Newspaper Page Text
UIln, --WT r-4J Jl IV II -I! . .11 II VX: y,, f 19 II ILIV-U n rr-t '.l II 'f' Ji.M II . II Ull II? I . Jl II III . r ..1 fit? iithiii Mitiii yOJYIlI.N(U19. NEW: SERIES; COLUMBUSJ 0HI0 OCT. 27, 1861.- SIX FEZ TZAB, i IaTribly la" Airvxet . J vs u I r e i ''? 0 itLY. IBI.XLT AMI WHEEL . " 11 AN T Pt,nrt T MlLLbK!' f 0 B H 1 B V 'AIT);.. t Jft tf t.Q XI ' ' i ii. m i'ii i il ri urn uJ . O Offles So. 88, 81 ail 40, ITorth Hlft TCJIM8 INVABIADLT IK ADTAN0U-i;.'.' Dally r-- $6 00pTT0r By th Carter, pat week, uti. rH-Waakly ' ' y I 00 pgr year. Weekly, 1 00 i i - i Jt4f Ulir r tnaStunr. o t'laitr I yeai . . . 30 00 )n""- mwithe 18 00 On square 3 weeks.. 4 Of On , , Iwseks.. 10 Ont ' 'lwk... 1W Jn. )ue Jus 0 months -IS 00 :i month! 10. 00 ,2 months '8 DO, On ,r"S days.., .100 Ob vadere.. - 75 1 month. 5 00 On llnMrUop 50 Displayed adverttmeui half moW than thfc 'jhoy Adrertlsemcnts leaded anil plaosd In th eoluaui ft Bueciitl Notice!." douU th ordinary niUi. ' All notlen raqalrao to b frabllihedby law, legal rtitoi'.l ti uruweu on tnainiaoexoiailrir tner tbnralwX per cm!, not than the abota rataai bat all mob mil aiearln the Trt-Weekly without cbarn. 1'mlnena Carta, t wxoedtng mi ltnat, pOT yaaf , In alle, fi ill per Juia; outaida $t. . -v , . Notlwiof uiutlcgi, chart bUkaoctaUa,sraopanlaa, tc, halt price. AUtratuUiH mdvrtUmm aauatW fnUd ft In "irM f d3 run wui aoi dv iwiM Week am price aa the Daily, where th adrartlaat 'Mkijalooe Where 'he Daily aad Weekly aea the Week t re uotb lined, then tha charge Urtha Waekly will k a il' the rain or Uia Daily , . dp acivoitutuieut takca axoapt lot k daflatU paitooV j t BUSINESS CARDS, ., - A!D NOTARY PUBLIC. " .' Oflloe Aaibul BnllOIbt, oppflalto Capttol tquar. 00LUHBUB.0HI01 Attorney & Counsellor at Law, MARION, OHIO, : ooiaTjmbtto t i frlaehine MannfactDrinCompanj (o -j o oo o oo ou as c e en c y.j ' " MAHUfAOTtiMU o STEAM ENGINES' 'BOILERS, Cutlngi, Kill-Owing, Hschlntry. :: ALIO, Railroad Work j u tirt DHOurnow. r-y eoLcranus, omu. 0HA8. AM BOS, np'l. I , .: - P. AKB08, Ximn. decll. lMtt-tf . 1 . , ' ' .- r ! i rj 1861. Summer Arrangements.—Time Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I RAILROAD. Connectlnr at Crestline wllh. the PITTSBDEOH, Tt WAYNB Ac OBIOAOO BAILROAD ' For ntteburgl, PhUadttpJiia and BaUimor. Alio ofIbrtWaynandaktoago.:'J Conmctlnr at Cltwland with to LAKB BUORB BAIL ' BOAS - ' For Dunkirk, Baffalo, Albany, Bea ton, and New It ark. THREE TRAIISS DAILY, . A EXCBPT BUNDAT, . Prom Colambae, In connection with Trains oa th LITTLE niAini AND COLCmBCa AND XtNIA BAILBOADS. - i ' ' PIBST TBAIJf. " ' ' NIQHT BXPRE38.-LaveaOolnmbniat3.40 A.M ; will w-ara puaaogers at all stations sooth of Gallon, stop at Dalavar. Aahley, Oardlngtoa and Ollead, and at allstaUans north of Qalion, airlrlng at Oleraland at 0:00 A. M-, Dunkirk 3:00 P. Hn Bttffulo 4:2SP. at. Albany S SO A.M., New York 8:15 A. M., Boston 9:30 Y. M , Pittsburgh via Oreatlln 3: SO P. M , Phtladel hi 3:10 A. al. Chicago via OreaUins at T-00 P.M. . ' BKCONDTBAIN. r ., . : ;.j HEw V0BK EXPSBSS-Lcaras Colambns at 11:10 a. B. Will atop at Lewis Centra, (for Whit lulphar Eprings), Delaware, Uardingtoa, Qalion. OraatUn, Ihah b), New London, Wellington and Orafton, arriv at Claraland at 3:31 p. si. j Dunkirk, 41:50 p. m. Buf falo, Witt p. b i Albany, 86 a. B.iNiwToik, 1:46 p. n.i Beaton, 4(40 B B. Thla Train oaaavstaat Shel by for saaduaky, aaU at Oiallon for Toledo, arrlrlng at . ToMoatT:40p. m ..-'': . THIRD TRAIN, - , -MAIL AND ACCOMMODATION Leares ColoBbua at .30 p. m. Will itop at all riatlona South of BbeiPy, aad at ' New- London, Wellington, anton, and Berea; arrlrlng at Olereland at B:30 p. B.j Dan kiik, K:M)a. m-i Buffalo, 3:H0a. Bi: Albany, 8rt p.m.; 1 NewYork, 7 SO p. b.; Boeton, 11:45 p. b. Plttahnrgb, via OrattUna. at 11:54 p. b.; Philadelphia, 1:00 p. m., Chicago, wfa Ortstllne, 8:43 a. b. This Train eonaaotl at Shelby for Bawliuky and Tciodo, arriving at Toledo at 8:31 p. m. ... ,- - Patent Bleeping Cari are ran on all Night Traini to Chicago, New -- 'York and Boston. .' SajQag CKaclwt Through to fm Tort and Boston via caenaKMtr; aito, to rnuaattpMa ana RETURNING, t Uy-Y- Nljiht BxpreM antres atOolumbui at. ..11:15 P. Bf,' Cincinnati Bipreea arrires at Oolumbai at 10:30 k, M AocouunodaUoa Xipraes rrlraat Columbua at 7:50 Fart) a L,w ate bp any other :Bmte . I. i . i i ii i , . , Art for Tiektivta Cr inline CUvUnd." n , y.-r b. s. punt, .-.. ---.( f?uterlntandent. Oleraland. Ohio. jjji J - i f ( V AMBB PAJTKR80H, Agent, i ' ColuBbni, Ohio. Columbus, Jan 17, 1861. t"i.u.:. j .... : . Joit lecalvedl . .. N ... .. I a a I1F. CH OHEEIt an BLACK 1UU TliAl lOObagsprun Bio Cone. 160 pocket old Dutch Oovenuaent Java Ooffe. 'y a a ria-lna OftlTM. a Ot) bbls. standard Whit Bnrara, eonititlng'of fair ,Ared,0hread,aimneUitMAandB0oft. btl quinuiie wvorga dn viwiuup BO bbls. Mass and . 1 Maokeral.Jf : M f lV 1UOM (;lgvdlffennt brauU asd rrtuiaa.t i''t: novai . ., r- 1 1 i --!- wan. mumwuuu; M.C. LI L LEY -a(,'4. BOOK XH3MXUAl And Blfl-Book7ltfiJi-AaitTirr, I0BTH EIQS RSX1T, COLTjBtJTJI, OHIO 1 ' Red,' White and ;Jlne TlBiaAUiffs. j t: ,v x.2: - -- itlltBONa. ' -! :. I. ' bILKS), NECK TIES. .iVjiTiVi-O !!. -Jaatcpaoedby ! .v tf. i f"' t"'. . aprW K. loath Blgkstrsst. a "JEW 11UOP IBIBIi - 33 AIN a CJJI " ' Ho, sa, iooti bob- raMe. V Bav last woatveo"' aW Bale of HOOP lSriTI inUhail ta a manaar sat aaMtiai ly tA-4adasA nnijUanaiiiaaiBtsupariaitoaay .....A.... ,.stl. IO T -A CURABILITY' AND GRACEFULKrn3.J Bhtta.a, A ItlAk .lUiaalo .."'- 1 '.. -ewaA.!M ft-i f 1 ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONAllY. .(-. ft The"TitfT&"ttiii8 am vAoapen Eoo.iiM ua sett, Tne II..f fcaikMfJaft;.' therltr ( EnglUb auangiiaf .' AmaVaif Jh)WUiltvafw af Ohio, 'TBI BIBI INOXIBH DIOnoltil'.IZTAttT.' "Here ar acwarda l a Hundred Thmaand Verb. whoa malUfarlotu auanlbra and darlvatlona. torether wMAt UMtreorreot emUInf, and pronsMiation at clearly mianiiHDi,;,i fci,,:t,i iiI'ju.'.j,, Btai th DcUUm f-U MmOtri o fK 0Mo Btat The andentraed, aaeinbaia.of tW Ohio State Teachers' Aaasolatlon. adootandalaa lojuala taachlna. wrttlna and apeakiaa, th orthojrapbj aaa pronunciation of oraeam-a Mjrai waara uistionary, ana we asoai evr dial It reoomwnd la a th nut rallabl atandard aa- thorltw of th Unfliab. laaraage, as it I now written and I wa Airaaaws, PiattdeBt KanyM 0o11r'm" U. p, Laauan, iapertnWndent Jtinerillle SohooU). Tea. W. HaaviT, Bapt HawHooUnloil BchOola.' M. f. 0mBT,IoV4PbU , Bandaaky. . Jo! Ltihm. Isn't Pablia Botes Is. Olfolerill -j Bt ((. lAXroU, rbxlpat C tare land tanal Bemialr Wa. Kmn.L Ibu'I Pahlla lUOuiala. lit. Cnlm. 'oaa Ouaa. FrlnoiDal ItaUHormial school. At 111 n- VHI. Oraos Wioa,Prlnolpa4 loarth, Intnadlat ichool, I u a u.m.M ..a .t rr.i i.v.ui. Bowra Baaaa. Prlnolpal atcMaaly Momal Sohool. lu I. Tarrail, Prof. Matbsnutlcs, Ohio TJnlTerslty. Wa. W- Bowaana, lop't Troy Union School. - , A. a.'Bonta. FrbMloal Wast Blah Bobool. Clare land, i ..J - ( v-. a. A. BTobts. Aaaacleta Prlnclnal Hlch BchooL Clar- Sasnsou BnauB), rrlnoipal Blfa Bchool, oiv W SmXama. Mulul flllJI TmUHiUJ i. A. Oaansta, Praaldaot of atactic lasOUil, Bl W. Tj. T7 . n 9t Af flhlMiUrw. flVila Waelavan tTntvwiattv." ,. .(-.,. r,, y H. H. KaunT, Xx OeaunlsatoDar ot Oosmon schools, Ohio. r. r- - ''',n",,v "" r ' f Jaatst afoaaoa, Prof. Rhetoric, Obsrlln Colleg. 1 Taos. Hnx. Prasldant Antloeh Ocllera. . ' O. W. iL Oaraoaavr- Prof . Matheniatlo, Blk Ichool, Darton. I. 0. Oaoaaioaa. Prof,. Laaauaa. Blak' labL I. M. XaaaaatlapH vales Bcaeols, AahlaaA .'i'l;.. fas, frofuor$, AmlAtn mmd JmtlmfuUM Siwxf ore, JaoM aaord iA oAdm ttnMmtnt. i PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES IN OHIO. ! M jJtiaTra Oouan "It Is traly a maa-nl¢ work, aa honor to th anther, th' pobuahrs,and. th whol oosuT." rraaoana Anarvwt. ' Oaio WaaLTaaTJanauiTt-'It aaeds nxreipscta- Uods. It will be my fold Sa erthoenphy and praaan elation, and will often b eonsaltad by m for It seat ana accent Oaloltloae. -fraeldani Ihoaapae. W. B. Boiaono Ootiaoa "Hereaofor w bavcaaed Wahttor a ertbocranh. At a recent Heeling of oor Paenlty, It waa decided to ehanae It to oosfonn to that of Woroeeter'e Boyal Quarto Dlouoamry," Prealdent aaraau. : Wawraa Kmn Con an -'! . Bad It . worthy of aralal approbaUMi," ristdat atllcMoea. i Oaaaua OoLuaa. "It aaora thaa aaaeta sty expecta- Hod. I raeommend it a th staodard authority la erthoapy o By thllarea aad ny paBiaV'realdaat atoiaaa.. i , i, . . x . j J .... t Aimoca CoLLaa.-HI adopt and aim to as la teaah- bg, wriunfand spaaUaf, th orthoenphy and pronmn-1 ttauoa ot woreestar anil woarw viouonary rrendeat Bill, .. . ,y. I "la all bit wrlttna-. soaaklnr. and teschlnr. I nav en- laavond to conform to th raise for orthography and pronunciation aa contained la Worcester! Dictionary. -Bone aUna, lat President, j J Burro Couasa. GmTT.-'Imott cord tall? noon Bond It as thaaiaat rallabl standard authority of the Bncllah lanrnar a It if bow writtoa and spoken. r leildant Andraw,.. . . IsCIIOOL COMMISSIONERS OF OHIO. trot Bm. 'Anion AnyfA, Oommt$ttonr of Common v BCUXM4 an uno j ' v - Th Dictionary Is an iBpvtiahabl Bonument to the laaralnvamd induatrv-of Ita author, and aa honor to th world of letters. ThBrnanirai aiacnuen nuwaup- )nv MJ uia, n an, auiVK aiwww a.M. a..n a m v llualntd.,, t from Bon. B. B. Bamtf,' Mtt-OmtmUHottir DJ WMOM en ViKlO. 1 HTb most rellabto Standard antharity f th las iwsg." ' ' "WHAT TBI ' Ijetvdina Newarppsra Ohio . , Inn U CUedand ZUrcid of Harui rhortherrachrof th WoroeeUr Dictionary ' . . r 1 1 . .11 i al.ln-,li sera ny siosif ii .ui. v. oountry ana angiana, ana ssnioms w us gun td srdlnarv wntera anasneaaera. i Whaterar nnladloea Bay bar ezlatM prerloOilr, a earaful stody of thla volaai will Invariably b followwd by warm appreciation of Ita great anrita, aad a deal re to aaa il to in weu aeiwciaa uorary, i. anji v. -"'-i Itisallbrary lattaeir, ana will reajain aa imppraoa bl raoordof thleriangolUoopuer.-.-k. . i-. i aVasi Oa Oaatanaac CbmunmrMal of Aprfl M. . Ran ara snwarda of a hundred thoaaanj worda-Hrood, bad and Indifferent whoa Baltifarioaa aaanlnga and deriratlona, together with tbalr correct spelling and pro nunciation, are set dearly befor th aye. The work la unaueaUonably th gnsteat laaaaarnaof lagllsh Words rr psnuaaaa. -. i-y- ,r from (A OlotAmi Flaindtaitr efSepi. SB, 18C0. IrUently WoacrrTsa's SotaA Qvaav DtevtoaaaT it j only (A ioaa, but th aasr wort of th kind r is ii, and can by a pombtllty sailer by coiopariaon or atrorray. .. ; . - - f Vi " from Vn7UdoBladaS Bafit. As to raoanacuTios. Woaoawraa at-tn STainuan followed by ear beat aathora; in dennltlons he warw nothing to be desired, and In OaTnoaaarar it I sufficient t say that Woacnrna eaa be sateiy loiiowea. INGlTAiri BBAGG, rakliahera, Beekaellera tt Statlanere, M0. 191 BTJPIRI0B ST., CLITBLAND, OHIO. uuS ' THE MTTIUAL . BENEFIT LIEE INSURANCE COMPANY, i'oxijeijrlfi., 3NTl JTa DlYldenJajauarr til86f45 Par Cent. jiBITI.......... .....J135 50. .Statement Jabnarr e 1801 Balanea, par statement Jan- 1st. I860...-$3,40 ,581 39 Baaaltad for Pramlams OQr- v lng th year 10. S7C3,053 55 ,'' Baoalred for rntereit during th year lwo ais.ot jy t I 1r v . ' ': Votal receipt for 1860. ...1177,007 74 PaJdOlalnutbyDtatb.OSO 00 i Paid PeUcK surrea- . - -fl( derea 11.111 u Paid Balariaa, Pott v . i'l i i 'Ml. age, Tases, Bx cbanre.ete.. 11.650 54 Paid CoBBlntons to Arants i, J i Paid f hyrkiW fees. S OCS 75 Paid Annulttaa 1.317 vti Paid Dlridesd Sur- " ' lag tha ya..n.lOS,5IN 7S 565,011) 9 411,gM Net Balaao Janakry let. 1861. 93,813,58 t . - .XJIlJ-artTilf j' ; VCC;: ' Oaak n hand..... n. -,q,ta4 lit .'J ' " r ttondaaadMortgaaaioa BeJ , , i-i Jtatata, worth doubl th " " . " kswant loaD-d... ........ BMfJll"teH PraBlunt Not, on Policies.. . , , ... ., , , - .J , n : la for, only drawing S per - r . V .' 1 '. ' ant. intrst...a l.S79,fi4 IT Baal Batat BQ.893 87,,.. ' . LanaaSrlD.4M.t..vnv -S.B31 ru - " tr If wluiaa. Kotae end Oaah, v course oi sransiniin- ut,9u n irvu Total Ass hi.... B3,8EW50 TtfiTS PsUcM to forot, istlDgCA-i-Sr40,8lS 1.43S asw Pollde have been tnad during the yaw. After a aifulalealaaa f the praetDt value of eatatandlafl Pelloieaaf lb CenipsaTi and hartng aaoaaeary amount In nsarr Uwnfor, ta Directors havdlreda Dimasrs of o per cent, on tb preml aas paid at to table rata, to all pollews for Ufetnearea, laaaad prior to Janaary 1, 1600. payabl eosordlng to present rawef lb Company..- .3 Rate hi all kinds t LU Ooatla-enel, Proapsoi aT at.aua.ta. ssd AnBlMattoa. will bs toralabed WITB901 (lHaaaa, at IB Via w agnna sa n voa' ' fc!Mr.;-'tr 1, .AiU)TKa,wBsPrisidotv t. nU D L Ii. raiianovn, xnauiajH. BS. awwi, ay-a, el ... No. A Johnaas ' u Til. A IN AP4D 'HCTnFO BLACK JJ DBII ITLKS, frwv grade. Th most slst 4 gerUBA tu Itw ettg! a 4 ai ainiiiw""'"".'"''... ,. w.., 1 slAlA Stiff, ' that ta this t mace 1.,'i U ,a.,.t-. I. i bwaalprttlW-B Vt, ..t j a W " ' HlvwUHWbmr SO 8' IB tb th - -! Scrofula, or King's Evil, in n,c(uvttitttional .disease, a eorttipion of Am bloai.'ajyoaJuck tnil,&uid koras-Tilltd, weak, ondpoor, Being-in the circulation, it pervndo the Whcltf bodr, and hiay burtt out in disease on any part of iu. No organ is free f(om iu attacks, nor is there one wliich it may not destro)-." ' The tcrotuloua taut t. la vaxlptiwy caused by mercurial disoaaeyi low iiving,. dia ordered orwihnUhy food, impur air, tilth and filthv hnits. the depressins Ticea.'.and,' above alfTby the Tenereol infection. Vy'ljat;. ever.bS iu orltiilt W hereditary it) the (wn fitutidn, tlSsPiaiding'Trom parenw to cnnuren unto the jhrd and fourth generation ; '. indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who Bays, "I will visit the imquitlea of the. futhers upon their eluldin. , ,,, ... ,, r rf..T r,- hool of corvu',)t or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungj,, livtr, and internal organ, is termed tubtteles; in- the glnndv iweliiiurs; 'nnd bn the Burbtv, 4'iuptiona or aores." 'lhis fowlcor-ruption,'-w-Wch genders in the blood, depresses tits ciwfgiei of. life, so thatscrofulomconstitttp tioii -jiol- only taitfrcr- ftVora aerofttlotrs eom pluuttM, but tliey luive iar less power to with, stand the attack of other dueases; conse quently vast 'number peilslv bv' disorders which, ulthouuli not scrofulous in their nature, arc still rendered fatal by lii-tiiiit in the -.-.v i v .1- syst'in. Most, oi in conxumpuuu wiucu ue cim.ite the human fiunily has its prigin directly in tlti scTofulonsr TOntarrrinarion ; nnd-many eatructivc disease of tho Uvcr, kidneys, brain, (I ! til lliurjcil Ut ma, uiv viguD vua ave Bggrn voted iy the aame cause. t. ., r their lirfsons" nra' invaded, bv tliia lurkine in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood bran altcrauvemeuicuie(and in. vigornto it by healthy food ana exercise. tjuch. f .piedictRe- we iuppijr in u f.'m is . Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the moat tRectaal remedy whkh the (nodical skill of our times can -devise' 'lor tin every where 'trevaillnz and fatal malady'. : . It is cord' buied frqra the most active remouiola that have been discovered for the expurgation of thia foal disorder" from the blood, and the rescue of the system , from, -its destructive consequences. lieneo .it should be employed for the cure of hot onlv Scrofula, but also those other attee ,tionrvhlcrrarise from lr, lucl, hs.TSftumvB and .Skh , Disease, pT. ATnpY tutu) ltOen, Or l'.UTSirELAS, A-IMri.ES, I'VHTVLIiS, Ui.otc hks, JJiAiNi and Boii.s, i ujtous,. I utter and S.vt.T Kitr.K, Scald Ukad, IIinoworm, Hiiv:iMATi,yrHtMTieand MnnctKi.i. Uis- f-ahkv I'tnriT,. ursPEraiA.-ur.iiiuTY, auu, hidetd. all Complaints AUtsiso ritoM Yitia- Tttn o btpcits Bloods "i'ho populajt belief in. ' iwiiw itij of (It Hoed it founded in until, for scrofula is a degeneration of .the blood; 11 pnrtieular purpose anO-virtuo ot this snrsnpa r ilia is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, Without winch gonna fteaitu n mipOHiuiiie in contununatcu constitutions 1 iAgue :Gure: rQU-TUE SPEEDS CURB 0 Intinitttettf Fever, or Fever and Anne, HemtAtcnt v Fewr, Chill Fewer. Dimb Atrnr, Perludlcal Ileadnrlie, or Billon Icmlai he, and Billon Fi ver, indeed for tlir whole claea of dlacnse orljrinat luff ' biliary dragrment,camed by the Malaria of BIlaaaBaila L'ouaatvles. AVc arc enabled hereto oHW the community a remedy nliich, while it cures the above complaints cerwtiify, is still porfecfly harmless in any qitantiLy. Sucli a remedy is inclinable in districts where these nlllietinu'disorrters prcrnil. This "CritH" expels the iniaxmnlic poison of Feveti ani Auur. from the system, and rrevents Ihc do- yclupment of the disease, if taken on the first np protjeh of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only the best remedy ever yt discovered fnr this class of comnlaints. but elo the chenpest.'Tlio laroe quantity wc" supply for a dollar brinss it within tho resell ni every unity ; nnum oiuuus uisiricis, wnere Kktrii Amir! nrerails. crerv bodv should it. and use it freely bolh fnr cure and proteo- H-jtm Aieut kiiperMrity 4 tuts, remedy over any ether" eter.tlisciivcred jfyr jbc speedy and certain tuic of I,if.r:n;Uc nli i.. it ('oimaiisno Quiuins or mineral. Vuiisenneniry ft nruduees no quinism or other injurious ell'eets whatever upon the constitn1. lion. ' '1 hse cored by it are left as healthy as ther had never hnu the disease. .1 vsrwid Auiiu w not alon tn consequence oi (ho nitiiMin tto pnuit. A great variety of unor ders iiii-io from, iK fmlalion, Bmon2 which nro fi'tfirabii", IMcUihuttsirt, Gnt, llta)ache'l liliiid Tonih irhf, K-tmHit, CnUtrrh; Aslhtfin, PaU BUnlm.'IUinf)il "crtt'on of tho yplern, IbjXtur t.i'm:i ii.t '. t Jiwh, O.'ic. '. ' nnd lie ra,iu tiu i. l'n .ttMM'i, uu oi .t.tucli, when fii'iw ' " in 'bis caiiie, 'titon the intermittent f i,. ii' ii. .-'i .i' i l l :.:.. -l. i 114 Li l i-x ilia llie r..,.-.':,. finitn the blood; and cotiscqucntty euros tlicm ..II ,ilil-e. It is an invaluable protection hnipi!tr:inis ml persons travelling or temporarily residing in th nialunoiis districts., it taken -oten- ,iiiuilr nr d:.i!v wiiilo cxnosed. to tha iiifccliou, tluit will be e.Xirek'd frutn the system, aud. cannot dccuiinilatt' in u:Ki.'itnt quantity to ripen into dis. oifie. Ilcnct' it I? even more vaiunnie lor protcc. tion tban eni emid few will ever suffer from Inter mittenw if thev avail themselves of the protection this rerocdy aliotda.'.. -' . r. .: !. . . . Prepared by Dr. 7. 0. AYES & CO., Lowell, Vail. .1 . i -- BUBBKTB m SAHUBU, QOIumttaS, And bv Drwrftaai and veauu ererywher. norlhUd.tww , (, :. , . J...r. . CA5ADIAS tl; UUTrED STATED MAIL STEAMERS ; LONDONDERRY, GLASaOW. T I 1 f.Ta.4-yl ftnV.,A 1 nnd - The Montreal Ocean Itaaaaahin Ooapoay'a SrstautB ntll-pewrd01yd-hallt Suanurs aaU everp aata uratar from POBTLAHV, earryiag ta oaaadian Dnited Staesa Ball an passengers, . . .. a N0RWIOIAN. ..... . NORTH AbBRIOAV, , BOHRMIAN, . . ANQLO-BAX0N, , ; 1 NORTH BRITON, " EI BURN IAN, J CANADIAN, - - NOTA BO0TIAN, Sbertest, Cheapeat anQttlckotCena wwyaamuw arvaaa v.- AXZBICA TO All PASTI Of I0BOFI. Kate) ot a?aMaiij to Europe), v- jjao. eaa. so. Will fell frms ITVBBPOOl ewwrr TednedaT aad frea QCBBBO awary Daanrdar, ealling , LONDONDBttltx, torasnrtaa raM ana Waiaand Paaeennra. to and from Ireland and Bootland. irrTha ataaaMr an swis r iron, in waiar-arnt toBpartmeata, earry aea an aapavtonod Baitean, varrautauoa is nsiu w, vim auoiiori aau Booomm tloa of naassnrars. a ueypreeeaaainct n wnuun. DBBx, tn giaal naa ana aeiay or eaiung ai at. aonn-s M erouieew . Qlaagow tiaBSiigirs are rnmtansa wiut ran panan Uokets to ana Iras ,onaoaorry. s - Ketam tiokM grants as rauuewa rate. Otrtincatas Isned lor aarrrlng t and bricring oat aan..ra from all the principal towns of Great Britain Ireland, at redaeed tat, ay ma tin ateaaaars, bytnWABBINlTOM Lift a v BalLlna rAUlUll'r laarlni urarpooi riy ra., . V .: c . Illffatt Draft fa i amal epwardi I . aWlunagtaaaL""", ecai. l -t.i to , lavnevar vsauea. . .-.' .. v f W. Annr af the Offlc. S RHOAl) wiliMWlirii ana iv a r. 1 A voraaakV 1 . ...; hi i n ,-' r.'-fABKXi mill, Ortltal Jffiltl. t ,-. J. H. ARMSTRONC, aoie-lyddtw Post Offlos.0olanvbus.0bla; I i, . . a 1 j i j c CtwPfiLrtll5rSlXlO. I l J 'v WW T if ATI TOYS BAT ADMITTED A. aa tKMtS ADiVR BAIN aa aartaer la my Bu, which will bag after be conducted nider tb limasHi, r aatn , av soata uua ' .Ceinabna, gee IS, Ml, - febll i rMt IIWnri5iff-f.lEili' fish & Fbs'"a1 -' aient, Jl. t-J iwprWlot ill Maw York 1 . , ..v(..a tl-la 1aUiaa tmponl..g, C in i t,.,iaaloa,aatBi Kiaet, Br t , n-4 c ., auiamoooa f ran ta Sirti v. baAidti, LadiaiW vniKir.a aiiau -.fM.iag uw( la taS seel lif IK Summer Arrangement. Little Miami & Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. tor CinoiniifttI, Dayton ft Indiinapoli! I . , ::. ; imV.'i A.1l.v Through to ludianarjblli Without Chang of Cars j '-' and but One Change of Cam between . ' 1 I "--'I ' ' l-liti.iVS .V Four Trains Dail trom Coltfmbus. I '"'1 ; ; il T!5ia , rFIRST TRAIJN-bi lis :iii ,: A0COMMODATIO6I at I a. ro.. ctoDVinr at all Sta tion! between Oolnmbas and Cincinnati and Dayton, ar tiring at OUwinnBtl i at 10 OS a. as., and at Dayton at 8.10 a. m., connecting at Saytoa for Indianapolis aad ta West. - . -i .SECOND TRAIN".' " V t bvtinka. . .. . - . ' ' m . 1 London, Oharlaaton, Oaaarrllla.Xanla, Bpilng Valley, Oonrln, Preeport, Port Anoient, Morrow At., Lebanon, rosiar s, Doreiand and Mlirord, arrlrtng at Uirjataama at 4.30 n. m..Davton at9.4S n. m..aaancotlnaalth is 0hl aad MiMiaalppJ luilnrad for Loaiarllla, Ky., Tin. eennee, Cairo, Bt. Lonia, NewOrlaua, eta. I at Dayton or anaianapoii. Latayetle, Terr Mania, Uhtcago ana all Wastara point. . . ' . i .. t.-i . jt to ' THIRD TRAIN. ! ' ' -5 MAILate.lOB. m..atonnlnaat aU elation fcatwsea Oolumboa and Xenla, and at Bprlng Valley, Oorwla, Marrow and Lviad, arrtrlng at Cincinnati at 3 a. a. , a fourth train i" KI0HT XPRP. via Drrtsn. at It 00 Bldniit't. ttopptag at Loudon, Xenla, Dayton, Middletown and uaniiion, arnring at Ulncinnauat a.KS a. m.;aiuay ton at I.SSa, sa.t eotiaectlna at Cincinnati with th Ohio aad Mlnlailppi Railroad lor Loaiarllla, Xraoarllle, rinatnnei, uairo, rt. iouia. Bempnu, new urwana, and all poiata Bouth and loauvweat; also, at Daytaa tot Indlanapolii, Latayatt, Terr Uaute, Ohica.o, etc TF7Por further Information and Throorh Tlekats. apply to it. L DOBXBII, Ticket Agent. Union Depot, UOIUBDU!. i ; 'MP. W intADlB, ' Oananl Ticket Agaat, Clnctonau. . JNO.W.DOniBTP, JH'ivc-!! - ' '- - Afent, Oolonb, . . '( V v B.W. WOODWARD. Bsparlntendent, Otnolnnatt. Oolumkai, Joly M, 18G1. CENTRAL OHIO AND Steubenville Short Line RAILROADS RAILROADS COMBINED! j - CONHlOTlHa AT BnlliAtRl WITH TH1 BALTIMORE & OHIO, i C- AST ft PIITSBCRQH WIIU HI PENNSYLVANIA1 CENTRAL' '.RaAJXROAID: POBMINO tdb " ' Shortest, Quickest & Most Reliable - Koute to all Eastern Cities I if lo" Trains Leave Columbus as follows': MORNING XXPBISS , , Lenres Cotnmbus 1.30 A. M-' from Union Depot, via Bellair or Btenbenvllh) t arrives at Belial re, ru.xu A u . i iii- ia m n u . ti(..i u 1 .it D U w. , pwiinaiunrMiwri a... 'bMW rBu a, Harrlteurr. t.10 A. M.l via JJUntown, arrive at New York S.OU A. M.t Via PhikuUlpMa, arrires at Phila delphia. 5.10. At.: Bw lora. 10.30 A. M:" Oonnecu also at uarrabnrg tor Baltimore, arriringat 7.43 a. Ai 81eeplng Car attached to thii Train Praia Columbua, run directly through to. Pellalre or rutsbargu witoon cnanga; ana ruraogera via niiea town arriv In Mew York at 8 A. M-, 1T7TW0 H0UBB IN ADVANCE OP N0RTHBRN L1HBS. - . This Train' also connects at Bcllaire with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. " ,: PiTTSBURan sxpRssa. .,- Leaves Colambns 11 S3 A. M., from WnloB Depot, Steubenrlile: arrire at Newark.- 1 50 P. M.l Ocshoe- ton. 8.15 P. M. Btauueavllbj, 0 P. M. Plttabarg, 8.40 P. H. JXTThl! I the only rout by which Faeeen-ra can leariTOlriclnnaU at ? A. M., go through to Pltla- bargn in aayugnt, without cnang or tars or ueisy . - C ' PAST UNI. Leares Columbus 91.15 P. M., from Union Depot, Bellalre: arrives at Newark, 8.83 P.- at.l ZanearUl, 33 P. la.: Bllalr.7 .55 P. M.: Plttsbanrh. ll.Si ;-Harrlsburg, S.OO A. M.; uia AUontoum, arrrraa at New York, 4 P. M.; uia fhHadtlpJUa, arriTf Philadelphia, 1.10 P. M-; New York, P. B. Thla Train also connect at Hamiborg for Baltimore, ar riving at IP. 11. r - " - -.. inie xrain runs mrongn to oeusir or rtttiDurgwiui- oat change of Cars; and from Pittsburg there la ahang of Can to Philadelphia, or via Alleotowa Ktw xora thus oiieiing , .. , . The only Route from Colambns to Baltimore, Philadelphia, or New York, with only , : one ohange of Can. Br this Train Pasasnrar arrive In New Yoik fir hours In advance of th Northern lines. This Train also connect at Bellair with th Baltlmor and Ohio R. R. tLTThti Route Is 30 miles shorter to Pittsburg, and more than 1UU miles shorter to New York, than Northern Lines. Bagf ago Checked Throngh to all im portknt if olnti JSatt. . ASK POR TICKETS TIA BELLAIRE OR STEUBENVILLE. Ticket Good nrer either flante. JNO. W. BROWN, den. Ticket Agent Central Okie R. R. ... I. A. UCICBINS0N, Gka. Tlekst Ageat Bteubeurlll Short Lin. j18 and ' at and pa. and aad pmy a . - IflT bear- Bra oi. 'i' tui GUERNSEY'S BALMI GUERNSEY'S BALM REnOWES A If D PBEVEHT) flammaUon and Darn, and heal th worst scald, bruise, cut or fresh wound of any kind, prarenU swelling and pain from be- slings, moaqulto bites, OiSOnOB P 11BIS, neuralgia, neiuuaiiauH agaa iu breast, salt rhana, eta. When taken internally, It poaltlrely cure eroap in emiann, sua (ivss usmauisu, relief in th won tease of thi terribl complaint; fen ore hoarseness and (or throat. Prios, a eeato bottl. . Bhonldbiav( ihoua. Por rale by Drag- gists and Storekeepers. invinujNB, t MMdAwlylS i ' No real jostle eaa b don th above preparations bat by procuring and reading deecrtpur pempntee. be found with all dealers, or will be eent by Proprietor aa rf.m.nri. Formulas and Trial Bottles sent to Physt' dans, who wit! nnd development ittbutfl Worthy. iceeptano .spprnval- ' v , ! M V Of T1 pODueDCe OIIOIWQ irum stia wuuiv u7.-vjaTai.iy for while t the owUwboIesl tn wtU dealer., JOHN 1. HCNNEWEI.L, Praprleta CBIMirr BHD PBAXMACtOTIST, ' .,1 So. 9 CteauMreUl Wharf, Bestewi Kasa- Wokatta a giiseel. a". Mr1'. J, K. Ceok.'J.' Dent, a. il( at lot Wk ' a aona a.4. acnueiieracea, lor Oeiiimlws. aayMly Baltimore ' Clothing House, XXIaXJlVI Waacraovoaaa axn eVaousattnaaiiu ta a, a aa.aa t a a a a a RRflnY-na KLLU a a nan a a ."---- "1.7' No. 3p8 .Y. paltimore-street, re. i areas anwaTg am) Boeraan.) r - ' BALTinOKE. , t -s .: i . , . LsrS AsMrBBAQt bi Wss) anl Garnish 1 i floods trastaiiap e Haad' bcrMi L'- Dally, peryear...t... .....;.. ft 0 Trl-Waeaty,Bilicas,.M.,, I 00 jTekly, P'yai:,...f...M..r.,...,. 10(1 . ssrsr-- ' [From the Boston Post.] THE DEPARTURE. t J .v- . i t . . A riog of women stood around, .. , . ," Their chieki with clothi a-dnlnr. . "Pair adle,1' said I, "doa't, I pray," " ' .. ' j. .'il InOam year eyas with orrlng ;:... i Hi ' ''1 ' ''r 1 V ,:r . w . m i r. ., "0 yail" said n"lf you -era I, f - - ; ' If rnu had larad the Aillnttnt - .53' VotvwouUI be agitated, " - .t-in l-a: Int. J.k jl A. aa..() . n.lh.. . r') l 4 . .l in.) . - I Don'l apeak of ptrtarhation, . '. " Mv mnmlaifiil ' " -k ' ' , ,7 ; ia I wmilMDimlaietlonl','' ... ''j ( ' i. ' . t f I 'I . .' . - ' . J'Yoa wretch," auotbtr said, "to smlla '. " At other folka'dlauter; '.'' How could I ii aatar thaa nry tears, ' Jit Who lor th QaartoiBastort" '-', ' . ' - . .... , . i , "O, cruel Ban," th fourth on said, . ' ""May your owa heart apbrald yon. . ii .' Por I, linoe ray majority, ' - ' ' liar lored lb Bargtant-Major."' ' i ' 'Il'a yoa, U IV another galped, ' m That talks so An nd raanly.. . . ... Hat if your lor sergeant was, " ' ' . Yoa Hoalon't be, Sir, jaunty. ,:,:1 A: Thi net with ilgbs and sobs 4id toll Of all their sad nlatlona; . And It was lor of print Bsd ' ' ' Th aum of lalrprlvatlap.i " , The world Is fall of groans aad sigha, And tears all aye will iwlm la, Ai loeg'a ooe-nalC aad ap of aea, The tnar haJf f weanaa. I ) .1. U .' : r J3i till True Union Men. Via . P. so to IU" burn, and ia WUI also, thoU i vi - M aswhu -a mr.lf.lioeav we never were aboutforthrt, and In n s In I There Is no time like the present for exsnjln- lng the sincerity of men's desire for a restora tloa of the Union. To wish for the conquest of the Southern States and the extermination of its ilATeholding population, to the end thai we may have a new population 'there, and a Dew Constitution which shall Ignore slavery, Is not to wish for the restoration of tha government, or the gupreraacv of the Cooititatlon, but la so Maliy to desire a revolution wnicn snail routra a new government on the ruins of the old." J The radical Abolitionist, whose creed is "no anion" with slaveholders," cannot be a trne friend of the Colon. ' A review of the history of Abolitionism will serve to show the necessi ty of shunning the Influence and advice of such men, if we expect to be again a united people. 1 be vast majority ot tninkiow men in Amen- oa have desired to lee a feasible plan for the removal of slavery a an Institution.- Thirty years ago the Southern mind was decidedly In favor ot sucti a plan, uat tne idea or immeoi' ate abolition, based on the doctrine that slave' holding li a sin" erf e, was not accepted, is not now accepted by one in a nunurea ot tne etti xens of this country. Tne difference between abolitionists and tne maior part of those whom ther called pro- slavery men was that the former demanded an Instant, violent and trial abolition of the rela Hon of owner and slave- Blind to all questions of effect on master, servant or country, they adopted and advocated the idea that the rela tion was sinful and therefore ought to hare a sudden ending. ... Calm; Intelligent, sensible men were eon staatly devising plans to rtd the country of this element, tbe negro population. - Seeing toem Increasing to millions, regarding amalgamation as oppose to- the laws of nature, and political or social equality of the black and white races Impossible, tbey looked anxiously for some plan of celonisatloa or removal which should effeol the desired freedom of both races, for il was manifest that the white was already en slaved to the Mack by his presence on onr continent- ' The abolitionist opposed all soon plans.' They held that' to pay a muter for the freedom of a slave Was becoming partietpt crimini. Thev heaped abuse on colonisation societies.' They declared that the black slave being born here was a citlsen, entitled to live and die here, and no power existed to expatrl ate or exile htm to Africa or elsewhere. ' Thirty years ago the country was prosperous, and the work of emancipation, aided by moder ate men through voluntary or benevolent inna ences, was progressing favorably. State aftrt State had become freesoll, and there was every reason to suppose that under the Influence of moderate counsels, Virginia, Maryland, Ken- tacky and other States would soon provide a plan substituting free for slave labor. "Bat the ptospeot did not satisfy the men who mart the Instantaneous abolition of slavery their bobby. They began to meddle with politics, and pro- nonnoed the Constitution of the United States infamous because it recognited "persons held to service." Tbey ridiculed tbe flag of the coon try, and declared that its stripes were represent ative of its protection to siave-arivers. i ney maintained that the only exodus of the slave was over the- ruins of- the American ehurch and Union. Thev avowed their principle to be "no anion with alaveholders," their objeot the dis solution ot th United State. for years thev labored with, little effect, and thev might have labored for centuries with a little, bat for tbe diflereao which arose among politicians, woo in tneir mad desire for plaoe and power, saw in them a ready tool to be bandied by a skillful workman. The 8outhro extremist r co gonad in uem us enemies toward whom be coum direct Bpawern, animosity, ine Northern politician saw La their ranks a lev thousand voters who held balances of power in certain sections, and In their principles a cer tain something: wtuca migbt be used as a party rallying cry, without taking them wholly home to his heart. Tha Republican party might possibly have grown to power aad place In time, without danser to tbe country, if it bad nobly and fairly disowned and eat off all aboli tionist allies. Bat the polltloal leaden of the Republicans were wise in their own conceit. They were playing a bold game, bat all the time were playing, pernapa unwittingly, Into the hand! of Southern dlsunlooists, who were "biding their time." While they affirmed that they were not abolitionists, they accepted what benefits might arise from the war cry of anti slavery, content that it should do them what good, aad give thorn what votes it might, and closed their eves to the faot that It gave to the Sonthern enemies of the union precisely the opportunity they ware waiting for. History, the impartial judge, will at soma tatare day determine who were more responsible, the men who lay luwait for an opportunity to destroy the Union, or the men who knew of their ambush aad deliberately gave them the opportunity by leading the XNortu into It-- . v . k Whatever be the decision, the Abolitionists must bo regarded as tho BtiUstoos around tbe neck of the Republican parly which dragged Into perdition, and bat weil.niga destroyed las American Union wllh it. i . r: -1 -s The work of reiteration ia now before la this work, it is necessary, if wo anticipate sue- oess. to be an! ted,: We are agreed .thai the work Is to be accomplished by eonqaering tbe dlsanlonlats of the bourn and oy winning pack the affections of the people who have beea mis led, by tbsir political guides, into th belief that the Worth is abouuoniaed. ,. iois latter ne cessity ia reeof Qised by every one. The strong est allies of abolitionism, heretofore, mm papers which might be styled tbe ropes that held this corse to the need OL UteiaiUpubUcui party, art loud in lb Mr denunciations f all who charged that party with being aboiitioalate, and evince a slaoere anxiety to disprove the charge and be rid or tbe association. Apparently mtn are equally earnest in the desire .thai North Is not abouttoaiau To make this vIcUqb DerfeA, the Una most sooner or later I UlS.lDUliy H.SWJI. a W IU uua HU III wuw maa..a. j, i l j . I. .Ill ... J . I. . W. .... .j.i-jil Jl . urka.... UfDaLh Ml UCItWI waAaBBwaV VVrs at Bai BS - u-war mrm-m armies iwposaess territortea new m rwoeiuoo, mast be able to assure tb Inhabitant of aeoa ilttent; hnited eppoeltloa aaoUtioaisa la Naa,.! f ... .nrltl ,J ami .-' i If wa advocate "no anion with slaveholders,' then tho Work f rastora tan hi a Belf-ooBtradia. t!rm.v If nr arts la bring thru back, to UH thsm wowiU have no anion with you," then pce- laps some clearer eyes than ours can see what sort of a fatare Is before them end as. But if we are to bring them Into the Union as before, and Uvw with them, aad pledge oor salvos nndsr the ancient ContltuUoa to permit . k ft I . . . ... owe oi uaorgia so sueae nerownv sieve oode, aad Loalalana hef own, and every1 State to have slaves ot free labor as it sees fltj If the States are to be brought back as States In tbe Union aad 8tars In tbe lag, then l Is as plain as daylight that the only tree friend f tbe Union is the enemy of abolitionism, whose creed is and always was "'no anion -with slaveheU- ers. ' ..- ... i ; .u '. vl ' 1. 1 i " ' i t II Is time to understand plainly What aboil tloniats mean, who In one breath say they are for the Union, and in the next declare unflinch ing eomity to a anion with slaveboldlng State. We believe tbe North to be antf-aboiltionlat, thoroughly. We believe that the roiowof niae tenths of th Norlbr voters, from President Lincoln, down, is, as bis has been, unhesitating ly against. any interlera'uce" with the .Lnternel eoondmy of the slave Sums. : We know that tbe party who are In favor of turning loose (our millions of ignorant, dependent, itarving peo ple oo tne community, euner to murder tbenv or do supported by their charities, Is too small a party to be coon ted among the hosii that think otherwise. But the South do not believe this, and they have 'he best of reasons lor not be lieving it, when the men who denv that thev are abolitionist are yet fiercest in defense or ab olltloulsm when It Is attacked. We are labor, log to sustain th Union men of the South In their affirmations to their neighbors that South era Interests and Southern property and Sonth ern principles are safe from attack under tho Constitution of tbe United States. -The labor was a thankless one, when a portion . of tbe nortnern press wag either silent or rushed pell mell after Fremont's proclamation. It hi be come a hopeful work since President Lincoln's firm modification of that rroclamsrlon, and tbe noble response which the people of the North have made to that defense of the Constitotion. Wherever there lr a -man tow who orles "no union with slaveholders," that man Is as great an enemy of tbe Union a th leader of lbs 1-, Southern armies. iY. Y. Journal of Comment, Emancipation. J j It NotwlthsUndlng the nrofsnlon.' which wis doabt not sre honest, of many, so called, Re publican journals, and In spite of tho equivooa. tion of others not so honest tt Is a deplorable faot, that not a few of those called by that came manifest a disposition to speculate with mocb show ot confidence, upon what they sail " Tbe approaching extinction of slavery." ; Quite a number of these journals, In Massachusetts and elsewhere, have openly advocated emancipation as tbe distinct object of tbe war. Others, with out makiog this the Indispensable condition, have urged that emancipation woaid naturally follow as a consequence of the war i wbilo a third clans hare contended that, though thev were really opposed to tb emancipation policy, yet, as . a final alternative of maintaining the Union, they must accept the emancipation doo trine, In order to preserve tho Union. I We wonder it never ooourred to th conduc tors of those journals and their followers, that tbe emancipation schema we the only seilons obstaole to the settlement oi oar troubles not immediately, bat in dae Urn and that no set element ever can take plane, ia which that Idea Is not thrown entirely oat of the question. W believe, la faot, that there is not tb slightest foundation for any of tho voluminous lucubra tions produced apon bts sabjeot, by journalists, preachers or pamphleteers but that it is of all others the most unsubstantial and unprofitable speculation ever indulged in by moral enthaal aits and politioal schemer. ! We say nothing here of its misehievoainess ---bat how, let as aik, is such a project to be accomplished, even supposing It contained with in Itself all the aieaaentg of nnmlxsd goodt Wo talk of working oat a great moral revolu tion. At present, it la certain that we are on the defense, though an Impregnable defense, In the malnVauauce of. tbe authority of the gov ernment, which is set completely at defiance la eleven State of the Union whloh Is the eab- jsot of desperate oonfiiot In three more and mat tne enemy who oppose this idea bold l v marshals bis iorees at the very threshold of the eapltol. Wo may say, with confidence, that fifteen ont of tbe thirty-four States are almost unanimously against lb. Tbe Constitution in against it, the government is against it, two- thirds of the Norts is against It, slavery itsell is against it, all hope for the Union is sgslnst it This la not an eaoooracinf prospect for such a oauie. Bat tbe Idea ton put forth, day by day, by men who ought to be .amenable to reason, does now and always will Impede, thwart and desperately Imperil the glorious cause of tbe union ot more real oens qceoce for its own sake, tban tb liberty or the lives of Innumerable millions 01 Slav to whom slavery may be a misfortune but no snob misfortune to the coantry, as the attempt carried oat would be to pal them on a par with a superior race-'. And, moreover, ton Idea, clothed with any sort of real vitality, will do what anti-slavery agitation always baa done la this country lb at is, put off Indeflnitely all rjtospeBt of even partial emsuauipation. Other' wise, in th course f no very long period. It might perhaps again b thought of, where, to think of it would be el some avail. Such is the wisdom aad utility of th coarse panned by the newspaper in question, and th whole elass af kbolllioa lecturers, preachers ana anii-eiavery agitators la general. .,...- o. . we nave even sageiy oeea wia, wiuia not many days past, by one af oor city jouraala, which only one In a whll takes up tb emancipation Idea, apparently lo counterbalance any more rational opinion whieh, at other timea, It may bav promulgated . mat wo need not count ao confidently upon th conservative seatlment of th North, as against th wild aad fatal theory which we, for lot of tho Union, so constantly deprecate and resist, r'or , It tells us, there ar not only uonsutnuonai union mem, bat even Democrats, who now go a great wav in favor of tb liberation of tb blacks- What sort si ConstUntioaal mea those eaa b who ar ready to violate the Constitutiori or Union men who ar willing to take An sure Bieana to destroy tb Union forevat or Demo crats, who would lake away from others, their fellow citixeos, their rights under (Be laws, tor tb sak of a hallucination which would throw all Democratic Drivileces and DemoeraUo Instl tutions into ehaos, oat of which eome natU danaocratlo monster. Ukaly to wrlnA tneiB to powder, woaid more than likely spring w are not called udoo to saybeoAoee such, ateavar nsithar of the one oiaaw nor tn oiner, a coord In- to anv last InterDrotatioa of their political afhnltlee, , Bat this w know and feel, that th da la close at hand when thoa who sincerely love and honor th treat eaus oi tbe Republio, will maintain it with their live and fortaaes, for what It la now and may bo la th future, and not for any Incidental scheme of doubtful humanity or Interest. - For the acnem Is so Impracticable, that, ia applying It to our sys tem, tha system iisen muat oa eniverea. to atoms. Tbey, tbene will b on the one aide and oa the olhst will b dreamers, schemers and nolltioal charlatan, men of one idea of bo Ideasi tho who would dig ap a trs la order to get at fruit oat of their reach, tamper- - . m .... 1 . t a, V. . a. era with conaittaiioa maae oy wtr s themselves and plottere against the union, trvlna: to make a part better thaa tb whol. . . . .l .:..-1 will K w nav ao aeonf. wow we- - foond. ota CfSjriavi., x -.t- & -1 a o : the ail the be Ik we the B A I U & C O Bo. 29 loutR-Eya' txColiimbtti, a 'a VOW OfPBKTIO. ' . - ...''a ' - . A toco yard ItaraUs Drees Sooo ), vain Bljeeat. ' ' . . tSOCvarAeTrerenng ram wwxm atixK, rsM as ess aWaiwBnUahBwarmAUtlVViMSSaaM... KM yard rrsnea urguais as i , .raiss vi assu. SOUS ysrds Pest Oolored Laws at 10, vai 11 esala. Km yards Poahard Brem Bilks at 37, Tain N sent. iysds Sap PUIaBlask Silk UtC.alM SIHS BoU of Orysndl Bang, aad BogUak a- ijM ' ao,ta HlgB SUeet. Dt""Bllf StiBSOnS) TAVBt,AJB AA3yUi.d, am ttyiabiMi Bii'pv Bjtijf A BOX. " aprllt N. IS tenth Bigh state. 1AUDWABEST0BG m ii:.i JUST RECEIVED H1&1 wkl a. gill; : fe"3A i. High Street, mt d the Urges! aad Best lalseted Assert : 01 BVBtt OPRBXO IN THII CITYI . ..i a - j .i i i i j i i Uonse ,l Builders1- - Furnishings ,-3 e BVB1BY ITTIB AKP ftDAIJTY. iii: French ft Ante rl ears ! ' vAiNr oaotm D V tML,''' lid pat ap In half pound can for family tut, anJ lry " i ' i a, ; ;": -', - Pasntslabalk. v i ; i , ; Urushes of every variety & quality i -i.-'. . i A Splendid Aasortment of MACHINISTS 5 TOOLS. ; CARRIAGE MATERIAD8. - '.. .--:'. s. f- . : . .. . AXES URINDST0NE8, etc. J GUNS, PISTOLS, SHOT, Ao. ; . . .. ' - r'ISHLNG TACKLE. t i ' FfOPE CORDAGE j LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER. BELTINO. '. WEDGES, MAULS, PUMPS, ; . , .AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMkisTi,V SCYTHES, fco., . SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS Table nr. I Pocket Cutlery '. especially Inrit th attention of all Interested p ay stock of Pocket and Table Cutlery, and ' SILTEB PLATED f OHKs, Table, Desert, and Tea Spoons, Butter Knivew, g&c., of UOOBBRB BftO'B. Ban oiac tare, warranted to u xlrshaary, Eleetre PlataJ, an genuine A ibatta. Oountry Uarobants, Uechanica, and others, ar inrittd . j call sad iamln ay Stock, as I am prepared to awtt tholeaaie and Retail. WM. A. CI 1.1. Columbus, Ohio, atay 6, Ibfiu. OB EAT CUBE. DR, LELAND'S ' ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND1 13 THE ONLY- KNOWN REMEDY FOR KhnnmatUin, Goat and Hsuraigia, .. AND A SDBB OUBB POB) i n . All Merctirial Diseases. a It is a ennvenlsatly arranged Band, containing a med icated aompound, to be worn a round tne Waiat, without injury to th meet delicate persons; no change in habtte ot living ia required, and tt entirely remor th die eaa from the system, without producing th Injurious efeoni arising from th use af powerful loternal medi cine, which weaken and destroy th constitution, and Ire temporary relief only. By ihte treatment, tbe mad iclnsi propsrtiss eoatslosd la the luad eoaa la sonlacl . with th blood and reach the disease, ttuough the pom of the akin, effecting in ovtrp instance a perfect cure, -' and restorau tbs parm atticttd to a bealLhr sooditios. This Band a alao Boatpowerful Aim ItAaccaiAa agent, andwtll entirsly fell ere tha era tem from UepsrsMoAiw - -e fiesta of Mercery. Moderato eaa ar cared in a lew days, and w ar onsauitly reetirlng leetimoniala of it einaasy tn aggravated eaaaeef loag etanding. Paica x,00, to be cad of Drugglsta ganerally, or can , be sent by Bail or ezprees. with full dirtctlona for uau ' ta any part of tn country direct from th Principal OSica, To. 400 BROABWAT. Ksw Tetk.. r O. SMITH 6l CO., Sole Proprietors. ; ' N. S. Daacrlptfre Oircala Bsat rre. ... . J. B8HUBI.LBB At BON, DatMaUTS. AaBim. H . 877 S. Bigh 8U, bet. friend and Mound, Columbua, 0- inr Agents Wan teei Ererywhere. nthSB-lylaorlitp dw PROF. L. MILLER'S , II Ain 111 VIGOR ATOR An ESsotlTe, Safe and Zconomiea) . , Conponiifl. FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR : " Ta Its original color without dretng, and prevendsg, - - BilluT ssrwisggiay. x r02 PREVENTING BALDNESS, . A&Jaurlng it, when thar i th least particle of Tttail ' or tseaperstlv nrgy lesnlnliiA- TOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDR UP" AndailentsAeoasaCeeUan f th Scalp. ; FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR, ; , Imparttag I II aa aasoaiat giomkrUhsaaa,BUBg It soft aad atiky fca Ua laztajs, sad sssalsg it ts csii an great ameomy ssa ineTessnig imans ror uiu on. -saied piepsnatea, soarlneas taa prapciatsr taato -. trial a ssty smaery k aatUry tmcatulac pouUc si lis . , speiire.liti cvr any thr prepsrsuon In use. Al steasse tb head and scalp from dan drag and other outansooe las, ssnaingthe hafcr t grew tussrtsntty ' -gtrsagMaiisa.aort. glossy and Szibappearsc,u al. wears the bstr h lesrilgnal thinsma. it will gjv trsngth and rigor to th room and restore lb growth to boa para wucn nars seoam neia, caasing it to yield reeheoTsrlngef hair. . 5. ........ j i TWaw ar aaaaawa at hkus aaa gsanimsa-la aea lark Who bare had thclrhaii mtereA by thaws sfvka . -larigorator, wbn all other piwparationSaarafallad.' 1. H. hastn his poseesstoa totter tanunamM tnulying to Cm bov Boa, rroai pi esose sf ta big best was, era - -Mllty. It will setally psaeeat the naif fram tmnia L -anui tha katest psrtod st llle; mi In esses sncjslhs ku . , hasalraadyehsngediboole, the usesf th InrVrsrator . wUlwithearuualf iwaisrelt BH to itaenginsl hue, gi Ing It a dark, gloeay appasrsnaa. as a psrfam fur tu toUel and a atatr Beetoraave a I parties arty saeom nssdsd, herisg ss sgismtle frsgisnc; nod tn great tr alitiee It afford! ia drsasing lbs hair, wbioh, srhsn etoiai ' waa th lortferaior, ass b erssee ta sny rxjvlra - fcraa a mpiiiini tm pi i, wnhaeplBirht earle -i Banas the gist wasaand tar a br th todm a era,,,, t . Isiietarticle which bob eagkt to be wttbnat,! lb price , .. pBsss It withi to tsack of all. being . ! -f. . Oalj Tweatj-Kvo CeaU'. ' ,Vi prbtlto,tob Asm M t.. MILLKa sail asll aha attaaHnaaf r.nt 'a . Oaardlan to th a f hi larlgoratoe, la ease where ' ' Ins ch'.Llrsss nsir aastsaee ts as saaa. xn aa et -u -tags ss losaAaliaa tar seowAAaad of hair, at Bt re- -r move any tapario thaa any mvm bessme ussietiS .. with th calp, th rsmoral of wnick I necaaaary Beth ; tn lie aesitu o the cliild, aad ta tatan.appaaxaaee i.f I'aBalr. - ' . t ... ciw.iNocr1tWl'11' lorn kUtLBU bstng a to eeaar wmnrpmri mum, h, MIl ' . LBft'k BA1A UtTltWBATOBe hi. X., blow U tU . yv soleasM Depot, S Dsy su-et, and eoW by a!l a ii il a ii i bin a tad r nfTTs Himaih l'lln anil ' y ! satre '" B) IsserVsa Psalicay 1 nw iro ixnaTzs ixruniszavt whieh. rbr pear f satcntia r1ks, I ton . : bfsuhttopeirfesctoev It dya Blaekw Brews tentanuy stibotttnjary to th Btir r Siia; Warraatsd the fit " astlsif WAtoeJaooe. ' - ' - Depot," M-Vizj ' Ctlf lvT "iorL setWdSrwiy. ": r - i ; 3