Newspaper Page Text
yfT.lTv crfr l I.. LL YOYII$iWl26'MEV SES1P1' 1 -GOLUTO. tiding n.-lT :n ir.:nJ.Ti4(!lfl. iij iJ ''f.-jltnrj il. v em,VTj T " V- -., I , I-,,,,. rT, 1 .1 ;t)'.f ,.. .CQI'Tt;, Sfc'f .tlXf vd tJ1 MOJ III L r--Tia tX X -V , . , , 1 DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY MANYPEMNY & MILLER. CTOffle loo. 86, IS and 40, Vortk High It Dally 8 00pera '7 P VU WTMt, Wsekly, .sajiaaA tcf '...ribU 00. On 3bi On Ink... im nonth( 19 00 3 monthi 10 00 V monthi S 00 1 month. 0e On " I km... 1 n Om dv .77 J 00 On , dn.. pii).lve fOnrtlNBwaU hU Bon thu Uit AIwiUhbmiU leaded' n4 pUeed to the wloaaoi All uutieM nqnlrao to he pablUhtd by Uw. Uffkl ntw II ordered on me lntltte exeluinlT efter the Int M.k 4me rtkemiemotb.TrtWiei."7 Weekly, tea .prtceee th Deily, elwre tbeedreiilM " nouiyeion. wnere He Pally end Weekb ere both need, then the ehtrn imf the Weekly WUI tm keif the rate of the Dally - Ho KfTertUement take sotpt for a delnlU pehad. , BUSINESS CARDS. rFfA. B. 8IMXDI3, AND NOTARY FUBLIO. OOoo-Auoof BalldlBi, oppoelte Oapllol ftroai,;1 ... . .. CXU.UUBCa.omoi A O0BORNID,, , Attorney & Counsellor at Law, MARION, OHIO , . , more vnu toe mm r reteei trot ell rech wll pper In the Ttl-eeitly without ehwie. :' " ( " . .Bu!lS W 0"d' nM Mni Are linee, per veti, In lUe, nn line; ontalde , ' MoUoeeof milnf1fhTtUMeeoeleUee,lreeowlniei SO ntf Drift. All Machine ilanuiactnring Compaiy . .... , AKUTAcnruM of t,-:..r c - i STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS Caatinia, XiU-lnf, aUcklstrr. : 'j!' Of TOT DBKBirnOM.. . QQiMaunrn't hio,", OUAi. AMBOP, Inp'l. r , : , p. AMB08, Treat. : deoll, IbW-tf 1861. 1861. 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements.---Time. Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND. COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I ni"fii- RAILROAD. ' OuooeoHnj at OreiUlne with the fllTIBUMH, II. WAf Ml A OBI0AOO KAILB0A9 for Tort Warn and CMoaao. OonaeoUog at OlertUnd with the LAU IE0M KaU row DaaVklrk, Baffal, AlbAttT. Boa . Mtw wfet. " THREE TRAILS DAILY. IZ0IPT BUHDAT, ' from Oolumbn, la oonneotlon with Xralaaoa Uw' Little jniAtni Aurn coivnnv KBBX XKAIH.' N1QBT JIPR188.-Lr.Te. Oolnahat at M A. M j will Mar nanenww at all etaUen aoath of Oallua. lop at Dfawr, Aehwy, Oardinftoa and Oilead, ux) at ellibuloaa aetth of OaUon, afrlrtot at Okmland BtftO A. Mn Paaklrtl.00 p. M., Basalo 41tFi M. fyj;??- ,ort U M..BotoalJ0 'm".' 52il,,i?U Cr"tUn . M , PhlUWUJ iSil.0AOIuafOTta0nMliMatT0P;M. :uooiinAiir.' - MH T0RK 1ZPRB88 Lean Oolnmtmt at 11.10 a. Will top atLewU Oentre, (for Whit Bnlphar Bprinp). Ilawar, Oardinftoa, SeJlon, OreetUae, abl h, Mew London, Wellington and Oration, arrlTa ai Oleraland at B:M p. m.j fianklrk, 6MU p. a.i Unl talo, 10S p. mi Albany, bai a. .; HewToiV, 1 p. m. 1 BtetoD, 4:40 n. . Thlg Train aonneote at Bhel i hy fr Bandiulry, and at OiafteB lor Toledo, arrlrlni at Teled at Ma p. . .. TBXBB TBAIM. - - fcUIL AMD AOCOMMODAnOtl-Letrea Oolnabu at 13 p. m. Will nop at all itationa Boatb of 'Baelhy, and. at Mew Lonoun. Welllngtoa, Anton, aM itarca; arrtrlng at lleraUad at "-30 p a t Dan klih, :ti0a, . Buttle, liSUe. o. albmy.lO p. MewTora.)p .; Boeuw, llit m l PI Ubarai. oyoCw.lllDM llJilp. b. PhUd.lFfala! 1:00 p. m, OhMM. wa Oreetline, :S a m. Tbx Train Cucbo.,, Vo'.?" c1 an lolede, .rrfrtoj at Toledo at &ii p. m. , Patttitfeepln j Carl' ara ran ' wji" all Sight Tiaina to Chicago, Sew v York and Boitoa. Baggft OueM thrtrnthvurtm 7brkad BoM wto Onwtemf,' mUo, to fKilaiilpMauni Might tipraearrlTeatColumboat..ll:lSPi M. CtneianaU aspreM anrirea at OolamMn at 10:M A.M. AcooauwxUau. kpnw- atriret at Oelambaa at 740 . . - 1 ,j, H., ... fat af Loter tr tajeih Bta. Atk' fttr Tided ais CiMli aaar CZraZaiL! ... B. 1. FLINT.. vf Baperlnwadat, Olerclaad, Ohi. JAHXI FAIt B1BOS, Agent, Oilambaii Jan 17, 1801 rt, vvi.wraa, unw. . ,.N Jut lUeelTtcj ,r :.r 1 AA r ; CH GBEEB mat 1 1UU THAI lOO ban crime Bl Oone. 1 BO pwkwta eld Da toh aoremaient Java Coffe. IBbagieeylodOolle.'-' -tOObbla. itaadant Whit Sanaa, aoniwttng f Pw drd, Cbruhed, AraaalaMd A and B Ovfle. ., ;l j SO I. ais tale tteorg Bank Oodoehr. j v. i . ' r ;. -I BObkl. klew aod M. 1 aUaaetet. , ;. , km. Pick aaUaon. i ?r. ... -j i lOO h. Lajet aWwioe.. , i .; .mu.-.'I ! ...u Hf af. he 4 mdoj irf lrii is ..i(a-.-,;.i n. lOO kijlaaiKiUBeraatbraiiili and gradM, . ., ; arrfl cw MiT -lk,Wal. MsDOKALBmi JelCVtiLLEY e i.i "i ttO I: t inl lUanl-Book llanrilanturir, aarll-dly.: j.w1.i.., w--v, "v . r i. awmkv fmjfj ittiiri -1. liV'MJ. J -J .-ai . Si ti.u .4.4i '-i Ii lAJUp HXOKT1EB. ' itlr9dlB"';5l''- .'tMafoi t.i BaIW a BOM, H a. M Bomta Jit jtrtttT. A "w Boor sKiRT, - - K ii U tt i t)'o.'B, sourit-.woB.iraiiT, w, Ban tat moHred a w mak St TB0OP IK rBTB lambed at S bmbbw r mptrtuf M an rf . ojitrodaoeil j a KtAli :'ut ifa'U ..-H JOYaLQUaRTODICTIONARY. Ttrt-Th laxfait-Tho Beit, Clwapeit BooaoM the Cut, a lSC .ijis;,,' aJ " V M id fr-. krlty of th Emrlleh Unnift.n .rC X-Ve Buiarjt Aweenatl J&mvAw tt oiii. "I .Tff J thodriria Sf ordi.t Hia arenpwerdeof a Haaired " maiuianoai Inn' ul dertTntiitBi. eiiMUier wita taei. eomot peUlBi,as4 pronuxUUoa ( elntrlrl ?t wcl -ft in JfJa-W J rjf7Xi"i5Si ion 0 IA Mtmbtrt of tU OUo Bait Th nndertlfTied, nmben of the Ohio RUU Tetehon w "pert tn, too ortbognrphr a pronnDoUtk o nail 'tw moiMMiT, vn we moot oer- reooamend It h the moet reliable itandard aa U I dow wrlttea and t. D Tio. "Hm, aapminienieot EnTlllchoM. 1 W. Ham, S.p't Haaalloa Union Bchooli. M. I m. uownaa. Ban t rablie Boutola, Bandit ' Lraoa, Sup'tfnblio Boboola. Olrolerllle OoWDaa. Bap't fablie School. Sweoikyt aM. Bajiro pBaLOlmlMiilVBial Bemlna- - W. Mrrtauu, Bap't ruaU 8choel,Mt. Union.. -1, jl . 1 t W.BMia Mn.l u rnmni Mtua mavmbi mami. b. i n u. OriM Vim waaMf .'huumal - -- -1 1 Olndanatl. """"" ' . H. . aUarni, iapt Oaaton'Ufirmi fchoW ' I f ' B am t iia... i.uaiMi u.iiUb. 1.M.1 Uui 1 1 u T. Tajta, Prof, afathematiea, Obta Unimalty. Wb. W. BawaJlDa, Bwp't Troy Unto BctMoU 1 a.. A S. lwina rrhMliial Weat Hlh Sohool. Clna. land. ' . ... i . B. A. KeBTSW. Aloe late PrtaetB Htrh BehoaL film- mwHrrwirw ujgu Kuegi, VIVTV tv,' Pilacipal 4l .8olol,lT W.Il.A Vii J.'MVl. man 1 ..111 1 , . Taaovoaa Jnatoav land.i "i a. P. BOBiarmi, Prinelpal Olvrelaad Inetlrot. . A. Uarai, Preildeat o( Immu Initttuie, Bl- UnrriyTT:-:"" " -. . "n. . : J&ini ttemoa. Prof. Bhetoria, Obertla Oollexe r,TaHlUs Fremont AaOoeh O.U.ire. . V H OaTBoaaT, Prof, klalhematlae. High I obool, Dayton. . . .. , 77., ' B. O. OaBMaABflW. Vrrtf. Uniui.' t?1S ntiMi vim, . . . ... ij . j 10.. .... B. at. BJam,liqnTrtlcBohiola,AiM.'i.j s' -ii Jferw lAom tU AMkdnaf aAi jwMa) fMU. f- riior. UwUore awl ZMWfcnrietoAetf .& riEfitDENfa' OF COLLEOES'IN' OHIO:" IUsaka Ootxaaa -It u trnly a aufolnoent tort; aa honor loth aathor. U. nablihr.and thewbole airy.n-PreUnt Aadrcwa. Onto BmuiA. Unnum uTt HMidi Mflwa. rtone, . It will h au .aid. hi Mkannhi d B ran an. Utioo. aod will often be eonialted by me forli Beat and aooarat dllslU'U.''-PrMldot Tbompeon. k..., . W. A. Bm wrrm flftti m. "fl.i.iirfin. er. fca mm1 Webtur'i ortkotraphr. At a- neent aeerloa of ont "aeOlt. It Wm At.iA Mh.n. It a mmTm. n th.i taffaldpaM'' fcoyal Quarto Dlottonary," PreHdenjt Wamaii aaqmralrJotXMa.Mf 1nA'' U aMrth af nmH ppivo.aoac rroetoent uuanooac. i' . .n- Oaasxm Oou-a. "It more thu meeta my zpielk nae.'. I reenmaxnd It aa the .nthorit n rthoepy to my chlldm and ay pnpUaT-Pnaldat Arrfeosl OoLLS. T ad ont and aha in aa fa laaah- lI. wrlttna and apaaklne. ahaorthocruh and ti rot, tin. etatlaa of Woroeeter'i oral tiaarto Diotloiian." ' "la all ma nith. anaaklne. and muhln.. T ham ma. deaTored to aoaform is the rain for orthography and r-roeaaelatloa ee ooatained In Woroeiter! DinUoBary.'1 Horaaa Itana. lata Pmtdect. Kavroa Oouawa, 8jLmta. 'I moat cordially reoom- Bd It aa the moat HltU atand.rd anlharlt af th. Boallah kamiM aa U la mtm mtui and ntaL". Preetdent Aadraw. . i SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS OF, OHIO. rvaa Att AVMytl, ftmraliifcajlr' Ccawea oaaoosj .tMa. "Th BkHamar la aa ImnarWuhla iiMii.nt In th. laaralni and Indarry at In, aathor, and aa kwor o the arid of witara. To BMehanieat iBeontlon Ji far upa- rlor la thu mt mwm Mlu. lilu. Mlt Mhl.h T . lqaalmad. w, v v -j. ,. v Jrwm iAm. JK. J7. Bonny MOtmmtMtontt oj SokaoU a 0fo. "Th moat tiUsbn (taadart aathorlty of th Ian Uf.l - - - - - ..... ' i WBAT.THl ., .Ti Trooping Kwsrpprrti Ohio Bsvy. , Jrom IU CUrtom BeraU 0 Martk 8.,i r, Th orthography if th Woraeetar Dictionary hi (hat and by moet, if not all author! M diiti notion in ihU eoantry and Xnglaad, and oonfoms to the tanaral aiage of ordinary wrttera end ipaakeri. Wb. carer prejndloee may bar existed pnrloaely, a aarefal ttady of thl rolom will Innrlably be followed by a warm aipreoietloo of lm gnat airlte, and a Mlre to add It to the well eeleeted library, be U larp or amall, It hi library lnlteelf, and will reejata aa lmprmba bl reoord of th learning of tuoompller. i Jramtt (Xnctnatl Oammm mial o pr7 to. ' Ban are apwarda of a bandred thouand words good, had and Indifferent .who malttfarw aanlngi and derfratlona, together with tholr correct ipeUlng and pro aanelaUon, ai Mt elearly before th y. . The work ii anqDe.tloo.biy th greamt TtMeakraeof Bogllah Word erer publUbed. Irtdeotly Woaeavrs 'a 'Born. Qoaara DionofUBT 4l not lAe hut, put tW ibtt eeorl lAs kind leeraf eemd.and ovn by ao pom.bUlty nSfr by oompaiiaoa or oo&troTany ' .. vow Ma Jbltdo Slai tf MftySa. f. . t- 2 1 As to raomaoATioii, Woaonrrmi m tso BTajroaaa followed by oar beet aothent in dadnttlona b learw nothing to be derired. and In OaTBoaaArar It la ItUBoieni to aay that Wemumita aa be aafrip follawad. r , ' . .IMtJHAItt ck B.RACO,v ;.;.o Puollaliora, Boekaollere Btavtlomera, M0 101 BCPBBI0E BX., OLBVILAMD, OHIO. ' THE MUTUAL IJENEFIT' f " LEEE INSURANCECOMPANY, Of ,KCI3T?rCrr i irt DlTldenH Jatnmarje 186 14 P Cont. AU1TI. BttmoB JaaiaistJT'l 1861 ( lalaaoa, par stauawnt Jan. lt,1lSM...M$3,40TrSSl It Boelvd for Proffitoau dor- ' , lag th year 18H) STB3,3 U Xr for jatiwst datm , t; : ;', 75 JCAT , the year 1W 114,014 )0 "Total nolp'e for 1890....fo77,08T 74 raldOlaimibyDoathftrnrOM 00 Paid Polloie larrea- ..".'IZ 'i rd ,U1,. . Paid aalama, Poit- . M, Xaa,--a. . ebange, at.;.....- U.rSO &4 " " Paid OomaJiaioni. to m. n ZZ , '. i MnrdawaU' 74 ,?::TSt Wt. Paid Annaltiw..n. 417 M . - r. r ... Paid Drrtdmda 4f' - " ' r''- J 4 -' ' . IH n lar lOoVSOO 75 M9,0l Ct 411,970. 14 at Bataaaa Jetraary Ut 1B1,,,.V.31M AO .n:'HJiliiad.Aa8aTiW! e ii -.' Oaab on han4Mn.r....( .t.8BM IB -Bond.dHortm.o.Baal TZZl tYZl'l - Beta, worth doable th - ' amiont loaad..M.. i.. BJBTAdl SB 2 lea PoU.. on rolteie lydrinf i oeat. Intereet. M7B.BII4 17 Baal , Beta. aofJM n Uanoirtp....o..r..r- ,981 44 Prealaaaa, M om and Oaah, la Ooare of arananlaaloa.... 41, Ml 71 : 111 1 - . . IowJ Alita.,......Ut...UwA. BLSlSq iQ TilTI Pollolaa ta foroa, umruig.. .. . . i 6,486,488 1,431 aaw PolloMa bavs,biaB leaned daring th year after a earefnl oalonlatlon of too pnnl ra'ae of ihe ootetandtng Pollotee! th Oompany, and- barlog the ilimiiry mmiw ta reeerr,.uireior, w umotom bare neo tared a Dmaaaa af 4ft per cent, on th Preml me bald at thl teble ratie. Id all polietai for HI la foro, turned ptiol tojaoaary 1, W0U. pay abl aaconUng le the prwnni raw or tne uompany. Balsa tor all klndtal Lit Ooattsgonote, Prtp. aan.BiatMwot, and Snplwationa, will be faralebed wmaooT bam, at Ih Offio or afraotw of th Ooaj- r" orr- 'Sttkbovb, rnmoint, ,- ..- til " l. 0. eBOVla,Tioi PraHdmi, IrTJ, CKHtLBB, Beorerary. - - - r lbnhwX te6l." - Oolajabaa, 0..n DtttN : i 0rrioCBE'' Bi.aCR ICR A DB1S8 IIIKB, af arrf grade, th moat Meet anilmoBt to tba etty, aod at moatrwarmwni rate, lid A a. imW ,ni P-l ...A 'J WWothlUiu, A compound remedy, tUaignea to be the most effectual AUirativt that can ftiadeA -It t a cofieentrated extract of. PrvJ;araaparil r, l3t combined with other aubttaucea of mill gieater alteratWe power aa tffaflbrd arf iffttK tire Antidot for the disease 6ur;opatilli Jt reputed to cord wit b believed, that aucb. a remedy la vranted by those v.ho suffer from Strumous oomplainta, nd that vrie-wbioovwiU accomclish their sure muatDroTO iinmeaao arTiM thi teg claaaof au amiated ibllaxr. citizia. How completely Ihia conjpound will it has beam-proven xy -upenment on toany of the worst cases to be found of the following comlinUj-j jj ft if () 8onoroti and Sokofmovs CompaHts, ERvrnoM and BBcrrrva Dibiasbj, Utgims FinrxM,' BlotcrbiY Teaoiw, Atf RiiiiJit, Boavo lliAD, SiPHttis and STTnin-rtp' Atj yECUONs, Meeouaial Disease, Duomt, Niju jlaloia b Tig Dotaonaiiric, DsaiLlTf, Dvs PBrsiA and Indioestioh, Ebysipelas, RoAii om St. Anthont's Fibb, and Indeed the Whole class ot oomplaintaArisiiig Jtvm Ltfiiuix or thb Blood. , , . T . This compound will abound B great pro. moter1 of health, when taken in tht spring, to expel the foul humors which fester via the blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them' many rankling diwrd'irs are nipped in Aha, bud, , Multitudes can, by the aid of. this- remedy,; spare thermal res from ii,..i......rr...i i ..l UiD VI 1U 11 1 111 1 1 .n 1)1 11 1 1 1 1 M I 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 B 11 1 1 11 U1LU1UU1 W ltsfflf of corruption., if hot assisted to do hia through tB9 natural ehanneU of the body -by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find it impurities t,, -1-l :- .:.: bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, ui un.') ciiuiuo it, wncn job unu it is oo itructea ana siuggisn in tne voms j cleansoit whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well but with this pabulum of life disordered,-there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. , ' Sarsaparilla has, ; and deserves much.' the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that. is. claimed for it, but more beeause many preparations. pretending to be concentrated extraots of It, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. -y During late years the publie have been mis led by largo bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract f Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of those have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sanapa rilla, but often no curative propertiea whatev er. , Hence, bitter and painful aisappointate&t has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this com pound Sarsaparilla, and intend .to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is Intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judloiously token according to directions on the bottle. -- -- ritiPAHED bt1 ' : 1 DR. J. q, AYE II & CO. i LOWELL, MASS. Fries. 41 par Bout 1 Six Bottloa for $3. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral hi won for ftielf eueh a rmown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it lb entirely unnecenarv for us to recount the evidenoe of its virtues, Wherever it him baea em ployed. ' As it has long . been lit constant use throughout tliii section, we need not do more than assure th people its quality is kept up to too best it over his been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to d, ' Ayer's Cathartic Pills, I FOB TBS OTJQB OP J ' ' ' CMA'eertiwt) Jauttdietf - Vyspepiia, ' Indirtstion, DyMtnUiy, biii BtoniaeUj JSryrtptlai; Utadaehe, Film, Rhmmatinn, Eruptions and Skin Disease, Licw Complaint, Dropty, Tttttr, iftunon and Salt Rheum,- Worm, Qoul, Nturabiia, us a Dinntr Pill, and for Purifying th Blood,- 1 . v They are sugar-coated, ao that the most-icnid. tire can take thent pleasantly, and thoyaro the best aperient in the world for oil the purposes of a family physic... ... ..,.. . Price 28 cents por Eoxy Tivo boxes for $1.00. . fea'tTrumoersofClerrTmen, Thviioioru, SttM men, and aminent' personages, lure lent their names to certify the unparalleled uiefulneei pf these remedies., but our apace here wiU not ncrmit tlie insertion of them. The Agents beloir named Fur hiih pratia our Amebican Almanac in which they are given ; with alio full diseripticr".! of the nbrrve complaints, and the treatment that should he fol lowed for their eure. .. Do not be put fill br unorinciolod dealers with other preparatiane they . make moro profit on. Demand Atek's, and take no others. The irk want the best aid there ia for them, and they should nave 11. "i .-jji-3 tr-.-v -. i ,: - ,t .1H All our remedlee-ar for eale by - ,v tmrihtb at iiurtn. n.inhn. And by DregfrfiUaod Dealers Terywhr. e ti--.s- li-ijt;-. i..' rt J I mil rei . w V'c 1 ' I: i ' J' v;Jj a! a .' v r-'t,, ; 'r ii Mil ni r sj. . . i , ij-f .t:.' !, " NEWARK; MAC111NE WORKS, ITlKnnfstctnrero f all kind of Poi tablo audi Btatlonnrr SJteam En-, rluea, Baw inilla, Urlat Dill la, " . cVC. Ve t, jf-i'S LUTtSt B0DLS1 Btatsni B. t. BtXSD TBsattHl V. . B. DVT AIL Btatmllt COLVMBCE MAQSUTS CO. Btatmitflt BBADI0BD' t- "" -" CO. Btamll'ltt ! Our Portable Sogins and Saw 11111 "tw'- was awaroM to am premitua oi sw as in Indiana State Pair fo lfiOO evei Laoe A Bodley! on Soooantot Prio,' Bghtoeee, Simplicity eoonomy of fuel and' Superior charaoter of lumber sawetl.J1' Onr Btatlonary Bnatn wai awarded at the eame Pall wMSrat aramlnmaf BiOQ. v - , ... . Our Portable Bngioe was awarded thl Int premioa . wiw at in rair at atampbli, Tenn., over lllandy'e Do aall'l, Oolamboe Machine 0o'.,nd Bradford A Oc'l. by a committee of practical Railroad Bngineen. " " . Porprio and terete addree - . aW4,lWAW X9 wKs ds-dwljeoli. v ,)ir..T Mewark.Ohlo - l '" '' I l i i- i ' i -a. IBATK TkHSB DAV ADITII1 TUB M MB JAMBS ADdB BAIN In h.J. aeaa, wbioh will m after b mmdnoted eadertb Sna in a oa - r waiu, as aib albib 8t, Oolaabaa. rb IS, 18S1. - ,i. Sabis i r. I - 1 1 Hi" :l iff;' RAILROAD. Summer Arrangement. RAILROAD. Summer Arrangement. Little Miami & Columbus & Xenia. RAILROAD. Summer Arrangement. Little Miami & Columbus & Xenia. RAILROADS. '3 8': M (dnnatl, Ba7t6nPft Inditinafollit 'j ' Through to lndknaDolli without dianje of Car 1, j) I . 1 ' Columbas arid St. Iioutos . iu'' Four Trains Daily from Columbua .. ..I - v .'j i JIK8T TRAIN, I t. li il AOOOHBOnATtnil a .. m . .InnnUo .1 .11 .ta. Hons between Oolnmnni and Olnolnnaii aod yayton, r JlTlog a oinelnnatl at 10 OS a. m., and at a 10 a. m,, onnotlDf at Daytoa for Iadlaaapeili and ' ., .-j second train; ,0 a f. 1 ; F. 1 BXPRBtB at 11.40 a. at;, etopplcg at Jff r0o, m nva, unarweion, oeaamiia, eBla. Bpnna T alley, Oorwiu. treeoort. fart Annlant. Morrow Rl.- Labanon, toiur'i, LoTeland and Mllford, arrlrlng at OkiclnDatl at 4.30 p. m.,Daytou alt p. m.'.oonnrctlnrwnri till Ohle and MleiUilppI Kallroad for lionlerlll, Ky Tin. wm uairo, at. lona), newUrKaoa, ato.i at Dayton for ludlanapelu, Lafayitti, Terr iiaati, Ohkiuo. .and all W nitera polnti, '"'"U-'l " ' , THIRD TRAIN. '"-a a - HAIliatt.lOp. m , .topping at a t itttloni tetwrea 6olnmbae and Xeola, and at Spring Valley, Ooiwin, kloiiuw and LoreiKid, erttTlug at CliKlnuall at a,. nt mawmm.. . ... i': Z&uZETS. Hamilton, arrWilig ot CtnomnaUal s!i5 . m.;et Day. . o at a.55i. D.; conoeeting at Cincinnati with ihi i K a iwippi Kaiiroad tor Looiuie. BTaniriiie, Vincennei, Cairo, at. Loot. Memph a, New Orleans, ,n(.ii points booth and Boutb we.ti Dayua lor Anaianapoua, liaiayetl, Xeri Uaate, Ublcago, II IET Pr further Information and Through Tloketi, ipply to U. Ii. DOQlai;, ticket Agent, Union Depot, uoiamuni. P.-W. BTBADIB, - , Oeniral Ticket Agent, Clnoinaitl. 3 JM0. W.DOHBBTf, , i . Agent, Oolumbtu, ... - B. W. WOODWARD, bnperintendent, Cincinnati. Columbus, July 14, 1801 EAST. CENTRAL OHIO AND Steubenville Short Line. RAILROADS COMBINED! 'OONWKOriNQ At BKLLAlEB WIIE IHB BALTIMORE & OHIO, . AKD AT PITTSBUBQH WITH TUB ; ... PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIJLROlD: . lOKMlNa TUB Y , .'. Shortest, Quickest & Most Reliable Route to all Eastern Cities I Trains Leave Columbus as lollowi 1 : . MOBNIMQ KXPRBBB 1 -X, Leaves Oolumboi 1.30 A. kt. from Union Depot, via Bellalre or Bteobenrl lei Bellairi, lo.vo A M l Btinbenvlile IS. SO P. K,: Pilteburah. 3 40 P. M Harrtiburg, 1.10 A. M.. via AUtntuvm, arrival at New York 8.00 A. M. oia PhUudtlfhia. arrtvel at Phila delphia, S.10 A.'M. bow Kork. 10,30 A. at. voontem also at Barmbarg for balttaore, airlTtng at 7.4J A. kt. Bleeping Cars attaohed to thia Train Pram Ootumboe, ran dlreotly throagb to Bellalre or Pitubargh wlihoat onange; aod Pangra via Allen town arrive In Nnw tork at 8 A. M., ICTTW0 BOP KB IN AOVAN0B 0 MOKTHI&M - liIBBd. This Train also donneats at Bellalre with the Baltimore aod Ohio Railroad- i. PITIBBUBOII BIPBB88. . . V Iieavee Oolnmbne 11 Hi A V, from Bnlon Depot, via Btetibenvlllo; errlvee at NrWark, IS 90 P. H.: Oothoc Ion, IMS P. U.; dtaitbenville, 8 P. n ; Plttkbnrg, 9.40 P M. ITJrhii Ii tin only rouu by whleh Pauengan on leaveOlnelbkail at 7 A. al., go tbreagh to fiiu burgh lu diyllgUt, wlthont change ol can or delay. .,- j PAST LINB. , ; Leirre T .loubui i. IS P. M.. from Unloa Depot, via IKItr: ariivee at Newark, 3 S3 P. II Eaneivllle, 4 33 P. M : Bellalre 7 W P. ii.: Pli'itiarrh. 11. P. M.; ilarrliburg, 0.00 A. M.t rio AUtntowt, arrrrei at new York,! P. M.; oil PMtudrlphia, arrim Pnliadel ba, 1.10 P. U.: New York 0 P. M. Thle Train alee eonoeoti at Harrlebarg tor Baltlmori, ar riring at jr. at. . Thu rrain rani throogh to Bellalre or Plttibarg with out change of Can) and from Pitteburg there le no change of Care to Phi aaelphia, or via Ailentowa to Mew Sork thu otToiIng, The odW Route from Columbus to Baltimore, rbiiaaelpbia, or new York, with only one ohaDge of Cars. ' ly Train" Paaaentere arrtv in New Yoik fir bouri In idrano of the Northern line,. Thii Train also connect at Bellalre with the Btltlmor and Ohio ft. R. ttTThla Route is 30 miles shorter to Pittsburg, ana more man iuu miles soorter to New York, than Northern Lines. .' Baggaga Checked Through to all im- i I Fjr.poitaAt roints ast.rv . - i 'J 1 rr l ; 11 -mmmm y V f ASK P0R TICKETS VIA n BELLAIRE OR 8TEUBENVILLB. t'ff m m i.. . , Tickeu Gd mrtr either Bante. JNO. W, BROWN, . , Oeh. Ticket Agent Central Ohio R. R. . I. A. HUICBlNdON Geo. Ticket Agent Bwabeavllle Shod Line. JelS GUEHNSEY'a BALM! GUERNSEY'S BALM n.T RCIMOVESI AND -PKEVKNTS IN BammaUon and pain, and hoale thl wont barn, celd, brulM,cnt or treib wound of any kind, preTcnti welling and pala from be Hinge, moeqnito bit, and loiaonom p:anu, neurairie, vneumauim, agni in tne ireait. ealt rheum, eto. VVhra taken lcternaily, it will poel Urcly care croup In children, end givee humediate reliellntbe wont caw of thii txrrible oomplatnt: alio, removal boaraeneee and lore tbruat. Price. S3 center buttle. Should be In ere jhoue. - for al-by Drug gtitaand Btorekeepin. IBVIH8T)NB, - eon rroprteter, a " spruce is .ai rorx. .oettdAwlyll . . . Korea! Initios can bs donl'thi above Dranamtloni but by procanng and reading descriptive pampnleti4 do round wiw au aeaien, or win oe ant oy rroprtetor on demand. Formula, aod Trial Bottle, aeot to Pbyit cdani, who will And development! In both worthy thvtl aoceptanc and approval. "''. . Oorreeoondence aollclted rrom ail wbom neceeiltlei oi onrtulty prompt to a trial of .the above reliable Rami did. - ' ' - Per all by th asnal wholotal and retail dialer everywhere. jroitn t. BVNNEWCILl;' Proprleto ' CHtMirr and PHAkaiAoaoTieT, ,( 1' . Ho. 9 Conunereiol Wharf, Boston, Hass ' Robert! fc Samuel, N. B. Haryle, J. R. Cook, J. H Denis. 0. Denia A Bon, A.J. BobaeUer A Boa, Ateale for Oolombua, Ohio. myl-dly Baltimore. Clothing House. : BAaurAorratas ajtb wbolbsau wum nt READYrMADEWTrilNii. No. a08 W, Baltiniore-Btreety fclMllTT AJTp BOWAAO.X . , t. .. . . ' . ' M K 5 BAkTIMVHK, JttA aJ . '"' i u ii -s. Assortment -ol Ptees and. PaniUhiBi .eoooji JJoMtaaUy aa Haa4; , 1 eiH em i Cs ,od i (Q!ii X . S n.'j l-ii.l A K unit -At- l.Waekly, pryeaiL-...;,.,.w.....r.,i..... loo i - i i "' '''- ' ! " 7 v .A- I THE BATTLE NEAR LEESBURG. THE BATTLE NEAR LEESBURG. GEN. STONE'S OFFICIAL REPORT. j.The followInliia'eooy of Os'u.'8tos re M of!lS.ttle';of 'B,ill Bluff, mads to t .war IWpWettSJa: .sua i, ,i . . i. .,j , , , ..'j HEADQUARTERS CORPS OF OBSERVATION October 28, 1861. i 1 GlNKtALT On the 20th KoU from headquarters of Geo. MoCall's' movement to Dralusville to reoaouoltf e'and draw om the uteutiuris or tne euemy a ieibur a, 1 went to Edwards's Kerry at 1 o'clock p. M with Geo e urijrue, oerenta irupjiiaan. two srooes or tae Van Alen Cavalry, at,d the Put nam R tngers', while lour eompauwi of ihe Fit" teenth' Masnachusous vuluuteerd Were sent to Uarritun's Lined, undei Cul DcVeni. who then bad oue compiuy on the IaUi.d, aod Col. Lee, wua a dhuiiiod or me MaesnCbusetis Tweotl atb, a section of the Rhode l.laud Battery and Tamnmljy Regiment, was sent to Courad's Fer ry. ' A section o Buffing's New York Bittery and Rieketts's Bitiery were already on duty re ipefltively at Elwards'S v4 Conrad'e FerrrleS. General McCHV move'meiif had evidently attracted the attention of the enemy, a reglateut of iotantry bavrng- appeared from Abe direction of Lteeburg, and taken shelter behind a bill about one mile and a balf from oar poiitlou at the Ferry. Gen. Gorman was ordered to deploy his forces In view of tne enemy, and in eo dome no mors meot of the euemy was exolted. Three flat. bOuti were ordered, and at the saati- time shell and spherical dee shot wire thrown loti the place of tbe enemy's concealment. This was done to produce an lmpresaion that a croeaiog was to be msde. Tbe shelling at Edwards's Ferry and lsuucbiog of the boats induced the quick retirement of tbe enemy's force seen tbere, and tbree boat loads of thirty five meo eaob, from tbe First Minnesota, crossed and re eroased the river, each trip ocoupyiog about tlx or seven minutes. While this w: s going on, tbe men evinced by their obeeriog that tbey were all ready and de tsrmi.ied to flgbt gallmitly when the opportuni ty was preieuted At dunk Geo. Gorman's Brigade and tae Seventh Michigan returned to camp, leaving toe Tammany Regiment and tbe oompsnles of tbe Fif tenia Masescaasetts and artillery at Conrad's Ferry In poiition, awaiting tbe return of icouts. Memwhlle General Stone lemaiped at Elward'e Ferry. At ten o'olocg P. M Lieut. Howe, Q lartermaeter of the Fif teeoib Masiacbnttetts, reported that scouts nn- d--r Capt. Pollbrick bad returned to tbe Island. having been wltbio one mile of'Leesburg, and there discovering In tbe edge of a wood an en otmpment ot thirty tente No pickets were out aoy alliance, ana ne epprosooed ta wltbln twea. tj ore rods witount being even cballeoged. ' Orders were thon instantly teut to Col. Doy ens to cross four oompaoiea to tbe Virginia shore, and march sileotly under cover of night iu me posiH n oi tne camp rei erred to, to at taok and destroy it at daybreak, puraus tbe en emy lodged tbere, as far as would be pradent, and return immediately to (he island, hl return to ba oovered by a company of the Massachu setts 20.h, to be posted over tbe landing-place. Col. Dcvene was ordered to make olose obser vation of tbe poiition, strength, and movements of tbe enemy, aod. In tbe event of there being oo enemy there visible, to bold on in a teoore position until he eould be strengthened suffi ciently to mike a valuable recoaooisince. - At thie time orden were sent to Col Baker to st-nd tbe F'ist California Regiment to Con rad'a Ferry, to arrive there at euuriie. and to have tbe remainder of. bis brigade ready to move early. . Lieu euant-Colouel Wood, of the 15th Mass achusetts, was also ordered to move with a bat talion ta the river bank, Opposite Harrison's Isl and, by daybreak Two mounted charge 01 Lieut, treocb, of Kickrtti's battery, were oroerea to tae iow-pin oi toe oaqaI oppo site tidrrtrtoo's Island. . Colonel Deveos, lu pursu'anbe of his orders, erotsed and proceeded to tbe point indiotted, Col. Lee remaining on the bluff with one bun dred meo to cover bt return. To distract at tentioo from Col. Devens'e movement, and to make a roonuoiaaaooe lu tbedireoiioo ef Leea burg Irom Edwarde'a Ferry, 1 dlreoted Geo. Gorman to tbrow aorosa tba river at that point two oompanies of tbe 1st Minnesota oodereuver of s fire irom R'cketts's tiaite-ry, and seat oat a party of thirty-one of Vaa Aleo cavalry under M.J ir Mix, aooompsnied by Capt Cbaa. Stew art, Aasistant Adjutant Ginoral, Captain Mur pay, and Lleute Pierce aod Gourand, wnh roera to advance along the Leeeburg road nn - ul toey sbould oom to tbe vieinuy of a battery which was known 1 1 be on that road, and then turn to the left and exitmioe tbe heights betietn that aod Goose Crack, r,d aee it any of tbe enemy were posted iu fie violnity, find out their numbers as nearly as possible, tOelr dls position examine tbe couutry wnh reference to tbe passage of troops to (be Leeibarg and Georgetown turcpike, and returo rapidly to ojver behiud tbe ikirmlshers of tbe Minnesota let. This reoohnousaace wa most gallantly conducted, and the party proceeded along the Leesburg road, nearly two mile- (rum the Ferry, ana wnea near tne position or tne bidden bat tery came suddenly upon a Mlseis-lppl resimerit. about thirty-five yards distant, received its fire, and retnrned it with their pls.oli .- The firs of tbe enemy killed one borse, ba; Lieutenant Gourand seized the dismounted Pan, and draw ing him on bis horse behind bim carried him unburt from the field. One private of the 4ta Virginia cavalry was brought off by the party a prisoner, who being welt mounted and armed, his mount replaced the one lost by the fire of tbe aoemy. . ' ' " ' ' l- Meanwhile, on the righf, Devene, having in purauance of his orders arrived at the posi tiou designated to him as tbe site of the ene my's camp, found that tbe toouts bad been de- eeivedjby tbe nncertaia light, and mistaken openluga in tbe treee for a ' row of .tents. ' Col. Oevtns found, however, a wood in wbioh he concealed his foice, and proceeded to examine tbe space between that and Leesburg, sending back to. report that thus far he could see no enemy. Immediately on receipt ot this intelli gence, brought me by Lieut Howe, who bad accompanied boih tbe parties, I ordered a non commissioned officer and ten eavalry to Join Col. Devens for tbe purpose of scouring the country neu blm while eogaged lo his rerun ooissanse, and giving due notice of tbe approach of aoy force, and that Lieut. Col. Ward, with bis battalion of tbe fifteenth Mssiaebnsetts, should move on to Bmoot's Mills, balf a mile to tbe right or the crossing plaos of Col. De vens, and see where, In a strong position, hs eould watch and protect tbe flank of Col De vens in bia return, and secure a second crossing more favorable tnn the first, and connected by a good rod with Lseeburg. Capt Candv, As sistant Adjotint-General, and General Lander acoompaoied the eavalry to serve with it. ' For some ressoo never explained to me, neither of these orders were carried out. Tbe cavalry were transferred to the' Virginia shore, bat were sent back without having left the shore to go inland, and tbus Col. Dtvens was 'deprived of tbe meaua of obtaining warning of any ap proCB oi tne coeoiv. . ... Tbe battalion under Cot. Ward wag 'detain ed on the B uff in tbe rear ol Col. Devens, lu- steaa or oetog aireotea to tbe right. ' Col. Bak er bating arrived al Conrad's Ferry with tbe lit Caliioroia Refrimr-nt at an early boor, pro ceeded to Edwaids's Ferry, and reported to ma iu person, etating tost nil regiment was al tbe former place, aod ihe tbree other regiments of bit brigade ready to march-' -1 directed him to Hairieou's Island to aneume command, and In a full eonvsrsatiofj explatued to bim the posi tion aa It tbeo. aiobd.' I tald him that General MoCall bad advanced bta troops to Dralnsvllle, and that I w is extremelt desirous of asoertslo- tug the exaot poaitlon and foioe of the enemy! In onr front, and exploring as far as It waa sals on the right toward Leesburg: and on tba lef) t-.i- ti V.., l" ,iy- ' i triKKU.-i rm t t il v - -. , t , . Ths additional artillery had already been snt, and then the mueoger,who did not leave tbs toward Leeiburc aod Glim fl f,. I n mnmA V . 1- I r--l r. , . ' ' - "'' 7 V.-Jv "T!" t oriaB.p. and ibkt r-.wQuid" every Effort V push -!il0rrm f.tro?p" 0uttnt ' 'orwirA "to 'dfswvtr the best line from thai ferry to th -ieetbo..g and Gam Uprlng roodi Already meatlonedaira tbe posiitoo ol. the breaeto.k aod bidden' bit- lr,,.Thlr3h P'."'80 toe movement of troepe J dlreotly from left lo right, -were also' pointed Out t.Aim ., ... ., . .. I"' r'-.-w The means of. ir'amportatlon acre, of tbk sufllplenoy ol wbioh U (Biker) was to b lbs judge, waa dutld,aod aathority glvefl bim t TT , ' , u . KnBs or eeeiioa oaoh of 'W',"' ' Bsorteee b.tierle iogeikeV r if00 BOwlikaae.all the trosps of ( his brigade dud iht 'Tamfcav.erBeot. oeame ins Alneteentb and poet sf ibeTwedtleib ReglniiKits of MassacbJsette Volnhteerei' a I leit it to bla dlsoretloni alter vlewlDg tbS tronod, toretlra.from tbs Virgioia shore Aoder tbe ov f r of bi guns aad tbe fire-of tbe large- Infant ri .lor ce, or to pass por relnroreeeat-a. eaia beiooBd IspraoUoaolSand djo-pbSttlba arf 'tbe oihsr aide favoiabls: I lUted vh.t I wiibeJ be' uvanoo utu nuiees tbowbeay were of lofeH' or lorne, and nader no , n. od leesburg; or a stroog posltios betweea it m- ereea, on toe liin BsrlDff, i. the Mauaesaa road. .Col; Beka aa jik relereuoeto raeiowMUugo rtfe, and I bogged If he did do e It well sop" porud by good Inlamryv Tw Gekerml Minted out to blia tu ritiSn'oy'eooid btaffaa- tbi ids, or the nvr, from whleh artiHery eoald aet witn tffeot on lha oihur. at.H. iin. tw of eroetiug aaors troops or retiring hA ! 'r w mi oisoretioo, gave blm entire oontrol of operations on the rlgbt. Ths gallant and energetioiffloerleft meaboot9 A. M., or hall-paai 9, and callooed nff ouiekl tn hi. command. v . ,. , Reiuforeemeots were rapidly thrown to tbs Virginia side by Gen. Gorman, at Edwards's Ferry, aod bis skirmishers and eavalry eouts advanced cautiously aod eteadily to tbs front aod right, w bile t .e infantry lines were formed ta euoh positions as to act rapidly and in eon eert lu case of an advaoee of tbs enemy, and shells were thrown by Llent. Woodruff 'e Par rott guns into ths woods beyond our lines as they gradually extended, care being taken lo annoy the vioinity of tbe battery on tbs rlgbl. Measeogere irom Harrison's informed me, soon after tbe arrival of Cul. Baker oppo site tbe lilaod, that ba woe craning bis whole force as rspldly as possible, aod that be had eaused au additional flatboat to be rafted irom (be canal into tbe river, and had provided a line o cross tbe boats mors rapidly, " ' . In tbe morning a sharp akirmleb took plaes between two companies of tbe Twentieth Maa aaebuieita and about one hundred Mississippi riflemen, dutiog wolch a body of the enemy's eavalry appeared. Col. Diveoi then fed b.o'x In good order on Col Lee' position,. Presently hs again advanced, his men bebaviug admirably, flghuug, retiring and ad vanolog In perfeot order, aud exhibiting every proof of high courage aod good diaoiDtioe. Had the oavalrt aeomluw nartt sent him lo the morning been al h bim, then n could have bad timely warning of tbe approaob of tbe superior force which afterward over whelmed his regiment. Tblokieg that Col. Baker mlgbt be able to aee more artillery, 1 dlspatobed to blm two additional pieces, so port ed oy two oompaoiea of infantry, with direotiooi lo Come Into position below tbe plsoe of crossing, aod report to Col. Biker. Col. Baker suggeeteo this bimie.f, later in ths day. Just beloie tbe gune pa their way arrived. After Col. Deveoe's second advance, Col. Baker .went to th field ia person, and it ia a matter of regret to me that ha laft no record of what officer and men be obarged with lbs care of the boat and insuring tbe regular part age ef troop. If Dy Were ooarged- with this duty, It wad nok portormed,' tor tbe telnforoc meats, aa they arrived, found no one In -com-maud .of tbe boats, and great delava ware thus occasioned. Had one bffioer and a oompaDP i mainea at eaob landing, guarding tbe boats, thete full capacity would bare oeep. made atr vtoeaole, aud eufikieuc men would have beeo passsd on to secure suceessv. Tbe (or warding of artillery before its aupportiiig .force of iu- taotry aiso impeaea (be rapid aasembllog of an impiMiog force on tbe Virginia sboie. - If tbe infantry foioe bad first oroaeed. a difference tf one meu would have been made In t'ie iufautry line At the time of ati.ok, proDably enough to have gin oe the victory, .- ' Between 13 aud 1 P. M tbe euemy appeared in lore in liont of Colonel Drveus. aod a.haro skirmish ensued, and waa mait.tioed lor some time by the Fifteenth Massachusetts.' Oueup ported, and flod:ng he wuuid be oufl.nktd, Colonel Daveu retired a Mori diattnoo, and took up a poeitioo near the wood, halt a mile in front or Colonel Lee. whera ha remained nn. Ul two o'clock; wbeu he again ieU b.ok with tbe approval oi uoiuuel Biker, aud look hi plaoe wuoiue poit.ooa oi tue i wentirts Uaeaacbu Setts and t'ir.t Cal-fornA. whmh harl .mead. Ciilunel Baker now lor mod bis line, and wait ed tbe attaok of the. enemy, which eame npon bim with great vigor about tbiee P M., and was well met by oar troops, who; though pltobed agalost muoh superior numbers, tbree to one, maintained tneir ground under a moat destruo tve fire of the euemy. - : U)l. ttoggewell reached the field amid the he-iviesl fire, aod oame gallantly into notion, With a yell wbioh wavered the enemy' line. :, Lieut. Bramball, of Banting's battery, had succeeded, after extraordinary 'txertiona and labor, In bringing op, a pieoe of tbe Rhode ielaod battery, aud Lieut. ' rench hie two bowlisers, bus both officers, after well directed firing, were soon borne away wounded, and tbe niece were hauled to the rear eo that thei might not tall into the enemy's bands. - '-'; ." 1 At i P. M. Cul Baker fell al the head of Ms eolomu, pierced by a number. of bullets, while eheer-og his men, and by Bis own example sus tafnlug the obstinate reeietaooe tbey were mak ing ; The command then devolved oo Col. Lee, wuo prepared to eorameoM throwing out force to tbe rear, but It was aoon found that Col. Coggiweil was ths eemot In rank, and he, tak ing the command, ordered preparaiiooe lobe made- for marching to the left, end cutting a way throagb to Edwards's Ferry. Bat Jun as the first dispositions were being tffeited, a reb el efiioer rode rapidly In front and beckoned tbe' Tammany Regiment toward tbe enemy. ' It la aot dear' whether or oot the Tammany meo supposed this one of our officers, but the? re sponded with a yell and obarged forward; car rying witntnem In their advance the "reel 01 the line, which eoon received a destructive- flie from the enemy at- elosa dieUuc. 'The men were quickly recalled, but their new poeitlon frustrated the movement -designed, and Col. Coggiweil gave tbeneoeesery order to retire Tbe enemy pursued to tbe edge of the bluff. over the landing place, and poured in a heavy firs as onr men were endeavoring to oross to the Island. The retreat was rapid, but according to orders. Tbe men formed near the river. maintaining for bearly half an hour ths hope less coatmi ratuer man surrender. " The smaller boats bad disappeared, no on knew 'where. The largest boat, rapidly and too heavily loaded, swamped at fifteen feel from ths shore, and nothlog was left to oar soldiers but to swim, sariwoder, Or die. -- . With a devotion worthy of ths cause they were serving, olfljers and meo, while quarter was being offered to euch as would lay down their arms, stripped themselves of their swords and muakets and burled tbeffl out Into the river to preveot their falling Into tbe hands of ths foe, end saved themselves as tbey eoald by swimming,- floating on logs,, and concealing tnemaeivee in toe pueoes oi. tne lore it, and to make Ihetr way up aod down tba river ha,k tea plaoe of eroesloa?. "To lostanoee of per sonal gallantry of the highest order were so many inai it wonia oe otju.t to decaff partlrw lar caee. - Offloerk display td for their man, snd men for tttelr offloere, that beautiful devo tion which Is only to bo found among trn sol diers.'' V'J -' ' frv-t" j .'. AVhlle these scenes ere ftloa enaotarl nn ths right, I waa preparing on tbe left for a rapid push forward to the road by which Use enemy wsuiu reweai u uriven, ana entirely on suspici ons of tbl nerllous eondltlon of J H I A a I - . . i, . .u "Ml 40 CeJ. aWmtealdl aaS m A A Until after "thru - - hold Wau ' ,?0nt' Md 60ul -oobtlawsi J noia Us tMaltioa ln.ii, . IT. r a-. - Varermla OB BW BRSa e aaotbef meiMu hr";""."u". u:!k '.. BklllAa atafaWAAaA . -J- a I watohad W.T" "f ".'". ""v a t . j ", BSWUr BBSVaTaT.. aaAllA, . . Jhr righMU order to puah forward OeoeraS'-1 ' r"l"Ti V , ' xplatoed t -v.ji . Colonel Baker, Imoraotiaahi. a ,k.? n IT OeranV brigade directly tirrlgbTbr ' V 1 tw.oo oi too oatterr tn the oari k. p J ":"'be rcwanoltro. s ri 2 M U"ot tberebot, I teUgrapbed. to Geo Banks for a brlwarU nf hU di.... ' Wr fc.tooccuDV the ground on thl. .Ma rJ ,kuv ' Pl7ffll,w,t","-'sIaod, wbioh would be ' sas ot av rapid, advaoee, aod f.M shortly after, as th lira slackened. messenger . wae-walted for od whose tldiogg'ahouid be iv- ' en order either for tkosdvanos of Geo. Gor- ' 0 man to cut off lb retreat of the eremy, of fot'.i Ia rt??ltiW s).IahH la tbe pvoiao tben.yi At p r JSH Cspf. Candy aarlvei fom .the-; .wd aooooooed Ihe, melaooboJy tldliigaof , ... - i aL t' ''. l)lAty apprised l . Lr- . T. y , u, ' deatb, aod 1 ode rjwckly tabs tight to Meuma command. - Be- ! , lot arriving e th ml tkfid- ananva SBrhwA llallf - .. crossed tb rlrer plainly gave evlrtojo of ha VSVf ! . t 'MblnK the earn I wm sail-. ,t a l?'. 001141101 - be UoqV., . '"' eprw inane i0 m. Btt n. fn gg. ryl fore wee 10 uOO men. Thl. iTJZlZ? ae It proved to be, an exaggeration. Order wers then given to bold tbe island, aud estab lish a patrol on tb tow-path from opposite th island to tb llos of ptckeienear the Mooocacy. and I returned lo th lets to secure tb troop there from disaster, aod mak n aeration in. moving them aa rapidly aa possible, v ?I4!r rriTed ' General McClellan to bold lb Island aod Virginia shore at Edwards' rerry at all, iDdloatiog at th same tlmw ut reiulorceaeota would bo sent, and immedi ately additional means ol entrenching were for. . aw mt m4 Ajf m mA n W a . w.iuwu, auu uw, ujrman waa furnUhed with partiealar direetlone to bold out agaloat any aod every fore of tb enemy. - Daring that time, Gen. Hamiltoa with bia brigade waa on tbe mircn from Darnestuwo Belors I left to go to the rlgbt, I turned orders! to Intercept bim, and Instructed bim to repair to Conrad's. Ferry , where orders awaited him, to so diepoee of hi force as to give protaoilos, to Harrison's Islsnd, sud proteot tbe line of thrt river.- At 3 A. M. M.J. Gen. Banks anived; aod took eommand. . ) Ateport ot alvisi.n for the following day; will ba made out speedilv. I cionot ouscludo without bearing testimony to tbe couiee. good. dUolplloe aod conduct of all tbe troop ; of Sble divieion during tbe day. Tbos in ac tion behaved like veteraoa, and those. nu brought Into action showed that alacrity aud steadiness In tbslr movements whiob proved 'their anxiety to engage tbe foe in their coan. try cauee. W mourn tb loaa of the brava ' departed, dead oo field or booor, If not of euc oess, aod we mis tb companionship of thorn . at our oomrade who have fallen into tbe b.ndi or oar enemies.. Bui all feel that tbey hava earned toe tula ot soldier, aod all await witlt Increaaed confidence another measurement of - r..i CHAS. P. Beige Gen Commending. iSAkmriuESTOiiii , J08T RECEIVED BY ; ; y-T GILL, (id 30 North High Street, Jse oi the Largest and Bit Slctd Astt v : i -' -" - : OP OI L x" cL 7cra, :r o ' ; BVBB OFPCRBD IN THIS OITTI f ' mmmBwamvw House Builders' Fiuraisbings " . Ot EVBRY 8TTLB AND QUALITY. IrenchAAmirleaa ; PAAMTa GBOOSI D IN OIL, tad pat ap la half pound cans for family a, and Dry . Psuta la balk. , brushes of every variety & quality. 1 A Splendid Assortment of MACHINISTS TOOLS. CARRIAGE MATERIADS. "v AXES GRINDSTONES, etc. '; GUNS, PISTOLS, SHOT, o. ' i . : ,.- ( , , F18H1NG TACKLE, v'l'- ; ; ROPE It CORDAGC; LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER. ,. BELTING. EDGES, MAULS, PUMPS, ,! 7 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT,' SCYTHES, etc., , ; l "J " ' SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS Table and Pocket Cutlery. .', Vee pedal !y btvlu the atbmUfa of aU Intareeted to acp itoek of Pocket and Tabl Qathny, and - , fllLVEU PLATED JFOUKK, . table, 'Desert, and Tea Spoona, 1 Butter Knive3, &o., ol aOOBHR A, BRO'S. sUaalactan, warranted to as extraheavy, Blectro-Puted.on genoin Atbatta. . Ooaalry merchant, eobanlcs, and others, r InvlteA o sail and oals ay Block, a I aa prepared t au iboleaaleend Keiail. . , WM. A. UlIuL. Oolamboe, Ohio, May S, 1SG0.' . BAITJ Sc SON, K04 2d fioath Eiga Street, Colamban; A BS NOW OfTBRlkQ 1 SO00 yardi Tiaviha Dreae Oooda al SW. valu orota. .- . asos yerde ) raveling Drea Ooodi at IS. va'ai SO eta. w, 7niB aogiiea oerrei at iH, vaiae 10 eeota, KMH yarde f reach OrgaLdtee at UK. valo e a. ale. illO,! yardi Fail Colored Lawne at 10 valo It evnta. KIUU yardi Poulard Dreee Bilk at 17 H, Value So oent. 1&00 yarde Super Plain Blaok bilk at S' 00. raloe glxS. Roboa of Oric-uidle Berag, and Bngltah bwraao, at en, half tactrvala.- ; .,-r.,-Ctt N r ' .- ' AIBT A SON, . Ii9 ' ' S9 South High Street. ; E. F.T C O L L!S T Ri , ,,Whlesa,l Kolstll Dealer let ' TP BAtTQ, SNUFF & CtGAfiS. ' -PIT8BD 110U. Pa. Keep loaataaliy oa hand all th vay ; rlwaa BttAM of