montreal Ooean Steamahlp Company! flnt-elaa fal.petreredClyd bnllt BHanMt all vrp Mat nrdav from PORTLAND, carrying tb Canadian and united oiaiei man ana psaiengera, , ' iJA NORwrarAii. - north AmbrioAm, j 'BOHBMIAN; -: .' ANOLO-BAXON, joU-wrMOBTH BKIT0M . a, UIBEBNUN, - I ..i. CANADIAN. , ..N0VAB0OTIAN,, i Suqiteat, Cbeapeat andqaJckcat Cou iq . Bates ot Faamea to Eojrop. , . Will sail from LIVERPOOL averr Weat ueadap , and from QUIRB0 everp Batarday. calling at L0ND0NDBRRY, to receive on board and land Mail and Faaeagra a nnu uvea aiwiawu ua ooiiaaa. r n : ITr'Xh Bteanwr ar built f Iron, In waUr-Ught comparunenu, eariy aacn an expenencea surgeon, ana every attention ia paid to tb comfort and ooocamd. bob of naaaesrera, Aatbay proceed direct to LONDON. DKRY, th peat rlik and delay of calling at Bt, John's bt avoided. . Olacgow paaaenger ar famlahtd wluV ran paaag ticketa u and tram inaanaerry. . . Return ticket f ranted at redoced rate. OertiOcata inued lor carrying lo and bringing oat paa Mnger front all th pr4ncipal town of Oreat BrlUinand ireianB, as reowceu raiao. pyinwuuvoi viramcrii ana by th WASHINGTON LINE Of BAILINS PACRBIi, leasing idvarpaol avary wu a n, i.Hnr.i'x. 1 kr-L SUfftit Draft lrXi aad aswardr jray- ni .aiajaanxiaua irautnat ocw . .V'.wavl uuea ak.Miaica., ji .n , Por nakarure. -annl tl ft Offlo. ! HHOA WAY, Nr lark) and 10 WATAvM KT ;", i BABf r'r 0eif'rti'Bganu? oi to-,"., 4j H.' AR MSTftON C, olO-lydAtw.iM.u-: rPoit Omo, Columbua. Uhia Co-Partnership. - IBlYBTnnDAT ADifllTTEfl BI? eon JAMES ADOVft BAIC aa partner ta my bud- aaaa, Wblek wUt baa aftev bwoenductad andet lb trm Oolomba. Jcb , jBJi :H t (,bl0 'r:'.::rTteErnx Kcratjcn,'1 (lat Of Ptwlon'i KitaMUr-ment, N. T-I Pmprletor th Kttw York iMiuonn' le fchnvl,,. tr.;. nt.ii Bhempeorilng, Curling ad Drw.,N baloon, laat Bmt treat, oor t!i, w.mro oau.joa 'will .i.K.r.iM.,. r-. .". . "w. na mvan an iu i a ntwai . ....! . . . . r,,..,.u. .i.'.i.. u'1Tl,7i Unit f .f v-A'Cl, jofo i. . , i . i.;:..'., r...i, i H.U.V.-..S anu ui ;';.' .,' "' ' t.f Stomht'K, nn nf -wWrhi . ,-1 ':' . iV'-'isi'M, pit"oh'iHe fofccMi wiK.'a "aadUralslt-nd.vif)i"alnai aaril valwt li e-i. evtS 0 in oioumi taox k evrii;o V'ra a at i Summer Arrangement. Little Miami Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Cinolnnati, Dayton ft' lfidiaiiapoLul Through to lndianaoolis without Change of Car and but One Change of Care between Columbug and StTLouh. 1 J Four Trains Dally irora (loinbus. FmSTTRAlN. A0OOS1M0DATI0M at S a. m., atopping at all iuv tlon batwaea Oolambna and OlnclnnaU aad Dayton, ar. rivina at Cincinnati at 11) OS - i...nit at liaitonat 8.10 a. m., eonnootiac at Day tan for-ladlananolia and th Weit. 1' : . SECOND TRAIN.' ' :I J 1 Mo. 1 EXPRESS at 11.40a. m.'.atopplagat JerTerson, London, Cbarleaton, Oedarvllle.iaala, Bprisf, Valley, Corwln, Preeport, Port Ancient, Morrow Bt., Lebanon, Poater'i, Lore land and Milfbrd,, arriving at Olnolnnatl at 4.30 p. m., Dayton at 9.45 p. m.,conneetlnrwltb th Ohio and Mimluippl Railroad for LouUrfllla, Ky., Tin oaonea, Cairo, Bt. Loan, NewOrlean, eto.i at Dayton for Indianapolis, Lafayette, larre Haute, Chicago and THIRD TRAIN. M AIL at 8-10 p. m , Hopping At all atation' betweea Oolnmbaa and Xanla, and at Rprii.g Valley, Oorivlu, Morrow and Loveiasd, acrlvlng at UinolonaU at ,5 a, .i 'fourtii'train.' il i ' NIGH1 EXPULdB, via Dayton, at 19 Of aldagbl, topping at Lonovn, Xonla, Dayton, Mlddteievn aad IUuullton, arrtriug at y inomnaU at .ri.t a. aa-1 at pay, ton at 3.55 a. m.; connecting at Clnciaaail with tb Ohio and Mlmli.lppl Railroad lor Loaiirilie, Bvaasvllle, Vlnoennea, Cairo, Bt, Loula, Memphis, New Orleaoa, and all point! South and Bontb-weit; alio, at Dayton for Indlanapoili, Lafayette, Terra Idaut, Chicago, etc ' ITT 'or further Information and Through Tickets, apply toM.JU DOHBKJK, Ticket Ageai. .Union Depot, . General Ticket Ageut, Cincinnati. JNO. W. DOUBBTT, ' .it. . . . . i . . Agent, Oolumbui, B. W. WOODWARD, M -! Baperlntondrot, Oinclnnart, j Ooluitel, .Jajp 4,' lOOt. ifcu-j -a w j . , . j RAILROADS. EAST. RAILROADS. EAST. CENTRAL OHIO AND AND Steubenville Short Line RAILROADS COMBINED! C0N5ECTINQ AT BELLAIB1 WITH THE BALTIMORE & OHIO, , ADD AT PIIX8BUBGE WHS TUB PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAI2LROA.D: T0RM1N0 TDK Shortest, Quickest & Most Reliable Route to all Eastern Cities ! Trains Leave Columbus as follows ., , ... . MORNINO EXPRESS Leave Columbui 3.30 A.M. from Union Depot,' via Bellaire or Bteubtnvlile t arrive at Bellalr, 10. SO A. M.i Steutenvllle, 13.S0P.M.; PitUbargh,3.40 P. M.; HarrUburg, 1. 10 A. 11. 1 via Mltntovn, arrival at Mw Vork 8.00 A. M. eio Philadelphia, anlve at Phila delphia, 5.10 A. M.i Mew York, 10.30 A. M. Connect alio at HarrUburg for Baltimore, arriving at 7.45 A. M. Sleeping Cart attached to this Train Froln Oolumbui. run directly thronth to Bellalr or Plttaburgh without change; and PaiMngen via Allen- arnva w new xoraato A. au ' . ICfTWO HOURS IN ADVANCE OP NORTHERN LINKS. Thia Train also eoonocta at Bellalr with the lialtimore and Ohio Railroad. ; j. 'J .' 1'lTTBBUttOII laXPBE3S. . ' -Learn Columbui 11 E5 A. M , frm Vnlon Depot, via Bteubenvllla; arrive at Nwrk, 19.50 P. M.; Coihoo ton, 9.15 P. M.j Btenbenvtlle.a P. M.i Pltubun. B.40 M. jit uia ia tiiauaiy rouia or wuhw rwucmcn can leave 'a Cincinnati at 7 A. M., go through to Pltti- burgh la daylight, without change of can or delay. FAST LINE. Leave Columbus S.1S P. M;, from Union Depot, Via Bellalr: arrive at Newark, 3.93 P. M.t Zanoavilie. 33 P. M Bellalr.? .55 p. M.i Pittsburgh, 11. SS P. .: Harrlebarv. 9.00 A. U.i mia Atlemieum.. rri. at New York, 4 P. M.i i Philadelphia, arrive Philadelphia, 1.10 P. M.; New York, P. M, Thia Train glio connect! at liarriibarg for Baltimore, ar- Tbla Train runt through to Bellalr or Plttiburg with out chang of Can; and from rittabBrr there- I no ehang of Oar to Philadelphia, or via Allentown to New York thai ollorlng The only Route from Columbus ta Baltimore, , rnnaocipQia, or xnew York, with only . .,t '. one cbaoga of Cart. By thii Train Paaaeneara arrive In New Vn,k In hoars lp advance of too Northern lines. ' ... Tbla Train alio connecta at Bellalr with the Baltimore end Ohio B.B..c; (LTTult Route it 30 miles shorter to Pittsburg, anoimoro man iuu miles shorter to Netr York, than Northern Lines. , Baggago Checked Through to all im portant Points East. r r- .-ner . A3K I0B TI0KBTS TIA ' V- JJ j c urLLiAlttr Utt, BTtUlJKNVILLE.' ' Ticket Good .OlTv Ter either , i i llonte. JNO. W. BROWN. Oen. Ticket Agent Central Ohio B. R. "I. A. HUT0BIN3ON, . Oen. Tieket Agent Bleubenvllle Short Line. JelO'' GUERNSEY'S BALM! GUERNSEY'S BALM: i niinOVEt AMD' r.CUVF.MTB IN. XV flaamaUon and vain, and heals the worst bnrn. acald, bruiae, cu t xr fresh wound of any kind, irvtua weuing ana pain irom bee stings, moaqaito Mian, aat poiaoBoua plant, aearalgla, rheumatiam, agu. In- th breaat, nit rheum, (to. . Wben taken internally, 11 win positively cure croup to children, and give immediate niter la in wore! caa of tout terrible oompiaint; alao. removes boaraaoea and tor tfarnaa. - Price, at enk bottle. . Should be In eve i jkouae. Por ial by Drug giaiaanu woBcaaepera. t - laiiaaina. Bole Proprietor, N Spruce it ,Keir York. 1 oatiditwlyi j,,.- t'F ,i jr .. .. uW Ho real Jaitlo can be aone ah above nreaarationl bat by pmeanngasd reading; dcriptlvpamphleta4 be found with all dealer!, or will be aral by Proprletei on demand., formulae and Trial Bottlea Mot to Phvit ciana, who will find davalopeaents in lotkv worthy ibell aoceptano and approval. i.i.-7T.i; Uorreipondenoe eoucitea rrom ail wnos neoeedtles og cnnoiity promuta to a hum oi tne aoov reliabl XteoM . i . . .':' ' J i .... I I Pot aale by th unal wholcaal and null dealer anrywnar. ' ' ' -. ' ..... j JOHS U UfJKNJteWa.l.l. Progrt ) . -i; CWItlBT AND PHABMAOCUTIST, " j : So, 9 faaraareial Wharf, Boston, Xasa. i Robert! Jc Basioal. N. B. Alamle. J. B. Cook. J. M Denlg, 0. Denig ta Bona, A. J. Behueller c Sou, Aeenti fur.Uoluml.aa, Uulo. , ; i . i , , mvl-dJv GENT I. IS nKNIB; ftUHNIMHlTv OOOOff. RoveUM a) Neck Ties and Bcara. -r t ,r ' " Byron and Oarrot OtiUu. ' " Buibroldared Pocket UanUkerchlefa K,. Pari i KM Qlova, wpeiior make. im . ' Golden lllll Bhlrta, varloui itylei. , Boyi' uokMn ititi anuria, ao j JXS'A t arriving ana D.reei uiovva. ao , j llanunad faekit liaadaarofaler, varteui tl.a I UaU lloMaad Under UaraMol, BAIN A SOB. , apillS, , . , No. (9 Boutk High tet. J A BaBRBLS OLD MOIfONaAHBLA 4U aa do. BOUBBON. i tf i-t4 1 Jail receivM tni for sal low for eat!, ty - r n lAOJILLB HOS Jr. CC--.1 ! ' ''?Zm tr. straet.Oelaaibut. c ,i!..;.."' .V.W A KlAaV ..i-.!na a! t:tc.ut fula t a s.'pvn . tiflni ,..8o .. 8 00 ...100 Itly,paryrrr..,,.ir.. .7.iT...i, Trl- Weekly , per 1 1, ar.., ,T .. Wekljf, pei yaai ,AM., A Patriotic Letter of Acceptance. The ioilowiog letter acoeptlog their oomlnav-' lions, ods been; addressed rby the Democratic caDdidatet for State offlces in Near York to tb Democrao Conmitie of that Bute TO TH DlfgOOIATIv 8TATB COMMITTU: o jj .iM 'j ' GiNTXMgN The noderaigned aokoowlege the reoeipt of; your oominunleation of tb 19th inat., Informloft ua of oor t eeoectlv earn Ina Uona lor the several State offloei to be filled at the enin lpg election. I" , , " :,;:., Ferrait ut taeipreee to your oommlttee, a the organ of the Demooratlo Convention latatly held at Sjraeute, our grateful acknowledgment for tb honorable position which bare beeA as signed o upon the Democratic Starte ticket,. .),- Wbeni' a party vrg anigttion, who existene dates back almost to the birth of onr own, Re publio, and which for more thai half a century bas guided It progress to power and greataeae, resitting lueeolfiHtallotnol the Cphemernl puny of Ibe.honr to dissolve and cease political Action, moves, onward i iU accuttomed cour, and leuders ui thabonor and the respooiiblllatae ol being its standard beaterB, we Till not deollCe ny doty, it may aislM to W. V, ', In accepting .th Locor thus conferred, at a momentous criai in publio sffah-e, we deem it proper to refer briefly to the present state of out ooanlry and (he duties locambent ga til good eiUient end true patriots. .. The revolutionary doctrine of secession, so long and persistently resisted by our party, bas at last culminated id a bloody and destructive qlvil war.. Tow war is one ot glganlio pro portions. .It reaches the whole couotry and every Interest lu It. It threatens to. overthrow the government, eud with that to destroy the last hopes of man for free Institutions, - At such a juncture the Democratic party would be recreaut to itself and unmindful of all Its glo rious antecedents, did It not promptly take Us stand by the side of the government, and pledge ait ua energies io me support ot tne executive power in the maintenance of the Constitution and the Union. Duriog the preseut war, some of ns, as State officers, and all of us ascitlsens, bave already, to the beat of ouf ability, aided in the prosecution of the war; and we tball be proud te contribute in the future our earnest ef forts in sustaining the executive in the proper exercise of all inch powers at the exigencies of the crisis may demand, '; ' ': , ' ' At the South the revolutionary doctrine of the right of seeemion, aided by fanatical abo litionism at the Noith, bas arrayed vast and powerful armies against tne government. If thie resistance to law and constitutional right be not put down th government is at an end, and we are at the mercy of any ambitious military leader who can raise an army sufficient to defy the civil power. .n We, therefore, in common with the Demo- critic maiees of the Sta'e, ar in favor, of tig oroutly tutUining tJn Government ta itt pratnt ttrvgoU to maintain the CmitUuUon. th lam and the Union, it all katirdt, and t anp coif of . oiooa ana ircaivri.; not ao we Delieve that In order to do this, in th true spirit of patriots, it is necessary to disown oar fealty to our ;pr ty. We believe that oor loyal and energetic action ae a party in support ot the Government of the people's choice, will both best assur ance that this war Is not waged to subjugate the South or destroy itt institutions, nor to estab lish the political theories of th present party iu power: bat. solely foe th preservation of a Constitution and an Union, under which all may be assured of equal protection and the enjoy ment of equal rights. . r: We are the more confirmed of this view when we find tbat the Democratic nartv of tha nation has furnished to the Government the larger portion of the loyal soldiery who ar now in the ranks of onr grand army, ready and will ing, if need be, to give their Urea ta the cause of their ooanlry. We will never content that the Union' shall be dissolved and the government broken up, eimer to grainy amoiuons secessionist at the South or abolitionhtts at the North r- Th doc trine of the democratic nartv ia now. as It waa iu the days of nullification when ear great aemooraue icaaer, jacaton, guided .tne oesti niesof the nation: "Th Unionmutt and thaU oe preurtea." Inspired with such sentiments, weenler upon the canvass with the hope that our opinion, at above expressed, may meet the anoreval of all conservative Union loving dtiiena who wish to see the government maintained .lawlsas vio lence repressed, and peaoe finally restored to tne wnoie country, under toe constitution, upon me nrm oasis oi equat rigntt to every cltixen inuat rraiiccwuiiy your oumoie servants, ; D R. FLOYD JONES,--.- i GEORGE G. SCOTT, - -' MARSHALL B. CHAPLAIN, i- wibbiaiu wihUAMs,. ; I . VAN RENSSELAER RICHMOND, ' ' JAR7I8 LORD,-' '-- , WILLIAM W. WRIGHT, ;'. WILLIAM C. RHODES Lyons Versus Seward. The correspondence between the British min Ister at Washington and tha Secret; of State does not, in our view, reflect snack oredit on either of those distinguished gentlemen. Toe occalion of it is told in a few words i Two ner sons were arrested for supposed treasonable acts against our Government. Jt waa soon found tbat they were innocent, and they were releas ed. - ,-... I The fact that these persons are British anb. iects furnished Lord Lyons with the matter of complaint on tbe part or his Government.- Bat as their citlseathip was sot known at the time oi their arrest, and consequently had nothing to do with It, bit lordship really bad ao case. H would still bare oeea without a case lr th ar rest bad been made with tha knowledge tbaa auey were erineu Buujaciaii lor mat woum not be a legal shield to them, if tbev choee to vlr late our laws, or if they made themselves liable lo suspicion. Hit lordshlp't letter waa there fore written without any cause whatever, while ite ton it not that or genuine amity, or even of diplomatic civility. It la. In truth, but llttl else than a miutatement oi taota-tbronghout. mixed np with irrelevances, oontredlotl-iae and assumptions. . '" - t His lordsbip complaint not that the Individ nals in question wer ar roe led,, bat tbat our "military antboritiee refute te pay obedience to a writ ot Aa6t corjwi,' and that their deten tion waa "without due proses of law,", , Yet tbe writ of asdese cerwwe-wae not resorted to, and when tbe doe prooesa of law was tried it re sulted in their imngediate discharge. "Her MnieetvV Government,'') aav tbe minister. "would not havd complained It British eabfeet raiiintt nnaor euwiaion natr sun area rroet ma eoneeqaencee of that tntpwionv'- Taea there thould.bav oeea ao complaint, oceans tbla la the worst aspM tbat san a pat on th caa by aovDoetio) eonttroetioo;' t i , ..-i , But tbe most exiraorain&rr ansertion Of toe Minister tt that oar Seoreiarv of Stat 'oxer. oieee, upon the report of epiee aad infoe mers. tb power oi depriving BrititB aobjeew of their liberty, of retaining them la prison, or liberit- tag them, ay me owa win and pleasure," whlub ber Majettyw uovemaaMl "kegard aatrbiara rt and detpotlo, laooBtittent with eor Coottita Uofl, aad at varlanct wito out treetie of ami- ty," ete. The law officer of th erowa have advised a remoEsVtHot against "tuoh Irregular proceeuioga, : ana instrnatca irora Lyons to say that "the authority of Coogrst It necessary In order to jutiuy tne arottrary arrstt ana imprit onmeot ol ifrtiun gubjecta." The charge against euf Secretary of State being niterly greundloas, tbe remonstracoe It wholly gratult uo. at likewise le the turcettion that tbe ar- rent ol acreOnt who ar attempting to destroy oor Government caa be made legal i only by aot oi Coogrea. Bat thii point It covered In a pre vious part ef hie lordehip't leUaf by tit admit tlon tbat th British Goveromeot hu bo right to tjorapjalfl f th. arrtt of Jto subbnjtjtte JJI,J9 fall pndev suiploioa. As a vhol the leuer it gratuitous and unHnabl in every point. J, . . The reply of Seoretavrr Seward ie, in general, prolix and discursive.. It leaks that tatraanaaa and point which w bar been aoeMSWnied to aomir in many 0,ren tb laaat , studied, speeches of the writer, t W might afford, now- overlook Iu wordiness, If iAweresot ofloiet ia dignity, and disflgnred by jaroaim, wbioh llway petty in the presoooeoi serious faett. - Tak, for example, tbot parU f It io ,h,t. 8CMrtr ''regreu, after oolong an offloial Intercourse, that It shoold now be eces. inforn her Majesty' GovsroBrat," te.i nd ttth ekpreealooe as, "eertalnly it it not aeceesary te snnoano to the British Gov ernmant that aa loinrreotica existtj but It doe seen ueoaaeary to titate fo tb loforaaUon of that Goveromeot,'' Mo. y Wky not almply giv the oat a It Is, without this sohoolooy etyUof throat la oontrover? Agalot "Thia Govern ment doe oot qneailoo the learning t lb legal adviser of the Brltiih orown, or the Juatloe of tb defarenoe which her Majesty pays to tbenv," VTb Britlth Govramnt will hardly expect the President ta accept their ixnlanatloo of th ConatltuOa..-" U taust b aUws, tbr. for, to prefer to bt governed by the view el our wn organic Batiopai aw whloh roiv the tanction of , tb peopUs for whom It wa mad.-' Thete at sneers, which Add nothing to th foreo oi the argasaest. . r ',,,-v-Ma tb preseut aut of r ralailoo with lor iga cations, wh hav a prodlgloaily Ure iairciat invesimeot In as and who to oat inweier oe expiated to feel a Uvely Iniereai ia Our conduct Of. affair. It would ha th. naaa nf wlidom, aad ,oegbt to b th reliaiona datw of our tiateemena lo obseeve the etrioteat rnlet of lortnAi poiiteneae and dipIomaUa point ia all their oiUotal iaterebangei. It it eutdignlfled anu anuiBniavetie to luaolge our tplftn la es nectioa with grave oolai and national events, even If ouri opponents glr tb provocation. Thus, when it taid, la apology for tb Secret., ry, mat th arrogant of th dispatch to which be replied waa a eor temptation, we admit tbat it waa, to a Journalist ot a rhetorician, whoso f nnotion calls him often to use sharp, or smart, or tareaatia tnrnt; bat a Minister ot State has other duties, and it bound by other proprieties. He represents the good or ill, the weal or woe, of millions upon million of human beings, and most study words even a he doestrnthe. "Be hold how great a flame." tart th Scripture, "a little fire kindle thl" When w eonaidar, then, how a littler word. Inadvertently slipped into a controversy, may excite prejudice aad pactions, how, Indeed, great aatlona hav been eet at variance by a single uoguarded expres sion, the imporianc of tb moat aernpukms caution become evident. We would noi hava onr diplomatists mean-soirited and track linn they ebonld speitk the bonest truth plainly "at all times, but they should apeak with a dlrul- tted sell-respect and courtesy. Let then be strong in tb thing, but genii in th method, according to the old adage, which embodies the principle of all successful dlnlomsav. -... At this time w can ecarcely afford to provoke any unnecessary boetility or Ul.feling. We nav a great civil war on band, and will need all onr energies and all our resanreea fur its suppression. Nothing would please the rebels more man to tee ns undertake to flghl the world while we are firhtinc them. Thv who urge ns into foreign oomplioation ar their In struments. It U perceived that th cause of tne reoeiuOQ is hopeless if left to struggle with the loyal power, and that a foreign war la the only loophole ef escape. We do not believe sooh war probable, but tha Govornment should none the leas abstain from every phrase even which may render it probable. iV. Y. Eotniig Pott, -... H. . . ' Sequestration. the most open and wholesale acts of robbery and frand aver committed by any tet of men, at any rat tine in IN arm an eoaqueet, It tha to-oelled aequettration act, passed laat Sep- wmuer uy toe reoei ivonrresa at Hiobmond As If to make the crime more flairrant. tbe At torney to whom its execution U confided, le th too wll known Senator Jodah P. Benjamin, whoa college antecedents wonld seam to make hint a fit Instrument for tbe work of spoliation oonfided to him. Ae If in mockery of all es. teemea most taared. ma Instructions ar dated "Department if Juetic, Riobmond, Sept. 13, To sequester property meant to seize tat) teparate tome property wbioh belongs to anoth er, and bold It until the profits or lnoome of it bave satisfied tome otalna Inequity. Jtlta ls resort to enforoe tbe decree of chancery where tb amr ahaoond. The distinction between seqaeetralioa and confiscation Is. that in th for. mar ease the property Itself la not tuppoeed to be forfeited, but only tbe proceeds aad the In come temporarily taken possession of. In thia ease, however, tbe property thai eelsed It to bt oeia oy toe reoei butet to Indemnify roily or ery rebel wbo may tuffee loaa or knlnrvundat toe act of tbe United States, to wbioh thii it re taliatorv, or sv o(rof of tha United State or any State eonfltcatlng property of Soatberi oitiseoa. ui court, ait the property Mixed aad disposed ot by tbla act will never b recovered to far aa It la la tbe power of tha rebelt to keep it.' ' u. , raj 'i .. Nor Will It do for tha United Stataa la natal. lata again by selling all th properly of Son lb em man la th North. whthr rbl or not. it wonld be as well to retaliate an tbe lodlaa savage by snalnlnr and mnrderine their wa men ana enuarea, Deeanea they murder oart when they can. Two wronce do not raaka a right. It would be aay for nt to forfeit the obaraoler of a Government by tuch aott of re. tallatlon; bit it would notb aty for at that to maintain it. nui tnere la touch that th United Statee tan do. bv law. ta m Iti rata tb evus or Dontnera aitoatptt thne lo legislate nwy itovioern-property it can declare all soon acta nnoontututiontl and wold, altboogb passed by th State Legislatures, a being la oontraveotion of that fundamental olaut of th Constitution, by wbioh to cltiien of each State ar to anfoy all tha prlvUegee with the cititens of the 8tatee. It It especially necest. ry that w should do all that legislation csa to counteract the effect of tbia law, to far at it bears on tb cltlxtot and tubjectt of other gov. ernments, who having had a domlcll lo the South, are liable to lorfeit It. Thb Is felted on purpose to Involve ot lo difflcnltrei with Other countries, and cause then to Interfere. ' ' I It may be well, therefore, to case a law thai so far at the property seised can bt Identified ii tnait no SuDjcot te instant reclamation, and hat , tha ownert of tuoh property, knowing It to be toob, tball bt lullv answerable to the en ttire extent of their property for alt damac tustained under thete acts by the Injured party. AH ludret or theriffi. anctloaeera or conatablaa in any way auditing In such pretended' tcqoet trationi or real tenuitt may be eniwerabie to tbe full extent of their ptopetty, wherever It can be found. Eventually, all tbe property of rebelt In arm! mty have to be made liabie for mis ton or spoliation. '. The Immense amount of property Involved in ttl this tequeetratioa business it tuch that now It alone would form a tuffluient reason for tupplylng the Government with funds to carry tha war to a tuccestful Ittne. The debit due th North have bten estimated at many mil lions. But th entire value of all that liable to teqoeatration would be more thin double th amount, . There are, too, men nnder bonds ae .extcutora and admloUtratort and odcer. -of trait: they lire la tbe North, or have lied, and wtll be fined tnd Injured and subjected lo loatee by the acts of these rebel., Th property of men who t ied bafora tbit rebellion broke out. left to reladv lo th North, but not paid over, hat been Belted, and Northeta evecutort ar likely to be euhjeoted to great dtfflanltiee with- ool prompt icgieuuve eaiion. l'AU Lrdgw, i rlatAiW Idnaa Jocxat-nanLk'irri ft B IfJTII K D STtTCtlCA UK KF H A!l XJ. keroktafe wry wide be a - a . W , Bl i.t . 11 - -a - - . , ad Liiuw Mmaa4BUtctwdaBdptelB do, do , , , , do do colarad kenlan. i: Hawrntnf do ' kbmt aoruev da aMat,TUervaatttcad, I . rmaaptiMao . . new pattern. , . Kiiaai'ri. UtM ..A ftammad ailU.hJ Aa If! ajaa! I ComprWa Ua aat lert aawiilunt Hi lb mty Sad atlmat patoee. ... j . .'' a--. 4- BAIMAaoil, vSttW . a.-'Ye"! w: ' I"1 lUlllll 'JJilbai Ch-cs'' t4a) ,;!:; !.' t vrf.t iw )a .: ; ' UABDFABBSXQ11I5, am . (i. .., ) i tw stjw'-rf;o I't l-.i Hi i,n:ai yitj'i r.t ;ir-iia x j JUST RECEIVED BY .Uiltr.:, .. .e WIS.' A. GILL, r! i .C Jll. j "-i i , .W1 ,!. Wo: 30 North High fltreot," Owa at the lUtrgteMaaBerJt aVt Jwawt . v, " "' n't" ft ,. 'Ui ;.r t;( li:r,'.i - ll'VV'f f. .:: , . .:,,;.'..,,,. T,,. Tin rtrreswrv r annrv rrvTn ' 1 ' -" -t y. I ..m.j cl i"; House : Biiilders -Faraishiaga ' i i- . OP I VIRT STTW AB.tJUAUtlf, CreBcaAAtkleHeajea' . r.J ' r-i- .i -, Q-lciaa t W'lxxcaiow.. I'AlNt-S eROtND ltW lby b I r and pal ap in half pound cans' tor taailly aj, and Dry' 'irustes ol every variety & quality. . "''"-'"' w. -. ... ,,. -.. .t.:a t.i ri-A Splendid Ataortpent of (, (r, ( MACHINISTS .TOOLS. (AHrllAGE MATERIADS.. j.' 3 ' . " AXES GRINDSTONES, tut. . , ; :! 7 ' GUNS, PISTOLS, SHOT, W ' ? " FISHING TACKLE. 1 i I a I , ROPEdtCORDAOE. . i , LEATHER AND INDIA Rt'BBF.R, BELTING. : A EDGES, MAULS, PUMPS, ' ' ..... AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SCYTHES, fcc . SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS ' Table and Pocket Cutlery. I arpeoHlly bvlu lb attention of all Intareated t ay trek of Pocket and Table Cutlary. and ,-. V ' SlliVtK PLATED fOBKata Table, Desert, and Tea' Spoons, " Buttor Knives, fec., ' ol BOGBRBb A BRO'S. Manufacture, warranted to t xtra heavy, Blectro-PlaUd. on genuine AlhatU. Country Merchant, Medianlci, and other, are invited ocall and examine my Stock, a I am prepared to aril holeeel and Retail. tTIf. a. (1HA. Oolumbua, Ohio, May 8, 1B60. ' GU EAT CURE. DR. LELAND'3 ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND8 IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Goat and Neuralgia, AND A BUBBOUBBPOB All Mercurial Diseases. It la a conveniently arranged Band, containing a mad caud compound, to tie worn a mood tue Waiat. without Injury to th anoat delicat peraone: no ehanre In hablta oi uvmg ia roquirea, ana II entirely tb dli from the) (ymem, without predectng th mjarioai tfeet nrhUng from lb sa of nowerfal internal aaadl tnea, wbioh weaken and destroy the cooetltuUon, and iva temporary re liar ooiy. By uiie ireatm'nt, the med :lnal prtrpertioc oon talned In the Band coma la contact with th blood and reach lb dlaeaea, Uuoogh th porca oi lb ekla, eeecUng la ecary Inatano a perfect cure, and reetoring lb part afflicted t a healthy cuodiUon. This Band la alao a aoatpoarerral Aim-Maauoataa acenu andwlU euUraly relieve tboeyataa from Ueyemeota ffeeUof Mereary ModoraM case ark cured In a few day, ana ww aat, avmtantly mrotvloi leetluoaialaotili amcacy la aggravated eaeea of long luuding. Puca tt.oa. to be had of Druggliu generally, or cao b not by mall or ozpreaa, with faU direoilooa for uae. naaypart! ma eountry direct from th Principal Ofhoa, 10. 409 BROADWAY, Hw York. G. SMITH t CO., Sol Proprietors. K. B. DeeeripUve Circular Bent Pre. -A. J. SOBUBLLIB A BO. Danonim. Iu.Rt. n xTT B. High Bt., bcu Prtend and Maaad. Oolumbua. 0. 1T" Waa ted Evarpwtaer. ma4B-lylrljtp SAv PROF. L. MILLER'S HAIR III VIGOR ATOK An Effsotire, Safe and Xeonomiea) .'.."i.; ' ;'. Coraponnd, (OR RESTORING GRAY HAIR To IU original color without dyeing, tad preventing . - . Hair trom turning gray. - FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, And caring It,' when Share a th toot partial of vital! or recuperative energy reauinlng. rOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUK And all euUtneouiafractlona of the Scalp. V,',i FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR. Imparunf ta It an aaeoalad gloea and brill lancv. maklea It anft and atlky In lta texture, and eauama it to n.) tvtdtty. I - .'.' - '5T2 ia gnu aataonty ana msaniiug eeaand fat thia .l- eqaalad piataaraooa, oaavuiooa the propeiokor thaloa trial a only aemcery to aatUfy a dlacnuu public of tla la parlor quell tie. over any other preparation in Bee. It tne bead and main mm dandraff an other oaiauena tiiaai m, eaoatog the balr to grow laiortaotlj Bivaug ia a nva. avia. gigaay ana nemoi appaanaoe,axie alao, wharain hau la looaonlag and thuuiuig, it will giv avangiB an vigor w ue root and reetnre the growth to boea parts wMcb have Leoctae bald, canal og He yield reek vlni of bavbr. 1 her an hundred ef lalieaand gentleman 'in New York who hare had their hair reaiored bjr Ux ux arih Invigorator, whan all other praparalioae have tailed. L. It. baa la ka paaaraloa iataara mnamarahta imuryiug to Um above fkota, frwa perioaoof Uw aigbest ieaavu,. allly. It wtU all actually prevent the hair fiom turniag anUltheutteet period of life; and la oaace where the ban baa already changed Inoelor. tboaaaof the laaiKontu r anil erttt earaaioiy weave It lo la la III onirHial Uae, git leg It a dark, glueey awaarance. Aa aparfBCM fw u.t aalmlaBd iiair Reauirative It fa pan leu la -ly recoui aendad, having an agreeable frarranc; and tne irreat la elllttea ItaSfuetn dieaalng Ma a air, arbiek.-wrwa atolai wtla aba lavigaaator, aaa araand la any required tana a to proeerv lta pUKa, wliaUier plainer In oarla bene Baa great demand for It by the ladiee aa a Itandard toilet article which none ought to be without, th price place tt within ta reach w aU, ketcg . J J Only Twenty-Five Oenti ' " ( pel bottle, to b bad at aU reveUlle Druggiit and . PotfeaMra. L. 'BTLLtB would calTtb aOenOonof Parana and Ouaftttaa ba tb f hlalnvlgaratM, In caaae where thochiklraa' balr incline lo be weak. Th aa of it ay tb loandaUoa tar apeeal Aead f AaHy a It re wave aay hnpartaea that may bare baeeaaa ntiaalad With lb acalp, th reavval ai waieb I aiaeamry both rot lu healtu. ef tb chUd, and IB tutur Jappoaraoue of liiuiie... . , . . . rr . OacTtoa-lfond froum stthout the tu-aUaite LOUIS BlLLaa knf en ue oenar wranpav; elan, h, mil. .law MAAkV UVlaMMkaxVaH a. btewa be tl Whelaaal tapoi. DV street, and olj by'a'ii the Inaipal Merebaaw aot DrurgWa rbrougbout the world ' ldberal aaiaaune le puraaaaara a UM ttuawty. 'lal aatopranttotri'Aavrrlcaalibllomy ' iOT .aJP r rsrxiavxa ;', j73TAStABoT .W.'l. LIQUID UAIt. DYE, i wblefa, arte year at gBtentia arparlaeaUng, I hav kroagkt la parfcaHloa. It djaa Biaukoc Bruaa tMitanUy oMhoatmjury I th Bur ar Baiat larnuiled tlia beat artlate ef th kind ktaianaane. - . . - ; -PRICE, ONLY W CENTS.- ' DcpcV 56 Psy eta, Neif ' Yorl !4'aa t )0 bif.a;.o.'