Newspaper Page Text
.,.v.:.,.,.- v. i . - ---- - ri II ... T... I 7": -rM , flV.XI- .r-ir-r .t-iiTr??!!...!'".- - fF raw-' H f -Krti PHrMs; - r 1 i ii i i ' , a- r . . , -. t .. r , . a - -j - ; , . - . -w t V - .- 'V0L.LVIII:1N0.i3l 'NEW SERIES. ! i 1 : ww aavavavaa.- ' i i,i i . j Lf.t. j t m :. ,CQLUMBUS OHIO; TUESDAY MORNING, N0V12:iiL IX LOLLAHa PZ2 TTAB. ' ' .., -4 ! 1ILT. TEI-WEEIXY AITD WEEKLY ?.' pANYPENNY MILLER,' ( fUfllSJIiaS AND PROP BIXIOBI, T Office Son. 86, SS and 40, Forth High 8t ,- TIHMS Ihrf AIABLT JTAJVAKOl. "C.T.". " " ' " ' 8 00 par year " By the Carrlar, per week, UU Mntt. BBS.! tf a.a.TLl x Weekly-, v.,f .! ."1 , 00 year, "ierrtis ' AdVorlUlnar fey the Square. I jew... ISO 001 Oneeqiure3w.ka..4 00 0ns bmonths 18 00 One ' Bweek..S00 On. Jpe Or. One ouionuie la uu on - 1 week... 173 .months 10 00 On. 8 days... 100 B mouths, aw Ok : -'. day. ... 7 I month. 5 00 One " 1 insertion SO Displayed, advertlMBcats half mar than the above etcs. .j j , a j ) ri . ; ,. , , w VAJvrti,wLonte.lieud.ea placed In the column ot nuiim., uvuuh in ordinary rm. . All uotioee requires to be published by Inr, leweirts. Ii ordered on tbe Inside exclusively aftor tbaflratWMk net can:, raore than th above rates; bat ail such wll ?jWrf9ltrt-WM)03rrtihoatoUrfa.. - . Bailhesj Cards, not exceeding Inline., per rear, in lie, t-JJIl tier Una: onulda . . Nolle- ef meeftngs.chsrl tables oclstles, Are eompanlss so., half price. -Mi tremejm aorHemrw'paid for 'in iw win aw mTiriMiiraji. .v Mekl, asm price ai the Bally, where UiaadrertlMi eta the Weekly alone. Where 'he Dally and Weekly are both aael, then Uie ohorffe lerthe Weeklr will be aair the ratca of the Dally ,io aotrrvueneoyakea eatcepl for denntte period., BUSINESS CARDS. ' , AND NOTARY PUBLIC. -., . .... UOoe-Aniboe flnlldlni; oppoalte Capitol Sqnare. r' "'. OOIiUMBDB. OHIO Attorney & Counsellor at Law, . . ... MARION, OHIO. - a 11 ' Machine MannfactnriDg Coinpab' j ..i r.iU 'sg&iS''i ; u l .''!.. -'J6V f1- f TTtT ('.! ' V '. Win.' l .. , i " . MAMDvicrvKiM or ; ", STEAM ENGINES ,& BOILERS r-'ij Onttogt, MUl-lailag, Ktchinery. ,, ; I. , .: r: t .. UlO, ' . .' St-Alliroeaca. Worls, o ivr Bieowrnoif. - COliCDlBCU, oino. ' OaiS.AMBOB. gnp'k ; F. AMBOB, Treaa, 1861. 1861. 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements,---Time Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I ess RAILROAD. Connecting at Creatllne arlth (he PiriBBCBQII, II. WATNB CBIOAQO BAIL &0 AD ftr fittttmrgh, JPhUcuUlpXia omi JtaUimor. Mto forlbrt Warn and CMeaao. Connecting at Olereland with IhelAXI IDOBI RAIL- BOAD ... for Dunkirk, Baffaio, Albaar. lloe ten, end Hew leih. THREE TRAINS DAILY, EXOErr 6 UNSAY, Iron Oelamtma, in oonnactlon with Tralnioa the HITLE MIAim AND COLUJIBII ANti AbMA IlAIMtQADa. tlUST TBAIN. NIGHT EiPRISS. Learee Oolojnbni at 3.40 A, M ; will kT. peaeeugera at all lUiioui aonth of Gallon, atop at Delamare, Aihley, Cardington and Qiltad, ano I all ttattoni north of Oallon, arrtTlng at Olereland atS:OuA. M., Dunkirk 8:00 P. U. BnOalo i iitf. M. Albajiy t.tO A. M., Mew York 8:8J A. M., Boaton 9:30 ,J.L,.E'lubar, Tl Oreiillne 3:41 t. M , fblladh . hJaSMO A.M. Chicago Tia Crealllne at T.'OOf.M. . BiCOM) TRAIN. N JfORK EXPRaao teavet Oolntnbua at 11:10 a. a. Will atop atLewl. Centra, (for White Bnlpbnr Bpringi), Delaware, Cardington, Gallon OrattUne, tihel ty, h.w Lo. don. Wellington auu Orafion, arrlre at Ol.veiand at 3:33 p. m.j Dunkirk, ii4u p. m.; Bat talo, 10SS p. m : Albany, h:44 a. m Sew Koik, 1: p. n.i Buton, 4:40 p.m. Thla Train oonneoliat Bhel ky for, and at QJafton for Toledo, arrlTlni at Toirdo at :40 p. m.' THIRD TRAIN. MAIL AND ACCOMMODATION LeaYM Columbni at 9.00 p. m. Will atop at all atatlona Boutb of flbelby, and at New London, Wellington, 8 rat ton, and Berear arriving at Cleveland at C:30 p. m i Dun kirk, It 00 a. m.i Buffalo, 3:Ja. B.Alban7,9Mlp.m. MewTork, 730 p. m.; Boatou, 11:45 p m.t PtiUbargb, rta Orettline, at lLUp. d.j f hiladelphia, 1:00 p.m., Ohtafo, via OKitltiit, 0:4J a. m. Ihia Train eonneoti at errelb for Bandutky and Toledo, arrivkog at Toledo at&Mp. m. . , ' . ' Patent Sleeping Can aro tun ca all ' Kight Traini to Chicago, Kew - York and BostonC Battag Ofxcttd through h Kmo Tort and Bottm eia Cieoetand; alto, to FkUcuUlpMa and , , , ,MA!-; Ti ew lorkvia Or-ttHu. 1 KETUB.NING. Might Kxpreee arriTea atColnnibua at.. .11:13 f. U. Olnemnati kapreaa arriTea at Oolnmbui at W:M A. M. AeecauNdattoa Xxpreae arriT.i at Columboa at 7:00 M. v - - fare as Low aa by any other Rente. Atk for Tickttitia Crettlineor Clndand. ... B. f LINT, " ' f nperlntendent, Clereland, Ohio. JAMES PATTERSON, Agent, " J"1'? . Oolumbue, Obie Colmnbtu, June 17 1881 . . to ,T - JnsBeelTer.l t c. j r 1AA Hr. 'OH GUEIN and UXACK 1VU Tt AS 100 bag. prime Rio Cone.. ISO pookou old Dutch Government Java Cottee. 1 6 bag! Ceylon Coffee. SOObhla. auvndard WhIU Sngan, eoaiiitlng of Pew. ' dred, Ohruahad, Granulated A and B Coffee, , ' 50 qalntale George Bank Oodflih. ' " SObbla. Aleeo and No. 1 Mackerel. - 8 lee. Ptok Salmon. - 100 ba, Layer Raialne.' t e .v , t ,.c4 I SOU. kendo do" '. 'I-' -J.r . 100n.'box- da ' de ' " ' 100 M Clgare, different brendt end irodeif. vi J avM7 .. ... - i WM. MoDONALD. kwM i c. lilley :; : jHaak-Book Kwufentttiora.-,. south jbiqb mxxx, ooiviuvh omo - aurll-dlf . v.- vv.. , Red," Mite rand. Bine . lwiim. " Bltop(medbr- U!i - 4,K'-.m....!Cfie . BATf 4 80N, , Pt,.. So. SB teath High lUeeU I .. ei . . " rOBW BOUr SaVlUTa ;r a f ' - He. 99. SOCIO.. HIQH SIRIST.t - fere Jait received a tew make'eT HOOP tKtkTS SkkOwdla a manner hi wperloi o.kne.iei, taUeduoed DUB ABILITY .AND GRACEFULNE88 mk aa xi aa k ' '!i- , ' , 1 "WORGliSTJEIl'B ROYAB QUARTO DICTIONARY. Tho latest Tha LarjostTlid Beit. . Aao vneapost jjooaose tna Best, j iiie meet Keiiabi standard An . therltr ef the Enfllih Lann;nat:e. Sla Bundrtt BnUntni Sdtusatori of Ohio, "Till BEST BNQLIRH DIOTIONABT IITANT'., trary Mm Jhtnvhr4i 'Heie ar i upwardi of a Handrea ThoneaaS Vorde, wbor) maltifartou meaning! and derlratione, together t jefo the 'J(B"'af.aiiprooBBlaUoo areolearlir t ... OUidnnaU Ommtrolal. Mi t th4 VtcUUmt of tic Membtr ofth Ohio BUH jsacAtr i Auootation. The anderelgned, member of the Ohio State f oachen' naaooiauon. adoDtand ain ttnuin ttmhiM wHiinv end ipeaklnc the orthoiranht and nmnnnnlitlnn of dtallV rCDOmmaild It iha mnmt nIUI.1. an. tborttr of the BnglUh language, aa it le now written and i LoaiM AtMiwi, Preeident Keriyon College. M. D. Laaarrr, Superintendent Zanerrllle Schooll Tnoe. W. HaariT, Bap't Maailwn Union Bcheoli. . M. F. Oownaar, Bup't Publio School., Banduaky. ;, Bnp't fubllo aohoele, Olrenrellle. n. N. Sajiraao. Frlaciuml OLnaland Vaaiala Bamlna. rrar. unrtiri. Rnn'( dkiu uM i w, rnun Joan OeOXH. Prlnelnal NtL. Normal gnhnol. Minna. eole. . - . " ' ' 7 y .WVIBOBil, . , . , . . . ( a. , kUana, Bnp'i Canten Union Schoole. k ' Inwn hawAL, Principal KoNeely Normal Bchool. U T. Tarraa, Prof. Matheaaattea, Ohio UnlTerrity, Wa. W. Kowaaoa, Bup't Troy Union Bchool. I A. 0. Bonine. Principal Weat Hlih School. Olera land. B. A.N0TO. Aaaodam. Prlru-tnal tllah firhool. OlaM. land -. , I . i . Inoaoaa Btbuim, 1 Prtnelpal High School, Oleve lend. R. F. BeiMrroR, Principal Olereland Initlrnte. J. A. Gaaruu, Pre.ld.nt of Eleetlo laitltate, Hi ram, i W. L. Hxaau. Pmf. of flhamM nr. Dhto WmIavah UnlTeraltv. . H. H. fiAaaar. K-fl.MnntM!nnof Pommon Knhnola. vuiv Uhm Moiniote Prof. Bhetorio, Oberlln Collttft. Taot. Hill, PretJiUot Antlooh Oolleat. O. W. H. na1itrt.Bf Prrif. 1I.iW.Hm 1TUK . - " wevaaavaM.a a awe, i ill aaiei i evaea 4a.ia.-e School, Dayton. 8.- 0. OanllBAnfifl. Prof. T.anomaffA. Tfttrfi flohool. p. at. Baaaaa, Snp't Union Bohoola, Aehtand. - Mort than Sim Bumdnd tULtr FmUmiit af ObJIa. pee, Prowort, Author! and OUUnguk hed Sdwxf tore, Aav4 mOcrud iKt aAow aerUlmerU. , presidents OF COLLEGES in ohio.1 Maaierra Ooucae "It la trait a maanldcent work. aa honor to the author, the publiiheri,and the whole -uuniry, rrenaent Anarewi. , , , , , 010 WauiT.1 Dllfftiiin.MMTt iwlai mf MM.t. tlOna. It will be ni anlria In Artilnrnha aud nronnn. elation, and will often be eontu I ted try me for lie neat ana accurate aennitloni." rreeldent Tnompeoa. W . K. Idltmn rinun. t.n.Mtr,f ..M ara hM nan Wabater'e orthography. At a roooDt meetine of our Faculty, It waa decided to change It to conform to that of Worooeter 'a Royal Quarto Dictionary." Preeident whrooia. -. WOTBI Uan tlniUoa. "T rnt U nrili. o ap,rvuiuoB.v rreaiowni uncnoooK. - Uaaaxn OoLuaa "It nora tn.n ataala m Mwl.. uuuv. a reotmmena it aa ina atandarn antnorit in orthoepp to my children and my pupil.. "Preeident axNi, " - r - - AjlTIOca Ooixaaa 'I adsnt asit aim ta Has In tnaoh. Lng, Wrltiaa and ereaktna. the arthorraohv and nmnnn- vmuou noroeater e avoyai Uaarto iltoaocarr." Bill. . ' ' . I . a. "In all me wrltlna. aneakina'. and taaohln. T hara an, deaTored to eonform to the ru lea for orthography and pronunciation aa eoaiatnea m worceater'a Ulouonan." Horace Mann, late Pre.ld.nt. Kuitoi CoLLaaa. Oaktemt. 'l moat eordiallr reoom Bond (tea the moat reliable Itaodard authority of the oillih laniuan aa It ta now written and anokan." , trivaiuen. .naiewa . . SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS OF OHIO. from Btt. abieen Smyth, OtmminUmtr of Common "The Dtetlonarr le an tmnerlehable monnmant ta tha learning and induiiryof Ita author, and an honor to the world of latter.. The mechanical execution la far eupe- rlor to that of an nthav TataliUMi with. arhlnK T an. an. Iiiualnted." awi m iato. "The moit reUable itandard aathortty of the Un- guage.- waat Tin A IieMtdlng New erpapera of Ohio Bay, from Iht Clmland Btrald of March S3. The orthography of th Woroeetn Dictionary le that nerd by moat, If not alt. author, ol dl.tinotlon In thla country and Ingland, and conform! to the general uaage of ordinary writer, and apeakera. Whatever prejudice, may bare ezlited prerloujly, a careful itudy of thla eolume will lnnrlably be followed by a warm appreciation of Id great merit., and a dealre to add It to the well aeleoted library, be it large or email, It la a library In, ud will remain an Imperiana ble record of the learning of itaoompller. from th OtnctnnaU Oommtretat of April 90. Here are upward, of a hundred thoueend word a good, bad and Indifferent whoee multlfarlooe meaninxa and derivation., together with their correct rpelling and pro nunciation, ere tat clearly before the eye The work le unquestionably the greateat Iheaaurua of Engliih Hrordi ever publiahed. , from th Cleveland Plotndtaitr of S$pt. 90, 1600. Evidently Woactta,a RoTal, Iraaro Diortoeaar il aol only uU lot, but th a or tcorA of th land rotr -ruad , and can by do poMibtllty lufler by eomparlaon er ooutroverey , from th TiMU) Blai of Mat Ai to paoaoxcuTtoM, Woaciwm ii rae STixnaM followtd by our ba.t author.; In definition! he leave, nothing to be deilred and In ORniooRarni It le enffloieai lay that WoRcaaTia can be eafeiy followed. INOUARI BIIAGG, Pnhllshera, Beokeellera & Stationers, KO 101 SUPERIOR ST., CLEYELAKD, OHIO. maiB THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIEE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF -' - ' ZiJo'wo.srlsc, HT. jr. Dlwldond January 1 186 1 45 Per Cent, ASSBTS tlJUSrlEfi SO. Statement January 1. 1801. Balance, per itatement Jan. let, 1800.....t06,58J S9 Reoelied for Premium, dur lng the year fcfcO 1708,033 SS Received for intereit during the year MOO 914,014 IB Total receipt, for 1800..t77,0O7 74 Paid 0 lalma by Deeth,9o7,030 00 Paid Pollcie. iiurcn d.rtd 41,111 90 Paid ealariee, pott age, Tazee, Ex- " ' " change, ei 31,020 54 . Paid Oommiaaioni to Aaenta 81,325 30 Paid Phyaiolana' feci. &V IS Paid Annultlea...... 1,417 00 Paid Dividend! dur lugth.jear ...... 18C5C0 73 H3,001 SS 411,075 14 Net Balance .Tannery lit. I6C1. ......'...'3,819,B38 BO ABBITB. ' Oaah ed'hand. SJ0,t284 1U , Bond, and Mortgagee on Bcal I.tate, worth double the amount loaned 9,397,S41 08 Premium Notea. ea Poltciet in foroe, only drawing 0 per eent. IntereaU 1,971) M 17 Real B.ta:e.... ............ MB03 97 LoanaonBorip. 8,03144 Premlnma, N ote. and Oaih, In eeuneof uanamiation.... 43,343 7s : Total Asetts.. SJ.81I,B3 SO T,75PolWMlBrrrtoe,lritnruig.......0,42fj,5(j 1,435 eew Policies have been leaned daring the yeeri After a careful oaleolaUon of the preeent value ef the outatandlng Pollcie. of the Company, and bavlDg the MOSMarf amount in reserve therefor, the Directors have declared a Div inane of 43 per ceut. on the Premi um, raid at the table rates, to all pollcie. for life In furoa. leaned prior to January I, lWO, payable aceordbg to the preeent rale ef the Company. . Bates for all kinds of Lite Contingencies, Prorpeot naea, Statements, and Applicatlona, will be furnished witbost tauaea, at the Omce br Agenoies el the Com. . . .i BOBTi Ii. PATTIIISON, President. ! . ' 1,. Q.0R0VBR,vio President. 0. MIL LI a, Beeretary. i -j. .. dl, U. Bi-;eS0We Agent, 1 i t '. .1.,. . i (, 4 JohnsoD Block, ' Marab 38, 1881. Columns, 0. PI. A I PI AF4 D FIOtRED BLACK DRIBS Bills, vf every grade The Boat eslpet aaaarUnent ia the .Ity, aad at saostresaeiiaBle rates, t -W M )'.1 " BAIN a SON, epiCI ITe. tl leath HlghsUM ' Scrofula, or King's, Evil, la a constitutional disenso, n corruption of Jit' blood, by which Jliii fluid become -vitiutud, weak, and poor, licing in tho circulation, It fcrvadcx tho wholo body, and may burnt out a dieeuw on any part or 1t, ' No orgrlri U free from its attacki, nor b there pa jilch it may not dcetroy. Tlia ecrofuloua tainiui yartouely cauitcd by mercurial disease, low living;, din ordered or unhealthy food, impuro nir, filth and filthy lmblte, tlio depreesinjr .vioeik, nn4 above oil, by tho Tcnorenl infection. What ever bo ita 'origin, it in hereditary in the con titutlon, descending from parents to children unto tho third and fourth (feneration " indeed, it keume to be tho rod of Jlim wlio'snyn, "I will visit tho in iqnitibs of the fa'Jiore upon their children." ' ' ' , ,., .'. ,' ' , ' Its effects commcuco by dcpoiiiion iiom thu blood of corrupt or ulcorotlS matter, which, in tho lung, liver, and internal organs, ia termed tubercle; in the glands, swellings ; ' and on. tho Burfttce, eruptions or sores. Thie foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous Constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com-. plaints, but they Lava tur lots power to with . etiind the attacks of other discuses: conse quently vast numbers perish by disorders which, nlihotmh not scrofulous in their naturo, aro still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of tho consumption which do ctmatcs the hitman family litis its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; and many dmtruotive disease of the liver', kidneys, brain, mid, indeed, of all tho organs, sriso from or arc aggravated by tho samo cause, i . Hnn ntliirrof. nf nil nut nonnln nrn anTriFnlrtiia . Irirlr vti?ranna ata iiivnrliiil nv tlifa liirlrinw In--r fi ction, and their licaltlt is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the .blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food end exorcise, Such a medicine -we supply in AYER'S . Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the tnoat effectual remedy which tho medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing end fatal malady. It is coin bined from the most active remedial that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and tho rescue of tho system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for tho cure of not only Scrofula, but also thoto other affec tion, wliich arise from it, such as Jliivptivii end Skin Diseases, Sr. Anthony's Fiiib, Rose, or Euysipelas,, l'mTVics, Br.oTcitts, 13 laws nndBoiM.TuMotta, Tbitkii and Salt Unr.ux. Scald Head, Hinqwoiim, Ulty.trMA.TinH, SrillLliloandMi:ucL'iiui.l)is UMV.4, Jliioi'ar, Dyspepsu, Diiiulity, and, indeed, a! i Complaints arising fiiom Vitia ted on Ihporb Blood. The popular belief m " tmpwuif of tit blood u tounuca m truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. Tho particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without wliich sound health is impoiaible lit contaminated constitutions. ' ACER'S " Ague Cure, ' ron tub spiidy cubb or Intermittent Fewer, or Fewer and Ague, iivmiiient r"T.ri vnui r aver, irnmu Akiic, l'erioillonl llexlnrhe. or Blllou Headache, and llUiona Fevers. Indeed for the whole claea of (linen. ea originate Ins; In biliary derangement, oauaed by tho Malaria of Jlllaematle Couutrlca. .. Wo are enabled here to offer tlin community a remedy which, while it cure, the above complaints with certainty, is still perfectly harmless in any qunnttty. btich a remedy is invaluable in districts wliero tneno aillichng disorders prevail. Ihia "Crr.K" expels tho mintmatic poison of Feveu an ii Ani'R finm the ayttem, and prevents tho de velupment of tho disease, if taken on the first ap proach of its premonitory symptoms. It ia not only the best remedy ever yet discovered fr this class of complaints, hut alt the cheapest.fThe"arge iiant1tv we supply for a dollar brinirs it within the resch of every body ; and in bilious diBtricts, where anu Aot'H prevails, every body should hair i: siid hoc it freely both for cure and protec linn. A irrent superiority of this remedy ovorany other "M divnrrroil f"i the Apredynnd edrlain cure in' I lit.. nnitti'iita in that it contains no Quinine or mineral, consequently it produce no quinism or other iiihtriovts clients whatever upon the constitu tion. Tlioae cured by it are left as healthy as if thi'V had never had the disease. revcr and A true is not alono the consequence of tha miasmatic poison. A (treat variety nf disor ders arise from its irritation, among which aro ,Y'.,''i. lilicviiimitm, Iron', Jlcaaaclie, liUnd- n-'ji, Joothuclte, r.nrnrh?, tratnrrn. Asthma, l'al- H,tfiort,r,ttinful Affection of the Unleen, llustn: ics, I ki ill tin- iinww, i,o'ic, farniysts and ua runoi n' -nt of t.'m Slumact, all of which, when origin .' ii ; In thi. cauH, put on the intcrmitlcnt v,pc, or :.i'i'i .at pel icunul. i Ins " Ltnu t-xpt la the puiaoa ruim the blood, anu consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection lo inimtKrniits a: d persons travelling; or temporarily residin;i in the malarious districts. It" taken orci. sionailv or daily while exposed to the infection, Unit will u excreted from the system, ana cannot fccoumulate in villitioiit quantity to ripen into dis ease. Jlenco it is even more vulualile for ptotec- n tltun cure, and few will eer suffer fiom Inter- nitlents iftlicv avail lliemselvee of thu nrtteclion this remeily affords. ' Prepared by Dr.X 0. AYE3 & CO., Lowoil, Mais. BOBEBTB a BAUU1L. Oo umbra. . And bv Drarrtitsaud Dealers ererywbere. BOWiua.twaiw NEWARK MACHINE WORKS, . - i.-: H N1WARK OHIO, flannfaetnrerfi of all kinde of Pof table and Htationary tam F-u-. glnea, daw mtlla, Uriel iailia, . dec., dec. . . . ,. L AiTS A BOVLSi SnUmt a. J. SLAJH) TBtaUnl J. AJ. S. PUVALL Beaten I It COLUMBUS : , tUCEINZ CO, BeatmtlH BBAMiQED ft CO. Beaten! III! . Our Portable Kujine sad Saw Kill was awarded the first premlnm of SSO at the ludiana State Pair for 1S0 over Lane St Bodley'S on account ol Price, lightness, simplicity, eSonomj.of fuel ' and superior character of lumber sawed. -Our Blationary Bogtne was awarded at the same lab the first premium of S'OO. . . Our Portable Bngine was awsrd4 thi first premium ol too at the Pair at Memphis, T.on., over Blandy'i Po mil's, Columbus Machine Vf., and Bradford ft Co 's. by a oommlttee of practical Rallroed Infinaers.' ' , for prioe and terme address . " WUiliASD WARNER, Treasurer, decfi-aawlyeole. Newark, Obis i'- .. 7 ... ;f.V- Co-Partnerhip. ;; 'r i.' IWA-Yf. Tl" DAT ADMI-STED iriT eoa JAMBS ADOejB BAIN as partner' In my but! net, which will hef after be conducted onder the fins el Bala a Bon p. BAIN, SB South High St. 0oliunbaS.PeblS.l8Sl. ; ' " " f.Jw " BO ft H B I BlBBOft. TADS. AH D OTCAS, BW Kyls,jnatopandbr . Z baim a, anv. . aprTtf e. M Bt Bit Maeei. EAST. CENTRAL OHIO AND AND Steubenville Short Line RAILROADS COMBINED! ,.' CONNHOIINS AT-BILL AIM WITH TH BALTIMORE &V0HI0, AND AT PUIBBUKflll WITH Till PENNSYLVANIA QENTRAL V BATTRO.A3J;V I t i ' rf T0HU1N0) THB '"'" : ' Shorteet, Quickest & Most Reliable lloute to all Eastern Cities I , 1 r k : ' '. I . Trains Leave Columbus as follows t -' ' - morning tzrans " .:,' ; leaves oolumbaa 3.30 A. M. frea Union Depot via ueiiaire or steubenviile : arrive, at ttcllairv, 10.90 A, M ; Btenbenville. 19.80 P. M.; Plitehuruk.S 40 P.M. Harrlaburg, 1. 10 A. M.. vUi AUmtovm, arrives at New York 8.00 A. 11. via Philadelphia, arrives at Phila delphia, i. 10 A. M.; hew kora. 10 30 A. U. Conneota auo at uarruburg lor Baitluore, arilvlngat 7.43 A. M. Sleeplop; Cars attached to this Train FrOin ColUmHn.. TUB dlraolln Ihmn.h tA Ballalra nr Pituburgb without ebanga; and Puwngars via AHar). w.u iniii ui new aora at a A. St., ICTtwo norjfls IN AOTANOH LINUJ. OP NORTHERN This Train also connects at Bellaire nitii ' Baltimore and Ohia Railroad. the PITTSBUR9H EXPBE3B. Leaves Columbua U V3 A M , from Wnlon Depot, vis Btenbenville; arrives at Newark, 19 30 P. M.i Coihoo-".-3 P. M. Bteuirenvllle, 6 P. H.; Pittsburg, 9.40 ' Ik ul" "oniy rout oy wnicn raaaeneers n.n la v fl..l...,l . a. it . . . "-" a, , a. ai,, go mrougn to flltr burgh in daylight, without change of cars or delay. PAST LINB, Leaves uoiumbus s.15 p. td., from Union Depot, via ? .."V. ' .new". P. al t Zaneavllle, 4 33 P. M ; Uellalre 7 .35 P. M.i PltfalrarKh, V. H.; Ilarrliburg, 9.00 A. M.i ria AUentovn, arrives at New Vork,4 P. M. via Philadelphia, arrlves Phliadeli hia, 1.10 P. M.; New Vork, P. M, This Acaiu aiao connects at mrrlsDurg lor Ualtlmure. ar' riving at IP. M. ' Thla Tram runs through te Bellaire or Pittsburg with' r vri anu lroia rituDurg mere la no change of Cara to fhi auelphia, or vis A.Ltntown to new aora uos ousting The only Route from Columbus to Baltimore, . luuauuipuia, or ew xors.wltn ouly oue change of Cars. By thla Train Passenners arrive In New Tork five hours In advauoe of the Northern Una-. Thi. Train alio oonnocta St Bellaire vrt'.h the Baltimore ana viuo xv, a IT This Route Is 30 miles shorter to Pittsburg, and more than 100 miles shorter to New York, than Northern Lines. Baggage Checked Through to all im . porrint -foinu Jiatt. ASK I0R TI0KBT8 VIA BELLAIRE OR STEUBENVILLB. Tlekets Good over either Ilonte. JNO. W, BROWN. Gen. Tloket Agent Central Ohio R. R. I. A. IIOrCUlNBON, Otrn. Tloket Agenl Steubouvllle Short Line. jelS auEariSBY'a balmi GUERNSEY'S BALM REMOVES ANO PHEVBJNT8 1 N flammatlon and pain, and heala the worat hnrn. ecald, brutae,cut or froth wound of any kind, rrevenu aweiiiug anu pain irom oee stings, motqulto bites, and lauuuua riauia, ueuraigia, rneuuiaiism, ague in the breast, salt rheum, etc. When taken Internally, It will positively cure croup in cnnoren. ana gives Immediate relief in the worst case of this terrible complaint; also, removes hoarseness and sore throat. Price, its cant. bottle. Should be In eve n house. Por al- h nru. gilU and Storekeeper!. IRVIK 8TJNX, . . B?" t'repneter, H spruce it . Mew York oottdfcwlyli No real Justice can be done tha above Drenaratlocs but by procuring and reading descriptive pamphlets be found with all dealers, or will be eenl by Proprleter on demand, formulas and Trial Bottles sent to i'hval oiana, who will Bnd developments In both worthy thvir acceptance and approval. uorrespondence eriiciied from all whose neeessitlee cr curiosity prompts to a trial of the above reliable Seme dies. for sale by the nsnal wholesale and retail dealer. everywhere. , JOHN Ii. lITJKnEVVEI.L, Proprlcto CHEMIST AND PHARM ACIUTIBTfc So. 9 Commercial Wharf, Boston, Mas. Roberta a Samuel. N. B. Marble. J. R. Cook. J. M Denlg, Q. Denis k. Sons, A.J. Schueller It Bon. A.onti for Ool umbos, Ohio. . mildly Baltimore Clothing Ilonse. 33XaX7m aUscrAOTcans Aim wsouuti aaauas is READY-MADE CLOTHING. No. 308 W. IMtimorfBtreet, (aarvnus UantTT aid bowasd,) , BAtiTIRlORB, JOd A Lsrg) Ajsortmeat ol Piece and ruraUalr OoodB CoMtantly on Band Oeeefldly . e . 0 HEAT-CUBE. DR. LELAND'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND' IS THE OlfLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Ehetimatlsm Goat and Neuralgia . AND A BURS CURB POR Mercurial Dlseoaea. All It Is a convententlv arraoxed Band, oontalnlnc a med. reeled eompound, to be woro a round the Waist, without Injury to the moat dslloace persons; no change In habits or living is required, and tt entirely remove the die ease from the system, without producing the Injurious elTeote arising from the nie of powerful internal medl- omee, wnnn weaken ano ueetroy me constitution, and give temporary relief only. By tnis treatment, Uu med icmalpruperUe. contained In the Sand come la oontaot with the blood and reach the dlaease, throiuh the nores Of the skin, .liecUog lu every Intiaoo. a perfect cure, ann reatoring tneparu auiwuu i a o.anny eendlttun. Thla Band ia also a inoatpowerfnl Amti Maacraui, atrent, and will entirely relieve the system from th.prntoou effects of bei.ury. Moderate eases are eured ta a few days, and we are eonstantly receiving testimonials of Its eJhoecy In amrruraied caiea ef long standing. Faica 8.00, to be had of Druggists generally, er can be sent by msil or express, with full dlreoilons for ass, to any part of the country direct from the Pilnolual OlEoe, Ho. 409 BROADWAY, New York. 0. SMITH &. CO., Sole Proprietors. N. 8. DeMrlptrve Circulars Bent Pre.. A. J. SeaUBLLKB a BON. DaeeoisTS. Aaaaxs.No' .77 B. Ulgb St., beu Frieud and Mound, Cuiuabua, Os Jjj" Anents Wanted werrtvbere. i . nihSB lyisorlatp diiw So. 29 Soath High Street, Columbus, A Be NOW oppbro . tOOO yards Tiavella : Ureal Ooooj at lvalue KMeeBte. -M J.-.- 5300 yards 1 raveling Drees Goods at IS if, wa'ue SO ets. Suoo yard. EngU.b Hereureaat I8X, value BBeenu. lovsi yards Ir.ooti 0r,MUdie at 1H. value SO cants, fiooo yards Past Oolond Lawnaat 10. value ii eeots. 10)10 yards Poulard Dress alike at 37)t, value 40 cents. 1400 yard. Super Plain Blaek Bilk at SI 00. value 81 BS Robe of Organdie Be rage, and aogUih he rag a, at en. nau tnttrvaiM, s , 4 ,?; ..-.,.tt ' RAW SOW, MS ttfeuth HU Street. j 0- . . 11111 ,... f.., 3 00 . rreeaiy , per rear .... A eo ' IF MOTHER WERE HERE. ,. , , My life la so weary, So full of esd pain, 'i Bach day brings Its shadows, ' J ItsmUtandlu rata. ' '1 '1 it Tbere e no ray of sunehtno . ' My pathway to sheer; n 1 Sorrow would vanish . , - . 'i"J If mothsr were here " r. - , 1 tl .- . i; i.y 1 , Seh hope far me blooraltig ' t . - But bloema to deoay, - . Each Joy that 1 trvaaure - ' Boon wither, away. ' ' " ' ' . My drum., full f beauty, ' ' 1 In gloom disappear; . ..!': But soon all would brighten 1 It aotber were here. " -" ' . ' ' ' ; . . 01 lay ay poor head Ia her dear lap one Sure, . . And feel bar srft Angers 1 . Biray lovingly o'er ' ' And eaieh her fond whlrpsri' And glad wetde of oheer; ' But aoou grief would vanish . . If moi her were here, - 1 ' Hew tender her tones ware '' . .How loving and sweet, , As she told ms of life, 1.1" And the trials I'd meet. Yet little I cared then, But little did fear, . for ahe was beside me, My aether tra here. How Sowers bloom above her, And winds In tho graas. Breathe low, ooleaa dirges, As gently they paest - And I'm lefttomuorniier, -With many a war; ' 1 W earth far brighter . If mjih.r wee here. Bat 0! when this lif.'s Jt'Stlsu moments are ptsteS, And I go to abide With the angels at last; Among the rice juys Which In Hcavoo I'll share, Is mother, sweet m ith.r, Who waiteth me th.rel The Legion of Honor. "Are you willine; be should got" "Ana wny boiT ' answered the jourig wife, BumuBiasnoaiiy. -i snonia Ucsplse myself, Adele, if 1 were not wllliog to give my husband to-my country. France needs all her eons io this extremity. I thsnk God I huve Henri to ofi'er oo her altsr." Her sieier sbrngged her shoulders. "Yon al ways were romantic, my dear." she ssld. "For my part, if 1 bad a handsome husband, a splen did eetate io Normandy, a hotel in Paris, dia monds, cashmeres, tquipsee, servants, as you have, I should not be willing to risk them so lightly. Suppose Henri Is killed. You will be a widow, and for a time at lent, can enjoy none of these things " Obi Adele, bow can you talk eo? Has not the good father Licoire been telling us ever sine we were oDiureo, loai toe curse or mod ern times was Its materiatlstio view of life? That to eat, drlok and be merry. remed to ba the whole purpose of existence? That lazary naa corf odea oatlonal virtue f That the days of nuroiBm nu paneaf now ortAQ cat mv bears aweueu sgaiusi tuese impatations, ror 1 will not believe human nature has Bunk bo lowl No, I bare often told him the diviner ptrts of our raoe have not all died out. We are still caps ble, we women, ot making eaorifloe for our countryi and our husbands, fathers, brothers, sone, are still oapable of dying for it I eomd, myseir, u tne occasion eaiiea lor it, be, I hope, a second Joan ot Aro. I never loved Henri half so much as when be eame home the other day and told me that, In this otlsts of Franoe'a late, he bad determined to offer his .word. and. If necessary bia life. We oan die but once. What more glorious than to die in a holy oaueel" And the young wife looked sublime as she Ipoke it. Natalie bsd been married but a year or two. Her beauty, accomplishments and amiability had won for ber at eighteen the heart of the youog Count de Taokervllle, the greatest match of the season, PiSolonaiely attaobed to each other, they spent the hours oontiouilly togeth er; tbey read, they rode, tbey did everything in company. The lite they led was more like an Idyl iohii like a life in modern society and In Paris. In the midst of mis areata oi bites came the news of the retreat from Mosoow. AH Eu rope rose against Franoe. ; The Emperor, beat en back Irom Dresdea 10 Leipeio, and from Lelpsic to the Rhine, was making a last des perate effort to retrieve the fortunes of the na tion. It was in this extremity that the young Count stepped forward. His father had teen a o 'na.iiutiooal royaiist la the last days of Louis XVl.i-acdlhe family had never emigrated; It had never on the other hand, attached itself io the fortunes of Napoleoa. So loog as the great Emperor pursued bit career of conquest, so loog the Tankerists held aloof from him. Hut no, when toe question was not Napoleon, but the nation, the young Count fell that the time had come hin bis country demanded hie services, in new of the dismemberment of Fraoce, what were lands, houses, life Itself. "Save the nationl" waa the ory that rose to every patriotio lip. Womeu brongbt their jew els, men brought their lives. Foremost among these were Henri and his wife. - - - ' "well," said Adele, who waa one of those cold selfish natures tbat could cot understand bow anybody could do anything noble or heroio, "I thliik you aod your hunb.ud are mad. But go your own ways." "1 wisn you were maa in the same way. We are mad as Leonldaa was mad, as Teh was mad,asBcuoe was mid, as every other hero was mad who has died foe liberty. It la not now a question of the Emperor. . It Is a ems tlon of the country. It ia not whether Napo leon shall rsign, but whether Franoe shall be dismembered. It is whether that fcUg of the nation, tbat glorious tri-color whiob waved at Marengo and Austerlits shall be trailed in the dust or shall still bring teara to the eyes of Freoohmen, in ioreign lands, floating from the mastheads." We will not dwell on the psrtiog of husband and wife. Natalia bore up heroically. Not even Lady Russell, when leaving ber lord on the sad morning of bis exeoutlon, controlled herself more nobly, than did Natalie now But when the door had olosed on Henri, when she bestd the clatter of bis horse's feet down the street, then she flung berself on 'ber bed. aad wept as if ber heart were breaking. - ' It was an evenUul winter. A battle was, fought almost daily. Like a Hon in the toils, Napoleon turned first on one and, Ihsn another ol bis foes, and always .unexpectedly. In the brighteet days ot Bia loteiieol he bad never been eo terrible aa now. Henri was foremost in all these terrible battles. Oaoe be saved tbe Emperor's life. ' The cross of tbe lesion of honor soon decked bis breast. He received tbe decoration Irom Napoleon's own band, on tbe very day he beard Natalie had presented him with a son. ua tne genius oi tne fcmperor and tbe valor of his troops were of no avail. Treachery wae at work at Paris while Napoleon was absent in Champagne. Tbe oapltal was surrounded. The Emperor waa forced to abdi cate. -..- ' . Every one knows what followed. Tbe Boor bons oame back, forgetting nothing, aa was said, and lorgtvtog tiotning. "Ah, my bleeding country,' Henri would cry to bis youog wife. At another time it was "Oh, for one hour by the old Eajperor." ai last toe nation oouia oeer it no longer Napoleon landed; the army rose In his favor; the. king fled; a constitution was proolalsesd Qube mote the young, scout buckled on bis aword. Again I sty, go," was the wife's heroio parting, ?and again and again. I will stay at borne ana pray, i wins sometimes ii is naracr for women than Tor men. Yon bare the excite ment of tbe campaign; but we only watt aod wait from one day to soother, we eon only pray aod pray through the sleepless bom ot Abe nlffht. . Do not suppose I say thla. to keep ion baok. . Go, may God crown you with victory, or is reo - .in ...n0t .vId. hei' b.'hnl interrepting, I will etay ,m tbe battle field." r -ifi! " WM ' Prediction. A few days later, w.a..iV . V ,nt eDB 01 lhe terrible .nj . ' ,, P ,D,,r rB" "d to tbe do- r. a i. oown nHl Mln"' replied, "Tbe Tankl. m "", ' ourrenders," Henri de JiT.'11"' flb'lD brarcet, and wurm t miur -11 . i j - Buiia; uauer a -.Did bis Wife r(?r What ana V.,,l.-t. ur. 'nl?b" crle!,,,a o the cruel reproaches times over." she added, with flaeblng ees, "of hnnToP - 7 ?0 ma? nM Prance lo her .rd B. . t,,e?:0I10l, wou!1 either a eow era Of a traitor." , v T Nprdid. she ever think ntia.i.a r. .r. Wuu "V"1"1 -'" eolleiteJ 'ber hand; Henri. Her chief nonr,i.iu t ... nhIM u I . -..m naa HI Mil o ohild, and BttowlBff fata the orose of the legion SLt0T,Wbi0A'li!.flb" h"1 " In battle, point afterward to the portrait which bung over' bead, and bid kirn emulate tbe heroism and pa triotism of tbe departed. "It is a prouder inheriUnce to you, darling," she would say, kissing him pateiouately, "tbun if be had left yon a throne. Think how your near, win glow in years to oome, when you see men pointing te you aad saying; -His father, too, was one of the grand army . . Army Officers. . . j ue joJtuu Jtturnat a. rhs in,,...,, -c the regular army and its officers. ha hen great sLnoe tbe rebellion bmka om. ,Tnu. ... now fout. mr-UeatwaUguoit, . MoClellanM aaU,Ea auu f femoot, aa increase of tbrre Irom 'd 'eiin. 0ere are seven Brigadiers Wool (brevet M.jjr) H.iney, Sumotr, Mans field, Audereon and Koeecrans, an iourease ol far, Gen Twigge having been etHekeo from tbe roll. The Acjutant-General's department bae been Increaseo by making its bead (Thomas) a Brigadier-General, and adding six officers All tbe other departments of the regular army, have bd a considerable ioerease of officers, without, In general, changing their ratk. Tho volunteer a-my to serve for "three years or tbe war," is deelgned to consist of five hun dred thousand men. A few of tbe St i tee have made up tbeir quotas, and all are doing wall for this army, there are four M-jor General Butler, Dix, Banks and Huoir. It is also said that Sherman (W. T.), to Kentucky, has been raised to a Msjw Geueralabip, aod it Is probably true. There aie above eighty Brigadier-Generals lo tbe volauteer army, aod appotut ments are constantly being made. About thirty Colonels are aotiog aa Brigadiera, having re oeived the title by brevet. Tbe following is lbs lateat publiahed list of Brlgadler-fjeceraU: Abcrorombie, J. J. Benhum, Heory W, M or eft, George ivegiey, J J. . Neleou, Wm. Oakes, James Paine, E A. Peck. Jobn J. Pbelpe, J. W. Pjpe, Jobn ' Pjiter, Andrew Porter. Fits John oteeter, Jbouie Biooks, Wo, T, H. Biiell, OonC. ' Burnett, Ward B. Burnelde, AmbruSe E. Butterfield, David Casey, Silas Cooper, James Couch, Darius N. Cox, Jus. D. Crittenden, T. L. Curtis, Lewis R. Davis, Jeff. C. Denver, J. W. Duryea, Abram Ftaoklin, W. B. Gorman, Willis A. Grant, Ulysses S. Hamilton, C. 8. 'Uncock, W. S. Hatch, John P. Heintzleman.S. P. Haor, Jiaeph Howard, O. O, Uulburt, 8. A. Jameson, Ctus. D. Johnson, Rioh. W. Kearnev, Phil. Kelly, Ben. F. Keyee, Erasmus D. Kiui;, Rufus Lander, Fred W. Lxkwood, fj. H. Martindale, John H McCall, Geo. A. McCotik, A. AlcD McClernard, Joou A. MoKiustrv. Justna Premise, B. M. Keyuolde, John F.' ' Reynolds, Joseph J. Richardson, Israel B. Roaseau, Lovell H . Schetek, Robert C. Sedgwick, Jobn Sides, Daniel E, Sigel, Fracs Sherman, Wm. T. 8herman, Thomas W Smith, Chas. F. Smith, Wm. F. Blooum, H. W. Bprague, Wm. Stahl, Julius Stevens, Isaac I. Stjne, Coas H. trong, Wm. K. Stiirgis, Samuel D. Stooemaa, Oeurge Sykes, George 1 homes, Usorge H Thurston, Cbas. M. Todd, JohuB S, Viele, EBbert L. Wadswonb, Jitaes S. Wallace, Lewis Ward, Wm. T. Williimi, A. 8. Wood, Thoe J. Wright, George Mltcbel, O. AI. rasctgomery, W. R. A Sister's Affection. When the army of the Potbmao made ita d vanoc, a lew dsys since, a member of tbe 3lst mew xork Kegiment, picked up, in a place just vacated by the rebels, a copy ol the Riobmood PwiMI.M nf Ik. .. ! . , . r ... auii....c. ui mi: provi ma wee, irom wnion we dip the following touching iceident; 'One of those affecting incidents occurred at the departure of tbe Yankee prisoners for New Orleans, tbat whether concerning friends or foes, must move the stoniest heart. A youog lady, ui iiunueru uirtu, wno nas neen sometime a resident of this 8 Late, and, having a lucrative occupation, preferred to remain here after the war broke out, discovered, by some means, that cer orotoer was amoog tne prisoners in tbe city. 8be bad made several applications aod attempts to see him. Owins tO tha nSMi. slty of military law in suoh a case, ber mast ur gent request baa been refused. For eome weeks tne poor gin naa been too unwell to leave her home, but wn recovering, and sitting at her window, Just as tbe prisoners passed by, on their way to toe uepot "An Impression seised her that ber brother was among tbea, though a separation of sever al years and the difference ol dress and circum stances rendered recognition difficult. A mis giving, however one of those impulses of the heart that are not to be st fled jaused ber to start to' her feet, and hastily throwing on her shawl aod bonnet, she summoned a friend and burried to tbe depot. There tbe guard was eo watch! ul and tbe line so strict, that she was unable to approaoh within ten yards; but with straining eyes and anxious love, did tbe poor girl endeavor to scrutluitd each probable form, until a mutual gage met bers, sod revealed the Objeot of ber eearoh. Her brother recognised her, Darting forward, but repulsed by the guard, eaoh preoloua moment threatening to sever them, perhaps forever, who can judge of the agony of the poor stricken sister! Some ol the bystanders, becoming interested in tha scene. used their Influence to permit a eaesaag- to be conveyed to the prisoner. . 'Ob! Is tbere airy, thing lean do for him!' she (xeklmed. But the wants of the prisoner wars lew Wuh in.a ol liberty, what else could avail blmT 'Take him thia,' said she, 'it is all I have lu tie world.' And she handed him a small. vn email packet. So they passed to the pr.eoner a lew Qillitr bills, with eome small change, not knowing whether tbe poor boy would ever fiud need for it, or an opportunity of spending it . "Soon tbe cars were ready. Open oars, with teat) . arranged upon them, and a boarding roood the edge lor seourity. He took bis seat with the reai, In full view ol bis sobbing sinter, aod tbe oars began to slowly move. With an irre sistible Impulse she datted forward. Svmpatay governed stronger than law the crowd who weie watching the departure; an opening was made through the guard, and she reached ble band Ooe grasp, so firm, so tight, was fastened unon tho band tbat she was drawn along tbe track, as the quickening motion of the engine was uear. lng ber long absent brother yet further from her preeenee, and not until ber arm was nigh strain ed from ber bndy, and "be poor prisoner ea he ivaueu uiuiaeir, sowara ner was In danger of being dragged irom the car, could that loog loving grasp be loosened." . , - ( ITEK blu8H SrHIPKO !.! M V an a uvt .a j i ..- ... .- . Ha, hi new unaig-na II ,J igf t aioe 1 uu. 1S"0 yards Super Plata Blaek Bilk at SI 00-VeJu 81 SSaya.d. . Irenoh Merinos, noeal Talus 8714 e's a yard. ' - 7 cant vara I wu a y rd . . : t , . , BAIN A (ON, ? oot'S Wo-ST South High Street., MINK MTJPIB. TIOTORINIB sndCDrPB we are new selling al very low prises, al all other kinds Sashlonabts far.. pitb bans. dcl. K.S8 Seath High as. . Invarlablj'.ia Idpanof; joisrerts flABDWABESTOIlIJ .iii siIj io 'f .V.U" ( ' '. .'JUST RECEIVED BY"! V,b,s -,. I ftynh No. 30 .forth High1 Oireet, One ol the Largest ana Best tVeetel' Ateeri''0'' .; i " ; w : :.. -i ;"t.ii j cwY. f 1; .' :.,. lo i'j-i.jjfc'l rtl " .. i e- . . :; .",f.,.at.;t 7o:wj Ho8?e J BuiWers'; ; tokMns OP KViiRP BTTL1 AND tJOALITlj'; Is - 't t'rencn Ac American . I ........... ... . .... attP ,1 Window 41 Grltuom . - - ' ' . i I j 8 1'AiNla ouotjaiD i:4 oyi, u()J and pet up In half pound cans. for. family U4,andeiy ; PatntelBbBlk. i .' ,"Bi: i : tif UBhes of every Variety & Quality. . A: Splendid Aseoctssent of ' " MACHINISTS -TOOLS. J A K 1(1 AGE MATERIADS. -lr; : AXES GRINDSTONES, Vo. -' guns, pistols, sirop1 i'J .0 FISHING TACKLE.' it .; ROPE CORDAGE; LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER, , BELTINGr. ; ; , -V EDGES, MAULS, PUMPS, .y f, ,v-., AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SCYTHES, Jkc, : : .'.o '!;!!.-: V- SCALES, BELLS', CHAIN b Arable and Pocket Cutlery. i srpeelilly invite the attention of all Interested to my ruiok ot Poosot and Table Cutlery, ead ' ' - - siiveii PLATED roKsts, ' Table, Desert, and Tea. Spoont, Butter Knives, '&'ol9Z Jl .OaEttltu a BBO'S. AlaDufaoture, warranted tat be fjtra heavy, Blectro-Plated.on genuine Albatta. ., tioautry Mt rchants, Mechanic, and others, are Invited .oeall and examine my Stock, as I am prepared to holeaaleandketaU. ' W.TI. A. Gil I, " ' SolantbGa, Ohio, May B, 1800. . . '" i ti PROF. t. MILLER'S HAIR INVIGORATOR An ESbctive, Safa and EoonotoioeJ Compoand, . 4 FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR . .i . . ii 1 To Ita original oolor without dyeing, and prevetitln , Balr from taming gray. . FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, , , Atd ouring It, when there Is the least particle of vttit or recuperative energy remaining. FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUK And ail cutaneous affections of the Scalp. - FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR. ' Imparting to It an aneqaled gloss and brill tansy, making It eoft and silky In its texture, and eausina it to ear readUy. 'i'be great celebrity and Increasing demand for this rib equaled preparation, oonvlnoes the proprietor that ooe trial ia only nruessary to aati.fy a disoerning public of Ita superior qualities over any other preparation in as, i, oicansos the hoad and scalp from dandruff aod ether cutaneous diseases, causing the hair to grow luxuriantly fuln it a rich, eoft, gloeay and flexible appearance, an also, where tne hair ia looeeningand thinning, it will riv atreogth and vigor to tbe root, and re. lor. Lhe growth to bose parts which have become bald, causing it to yield resh ooverlng of hair. Tbere are hundreds of ladles and gentlemen in 'New If otk who have bad their hair reatored by tbe use of this Invlgorator, when all other preparations has tailed. L. Si. lias in bis possession letters Innumerable testiiyta to tne above facts, from persons of tne highest redswta billty . It will e&ectualiy prevent the hair from to ruing until the lateat period ol lite; and in case where the hair has already changed it. oolor, the use of the Invigorato, will with oertamty reitore it to it to its on'uai hues Hiv ing it a dark, glossy appearance. A. a perfum lor the toilet and a llatr Beatoratlve It Is particularly recou " mended, having an agroeatile fragrance; and ta great a ' ailitles it affords in dressing the hair, whioh, when motet with the Invlaorator, oan be dressed la aay reqojred form so as topreaerve lis plaoe,wtteUiarpUanor in curls henoe tbe great demand fork by the ladies aa a ataodjud toilet article which none ougnt to be without! the price places It within the reach et all, being r , JK , Only Xwenty-FiTt) 3ont pel buttle, to be had al u taepeetable Dragglsi and i'ertamerr,..; . ,..,: L. MILLKA would call the aUentioaof Paseaej aod Ouardiana to the use of his Invigoraur, ta cases whetex the children's balr Inclines to be weak. The ase of it ays the foundation tor a good head of hatr, as It re morns any impurities that may have Iwouaee eoMeeted ' with tne soalp, lbs removal ut wnich . la nriiassij k for the hialth of the child, aad the future appaaraoe ef ilsUair. - - ' ..." O.OTtoB None genuine wlt'uc it the fae-riau fcOUU . MllililiH being on tne outer wirier; also. L. Mrr.. LKtt'e UAltt IJiVluOriAiLiH, ... i'., blown :la the glass. ' Wuolenle Depot, 58 Dy rtt, tzi soli by ell tha principal tkerohaais and DruxsUa. iian)ibnt the world iaioorai wawHui. w parauiuier. try mh. quaintly. . . . I also desire to present to in am len Pabtic mj ' ' -' xw Airo mPBOVKD - wirrmAjrraTT LIQUID HAIR DYE, ' '' hloh, kfiet years ot gcitintlAc exierimeattng, I have " brought to perfection. It dyea Black or Brown Instantly ' wlthouitnjury to the Rill or Skla; warranted the ee.1 arttole of the kind in exiaumc. PRICE, ONLY.SU CENTS. V Depot, 56 Day - St, .New.. Tork ocUuuiAwLy. : SXTaAOBOINASf .- 8AaOAH$- .' -1 A TXT Jtr. AlS3r:- -" " no. sa sooth', naa ,irex, ; ..'..- ABi N O W OF Jf K R I N 4 . 1,000 yards Si er ?Ulu Black Sluts at t)100 Vale's , I 80 rr yrd- ' ' 8,50ti yards Traisi.Lg Dress and jUantl ; Oeeds , ' 18 ! oeut v.1.1 20 eea s per yard. .'. 3,000 yards While Brllllantee at It 1S eeaU . valu. iiOocnt. terjard. ' ' " ',, : , . . , . .. ' . -? J. . j SiOCO yards Tina and Domesrie Glaghams greatly ea der value..- .l , i.-- i. ''' !-;,-.' ,-Al.SO v. SuiJ Oil Svu LAROB USD DESfRABLB, tOTS'6jf"" KOZASIBIQTCS. tjAUJOBDttS.r" -"-t"1 -y'J , caALits, rofftAJU. bilw; ' , ; raousa BAaioEs,'umAs,;'', '' vi . I - IASas. cALioaiUi', f opukb, :- "l" ; and; aluio'ti. .'. Nsyw Bind Fevahkrablw Creajaj Aaosatl. la the most desirable style ant at. very lower prtoMw . ATI'S: JL&XM'Xti't ,i,,J Of all aier'al, Bade ta the most stylish' manner efte"1'" lbs mteal Paris Pashkms ta taost elegant styWn' 7.a. 91V I W ? xasy SO-i't..,i)t'Mi.'i-. 1 ' i' f ' --BAtrfior,;:,'u4 '.'sr..: SS Saath lllsh street. ' n i l in i mn-tJ MALTESE A Til It BAD kVACR MlTTSf of elegant qaallthM for ldiei also, Mimm' Will, a great ve' BAIN'S. aatyOS