Newspaper Page Text
MM ' O . Vi.. ii.",.a.-1 -CGEUIBUS:' T .fci'tUillIl Ji -J ... ...;., to J I " - -i 11 i n 1 i , . -AlrTT r.1 )( Hi) V) t IO ' r ' 1 .-.. t ,.(,., . t a, i' .,. .. ; x,: it ;,t.p3', .v nnmuf tot dr&ner. l Ohm .Stoitmmi D HIT. tI.WEIXIT A5D WLtEKLt iYimiv PbrllM Y lIILLtn. FUflLISaiBS AHD PBOPBIITOB8, SB a a K a a a a. . a aaa. . ILT Office Ko. SO, IS and 40, Vtxth. High St TERMS INVARIABLY IN AD V ANOB. Oally .... 8 00 mtiu . ,"-B h, CMr-!. Pr WMki MX stats.... weoaiy, i go it emit of Advertising by the Nquare. una squar 1 weeks.. 4 00 Ou , ' 9 week.. S 00 Oat 1 iuk... l 75 Olie ., " , V mottlis Id Ul jut " 6 niootli) IS 00 ino M , a months )U 00 JhB " U looothl : 8 00 Jat ' 1 month. 5 (10 One ,,r, JiUj.., i oo 0n " 9 days... 7J One llnttrtlon 80 ( liuplayed adverliiaueoti half more thaa tht abort All notices requires to be published inr law. bnlnb Korilavd on the lnglritealuilvelyafrth Brat week r n. morn man tne anovo rates; but all mob wll ap;ear lo the Trl-Weekly without charge. . ' Business Cards, not exceeding Ore licet, per yr, hi ll Is, a.' 50 nor Hue: ont.lrt. a" All tratuitni advtrtiitmml mutt it paid for in a-i s ...i. in . i 1 ' Weekly, enmn price as the Daily, where that! ".we, JVci'Wy alone. Where th Dal If and Week if r iwth utW tb-e tha. char lar Ua Weekly will fc till tht ntt-s of the Dally 1M- i- TTT no ailTertiwment taken except for a definite period BUSINESSriOARDS: . .-.. F.i A. B. j 8IMXIK8 Attorney at Law . W NOTARY PUBUq. yrj 0(Htj4Ampo irijlWInd,- otpoilta Capitol' Square 00LUHBUB, OHIO! Attorney & Counsellor' at Law, MAHI0N,0HI0. )apoooe.aeA : . MAJtoraoTCREii or STEAM ENGINES; & BOILERS, ' CMtlaga, ElU-eaarlag, Kaablawy, :v-h ' .- - o itht Dnotimw."' 1 '' coirnmjs, oiaio. OUAB. AM BOB, Bbp'i p. AMB08, Trtat. 1861. Summer Arrangements.--Time. Summer Arrangements.--Time. Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND. COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I 1 4j a ff tJPfi'lifiJ1 RAILROAD. Cocneetlsi at CreiUlnt with tht FIIISBUBOH, II. WAYNB 4; CBI01Q0 RAILEOAD Ibr Pitttburgh, PkilaMyliia and SalUmers. Mso or Fort Wayn and OUeatn. CosDCotlng at OltTtbuid with tht LAJCJ gnOKB RAIL' - " " BOAS ' For Dunkirk, llnrralo, Albany, Boa- THREE TRAINS DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, ' From Oolumbua, in eeaneotlon with Train, on tht aiaai.K, jrtiAini AND COLTJirtBUS uaiLHUAlls flilSX TRAIN. "- ' NIOUT KXPRK?8. Learee Colmnboi at 3.40 A, M : will leave paaaeDgen at all itatlona aonth of Oaliun, etop at Delaware, Aahley, Cardicgton and Oilead, and at allitallona north of Gallon, arrlrlng at Olertland at B OO A. M., Dunkirk 3;00 . M., BuBalo 4 25 P. M. Altany 1.80 A. ., New York 8:S5 A. M., Boaton S:30 Ureetlina W P,U, Phlladel hit 5:10 A, Ml, Chicago Tla Oreatllne at 7 IK) P. M. t BKCOiiD TBAIN. NliU YORK XPR38 Ltaret Colnmboi at 11:10 a. m. nui atop atLewli Centre, (ror WUitt Sulphur (Spring,), Delaware, Oardiugtou, Oalion, Cre,tUoe,Bhei by, New Loudon, Wellington and Grafton, arrirt at Ulevaland at 3:35 p. m. Dunkirk, b:So p. m.; Buf alo, lOiSS p. a ; Albany, b: a. m.i New Yoik, 1:45 p.m.; lkaton, 4:40 p. m. Thia Train aonneetaat Shel by for Banduaky, and at QJafton for Toledo, arrlTing at Toledo at 0:40 p. m. - -- THIRD TBAIN. MAIL AND AO CO1111ODATI0N Leavet Ooluaibae at tf.30 p. n; Will atop at all atatlont Booth of Shelby, and at New London, Wellington, Grafton, and Berea; arriving at Olerelasd at (:) p. m ; Dun kirk, 8:00a. m. Buffalo, 30a m.j Albany, BO p.m.; NewYork. 7bM)p. m.; Boaton, 11:45 p.m.: Pltuburgli, 11:55 p. m. Philadelphia, 1:00 a. m., Chicago, . Crtttlint, 0H5 a. B. . Thu Train connect at r-helby for Banduaky and Toledo. arrlTiDg at Toledo at 8:55 p. m. Patent Sleeping Cari 'are'rtm on all NightTraini to Chicago, If ew r". r York and Boiton. r Baogag (Jhecktd Through Fan Tort and iotton cfo Htvtiand; alto, to Philadelphia and Htw lorktla OrttUint. .RETURNING.:-; Night Krpreea arriret atColumboj at.. . 11:15 P, U. Cfawinnatl Jaxpreaa arrirea at Colnmboi at 10:50 A. M. AocoaamodaUon Caprtaa arriTttat Columbui at 7:50 M. . . (, , n by any other Iloute. j'" 'ifr TicltU via, CrttMne or Ondani, " J- ,- ' S.aUIUNT, ,' 'T- Superintendent, Olcrtland, Ohio. JAMES PATTERSON. Agent, vmini, Ohio, Oolumbua, June 17, 1&01. e , . iutt IUot.ya.1 100 Ht. Cn GREEN and BLACK Tt-AB 1O0 baga prima Bio Oonee. 1 AO pocket old Dutch Government Java Ooffet. . . 19 bags Ceylon gone. i r .. I SOOBblt. ttandard White Bngara, oonalatlng of Stw dred, Ohraahed, Granulated A and B OoCea. SO qalntala Gaorgt Bank Oodflih. - SO bbla. Una and No. Mackerel, "j j. ' 5 tea. Pick Salmon. , t . s , 100 bx. Layer Maialna. . . Mh!t -. . , i BO hf. box do.,, do,, .j,,-,., (.;.;..' 100 qr. box do." da . ' . 100 M Cigara, different brtndl and gnulea. ' , Miff, - , ,., .,. ,; ,;. . , WM. HoDONlLD., ..-7 hi mm mm mm I And . Blank-Book EanoJanturer,,' . ' XOXTH HIGH KTRZR, C0LUXBUB, OHIO arll-dlf1 --' - ." .Re4 tWWtc:and.:Bltte a x: i "-'.l j OALSC'OSff, KIBBO..S NECK II ES Jwtjte4hr '''J ?x rn 5 'i:xx Mt"3i apiSJ.., ..,-(, No. SO Soalk High ttratl. 1 a new uoor ikibt, o. w, soutf jam 1 Hava Inrt iearv4 It Mw fnaM af "BOOP BKIRTI nkhtd la Buoumi far nptrtor M ut yeLltuotd "dusabilitt AW'cdfenTtax5! ':-ivT Jt""t.l-flrftl fHIiil Ixmumul 'owawu wla9 aor iwi HtH . 7 - WORCESTER'S Xh9m?ate,tThe Iwfeit-The Beit, jruuiiqeR JBoekua the Beit, Tbt) not Rllabi ret ft m i tadard Au thorlty of ttao Engllab Langnag i Sim JTtmdrtd Emintml Educator of Ohio, ""H.BJ?B8T "fflW DIOTIPSABY JtlTANT." trary Mtn PctrfUt 'Htia are upwardj of a Hundred Thouaand Worda, ,.? ""U(krloM Mnlnn and derlTationa, tocather aH Ibaf th 7rlUB' proanntlatie u art oaaarly lit ,' :(MnoiatiOtrotai?L MtadtktDioklon of tht Mmitrt'of thi Ohio BtaU utaontrt AMooiuuon. - The anolenrirned. AaaodaUon, adopt and aim to oat la teaching, writing uie orinograpny ana pronanoiaUon of Worotatar'a ltoyal Quarto Dictionary, and wa moat cor dially reooanneaMl H M ih, Ihttlty of the In. lUh inim, i, t. ... ,,. poaiK AwDKawa Prttldtnt Ktnyon Oollece. X" i"""! paetottndent Zaaearillt Bchoola. J," rr. juaayar, Bup't Haaailon Union Bchoola, M. W. Oownaat, Bup't Pttbim Bchoola, Sanduak, w (.Tina, aon't Public Bchoola,' OlrcItTlllt. " B. H. Baafoas. PrlnHnil OunnlnA Rmrina. War. llITCHat.t Rnn'tVnhlU ft-kAAla l TT-I Hfow,aoaii,rUipal Stat NaaA.'Bck.Mlniia- ,w naaoJb rrtnaipal 'Murta iManukaaat BahaM, vuv-izim. H. B. UaaTnt, Bup't Canton Union Bchoola. Inarm Haaal. Prtnoiual HsNeal Hormal School. Bu T. Tarraa, Prof. Matbeaiatlca, Ohio UnWtralty. WH, W. XnWAtBt, Bup't Troy Pnlon School. ; i . M i V land. B. A.VoaTOII. AaaaiataPrbi Bl.h Ri-lutnL nu HUH ... . Saaopou StnuM, Principal High School, Oltra land DUft . ., . . ... , . B. I. Sraiai-a. PrtnHnal lmlanii TnatltaU." ( J. A, daaruLD. PreaWant of Kleetln Inatlrnta. fit tony-- f-v.-i-T -TTT--- W. L. Haaaia. Prof, of Ohenlatrw. Ohln Wnlam Onlvwralty. H. H. Babkit, Ix-CoaunUtioner of Common Bchoola, yuiu, " - ...... JaKta Mom oa, Prof. Rhetoric-, Oberlm College. Taoa. Hux, Praaident Antlooh Oollere. O.' W. H. Ciraiua... Inf. la.thn.Un ni-h School, Dayton. B. . ninatin... ew. T - tti- a.i B. al. Satan, gup't Union Bohoole, Aihland. llor than Sim Vita fyju. 91, Proftuort, Author and PUtinguUhtA JRkun- m,MinaHgrHaiMOTNIMWMM, " - " PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES IN1 OHIO. VaitTTA Couxaa "Tt hl a'mnAtit vnrV. ta honor to tht author, tha bllhar. uid lha whnla wuuuy. - rnaratni Anurawa. 01 WrwtTraiTV..Tt uuua. t wui mv aiiiiMi in aruAmnM and nmnnn. nation, and will often bt eonaulted by me for lta neat ana aoourata oetumioaa." Prtaldtnt Thompaon.-' - W. ML. ttaarmn flnir "TlantafmaM Km nl Webeter't orthography. At a recent meeting of . our Faculty, it waa decided to ehanaa It to i that of Worceater'i Boyal Quarto DlcUonary.'! Pratldant mimmu. .. ',.,.Tf''''fi"i,1;v:":il Wama Bxtnn Ootxiaa Bud fa amrthw of appr-wuoii.' -rraemnt -lUC-Ooca. ; ,,(.,,,; OMam OoLUaa. It uira i . Uona. I recouend it aa tha . .nihnritw in orthoepy to my children and my puplla." Preeldent Korgaa. !-lw . v .: : vrii ei .r AwTTOOa OMaa. adantand atm t naa la . lag, writing and epaaklng, tht orthography and pronua ejalon of Woroeater'a jloyal Quarto DloUonary." rmumi nui , "In all Bl Vritlnw. !. an 4 hln. T hava a, dtarored to conform to tht ralat for trthography and pronunomuon at ooniatnea io wofoaatera Dwuonary.' Horace Mann, lata Pmldent (. j d , ) ; KiHToa Ootxaoa. 0Maua. 'Imoatmrdlallw fcoom. mond It at tht moat reliable itaadard aathorit of the Bnallah lanaruaoaaa It la now writtan and mflkan." isaiuent Asaiewe. . SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS OF OHIO from Sow. Anton Smyth, Oommittiontr of Common 0MOOW M fJUO. , "Tha Dlctlonarr la an ImDerlahabla monument ta the learning at d Induitryof tta author, and an honor to the worm oi leiaera. ine mtenanical axaeatloa la far tupa- Ho. to tha, f .n fi.ln I,K .L.h -" iqualntad." . xrom uon. u. u. nanny, jtt-vomamuonar of School in Ohio. . : f "Tha moat rellablt itanlard authority of tht lan ra." . . ( waai a ... ' Tit rllng Nw opctpexw-of Ohio Bay. from th CUvoiand Herald of March 28. . Tha orthography of tha Woroeater Dictionary It that need by moat, If not all authora ol dlatlnotlon In thia country and England, and eonforau to tht general oaagt of ordinary writer and epaaken. - Whataeer prejudlcae may hart txiated preriouily, a careful atudy of thia rolume will taTtrlably be followed by a warm appreciation of Ita great marita, and a daalrt to add It to th well aaltettd library, bt it large or imall, It la a library lnlteelf, and will ramala aa . mperiiha bit record of thtlearnlng of lUtomplltr.1 . 1 Jrom th Cincinnati Oommtrcial of April SO. Here art opwarda of a hundred thoaaaad wordagood. bad and Indifferent whoet multlfarioua maaninga and deriratlont, together with their correot epalling and pro nunciation, art tat clearly befort tha tye. Tht work la anqueationably tht grtatett Theeaorua ot Xngllah Worda rer publlehed. Iron tht Cltvttond Flaindtaltr oftitpt. 20, 1860. Bridently Woacama'a Royal Qoaaro DionoiuaT it not onlf tht but, out tht Bear eor of th tend er it ttifd.andoan by do poniblllty aufler by ootnpariaon or oontroTtny . , - .- -.; h -v s- . i-i Jrom th ToUio Mad of May 29. Aa to ntoxuMCUTioM. Woaoarm I thi tn amao followed by our beet authora; in definitions bt leaves nothing to be detlrtd. and in 0".thooa--t it la iUlfioltBl to tay that Woacarriot can bt aafciy folloared. INGHAIV BRAGG, Pnbliabera, BookaelUra Stationer a. NO. 191 BUFXBI0B ST CMYILAND, OHIO. , aaatt ' - -' f ' ' ' ' ' THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIEE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of - 2To -vvzwlx., ZNT. T. Dlrldend January 1, t86 1, 43 Par Cent. A88ET8....v.i.l...!.......:......v3J13J5a SO. Statement January 1, 1861, Balanca, par itattrntnt Jan. 1st, 1860 13,406,58 39 Beoelred for Premluma dur ' ,.. lng tha ytar 10 $763.0.3 55 Btotlrtd for Interest during . , , tha year I860 IU,0U 19 : Total receipts for I860..,. 1977.067 74 . ,T t, ,! Paid Olalma by Dtath,S07,050 00 Paid Polioiea surren dered 41,111 89 - Paid Salaries, Poit agt, Taxta, Jlx- -- i change, eto 31,620 54 Paid Commissions to 1 " "".!.:' Agentt 51,325 30 , Paid Physicians' fees. 6,sm 75 - Paid Annul ties. - i J17 00 . t Paid Dividend! dur- ' ' ' lng the year .V.I06,500 75 585,161 i 411,971 14 Net Balance .Tannery itt.' 1861.... . ...13,818,558 50 i ABSBTV.' Cash on hnd.V..V......... M62S4 1b'':'; ' ' Bonds and Mortgages on Real V '.. - '' I t Batata, worth double tht " :i e-A! iff- amount loaned........... 132741 BB Pramium Notaa, on PoUoieg JZ.Z "r" In force, only drawing 6 per ' cent. lntarttt......... 179.884 Tr' t.ti (?' Baal Bstate w 893 87 Loans aa Strip. i (,93144 Premiama, Notts and Oath, la v'n tonntof transmission.... 4341 75 ) Total Astttt I .WSMW 8TS PoVloiet la hroa, tosnrtng.. ....taBje.sai 1,435 atw Pslldeahara beta lasaad during tha year. After a tarafnl ealcalatloa of the present valnt of tht eatatandlng Poltcieeof th Company, and having tht MttMory aaaetml la re serve thtrtftw, tha Mraaton hava declared a DiviDaxaof 45 paroant. on tha Prtml aais paid at the table ntlaa, to aU polMee br Ufa U faroa, laaaad prior lo January 1, 1860, payatto awarding a Use present rala of th Oompaay. Bataa for all kinds tf Lift OotrttBganelet, ProapaeV aees, Statements, and ApplltaUoaa, wlU ha-fnnalahed mm oust, at the Offiot tr Agencita oft tht Com-. u B0BT. It. ATTBBSON, Preaideot. , ..'-J.1" O.OB0YIB,YktPrtakltat, SINJ. 0. MELLBa, BeoreUry. H V!. a;,,Ma.l,r?W, Jgrnt, . -ii--,.c.f as v iahnaon Block, ., , , lfKja, 18KU wVt v,,...) . Oolortaa,0..,. Pi i a tt'Jk n 'Jd vigcbed black DBB8B SIUOB, ever? grade. TbS most etlaot aattrtmtait fa the aiy. and at awatitawMaM rate. , I .-Mum tit. ui 1 - li Aso..-I fswUS . B. Ip oaU HlghJiem i f .wttue WDaafM s3ti9 .ipoTPeTW . .w ,.- j .v I , . ; T i: . j mi ,i . Ay.eis$. - V f id ;:; t:fi ;iiw 'f A tommjund fetnedv. Bedimed to be the most effeotul; tUeratiy. tbaj .)n,-b ma4. ,1 -is t coofientrated, extract of Jara BorsaparlH4 so omDtnea 'witu ''Other ' tnbMancM 'et tm greater alterative power aa to afford an eflec tin antidcta for tkc diteatef Saraaparill is reputed-to euro, i It i beliartd thaf pch ' rsfnedy i!i wantsd .'bj' bse ' wHo snffe. fr.m Strumoua oitiplaintN and tjia ope whlcli iVill accomplish their euro must prove of immense acrrice to this large class of out pfllicted fallow. citizens.', How completely this compound will jdo it has keen proven by .experiment on many of th worst eases to be found of the following 'complaints: ,r .Ah, - .w wi I . gcUOrULA.AND SOBOtvlOOa i CuII'-4INT, EavmoNs Mp Erupitvi Disbascs, Ulcbbs, Pijrew, ;5OTOHEf,' Toiiois, Saiit BrnnJir, ;Stti.IIsp,1 SrpBtus anp Svnnuno Ap sections, Mbkccbial Disease, Diiopsy, Nbu. ItAWiA iiTioDocLounsnt, Debility, D- SP8IA t IWDIOBHTION, ERTSI. ELAft, ' Ros jolt Br.' AlmiSifT. J"tt,' and Indeed the whole class of complaints arising ircan Iirp.uiTY o. h Il6op. ;; , '; . ' ,' . I ITftia .ompouna ,tvill ieounj'i greafpr. motor of health, when taken hi flio apring, to expel the foul humors which fester in ,h blood at thltt 4eifs6n of tha vea...-D.tthctime. ly expuMoaof tlien'xnany jsnldiiitiiiordcrs are nipped, in. the-bud.., Multitudes can, by Itha-aid of. this, remedy, spar iharaaelvc fsom the endurance of tool eruptions and ulcerous 'sores, through which the system will sthva to rul. itseir of corruptions, if not assisted to do this tlirough tlia natural channels of ths body br on alterntiYO medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities .bursting uu-ougb the akin m pimples, eruptions. 'or sores; cleanse it when you And it is ob structed ana sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is lonl, and your feelings will tell you When. ' Even Where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and lire longer, for cleansing the, blood. ' Keep the blood healthy, and all Is well ; but with this pabulum of H0 disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong; and the great machinery c2 me is oisoTaerea or overthrown. 1 barsapanlla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtus that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but littla of the virtue of Sarsaparilia, or any thing else, v: ." t - During late years the public havo been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of SarsanarUla for ona dollar. - Mo ,t ,of tlieso have been .frauds upon, tho eiclc, for they not only contain little, It any, Earsapa Iriila, but often no curative properties whatev er, ilence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sortaparilla which flood the market, until tho 'name itself is justly despised, and has become isynonvmous with imposition and cheat, btill wo call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to Supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy .which rot;U upon it. T. And wo think we nave ground for helteving ft has virtues which are irresistible In' the ordinary run of tho diseases It is intend. ca to cure. In order to secure thar complete eradication from the system, ths remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottlo. - .x j j. .. PREPARED DR, J. AYE II & CO. LOWELL. MASS. ; Prle. Al per Bottle Six Bottles for $9. 'Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself attoh a renown for the aire of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of ita virtues, wherever it hus been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people ita quality is kept up to the best it ever hits been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has over been found to do. "AyerY Cathartic Pills, ron THE ctriiE op ' Costivmcss, JtiumUc!, Dyspepsia, IiuVgnlion, Dyientery, Font Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Putt, Khatmatum: Erttntumt and Skin Diseases, Livtt Complaint, Dropsy, Teller, Tumori and Salt :Hliestm,- Worms, ' Caul, Netrralgia, a it Dinner PiU, and for Pwifyina tho Blood. - ' i ' They are engnr-conted, so that th most aerun- I ttve can take thenv pleasantly, and they are tho j best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a. fcimily physic. . . ... Frios 25 cents per Box ;' Tiro uoijj for ftl 00. Great numbers of Clergymen , Ph vsfci ;tri i, S ta t ? 3-' men, and eminent personages, Jinve lent tiir-ir names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our spaco here will not permit Hie insertion of them. The Agents below named fur-, nijh. gratis our Amrkican Almanac in which they are Riven r with also full descriptions of the above eomplaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed lor their cure. ' '" -'tf.t Co not tie nut olf by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make moro profit on. Demand AvKii'a, and take no others. The H; want the best aid there is for them", and tliey iliutiM nave it.' t ' a n-'.i. ' . t All our remedies are'for sale hy y. . - . . BOBBBTB A BAMD1L. Oolumbua. And by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. , -.i..uu,. w NEWARK MACHINE WORKS, Plannfaetarora mt all kind ol (or table and stationary Kteara En- fines, saw Ntlle, Grist nulls, Ac, Ac. lAjfTa) B0DIX1 Soattnl B. t I. BLAST) TBeaUni V:J. B. PUTAZZ Btatmltl COLUMBUS ' MACRTKE CO. BtaUnllll BBAZfiORD . -... ... A co Bamu 1 Oar Portsbl logins and Saw KM Was awarded the first premium of 50 at tha Indians State fair for 1S66 ever In Bodley't on amount ot Prieel, lightness, simplicity, economy" of iuol 1 iui superior character of lumber sawed.' Oar Stationary Bngtn waa awarded at tht tame Pah the tntpranimatt-!.- i- - Our Portablt Bngin was awarded the ilnt premium el 1100 at the fair at Memphis, lenn,, over Blandy'a Da vail, Oolumbot Haohln Co'., and Bradford fc Co.. by a oomialtta of practteal Kaiiroad Ingineeri. ,' ; j. ' for prtot and terms address L WILLABB VAKIIBB, Treaearar, o5-dwlyote. Newark. Ohio dtPaztnenhio. . rHATB THIS DAT ABBX1TTBD BIT 1 1 r I inaa. .. . . . - , (wmr i ay eatr Otta, which will tM after Bt onduo4 wader th fins Coiombs. k IS. 1051. ,,y a, , fthlS . H n w n s fttta i orts t aiis, aiid , a...xa..w - . - BAUI''Srflr,' irnltS!.. fi .an!m f fulli Hlirli almint iprOSM.. t a .'m aU. Wfmtbllll ftovetv I .SAMt . w ,s.ria aj mi t .ta..) t-4 i av'i vmu a.i ,.iv . .tvpi'.ia rftij.n .y 0 .me", win ,t. rjr . V:t I 'SaS-jkisllS RAILROAD. Summer Arrangement. Little Miami & Columbus & Xenia. j ff r RAILROADS. ..a for Cincinnati, Dayton 6t Indianapolis! . j -.u:.y nj i a -.i.ji.Jp ... t.Ui A t . Throogh 9 Indl&naDolis witho.t Change of Cars i J) njjvs'OnClfangS! C itftfum., ' v'i..tfl tColambus and Bt, Leais. i Ii-.:., : 'i-,i i. I ('. . Akmmm :i. ll:il ..t V I. I.. Four 'Trains I)attr ftom Coldrubna. 1 1 .ii !(. ji : n a i . . .u , AuCOMBObATION at S t. a. stopping at all tta lions btcwecn Calumbat and Olnclnnali and Dayton, ai rrriDg at OtoeinoMI at 10 OS a. m., and al Dayton at ' . at., ttmnaatirg st Day ten. for Iadlanapolla aed f fs;li tr"::"t tei! M.ta er.l t,u "ii. tis ti J6ECOND TRAIN, t . mv-ji No. 1 IXPBBItatilltdOanr;, ilopplnifRt Jefferson, London, Char leal on, Cadacvllla, Xtaim. Boring Valley, Oorwin, Ireeport, Port Aaoieot. Morrow St.. Lebanoa, Foater't, Love land and Mllford, arrivlog at Cincinnati aia.wp. a.,Dsytota at) 4S p. m,onnecllnwltri thS viuw ana awsuaippe HnuetaO'tos Loaitvtllat yV via. Otunas. Oalra. Bt. Lai. N.wOrlan, at.t at Daaton for Iodlsnapollt.lAfayatte. Itrrailautt, Ohitago Sad all Waatom nolnt.. . - 9 ' I n I :i o. t 7 THIRD TRAIN. . -'I . 1 M Alb at 9.10 n. at , stopping St a I etttions between Oolumbus and Xenia,, at, Spring Valley, Oorwin, Morrow and Lsrelaad, arriving atViuclnaatl at 9 a. m. !, V'iw,1. .'FOURTH TRAIN. : ' Nrdm ZXtntLi, via Dayton, at 13 00 midnight, stopping at London, Xenla, Dayton, Uladletowo and Bauilton, arriving at Cincinnati at 5.55 a. m. sat Day- tea at 8.55 a. m.i oinntotlog at Olarlnnatl with tht unioaou uiaamippi luuroad lor Louisville. Bvansvlllo, Vlnoennes, Cairo, St. Louts. Memphis, New Oi leans, and all points South and Bouth-west; also, at Dayton for Indianapolis, Lafayette, Terra Haute, Chicago, tto. IC? Ior further Informttlon and Through Tickets, spply to M. L. pOBEUTX, Ticket Agent. Cnloo Depot, Oolombos. 1 t j m - 'I ! ! . ... P. W. 8TBADBB. n - ... . I , . '. General Ticket Agent, Oinolnnati. ''.,: , ; JN0. W. DOMBTV, I ... Agent, Columbus, ! .' ' . W. WOODWARD, ' Buperlntcndent, Cinolnnatt. Oolumkes, July 14, 1801. RAILROADS. EAST. CENTRAL OHIO AND Steubenville Short Line. RAILROADS COMBINED! 5 sl ! CCfNNKOTlNa AT BXLLAIBB WITH TUB BALTIMORE & OHIO, AND AT PITTBBUEOn WITU THE - PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIIROA.D: POBMINO THE ' . ' Shortest, Quickest & Host Reliable ,J Route to aU Eastern Cities ! Trains Leave Columbus as follows i . . , U0BNINO XXPBC88 . Laavaa Colambus 3 SO A. Id. from Union Depot; via Bellalrt or Btaubtnvlil I arrives at Bellalr. 1(1.90 A. M. Bteubenville, 19.90 P. M.; Pittsburgh, 3 40 P. M-; -larrisburg, 1.10 A. M.i mia AiUntoum, arrives at Now York 60 A. M.t ia Pkiladtlohia. arrive at Phila delphia, S.10 A. M.; Maw York, 10.30 A. M. Oonneelo also at Barrlsburg for Baltimore, ariivlogat7.45 A. M. .... ii .1. Sleeping Cars , attached to this Train Protn Oolumbua. ran direotly through to Ballalra or Pittabargh without ohange; and fuwngers via Allen town arrive In Maw Xork at 8 A. M.t - KJ. WO H0TO8 IN ADVANCE OS NOBtnillN This Train also connects at Bellaire with Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. the PITTSBURGH EXPRESS. Leave Oolumbua II 95 A M , from Wnlon Depot, via Uteubenville; arrives at Newark, 14 50 J. M.t Coshoc ton, 9.15 P. M. Bteubenville, 0 p. M.; Pittsburg, B.40 P. M. irj-his la tutonlv routs bv which Paseenirars can leave CloclnnaU at 7 A. M., go through lo Pitta bargh In daylight, without ohange of cursor delay. ' PAST LINS. ' Leaves Ooluabut 9.15 P. M.,"from tTclon Depot, via Bellaire: arrives at Newark, 3.23 P. M ; Zanesvllle, 4 33 P. M t Bellaire 7 .Si P. 11.: Pittsburch. 11.95 P. .JI.; Uarrlsburg, 9.00 A. M.; Wa enloion, arrives at new iora,4 r. u.; via rMlaaupnia, arrives Philadelphia, 1.10 P. M.1 New fork, 6 P. Al, This Train also connects at IlarrUbura lor Baltimore, ar riving at IP. M. .. .. i nia Train runt tnrougn t Bellaire or Pittsburg with' out change of Cars; and from Pittsburg thtrt Is ao change of Cars to Pbl adelphia, or via Allentowa to New lork thus offering The only Route from Columbus to Baltimore, rniiaaeiphia, or mew York, with only one change of Cars. By this Train Passengers arrive in New York fire hours In advance of tha Northern lines. Ibis Train also connect at Bellalrt with ths Baltimore aadOhloB.B. . .. 4. ., . ITThis Route is 30 miles shorter to Pittsburg, ana more man iuu miles snorter to New York, than Northern Lines. Baggage Checked Through to all im portant Points East. ASK P0B TI0KET8 VIA - BELLAIRE OR BTEUBENVILLE . Ticket Good over either Ken to. ' - Jno. w, brown. Gen. Ticket Agent Central Ohio B. B. I. A. HUTCHINSON, (Jen. Ticket Agent Bteubenville short Line. jelO ,t GUERNSEY'S BALM! GUERNSEY'S BALM RE-IO VEH AND PREVENTS IH flammation and pain, and heals the worst burn. scald, bruise, cut .or fresh wound of any kind, prevent swelling and pain from be tUnge, moaquito Mtet, and poisonous plants, neuralgia, rheumatlam, ago In th brtatt, salt rheum, tto. - When taken internally, It wtlr positively cure oroup In children, and givea Immediate relief in th worst eat of thla terrible complain, abo.. removes hoaraenea and aore throat. Priot, 93 eaata. bottle. Should bt In tvt )j house. Por .ale by Drug gists and Storekeepers. IRVlNiTiNB, 1 ooie jr ropnewr, j , rpruoeii , yor MttdStwlylg f j .- ; t ? , . J No real lattles oaa be done tht abov Drtnaratlont but by proeanng and reading descripUve mmpblataA do touaa wtta an dealers, or win d sent ay proprietor on demand. Vormalaa and Trial Bottlea sent lo Phvet elans, who will find development In both worthy th-jii aoceptanc ana approval ... Oorraspondtnot solicited from all who neotesltlet or curiosity prompts to a trial of tht above rellablt Bemt die. ' Por al by th anal wnoletale and Mtall dealer tvtrywhtr. JOm I. lirNNE WJELiL, Propr(et ,? ! ("1 , OHIHIST AND rr.ABMACIirnST, ' I Ho. 0 Commereial Wharf, Boston, Tmti. ' " feoberts A Samuel, N. B. Marple, J. B. Oeok. J. M Dentg, O. Denig A Bona, A. J. Bohueller ft Bou, Agents' 01 Uolumbus, uni. - myl-dly Baltimore Clothing floase..... ( " mmttmmmm -kf- V...-Ir'. HBSS C3 TlXsTJUX ' j aiorGrrcass am waousaui biauu ii READY-MADE CLOTHING. No. S08,W. SaltLmoe-street, (at 1 ansa wsxatt ax aowajtn,) x.tvtr .ar. B iXTlradHEJDldt S J A tarp, Anortat of Plsos mi. Ijttlfttof I Goods Constantly ob Esmi , .... ti.;' c.'i taaiMiait rr- VitiltCt IIIXI, .....ilt...... vany,pryar.. fajklr. er , , ... ......,,.,...f 0 00 3 00 100 Jtn-wei !., . ." ttoi, per year ....;;..,, Thurlow Wood on Fremont. [Editorial Correspondence of the Albany Evening Journal] WASHINGTON, Oct. 26, 1861. cannot 000 sealed or Sealed tbat General Fremont's eondnct In Mlasoorl bas been the subject of offlolal inquiry, and Is aow tbs occasion of Executive deliberation, and of popular solicitude, I tiave made It my baelaess to obtain, iron various bat relUble sources, In formation from wblct) the people, as uiors,may safely ro9er a verdicl. 1 In coming, at I have, to a eonclusloii unfavor ably to General Fremont, It is sosroal; need-' ful to say thai I had, in doing so, to Voocqoer'' maty "prtjadioes,". 1 My relations' with Gen eral Fremont bavs been intimate and pleasant. I believe bltn fmlnehily upright and pauiotio I thought hiui well fitted lor the high command with which be was invested; and be went forth will my heartfelt aspirations that ha would rentier good Stl7iiL.oiir,oountry and win glory for himseW.i ,i f. v ti .....(.,..! . 3 Passing math that might be said, impaojn iog the nense and ta.te ot General Fremont, and couflalng mj.elf to accusaiioos undeniably true, I submit to the renders of. the Journal tome facts which will show them bow lameutably a favored General disappoints the popular ex pedition: : ,1 '., Wben General Fremont reached St. Loots be t.ok ss bis headquarters, house for which the Government Is paying gix thousand dollars year. . v, n He surrounded himself with a numerous staff, none of whom were residents of Missouri; or ganizing, simultaneously, a body guard consist ing oi nearly three hundred horsemen, through which acoets to tbs Cbiei Is as difficult as the approach to a monarch in the darkest ages ol despotism. He bas appointed and commissioned, without the shadow of authority, more than fifty officers, w'th the rank of Colonel, Lieut.-Colonel, Major, Captsin, etc., etc.. CoL Andrews, the United Stites Paymaster was required to pay these of ficers, and upon bis relusal to do so, wss threat ened with imprisonment. He was also direoted to make an illegal transfer of $100,000. - . The officers belonging to Gen. Fremont's staff ore intereited In army contracts. Cspt. Hatkall, an aid, is a partner of CoL Degraf in mole, bay and other contracts. - Capt. Turnly, a United States Comminsary, was ordered to receive and pty exorbitant prices for inferior mules from Capt. Haakall, and upon protcstiog sgain.t this wrong, was ordered away from the post by Gen. Fremont. ' Capt. E. M. Davis, of Gen.' Fremont's staff, received a contract for blankets, wbiob, on de livery, proved rotten and worthless, and though condemned, acre paid lor and seat to the hos pitals. The mutkets purchased by Gen. Fremont in France, are worthless. After Geo. Meigs limited the price to be paid for oats at thirty cents, corn at twenty-eight cents, and hay at $17 50, a contract wa made with fi-ird it Palmer (Palmer, Cook dt. Co., of California notoriety), at tbtaty-threa cents for oats, thirty lor corn, and $19 for bay, amount, log, in the aggregate, to $100,003. Gen. Fremont, on his arrival at St. Loiits, was met by the Aid of Geo. Lyon, accompanied by MaJ. Phelps, M. C, asking for reinforce ments, which were not sent. - The Indebtedness of the Quartermaster's De partment, lor Gen. Fremont's command. la over ftur milium and a half! . . i This disastrous condition of things is attrib utable to the "malign Influence", of Caltfoml ans with whom Gen. Fremont beoame unfortu nately connected in miclotr operation,' and who harried from the Pacific on learning that be was entrusted with high military command. These ill-omened men, some or aU of whom left a dark record in California, seemed to have obtained either a voluntary or constrained control of the Quartermaster and Commissary Departments oi Gen. Fremont's Military Dis trict, roe results ana consequences are- fatal alike to the interests or toe country and . the usefulness and reputation 'oi the Commanding General. Tbey impeach either his bead: or his heart, and so far as be is practically concerned, it is not material which, tor whether wicked or a weak General, be 13 nufitted for so great a trust. " . ' '' " " " i Nor are these faults, grave as they sre, the only ones to which be is obnoxious. The war Is being prosecuted by tho army under his com mind in a way which recalls and deepens tbe horrors of Vandalism, withoat ' conquering traitors, he Is converting union men Into ene mies. Ills line of match Is marked and mem orised by spoliations and ravages which diagracs an age of ctvilicition-; We have a letter dated "TiDton. Mo.. Oct. 17th." from an inutlisnt. observing, trotbful friend, from which ws take the followinsr extract: . From Tipton to Warsaw the maroh wss one continuous devastation, without the least regard for principles or antecedents, uae Union man who had kept fire sons from iolnicr the seces sion forces, bad bis place literally gutted, the men or AaDoiU's ana Bigers aivisions killed, on bis farm alone, forty sheep, three cows, two steers, and stealing eight horses. The eavalry galloped over prairies lassoing mules, and ebootlne oxeo, sheep and bosrs, then chocked them Into tneir already overloaded wagons There is scarcely a reatnered biped left within fire miles on eitner side ot tneir march 1 not a whole looking-glass or an nnrifled bureau, or blanket that bas not been seized. For all this there is no excuse, tbe army having an abund ance of provisions and stores. "The army bas now reached Warsaw, and cm advanct no fitrthtr and niveb was intended to advance ruMHEB, . Prioo and his army are to-day more loan seventy mnes anead or oars. Fremont does not expect and never did expect to overtake mm. "Let the lesst disaster bsppen to ns In Croat, and not a man will ever return to tell ns tbe gtory for we shall leave behind ns a maddened, beegtred, famishing, fretsied population, In which those wbo were Union men ten dsys ago, are to day our most otner enemies." Snob, lioense adds horrors to tbe legitimate and unavoidable evils of war. An army that leaves such remembrances along its lino of march will be forever execrated. It is sad to record these things of a youthfal General Irout whose career the country looked lor heroism tempered wits humanity, urn high as our hopes were or Uen. rremont, we oannot afford, when- whether from fault or misfortune so muob depends on tbe wisdom and Integrity of Generals, to be deceived. . I am, by tht tores of evidenoe which cannot be resisted, constrained to , admit tbat be has signally failed to discharge, with usefulness to tho country or credit to himself, the duties of bis station. I would cladly turn from this painful theme. were it permitted, to a more cheerful one. But we are oppressed oy a iresn calamity, me battle of Ball's Bluff, like that at Bali Run, was a defeat and blunder. Tbs at ft at, where two thousand troops, with all the conditions and surroundings against them engaged four thou sand was unavoidable. Of the blundtr I wiU not speak, because I do not yet know wbo Is responsible for It. -To those wbo were in tbe battle, whether they survive, or "sleep their last sleep," nothing but honor and gratitude is I was with the President last evening wben the brother, son and nephew of tbe lata Colonel Biker, Who were wtiu mm, called to snow bis orders. . These otders were on his person, and were crimstiiel and consecrated by his blord. Though the blosd partially effaces the order, enough is vl.ibls to vinaioate bis memory, it Is sufficient to say that tbe orders were clear and explioit, and that tbey were gallantry, gen erously and lUertUf obeyed-. Colonel Biker, with inadeonate moans of transportation, went to tbe rescue of sis hundred Spartans who were engaged with an enemy four thousand Strong. From New Orleans and Santa Rosa, ws have il ihtniii-anna -of a more ebeerioB character -r 1 ." rr.m . . -.ita . W;rB! Wr"ai wuyv...y" Tea aeob dJ 4. ssMikD c'xoh .tm ?tn tjto js.-) .!mml J 1- 1 1 . . -i u vwaiug .oeiaoeeiess ursyiowo,. pabllsbM o V lying aispatob. Xlis pretended vlotory over oar biockadiogsquadron wu a poor, obeap falsehood. rerara to toe attaoa noon Col. Wll. soo's Zooavss, near rest Pickens. - ThU pre- lenaed victory was a noaltiva daf.aL. . 1. , . : Of ths naval expedition I am not at Ubortr to speak. - - " ' We nSVS an Immense, raaaonahfr1 wll rintiu pea, and highly disciplined sway, slretebior along tbe Hoe of the Potomao river. , It nnat remain long inactive. Let ns bone that f n. tuts successes mSy retrieve past disasters.' WASHINGTON, Oct. 26, 1861. T. W. WASHINGTON, Oct. 26, 1861. T. W. How and Army Moves. There are a great many thlnm hIila man and guns essential to an armvt and tha mm. mender, about to lead an arm in a hnattla country, first sset tbat the commissariat la well provided with provisions, that thara are amnla means of transportation, and tbat there la a re. serve 01 ammunition and clothing, and a good supply of hospital stores and medicines. All tbe preliminary arraogemenis for the march having been eeretully madeythe "order: of march" te oommaoieated to tbe several commanding' effi cere of divisions, brigade and reglmenta, but not published In orders.&'Tbe troop are distrib uted soeordlng to the charaoier of tko eoamry : la averyspta oottntry a largo portion of eav alry weald be at tbe bead of the eolnmai hot gensrally it Is distribated throaghoa tho line. The artillery should be In tbe rear of the first foot regiment.' An' adrauoe ot 1 raraard of moantod srooptwooe or two oempanlee should be detailed escb day, and the regiment that has the right of tbe lino one day, attould be next day lu tho rtar. .0 a woody, or moBOtaloooa country detaobments of Bankers and skirmish ers are thrown out lo the right and left of tbe column, at a distance of one to two hundred pues, to keep a sharp lookout and prevent any auob disastrous and gratuitous experience as those painfully ahd recently familiar to ns In connection with tbe amboaoade on the road to Vienna. .a,-- . ..s Tbe column having been formed at half or quarter distance, and tbe baggage train assem bled In tbe rear, proteoted by a guard selected from each regiment for its own baggage, the oolumn Is put in motion, and the march eom meooea with the same regularity as would bt observed by a regiment moving in or out of garrison town, the band playing, tbe light infant ry with arms sloped and thoae of the riflemen slung over tbe shoulder, the offi.ers with swords drawn, exact wheeling distance preserved, and perfeot silence observed. . ' Alter bAVing proceeded a short distanos in this manner, tbe word of command, "route step," is given by the general at tbe bead of the leading battalion, and passed quickly on to tbe rear. I he oaptatos. Instead of continuing at the bead of their companies, draw back to the rear ol them, tbat tbey may see any men ot tbf ir re spective oompaniea wbo attempt to quit the ranks without leave. Tbe soldiers then maroh and carry their, arms In any manner convenient to tbem, conversation and smoking Deiog oral ; narlly allowed. Scientific American. . .., , The Junction of the Army of the Potomac. [From the Louisville Democrat.] A great deal of Impatience is manifested at the inaction ot our army 00 tho rotomao. . in this we do not sympathise. Il is the doty of McClellan to run no risk at tbst point; not even the remotest. The defense of the capital must sot be put at basard and made to depend on tbe result of a bsttle. Tbs Bull Ruu affair wss only not fatal because tbe enemy bad not, the courage to take advantage of it. The Con-1 federate loroes can bo moved from tbe Potomac without risking a general engagement; and this is tbe policy, 00 doubt, of General McClellan. When be moves nis main army ne will be sure of the result. ,: In tbat course be is wise. It is bis duty to pursue it and regard no outside pres sure. ' . . . .. ; Tbe Confederates are wasting their time, and eating themaelvea up at Manaaaas. Tbey can take up lodging there indefinitely, and be no nearer their object. There are point to be gained remote from Washington, and mors fatal ta tbe Confederate rebellion than tbe oo oupatlon of Manassas. It Is true, if the Con federates could, take Washington, tbey would achieve a great asooeesj out. the federals would not make as much by taking Manassas. Tbs pricea are vastly unequal, and it is bad policy to stake one against, tbe other. Secure VV asbiog ton tbeni let there be do risks about it. Tha work of scattering the Confederate troops from tbat point can be done elsewhere. It is import ant, however, to bare no more suoh follies as occurred at Edward's Ferry anywhere. We shall not criticise generslahip; but we can aay wbat we please oi this affair without presnmp tion; as no one will pretend there was any gen' we are glad to see mat lu cms sitate and Missouri the Confederates bare failed so- far. Let tbe fleet do its duty on the coast, and the federal troops from tbe West will meet it on the Atlantic; and these Manassas troops must return to the South or give up tbat region. ' i We can afford to wait at Washington longer than tbey can stay at man ass as. - . It la, aod will forever be, a sublime story, that while the nation was convulsed with war, Its inhabitants burling themselves against each other by hundreds of thousands, while tbe sound of cannon was echoing along our river backs from the great prairies of tbe far West to tbe Chesapeake, tbe industrial energies ol the people were oot paraljaed, but a national improvement the Pacific Telegraph was com pleted.whioh surpassed la lis magnitude all possible conceptions oi fifty years ago. , After this, who shall ssy that the American people are on tbe verge ot ruior Wbo will dare pre diot aught but progress in the future, as in tbe Pstt . . - ; Cut off the Back Legs of your Chair. I will tell yon a' seoret worth knowing. ' A thousand things not worth half as much hare been patented and elevated Into a business. It is this: If yon cutoff tbe back legs of your chairs so tnat tne DacK part of the scat shall be two Inches lower than the front part, it will greatly relieve tho fatigue Of sittiog, and keep your spine in much better shape. .The principle fatigue in sitting comes from your sliding forward, and thus straining the liga ment and muEolee in tbe small of the back, The expedient I have advised will obviate this tendenoy, and, aa I have suggested, add greatly to tbe comfort and bealtbfnlneaa ot the silting po.ture- A'.,.-., .., : The front edge of a chair should not be more than fifteen Lches high for tbe average man, nor more than fourteen for the average woman The average chair is now seventeen inches high for all, which no amount of slsoting in the seat can mexe camiortaDie, axuhs s Uymna stum. i .. A Lend Call on the "Vasty Deep." The followioB telegranhlo disnatch was re ceived liv New York the same day it wu sent irom ain francisco:. . SAN FRANCISCO, Saturday, Oct. 26. 1861. Craus W. Fiu. New York: The Paciflo A. W. BEE. iBAITJ &:SO M. Kb; 2Sf South Egh StreeV flumhus, ABB NOW OfPERINO 9000 yards Xtavlia ttUeenta. Drasa Saada at -X, value 9500 yards Traveling Dm Goods at T-KYt'm 90 et. 9UO0 yards English Besagtt at 18 valut 9S euita. , HMO varde f ranch Oreacdlet at MM. value 90 eenta.' ' M yarn m wnna aiawna hi, wiu ta eeat. - - IUW varet VMiara vrn Bilk at 1 W. vala. so anta. lStiO yard Super Plata Black Bilk at 1 00. valo 1-5. nones 01 urgaauie sua,, ana angusB seragt, at ooe- Hll WW TOM, - .-, ii BAIN-Jt BON, ' I JeSf - ," " ' , I. 99 Boa- High ktn. BEHHV KEHBK -a r. j?ri flats of Malta BsaaMtthastBt. . T-.) Pmrttora IK New lark PaahkwabU Bhavhta. Hair Oattnr Sham nooning, Ourllng and Dreastng Saloon, Baat State UWM, tr th Pott OOet, wber taUafao-oa will ButaaXRR-i'MS ioti Jb sollMrsqis ns aid tw5tii;"r )iwd t'1' 4old ,xrt lw.vt k I i ' IVT T71 ex try- wti - -iiTT.i .".- .rr! IlAIlDWAnESTOnB i RECEIVED BT. .'-:... ' ' . l ... ;i. AArT, t 6' A ' T T " f. Ji'S a. gkell; AWL, .it .- I.' aa- f til Vj! la Higli Street, h ths Ikrgest and Bast Selected Jjswrt it v: or 1 : e I, v ; BTBB 0PPIBBD fX tHIS OITTI , 'iu'l h! S-'i-i ':! Itmmmmm I s, f ' i ' - House; BnUders' sFmisliiDgV ' ''i-: ' OP BVBBT 8TTLB AND QUAtrrr. 't-T et'1' J..13.!;. 5 .iT.."cm ?mp. !.;.: ' jscrixicaxitr aiasfai; ' -0... ' .v ". J - : . ; ..... . ... l- r I ..T " "f"'a tj-s, vaa-t ft if 104 put op BaUpoaadeaoa for tunfiy at,a4Dry ' j '; Paints la balk. ' ; ''' .' brushes of every variety & quality." j ' uiy a Splendid Assortment of : 1 . ,.. , . A ., , . c , ,. MACHINISTS TOOLS. (iARRlAGE MATERIADS. ' ' 7 , f AXES GRINDSTONES, tus. ' ' ' ' GUNS, PISTOLS, SHOT, io. i - : FISHING TACKLE. ! ! ' ' ."ROPE CORDAGE j " jLEATHER AND INDIA RUBBEfc. ' BELTING. EDGES, MAULS, PUMPS, . I AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ' SCYTHES, Sto, .' " ' SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS ' ,. fable and Pocket Cntlery. j 1 erpeoUlly ivit tht attention of all IcteriMtod to my ttook ot Pooktt and Table OuUery, and ' ' ; MILTEU PLATEVoRR8, Table, Desert, and Tea Spoons, j Butter Knives, fcc, aOOB&Ba A ABO'S. Uanafaetare, warranted to he antra heavy, leetro-Platad, on gecoln Allatta. Ooantry Merchants, Mechanics, and others, are invited tall aod examine my Htock, aa I am prepared to tell fholtaaleaod Retail. W1TI. A. fll ' Oolumbua, Ohio. May (j, 1880. PROF. L. MILLER'S HAIR Ifl VIGO RAT or, An ESectiTe, Safe and -Eoonomical Compound, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR To Ita original oolor Without dyeing, and preventing aaatr irom Mrnutg gray. FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, And caring It, whan there It tht lettt parade of vlisll or recaperatlvt energy remaining. FOR REMOVING SCURF ANDD ANDklf . And all outaneout affoctlons of tht Scalp. FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR. Imparting tt it aa aneqaltd gloat and brilllamnr., II soft and silky in lis texture, and (Mining it u out. rradiiy. . ' I'bt great otlebrity and Inoraaaing demand for this an equaled preparation, oonvincaa th proprietor that est trial it only atcaeaary to aaUjfy a dimming public of iu superior qualities over aay ot r preparaUon ui use. It oieaoset ths head and scalp froas ddruit and other aiaaeoot diteatw, oausing the aalr to grow luxarnuitly giving ita rich, toft, gloaay and Bezibie appearaoo, an. also, where Hie hair it looewlug and thinning, It will giv strength and vigor to tha roots ana nature tut gruwtn to hots parte which hav beoome bald, eaasug It to uiti m. nww v. oats. -her ar hundreds of iadlat and geaUeueu in Mew fork who have had thair hair reatorod by the aae 01 an. (avigorator, wnea all oltiar preparations have f-1 led. L. B. ua. In his posseaatoa leitert innamaraoui hsatiiylug to th abov facta, from penwoa of tlw tugboat re sou tlUty. It will Mutually prerwt th hau from tuning aaUl the Ute period of tilt; and In oases wnoreth hair aaa already chaigod da color, th as at the larigonuir ' rill vita oertamty reatons it to It to it original hue, giv ing a dark, gloaay appear. Aa 1 perfume tut tut (oUotanda Stir aaucatly it it particularly suoom tiended, having aa agreeable fragrance; and ta graat la st li tie Ka-oruala Artaing th aalr, whwh, wnea molat viih th Invigotator, can be drued in any requirml tora to aa a preearv Its plao. wheuier plfinjor In oarla aeoo th giaaidaaaad for it ay tha ladtet aa a acannar- tolietanlcU which none ought 10 bo wlihouLaa the nrica yiaoea it wilhia Ue raach et all, being .T Only Twenty-Five Cents ' per bottle, lo a had at ex. twpeoiaM. firuggltts and 1 - cenwn. ' L. MILLER would oall tht attention of iarenta and Baardiana to th an erf his In vlg orator, in eaaas where th children's hair inclines to bt weaa. Tht aaa os it lay th foandaUoa for ngoodhtad of hair, as It ra tio vet any Imparitttt that aaty Bar bua eaaaeoc! With th scalp, tht removal of whluh it nagetaary botn fcrth health mt th child, aad th future .appeaiano of ItaOalr. , - ......... .... .. ' Oatmoa. Non genuine without th fao-simile LOUIS MILLBB being on tht outer wrapper: also, L. MIL-f-an'S HAIR UTilsORAXOR. Si. .. blown In flaaa . E2a , i.uoiasait vtpo,ae iwy ttrett, and aold by a,. .i grinoip SUnhaaa aod Druggists tAroogboat tht world LiUtnA dlaouant to pownsiHirs by ta quantity. . ' I alto dttb te pretent to th American PabUo my ' iew ahtd ntFBOV-D rsirrAirsoc8 LIQUID HAIR DYE, which, after year, ol aclantlfle' tzperimentlng, I have broaght to perieetkm. It dyee Black m Brown Instantly sithoutlnjury to tha Hair or 8in; warmated th beat arUalt ot the kind ln-iatooa. , I ,n : PRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS. Depot, 66 Dey St, New York . tSt):dfcwly. . . ' . G B EA T CUB E v DR. LEIiAND'S ; ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND1 19 THE QNY ttNOWK REMEDY rOR Ehenmatiss-, - Gout and . Henralgia, f'- ' AND A BCRBCURB 104 "' .All Mercurial Diaoases. It Is a conveniently arranired Band, eoutalntng a aad- latt eompoend, to be worn amrad th Waist, wlUmt ' injury u me sot etolleat peweaa taan la kabit , at living la ftqoirad, and II enurely lamtras tht di. tatt from th system, withoat produdag th Injarioai eBrCts arising from th ua of powerful Internal medl dun, which weaken aad deoiroy b ooailit!oa, aad - .. .., -. ..!.. B, thfa -- -- ,. - - itical pnipertlee tan lalned la lb Baud eoaae hi otot with the blood and reach tha diseaa, through (he pore orihakin,-flWting la omtj Inssane a perfbot ears, -and restoring the part afflicted to a heal Ay aoaditlaa. this Bead aaisasoetp wt-al ATl Mawnaas.a areas, ' and wiU enllnly r-lrv. thytta fraa tAyntaivaa ' effects fMrcaiy. Mottorata am ar eared la a few tevs, and wt art tonttaatly receiving teeUmenlal of Ha ' efileaey la aswmvatod aaaataf tesg etaadlag. - ' .. alL ta ka had af Dnuratat anarnll. aa aaa b sect W sasll oraaiprat, with lull direotioa fot. net. t any pact af th oauy . .((llrot (rua th Prluclp . umoe, ... h: flMITfl CO.. .i1a Paiii.., " N. B.Dawrtotl0 wnlaa B t Jiwa. i. J.B8 BUBLLBB A SOB. Baeeaum. Aa.Na. H77 S. Blgh St-, JaeU Prtond and Muaad, Oolumimt, 0. f 1C Agents Waaw Evarywh.,,. ; I I