Newspaper Page Text
TUESDAY MORNING,, NOV. 12, 1861. Rail road Time Table. UrxiA Hum ft Owasvsefc Xuru X. B. ' ; J J " " Leaves. Arrives Night Ilimu, via Dayton, 8:00 A. 11. 3 3 A. U UluetnuU iKmnodumii. 9:10 A. U. KlVll P. M Dai Emma 1.U P. Uw Si 00 P. M Mill and Aooommodstlon.. 4:00 P. if. 13:15 P. H - .', . Jmo. W. Dohtv, Agent. OubOMlDI GutvsuXD E. K. Night lxpress I..S:5(1A. M. . 1:30 A. M . 9:15 P. M. 1:30 P. M New York Express Jas ,Armsoii,'Afeni Cax rr. On 10 II. Might lxpress..... Dayjtxpresi...... . 4:00 A. M. " 1:30 A. M . .t0 P. M. 1:30 P. M W. J. Fill, Agent rrrmvaen, Oor.tmsrs a Oikcixhati R. B. ' Mall Train 4:00 A.M. 1:80 A. M apiest Train,.,.., 12:85 A. M. 1:30 P. a " Jos. Bosiirsoa, Agent, Cultjmsos a iKouxoroui, B. R. (OolOMSCS PlOOa ft IltOMNA R. bo no. 1 Express 0:00 A. M. 13:00 M . No. 8 " J.00 g. 11. 6:40 P. M .i , 0. W. Shitb, Agent LOCAL MATTERS. Motor fe Co.'i Colleok. The evening oUas of tbia institution will oommenoe on Moo- day evening at 7 o'clock) for tbe purpose of glv lug Instruotlon lo Bookkeeping and Writing.-- Terms tot twenty lessons la writing $3, 2wd. Council, Pocmdmos. Tho CltvCoonoll met last' evening President Donaldson la the Cbilr. Miputei of last evening1 read and ap proved. ' PETITION PRESENTED By Mr, Smith Of D. Davis end others for s sewer on Hickory Alley, running from the west side of Fourth street, west to the Third street sewer. Referred to the First Ward Com mlttee. " 'J",."..',".. " ' ' ORDINANCES PASSED. To assess a special tax of thirty-three cents and eight mills on each foot front of the real state bounding .on' the north side of Division atrset from new street to Poor Home lane. To assess a tai pf forty-four cents and five mills on the south side of said Division street and within the same limits. '' ' ' - - - RESOLUTIONS OFFERED. By Mr. Smith Directing City Civil Eojtt- i prepare a plat and estimate) for grading lOi i utreet from Washington avenue' to Pike ttfttt. Adopted. By - Mr Butlh Requiring the owner or owners of in-iot No. 18 in Win. Donnison, Jr.'s subdivision of out let No. 13, to pave the side walk In front thereof en Rich street, by the Sd doy of December next. Adopted. - j Adjourned. 1 : t'"' ; Aa Unfortunate Aryan An unfortunate shooting sffir occurred on Sunday evening, In a grocery kept by Michael Fallon near the-depot, a short distance west of the St. Paul Hotel. A squad of soldiers, belonging to Col. Caisino ton's Regiment entered the grocery by foroibly breaking open the door. The cause of this vi olent entry was, we understand, the refusal of Fallon to give" up gun belonging to one of the soldiers of the regiment, of which he, Fal lon, had, atari' early hour In the evening, ob tained posseesjon. ", .. . f After the soldiers had effected their entrance, tho.guo was again demanded, and Fallon still persisting in bis refusal to give Itnp.ooeof the soldiers fired at hiin, sending a ball through the tight aim near the shoulder, and slut'.erirg the bone. 1 '- The soldiers then took tbe wounded man out of tbe house, and were proceeding with him down High street, when tbey were met by Col. Cahrinoton, who took Fallon into his carriage, and conveyed him back to bis house Yester day morning ,lbe arm was amputated olose to the shoulder by Drs. Gay, Dburt and Loving. We have beard different and contradictor; statements as to the origin of this unfortunate affair. It Is time that some means were devis ed, if possible, to prevent collisions, between soldiers and citizens. The prospect Is that we are to have a camp or camps in our vicinity for some time to come; and it Is therefore incum bent on both our civil and military authorities to guard against tbe repetition of similar scenes. , l . ' "-j i ET"He that providcth not for bis own house," eto. The reader undoubtedly remembers the balance of the text, and will take good care that it has no personal application to himself. Ho will, therefore, see to It that his house Is comfortably warmed, and well supplied with the te cessary cooking and kitchen ntensils. Stoves and Tinware for these purposes oan be obtained of E. B. Armstrong, No. 17 East Town street, whose card appears in another col umn. A Chaplain Arrmtid Chaplin Brown; of the Ohio 7th, has been placed under arrest by order, of Col. Tylrr, -A difficulty originated between: them about the. time of the affair at Cross Lanes, the Chaplain censuring the Colo nel severely in a letter, for that disaster. . - ...... Thi ErnQr' Sordino at Zanisvilli The telegraph-operator at Zineavllle has published the following card: J.' . A Casd. As I have been accused of being the author", of the dispatoh published In the SiaU Journal of yesterday morning, I deem it advisable to make tfle following explanation: On Wednesday evening (6th inat ) two gen tlemen of high standing .in this community, came into my office and stated that there was considerable excitement ' tip street caused by burning an effigy of President Lincoln. Tbey wanted to send . an account to the Associated Preset-- Being - 'a reporter for -the Associated Press, and fully believing the statement to be true, I told the operator sit Clnolnnall In oon versatlon about it, bat had no idea that it would bt published, as I had discouraged the sending of the dispatch when requested to' do so. " Oar regulations prevent me from making pub lio the names of the persons who wrote tbe dis patob, even If I was so disposed. -'' r' '- ' , J. D. HOGE, Operator, Zanesville. ZANESVILLE, Nov. 8th, 1861. Cssir Dinmbon. Three tq regiments arrived at Camp Dennison last week. There are now nearly six thousand troops on the ground, as toUom '-''-'i'i'-'s'- -! -'i t - Slet ReglWol. UatUuwiw.V.V.'...'977 men. 4Ut Keglmeat, Ool. Uuao, bout..,,,..U50 lBih Saylment, Col. lieitty,about..,.'..,.l.ooO n ' SSd lUilnent, Ool. Sergeant, About.. .t... no ' 8ih Regiment, Ool. Sullivan, about......... Too ' Mtk KeRlmeot, Ool. Bmitb, about 700 ' let Artillery Ool Barnett, (J batteries,) 700 ', " , Oltv Btlter, Capt. Ujman.u.. ............ do 'X One Company, 7m Caralr... 100 .' ioi.;L::,;...:::..;..;.i..i.w:.!;: Workmen are busily engaged in constructing winter quarters for the troops. ,, Ten large build. logs, Intended to accommodat one hundred men eooh, aire now completed, and it it expect' ed that within the next fortnight Jwenty more of the same kino; fll be fjnlshed. , These quar; vers are each one hundred feel long by twenty. .Aw;!ndiiew and verv eomforUble. hTeree torts arsito bt .1.JiU-yJ.t.'n'41Jil:' .'"-A .611 ivJi JtAOayi rjf.',W z a k'K.: LlMlMs.i tT T Wisconsin tegitaent the Tenth and Eltventh go Into Ksntncky this week. Col. Gioros W. Mosoan. We are glado bur thai this gentleman baa been appointed Brigadier-General. This Is an appointment fit to be mado." General Morgan served his coon try with distinotlon in tha war with Mexico, and was wonnded at Molino del Rey. If we could have a few more snob, appointments there would be no danger of any more Ball's Bluff disaster)'. ST Mrs. Mat Pkil'i Minotrels, at Armory Hall, were greeted with a full house last even ing. Tbulr performances, for their variety and excellence, were exquisite. They perform again to-night with an entire change of programme. ' We trust their effort to amuse during these times of universal gloom, will be duly appreci ated, and that the Hall will bo again orowdod this evening. It will be prudent la those doslr Ing convenient scats to procure them early. [Communicated.] Madame Constanz. Ma. Editor: Allow me to call the attention Of the citizens of Columbus, or those who ad mire good singing and dancing, to the perform anoes of the above lady, who takes a boueUt this evening (Tuesday) at Apollo Hall, High Street. This lady has appeared before large and appreciative audiences both In Europe and America, and bss invariably received enco miums of a high character. We dropped in with some friends a few evenings since, and were highly entertained. In New York, Cln olnnatl and St. Louis, we are informed, she has met with well merited soooess. Here she bag appeared exclusively before a German andience among whom she Is moatly known; but who bavs taken no pains to give general publicity to her merits. Wetrnstthls brief notice may answer the do1 sired end, and this evening we shonld be glad to sea Madame Constanz reccivo such a flat' terlng testimonial of her worth, as a Columbus Z. DT Tbe ground was oovored with snow to the depth of five Inches at Cheat Monutaln Summit, on Wedneeday last. O Capt. Bmooi, with seventy-two men re eruited at Maseillon, Stark county, passed through Zmesvllle, on Saturday last, on the way to join the Sixty first Regiment at Lancao ter.'. . Bad Powdrr. A correspondent of the Ciu clnnatl Oautte writing from Nolin,,Ky., the 9th lost., says: . ' The ammunition furnished at Columbus for tbe battery of Barnett's artillery, on duty here, proves to be ot a very inferior quality. Two obarges have to be need for a single discharge, and even then the projectile force Is hardly what that of one ought to be. The State Quar termaster should see to this. .. , . j, 17 The office of the County Clerk of Marion, county, III., was recently entered by burglars, and tbe 'strong box' of the Agricultural Sooiety oarriedoff. It oontalned but ten dollars: the Society is expeoted to survive it. . MILLIONS OF MONEY For an Inch of Time! WAS ONCE THE EXCLAIflATION OF a (lying Queen. Tbat Inch ot time cm be procur- a much cheaper rate, and many long years of HEALTH AND HAPPINESS ' enjoyed by consulting Sr. MERRYWE tTIlER, irbo curing tbe moat obitlnata and long atiindlng dleevee of Ibe LUNGS, 11BIRT, LIVER. KiDNKYd, 11LAD- DBR, BIOMaOH RUEUMAIIrtM UISRABEd PECU LIAR TO FEMALR8, SKIN DISKASEd, AND ALL AJFECTIOMS 0! IUB BVB AND KaR. . Facta are Stobbwrn Tbloga! Hear what the Philadelphia comepondent eajt In the "Onmmonwoalth," Wilmington, Velawaie, Din of April lBJlfc '"- -' . "An Engllih gentleman, formerly connected with the Brltlih Army, and who tiylee hlmaelf tbe 'Indian Bntanio Phyaiclan ' baa of late glned an exienelve repu tation here by hie eklll In curing all manner of cum plalnte. Some of hie pattenta I have convened wuh. and tbey pronounce his rtmedlee and mode of treatment as very eaperlor. Some have been restored aa If by magic. Tbe medicine he utea la distilled by himself from vartoua herbs possessing rare curative properties. "While acttog in tne army he devoted his leisure mo ments to a thorough study of tht effects produced by certain medicinal roots and berbe on all manner of dis eases. It seems he hue found a sura and speedy reme dy for all the 'ills that flesh is heir to.' Bis practice la alrrady extensive and Is dsllr Increasing. In tbe oom plaints to which females are subjected, he has no equal as a lartte number here have testified that they owe nut only their present good health, tut their lives, to the skill of this Indian Botanlo Physician." Office 37 East State Street, Columbus. . augl7-d3m . 1 ' Coinmks Wholesale Liquor Store LACELLE ROSS & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS,' " IUPOUTEBS AND DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Wines,' Brandies, to. to. ALSO, OLD RYE, M0N0NSAI1ELA li BOURBON l . WHISKY. WABaHorjfiit And opficb, sj south man gx., ; ..COLUMBUS, OHIO. senBdJyls .,, , onauToniia nxs. SltRMI CWTTSNDKN. FINE & OHITTENDEIT, . COUNSELLORS AT LAW, CO "Waall - street, ... .- (Offloes ef Oily Judgs.) "' - , . . NE W YORK. 's: Ktm to -' . lion. James Honcrief. N. T. Snpsrior CourU .,L . Bod. H. B. Payne, Cleveland, 0. ' Bon. B II. Hunter, Lancaster, 0. . novS-iiiB - . .. . , EAGLE JJRASS WORKS, f: r Corner Spring & Water 8t., Oolumbuo, onto. W. B. POTTS & OO j I IVEi CO I't'TNTIgSTTQ, tal MaDOfactnrere of Bras n4 Oomposltloo Oastlnrr- ! glnlabed Brass Wotkof all DctcripUom. -; Electro, . Plating aiifiGrildiiis i m" mnciL CUTTING, c. - hbi'ai-ojy tdi$Hi-; lid an of of al if of . THE LATEST NEWS THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH From all Parts of the World. REPORTED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN. WAR FOR THE UNION. Good News from the Fleet! Beaufort Captuerd! UNION TROOPS IN POSSESSION OF THE CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD!!! Halleck Supersedes Hunter. Halleck Supersedes Hunter. George W. Morgan appointed a Halleck Supersedes Hunter. George W. Morgan appointed a Brigadier-General. Torchlight Procession! Guvandott. Va., Burnt! Guvandott. Va., Burnt! FIGHT ON THE PLAINS--REBELS ROUTED. From Washington. Wasuinotom, Nov 10 Gtn.Sco't's staffing been assigned as fullow.: Col. Culluui lu --till' ol ftlajer GtnernI (Ullpck, with v,uk of Bn-adier-Uoneral ; Col Van Rensselaer sutceedj Col Scott as Iunpteior-Geofral; Cul. li imil'nn cm the staff of Geo. McClellao; Majur Wuglit Ukti commend ol' his regimtut Atnooe the recently apijoiDttd Br!ffariier.;pn. erala are Morgan, ol Ohio, aud C i. Pnliip bt. Georgo Cook, who reivntly hrotirjht Wilier big eivairy troops'lrom L'tib. ile is a r.aiivo, tir.d appointed from Virginia. Aa official diapaicb from Chilttcique JuUl, VirginU, shows tbut tho U. 3. stcaruer Lomi- ana baa been active. A part; lrom her, with Volunteers from inland, went up a criolc one mile or more, ana louna aud destroyed a schow er end two sloops, without the less ot a man. Advices from bt. Louis state thitt M ij. Fin ney, who loft Bpriugheld, Wo . with Geo. Fro moot, brought away a cheat with about Uli'M. 0U0, having faikd to pay off tlie tronu.),- Tin money has been sccuicd, and tho M j r arret ed and returned to SpringCelii. Under tbe circumstances, the action' at Bel mont, Mo., is considered hlghlv creditithlo to our troops, and tbe credit ci a brilliant move ment is due Gea. Grant. A diipatch lrom Western Vir;riti id.iv hxh Gen. Roeecrans and command arc In a 1,-iu con dition and prepared to reocive tho enemy, nnd are confident of success. [Herald's Dispatch.] The Government has lesned Dermita to Dir. ties In Rhodo Island to Undo with hviil cituens the Southern coast; Vesncls are fltt'ns out for that purpose, loaded with- supplies of van ous kinds, among which are sale, clothina end other articles ct necessity, which, it ij.cxoc'z'.cd will bo exchanged lor cotton, laid it a now feature in Government colicy, and emt lend to Important result. - - aenatjr bimmons ol Khodo I:-uad Laa been tbe principal mover In this matter. It miy be that these vessels and others low flttiu cut will also follow the expedition; uud aa eoou na opeuing is made and a permanent f oot'iD? obtained lo South Carolina or Ueorgin, oroes cotton will be at once shipped to Lirrr'poul and tther points. TbU U a very impnti'int movement and has the lull an tiii ol tlie.Guv- eroment. ' Mujor Hallec!: ii ui c.uj i.ctli.t.l to tho comnuud of tlie Denartmrd'. of tho West, and Geu. Buoll (o Keut'ickr. TI,o selection ol Gen. Hillock was murie at tho fujication of ien. McClellan, and it cuuqt to lan a btluro the predbut couditioa of uu'iiu in thut Dooarc- mcnt, under thisablo and experienced Gcuorikl, will aeauue a satisfactory cauditiou. ibe non-reception of news lrom the navy ex pedition throueh rebel eotirues is coueidiin.'i it the Navy Department us evidence thit hj,13 factory results have been attained. . , , There was an extraordinary Cabinet moetin on Saturday night. General McClellan was present . . . , . Nu aulhentio information lias hceu peca-lred that the rebels werj wcakeniii" their lorcts on tiie lower Potomac. [Times Dispatch.] la three vecks there will bo half a million Federal troapj in the Cold. It, is rumored that the rtbol pickets have been extended all along our lines, bur. it is be lieved to bo only a feint, cavcrlnc ttio wlthdUff- of tbelr troops to the coast. . . , ' Ooverumeat has resolved to release o pirole two hundred and fifty pri-oncru, rarr, of thosu captured at Ilattaras, t j proceed Eoat'o "ou sim ilar miiiaiuua. If they succeed, two huodi-ed and fifty Union prisoners, now in tha South, will soon be returned to ns, and the crincinlo and manner of a full exchange of pridoaors will bo fully establiebed. Government is about to send moncv,cloth!n! and comforts to Union prisoners iu tiio South, the Confederates co-operale in ibo uiei.tute. An arsirer to such a proposition will bo had from Richmond in a few days. ' [World's Dispatch.] General orders have been issued di.tct;nr: punishuient by certain death in future tj be visited on any soldier found bleeping on his post. There is no littlo indlzuntlon felt here Ij ofldial circles, at the attempt ot Gei . Frviriom'd friends to iiiumidate Uovernment by the fabrt-L CNition of dispatches bom pubi-c and private, re specting the etate ci leeling in too wsatern army, not warrauted by foot. If the. reports wkiicb reached here bo true, the Government ai Olio time had tbe alteruative pre-oiited the.n of mutiny or disperaion of the army. ua lesJ Gen. Fremont was rcliavcd in cofnmaud has been found ttmt Fremont's frieuds have been managing telegraph aud newspaper ourrts pondents iu camp. Tbe correspondent of the bt. Louis Republican is knoffn to be t'je author most of the bogus dipatcbs, and it seems that he has been liding and living at t!io Gov ernment expense for some time. It 1.1 S'tid that be will be arrested. a [Tribune's Dispatch.] Government has contracted for the manu'ao ture of a large number of tho be-t SpncgnVd rifled guts, and also fur breach loading ones, to be made la this country. These, together with contracts anthorized abroad for lmmediato use, will soon givo a sufficient supply for all prcaeui. and future wants ot tbe army. Geo. Ileintzelman, from the k't, wiugof tho army, confirms tbe report that tho rebel troop are leaving the Lower Potomao au.1 moving southward, seemingly to Carolina lad Georgia, which is the looked-for. effect of a dejeem" ou the Souihern coast. Washinoton, Nov. 11. There is mo. intoDSo excitement here to hear further particulars iu regard to the Great Expedition. Groundless rumors are circulating that Charleston has been bombarded. No intelligence has beca received in afl7 quarter up to noon to-day, additional to what has already been telegraphed. ', Col. Frank P. Blair leaves hero to day for Missouri to Join his regiment. . , . . "Misapprehensions bavinc txialed touoMnir the Postmaster-General's order of in 3Ut of Uctober, puslmasters will recoguizs it as fel lows: -- - The certlficato of soldiers', letters may be signed by any acting field or staff ofHoerio the service of tbe United Stttton. aa wpII n th ma. jur, du neu aucu ccr titled letters maybe for- warueu wnnous pre payment or posUgo, wtioh must, nowever, oe collected at the cflice of de livery, as before. ' - , , - L JOHN A. KASSON. First Assiaunt-Poatmaster Gen'l.. . Grand lorohlight prooession-teright by Genr riUi.V. iulmminl in . il? u uuuui vi. kuu . aocersioB of, McClellao to command of the army. .. They baited at. McClellan's residence, ercetlfla? him1 with load cheers,. -.'.; SsoretMies Beward and Camcren,'nJ Gta, Blenker spoke Missouri Dispatches. [Correspondence of the St. Louis Democrat.] . Roll, Mo., Nov. 9. A portion of the force sent out under Col. Grusel Into Texas county, to cliittfhao the rebels who have for some time in icutcd thit scotiou,. returned bere yesterday, brining nine prisoners, five hundred bead of c alio uud forty horses and mules, tbe property of aimed rebels. - Among the prisoners are Spencer Mitchell, Quartermaster, and Lieui. Col.. Taylor, luupector ot Gen. MoBride's brig adit. - Dcfor a leaving Houston, Col. Grnsel issued this proclamation: To tha people ef tht town of Ihuiton and coun'ij of 'ltdi, Miitouri: I have this day placed upon your beautiful Court House tb lhg of our Union- I leave it in your charge and protection. If taken down by rebel bands, 1 will return here and pillage every bouse in the town owned by secessionists or those who sym- patuizo with, tuo rebels. Any outrage t) creat or committed upon Union men or tueir fami lies, wiit bo returned on the secessionists two. fold., Prooertv taken from. Union mea- In or out of the county, must bo relumed immediate ly. I hereby give the rebels ten days to make 1 -II . I . ' ... , I L II. f! I. guuu ait nimeb nuBiaiueu uy uuiou lamiues in Tt-x is county. I neglected the eonsequeeces will lio uoou their own heads. I shall soon return to your county and see timt this proclamation Is complied with to the li'vier. It' you wait for me to execute it, I will N. GRUSEL. Col. Commanding Expedition. RjttA, Mo., INov. 11. AH dur 'sick; and wouiided iu Sxiutifio!d. able to be moved, were to leave there on bturda merit lor ef. -Louis, and orders had been frlven to have the rest start ai ooo as they are able. .... . , v.,.; P. ioo had faUeu back eight tuiles from Case. villo, dhi the Htate line, and was moving town:' it was Deiicvca to oeteiiuijiy avccrtalu. e l thitt'liis policy wan to lead our army on. but not O tight. Ilia djuigu is merely to keep a i:irf;e i..rco nitre nn as to draw our troopj from tue Mississippi viillev; - Tho gcucrl coMcf hills caiup wu that St. Louis would f )&ii be iu ibo luucio of tie rebels lidtn Colbmbui, lit. i . I here b.r! be,,ii a florid anl of troublo sbout I'ivn i:t'.:liJir.t;' 10,1 LuleY and o'her corps, aud Ueu. it ii!-r u..ii "ivuti peirnsion to onners to search our campa anii reclaim them if they c?uld find lhm ' . . '. The tuu iuiriu! uieutbora ot I'roinoLt'o body fi ird li id lelurLed to tf(j iti;fi(gtd from Cass viUe. They report Price, force to be abont thirty thousand ttrong, v. lib thirty pieces of ar lilUiy, twelvepieeeH of which had recently been lecuitred from Memphis, whence other supplies wee bciug received. . ' Kaness Citv, Nov.' 11. This morning at ten A. M., Col. Anthony, with one huudrcd and fifty taouiited men, was sttieked on an open prH-rie, i.bout -ten miles from this nlnce, by six ln.Ldrcd r'bels nuder command of Uplon Hays. A; tr;' a dt-'pirato tiuggle,.the rebels retreated, j-kjii hh lief in the woods, lrom which they f t. ti u aiu routed., Cul. Anthony then fell b;k u six uiilei,- to await reinlorcementB, v !i:oh v II cpetdily be forwarded to him. Thid U suppli ed to bo the same band of reb v't; tunt cap;urel part of Capt. Scliild's compa ny c.' Fremort Hussars, near Li'tlo Santa be. ;: ' .- I; ij s".M lUut there are upward of a thousand arint teset eijoist in this conuty. ' ' Beaufort Taken by the Federals. FoR'iKSis- .Monroe, Nov. 9. The ferry-boat Com. Perry arrived this morning from the expo diiioo. She ul si(;ht of the fleet on Friday, off Bull Bay) the Quel, bearing toward Port Roy al. The C tptain knows nothing of the reported Ir.a of the Union and other transports The Perry was disabled, end coold not proceed furth or.. The Mijfijwor w.trf soudo dioLauco behiud the fleet wit'i a signal' of dittresi flying. The Captain thinks It could not bnvo reiched its destination, "', A lLg 01 truce uirived to day. It brings uotliiriy 1,0111 the great expedition. The Twentieth iodiana Regiment r:ll return to Old Point. - " , Ren jrt B;ivs tho pilot of a :cbtl steamtir said to unQ ot toe hundd of a Federal steamer that Boauwrt had been taken. .. ' ' Aa urrivr.l from tlie fleet wji hourly expect ed. ', ra.-uroKersby tho Old Point boat say. the Richmond Enquirer ef Friday contains a dis pivtch from ChiktleaO::', dated Wednesday, sim ply announcing tint tho l'aeral Uooys had iaii'k-d ut two points and were marching inland. It d'ten not ety at what points. Tho cflioers of the rebel &is of truce refused to eive intormati .n, but the wheelsman told a pallor that Baaufnit was in pos3es-ion; of the Fedcrala, nnd the National flag was flying from tae uourt uouse.- t Tho gunboat Young Rover, arrived from Cupe Fear, reports the steamer Governor in dis- trojj, and her machiucry disabled. The rest of tho deer, is auppo3od to be eafe. The reporter nay: I have just learned from a 11 ig 01 truce tbit our troops stormed and captured two forts at Beaufort. . . ' Arrival of the Santa Fe Mail. and Cat sou City expreis arrived at this .place yes terdav. brmg.m; Sjnt Fe dates to the 26th ult., and . S5U(I(J iu gold dust. There were no thritigU'p:kS3i?ngers and no iiws of iinportance. The umila lrom Waahingtan were arriving very irregularly, Specie bad become verv soarce in the Territory, and none could be obtained. Cp. W. V. Louis, of tho Fifth Infantry, Is appointed Pi'ovobt M ti.hal of Santa Fe and vi- eiuiiy. Snow had fallen ia Suuta Fe and the TfeatJcr was very cold. Marion, Not. 9. A shocking murder was cosiuiittd live miles caul of this place last niijhi abjut seveu o'clock. Whilo Mrs. Levi Uieh was sittiug iu her room knitting, some one tired ut her through tho window; one ball I'iJSjd thrO'.inh her breast end lodged under the skiii of her b ici, aud auotiier ball and seven shots tiruck tue wall at 1) -tr side, lane died about au hour aftervrard. N.) clue as to tho perpotrstar. ' T .. ', :: Maryland Election. iBiLTisioitsNov. 10 Tho full roWr'iis of the Marj-laud eieetiou thow but one rebel Sen tor aud fcix UelecatdS elected. ' Tbe House sands eixtv-eigbt Un'on and six rebels. The Senate stands inirtoea Uuliio. and eight robuU. reveu of the latter are of the number who hold over, aud six of thorn represent- strong Union counties. Bradford's msj'nity IS about thirty tuounaud. Maryland Legislature—General Wool Will Not Resign. Baltimore, Nov. 10. A special session of the Le-iolai'i-e will be called by Gov. Hicks to undo the rebel legislation ot last spring; to; new polic9 .lava and put Ibo State full and square on tho Union phtforrn. The seats of Senators uuder arrest will be declared va cinr., and a nc7 eleotiuu ordered. Dispatches iro,n the army cf the Potomac, from all poiuts, represent everything quiet. A penueman who bad a conversation with Gen. Wool says, he emphatically pronounces his rumored resignatioq as a base fatjehood. ,:- Muntkeai,, Nov. 11 Tho brig Despler ar rived ut Faither Pjint at eleven o'clock yester day morning. - Shu cigualled for a pilot, aud tjenl. tue lollowing cieisBago Behore: " "Nov. 7, P.cked up the North Briton's-boat No. 2, with seventeen of the orcw aact one pas Ri'uger aboard. Tho Nor;h Biitoa is ashore on Minion lslaod.'? These ore all the pirticuluis yet received, but full detail will ho obtained ou tho arrival of the brig'at fjiiebec. ... m- ; , v, ; FmUDir.vfiiA, Nov. 11. A young man nam ed Hughes, aud bU tiro sisters, while driving over a cro.-siog of the West Chester railroad, near the junction of the Pennsylvania road, the bonis beuarao frightened at the approaou of. a train and thrt-,v ibem all out in frout ol the en gine. 0 ic sifter was Instantly killed and the others.terribly injured. nnd ills supposed iltally. ,Jtho tfi l of the pirates has again been post poned, on account of the absenoe of Com. Pur viance of the navy, Frank Alboo, one of the pirates, died In prison of consuroptjoa.Ti,o was to bo a witness tor the prosecution. T Prisoners Released. f BosTOjNoy.. Ul-MaMrJideXtJifJifjfc. bile, aud, Wm. Tstfce, of ..NevOcUianss. were to-dai diacharced from tort WarrtBi-ioe ---, ' Senator Henry Wilson baSrttf "retter. explicitly denying thai he ia eitper,.direotly oi indirectly concerned in any Government -oon-traot for furnishing army shoes, as has been stated. Good News from the Fleet—Port Royal in Possession of Union Troops —Great Excitement at Norfolk. , f oiTRXss Monroe, Not. 10. The steamship a. K. Bpaulding arrived. from iJat'eras luUt tnu morning with the. Twentieth Audlana Kegi ment. '. ; '.' ,. j A deserter, who reached the lulet U a small boat, stated that new. nad been received on the main land of the taking of two rebel forte at rorl ioy .i ana tne isnoing ot a large feaerai loroe... iiaaufort bad also been taken by our troops, No particulars) have arrived,' but the tact corresponds with those reoelved lrom Nor folk bv a flmr of truoe.i- - - : - - . Great excitement prevailed on the arrival of tbe news at norioiic. From tbe same source wo bate a rumor tha) the railroad above Beaufort has fallen into the possessor of or.r troops, with an Immense quantity of Stores-- Five deserters who reached Newport Newt this morniu2 say tbe rebels up James river are In consternation. They also bring the Improba ble rumor tbat our troops bad advancea up the railroad as far as Charleston. . Tbe ' French frigate Calabria was burned to the water's edge on Friday -uigbt off Hatteras. All hands were Saved. ' -- . Tho captain ol-the Albatross report that he discovered the Union ashore, on the 6th Inst., about eighty miles eastward of Bogue Inlet, but in conseqqenco of tbe heavy weather bad no commuuloatioo with the shore until the follow ing day, when he landed with a flag of truoe and learned from a rebel captain that the Un ion was ruu ashore in a sinking condition on tbe 1st Inst., and soon after broke lo two. The erew, thirteen In. number, and filteen boraes, were saved. The men are prisoners at tort Mason and Raleigh, N. C. Luge quantities ot stores were seed tiled op on the beach. The steamer WinSeld Scott was in company with the Union, Tbe captain of the Union fears she was loBt. hitviiiL' suddenly disappeared. - ttotn ing id known concerning the rumored loHSof the Uoeac kEiDicss. . There are rumors oi inree Federal vessels having gDe ashore. Departure of Troops from New York. New Yoek. Nov. II. Thoe. F. Coogen, a waiter at the St. Niobolas Hotel, was brotally murdered on the-sidewalk ia front of that hotel by a loafer named Tbos. White, with diik, Whitu was arrested. - -i ; The Fifty-fifth Keglment left tiiis afternoon via the Camden & Amboy Railroad, from 8 tat eu Ialaud. Thrca more regimeuta leave to morrow. Fouiteen cases of soldiers' clothing, valued at $10,000, belonging to the Seventy ninth Reg iment, were found this morning at tbe brie Railroad Depot, deatined for the West. I bey were seized, and Quartermaster Ostrander of that regiment, together with Juo. Rsyno.ds, tbe Sutler, were arrested on a charge of defrauding tbe Government. - Tho specials state tbat the President and As sistant Soorerary Fin received dispatches this morning confirming the report of the suocess of the naval expedition. ' But they are founded on the same authority as those from Fortress Mon roe to the Associated 1'ress. " v. i- n From Baltimore. TUiiru.mir Niiir. 11 An nffii.flp nt 0.1) Indiana Revimect from Hatteras Iolst arrive'' here says he had a long conversation with the party who brought the news to Hatteras. He was not a deserter, bht a citizen,' and a man of considerable intelligence, who bad erocsed tbe sound at the risk of bis life to bring news to cs. The officer reports his conversation to corres pond exactly trjfb what baa already been trans mitted by telegraph Outside this statement there is a report tbat In taking Bcaufoit a large part of the town'was burned. It is reported by tbe boat from Old Point that a steamer came lo the Capes last evening, and continued up the bay without stopping. She was supposed to be tbe Vanderbilt with dis patches from tbe great fleet. Nothing has been beard of ber arrival at Annapolis. There is nothing but outside reports to warrant tha state ment. li- .'I U. -. - .i-V . ' At last accounts our troops had advanced to within twelve miles of Charleston. Capt. Dorroll, of the Twentieth Indiana, re turned from Hatteras, says it waa found lm po?iible for the regiment to remain longer on that narrow peck of land. Although suffering from severe privations, but few of the men were sick. - Hawkins's Regiment of Zouaves will return; their places will be supplied by fresh troops. Cant. Dorrell says the person who informed him ot the success of the great expedition, said the troops landed at Fort hoyal without dimoul ty, but at Beaufort the fight lasted two days Arrest a Traitor and Seizure of Arms. Baltimore, Nov. 11. The Superintendent of the Government Detective Police arrested to day John Reuwick, son of Robert Renwlck, ol this city, aud Im is now a State prisoner for treason. . - . The premises were searched for arms; and notwithttanding two previous searches had been made by the police, here, tbe officers to-day found a Dumber of valuable rifles and oarblnes secreted between tbe partitions of the stalls of the stable attached to the premises, Young Renwlck. goes to Fort Warren to night. Tbe riflos were valuable arms from tbe Government, marked 'aud stamped "Har per's Ferry, 1861." ' , , . . Portsmouth, O , Nov. 11. Tbe steamer Lib erty brings the foljowing: JLast nignt some rebel troops came into Guy- andot, Va , and captured some sixty five Union soldiers, three hundred State and Enfield rifles, and some horaes. Reinforcements went : there from Gallipolis and Ceredo, and drove the rebels out and burn ed tbe town. Seven or eight on both aides killed. Whaly, a member of "Congress, was taken prisoner by the rebels. : New York, Nov. 11. Tribune's eoeoial from Fortress Monroe states the rebels said to the officers of the Albatross that two vessel of tbe fleet wcro ashore above Charleston and others below Hatteras, no names given. Lieut.' Lowry of tbe steamer SpanldiDg re ports that on Wednesday morning he beard boavy firing south of Hatteras; and news was received that tbe French war steamer Pona was on Ocoroceke beach and tbe gunboat Under writer was sent to ber, but could not get within three miles of her. At eleven o'clock the same day tho French steamer was seen to blow up, and it is supposed she was abandoned. -This and another French steamer had been in the neighborhood for some time, but repelled all intercourse with our ehips of war. PiiiLADiLrHu. Nov. 11 A special dispatch to tbe Iuquirer, dated Fortress Monroe, says that two lieniog smacks took refuge under the guns or the cnmbertanil. . -Tbe Captains were Baltimore'ans.- Tbey re ported that .they had been fishing in James Riveri ' -H - - - When they left the report was ourrent thai Cbarleston bad been attaokedi and. on Friday last. several rebel regiments were sent South frOm York nnd James Rivers. . -1 - The embarkation took plaoa In great haste. The shores of the James River were almost de-. serted. .-.- a- From Cairo. Cairo,' Nov. 11 -Memphis piper's received to-day contain dispat'ohes from Savannah fully confirming the landing Of tbe Naval Expedi at Beaufort, and the capture of the fortrt at Port Koyal, Hilton Head atd Bay folnt. ;. , . . . Tha Federal troops bad possession of the town of Beaufort. . - ; . . . . The rebels acknowledge tHelr loss to be very larcre.' , . ... J . ,'r $..",. . New Orleans papers, also reoelved today, speas ot an immense neti on eptp island." Another Expedition Ready for Service. New Yon, Nov. 11. The Pott says ttdf ex pedition Is prepared, If not already sailed, which, will seal tha harbors of Savannah and Charleston aealnst tbe exit or entrance of any further Theodora or Nashville ; also that a fl- tilla of thirty vessels is now in this port, armed mapBd,ana ready to salt rot tne uuu or mext co. , The vessels are peculiarly, fitted by size, fraught of wa'ter and armament for harrassuig ItA'nvafa nf r.nnfnlBWa anil AlahafnA. '.' ' Only Ihe compauies garrisoning the fortinoa lion's around .Washington have been ordered to build log hnta for winter quarters. r Tho new steamship Conttllatioa bss been ohartered by the Government. I i Wreck of the North Briton. , Momtbeal, Novi W Evening The third officer of the steamship M orth Briton has arriv ed at Farther Point ki choener. Ho reports inat ine a oriu onion auruca on f araquet Isl aud at one o'clock ou tbe morniog of the 6th It was then blowing a gale. She was totally, vu, uo -w, iuss. ine passen gers and arew were landed at Pott Mingon. Ooe ooat witn scveu nanus caa not Deen beard from since it felt tbe ship. The North Briton sailed on Saturday, Nov Sd, with fifty-one cabin and tblity eight steerage passengera ior iiiverpooi. ' ' The followintt is the statement of Mr. Brown, Hhe third officer: - When tho ship struck Jt was blowing a gale, ana tne weather was very thick, i ne snip con tinued striking very hard OB tho reef ou Tues day night and all day Wednesday; it was ex pected she would go to pieces every moment. a ooat witn the crew broke away from the wreck beforo it was loaded, at-.d could not be Drought back uuitl Tuesday moraine after day light, when ail the pesaeugei were taken. off witnout acoideut, sod transferred to two schooners which landed them at Fort Mingon, nu a lew nouses aoout nine miles below. At Mingon the passengers were alt boused in eiore nouse, havmr a few blankets, wh ch were got from tbe wreck, to sleep upon. . . ' , Tbe store rooms were all under wateri caus ing a scarcity of provisions. The lower cabin was all broken up and oioit of the baggage. Only a few of the mall bigs 'were stved, and those were perfectly unturned. FlTTrBDRoa. Nov. 11. Tbe Snnrema Court of Pennsylvania to-day granted a special Injunc- uou on tue rutiaoeipmaelec i dljraud, restrain Ing Charlie C. Knlffbt. protboootarv of Phila delphia county, fiom delivering tbe returns of me j.-n-negment, and restraining remm judges fiom cjmpating tbe votes Included in jealrl return. The Court was ably addressed by James E. Guwau and Geo. W, B.ddlo on behalf of the complainants. Guyandot, Va., Attacked by Rebels— The Town Burnt by Federals. GaLLiroLts, Nov. 11 GuyaudotfVa., on tha Ohio river, ibirty-six miles below, this place, was attacked last night by six hundred rebels. Out of one hundred and fifty of our troops sta tioned there, only about fifty escaped tbe rest were killed or token prisoners. . The rebel.-, both male and female, fired from their bouoee on our men. I hree steamers, which passed down last nigbt, were compelled to put back.. JTluiM steamers started back to Guyandot, this morn ing at ten o'clock, with about four hundred Federal troops on board, from Point Pleasant; but nothinK has been heard from them since. Tbreo cteamers passed up sioce the skirmish, ana report not a person to be seen In tbe town Latm. The steamer Empire City has just arrivec, irom viuyanaoi. Tbe secession portion cf tho Inhabitants. It appears, were looking for ton , tiack, sod had a supper prepared for the rebel aavalry, who were beaded by the notorious Perk its and numbered eight hundred. , ...,. Eight of our men were killed and a consider able number taken prisoners.. The rebel loss Is not known.' . Col. Ziglar's Fifth Virginia Regiment, on ar rival, fired the town and the principal 'part U now In aahes. . .. . . The rebels left ahnnr. an hnnr hn(Vir li, r. rival of Col Zielar. .' . . . 8 on IS . 4 . , . REMOVAL . V;iUtAM.;H; :nESTtEAUX, . .. 0 i I DGALCK, 17V ...i x I:: Groceries, '.V.'."'.' -'l"i. .". .v , i - Produce, ...Provisions, Foreign and Domestic Liquors, . Fruits, etc. etc., ; ' HAS RHMOVED BI3 STORE FROM iNO, 31, NORTH ilIGH STREET, TO ' Ko. 106, South "High Street, Ihe old stand recently occupied by.WM. McDOSALD ' He It In dally receipt of NEW AND FRESH GOODS ; Which he will soil Cheap for Cast or Country JProdnco. flood, delWrd to CUy trod, free of charge.eQJ, yK , ...... conjiriBi's, omo: AGIUCDLTUKAL WAREHOUSE .. Ajrid Seed Store, . ' , . Diaua IM r . ; GENERAL HARDWARE, NAILb, GLASS, (ASH, PUTTY, OOBSAQB, tlnat, Pistole, Wood.i:'tllor ware, ether and Sebber Wtlng, laet Leather, Hose and King. A euidJj CANADIAN ft uifITD8TlTS MAIL ; STEAMERS , TO AND FHOitl . . LONDONDERRYj GLASGOW. Liverpool, Montreal, Quebec, and YORK. The Montreal Ocean Bteanuhlp Company's flrst-clans fall-powered Olyde-built Bteanieis sail every Siata urdav from PORTLAND, carrying the Canadian and United States Mail and paaaengors, KORWB9IAN, NORTH AMERICAN, I BOHSMIAX, ' ANGLO-SAXON, , NOHTU BUXTON, '- EIUKKNIAN, CANADIAN, KOVA 3COTIAN. Miorteat, Cbenpeat suiel aickctOon vvraooe from - AUSmCA TO All FASTI OF EUROPE. Katea ot Pasejase to Euro,e, . S30, 66, SSO. Will sail from LIVERPOOL every Wednesday's and from QUKBHO every Saturday , calling at LONDONDKRRY, to rewire on board and land Hails and Passengers, to and I from Ireland and Scotland. . t i UZpTheee Steamera an bnllt of Ires, In water-tight compartments, carry each an experienced 8trgon. and Tory attention la paid to the oomfort and a ocowmorf ti tles of passengera. Aa tbey proceed dim to LONDON DKKY, the gieat risk and delay of culling at St.. John's la avoided. r ; Olasgow passengera are farniabaa with nun passage tlokets to and from Londonderry. ..; . , ., - Remro tickets granted at reduced rates. Oertiflcatee iasued for carrying to and bringing ont p.M sengers from all the principal towns of Great Bntatn aud Ireland, at rednoed rates, by this Una of eteamen, and by the WASULNUTON LIN II Of BAILING PAOKKXg, leaving Liverpool every week. Sight Drafta for t and epwarrls pav ' able In Clngrland, Ireland, Pcot ; Latud or Walts, - For passage, apply at the Offloe. S3 flHOIB. WAV, Now lork, and 19 ffATEIt S'A'., 1.1 verjtool, . .'-,.' , BAIJEI, k SSABLE, Oensral Agents, Or to- ' J. R. ARMSTRONC. V ' aolO-lTdstW .'k Post Ofllra, Colnmbas. Ohio, E. nrCOLLISTER Wlioleaale and He tall Dealer In TOBACCO, SNUFF & CIGAJGS ., ; , ,....'Xfo. S3 .FiOlv Btroet, -. . , P IT SBUR Q H, .P a.j Koe'p .onstantlr ess hand all Ut Va rioua BHAN wei of Inayoxrtea. OierAirin. : Ladies' Linen Pooket-Handk'6. - HEnnEDSTITCHEbLUrEM HAirf kerehletk very wide hems. Bmbroldered Linen liandk's all prk-et. ' Bammed Btttohtd ana plain do, do.. .' ItdV.u vi . do do colored borders... -, . . -Jk. Uonrnlnf do ' " black borders . . ho-- ! 4o '' newiiylecroasfltched. "i Pin Apple do aewpatterns. , UlstesrPlaln and Beamed BUtched do all nrlces. Oomprislng the most select assortment In the olty and ai lowest prlos. bain a BON, eb98 He. loath High Street. j I oi on f : , i ' n COMMERCIAL MATTERS. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. New York Market. [REPORTED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] NEW YORK, Nov. 11. l(i.01JB-D-J..Da ls aotfVe, n.raat sctl, A'm and prjs V-ner.lly wlihnni n.'.rl.l ch.n,,, Utult bbls at S VS M ftfr rrjeo edi $i M tor ennir. flue stai.i $i 703J 73 V,r ,T ft,, VstoStmw roriuM.rBn. we.i.rni V is OS fis uLZUmifl 2 Market closing qal.t. tSUSi and without mterit -TT.. .? A . '" reqet i eo fo, .un.rflo.7ii i.?: r: " w" Wi to asiM S.y.?..JL..?tt-lulet and steady at 11 Wrt IV" ti t Br.n,.,wi,.t 3 9ui3i5. ' I.?, ,"' WllISK-ilarl.(...u.,.'u' I,....:,'.'.. i 31o. T ,""' 91 biihj at WJ WUB AT-Haa allnhtl. . . i. ' . port demand. Inciudlog '.xlZJZZd Fl '.'3 500 bushels Chios,", snrt'iOT" bushels v.ryoholo. aorlbwasbn. TJus , . -? V?- S3 bmliels Raclna snrlnu ai ua,. T Av.S'. "'jOwl Mllwanken cino at H is; M Ouo bnViT. .'"I1 Iuwaat al QV3i 0? ii..T...r. . . ' u Dn,hel Aaabsr . T ? for vary chnlm in (um ""J1?'" Cadlanelubat$18; e,100 bS,. .as st2 ae 1 1 !!7 i as, tb h.rtde prtoe foi sprtol-iu oo 2Z M winter red western at at sami xi -fr Amn Michigan at l Se,l 48 "-. A :rT'-.'i".,''J,f HVK Searea and Arnnr. li h i iml... .. C0. , I 1 , , I . : . . T, - HAELEV Quiet With sales at 3 r.fifl hn.h'.r. .1 k. ... stare. ' J . ., . , v " "r COaN A shade bstler with nnM mA a a - or, and home o,pu iTtftsK Uv. Inquiry, ,, 0, sl3 , 00 , ,t m 'lm. tot w...ert rPannviTttto V ' " do,D ai arkt without deel dedohanrti lales I057hsrr.l,. TMrt A.,n w , SIJ4.IJ suformejs: tiSts sa r. an .ji." prime ' " ...'.r""1 Bi wlv eafesfea ISO barreU at .oor ooun,tr P"l M fot OMntry mas: 113 f-r repacked mesa: o.. ' mes. beef oontlnues dull and prices entirely nominal. UBr UAMS-Qulaiat 18,for wetter. . 77 1 CCP MBUTS-KBiSduli and prices favbttnsWer. DACON Oo- tlnusrn demand: ul,.Wu.l'.. snd short rihMd middles, for Ccosmber and January de livery at 774c . " " J nous sea in rair request st lTtie. """ Lattu steads wumair oemaud; sales ot HSff lafrals at 8hXc and 100 We at tl.e leltrpr!e. - BUHK liria at 8aMo for Oulo, and KftftJtlii'for state. ' -7- CUKE3S Siealy and unchanged at SOTlt'c.'' 0 iKf'rE Fii steady wiih fair demand; sales 1200 bagsst UxailOc. - . i". . - ,.; OIC iiuiet; ' safes of SOO bogl' Kasffndirs oh irlrate terms. BliJAR Raw: unchsnred: sales sTB hfid. rtnhi atava ,cj UK Mids Porto RIt) at 8l: 170 boie MsVana private terns; 10 006 hpt Wsollla at Vo.. uuiei; taie, ov nnas tJrV TALLO IV Continues firm whit fair deintridc srsVof OUU bbls prime oi y and couairy al8i310s., llul'd Steady with a fair demand, cuteflylicma can- umpMon. .. . . r " 01 Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, Nov. 9. PLOLK Continue dull, with-St as lOo dm bbl differ ence between the estimates of buyers and sellers, and hence rrot mnch done. Superfine would not- ff W" fair extent at Sli 10, bnt generally spnklng 4 104 120 Indicate the range of prices asked. SOO bbls saper fine, LeuliTllle lnipeotlon. sold at S3 86: It vould tint pi. superfine in this oily, however. Extra may ka quoted at ir0iS4 30. and lancy al (4 40S4 6. , , . - v BBA1- No ehsn; there wat a IslruemaaJ at 9V&t Ejo for red, and WSltf fur white. OOHN firm at 3ixi. at lbs lower railway stations. There Is more new olferidg. ead the dlstlllors want to get itatvst. . , t c.j WHIsKY The demand still continues active. and, floo . kilssold at MHo. . .. rU He 3y. i ;,( l'OKK i4Ut,:ilso1dDessoldat10 SO, do af10 75. snd 50 dj new meaeat 18 7i alloa the spot, i tbent: bv; lens uemsnn sua more onericg.. t - A ' BACON-Very dull. .,. iiaO0 CUt MEATS Shoulders told at 3',S3ev. aaoVau Huall lot olear sides at oo . !'', ' ; il i'.wsc LARD I here le .till a demand at 7. 'UOObV.1 here was qulteaaumier of people from the country iQ tlia city Uymg lo sell ioB-hey itialiy. aised g3M but (3 ws tb rate mostly offered ; SiNr , bead sold ai 83 12s. to ba delivered next eH, : tb) feeling 1. aa depressed as ever, and tb deposition to Bold oSaa gei.eralasheretcfure. Iheweatherwuaaeh cooler io-day, but it had no Influence npon the feelings pscie.-. , i an receipts or noge are iigni, aut were Ihore a demand tuy would auudenly and larnly in ereaie. " ....... CINCINNATI, Nov. 9. Enquirer Cleveland Market. Cleveland Market. CLEVELAND, Nov. 9. TI.OTJK Quiet acd wi'.Uant change fa quutationa. ".. 'i V HttAl t'rans.c lions light. Bales of four cars red. trees. et3J,c; andJ caies whits, oo track.-at Wa. i Kscelpta Wears, r , .' J.l . i'lixll 1HJ COnN Quiet at 3JS33c. ' OAT-(luletat84o. '' i ''' 11 10 a W it E a Bales cf 55 bbls at 18a.' bUri'BU ChoLe W. 11., In g.d demand at19t3 154c. . ... . . HOO Sales of a few bbls at 14c; ' A T CUKKSEUood qualities In dtmand at SKc. : ' BalT Coarse audfine eolarls soiling al SI iO. Sack .tne. .. Leader 1. " JLJ 'it. j ...1'. A-rAMT vINt r.. tT TH LATW f i? k 'j ; SIR A8TLEY COOPERV DR. VALENTiNE'-MOTt or a an roax. '. . Tae aokaowledd Head of the Frofsstioa ta ttthr Hemisphsra. The beat Diuretlo, Tonio, anl bieovaiiij The Hrjewt Extraot of the ITAXXiVrr - JWIFKH BBLaar. Tbe Furest and Aloet Costly Gin Xsy INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES,-Ji INVALUABLE TO THE 81CK. e ',t . : INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGE$ THE SAFEST AND M0Stfv"re . DELICIOUS BEVERAGE IN THE WORLD. . Fot Sale), Pints rod Qnarta, tr? wortr". DrtL5lat, Grocer, or Country Merchant, Wl 1 tivi 'A 11 If. J look qut, ros Boeci L O N O O N a I N S. THE ONLT OEIfTJIMB ABTIOLX II HARLES' LONDON CORDIAL BIN.'1 B. BALDWIN: & CO ImporterDlrtBtj Bold In Columbus oy ' 2"' ' '- , e r i . ', SioRBi .US8wArJXs of Wbok-ssle and &etil &suoen.mMunaa BniUaat rA .. , .i. C. A. WAONEhVaad othessv In Clncipnatl, by gUlEH, BCR6TJlJi OSirtnu ocStStleodftlTW s -.: : . jnusloUafS ? - ."c ?1 ilsil B.'.-.lirtfiIX Oysters!:Oystirs! c- 'i - , J ba .tvi a. Ml-tuns as aiatb ! b,8 In ' ci t i iw. ri "awM O. J.. HAS Itt.CEIVKO, ASO WlXUl be In dally receipt, by Express, of 1 't FRESH CAIT & KEO 01 ' y. i . -warra-ajHe' naixa swy rrrnt Baltimore and Fair Bavra. ... . Call at Wagoer's Oyster and Fruit Depot, W&'tT Sssr Stat stretitv !. . .. .iw.air ..bium.Ul auSi tf .v!mj . , oi uiw ays OT. H. RESTiEAUXp: ' ; (HUOCISSOrt tO McKBlfi MSTrKAJ ToV'V'16C,- 'ik-'iiymne ! . - ooZAxnvxzi'O'o -ww .,. . v 1-5 mi al H nim a Soar C n OC E R I E 8, PR O D U CC" - PROVISIONS ' """ r--r.. Ja .A F 1 0 U HiBATt' LiqUOKB. Er,, STORAGE & COMMISSION Iyl3