Newspaper Page Text
5i3 423 1? ASK nib," V 0 ft 22 KTOBAY STBE&T, - impoeteus'and josqiX9. - roreisa.vAivi.Ppaestlc ,, D HI GOODS or cash or mmiSi ... ........unitrMOt.ll the abo I wo ar oen-i, rftblllx department ithlMiat lath trad. t 0 LOTH DE?AMENt.v Tht. ha Ktowrn to 1U fwt .iiZ.b. .alatnt of a bo,er of ooi oy.r oi imi "l7JT "Vj ist flnMl no euo :nT1VABT0D CO 1' FANCY QASSIMERES To bo found to Ib. m.r rt.u,,, of; BROADCL0TB3, ITIIflTfl-i I II I ..VA'a;.Twr-rr-Ti. tweeds, .vim x - .r .A istow: riUHMD BATISltB, ot U wM ....,, 'fWtoi!ji ..u Da Unli nnciK - i IluaUtoa ' t 1 Powno . ao Printxl Uirof, PrVott Brtlllnte, BotubuiMti ' ' m..k Bilks. ' MncheiUl 0UefaUDI, UIOH" ' ' 1 Cllown Ottoman Olotxu. i Ahiooaa) , , VuyUoa. j ... FANCY SPRINC GOODS.: nielUBond'i Prlnto, MorrlmaoPrtoU, , Ooohooo Paolle ' oo. - Aoortoao do. . Itanooll'. i- . JtoflUh . 4 . tajrieuoo 0. Bh.tu.l. do. Btark do. ' Apploton do. do. do. Lathrop Bbawaot POOOMOt CUca, lu., AU Ortdn and Width BUAOHID Wanwtta, ' LoDWialt, Mill. HIBIIS08 AND BDMiiauB, DwIihU i lAWTenoa, Maamkeaf. BooM, ' ereat fall,, Waltbam, Kew YoikMilU, . Ae. SHAWLSrAND MANTELiS, A io D -,CT AMOPTmi". .COTTOWAMS-agloatTarioiy... xVcKuiflB-nll 0 leadtalt biandi. -DN1HB . . do. - ,-4,, BUlitTina Blair - - "j- do, OOHBlt J1A5I do. MOKKKNo do. UAiliM, TAP 0WW URIOS, to., ow. O0L0EIO CAM- LARGE 'AND COMPLETE STOCKS . j TAIXX1 HOHOHi, v jtlcmen'8 FnriisMiig Goods, UMBRELLAS AND PARABOLA, niRPETI AN 0 OlXoCIjOTHSa And a rraat itet of Joodi not tn aw rated all Ana airaai ov . iomaat norfal Xrp7afJ0t.)pnt. ban lanjoai. - ' LATHROP, LUDINGTON & CO, HEW YORK. STONE'S bazaar: TsTo. 4- Gwvnne Block. A. P. STONE & O'HARRA . DnirRCrl!IVI"OTHEIBWI1l' A IBS 0O0D8, and taotto Um psMio to im. .took .( flood, bat mil o b"JW thisaarkct.. IboBottth, In eoniequODCO ofi tho of ibTISnerop. hu not been abl. tc , pnhofho aalofflrtoodj, LZt Tamim, a. nil thru at pabUa aaoUon, - Oar Sm TbS at th' adrantagoof th, and wo oan andwlll 'TJ' boro, at la than any 000 wbo powbaaid two woota nald fof Ibooi ta Hot. vat OTTOMAN VELOURS. ' - BROCHE VAtENCIAS, - PRINTED MERIN08, - - 4 T PRINTED C0BURG8, -,. , . , . .. dyed COBO6S1 BLACK ALPACAS, , ORLEANS, ' ' " FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, A T.I. WOOL DELAINES. . 4 . POPLINS, PRINTS, i ;J . : .... n ' DELALNEo SHAVLS At!D CLOAKS! Rye Thanaand Dollars Worth Bought'ln.Onorpay,'; HOSIERY DEPArtlTIENL Wool oat UmV W00U IWoej Uaodaad OotlonOioTO. OffainjBafc. . ' : ' . i.- -'ti;, A ompleU ftSJortmeot of bII the nnI rtrle- liot..: .1.1 -j : LADIES CLOTHS, J V CAS8IMERE8, : ' - OVERCOATINGS, I. --..: i TWEEDS, FLANNELS, '' 4.....,i RIBBONS, - . , -..s DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ladiel aadGoat'allsenC&mbrlo Band kerchieft, Ac, &o. " To ponioiii who call on wo ptodpa oar mrit abo thaa tho largert, boat and oboapooi otoob of otot boob la thta Barket, or paotboaoM 4oilm hoar wbllo looking. atiibba. dool-41j3iawlur. 8T0K1 ot CBAKKAi W. A. Batc .elor'B Hair Dye! Aw tpleadld Halt By baa no aaeot-Beao-tal Black ot Natural Brown no Ae akin m kuailnt Ute Bait - eflbrtof Bad Dyes, and larlgetatw tbo hair fog Boae a twlnt- tmlta tlgMd "WT B. Btrteholar Bold eraijrwliea,. ;, f. t v t.. OBAI. BATOHBWB, froprkHor, Jylwly ., ,,. mBarclayBtnet, Bow Tort HAIR DTE. ' Wni. A.' Batchelofi Hair Dye! XlwiOrlflnal and. Bwt ht ,tba .WorUI All othen art aero bnlttUone, and aboald be UyonwithtotacaptrMloBle. OBIT. BXD OB BOSTT HAIB Dyed faetantly btaattfal and Batafal Brown Or Black, Witftout lajary awarded to Wm. A. Batchelor since 1K39, aad erer appUcatlonl hare been made j tle Blr of hie rtrens at aje fcaoas qyei . ,.... .,. WB. A. BATOBBLOB'B DAIB PTB product or not to be BltUngtnsbod froa beta re, and w warranted 'tot U -Inn tb. lexttj bnrrn lrt It sax be eoulln aad, and lb IB electa e( Bad Dyet remedied) tit IrrrsjeaabM Ira Uk by abJe eytoodw Bye. Bold la all muse anl towaa Of the United Utaa, D rerrHte and taoey Qoodt Bwlere. 1LIb Bosae has tbo aatae and addroat wrwrt a paURHrfarregoBBweate4 aaabo-o niUUat ,A. AlCaiJit.oH, ArMveM " I i ' ) I - .: . - CtilRtAB BATCPrtOB,e'Jrarleof, lyaWWlf "' i i BA Dai-nay, i4.i?Wlorh. -. "' .' .' f ' .M ' ,Hli r OF of ka. 11 .1 iBjpMt Wlnro a oayor took abua. ' , t .- to Ooodo pot ttalnmg life, , TIIB 'KEfeED STATUTES;' 'or' . vir iu i rtTvrria op jf a era A aturb.m iobob Aua,.';.!"8. Hon: ;Jcsepa It D wan rJf jrtJ o nrr'pxvisioira or TKtfo w. .vjmewt opp; I nnumuoU'N MUP UVb. .... v ,UDtmt MB WTJT - ! In Tw Royal 8ro, Totamifc, $10 00. w. .ta bera mad W th wort !SJ5?s'k ld ord7r to a .JMrlbatod to th. follow, Stota Ml?aX?AeyCtoneraL Ztim3- T'J "."'AV: .Vt.7f Ooouooa Ploo.. Bupor. "rv7 r u,.oi.rki o( tb lor mo roit y-----. --M;mh. n( nrlou HJomno ta ; ".hTTiW and I to foroo". at.1 .JrSSR tad of wo nowojoaiuuiuBu. I aaotal In tho oitomuaoo of tbdf duUoi, toall ' tin , ' .1 C1IT OIIIOJEUI. Itatauo otaoo tho osbltearloa of Iba hut oUIUom f n TTfZ!T lit mumbm. u4 auor laporWat do- SatoH haw aota fltoa by tho luproaw Court ea owo. rXIUKKEIOAT " t i AKB BUM MIUC OUIUUt, k, anil aj tnsIuhlaWork; ,rn r-:i 'T " ' . -,.: n.iMrf of WW 'nib In Btroni U Blntor ; JrlooW.M. a lhaab... - 1 -rervmrrrr rrnJaHICKi X30.. UvrubUahen. kano'jtMmri and toportora. ItblftdSavki ntoodTloM 10 porooct. lacoun M tho oapnoi omoo M TI.T" . ix ui MiarkoL at prtoei fLi.",.Ln.:fj',sr"B,ud' oiiiuo. AdJt with p o-clooid, , , . . B4ttlT, jjU-jtw - Oonn tmow jwwt TRAVELLERS! TV BBOADWAT,00RNllt Ot BOITBIOSBTIM 4. 1 f "' , v' t Oondnctdon tho 1 1 a iiMxa. PromDt Attenoanoa, aa4 Ho orato Chargoo AH rt , A ., ff - SatB BO0M1 SO 018. T5 OTS. and f 1 f VAT. ! . P0UBM00M8 and PA&L0E8 $10 toS. ui. pvm Rnial kaa all thaaDBOIatDMBbl of tho boot boioIo, Bool oooliol toeatioa, and ll beatod throufhoot tj aieam. r baivu BufCHlMJB " ' " ."r" 7 -r.J0HI H WBZKLER, AOENTrOHnOIBCBtCONTIWENTAlit AUimarriJi, Bacoam, and I urine f laal. Oo. n Toai: Mau:ai)nV and Cm Haa ot BaaTToma Raw Toak Liraaod Com. ktOTOAt, lota. Olflcw, 81 Hlfll 8t. TE BI 007-diy Alexandre's' Kid Gloves. I" 't m ini inFiniiROiDEBe.nuuo' r onitTiln.1 aad moJarahapo Black Bid flleree. .wu.uji-iMrhiiM nitttfiaita.iHimlo.Axo. Undrooaod Kid eiorat . Mtaoao Kid Gloroj. A eo ipleta aawrtownt of taeolaUaitd lore alway lor aa I. 'V fb i, -.-i '.V, Ho.9BoathBlghtroet, D" r?w and ArlT. MotAaomra, f ' . - ' , , - ; TiATcuita Potijmi, : ; x ' .' Cum Tmat, '; ; .VV, t.'... i,i p- Pom m CanTBis, .- . " ':- ,V'V"' '; ; GiiinxM, ; FuhopiMdium, 1 . . FazHox Oboaboijci, ' m rr - O . . . i ,,,, tKITOI T. ABBlB. HXATT BaBOJJI AMD NaUTTJI BiUO And all ottar'awir and tuhlonablo BuUttali moot demand for oaadeoaa Dreowe and MantlLlae. . BWt801t, rriviffl TTfll BAY WID JL Bleokof aroeeriMU.B.aIINO,wechMrfully reoond hi-to oar eia pa-on. k ! ColUBbaa,aUrckS9th, IWl-apl-dtf YJEEOAUT PLAtrtRXtK BIEKB XU BtrMt BeequM ana aaniioaj aiaw. suca aad la tvatoh, at BAIM"' i saayXl . :,-.,.,,? . Summer Under Garments LADIES LISLE UN DEB TESTS. Lsdtae esase Merino do, do. flsall Bilk Drawers and Shlrta. , eenttlndatwaao Brawaaand Shirts. - t 1 v Cotton M ' ' : .u OaeM afermo Under thlrlf . - Wbia and Brow a Drilling Draw. - ; ' Whla tinea Drswen. " Bxtra large rjnder Ihirtt. :. Bapeikw BngUtb Balf Hot. ,' . , .long Blockints. I at yaaoy Ootaaa Balf Boeo. Batpeodore. ; '. . . j '.' . K . OotfeaaUlOilrte... .. . , For sal ta - it tySO.'-' J 1 front Taxletw acA at BUdarato Bo. to South High itmt. ri riczi iiddcxd ; . IlroatUBtwlorkObaerrerl At all partial aianalaetoilng Bowing Machlnee are wpay Mr. How. t b mo oaeeeb macblne aad aro aim ooanpoiled to taako n tarns a Wra, tradot oath, m to thoBBsaber told, hie took a giro aeorreotttaM Bont. IroB this tellable soarae wo hare obtained following atatisUce. Of tht aaahlnfi Bade In the then were Mid, ' By Wheeler 4 Wilaoa.".. ...11. - X. M. Blnger a Ce..,.......10.l . . QroroT tt Baker ....10bv '. . IhowtogthenlMof Wbetleiet Wiltesta bo aWie those of any other Goapaoy. AwariM the highest ptotrtt-e at the ' ' United BtalM Vsln of lttSo, lart and 1880; ' aswat the Ohio StaU Iain of iffit and 1880, and at aawly all the Ooaaty lain at the Bute. Ourprloaa,al the late red action, art toe a$ toe mica taaerune bow boio, bob poi b tnoe nigiier too totarwr aeo aVwaw alam oMa WMefatt, ftniwd nnoa tbo market. The WBBBLBS a WTLBOIf MAOBINB aakettbe toot: Btiob theonlyonewhlcbeanoot Mrareled. aAiOBoaa.oltagelMTlngafoa aAoWeiariUe aneifa ilif. MimncMtt snsw-aWaB S Vart, onl uawoNow gtra la tn.if ae. 'rae .nana. ' 7II. CBABr.Bl High et., Colnabaa, 0. 1 v,., f ; , ,-... WAt. BUMNBS OOh dec3 & wd3aUt wda Pfts'l Overe Hoasa. Cincinnati. ' Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS. 80,64, tool Halt ItMl , ai TltErOLLOVIrTO ClIAIrCES WERE , made la the the ojlotrt of this Bank, Jannanr SVth, 1 . a Wlb Vs. A. Pur-rvPr-ria-aU and Taotlaa Wootn,Cabler, n.rrrie4thiremcre. Barrf Taraoa, In., ww than elected fmildent and W. A. I"OTT pointed Caabter.- -. ...... .,.,bi.avji4i ,1 Br ti of the Boetd of Wneiir. , . .......: tta j, pxil-dtft. , v. ... .. , W. A. F.ATT. VttMttr tub uiiioit ronnvi:n( Union ElVELOPK-A KAMI a-V ys t-sitaa.atBi.Wpetl.trW. .. . traicjr tirrri aid rot vapix. Bt hall the prioo ebargtd by aaaaU aaalera. TfTBBAB QUARTERS iao, TI Booth High ttratt, vTBjBaaa,llay8,ll n . i.H.aiUtl, .vi 'B seel n 4 f 1 IF ai Is tB BOB ob liged aald, tne year oaf man bow It aa. I .OHIOBTATEBIIAIT Ulna Noi5;5S&0fNorth.nighSt, iiioiEAsia): taciiities i tEMiii. tiMss. mm ' HAVING. MOTBD INTO MY IIEW BUILDING, 1 r jr RnnK.&'JOB, " i - urtrrr w uriTW HiVI; BN REPLENISHED THEOUGnOUT New Types,, BorJcrs,' Ornaments, &c. r nWM TH1 OILUKATU) JTOUSBM & ,T. WHUB ft CO., SEW . TOKK, f f Uu-n- Most Complete &teItohme uiiw -w vl in the cnr. i ,, t i fin. 1 ai now prtjpartd to XxaenU aU Ordar tot BOOK AND JOB :PEINTING, WITH DISPATCH! Aai ta tti JCcatt Arorcm Btyl f th Art. BABTICTJLAB ATTJNTIOH tAID W .' r c HERCASTILE AND RAILROAD 3P H. I N T 1 3bT Or . BMIa ef Ladlag, Clrlart ' Bill Heedi, Blank.0, Doada, C'crtlflcatea, Kecelpts, ' Dray XlcKeta, c lalera, HOW CARDS , Si BILLS IN 'COLORS, CBZCZJ, 1 ' ,J " : CARDS : '.- '. i EIADUaS, ROT-S, i ? S5VEL0F-8, ' COHTRACTl. lUiistrated Show Bills, t : FOR COimTRT MERCHANTS, . Kiow Sin, ab- BillB, UUKi Concert Pro iruiw, School and fellem St.M, H tl BUla ( Iat, : InriUtiosB, e. HP 9 r- '-. 1r ' 'VJIaT - T TL w r " ' " - OF EVERY DESCRIPTION , , lobool aa.a CoIIog Uta-ogiioa, ' KllMllantxraj ramphioti, Co-iUtatlona, ReporU, Brloli, A Printing , In .Gold and LColors O S VL? Dt-ETjEl S PrinUd la Xrory Color oa sUlllUiAlU III XiUO V V AA1AUCA ThB only Pms of tho kind La Central Ohio. My fx-lttlat Ibr doing any and all of the aboro deaorlp ttoaa of work, are now auvorpaaawa, sua mm. banaranteod In all cases. tj-AU work tornUhed Vg'Jfigft , ' who should usu , ,v, DR;i J. BOVEE IDODS' 1 VEGrETA ITTiKl -.':. IMPEBIAL ,W1B ; BITTERS 1 Anbo are efflfcted wWi Inetpteat Ooatomptioa w ""-- - . . . .... T .K.lrf Ht i All who tuner rroa w oaa we-, m pep.ia or PU-should aaa t-sat. " ' All who tuner froa Oeaeral or HerrewOebtl BettUatnea at night, Want of Bleep, Ate., should "TTrperwoni who are oonralctcent after fereroiothti gtoknea ehoald bm them. . . . Mtnleunof the Wcpel, Iwyara, LtoUrera, and aublaipeakenahOBlduMthem. Book keepert, tad aU penont leading a tedentary Br ahaald aaa these. ... r All who reoBin a ttimala nt ortonio should use f All who an addicted to the bm at ardent apirita with to Inform, should use inea. . , i Tbey aramad.. tparab-arry Wine, and of the plana and beraa of Abe eountry, and thonld be eommewled by temperanoe eodaUea, olergyaea, siana, aadall frieod. of haasanlty. . . . They are prepared by an experleneed and skillful slotaa, sad, aside Iroa their medicinal properties, moat doUgbtful bore ragei and yet, u aaedk Ino, are Innoomt and harm lM.aa the dowtof bwrea. . Sold by draggist. generally. , CBARTJU WIDDITIK-D CO., Vroprletori, T8 HBllllt-am St., Now Trk. &0BZRTS A 8AIITIZL, Aginta, t. -.- -. ; rs - ClaaWB, Ublw 1 eotsdwly.. . .. . i 1VIIIS, WIN8LOW, Aa ajeperionoed Rnrao aad female fhytklaa, proooaU to the attention of mothers, nor , ,,, 8 00 T H I N G SV T? TT A AV V , : FOR CHILDREN TEETHINO which maU tly (aclllaua the prooeas of tM thing, by anlne the rums, redueinl al innan InOammatlon wll 1 ALL PAla and rpaoiodio mUob, and it STJRE TO HEGTJL ATE THE BOW Depend upon It, mothert, 1 1 wi!l fire rest to yourselves end . ... . - u ...i. i .-- - ' BXUXr All) SRAXTH TO TOUR IBTAKIS. We hare put ap and eold this article for orer ten and CAB SAY, IB OONHDBN01ANB TRUTH, what we here nerer beea able U aay of any other etna NBVBB BAB IX FALLS 0. IN A UHOLB AN OB, TO BP! BOI A CC. when timely ated. did we know an instance o( dlsaatisuwiion by any who need U. On the eon Ira ry, all an delighted with operaUona, eod speak in terms of oommondatloa of aaagioal eteea and medical rlrtaM. We tpeak' In matter 44 WHAT WB DO KNOW:" after ten ye AND PLBD01 OUB BI PUT AT ION POB rCUlXMINT Of WBAT WB USRB DBOLARB. almost erery Instance where tho Intent le suffering pain and exhaustion, relief will be foand In Blteea IWMty minutes after tbeSyrap a adalarstered. Tbiaraluable arepesrattoa a tbo praaeripUon of one tbo moot BXPa-UMCaVBand BKILU (JL NC&HII8 Bnglaod. aadhae boeo ated with KSVBB lALU- , - . VtaOVSAlVDS Or OASES. .' Itaoteoly mUotm tbo ohUd froa pain, out Inrlxoi. aba ihetlntxeM and bewele, eorreclt acidity, and toao aad eaotgy lo tbo whoa aytleta .It will aimoat aeally reUere i.: . '. : flX-rm nr rax towns, aid wind and oraresaseoaraietoDe, which. It agt tpeedlly aHed, end in deatb. We U the Bal and 8 BUT BKMBDI IB THB WORLD, In tllcaaog ofDf .NT-MI and BIABJUKXA IB CHILDRJtU, whethei at fraa teetb-o. or froa any othe, eause. woe-a My to orery taotber who hat a aWld snjertae anyol tbelongolng eomplainU-DO NOT LKT mgJTJLiOaji bU TUB I'KlJCDICBBOtOIIillU and between yoa and yoartuffeiing chlliLand the liof taoA will MBU mayea, Ar).wL-ll.i u loiiow Uit eat of Oils medicine. If timely rued. Bull for aslog will aoeompany each boKle. genBlne nnlea the fae-eimlle of 0UBI1S a. F.RKINd, Bow York, a on wo eataide wnapper.- -aald b all DiBtilaa Uuoutbout tht World. Pvl aclatU Offlea.. ia cisuur street ft PRICE ONLY 84 -CENTS t'-K UU 11 Lr '.iOTAaa1w lt 'V- "' P..ojJ.. -mi rSaettPlWIs t"f:AKW APID PIAWalreES n KIW BTTtBo Isal At Mwa, Nov slttfcwtb lilirh stirvt, here Jut t opened new nylee of Clarra Cw- COLaKa, MiKlt'ia-l and Banorts, maae vn aewMi molt ttylmri meaner. Alw.- Uperb plala lilrsfH Bllhw, rery hoary, deetfnee expiwealir liUiiMd Bawoloo '' .' ; ';,;.(awniau .innan r BHIETI.lUl AMD 1 caiRTINOA, all arMttbave aeetMlmted 1 asa-ea, aeftii ; t.Mti , Mi aw INIbih. tuwne "'ftv ui 1.11. su- lot 1 I 1 r , I i : i f .Hod. Of ' ate al If thea. and , . na Ure re yhysi. phyv are a as T" f ton allay ELS. : years, of", tnedi. 1NHT Bor er one Itt la thit P rienoo, THB In froa or of la glret In couo reme. LB' We rroa TOUB re- w di rections Nopl .If ,i.. aaa Aaj M two iTI ; o .a r . t-r i f? V-.- I . ".iiVC" IHTIT1 ATTISH0H to Mi of tho Boot OX- inoramaiy eimo aj w PE0IOHAL SYRUP, ,5 They aro at hoasa, and nj oot whohM iirabta oan la quirooitaoporaonwBonaTo u " Ti. j ...T ji n.i VI t.'.' nvni n nniKll A AJT TIM! Tn IT1UTUI TB0B1 WHU jiiBaiw4VinM..;.v. c,..,Jl.u. ii un.ii rT "1inrBtm ma min nni.Til A aat of IlTo'Tea'iV ludiaf oarod by DB. KlIBia'B P10X0RAL BXKUf . . ... ..,. ,i"lTTaoBoa, Jan. U. wuui Da. ETta-lty wlrb haa boon affllotodwitb a bad a ml bnathino. for Bro or Ilk soars. blob .for aororal yoartback, bad frad"1 InoroaMdln tlolonoo. Tbo oomplalnl baa bom borodltary, aad aba bad feooatroatod by aororal pliyatdaaB vltboat My to- H.f.' IB IBU.IaOlOI BOX oan, a yniwn ju wt JrJ ana foa a wiw pwi, " .. h sear aa tiaao of the f oraer dlaaaoa, Oxoepl waak- aoaa. I woald atoo ttala that I ated the inodklno ar ,ir taamldandaoaah. The Bedioino oarod mo by tak log one doot I eipreai ay entire aaHifacklon with tho BMiliclae, ana yoa are n ooeriy . - yw Aaalro to do ao. win. niuoun, ; ' Alderman fifth Ward. I ' . . PrrraooaoB. Bow. 18. 18S8. Da. Ka-rm : Alihoagh not aa adrooato ot fatont UedldBOi, la general. It alloidi aie pleaiaro Indoacriba hu ta neommand roar Pectoral Byrnp. Aa a mediolnt It U well worthy the attention of any ponoa who may any maaaer be afflMtod wltA oeaylu, ooiaa aaa noarsoaeea of any bind, and for the peeullar aaUnoatlont for all that diiagrooable Mutation attending a Mrft AO Id. I bare been, more or lead In ay Ufa, affwtod with MTtrMt of Mlda and hoarteneat . At UoMe ay throat woald baooao wo olueed ae to y rarest my .peaking abort awhlapar, and by taking a few doeel of the aboro Byrnp It would me entirely. In rooommondlu thlt aodlelno, 1 aaet nnnMlUtmgly toy that It to tho boat remedy I erer found, purporting care tbo aboro, nor aboald any family be without remedy fordtaeaeet w preralont. Youra, moat rerptctrully, ICWAHDJ. JONBd. Oaahwt OIUaana'BopoaltBanfc. ''J TiT7aTr.0.. llareh li. IBTiO ' 1 i hare ojei Cr. Kiiyer'aOoDgh Byrnp for abed cooifh of aororal year ttaading, and oan eboorfully aay It ih hct mi loin. lor tba aama mat i Bare erer iaen. ) . . 1. W. PB10B. I ' COL. PBATT AND BB KKYSSB'S PBOTOBAL 8YKUP. Da. Kit us Pear Bin Bxobm the delay my aoknowlodgiag theesMlleaw of your Peotoral Cough Byrupeoooer. 1 take grw upn awra is m ijuii m all you aay it la. ItknocixdtlunoittQtuoj myeottg and the wont one I waa eror afflicted with: I hare bmJ more than one-half of tho bottle, and I oaa and i.k .ha, .11 hi m .filleted would tfirollao fabra trial m 1 hare done, and they will be proud to ny, "It la ouack medicine." I would not auiior aaouter auon attack for any eonndentlon, or at aay ooow I aa oon fideotl oaa breathe more freely thaa 1 err did. 1 ahall always asbaowlodge a debt of gratitude for Unrooting axecllont a remedy. Yon aro at liberty to aso my name in thit regard, at yoa think proper. trd, at yoa mint proper. . r. rani, .eewnger Common Council, Blltabargh, Pa. Mei iu-h. lluf 11. IBM. M . H f am no itraocer to ay (ellow citlaena, and who entertain donbte can consult me ptrtonallr. as. a. a. ' : PiT-ralcxea. AnrH 24. 16S7. nEn TITH TB.UTH. Da. bar sax: I bare a ttauiih- ia- ru haa taken Mreral nedlcinH for a baa oouin without benefit among them Ajrer't Cherry Pectoral. I purchaeed troa yoa B bottle of Tour PBOTOsvAL BIEDP, and kefor aha bad ated half a bottle aha reUerod. The teoond bottle cared ber entlnly of eough. , JUUi vjuuK, ' ' ,; Bobinton Itreet, Allegheny. . . . f w , ,att - " riliaauxHB, viunumii A ORBAT CURB BY Dit, K-YB-K'B ritOIOBAl. STBCs I lira lnf Mblei township, Allegheny county. I had aeoughlng and spitting, which oommenutd the tth of r.bruary last, and oontinued eight months. employed tho best pkyakrlaat la tht country, and Magh eontiaued anaited aatU early in Ootober. that time I was adrltod to try your PitCTOBAii COUGH av an p. ahink I did. and after I had taken one bottle was autirely fne from the ooughlng and tpltting. I deapalred of arer gettlag well, aad I think It should known that thai rateable remedy will do for othen It hu dona in my com. -i . i juunuia.ii.iuis, Witni B, U. KOtB., Poeblea townhlp. I pAtTOBlr.. April 14. WS7 a wntmETlTTTT. DfTRB. Some time aco. an neighbor of mine was eery lit, with a bad wugh .. ana. anaaeaad iabtMnaurnDtion. Hit nlaOras aid me tnax no oaa aifa erary iwhuj uio, ura without benefit; bit brother came to bm mm ate, ana - nmornud In the belief that be ooald not lire. bad about the third of a aotue ot your recvorai wbiobl rare hun, and It entirely en rad him, to th. of allTWtaat BakM the case aon remarkable, It the extreme age of the m an, ho being aboul.tghty old. I bare no doubt tne rwownu aarra ma int.. . .. i i. - JuiuaKinfiiD ' DR. KBYBBB'B rBOTOBAt 'aYRTJP IB BLAIR t li b -.puaa. send ma another tupply of yonr able "Peotoral Byrup." Aimoat ererybody around hu the Mid and an inquiring lor "Or. Koyter'e Peotoral Byrup." Wo hire told sixteen bottle, last week, and mw .ntlnl ant. Mr. A. Alteraod Mr. P. Maher, of Blalrtrlile, Pa., tell ua they would not be withoat In their famlllea. la tact, aU wbo use it once want again. - WBSOHk BONI. j January 30, 186D.. O-anaa-BB, ! ANOTHER NBW OBRTIf ICATB DB, KBYBBB'B linmiuL HYkUP -I had beea troubled with tod Mid tor arreral weeks m bad waa it that I oould Umb, 1 had tbtadriM and preacriptiont froa three the belt phytic ns in the dty, whom 1 oould name, but tot Co ao. a nnaiiy prowareo a phim wi yowe ikmu Byrup, which cured a. entirsiy. S3C Liberty tract, Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 9, i860. f iiD. rtB .llir flrtTMTTTWH inn.M,f JhIIP lo KeyMr'ton Wood street and get a bottle of hie Peotoi al, and If that don't oan yea, your com must daaneraa Indeed.'' ibis is atpeeunenof the ooiloqur one bean almost e try day la eold ntchicg periods the year. And wo oan, from actual experiment, lly ooDCur In the adrlMr'i admoniUoa at aba re, tor bare tried the "Pectoral.'' In a moat atubborn ease, en tire tuooeaa. Near two weeks ago wo went to Pittsburgh, with one of the Beet distressing, contrary, molten, eubduabla coughs we erer oxpertenoed sino. our ad upon thlt mundane sphere. Wo Mughed ttsedily lsbofloasly for one whoa week, la nopM of nrwtfowf bat it waa ao go. in root it toemsa rawer to nare prored by practice, and to hare acquired itrength,poten. tdalcreotiofvbytheoponUoB. Id this cy and gitfresiioawy ay ma owerauoa. iu uus the tiers, ws Manned oar way a Keytara, lev Wood ?rocareda fifty cent bottle of the ''Pectoral;" took aooordiag to directions, end In forty -eight boan we mister of the field, tho enemy baring unconditionally surrendered, after a brief bat unequal eonnict wttn formidable an adrenary aa Keyter'a faout Peotoral." Arotfatptia vupptr, wo. it, loan. DR. EBTSBR'8 PBOTORAt SYRUP Ii told by Dr. CXOBOB H. sUYBIB, 140 rapared Food pitteburgo,ra. - TJr Bold la OolurabBt by BOBBBTfl As IAKTJL, rpoOTIIACXlE BEJIEDY. ' .', A y u,,,! '.-.II A. BTJItK CUKE. Prepared and told by ' . Da. GIO. B. BBY8B3, i 140 Wood it., Pittsburgh, Pake,-, cents. 0 Bold In ColamUi by BO SB RIB It 8 AM CI octK7 wdom. G1 ENTII FAFEU UOLLBUS Mac-, tub.. , ., Bandtom and economical. Alto, UK Tlwo, , ,. . .j ... Linen ColIro, ';.,; ; 'J L Hall Hbm. v, ).!'. i Utawtfii Ao.; i " .. BAijraioN, 1 " Co. 9 Boath High ttrttt. aprM GOLDEN HILL SHIBT81, . u , ttOLDBN HILL SHIRTS, 1. orii.niM hill aHTirrs. ' Tht DaiUrn of these shins ara new. The Bodlet.okee, ileerM and bosoms are formed to fit tbo ponoa with aad eeeafoti.. Tbo aarkapoa eeoa one asignatlng site ssay be railed on as be in 1 cornet, and each shirt guaranleed well mad. A lull (took of all qnalitiee Moeuntly for tale al BAIN'S, bot4. -i". Bo, Boath Bifketnet. OTELLA SIIAW LSI STELLA O BUAWLBII la all desirable eolon, and at graatbarssine. . : . nai., m mixi Bo. 8V loulh High ttroei apnw Tf TIDE MANTLE BABA6ES, BOTH IT WblU and black, jnst raoelred at IvW "V Lacca, and' Embroideries,' VALENCIENEStBiaLTEflB 4fc POINT l-MOolk-aaadBeUa. I reach, rusher and Thread Lace raila, (new pattern!.) Valoncienet, Threao Point Laota, BabroWerad OolUra, M Trtoaabwa tklrts, Um BarbM and Collfarw, Plain l-loea Collae, trjand VujB-a,ljrre4VOiia -wea, aAiie a vifM, -. -k.i'.i tfi v.a .1 - a BmKh Hlirb Stteatl . , n ! -vi. rl f Kru as ,W)rr(): .! ta 1 f ..(.. .'l 6. t' -f 1 lotiina S!-" W -" 5 '- ' -i p- ,.,... '"ii 1 1 ( In re soring te- the to tbii It of iu not do no aa ev was btr aoout I By At I had bo what old wbioh v. an nyrnp, miou yean 8- ralo- nt are both It It aoowtb not of do Hfli Couth be of cheer fa we with ua. rent and ua. sure. eugoei Bb it wtn to and itreet, " : Pa. L. AND mm toe la rsry ;. aad aad i IHDNNEWELL'S :zl:UNIYEESAL : lor all Thnat tn4 Irnir AmmMiita, kMsr, onpanooo lows, Vi Kooruio uoowo, OoKKoa Ooooiu, ItaoiKBuii ax TaaoAT alma roronuuion of CauanDtton. aa a I a Boornao) Btrpt m boo b laporkor--1 road Ireaa ail Vptaaa ImatloprotxHtai.auvko mood by moot aolteati ouam taUooa, and with aorfo oonjlilanoo. - CELEBRATED . n TOW- ANODYNE. na aaBATBt Kattku OrtATi eyor oflorod to tho anriri. anntainln not a partlelaof Onion, nor any fob ium bnt lu atrkitlv yorotablo and modloal proportloa. A oaro Voaudp tor awaauH,: Hnanu, mvi, Toots ana Bab Aoaa, Cata,- &oaa oa UaT Taram, on u uwi - - . loaLoaior Buon, ana anateam b bii m whim, It bao bo oqaaU aad to wblcB Boat andonbua Maaioai' all aro 1 Voa iaarBL OoaruinTa. aftot mtoTUit tho pain It loa Dauiuoa laanaai u a m w ponou rvmiwuj. aa anhTalo. a Boat Ixanoitant oontraat ' 1 wiu& uo ooniapar i ,.i u.ja.u11LMlirtiaaail. f "T-Tl? i.,Tj i.i.. n.-n-,hi.t ith.iil ISttbUMttBlD. jrroparoa anoor uo apociai in v. JOHIV Ij'. lIXJNME'WELti CBniartaaa fBnairartTirr Bo 8 CommareUl Wnarf. Boa ton, JCbm. to whoa ploaao dlroot all ooouanntoatkroa. Prloea Larir. Ooagh Kuwdy, JO aanU par bottla Bmall " Tnln AoodTM. f " ' foriate by tho anal wholoaala and retail doaton, g U'.i.'iv. , sobbkiboi Diayiui rt.'U. HARM, juun it. vuva, .. "r J. M. TJKNM. A, DKNIO- bOKB, "OHTJBUB- B01t, mayl7-wlr Anntt for Oolambaa, Ohio. rr : T H R. '. .:, WEEKLY- OHIO -STATESMAN; HAVINa A 01BOCLATI0B , ilARaSR BT' KmRAIo,TH0TIIAin)8 . : ... i ... i -i ; . .' .' . f : ... Than any otha paper la Ohio, eutaide of Cincinnati Offers" Facilities for Advertising Which CANNOT BAIL to bring Rneed and BamanaraMYw itemrni ar - To thowa who take adtaotag of fee. '" THH1 WlUlHXiY H-r AXUdrrAJ DUtrtbated u K It throngn arery Foot Offlea In Ohio, Reaches a Large Glass of Readers WhoM Mtronaga la rtloabU, and who MMont toe tht , Pally Bdltlona ot dty loama-J and aa only A Limited dumber of AdvertiiemBnti ! Are Inserted InrU oolamna, appoprUUily and HASPSOMEtV imAVED! tht oumoT ran, to dt-Lttxei,ot Attention Of ALLI WHOLESALE DEALERS Adrertlalnf la tbo VHKIfLY BTATI8MAK will fin aaranuagvae sa . , THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which It aknott oertarn to follow aa xtenirre dtteemhi atton knowledge of their buita eta AHOBQ COUUTEY DEALEE 3 ! i . ,. i. i - ADUBTIBB M BTB IHIBNDBD BOB The Weeklv Statesman BhoQld be handed In baton Brlday Boon. TUB r .) ONLY PREPARATION THAT IIA3 I. ') ..' CJ STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, And rrowa mora aael mora pawnlar erery eaTl ir,A ..Hmnn la. new. and almost without number might he giren from ladlM and gentlemen In all grade. of s one nr. w noMuniwa r wamm that Prof, Wood's Hair Rest, rat It. will netore tbt bald and gray, and prtMrre too nair 01 ue youiu hi on ag.. In all lit rout tut oeauiy. . . . . rr , - BaUlt Creek, MJcb., Dm. lilt, ,1858. Pant. Woodi ThMWlltoteaM aeoept a Una to Inform thee that the hair on ay head all fell off c ar sweaty years ago, caused by aeoaplloatod ehranlo, al landed with an emotion on the bead. A continual ,n.rM .1 -hrin umsih Ufa hail nt reduoed ae to state of dependence, 1 are noi oetn aoie 10 onau 1 for cape, a.tvn.r bare I been able to do tneca ap, in con sequence of wblch my heed hat tutored extremely from eold. Thit Induced me to pay Brings HodgM aunott the last Mnt I bad on tar 1 ror a two aoiiar ooitie or -S Hair Bottontlre, about the nrst 01 Augna met. f-ihfnllr followed the direetlonaAnd the baldepot mMMd with hair ahiak and blank, thoaab abort. also coming In all orer ay bead. Feeling oonftdent that another large bottle would rsston It entlnly and permanently, I feel anxious to peraererre la its nee, and belne destitute of BMaot to purehaM any Bora, wonld ask thee if thee wouldet not bo willing to tend an order on thine agents for a bottle, and noelre to thy Mlf the ecriptun declaration "the nward it to thoM that ankindtotne wiaow anne lameness. " . Thy friend. .. BDdAHNAH B BBT. . Lhranier. Noble County, Indiana, Bob. 6 lb. In59. Pkor. 0. J. W00BI Jtear Mr.- In the latter part the year 1859, while atwndlng tht BUM and national Law Bohool of tht Bate ot Mew York, ay hair, troa eauM unknown to ae. oonunenced falilnc off rery rap idly, M that In the short sptoe of six monthe, the whole upper pan of my tcalp was almost entlnly bereft ot oororlng, and maoh of tho remaining portion npon tide and aaoa pan ot my acta taoruyaiwr oeoam. gray, so that von will not be surprised when 1 tall you that on ay return to the BUM of Indiana, my mora casual acquaintances wen not so much at a Iom to diaoorer Cause or inocuanao in any appsBis o, aa aay men invr mate eecjuaintanoa wen to iwoognuo bo at ail. I at once mads application to-tbe moil skillful phytl' eiana In the eountry, but, rcoelrlng no assurance froa them that my hair woald again be restored, I was forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately, the latter part of tht year 1837, your Ilea to ra tire rat to ma br a dratxiiL M bttni the matt sella ble Hair Baatomtlre la bm. 1 tried one bottle, found to my great satisfaction that It waa producing desired enact. Blnoe that time, I hare used mtsu dol Urt' worth of your Bntoratlre, and at a remit, bare rich coat of Tory soil black nair, wnica no Booty buy. i-.. ' -. Aaa saark of ar cntltude for your labor and skill the produotion of to wonderful an article, I hare recom mended la rue to many of ay friends and aeauelntanoee, who, I am nappy to Inform yoa, aro ating It with effect. Tory reapeouuiiy, yourt, ....... 1 . A.M. LATTA. . Attorney and OoocMllor at Law. ' Depot, Hi Broadway, and told Ly all dealer! through1 out the world. .... Tht Kestoratlrt It pat up, In bottlei of thrM titet, large, medium, and am all; the until holdi H a pint, ratal- for one dollar nor bottle; the medium noldeat leart twenty per cut, mere la proportion tb a these and ntatlt for two dollan a bottle j the large holdaa quart, 40 or cant, aero In proportion, and ratal It for a bottle. " . ' ' ' 0. 1. WOOB at CO., froprtttora, 441 Broadway, Ivk, and 114 aanat Btreet, Bt. iota, ao. And told by BOBKRTB At BAMUKL, Oolumbua, Ohio, and by all good Druggists ana rucy uooai Doeisn. trrill:d weowlj. - Watches I Dlamondi II Silver Ware A CHOICE ASOBTBIE"IT OF GOLD A a. and Bllrer watchM, m gnat rarieiy. I aa Axent for the AamoaB WAToa Co., and all then exMllenl WatebM ot aanutaoturars prlota. either Wholesale or ate ail. Oobo and choose froa ay bautlfnl display of Dia monds and other rich Jewelry. StylM nt w nrtcM Aa to Bilrer Wan of tterllsg quality, I oaa thow patterns, rery nanosoma. ..... . Bllrer Plated Ware, Tea Setts, Cms, Walton, Cat tors, Baskets. Pltchen. Goblet. Bain. Porks, Spoons, Then I hare a tupply of fin Table Cutlery, Pocket Kntres, Baton, Ao., and many fancy Oeodt such are desired for present at aaab prime as an aa lndiwo- menl t in puronjisen Jtvi'i, . ..- , Ro.10 Buckeye Block. marT-K ', North tide Btat Houm square. Linen Goods. - WA1CBANTEB FABBIO , Linen Shirt Botom Plain and fancy - Bhlrtiogt-d Bosom Lloene. r 1 . r .1 . . . v Linen tlhoeUnge aad Pillow OaUigs. . . . . 1 i : Linen Oambs-t and Long Lawn. r.lnu, ,dk'fa ail siaaa. Linen TowellUg and DlaperS' J ' ' ' UnB Wapkia. an! u UylM a. . 1 : ttae Tail Cloti-and Bet-Doki. j ,. , a . . Llnel Towele with oolored border,. " IJn HtairOorerlnrtaad tlraab.1 "J- . .,.'.. i ..goriaatlewriessvi. ' i-'r..Jao !' l :i'iiMvi ol i JIAW A BOB, MtH - f ' - I; f ' W BOU1B HUB StlTSt. A Gents1 "inoiv Sirl5!i2rOl OF KTJPEBIOa UTALITTtlN OARsi ROTs), Standing, Byrca, Ptrtlgnay, Renfrew and other new shape - Meaa.Botxot tas-dkenkleh, Beck Ti l toak. I Street and airenaog .Oierea, Half Hom erei in k kind, Under u mien is and an kind of Oente' Bur Blah! liing Oeedl to great tariety and ot Bederaa priee. .JW,1.l--i.:-n f SAIN a SOM, t t 1 i' y 7-'p BO Snath niyb, strexi. A tRTASBBBS KID CLOVE. cr.m 'A)ieaainMi0MjBleperia4al b BAINl,f3 '" I. Be.WegOlEifckjKire,,; jtCjiiJ tii 1101 -'t ,'i.'-.t, ;i , i.'j!.1ff - . 1 I a tny I ae of a la the the In re-eon-ended and the a aaa la like wis: and .11, $3 HI Baa aew Ao. e. , of V J? THE GREATEST OICII , .,....,. ., t 1.. . - 'MJrJ DISCOVERY THE AGR MB. KEIfltBDT, or baa dlaomrod la oao ofou ooa BOXBtTBTi anaiiJy lhatomrao . .. . Every. Kind of HiuaorrVr c '.U. i I i I'Tr-MOal V in J.Nia91frf ThB vmt lorofaU ewa U a aosiBvom Pinpla. E. haa Mod It la na akma ksadrad ouaa. Bod m. or tailed ozotpt In two oaaaa, (both thandor humor. 1 Bo baa now In hio poaaearkmorCT oao handnad oornnoatoaof Itt Taioa, an wtuun twenty bum ox jsoaiou. . . . , Two bottlei aro wanrantod to euro a Barring aort walk. Oa. to throo botUaa wlU own tho wontkMof PUaplaj oa UMfao. . Two or thrat bottlao will clear the tyrMn of wiot. Two aotUe. ar. wairanlod to own Um woratcack.i la lh. aaoatb or lomoeb. Throe ta Boo bottles are warranted to oaro taa worai una oi aryairjoiaa. , tholyea. 1 ... ..,- , . . 'tKl r?- Two bottlei art warranted to oaro running o the ear and KIfa.K. ttunf tho hair. roar toiuboueeenwamBiea, toouro oorrapi ana tanning aloera. one bottle will ewre oealr oreottoa or eatra. v. Two or three bottleo are warranted .to eare the went kind of rtnoworB. Two or throe botUoa an warranted ta oar the ntoat n... ef vhMmaHam. Tbroo to four bottlM are warranted to oaro aaH'Bliei lira to ttiht bottlM will euro the wont mm of aero- hlai . A haaorlt la alwam omoileuced rran the Brat bottle. a perfect core it warranted akaa, t a, aboro aoantlty M axa. . Cut Mauk: -Tbo neuUUoa of the Hodical Wr eorory. In earing all blade of homon, U to well Mtab liahed br tbe anaaimoaa roloe oi ai 1 wtie nare mi a a lLAhat I need not aa anrthbu t on the eubjeoU aa tho bnI aklllful phytloiana and the ew careful BragalatB hi the eoantoy are aravamoatin itt praun. ntlnr tne Modleal Dlaoorer u do It with a foil b-owlodge of Itt curat! to power m raj lierbif all, and earing ant ot tboM dieeaeea so . wblch yoa aro nnfortonately eo liable. That moat oxen disease to an affecUonate mother, - u:. NUK8IPIO BOBE JO.OI THv r ... b oared as if by a atlraoiej your own temper la rMtored to Itt natural swaetn na, aai your babe tVoan abort ad fretful nape to calm and tweet tlumborx and the Modloal DlaaoroTy beoonwe fountain of bloating to year husband and household. -,i i.. tf'.i. v. la tbomoreadTaneedtarMor , . ti. OAHKBU oh ."-. Xtextandi to tho toraaeb jCauttnj 1 1 I'd? which la nothing bnt canker oa tbo atomaeb; then to ttn InteaUoM and I r o'. i tin is i 9 , creating a tinktng, gone reeling, and an IndiBartaoo Orea to tne carat oi your iamuj . , . Hour atoms on a " I ' HAW Alt It IKIFIiAMED. ' avirir fbaA Alatraaam row. and wea oaa only lake cor tela kinds, anderonod that you ayataa doM not get half the nourishment It con Ulna, as the Bmimonoua fluid thoeankerMta ttnpt then year eomploaloa loae. la bloom and Deoo oa nnow aaa grwonisn,aw jow - day la tone, for want of nowrtshnent yoar ayttom bo oobm loon aad flabby, aad tlMabrMof yoat body be eome relaxed Tboa follow a train ot dis eastt which tne Medical Sitoorery a peculiarly aaapraa w OfJ BE) . .;;;: ,1,1 ji WalDlUtloa of tho heart, pala the tide, weaknoet the anlne and email of the back, pain of tho hi; a hip joint when yo retire, Irregularity of the bowels, and alee, that Boat excruciating of diaeaaet, the ;J L fi. FILES. ft -1- ',- fjov, yaaay tnoaaand of poor wotnen are suffering froa .tr i lml ..t mnrut nlil nrnT,rh.,lATI nnnn. hnDremonyoer Bind that good old prorerb,"Anoanot of pnrentlon to better than a poaadof ten," la the ITIEDIOAL DISCOVEBTf ' yoa hare both tho prerentatlrt and tho cure, with thlt great ana gooa qua nay, u wm w.w, cltcuma-ncet, do yoa any Injury. . , I THE MEDICAL BIsCOVEui " kt aepecialy te tended for diseeea of tht blood, bat tiaet He introdootloa la tho Watorn Biatee, It if found to the best , " AWVis.BaijuiaHij,:: i.!' : that waa era before the public w . . . , Koohanteofdiet rrtr naoesaary Mt lit best you and get enough of It. f... ' ? " I - , J, ... ..Vila Nfnl nu Lll BCTH1M SVB u p".h ui .u wu w. aay Chlldnn orer ten yean, deetert spoonful Children from fire to eight yean, lea spooflfbl. Aa ao directions oaa bt applicable to all oooaitutiont, takt sufficient operate on the bowels twlM a day . - i-.-.V.u ; JojrjLD BKHBDY,-' Price 8100 per bottla. lot . : erery druggist tbo United Btatee, , aepni-aatwl sno you wm- WHISKERS? : DO YOU WANT WHISRERSI- - ' r . i DO YQU WANT A MUSTACHET ; . , DO YOU WANT.A. MOSTACHET BEIIIH0HAM8 . ' i CILBBBATEO StioalatiDg Ongucnt, . 5 t C i vlt i For the Whiskers and Hair Tba kA -rfbers take Bleaturo to annOunolng o Oltiaent ol the United States, that they hare obtained Agency fog, and are now enabled to offer to the American pnblie, tho abort Justly celebrated aad world-ranowntd article. The ;; ;, : 1 -1;. STIMULATING ONGUENT la prepared y Da. 0. P. BILI nqham , an emineni nbysicl ciau 01 fcouoon, auu u wuiumi vu iui vu, tuck Ml 01 r Wlikeisor a Mustache; ; to froa three to atx weeks. Thlt article U tho only one of the kind ated by the French, and In London and Paris tt ra In unireraal nsa. - . - 1 It Is abeauuruL eoonoaieai, toouiing, yet aim luianng torn pound, acUng as tf by marie upoa tbt roots, oao a baaatiral growth of luxnrtant hair. If applied te tcalp, tt will cure BtioRxas, and eaun to spring op plaoe of the bald epota a floe growU of new hair. Ap plied aooordlng to dlreotlone, U will turn an or towt talr taax.and niton gray hair to Itt original eolor, laarlag U tort, araooUi, and Bexibla. The "OnooDrr" an Indispensable article In erery gentleman '1 toilet, alter one week I use tney wouianovioraayMwaaienKwa bowitboatlt. v.' - i The tubtortben an the only Agents tor the article It- 1 at ta a whoa all orders must bo addressed. Prire One Dollar t bo tor tela by all Druggists DMlen; or a box of the "OnguMt" (warranted to bare the desired offset) will be teat to any wbo dealra It, mall (dlroot), aeeunly peoked, on reoelpt of price PP'7oraM - m. y. Aon llORAOB L. BBOBMAN A CO., naooottra, Ac. febSUawOn 4 WUllaa Btnet, Bow-York. IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE. Steam Between Ireland and Amerioa NEW YORK, B03T0IT AND GAXWAtf The following new and magnlnoent flnt-cUapaddlt wheel Steat ship ooapoM tbo aboro line. ADRIATIC, 888 ton burthen, Ctpt, J. Hast ' '' (Tormtrly of the OolUnt Line.) . :-.'..'! HIBIRNIA, . . 4,400 tool burthen. Capt, H. Piowwt, COLUMBlAe . i 4,400 . . " , , B,Lhtcb. ANOLIA. . .. i,twi , 1- -- .. nmaouoa paoii 10, ,ew " ' ". . ; , j -1. BaiiB. One of the abort ship will lean Ktw fork or Boatoa ill. mate ly erery waeeaay lettnignr, gor uaiway, car rying the gorenuMnt mailt, touching at Ml. ooa, Vka Iteajaeri ef thia Bno bar btoa ecmstrnoted with the g re teat oaro, under tbo Mperrieioa of too gororn- BWt,noewatrugui mimiawu, ana are aoexoei kHl foraamfort. safety and spesd by any iteaaeMailoat. The aro oomiaaadod uy able aad aresrianosd eaieer. and orery exertion will kesaaoe to proaaea IkeauaAlart of ptseengen. - r-' sir- An,txprioced Strgeon attached la each ship, . HATES OF PASSAGE . ?-.; t rirtt-clas N. Y.or Botton to Oalway or Llrerpool 1 Becond-olaat, '-- rinvoiAte, H " toSt-yohnV ' TUrd-eb-s, " " to Oalway or Wnrpoel. r aay town la Inland, en a Railway. - . Third -etM paaeoseit aro liberally lapplled with pro risloni of tbo beet quality , aooked bad Mrred by tbt sr ran u tn uoapany. RETTJBTV TlCKBirr,':i Faroe wishing to Mod for their friend fftta the eountrr can obtain tlok.ta froa any town raarway, Ireland, or froa tht priboipeUei-Mof Bag toad aad 6 bk nA. mt Mr. r laa. MIMi I - ..n, 1 IJirtT.. I.'ll Oil " Vatnager for buw Tata, atrlrlag br tho Bettea Btteaen, win no lorwarueu n.w iw.i.m "AifcioBar-wao-rew ta wbrf, toe tag W nV.'aVa'T A-rrBWAlB, Alan- i i 'aj '-intlllB-dOm. ' '' -1 t-fiel.".! IT"1 I , III I1 . ' m.-.-S,TTlrilJs'.4i!'.j , aiA-A, aw.a,safc,Ha,.',v,!A im, B4t s4;'tTriiiiie'ka'4 . iu mum k .Wblto.QayKked rl tvrwrlvt JW. tot laat by bxm ....:,!."i- ,,nnwA . -.1 . f-!'l I if ."7 .() . I '-' t t "" a. vf ,;l'TtJw.i , ,i "" of br i. to In -1 - . tbt the . ng the tn b ind to and by and J 100 7J as 30 old la mJ. Dr.J.ILUcLEAN'S thciiag Cordial and Blood PTJIUPIER. AITD THB KOHZ SXUCIOVI DELIQflTTUI 'OOROIAL v f. EVER ' TAKEN. ITI8BTKICT ly a aelentino and Tegatable Compoand, ' ahmiimvIIhi lh. rllatll. 1 lk htlon of Boou. Herb aad Barks, Yellow Dock, Blood - Boot, Barmpartlla, Wild Cherry Bark and Dan- j dalioa entori Into itaf ooBDoaition. Tn.en-. m.i.. Rpfnm TnV(Tttlro aoUre MiiiodlalAlTCI itlKlIlg- prtadpl. ingredtot aay bow aeUod or aisuiung, p"-v .-.--- r. ;of . a ewamiipipnai ci" hileratlng eplrit, ana tne mom 1 TC. ' .;L eoiterlng and deWHUtod IBVAUD to HIS BIHJUtUTH. . . , .. BICliBAH'BjBTHKWO'rHEWIi'B VIAX '01 WlU offoetnally cure LIYBB OOMPtAIKT, DY8PBP8IA. JAONlUOsH Ohninla o aTarrna. IMbirltv. Tlln.a-a of UlO KldneTft ' and all disoasMariaing from a disordered Llrer or r'tonj ash, Dytpepsia, Heartburn, Inward ruee, Aciuiiy or mrs : neat or trieBUjmaon, tuimeas oi niooa to me ueaj, unu painortwlmmintln the head. Palpitation of the licirt. InUnoM or Weight In the Stomach, Bour KracbUloni C bo king or nnoeatlngfeeUnRwboa lying down, iir.nen MYellowneseof the Skin and Byoa, Might Sweats, In ward f erert, Pain In the small of tbo back, ehest or tide. Sudden Pluihea of lleat, DepreasiOB of Spirits, frightful Praams, Laagaor, Despondency or any NtfToot Dieav Bone or BlotobM on. the Skin, and Verer and Atue (of OhiUt and Borer.) 1 ' . -j v ' . ' '' oyer a inilllon of atottlea Bart bora told during the last tli monthe, and In no In ttanM baa It ailed to girlng entire Mtisiaclion. Wbo (. then, will eurTerfrom Weakoeot or X)ebilltywLoa Mc USAN'8 8TU NOT BNINO CORDIAL will core yool He ianiiiaga can eoorey an adeqaate idea of the imme dlate and aimoat aainculoua ekan produced by taktnil this Cordial la tho diseased, debilitated and tbatteml nerrout tyttem, whether broken down by ezceet, weak by nature, or impaired by sickness, the relaxed and unatrnug organisation it restored to la prialina health and r Igor. I RIABBIED JPEBSONs, Or ethen conscloot of Inability, from whatever cauar, will and klaliaaa a Btrangthcning Cordial a thorough regenerator of tho system: and all who may hare Injured thoaMlrM by improper kadulswcee, will find In the Cor; dUl a eertain and speedy rerncdy. . , " i ;;-;;..;.Toiti .adie..; . ilcLcaa'g Strengthening Urciul ,,t i.tu'i Xtaierwrelgntipoedyoniefor .. INCIPIEHXiJONSCHlPriON.WHlXEr Obetructed or Difficult Menstruation, incontinence of Brine or Inrolnntary DiMharge thereof. Vailing of the .Womb, aiddmea, Baintlng and all Bisoajet incldne t iemalM. . Then is so KUtaka About it. f Saner no longer. Take It aoeording to Brrocuonn. it wtllatimuUle, atrengtnen ana inTinotmw the bloom of health to mount your chaek attain I Ivory bottle It warranted to giro ulufaotioa. - I - ' ("Oil CHILDBl-V. If your children are iickly, puny, or afflicted, McLeaj Cordial will make them healthy, Iat and roDuii. Pek) not a moment, try it, end you will be tonriuced. IT IS DELICIOUS ' TO TAKEi Cannon. Beware of Drugglttt or Dealen who may try to paint npon yoa eomeiiiiteror Barssparilla tresl , t .T . . 1 , 1. 1 .... muI. WQIU1HH,W1 LIUJT vuumy, j .. j ... . Rvvu. Aroid inch men. - Ask for McLean's BtnngtheningUox. dial, and take nothing elee, It It the only remedy that WlU purify the blood thoroughly and al the tame time atrangthenthetyateat. One tablespoonful taken erery morning fasting, lit sorta 1 prerennreot vnoiera, vuiiis anu aov.r, a.uuw f erer, or any pnralent dlteaiet. It it put up In large Lattice. - , rloe only l pet bottle, 01 bottlM for 8 5. , J.H.McLHAB, . Bole Proprietor of thit Cordial, f ( ' A bro HoLaans Volcanic Oil -U.lment, ' Principal Depot on the corner of Third and Pine itreet Bt, Louli. Mo. . i HcLean'B Volcanic Oil Liniment. The bnt Liniment tn the World. The only nto and certain curt for Cancere, Pilot, Swelling! and liron ohitit, or Goitre, Panlysit, Keuralgls, Weakuoa of tt 0 Muoosta. Ohronlo or Innammatory Hbeumatiui, Btifl nea of tho Joint, contracted MosclM or LlKamenU, Barache or Toothache, Braises, Sprain. Wounds, fresh Outs, Ulcer, lever Bore, Caked Breast Bore Nipples, Burnt, Scalds, Bora Thoat, or any Innammation or Pair, no difference boweerere, or ho long the disease mi y ban existed. McLean's Celebrated Liniment It a cer; ti a remedy. - Thouaanua of human belngt hare boon rnved a lite tf teerepltude and misery by the use of thr Inraluable met dne. . waM ssv . Ts rttT IJN1M1NT Will reUere pala almost Instantaneously, and It wi c leasee, parity and heal thl foulest ions In an lncredl ly short time, ,. For Ilersea audOlbor Auiiunla. ar.T ,m . ,1 .tea T.lnh.imt I. the cnlr safe and rs Debit remedy lor the eon of Bparin, King Bone, Wind- tall, Splinla, Unnatural Bumpa, Node or dwelling. It WlU nerer fall to oure Big Head, PoU BrU, Piituia, Old running Bon or Bweeay, if properly applied. Per Spraina, Bruitee, flcratchr, Sorvi or Woundt, Orackid Haa-, Chafe, Saddle or Dollar Mil It it an lnralllble remedy. Apply it a dlru.-.ted, :.ud a cure Is certain In erery Instance. " A1 Chen trine no longer with the many worth It is Ltel mints offered to you. Obuin a aiti"-';' it tt. McLean' celebrated Llnimm.t. It will cure you. ' f J. I.. fllcLEAN.bolel'trletor, - Corner of Third and Pint Streets, Bt. mis, Mo. ' for tale by all druggists. , ; , lor rale by BOBER'S fc SAMUkl,, ai-dJvwly - ' ' Colo bos. Ohio. . PEOF.WOJD'S bwod naiovAToa nil precisely what Its name indloatet, for, while, 'oluuant 10 tbo tail, it It rarlTlfyl ng, txbilartt- Hdng, tnrlgoraling and ttriogthtnlog 1 tn riull .nd at the asms lime rertrinet, lean I IC tiatM, and reaewt the Blood In all lu parity, anal Q thus at onoe rutarf and rtndari (Ae lysdm iavl r, mUnmtbi to atlaole oateeoM. it te tne only Id naratlon erer offend to the world, to cbeiui- 3 Hcally and skillfully combine u to be the most Ipowertal tool, and at the same time to perfectly ' atuptd to, at to act in perleoitcoonlanM with the LJ : lare 01 nature, ana neuo. win twvit PlmKmaek, and ton up tb dlgeturo organi, and ; Uim allay all nervous and other lrntitiou. It is j perfectly exhilarating, and at th aims Umt It It C) mmpeted entlnly of regetablee, yet to combined T as to produce the most thorough tonic effect, with out producing any injunoo oonewjueeoee. buuh . mm 1. baa loot beea felt to be a detlderatam lu lb. mifcal world, for It need! no aedloal skill W ,M uiald.blllty follows all attaekiof disease, and) . - 1 1 .. .1 1 1... ik. .u.i.m mn tf f hMI 1 procawua mu ww ,. -1 a lotldloui attack of many of th most fatal, luehJ I for example, M th following: Oonsumpuon, In ty Lii-iinn. Dvsdods-. Loa ot Appetite, ValntneaJ Merrou irntaouivy,B.uraiti, ..ii v. Usart, Melanoholy, Night Bweata, Languor, Olddl-I .neat. Retention of, aa well as rainmi eoawamu. ,,-,uv. 01 too Man! Menstruation, aad Fall- ting of th Womb. Thea all depeud upon geaerau Ideolllty. Thl pun, healthy, loflo viordial B-dl Blood Htnorator I M tun to euro a. iu. .ua w rise and wt. I here is ao mistake sbout it. Bad ihi Is aot all. U tbo tyalaau weakened, WOanl open to billou attacks, tb lirer becomM uirpioj P or worse ais easea, turn jt their funoUon, and w ar Uoubled with scald 104 'and luoontlnano of urine, or inrolnntary die ,h.ri mt iha aame. sain in the back, tide and be 0 0 tween the should. re, axoeedtngly liable to ioldt,MUgh,and U aatbeokeu, toon emacioiwu ollowa. aad the patient gow dowa to a premaiar. grart. But ipace will not allow us w ta"n ik. m.n. ill. to which we an liable tn a wea-oneu condition of the ayitem. But we will aay, to ibiej fiord island Blood Benorator yoa bare a peneot,' Wo, pleasant and effeotnal rtmtdyfur Iom 01 I. " . ..... , . .. ua Ihil a1 b ! ApUt, MIWHUNbi fUslHISUvei we - biv iunijtOLI-vDaor, Liw Oompl-iDt, CaiDtfcod ferer, or uy Uilioiu attuki CuadrrowM. Aukiitj Hon of the Heart, Depreatoa of bplrttt, Borat,M rtowlM oa the FaoO, or any OlssaM arising rrouLA) mpun blood, such as Soroiula, Jiryiipeiaa, ron ) ihltis, uongn, dim onity et naauiiug, u. jelea of rturmi oaltod lomale wet neat, an d fa ..n-.ralad aho... W. will aleo Mt the IraToIci t'j 1 ip Md ta epldeaaleer a uiga e aiima-.uu '-" ar, wlU And It a pletn aai and tun remedy, and none thonld inr Irani withouU Reader, 3 u tmm ..MiwawlUfindinUaineoaii ImAmmA mm W.I 1 mm . trl.nd In need. All DOnnill Of) mm a an tan i habit, will find Itt perfect prerenal r ol A Jae wall a ean lor iheMallBMut to ooioh tbey ate, U ptXni&QmflW VipOfffU, lUlHBJ tJIUlbMtaa,uvJMayM I torneya, Uteraxy gantleaea And todtM Who are aot) sotrastomea to anon outuoor exeieiso, win uuu im to their adrantag to keep a bottle oonataniiy on hand) and, aoore alt, stoma r. or tbtM becoming hi arm wa thramk tbatmoet daugeront periou ant onlr wth all their accustomed strength, bull . ml fraa from lb. ibouaabd allmenu w orer- Alataataauog -t-tteaatl porUoa of the world. In 'r3 and yoangl no longer run the ilek ef dotoyi it Willi .iw,ra. it u ma a motner . euro i. i j ralvsT aua prere iteeii enpnsuniii a i tmdinl arnA MlonA mlmtmtoatvri 1 U4- - O.J. WCrOl) , nroprattos, l roauwity, new York, and 114 Market Street, Bt. Louis, sly.i and mmA br ItOBBRia a SAalUAL, Oolnmbui,OhuJ A all food -rtutklital rrico One- Dollar! H Pr BoUla. Barohdtwewlr TtTAJ" T CI r-A B5 J T T O E L L : f V peekaget f STATION Bill an iH prkssa ene-Uitrd km thaa eaa be pnrehiaed lwbri i v Oail oa Maddraa (ilanp euciusea; .... ,"" . t4 Ovurt aBoslSB.aua. '""- i I Btfcbiwu,tognM Tnetyj' oii'i3 ts-l .'zy.-t (if i ,r-."-r:wTF""-j ,'J!3!l'-H ll'O I ) !:-, h'.'nyf.U I' i'i'i I " Jf w.i l!r( :!l Cd t'i uKiA s.iiifj.i tvi M0 A V CORDIAL 1