Newspaper Page Text
UTllIiOr,.LOUlNGXON &C0. S3 &S3FARSPLACE, ? ' " ' 23 ft 23 MUJtHAY STBE-T, ANP JOBBERS OF rcrcisa and Domestic brt goods ' rOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. r ; VZSZvStoi "anything W have htftQlor. aiaitodtatbAtrad. .y- ; : '-"' .' ' ,' '4 ,l CL()Xn DEPARTMENT. njir u, iuu. mj . W keep txtandv line Uaaowledgs-i good 'M (tottee! an ". - -.y ' - JJQ V ! . ' FAJSOY CASSB1ERES ".. ... .i, with thenloest BROADCLOTHS,, , .... , ' ' V SATINETS, j . LADIES CLOAINi. (.TWEEDS, nmon JBaNS, ftoaa JK amdapwerdsi v ! :"" 1 - IS to 80; . . raiaiXD sax-ibis, at u eat; 'ZjhdH Mt.mnrnrmMtft Low. tDBisa-Qooi)8 Depabtmeot. . T.ct Bilk. Printed CheM, Aiaaobeaur Oinghann, Olugow . do. Clinton ' do. Ot touts CWth, Pipline,- ' ' B.utoa i. - .- - . PaolO da. rrtuWe I-rwne, JMnla Brilliant,, yiocj emgbm, , BobBl. 1 BhwkBUks, ' StUd Styli FANCY SPRING GOODS. XorrtaMlTtDtj, BiuLmoBd'a Print, Anoricaa , do. DaBiii1! . do. Sn(Uih do .iTS.-i.M-'ta.Ac. ixMsarnO cxyrroNS. UwrioaO.Wt-a, A.uu, Ka. Atunilo A. booting, lurk "- Swop- Apprtton ""r XT TJtica. fcc. ao. do. do. do. 7 . AiltmJtftd Width. MJACBID BtriBTISQB ASK BHIETINQB. at,., , pwlint, """w . . Oraat lalli, HaaaUoag, .' m Wallnam, .. .- Ut lHwIorBllUto,IW.,o. ' . SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS, , . . t LAAU AltO UUCT AMOITHtlT. 'COTTOADI-a grtat vmrKtj. cmoEi do. DCIiyi-alltba Jaadlnjbrandi. 5lITIB - tnoleallnf braada. AJtBBVt do. do. OOACBT J1AXB d' PaSabSI, IAI1K OAMBWOB, C0L0MD CAM- LARGE MD COMPLETE STOCKS OF WEO1600DS, . B0SIZBT, YJam onoii, ; Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, 1 UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, OARFETS AND OILCLOTHS, An paat Tarictj of Jooda not mummtod-all of ifW. onlT to-ll at J" prion tte targor portion at from U to 30 par cent, km W Jaatjoat. LATHR0P, LUDINGTON & CO., NEW YORK. art STONE'SJBAZAAft. TsTn. 4 GKvvnne Blocli. X P. STONE & O'HARRA A BEWOWRECEIVISIOTHEItt WIPf. TBB 6O0DB, ana innie u. puuuc w uiHvt thesk Mo anon etoe 01 uooai oe db thu martot. Tba boa LA, in oomequ.ucc 01 mm uum of ibe iraln erop, ha not beea able to porehaee tbe at' aaJoaantlti of rich foods, and tola fcctbae forced tbe Impanel to 0.U them at pablto auction. Our buyer ( KrVitoao) betnf ta New Tort at thee, larf salea, took ad ten tea at Uum, and wa oaa and will Mil our rood in tea, any on who parehaaod two week lnoe, paUfor aaeav to Mew Tork. uuttock is oompleta la bIIMtdRESS SILKS, OTTOMAN VELOURS, BROCHE VALENCIAS, PRINTED MEB IN OS, PRINTED COBUROS, DYED COBUOSj BLACK ALPACAS, - 1 ORLEAN8, . FANCY WOYEN FABRICS, i ' - ALL WOOL DELAINES, r 4 ', - POPLINS, PRINTS, " DELAINES. SHAWLS '.AND CLOAKS! Rye Thausaiid Dollars Worth ; ,,( Bought. in Ono Day, , ,LADIESV FURS, HOSIERY DEPARTMENT, M tat. Ladlea aod ChlMrea'a Under Ihlrta and Srawam xMmm, Mleea end Children' Boaiary of all Unde, IVwIaod Uasb't Wool; fleecy Lined and Cotton Olore of very ka A oumpleta Mfortment of all tbt nsnal tat1. eof , r -. . . LADIE8' CLOTHS, - CASSIMERES,- V 1-5 ',. OVERCOATINGS, f. ; . TWEEDS, FLANNELS, RIBBONS. ' DRESS TRIMMINGS, Itdies Atti Qeat'i Linen Cambric Hand karohieft, Ac, &o. Ta paraoMWha eall .a a, w pledi our word abe ibeai the kariaaa, beet and abaapeet (took of ttood rnyn mmma g, tbta aaeikot, ar pay tbemona dollar per jktoSaawlw' ' BT0K1 A O'HABBA W. A. Satolielor'a Hair Dye! Thk aplandld Batr Vr baa no equal lnBt-ioui afAea-BeaBttfal.Blaekof Katuril Brown so atalnUif ra(klaerlnJulDtiaBair naneOMeaeaeaar aa atatt at Bad Pyea, and Inrlgoratai the bail for Ufe Men an mbIb nnleH dased "f. A. Batebalor.n Boidamjiliara.... -. ,' i.- OHAI.BATOBBLOlt, Proprietor, . JyCfcwly ' SI Barclay Btnet,Bw Tork. HAIR , DYE-HAIR DYE. Wa. A. BatchBlor'B Hair Dye! T OrlfftaaJl and Btt la tba Worldl All iithtr an mere Imitation. And thou Ml fe atetded tfreatlak momkpo rMloale. BAT, BID 0 BUST I BAIB Dyed tsatantly to kaaatifal and Natural Brown or B lack, without Injury to BatrartUn.' - 1 " fUTUV MIDAiS ASS PIPIOMAJ bat bee I e Wa. A. Batch. lor iIdo 1839, and orer 80,00 ba beaa to tbe.Eair of bia patron f kUBaaeaadyai WM. A. BAXOBXLOBS SAtS DTI ptadneaa a ool at net to be dlatlngalahad freni nature, and at warranted ad a InJnM flat tba laaat, howerer long It may be oonttn aad, and uV IU effeeta f Bad Pyea reaaedledi tba Hair rigatmiad tor Ufa by tbt nplendld By. Bold to AM eiUca and tawaa at tba Called Slat, Prairrtoeaed Oood. Paaler. It rT. waaaae aaa me aajaeaaa laareai apon a nw fbtiaw'naoalawaMtaaafaaali box, of Mm aAXvtteiA. ammi . C&A&IJM BAT0H1LOB, ror1etor, tylkwvlT r BlBrclaytril(ewZoik. , TUB REVISED STATUTES. . - OF THB .-' Z aTJurm op onto Jf AOINEIUL "ATOBH, 15 fOBOB AC0 1. 1860. ' OOUiATEDBY ' ' ; Hon. Joseph It Swan, rnasoTKS or nut sxemom or ws so rssxs oocmt, . .,; . 1. ,' , (Contained In tw.-ty-Bln. volume" of th Ohio' and Ohio gut Boportfc) and af bbinobs 10 pbiob iaws. TE.r..NPEIiJ.CKITCHlFBtD,K8q. la To RojaI 8eo. VoIuoiei.,Pito$lO 00.. , .xMDMliiirbMa ipued to mUt Oio work iod ni ordorod to M auunouwa w - aorernor, Aiwruor i vt'Zrf.i. cary, 0mptrallor, iMMuror wd Auditor of 1 9tU, uiiho Prubl OourU, Ooarta of Common PleM, Bopof tord PohoTooartSAudlton, wd U .OUrti of M nrtoaf OoBrtolnwh ooautj, to the Membotiof thj S."d H.uS of BprnUtlT of thti BU d Um of toe oui. V"""'r--atatlltM IbU boom o??. - o7S.m Sd tflta. ; N.rOor7.moUoD, will M found to b. mMr lj UNful m too poriormaneo 01 muit v OOUNTTOTFIOBRB, JUSTIOMB Of TH1 PHA0B, I . TOWNSHIP TBUBTKK8, . ULKHKB 0 TOWNBDIPBi ind niTv nvwinicaa. . ' i. .h...M ham bMS mtdo In the Suioni bar. been gitM b, th. guprem. Court on on- troTerted potnu, au ATIO nan i JUAKRB, MKB0UANT8 AB BOoIhUoB MBS 0IHIRALLI rnrni nl hl u inraluablt Work. Tin oyeU Bvo. Tolwiut of over Sinttem Uundni J-og; In BUodi IW Binding. Price 110.00. fubludud by . KOBKHT CliAKKEt CO: Law Publlitaon. BookKllw BUUoiriandIaiportri. H0.6S Wo.t loartn rw. Iibl8:d3m: OlnclnnattOt nimCHASER WANTEIforPckajf K l7.?r.S.r. . J.w.lrr. for Io at prion a In ioad"l-a 1U par oant. dlasoant, at Ua oapreii offloa at O.lumbua, unio. b-t aok.U of itall.n arf (with r without Jewolr,) In tba market, atj prtoei ool L. BilLIT, ;ilS-4tw ' 151 Ooart 1 treat, Baemn. Maw. TRAVELLERS! BB0ADWAT, C0BNEB 01 IlOrBION 8TSET. Ooadnctedontba ET7BOPKANJPLAN. flood I.nsOood Bjorna, Prompt AtUndanee, and Mod rata Ohargei. , . IINOLI BOOMS SO CTS. 73 CXI.and (1 KB VAT. SOUBU BOOMS and FAKLOBBUrSOtoO. wi. .riri. Vhi. Rnt.1 liu all the appointment! of Uta btet boteU, a mo otntral location, and I heated inrouibout b iteam. BAMUJSL . MBAD, , XNOTXEXJajjiroin- B WHZE1XX, A CERT FOK nOMJE, COWTIJfEWTAL. Mahbattui, BncaiTi, atd Ianaaltai Ia. Co. Haw loaai Buum1 and On Praaew lUaTraaa Daw Tou Linand Oom. Mcroai. Wa. Office, 81 Uigh St., BaTaae Bl W7-dlp . Alexandre Kid Gloves. PtiAIN AND EMBHOIDERED, BTOri nniTtlll u.1 rMDlarabaoe Blaok Bid Oloraa, mbrolderad In white, euieoia, purple, o. Dndreeeed KidGIOTee. Mlatee Kid aiovet. A oompleta aeaottment of toeteeeUDreted Olore, alwajm for ml 1 by vain pvn 1 f,b89 No. 39 Boutlt Blfh atreet. DRESS GOODS, . flew aciei Attrmetlw. MoxuiBiauxa, ' TkATtuNO Porum, t . Cbcki Portwf, " P011. ds Cbxtub, Gviclui, Fnitca Cmrmtt, FUMCH MUBUNI, FaiMQH Omjjidiks, Cbimxbi Wuhin Siuu, Elioant Dabss Siuu, Hcatt Baexun axo Mamtli Siluj And all othor new and faislonabl materia ( rnott demand for haodiom Dreoe and Mantilla. BAIN A BOH, apr89 No. 80 Boutb Bl-h itreet. J. CARD. TTATINfi THIS DAT SOLD OCR nooaunend him lo oar old patron, and Wd- Columbua, March SOth, 1861 apl dtf ELEGANT PLAIN BLACK SILKS tOB Street Baaqu and Mantle; alao. Bleb Trunmhi and TaMel to match, at BAM mayB3 Summer Under Garments. LADIES LISLE UNDER TESTS. LidlM Oanaa M 'rino do, do. fltnta Silk Drawer, and Shine. Genta India Qauaa Sneer and Shirt. Cotton " " M Oaue Merino Under ililr. " White and Brown Drilling Drawer. . White Linen Dr.wer. 14 Bxtra large Under Bhlrt. " Superior BngUth Balf Bote. " long Btooklngi. " fancy Cotton Balf Bon. ' Suipondera. .. " Golden Bill SbJrtf. For sals la great Turlety and at maderite prices, OJ BAIN A BON, No. S9 Bouth High treel. my30. wssassOTiissira FBICX8 BX0TJCB9 from the Newlork Obaerrer.1 1 Aiallpartla mannfactnrlDg Brwte MaohinM are ob liged lo piy Mr. Howe a lioena on euh machine and are aieo oompeUed to make return to him, Under oath, aa to the Dumber aold, hie book gtr a correct ttu ment. from thi reliable eonro w have obtained tb following atatliUo. Of tb machine made In th year 1969, there were aold, : - By Wheeler A WlUon 81, I. M. Singer a 0o...,.......10,rJ ' v ' M QroterABaker 10.SS30 ' Bh owing the al of Wheeler A WIImd to be douUt tboaa of any other Oompany.t Awarded tbe hlgheet preurlum at th United State fain of 1HS8, 1B)D and I860; alio at the Ohio SUte aia of kS9 and 8O0i and at nearly all the Oouuty faure In tbe State. Oar price, t th late nduetlon, art a Uni at any lock tticJk maetUn now Mid. aod but a tilUe higher thaa the intorlor two thread chain MoA macKitut, now forced anon the merket, Tbe WBSXLBU A WILBON UAOHINB makNthe Loon Snea the only one whloh cannot be rareled. i lull na Bora Bineaof the good, leaTing no rVat ekainmtAt tmvUr.tidt. AU maeMnt var'nnlta 3 vtri, ana tnttrucHon given In their in. free of oharaa. H. 0BABI.81 High ft..0fllnnibu;0. . WM 8UMNBB A CO., ded-SawdlaAwOnt tike' Opera Mouae. Cincinnati. Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS. TH BOLLOTir INO CHANGES WERE 1 made in tbe the omen of tht Bank, January S9tb, 1861, to wit: . Wa. A. Putt. PrMldwt. ud Taoni. moooia, uMnwr, renniHi ttietr ofLoe.. David Taylou, Bw., wa then ekeeted f iwldent and W. A. PtATT ap- PQlOiea lwairr. - i ; By order of Die Board of Director,, fab 5, 1881-dtf. - W. a. ft ATT, 0hlr, THE UNION rOHE VER! UNION Eft TK LOPES A UAU1TV Ot daaign. at B4.00 per 1.000. 4 tr, ,v,' ' nflOI A5D K0H P1PEB, t half the price enarged by amall dealar. TtyHBAD QUABTBBS 5o, 7S Soath High atnet. 1 Cottunbu, May 8, lotll,, . , i. H. BIUI, 5 f 1. ! in ld, ' It or - OHIO .DTATE3IXMI lllll Nos. 36, 88 & 40, North High St. : INCREASED .FACILITIES t ISECaAIY. CHIAP8ISS. BISFATCH HAVINO'MOVBD INTO MY NEW BUILDING, -I HAVE' JOB DEPARTMENT! WHILE BOTH EATS BEEN BEPLENISnED THR0UG1I0UT . ' WITH ' New Types,' Borders, 'Ornaments, &c 1B0M TOT 0IL1BBATED fOUHDBT Of 0. T. WHITE ft CO., IH5W xua, . 1HC MAKINS It IHl Most Complete , Establishment IN THE CITY. ' I am bow prtpwa to IxmbU U OrdoM tor BOOK .AND JOB WITH DISPATCH! Aid In tt Hoft AppTorod Btylxf tha Art, PAETICULAB ATT1NTI0S PAID TO MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD Bill of LadlMg-, Circular!, Bill Ileade, Blanka, Deeda, . . crtir inatei. Heoelota. Bray Ticket, Heflaterc, HOW CARDS & BILLS IN COLORS, OHXCTJ, CABS8, HEADIS0B, NOTXS, XHTXIOPSB, C0HIBACTS. Illnstrated Show Bills, FOB COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Show BIHb, Band Bills, Label, Concert Fro rrtmnie, Bebool ana wueaja occamee, uv Ul Bills of Tata, InTiution, . doIi Worn OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IobmI and College ctalo(TiM, Mlieallanaoul lajiipbitts. CoustitutloiiB, Be porta, Brlaii, At Frinticg in Gold and Colors POSTERS , Printed la Xrarj Color oa a Hammotli Hoe Cylinder Th SBI7 Fran of tba kiad la Can Ural OUo. M fnellltia for dohic any and all of tba abor dseorip- Bonaaf work, are now nnmryaaied, and aatlffaeUba wlU k raaranteea in au eeaee. iTr'AU work fumlihtd promptly by tba Urn pronled. BI0HABJ) KBVINS. WHO SHOULD USX DR. J. BOVEE DODS VEG1KTA TH" i"Fi SERIAL TOE BITTERS All who are afflicted with Incipient Ooniumptlon 01 U7ak I.nnn.honldtu. thMn. All who .offer from Weak Btomacba, Indlgeation, Vya- pepda or Pileeehonld aaa them. All who cutler from General or NerrouDibil BwUeatneH at night, Want of Sleep, me., ihonld us them All pereon who are eonraleeeent after ferer or other lleanaee inoaia aee uem. Mlniitor of tb Ooapel, Lawyera, Leotaran, and a! aubllo peaker chould ua them. Book Keeper, and all penorj leading a aodenuvry If anrmlrl uiMk. Th.urad.nd roflrm ahould aa them. All alio rat air. a atlmalant or tonlo ahoald in them All who ere addicted to the ua) of ardent (plrlta and vlah tAtnforK. ahould nee them. They are audeof a pure Sherry Wine, and of the na tire planta and hrb of the country, and ahouH b re eommeaUM Dy wmperaoca woietw, c.iiuruut rv- dana, and all friend of humanity. They ar prepared by an experience,! and aklllfttl phy rfokuk. and. aalde tram their medicinal propartie, are moat delightful beverage, and yet, aa a medklne, are a inoocentandharmle.tln dew 01 neaven. Anirf h. draeaiat. aen.rallv. CHARLES WmbUlKLD A Ca, Froprletor T8 William St., Hew York. K0BZRTS ft SAMUEL, Agents, Oelnmbiii, Obia aotSSdAwly. . MRS, WINSLOW, As wperino4 Nun and female Phyelcian, prenot 10 in attannoa 01 mower, wr 800 T HING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING which neatly facilitate the proeeu of teething, try oft enlng the gum, radoeing all Inflammation wll I allay ALii f AIM aadapuaaodJc KUon, anu i - SURE TO REGULATE THE DOWELS. Depend npon It, mother, It will glr reet to yoaraelvet ana BBXIEr AST) HXAITH TO T0TO XafANlS. We have put ap and aold thi. article for over tan yean, and CAM SAY, IN OONHDIN0B AND TBOTH, of what wa have never been able to lay of any other mod). Cine NBVBH UA8 IT f AILED, IN A BINQLB INbT. ANCB, TO KFf HOT A OUBB, when timely oaed. New er did we know an laataaoe of diaatlfatton by any on who and it. On tbe contrary, all are delighted with It operation, ad apeak In terau of eomraendation' of It magical eBeela and medical virtue. W (peak la thti matter "WHAT WB DO KNOW;" after ten yean' expe rience, AND PLBDQB OUK REPUTATION fOBIHB f ULILLMBNT Of WHAT WB UBBB DB0LABB. In alaaoat avary Inetanoa where the Infant la Buffering from pain and azbauatlon. relief will be found in fifteen twenty minute alter uivDjnip u, wwiowmH. Thiaw.ln.hle nreoaration la the preacrivtion of one of th moat BXPBBIBNOBDand SKILLf DL NUB818 New Bngland. and baa ban wed with aavaa FAUr 1NU BUUUBbB tn THOUSANDS OF OASES. It not only relieve the ohlid from pain, but hrvtgor. ataa thaatoauoh and bowela. cornet acidity, and gfvei tone and energy to tbe whole ayitna. It will almoet in atantly U.v QBiTiBTQ IN TBS BOWELS, AID WIND COLIC and overcome oonvauton, which, If not epeedlly rem died, and In death. We believe It tbe BBBT and BUB B8T BIMBDY IN THB WOBLD, to all com ofOY NTBBY and DIABBBOIA IN CHILD BBM, whether It ariaee from teeth In, or from any other caaee. W would aay to every mother who hu a child Buffering from any of the foregoing complaint. DO NOT LBT YOCB PUUTDIGIB NOB TUB PBIJUDIOBSOf OIHBBA atacd between you and your Buffering child, and the re lief that will be BUKByee, ABSOLUTELY SUBB follow the uae of tbi medicine. If timely oatd. full dl reotioni for ulna will accompany each bottle. None genuine nnlee the fae-eimlie of CUBXI8 rBBKINS, New xora, at on we outaiae wrapper. Bold by all Druggtata throughout the world. Principal Office, 13 Cedar Street N .T. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE, ootZ7-dAwly. . . r.;.' - ; , , OPHING CLOAKS AND BASQINES r KEW BTYLE3 Main A Son, No. HABonth Blab atreet, nave Jul t openea new eryieo or uuth vin- oriLAae. BAaqoiaaa and Baoejcsa, made In ID aewert and ami atyliah maoaet. , iaiae arimia II lack, ailkw, very beavy, dlgnd axpreuly fot Uaatlllaa and Baqulnea .. , iaprilA B LEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIBTINOB, all width, of mot celebrated make lmB SaBwBoBifA(trU Vt i: 1 e r. s .1 8- I "I 1 . s ' 3 ' a' h J . 1 ITT"I nfVITi ATTBNTIOS to aom of th moil e- Iraordlnary euro by my ' PECTORAL SYRUP. Thai are at heme, and any one who hu doubt otn In- j DR. KSY8BB IS PB1PARBD AT ANT TIMB To TAMTNM I.nNOg WITHOUT CHArHJAl JUa A1.L TH0BB WHO KBBS BIB MBDI01NBB. iTTwuTi (v rnrrn nnr.nH A cue of Ave year Uadlng ourad by DB. KB VBBB'B PKUIOBAL BYftUP. rtrraatraeB, Jan. kl, 1890. .. Kmn.w Mr wife baa been affllotedwlth a bad cough and difficulty of breathing, for Bra or lx yaan, whiuhitof aeverai yaareoaca., iuhi iiwjwj u.wiu .u violenoe. The complaint ha been hereditary, and aha bad been treated by aereni pnyiKian. wiuiout muj m- ll.f. In wit tat 01 ner ee, a procurao nai ei your rinmh H.nin. I bouaht. the flnt time, a flftt cent bottle, which relieved her very much 1 1 then called and got a dollar bottle, which cured her entirely, and (h hu now no traoe of tb former diaeaao, exoept weak I would alao tM tnai A useaao mwiciDe my- iru. enld and aunah. The medicine cured me by tak Ing one doe 1 upreia my enure eaiuw-uon wiui uw medicine, and yon ar at liberty topubitio thl If yon detlr to do o rrm. tt iuwp, t Alderman rum n ant. n i ID lOKU riTTiauaan, agr. mo icw. Da. Krr.ia: Althouah not an advocate of l'atent Medicine., in general, It afford me pleuur Indeecriba bia to recommend roar Pectoral Byrup. A a medicine It 1 well worthy tbe attention of any penon who may in any mincer be afflicted with ooughi, ooldi and hoaneneee of ana ntna. ana lor me peculiar auaiuwauona lor n- movlng all that dUagreeable eouMtlon attending a ee Tare 00 id. I hare been, more or lew. In my Ufa, affected with the overeat of ooid and hoareeneae. At time my throat would become eo elueed a to prevent myepeaklng above a whietier, and by taking a few dnee of Ibe above 8, rap U would relieve me entirely. In reoommending thl medicine, I mart anbeeltattngly ny that It la tbe belt reufedy I ever found, purporting to ooro tbe above, nor ibould any family be without thli remedy for diaeuei o prevalent. loan, awn roepwiiuiiy, BDWABDJ. JONBB, Ouhler Oltlaen' Depodt Bank. BtitJeenvinj.0.. March 14, 1B5B I have uird Dr. Keyaer Oouab Syrup for a bad cough of aeverai yean (landing, and can cheerfully ay It 1 the beat medicine lor the (una tnai a nave ever wen. i. tY.A'AUUa OOL. PRATT AND DB KITBKB'S FB0T0BAL BYKUP.Da. Kariaa Dear Bin Bxoum the delay of my acknowledging theezcellane of your Pectoral Oougb Byrup aooner. I lake great pleuura In aajlng that it it allyouaay Hi. Jt tnccttaiAo turnout of mvoovgn ud lb. wont on I ni v.r afflicted with: I have not more than one-hrlt of t ha bottle, and I can and do with that all who an iffllcted would give it, fair a trial u I have done, and they will be proud to ear, "It I no quack medicine." A wouia not euner aaouier uou au .tuck for en co nai deration, or at any eot. I am con fident I can breathe more freely than ievr did. 1 ehail alway acknowledge a debt of gratitude for Inventing eu excelleat a remedy, xouara at itsorty 10 uae my nunc In thi regard, a. you tmna projer a-r.ra.aiA, Meaaenger uommon uouocu, riuaourgu, ab. mtteburgh. May U, 1658. N. a I am no itnuuer to my fellow-ciUaeni. ana Who entertain doubt, can eonanlt m pereonally. m. 1. a. PrrnaogoH, AprU.4,1857. KIAD THB TBUTK. DA. Knaaau 1 have a dauah- fa.r abo haa taken MTwal medldnee for a bad 00 tub without baneflt-aa cg tbem Ayer'a Cherry rectoral I purchaaed from yea' a bottle of your flCtOnAL STBUV, and before ba had need half bottl aha wu relieved. The aeoend bottle cured her entinly of her Mugh. JOHN VAtUH, rrnwm, imwwr, w. A ABB AT CUBS BY DU. KBYBBH'S FBOTOBAIi n - ,D.. BY HUP. I live In t eeblee townahlp, AUegneny oounty. I had a coughing and cpittirg, which eomincrjued aoout the 4th olfebruary iat, ana oonunaea eutu: monuia. mnlovad the beat phyaiciana la th 00 on try, and my eouih oontlnued untted until early in October. At . .... . ,.ui,ms,. . nnrtnts that tune I wu aavuoa to try your rauAvnAu vvuun SIBUf, which I did, and after 1 bad taken one bottle I wu free from the ootuhina and .pitting. 1 had depired of ever getting well, and I think it auoald be known tnai uua vaiaaoio remeoy wm ov tor .won ,w It hu dona inmyoaae. Junn u. ninia, Wltneaa B. M. HDJt. reeoiee wwnuip. Pattom Tr.. April 14, 1857 A WONDBBfUL OUBB Bom time ago, an old nelihbor of mine wu very 111. with a bad eough which aver one auDnoeed to be oonaomption. Bl relauve 4old m that be had taken every remedy they heard of without benefit; hi brother oame to aee mm die, ana an wen oonarmed tn the belief uai no oouia not live, hmA btmi tba third of a bottle of your Pectoral Byrup which 1 Ban him. and it entirely cured him, to the uten- UUiment of all. What makae th oaee more remarkable, I lb extreme age of the man, be being aboatelgbty yean old. 1 have no ooum we reoiorai aavwa DB. KBYBBB'B PB0TOBAD BYBUP IN ELAIB8- VILLB. PIobm eoa m anouier uppiy 01 your valu able "Pectoral Byrup," Almo.1 everybody around ua hu tb oold and an Inquiring for "Dr. Keyeer'a Pectoral Byrup." We bavoeoldelxtecn bottle lut week, and an now out. Mr. A. Altaraad Mr. P. Maher, both of Blairevlile,., tell na they would not be without In their famillea. In fact, all who Bl It one want again. Your, nepecuuliy, 1. B. WATTERS0N A SONS. January 30, 1880. - ANOTBIB NBW CB BTIf 10 ATB DR. KEYBBbV PROTOBAL BKKUP- 1 had bona troubled with a cough and oold lor aeverai week ao bad wu it that I aould not leep, 1 had th advtc and preemption from wree the beat phyitelanaln tbeeity, whom 1 oould name, but do not do ee. 1 finally procured a bottle of you Peotoral Byrup, which ound me entirely. Btgnea, J. W.8IMONT0N, S38 Liberty itreet, Pltubnrgb, Pa., Jan. 8, I860, 'STOP TBATJOOUaHIliO." 'How can I do Itf "Go to Keyeer'aon Wood etreet and rata bouiaof BUOongh PeotoiaL, and If that don't can you, your cue mint be daanerata indeed." lb la la a ipeouaen of the colloquy one bean almoet every day in cold catching period th year. And we can, from actual experiment, cheer fully oorjcur in th adviier admonition u above, for we have tried the "reotorai, ' in a moei atuooom eea. wiw entire euooeee. Near two week ago we went to Pittaburgh, with one of tbe moat dlaireuing, eontrary, rnuuau, un (ubduabl oougb w ever experienced lince oar advent upon Uila mundane pner. rre oougoea ieaairy ana mboriouely for 00 wbol week, In hepee of firing tt out, but it wa no go. in not 11 eetmea rawer to nave un proved by practice, and to have acquired avength.polea' cy and 4iMrttiD4iitf by th operation. In thia a lege of toe aleg., we oouhed our way to Keynr'a, 140 Wood St. procured a fifty cent bottle of the " Pectoral;'1 took acoordlQg 10 airecuona, anainioriy-eigui noun we wen muter of the field, the enemy having nnoondltlonally urrendered, after a brief but unequal oonoiot with to formidable an adveraary u Keyeer' famou "Oougb PccWral. vrovmvnm vupper, ma. tt, lean. I DB. KBYBBB'S PI0T0KAL STBUP I prepared and old by Dr. GEORGE U. KJ5YBEU, 140 Wood itreet, rittaburgn, ra. IO Sold in Oolombn by B0B1BTB A SAMUEL JO OTIIACIIE BEMEDI. A BTJRB3 CUKE. Prepared and aold by Da.OEO.B. KBYSBB, Price, S3 cent. 140 Wood It., PltUburgh, Pa. H3 Sold In Oolumbu by B0BBBTB A SAMCIL. actf.-Stawditm. GENTS PAPER WecK Tie. COLLARS AND Haadtome and economical. Alao, Ilk Tlea, Vtalrta, Llnea Collaret Ualf Heie, Urawerii Sec. BAIN A BON, aprSS No. 19 Booth Blgh itreet. Mauufaoturerg and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, Northwest- Comer of High and Gay Sts., No. Gl, coi,vinunst omo. "A large Stock of fin anl Stapl Oood a band.'' -y31-dtf STELLA IHAWLII STELLA BBAWLSI1 In all dealrabl colon, aod at very great bargain.. lill a n;il, apnia. n o. aw oouw xttu trei. fTTIDE MAN TLB BAHACES BOTH TT Whit aad Blaok, lait reouved at ly9 BAIN'S. S0TIC1 1 Uraby given that I bar been duly ap. pointed .drain Ultra tor of th eataU of Obaik ifc,Uteof iBUUAnStj,deeejed. - navueiAi viuajin.. B. A Cbtttrafce, Attorney. i j It It of of it HUNNEWELL'S m. , UNIVERSAL ;.. couan REMEDY. for U Throat and Inng Complaint, kcludng, with moat perfect reaulla, Wuoorwa Oouoa, Ouaotuo ana Ooaaoa Cooana, BaoaoauL add Thaoat OoHruiirra, alway forerunner f Ooniumptlon. Aa a Booraua Brant it baa no nperlor. freed from all Opiate or actio propartie, may be need by molt delicate oonitio tutlona, and with perfect eonfidtnc. HUNNEWELL'S , CELEBRATED - ' . T0LU ANODYNE. Ta QaiATitv Natoaal Otiatu ever offered to th world, containing not a particle of Opium, nor any auo lance but It itriotly vegetable and medical propertlee. A aura Remedy for MonueiA, RHacMATian, Gout, Toom add Baa Acaa, 0taraii, II0.1 oa Bat f avia, and all minor Kervou Complaint. f on Loa or Buar. and tieadach In alt It varletle, lthu no equal, and to which mott oniloubtcd tutmoni' all an offered. f on Delirium Taanami u a moei pericc remeuy. oa in.iL Dnarunn. after removug the pain It act u aphjalo, a mat important aontrut with th conitipe tory effect ol Opium. To Pbyaictan, formulu and Trial Bottle will be aent, and to Dealer or Invalid a dewripUv pamphlet wltbeut potage-etamp." rreparou unoer we special Bupcrrieiuu ut - JOHN L. IIVNNEWELL, oiuitiaT and niAAMACicTinr, So 9 Commarolal Wharf, Bolton, M. To whom pleat direot all oommnnlcatlon. Prtaee Large Cough Bemedy, SO cent per bottl. . Small " ! " " Tolu Anodyne, 50 " " far aale by tb uiual wholesale and retail dealen, JOHN B. OOOK, 3. M. DKNIO, O. DBNIQA 60NB, A. J. 8OU0BLLBB A SON, aaay7-wlv Agent for Oolumbui. Ohio THE WEEKLY OHIO STATESMAN HAVING A CIRCULATION LARGER BY 8EYEBAL THOUSANDS Than any oth' paper In Ohio, outalde of Cincinnati Offers Facilities for Advertisin Which CANNOT FAIL to bring Hnetidv and lleuitmeraMTO taeiurne To thou who tak advantage ef tbem. DUtribnted u It ll tbroogb every Pelt Officd In Ohio, Reaches a Large Class of Readers Who pttronag li valn&Vile, ana who icldom ice the Dally Xdltloni of cliy journal; and a only A Limited Number of Advertisement! An bunted In It column, appoprlately aod HANDSOMELY DISPLAYED! mr u. rotor raa to jCLttxAOt Attention or ALL I WHOLESALE DEALERS AdvwrtUdsg la th VBKKIiT BTATB8M AN will fin It advantagou In THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which tl almott certain to follow an extensive dluemlo Atloa knowledge of their buAinei AKOSQ COUNTRY DEALEB3 I ADYEBTI8SMBNTB INTBNDBD I0B The "Weoldv Statesman Should be banded In before frlday noon. . THB ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, And grown more and more popular every day I 1.1 new. and almoit without number might be given from ladle and gentlemen In all grade, of tootety, whoaa united teitlmony none oould reaiit. that rrof, vrood iiair neavorafcivewiu mwn u,. and grey, and pneerve tbe hair of the youth to old age, luallltayouuuui peauiy. Battle Creek, Mleh. Deo. Slit, JB58, Pmor. Wood: The wilt pleau acoept a lin to Inform the that the hair on my bead all fell oil over twenty yean ago, cauwd by a complicated chronlo diaeue, at tended wiin an eruption un .uv ucou. a wu.imuu. eoune of .uttering through life having reduced me to a lata of dependence, I have not been able toobiain atuff for cap, aeltber hare I been able to do them up, in con aequenoe of which my bead hu luffertd eitnmely from oold. Thi Induced me topav Brieg. Hndee aimt me uat cent 1 bad on earth tor a two dollar bottle of thy Hair Beetontlve. about the tint of Auguit last. 1 have faithfully followed the direetionaod the bald spot I now covered with hair thick and black, though abort, it is abo oomlng la all over my head, feeling confident that another large bottle would restore it entirely and permanently, 1 feel anxlou lo peneverve In ita use, aad being destitute of mean, to purobaM any more, I would adt thee if thee woultlat not b willing to eendme an order en thine agent for a bottl, and reoelve to thy self the scripture declaration "the nward it to those that are kind to th widow and the fatherless " Thy friend, BUdiNNAH KIBBY. Llgonler, Noble county, Indiana, I eb. otn, lb69. ror. 0. J. Wood: iMar Hit: in the Utter part of the year 1H52, while attending the State and National Law School of the Btat ot Mew York, my hair, from a eaua unknown to me, commenced falling off very rap Idly, o that In the ihort ipaoe of six months, tb whole upper part of m; scalp wu almost.antirely bereft of it oovering, and much of the remaining portion upon the aide ana haw part of my bead nortly after became gray, ao that you will not be mrprised when 1 tell you that up on my return to the State of Indiana, my mora cuual acquaintance werl not so much at a loa to iUcover the aun of the change tn my appearance, as my more lsli mata acqualntanoe were to recogniaa me at all. I at ono mad application to the mult ikillful physi cian In tb oouniry, but, receiving no assurance from them that my hair would again be restored, 1 wu forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately, in the Utter Dart of the year 1837, your hestoratire ai re- eommended to me by a druKglit, u being tbe molt relia ble Hair Restorative In km. I tried one bottle, and found to my great aatlsfaction that it wm producing the desired effect. Since that time, I have uaed aeven dol lars' worth of your Restorative, and u a result, have a rich coat or very sou duck nair, wnicu no money can buy. Asa mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill In the production of so wonderful an article. I have recom mended It. use to many of my friends and acquklnUnces, wbo, I am happy to inform yon, are using it with like eiect. Very respectfully, yours, A. M. LATTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Depot, t44 Broadway, an I aold -y all doalers through' out ui world. Th Beitoretlv I put up tn buttle of three slsee, vlt: Urre. medium, and email: the email hold k a plot, and letalls lor one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent, more In proportion than the small, and nulls for two dollar, a bottle; the large bolds a quart, 4U er cent, moro In proportion, and retails for S3 A bottle. O. i. WOOD A CO , Proprietor, 444 Broadway, New lo... and 114 Market Street, Bl Louis, Mo. And aold by BOhbRTS A 8AMUKL, Oolumbui, Ohio, and by all good Druggist ana rancy uooai veaien. apnll:dkwowly. WM, KNADE & CO., AT TI1F.1U NEW SALES-, ROOM, HO. WBALlIMOMiiI.i NOB. 1, 3, "and I N. BUTAW BT. Offer for ul their celebrated GOLDEN MEDAL, GRAND ANDSQARE PIANO-FORTES, Being highly recommended by the fint FrofcMon and Musical Amateurs 01 toe eoontry, and IN8IKCSIKVT WAHilANTED IfOft FIVE Yg ARB. The most futldious euatomer nuv rely spun beius pieuea lu every rupect. TermiUberal. WM . KM ADS A CO. BILIZBB A WBBBTBB, AguU, 'ct98;lydw. Oolumbu, Ohio Watches! Diamonds !l Silvtr Ware III A CHOICE A-SOKT7IENT OA7 GOLD il and Silver Watches, tn great variety. I am Ageol for the Ajsaau.a W.tcb Oo , and ran ell Uteee excelleot Watchee at manulactur.n' price, either WholeaaU or Betail. Come and chooee from my beautiful display of Dia mond .ud ether ricb Jewelry, style new prices low. A to Silver Ware of atermig qu.lny, X can show new patterns, vary handsome eliver Plated Ware, Tea Sett, Urn, Walten, Outon, Buketa. Pltchere, tiobleu, Knives, forks, Bnoona. Ao. Then I have a lupply of fine Table Cutlery, pocket Solve, Kuon, Ate., and many fancy Uooda uch u are desired for presents at such prices u ai an induce menl to th purchaeert , WM. BLlfftN, no, iu nocKoye moei, marSl North elde Btala Uous. square. WANTED.-AOENTS TO SELL aokaae of STATIONBBY aod iBWILBf, at prioa one-loird leu wan can be paroliaeed eUewhara uaii an er eaaree letamp anoiomy . u. aii-i , THE 'GREATEST OF THE AGE. KENNEDY. OP - rritTnrnT. hu dunovered la one of our oomman TaaUlfilreawAraBBBjlA remedy that caret Every Kind of Humor, : MOM .; Xhs wont Sorofals down to a aommtm Plmpla Be hu tried It In over eleven hnndred caaaa. and en. ar failed exoept la two oue, (both thunder humor ) He hu now in hi poeeeeelon over one hundred oertificatee ef ita vaiue, ail within twenty mllee of Bolton. Two bottle are warranted ta cure a nnralnr un ttouth. ... One to three bottle will oure the wont kind ol Plmnle. onthefao. aTwo or three bottle will elaar the ayatam of bile.' Two bottle are warrAntl to euro the wont canker In tbe month or (tomach. Throe to five bolAlee an warmntad bn aura the wont una or aryiipelu. une to two bottle ar warranted to core all humor the Bye. - two bottle ar warranted to cure running o the ear and blotche amona tbe hair. four to alx botlei an warranted to cure oorrupt and reuuing ulcer.. Una bottle will cur aoalv emotion of the akin. ' 1 Two or three boftlee an warranted to cure the went kind of rinawonn. 1 Two or three) bottle are warranted to euro the moat ueeperace oue of rbaumatiam. Three to four bottlu an warranted to cnreealt-Bhtum Fir to elirht bottl ea will cure the wont caao of acro- fula. A benefit I alway experienced from th flnt bottle, a perfect cure I warranto. I when the above quantity I axon. 1 ... B0XBUBY. MASS. Dbaa Madam: The reputation of the Medical Dla- oovery, in curing all klnde of humor., 1 o well aata. mnea ny tn unantmou voice of all who nave ever oaed It, that I need not aay anything ou the euHect, u the moaiBKiutul pnyileiane and uie mual careful Drugglat la we oouniry are uoanimou in it praiae. In preeentin the Medical Dlaooverv to year notice. do It with a full knowledge of ita eurative power, In rel ueving all, and curing moat 01 tnoae daea3 o wnicn yon an unfortunately o liable. That aioi! xoru.t uueaie to an aneotionatc mother. NURSING MORE MO! TU, I cured a if by a miracle; your own temper 1 mtored to It natural aweetnaia. and your babe from hort and fretfnlnapa to calm and aweet alumbenj and the Medical Dlaoovery become a fountain of bleating to your huaband and houaehold. In the more advanced tage of V A NAb, ASH IteitenJi to the 1 tomach .oaustni ItXSl'EPI IA. which U nothing bat canker on th itomachi thn to th intes Une and KIDNG VH, enatlng a linking, gone feeling, and an indifference tvst) to th care of your family. Your tomchl HAW AND INFLAMED, your food diatresae you, and yon oaa only tak eertaJa kinds, and even of that your system dee. not get half the nourishment it contains, aa tba aorimonoo Bald the canker eat. it up; then your complexion loan It bloom and beoomee sallow and greenish, and your beat day is goon, for want of nourishment vou system be oome looae and labby, au j the fibres of your body be come relaxed Tben follow a train of diseases which tn Medical Dlaoovery ii peculiarly adapted to - .- . ODBC) Palpitation of the heart, pain in tbe aid, waakneet a the spine and small of the back, pain of tb hip Joint when you retire, Irregularity of the bo well, and alee, that most xcruolating of disease, the ' PILES. Bow many thousand of poor women are suffering from thia disease and pining away a miserable life, ana their next door neighbor doee not know the cause. I wilh tmprsai on your mind that good old pmverb'An onnos of prevention U better than a pound ot cure." In tbe ' MEDICAL DISCOVERT you bav both the preventative and the cure, with thl great and good quality, that It will ntver, under any clrcomitaucee, do you any Injury. THE MEDICAL DISCOVER I eapeolaly intended for diaeaaee of tb blood, bat (Inc it Introduction in th Western States, It 1 found to the best ' AGUE' BEISEDI thatwuever before the public - No change of diet ever necessary eat the belt you car and get enough of It. 4 DmacTioiia roa caa Adult on table spoonful per dav Children over tea yean, deaaert ipoouful Children from five to eight years, tea spoonful. A no directions can be applicable to all eocsltution, take luttloient operate on the bowels twloe a day,. Youn truly, DONNAAD KBNNIDY. Price tl-00 per bottl. for - y every druggist the United Btates. , pi-dAWly. DO YOU 'WANT WHISKERS? DO fY0U WANT WHISKERS? DO YOUWANT A MUSTACHE? fDO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? j BELLIHQHAM'8 'v 0BLEBBATED Stimulating Ouguent Fot the WMikers and Hair : The (ubacrlben take pleasure In announcing othe Cltixens ot the United State, that they have obtained Agency for, tnd ar now enabled to offer to the American publio, the above Justly celebrated and world-unowned article. The ' , , . STIMULATING ONGUENT I prepared by Da. 0. P. BELLINQIIAU, an eminent physician of London, and ll warranted to bring out thick let Of -6 , Whiskers ora Mnstache In from three to six weeks. ThU article ll the only oo of the kind used by tb frtnch, and In London and Paris it is in universal uae. It U a beautiful, economical, aoothlng, yet itlmuUttng oomuouud.actiDz u if bv maxto opou tb root, oaualns .beautiful growth ot luxuriant hair. If applied te scalp, it will cure lAUiine, and cause to spring ap place of the bald spot a fine growth of new hair. Ap plied according to direotiona, it will turn an or Town Lair dab a. and restore wrav bair to tt original 00 leaving It .oft, smooth, and flexible?- The 'Okoubxt" an Indispensable article in every gentleman's toilet, alter one weea"! use uey wouia not iorany eeuaiuerauun he without 1L The subscriben are the only Agents for th article the United States, to whom all orden must be addressed Price One Dollar a box for sale by all Druggist Dealen; or a box of the "Onguent" (warranted to have the dered effect) will be sent to any who desire it, mail (direct), securely puked, on receipt of price postage, at. jo. Apply to or auaress UU&A0B L. HBUKMAN A CO., DlttJeeisTS, Ao., fcb!H)dAw6m - - William Street, New-York. IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE. Steam Between Ireland and America NEW YORK, B03T0N AND GALWAY The following new and magnificent flnt-eUsipaddll-wheel Steamships compose the above line: . ADRIATIC, 5,888 toas burthen, Capt, J. Maui (formerly of tb Collioi Lin.) RIBEKNIA, 4,400 ton burthen, Capt. If. Plows. COLUMBIA. 4,4(10 " " " K. LxiTOR. ANOLIA, 4,400 " f " Niohouob PAOlflO, xbOO " " " I. BaiiB. PHINOB ALBBKT, (Borew.) S.3U0 " " " J.WAtwt. On of the above ships will leave Niw York or Boston alternately every Tuesday fortnight, for Qslway. oar. ryiiig the government malls, touching at St. Johns, The Steamer! of this line bav been 1' oitruoled with the gnatwl car., under the eupervlilon of the govwrn- menl, nave water-ugni compartment., ana are anexoei- led foroemfort, safety and speed by any eteamen afloat. Tliey are oommanded by able and experienced omeers, and every exertion will bt made to promote tbe oomforl of passengers. An experienced Snrgaon attached tn each ship. " HATES OF PASSAGE. Pint-clan N. Y. or Boston to Oalway or Liverpool second-olaM, rirtt-elau, " 1 " to St John' Thlrd-olau, " " to Oalway or Liverpool, or any town In Ireland, on a Hallway, - - Thlid-cUa. oaastnnn are liberally aupplled with pro visions of the best quality, cooked and rvd by th ur- vanl 01 tb company. - - MK'rVIIt.1; TICKETS. P.rll. wt.hin. ta Mod for friends from th old oountry can obtain ttcku from any town en a railway, Ireland, or from ua principal sius., - land, at very low rate. J1 w . u ' . - n v.rk .rvivlor try the Tioiton Bteamen, will be forwarded to rtew or. ini ug., mmini. - - - - - , for pusage or turwer "'raAV. At the offle of the Company. wharf, foot Canal itreet, New York. .TM- aprlU0:doai. - ' '- - - Canton Mattings. K4. e-4 1 wain ana neu aaa Wblta.Ckaektd of niptrlor qo.Uty for aale by bit. . atf !vi. ,. kin 1U in NWWUwHafl' I of te br to In ? the a the hi la to by . i 70 SJ 30 In of Dr. T. n, IIcLHiN'S ; - Strengthening Cordial and Blood JfUAUfXSIi. Tb Greatest Remodi-ln Tito ivorlti, ' 'AND THB tfnirp TUT.vprnvrn ' AND A jf,- EVER "TAKEN. Vj IT IS STRICT-' ly a Mlentlne and Vegetable Compound, procured by the dlatil latlon of Eools, Herbs , and Bark, Yellow Dock, Blood Boot, Sarsaparilla, Wild Cherry Bark and Dan- vnv I aeiion eniera into Jiasoi. Before Takln."' a"1" remediaiAfteriaKin". mmnMiunn. -I'n. .n. ... . principle of each Ingredient I thorovAathlw (ntiaotmd fc my new method of atsuiiiug, y'-"f - -r , hileratlng spirit, and th most INf ALLIBLB remedy for renovating the diseased system, and retor1ng (he sic-, nffertn. and oeblUUWd INVALID to BBiLTH and BTBBNuVTH. BlcLEAN'S STRENGTHENING, COW i . DIAL ' ' ' 0 ' Wfll effectnally can 1IVIB ' COMPLAINT, DYBP1PS1A, JAUND1CS, ' Chronlo or Nervou Debility, DUeeseiof the KlilnejH and all diseuee arising from a disordered Lfrti or ritomj aoh, Dyapeiiala, Beartbam, Inward Pllee, Acidity or Sick ness of the Stomach, fnllneu of Blood to the Bead, Dull pain or swimming in the heed, PaU Aation of the Heart fullnes or Weight In the Stomach, Sour Brncuttons Choking or suffocating feeling when lying down , DrvneM or yellowness of theSklaand Bye, Night Sweate,Ia ward fever, Pain In th email of th back, obeet or side. Sudden VlushM of Heat, Depression of Spirits, frightful Dream, Languor, Despondency or any Nervous Disease Sore or Blotche on the Skin, and fever and Ague (or. Chills and lever.) over a rmilioifr atottlea Bav beea aold during th lut six months, and la no In stance hu it failed in giving entire satisfaction. Who than, will suffer from Weakaese or Debility when Mo LKAN'B BTRBNQTUBNINU CORDIAL will core you! , No Unguage can convey an adequate Idea of th Imme diate and almost miraculous change produced by taking . Ibis Cordial In th diseased, debilitated and shattered nervous system, whether broken down by exceu, weak by nature, or unpaired by stcknees, the relaxed and unstrung oiganlntloa (a restored to It pristine health and vigor. : MARRIED PERSONS ' Or othen eonactoua of Inability, flora whatever cause, will find UoLeaa Strengthening Cordial a thorough regenerator of the system; and all wbo may bav injured themselves by improper Indulgences, will find In (be Cor dial a certain and speedy remedy. Tr abo Ladlea. McLean's Strengthening Cordial ' Is a sovereign and speedy cure for INCIPIENT CONSCRIPTION, WHITES Obstrncted or Difficult Menstruation, tnoonUnenee of Urin or Involuntary Dlaoharg thereof, falling of tbe Womb, aiddlne, fainting and all Disease Inoldoet female. Xhare is no XUataks About It. Buffer no longer. Take It according to Direction. It wlllstimuUte, strengthen and Invlgorata yon and cause the bloom of health to mount your cheek again . - Brery bottle U warranted to give eatudacticB. . . VOR CHILDREN. . If your children are lickly, puny,OraiBleted,McLeaiik Cordial will make them healthy, fat and robust. DeUj; not a momoat, try it, and you will b convinced. IT IS DELICIOUS TO TAKEJ Oautiow. Beware of DniggUU or Dealer who may try to palm upon yon eomeBilterorBaraAparllla trMti, which they can buy cheap, by aayint It U Just u good. . Avolg men men.- ask lor mcueaa s oinngwening uor dial, and take nothing else. It U th only remedy that will purify the blood thoroughly and at th am Urn. strengthen th eyitcm. - ' One tableapoonful taken every morning fasting, ll oertaln preventive of Cholera, OhllU and fever, Yellow fever, or any prevalent dlseue. It it pat ap la larg tottlee. . ... Price only SI per bottle, or S bottle for S3. f ' . - J. H. MuLB AN, . .,,.. Sol Proprietor ot this Ooroial, , ' Also McLean1 Volcanic Oil liniment. ' Principal Depot on the oorner of Jhlrd and Pin trt St, Louis. Mo. ' McLean's Voloanio Oil Liniment. Th best Liniment In the World. Th only af and oertaln cure for Oanoera, Pile, Bwlllngs and Brot ohltls, or Goitre, PanlysU, Neunlgia, Weakaese of tte Muaole, Vnronio or Inflammatory Bheumaasm, BUS nem of th. Joints, contra. ted liueele) or Ligament, Barache or Toothache, Brolie, Bpralna, Wound, f reeh Outa, Ulcer, fever Sore, Caked Breut Bore Nipple., Burn., Scald, 8orThoat,or any Inflammation or PaljC, no difference how severe, or ho long th disease nay have existed. ktoLean' pelebrated Liniment I a ear. tain remedy. Thousand of human beings bav been saved a Ufa cf leorepltudo ani mlaery by the uae of this invaluable mat), cine. McLEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL . LINIMENT Will relieve pain aim oat instantaneously, and It w( oleanae, purify and heal the foaleit lore in an lnondl ly short time, for Horace and OtUer Anlmale. UoLeaa celebrated Liniment U the only safe and re. liable remedy (or the care of Spavin, Bing Brae, Wind gaUs, Bpllnta, Unnatural Bumps, Node or BwelUngs. It will never fail to cure Big Head, PoU Bvll, fistula, Old running Bore or Sweeny, if properly applied, fe Sprains, Bruises, Scratcho, Sore or Wounds, Cracked Heels, Chafes, Baddle or Oollar .tall It I an infallible remedy. Apply it u dlrcoted, nd a cur 1 oertaln In every instance. j-X Tben triileao longer with Ui. many worth leu UnU menu offered to you. Obtain a supply ot Dr. McLean' r it will care you. J. lUt. ItlcLEAA 1 Sol Proprietor, Oornor of Third and Pine Btreett, Bt. juI, Alo. for sale by all druggist. ' for sale by ROBERTA A BAMUIiL, ocW-dAwl Oolumboa. Ohio. PBOF.WOOD'8 E7S BLOOD RENOVATOB R'p.lea i'ug. Is precisely what lu nam indloatee, for, while. un! to tne taste. 11 u reviviiyi na. eauiir-i ing, invigorating anu .u.uui.uujb w imu powen, and at we a. cue ume renvuiw, lera 1 L Isiates, and renews the mood In all lu purity, an Q thus at onoe reIOTiM and rtndort IA tyum taH r tmlnarabU to attack oJ fttttat. U U U only preparation ver offered to the world, o oliemi- 1. Hleally and axllltully combine, u to bo the aacst m Ipower'ul tonic and at the same time so perfeotly fw anapaa vo,ato ao, m ijuriu.wiuu I ir. 01 nature, ana uvno. wm mvwnm wn nww UtomaoK, and tone up the dlgeeuve organ, and ihu allay all nervoua ana oiner irriiauoa. xs u .u.'iihn.r.iin.. uidat the eam time It Is loomoowd entirely of vegetablee, yet so eombinedJU L. . - .jHMttittmn.lth,.rnn.h LtinlA.ffHel. WILh-11 U nmiv uuTodb been fell to be a desideratum lu nnt nrunncinB an injurious wdhnww.. bwu. U. nedlo.1 world, for It need, no medical skill to see that debility follow all aitaoatof diuaae. anal proceed and Indeed lays th ayatem open to tool Insidious auaoBS 01 many ui w. mum , u th. followioi: Ooasumpuon, An VtiigosUon, DysipsU, Lou of Appetlta, fAntnew, NHrmui immunity, neuiaixia. - Heart, Melanoholy,KlgntBWMt., languor, Miuw-i ft' ueu, Hetanuon 01, aa wen u xaiuiui . M lu, .Man! M.n.traiEldL .Oil tf.ll ling of the Womb. Tbeu all depend upon gooerall M1V UrwilUV, Wl -vv ww. r J debility. Ani puro, ueaituy, wan .uiwm uinn.i Rjmov.ior u uaur so ears a. we .an w riu ai A set. There U ao mUtaka about iu Bui .his ll not all. AI the system u avaaanea. w ani jpen to bilioui attaoki, the liver De.omw torpio, or worae dUeased, the kidneys refuse to peiforu their functions, and we are troubled with aoaldlag and inaontiuenoa of urine, or involuntary duv rium of th aama. naln in tbe took. io and bo tween th .houlder.. axoteuinxly llabl to sllgulll cold, oougb, and If anobacked, soon maoiailoul follow, na tn patient gouaown so a p ! grava. But pao will not allow us ta enumerate the many UU to which we sr. liabl. tn a wmuwbu oonditlon of the system. Bat we will say, In thbjl I Cordial and Blood Henovator yoa have a perrect, mi., ninuot and efieotual remedy for lose ef inuiiu. ulllouanaaa futalenoe. weak and sloa stomach, Languor, Lir.r Complaint. ObiUaauaJ fever, or any Bilious attack, OostlveBees, AoidltyJ jf tbe Btomacn, nervousness, neuralgia, .,." lion of the Heart, Depraselon ot stpirit. Bora, eimple on tb face, or any cUa.aa erleing froes hi,.lui .n.h mm, Bruu , n iT . , .. UHMihln.. ind .11 Ih.ll mitia, uouga, uimounx w : . Mlas of uisease oalUd leo-ie wautaii rj -.numerated above. We will also Be w traveler fj ir. shanae of elimat and waa;.. . . 1 M 0 r. r ".jr.. SVaf MHimmil CORDIAL r, will and It a pleaaani, sai and sun remedy Uidnon ahould aver travel wlthont. Beader. M J J-1 Hry It, for we asaura you you will and In it a irrsodi "1 uideed.u well ua friend in need. AU pereonof. habit, win And It a perfect preventive 01 . u well u oure for thoee allmente to wnicn ihey are)U , partloulariy axpoeed. Henoe mlnuteratuaeatsrasi ,-.,. urn.... iiur.r..nti.mi And ladle wboarenntf . ... laocustomed to moan outdoor exoioise, will find it aW , to ibelr advanulgwt keep a bowl constantly on haudi and, above all, mother, or becoming ' . Midi, win go uirougn um - ---n-i not onlv wth all aocustomed strength, knt safe and free from the thousand allmeuu so prev- aJeal among ibe female portion wa worm. - won, It la uuflca mwww. - -- r . Lnd young; ao long.r run the rtakof d.Uyi Hwili ' T relieve and prove Itself emphatically Jttrtora- aj- Jl Ik QxitUit and Miood htnowaor. LLifliw O.J. WOOD, proprUtor, 4 Broadway, Nsw wM-e' v.. .r,n iu MVkii BueeUBL Loul. alo.. sua .p i.vl sold by BOBHBIS A BaMUJCL, 0olumbas,Olw,rfl " ud' All good DruggUW - Prtoe- On VolUrJaV f per Bottle. - ,. : ., .reb-d.wwLj,i1.riJ ., A---J.-4" a(tili BLACK. 8 THAa Btini!rAnur,ii. agant Klbbons, tn great vartrty at ; BAIU'A, eu n) hs;. , . - .r "' n"n"7'"-iir .rl RBPELLANT Ott , W A TEal. rt OOF T jo DlAiK CLOTHS. AUo. other sake of aprlngi O wak Cloth, la all daetrabM mixturee Bidin. W Mb aad Battoxii ( Mtab. - - , .'' .!i. -r -w Or,! rot 3- Vtua: -ll u... w a,svv.wws.svu - .isia AMI - jf.-oiasn c'sf f4--!Jktfl bffs