Newspaper Page Text
SUNDAY MOANING? NOV- 3. 1861. t Appointment a Day of Thanksgiving. a Day of Thanksgiving. STATE OF OHIO. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. COLUMBUS November 1st. 1861. ;u puVauaD, & ttae'reqoeet of CjeGeaeral Aim '"' blj of thi SUte, and la aeoordaiwe itB my - own .eote of gratitude to Almighty God tor the C-'Kntmr-ifnl mercies which Be 6 bestowea op" t. the poopio of Ohio, I do hereby iJasiSBt ana i'Ltwt apart Thurtday, tkt 284 k cf Nvnmttrt : .N(.ifC. a uavoi Thanksgiving ahdrraUe to 1 Him for the inestimable privilege of onr.. Civil ..-and Religious Institution., for protecting our )c hoe horn the retage. of war I and for he - mwUold b!eaInE,lndividnaUud w?ia!, which " surround and support $ and J, respectfully V w opoo all'the people, thai they refrain from ' u.i. -oni Jniftmeni on that day ? and, Id l ' anvir r J . - , , . . thefr 'places of public' Worship, , snd: e.t tnair with itreatfui acknowledgmet,i Ol- , fee-forest prajere to our Heavenly Father i mt to mT esntinuo to remember hi (a Bit 'mercrs Remove the calamities of cvil atrWe ' which affliot die Nation: raster eooeord:M Ueeo the Stiles, conflrmiog a4 perpetuating twlitictl Union, and "BeenrlngtO.Wind to on nosteritv the privileges and advantages eMrrk rlatincrniftH &. Christian neonl- - 1 - .., .Utt,!!.....-!,. . ' . "' In testimony whereof I hare hereunto set my iband and caused the great seal of the State of fthin to be affixed, this the 1st day of florem, h. In the vear of onr Lord 1861, of th InoV pendenoe of the United States the 85th, nd of WILLIAM DENNISON. 4he Governor, : ADDISON P. RUSSELL, Sec'y of State. The Rebels Dissatisfied. Whilo here at the North, there are strong ymptoms of growing hostility to the present Fi.Jal Administration, on tbe pan oi mow who recently made an unquestioning support of that Administration Identical with loyally the Government, it ought to afford both conso lation and encouragement 16 loyal Uplon men, that tbe rebels are beginning to growl still more lustily at the management of hose to whom tbey hire entrusted the direction of affairs In the new, experimental 8rthr Confederacy.; , Many of the, Southern journals, y wo may judge from the article's in the rebel press, which ' reach ns from time" to time, Bra even moro bit ter In their tirades against the administratioi of, Jxrr.Dam than. axe tho.radical Abolition ' f amoNT mints against that of President UU coLW. Tbe rebel shsetiBte incessant In their demands fur a forward moyement.,Tbei nrgo that the Confederate authorities shall change tho war from a merely 4efpsire to an offensiTS oae, and immediately plan and carry into effect an iorasion of the Northern States. ! The complaint is general and loud at the South that the Confederate Gorernment, u bDth ite civil and? military departments, is too . alow in Its operations, and does not follow np ' the advantages it nas gained, so as to afford the least nrospeot of bringing the war to speeay aod succesifal elootv; Thereto, in fact, aocoroV ing to many leading", Influential rebel presses, cross mismanagement and incompetency every where manifested in the public service. These thioes lead to gloomy forebodings of defeat and an ignomitioos submission eventually to the Btrone arm of Federal power. ThcieiaQta admonish Union" men that they should exercise patience. If they remain firm 1 and united, chaogea mar, in a short time, b wrought in the South, that may do,more for tbs Union cause than an invading army or five . londred thousand men. - The rebels masoon realize that the new government hey have stt up Is worse loan tne one wey nave repuaiw . sod that if tbe latter eeotrrged them with whips, the former is tormenting them with scorpions ' Having launched jnpbn the tempestuous sea of ' levoiuiion and anarchy, there is bo toiling where they may land. Counter revolution may fol low. and the new rebel "covernmenV be'over- throwa by )he very. . who aided U giving it birth 4 .r:Irj.' f ! t i , woBld;not JwH 'W federal Xiovernmsnt relax one iota of its e,fforts to Vcrush out the rebellion;" but we would have the discontent ed and fretful among nS remember that there may be causes at work which may do mora for the aetompllsbmenf of Jthat end than all the military and naval power oftbe Government.--Let. n all exeroise saUeace, hope courage, with unswerving fidelity to the' Constitution, and the Union'canse will be triumphant, ' ' Army Contracts. One of the serious charges" made onv'by Ad ' jutant General Thomas, against tien. Fremont, reads a follows: .. ' j . will be feen.irere given to In dividuals without resorting to advertisements for bidt, as is rsqdired by tna law and the any regulations - ' 1 -'" . , It tnr weroflniiirig" eye of ' thlsctlloer had penetrated Into th office of the Commissary at this pottt be would have found, thai officer pur chasing largely "withont resorting to ad vert lie ments for bids at Is required by the law and the arm; regulations." , ilondredsof thooaands of dollar woito of property, saoh as baoon, pork, groceries, etc., has been bought, private-, iy; an agent In tome oases, If not to all, buying irom the merchants and making out bill to bis own name to tbe Government, This was prao tlced by tbs late' Commissary, ind tba system, e understand, i continued by hi successor Why Is this not inquired into If th praetio Is contrary to "the law and the army regulations'!" We are not to be understood ss justifying the 'violations of the law in the .Western Depart ment. Oa the nontrary snob conduct cannot b too strongly condemned. , Bat, w do think it quite s CBsantial that the , army regulations Bhould be observed by officers in Cincinnati as in Si. Louis. While, therefore, the War .De partment is making uob a fan about St. Louis, it may a well gratify a very much dissatisfied public, by Inquiring into the jnoda.of doing '. In "the army approptlatlon bUl,',pused March, 1859, it is wpaolaliy provided 'that ail contracts for tba army should b let to the low est bidder,' and In pursuance of a published no tice.' This proviilon of theUw, liki manyoth f rs, baa beeaisregarded. -t - ' ' r- pATMASTta -r Major MaUolm McDowell." Pavmaater in tbe United States Army, WM 10 the city yesterday on bis wsy to Ms headquarters at Colombus, for tba porpoa tf paying off two regiments of United State troops quartered there, and also thos of tbe tore mxMitM' men wno nave net yet oen paia. Th reason for his long absence is, that being ordered to Leuisvills to pay off two teg! menu he found matter in such a fix that be was de tained two weeks beyond bis allotted time.' As toon as be completes bis bnRinesa at Columbus icwrrt reitmrto ClnCTrinatr and rettle op with the three motjU.' im-d he. fie left on th train - last ; evening r fo Coiumbua -pia. JZm fwiw. " ' " . " '' Wo bav no doubt fioAhat 'wt nave neard tha thert are wvoral if not more, looking nox iously for Paymaster McDowau- " " The Lower Potomac. h i rorU tht tw sohoonera, Udan With hay and other Government ior were cap tur Iby be rt -uls jesterclay.' ,Tbey ktteirpted ran tm hWiiida.' A rentlauwni who me op from rorl Tobacoo tui moruiug, ,"t' tbat the rebels ocoslonally fir atth men wnp -,...1,1.,,. tt,- r.vtillu&tiona now being thrown np by ueort dioi , YZ ,r uir. Hnj,tiniM th 'lots pats Intaas nau a mUa." At othr time thy fall short:- U It believed now that communication rebels from th Maryland aaor u " , ' .i..,iii.Mhi us BtMOdthen- 0U-, II IDUH . i. Fairfax, it to thought, bav 9Z Mrengtaea tha battorles. Tbey.nodoubl.a (n drd af an attack by land and wator.PW. frm,M.M. .-""' i No vessels dare venture np the Potomao on the 1st of November. "Washington may be con sidered tolerably weUWWKaaea. ,.;. r, ICTTh WasbinjttoB Correspondent of For ney' Jftw of tb 3Ist (Oot, tpeaklng of th report of Genl'Tejoaiato Gen. Fwoirr,ays: Tba nnfortunato differtncee in ajor uenerai Fremont's military dlttriot. av Been Drougui takhaadbrth nrintlnsot th report of Ad jutant General Thomas in tba New York TW oust oi wsonataay. iuo mmw r' -- ..... .kUh kt rown out or Its xnnv puu- Uoatloa to a matter for newspaper men to itl among tbemselrea Geoeral Tbomu toon of th fa real and most impartial officers In th army, i His feelings are roogly enlUtod la th . anil hA alSMTlm iniT U1U UUI BUkVluusHIl vwi- aral Cameroa la SU Louis with any putpote of doing tolustio to Gnrl Fremont, or of be coming the partisan of Colonel Frank Blair. General Cameron himself only went to St. i l nrrixr naraonallV 10 ascertain me iruiu ot the charge against tba commanding officer In 4haV quart, ua nas, as i aoow, sympathised with th President in bis desir to .i.. n-nMl Fremont not on It an opportunity to distinguish himseif.but aU tb advantage re- salting Irom former poutum other man could bav been more fairly treated k. ... .Hminiatntion than Fremont." Ha hat aim tolerated la extraordinary expenditure, and allowed arry manner of defense on tb " With aU my regard for Frank Bla r, I have not felt disposed to become a partisan in bis dis pot with bis former friend, and it was only when' the -proofs submitted by' Blair became ...t..tminr. that I aaw the necessity ror prompt and tmmeaiat bohob m nioa v General Framont. The report of Gen. Thomas, however its publication maybe regretted at this tnnou. an Imnmtlva dutT UD00 tb PrM- ldeot,and all tra friends of the cause will ad mit th. inavitahla neceaaitT of superseding Fre mont. Even thos who bav been his most earnest friend cannot resist tha facta or this reooftTb President will, undoubtedly, Ds .-.,.h.t .ha aa takea th axPMted action pon tfato qaestioa. Th Rspubiicans Of th NorthwsVMipon whom th parttcniar support er f Fremont rely will oarer allow their ad miratloB of the poUtieian a statesman, nor per mit their aympauy tnwBia pw tit iIhi. them' Into wbat may baoon- strued as an indorsement of acts which have met th stem disapproval of every commission that haa rone torward to examine into them; .. th. .tumni matin?.' in soma quarters, to antaeonise tha Aammisirauou, w course IV has been compelled to take to refer ence to this case," will prove a melanoholy fall nra. Ir John Charles Fremont to an earnest and self-saerifioing advocate of tha war, he will anticloato" th decree of th President, and ;.,it . ' - . -T UJ! I' 1 ETThe Washington correspondent of the New York Trwwaecjf November 1st, say :J ' ACTIVITY OF THE REBELS ON THE POTOMAC. 1 'dn'the Potomac' tha rebels their works and getting mor guns m sosiuob. On Wednesday the battery at Shipping Point threw three shells" at General Sioklea and hit aaanrt ml Indiana BtteuTv WhO Wr4 recOnnoi ksrtng on th pposito bank at aaaa r ny. 1 o or tu bmu rati anwrfT toe h fw havond tha aartv'6nttJ Sickles' quartors art la rosays nows. 'rimi iwy hi u il an har wilder arMSl for slrnaling with light from their teas tba passage of our Tea sal bv nia-ht. aoidinc tbe show of th rebels. From Poaey'i house three batteries csn be seen, all moontinir beavv cans, th rebel flag flying over them. Yesterday, with tb naked eye, the rebels could be eeen getting a heavy gun in po sition, at toe Battery near o laouwg duib ptog Point' We have eight Parrot gun her In position which oould shell evary squar foot of r r ljJ ... ..iffq,. it, oat oar gunners are roryiuueu m mn- -im rabal ateamw Pace and the two captured sotuionaMaralvioc Tost within lb Point. ' Two fimanta ware aeen drilllac -there yestarday, The rebels oa th bluff abovh the' Point have ant mi tha trace, and ar eonstrastlnK an srtaworx at as ievson tnat win oe n oi tba highest on tba river -yet occupied by tneir aattarie. - It to known that at thre points on the rive 1by" art) colleotlng large number oi beats. bn: iv i cuvi-un i" .-. .. Gen McClellan's Order on Assuming Gen McClellan's Order on Assuming Command of the Armies of the U. S. WASHINGTON, Nov. 1. Msj. Gen; McClelian to-night leaned tha fol orderr a 1 ,:m - a HEADQUARTERS OF THE ARMY. WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 1, 1861. GENERAL ORDER NO. 91. FROM THE WAR DEPARTMENT. tiiirr." I hereby assume command of tha armies of id unitea c tales. ' in tn miasi oi ine oimcui ties which encompass and divide the nation, BeslUtlon and self-distrust may well accompa ny tha assumption of so 'Vast a responsibility, bnt confiding si I do In th loyalty, discretion, and courage of our troops; and believing, aa I do, that Providence trill favor ours as tha just eaura, I cannot doubt that success will crown our ef form and sacrifices. Th army will unite with me to the feeling of regret, that tha weight of maay year, aad tb effeot of increasing infirm ities, contracted and Intensified In his country's service, should Just now remove from our bead lb Great Soldier of our nation th hero who in his -tooth raised hlch th Mentation of his conn try in the fields of Canada, which be sanc tified w'th bis blood-who, in mor mature year proved to the world, that American skill and valor could repeat, if not eclipse, the ex ploits of Cortet In tha land of tbe Mootetumas whose whole life hat been devoted to th service of his country who whole efforts bav been directed to uphold our honor at the smallest sacrifice of life a warrior, who scorned th selfish glories of the battle field where hit great qualities as a statesman could be employ ed mor profitably for hie country-a citizen whom hi declining: years bss riven to th world a most shining instance of loyalty, and in disr. rardins: all ties of birth and olioRicar still to the cans of troth and honor. Such ha been the career, such tha character of Wlnfield Scott, whom It bas long been tbe delight of tba nation to honor, both as a man and a soldier. While w regret hi loss, tber is on thing w cannot regret tb bright example h has left for our emulation. Let us hope and pray that bis de clining years msy be passed in peace and hap piness, and that they may be cheered by the success of tha country and tbe causa he bas foueht for and ioveo. so well. . lieyond all tbat let us do nothing tbat can cans him to blush form. Let, no defeat of the army he bas so long commanded, embitter his last years, but let onr victories uinminate ine pios oi a me so GEO. B. McCLELLAN. Maj. Gen. Com'g U. S. A. General MoClellan baa assumed command, Scott bavins .retired1 to day. I The President told hint tbat tb position was assigned him at tne suggestion of Uen. Boott, and with a nnao iavou aoncurrsnc of lb Cabinet, j a. u.'l' .. - n .' CTIUuh JPujMs. of the celebrated abolition firm of Puma, Pace fe Co., bit been appointed a BrfgadlerQaartel Mas'ter with th rank Of Captain.", Oberlin will, bs well, represented In tb army. i; o..wt i .m .7' j JiBts R. Piol of this city U appointed Brig ade Commissary, witn tne rxclc of Captain ,1 r.i.'Jrl 5 0overoit p JPnofijlvnl haa proclaim Si that Thursday, Koi--SU,. b obsarted a dsf of ftsnkilvIni:'thliou()uf tSt Stale Tha tam day hat been ae) apart jn,N ew'Ypilf and New nampshlre. What the Tories Think. n.liifKui' I "luLvt J, ; ' -?Mri'ns can scarcely ha eoiisidu'-ed as me otg&u ol oy political party In England.' Tb prinolplo tt advooatet were long ago dvfunot Bnd beioug, to a past age. It lonoraa all tba treat moral devolutions which have ocenrred in Great -BrlUla during tha teat quarter of a century, and write aa U tnera naa been no great peaturea 01 raxuamaarjr to for At', no repeal of tbe Cora laws, no spread of eduottioa, bo legal amendments all calculated ia axtmd the nower ot tb rople and Increase tha democratla element in the State." In tbe number pf that periodioal for tha present month article stvlsd "Democracy Taaoh- lar bv iamnle. in which th writer, after imuntin to na avarvtblnr that to corrupt in our Government, proceed to Justify tbe rebellion of tb southern mates anoer in lerms 01 toe Constitution, and in a tone of pity for our un fortunate condition recommend ua to retire from a conflict which Is " makioK the Govern ment of the North' ridiculous in tne eyes or Europ " He exult In th thought, that the ureal exoeriment Ol a stepuoii oa airnauj iailad, aod kimlly auggesta to na to yield at once witb a good graoe to allow tha South to have their own monarch, and that we also should bs narmltud to select our own. . . Unlet a kini to 10 aorta alraadr armed for ns from tbe brain of Jupiter, he does not inlorm ns where wa are to Una that expensive luxury 1 out as ne aiiuaes in terms of high praise to lb benefioent rule of tb Emperor ot Austria and tne JUog 01 n apies, ha would probably expect ns to send for tbe last relio of lb Bourbon dynasty, and adopt that gentleman, no " ont ol piac," by th oum a net ot ' Franola tbe First" cf North America. It it really pituoia inai aocu political non sense should b submitted to tb sound sense of tbe English people. Tb rebellion which tbe writer dignities witn tne term revolution, baa no more connection witn our repuouoan in stitutions than tbe Indian mutiny had with th mixed form of the Brill Ji Government. Na poleon told Talma that if he jronld come to Paris he should play before a pit full ot Kings. Our Republio .has seeo the rickety thrones of most of the Kings of Europe upset in a day, and those angust personage. In tha disguise of valets and liveried servant, escaping from their oppressed aod outraged aubjeet) aud tbe boor may not be far distant when tbe same, mlsfor ton mav occur aealn to aom of them. . Sine th dav when the last Kins of England abdica tod bis throne, and hit Lord High Chancellor threw the great aeal of bia office into tbe Thames, wis concessions to democracy have averted th repetition of auch a catastrophe Wo have no dealr to Bttdervaloe the practical freedom which tb people eojoy under the bog lish form of Government, but wo are convinced that onr republican institutions, dseply rooted in tha hearts aad affections of this mighty peo will coexist with the monarchies of Europe ple, " V ... . .. . .. T V .TV ' ana probably survive tnem an. it. a. t imer. The Latest War News. Tb Baltimore jlmmcaa of Oot- 31st, con tain interesting Information furnished by iate arrivals from f ortress Monroe.- It says tbat "tha groat feature of Tueeday at Old Point was tba Bailing ot tb great naval expeaiuon irom Hampton' Roads' toward th Cape. About fir o'clock in the morning a gun was fired from tba flag ship Wabash, Commander Dopont, to ignliytou neet to get in orae ror me De parture, and but few minutes elapsed before a aecond run waa discharged, wham tha steamer patner paddles in motion and steamed along amloit tne cneers 01 nor crew, coaimiug 01 over tra hundred picked men. 1 The other vet sals, nearly oity in number, loiiowea 10 regular order and id ouiok auoseesion, especially -as steam had been generated th evening previous and kept oa nil night - Prominent amoog the fleet waa the fine steamship Ben Dsford, Cap tain Haiict, who displayed all his bunting for and aft, whilst tba Cabawba, having in tow aev era! abipt, brought up tho roar moat gallantly. Th sunrise of tho moraine to described aa ex ceedingly beautiful, the horizon being blear, a soft wind prevailing from the aouth-aast quar ter, and acaroely a ripple upon tha waves. One of the passengers of to Baltimore states that ba watched tb movements of th fleet tbroagh a floe glass, and at tha hour of ten in the morn ing the vessels la tba van bad entirely disap peered." .' - ' !' ' Among th passengers on board one of the steam er was a gentleman named Bromwell, who had left Kiohmona on tne wun tut. i ne states that the health of Jefferson Davis was maeh improved, and that th rebels at Bewell's Point, bv the aid of powerful Rlaseaa. caa per- Cairo every Important movement at Fortress Monroe. He alto says that: ; : - "All tha hotels In Richmond, with a single axoention f the' Continental'), were solely occu pied by the army, and used principally for the sick.' Measles aad typhoid fever had been quite prevalent, bnt tbe last oHloial report ot tbe Surgeon-General announced the health of tbe army as improving, aod the sick less than ever. - Mr. B. slate tbat a good brand ot Richmond flour sold at 17 per brrl (wbouaaiei; meas beet $16 per barrel; corn, per boa be 1, front 73 to 76 cents; oats 6 to 49 cents per bushel ; potatoes 40 ee&t per peok; print butter aa to oa cents per pound, aad baoon at SO cent per pound, re tail, -'l 1 j . . ..' " 11. ir. 1 "The ahoe and leather trade was lively, but nricea ruled hieh. A good article of sol leath er brought 33 cents per pound, and hide 86 onto. ttrogans, tor army use, retea iron tji-iu to $1-60 per pair by the case, whilst the bet ter kinds of boott and ahoea aold at the very bigeat rates. Mr. B. declares that, as far as tbe equipmentt of tbe Conies' erate troops are concerned, he saw no difference between them and the Federal troops. All were uniformed, wore Haht-blue eioth overcoats, carried improv ed arms, and were all shod. Much complaint prevailed, however, to regard to the subsistence and Quartermaster's department, especially as the rations were provided at headquarters, but not distributed among the various brigades with promptitude. '. ' - ua weanetaay ot last wee, iur. uromwen had an interview with General Beauregard at his headquarters, about one mile from Rich- mend, and ha stales that tbe General convers ed with him in the most sociable wanner. During tbat day, the General reviewed an in lantry division of General Johnston's command, oonsisting of nearly fifteen thousand men, and it waa one of tbe most imposing military page ants be ever beheld. There were nearly twen ty regiments in the line, and as th General and staff, all elegantly uniformed, rode along the column, tne men involuntarily eneerea. Dim with the utmost enthusiasm. At eight, the General gave a handsome entertainment to about sixty officers f tbe' line in h la tent, a spacious pavilion. The bill of fare embraced a great variety of disbee.but there was not a drop of liquor upon tho tabl. rH gave a permit to Mr. U- to past through an the lortinoaiions be tween Richmond aod Manassas, but from mo tive of delicacy it wa not ased. i The General stated tbat aa far as he waa concerned, he pre ferred acting oa tbe delenatv. aatitnaa with the reunite of the Federal rmy whenever it mad an advance of anv importance. U spoke ot Colon al Tolton aod Major Brewerton in the highest term, they war bia superior omeer hi the United States Corp of Engineers, and observed with some merriment tbat the War Department at Washington owea olm -one month's pay. ? He denied with oonsidrabl warmth that aliens, as be atylee them, were prevented from leaving the State of Virginia, and referred to the publication in tb Rich mond papers of tb Secretary of Stat upon tbat anbieot. If any experienced difficulty it was attributable to the erdera of General Wool, wbo bad refusM to receiv nags ot trace." The Richmond Enqmrw of tbe 24th nit., eoa tains a letter written by a rebel lady at Tesburg en tbe 33 J nit., which give tbe following south ern description of the battle of Ball's Bluff : j H Yon do Hot know wbat we have passed through since yesterday a fearful battle, more stubborn than that of Manaasaa, th soldiers say, thoagh, of ooune, not so extended. ' Our maa fought most bravely. I felt perfectly ooo- viooed that w could repel thm uotll about (bar o'clock-, when a wounded soldier arrived and reported tbat our army waa whipped, and that the Eighth. Virginia Regiment was out piece- Uh, wbat a terrible hour we then spent! About flv o'clock tber came ia news tbat w had gained the advantage, and aoon tb cheers ot victory sounded In ear ears f and, although the dead and wounded ,wr coming 4n, and though w knew tho sorrow tbat would b sbed abroad, yet our hearts want up ia thanklulness to God, wh glvetb the victory-' y. 1 It was a glorious victory, gloriously' won, Many a noble spirit waa sacrifieed on our part but wo are the txmquerors I - We -have boom fire hundred prisooersvn Their acta in killed, wounded, and prisoner is at leant on thousand; ours about thirty killed, among Whom I Cuntoa Htebni toadon county, Donaha-; of Loej don, and a toa ef Governor Pettos, of Mitels. slppl. ManyarswoundeJ. idwcani;-.-ionei Tebbe, ot tba Eighth Vugluto.'was fghtly wounded- grass on the cheek.) Wav Bart, ot MlteUtlppl, wat badly woundod lj tue thigh, not mortally, vt. waruu( wi .ho. through, u!ppri - wunoia4iMnwB -v -r V! . " , Virginia, was wounded In the hand. Lieutenant " . . .a. S . .l.t axf mnA Tit I1tVAlT sSIbI Flem(T) had bit leg thot arm.'? t ' - The NalUnil Inttllipn ihot off, and Dr. Brock his LtliQtnceJ bat a letter from en officer in the United Btatea ahlp Pwhattonr. whioh give full detella 01 oer voyag, mu ncr first ttirt after tha privateer Sumter, about the lddle of August, unm nev uni a. . Tbomu, Dotober 9. Tba wrtttMin: , , 1 "My opinion ia tnat' uj in.n nirata airainst all oommeroa. She has a crew composed of all nations, the tmM p tlon belog fortttguese, oi"1"u' "ue"u- A private letter from an American gentleman in France gives the following explanation of the recent change of sentiment in favor of tha Un ion cause: ... "There hat bsen a marvelous improvement in tha tone of the press here within a month. 1 think hmh Franca and Eouland have quite re cently come to the conclusion that the shortest way to get couon ana "'" United Btates, '6n and inteparablel' But three weeks sgo there were not two Journals in Paris that did not asetn to aid and abet seces sion.. But oar troubles bav proved a terrible blow to France ae well as to England.' The crops of grain and wine, in France,! mean, will k. h amallMt known lor thirty years,. " ) ' tiPmviaiona ar oo high, and rents and other expenses sre also to much, enhanced,,that the nannia cannot sret aiuun , Government to obliged, consequently, not only u mntlnna Its aublio -works.1 prelected on an enormoot sctle, as we know, but to begin Jaew order to furnish labor to. the working i.u.a. at tha aama time tbat it bae a Very cir cumscribed market for ite prod ace, and to obliged to pay borrowed money lor at least a third of all tbe bread Its people consome. , When tha American maiket ooena again, and active, everjbudy sees that this would all rectify Itself in leet than two monuit. "Ercr since the advance In the price of bread, which occurred on that day, follpwed immedi ately by riots amoog tha people ia the, faubourg St. Antoine, tbe prees seems to have received a mot d'ordr to conciliate the Northern States an nnifbrmlv has Its tons been one of T tialny and encouragement at compared with that which prevailed before. Tbe people think tbat if thar war trouble with America, we might pro hibit the thipment of grain, aod to Increase tbe price of provisions at to starve them; hence tbey are Impatient of anything in the papera calculated to irritate us, and tba Government and tbe journals alike bare been obliged to hard them and moderate their tone. This Is mv construction upon tbe change, and as It harmonizes with t profound respect for tbe or. dlnailons of a good Providence, I fancy it is not very far out of the way. It Is good theology, if not sound politics." v ,y i ft r j, t i TTTARTID 1 sitaaUon at tON-IS-LaW, In tome V V reipaciaoia laaiiy. no oojaoiioa w s"t a short distance into ine country, ror rerereno aaa par tlealart, Addran VKtNK, BrtJaRT, rost-Olfioa, WU UatMtari. M. 1.! i . fi I i 1 1 j li JJ CU , . The tdvertlsement should ttate wbat kind ef support his father-in law would be required to furnish him, so at not to make toy disturbance in the family after he is married. ,,., r, MARRIED. . On the 31st In Bar. Xixar Woadi.Mr, Bmaa Bowau aad Him Lrma Ilsiatca, all ot thiacity. -i ! We make this record with plaasara, and ajd oar earnest wish that the aewly msnled pair ma enjoy all thefellelrles rrerTourtuafcd to a lon ani happy wadded Ufa. .ft;. 7 T r to ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sheriffs-Sale. John B. nilllard ) Poo. S.pafolOl Buparior Court of franklin conn- MaryXoancetal.) nr,0i.- :-. B T TIRTTJE OF A WHIT OF VEWDI to ma directed, from the Booerlor Ooart of frank Un eoanty, Ohm. I will afier fur sale at the door pf the Court Boose, ta tbs eiqr of Qolonbua, Ohio, ; On 8aturday, the 14lh day of December, A. D. bttwaea Bit honnof 10 e'eloek, .?. . 2nd 1 Veiock P. 11. th followlnf detorltoa rul aauta, sitnai in A certain tract ar panel of land In the townibip ef Norwich, bounded ans described aa follows: .ntimning at P. B. Atom's B. W. eorneri thenca 1. on Iba Una between the Avery aad Mertbata Crawford ' lint to the boandarvof th O. t. and I. K. B.i thence N. W. with the K. H. to Areiy't line) tboaaa 0. with the orialsal samy Hoe to the place of beginning-, eoatatntnf one aer of land, more or Ins, Being parlor surrey no. in tha nam of William Barkadal. AppraiMdatlUOvO. - a.yr. uvrmm, Bhernr. Printer's fees, t8.00. ; ; .. .; nvJ-ditwta . ... ., : ',Master (nuriissioiQer'fl Sali'' Loots Llndaman - - ) - . vs. Superior Ooart. ! Ealdtmond Orary et al. .- , .,,. ' BT virtue af a order of sate to me directed from the Sanenor Ooart of Franklin county. Onto, I will of fer tor sal at the door et the Ooart House In the Olty of Celuabus, a ., : . i i -. , Saturday, the 14th day of December, A, V. at on o'clock P. M., the followlns; desorlbad real estate, titnat U the eoanty ef f ratrkHn aad Bute of Ohio, to wit; , . . i. - - "i i - i ji, -..-1 Lota numbered thirty-nine (90), forty (40), forty-one (41V, fortj-two (42), and forty three (43), In the addition of H. Orary as others to the elty of Oolambus, as designated la tha plat af said addition, raaorded In the fteeorder's omos or rranaua aoonir, vara. Appralied at , Lota 40 and 43, 00 asch r " " 41 and 48, -1 . 3u0 00 ' r r, ' '-. 0. W.BUfFktAtr. - Sheriff sad Hatter Oommlsthmer . Printer's fees, $6. ,. ,. . - , , nora-dltdcwtd !-n - !;,7!1 1... ' ' ' Sheriff's' Sale, JohnO. Soran ) . - vs. ' flwoerloTTJourt. ) e: W. H. rigleretl.) ',iK , ; BY V1KTUE OF AN ORDER OV SALE to me dl noted, from Iba Superior Ooart of Frank lin County, Ohlo.I will offer for aala, at the door of the Oourlr-Hotue, In the olty of Columbus, on - j Saturday, the 14th day of December, A, D. at one o'clock, p. m., thefollowlor deecrlbtd real - Ute, altnate in th eoanty of franklin, and But of Ohio, to wit! : r Twenty-one feet (SI ft.) off the North ride of lot num ber four (41, la a aubdirltlo of lots IT 88, 88 and 40, In Dethler's addition to the city of Oolnmbns, reference being had to the plat of Deihler and Hardy, recorded la the Becordtr's office of franklin eoanty, In book Ho. 39, page Wl. :' v j ; ,' j. tj i tppnuted at 1,300, I fftf- t Oi W. nurf MAW, BherllT I i S,V - . , n. Kb.' Dent ! PrtnterV eee (6.00 DOTJ-dltWtd. . . i ik j , --irr, wi v :j rii, in ? Michael p.ohr'?. Estate:;! ATOTICB IS HEREBT GITE1V.TIIAT i-l the aBderslgnad haa thle dar been appointed by the Probata Ooart of rranklln eoauiy, Ohio, adminittrstor or ta estate of Michael Bohr, Ute of Madlaon town ship, ta said eoanty, deceased. ' Bated this td day of Movember, 4.D, IHHJ " -v aov3-ww:; . H. X. 1ABHABT. cnuTorns rim j, . stssms saiTmnsai. FINE Sc OHITTENDIIN, ' COUNSELLORS "AT LAVV 20 T7dt01 at root, (Offices of City Judge,) a if yorkJ NEW Biria ..Hon .- 1 Vf tt !-.;-. . ti .9-7 James Honcrlef, V. T. Superior Court...,, n Bon. H. B. Faroe. Olereland. O. 'Bon. H H. Hunter, Lancaster, 0 nor! -Cm Mmtar 'OlfiwM'Attntioft ! r,: 'J 'COMBINED 1 JX n a MD Qn nr & tip n vunA r,uVUU 'wV KfVUVi . ;, UANUf ACTTJBED II ii , n ... ..lit . -J-J HALLrBROWN&,CO., . -Of HOB 7X4. S, Hdo1tT tJKwV, HVobk f3treo4, aevl-431 . T Tt ... . ut. i A;-tsivt .-N t.-y- jkCrXftrt-UB- Iwo iold bt 3STos.'9Q, 03, ,94. : & 90, ,;.'.;.;: Wa.-r.', r Tha kaalMt anl maat eoiaploU .Btuva fur .Officars'. loots eror manufactured. ' ' ' ' , , Bold at a vary low agare. y Call and examine baton y ordbaslng slsewhstw,.' 1 j , ooUU-dtf. ,(i ,.(lJ itlJ t.,3;!:(;: ,fn ;j utomm- i ., c alt: hojjse, 1 1 Ho.: 178 KortfiHigttaeot; r" ' ' C0LUOIJ?,;0HI0.;; npHIS HOTEL :Jt) BUT OIII HDt X BQOAKBt troai tha Depot, and aaraoas ar rlin or wUhinf to take paaiage oa any of th traios, will Ind theUalt Houat decidedly a oonvanlont sWp yln( plaos. ,vi ,x ;:i;i jiw:.i u. i j .- - i . 0( the traios.-. . fl ... ,T i. "onrA .ii. 1 AKIN EMERY, , j.( f eTO.'-'il.. i , I -' . ' i , i; 109 SOUTH ; UltiH , MfBKXT! . ,,!, , . tu.. ::"? Tl I . " Date a lull and Complete AetorUneot of , - HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Stoves cfcj GrratoOi ; ; TIN AUD COPPM WJLllE,' j JAJ$iI) GOODS v Elegant Chamber Beta, e : SPICE AND 8EED BOXES, 5 - i 1 ;r ir.i twt t.i .YI'i.k t -.w-J Till Toys, and Articles in tiiat Line, vi--: v?t U for lUtle People. " n ... ., i.'r i.;-;ri.'.i r. '- ICnirw strtd ' Vorir, Bpoonw,' Xtibsa, Buokertav BHo-rel sttid Tone. 1 CoaU Sod, wto. " ' f or Cis tarfer Ones! rt', l .1. J: rtwur.-K e M sr h:i'fi-l j We won Id sail your further attention to the (act that we ar BOLB AOINTS for Uietalof fb t . . ! T -r.i.T I STEWART;, COOK Whlehls-lnall ferpeeta, clearly the "ATITOORAf Of IBB K1XOHBH. ' having ao ecjoal la the eomplatenesi of Its Mrformane and aoonomy of fuel. Ihaewareat testimony ef Its superiority is the fact that man a fea tured and dealers are con i tan tij imnatins; n, ooming at Bear Ua peeeibl la XXTBftNAt, AFFBA RAMOS. Call and exaana ear auck..i I a troaaat ta show . octe5-dlm , . (.-q'itT-iil i) i3q-vl fli't ! f mi i- n i un 1 1 ii v newo oalvvahd; " i '--" - rpHB-tTWDEtltlGWED KEEPS COIfa JL BTAHTLT on hand and for sate, tb beet quality of HOCKING OEATB COAL, whlAi lit will aell at (ha lnwae't mrlret nrtaei. " Call and examine my Coal before parohattnc else where. '. s u.!. ;i, .i.i. , ' Office at the store of Bradford, Bafdara fc Oct., head oi uanai. , , . . , , Sir. BUXDAM eepSt-Jat )ic: ill: iiiUlaioit TT BOARDING 1 'BOAUDING 1 1 ' ( OOP BOARD at PliKABajlT HOOBlS tor eiirh t or ten persous. oaa aa had by aCHlrlo td 0. I PATTKE180K, No. 118 Soath Front Street, between State and Town Streeta Being bnt one squar from the State JJCpse, makes It a desirable place for business men. ."'",,' oetliMuav 1 ' - 1 I ; SPECIAL NOTICES. A GREAT STORIdf ? Not of rain, ball, or snow, but amonf the eotks Who have been Imposed upon by the venders of bad S alert toa, like that oo am only found la market. James Pyle's Dietetic has tally satisfied then and quelled the disturb ance. Depot, 31 Washington Street, Hew York. Sold by grocers everywhere. , -.-i w.-n-'t -i' to1 I j TO MARRIED MEIT, Or These Contemplating mrrlr. 1HI undersigned will (iv Information ea a very tav Untiing end important sohjeot, which will ba rain ed nor than a thousand tlam Its cost by every married couple of any age or oondlticn In life.' , The lufonnation will bt tent by mall to any address on the receipt of 93 eentt (sCeer) and ens red stamp, v . ,n ... All letters should be addressed to , .i t.-... ,,n H. B. M0RBI8, M. . (Lock Box 60), i ecr3l-ly3tawdkw -t m w ; n Boston, Uses JATNE'S AOCE jniXTCRE. . , Is an infallible remedy for Tever and Ague, i The ex parlance of many yean, ia almost every ell mate, proves that where ose in strict accordance with the directions, It has rarely .failed to care, not only , by breaking the chills, bat by removing the morbid haolt.o J.he aytteai, preventing the reenrrenoe of the disease. I , VITIB AMD AQOl, thoagh not In itself dangerous, Is apt, snless speedily removed, to have such a perni cious effect ea the system, at to engender disorders much more baneful than itself, and which not only reader th f tar-lite of th patient miserable, bat are la themselves often fatal. - A prompt and effectual remedy Is therefore what la wanted, and as each Da. D. Jam's Aoos atuj tois is confidently recommended . for sale by Messrs. Boiaan k BiMtnL, Oolambus, and by" ajenk every where.'- ' 4 ' . t; Mprldtwfrlttsattwtw fl J ' j For Femalee Generally. Tha Brandreth Pills cannot be too highly spoken of. Jhey remov aQ obstructions, give energy and strength; ears' the dis tressing headache, unfortunately so prevalent with th sext. depression, of spirits, dullness of sight,! nervoot affections, blotches, pimples, sallowaess of th skin, art removed, aad a Juvenile bloom and general sprlghtliness Indicate the power aad aealthfolnees ot BBANP&KTH'B HUB. i V-'. r- - i ' ladles, at delicate petlods, w ill And them anrlvawd: they are the beat medicine for mothers and ehlldrea, and curt worm sod eostlvwoes. r T , ,;7 ' I I Let' it be rememberedr that BrUNDBKTn'B PILLS are easy In their opertUos,' and ye t anlte mildness with eBcleney, aad itqalrt b altavatlsB at diet daring their u. r,i.- '(iir; y- j Mrs. Morgan,' corner oj 15th street and tnlon Square, New lork. was djint. apparently, of Cowsolimoal She was given Hp jto die by her . Physicians, aad ill her friends, bat after tutnt BauiDSJrrn's, Pitu for a few weeks, th cough left her, and she began to regain her strength, snd U oW able to attend to ner duties, ana feels sure of soon attaining robust heaiut., w .. Mrs. Wilson, of No, 3B Beach street, Kaw.rrk has eared Droops la. (aaU Pes, Measles, Dropo and Tt- phos ferer. and all Haadacbes.and Billons dlseaase, with BAi.DrrB's u-u, wm M pleased to answer say questions. " - Bold by Jrjww R-'Obor; Dftirtrlst, Oolnmbns, anl by .1, 1.-,. In madictnue. , " - '- " ' la-41'ia-i') in irfn--;:i a -i .IHH I ' III ii I isilXNHdOD: Just Publish I a Sealed snvaiopb; Trie 8 ets.l A IEOT0BB OWTHB NtTORlT.TRTnTirBWTTUn) BAllOAbOOaUIOr BPEHItAIOKauilA On Bamlnal tveakneeai inwoiamiarr aauseiooa, eeiaai uaaiiuyt aoa ImpedlaMem at Uerrjage weawrallly, Neiawsaaav Qotr eaaaptlon, Bpilepey and tite. aleataU a . JbyeOtal Ao capaoilr, teeulllntijaasa ,Uvabma Itabest J. QuIrerweU, M.D.,uuthor of tp 'yaeo Book.Aa A Baon'ia.'l Uouat' tr KM lorersj tnt-ndes seal. In h plela .eavelopa, to any ad-lreea, r paid, ea Kempt of two rausps, py vr. iiuas. O.KUfiB, W Bowery, New I era. Post , Offlae Bos a ape. w L?J D , .'.trr-t rfr:s-.-rrlT-f T8T I V1(J rflls fle)5l IS .-, No.-- ' " ' ---.. " ' C XY2 - I . : " i ,Jl a. -. Htanr :u 0 JtmM" , ,n,, ,, ,, , Thi TRI-TfEEKLY, att Thfj-WEEKLTat the low rate of , ) to.WiV. vm V) a -ei-wi ai'.teoi. .-a . i nt ' 11 ' ;EOtt".THmOBrSlMDTHS, 4 ..f, ,,At,t!evrrto.ndfteDA,kt tiwt-: ate . , . ' - .r-N -3 -v , nim ' '- L1 1 .i Ti uiahed af TH3 STATESOJSIS,WIXlf.XIfO.W!l. t- .f-w.-t .hj'wA ra. r. i ' .' v ' t,tai . In the future, at in t!, fj8t, it will nphold and defend th'""-'" PRINCIPLES P.: HAT.GRAND'OLa Whiehha been so fruitful oT (?ood to a PEOPLE OP THB TJITITED STATES: ahd"will itii T nnn tv sfo lUUMlU.llHUULOlfALL1 . As essential tr (ho eompleU ..'0 ,v ' i -' - ' I : IP ES X TH Vjil y.iot u 't 0Btfij batU' jinwhwh Uutt'TTnion was origmaliy forined? lS .If ... r,...-. I V . - WM.aiW'.J .7 I . The STARaauir will support the Administration of the "General Oovernnmit in all legal and eonttitatloaal eflbrts to put down rebellion ; and sternly resist the effort made in some arjnrter to oonvsrt the present unhappy War Into an Abolition ornsade. ; - " " ! It will constantly nrge eoonomy lis , the.publio expenditure, and the most rigid aooouatability td nil ttublie offioers. "' I A - - : ) I . - . , . as a meal am or, general bwt, toe dtatismak wm enui numerons readers, and at all times, supply, them witn i ?; i.. ' , ' epixe I&emtjpjaz.tymt Xlollrttolo Iloports , rn at a ;i m. Of the hem and foreign markets.,; " Jn its eolumtis , ' W'iJ Will find their Interest oottsoltetf Ind a tended toThftd no effort will Jbe spared, to make it a first elans newspaper. ' ViV-'"' I , '. ' V ..,. ft a TT9 .' Daring the approacbiog session of Congress wvwlll Have a taleqteil and aetotopuihsdeJrti pondent at Washington, through whom onr reader will be furnished with muoh Valuable and Miiable intjrmtioswio a-raJ -.. W . -wta.iw ,u-i.w e - Th- fjcanga of ma wft Stat lMtfjjaxt -will be fully rep&VeiiXKe looal news uf the - Statnd our owsiirimediate vioiriity, w 1 hkvt a dne ehare of attention. , ' W urge npon onr friend iri all parts p? Ohio-, izi tha North-Western Staiesrto aid inrttend ' lag tha circulation of the Statmhak, im s b so doing, theyc will waist iothe promulgation of sound political doctrines jtnd.reliabls general intelligence, MmiimmJmUiam l,Tn 1 "' "l i," IOSFBCTUS ws iBT'rya -wid- m . -I - tr.ji I. If Ik av.l i THB 7ii. t?i VlatJAAV! V'.laW i TT ,lMw ,Zt, bgoJUrp.pen Annum; 0l'Plt.4'iKl t it I r. . mrf u X - erst t Thwef ;IMlartpf;r Annum; 4i t Aiavi I and reliable oiwfcoX the Demosratio party,:l ' a !-. .' awi " - fAr . .- mtW M Z and perfeet rs-aoDttniotion of the ., , i i - j'TJlSrX4C 3ST, M- .... . . - ' . . ror to make itaelf aeoepUbl to iu i ttMM A 4WW a e. :art'" . . ... - r, ..... . . -It t l, to any- peraon, raising Obtb of- Tori- senaing ns tne moaeywii uuuw,' iur um All orders will be promptly attends to. ' j f t 1 '.0 l,C0 T1?. 'KoTemberli 18CT. -M "- OTTicitt)TPwncsinr tTUrtr i J - . -sod oa mTTTI TI1T1DT7T V I UHirlAi H H K I Y 1 1 in- ww rn n 1 1 1 IA AU 1 t. uu A AAHI, A aubtoribers - io thWitTWiFtATtsAind unuw, we wiu senq one CtrpV ernUA . , n VfAOAM ,tjki Jt3 ,T71J37XJ3 If I ITirnTTiiTiSBn MTimiM-ai isims t! Al m -.t Ohio- .HOX'JCtTTiposTyj J la iiUnujc - aaciuiaa C'OA'MJ A a.n TAW nTTTH1 1 rim i mnmr t ht tut m Tm V AmA AJMAU1AA l icit I . UUUIAJ TTBWV-STOREf. u.'s r! r :afT" HEADLEY.& EBERItY TTAVE KEMOVED TO TIIEIU NEW IX SIOBB, ? -.'wj w. Not, 250 and 252 South High Street, tod hifi aifooIat4 with tiMmNlTtfl WM, ETOHARDp, tUadta" Ut Jinn OC ' 0t-n Vt-t H'aaUMr-4 f 4bJ Hi-ii-JljiWTl -W-'i-IOT f fxi; X V.W ltr il1.'0 HeadlefEberlr & Richards, Forming on of h Urgtit Dry Gpodi JBouiei In Ul, IliiBVHQaM .to - tToitenUy ttoelTinr Qoodt aHtCalsVi Taf tttHst,rfi;4 -'- I '.,',. JfctW. Jt1 t . I'-.tla. . . ,; . i. -;vt.i 4 1' ef.-.ah NEW STYLES OF DRESS GOODS, 0 It''-'"' -I he-W,''.uP i'i.-1 r'-i.T r if. Mt,-il IRISH SILK AND WOOL tOPLINS, A; PLAIN AND. FIGURED REPP30tD9 A awl. PLAIN -.ANlV FANCTf 8ILK8.'X Th Newest and Hottest styles of . ik w, Hamntoit,Maiichest6i! and Pacilic M Delaines Z.?ZZ ! IntheOIt.eanUfotindat .IJli-ta j 'HEADjLET;BEllLfJ&.RICH Balmoral Skirts, A JIEADLE7, E8ERLT,& RICHAPP3, fiAiSLf) AOn.0x i Mil ALSO, ZEPJiTIllv'0R?TED3i-rT.T e -i EMBROIDERIES, TRIMMINtidJA assist.. GLOVES & HOSIERY? rt,'l l.Tsiert. i ,.- uMl- , I A D I E S C L O T H , q 1, 0 AFaV Of the Rewtst Stylet, last received, ami alsn made oruer, try tansa nmin , HEADLEYEBERLT & R!fc7AA3. : Rtt.CTvt il . r( -. , I B 0 : ,u u,t i- ! .atvi SHAWLS, MIKINOIB, PL AIDS, 0H1HTZ, BILJt rlT'T TB SV'INCli .' llaWt.''.j, .-.-i-n' MCBftlMAO PBINTS, r rrfW.'wiTi'fa ' i r. COTTON CHAIlf ANDOis'BT WABPHi - This firm, havlnr adopted the Oath notem in tiie pur chase and sale of Goods, are enabled to sell from 15 to SO pet sent, less than other bosses tender tho eredit sy stem. u ... fc-asj.i-ij ,.., a Hi ... - i'i miiriTVV wtmtvw. a., firnTTinitrjl ern anri or.o aAn,t.'trfwi. fii.i.J"''"- ertB-dly iucTios:::Mi);:coMTssioN Hl7--ril.t a v rp0E SCBSCKIBEtt HAVING 9TAB1EN ,X -ala-j tu, ptora jvoost'da is hte-K-n Acction & : Commission fioont. ! '1 is now prepared to reeetv on 0 o'mfawilow'tlrery dserlptlori ol property, sack as Dry Goods, firooerles, Xi qaora, rnrnltaMt Carriages, Horses, etc. lie also bitsndateoevetohlsatMoUe to aalee of teat JCelato pod rersonalfioperty any point, wllhialaTinty.Biitos Ool4nbirHBiWttliy solicited. W. . KJtST, Aactlcneer. etU ' L. T-TT 11 I -Mm , Domestic . 'Aaaorta J mentof Brown and Bleached Cotton Flannels: ell a. Vi -' -Hu.n.;' --u" ,( r; Barnsley Cotton Bbeetlnga; v ' J '(' fit ' Beiect Styles of Calico's sndDeUloet, Tfcklngt, Bhirtlnna,Qlnghame, And Cotton Battings. 4 Also, Bltnkets, risonels,, . , . uOaeelmeres,OioakOlotit,et61eto.. m iuw' i-OCtl iylvr.u.fA'V" 3 BonthHl.rhflbat. ..ii .'t w i FlanaelAAlrla; PLAIN, PLAII,"aTlllPED&:T1tII,E. if. D."-The most extensive stock In the clly. '., 1? Jlrmy 'Woolen iBooks-i-', h.V.'u44 .j-r-s J" Shaker Bibbed Socles., ioi ,.aU n.Jf.w' ' " rinMan Rill Sih.l. . . . . Qent's Linen Collars, Neck ties, j h t .-- i wvaaw s v.o jr . w rapaaaravw ' .iih a. mrie OCtlC y. n No; 00 B()lltB Hlgh Btreot. .v cjo r.11 JVI II LTIl LTZ.' OPTICAL'IUSTITUTE. My lft.A Mb. The Beat ' Artificial Help to tba tinman wjajstt war inrenieai ! i5' "" -i'-' JOSEPH - 8, PEBXET, PRACTICAL ,ilSCIEN'riFiCt OPTICIAN, KEEPS TIIE - 1VARE3T ASSOWT eeot of the moat Improved kind of Bpectaole. All hi Glasses, whether for near or far-sighted, art ground In conravo convex form with ih greatest care, so a to emit the Eyes of all eases, raring Weakness, Dlsstneaa or Inflammation of the Byes, and imparting strsnih for long reading or fine eearins. 1 Office, 13 SaH -carta street,-at Bel leer At Webster's Huslo Store..', ,n .A caag5eUTiM j jam. i.& f iiti ','.j".m .iir ''Hi. ii'L'i'iiwu ' 1 - .- FIRST osnt e9 SPRWIKD SUMMER GOODS I AO AIM OFFER TO THE PTTsltlO "an entire new stock of Ooode In my line, j net purch ased In New York at the eheepest pan 10 raioe,H of a-fatoh I shall sell at th smallest profits, for Cuh.- Wy custom ers and Mends are respectfully invited to call and exam Ine my Goods and Piicea, as I an determined to sell aa cheap or cheaper thai any other hoot in -tho oltyi and as I do my own Cutting, and superintend my own bnel neee, I feel aseurad , fraea my long experienco Inboat aeaa, to giro general satisfaction.' The finest of work man are emploied, and aU work don strictly to Mm and on short notios, and warranted to tt. 1 B tranters Tisltin our oil? would consult their lute seat by giving me a call before purchasing elsewhere. . k". ROi'ir , v -' .- - ..; X -.Merchant Tailor, sBaroh29-dly j j.Oor-UlghandTown t. (UUof PhaWsIstablUhmetttiK. t-,) Propbietoii or mt.MtSit xovCii. fashionable RbaTing, 11 air Catting, Bhampooning Curling and Dressing baled, Bou.tii Kili et orer Sain) Stotwt.' where satisfaeUoa wiU be glvoa ,avt,iJhaj X'', Iradiea'"ano Children's Hair SreeslBg doae la the best stylo. mm v . . . eaplMly- 'aiilir in-, .a 'In 1. " riEitTLmnBm s runrnsMiitO U ttOOOIA -:..a Hoveltles in Keek Ties snd Scarfs. v: Byre" an uarrote Collar. ' m u w 1 DM,.i littnLfkeetnleia fV. Furls KH Gloves, superior i.lBlBsejria(lftj Golden H.ll bblrta, various erwa. - Hoys' Go W en Kill Shirts, da It I'rirlna aod Street Cloves, 4s. ' Ueomed rocket Baadkerohlefa, varloaj Stylet xinit urnt astd Dade tMtwaaata, ' BATH A loir, irprllS Ve.MfenthBla stroetj I TwS IS