Newspaper Page Text
bttt, W. DIA?I1-EWHT EdltwX. SATURDAY MORXinG, f-SOViX IBUl-i Slavery and the Rebellion. in Bltverv. is ih cauta tjf Iba reltlUoo.Twe thwetor slavery most exterminated before wcaa hav pace nd Vetoa. Bach U tb langatg w dallj hour repeated rally odlopnoCu - Bat ie It Irta triHtlaverj it thff-tuee 0 the rtbelUoat -Otftbliitoint there Is t differMO of opinion tome alleging one , thlnf , end q sj-olhei aa 'be tuih . TbU b-t f It affirm , thai slaverv Js no the tola mom. , , , But granting that alaverv it the oaas of tht rebellion, It doee not iberefor follow that it would be, at .tbe .pratao JlmewUe, Werjt or expedient to attempt It annihilation.' ' We bare a neighbor, n Intelligent add loyal . aao, aod tbare are tbooeaad like blm in tba United States, .who twnacitntiouajy ballav that infidelity, ar a- disbelief id, and non pro fession of Christianity, it the tola primal eaota of tba present civil war. Our friend take a paper pabll.lied tomewbere in (ha East, which is an able end alear expon ent oChi via.' It argues, and, wa cannot but admit, with great forte and plausibility, that we eeaeot bare peace, harmony and protperkj nntil tbe Government and people become thor oughly chrlstieniied As a neoemry and legltimats inference from the forgoing, portion, the journal ia question lasiitt that tbe nation oucht immadiatslv t rpeotitakfilothaniaaba8,'ana rearti to the good old Puritan timet of pious New sg' land, by permitting none but member of ortho dox cburobee tj rota or, hod effior, and banish ing or imprisoning, and in casea of obstinacy! banging infidel tod heterodox proles many of th latter being, to tbe judgment ol our ersnoe teal editor, "worse than infidels." 'Such a reform, at be calls it, ia lu the Tiew of our otherwise buaane," clear beaded and clearsighted neighbor, the only remedy for effectually ending tb'is rebellion, and prevetting the recurrence of another such an outbreak againat the Government. r.rO. ." It would be at this day a waojtJn wute ol time to enter into an argument to expose tbe fallacy of auch views: Almost every reader wiU proDbsoca the-a absurd at the Bret glanoe. it may be true that infidelity and enU-cbrittien practices are tba cause of our national troubles; bat theee are be removed by attempting their extermination through the diafraacbise- meat and imprivotmeot of dtlxen, and light leg anew the txiinct fire of religions persecu- Juat to, it any be abstractly true that slavery is the cause; or one of the causes, of the great rcnei.ioo; out it. is as much a eoaatitauoaal right in oerUia State to hold slaves, aa it it to bold particular religious or sceptical opinions. Toa attempt io4prive aaea of either right, it as much an iofringemeot of the Constitution ia the one case aa In the other, "snd will lead to similar disastrous result. ' We defend neither slavery nor Infidelity; but we- icslst that the Union cannot be preaerved by setting at nought tbe Constitution, which ia the aole bond of that Union, and without which there can be no such thing as a Union., , , ... ,.... 1 11 ly of j i The Difference Between Secretary Cameron's Instructions and Fremont's Proclamation. . ..... . . -. -I .1 The difference between tbsae. two documents may be that briefly tttlcd V ? . r 1 t. tt 1 Toe. inttracttoot of Secretary Ciarae t General Bothsm expressly assert the Intention! of the Government not to interfere with the local institutions of. any State, and contain no authority to declare emancipation, but limply confine the General to availing himself of the servicer' all persone,'"whether fugitives rom labor or not, wbo may offer them to tbe National the following language. "This doea ot .mean a general arming of them for 'military pur. POMS.?' ,' . j, . u v'ju- :a This it by do means an emancipation policy, the odium of which tome abolition partisans seem anxious to fasten upon the Adaiaistra tloa. - It it not the Fauoirr policy, buf differs from It la this, that it does not declare anybody free, bat limply authoriie the commander fit tbe expedition to accept tbe services of all men who offer them in behalf of the Union. Fan mont declared all elavea of rebel owneri abeo lutely frit, withoat reference to their offer of terrioe to tbe Government. Indeed, it it claim ed that many slaves were emancipated by hi and that the President' modification of hi proclamation atill leave them free. ' . ; ' To leave no doubt that abolition of slavery, or even confiscation, it not Intended, tbe Secre Ury adds that- ' j. ' '. J xVj.'. "Thls policy avoid all Interferenee with h social systems or local institutions of every State, beyond (hat which Insurrection make unavoidable, and wblob a-reetoretlon of peace- tut relations to the Union, under tbe Coneuta tion, will immediately remove.',, i :ti , . a Proclamation. No Abandonment of the Democratic Proclamation. No Abandonment of the Democratic Party. We are continually In tbe receipt of comma nlcationt from all parte of the State, depreoat lng tbe polite invitation of the Republicans to the Democracy, that now the former have gone to "everlasting asnaab' as a distinct party or ganixation, tbe latter should also back down from tbe constitutional, Uutohlorlnft position, which it has occupied since tbe days ol Thomas Jrfrersror. snd-lietp the "Helperltes to re-mount the new ''Union" hobby. .The masses of the New Hampshire pemocracy will consent 'to no such nice little arrangement, for the special benefit of ,tJt-wr'ng, speculating treasury r ww w 1 - piunoerers. a. ti. ravnn ' We Protest. We emphatloally aroteat against coarse of the Cincinnati Can til and Commtrcialj Scarcely a gay passes bai.tbasa sheets contain attackf little, sneaking, bitter attacksupon tbe Administration, It will not do. It must be stopped., " It ia outrageoai that suoh treaaon able paper aliojild.i'e Defmltted. to be oublisbed In the rnllehteoed and patiiot'O cltj of Cincln. naU.V.TheT are. doing, more to advance, tba of Jff.Dvia tuaa tea theesaae aaea and buadreoa f aseuaaed ef dollarr. ' Cannot tbe t!nltd Bute Mirshal ell ence these traltorst If h Ll nut Jt bin eall -out the lojal , Qa4m'.iit.iht State to Jii aaalatenoa Dayfrmhwadompanyr TH ,'iy flow of treson ;ttnuat pa.stoppeu. ioyisnju'jw 1 'I i' I 1.:.. ....... , Blui Wi St, LouUior ,Wahictoa on Mwodar aveafB;.''WbeeeloTet'- o bia regiajpnt It lr) tse field with Tram-fat, nl o utrr detaoboiect wa at the battleVot, Frsda rloktown, 1 andet Mof .ScbofieidJ llaa- the Colonel goo- buritir,r HM the' LIfltrBf peneralnhip, so as to oVerrld))' Wool,' McClel lan, Fremout, and all the other Jlior-Georals -r- h in tne arm 1 av fcuons 1 of. aauh ji(yi- Ca. OCt: . .u m inMW 1 nn tO O Jrln'or Frew 8urctUBiir at tlaw'Tetk cblrf.;t)ce, fr the firsto'uartar''ol' th'if oar, ilUU.UUUi seoona quarter, lU.anMor the third quarter it greatly exceed the latter amount. Gen. Mill's Report. Waa e ln rece!' of aneiira 11 oat thew-e of tha.Tolauo Iwis (the residaace of Brig. Gen. Hill), containing the offlolal'-repott of ftatufflBtt tt iLaHalaol July 2aiT18Cl,talHJ. Gen. McClillan, showing the operation, f the command or Geo. Hill, la Westir Vir ginia, in attempting to intsroept tbe retreat and to capture a portion. f Gea,GxTra army at Laaral Hill. ImmedUtely after that affair, so of the" newspaper, of the . oountry were very aever and,', unjust ,in; ibelf eiitioim ' of Qt fitu.'f aolioo and movemente la th prem laat, and bis affijlai report "t hi nperlor effl ear 1 made publlo forthe purpose Of vindicat ing bin- from these viadloUv and uuwarrantad aataoJUfld the preaav...,. 1:, '-ni.t b:.i ,: j Ta'rpoit and ec,ompnying sdooumeat ooVtr over rreoolumDi of the Blade, and from their length ire are precluded from publishing them, which we weald de bad we tbe apaoe to pare, although the Statavutn waif hot amoog the papttl bloh deah In thl unjust eriticlsm on Gen-'UlLLji vn t 49 f,.i ,,h'. I Tne report- la well wvltten, and lb (U loop end detail Is satisfactory, and In pnbllahlog it the pt(U remuks fan fo"iow:'j,"-'Wi .". 't I Ve dTota aaoat of ear apace to-day tovtbe reporu ol Brig.-Gen. Hill and the offioere na , der bia oemoand-,U Waatara 1 Virginia. toaoh Ingthe pursalt, or UiarabeU after tbair dafaat at Rich Moaatain aad eatteatiroca Laaral Hill. The publication -ef terse document 1 nailed for io jwlioat Gaa. if ill. ho eouraetn that ocoaaton was gmaaiy miasraaeaf, ay paraoni whajfaad no f iUio of tta.jMcit, and wha bar alaoe twjrwt aa such iabrloa- ! W e need refer in detail -to the multitude of . faota-aatabliaiiad by the -reporia which hew beyond all 4 eoetioa that tba policy of Geo. Hill at that time, wee the caly wis and pru dent one open t bin. . H miuury .man, ao o.ualoted with tbevoaae. that we caa hear of, tut quasuonw is wiaaom. 3 is met 10 approT- al of Ueo. Houialian, nnar . wnoee unmeaiete order Geo HiU aota4.iT J further ;wl of bs iadoratment, v aaay aUte.'tbat Use. HU1 is dow tne only general offlotr at Ohio voluateer latainoommiasion.and i la eammandof th oat imporunt military camp in tbe State, where hi strict aiaatpuoe ana ' muuary .- in atraotioa are effeotlua Incalculable eood In preeahag our troop for th acuyedatie of th field. c am ' 10' :-.iii '.in ' '. With tba expoaltiw. now made, Gen. Hill eui well leav tee matter with th coolie jadg stent, which w fully believe will pa ail that ho eoaMaak 1 :? 7 -' . General Fremont—Adjutant-General Thomas's Report. ' Th New York War Id, leadfDg organ, of the AdmlnUtradon, speaking, of the. Report, says: I ". '-j i i od.' j I : tt .; . ! General Fremont wa mad acqutinted with General Ljon' urgent need of remforoemenu more than fifteen aay before the battle at WIN sou' Crek, having been met Immediately oa hie arrival at 81 Louis by Capt. Cavender and MJor Farrar, tba latter one of Geo. Lyon' aids, with rtqaeftts for more men.'' In fact, be waa called to 61. Louis from New York by a teles aohio reweoeoMUlou of Uen. Lvon'e lm- loeat dangerr-He fawiwS Roltsrand in North Mlnouri, men eooogh to'bave reepooded to thl oreaatna requeet, and "It needed only prompt action w. nave preventoa ue Disaster at rru- aon'a Creti! 'i crea ' alter toe repurae, a could have epplied ' rWnforoement enough to our retreatirg lore to nave eaaoiea it to return upon and beat the rebel, and thua have preveBt n . . . . . B . , j . . d to rata 01 race mvo nana era jnieaown ef tnrthr: Th uroof of thl abilltv are so elear- Mated by Gea. Thoma that it it difflcull to resist tbtr tore. Some time after Springfield wa I oat. Gen. Fremont auddenly awoke to lu great importance aa a trateglo point, od sub mitted to Gen. Banter, wheo too late to be any value, a plan- for retaking and holding I), ,u til . f I1. Il I Lfcll f. 1 I . f V ( I (, J . Gen. Fremont waa also apprised of the ad vance upon Lexington a long time la advance; ws urged to lend reinforcement; had plenty men at Di disposal to sena; naa tne rauroaa river at hi command far transporting them ; but alio wad the garrtaoa tobetunendereaattet Dtolonred aestataoec ' irne, cturria wa or dered -to Lexrogton, bat the order not having been r!v uotrl three dave after Gen. Hunter advised It, he found It Impossible to eroas tie river u the faee or tbe roe, wbo naa reaonea Lexinttdn before him. There I no reaaon, ax oeot Fremont' incompetency, why Lexington should not have been eavea. "H had netiee nootrhi he had men enoucbi be bad mean w transportation enough; tbe brave garrison held out with obstinate braveryjbul Dosoooor was entA n 1 ' Jv(:f '. i. j ... . Th two memorable thine tbat have takn plac la Gen. Frtmcat' department ilaee h aook command 01 K are two Qiaaetrous aeiean, of which h waa aeaaonablf forewarned,' and which with ordinary prudence and generalship h mlfht hav averted. It la hi ah time, then, that the President acted on the , adage Tht tttutohmthtttanhandu them. V ' John C. Breckinridge. 1 John C Breckinridge, In bia' address to the peopl of Kentucky .wiiicn it quite iengioy,ay "there li no longer 'a 8entt of tbe United State the United State no longer exist the Union I dissolved It is a little lingular that Mr. Breckinridge' ibould bare only Just now arrived at th conclusion that the Vnion ia broken up. He occupied bl teat and drew hi nav aa a Senator tf the United eta tee after alaran of tha Statea bad oaased tbeir secession ordinance, after war had been declared by both Motion, after ' a number of battlea bad been fought, Including that of Bull Run, and after the principal nations of Europe bad acknowl edged th Southern Confederacy a a belliger ent. What bu happened to bring thi convlo don to suddenly upon hi mind we are at a lot so determine, unlet It be that be can se eer- Uln expulsion from tbe Senate al tba coming session of Congress. In his letter be resign hi aeat and announce hi "intention to ex change bis "six years' term for the musket oi aoiaier." unlet w misut tne seawmeDi af a maloritv of tbe members of the ' Senate, bli term would not nave lasted tlx' dayi after tba first Mondev in uecemoer nex.'-n. x. Herald. '; , The Hollins Exploit. AiTa vat deal baa been laid about th In vlncibiiity of the famon Captain Hollln' team rtm, it will do wen enougn to Keep m view th exact oertormances or tnai crait wnen the Southern navy attacked our blockading squadron in the Mississippi river." Inth dark. nea or tn nignt ane onitea aioui oi toe uov-r ernment (teamabip Richmond, oy wmcn , acct- dent ah brok her iron no, Which wa to nav annihilated th entire Union fleet disar ranged her machinery, and finally ran away toward Hew Uriean, wnen only two run ot th auadron wera ocarina- on her. ' Thu Iron oiad nondescript waa constructed at a cost bf orr two bunored tnousano dollar, and ap pear to p about aa .formidAbla a a dredging machine. . ... -t .... . mmj -M.lMM..Oa-MM-k-MM- I Tiitroa in Cab ant 1 The paper of Pre- eott, (C. W.; bsve been considerably exercised of late about a society which la eald to exist in Canada; kaown to utldr a tb "Dark Ln tern Soctatv." and Co loatdarl tbe "Canadian Brotherhood." .'Tbe lletungtr Charge that tbetB ii b lodgtla rme'ttrtnat tt leaai ne-ef the pubUsber r tne Jeiegrapn aewog to it, and tbat II wOJsotf are traaeoeaaie, it mm bera detirior acparatioa irom England and tb lormauon ot an independent government or au Delation to th United State. - 4 ' IT A correipciJj!nJt pfba ClnCtuattl QazetU The fiol U.the whofi horaa buaineaa '', a tbe army it-managed a If oa of the object f the war Is to. us m tbe'surblui horie1 tock- of ------j .. ... i:, If b bail ti ;' f o use up the surplus money. would beuftartX-righUUtlng np horse ii using up nony rapldlyt'. ft y h i i e(rpedmoii,,wn' fcipn M (loath. H,ts oa til Crtl'UiaatU attU)tit tOnebula dogs, wa be fei sfa mgh the iee and $o wet, and u tbat coadittoo iroc to ato. Burnt tlx wek after bia death aa expedition went out and recovered tb body, which they burled. The Legislature. , v W r-publlsU'our table of Senator and Rep reMntative oomplet. ItUalmoat Impceslbl to mak oat a correct tatmmt of the political complexion of the '.Legislature. We auppos they are til true Union men. Tbt Pemoorat w know are, aod uppo u tlie other" ar. " We shall try and find cut hereafter bow thty stand: :il--'"---,- , Thoe alaatad" a ' Democrat arc, marked that 1 those in Kafir elected aa FusIonlsU. SENATORS. Dm. (, -.- f 1. Hamilton TT. 3 Gmtbkt, B. IfcUttoa, Thj. . B. Vbabtsna. tatlar and Warren 1. 0. McBuraay. ... UoDtgomarr as Frablt Lawla B. floncU. Olnrmont and Browa John Johotton. OruH.!QltelD Md Viy'' ttilUtianrnar. BoaaaiidUiaaiaB Ckrta Bakajr. - -Adanu,-pik, aaiot uAjiuHuaa Banjamla I. Ooataa. a. Iimi, OaUlai Mrtraead Vinton H 8. Ibal. 0, . ralrrMlo, AUwn and ttatttDf 4VmI Mo Ytigk. 10. 11. . 13. 14. Iraoaila and Plckawa Aoauataa L. Vwrlll. Clark, Champaign aod Haduon Saauaa if moo. Mfaaii, Duke and Shelby W. B. UeLana . Lofan, tlalaa, Maria aad Bardln-John Hood. Wuoirctoa ud Morgakaod art at KoWa Wai. r. Bprafua. . - . IS' MniktnnBandrrry VUuaial. risk. . . ). Dataware aad UcklagWotaa A. BlmtU" "' ' 17. Koox, Morrow, Wajn and Helmet David Ml. 18, Ooohootoa and laioamwaa A- T. Boady. .- 1 . ', 0 aaroacy, Monroe, and part ol Noblo J , D. O'Oof - 0f. - 1 ' ' ' SC. Batatool a Uarrlwo I mm Welch. ' 1 tl.. CarraU mi Stark UMrra iUrtli. ' -1 St.. JeStnoB and Columbian Mohert A. Bharrard. ' St. Yrambull and tUbonlnf Bamnal Quioby. 8t.AihiMa,LakoandOaur-IMrUIU:ne(Mk. SA. Qyihin- Iota t. Kobi eoo - ,. Portaca and auatmltr-Laaiaa T. Blareal . VT, Meoina and LoniaaJamof Monro. . ., . S8.-"Aohludand Blchland IhomM J, Kennv. tZ "Baron. Brla. Bandaakr aad Oltowa John Keller. ju. eanooa, urawiora ana wyanaot wuiuun utar' 31. time 1, Allen, Anglais. Van Wert, Putting, bell' - anoaand WUUama Charles 0. Maraball. St. Banoodt. Wood.Locaa, tallon, Henry aad Putnam i obarM M. ttooirey. REPRESENTATIVES. ' Adam David 0. Taaca. . ,, , . , . Allan John Monroe. Aahland John Taylor. ' '' ' Athao-J. W. Boynrd.-:. ;. I'.O - Aoglaiaa Charlaa jtuawl. ; . ... t- J j . t , Aehtabala bel Kram. ' ,, ' , , Baintoat Wilton B. Anm:' 1 '' "' - Brown a. B. Pea " Bauer John MoO lollaa.- : . . 1 Carroll Leonard Barak. ..jt t -:- t .y nnmpoif n Anton r. uowiia. Clark Uloaard D. Harrlton. -' Olintonmloka a). Smith. . ... Coahooton Andrew J. WllkinSt.) :i ! t.1 Orawrord-J. a. MeWnger.- . ,. . Clirmoot John Itrgueon ' ' OolombUna J. W.Heilly. ' 'Oayaaoga Beaaca 0. Srlawold, I B- Bkboock. ... - . .31'. i, Dictenan, Cii. , Dark Louis B. Lott.' Doiawaiw James R. Eubbell Brla-Joaapk W. Ptroa - . , ' layattn Jimaa Puroeli. -. nhon kseklal MMtars. .... L falrtleld Jum 0. Jeffrie. . Vraokltn Ororio L ConTeite Otto Srenal. OallU Jeebaa Bradburr. " " 1 Ortaoa John M. MUtar. , 1- 1 (' QnmijJoHpA erratl. ; - Oaaaga Beq;. tt. Woodbury. . ' BUncook William Orlbben. ' ' Bardia Jooathao Bleg.- ! " i3 t " . Barrkon John LaUum. T : Benr and Pntnmm Benl. A. Bleh. I'M Higniand n. 11. tiixoa. HucklDg Mannlni Btlera. Bolawk DmM e. Del Hamilton Pater Zlnn. Oaom Keck. Wm. Btnctnn. itilto Siyltr W.J. iiagg, joint ilntton, A. McOill, a. n ran Dam, tneo. menu. Baron -Bara Stewarts ' Jaokaon laeae BoOertat JeBerecn JoMfk Mtant -Koox Boil WMnty. Laka a. a. O.born. Lawrence B f . Cory. Loaaa W. H. WrtU Laou Jaaea Myeta. .- . Itoraln Sidntf d. Warntr. Hektng Mnree B. Pmytb. ' M adlaoo Ml 1 ton Lecnea . Mahoning B. M. Montgomery Marion JoA Jlartrai. . . Medina Myron 0. Bills. ' . .1 . iMatga Bdward Tltany ' ' u ' 1 ' ' 'Monro John Keyaer. j ' ,''.-Motgaa- Joan W. Miller. ... i-, Morrow Jonathan B. BaadalL Miami Jopk Saiumlw, Maatineu I. A. Baamy, Jaeob Okmtr. Montgomery PetarOdlln, Patten. Merror and Taewart A. t. (J. Snyder. nooio vver MMitr. Perry WUllam H. Bolden. s, P Ickaway Jtaal A. Sou. ' Pike IhoaiM Wllaon. Portage D. h. Hockwell. Preble Abwlon BilTer. Rlofa land William Btooker. 1 . Boas J. Vrmut. ". '. ' - Benaoa Batelaa B. Iltaa. i ..; i . teloto Martin Cram. , . Benduky Aloneo Thorpe, theiby ChuleeW. Wail. Btark &iwtoal, JoaaphBchell. . Bommlt John Johaatoa. , . Trambull Geo W. Bone. Tnacarawas Albtrt Batm. Vnian W. B. Bab. - -Vinton Johaleew.; i , , Warran Jamee Boott. Wyandot Jonathan Mafflt. Wayne John Aalt Waehkigton O. L. Claris. WUUama, Paaldwg and Beflanoe P. W. KorrU WoedaolOUawa Aahar Cook. th to Thi Adah Iiaac Mxmkin Hxinan Divoacx SuiT-Tbi case wa called in the Suprcm Court at Woodstock, MoHenry oonnty, III., latt rriday. xne plaintur appeared by attorney, om tne oeienaant, Jonn u. ueeoan, too "JJenl oia Boy," failed to respond. H waa not there, nor did ha have an attorney present. The af fair ia now in the hand of the Master in Chan' eery, pro tenftnt, to be acted upon by him. abould proof b furnished blm of tbe actual fact tbat tha marriage1 between Adah Isaacs Menken and Heenan ever took place. If this la established, tbe trial will take place al tb following sitting of the court, which will be on the third Monday in December next. , . Aniaict Gxair in Fobtooal. Mr. fi arvev, American Minister at Lisbon, notifle th Stat Department of the ptsstgc of two acta by tha Portuguese Cortea for tbe admission of cereal into tbe porta of tbat country, under liberal res nlations, and ha add: "Private letter from well informed aouroe apeak with great poaltivc nesa of anortnes oi crop in England, rraoce Belgium, Holland, Spain and Italy j and all answer to th inquiriea made here concur in representing thai Portugal will suffer corres pondingly, and perbapa in even a larger ratio than the otheri." . , -, . iMcaiaiB of tbb Navt -From the 19th of April to Saturday last, veoty-vessels of war were fitted out at tbe iirooklyn Navy Yard Many ol the were Aral olat (hips, and tba entire . number it larger than the number of veasels in commission at any time previous to tne reoeuton uaoe tbe formation ot our navy. uTGerrlt Smith addressed a crowded am bly in th Churob of the Puritans, laat evening. taking the ground that tbe ucoea of tba nation In It present ttruggl depended on It accept anoe of tha services of tbe blaoks, wbo ware tbe enemle of it enemy jaeit Ytrk Tribune, Ott. 31. i t -t . It l elated that the combined fleet which England, France and Spaia propoa to' tend againat Mexico will carry 3,000 gun, of which Spain will inrnicn ouu.' ."' t- - - - . . tin -i ii , " The New Bedford (Mae.) Mercury tUte thkt Mrt. Same! A- Fraaer, of Duxbury, ia boW engaged in knitting Mocking for th sol. dir in our army. ' She wm employed eighty. Ova year ago knitting atockings for toe oldlert or tb revolution. &ne u now m year ot age. BT Dr. Hay, In a (peach before the Medio al Society of Halifax, aayi "It I my purpose to renew tn attempt next rear, tr eireumitan. oee prove favorablet aod 1 am sun or tbe opin Ion that witb feteam power, a Mrong fore ol men and dogs, and a well organised lystem of advance depots, the North Pole can be reaohed." "' -' Thb Wantb or Eckorx. The harvett In Europe are more deficient than hai been re ported, and what England and Franca aay of eacn outers oenptencv is prooabiy very near tn troth.' The London Times av Franca will b oom pelted to spend forty million sterling (about two nunarea million 'ot collars; this year, to mak no the deficiency an mormon nm greater even than the failure nf Untj ear's bar vent entailed upon Eogland. Sixty' million of frtbcabav neeo aent into Husna' to purcbas m n.' "i nis iarre-oemana wiiv arreet air -th vratnation of fioron. and tbetrfceof bfead is already produclng soma popular disorder Br th aid tt thl demand tb cotton faralna inu. into insiguincaocri ana ae to united - - V m ' 'I I It li ' , i. ... .. .. a State will b rt;quirea to rurnisq. a II varn ishing; a Urge tmoant ot BreadDtufl" te wppiy th deflcIoEcrlB France and EogfUndbe prob ability of auf fetrudvo lb eerier noe with- otu' dometti troublat by them doe not aeeat my lmmrBWit at th prH tlfnt . ' , . Foreign Items. PRUSSIA. Th ooronation of the Klfli took place la th churoh of Castile, at Kmlesbura-. oa tn tatn. The splendor of tbe varioaa prooeion wm very great. Altar tne cernuoj ranoiu u- dreea were preaeatedt to plied aa follower - wuuni ue iviagwr 1 V ,i "Tnktoirsof Prussia have now worn the crown 160 year." I am the first king to ascend the throne alaoe the crown ha been tmrreonded with institution In harmony with our time- But, remembering tbat tbe crown come from God, I have been notified by ay oaronanmr la thl stored place that I reoeivtd it In humility, and know tbat the prayer of my poop' nocom panted me la thl eolemn act, - The love and fidelity displayed toward ma alace my aoceaslon to th throne, and which ha just been mani fested toward ma In uok a touching manner, are token tbat I may 'reckon, under all clrcum atanoe, of the idelity, devotednee, and aelf aacrifioing spirit of, my people. Trusting in these qualities, I oould renounce the custom ol requiring th oath of allegiance and fidelity from my faithful people. The gratifying proof oi their affection and. devotion, afforded on oc casion of a lata event, have (trengthened thl oonfidwec. The provldano of God baa pre aerved the blessing of peace to our dear f ath- criaad. my valiant army, wm protect it vom danger without. A; regard danger in th Interior. Proatia will remain free af them, be- caus tb throooof bar king remains strong In Jthe power and right of unity batweea the king and people, wnioa na Bist rnwu great. While it continue to exist w thall be enabled, oa tbe ground of acknowledged rights, to resist th dangera of an agitated period , aind all threatening storm, ' May God will it ao." ' Th Minister of Slate then read Several or draj also, an act' of amneaty . and aaveral frt&tt of nobility, etc. ' The King accepted an laviuttion to the ball to be given by the Earl of Clarendon in honor of the event. ; , ' ';' TURKEY. ) A Torkiih war a vlotory over three thousand Insurgent , and Montenegrin. The diapatob claim that, th Montenegrin .frontier waa respected, -but tbe Moatenegrina affirm that it has been violated by the Turks.- - U - .' if' POLAND. CRACOW, October 19. cveral of tb churches In that, city "had, been forcibly entered by the military, aod the .male portion of the Congregation conveyed by them to the citadel. Hair or tne persons wo arrest ed bad been set at liberty. It wa asserted tbat two thousand prisoners remaining would be drafted into different regiment lor tbe military service. Tbe clergy bad closed the cburcbe on account ot tneir proianation oy tua military i J. B. Blair has been-elected -to -the Federal Congress in tb Eleventh District of Virginia, io place of Hon. John rj. Carlile. i . '.' w Tb (ecessionists hare plundered two farms in Missouri, belonging to Horn Jama A.' Rol Una, Union member of Congrea front tbat State, They carried away and destroyed about cverytbiog but tne land. - r - 0 1 ' '1 '1 mi v ? The library and household furniture of man named ChBrlei W. RusmII. who I Io- the rebel army, were lelxed by tbe United States Marshal In Wheeling, V., on to 8th nit. MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' SheriiI'i;Sale. V ; B. A. Chapmaa un. r n H.r.. S Iranklia Common Fleas. TT VIR I'VE OF A WRIT OF VEN DI SJ to me dlreotcd from th Coart at Oommon flea of Franklin oonnty, O., I will offer for aale, at th door of Ih Court Housef-ia. too Civ of Uolamaaa,-oa Saturday, tba 14th day of Pee. A. D. 1661, between tbe boars of N olock a. m aad 4 o'clock p. a., th followlM daaorlbad real aetata, altaata In .the oosnty of Prankiia and eta!; o( Ohio, to wtti - Boginnina at tba northwest oomer of tb Matbwert qsarter af aooUon nnmkar twentr-on (81), town (11), range twaaty an (21)) theaea eoathfertjr-flTe pole to a take; thane aast three hundred and twenty pole to eastern boudary ot the aoathaaat anarter aaettoa a stake slluataota blokon, alaat Ineaet diameter. north 67, wart forty three lioka to a Jack-oak, eight-1 M ' mm. .W Otfl mwmm . . theaea aorta with tha boondary of tbe annw farty-fire polea to tne norma,! oomar o tba aanaa; thence wast laree nondred twenty poles, to th place at beginning, containing ninety acrea, being tbe same -oreeniMO eon vaiea oy JODn o. Barer weak. wm. tt. narcy by deed bearing date December th 8ih, lBSlt ao,d duly recorded in tne iaio araaaiin eooniy. -Appratoedat 0 0 par acre. -- O. W. BUFJMAV, Sberin. P. B. Wilcox, Att'y. Printer's feet S 00. noT8-dlt.wtd. onwrorait rmc. ITXlllfl CBlTTXXDatKe Film & CHITTENDEN, COUNSELLORS-AT LAW, BO yvaH , street, ' (Offlees f Olty Judg,) . ' NE W YORK. 4 ' tot TO - ' " Bon. James Uonorlef, M. T. Superior Coart. 1 Bon. H. B. Payne, Olereland, 0. Bon. H H. Banter, Lancaater, 0.' .' noys-Bm - . . Military OflScers, Attention 1 COMBINED CAMP STOOL & BED MAHUf AOTTJBBD BT ' . HALL, BROWN & CO., -Of f I0X-' No. 8, Buckoy dook, Brosvd Street, COLUMBUS, OHIO. . aovl-d3t CALX HOUSE, No. 178 North High Street, COLUMBUS, OHIO. THIS HOTEL IB BUT' ONE AND A BALf 8Q0ABB from the DiOt, aad peraona ar rlrtng or wishing to take paaeago en any ot th trains, will And th Gait Bones decidedly a convenient ttnp ping plac. Paay , far waked np at all hears of lbs sight for any et w. train.. - . T.nne moderate, to talt th tlaut. . . tS5 . r , . - ,. . . The i Union Forever. COLUMBUS- ARItlY-TENT: STOVE! MAKTJIAOITJMD AMD 0tD Bt J JOHN L. GILL & SON, AT IHIII BALI BOOMS, ..; ., NoL 90, 92, 94: &:.96. IVOBTH niOH ITBEET. - Tha aeatait and most complete Btr for Offloors' ieooj ever aeenareetaroa. ' ... i ,. 1 Bold eta very low Bgar. n Call and examine before pnaghaslnf slMwbar. Qystws !i Oysters Ik i- . r rr rf HA JPBT BEOEITBDi AND "Will be tn dallr receipt, br Baoroea, cf . I im TllWTO tN"VH frMt BaHlaMT and fair Baven. ' tl' Call at Wag oar' Oyetoread frail Depot, No. Si last Slate etreet. aojIMtf : li J d Ekf Eli fc i v ii i . I invE7E3vi;;o ), to evehy tiemjeil v tr. ta1ne.tathr (f W iiiV nrscn rk'nle o'ns 1 of those oomfonable Sd'yUlHA'Jl hi AVI OV1B GOAta, aawul aeuelly and ikem la larn qaaoUUee at ) r .. (. ( j .'eT Awa cfliLDa-a. , II any person daelroaa ot awntng aa of th 1st yl of BaAVBB OVBB COaTn, wltb apo attaoaad. dost break your bands to learn when I Bad them, bat go to in I CAPITAL CITY ARCADE,Y Opposite the Itaia Uauw. i ) , Tea will Bad them thaie In all colore, kept ay i j-c - .. :: - ; ct t MAJaXUt CHILTO , Dtn'yoa nerer wear any it theWtl HIXID JIB IIMBKB BDICa, whloh are toM at the Cepital City Arcade? Baea la and yoa will tod them tn pi lee, at i . j , - .MA8.CUS caitD'S, TiOV may U b la want of PAKTS an WBBTB. an X there il ftal one MtabUituaont In tba Waal where Panta and Taata era to be had tn all atrlpaa, ehapes. atytes, cnanUUes and qaalitlea, and (hat place Is the UAriTAlj VI IX AlklAUb. .. .-. i .':.. .-; . " DOM'T fonret the extra eire aeeortment of I VRNIIH IN8 8O0DB, partlcnUrly la WOOLEN BUIaTS, Whloh yea oan Snd In kBcd, whits and kin!" al tba ' -CArlTAL CITI AaUAycn ' rvUi ' ' Bopartotaaded by Inareea Ohildfc IF yon wiih to wear garment! IHADE TO OB. hDK. won can do na better than to re to the Mar- chant Tallortna BatabUabmaati Bast to th Arcade, and select yonr rooas iroai a atooa comprising nil colore mi Bearer Cloths. Caeeioerea, Bilk ferret and Plain Veet Inn, and yon will rarely meet with a good fit by parohaa. singat ..- . ,t . ,..' ,t. :..:-r. .y-JKAaVWU VJXUaya -.. MILITAKT OBNTUHBK, when they aoma to this cltr. aa etraoaan. aad niek to ml a UMIXOJUa. it i to their beet adrutage to call at . . Where a lana aaaortment oi BLTJB CLOTH and other araoias Belonging to in tqnipige ni an omcer oan ne had at Tory moderate prtoet. .la-i'...'. ...o.. Ia abort eall al ; u:r iicrid' JiTt -J !Harcus:ChUds' Proprietor of tbat aitenilTS' bniineee locality ' ', NO. tl, CS anrl ci HMlIt STREBT, , ...... .i- .. oppotlte the State Ilonje. ' '' ' o7-dSai A K I N & E f.1 E R Y, . i , 168 . SOUTH ; HIGH BTBEET, ' : " '! i:'T '.:t'?' .': , ' w" j .; ... mn lull and Complete Aawrtmenttf-;;., HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ir-. t' s -'--'- vri vtir .' 1 otovosrJb c-xrvtoa, ! . TIN ATO COPBEjit' WAEBt'." . . .... Of almoit rraxy kind, ;;;. -irr; . ' , lOegant Chamber iets, -. j. , -:j.-a vin--- ,v : ' s.'r c.r. SPICE AND SEED B0XE3,"' . :- . ...... i; , t-.u-ii c:-: ,1. Tin Toys, and Articles in tiiat Line, lor LltUs ropti C ' Knlvctai avnd F"orkB.' Sjxxma, lute, Suolcet), BttoveOa and xangav ' . . Ooa H.oU, eto- '-'-i ' " ' "fdrfheXaraar Ones' ,'-' . ' 7 7 We Woald call yoar farther atbmtloh to Ih fact that wa . arc BOLB AQINTS for tb sal of th "i STEWART COOK STOVE, Which h. In all reepeeta, dearly the "AUTOCRAT Of TBB KITCHEN." harlot a eqnal In the ooaipleteneai of lu norfomtan and awononiy f roal. ' TbecMarcat testimony or He eopcnoniy ia ma net uiae nuwaiaa tare re and dealer are eonitantiy tml'aucg It, coming larltaa noaalbla. in BXIB&BAb ArrBABAMUB. 'Hi Call and exam Is out slock -. Jt Is a Iraabt to sbw oargoodi. , AKIN EMERY. cct25-dlm NEW O O AL YARD.., THE CNDEHIIGNED KEEPS CON BIANILI en baad and far safe, th beet quality of ; HOOKING GEATE COAL; V which he will sell at tha lowest market price.. . Call and x.mine my Coal kelore parchatlag lie- Offlca at the store of Bradford, En dam l Co-, bead vanai. . ' . . V V. T. fTJTDAM eaAntaai-fM . . . ' t .1 .1 SPECIAL NOTICES, A GREAT STOHin, Not of rain, hall, or now, bat amsDf th cook who hav bean Imposed upon by tb vender of bad Balerattu, Ilka tbat ooatmonly found la market. James fyls's Dietetic has fully satlefled them and tasUtd tb distarb snc. Depot, SiS Washington Street, Kew Totk. Bold by groMrs svsrywher. ' ; : ' '- TO MARRIED MEN, Or Thsis Cantemptattiia; Olarrlais; THB andenUrned wlllglr laformaUon oa a vary in teruttng and important aubject, whloh will be rain ed mora thaa a thousand times Its cost by vry married couple of any age or condition in life. The information will bs sent by mail to any add rem on lis receipt of XI ent (fer) and on red stamp. -All letlars ihould be addreaxd to . H. B. MORRIS, If. B. (Lock Box BO), oct31-ly3Uwdiw ' ' Bolton, Maes. JATREVa AGUE DlIXTCBEe Is aa infalirbl remedy for Fever and Age. Tb ax ptrtone of many years, In almost every oUmat, proves that where a tea ,n strict scoordanos witb tbe dlrMtiona, It has rarely failed to core, not only by breaklpg the chills, bnt by removing the morbid habit of the syitea, preTenting tbe recurrence of thediMas. PEVBE AND AQUB, though not In lteelf dangerous, leapt, naleei epeedily lemoved, to have such a pcral- cloui effect on the system, u to engender disorder! much mors baneful than Itself, and which not only reader the after-life of th patient miserable, but ar la thamsslvas often fatal. A prompt aod effectual remedy Is therefore ahat la wanted, snd a such Da, J. Jam's Aao Hrx- Tossi confidently recommended, for sale by H essrs. BostaTa c Baaon, Oolambai, and by. agent rry where. ' aepdtwfrltsatww . ',' -',.'"'",. ' For Female Generally. Tb Brandreth PUls cannot be too highly spoken of. They remove all obstructions, gire energy and strength! enre tbe die treating headache, unfortunately ee preralent wltb tb sex; depression of spirits, duUnees of sight, nervous affections, blotches, pimples, sallownass of th skin, at removed, and ajurenlle bloom and general (prtghtllnss indicate tb powerand haalthfalniss of BEAMDfiETH'B PILLS. .. . . . 1 Ladles, at delicate perKds, U1 Bad them aarrvalad: they are the bast medicines lot mother and oblldraa, and cure wonni and ooeflteneei'.'' '-' ' ' - Let it b rememberM, that BRAKlJ RITH'I PILLS ar aay ia their epeiatloa, aod y t anil mildness with efficiency, and n allotaUon of diet dorlng tbair Un. Morgan, corner of ISlb itreitand Union Square, Haw Tsrk. Wu dying, apparently, of OomroBrno. Bhe was given np to dls by her PbysleianS, and all her friends, bnt after nslng ItartDarra't BnA Tor a few weeie, th sough left ber,' and sb began to atgala hr Strength, and la bow bl to attend to her da Ilea, and feels sars ol sooa attaining rcbuit beeltbo-i , Mrs. Wilson, ef Ho. S Beach etnet, Daw Tork, has cured Dyipepale, BmaUSxz, Meulee, Dropry andTy pbasIeTsr, and all Headaches, snd Bilious dlsassss, with BaaXDarra's Pat, will be pleated to aaswar aay qaatlon."f" v t-i - '.;i. i:..ioi u Sold bv Jow-,BObB.'TirdL'(llolnmt,ui.'ar,i'h. " iY 'tt tr lnm -!- -f rr-ttwAirtcJ IANHOOD. JSOV7.X081V UOw'.BEBlOEID. Jaw PaMUbad tea letled Barelepf; Fetal (tetf AH A fcBOf UBB QSiTKW KWtVMti tkiKW9v-lrnf BA10AIOUkBO arSBBAtOMHBA-eSetpi&ftt WaakBeea, laearaatary Bateeiane,' Sexual DefnlltyTand Impediment, to Marrtag KeneralHy, MetVotieaeea, on eaaiuMeni wpiieaey awe ntai atewti pinekeil Iu oapaeity, remilUng trow aelf-ahtua, ttc, Bytntatt aV i.immH; vi n -wntt,A mt ,v,. n l . " " A Borgat qThpaaand ! BatlitKer( ieat taa aaL '1 apTaln'dlrelop, to any addreaS, pout paid, On rsoelpt of two stamp, by Dr. OUAS. J. 0. KLIKB, 1S7 Bowery, Mew X011, fat Cm Bos ItifiM. terTiaatW I 1 1 v, - roR immmw iiij 1 1 1 i i IT0V7TI3 PML',:lCH7,EEELY.:.'iiniJ 17EBKLT, aa-c .-Kii-.x The DAILY, at - Th TEI-WEEKLY, at The WEEKLY, ii "the low rate of i'B aii" f' Vj ' " 1 -i" r!iT&'pt U'ttall'iad vTnWatBaXT SrAnsvAM will bt received FOR'THBEE'Oil-SlXM .iij-ii ..i'rraiJ ib At Ua above rate: andthaDaiXT will b furnisW e-- Jf vi" ''.iu,iri.ii .W j TQ-OAFUalERSifvlNANV IPART OF THE STATE, n -- '. If.'wil r"1' ', ! . ..- - ' At th nitial rate. Aa an establiahed jCbil reliable organ of tha Demooratio party, THE 'STATESMAN' IS - WELL KNOWN. .ft It vadsn'dafaiid the ' : PRINCIPLES OF, iTHAT PARTY Which haa baea' so traitM Of good to tb PEOPLE OF THK UNITED STATES; and will jiaiuuuuy urge to ra-taoiMtunraAnd npreraacy or tie , DEMOCRATIC 'CREED 1 ' As essential to tha" aomplata '' ':j7'' ' '. .il .i 1 j'--:.,' 3?"jE3 13 JlU . aa.XT 3r XJ 1ST X O jNT , .-T... ,1 ,j.'-3:9 ': Ji On the batia on whioh that -t-M Th fotrxMaw wiU support th Administration of tha General Qovarnment in all legal and Bonstltntlonal fTorta to pat 3owb rebellion; and sternly resist tha eCPurt mad in soms quarters ' to oonvert th prevent unhappy war into aa Abolition crusade. It will constantly nrgonotny in th publi xpenditnr, and the most rigid accountability i of all publia otflssrauo) C 1 : ' - I I I . As a mdium of general nw, th BramKaB will endeavor to mak itself acceptable to it : nomerou rtader, and at all times npply them yrith . i ...ZOlxa . Xjtpt .d3rirt". U3t Xloll"fclo ZlepoxrttB ! !Z.t$ZliniW. tfc"""' Ma lBrketi. In it eolumn ; rai ; BtsiSEss: m0,'3ite jwies. ; mechanic and laborer j .Will find ih'ei Interest oontulte4, tnd aUendel to, and uq effort will b spared to mak it a first ola Bwparjjtiiria c '' ' ."' ' ,v I Daring the approaching session of Oongfee wa will hav a talented and socomplishsd oorres 1 pondent at Washington, through whom our rtader will b furnished with much valuable and .reliabl information. ' 1 7 ' r Th floingt Of our iftwa' BteWXeguIators will b fully reported, and the local newt of th 1 Stat and our own immediate vicinity,' will have a due (bar of attention. W org upon our friend in all part of Ohio, and tha North- tVeatern States, to aid in extend 1 ing tha circulation of tha SraTiaMaJt, ia by ao, doing, they will assist in the promulgation of Bound polltioal dOOtrin ana reuaua ganenu m EM OHO 1 " To any' person raiting "a Club of Ten Subaeribers to the Wxxxlt Ohio Statesman, and ; tending us the money tn dollars for th sarae, we will tend one copy gratia. Ail oraer wui ud fiwuy.. mkuuou w. . '. -.-.:. auuiw. .JTovember 1 i8ci,j;'.:r;. vSUBSOEIBEES" NAME3.. TBI AN THIE TO SUBSCRIBE ! MTHB.,, "t Ti. Six Dollars per Annum; Three Dollars per Annum; One Dollar per Annum. :AND-.POLICY IN ALL THE STATES. and perteet iwonstraoUonff the 'f. ( , . . ' -.-. - Union wa originaUf fcrrned. unauigenoe. ! MAmrpENmr & miller, Fublithera of the Ohio Statesman, Columbus, Ohio. POST OFFIOES. m M CLUBS STORE. ' HEAD LEY 8c EBBKI.Y TTATE RSIQTD TO THEIR HEW JO. DVAakJii tar it DM Not, 250 find' 252 South High Street, tail ttT aasadalal with taaiuslvas Wtt KICHARD3, SaBMtaitl.n(in I u, . ... - a .'. ; t Headley, Eberly & Richards, ft ' . -. '..-- -.. '.',.-, fonniDf on of th largest Dry Goods Bouse In tn West. ; ,..'' 'J. This 'Souse It copitantlj racslTtcf. New Goods, luohaa r ..'. . i -in r.. tt i -t .n".- - " NEW STYLES OF DEES3 GOODS, . ' , . IRISH" SILK AND WOOL POPLINS," j ' PLA1IT AND FIGURED REPP GOODS ' , .... .... -, . PLAIN AND FANCY SILK3.r t - ;. . v .... . :. IlisKwta4IfatMtitTlsf r-v Hamilton Manchester "and Pacific ; i;;)piaine3Vr;.;; JtthsOltyUfcuadat"1 1 i-3 ' ' ' HEADLEY, EBERLY RICHARDS. I j Balmoral Bltirts, B great vrletv,Jastroelvd by l i , HEADLEY, EBERLY & RICHARDS. ! , - A10, .... -' ZEPHYR W0R9TEDS, . I ; . EMBROIDERIES, TRIMMINQ3i ; GLOVES it HOSIERY, ' LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS,;; Of the Hewtst BljUs.Just rseelved, and alse atad to , HEADLEY, EBERLY & RICHARDS. " ALIO"- 1 : 1,0 BHAWLI, OLOTHI, . " 1 BtxaMNOIB, OABBIIUBIB, .... . FtAtSB, SITJCfcTII.TJttK3liKu.-l, CHiB-n, bhmtbiob, ; - l :UXKEUtA0 HUIITS, . BOO? IKIBI8, ' "TTJOTIO CHAIR ASD OAEPBT WASPS. - . . This flrm."haTlnf adonted th Ceeh svstsm In the anr. thaa and sal of ttoodi. ar enabled to eell from 13 to SO tarttat. Ms thaa otner aeas under the credit tjitam. EEADLEY, EB2ELY & EICHAEDS, ! 250 and 253 Sonth High Straet, t -. . v, j r'.sr i. . ' ; 'XI OalBiinabla.ii ctS-dlr c - :UJii-;.eio jum.iui r 1 U ..,..3n.tir or." ...wl AUCI10N;iJSIXj:C0MMISSI0N aO;0 'frJL- i ,Y" J na las' h; opened Ikaatf" w " . Ir .4,:. '!. .wtA,jtfc .y , . n Jt liltaon, VVraiwim vwrMaraBSt wvbwbbj trio- no mitn m.4 , B r a" wa an. tn tr it 'f .-TvTat .5un ia.i BVAlaWVAVaai v V VA T tM V WaAsij. r.vt;Htic9 J trj OtBattsBrapt mpwttrtUvwlMtad. a. eva, Mntvfiwtft , ftlf r Domestic Cotton Goods. BAIN & SON 'J. ; FFEK tbe moat Exuniive Aisort. ment of Brown and Bleached Cotton Flannel.; Maillot: B.meloy Cotton Sheetings; Beleet Striae of Calke'.and Delal&ct; Tlotlof., Bhtrtings. Clnghaais, And Cotton Battings. Also, Blankets, flannels, - Canlmerea, Cloak Cloths, etc, etc. Hnoh below regular prices. . : BAIN Ic SOH. . t ..'.. ',: '.".' !,.' r S3 South High Btreet. Flannel . & birtings. PLAIN, PLAID, STRIPED WILL. ED. the aoit axtanilTS stock In the cltj. Armr TToolea Sooke. ; Shaker Kibbed Bocks.' . j ', Under Shirts and Drawers. Cotton and Merino Books. ' ": Golden Bill Shirts. , -' I " Oent'e Kid 0 lores. Oeot's Linen Collars, Hack lies. 1 BAIN t SON, cello ' No. 89 South High Btreet. OOLUMBUS OPTICAL INSTITUTE. TBt Beat Artificial Help to tbe Hamaat Hicbt el loventeel. JOSEPH S. PEELEY, PRACTICAL SCIENTIFIC OPTICUN, KEEPS - THE LARGEST ASSORT BMnt of the most lmprored kind o Spectacle.. All his elan, whether for near or far-eighted, are groand Io eoacaro eoDvax form with tbe graateet oare, a to suit tha of all cates. earing Wonkaee, Stsalness or Inflammatton of the Brea, and Imparting strength for long reading or fins sswlng. Offlos, 13 Seal State street, at Ssltser fc Webtter HusiaBtor. augVAlr . . . ' 1 - - FIRST -'- QmW0 OF THE SEASON,,,; --. 01 - i -a.-. 1 SPRINGr AND SUMMER GOODS ' AT P. B.OSE't c T AGAIN OFFER TO THE FCIIXIV A aa entire new stock of Goods la my lice. Just purch ased IB Mew Torkal tbeeheepeot panic ratee.all of which I ahall sell at tha amalleat proflta, for Cub. Mr euatoat ers aad frkads are reapectfullr Invited to called exam ine my Good, and Frio, a I am determined to sell ss cheap or enaaper than anr other houae In the city; and as I do air awn Catting, and superintend m own buai Mea, I feel aaeoied.fram my long experience inbuei Bees, to gtvu general aatiaf action. The finest of work nan are employed, and alt work done strictly to time aad . oa short Botloe, and warranted to fit. Btrangtrs rial tin (f oardltr woald onnll their Interest by giving ma eall before parebastng slstwher. r. BuSB, ! I't'i'.M ' ' Merchant Tailor, T .aurcnSB-aly ' Oor.LUi hand Iowa su. - j Honry ;zs.oe3.1ex9 I i (UU of Phalon's Establishmsnt.ll. r. J t J :. fX PROPRIETOR OP THE PTEt TORK a. raationabls Bnavlng, Ualr Catting, Blumpooning Curling an Ureaaing Saloon, - - r" South St., orer Haiti's Store.' r here satlsfaatlsa will b glren In all th various braachav. c - , Udlee' aad Chlldrsn1 Balr Dressing done la thsTbest ':;.: r rr TTT-. a BltVL-B'ti E l t -rVRNISHIHO 1- Wl-'tf t Jill. Hl-mA. .(iV ST-ft t iT aerota Cellar-, .. -v,K L ylJ toUen fooaea Aiiuar4WrWM!.il Tarts Kid Qlofe. sap. rlor make. u Ooktea Hill Sklrta. Tarloassl.v.Ti T'tr I -1i1 Boy' tWWea taOlBhbia, do ' v 5 ' J ' l,r'J' Driving an atraat Vlaraa, do ateeesea raca.l tirDanranieia, Tamua njriait Kali &m a Va4er Uar-aeaM, BAIN fc BOS, BVrJll V, t IpaUl Hlrt etree