Newspaper Page Text
r;u;a i-A 4 im .mi SATURDAY MORNlNQi'NOV, 8, 18GI V. Rail Road Time Table. Littu Mum k OetPBste Kama P. . Kku iiiim......,.;;.: :m a. m. .i liBOlnuU Aroommodatioa, 0:10 A. M.y 1 S:80 . n v i f.l P. if . . 1 S:00 P. M. Mail and Anuunmndatton.. 1:00 P.. M. .18:14 P. it ' .Jwe.W. Dobbbtv, Agent- flnuiirtiM'A TinlURB t. 1. 4 " ' ' Night Expreea.............S:40 At M., New YorkJCxpres ,11:10 A.M. C.O.dtO. Way Express.... 8:30 P. M, 10:50 A.M. . 7:50 P. If. V .,v - wABWB PATTWASOn, Afnt. ' CnmuiOmo JL. . . . . ' " j v. ! A. M. 11:85 A. M, N. 5 'do ...w 8:18 P. M.-. lfc A. At. Prrrsscaau, UouimbdsAi OuwunuTi K. E. '. Mali Train a. TIOA.M. II 85 A.M. Bipree Train 1 1:85 A. M. 8:45 P.M. ,i, , , , . . Jo,. Boitimx, Agent.; OoLUHiot IxDunoroLU, S. R: (OoLoaaue Fwu At Imbiaju B. R.) . No. 1 Express........... : A. M. 8:00 P. M. No. 8 ' S OU P. M. 7:80 P.M. Accommodation ... 10:50 A. M. -. , , 0. W. Bum, Agent.. LOCAL MATTERS. I. 0.. 0. F. The officers and member of Colombo Lodger No. 9, or requested to meet In their Hall oa Town street' on Sunday, Not, 3J, at one o'clock P. M.. to Attend the funeral of Bro. Gm. W. Howell. ' ' ' V." Tbo member -of our sinter Lodges end all sojourning Brothers r$ Invited to atten&' B order of the N.-G., - -''"x JOHN BURKHART. Sec'y. LITTLE MIAMI. COLUMBUS, & XENIA R. R. LITTLE MIAMI. COLUMBUS, & XENIA R. R. Columbus, O., Nov 1. 1861. Editor Ohio Sttiman:; ....,, i, ,, , .., Dear Sir On tnd after, Monday, November 4th, 1861, traibs on' 'the Little' Miami mad'Con Inmbm Si Xeula Rilroi will leare Colombo! ai follow!: Night Eiprej! lt'2'A.M. Ciooin natl Aeoommodation At 6:18 A. M. Dy Et press tt 1:55 P. M.f Mll at 4 P. M. - -i "TooMtruly."' --! JNO. W. DOHERTY. Agent. Probate Court. Items of business transacted lo the Probata Coorl of Franklin punty, Jodgo Awtaf, dar ing the week endiog Fiiday noon, Norember I, 1861: .7".SR.ftt?x:ri i MARRIAGE LICENSES. Twelve marriage licenses, were issued a falling off in tbe matrimonial market.. f :. 1. ' ' ADMINISTRATORS. Joba H. Reel, of Leonbard Ergolhart's estate, filed hii first account, and James AL' Bennett, Administrator, of - John Stevens'! estate, and J. P. Brock, Administra tor de bonit non of Hugh O' Neil's estate, sew ally filed their float acoouuts. , , ..i v ' - GUARDIANSHIP. Levi Bumgartoer was appointed guardian of Hannah Rtbecca Roach! and Jacob N. Hart, guardian of Amanda Hori, and Jonathan C. Noe, guardian of Albert and Sarah Ann Che severally filed their final aocouut. " LUNACY. Lawrence Wright of Blendon township, wa! found insane upon an Inquest of lunacy, and sent to the Central Lunatic Asylnmt and Chris topher Ginger was removed, aa an Incurable pa tient, from said Asylum to the County Infir . . . ., NATURALIZATION. Adam Helpeck, a native of Hessen, waa ad mitted to full citizenship. V. j ; DISCHAROtO ON HABEAS OOirCS. Tbe following minors, having enlisted with out consent of parents or guardians, were dis charged from the'eervice on. writs of Kabtat tor put: Anthony Ray, Jr., and Samuel Jamei Har vey, both of Madison county, and loth volun teers at Camp Chase; also, Geo. H. Ward snd John H. Feaeei, both of Madison township, Franklin connty, and both volunteers at Camp ' ' - CRIMINAL TERM. This term of the Probate Court commences on Tuesday next, November 5. Tbe prospect is that the trial docket will be a light one. Law Firm. We Invite tbe attention of gen tlemen having occasion to employ legal assist ance in New Yqrk City to the card, In another column, of Messrs. Fine ii Chittinpen, Coun selors at Law, 22 Wall street. Mr. Chittin pen is well known in this city, and his name is an ample guarantee that business entrusted to the firm will receive faithful and prompt atten tion. , V IT Kinney, of the Win ant Biluaed Room, Is captivating all lovers of the noble game to bis headquarters, by bis obliging and persuasive manner. It his customer! lncreaae ai they have the past week, be will have to adopt the rule of one game at a time and fall baok. - -Lapiis' Cloth Cloaks and Balmoral Skirts The ladies ot the city and country -will be pleased to learn that Messrs. HiADLir, Esse lt Sc. Richard.; Nob. 250 and S52 South High street, have so increased their facilities for the manufacture of tbe former class of ai ti des, and have just received inch a large and fresh supply of the latter, that they can easily ult every fair oustomer thai' may honor them with a call, or send her order. " ' Recollect, ladies, that Ladies' Cloth Cloaks and Balmoral Skirts can now be had at Head LIT, ElERLT St RlCHAEOj'S. " LT a wemy nve men irom jmsw Albany ar rived In the oity yesterday afternoon, as reornlts for Col. CAtRiNaroN's Regiment Reoimental Colors. A splendid stand of colors, gotten up to the order of oitizem of Chil lioothe, Zinesvllle end this city, for the Third Ohio Regiment, now In possession of Captain Lawion, la to be presented to the regiment dur- lne the coming week. The stand consists of a magnificent national flag,' or heavy . silk",' with the name of tbe regiment on one of the red itiipeij' a very beautiful btne flag, on which la heavily embroidered in silk, a large spread eagle, bearing a shield, and In Its beak a scroll, with the motto, i Pluribut CTnum," and underneath, tbe name and number of the regiment, and (we beautiful markers' flags, of white silk.Theee flags are heavily fringed, and mounted on high ly polished stsffi), snrmounted by silver spear beads. .-4 '' KM-W & ' JO it . it -il- FiU at G ao viroAf On Wednesday Wgnti about en o'clock, a fire broke ont in the town of Groveport In this county! which oreatod great ezcitemtnt,, fjtables1 belpbglos;-16 Mr. Assam Sbart, C. LtMriAT and others , which were seen pled with', torsei, and ,'contajhed inore or )i! rraln, were destroyed or nearly so. Several BWellm'jrjKj186 eangnrBuTlKfTtamer were MtingBUnal 1y. JViewrUpntlJtV'' MM, The flrS'is' tellefed to have been the wnrk ol, lwetDajaryr a w t Tkajj.hi B.8wATNi.l'pilvettyriI.(kea upon wlthj, freat favor as a soooessor to Judge McLean on be Supremo Benoh of the Unltoa states. aoMonoNS. The followlns; promotion bare been made by the".: Wa Pepartmeot, tia: 6ergsante Henry B. Freemai, Samuel J Dick, John R. Galloway and Joseph MoConeIt, ,.b Seoond Lieutenants in the Eighteenth Regiment U. 8. Infantry.. Mr. Dick is at present very sick with the typhoid fever, At the residence of bis father, In this elty. 1 Meats, Veoetasles, tro. The largest and finest 4aallty of beef, mutton and meats of, jtr- cry kind ever brought to this city, will 'be t hibtted and for tale this .morning. at .the;meat store of oar fellow townsman, Rosiar Rose, North High street, between Gat sol Lang All persona wishing anything la his line should by all means five him a call. :.:i:"Jt!t, V. Fioht a Alliance Save tbe . Cleveland Plain Dealer of Thursday, tbe 31st nit -, Last nlsbt an affair of a dlsirraoefal and prob ably fatal nature took place at Allianoe betweea some members of tbe 19th Regiment, eadjbe employees of the Plttebnrg, Fort Wayne -and Chioago Railroad. We bavn't been able to gather sufficient particulars to be able to say which side Is most to be blamed. , There was a dance at the Eating House dining room, in wbloh several members of tbe 19th Ohio Regi ment, which ia enoamped At. Alliance, partici pated, together with a number of tbe employees of the above named railroad. A difficulty arose between tbe volunteers and tbe railroad men, wbloh terminated in a fight..Tiie railroadmen, some twenty-five in aamber, armed themselves with coupling links, bolts, wrenches, etc, and tbe fight was a fierce and bloody one. ' Several were injured on both sides. Captain Klrby, of the I9tb Regiment, who Is from Mahoning conn rv, bad hie ekall fractured bv a biow from a coupling Iron and at tbe time our Informant left no waa aoiexpeotea to recover., , rt .. -' No sneste had been made when the tip train passed Alliance this morning. . A bad feeling baa existed between the railroad men ai Alli ance and the volunteers fot some time, whiob no donoi occasioned the flgbtr ;' v ; ' ! m r-1- 0The Cleveland PUi Dtater of Thursday, stated that Ex United States Marshal Johnson was dangerously ,111 and w' not. expected to llvethroujh the day. His disease is inflam matory rheumatism, together with typhoid fe- ver. A i O "Pray, Miss C," said a gentleman the other evening, why are ladies so fond of ofil eers?" "How stupid!" replied she. ;,"Is it not natural that a lady should , like a good offer, ST Lord Lyons thinks that All teasels which oan ran the blockade into Charleston, or any other. Southern port, should be permitted to carry away cargoes unharmed. ' Secretary 8ew- "don't see Is. ,t n -5 ST Thw sensatioa papers of New York are giving the Government a great deal of tfouble. If tne gabble of geese saved Rome, the same sort of thing is At least endangering the Great Republic Hash op! ' ..-7.1 TK-' O This is the way the St. Looisites take off the Chicagoans: i --- r -v .jr ... - "Sir." said a caest to the clerk of a Chicago hotel, "yon moat have made a mistake in my bill." "Why?" "Because I ean pay It and have money left." " " - a u . Ambrotyks. Persons desiring picture trne to life should call at once on oar friend, Dr. Haynei, at the American, and gel one of those beautiful ambrotypes."' Call soon, as his Stay is limited to one week?. V'f.-T ' . BOARDIKGl BOARDING II GOOD BOABDAcPI.EANA.NT UOOIU for eight or tea rron, eu be htd by appllng to 0. PATTERSON, No. 118 South Pront atreet, between State ud Town Btreete " BelDE bot one eqture from the State House, makes, lt a deefrable plaee (orDBdeeM mea. L u , ,i)t 1 ectl-dL - ' - ' ' NATIONAL HOTEL, NBA niIOH,IIO, COLUMBUSOHIO. it"1 ' '::e1 TBRM8 octS3-3a .1 ONB POLtAE PB AY. 1061. . lOOl. GREAT WESTERN' DISPATCH. United States Express C.t)Proa'rs. FAST FREIGHT.LINE, Via Sew York & Erie Eailroad, . , And all other Roads Reading West ; ,'7' ::an4 Southwest. ;v"; .11 !l .1 C bartered Cars over moat Beads on Pimnjer Trains. M. H. HOVBT, Al't I 1. KBI9HT, Ag't, - SS State St, Beaten. SSI Broedway, JI. T. ' WMi H. PBBRY, Baperinteadent, Bnllalo. Hi FITCH & SOW, Afentff ' ' " 1 . ST Went Broad Street, - COLUMBUS, OHIO . t- f ii:.v acpl3 J. M. & KCERNER, NOm OO, Corner of Broad & Frotit Streets, OOLUMBU S, MAMB8 Ml'-1 ' " V',: . ! ' ' f -3 -' ' . .. CROCERIES. PRODUCE AND ,m PROVISIONS, V FOREIGN. & DOMESTIC FRUITS, V TIOTJB SALT, IIQUOSS, ETC. Hi .s-iu'-f .i " . I OTBTBBS BY, TBI. CAN IN THEIR 8EA80N. , ''.'ctas-di U)l '-' -v"i -;- l i , ,v .IS ; 5'. a.lvj ) VJ. v ' UACELLE ROSS & CO., .COMISSiON.r'ME ! V IMPORIBBS AND MAXIB8 IK 1 ' i .Iin- mi2 -.- ; sX " " it loi-'elgn and, Domestic Wiiio; Brandifli, ' i . Am. ALSO, olu rte, moVonqai&la4 Bourbon ,. i !'0 VeJif kA IfitfVJI' , iu . ' ww -.,;. i rstrr U WW w FAfiluipDW AKD 0fIClil.S3i lOfflH BXQ IT .v jwnrurtm nrnn .-ft 11 ..L!. DBIiTKD OTTOIttASUtEFS JL l i'Mm Oitoeua Olotha; Broehe Usebeia Dreai U4od !arirBtilkli"j! li4 .4A . e kUkMnedara' Kid kUevesa ijfti m 'u uosp kiru. W& OrCereetet Hair kele, riaaa erlnooi BAIB BUM, He. MleiAHIktreet. stW TELEGRAPHIC. TELEGRAPHIC. Reported for the Ohio Statesman. GEN. SCOTT RESIGNS. His Resignation Accepted. The President Reads the Order Placing Him on the Retired List. GEN. SCOTT'S REPLY Gen. McClellan at the Head of the Army. FRANCE FOR THE UNION. MORE BATTERIES EN ROUTE FOR THE SEAT OF WAR. News from Missouri. COL. MULLIGAN RELEASED. Further Particulars of the Fight at Further Particulars of the Fight at Springfield. From Washington. Washihotoh, Out. 81. Blsblr trustworthy information from France establishes in diplo matic circles here tbe fact that the Emperor Napoleon and bis OoTernment consider the in tegrity, greatness and prosperity I the Amerl can Republic to be identical with the presept and future prosperity or rrance. General Scott win go to flew xorK on Sat urday morning, in tbe sis o'clook train, accom panied by his staff. "It is expected that next week, wnue in tne city, ne win retire from bis high rank, and Immediately thereafter sail for Europe, with his son-hi-law, of bis staff. Col. Hamilton coes Jpon Gen. ilalleck's staff, and Col. Townsend resumes bis duties In tbe Adjutant Oeneral'e Department. Tbe charges against Col. Kerrigan are of the grarest character. He will probably be sum moned before a oourt martial. It is said that be held regular Interriewi with the enemy while la command of his regiment, passing through the lines nnobetruoted. His conduct is said to warrant tbe belief thai he entered the servloe only to carry oat certain plans, whtob be bad devised belore tbe commencement of hostilities, for glring aid and comfort to the rebels. It is bellered that there will bo news from the fleet by way of Richmond to-morrow or next day. Probably Jeff. Davis will bear from two points on tbe coast betweea Beaufort and Cape Sable almost simultaneously. -- [Herald's Dispatches.] - Dispatches from Gen. Hooker's division, on the Lower Potomac, stated that on Wednesday afternoon abont a doaen ehoti were fired at in terval! from the rebel batteries at Shipping Point on tbe Lower Potomac. Most of (he balls tell into the water .The rebels appeared to be getting tbe range or their guns. Several small boats were observed crossing Quantico Creek. . - -Anew battery has just been discovered in coarse of erection on tbe west side of Qaantico Creek, on tbe high bluffs, abont a mile above (Time's Dispatch.) .There a enlistments again, es pecially from the larger States. Enlistments are so tew that the War Department is about again returning to the system of accepting men directly, without the intervention of the State authorities. It ii also contemplated coramis lioaicg the officers through tbe War Depart ment directly by tbe President.""' - ( Washinotom, Nov. 1,-t-A, letter received to day Irom ParneMewiif Md . iht tee rebel now have their pickets on Harrison Island, and that reliable intelligence from Leesburg gives information that ou lucsuay succeeding the fight at Ball's Bluff, the rebels withdrew their forces from Leeaburg,' ou oar, troops being thrown over at Edwards's Ferry, leaving only a few 'battalions -to keep up appearances, end watch Our movements. , .Tbev subsequently took away all their supplies, and at tbe latest ac counts were resting on Goose Creek, seven miles south of Leesburg. . . ' ; A new battery of rifled guns, three in num ber, has been discovered aoout a mile and a half below any tbat has been heretofore fired. It is situated a little below a new brick house, not far from wharf at Eransport..., i. [Special to the Post.] - Business is quite brisk on the Cumberland canal. The boats make their trips without any Interference from the enemy. The tolls re ceived en the canal during tbe mobth of Octo ber amount to $10,000. - : . . The freighting traffic oa tbe Baltimore and Washington railroad is very large. Yesterday two hundred car loads of gorerument supplies were deposited here. Tbe rebel steamer George Page li still ia Qaantico Greek, but has worked her way anffi ciently far ia to be oat of sight from tbe Maryland shore. . - - ; The work on our batteries is progressing fine ly, and a number of guns and mortars have been mounted. . A few oyster pungeea run the block ade now and then, and yesterday a schooner is laid to have passed down. Tbe following letter irom lieutenant uene- ral Scott was received by the President on Thursday afternoon: HEADQUARTERS OF THE ARMY. WASHINGTON, Oct. 31. To Hon S. Cameron, Secretary of Wat : , 8ia For more than three years 1 have been unable, from a hart, to mount a horse or walk more than a few paces at a time, and that with much painj Other and new infirmities', dropsy and vertigo, admonish me that a repose of mind and body, witn tne appliances oi surgery ana medicine, are necessary to add a little more to a life already protraoted much beyond the nsual spaa of mao. It is under such circumstinoes, made aouoiy natniai oy me unnatural ana ou Just rebellion now raging in the Southern States of our so late prosperous and happy Union, that 1 am compelled to request tbat my name be placed on tbe list of srmy omcers retired from aetlre service.' As this request is founded on aa absolute right granted by reoent act of Congress 1 am entirely at liberty to say that it is with deep regret that I withdraw myself ia these momentous times from the orders of a President who baa treated me with distinguished kindness and courtesy, whom I know upon much personal intercourse to be natriotlo without sectional partialities or prejudices, to be highly conscientione in tbe performance of every doty, and oi unrivalled ac tivity and perseversuce. And to you, Mr. Sec retary, whom i now omoiauy auuress lor tne last time, I beg to acknowledge my many obliga tions for the uniform high consideration I have received at your bands. I have tbe honor to remain, esir, witn nign re i oor uuetiieni oerrant, i WINFIELD SCOTT. A aneclal Cabinet oounoll was convened on Friday morning at 9 o'clook, to take the subject .. . ,i j .i j . i .i Into consideration, as wae acumen mat uen. Scott's request, under the oircumstancea of bis advanced age and Infirmities, could sot be de elined. General MoClellan was t haven pom with the unanimous agreement ot tne Cabinet, notified that tbe command of the army would devolve aa blm. At four o'clock la the after- . the Cabinet acain waited eo the Presi dent.' and attended 1.1m to the residence of Geo 8oott. ,Oo being seated, (be President, read tbe Ueneral tbe toUowlDB erderi - . On the first day Of November, 1861, vpoD his Own application to the Presldeql of the United Btates, urevet J-ieoienant-OenarAi wiaeia Scott Is ordered 'to1 te-plaoed, and Is hereby biased -Alt the list bf retired officers of tbe army of the-Uirttwt-atatw, without redutitltm lu cnrH fcay.'stiBalstrtios Or alldwames.-- 'iThd Amei-lcatt'CtoDlS Will hunt with'i'arlrjl!a and deep emotion ihat GeaersJ.Boott lias !Uv drao 4tonv tbe wctlve control of the army, while the Preaident and ananlmoui Cabinet ex press their own and the nation's sympathy bis personal affixation, and thai profound sense of tbe important publio servlgea rendered by blm to his country during hia long and brilliant career f . among wblcb win ever do grawiouy distinguished hlsialtbfol devotion to the Con stitution, the Union and the flag, when assailed - ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Gen. Scott thereupon rose and addressed the Presldsnt and Cabinet wbo bad also risen, as follows:? - Psuiocnt: This honor overwhelms? me, It overnaia ell aervlcei I have attempted to ren der my country ;M I bad any clalmi before they are all obliterated Dy tne exoressiou ui eppruvai by the Preaident with the unanimous support ol hli Cabinet. I know the President and bis Cab inet well; I know tbat tbe country;hai plaoed its interests In this trying onsii la saie seeping; their counsels ars wise, their labors are untir ing as they are loyal, and their cause is the rlcht one. . , ' ' r President, you tanst exouse me, i am nuaoie to stand longer to give utterance to the feeling 01 gratitude which oppresses me - In my re tirement I shall offer up my prayers to God for this Admiuiitratloa aud (or my- country. - I shall nrav for it with eonfidenoe ta Its success over iU enemies, end that speedily: . The President then took leave or uen. oooit, giving biro bis band and saying be hoped soon to write him a private letter expressive of bis gratitude and affection. The Preaident added: General you will naturally feel solicitude about .. the - gentlemen of your staff.: who have rendered you and tbeir - oouotry such faithful service. I have taken that sub ject into consideration. . I understand that they go with you to flew xork A anaii ae sire tbem at ' taeir earliest convenience aiter their return to make tbeir wishes kHoa tome. I desire ou. however, to be satisfied, that, ex cept tbe unavoidable privation of your counsel and society,- wbloh tbey so long enjoyed, the provision whioh will be made for tbem will be such as to render their relation as agreeable hereafter aa it has been heretofore. Each member of the Administration then gave bis hand to the veteran, and reiired in pro found silence.' '.' ' Tbe Secretary of the Treasury and Secretary of Was will aooompauy Gen. Scott to New York to-morww by the early train. . The fallowing Is tbe response of the Secretary or War to Us letter oi Uea. Hooti: WAR DEPARTMENT. WASHINGTON, Nov. 1. Gsnisali It is my duty to lay before the President your letter of yesterday, asking to be relieved under the recent aot of Congress. In separating from you, I cannot refraiu from expressing my regret that your health, shatter ed by long servloe snd repeated wounds receiv ed in your country's defense, should render lt necessary lor you to retire from your high posi tion at this momentous period of our history. Although you are not to remain in aotlve ser vloe. I yet hope tbat while I continue In obarge of the Depar'.meot over which I now preside, I shall at all timea be permitted t avail myself of tbe benefits of your counsels and sage experience.- - li baa been my good fortune to ; enjoy a personal acquaintance with yon for over thirty years, and the pleasant relations of that loog time had beso greatly strengthen ed by your cordial and entire co-operation, In all the great questions which bave occupied the Department and oonvulsed tne country for tbe last six months. In parting from von I can only express tbe hope that a merciful providence which baa proteoted you amidst so many trials, Will Improve your health and continue your life lone after tbe people of this country shall have been restored to its lormer Dappicess and pros penty. .- . I am, General, very alncerely, ' Your friend and servant, SIMON CAMERON. Further Particulars of the Fight at Springfield. SratNcniLD, Oct. 29 The total killed, wounded and missing of Fremont's body guard is filty one; tbe killed and wounded ot tbe reb els, according to their own statement, is about eitrbtv. - '. - The Home uuards begin to come out strong; tbey captured aud brought back Major White, who wits a prisoner, and the fourteen rebels who were taking him to Price's camp.1 ;'' .. ' Last oigbt about twenty ot tbem chased Lieu tenant- Colonel John H Price and. twelve ether rebels, killing ooe of tbem, twelve miles eomb of here, and brought 'all tbe rest In; they are now prisoners in our camp. -The rear divisions of our army are coming np to us by forced marches. Uen. Vow' and Hunter's commands are expected here ibis even ins, and MoKinstry'a to-morrow. '- - Ail our troops are in the best ol spirit! and full or enthusiasm. . . Gen. Fremont has taken possession of tbe flouring mills in this country, and Is rapidly gathering supplies fcr tbe army. . rrlce is near tne Arkansas licet it is doubt. ul whether he will sive as battle. Tbe rebel omcers thought Hat tne isody Guard that made the attack was two thousand strong, and on their retreat swore at their men for a set of cowards. . We got about sixty of thsir muskets, dropped In tbeir Bight. Oar adysnce is at Uzark, fifteen miles soutb of here. Fifteen of tbe body guard were buried yester day afternoon with military honors. Tbe Ben too uacets, tioiman s nnarp enooters, uenerai fremont and Htafl, all the .mrviviug and un wounded guards, and a large number oi citlsane, male and female, followed la tbe procession The bodies were buried In one grave, Intowbicb uea. rremont cast tbe first earth. A Letter from Fremont's Assistant Quartermaster. PffiLAOKLrHiA. Nov. 1. E. M.' Davis, As listaut Quartermaster under General Fremont, publishes a letter la tbe Bulletin of this city this eveoins. to Adiutant-General Thomas, making several corrections relative to himself published in the letter oi uenerai i nomas to Seceretary Cameron. IIo entirely exculpates General tremont from any ooncern witn tbe ourobase of blankets, and says that when tbe report of tbe board reached General Fremont he expressed great displeasure ana caused tee blankets to be returned. i ney were not con demned as rotten snd worthless, and the only fault that cou'd be found with tbem waa the economy practiced In making tbem. Tbe average price or tbe blankets waa one dollar and forty cents. Tbev were part cotton Assistant Quartermaster Davis made tne pur: chase In bis bffioial oapacity. - lie can only ac count for the misstatement from the fiat that while General Thomas was la St. Louis he was confined to his bed. That General Thomas presumed from the reports be beard that he had the whole truth belore bim. ... New Yora. Nov. 1. The ship Kate Dyer, latelv arrived from Europe, was seized last night by order of Surveyor Andrews. The Dver ia owned to the extent of two-eights by Jas. Phillip, a resident of New Orleans. When the share owned South has been conn;caiea, tne mufti will be released. A Washington letter to the Commercial sava the inoorooration of the Ira Harris Caval ry Into the regular army is a deservedly high oomplimeot. . - ' , ' Tbe Massachusetts xain, uonneciicut avtu and New Hampshire Butery passed through to day for the seat of war. . ,,T ;i n, Release of Col. Mulligan. JxmasoN Crrr, Nov. 1 Passengera from the Weat report tbat Col. Malligan, the bere of Lex nsrton. has been released dj uenerai race. He; was seen at Waypesburg to-day, on bis way to Lexington lo Jringawsy a cbiid left there. "' "'. .' '. " This release Indicates that the Wmmlsaton sent Irem St. Louis some days since to effect the exchange of Cols. Malligan. and reabody and Major Van Horn for Gen. Frost, Colonel Bowen and Major Williams, who were captured at Camp Jackson, has been aaecessluJ. Arrival of the Steamship Borussia. to la St. Johns. N. F., Nor. 1 Tbe steamship Rnnieula from Liverpool. S3d nit. bound New York, passed Cape Race at five o'olock this ssornlog- The advioea obtained are three dare later. The steamship Bohemian and fed- . . - . , 1 .... Ml 1. Inffhnre- amvea as Liiverpwu in ue Ma nit. r . m. ... 1 t Tne Wndon l imes, -rn io eoinmii on imerteee Blockade, araio complains tbat : it notl effectual, and- remlodrtbaWaahragton fiornmmtUiAtiBaUpTernmeLte ouhd to tePQgDJM a reaa a.ooaaaa.4ei aeminosir the people M aiaDoaeBirw-'veee -Hiei miiuiii the blockade by the" Bwm -da, shows thai catling off the cattorr supply ishe work of 0utn as muoo aa tow ec-i Is also aeems Quite trne that all cotton sxpor- HUon has bees forbidden by tbe rebel govern meat In order that roreign aations, eepeojan EoSUnd.may be forced to take aides, la (he . i . 1 1 Anat-riaaa ourrel. From Fortress Monroe FosTaaas Mesmoa. Oat. 81 t-Ne nartioulara Of Importance respecting the .'Groat .Expedl tloa. '- ' '-t-v' it A flair of truce went no to Norfolk to oay, with twenty Lflsonere, released sometime sines at Fort Leiayettai . . . , . ' Tbe barks ttaaetock sod Ajaanda. nave-jnsi returned from A erotic.- -The latter took lar prises, Including three Eoglish veeeels and one Aaverioaa, IDS aamea er wlioo save a feaoj t)eeofarMished.i.'i !'': Sit l-J' V.'. Tbe frigate Kosooke l bourir expeoiea from theSoaih ()t.'( u y. :.vij From Fortress Monroe COMMERCIAL MATTERS. Columbus Retail Market. FRIDAY,November 1. 1861. Wta. H. Beatlrau.wtiolenle and retail graoer, Mot IDS loath Illk tint. . 0, tl I . Wheat. - B5311Q5 O.Sasar 9 IOV" Oaie bm.... Oorn e Ml ...... Vflvj Maple So... Molaem f caiw.... i Bauer ..... icvaiov Knip sal MoSl SO Tea a....BOa,l 001 U Lard a SI0. Tel low a m K ttieOoffee .. ivne Dried Applei be.. 13 04 lara do.. e Dr ad Peestaei... 79W Bioa a - ISwe WhiU Ueau 9 MaU B inamt 9 doa..Bl 0091 75 Poieuee, new r im.ewewwi Bait In m. ........ I' - Bay 9 Son . S OS Soas(Dez) 9 . xewr Salt S btl SI 7S rioar 9 bbl.... a ou VhlU Wheat do 15 85 Kye floor 9 btl... is 00 Beef ewt. - S " Hum, t V. lie Sboeldere A... 13H Salt Pork? owU... 'voiiuc Caodlti, Opal. box. . loe Weed eord.... I'i'W til Oheeae t 8iM2X Maokerel No.l hbbl SIS WH n omioT per baah a I ou ktaokeral No 1 or bbl $i Sit) W h(.y per. (all. 8591 00 Mackerel Ne 1 kite..; SS 101 Baleba, ss - Mlr.J x White full per h'fbhl 83 UO Leyera ....a au Suites 9 lto White liek per qr bbl rS eel cod riah f a v sng v Herriuf 9 bbl .. Oorn aleal 9 bu.. ...IS 00 .XXaVene1 rruuei t ff,......cyeiv Wool Twine .. .r. Ibe e lb. Braa ff doa.M... bbl-. V (0 Dried Brer WHOLESALE MARKET. WEEKLY REVIEW. f' -ina sales at 14 50 Bd 8 lor new red, and 19 00 S SIS for white; market aoeettled. r, .. WnuT-etSOSI 00. Cork sales at 0a ' '' f 0Ta ealeedalla; 18e. i . . Bre email tain a -i.VSSflc. B.i e.leeat78. PoTAToae lelea at Biaea ealnat87c151. . .. tkur ralea at tl 04 perlbl. - , . Warn fiaa rule at IU S546 75 per bl.f . Baiara, leas and OoOeeadvanoui(allll. New York Cattle Market. REPORT FOR THE WEEK ENDING WEDNESDAY, Oct. 20, 1861. TOTAamctars or oattls or all suds, roa tub whk. Aooordloc to the reports from the aeverel market. placet la tbe city, there hare been received thltweeki Bbeeeand B'ree. Onws. Trait. Lamba Swine. Total S3 , H1 740 . --, H ' 84 0 588 ,; 80 M 8.64S .... 33 : sa ,isj .... At Allertoa's, i 0 IS Browalor'l. ... 950 O'Bnen'A Tl Ohamberllo'e.. TS Bold rra'ra, Ber. S7) Total T'l pr'a week. 0.134 103 4H4 18.100; 18 80S 4I8SS 5.117 131 053 11,423 9,324. 88,851 IS". 4,304 358 343 0.709 7,598 13,967 av. namorr t w'k,rtj'r. REEVES FROM DIFFERENT STATEN. A. M. Allerton At Co.. Proprietor! of the Waablnrten Drore-yarde, 44ih-tt, report the Cattle in Market Irom the following Btatee: NewTork...... l.lOS'OonoeclIcat.. ....... . Ohio l,391New Jeraey - Indiana 063ircjtae........ Illlnoie 1,037 .Oaoeda. Kentucky 152. Hlchraa J95 Iowa MU.ourl PenDiylraula 'Cnoolaw Nation. .... BEEF CATTLE. Hnmber.renorted for this market at fortv-foorth street, 6,rJ0 1. The prices lo day are quotes u follows: First quality 7X38 Ordinary SVdBK Medium 77 I Extra.. .... a Boms Kitra mod Beeves maybe daoted at very few oyer 8c. .. . . - Tne general average of Ibe market lr 7o. TO. most of the tales are at 0XS7Xe. Prices ner head and ner ponnd. of dlfTerent welrhts. Will be fouod in account of aalaa ot sundry droves. Total number of Beeves received in tbe city this week. 8 151. Thi Is 1037 head more than last week, and 1790 bead mora thee tbe avarafe of last year. - Tbe avarac nam b,r at each Wednesday market I ait jrar wts3191 head. while tbe nnmber to. Say bring Soto BhOws vm head more than the average, and WO bead more, thjj this day . ' ' THE CLOSE OF THE MARKET. Wednesday. Oct. 30. t lance of the total receipts ol the tek will show any one acquainted withhit market wnai muai oe me couutuun vi uiuia wi-uay.-. it in oier 8 000 head, and these of an unuiual heavy art rage weight, and no demand lor paotting, we matt ay that he prlo has held up wooderfally We average II at a decline of Xooa the tcreral classes, bntnoton ihsaTer age, beeaose tbe average is much better than last week, or any week line last spring. Cattle ean be bought to day below onr quetatlone; we oou't know how much; be cause tellers ate willing to accept almost any offer, rath er than hold over with no better prospect another week Hone, howerer, will be held over, for tbey cannot be aold at prices that owner will accept. We hare seen seweral lota ot neat, handsome Dur nam ateers told to day at less tbsn 7o 9 B for the net welgbt or meat. We bare not eeen the market to completely overstocked any week for years ae it la this week, and ws doubt whether any one ever taw as many pounds of good beef en ths market aa now. Estimating the bull -ck, this week at only 700 B average, and lt will give 4,307.000 B , aa the net weiahi of meat in the bullocks on sale sloes Monday morning, and at 7o B, amount to B301 546. If onr country frlenda think that New Tork can aland that nreaaare. end not have prices decline, tbey rather overrate lis strength; for, betide the largett aupply of beef we ever bad in a week, we nave an immense stock or swine and sheep, and, altogether, we believe the lartest nnmber of buteber' animal ever sold In one week in this eitv. No wonder the price Is low, and tbat all oan- nu be readily aold. ' Ibe anpply to altogether above the THE SHEEP MARKET. KeeelntB this week 18 106. Tbe tbeep market haa'ayaln been somewhat fluctuating thin week. Tbe cloting np on Wedneeday was dull and hard for drovers. On Thursday tbe market brightened up, and tbe prices of Tuesday were folly aaataintd.- On Friday and eatnidiy Ibe trade wet dull as dull eon Id be. and broker oould sell stoee only by herd pnihlnc Morday morning the market opened very lively; the weather waa cool enociear; an tne etoca in slain street, amoun lot to some 3.000 bead, wesoloaed ont at an early hoar, at prices fully equal to those In oar last wsek's re portsay on ths avsrage, at So. 9 fa for the aet lot of meat or all good fair tbeep, andSXo. lor good lambs. Borne extra tbeep aold higher, and tome very Inferior onee at lower rates. Tuesday morning the market opened with s good sup ply on hand, say abont 8,ti 0 at Browning's 800 at 0'- Bilen'e. and (nil stocks at Chamberlain 'a and Allerton 's. Ths weather was floe and clear, but warmer than Mon day, and reports from Wssblogtoe Market were tbat gcod mutton earcsssee were selling Bt5e t ft,, end la tola tale of things il soon became evident the the brokers would be oblised to ooneede a rsdue low of priors, or tbe large wboleiale butobers would not buy a hoof bejond immediate necetsiiy. - - Up to 10 A. M. It waa a war of words between buyer and seller, without a ssle of any amount having been ef fected, althouth the difference between them wis very trifling; for Instance, a good lot of Indiana tbeep, which the owner estimated 55 net. he waa unwilling te aell at leas than 84 50 eaob; for these the buer offered 4 35, estimating them at S3 b , end oould not be In duced by all the argument, ef the broker to offer three eants more upon the whole lot. This Is a fair sample of the condition of the market and aula ef feeling of the prloelpal borers. ..u Tie advaoce la wool, and the high price whloh batchers obtain for thsir pelts, mete op for the avpareat diserep- Bboy between the price paid by the batchers and tbeir reoslpts rortne meet, ana leave a very narrow margin for tnem te operate ueoa to secure a trtfllnf profit upon eackabeap, II It only by doing a large bosloear that tbey eaa make a living pront . .. To-day tbe market has te tnbmlt te a still farther de cline, and that le not to be wondered at, when we look at the number on sais. - THE HOG MARKET. nlnl.lht. week IB SOS. - '. ' ' :' The fallowing are the quotations gives; by Henry S. Grant, Bapewin tendons er tne maraett - - , Oorn fed Bogs, B, lire weight.'.... .4 4J(ei DUtlllery-fed Hogs JXXo. The market this morning h dull, with S.SOO da sale, nd the weather, though clear, moo t cold enough te make a hrlae deatand for boss. With the great stock In aar- ket this weak, we lone, aeon tbe destine In prime as a very moderate one Geo. W. Dorm an lives ths following as The price of nogethlswetk: , ' ' " v..-" Live. Dead webrht. First quality, oorn fed. Urge sixa..4 ., S AiX Second quality corn-fed 4 S24J. , , !4iM pint quality, small aiaee, ia ana , , . . prune, for market naicjMrs....-av? M-J Leiretlae,atlll-fed,fat... .-Savi'-W , ,4 Seoond quality ltUl-fed,fat.M,.Srt3i 44. : 1 i i i i -' ' f i" New York Market. [REPORTED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN] NEW YORK Nov 1. w are ue toe ;the OOTTOK-Continnes tr7 Bales oTISOS bales atS3)f fbrMlddMngTJplaads. f1 ,'.'.. ' ' FLOUR Rales quiet and tra will fair rleaand fer export and home eoneampttoB. Seles ef 838M barrel at f58Va for rejeeied; BASSeBSSS er nrpernoe Beater oipoeo ror eatra seaiei ev e. wanmaa Mima aa fas easaerea te aeealem salsa westsrnl 89S 10 tor shipping erenow mmrr Ohlei teS S-er-Sr awaaee ew aw.r.w. Sro). .Oeaadtee Flear-ilttle Srmer wb(mdetBte bail. nca doluTTTfalei of 800 barrelsat 85 J5jnJ 8 for WHI8H.T In moderate reqaaetl Bales oCSW barrels tt0X3io. tjbiifly the tasus pnoe. nsrOne J g5 7 00 ror common iu imn-. . . hYt n nun Kitraotiitaod steady at 831 10.71 ' IHN MBAL-In fsunequesa, Aales ef 850 barrels A. ae M A,, aknrf.a-lna and chotoe weatern. TfTBB A-4let aeA Area with a moAejsie ewl meodj aalea el 19 fcou buaUatj Ohteaae aprlrf at 81 1 85 13 300 boibele aUeue Iptln. et il Sl51 34; lit,. OUOSnahelaalllwaakeeelelietaisa;! 85; Has teen- eu AWJte- tow wtawigt, m; law weshekf SandMme So. la imn M St 38; IMit eaibekt A miner wrrwn euy ex vi aa; lesw DeJe tee Mete et fl Sees i ai .uuw weaHw iniwng, wntie Lnntana at e I Set 14.- BOObaebeie Amber Murhlfan at el ! 37; B aoobaah- ela Wblte vote eea rnxnigan at ft wesaitS; Sue ktufe eUwhlloK.nlookretai4l SO.. BVB-aleaadarwiat7ie3W - . e, ii BAALBI With net vielble chance., teles of 8,100 tle aterV9fl7oi OOHS A afaeee Aiaaer, With a moderate aemeaA for expert ana heme eooeemption, at a e (air epeeeutlve looain: eelee of 141 000 eaehele at SO-SO 1 far dauaiMl mixed weeiera; 80 for eoeaavm dec SiOMMX tar toed prime spclnf aalaed WeaUra, shieflj at aelee prtea, SA de tearrlve. 7 - - - OATS ators aetlre at 40 for Casedai 48941 br test- PORK lraf and1 rarbef more eet've; sales of 750 barr) at 81515 S3 1- for iwaet SS VAAl IS OU rir prliaa total t took eliokteavS eev. Mow .-lea. abfil. S3 0311 wareem: same date hut month, 40,8501 samedaae aeayeaeaa.SJb. barrele Suir.-t ... vie -..,u .- -. Bier Bttedr. with e fair bnehMea eoinsi aales sou kerreio at BSp4 4S. Ser pramer tfna as loe meet; eiiMKVis lor rapeekee me.; f u lo.- eeaetty aweae. tetel atcek of eld eod new, KoW.-lew 18SL, 8.0S1 peaej aaee; earn Sate mat moeih. 40 8JS: eamedaW met year, 8,848 peokafee. frlaae meet beef egletaaaenchanf- ed " .' ,. 'u. i '.. i .. BSBf HAWS Qaleieed enehanred. m -i -,-OUT; US ATH Mul atilwt at 4obA fcr ihnaklare. an forhamei' 1 ' - . t -.- -irt BACON lo Sioaerate teqwett; aales 1,1X3 kads meek ed etdet. pert to arrive, !'- i- . LaHD keleaeolmaivA with mederate LwQejtry; ealee ef 1.350 barrels at SH4P3H- IneieeeS la same are SvS bbla deliverable In Jaeoery ant rewraaryvat payers epcloD on prlrite teime. -:- BUTTSn-lo moderate request at 6al8for Okie, and 12X18 for slats. .-. , ,. . , . -, CUMASS More doing at 4 X45K for Ohio, and 5K 1 for state.. . . . , . tUOAB Haw in little better reqoett anl' market ateedyl salee of 1.850 hoCiaa1e Cuba et TXJJlJK. and email lots Porio Beo alb fe.. SotaJ stock. Bortmber 1st, 1861. 28 804 hoi abrads. 13.884 boxes. 143.878 baas and melailo: .,..'..:, MUbAbaas uavt; eaies or so ncfueaaa rono wo at 43; by auction, 60 hofaheeda de, at 38J3;. 48 boia- heada Cuba Muscovado el xo, eaah. :..-1,- Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, Oct. 31. LODE There wsi a better feelloK araoaed In the market, by tkeeoea dispetehex) end wUheaa eoy Intraaei In wulaUeie beldera became more flra la tbelr pgeltlont and stood for, the outside of ear lata quotations ea 8a oerflne. WUB AT Vai Irnralar In lbs experlrnce of different operators. For the strictly prime qualities the market possessed mere Inherent etrenf than It did yesaeroay, aad this was en tribe ted tn bj the aawa from Me Tork. lhe qneUUaeeare b0.-e7a tor .red. sad lAtfftUe for wnue. ; !.,.. ' coiUfvWas a Utile mere Srm lo oajF, ana aard to boy at20o.'M ' ,,".. i -i i i t-: 3it:-r i t . OATS Are steady at 33a. , . - . , , , ., BIB Is la Ml r reaaettand held hliber. It brlnss 43d readily, and one to two outs per baahel higher is aaked. .: - t i BARLIT It mere marketable. Prima commands Mai readily, snd la hard le bay at that Agere.,. w uieki sola reaaiiy as ee.- - -.. ' Cveaamereial :,l.i --.. Cleveland Market. CLEVELAND. Nov. 1. fLOTJ R Sales of 80 barren, red doable et tie el 14 70 and 100 barrels white doable extra, country ground, at 44. W 11 BAT Market dull owing to the want of wsiels (ales 3 eera red at 04o; a boat load aBoat at aunei and 1 ear wolte on track at 9 1. . ... CORN sales or tear at see.' - --O'TftV-Beleaef 8 ears at 35a . HIOHWIKsb Bale ot SO bbla St 15Ki and eS nbls at BQOS-Steadr at 13a. .:-'- DKISD AffLkB SelealOQ IbaatSo. IHKIQaTs Nominal at So to BoltaAo, and 14c to Ol- wego, and oe vessels wbehad.- - - Philadelphia Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 1. WHB AT Active. Bed 81 81 93r WhHs tl 4 1 en. ....'. . . - - . ' .' OOBN-FIrm. ' White Is telling at !6e; Yellow at wS83)e. . - i WH fSKr aiaad at 21,a2o. POBK SOCK) barrele weie taken for the Government. BBBf WO bbla taken for government. MILLIONS OF MONEY For an Inch of Time! WAS OSCE THE EXCIAJIITIO- or a dying Queen. Tntvt Inch of time ean be procur- a much cheaper rate, and many long years or HEALTH AND HAPPINESS" . enjoyed byeorsultlng Dr. MBBBTWB ATHBB. who la curing tne most obitlnata and long-standing dtteaie of the LUNQS, HERT. LIVER. KIDNMd, BIjAD- DBB, BIUMACli KUJSUHAlisa LUBB&BBs rauu LIAR TO FBMALB3, SKIN DI8BA8BS, AND ALL AFFB0TION8 Or TUB KII AND BaBw - , rr- Facta ar Staltttarm Thlag-al ( .- Rear what the Phlladalohleooire pendent ears in the Oommonweallh," Wilmington, Delaware, 9th ef April, ISom .. . ... :. -i.- - I "An Bnglish gentleman, formerly connected wUB the British Army, and wbo styles himself the 'Indian Botanlo Phytictan bee of late gained an esienaive repu tation here by bis skill In carina: all manner of com plalols. Boms of his patlente 1 novo converted with, and they pronounce bis re me die and mode ef treatment as very supsrlor. Some have been restored aa It maglo. Tbe medicine ne ases m auuim uj uuaw.n from various herbs possessing rare curative properties. "While aotlog In tne army be devoted his leisure mo m.n,. tn a thornnah atadv of the effects produced certain medicinal roots and herbs on all manner of dis eases. It seems he hsa found a sore and apeedy reme-t j . 1 . . ,1,1. K uh I. K.l. .n HI. ural-lln. uy iiirai, w ii.. h. m.. already extensive and la dally Increasing. In the com plaints to which Females are subjected, he baa no equal aa a larre nnmber here have testified that they owe not only their present gcod health, bat their Uvea, te the skill of this Indian Botanic Physician." - Office 37 East State 3treet, Colnnrbas. angl7-d3m ....... REMOVAL. i : " WJtttAM Hv BESTIEAUX, ! DEALEBJ l?t Groceries, ' "-' r.r-- .V'-l,-. Produce, ,., , . ; . . , Provisions, poreigri and Domestic, Liquors, II 1 J .. .W.T HAS RBMOTBD HIS WOBI fBOst " NO. 34, NORTH HIGIT8TRBBT, TO 1 t.i'& r.s.' i ) No. 106,! igouth - High Street, 1 v.: i t- t---. -.i c tj .r.- .ti!-.-t "i - ' the old stand recently ecote4 byWM; MoDONALB I If. H, h'li oally'reeelpt C ,' . .. IEW; AND FRESH ; COODS ;'(. , - h i ' '. ytvb h, vm self " ",'lr " Ckeaa far Caela ar Casxsitry Pradnce, ' .. a " ' JJ5 Goods dsllversd to Cltjr trade free of charge IV ".. I) I ZX : A And Seed Store GEf fl?li iU H ARDY7 AREr I RAILS, OLA8B, 8ABH.PUTTr.0oiDAQB,;;';,i SalrssH PlavtaM, Waaaex leTlIUjW Waw, k. t ether and BcMe Bemng,' IeW AtebUwi, Betowal c ;-alns ' oiiiH rT:. . atS7w-- e-ev i,..i i 1 1 a ' iV AUskvaaad selert Jass opened let AWBVW Slw. aw wvaws aueH Am. J I 1.1 .. v. u 1 '- 11 i .' e "They go Bight 'to? th$; Spot ,'a..J uii WZ.S I". Istatasst Malfeil Parlff year BreaU. Btreagtliea year Veicet o3Pjrxij23iisr3-a - THROAT CONFECTIONS flOOD FOR CLERGYMEN. t -" 00D FOR. LECTCHER3, . ; GOOD FOR PDBLIC SPEAKERS, f t GOOD FOR SINGERS,- ' ' . GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES. flBRTUMBB OABBT ' SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTION t . tiABIBI ABU PIUQHTBD WITH SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. OH1LDRB.N CSV fOt SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. . , . e 1 " - Mi I They relieve a Cough Instantlj They clear the Throat. . . , - , , They give strength and volume to the voice. They impart a delldoai aroma to thr'oreallv'- Tbey are delightful to the taste. - They are made f simple herbs and cannot harm anyone. ! ' ' ' i advise every one who has a Ooagh or natky Voice er a Bed Brsatn, or any dlffioalty of the Throat, to gel a package of a Throat Confections; they will relieve yoa Instantly, and yoe will agree with ate that ' the, go right to the spot " Toa wtW Sad them eery asefn I and pleasant while (rtrsllng or attending pabll meet fngs for sUIIlng your Ooagh or allaying yonr thirst f f yea try one package, I am safe In saying that yoa will ever afterwards consider them indispensable. ' ; Toa will And uea at tne DruggJaO ami Dealers in MadMoee. : ' I ' ! PBIOB j TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. i My ajgnatars is en each package. Ail others are counterfeit. - A package will be sent by mall, prepaid, en receipt o Thirty Cents. Address, Henry C. Spalding, HO- 4A CBDAB IHtltT, NEW YORK. KervousHeadaehe CURE si o I t rasi By the at ol these' rills the periodic altaclit of N't eous or StrJt Btadiah may be prevented; and it taken at the commencement of an attack Immediate ,ellel fr nr. pain and sickness will be obtained. Tbey seldom fall In removing the Naiuta aol ocAs to which feinalea are so subject. , They act gently npea the bowels removing Uxn asss. For IAierary Mm, Stvdtnft, Delicate Female and all person, of awfenfary kabiu, they are value u a lamatto. Improving tbe appsfife, giving tone asfer to ths digestive organs, and restoring the nx'ur Slsstioityandstrsngthof the whole system. THI CBPHALIO FILLS are the resnlt of long Laves tlgatton and earefully eondneted expert ments, harltg been In uss many years, dating which time they hate prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffer, lug from Headache, whether originating in tbe Merwoea system or from a deranged state of the stowtae, They are entirely vegetable In their eompoeiUOb, ... may be taken at sJl times with perfect aaiet allheal asking any change of diet, and t As rioseaos ol any diHiortabU tat muUrt U stwy as udmini er lAeet eMidreit. ( BBWAKB 01 OOCMTBttFBITBf The genuine have Are algnatauea ef Henry 0 Bpaldlng on each Box. , Bold by Bng-glsts and all other Dealers rn Medicines. A Box will be sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of ths IPirloo, QQ Oonts. Alt orders ihould be addressed to , IIENKI C. HFALDINU, is Cedar Street, ltsa TTark. From ths Examiner. Norfolk, Va. Oeohallc Pills acoompllsh the object for which thai were made, vts-l Our ef headache In all la forma. From the Examiner, Norfolk, Ta. They have been seated la more than a thousand esses with satire I From the Democrat, St. Cloud, Mine a voa are. er have been, troubled with the headache send for a box, (Oepbalio Fills,) so that yoa may Have them in case of an attack. From the Advertiser, Providence, B. 1, The Cephalic Pills are said to be a remarkably effective remedy for the headache, and one of the very beat for that very frequent complaint. which has ever been covered. From the Westers B. R. Oasette, Chicago, 111. We heartily endorse Mr. Bpaaldlng, and his anrrvaleS Oephallc fills. . Fro Kanawha Valley Star, Kanawha. Ta. We are tare that persona suffering with the heed sees. who try tbem, will stick to tbem. From the Benthem Path Binder, Mew Orleans, La. Try (hem! yoa that are afJtefed, end ws are mm that your testimony oan be added te the already numerous list that has received benefits that no other saeSlelne can produce. v.- ' ii-' From ths St. Iiools Beanvorat. ' Ths Immense demand for the article , Cephalic PUIs It rapidly lacreaslng. - - . r V From ths Oatettc, Davenport. Iowa. Mr. Spalding would not connect his name wish an ar nele he did not knot to oossess real merit. - s VrfA single Bottle ot sreLOlMd'a rstBrAaaB ' OLUB will save tea time hseeetaDUBally SFALDlNU'ts PREPARED OLUEf .-. ; SPALUINQ'9 PREPARED GLUK I SFALDINQ'S PREPARED GLUK! - 1 ! a' t v - ehavavavaas 'JSt.-1 ' -'Jt . JK J. ' ' SAVE IBB PIBOBSt - - . . , . iBOONOMTI ,. .. - ' . . ' ' DIBPAIOeV . . j f HTVA BTBta at Toa Bavss Xvn.JJL aaaccMeeiU will bappeo, even fa weU regaated faesi , Uies, It a very deslBabie to have some cheap and ooa j Veneot vay for repalrtng Furniture, Toys, 0 rookery; . BPALDIBO'S FBBFABBD OLUB .",' "'' mMts ail eoeh eeaergenetea. and no bouseboid ean arTord to at wlthoat It, Ills always ready, and upte the stick l7BBFnTs a BVBBI EOCSB." . .., ', . H1. B- A Breah eeeompenles eech Settle. .. .,- cants. , , . , , Address, . . " BBSfBT 0. EPSLDlrTO, ' He. 4n Oedar Btreet, Mew las.' ta..--!.; i -i ' ii, . . . i. - . OATJTIO. . As: eerWi'asprTtterpleS perewa are attemselrig t palm a- -eh eoeeepeettng pablic kmiauieasef e rBBrARBO IjIIB, I woaMeaaiioa eai Mrtonsstt berore v'Ttti.mnv, and see tbat She f rnH i trai'ii.ijia a s-aaesaaMDaLnB-Jir. h ea Um oatsie wtaoper; aU ether are swladun. aarMta, . see Ufy. n ; u - a