Newspaper Page Text
uuu. v.-aixntttBintvi Ento. gATURDAT MORXmq. NOV 6 1861. Our White Allies in the South. , fV,f ..' man in iha North are io i Ureat fever of excitement eboul emploj tog the blaoke In the flonth.nerilcularlvtheelaves, as allies in this war lot the Union. If this could be done, they I A .1 . J profeee to believe that the war woma oe euuw, .i nnl.. ahri tha Union restored. Bat they seem to forget thet If It were practicable, which It Is sot, lor the Government to eall into Its service end use tbeeleverfof. the South, it would nite against It the white population of-all too bouw era otaies. ai nerce auu miuu-j tor? bee vet reoorded would follow, protracted through many jeere. end ending elast, heB both parties were worn ot end exhausted, l the permanent eeparetioo of the.Northrn , ud Southern Butee. or in the extermination of the white race In the South and ibe esUblUbment (here of Black Repuhllo or Empire. We are pereuaded that this ia ft osmomma lion which few Norths n men desire. If thie is not what we want, then the idea of using South ern, slaves, save, perhaps, as they may come within our linee, and may be U3efal!y employed for Denial services and in digging ditcbee and building, iortifioations, muat be abandoned. We can have more efficient alliea in the seced ed Statee than negro sieves. We mean free white men, who are ooly waiting for an bppor tunity, when they may, with the leas', prospect ol protection for their borne and families, em bark, heart and hand, In the Union cause. Tkeae are the men, through and by whom, the respective eeoeded States are to be made to again take their ptac.-j in Jhe Union, and once more join hands with their Northern eisters. All the border elave States, ' Maryland, Vir ginia, Kentucky and Missouri, are swarming with Union' men. Eastern Tennessee and Eastern North Caroline are alive with them We doubt sot that ai the Union war ehipe line the Southern coast, and Union armies penetrate the Interior of cottondom, Union men will apring up as if by magio out of the earth, as giants did of old when the ground was sown with dragon's teeth. It is white, notbUck, al lies, that we want and muat have In the South. And It is oanse for deep joy aud ratitade to lit Great Disposer ot events that the prospect is, that such allies will not be wantiog- The Tables Turned on the Rebels— Union Men Destroying Railroad Bridges. The cutting of telegraph wires, and the firing and destroying of railroad bridges have beeo heretofore almost exclusively rebel amusement) Tearing up railroad tracks and eettiog fire to railroad bridges to prevent the paseage of vol unteerl through their State for the defense of Washington, were some of the earliest pastimes of - the Maryland secessionists. These were followed by similsr feats in Western Virginia and Missouri. i - -. ; This example or illustration of what men may do without arms, has not been lost upon South era Union men. Heretofore, beyond the border slave States, they" have been crushed down under the secession "reign of terror," and have not dared to mefe. Bat now as they begin to hear , faintly and io the distance the notes of Unele Sam's bogie and the roar of bis cannon thev take courage and do all In their power to prepare the way for the triumph of the Union cause and the discomfiture of its enemies. We have heard much of the etern determina tion of the loyal men pf East Tennessee to stand by the Union at all hazuds. Kecent:y they have given substantial proof or mat aeter ruination. Without military organization, with oat arms, and surrounded by the armed minions of Jrr. Davis, what could they do? They cut ! off the , telegraphic communication of one part of the rebel forces witd enower, and deetroved railroad bridges In that great net wor,k of railroads which connects Washington, Richmond and the southeastern Atlantic end southern Gulf coast with Tennessee, Kentucky 1 and the West. Nothing, not even a great and decisive victory over the 1 rebel army near Washington, could so weaken and .disconcert the secession leaden ai the obstruction and ln- terraption of these great lines of Intercommn nication.. - .'i ..; " ' Thus axe the secessionists met by men upon the toil which they claim as exclusively their own. .The chalice they prepared for others is not to' their own Hoe with a vengeance. Let the efforts of these daring Union men In East Tannaaaea ana elsewhere in the South be sec onded by the Federal Government; let them be fastantly succored and protected from secession marauder. The time is tin with stirring events: there sbonU no longer be any delay, but blow after blow be struck for the Union at the very heart of ebeldon until the secession monster Is quieted forever. Rebel Strategy. "" There appears to be, no apparent diminution of the rebel force on the Potomac and in the vi cinity of Washington. Their pickets extend to within two miles of Vienna, and in other respects their appearance is as threatening as ever. Of course, it would not do to show at present any symptoms of a disposition to retreat from the Federal City. It would be ruinous to their etMM...It would fill the entire area of rebel- dom with consternation and alarm, besides ruin isg any slight prospect the Confederates may have of a favorable hearing In foreign courts. The rebel leaders know that their all depends upon the keeping op at least the appearance of a strong force wpon the Potomac. When they . are forced to retire to Bull Ron or beyond it, aa we trust they soon will be, the day of their doom will not be far off. .... -. .... , , ... , & : . 1 1 'i 1 The "K. G. C." Bubble Exploded. The November term of the United States '"'Circuit an! District Courts for the Northern District of Ohio was opened at Cleveland oh 7 Tuesday morning, Nov. 12ib, y Judge Wil son. After the Grand Jury. bad been sworn aod charged, the" Phindealtr :': r' ' " , The District Attorney announced that he would discontinue any prosecutiono against Dr. Christian and others Donna over oy um issioner Whit on charges of conspiracy and tba defendants were discharged from lur t ther attendance as by their recognisance: re qnired. , s m i n r, 1 ., The Hertld adds that the cause of the d!a- whargeoi the aocuted "was the want of testl- r taooy' very aubstantial reasOa;v" 1 t A Wretched Appointment. ""Vft find the following in tho special dispatch "W th fJoB or yesterday r I . ' wlmpeodiog Crisis Helper has been appointed ""JConuul to Buenoe Ayree." ' j In tho language of Daniel Weheter, "this ep- ointment ie one sot fit to be made." Cin. f., Asa. 14. [From the Boston Courier of Tuesday.] [From the Boston Courier of Tuesday.] Opposition to the Government. we are ny do bu mj m . uent ou foot In this city to create a combina tion against the Government. In coneeqoe of tbe removat oi remon vaFP 77.".7: Here, in nnuiual vigor, vne eiemeuw and sedition, under every varied phase, tot Men tne avowea eueuiio v. -----. . utve Ptl, denoucced thvConstitut o b. . " . r t . Mnwnti0iOtlallT. WO to DroDtrite to anommuiw - ---- Wea3ud rectly eountenaoclog notions, which, if thev prevail the or.h, wou d oveTthrow the Coustltutlou and destroy Thodchtful men- who have fallen Into this lat ter error, are now perceiving It, and separating emselv'e. from ?he f.!,; heir country, who are now. by the action of ibe admioistration In opposition to their designs, brditghl Into dlreot cootlicl wl l- . . i .m .(.( anil thnjia ID . '1 be OCterminea nii --- ivmpathy with them, are attempting to take J. v ' " .t nf Pramnot to atlr no aavamage oi mi -- -- -- ---- hoetillivto the Government. . Io the State or New York, as we learn by the statement of . ... . MtuRnnnntion waa not lone since In process of Incubation, "for the purpose of sustaining Gen. John C. Fremont and the principles Set forth In his proclamation." What has become of It, we do not know; but Bow a ....KI. I nmmnnMI ID tDtS OltV. IOr tow same purpose, however'fuUle It must be In tl ai- t ansiitiit Jnhn C. Fremont U to resist the President and his official advisers, who have removed blm; and woo were romp... i li. Mnjn.i oithar to dismiss him. or, since be refused to obey their commands, to allow him a separate sna murpeuueu. vm thm aithr to divide the Union at the North, or to abdicate In hie for. The reasonableness oi sustaining mr. era nt Trviiinp svmDathies with him, and the proofs which they give of loyalty who do so, are evweni. ror inma give tbe following oall for a "Fremont Maes Meetinc" for this evening, ai too pi. n nated: 1 . .... "r'aiaoNT Mass Meitino. ine Aaminis- ..t. . k.. In I, i liHnni. thntlf HI DC? I 10 re r .r th taw men who are ,.... .-!ik thai whnta enereles In the . " traasnn and slaverv. urvBeut an uftio - - - od that removal has been made at a moment anao he is prepared to moot, aa ne nas aireaay m. ih nnriT. fma to face, and when a deoi live battle was hourly to be expeeted. ' . iiw. hwriiv mfflmnn our UBrmu iciiuw-vi- ,Jt xnr thlr nnlnlon with reeardto tbe action of the Administration, and to show that we arc in favor or a vigorous nana agains mc .;.nr C.unm nnrt tha Union, aud bv suit able reaolutions to express 1 our sympathies with lien- rremoni. .... nr.. hU nnmua a mpptine Will DO Beta DV all who are friende oi Gen. r remont, and who appreciate the energy he has displayed, on Tuesday evening, Nov. IS, at elfht o'clock, In the 'German Turn-Uall,' No. 677 Washington street. Com in M." Gen. D. C. Buell. Acortesnondent of the Cincinnati Commercial gives tbe following brief sketch of Gen. BtrrxL's mllitarv ctreer: Don Carlos Baell, of Oaio, was a cadet or tbe vv.a, p..ini Milimr Aeademv. aod eradoated there ou tbe 1st day ot July 1S41, when be was . . . c X T - --. . I U . commisaionea as a oecona liicuicuaut m we Third Regiment of United states inuniry, in .kll. ..n..iftr ha aftrvpri nntil tha 1st Clf JllDO. U4G, when be was promoted to the rank oi c-.., l l.Mt.n.nt. fin lha Q.1.1 da of Seniam her, of tbe same year, be wae made Brevet Cap- ... n c.llarf anil mflritnrioua rnnduot in the severe conflict at Monterey, Mexico. In 1817 he was appointed Adjutant oi nia regiment. h diatinsniihail himself at the battle of Cerro nrt.,l.- .oiiii in tha battle! of Contrerai W.UV, BMM HQW.H mmm - and Cburubusco In the latter of which he was severely woncded. ror tnis aisuoguisnea con duct he was then promoted to the rauk ot Major. In tha mnnth nf Jann&rV. 1848. he WaS aDDOlnt- ed Assistant Adjutant General, when, In 1851, be reiinauisbea nis race in tne line iu oruer to m i tiT. . become a permanent omcer in tne w ar iepart- mem at w aeuington. .... . ... 3!-.! ' -V. in all in... .uur.i pin.'Him nnu hlii vuiui1 ed himsell with marked ability and courage. inn ... n. hhaii nni a it 1 11 11 rariiru an a. 111 1 ii- .... man. anil (IVin ahimld ha nroud of auch a man, while Kentucky has nothing to fear, In re gard to nis aoillty to eonauct me campmgu auu ccsdiuny witnin ner Doraers. Mrs. Lincoln. The New York Herald makes the following nnnrnnpiatsl ratrnarlffl TVBW ef -w a a--- During this terrible rebellion, which has ex cited sectional enmity, jealousy ana spue to a degree unexampled, no rebel has been so lost to tbe instincts of a gentleman as to attempt to connect mrs. jumcoin wun toe cause or mo upo ratioos of tbe war. On tho contrary, while the Seutbern press has said many silly things of our President, and reprobates and despises his very name, there baa nothing been printed at the South in regard to Mrs. Lincoln which a gentle man mtcrht nnt rlt anil raail. It remained for the New Eogland Abolitionists, throngh the n a i i n LI . . . . : I.. V. A .4 oprmgneiu levvucaa, hj aiiaiu, ivr u time, theannalaof thie country by a personal attack upon the wife of the President, because they were displeased with the political course of the President himself. Commodore Tatnall. The commander of the mosquito Csct that made a show of resistance to tbe fleet when ap proaching Port Royal entrance, is an old navy offioer, appointed from Georgia. He was in command of tbe United States fleet in China, at the time of tbe allied attack on the Chinese forts in the Peibo. "Blood ie thicker than wa ter." is the memorable language attributed to bim when be sent a gun-boat to the assistance ot tbe discomfited allies. Had tbe Ummodore and bis infatuated southern friends adhered to that sentiment, the country wonld not now be plunged into civil war. ' Military Departments of the West. The War Department has issued orders con cerning several Military.Departmenta The De partment of New Mexioo is to bs commanded by Col. E. R. 6. Cauley; tbe Department ol Kansas, including Kansas, part of tbe Indian Territory, Nebraska, Colorado, and Dakota, is to be commanded by Maj.-Geo. Hooter; the Department of Missouri, including Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Arkan aae, Kentucky west of the Cumberland River, ie to be commanded by Maj.-uen. iiaiieck; tne Department of Ohio, including Ohio, Michigan, Indiaca, Kentucky east of the Cumberland Riv er, and Tennessee, is to be commanded by Brig.. Gen. Baell; the Department of Western Vir ginia, lnoludlng that portion ot tbe State lately in the old Department of Ohio, Is to be com manded by Brlg.-uen. Kosecrans. TaKiif to Fort LarATtm Fort Lafayette Is still need as a residence foe secessionists, pending an Inquiry into their cases under direc tion ot Marshal Murray, who reports the tacts to Washington for further orders. The follow ing prisoners were taken down to tbe stronghold oo Tuesdays Wm. Pennington, captain, and W tl Ay mar, owner, oi tbe prize ecboooer Erilda, aud two other men, taken ou board of her: Charles Brown, captain, and T. C. Moo- sell, steward, of tbe prise ecboooer Joseph H. Toooe (owned by Mr. Aymar); also John Bone, C. B. Straiten, FiancisCook and John Price, seamen, and Anthony Penally, a supposed pas senger; Jueeph B. Mariam, Robert Walsb, Jno. Kenny, Henry uostiora, jonn bimaet, i nomas Murphy and Peter Walsh, crew of tha prize schooner Joseph Bernard. All these men were brought here by tbe steamer Nightingale- Eu gene Bohl, peter Thompson and William Mary, tbree ot the crew of tha privateer Sumter, taken from the prize schooner Abbie Bradford, Journal of Commerce. 07 If the "Confeds" want to wake op about 60 000 lire Irishmen In the North, every man of whom will be a hero worthy oLthe gallant 69tb, let them bang Col. Corcoran. It will be tba costliest, hanging the scoundrels ever indulged- j- rrThe resident Is said to be hard at .. upon lis' message, and receives visitors only be- taraati the . knnra of ten and twain nVlimt The quidnuncs al Washington as yet giver aa no clue as io wnat tne message win probably contain. The Massacre at Guyandotte. Rov. J- C. Wheeler, Acting AJjutant of tha Ninth Virginia (Uoiuo) Regiment, oommunl onits tbe toilowiog aooouot ot tbe uasaaore at Guyandotte by tba rebels, and lb subsequent burning of ibe town by our . troops, to . tba Wheeling IntcUigtactr: The undersigned, acting as Adjutant or tne Ninth Virginia Regiment, would beg leave to report that on Sunday evening, tho llUh lost., a Utile after seven o'clock, the said regiment, consisting of only one hundred aud fifty men yet In camp, was completely surprised by seven hundred cavalry, under . command of Jenkins, tbe guerrilla chief, and out to piece and captur ed, with tha loss also of about thirty horses, a small stock of Government store, and two hundred Eufield rifle. The dead and wounded on either side could not ba clearly ascertained, but are supposed to be ten or twelve killed and twenty or thirty-wounded. Tbe enemy captur ed seventy prbouors, and their lose. In killed aod wounded was equal to, If not greater than, ours. . Tney left one ol their Captalna dead in the street, uis name waa uuooeu, or a name similar in aouod Tbree other dead bodies of tbe enemy were found la tbe street, and they were eeen to throw aeveral from tha suspension bridge iqto the Guyandotte, killed by our men while tney were crossing tne nriage; oesiass, a waeon load waa hauled on in toe night. Throe of our dead were found one was kuown to be shot one mile above town, ou tbe bank of the Ohio river, and tour In crossing the Guyandotte river. Several others arc missing, and are sup posed to be killed. Among tbe numbar Is Capt. G. W. Bailor. of Portsmouth, who oommsnded a oompany In tbe railroad masked battery affair at Vienna, ana also at nun nun Among tooee taken prisoner are tbe Hon. K V. Wnaley, ho waa In oommaodof the plane; T. J. Hay Up, clerk in tbe Qaartermaoter'e Department; Capt. rayne, oi unio, woo was one oi tne nrst three lo otant the stars aod stripes on tbe valla of Monterey, In Mexioo; and dpt. Roes, of Ironton, an Intelligent Sootchman. Captain Thomas, ot Higginsport, 0., Is supposed to be taken, and also Dr. Morris,of Ironton, the First Surgeon: '."L ' I ue reoeis ao arreaiej ana iook wna mem the following Union citizens, alter baring first taken and destroyed their goods: Wm. Dow ihit. merchant, and bis son: Dr. Rouse, drug gist, who was also a Commissioner of tbe Fed eral Court; Alber: Wbite, and perbapa some others.' At Barboursvillfe tboy captured John W. Aliord. candidate for the Legislature; Ma- thew Thompson and all bis goods; old Mr. Kyle and Morey. These prisoners were lashed together and compelled to walk. ' Among their other cruelties I will mention one Incident: James E. Wood, a citizen of the place for many years, but how in tbe army, bad his band ebot off. lie waa then run over by lb cavalry and bis hips put out ol plaee, but be managed to get to tbe middle or ibe eutpemion bridge, jumped off and twain to tbe opposite shore of Ibe Guyandotte, where ne was taken ana nis bands tied behind blm and refused anytblog to eat nntil a accession woman almost eompelied them to allow her to administer to hia wanta, and when they marched off be was compelled to march afoot .n his disabled condition. The attack was ao sudden and unsuspected that not more tbao forty of onr men got Into line to reist them. Others, however, (ought them singly, and thoia only made their escape who were eaiianea at ine atari tnat tne number ot tbe enemy waa too great (o contend against, and fled immediately, txcept in a few Instances, where they bid nndor bouses and log ones nn til tbe enemy retired. Some fifty or sixty were known to have got away, and perhaps others will turn up. ' ' Tbe rebels held tbe place until about eight o'oloek the next morning, when the steamboat Boston came up with about v or tbe rutb Vicgioia Regiment, under Col. Zelgler. They were joined bv a number of the Home Guarie of Lawrence county, Ohio, who had assembled at Prootorsville, opposite, to prevent the rebels from landing in Ohio, which they had threaten ed to do. On the arrival of tha Boston some shots were fired at her from Guyandotte, which were an swered by a ebot from a small two pounder, sending a ball through a rebel's brick honee. The rebels immediately leu on double quick lime, and the hypocritical secession citizens, who had been instrumental In getting up the attack, came ft tha bank of the Ohio witha great numbei of wblta Bags, which tbey waved quite enthusiastically, aupp ising they could still deceive our brave union men woo naa pieaa lor them and saved their property from destruction, but it was all In vain. : Their deetruction was decreed bv an Indignant people, and three reel meets would not have prevented them Irom burninar the town. Our troops passed overt a few shots were .fired at the rear guard of tbe retreating rebels, and a lew arrests made ot leaning secessionists, among them II. H. Miller, who bad been lor some time wun toe reoel ar my, and came in with Jenkins aod got trapped at home; i. a. emtio, woo was seen nrine? with a revolver on our soldiers In tbe street; John o. Everett, who shot at one ol our soldiers swimming the Guyandotte, and several others. Aod then tbe town was soon In flames. No Union man's bouse was set on fire, but several caught from the others. Tbe town is, at least three fourths of it, burnt np. AH the store, tbe hotel, and tbe finest dwelling bouses, are In ashes. It is supposed that Jenkina went with his force to hia own plantation, ai tba next night hia warehouse waa thrown open, a large fire burnlne In front of it, and a man with a lantern under the bank hailed the steamboat Moderator, bat our Captain waa not green enough to be caught in that Seceeh trap. He, however, rang tbe oeu twice, as tnongn ne waa going to land But ten or twelve men ehowed themselves, and there Is very little doubt that the warehouse was full of bis ragamuffin crew. When I left, there was a report that tbree thousand Infantry or tbe rebel army were at Bar boursville, manning on Guyandotte, but I sup pose It to be a false rnmor. Mr. Wheeler says, In addition to what he bas written, that the firat Intimation bo or any one else bad of tbe attack upon the town, all was confusion, and indiscriminate fighting was going on in tbe streets. Tbe attack was made about 7 o'clock In tha evening, aud In a abort time the rebel bad formed their lines around the town. Hi Wheeler made his oapef in oompany with bie little boy, by running Into a cornfield with a heavy fire In bis rear. He walked all night before he met a man whom be dared to approach opoa tha subject of crow ing tbe river. When he did finally encounter a Union (?) man, bo bad to employ the per suasive chink of the almighty dollar before he oould be accommodated. Congressman Wha ley acted gallantly, appearing In the streets and nrging his men to resistance. Tha seces sion citizens who knew of the contemplated at tack, had succeeded la completely deluding Whaler's men. 1 here was not a single picket out at tbe time of the attack, and no alarm was given. :-' i Fremont Nominated for President. , At a Republican meeting in Chicago, on Sat urday evening which meeting Is represented aa large, barmonloue and enthusiastic Fre mont was nomioated tor Ibe next Presidency, and President Lincoln bitterly denonnoed. The following resolution was among tho number adopted amid thunders of applause: Huolvtd. That, In tbe measures or the Ad ministration for tbe enppression of this insurrec tion, we have so far aeen nothing but Indecision and vasclllatloD, and a desire to shirk . the true issue of tbe contest, aod lo decline a riwpooui- bllity which the rulers ot a great nation like ouis ought to and which tbe people expect them to assume. , -i . - . ; That ther is a concerted movement of tbe ami slavery men throughout the North to bring remont out lor the next rresidency, aeems beyond a doubt. In New York a movement of this kind is fairly Inaugurated. , At St. Louis, on Saturday, General Fremont was received bv his partisans with a torch light prooesaion, af ter which, at a public meetlog, resolutions were passed declaring bins the embodiment of their Milwau. News. , ET Tberele a great movement of Eastern troopo t,i Washington and Annapolis. The regiments are pouring Into Washington at the rale of about tea per week, and about twelve thoosand men have been 'concentrated at An oapolia, where they await transportation to the Southern coast, four new xork regiment were under marching orders on Tuesday, and thet keen eomlor Irom New England.. Tbe strength of the United States wilt be balf a million fighting men dt tne oiose oi tne year, '. tT Col. Mnllisraa las lusued an order oom- mandiog companies or tb Irish Brigade (23d ReirimenL Illinois Vol.) to recruit their com panies without delay, and report al Camp Douglas HEY ADYERTlSEIlEIiTS. Choriff 'a Calo.' -t Olauila anbae-u... ) .v. -v-aw - vs. ' v jo. BUnmaokar atal.) , . r , ' i .- r; 0,mv.r.?u .UU l ho A) is fleo. Xaaatackaret el.) Abraham Oarllsls vs. Oaa. Kanmaoter etal.) vT(7 BY Via TUB OS? TIIBEB WHJTI TO me dlraotsd from the Buparlor Court of Iranklla ooantr,Ohle,l will offer far sals, on. . i.i ,,r , i. Thursday, tb 28th day of November, 1861' atweea the hours of 10 o'oloek A.M. and 4 o'clock P. li.. the fblloaiDf property, at the Xub and Buokot fao lory, on the woat slds of lb eeloto ilm, opposite lbs ?Jne omoa ear, one stove, one ds'tk, one elcok, one vuron, om aura, eoo lot of hoop iron, aboat 11)00 tabs, BnUbod aa anttolibed, SOW bncktta, oaa kiln of stevaa, eueiotof aai,MdoBelotof ttmbjr. 0. W. HOFFMAN, Bberlff. Pilotar'a fees, 0 00. ; ,. BOTl-dtd . 1861. 1862. Winter Arrangement—Time Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS AND CINCINNATI RAILROAD. . ' i . 3onneUn! al Creatllne with the FITTBBTJBQH, fT WAYNI a CBICAOO BAILROAD br PUUbwrtK, PhUaAOptte and MaUUnort. AUo for fori Wayn ami CMoogo. Connecting at Cleveland with the LAK1 BTJOBI BAIL ; ' ' BOAD i'wr DanalrkL, Buffalo). Albany, Hos loa, aid New lrk. TWO TRAINS DAILY, IXOKPt SUNDAY, from Colombo, la connection with Trminton the LITTLE niAUM AND COI.CITIBIIS AND AtNIA RAILROADS. ' ' IIB8T TRAIN. NIGHT EXPRESS Leaves Oolnmbos al 1 50 A, at.: will laavo pataengert al all stations, stop at Delaware Uardinglon, Ulltu, Ballon, and at all stations Norm ol Qalioo, and at all other stations upon signal, arriving at OltTeiandatS W A. St., Vnnklrk 4 W p. M.. Bntfalo 6:05 P. al., Albany 6:15 A. M., New York ISM., Boston 3:30 P. al. r ' flBOOND TBAIK. NIW YORK KXPRE8S Loaves Oolnmbos at 3: IS P. H.; will learo passengers at all stations. Qresnwlch, Rochnttr. Columbia and Olmatsd being Flag sutlons, IhU train will not stop for panangers except opon sig nal. Arrive at O'OTSland 8:30 P. M.,Ponklrk 1 A. si.. Bufftlo 4:3$ A. H . Albinj 4:15 P. M., New York 9:50 r. at., Bcaion VIM A. M. . . .' CONRIOtlOMS. Warns andOblsaso Railroad for Pittaborgh, Pblladelphia and Baltiaors Also for Cbktago Al ghelbr.wlth Saodoikv, Manifleld and Newark Ball- road, for all points on that road. Also for Toledo. At Grafton, with Olevoland and Toledo Railroad for Toledo and Cblcaio. Al Cleveland, with Lake Shore Railroad for Ilie, Dooklrk, Buffalo, New York and Boaton. Patent Sleeping Cart are ran on all Hignt Xraini to cnioago, Kew York and Boston. Sagoag Cfocttd Through to Jtw Torkand Rotto M LteeefcMuiy alto, to rhuaaelpMa ana. Hew Yoritvla Or-Uint. RETURNING.. MlgbtIzpressarrlTeat0olnDbosat...l:30 A. at. Cincinnati Mzpreas arrives at Oolombas at 1:30 P. M. Fata aa Law aa br anywther Route. Atl for Ti'Juls via Cr inline or CUrxUnd. R.8. tLnit. superintendent, Cleveland, Ohio. JAMR8 PATTB&SOtf, Agent, Colnmbna, Ohio. Ooloabos, Nov 16, 1801. Pall & Winter MUlinery. No. 14 East Town Street, TTjVS 0?T nAND A FINE STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS, which she will sell at the very lowest possible price for cash. Ladles, please call and rxsmtne our stock before yon purchase elsewhere. CLOAKS M4DE TO 0El)ER On short notice. novH-dlw AND BtAKKBOOKMANUrACTOnVe BrLENDIDLY I4CTPPED WITH IMPKOVED MACHINEEY . ' ".' " '. AND . .. STEAM POWER. - N. W. LEFAVOR, Supt: ' - HOB. 39. 14, 36, 38 HOBTH HIGH BTR1BT, - Stateeiuaa BalldlBg-, liecend Fleer, orer B. HeTlne'e State IIsim Priatiag- Rooms. EXTRA BUB9TANTIAL PAGED BLANK BOOKS, With or without Printed Headings, on Superior Paper. RULED AND BOUND '' To any required Pattern. 8TATI S1PART1I1HTB, ' . BAILROAD Of f ICES, ' , ; ,.' BANKING B0C8BS. " , . etifatti orriou, ' MBKOHANTg, rarolahed at the Lowest Prices. BOOK BINDING, By the Idltloa or BlDgle Volume HAGAZtMXS, ; MOSTHLT PUBLICATIONS, ' PAHPHLXTB, ' r.; . PAPBB8, ,', ' Bound lo any Required Style. ' BINDING AND BE-BtttPmC Por Peblle and Prlvats Libraries. - - Orders from abroad will restive prompt snd tpedsl attention. Address, . .. . t , J. H. RILEY, '" or, N. W. LEFAVOR, Bookseller a-l gtatloner, Superintendent M South High Blrtet. ' ' franklin Bindery; bov14-o3ji ....... . .s. . . ,. ..." t :' '4. ; : 1 1 ' Bhooting Gallery. ' rpOB ondenlsned befs leave lo Inform hli friends ja. inai nana nuea up a r . BUOOTIKGr QA1LERY ; v" '' jjj, -.. ' ' f- i V ;VER ANDAH, ON 8TATE STREET. (: Good Odds, Air Guns, Pistols sod Befreihisenb. ' Glvo aea call. botIB M OONBAO BIOHARDB. FMUBQUKBliRi Ileadley, Ebcrlyl & Rkhrds's 0 r y r i i -C30:and 'south 'tticrnEir r li -ufi'uv;. viih I Are now opening large, lot of . Ladies' Cloth Cloaks, , BALMORAL SKIRTS, Ghephard'i Plaid Shawl., ' i '.,.; 'fl v. ,e.; ,.i " x , - ' .v : i,:v,c-t r- -: 4 , Ladies' Merino Vests & Drawers,' Boys' . Merino ' Shirts & Drawers, . ' i" ' I. i. , Nl'l V t Embroidered Ilopps, Vcpera H00D$a .y:::';! Opera Flannels, WOOLEN BLANKETS, CLOAK CLOTHS, MISSES SUPERIOR LONG SHAWLS, novie GOOD SAMARITAN. Fir) E. B. ARMSTRONG, No. 17 East Town Street, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALErTn STOVES AND TIN WARE. 0 A large stork of the GOOD SAMARITAN on band. Bovl3-d3m NEW GOAL YARD. THE UNDERSIGNED KEFTS Clt. STANTLY on hand and for sale, the best quality of HOCKING GRATE COAL, which he will Mil at the lowest raarket prices. - Oall and emlne my Coal betors purchasing elie- Whara. Office at the store ol Bradford, bujdam a Co., bead of Canal. D. f . BTJYDAM sepSS-3m J. F.I. & V. KCERTJER, No. SO, Comer of Broad & Front Streets, COLUMBUS, DEALKJIS IN CROCERIESf PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS, FIOUB, SALT, LIUU0E8, ETC. 0Y8TIBS Bt TBB CAN IN THEIR SEASON. osiSS-dly SPECIAL NOTICES. THE DEVIL t!t TRIBULATION. The Peril laughed In his sleeve as he surveyed the hosts of emaciated living skeletons earned by tbe use of hapore Imitations of Saleratoi, bat when he ssw James Pyle'e; pore Invigorating Sietetlo, he exclaimed, "I am beaten) Pyle has done ltl People will have health nowl" Depot, 34S Washington street, Hew'.Tork. ' TO MARRIED MEN, Or Tbeee Contemplating; marriage TBB undersigned will give Information on a very in UrttUng and important snhject, which will be valu ed more than a thoosand times Its cost by every married coople of any age or condition in life. Tbe Information will bs sent by mall to any aldi"is on the receipt of 85 cents (sfleer) and one red staiai . All letters ihould bs addressed to H. B. MORRIS, M, 1). (Lock Box 60), oct31-ly3tawdfcw : ' Boston, Mass. for Female Generally. The Brandreth Pills eannot be too highly spoken of. They remove all obstructions, give energy and strength; core the dis tressing headache, unfortunately so prevalent with tbe sex; depression ot spirits, dullness of sight, nervous affections, blotches, pimples, sallowness of the skin, are removed, aod .Juvenile bloom and general sprlghtllness Indicate the power and healthfulness of BBANDKBTH'S PILLB. Ladles, at delicate periods, will find them unrivaled; they are lbs best medicines for mothers and children, and cure worms and eostlveness. Let It be remembered, that BRANDRBTII'S PILLS are easy In their operation, and yet unite mildness with efficiency, and require no alteration of diet durlcg their US. -...!. IIis. Morgan, comer of JSth street and Union Square, Mew York, was dying, apparently, of ComcarrioN. Bh was given up to dl by her Physicians, and all her friends, but after nslng BsArinana's Pius for a few weeks, tb eough left her, and ah began to regain her strength, and Is now able to attend to her duties, and feels rare of soon attnlnlrg robust health . -. , . v- Mrs Wilson, of Mo. 31 Beach street, New York, has eared Dyspepsia, Small P'X, Measles, Dropsy and Ty phi fever, and all Headaches, and Bilious diseases, with BaaxDarrn's Pius, will t pleased to answer any questions. . ' ..' ". 1 " Bold by torn B. Cooi, Druggist,' Oolnmbos, and by all respeetabl daaUrs In SMdlcines. . , , OCISO-dlB ;, : I . . :, , . W MAIN HOOD. , BOW I0BT, BOW EE8I02ED. Just Published In a Bealed Envelope; Price Bets.l A lEOTTJBB OW'TH MATCKrl, TREATMENT ABTD ttADIOAi. OUKK OP bPKRHATOKRHEA Or Bemioal Waaknea, Involuntary Emissions, Bual Debility, and Impadlawnts to Mas riage iienerallly, Nervonimess. Con sumption. Bnliepay and Pits, Mentnl and Physical In capacity, resulting from Berf-abae. lea. By hnbort i. Onlveraell. U. P., author of thu Oreeo Book,, j K Boon tm Tkonaaasla at Baffereret Brat under seal, "in a plala eavatop. U any address, Son p.l'1, on receipt ot two stamp, or ut uuii, . 0. RLINB, 17 Bovsry, Mew York. Post Offie Box ii i.y-- nn tt r?. r 7 ;. N0T7 'ig Tim tiiie to suescribe i w I : r .'.f 1 1 Jit ii VI 'A ,-. .i SJ vlJi A ..'-. . . : iiaii i .-. ;; : . I '".t OffiYrtslteKL? CITY OP OOLTJT.XUXTa, . OHIO. The DAILY, MrXZC'',,. ! " ' f ' Sil Dollan per Annum; v The TW-WEICKLY, ', '&' ";'.,.;,;, . Three Dollan per Annum The "WEEKLY, at the low rate of 7. One Dollar, per Annum. ,..; Subscriptions to the Pailt ao4 Tw-Wiih.t Btnttatui will be reeeived . ' FOE THREE " OB, SIX MONTHS . ... , , ... ., , ; 1 v ....... -a',; T,.;..i . . . .. v ... At the aWe rates; and the Daitt will be farnished ' " ' TO CARRIERS IN ANY ! PART OF THE STATE, ;' j At the usual rates. As an established and reliable organ of the Demooretio party, , -f , THE STATESMAN IS WELL EIIOWII. , In the future, as in the past, it will uphold and defend the PRINCIPLES OF; THATiGFlANb OLD PAFVTY Whioh has been so fruitful of good to' the PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES; and wit faithfully urge the re-establish menl and supremacy of the DEMOCRATIC CREED AND - POLICY IN ALL THE STATES;' As essential to tha complete and perfect re-eonstruetion of tha . " ' TP 33 X 33 rt JZL Xji -UN X03NT , : On the basis ,on which tbat.TJnion was originally formed. Tlie Statssuar will eupport the Administration of the General Government in all legal and eonatitutional efforts to put down rebellion j and sternly resist the efforts made in some quarters to convert the present unhappy war Into an . Abolition crusade. It will eonstantly Urge economy in the publie czpendituree, and the most rigid accountability of all publio officers. ,;... .,..'.. I - As a medinm of general news, the SiATiaiuit will endeavor to make itself acceptable to its numerous readers, and at all times supply them with ' , ' Tlio LatoBt mxL MAoesit Xtellovtolo Xlojiortiea Of the' home and foreign markets '' In its columns THE BUSINESS M1N, THE FARMER, MECHANIC AND LABORER Will find their interests consulted and attended to, and no effort will be spared to make it a first class newspaper. . " . " 1 :' ... . ' .... , , During the approaching session of Congress we will have a talented and aooomplishsd corres pondent at Washington, through whom our readers will be furnished with much voidable and reliable information. , . ' , , , , ... - The doings of our own State Legislature will be fully reported, and the boat news uf the State and our own immediate vicinity, will have a due share of attention. - We urge upon our friends in all parte of Ohio, and the North-Western States, to aid ia extend ing the circulation of the Stawsmam, since by so doing, they will assist in the promulgation of sound political doctrinee and reliable general intelligence. .. THE WEEKLY OHIO ' To any person raising a Olub of Ten Subscribers to the Wieklt Ohio STArtsatax, and sending us the money ten dollars for the eame, we will send one copy gratis. All orders will be promptly attended to. - j ... . . f Address, ' MANYPENNT A MILLER, , .,- . . i Publishers of the Ohio Statesman, November 1,1861.' ' ' ' I , , Coltjmbps, Ohio. ' .. a.' IKw: i . i . "4-f- STATESMAN CLUBS . SUBSCRIBERS' NAMES. AUCTION AND COMMISSION O 1VE - THE SUBSCRIBE HAVING TAKES a leas on tb Btor Boom No. il East State St., has opened it as aa . . ' Auction & Commission Room. lie Is bow prepared to receive on 0 ommlssion every description of property, such aa Dry Goods, Groceries, Liquors, Furniture. Carriages, Hones, etc. He also intends to devote bis attention to sale of Seal Estate ud Personal Property, at any point, within twenty miles of the city-. v i Auction Sales Every Evening. Oonslgiiments resreifally solicited. ; W. B. KENT, Auctioneer. ectlB k ' AKIN & EMERY, 102 south man stbeet . t . ! Hav a Fall and Complete Assortment of . j HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, iStoves cfe Q-rvtoia, TIN AHD COPPER WARE, JAPAJST'D GOODS Of almost svery kind, Elegant Chamber Sets, ! SPICE AND SEED B0XE9, . I Tin Toys, and Articles in that Line, For tlttU People. , Knirets and. Storks, Spoonsj, Tuba, Buckets, Shovels aeid. Tongei, Coal Hods, etc., ' , ; Tor the Larger One. W wonld call your further attention to the fact that w ar SOLH AObNTB for the sals of the , , STEWART COOK STOVE, Which Is, In all respects, clearly the "AUTOCRAT OF TUB KITOHBN." having no equal In the completene of Its perfonnan and economy of fuel. Thecleareat testimony f IU superiority- Is the fact that manufac turers and dealers ar eonstantly Imitating it, coming as near its possible In EXTERNAL APPlARANOK. Oall and examine our stock. It is no trouble to show ..rg.KU.,. AKm & EMBRj eettS-dlss . !.- .. . . ' ' j The Union " Forever, i COLUMBUS ARMY TENT STOVE ! UANUf AOTUBEQ AN. BoiD.Bt . 'l ..., JOHN L.;L St S0N, AT THKJaVBAM B00MB,'( '! Ko. 90, 93, OL' 90,; NOBtlt mOlt.HiTBF.ET. . j i' .r iff v. ..L, . mttl eomplet Btove for Officers' l.o. Sold at a very low "-; , . Oall and xamm bwi pu.vuaui nwnuwi,. 1 oeta5-dtf , - . - ;r " V -y .'; T tUXAflPBEJ KID LOVES.J"1""'lk L .Allsraasand lese.atopM4 al BalHt, M.I 1. tooth Bl(h , POST OFFICES. 1861. 1861. EAST. UNITED ARRANGEMENTS. TIME CHANGED. CENTRAL OHIO ' AND STEUDENVILLE SHORT LINE RAILROAD, ooNNsoTitta at pirrsuoRan with the Pennsylvania Central Railroad UN II ED. otrn tbi Shortest, Qnlckeat and ITIoet Deelra ble House ( all Kastern Cilie. Train Leave Columbus u follows: vussiLAiBs. vu rrsosnmu,s. Jtiornlna; Express. rarr nut. 4.00 A. M. 3:20.P. H. 4:00 A. M: 19 -ii t. II. axaivs at stLLaflti -10:18 A. Kb .: IH15 P. at. r- aaRtvs at nrmsDSoa 4:10 P. U. 4:10P.M. 10.00 P.M. asrivs at suaansnaa . 3:10 A. M. , . f ... MO A. M. 3:16 A.M. : ... AMIVI AT lilTIHo.S S.30A.M. j 6:iHIA.M. 1:40P.U. aaarvs at niurauniia. 7:40A.M. 7:40 A.M. 18:50 P.M. mr toai vu aunrrowe :i:0OA.M. , ll:W A.M. 4:08P.M. via rauADitrmA 1:45P.M.- 1:45 P.M. 8 15P.M' j . . . f t vu aitBrrowir. Pssiengers by this 11a reach Mw Tork ia advance ef any Northern route. 18:35 P. M. train Is the only one from Oolnmboe at this hour, and tha only train by which passengers eau reach Baltimore or Washington th following day, and arrive in Philadelphia or New York beforadark. iL'BletpIng oars on all night trains. Tb nly Route from Colnmbne te Baliiinore, PbllaelelptUav or , now York WITH ONLV ONE CHANGE OP CARS. This train also connects at Bellaire with the Baltlmer and Ohio Railroad. - ITTIhls rout is 30 MILES SHORTER to PltUbnrgh sodrnor tbao 100 MILKS BUORTBtt to Mew York, than Northern Unci. ; "UT Baggage Checked Through to all la portoBt polBlo Eexs. - ITT Ask for Tickets, via Bellaire or Bleb beoville. D7 Tickets Good over either Route, i , : - JOHS W. BROWN, - Oensral Ticket Agent Centra" Ohio B.B. 'i , . t IRa A. HCT0HIN8ON, . General Ticket AffntBtsubBVlll Bhortlln. Columbua, Nov. 13, 1UU1. Domestic Cotton y-pods- . BAUT d DOIT. OrfEH the. most Exteneiro Aeeorts ment of Brown and Bleached Cotton Planner , ., - ." . . . . .". Muslinsi w .' - BamsleyOottoaBheeUngsi ? Beleot Sty ft of Calico's and Dslatnes; TIcklDf, Shirtings. lnghmK tj And Oottou Battings. - Also, Blankets, Ilannels, , Oaailmeras, Cloak Cloths, ete, etc.' yt;; Much below regular prices. ' , ! octlO . 99 South High Stmt. Cranbcrric3 ! Cranberries I pvvis.!eBAwiiiiKBiE8 in :aoi OKDKtt. on cmsiaaowBl., -,.. .;.. i S 30 JorsaMlowhy ' . w4 n n uiav a lOS loath High lueU oouw