Newspaper Page Text
UXSJTtSTt a imilBi rttnllshors. Edltar. R ATORDAYMOjlNIK OCT, .8Gf ,861., The War Upon the Administration. ti. lg ;i1 I & tbW Democrat., and aU others who were.tfoused of not . .nmnl ta eVBTV meatOre of the Ad ministrate, tUtWaadey. were g-P dlsloyalt aed ofV'svmpatbv with, lb rebels, la not taptimg to uw WM""..-. -i- tn.;n itaif and nreeerve the Uolon. V 1J v HlWlUMit" w nrk..t were tral t tht fovrn meat, though w did not pprov of vry of President tmwtw b -i 4te bluntly told that thli edsjissloa tore tod mp.thI..NwHh tM Don.D, jr L u. R...nmL Inasmuch the Admin- i.tion for the time being was At Govern v ... .t th nreaent moment disloyalists end .v-' .Snnihern rebels!" The .... m. .ho. an, twe three months ego, were the fleree.s In denouncing other torjiot appbrtinV' AdminlsK.tio la 411 Kscts, and denuding toV ft jovptls, 9U be .nd themselves seittd end Impruv .-!, An wttn hempen cord round uucu i vt - r ..;. neoVa aa "hieh M Haman." . Mr. h.ld no each faaBtioal ud fcPJttet denuD 'elation a prooff oetT?e t a false and hypcrlt- ieal patriotism;- It bs inowii ih euc mBh abmtn time than we tweoted. But It j..:i,u;.' .t,nB'. 'vri)ta kwt now quickly mountain torrents, that splash and foam In eummer shower, run tucmseiTc. u.j. The danger to thJ OorernmeBa end the. Un. iubu great ae it has beennTbreatened wilh foreign aggression, it may be said to be even greater; Bdt now thoee journalists, lately so ...lane In the snooort of the Administration, and to uncompromiBingly boMlle toward all who manifested the least sympaty or opposition, are lannohinir their thnndetbolte.agalDst that ?ery AdmlnUtration. Each member of the Cabinet in Ma mm comes in for a shate of thefr Titu npratlo. and 'the Administration condemned ai a whole. It Is even euspeoted -of iaVorlng "a treasonable oompromise", and winking at liunintion of the Union." Now. we ask' the intelligent Mader, If thU eoorse ol the journals and men now making war upon the Administration b not, 'according to tholrown teaeoninc a ehort time since, opposing ' the Government, and affording."aid and comfort trine enemy!" They t themselree op as the wpeeial defenders of the Admin'1" now they are doing their be'st lobriogit into discredit and overthrow it, and that, too, at a time of the createst national pern.. .. .w . The Elections. The New York Joutntl of Commerce, alluding to the late elections in. QMo, f tnniTlvanlaand Connecticut, aays i. , i . k -. . s On the whole, both Demootata and their op ponents are surprised at this state of things. OrdinarUy it migbtbe euppoaed, and It wu gen orally expected, thai tbe people, being eoab eorbed in the war, would tote the Union ticket whose only profeesioa of fl . r tbe war. The Democratic ticket wae generally subjected to the- charge ot treason, enmity to the war, and ejmpathy with mwmIoo. lhat ibis was impolitic, is now manifest. The Dem ocrats are everywhere pledged to a hearty sup port of tne war, and the resulted theee elec tions Indicate a perennial tlgorin the old party. The Repnblicane bava virtually disbanded their foroee, at least lor the preaaat and the Democratio parry,' having In evert State Uken atronir cround ia, Jupport of the Union, is ena bled, by its ancient prealige, to attract Iti formar members, while it is teeogmaed ae repreaenting the Couiertatite, anti-AboWionlst eentiment. No other organiaatioa exist to.wblcn men Of tbeee eentimeota can attach themselves, and un less a new party Is created irem the Conserva tive wing of the Republicans, it Is not unlikely that tbe old Democratio machine may again take the lead in tbe country. Nor would it be aurpriiing. einee the od t-wee wf Uvery-ex. tension aie laid aside, to find that party tnlUng all Conservative men M the firmeat eupporUrt .k. i AdmtniBtratioa in tne preeecutioa of the war aeainsl all sorts ol enemies to the Union. i ' " ... L I XT Wa publish the following; fronfthe Ash tabula SeBfinef, the organ of IM wn W cane af the State. ; The readee will Jad tome truths in it. It olearly showt whera tba fKfri ReDubllcans the men who made the party THE STATE ELECTION. Th' ai action is now cast full twa weeks, and the rstarns are not all id by several 'coantiec, r..h la he ard ta settle all Questions ae to the s..r. ticket. Tod and the 'U nlon" ondidate .iti h. ttnm 50.000 to 60.000 majority. This ia an extraordinary result-not because of the large majority, but from tne ran tnat is an extraordinarily large saajotity upon a very email tote, polled wiinonta epar of enthnal. asm on tne part oi ue peopie. made op by tba poliUciaae wae a manufactured one. and ao pnreit artificial ae to be tirtnally no issue at all. There wai bnt one tide to it. Tbe people of Ohio are lot the UhIodj and It was sheer nonsense to set them to toting npon it. They were not accustomed to tottog all to gether, and from the force of habit thev voted much as they bad baaa accustomed to. It waa no time ta organise a new party and tba peo ple have scarcely recognlred the attempt-? while they have not acted under. the taw pro. gramma with any. feeling ol .-interest. ..The Democracy did not tote for Jewettny mora from a spirit of opposition to the Union than they toted foe their BtaU ticket last fall.' Nor were thoee who toted for Ted any mere actu ated by devotion to tba Union than they were when tbey voted agalnat ana another sfyear ago. The election aa It baa resulted, Is no in dication whatever of a devotion to tbe Union; because Union men toted on opposite eidea this Ar. at 8uu election. Im portant iesuea were set aeida, that might have been eettled bow, and are postponed to dietorb ns in the future. . And this mejority of eixty thousand might have beea obtained for the Ke- . tmhlieana aa for the Union" DartV. which la in effect nothing but the Republican party, robbed , of it manhood and of its power.. " " J i Tha result aa to the legislature Is not yet known, though It le supposed to be union" us both branches, with the Senate made up of old Republicans. ' ,..t.n Ripobti or Eilbh EaiwtrrttowTwt Bovrw. Sir Jamee Fergnasoa and Mr, Bourke, tbe two Eoaiitk emiaoaaM wheaave jutt returned from the rebel Btatee, take tbetr departaia for England tn dav In the Asia. ' rrom tba Ian- cuase which thrybtre held since they have " left the Booth there can 1 no doubt at to i the - nhiact a f their miaaiMi. ar aa ta tba repotU tlx? will make 00 their return borne. Thev--eta te that tha Smthli tailed one iriMjtn M de termination not to come back luw tte" Votoy, nit (hat It la ae wall off in reonrce, now an tha mmw nt nn and mnneT. aa tiie Nortlf.' 01 ' eourta eutemenU of tfaie kindj oumiof V6m men ocapTiDg tha pod u 00 ( f eetlemea, will be taken b the gcnerali I S'i,B V pie aa authentic, but few stopping to queeiian the mottvee witit wtiico meiv -wiibwb dertaken.or' the account ro ie'fobe N. Y. Herald, 24th. CTThtra are cow srrteVetf full tMmiWte of Indiana troopa (infaatrj) la KeutiUkf, and . three eemeasase at aavabv and one ol arUIerY They number eighteen thousand ana hundred and seventj-eight men. N. Y. Herald, 24th. The Message of Governor Harris of N. Y. Herald, 24th. The Message of Governor Harris of Tennessee. Ul to Toe Waihtill) thOU instant, con- us tlx niwaageoi uovernot uunngtu" the Legislature on tne aay preoeumj. . .i ..I . tAn. t. akt It U rina tn Trnnmuitir to itT. and it may DC said without disparagement to oti , Statee, that out people hae aone more id w . I . J uiilrtlAsf Sn rising, organinng, arming, army than was ever before aooomplUhed bjanj ataie in ne same icugui " 'Having no mllltaty orfnwu, without rmi, nd'esviloti of authority o of the aet Of me ma or 4j - -- than two' monine rrom ine p"B ' . wi.. .Kn..i.4 volunteers were) orfcanlitd and thrown Into the eM: "Tod mtch wedlt eannot boawarded te the patriotic people of the Bute fee the alacrity With wnleh they hate Ttshed .1.- .fn4.r4 r thalreountrv 0D0D thenret intimation of neoeeelty. I been oompellea to decline the ervloes of A Urg Dumber ten- Tm .mihi I the Movisioual army of 1M BtaM, a nuailxroftegiBjeat have bee raised frioafadrnte eetviee, maklne; Id ' the ggre-- gaWtbirtf-elghtlBfintry legimettta, eveei .uKkUlkiu and lizteen artillery eempaates, wnron'i enneeeee na ogotuui " -" mo'e1enae;-'"io' 'd.- . Jl V."0 ' ; ifThk ant. of nia1ahinir anhTJ monittone aaa thrneanii aeceeearr to clothe- an subsist the provisional artayt devolved pon- themllltarf anei anciai iDoaro.' vu w maiireta, and Senthern porte blockaded, "tbef (bnd I dlffloelw H o impoeeibte, proeore .uhkM .mi kcmdnitlona te) anv eMsklerable Th Mirehaatf tn the market-1 The board , ntnm.iUAnnA . kit Draettcabh - Bean t auamlattn nrivate MteYCriiS to produce tbeee arUolee ,6f lodtapenfable' neoeesUy within W own limits.' Thcy -eatabUshed aw -amory at Nashvtito for the-SMnutaotore tarme, od made liberal ooatraote wtin varloaa eompaniee lot the casting of eaanoa, ttw povohase of army ha. aMAnfaetared: lei TMneeseevand J.itaMl at Hifformt tiataw Within' the year, from which, eooreoa weJ Uvei for 'some time paat, bee teeeMn? abutwo hundred add fit .m. M vaak. i.,Ttki have also made' liber' at advances ta manufaowrwrt powdet, to a able them te ioor-aae the eapaoity of taelf ma ir,. ii tk. hiehaat decree of efflnescy, na, under the wuverviaioD ol Samuel' D. Morgan Eeq.,eetabUshed apefoussloaeap faetory, wbloa bat already yielded to lh Canfederate Butts Mnra thaa Iwein mluiOM Of oapt, and le BOW producing over two, hundred -end twdnty-ive tbouaand pa day.'-o w ; a:a tw:. ' ST The Waahingtod correspondent of tht bincinnau f.ngaireT-wio (vu, WASHINGTON, Monday, Oct. 24. I Cannot give you mneh in this Utter to In terest your readers. Nor le there any special war ce w only that Gen. MoClellen is moving along quietly with hit grand army j and 1 no tice that tha people of this region have fully ad on ted the opinions of their Western brethren ia their universal confidence ia the General. But a question arises in my mind whether this unbounded eonndence M not naving rauer an wijttrieiw effect. The public anticipate too much and therefore do less, g - ? : :- ' ' '"' ' 1 Tbe enemy are falling back on Manassas, where tbev evidenrv Intend giving at battle, aad where tbey will bring to bear their immense armv of from -two hundred- thousand to two nundred ana Bitv inoasana men. wenerai 1110 CieUan ia eaual to aav eraeroticv that anv cm eer could be. but be mav not be etrong. aooogh for this one. Tha country mt large overettt aaatea bis forcee here en tbe Potomac, and that of iteelt wiU ambarrase him.- This must not be -Tne Government,' in any opinion,' do not appreciate tbia condition of things, and tout tha iapatienoa of the people,' who do ' not un derstand tbiew Gen. MoCiellan le now on tbe other aide .of the Potomac, and If a auffiolent number of troops arefarniehed him speedily he will reader en account wet tne nation win De aatisfled to reoeive.' '. n - s.i. . i - .: v We ef the West are Impatient that eometbiDg should be done. Can we not readily believe that the GenereUe quite e aniious,and can we not as readily aaa that with hie general Infor mation be knowe quite aa well at we do as te tha proper ti-ne to advanoat You may advise jour readere that tbe time hat not come, and perhaps will not for soma weeks, but when it does yoa will mete on proper pralaa to the "Baokeya Joy-" George B.McClellan, who, although sot torn lathe State, was nurtured bv It. and made her Mtjor-General. . Henoeferth ba . patient, but insist through your valuable paper that lha Government cannot do too mncn ta placing at nil aisposai .as many naen aa ean ba raised. There ia no qneetioa bat that Jeff. Davia knows full well that bte only hope ia In gaining this grand battle. If be suoceede, the recognition ot the Southern Confederacy hi set tled, and thus farther oontrovarsv oselessi there fore hie grand effort will be ia Vtrjinis. Should McClellan ba drawn into this fight until heavily reinforced, he will endanger hie army, and the Government that ha la daierminarl to aave Lt in ore oa no retreat do backing downi" if there be, reioforoementa for Jliesonri and Kentaeky will be aseleea. , I had tha gratification of taking by the hand General Harney, aad waa proud to tear him re mark that there was no , aecesettv lor tne raw. ing of aa arm, or tba ehedding of a drop of blood in tha State af lUeaoori; that lie woele of It had beea a atottcr a JoUar ana una, (plunder). The brave General looks noble and atalotio. Hit ere seabed at tha word rebel Uoa, and do man. aaa tor a moment bot leel humiliated that be should have beea aa enema fully treated by tha Administration; but ha committed, long since, tha anpardonablo sin of being a Mtkoomam vmoorwt, and would aot be come tha tool af politicians, and thaa his beau tiful white head and beard must eome an dor tha tomahawk not thai kind that tha Sious, Sac aad aad others need, tor, with all of theirs in nee, a stampede waa alweye the result af tba war-ery of Hamay te cmuty) and were be to march. car troope tbroogktba Camber land Gap into Tenneseee, there would ba such a stampede aa the world never heard of. Tba matt of oar tesald ae-neat U an trait deem It neeeesary to letae a proclamation about once la few days, bat Harney consider tha proolama tie of tba Government euiBoie&t, and bis red Up comes ia tha shape1 of frtptrt,", after tht ? ETWe baka the following from the Clncin nid Cmmereial'i special dlspatohes: " WASHINGTON, Oct. 24. rIt 1 difficult to ascertain tbe preoisa position) if the Fremont question. , There I little doubt Ibat ba will be removed, bnt it 1 doubtful whether the order superseding him baa gone West. Both statement sent yoa yesterday were probably true. The Cabinet voted to re move bpoQ evidence embraced in the Adjutant General' report-perhaps not unanimously- and the nnai decision was ten witn to rrett dent, at tn the ease of Fort Sumter. ' Up to noon to-oay ne naa do bdku.. . . - , . , i The' eatimat ht McCleUao's headquarters of our loss at Jeesburg, Is ' seventy-nine , la killed; , the "wounded and missing are mdeb more numerous., it ia impoMiDia to ns toe number, as they art coming In constantly. ' . Tbe Star thlnki that 500 will eover onr Whole loee. .Those from the battl field esti mate It higher. McClellan telegraphed that tb dispositions of 8tone were admirable, bnt eye-witnesses tay the feeling against him is very strong, for providing Insufficient meant of transportation scroee the river, and did sot re inforce In Cold. : There were only two scow tot Baker's 'regiment to cross to Harrison's Is land, and only one thence to tb main land, with a small boat, j oe nrsi transit is a quar ter of a mile, and the second .two hundred yards, and the torrent raging. Deven's Mast a ohuaeitg regiment,' which had crossed In the court of the night, was fed Into amrmscadt, Into which all DllUker'l command, I.tKW men, also fell Tbty Werd in an open field surround- fcl C Will .WWUB. ItUUl kill. HW UU(Ut J luulifl 'fsblorf,tot marslog 'bntll aftr the " uai a tMa4 :iat a ( f , j jj; ward's -fmyVDy'WA (Stand' croiiefl, tWeJtnn.-s below. ' n s?nt wdm that r eis furouTneota were 'eoiniug, batlt was' lo late. 8atywtfer Icatlo a tent. mnklasSoa tha ratara. - Others were 4rwed trying t f wi across, and others ittot la the water-. I i Bker bad several times etprewetd pretend iment of ;eath-;V f The eurreery of tbe 8outh ia new Canftdrate Treasury c, .tedeemabla at D9 earticalar time er Llci vat, bond, based oa what- iti Governora ean eonflaoate aad etaalr bank iteue of Boo-epecie Deying ineorporatioot ( village abinpiaetera, ana "goo lor adrtnk" tickets of whisky sellers. The Vote for Governor. We publish thfrola of all : lha counties for Governor," Where the full vote U gwen.tne re turns are offiolal. The reported .majorities m,' of course changed iomewluit by tne or- denttaTalbotioWe should udga that Got; Tnn'imtiorltt will be lateral thoueana more than the balanoe of the State raslonJTio; County . ii-ia.i. Tod Jewttt Ooaoty fod Jstttt A.Um(...;.. Allen ...... Hot lew tacts Iiloktae,... LaralA. ... Wadlam.M, Hahonlog .. Marion MaSlna.ui'. MtlRt.-... Monroe .... Marfan - w ISO C23 113 4t 437 Aihlaad .... athtaa AnglalM.... AihUtola.. SOW Bhaili.k.v Brown....... Otnoll 1361 li in ' Ohampaifn.J ni. i .? TO31 piorrvw...... .l-V.I t303 I, Union. am. 'J a MonirBwryJt6ll 4309 Soft ' 7t0 not ,io n:8 1SW UoiBoeton VlUklDtUB) Moroar..... Olamont tt " 1W noM.".... OolinihtanaJ Jienl -t Ottawa.. m Prrj,...M rtcatwaj... Plka Portara... PiMe.. Putnam. ... Paaldlni... Bdota Bank .-.. Maadnaky,. Caraaofa.. Darka Delawarv... 83; 830 Btnanetitk' 54l 11 Ui ntMoiM, fajU.9;4. Mi ewi'' franklin v rairnaia. TnltoaMi ' S8M 5W kha! allla..f.i WW 8hiU..... y rwne Bumailt..., B,ucca ... Taaoawat. .'.I s 77ti " 18171 n.8ii .ii Hardin ..r. . 338 0,517 f mabuU ... 33 HmlIU)n t. Hartlaon.... Highland .'. Unioa...... tin ton tan Wtrt.. Wariaa .... Wyandot.. t wo; 833i talll 'Sl5c! uaroa warnt Htnry Wathlnitoa ol waoe i JTaraaa. .j mm WlUitat.. Mc aland.. Bom fiff::r:.1 193i in! i 1 Laimnee. i m Loiu 0' UtSSAtt 07001 ftcia) retnenavr Jttr. Too'a majority will be enow Altera thuean$.; The Vote, of the Stata? k at least eighty thousand less than at the Fresl- The Legislature. We ha v endeavored to make ont a eomplele Ut of the'members elect to the LegUlaore,bnt ap ta thlt tlrae bava bees able te eolltct bnt seventy of the Ilouse of Representative. So far M secured, their politic are lodioued as follows : Those . elected as Democra's,. fj-r Those in ifalici, eleottd at Fusioniata,but olalm taba Democrats. "W -' : We will endeaf or 19 complete tbe table in season for our next Issue: H , The Legislature. SENATORS. I. Hamilton w. a, trroncrei, o. a.i,iun, mn - -B. Wbtttttae. .'" ' I.1 . 4. S. a. 7 8. . 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1. 17. Wnuaaaad WananoAaO. MeBarner. - MoalcoBMrrand Pieble tewie CunckU, Olannont and Brown John Johnston. nrn minion and PiTttta Kom and Hiahlaod Wllllaaj Oollltr. : Adaau, Plka, Bold to and Jaokaoa Beajanln . rinalam. . . .... T ...... lUltla. Vein and Vinton B 8. Heal. Valrfltld, Athens and Hocklnf Alfrtd ituTttgh. Vranklla and PVkawar Butaatui L. Pnrtll. - Clark, Champa la od kUduoa Han. Miami, Darkt and ghtlkr W. B. McLonf. . , , Logan, Union, Marion and Hardin Hood. ' , W attain (ton and Morfaaaad part ot Noble Win P. Bpragnt. , ' 1 '" MnaUngiim aad Parry William Pinkv I , , 7 Daiavan and Lickint John A. Binnttt. . . .. Knox, Morrow, Wayne and Holmaa Darld Milts rirfMMi and Tnaouaina T. EaurV- - 18. It. 1 On roan, ttonroe, aat parttl mobm-. a. rgcoa ear.? V... -. V 2 .. J ;t.l SO. Btlmont and Marlon Itaat Welch. si. M. S3.' Si. S3. Carroll and BUrk oeerrt uaran. ?a-non and Oolaabiana Kobtrt A. Iherkard. Traaikaii aad Mabaainr . , AahUbala, take and Oaauft PtUl Hilcbcoek. Cnyahoia John P. Bobli toa . '. Portaft and Buaimi-Loclaa V. Btetot.; . Sd." T7. Mi S9. 30 3t.: MMlnaand liOrtlna laaa, monmm. j Aahlaadand Biohlaad Ihanat. Kentf. Bum, Brie, Bandnrtrr and OUowa John Kalle. Stntoa, Crawford and Wyandot William Lana leraer, Allan, Aaflabt, Van Wtrt, Paaldinf. bfl- aaa, aad Wllllaaaa CbarkM C. Manball. 3B, BanoMk, Wood,Laaa, Ptltaa, Banff aad ratnta Oharltt M. eodlrtj. . . . REPRESENTATIVES. Vi it ' i. ': i. j -k :.c:i . i It tC!!. ).! li !.. ' ic !''v a :f ALltn joaa aonnn.' Athtand John Taylor.? ' il.'l -5. . AatlaUa Chatlaa Sttttl,. . Aahtabala Abal Blrnn. ' bmot William Stnntn. Brawn 1. lea." - I V 1 1 . Batler ' Carrali j ,c, ;t. , ...... Oimta-i--',:"' ' ' ' ': Cotfaoelon Aadmr J . WllkiDt. ::. Crawford J. B. Btlainrar. , ': ;- Olanaont Jaha farroaon. , . . . Columbiana EaUly. OwyaaaftStstoa 0, Orltwold, P J. Dkkman, Ob B. Baatack. ' ' :." ' " 1 rtarka Lean - Lott. PflartraJaaeeB-Bnbbell.,. , Brla-Joth W. Pitrot. v 1 Baytttt .-a 9:: - l - -.1. . Poltoa . - : f " ' 1 - "I il-JV 'j 1,7 .. BairStldWaaMe 0. JtSrita. , . , ' frankun OaotatL. CovoOttolreitel. Oallla-Jeahaa Bradbaiy, ' - ' , Oraana ... I 1 - ; tr. -.1 Qarua,yJotephltrrtU. i t .. v ,- --BaaMKl.trii1taSa Orlbbei '.' ' ' ' 1 Bardto ' ' ' " Harriaoa Jokn latham-J V 0 M . H -Hanryandtotnaw-BetJ. A- JUth-t,!'.. Blfhltad i j . . - BookintManhlni Ittm.f . , ' Bamiltan Pater Elan, Otori Keck, Wa. 8Iauntoa, Mlltoa Sayltr, W. J. Jlaff, imm Battel, A. McOill, H. Branhaa, Ihao. Manb. Baroa Sua Ittwart. Jackaon JtSeraon-Vatep ITaint Enox- WaU IrVHtfuy. Lake Laarwot B. f . Oory. IiOgan " , - Lueat jeaMt arytn. Larrnlu Siimmi M. Warmr. ' Lick Inf. ant B. Smytba. , Madlwo Mann, f.., .,, ,., ,- Mahoninr- ' 1 ' r . ' 1 ' ' ' . at arts-Vi4at Barfrffm . ' I MadlDa-MyraoC. Hllla. , . ,r. ,, ,, . , Mtif- , Monrot JohnttyMr Morfta Ma-raw- ' -' ' riTTi - -i .1 " . ' t .! , Maakinraaa - Beamy, Jatoi vUuntr. ' Montcoawry Pttar Odlln. Jtt. tatUrnm. ' Merraraad Vaiar-A.P. O.Boyder. - Habla Xtjwtr. : . ,-v.' T. .-, , Perry Will lam H. EeMen.. .i f,j , ; .. Plokaway Itaat S. Mutt. . i i , ' Pika Thoawa Wllion." 1 . 4 1 ' ' i : ... . m in. i t: i J. JUahlaDd William BkMktr.S' Boat J. J. CrouM. , . BeneeaRaeelat B. Tttua ' Beiota Orl Mam. , I - ll, ... ..'.Si. t. : MW I. I fxjt Hi "'."'V 7.1 )..;:.. . ..ll';.'!!,!'! ..-J- I...' Bhaika flharlaa W. Walla. . - Stark Solomon Llnd, Joteph tcbell. . f amarlt John Johaetoa.- ' ; TrambaU - .'.1 ! Taaoaiaeas Albert Stlea-. ' . tJaiaa . Vintea Pee. Wan. a Janet Boott. - - V Wyandot Jaoalhaa Mamt ' ..:;) 1: Wayna-JohaAaH., . J,iylil. ., j ,WahlogUo OL. Clarke. : Wiliiama, PaaM1n( and DeSanee P. Wi Worrit. Wood aai Ottawa i v ' ' ' Navraanoti WmooTA CoarrAat. At a re cant meeting of 4be Aatarieaa Etbnologioal Society, at Mew Tork.a paper waa read la whiob a Mr. Joane, of tbe 1 Alicroneeiaa Hia sloa, describee a voyage mad, by tbe natives, ia little aanaea, lor a distance of Bv aandred Ilea and beck, with aa guide bat tha start, carrcot and wild, and with enly tw stopping plaoee. It waa stated at a previous sessiea of the Becitty, by a Mr. Gulick, that a had see tbaaativaa of tba Society lalasds aaake the voyage to the 8 aad wick Itluda la canoe, and that) when otTtred a eompaaa, they deolioed ao eepikig it, eayisg .that their pilot had eoe "ia kit letij Caruua wid Spanish writtra speak af soma of the Americana aa having always in their head .tb points of the com pat a, te that they know their .course and beatiogs eves, at tha bttoai af a miay ) i -.,',, '"Odjroncg-friend toe frinc of Wiler 1 limited In hi choice of e wife to tit ladies, bb leM bs shonld decide npon selecting on much oMor Ihad himself.' , They aret ' 1. Prtooet Alexindrtna (diuphter HI Prloee ; Albert f Pro'ule), torn 1'tb: 1,1845; Frfnce-t Anoe of ilewe Pra mt d nice of tha Oran d Duke or lietsebrirl of the Empress of Ri'ti born Miy23, it 11; S. frfnete A"fent of flourttit. Uiucluilnrg, tr?a Feb. 27: lB4 4. rr I octet A!Mo'Jra, (!v,",;htrr 'pf PrliWe ChrlstiarrT af DoniaKrk.bora Vet. 1,J84; S. f rloc- Mtry of fiaa Altaaberg fej Jun 23 184bj . Prlnoeae CatharlBe of utaenimnr, sum 01 in Grand Doohw Nicholas of Russia, bora Btft, 91,1846. KEY ADYERTISEMLEHTS. yyt.Bn RI8TEB9I .VBB BI8TEB81 1 Trent reA :rW ' . . "WEBB iwXE8 I --J iwTKBBViariSBtl ,0D!( .. .. V '7- 5 ! ,. lf.l l: w rji '. Hi if I u.i ' X ' ' A i - Saturday Evening, Oct, 26th.-;;, ecllt J. M. & V. ICCERrJER, Cof ne? of Broaii & Froit Streets, eataaLIXMBUB, CROCERIES PRQDUCC AND provisions. FOREIGN dfc DOMESTIC FRUITS, i , i - - - r piOUE, SALT, LIQUORS, TC. i Wmitin iritis', is1 turn tutm!" uiMi, ......... :..;. v.;:-':;ii-:.'.r"cM G ALT HOUSE, . Ha. 178 North Hifh Street n ' ' - . , ... , W . Ml ' - 'columbus, oho; n- rroilS HOTEL IS BUT ONE A FID A X gil. BttOABBS rraa tht tpot, and ptrtont tr rinnr tr WHninf to tatt patMt tn anr oi int raim, ill Bnd taalt Bmh decidedly t tonvtnltnt rtap- raMtnrart waaia ip ai ail gnu ti in nini ror any f tnttraln. ' ' ' ' - ' VtnMBMdMattitotuittbetlBttv'-1 - ' oct2S AKITJ EMERY, 103 BOUTn ' HIGH " STREET, BftTt fall ad OomploU litortmeni of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Stoxroia ct3 Qratoa, Tli AID COPPER WAJLE ' ' ' '. Of slmott tvtry kind, ) 'j fj i.j Elegant Chamber Sets - ' SPICE AND 6EED BOXES? Tin Toys, and Articles in that Line, ' Por little People. Knivew and Forlta. ' Bpooiut, Tuba, Buckets, fShowela and. Tonga, . , ' - Cx odav eto, . w, i Sot !bt target Oaet. ? We would call roar farther' attention to tht feci that wt . art SOLI AQINT8 for tht nla ot the r STEWART:C00K-ST0VE, Which It. In til retpectt, clearly tht "ITJTOORtT 01 THB KITOBBH." haTln no equal In tht eompleteneie of Ht perforaaatt and toenomrof rati.- Theolearut tetumooy at ita enpenonijr u tnt net inu maanrao- taran and dealert art oontuntiy tmiraunc It, eomtn aearltta voeelble la XXTSS54L APfSABANOB Call and tiamint ear ttock. It it no trooDle to snow VMI VVU.) The Union Forever. COLUMBUS ' ARIiIY TENT STOVE! .. a .!. . A 1 r : ' MAKCf ACTTJBKD AND BOCD BY !( 1 i JOHN L. GILL & SON AT THB IB BALI BOOMS," Nos.,90, 92, 94: s& 96, HOBTD HIGH IIHEBT, 1 it, .i . ,t. .1 i- The neatett and meet oeoplete Btere for offlont Team tree mataftetared. Bold at a eery low Star. Oall and tnmjnt before narchatlnf t Ittwhtttr oclBS-dtf . - . . v , E. r.VCOLLlSTER, Dealer la TOBACCO; SNUFF & CIGARS No. 2f5 FUVh Btrwt. ; ; ' PIT ;SBUHaH,;Par Keep -waetaatlf mm head all ta wa rlaa BitANAta af oet tt-w-. ti-.i : " . NATIONAL HOTEL. , NIABtrNlO H. S B PO T ., , . , OOIiUMBUS, OHIO, xx. xi.xiTsrsQroxjX0. . , i TBBBtS....-...'....ONB DOIXAB PKB PAT ecttO-Sa)' ; ; . i " ' ' ' L . Cranberries I Cranberries ! 9(1 BBLH. CKANBEBBIES, Irf GOOD Oil ORDBB, on eonilsament. . , . t . ' For tale low by ' ' i ' .WM H.BI8TIIATJX, oetSJ . "' ' , lOCSouthBifh Btreet.: , BOARDlNa ! BOARDING 1 1 GOOD BOARD JcTI.EABJAUT BOODII for.lfrriter ten pemeat, eaa be had by applymg It 0. PAITAKBOH, Mo. 118 Boath Breat B treat, betwet ItaUaadtewaStfaets.. ... Being bat on aaoara from tht Btata BoutttBakti It a datlraatt alaot fat baajaeet mto ! . tetlB-dla .-, . - f ' XTF.HT BTTE.ISH BTBIPED CLOTH V - SHAWLS, ia aa dajlnt at SI 0 Valae f OO. 1.S0 yardt taper Blaia Black Bilk at 1 -alnt 1 BStytrd. . . , rraaeh Meriao, 3K eratt taloe STjCett e yard. ' ( " .. ?SeeatawrtlatBt 001 yard. - BAIN ton. ' I:. -it ' Be, BSBMtkBIgh Btreet. EXOLE J3RASSWORK8, 'T v owrmar prtstt At Water Bt. . . ' n 'j I I w. b: potto' ec oo, lviaibsilJ XTgp, ' tad ttaanfaanMara af wrae tad Onma igHta Ottttng. floih4 BmaWarkaf ali Dorif- STEKcsLcurrinc. c 21 REJ-F1XAWT Sit - wATBi.PBOr CLOAK. LLOIilB- Afeevwthae malntef Bprin 0 teak Ololhe. la aU eMrabl ariatfot Biadiaea, Ita tm and BaUoa te matcb. .BAIJ I Sow, apru at. v avaa ua mt AUCTION AND, COMMISSION Tnr. mti-ciiiBF.BHiTno i taken .a kmsa aathsBlen . - - N6I llEaM State St., Anctbn' &" Commission Roomr Bs Is aow prepared ta retain en 0 ommlMloa tvtiy dMorlpUoa of propertr, tnoh aa Dry floodt, Orootrlea, Uqaon, f umltart. Oarrlaftt, Horiae, eto. Be alto Intend It derate hit atttnttoa to taltt of Baal Betata and rtrtonal Piopertjr, at any point, wllhla twenty miltt of tht city. ... Auction, Sales Every Evening. Otntlt nmtnts reiptelfully tollelted .... . B. KINT, Aaotlonttr. OOtlO' IwETlV STORE. HEA&LDY & EBEIILY TJAVE REITIOTED TO THEIR NEW HbXOBI,, . .L..,.; ... Hpi, 250 and 252 South High Street, and hart tttoetated with tbtmttlvta WM. BJOHAEDS, under tbe Am of , Headley, Eberly i Richards, lormlsf one of the lareeit Dry floodi Homes In tht Weet. ' Thlt ' Bontt . it eonitantlv rteeirlnf Kew Ooodt, ttchu - ' '. .....(.... NEvY. STYLES OF DRESS GOODS, IRISH SILK AND WOOL POPLINS, PLAIN AND riGtJRED REPP GOODS PLAIN AND FANCY. SILKS. .r;r' l .... ".. . ... . XhteTtwntandKaaUitireltepr . i Hainilto'ri, . Manchester and Pacific Ia the Oltjr, taa))t found at .. HEADLEY, EBERLY & RICHARDS. Balmoral Skirts, In great variety, JoitrteelTtdbt ' HEADLEY, EBERLY & RICHARDS, ZEPHYR WORSTEDS, ' .- EMBROIDERIES, TRIMMINGS, - ' . GLOVES 4 HOSIERY; , . LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS, Of the Kewett fltylet.Jotl recelred, and also made t4 order, by . . , . . HEADLEY, EBERLY, & RICHARDS. ALBO: U CLOTHS, '. .OABSIMIBKB, , BILK ItVBlVBT TBSIINQI ' 'BH1BTBJQ8, . SHAWLS, ' BtEBINOBBi PL AIDS, j CHINTZ,. ; i- .'1 ".a MEBKIMAO PBINI3, - HOOP 8KIBIB, COTTOH CHAIR AND OABPBT WABP8. This firm, harlDf adopted tht Oath system la tht pnr ehaitand salt ef Ooodt, are tnabitd to eell from IS to peroral, lets than other nouns uadtr ue omit ayiitm HEADLEY, EBEELY & EICHAESS 250 and 252 South High Street, Calstaabwe, Ohla. ortS-dly -: t T A TJ W TT TT TJ VP T! T7 W W AO. aV aU, W W db a. - . BSMMaaaaaw a, aaa Aaa lYlbHUnAni lAiBavrn, No. 220 BoutH yZiah. Btret. Thraei Xoora South of XUob, -TTll init TMelnd a eholea ttock of BALL AI IT WIMTBB, GOODS, tnltablt for lentremtn't wear. Oaetomert will bare their orders neatly aad aabttaatit ly txeeated at tnt lorat rate.. ' ttpUB. SPECIAL NOTICE-S. THE. TWO EXTHEKKS Tht oommon, weak, adulterated ataipoundt ef Bala ratat which Injart tht health, and art aim oat worthies art one extreme. The pure, efficient, wboletoae, and hannlem Dietetic Baleratui audt by Janet Fylt, at Itf Wtthlnfton Street, Hew Tork, b tht other extreme. Ohoott between them at you valnt yeur money aad yoaf bealia. Far Feanalee CemerallrTht Brandrei PI1U eannol bt too blghly tpokca of. Tbey remove obttraeUoat, girt entrgy and itrenfth; tare tne dla trtttlni headache, unfortunately to prevalent with tht ttx dtprtttioa of iplrltt, dnllneet of stght, Btrven affections, blotehes, plmplta, nllowneM of tbt skin, ar removed, and a Juvenile bloom and general tprig ntllnct Indicate tht power and healthtalattt ef BBAHDBBIB'I FILLS. Ladles, at dtliottt periods, will find them unrivaled they art tht best mtdlclntt for mothers and children, and eurt worm, and eottivtntai. Let It be rtmtmbtrtd, that BBABDBBXH'I TLUJ art easy in their operation, and yet unite mildaete with efficiency, and require ao alteration of dltt daring their ute. Btrt. aforgan, corner of Uth itreetand Vaioa Square, Bow Tork, was dying, apparently, t Ooaroarnow. But wat glvta up to die by her PbyttolaBt, Bad all her fritndt, bat after aainf Baaawaara'a tntA Jet aft wttkt, the oongn left her, and .be beftn U segalB her itrength, tad U BOW able to attend te her dntiaa, an feelt sure of sot attaining rokattbtaltb. Mrs. Wilton, of Bo. Bt Btaea street, Hew York, eared Pnpetxia, Small Pcx, kteatlta, D ropey and tr phot Bitot, aad aU Beadaohet, and Bllioot dieeatts, with lumm'i Poxa, trill ht pttettd te aotwer any qnettlont. , .. ' Bold by Jon K Ooea, DraffieV 09lambas, and all reepeotablt deawrt In medieiDet. 1 oerso-di,., ,, JWJ, JATrtE .AOTJB- MXIUBEe" It aa Infallible staiedj for ferer .and Afut. .' Tht perieoee of many yaart, ia almoet erery eliaiaai, proree that whore atte ia ttriet accordance with the direction, It hat rarely failed to can, aot only by breaking ettlla, but by removing tht morbid habit of the system, prtTeatlng tht teeamnot of let dlttatt. fXTBB IBS AQ0B, thoagh aot In lleelf danittroua, it apt, anleet tpetdtly ' remertd, to' Bav each a permV dou effect on On lyrttae, at to engender ditordtn aiuoh mort baneful (han tuelf, and which not only reader afur-llft of tht patitat aiUaeahla. bat are ta thttattlvt ortaa ratal. A rnaapt aad etaetaalnraedy It theeacore What It wanted, and at such tm. B. 'aval's Aera ntu Toaai eonAdaaUy aMoauMnoed.' Bar tel. ay Vaairt Boaaan A Baaroat, Oolambot, aad tryfea erery wbtr. ' apld4wfrlAtatw4 u . - r. , yriMANHOOI). ff - SOVT. IOBT, BOW XlirOBRD. Jaat Bnbliahad ia a' Sealed Barelopoi rriot ett.i A ISOTTJBS OH TUB ITATtTBBJ, TBBATBTBBT AST) BADIOAL COBS Of Bf. BBMATOBESLBA Or Bamlnal Weakneee, lnTaionawT 2a1 DtbiUty, and Imi iillmWr tt Mwriar tenoralUy, Mtrrotaaeet, Cow aaajpOnaW aPlraaej BO mmmmmm otm. M- oapJrluiTfre- aboat. A. By Bbart OaJrervell, M. P., author of tnt Ortea Book, Aai. A TMemsmBUB af Batterer, Beat aadee teal, In B pbda aavtloK It any ddrea, a m aa naarDt of two ttamiw, Sr. Oil AS. STo.AUNBVlH atawfy,Jlew Jotvraat Oiloe Bow, . . . . eepaw latter errittaaay tht JUe.. i. t. iHcaaa, paaMe at'flM rwrrnolnt-Stretl Baatkd Oharoh, Break iy, B. thtojoamal and Memngtr',1' Cflnobnta,0.,aad speak eelamat la faror tf that worUraoet-rjed avaUcioa, Ha, yrneaurw't BooTarat tncf roa Cam Tn aiai ; ' I'Wttntaa adrtrtbnaent Jn yoat eolsmn efBt' oiviiaaj'iSoOTBiiiatTair, fnwt tsr"-t f'Ai woet lja ti vor of aDtatajei1!riner(tfret c ' Ii i, t'Jtwa laal or-ip.lIea tot&y fc foul leaders tint liii 14 aai bug--' bats m rr, aaa tsotr it t i ovaiaa. It pretably eoeollu mort toroeh, 1 aed1. eratt of tb day, tin at It ot 1 tat bt. And tbott of jaw raxtert wno ban keMee eaaH de beetv thaa lay ta try' oJayd j i i ! ' Bw j I i i aQ ! ; i hat ' hy . t s the the ; i I. te rr Dcmcstio Oottoa Oocda. -id. BAIN Ct SOH ;, .-v! t'-Wawwerf.r'.T'Vkl rtrFEH tsa aawat Extenelra'Asearta W maattf , . :, , ,. . -f . Brawn Bad Blaaontd Oottoa riannab; '. 1 Mullna; fc4 ii Wamaler Oottoa Bhaetint Btleet Btritt at OaUeo'a and BtlalBttj.. -iicaiDes, Buiriinia, kuotoamt, -Aad Cotton Battlngt. . 'i ' Alao, Btaktta, Jlannelt. ' - - ! f r V Oamliatmt, Oioak Oletht, tle.tto. , KOnBMltwiepwpnett. octld ""Billflt lOH, SB South Oigh Btrttt. Flannel ' 8hirtina"; ntiAIN,PIiAIDBTAlPKDeV T WILI.a j. lev ' xnt mett azttntiTt tswi u wa oj. - - : , .Army Woolen loekt :i;f 0,;J Bnaker Hlbbea Boctt. Under Shirts aad Drawers. .f to 0.1 - . Oottoa and Meriao feooat. ; - i - ji j ' T Golden Hill Bblrtt. Oeat't Kid Qlorea. , f ,.:t.??'u?1i$?iM low,'-' oetlB ''' ''"r; 'afeii ft sjosthHIsb ftretf. PRINTED OTTOMAN HEPS, Plata Ottoman Olotht; Hagtntaend Bltoa oaeea Ttienciat, ,, ; i,; Broobt Bonbalz Dram Oooda Balmoral Skirt.: , . . , - "' Attaaadtrs Kid OlOTtt: -Hit"?-1 -GKrrt Trail Hoop tklrtt. .:. "' .wi;..-.,- v. ; Oereett. HeirKtU. ." ":. ttf ( Piatd Merlnee.'' r.--V;vt ...:'-. -' BAIN ai BOH, , octW ; ' " Ho. Boalh Hlh Btrett 1 "' i r. . t DISPATCH Vaitted States Expraaa '. r. '. " . ' ' .1 ..l.M'l riwH FAST FREIGHTINE-1 Via Sew York' ft Eri MW, J And all other Road3 Leading West v ' : and Southwest... . : .-"V' t , . .i ' -.' ( I . ,ii Ai ..' -i3 .i. .t Obarttrtd Can ovtr stott Boadt on Fatwnger jTratni'. ,t i;1 LI it. HAVBT. Ae'i. ' I A. I. KHIOHT.'Ai'f, SSI Broadway. W. T. I .. S5 BtaU B.t., Bottoa WMi E. MBIT, Buperinteadanti Boffaio.'v ' " H. FITCH ck BON, Aentt, i,; : 8T "Waa Broad Streetv COLUMBC8, OHIO. MP13 VM..H. RESTIEAUX, (BTJ00BSS0B TO McKBB St BB9TIBAUX No. 106,' South '' IBgh street, v CROC ERICS. PRODUCE ' ' " Pr'oVI8IOII8v' Foreign and ' Domestic,-Fruits F L OUR. SAL T, LI Q O O R ,8, ETC. - . -i i ii i ,. i. . i it j 8TORACE & COMMISSION JbjrU 7-S . , f ... I... I ... o,. ; Baltimore Clothing House,1 J Maaon 'AorrjaaUJ ia i .) READY-MADE CLOTHING, ; No. 308 W. IWtimoretree ) L (mrrwmni araaBTT a smwaBB.) ' ' f BALiTimOBE, Od Asaortmant at rtaas and runiUBtn Ooods ConsUaUy ea Hand ; WM, KNABE & CO., AT THEIB UBW ABjKlf-aa" luai ftOOM, XO, V MJJ.UMOMSBT. i aaa " iijr i BOA l,l,Ban4TB. BTJTAW 8TBKT, ; . , Offer for sal their otlebtattd GOLI ,DEN MEDAL, . ; ' UK Art U ' ' - AND 8QARR : rtANO-FORTES. ' ' MMnm hlrhre neomaanded By tne un rroieajui, aot HoeioaT Amateurs of the country, and - .... 1 IBIIBTJBTBIt V"'"1' WABBAMTBD FOB J Z'S. L t ITVB TBABS. Tb moat baUdloat oaetoeter may rely apon bains pleated in tTtryreapect. .,, nn Serm liberal. Wis. BTf ABB 00. . BSLTZBB A tTBBBTBB, Agent, ' -etstilydw. Oolambat, Ohlt " -. ; . . FIRST ' . : rt -! OPEWtO OFTHE $EA$0:; SPRING A'Np SUMMER GOODS 1 ACrAlN OrrEKTO THE FCBLIO . Liwwla In an Una. In at Mffiha M M BJUIW DfW VWm VI VVt aaa a, ated la Hew York 'at tnt eheaptet pankt ratetll of which 1 than ttu at tnt "aua pi . y . tn and rrlenda art reapectraliy Invited to eel land esua kia bw (rood aad Fricaa, aa I aa deUrailned to eell ebeap or ebaapor thaa any other booee ta the elty; an Mile my owa flatting, aad taptrlntand my own boil iiiii. I liil ft nil ri urn my wag capenenc uvur aatt, Urn reaeral Mtlafaotioa. tb. flneH ef wora- BMJB aia WVIUJ . .ml www m . en abort aotica, and wtrrantad to Bt. Btrangtrt Tiaittog eormty woaw mnn mmi awaiie a",ut b-oeepnrob-lni.Ur,. JJa marehSO-dly ' ' ': Oof. High and Town tt. l.v-i bain & go u; 31 r-a Bo. 29 Boutlx .KIh 8trewt,iColbiyiisl A BB BOW Of f BBIB0 8000 yardt IrareUn , Dreet aood a oi , Ttrae jS34 atntt. ISOe yardt TrtTtllog Drat Ooodt ttlSK, Vthie tt. Sulie yard. BoflUh &.aee at 1 . vaia. oenU. , 108 yardt B reach Orgaaditt at MX, valaa 90 eeirta. . ! too yardt feat Oolored Lawnt at 10, valat 19 eenav 1000 yardt Boalard Drttt Silu at J7X. valnt M eefltt. 1500 yardt BaptrPUIa Black Silk at 1 (JO. Ttlat Bobtt of Org audit Berag, Bad Bnguth Berage, at oat. imlfthdrvab.. . - .,. JeM V . ,., South High Btrttt. ; REMOVAL. WitUAM H HESTIEAUX i ' DEAXEBjlN tw.) .; 1 Groceris, . 0 ....... . . .. .rt t1, flw tOA?J Arrouuce, v i -io - T..7." . . .ProTiaons, owigu and Domestiq ty&ofg v, sv, Fjflits."to;cto.;j,'',,,,A' .., ft-. , . lr kiil'J'i'.ee 'K'.'I tl -.Se el -i"v.i '! STAB BIMOTBD HISSTOBB IBOht . .al l! "Hi i t-' .a 4 n f.- f' ; i " o ft o.' 34, it ft ftt tfAi(m'iint$i i s.itwt streak r. fa v. t; . ii.ii.i .( r'. .. I'- 'tiael't..iet - . 'i ii vi -.A ' e'-i'J "'' ' "ii- r k iiTit ... No, 10ar Bouth- High Street, '..' Tht old .tend recently OeewpUi bytWTI. MuDONALB l.-iW , rfjZZ M 'j attlstsdatlf iwotlPt , i ,lntM ti EVV mio r ncsn -CCCDS 1 im ,JhaohfcwWetrt ,sa. I j ct'ist far, CAaft r Cwaatrf rriXAde. 227 Ooodi leUrvrtd tt Olb trade fm'ef tttrteCI 1 i I i j , 1 BBxwioanroBT) bt thb lats A3TLEY COOPER, DB.M VALENTINE M0TT oe an tntc The sokaowltdBjed Headt of tht Frofetdoa ia sdUt ........ v aamupnere, 1 Tht hert Dlurerlo, Tocio. and InvitroTant The , pneet- Eztraot of tbe FX AiilAN JUN IP EH jailKKTm llio Furett and ltott Coatly Gin x- lant. INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES, INVALUABLE TO THE SICK, , INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED. ln THB SAFEST AND MOST DELICIOUS BEVERAGE IN THE WORLD. 1 For Sals, Flat and Quart, by wary Drogstnt Grooer, or Country Merchant . LOOK 0VT FOB BOO0B ON, I) ON QIN s. TKI ONLT OEinnhTB AJITICLH IB CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL 8IN. B. BALDWIN & CO., i t Importers, 1 Liberty St., i- XL VV . X UHlVi Bold Th ColumEn. Cy l i NCKBB k BIBTIBADX, Wbdieeale aad Betall Grooera, Bt teaman Building. . -0. A. WAONBB,and other.. In ainoinntnV b BDIRB. BOKBIBINA 00., ooSS-dtodaiyw '' andotbert. NEWARK MACHINE WORKS. , i NBWABK OHIO, nannlactnrera of all kind of Poi table aad Btatlaaarr Steam F.n . Btaea, Ktw Blllla, Vrtit mill, - - Ao.f AC. LASS A BODlXk Btattnl B. 1. BLAND YBtatenl id, B. ' DUTJlLL Btattnlll COLUMBUS r XACBmSCO. Btatmllll BSADfOKD A CO. Btattnl tilt Our Fortahl login and Saw Kill Wat awarded the Brtt premium of 50 at the Indiana late fair for i960 over Lent fcBodley's on account ot Prtoe, lightness, simplicity, economy of luel -7 and superior character of lumber enwod. Onr Stationary Inline wu awarded at the aunt Tali tht first premium of $200. Onr Portable Bngtne wat awarded the flnrt premioa ol $100 at the fair at Memphie. lenn., ortr Biandy't Da Tail's, Colombo! Machine Oo1.., and Bradford A Oo"e. . by a com mi Ute of practical Baifroad Bngineen. for priot and tennt adiliem W1LLABD WABNKtt, Treanrer, deoSAwlytolt. Newark, Ohio new goal yaud; THE'rirDERSIONED KEEPS CONa BIANXLt on hand and for nit, tht beat qnallty ot HOCKING GRATE COAL, which bt will all tt tht loweit murket prlcei. Oall aad examine my Voal belore pnrcnailng elit whera. Offict at tht I to re of Bnt'lforJ, gnydtm A Co., head of Canal, i . i . , D. T. 8TJTDAM. tep96-3a .' COLUMDTJS OPTICAL INSTITUTE. . .. V -- i The Beet Artificial Help to the . ataataa hiyht evr Invented. I JOSEPH S. PERLEY, PRACTICAL ' SCIETNTJFIC OPTICIAN, KEEPS TBB' LIBGEST ASSORT, mtnt of tht aott improred kindt ol Bpeetaolet. All hit aiettea, whether for near or fajMlghted, are groaad la concert eonrtx form with tht grtatea etre, to at to suit tht Byet ot ail eatee, oaring Weekneaj, Dlnlneai or Innanunatioa of the Byea, and Imptrting itrength for long reading or lint ttwln. - ' Offioe, 13 Bait Btatt tUeet, at Beluer A Webtter't Hailo Btere. ... -i. rt .. aagS-dly r " ., ,Honry 33Haolaloxr, ; (Late of fhalon't EitablUhment, H. 7.,) PR OPHIETOEt OF TIIR NEW YORK Vaehloaable BhtTtng, Hair Catting, Bhimpoonlng, Carllng and Dreaelng Saloon, -.p . , v Bontb, TTIgh St oyer BalnTa Store,' when eatiiftctloa will bt girea In all tht vtrloni branckee. 1 .' 1 1 . Ladiet' And Children'! Hair Brewing dont In tht btit Style. - ' - ' , , ; . . W.r.' v;1";'.' ::;yi " .-..v.:-;- OysteraTOysIers!! C?-. -tLw "TJ3LGr:NJIiMrL HAS JCST RECEIVED, AND WILL bt la dally receipt, by Bxprett, of - PASSU OAS & EEQ 0Y8TEES, frym Baltimore tnd Fair Baeen. Call at Wtgntr'j Oyiterand fruit Depot, Do. Ql But Stettttntt. . . , t Colnrabns Wholesale Liquor Store LACELLE ROSS & CO., ' ; COmilSSM MRCH4NTS, JJ1POKTIBJ AND PlALKRg IN B) fli ,r4 I i J . 0 ' f orelga and Someitio Winei. Branfllei, OLD R H, MONONQAHELA ' BOURBON WABBHO0SB AND OfflCB, 824 MTOTII lUflrJT., , k a i u' 'cdLtriaiijs, ohio. eaSdlyl .tH, 2i tjt. i ii iiDnmni ,a . XTSFlXLlaxxx uQl. coLtxnBcs, ompj .-i i . iGRICPLTURAAJllAlOUSB nrtiaxa., peoa, cjtoi. iITl.(V ili'W,"tli t,.'l i;EimnAL hardvahe; ak- . A v . . ri'Ta(--Tr f" V BAIL8, LASf , lAta, YCttl, OOBSlOB) aaBMt Platwl, WaaA WlUaw'wfcr, abteaat Baabw Belting, I act Leather, Hott tad etwus