Newspaper Page Text
:i .I.'' SATURDAY MORNING," 0CT.'"36, 1861. . Rail Road Time Table. Littls Miami fc Ooumsot It JLnru B, Arrived flini-lnnitl Annnmmoil.tlim. 8 00 A. M. - . 8:10 P. H. 11:40 A.M.. 11:03 A. M Mall end Accommodation.. 8:10 P. II. ,' 9 00 P. H, Night Kxprest via Dayton. 19:00 midnight., 8:20 A. al - Jan. W. SoantTT, Agent, Culuuboi h Ouvklmd B. B. - ' V Night Expreae ...3:40 A. K... nMSfiM. m..- v.i u .... u in 10:5 A.M. o n. AO. wJrliDn 9:M P. U ;:. at. -...:. Jamb PTTIMOII, Jfl..' OKTKaLOBIO B. R. ;,. m-J ;. !;-' r. . No. 3 Express.. .,....r. J:S0 A. M. ll:S A, W. No. 5 do W15 P. H.'it 1L44 A,. M- .'.,'-.', .'" W. J. frflt, Agent. PrmioRaB, OoixMtus OwcuniATi B. B." ' M.I1 Train .'.. 3 M. .11:25 A.'H. xpreeeTraln U:9IA..M. ' 8.45 P. M. . Jot. Boiimoh, Agtot. Colokiioi fc iHoiaworoua, B. B. ' '. ' (OoLOKDOi Piao fc Jhoiaa B. B.) , 1.'' .. . No. 1 Bxprest :30 A."M. .9(W P, M No.S " tj 3:00 PtM. ;':0 P.M. Accommodation ........ . . .'. ' " 10:30 A.M. . C. W. BaiT. Agent. , LOCAL MATTERS. r. .. , A Chance for Printers. , A Democratic newspaper, recently started, with s'elr, eolation of 900 copies, b offered for Ml at the low nrlc Of four hundrtd dollari ooe. It U .printed. In, a flouriihiog county, ml ha prt of Dm county printing, nd lt circulation can aslly be raised to 800. h ma terial of th tOn coat, two year ago, $800, . Ibis li t good opening for a practical printer.- Addras Editor Statesman, Oolunboi, Ohio, for fnttbef pirHcnltn.' ' ' 0Ctl7-lf i- i. .. r :-. 10 , . CARD. At all r deeply Interested In the welfr of our Boldierg, and desire theif eomfort la thtil exile from borne for our protection, we hT de termined to give a Benefit Entiktainmint at Armor)' Hall, on Monday erenlng, Oct. 28th, la aid of the Soldiers' Aid Society of Col umbo , on which occasion an elegant bill will be pre sented. ' - - - ' CHARLES M. WEBB. Probate Court. Items of buslnesa traniaoted la Ibe. Probate Court of Frauklin county, JuJge Albev, dar ing tbo week ending Friday noon, October 25, 1861 1 . . 1 '.(' , MARRIAGE LICENSES. Thirteen marriage lioenies were leaned .fonr lees than during the preoedlng week. , GUARDIANSHIP. David Lttbam appointed Guardian of bit fire children, on account of money coming to them from Sasan Dulin's estate. . y Frederic Stuetzs appointed Gaardlan ; of Cbas. Faistkorn and Chas. Newbaoer, minor rolunteers enlisted by Capt. E. S. Btnltb. . X PROBATE OF WILLS. The last will and Ustamett of Wm. E. Hop ' per, lato of Franklin township, deoeased, and also of Henry Plaff, late of Troro township, deceased, were admitted to probate. T . . - ELECTION OF WIDOWS. The widow of Frederick Stambaugh, deceas ed; also of Henry Pfaff, deceased, and also of Wm. Borland, deceased, severally appeared In Court, and elected to take under the wills of their respective husbands. ' . '.!, ACCOUNTS FILED. Jane Pngh, as Guardian of A. W. Lackey's heirs, filed her final account. Matthias Zengler, as Guardian pi Leonhard Eoglehart's heirs, filed bis first account. , John Seeds, as Goardian of Aaron Beeds, filed bis first account. . , Abel Baldwin, at Guardian of CbriBtioa, So phia and Edwin Miller, filed bit first account EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS. Amor Reet and Elizabeth Stambaugh were appointed axecutorsof Frederick Btambaugb't will. . . " . Philemon N. Gray was appointed adminis trator, fe bonit lion, with the will annexed, of Philemon Needles t estate. ' " ' " APPEAL ON A ROAD QUESTION. David Fisher and others filed an appeal from the decision of the Trustees of Hamilton town ship, on a question relating to the alteration of a road. j AUTHORIZED TO SOLEMNIZE MARRIAGES. Rev. Daniel Bonebrake, to ordained minister of the United Brethren in Christ, was duly au thorized to solemnize marriages In Franklin county. NATUARALIZATION. Anthony J. Rucss, a native of Wirtemberg, received his fina certificate of oltlienthip.. ... DISCHARGED ON HABEAS CORPUS. The following minors, having enlisted with out tbe consent of parents or guardians, were discharged on writs pf habtat corpus ; Charles Faistkorn and Charles Newbauer, volnnteers enlisted by Capt. E. S. Smith Chester Ai Bet hard, Wm. Swanger and Jacob Bowman, volun teers at Camp Lyon, and. Anthony Ray, Jr., a volunteer A Camp Chase.' , They are all of this county except the last, who belongs to Madison county. ..,, n '(:..-. .j !;,,,',. ACCOUNTS SETTLED AND CONFIRMED. First account of Chas. Frederio, Execuior7 of Joseph Sattler, deceased Bilance In hands of Executor, $5,000 64, which he wat directed to pay to the legatees la Austria. , ... Final account bl Jonathan Tipton, Admlnlt' trator of Samuel II. Covert, deceased, j. Balance In Admlniatratof'e bands, $259 47 " ' .1 Final account of Emma Brown,- Guardian of David Cntler. Balance In., Guatdiau's handa. $158 41. . ; :. -r'Zr Seventh acconnt ot 'Philemon NGray, Ex ecutor of Littleton R. Gray, deceased, x Ba!ine4 due Executor. $29 63. First account of Hawee Barbte, Administra tor of Hawes Barbee, deceiaed.,' Balance due Administrator, $38 60. -t i.u .. ,.-tv f Final acoonot of Jesse Courtwrlght GuirUIan of Wm. H. H. Goldsmith; ' Balance due ward, $108 95.. f-.'U".'.-: ?MiiZTi Board of County Commissioners. TUESDAY, Oct. 22, 1861. Board met Present Messrs. -Sparrow, c ...1, mnA Slfi. nnrnmltfifntiArM Relief to two indlvidaalt granted from tat Volunteer Fnnd-r-to one $5 Bn4 jo:the father BILLS ALLOWED. Bunael Doy'o (on Clark's rig.Wlv".lM.Wi A. I-frlaumr, (JaH)....,. ..'....t.V-- WEDNESDAY, Oct. 23. 'iteiief granted W .'two persoit. frunV t. Fond to each tS.-'-V" i-" BILLS ALLOWED. Va, Wi it ffl.n.'rtrttsr.,::.v.,.:i'..W.liiii -n) laus yram, Adjourned. BeeVit , to' BoLPim' ?X7o'ciTIt Wui Sisters, With their Maal -liberality, will give a' benefit to the Sotimr.JtitSafllofyjvf this atriwoDay:T'T5,rh,oh-a'- euloa tnewlli:glTi;tai4. 6 btf-fcH the gro4 receipts of the boots. Let every fee son go and render material aid to our soldiers, Bow suffering from oold on the bleak moun tains of old Virginia, . , EviaCHARiimo, BvaaNEf.'Wellinighl tbe poet have used this 'txoltmaUon! if be, had wltnestedr debt after night, the- erer-varylt), and tmuslo transformations of the Wise Sis ten at Armory Hall, 2 1 ' if iit -J Laat evening the Hall was again filled, and thtj entertainment wat fully equal, If not tope rlor, to thai of either ef the preceding evenlngr W feel warranted In. antlolpitiog that the tame win oe saw ot tno. almost magioai-pei. formaooet that will be presented, to-ilgbt."'J It It rarely, Indeed, that this publle aVf favdf edwith the tight of two snob' protean fairies at the Wtii Sisters'.1 The opportunity to-' en joy the amusing noveltlet they exhibit, and the charm ol thtir tinging, ahould not tuffored to pan. few nnImproyed.-.r !; fcr lulto a crowd of olvillant -and military gentlemen was -Attracted to witness, in frohjt pf the Sfatr "Houe'yesterday afternoon ( a skir mish and bavonet drill by a squad, frorm CoL CAaEiNoroM's) regiment,,,. The , tact,. nd:'tl dlenlaved bv the soldiers elicited warm admlra- -j "" ' " i -1 r i f f ' ft CTMessri..DuiiMa A. Neiiwapdje, oa tbe northeast corner' Of High slrcet "and the alley between Broad and Gay streets, hava on hand a large, and floe stock f groceries, which they are ready to dispose of on tbe most reasonable IcrmtV'- '' i --. !-'," tij-'.T. 'The Paisioim Genii at Armory Hall Joim an & ,J)i were sitting lj JaJim'-f on-, ning Over" their lesson In "mytbologyA'ineV - . --y.. .,,ll' , f.'v.l .-.!,, i J. idea sirucc John: j i .,, , -. : ntxtt .i;i, ', f'Do you know, Jane1, .who' Is Jbe 'presiding genlos at Armory HaH7"i n"u :j.-, "inaeea, i ao not." ,,,.: ;,,;-.-; " It It Protent, Jane." u;j-' "No, John, It must be Momus1 " ' ' "Ton M mistaken,-Jane,, for without, the transformations of ProUnV, yoi( Momua' would have nothing to laugh at." ..." And without the presenoe.-of. mj Mqmus, John, your Proteus would excite fib mirth." ' Both were right, for both these, deitiet will preside at Armory Hall to night End inspire the WESE BISteTE. '' I .'. I-3 i ,n:U.-J.r a ID" Tbe subsoriptlpnt i (hit elty to 'the Na tional Loan now teaoh nearly of quite $75,000. BILLS ALLOWED. Headquarters Ohio Militia and Volunteer Militia. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, COLUMBUS, Oct. 22, 1861. ' are making Inquiries in regard ti clothing and blankets contributed for the benefit of the Ohio troops In the service of the United State, it Is deemed proper to stated through the publio press, that all contributions will be received at tbe State Warehouse, in Columbus, and at toon as any considerable number is received, will be tent In charge of a trusty messenger to tbe trobpt moat ln need. ; The contributions may be tent W my address1, at tbe expense of the State, and the freight,., chtrgtd byUalpWtitlon companlst, will be paid here. , huaiai rr For these' contributions no charge will be made to the eoldiert who recelvo them. So far at possible, and the necessities may in- dioate, tbe wishes of the donors will be carried out In the distribution, butJh9S tale' cannot fur nish transportation to the nameraut agents of benevolent associations all ovec tbe Slate, woo are detirout of entrusting the" goods and distri bution to tome one eeleoted by themselves. The great expense, as well as the liability of dupli cating contributions and giving them' to soldiers who are already (imply aupplied, will at once suggest itself to tbe public, and I trust all will at once see . the necessity of forwarding their contributions here. , . I beg to add that, from all the Information we oan obtain, It it hoped and believed that the statements of destitution, and suffering among our Eoldiert it, or hat been, exaggeraf- ' jE'ery exertion la being made by the effitt. Af the Government to forward supplies to tbe trope-j- and buttery few instances of actual eufferjiig are now known. I have already received liberal contributions, and ahall make an Issue of them this week, and In due time will msk public i the donations which have been received through tut pepait- ., ' -'. GEO. B. WRIGHT. Q. M. General, O. ,To Miutart Gentlemen and CivriiANt Van will find at N. GonnERSHEiMEa's, No. 129 8. High street, next door to the Goodile House, a large and superior stock of ready-made olotb- ng, and a like excellent stock of cloths 'to be manufactured to order; In the mercjfanrtallorrng deoartment of his establishment. M-Mf.. it. SrotxiMO, who tftuperinteudsV'vtDii. department It a sklllfal cutter," whose ability and reputation afford an ample guaranty that none but tbfebes't of work will be madi under his inspection Our readers, military And otherwise, toll Ana it to their advantage (o purohasO lhelf clothing ready made, or jeave their orders witbMr. Gen dershiimer, wbo m an old and expertenosa mer chant of thjfl pity , and It enabled,' fro ' the, fact that bo buys bit voodt 1 for cash, i ten- at Terr low enure. iso,-: 0 m ,,h ia.- - Remember S. OilNDERstfEiatR, wo. soutn High street, i ,, .t . octia-Imeod ' Mastec, Ck)iiimissioner'B Sale.. radtriok BwUher, Adm'r, ke.) . T)T vtrtua of an ardor ot to mo dlrectoi. from the II Rnrutrlnr Onart of Vmnklln eoankv, OhM I Will of- f.r for wla at thadoor o fhCoerJ ogw tytfw Cy of OolamlMitoa :ec!i v, e,.i;5 . ' , 8atnrday,.the 26tU day f Opt., A. plqol,. at on o'elook P. M., tho following nal utata, iitunle In th ooanU ot Franklin and Dtala of Ohio, to wit Ona hundnd and six aeni off the st end .of the following traotor sueel ot land, In section o, quariw , rown hip 10, nut 81, OongreM landt (M&tihawt's torvey),' IwRinnlD. t th nothwa.t corner of uid leolion, thence aontii 158 1.10 nolo to while elm from which la a hewn J8 tnohei In dbunoter, 8. 40 deg. K. ii links, and imp whit. mm. tO tnHtimm. W.' 4 Acr. E. W linki. thence loebee V dliaeter. M. SA dM. W . links, and another becoh SI . chet, B. MX deg. VT. Si link), thence by Isndi of tho k I of oka Bmlth, Smaied, ajuttt 1&7 a-io poles to th mo. Haw on too aonth tide ol said Motion to a .take, thence wwet akmv tb eanUon lino W tbe louth. weal oonav of aM aetiea, them north along the waat Una of said saeUon Mil U tatameia Uiav said Dnt man; Honed Una, aha whole traoeeowtalDing.epe bandrod and aigni aoiwe ana didvij poioe. , - 1kl . Appraleec Ul M pat asm Kent. hKi, a Printer's tsas, j i , . i coeim aimjuMwiuomniiuinneiv .0. 1. Ooavarta, au. NpB9rta-i3.xawi.Oa ,M'-A.1.11 Tl .III 1 I sc) XH h-ri Wat. rT.BicbareA.adBA- , RT Vlitnaaf atardaraf salttoalratad; frohj.Uit rinnrtnf OommoB Plaaa of Inuiklin oounti.OLio. 1 wIltaSarfortalwM aba aoot. th 0.u(lt.oute4ln UeU7 0( wmmapii o vum.ium uiw.a,.,!. ' On Satbfday.'NqVsmbeT Wthf Ar DH61 Vto'alookvJ. Mi, U f oUowlog deaorlbad rat,aaUto, , Lois tbraa(3A WrSotyvThm (S5)', nUaJea"(Wj,'$fty m. Mil artwfln rsSl. la the town at Rome, Prat- rle townanip, in me eonnty oi sranaiin. ana bwi Ohio. Al.o, 0"IBrf,-Sioiw or Ian,- which saM Jaoob Ilodl aootht of Joha w. Prtar. . - Apprstiai-e-lla.- a,k SK5.oo s fWap.Hol1rf..T ssouneracrs. a. W. BtrrrMAH, sheriff, - Bf Io. Davis, Deputf Prlnter'efall $8 00. aatlHd . TELEGRAPHIC. Reported for the Ohio Statesman. INTERESTING FROM TELEGRAPH ACROSS THE CONTINENT. Release of Prisoners at Ft. Lafayette. FORT PICKENS PREPARING FOR A SEIGE. Movements of Troops in Missouri. Movements of Troops in Missouri. REBELS CONCENTRATING AT SPRINGFIELD, Movements of Troops in Missouri. REBELS CONCENTRATING AT SPRINGFIELD, MO. Great Mortality Among the Rebel Troops in Kentucky. &c. &c. &c. From Washington. [Special to the Herald.] 24. It is about two hundred of tbe Maryland rebels seiz ed a schooner in the Potaxeut river, and forced the' owner to take then to St, Marys, whence tbey expect to make their way across into Vir ginia. ' ' ,:- ' Th fleet or transports ina wat delayed be low by tbe blockade hat gone to Annapolis to obload. Hon. D.TDavls, of Illinois, and Hon". Josopb Holt are appointed on the Commission to exam ine and audit claims against the Government created in Gen- Fremont's department. :. , [Times' Dispatch.] An evidence that tbe falling back of the Con federates ar Fairfax wat sudden and unexpect ed, is furnished in tbe fact that they set up tol egragb poles and stretched the Wire upon them from Fairfax to Falls' Churob, and only com pleted tbe work on tbe Thursday previous to the Sunday when , our troops advanced. ".They removed the .wire, but had not time to remove the poles. ..,- , it is alleged mat even- now letters ana papers regularly received in Aiexanana irom Richmond and other points South. Doubtless tbe arrest of spies recently will make thce malls less regular. ' ? v ' .1 r , . Tbe election in Alexandria to day for mem ber of Congress to represent tbe 7th District took place on toe theory tnat tnere was no election on the 23d of May. Nearly all the votes were given for S. A. Beacb, who will be declared eleoted. Congress will, of course, de cide opon the validity of tba election, . : , . [World's Correspondence.] The aDDearanoe of the rebel steamer Pace In'the Potomac has given origin to reports, that the rebels badcTOSsed-nto: Maryland, but I learn from a point directly opposite- tbe rebel batteries, that all is qqiet so tar as respects an attempt to cross. ' ' - ; ' - -" - J Now that it seems to bs a settled question that-Gen. Fremont is to be superseded specula tion Is naturally rife as to his successor. Gen. Huutee and Gem Wool hate been named, but It is mors possible that msj. uen. HauecK. wno Is on his way here from Ban Francisco, will be ordered to that department. ti l [Special to the Tribune.] ;An Impression Is belnpr created that Col. Baker xceeded bis instructions, and did not retreat as ordered, when ho found tbe enemy in overwhelming strength. .Capt, '.Young, of bis 'regiment, says thore was-no possible retreatjsave by ewimmiog thq PotoMaei -The -only- flat, by -which they got over, hud been sunk. 1 The disaster Is attributa ble to tbe want of transportation. . The order given by Gen. Stone to Col. Baker was piuked up 'with bis bat, out of which it bad fallen, oovered witn dioou ana prains., . it is in Tno norscs ina muin ore ormy aruuuu Waublnglun o snort allowance, it is not Doswlbla lor the railroad, to keep the forage do pertment guppliedr ' ' - - For h cohstruOtlorilbf , it railroad from here to Nottingham, on the- fotaxeut river, twenty miles oi rails-ana sins oorrowca, irum.some unused road Would lay the track speedily. 3 -Col, Craig has been detailed as President of tbe Army Retiring Board, Instead of Col. Cook, who be more useful In the field. . ; , [To the Associated Press.] i Washington, Oot. 5Frivate acoou&tt from the upper Potomac, this morning, report that our troops, reported AS missing, are coming in from 'time to time, while others, oarried down by the current ot tbe river, are known to be now under shelter in tenements on its Danas. -! , Avlstter from Edwards's Ferry, irom i gen tleman of the 6anitary Commission, says that there are one hundred and sevsnty-eight wound ed On our bands; forty seven dead were buried yesterday by permission of the rebels; proba bly nlty were urownea in atwmpiing to crusa the river, and. four or five hundred are prison- [Special to the Post.] ITha'War Department is preparing an official list of our . losses at tbe Leesburg battle. , It will be published as soon as possible, but a great deal of difficulty Is experienced In obtaint ug complete reooras oi toe xitieu, wounaea ana mMStnar. -a : : i. It . ..- -,-.:-' ' The latest reports received from Edwarda's Ferf v state .that all our forces which were en- gaged at Jjeesourg are now qu me rnaryiaua side of the- Potomac, end in excellent condi -r . . . . - mr tion. . ... '' ' : i vi"-" The check encountered at Leesburg has not disheartened the Government in the least, bnt It 1b believed that some bad blunders, were committed.-' v ii-i i. .:..-,.,:. I i - r - ..... Telegraph Completed to Sean Francisco. "CntdAOo,' Oct. 25. A dispatch" received this forenoon irom Quincy says, the telegraph to San Francitco it completed, working through. Southern News. tNw York, Oot. 24.-rThe Richmond Exam- Inor oi (he 17th Instant contains the following telegrapblo news n -. ' ?! ;. . . .: ' T Macon, Oa., Oct.1 lOsA . Contention this morning paesea a resolution . recommenaing Congress to suspend the .oolleotion of . import duties and throw open onr ports for free-trade to all nations wbo maintain peace wua ni. ;, - Resolutions were adopted relative to ins se questration act, recommending that the pay meet or oeott sequestereo oe not required our ina the Wat: that claims for Indemnity and. in debtedness due -at . tba- North be allowed as a set off.'-,J- - A committee, conslstlnc of deleeatea,irom Charleston. Savannah and Mobile, was appoint examine a plan for marine, steam batter ing rams. . . Annwtta. Ga.. Oct. 16 Dates from Penaa- sola have been received. A flag of truce was aent from Fort Pickens to Un attgs yester day stating that the prisoners would be sent to aaw tor oa ouuuaj, ,.t A corresDondentof the Atlanta, Ga. , Intelli gencer la .giving an acsjunt olthe i fight at Santa Rosa, says; t, hardly know ; whether we achieved a viotory or a aeteat. ,a siege is mo- maotkrllw', AWMuted to commenoe and every prepBrationJ'bM . beep made; pfcrhaps ItwiH happen as soon, as tbe dead and wounded have neen earaa ior( ana toe toiaien reBwu. iron ia- tie-na..-. u. . . ........ . . . .... ..... Statement of a Fugitive. ' Nkw rroEkVOct. 25 sMVnr-.-TsokardB tfattve ot 4iiui Ht lugiuva,' irom f lonua, wuo ar rived by-' tbo MoCiellan yesterday, eommunl- catoa-thn fact l&t.Cof, Brown had made all his arrangements open, bis tatletles" .nponTeff sacola oa the lbi and .he was prevent w fcv tbtr- ktraw-tr tne moatn or tbo Alisstssippi which, made it necessary for two of the shin whloh wsrs to havs taken pari Inlhe action to go to the Bid Ot our plocKtdiog fleet. From Missouri. St Louij, Oot. 95. A gentleman Sigel's advance poet repot tt Prloo bad left Ce aar county, ana was retiring wwara ureeuueiu, DaIs connte. ' 2 "'" ffiiael's advanae euard was near Bolivar Tuesday evening, and bit main body at Qaincy. Lane's forces were at Oaoeola, and Sturgls's entire command ona dav't march behind. , Si- gel was about at far South as Price, but tome Iwenty-Sve miles east, evidently aiming for Sorlnefleld to mt off his retreat South, while Lane waa onlv two davs1' march North of him. Fremont and staff were at Pommedeterrs river, en route for Qulooy. Generals Hunter and McElnstry's divisions were moving toward Warsaw. Pope wat march ing on Leesville, via Sedalia; and Aahboth was At Warsaw. The- bridge at Warsaw waa com pleted, and the troops were io cross nwo davlaat. It la trestlo work, not pontoon. ' - " The general belief mony the offlcerrat Warsaw was tnat rrice coma noi ge awj, uu would be compelled to fight or snrrenaer. A detachment of United states cavairy proae up a rebel camp at Uuflalo Alius, ten miiw from Cols Camp Creek, on Tuesday night, kiU lno? iftt-anteeri. wotindlnir a larsa number, tak ing nineteen prisoners, a number1 of horsee, and twenty-two , wagons. , ,, r-i-, r, r- Rolla, Oot. 14. -Reports whloh are regarded as reliable aav that all tno oanas oi reoeia whloh have been infesting tbe oountry west of here, are concentrating St bpriogneiaj aiso mat a part of Price's army had arrived thereqd he balance was soon eioeoted-t .,-, - '.- - Another report oroognt W; oy a -oonnu-jmwn. saia oruers nave oeeu loaaeu iruui m re headnnftrturn ran nlrine all thfl Texas tTOOM to ' ? .. . . T r; i r.'tfj marob to Houston, tbe ArK&naas uoops k a.itw Rock and the' Missonriajis to1-Camp Walker, Arkansas, . -11', V-.lH 'i'jM !,iT Z ' Headquarters. Pilot Knob,- .Oct. 1 ' X3 Bojd of the 24th Missouri Regiment,-Com mandant of this nott. announoes that the proc lamation of Gen. Fremont, as modi6ed by the President, declaring martial law, will be rigid ly enforced in the- counties of JeflVrcon and St. i Frahoals,. Washington ;' and Ironton, and that all persona i,.ken ia arms . against tbe Government of the United States In an irreg ular wsrfare, or vbo may be found to have participated, In any manner, In burning or oth erwise iniurine- railroad or otiier bridses, or cntting telegraph wires, or injuring any publio property, will do summarily snot, also tnat the Bvmnathiisers with rebcllon who are con stantly visiting tbe stations on tbo Iron Aloun- tiin Kailroad, and giving Information to tne rebels, will hereafter be arrested and dealt with as spies. - . . Resignation of Breckinridge. Louisville. Ot 25. The Courier at Bowline Green publishes Breckinridge's cird snoouue- log his intention-to resign bia. United .States Seoatortblp.'-"''-' t - A passenger from Hashville rcpoiti great suO'erina and sickness among the rebel troops at Bowling Green, Hopkiosville and otber con: tiguous points. They claim to have tbree thou sand troops in these localities.'-' :' i - " A letter from Hopkiosville says seven hun dred of fifteen hundred rebel troops are there sick, and from five to ten dying daily. : . ' a ' New York, Oct. 25: Capt. Cannon, ot tho S. S. Delaware, which arrived this morning from Philadelphia, reports that on the 24th Inst., at 6 o'olock, P. M , be passed in the Del aware bay the U. S. gunboat Keystone State, having In tow a propeller, doubtless tbe rebel propeller Sal?or, from Key West. - From Fortress Monroe. Fortress Monroe, Oot.. 24. The weather has been ' favorable for completing the ennr mous preparation for the great expedition.',' All the armed vessels and transports have now ar rived, ',- i ' V1 r.: ' . First Dispatch from San Francisco to New York. New York, Oot. 25, -Tke .following was re ceived this afternoon: i n i.ii.ii Saw Francisco, Oot. 25. To the Mayor f New Tork: San fancisco to New, York sends greeting and congratulates her on the comple tion of tbe enterprise which conneott the Pacific with the Atlantic'-' May -the prosperity of both cities be increased thereby, and the pro jectors of this important work meet with honor and reward. "- - " 1 " -; ', H. F. TESCHEMAKER, Mayor of San Francisco. Release of Prisoners. New York, Oct.. 25. The U.S. Marshal went down to Fort Lafayette yesterdays and re leased John G. Schafer, Chas. M. Hogelln and Ellis B. Schnabel. Mr. Hogeliu was the flth prisoner committed to tbe Fort, and baa been tnere sines Jul; oist. Mr. schnabat ha been prisoner sinje Aug. aum, . .... The War in Kentucky. Lexington, Oct. 25. Forty-three mounted rebels, some with United States muskets asd well supplied with revolvers and bowie knives, were surprised and taken prisoners yesterday noon seven miles from Winchester, by twenty four Home Guards under Capt, Craddock and Maj. Bookner. -The rebels were brought to and are now at Colonel Brnce'a oamp, nsar this place, and acknowledge to have been on their ay to join the rebel army , at Preatonsburg. Four ot the prisoners wbo bad been assisting tbo cavalrymen to escape were taken, also forty two horses. - ' . I.-- Information from Camp Wild-Cat -to-day states that Zulllcouer bad retreated beyond Loudon, and was supposed to be tailing: back to Cumberland Ford; : . The War in Kentucky. W. L. Smith found guilty of Piracy. Philadelphia. Oot, 25. The trial of W. L. Smith for Piracy was oonoluded to-day. The case was given to tbe Jury this morning under the charges of Judges Grier and Cadwallader. The Jury, at ter an absenoe or naif an nour, rendered a verdict of guilty. -, . , , . . ' -: ' 1 ' ' " . r- gEowABo's FerkT, Oct. 24 Tha rebels this afternoon were engaged' la and about their fort between Leesburg and tbe river fronting Edward's Ferry. Tbey had previously remov ed their otdnanoe, but Xrora their movements to-dav was judged they wera. replacing it. Tbe fort is looated on tbe first range of bills from tbe river.'. , ' ,"L ... . .: Arrival of the City of Baltimore. St. Johns. N. F.. Oot. 25. SteamshiD, City of Baltimore, which sailed from Liverpool on Wednesday, the l6;h, and Qaeenstown on Thursday, 17th Inst., passed Cane Kace at v:JU this evening, en route to New York. She waa boarded by the News Yacht of tbe Associated Press, and the regular news dispatoh obtained. tier advices are four aavs later tnan by tne Africa. - - . - The Jura and City of New York, from Mew York, arrived at Liverpool on tbe 15th. Liverpool Sales ol Cotton on Monday and Tuesday 30,000 bales, inoluding 15,000 to spec ulators and exDorters. me maraet openea firm with an advancing tendency and closed noward. - The Manob ester advices are fayora- hlA and rtnlrtnra demand an advance. ' ' ' Breadstuff market is buoyant and all qualL. ties have sustained a slight advancer. 'Wake, field. Nash tt Co. report flour flrfn and advanc ed 61 quotations are 2730s wheat contin ues to advance and has advanced 2d on all de scrlntions: red western and red. .tDuthertT are quoted at ll12s, and white weatern and white .. . . . . . n 1 .' ' J 1 - J eoutnern at itgi'i corn active, auu uaa au- vanced Is per quarter mixed and yellow, quot- ad at 33(3334 whlta 343yi.-. Provisions eenBerally dull) best stead rt pork declining; bacon easier: lard qniet bnt steady; lanvw iui.i fu., . . , . ..... A moolamatlon was. publithed on the tin In stant in Warsaw declaring Poland In a. atate of seige. ' Military again; occupy publio squares of ttrr,.-:-1' ' ' - ;' Cotton factories in Spain are dosing la con sequence of lack of cotton. TACTESE THREAD EjAOII MITTS iU. of elegant qualltHS for Mdieaialso, Mli Mitts war93 .. ,r .... , i irr n cm k trnryai - tyotorinbb d otjffb w ar ivl bow selling t vary low prices, also all other kinds DMhloMbl furs.:' '." "L ' M BANE, .ii, iir i iiiiiai 'f ii unt.Miit j iiioJ ,AHU 'BB'0' "1;Jf;0L We an bow altering our immeos stock of Tahcy lVres BHava- at pneet leas anaai evaa oerore euorae. in anu city Tha attaniion of th ladles of thia city and totnlt aoliotted. a ear stock to vary select and complete la all mdaa af raoAm la aula line. rl VA1H. j.. 9 " . OA .W Ti I -V 1. kv pvHia) ani gwawt. Arrival of the City of Baltimore. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. Columbus Retail Market. FRIDAY, October 25, 1861. Tha' following an the retail quotations somotad bj Wm. H. Beeueaajvaioieeal and retail unoer. Ko. 100 Booth High Street. -Wheat. 5ai00,!f 0. Solar 10110 Data a) bo. ....''.... ...WolMapU do......rt .000 Oornf an. BSe, Batter WSJ. V.... MX-ai-tel M.laaiea ;aL.. SOa Krran gl,....6Uel 00 Tea 9 fc....80,xaM Vaddo tea..... ..... Bl 00 lard .a. aiUj Tallow A Dried Applet? on.. S3 00 Dried Peachr.. 3 OM BloOoffea VIS..v l'I8 lTado.....r......JS5 White Baana S M-Bl 0i Biaav a ...... ..i. W Mo rotatoei. near on.euaioue Brooms do..Bl 009I7S Bay s ton . $9 00 Bait in sack.. 15?. Salt f bbl......i. tl 60 Beef ewU...... 0 0f Soap (nox) S) B.... -rt8c Vlour bbl BS 00 W hits Wheat d o ....... S J tS Hama o fc. lie Bhoaldera .. i.J t Bra Ploar bbl... B4 09 Bait Pork owt.... f910c ISKo Wood oord.... BSiS 6 OaadJas. Opal. bos. . Mo Mackerel No.lbf bbl BIO 0 Ohaaaa A....... 6VS1SX Mackerel Sol rbM $b m Hominy portuaaj . nw Mackerel No 1 kite. . S SO White fiah nor h'fbbt S3 00 Wblaky per. gall. 8531 00 IUI.lna.MB. Box.. ..3 85 White Plb p ir bW S2 001 i", tvara - ... v Oodflabf . I H ", Bnltaa V a l3Mo Herring o nor -.....o uu Com Meal ba-.XtaUOt1 tin m a.w.....WKl4 Pranes 9 BSlSUo Kggt 9 doa.,...r Drlti Beef. ,..,. Oc Wool Tw Ina. 1BO a It) 13 Xc Onnborriei bbj. . t7 50 WHOLESALE MARKET. WEEKLY REVIEW. Pr ooa aalea at 81 5094 05 for saw red, and tl 00 K5 for white; market uniettled. t . -..i WniAT-atWSl 00.' i; ,j. -t-!-t- rO-alea at 20a ' ' l .OTS aalea doll at 18o". .t -vtj. v :; -1-Rtc email aalea a I.'mS5Uc. HaT-aaleeat7. -.- ,? i . - . PoTAToaa nale. at 35f0c.' .. Btaita-ealcs at 87c SI 25. i tat.T rule, at $1 85 per bbl. ' ' ' ' WHiTi pi9H rnlo at 8oB li par Mil. BagaMf Teas and CmTMvaaoingeUll.,4..r - -- New York Market. [REPORTED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] [REPORTED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] NEW YORK, Oct. 25. . OOriOlf Remains quiet and Onw Saltl 21Kmid- pling TJpHindi. j - -. '.' a-liUUtt uemaDdDoin lortxpon ana noma con'ump- tien I. made: market generally without chanu; aalce of 30.000 bbla tt3 30 I rejected 85 3595 40 ; luperftns lata (5 57i5 65: extra elate B5 333 45; luperfloe weatern S- tSUSJ HOI oomaon to medium extaa woalero S5 i05 90s ahippiog branda extra rouad hoop Ohio td 0 50; trade brand, Canadian floor In moderate demand without decided chn-ge ealei 800 bb'a S3 40"315 in- perflne; f5 6(kiS 7j commin to choice ctra. itye flur qoiet nd ateady S3 00$4 10 UUKN MKAb vmetano uncnangen. sales -.-wiwjH New Haven S3 SO. - . . . . . ,. - .... r, whisky Market without dee ded ahanae.. Ba ea 60Obbli 20(50)f. .-.-.-. WH a AT The wheat miiket la le lower, wiln mod erate buiineia doing for export, at the decline. Bale, of 32,500 bo.hele Ohio aprlng, tl 19)1 SI. 3S.0S0 Kctne anrlng tl 1B1 23. the latter nn outilda nrlce; 08 000 MilwaukleclubBI i'91 24; 4o 000 amber Iowa B I 249 1 .: l.auu extra do, St 2H: B 400 red .tateai i(il 311 58.000 winter red. weatern. Bl 2fkal 33; 1M.400 amber Ulchigan, Bl 3491 30; 12,500 white weatern. Bl 359 1 40; 5,000 while Canada, Bl 40; 5,300 white Kentucky, Bl 403tl 40,. and 0,100 extra oholoe white Michigan,-at f 1 50- BY K-llulet and In ralr request at 73380, aa to quality. BAELEV More active: aalea 33.000 bush, at o2(Sti5 for atate; 0j73 (or Canada weatern ; 60 for Vermont. CORN Corn In rood inpDly. Market heavy. Bales 183,000 buih. at 57j657X for inferior to oommon mixed weatern; amSS)( for fair to good shipping do ; 80 for western yellow; Wi for white weatern. DATS ttather eaaier. Bales at 4U0a)4l, tor Canada; 4149 for weatern and atate. rOKK Market oontinuea dull and without decided change in the price. Balea 560 bbla at 1 15 25Ca15 75 for sees; a u siu uu ror prime. BKEf Dnll and hear, galea 100 bbla at B434 50 for prime; B55 50 meas: mil 25 ranackad meea: I 75 13 70 extra meea. . trime meas beef dull; and nominal. BEE? BAMS Tn moderate demand1, tales CO bbl! western at 816917. COT MEATS Mora active at rather eaaier price. Bales 175 pkze. 8houldera5oi hama 536c. L KD Dull and drooping Baiea 100 blla at 8X89. BUTTER A abide firmer.. Bales at 8312 for Ohio; isamn tor state. CWSEbB Dull and heavy at 57o. ,' r Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, Oct. 25. In a general way there It rather mora stir in tmtineis' The jobbing houaee. both erooert and dry eooda mer chants, are well engaged ; though, aa heretofore noticed, buyers make- small though frequent bills. A small amount of money ia made to do much greater aerrlce than in ordinary times hitherto, in tnea aa well at la the re tail branches of the same branches of trade. FLOOR There Is rather a stagnant Flour market. Superfine we quote at 4 IS to 94 20.. Extra anl Fam ily at B4 5 &4 60. J W UK AT Wheat was rather Inactive to-day, and buy. en atood off for lower price. Prima Red would not bring over boo, and but lewtirers anov vuo ware mad for White. Bellers war sot disposed Io meet tba mar ket at theie'flguree.. . t CORN Corn stll elands at 30a. ,. ' OATS Oats are In large receipt, and dull at too. Offers to buy were generally XttSlc below this rate. - RYB Rye sails in small quantities only . and. istield mostly at 40o. . . . . BARLEY Barley Milt more Kadllj Aslrlotly pilme article will bring 50c : WHISKY Whiaky to again down He pergaL.and, u usual on a decline, dull, . - a . , Commercial. Cleveland Market CLEVELAND, Oct. 24. FLOTJH Sale. 73 bbls double extra red at S4 69: 90 bbl choice do at ft 79 ; and 90 bbla superfine at gj 79. -, . . ., ,. I wheat Quiet, Bale, 9 ears red en track at SI OS. and 8 ear white at 91 03. . ... . .. CORN Bale of ears on track at lie.- -OATS Sale of 9 aar on track at too ' u.. ... , v BARLBY Bale leer at 50 on track. r No sales of otber artioles reported. No baag la ii.;. t price. - . , . . New York Cattle Market REPORT FOR THE WEEK ENDING WEDNESDAY, Oct. 23, 1861. TOTAL RECEIPTS OF CATTLE OF ALL KINDS, FOR THE WEEK. According to th reports from th several market places In the city, then bare been received thltweek: - gbeep and B'ves. Cows. TmI. Lamb Bwlnt." Total At Allerton'a, 4 960 54 5 708 .... ... Browning' 115 T . 65 4 99 .... - .... O'Brien's. 30 39 7J 9 Ml ' .... ..... Ohamberlln's.. 58.31 140 3,920 .... .... Bold bu'rj, Bar. 654 .... Total , 8,117 131 . 653 11.499 9338 9,587 96 651 29,961 'ipr'e week. 5,157 - 97 007 13,913 Av. number f w'k, i t y'r. 4,301 '-556 , 349 9,709 7,696 12,969 BEEVES FROM DIFFERENT STATES. A. M. Allerton Sc Co., ProDrietor of th Washington Drove-yards, 44th-t, report the Cattle In Market from the following Statea: ... . .. NewYork 1,91 6 Connection t 57 Ohfo : 731 .New Jeney... ...... 97 Indiana............... 478;Texas Illinois 1,137 Canada r.. ........... Kentucky 409Mirhlgan Iowa - (Mlaoourl ,. PennsylTania.. ........ -.ChooUw Nation 911 BEEF CATTLE. Number reported for this market at 'Forty-fourth street, arou. lh price to-day ar quoted as follow:" - Flrat quality.;.. .8 B8X I Ordinary.,;....,, 66) Medlum,......7, 7, Extra...... (B)9 The geaeral are rat of th market to 7X0.- f A ' Th moot of the sale an at 6Keo- ', r r j. t Prioes per head and per pound, of different weirhhc will be found In acooonts of sundry droves. Xotal number ol Beeves received In th cltr this week 5.1 IT. .. . - xeie is tu leas inau iaat weex. ana 753 need more than tba average ot last year. . Th averaxw number at each Wednesday market bat year was 3.491 head, while tbe number today being 4,xbU, ahowt 709 head more than tne average, aaa lux leas man uu oay ween. CLOSE OF THE MARKET. JTefne(fav, Oot. 93.Tnev to a great ehaoie la tht weather tha morning opened warm end rainy, and baa neaa opened iftth very dnll prospect f sailing out, as mora than usual were toft for eale to-day. and several freeh lote have arrived, aad tome of the brokers who re fused offer yesterday appear very glad ta aeoopt tha same to-day, and owner may eontiaer taemeeive lnety if they get within S3a bead or ourrent prices yaateiway mornlag. . With all theory about "a abort supply," It will be seen mat we nave wiinin au neaa oi a many in number aa wa had laet week, while the event welrks now ta at least 95 pounds par head greater) ao that the quantity of meat ta very much larger, and th quality decidedly better. ' Indeed, tbe number of very good bullocks ta larrer than it aa been any weak- leri monthi. A the day advance, tne weather tutwe eauler and nriMneets a little better, hut th tratt) is. the tunnhr 1s too large for th demand; and K equally large next week, th rates now ourrent Will not be sastataed . In deed, tiny are not sustained to-dvy open an f md. aad late in tne anernoon n iaoa aa inougit ail toe oauie could not noa buyer. , ' - u.n .. .. . , . - -- r- ... - THE SHEEP MARKET. j k RlpUthtoweek.'li,4Sj;'''- ''" This has been a weekot flactuattobs. ' Th mtrket, i notloed in last report, commenced decllnles oa Wednte- day, ana n eonunoeo. it aownntu road antit saiaraay, which ill aa warm at summer, and probably more meat snorted tnan any oar ra jbit. Tata waa vety eiaooar atlas-te tba large buuhera whe aaad their aaaat to WMblngton laaraatt bo eold wholesale. - . " Honda waa oooier. ana tner waa a rc-aouon in vaa maikat. ao that ateck Would be told eaaai to a oen pound lor the eaaai above the ratal or. Jmi Taaraaay. Xhe market waa eoaottve that about $.000 head acid at Brewalng'i above, aad mora than ui aanai nnmnet u Q'aiian'. and Ohamhailain'a. Tueiday opened etl II bet ter The weather waa oool, buyen keen, and taleemn nr. -ThfrfT,.,m.ew That' tbe PfiSt 4ak Asm ev not. a o !. irntl mem aw." .aaa wm 1.. tr, nrma t aetkMa leraae, whloh weeeealva- lent to sWa )ad for the net weight of meet. Th vwlu of pelt end fat tadawl thlt to 5o. , te that atlUo ' . . . . . I V. . . -k& at St. a head for tbe earoaeee, wntcn waa n price wit I momuia ig le w.ihln.ton Market. It three th fair proa t. I he pito f I Qoq Mia ana gov. 9" puvep MiBoWabev.1 th seme, oeemUns either y the head or SouaS. The lowea price that ie sell, Wiiea any way t for the ahamblaa, ia S3 a heed. A good fair lot at 3 85 S3 SB, and a good lot at 3 75tast, and so on above Ifcailor extras. . .?-, - i Wa naUoad an Toeeday. at troanrlng'a, a M of laSt ana Sheap, aboat 170 head, tbe keat offer for whkh was Bx, wnica wa aavuaa tna oroiee re iaxe, aa uwy were dear at that. What caa a ma expect ta saaka who brloga each tooktslbie market, on leas be steals It ta aurt with. i If ha eeta off with leaa than B I 85 for freliht eooaalaalon, yardaga, lead, has atnar oaargaa, pet need, ha Will be lucky; and If aa goad atook ebeep aa theee aie not worth moia than 75 cents each at hoata, they ar fioop.- At any ataHttoyaee eater place hare. . , The market thia mornioa waa aolte dull at the open ing, the arrivala having been pretty laree-abont 1.400 at Browning' end prtoea-wanld landoobudly have had to giro way f tnere bad me pees a tnoreoie ooaage in th nil,.,. r,u-h nn 'the abetd broker aaaeweenl. daaee to hold oa, and tern pel buyers to om to their terms, i c n - . w. niiA.A (1,1. .nnmi,,. at Wnrt Joarth etreet, a alee lot of Umbs held at B4, which bwywr wanted at 3 SO eaca. To bring Ibla price tne aawaun w ajw, run even at about 45 lb net. .-:-- -r ' fbe receipts from different State at Browalag werej Sew Tork. 3,9S( Ohio, 359; New Jeney. v; jaJCBigan, 101: Indiana. 174! Cawla. 270i and the dally reaati tt: Oct. ia.8fil: Oct. 17.559: Oct. 18.490; 0rt-.3UA7Q; THE HOG MARKET Reoetpt this weak I K8V - -i-A 'i ,-' r The (ollnwinv mrm Iha ntalbra atVaa bV HearT D. Grant, Superintendent af tbe market:' ' t-: , AKtlllei7-M Hag.... .,.,..,3,3Xc., ,1 About 2,000 arrived oa Tuesday, and war all sohtbe- for night, generally at about ie per lb., being meetly lliht tiiea. Th condition of tbe weather was tar arable for killing, and the market lively.. - . n'. Thia morning the market wa "etleky" at th open ing, but Improved with the state of th weather aa the receipts were not large. If the market not crowded beyond ft eapaoity. abtfpere may axpeot b4 th mm rate Bear cftirrvn. HiiawavK. ,? ...v-r. in t vm eo W. Domtaa give the foUewlna aaOlt Bika, oil BogsmuweMi (,.. rif.-iy -; ,-f J Live. j i 4 weight, lirsLquaHly corn fed, ltrx "Vat V v "'ui, I .ue 44 r.shty .n. tdhSkl i Second quality eorn faaV.i"..4KdAi -. Jfil '.(5J lirat quality, email sixes, fat,,r.' , 3i , ut I butohere still-fed MILLIONS OF 'MONEY For an Inch of Time! . WAS Off CE THE EXCLAMATION OF a dying Queen.- That Inch ot time oan be procur ed at a much oheaper rata, and many long year of HEALTH AND HAPPINE3S enjoyed by eonaultlng Sir. MERRY WE AT HRR, who canng ana moai ooiiinata ana long-eienaine; auiMw of the LONQS, HEART, LIVER. KIDNEYS, BLAD DER. STOMACH RHEUMATISM DI8EA8KB TKOU LIAR TO FEMALES, 8KIN DISEASES, AND. ALL AFFECTIONS OF Till XYK AND EAR. ( .. Facta are Btnbbern T bin era I Bear what tha Philadelphia eorreaoendent says in the "Commonwealth,'' Wilmington, Delaware, 9th of April, 1859: - - - . . , . "An English gentleman, formerly connected with th Britiaa Army, ana wno styi nimaeu in -inaian Botanic Physician,' haa of late gained an extensive repu tation here by bis skill In curing all manner or ona plaints. . Bom of hie patient I hare convened with, and tbey pronounce hi remedies and mode of treatment aa very superior. Soma have been re. to red aa If by mgie Vb aaedleiae he nee 1 distilled by himself from various herbs poseesaing rare curative properties. i -While actios: in tna army he devoted hi (clear mo ments to a Ihorongh study of the effect produced by certain medicinal roots and herbs on all manner of dia eaae. It seem be haa found a sure and speedy reme dy for all the 'ills that Seen to heir to.' His practice is already extensive and la dally Increasing. In th com plain !e to which Femalea are subjected, he haa ao equal a large number her hare testified that they owe not only their present good health, but their lives, to the skill of this Indian Botanlo Physician." - Office 37 East State Street, Columbus.,.;. augl7-d3m , . . : Elegant Lace Mantillas, ! ; 33UT et3 SON, No. 29 South EQgh St., TTAVB lua opened au Invoie of very large and AJL handacm .... pusher, french, and chantilla ! ; lace. mantillas and pointe3. Wide French Laces , for Shawls. . ... . Very Deep French Flouncing Laces. , Real Thread, French, Cbaatllla i Oenavesa '. , VEILS. Valenciennei, Point do 6az, Eruueli ana Thread Lacei and. Collari, VALENCIENNES TRIMMED fi'DEFS, ' MALTESE LACE COLLARS & SETS, LINEN COLLARS CUFFS. J . .:i e i. . - In new Shapes, PAPER COLLARS it CUFFS, ' ' , - ...... ,7 , For traveling PRICKS PNTTBTJAXXtY JjQVr. Traveling Dress Grooda. MOIAMBIQrjIS, POPLINS, BHXPHIBD'I OBKOKB BILKS, POIL DI CHBTBES, - LATELLAS, BBO0H1 TALINCIA9, Ac. ko. Th beat and most fashionable style In the atty, ' AT .VERY LOW PRICES. ;? , , v BAIN ek BON, j21 ' ' 99 South High Street.. EXTRAORWSinV BARGAINS . BAlisr&SON; . VO 29 SOUTH HIGH STBIXT. -8 . - ARK NOW-, OFFERINa ttOOO yard Bantr Plain Dltck Bilks at (1 OO-valn fl 8S pryard. x. 9,500 yards Traveling Dres and Mantle- OooJa IS 1-8 cents value 80 cent per yard. . . . - i , $,000 yards Whit Jrlllianlea at 13 1-8 cent vala0enUervrd;,, . u ,t: rc i "... ; S,O0O yards f toe and Donwttlo Gin jhatiit gfeany an- Beg vain, t j.- r, . -.. .,- . rr -: f I.'"' -i r 1-oAl.SO: . . -,j , r:V-.-:' LARGE AND .DESIRABLE. LOTS 0' iioziMBiaiiEi'aiLzoEafKB,,'. , .. CHAXLIS, rODlASD BOH,- '' ; - ( XKQLI8H BAJUWKg. UTELUI, IIWHS, CAUCDJ3,' rOPUKB, AND ALL' OTHER . New and JTfUBhtona'bl Pttj Ocxxl ta the moat desirable etylas and at vary Jowais vr'Vv Of all mawrtols, madeta the matt atybah awaa after tha latest, Ptrls f athlcng-rlhrmort jregnt Wyto may SO. 1 ..; Ha. 99 Bonth High street. Master Commissioner's Sale. Joshua Wtoniealss'r) f ) 3 in niuommoa fit laaa irdluowdeuetil.V ,;. '.. nv vrtHVUE Of Alt ORDER Vr BALE I J la me directed from the Oour t of Common Plea of Fraaklla County, Ohio. I will offer ror tale at th doot of tht Court Hoe, Is th aity ef Oolumptt,101iU, on ,. Saturday, the Si day of. November, A. D. 1661, at ese o'clock, P. M., the following premises, altaet It th City of Colombo, Franklin county, 0.. rerwic I-Lot No. alaa, ml Not) H. IS. r. IT, IS, t IO, 91 and M, of Bnowdeb't tubdlvitron ef tfut-te4 Me I asm at or M eity . - ' - .... : t ' f appiauea at liOt no. wjirf,-... u wv . ."USA? iMVm 14adis,oa, 1 It -r VW- .-T . .4 Vial Bath' aa ,,.,a" ' . U BUU II, Bt U'-v W , M a ij 47s e ' I4'4B 9. at..4A.i US Sa ? ! i.i"). lit O. W HOFFMAN. BeanU.' and Matter Oommltsioasr. Print, rt fees SJ,9J, ep29aiwt. i - '' ---1 ' i-3"X cztzacii 4 I v. f. ' tt-.-awayl ff .it "IkO f 1 f They g. Btgbt:t.Jtle--S5ot;;Al . I .' Frtfr yaaflr tfMtlif. j Su7i..i Sirengtnen T.wr .! fi 3 i- '4W- y. s OPAtjDZNGr'O : u o THROAT CONFUCTlOfsS' a- at n, , -.1 ,'(- ' ABB t i t f 4 m-i tt9.j IA. e.'. I t-m-IVl GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, j J '.. .it: . j i u f. GOOD FOR LICT0RER3, ' rlnnTt-irntl timi Tn. uoaVi trpDa-" nlm. GOOD FpR JIJGER8,Yr y i- , GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES. tADIES ARM tlLIQETlfl .WITH -i SPALDING '8 THROAT CONFECTIONS. " , -- CHrXBBBir CRT JOB V.t -- I SPALDING'S THROAT. CONFECTIONS. H' i r. I . They relieve a Cough instantly. They clear tbe Throat. They give strength sod voiutne'to the voice. They Impart a delicious sroma to, the breath . they are delightful to ths taste. ' They are made of si m pis herbs and cannot,' karm any ons. - , : ..'-'. advlt every on who haa a Oough or a husky Voice' - Bad Breatn, or any difflcalty of tha Throat, te $ el package of my Throat OostocUont; they will relieve roa Instantly, aad you will agree with me that Mhey gb right to the spot " Yoa will And them very usefu I and pleaaiul while trarellng orTRendlng public mte luga for stllllngyoar Ooagh ar allaying your thirst It yon try on packag, I am safe lu saying that yoa WHV ever after. rJ. euntlder them , , r". . Ton will flu J them at t e Druggist! and Dealer. Id-'" Medicines '- '-' - - -' ' : .''.ir rr , 1 1 '; ftuoBi ' i TWENTY-r'IVE CENTS. I ': ' " - - " ' Hy signature ia cn each packag. All other, ar- eoanterfeit. ' ' , , A package will be tent by mall, prepaid, on receipt - Thirty Cent. ... Address, Henry O. Spalding, NO. 48 OIDAR ITBttt, ' i NEW YORK. CURE KervousHeadache CURE X H AT aW V "... By tbe uae ot the PUU th pertodio attacka of Nr ou or BciBadmok4 may be aeventd; and If taken at tht oommcDoecMaVot aa attack tmaudiate raliol rnm pain and atcknta will be obtained. They seldoa mil la naovtag the Bin a and , , " .-' OoA to whloh females ar to subject. I Tbey act gettly apoa th bowel removing Ocelli est. . r - . for UUrary Mm, SuJtnti, Deiioate Female and all pereona af tedwfary Habits, tbey ar talaa , u a lamattvt. Improving th mpp4HU, giving Smm . ttoav to th digatUvt nrgans, and reetcrlng th natsr U -Ualdtyudtnofthof th whol ayataa. . ; TBI 01PEALIO PILLS Sre th raaalt ef long hivee . Ugatioa and care rally oondacted experiment,, havirg been la aa many year, during whkh Urn thai hat . prevented and relieved a vast amoeut ef pala aad mrTti. big from Headache, whether originating in thitra -lytum or from a deranged state of lb afonaacA, ' They are entirely vegetabl in their eomaoaltion'aa may be takes at ail time i with terfaet tafttj withuut Baking any ohaog ef diet, Ml th abttnm of any dUaorttatU tatU rmdtrt tt eoty ao admf nto r Uewa tMidrm. BBWABB uf COUNTERFEITS t . ' ' The genuine kav nv slgnataies of Henry 0 Spalding i tank Boa."-..' J'. J'-'; v.' . Bold by Sngrlat and all other Staler la At eUioinee. A Boa will be sent by aula, prepaid, en receipt of th rrioo, en OorLta. , All rdtt ahoeJd be addieared to ... HENKV J. SPALtoinO, . ' 48 Ctrdar Btgewt, Naw Vartt. yrom th Ixaminer, Horfbtk, Ta. Oeohali Till aoaaanpliah th ohleot for whkh the war made, yla.t Our at headaahe In all it forma. ..... From the Ixamtntr, Norfolk, Ta. Thar hav been tatted la aor tha a thomatad eaaee With entir tnooeea. - - - - - ' ' ' .7 from bPenwrat,St. fjloudj Viai'.'' If rod ar.r hav keen, troubled with th hsadaaha aend fur a box, (Oephalie Pill,) to that ya may hav them in oase cl an atiasa- - f roa th Advwttoar, Provide no, . I. XT.' . Th Cephalk) Pill are tald to b a remarkably effecrlv remedy for th headache, and owe of the very beet tor that very frequent eomplalat.which ha aver been ooTereo. . - -.,.,-- c From th Weetern R. . Oaaette, Chicago, III. Wt heartily esdorta Mr. Bpanlding, and hit aariveJtS Oephallo rills. ' ' "..Vt,'. . ,l fro " '' Kanawha Taltoy Star, Kanawha, Ta. -W are aar that pen suffwtat with- the. beadach who try them, will stick to them. , - - from th Souther Path Finder, New 6rleana, La. Try theml yoa that ar afflicted, and w ar tin that year eaatlaoayoan be added to lbs already nuraeruu Ust that bat received beneute mat no oiner meoKiue. can pradao. a'U i ':rT- .- ijir-, u 7-'kfsota tht St. bwk Dameerat. t The tmman demand for the arllol , Oephallo Pills to rapidly taareaalag. t ,. .j . , ... f tl SaaatSa, Davupetti lew. ' Mr. Spalding wonM not oeenaet hat nam wim aa ar oolt be dl not Aaoat nann Mai maeib i-.i, - - - TrTA alnglt bottle of SPALSINOt PBlPAlBa OLOS win save an tbnaa iteoetaaaaally.aO t. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I ' ' ,-i 1 'J H l' 1 lit. : j M SPALDING'S. PREPARED GLUK! SPALDING'S PREPARED QWEi J Il.),k . I nt M tad ImM. .i lxBOON0VITI - - j. , BIM'aJTOtll. J ai c-t.nj"'Ai:a taa Ms "xn;. , As acetdento will happen, area la well regulated fat) lliet, tt It very saatrable I have come cheap an conf vontoirt way tor repaWnf Feral bar, loa, Oteofcaty, SaaBaa f L . ij aWflfata !T - SPALDINQ'S PBBPAt QLtJlf, ! " ' BMa, dl anoh emeneiailoti and no keaMboid oan afters?' to be without It, It la ai way ready, aa a p to the elk , '"'"r VOSlFDa a ITJUaT HOtJE.',',' ' St. B-A Brm aeoempanle saca hettla,,,,. u eJ . "a), k,;. . . aWi,nbt . PAtro;... :4 , 'S He. SB, Oedai Btreea, slaw ftt. OAVTION. 'Ak eSftbla prietol peeetme at etteaaptlBi In i la. en. the enaaapeetin paMto. Imllattona af a rag fiauao, ana laoawttM alt &BPARED LOa,IwonMoatttloe alt mon tS amlat htor t.'Jtw ' V an aaa (Mil ue lull name. It en th oataid wrarptr; all thrt are swinJuug ' 1 tntSlts, n Kgt ewasaa