Newspaper Page Text
CO. .. 1 i ' t -..1 1 "1 &UiAE FLAUiS, ."-1 I'- 20 & 22 EURBAY SI2EIT, IMPORTERS ANA JOBBER Of Poreisu, Domestic . d'ET'-GOODS OR QaHJ Oil .APTROVRD XjlEOIT,, B. oolog, at our ample wareroom. at tin above . ...b.! Eose o Uvu id each of lu ilk department :l!5.t !' mUlH heretofore ,shltalBt lbUd. 0L0TII DEPARTMENT. ' c thl bagrowa Utupreeen Wln'""d' uJ,Biiagaent l'uy,, 01 "Ti .Id (B BnMl and CUOICCSt ' FANCY -VESTIKCO . . ... iMUd with the nicest !, be found in ftr!JSS jLdrsrle.ln of; UROADCLOTUS. SATINETS. , . . 1 r.ADlES' CL0AINSG3. ;r:.7 - ... .... v jweeds, -......, a. ..wiUKnCUANTS'CABSIMRUB.i ,:Z,i,K JRaNS.frou. X o X beats fyu j-.-,-, J,-- aad apejeide . ,- :V ;. ' ' : ' i . WEEDS. ' to won per yart-last yes. sold JSteKO; .. . .' ? pftiNTED SATINETS, all! cents; AiaAer carrfponditisly Lou.'' i ..." -' " " 'i''"i.if:,; ' Deesjj-G oods Department. Ctti vi' So - . Mucht..Ul0gh., Prtuted Lawn., r P,UU Blt.llW.lti. CllLtOU Gingham.. FANCY SPRING COOuS. Merrtue PHots Oocbeco i do. . fxMtU: .do. Jtlcbmoud ' Prints, American do. " Dumiriri -do. Bnraipw' -r' . : ' :Kngllsn - d .. ' uoM'kstiO ccrrroxs. f..,.tVo. eiieeui,., tf"": Mii"f( 7.rk Io. Amotketuj ftSrop do. i. APPietou Btiawnat .-,... 4f,ri. do. do. do. d. BtiACHiD eniETreoB akd suebxinos. Hwlrht. LWTno6, r"7.,r ... SUM. Ml., ., , ' WalUu-d. iwow, INcw York Willi, SilAVLS ANi)" MANTILLAS, EAOI ANP U.ICf AITilW- 00TT0NABK-l' rur.'ty. 01ICCK v d0' . v 'J llCKlNUB-tll Idtai(! lm;.. DENIM8 do. . do. - BU1HT1NQ sriurKi H ih Ied4g knuidt. do. ' I ' OOtirKl JJSAN3 . v w 'loi, '. ,v do. Hi. no. CAM LilC AND. COUPLETS STOCKS OF WBIT&G0ODI, , . HOBTEET. v TAHKES K0TI058, Genllcnien's Fnrnishi iig Goods UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, CAKtfcTS ASO 011i.Cl.orHt . . . ..rf.t. f Jlaeda not rnuiDerated I1 which w pUdiro -o "ell tthetotMi mutel to-U uiftr nortlvB ltrum 1U to M ttat. ! LATUKOP, LUDINGTON & CO, v-, UEW YORK- STONE'S BAZAAR N"o. 4: Gwvnno Block, A". IV STONE & 0'IIAKRA AUK NOW liCCLIVIMMTIlKIU WW. TKR QOUDS, Had lotlie che putillc to Inject Uicu Mo iti n c ol 6oM) baa or keen brotixhi thimrkrt. TL dooUi, teeonwiqueuco ol Ue IuUojc ol On f rain crop, DM not two wit lo purclwie Hie ill uluuuitUy of iiclinouds iud Uiit ffcctbM forced the Imuorien WKll then ( poblw ooottoo. Wur ooyoi (Mr. loo) sting to fern Vorb At tbewi largo met, took dTatkt ot Uia, tou we cuu n.ia Will icil oo good, btit l ka ihn mjr uce who pnrch-ued two week, since. IMidVor them In New York. oof tto ti conpleto la . rorf deuo'tmont of U-.- iSliuAN V ORES3 SILK3... . A. , . OTTOMAN VELOURS, , BROCHE VALENCIAS, ,. PRINTED MERINOS, " - - PRINTED COBURGS, ' DYED C0BUG9; BLACK ALPACAS, " ORLEANS, - . KANCY WOVEN FABRICS, '' ' :i ALL WOOL DELAINES, PCFL1N3, PRINTS, J --.'. : --.a- .... . DELAINES. SHAVVLS AND CLOAKS Fiye ThausancV Dollars Worth '- Bonght in-One Day, LADIE FURS, ,; : HOSIERY DEPARTMENT, , Men'i, lodloi ud Children 'i TJoder Phlrti nd Droworo! i iu. vumuI Children'! lloelerjof U kind!, in Wool ud Ltmb'i Woolj Fleecy lined uid Cotton U lore. of rrery k' . ? - . u A complete asiortment. of all the nmal rarie Ladiesj cloths 1 cassimere3, ,., overcoatings, - . TWEEDS, FLANNELS, ';',:',' RIBBONS, . DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ladiei andOejit'i linen Cambric Hand' kercluek, do., &o. To peneni who ul o pledge onr word to ho tuea tUo Urgott. betl wid cbetueti etock of uooai orei eeoL Id ibii market, or pv Ua one dollar yer hoar while looking. -., .. .,.- . doel-dljSiawltw. ' 8T0NB fc 0 HARB.A W. A. Batchelor' flair Dye! ' TbU iplendid Balr Dye ha. no equal lnitantaneooi'ln affaet BeaaUfal Black Natural Brown no ataining the .kin or Injuring th Bair remeoiratneanrar an effect of ttS Dyea, end InTlgerate th balr for life. Woo r genuine unlen ilgned W., A., Iatchelors'? )Md CTerywhere. '"' " '" ',; , ''" OBAS. BATOimXTR, Preprietor'. jyl2:wli Barclay Street, New Tort. riAia dyehair dye. Wnu A. Batohelort flair Dye! laa Original Bad Iet In, thi WorUI All othen an men Imitation, and ihoutd be iroided Ifyom wlih loeeeap rldienl. .. , .. ORAY.JIBD OE EU8TI BAIR Py4 Indantly to beauttrnl and KataralRrowa lack, without Injury to Balror Skin., : ,-... .riFTBKN AIKDALB A5D P1PLOMA8 bar be awarded to Wm. A. Batshelor tuc 1830, and wrtr 8B.0B applloatlon nar b aada C 0i ( hi patron, if hli tUBon dym '.u . . ... t, '.sfnn "WM. A. BATOiIIXOR'1 BAIR DYB prdc(ael or aot to b dt.tlniraHhed; from oamn, and w warrants nottomlura in Uie leait, however long It aiay be eontin ed, aad the ill effect of bad liye remedied; th BaV BTtgorateii for lifo by thi qilendid Dy. , : Rjid in all cltiea and .(own of tb Cnlted State. BroKfrlKti and Fanny Good Dealer.. I! .'The uenaine ban the uameandaddrM nrmn eteei ita'. A. hi,! - it on lour anietof encb bo, f WILLI Ai) t.uAn i KAT0IIRI.0R. Pinrlor.'' jl3 W'.y ; , ; , , t'i Mreltif .trcet, kttw York LUD1NGT0N to ' NOVVKlilADY,, "the revised" statutes QF THH Hen. Joseph IV Bvtan, ) . J'RZMS OQCRT, , .'..;' .v.;.. CootalMoi In twenty-Bluo Voiimo. of th. Ohio aod OUlo . Sialo HeporU.) v,, AND BEFKllKNOKfl TO FBWR U.Wt. y : ' an a rcxi and conymiint "- ;' i t Roeal 8w.;Volumea. Prlc$10 00. v. ...mMi'bu boea parod to'.mako th. work rteot'.'Mheeln beM .P- Ilh-now :"-y-""J of b-.h Uoo, nd iu orderea w o r ,od Coon V officer!! .H.. ..,.-. gMr. ilUe Proite Court., Coorttor '"' " . fi..M... loHHnim. ond the Clerk, ol UK ""--V---"-. Z. .... M.i.n( lin rkiu! Ooorteioeecn cviuvi ... . , S and U.uSol ihl. Blot., and U,. bovernon oi in. eerer.. --" rra,.lBta. Tlii! book, eonunrnoir, " -;, ow in force, lud uie .otlioriutlv. cooilructioo ol tiiem i,d of the New Oon.tltnilon, will K feand lo bo e.peoal If uieful la to performaoo ol Uwlr doue, lo .. . 00tJIf"MKRfV ' " , (ICbTlCKH Of III FKACC, , Af . , TOWNBtUl'THUel'KEd, .". i CLK'tKd VI TuWN SHIPS, and . . I . ..... ., ...GIIT OM10BIW. .. .... m cbuiee hmr been mvU la lb lUtorn ! tn puhitoailoa ol lhlat odiitoo, b re- i ,.,.. .i uiiiiimne. end man' ou.o'di bare bt.n f .reo t th Bopiwa Court o su- Uorerled point all ' '. i . . w .. -i A TO Hrt K 0 At daw, j ... " . . BAWaBHo. HHKCHANT ' ,, -; - AND MJolMlsa HMH QKItKRAUT, .... (Till And thli u Inralnabl Work. Itoo oyJ . r"" of liter iffUfn mndrta .i -wve, f . In Strong law Binding. Trie iW.BO. i i i ROBERT CXjARKK tu., Lm PnbHihen. Baokiellen: Btntlonor and Importer. fcbl:d2o.U . '; , " Cincinnati 0. DliHCHAkElt WAITliDlor!C0pckseiof I ttiatiwary aod Jowelrjr, lor ai o ,otoi, lew Itt per oral, dliounnt, at U .p ofl'c Jolnmboe, Colo . ' v w . " ... .a nil ihe hctpakt.or.ttlen n (with r wlUioBl Jewelry n uie nimncv, ai p.iv lurnr Uiao can b. nurobauU elKwber. AdJreu, with iu,p eoeloed. . .,,, Irl5-tw' I.. IjI Court itremioua, Uw "TRAVELLERS! WOIX iou go to New Yurk.drlre direct to the 1 8 .11 IT it SO MAPI HOI Ml: BROADWAY, OOBMEIl Cf nOCSTON BTIM . Conductsdon the . nUBOPKAN rLAN. Good Far, Good Koomi, Prouri Attendance, and Mo irate Chrgei . . , . hlNQLB ROOMS 90 CT8. 75 CIS-and $1 FEU 1AX. ' - DODBH ROOMS and PARLORS $1.50 to Vli ordered. Tbi Hotel ha all the oppolntment of th bet hotel., a vosteentral lontlon, and 1 boated luronghoat by near. BAMua.u imu. marchftUtm Proprietor . ' J0H1 B WERILKB, i ' A cEiTFOHiiowt,oM'rrNr.piiTAi.. A M.MH.TT.M. RaL-naiT. at d I.T1HO Fli. IK.. Cui' New Yoaa: Haainawn' and Oirt Fi. o lUaT.oaa Nrw toaa I.inand Com.. Mrrrt. ttr. tUtco si Ul.(Ix,,St., SaraR' Rl : . ot7-lty . , . i Alexandre's Kid Glove3. ni.Ain ah n Lmsuui oeu cu, m ors A QUXIA1HR and rnolr abapo Black Kid G lore ,n,hm,rt.nd tn while, wi.renta, pnrpl. Ato. Undrewed Kid wtoret. altate. kU aiore. A coatpieU aatoruaent ol ihwocelenr.tfd01oTe.alwa! lor ai By 7 . . s RAIM BON, CbW . -.t No. !9Bonth Illgh.treet DKtSS tiOOllS, . , New and AttraotlT. i MoeAMiiWH,.. r . . j . TaVBUR POFUtlS, ! ,, s ., I ... '. ...... Poit df. Chcvbss, Fmnch CuiNTWfr" . I French McUKi ' French Orordif, " '' i Chinesc Wafbiro Silks, Eliqant Drb?s Siuts, - I Hr.Tt Basqvi and Ma.ntli Silks 1 And all o'Jiernew .td fublonabi neterla t moat dccni) for bardjome Irete and MantlHM. BATI A BON, aprM . .. No. 89 Sooth nigh itrest J. CARD. HAVIKG THIS ! .ILTJ Cn Stock rf Urncerir.toO. 6 DaJSINQ, wechcerfully recoinuend him to onrold pront tod inenai. . Tilua UALKKKA60N Columbut, March fiSth, Idbr apl dtl PLAIK FILACH MI.KSFOa LU etreel Baaqoet aad tiantleai alio. Ktcb Trimmin and Tameli to match, at BAIN ' 3 runner Under Garxnetnta LADIE. MS IE CNDFR VEST". Lull. Oaui Merino do. do. s Otnt Silk Drawer, and Bhtrtl. ' 0 Cent India Gauie Drawer and Shlrti. ' Cotton -. " i Oan.a Merino Coder Shir. ; , . " Whli and Brown Drilling PrTerI ft H Whit Linen Dr.wer. -. .,. .,'. Ratra lanr Under Sblrt. . ," Bupi lor Bngliih Balf Boa. . .. Long Stocking.. . . " ncy Ootton Half How. - ' Suspender.. , , , ' Golden Bill Shirt. . ' For ila in prices, by great Yarlutj Rod t" moderate . . . . BAIN A SON, - No. S3 Bonlh High .tree:. mayHO. .e.P r rBIOSI BI0QC1V '- ' . ' IFrom tb New ork Ohlerrer.1 Alallpartle manufacturing Bewtny Machine! are ob liged wp.y Mr. Bnwe a licenn on ech machine ld. and are a eo compelled to make return to him, under oath, a to the cumber (old. hi. book, rive (correct .tat Dent. From thli reliable inure we nave obtained the following ratutlc. Of the machine toad to the year IbJlt, ther wr oM, . By Wheeler A Wlleon. ........ .81.310 ' I. U. Singer A Co Kl.W.l 14 Ororer It Baker.. r lObO Showing the nle of Wheeler A Wilson to be HoubU tnoe or any other uoopany." Awarded the hlgheit premlomn at th , .United State. Fair, of IHSH. IMS) and IfiBO; alaoat Oi - . " ' ' Ohio Stat Fair of 1859 and ' and at nearly all th Oounty Fain In th Stale. Our irlce. at the late reduction, nr at Ion i. onv loc ttA maenine now aw. ana not a trine nigher Dan th interior two thread chain elicA miicMtut, now forced noon the market. ... Th WHRELEB At WIXBOn MACnINI nake. th Looa Stioh the only one which cannot be raveled. Ii I. Auaa o BoTUdioaaol the good, learlc nrWor ehnlnontht imdtr.tidt. , M vjuiMhm rnnfmUd J Van, ana vuatncUon given lo their ue, free of onane. : -re . . 5 ' ' Wal. SUMNJtU A CO., 'tnl fawdtafcwflr Plkt'l Opera Uooae, Cinouinatl... JF AOBNKRAL N ATCRR, IN FORCE AU. V 8W- i! Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS. qnHEIOI.S,OTVINO CliANOl-.N WE HE In the tlte omeen of thi. Bank. Januar iiBlh. IK61, te wit: - Wai. A. run. President, and TaoMAa HoooiB, Chler. realened ihetr odloea: hivrn Tavlo. t.q., wa. then alected Prerident nd W. A. li.Tr a poinied Caihier. , . ...- fc . By onter or trie Boird of rtlreetor. ' feb J, IWil-dtf. ... , ; W. A. PLATT, Caahler. THE UNION FOHB VTJH! UNION UlUVriWIPKli-A liaUlTX WttB.t4.0Upf .tdw , , .,. ,. THIOS IKTTEB ADD NOTS PAPRk. t at half th. pric.ohrgd by mall dealer.. TrpHEAD (jnARTERS No. 75 Booth Hlfh r.ft, 'CColomlrai, ay 8, 1HJI. J. R. BH.BY ' ft, - " " ' ' .' . u ii )ri viv 'J A ! Jv.; i . at 3 In OHIO , BTATE3IIAH E r ! , I Ff r,l ll I'll Nos.' 361 38 & 40, North Elgli St. ;'lgCaASED FACILTTIXS I , it-.. . . . ieCP&EY. CMFiEESS. UAVINQ MOVED IKT0 MT NEW BUILDIHO, BOOK & JOB DEPARTMEUTi , . , WHILE BOTH BAVB BEEN . . REPLENISHED; THROUGHOUT ,r V "; WITH--.'.-,''., . 'J';a " New Types,'" Borders, "Ornaments," &c WR0M IHl CIL18BAT1D I0ITMDBX Of . C. T. WHITE ft CO.: HEW YUKK, THUS MARUNO IT TBI . f. . Most ' Complete ;;Efltabli8hment IN THE CITY. I am bow prepar4 to SxeonU tU'0rdn for BOOK AHD JOB WITH DISPATCH lad la th Hoat Approvad Styla of the Art. 1 . . PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO '-. MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD I XTL I JST T I 3M O-. Bill el Lading-, Circular, -filll Head, lilanka. Deed .ril(lr.atfi. ICecelpla, , Dray Tlckela, HerUtero, HOW CARDS & BILLS IN COLOKS, CSCK8, CARDS, , HKADIBOS, VOTES, ESmOPEfl, CONTRACTS. Illustratcd Show Bills, ,. FOR OOUMTRY MERCHANTS, ' bow Bills, Hand Bills, LabeU, Concert Pro gramme, Rebool and coiiego Bonemea, no. tel Eilli of Fare, Inviutloni, Ac. Booli ,.r; ."OF EVERT Worls. DESCRIPTION School and College Catalogue, Kheellaneoai Pamntlotl. Coaitiintiona, Reports, Brlofi, At Frinticff in Gold and Colors . I H i 3P O S'.T. ; . Printed la Erery Tolor on nammothlloe Cylinder . Thi only Frw of the kind in Central Ohio. Sly faeflitlM for doing any and all of th abort descrip tion of work, are now uniurpatted, and atlrfactloo will M (uaranteed Is all eaac. XLJ"AI1 work funrlihed promptly by th. time promlied. WHO SHOTJIDTJSE DR. J. COVEE OODS VEGETABLE DIPERIAL WINE BITTERS'? All who are afflicted with Incipient Conremptlon Weak Lung, tbonld if. them. All who lulfer from Weak Stomach., Indigestion. Djrt- peiKi or Piln.honld ua. mem. All who raffer from General or Nerron.Osiill Se.tlea.nea at sight, Want of Bleep, Ac, abould them. ' All penoo who ar eonraleecent after fever et other liokoea ahould them. Mlntjter. of th Ooipel, Lawyer, Leotunre, aod al public ipeaker .hoald um tbem Book Keeper, and all pereooi leading aiedetitary If ihould a them. - .... Chetged and roSrm abould 0M them. All wbo roolreatimuiant ortonlo .hould isetb.a. All who are addicted to Die uw of ardent qiirit aad wlh to Inform, .hould a them. f hey are made of a pur Bhrry Win, and of th na tive plant ud herb of tb country, aod .hould be re commended by temperance aocletle, clergymen, phy.l oiana, and all frleod. f humanity. ' Itoj ar prepared ay u pnnoexi ana a-iuiufiny. aotan, and, artde Iron tbeir medletnal pro per tie, ore aoat delightful kerorag, and pot, a a medicine, are a. innneentandharawwuth dew. of heaven. . Sold by drugirlet. generally. ' ...... CHAStXI wrSSLflSLD ft CO., ProprUtora, T8 WUIIana Ht., now York, ' R0BEBT3 ft 8AMUEI, Ajsnts, i i . . i, Coluinbua, Oltlo ectWdAwly. , MRS. WINSLOW An earerlericed Nuns and Female Phyiloian, proacnu to th .Mention ot mother, bar -.n 80 0 THIN 0 - S YliUP ' FOR CHILDREN 'TEETHING '-, which ereatlv facilitate lb proeea of teething, by .oft- .ning the gum, reducing ail innammaiioo win auay ALL. r AIM uopaioiioacuon,asu nr SfJHE TO KEGtlLATG THE BOH H,S. Depend upon It, mother, It will (It net to younelTei and BELIEF AKD HEALTH TO TOUR ISFANIB W have nut up and old till, .rtlcl for over ten yean, end CAM SAY, IN OONFIDBNCR AND TRUTH, of it, what w hav never been awe to ear oi any outer mear tin NBVKK A8 IT FAILBD, IN A BI.NOLB INST- ANCK. TO BFFBOT A CURB, when timely ued. Rv r did w. know an tnitaoe of diaaatlifaetkin by any on who aaed It. . Ol the contrary, all an delighted with It operation, and apeak In term of commendation of It magical eoeca and meaicai virtue, t w ipsaa in mi matter "WHAT WB T0 KNOW;" after ten year.' expe rience. AND PLBDOB OUR BRPUTAT10N FOR TBI FUL1LLHBNT OF WHAT WB HBRR DKOLARB. Io almoat even tn.tanc when the Infant I .uflerln from pain and whautiou, relief will be found In fifteen or iwentv minute after theBrrnn I administered. Tula valnani preparation H in prewnpuon oi onror th mod RXPBUIliNOBOand BKILLFUL NOHBd In NewBngland, and baa been uaed with NKVBtt VAJL- INQ BUOUKNB la ' ,- ; 'I'HOUSJlrllfB Ur VA.E. Itnotonlv relieve, the child from pain,' out Invlgor ate. the fltomaoh ud bowel, aorreela acidity, and give. lone and energy to tb whole ay.tem. . It will almoat inl tantly reliev - - - crjaho nr rsx bowels, asdwino colic and overoom eonvuiriona, which. If aotpdlly rem died, end in death. We believe it tn BfcoT and BUB- B8T KRMBDY IN Till WORLD, In all ee of Did BNTRRY ud DIARHBOU IN CIULDRuH, wbethe, It .rile, from teethini, or from any other caute. We would to (very mother who ba child mfferlnr from .nyof theforegoineeompl.lntt 1)0 NOT LKT YOUR PKEJULIIOBB NUB TUB f nKJUUIUKH vlf vrnBKo atand between you ud your lufferLax child, and th re lief that will be SURai ye. AUHOUUTBLY BURB to follow the u. of thi. medicine. If timely UMd. Full di rection, for ulng will accompany ench bottle. Nop gtnuin unle. Uie facdmll of CURTIS A PRRRINB, New York, I. on the onuide wrapper. . . . Bold by all uruggt.t thrcugiiout tb world. Prl cl pal Of Ilea, 13 Cedar Street M.V. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. oct27-dAwly. ""v "i;.'.t'C' r' ' ' : ' - ' ' ' PHIKO CLOAKS AND 11411 INKS NBW BTYLBB Knin At Ma, No, BMB-mtb ligh Street, nave Ju.i nned newetyle. of Cwh Oia '!.. Btmrrmw and Hanqoca, amde lo tii weat snd mtnt etyiMi mnnoer, AIM. Superb Pluiu Itiisr k MIHW, very heavy, designed eipressly lui , alaotlllMand aaqnine .... , .. . ,.. lan BI, I. ACHED fiHEETINCK. AND 8IIIRTINOS, all wMtha, of moot celebrated aakn ow ifred la greatest Tarrti aad at very low price. , .. sisiti sun, prUS . South ti Iga itreeU ttT i -Al ,i " -..!. ,r.1 i.'.J ...!: tftifv ftt' ,c' lliillli or v 4 B I . . W . : 7 it i i. ,.,H Or.tJV ti'. Vi lZ 5 S S 9 3 ! K i p a . J- m x ' '3 .j 't 2 j A (3 '--'". CJn.I ..-B fl n .C.a ? , w as8 0-: i' 0; ') no TTPI INYITB ATTRNTION to loin of tb mo.t x- tnordiBary ourwbyaV v , . .. , , x ! ; PECTORAL SYRUP. - - Tliet ar at horn, ud any on who ha doubt can In qulr of the pron who bar been cured by it. - -' BR. KavauB, ra pubparrd AT ANT TIMR To IXAMINB LUNOH WITHOUT OHARURi FOR ALL IUOdR. WnO.MRU.ttlB USDIOINRS. , . .., , ., Ill , - ... ATTIND TO TOUR COLDS A fu of Sv year' tandlcg cured by DR. KKYnKR'B PROIORAL SYRUP. '. - ii i "r- TrrrMoa.H, Jan. .1, 18W, Da. K.rna: ITy wtf baa been aiBlcnd with a bad oougb and diliivuiiy of breaUilo, for Bv oi ia year., Wnlob,lor oeverai yaroaca, oau graauany woraaaea in violence. Th. oomviaini na oeen oereuimrv, ua ane had been treated by evrai phyrictana without uy re- lief. . In tru .ut or nr caae, i proeurea torn oi your PMlnrml Oiiuuh Bvruo. 1 bouxbU th Srti 14ms. a Aft esbl butils, which relieved her vary much; I than called and got a dollar bolt I, which cured her ntirly, and be ba. now no I race oi me former untaoe, exoey i wsu neie. I would alo atat that I uaed lb medicine my uir to a cold ud cuuah. l b medwine cured m by tak iDg on doe 1 xprs my tntire aati.ra. uon wim we medicine, andyo are at, liberty to publish thi. II you doair to do W. , ., ... , . r wm. muoun. . Aiaermu rrna waru. 1 . ' . m . .a rjTT.BUKH, nov. to. Da, Kmui: Although not u advocate of Patent Medicioei. lo general, it afford, me pleasure ludeaorlb bio to recommend vour Pectoral Syrup. A a medicine It i welt wortnr the attention of uy penon ho may In uy manner be aOlicted with eouiha, cold, ud boaraenea ol an, una, ana lor w peculiar ,uaiincanon. lor re- moving all luat dUagreeani wnwuon auenaing a .e vtre cold. I bar been, more or leu, In my life, affected wltn the tevsrest of cold ud boanenew. At Uma my throat would become ao cl..Kd .. to prevent my apeaklna above a wbi.ier,'Ud by taking a lew doae ol Uie above oyrup It would reliev me entirely. In reoommendtua this medicine. I mail unnealtatlnEly nr that it is th beat remedy I ever found, purporting to cur tli above, no ahould uy family b wilbout thli remedy lordiacaie. so prevalent. . I our, most rcapeonuiiy, ' KDWARDJ. JONKti, r Caihier Citlaeo.' Deposit Bank. . STanaixviLLt.0.. March 14, 1859 I lutv used Dr. Keyser'. Cough Syrup for a bad couiih of atveral year, itanding, ud can cneeriuuy ay it th btit medlcin for tb nmt that I have ever taken. ( ,.. .i . v d. W. XJIMUB. COL. PRATT AND LR KhYSKR'S PXCTORAL BYKUP. Da. Kar.aa Dear Sir: Kxcu. the delay of my acknowledging the excellence of your fectoral Uougu Byrup aooner. I uke great pleasure In (aylng that it ii all von iu It 1. JI kruKXtii V not ow oi mv eouon and lb worsl on I wa ver afflicted wltb: I bay uot used more than one-half of t he bottle, and 1 can ud do wish that all wbo an afflicted Would give Has lair a trial a. 1 have done, and they will ba proud to ay,"Itiano quack medlcin.'' 1 would not tuner another uch so attack lor ut eon.iueratiou. or ai uy con. a am con ncieui I can breath more f reoly Uiu I evr did. I .hall alwav. acknowledge a debt of gratllud for inventing k' excellent a remedy. You an at liberty to uie my name la thli regard, a. you think proper B. F. rKAXT, Aleaaenger Common Council, Piltiburgh, Va. Pittsburgh, Alay 11, Iboil. N. B 1 am no itranger to ay fellow clUaen., ud who entertain doubt o&u eotuuli me penonally. i :; , . - :,.., . . , . ., P '''' ' Tirr.oaan. Anrll SI, 1647, READ TBR TRUTII. -Da. Knsni I bar a daugh ter who ba taken tuveral medicine for a bad oougb without benefit among them Ayer'a Cherry Vectors!. I purchased from you a bottle of your PGCTonAL BY KUP, and before .he had need half a bottle L wa relieved, Th second boUl cured her entirely of ber oougb. JOHN ' Robinson atreet, Allegheny. ' : ' ' ' n . m t, , o, ion A GREAT CURB BY Dtt, KBYSBU'B PROIORAL SYttUr. I ilv In feeble, township, Allegheny county. 1 bad a coughing ud .pitting, wWh commenoed aoout tb 4th ol February last, aud continued lght month, emuloved ih beat physician. In the country, ud my eonih continued unabated until early In October. - Al thai Urn I wadried to try your PROIORAL COUGH riVnuP. which I did. ud after 1 bad taken on bottle was antlrely free from lb coughing ud (pitting. I had despaired of Tr getting well, and 1 think it ahould be known that thi vaiuabl rndy will do for other, what ll has don in my cm. : . . dUii o. Hi ilk, Witnn B. At. Rota. . . . , . .. Peeble towahip. i. - ' ... " Patto Tr.. April 14, 1857. A WONDERFUL CURB. Soma time ago, an old neighbor ot mine wa very ill with a bad rough which erery one uppoed to be consumption. Bi relative. told m that h had taken every remedy they beard ol wilbout benefit; hi brother came to see him die, and all were nun firmed in the belie! tnat hecouia not live. had about the third of a bottle of your Pectoral Byrup whirb 1 rave him, aod It entirely eured bus, to the aaton lahmant of all. What make Uie eaw more remarluuile, -be extreme g ol the being about eighty year, old. I bov ov doubt the Pectoral saved hi. lire. JfllMN'OlNNIB. BR. KEYBEli'8 PECTORAL SYRUP IN ELAIR8 VILLR. Pleue .end mo auolher supply of your valu able '-Pectoral Syrup." Almoat everybody around u. ba. the cold ud are uUiru( for "Dr. Royaer'a Sectoral By rup." tV hav oid sixteen bottles last week , ud are now entirely col. - Mr. A. Alter and Ur. P. Ataher, both of Blalraviile. Pa., tell ua they would uot be without il in, their lamllle. t In fact, all who one II one wut it again. Yours, resurc'.iuiiy, J. 8. WATTER80N A SONS. ' JanuarySO, I860. . ANOTBIR NEW CERTIFICATE DR. KEYSRR'8 PEOIORAL 8YHUP. 1 bad been troubled with acough and cold tor several week o bad wa H that I eould not sleep. 1 bad Ihe advice ud prescriptions from threw ol lnbe.ipnyicuuiin uieciiy, woosn loouiu same, out ao not do io. 1 nneny proeurea a come oi your jrouiorei Syrnp, wnicb Qured m. nurely . Bigneu, J. W. BIMONTON, ' '' - S38 Lfberty itreet, PltUburgb, Pa., Ju. , I - ... .t i i' .- v. . '. "STOP TBAT)00UQBTNO.H'Bow can I do Itt' "Oo lo Keyier'ioa Wood (treat and get s bottle of bUOougb PeetoiaL and if tbat dou t cure you, your oaa must damants indeed." l'bl. laa.peounenof lbs collouuv ons bean almoat erery day In cold catching period, the year. And we can, from actual experiment, cheer fu Uy concur in tb adviser', admonition as above, for we have tried th ' reciorai, in a most siaooorn case, wiu nitre success. Hear two week ago we went to Pittsburgh, wltb one of the moat dutrening, contrary, mnllsh, un subduabie cough, w aver experienced inoe our advent upon tnl mundane pnre- W coughed ateadtiy ud lanohously lor on wool weak, In hope of tiring it out, out II wa no go. in laci ii aeemea retner io nave un nroved br practice, and to have acquired .trenith.poten oy ud dieireeelotVtry by tb operation. In till stage the !((, w coujhed our way to Beyr'i, lu Wood Bt. procured s fifty cent bottle of tb "Pectoral;" took accord! j to direction, and in forty -eiKttt noun we ware master of tb field, lb enemy having ancondltlonally surrendered, alter a brief but unequal conflict with to formidable an adversary a. neyaer a famon "uongu Pectoral. Yetcmeiu vujptr, l&, 14, lcaa. ' DR. KXYSER'S PROTORAL SYRUP 1 nrepaied and sold by Dr GROROR H..KXYBER, 140 Wood street, Pittsburgb, pa jij- Bold in vommon. ny nuBaitiB m. iaxuii,. IJIOOTMACHE JsEMEPY. ,;.'iA SURE CURE. Prepared ud old by Da. 0B0. B. KEYSER, t 140 Wood it., Pittsburgh, Pa Price, 3 cents. JO Sold In Columbus by ROBERTS A SAMUEL. oou7:Stwdum. - -- G'1 BUT!' PAPER COLLARS AHD Neck Tie. , , Bandiome and economical., Alio, Silk Tfea,';,;, ; , ; " ' , , ", aniraa - . linen Cellara, ,..iv. . v : llrtir llaae, ... ., UraweriiAe., "Jl t BAIN A SON, aprt ' ' ' ' ' No. South Blgb street rJaaufaetuiere and Wiioleaale Doalers in BOOTS AND SHOES, , Northwest Corner of High and Gay Sts., 4 :,; No. Ol, COLiJUIKI'S,... OHIO. "A large Stock of Pins end Staple Good, en hand. 7, fM-dtt-tf '':, ;;' n ' v..- :- T CTEI.I.A R1IAWLII STELLA O SHAW Lai I In all desirable colore, and at yen great bargain BAIN A SON, apm No. SO South High itreet. ITAH T E Il.-A OESTI 'jTO F.LL F kIuu of STATIONERY ud JEWELRY, at prices one-third Use tluta can be purchased elsewhere Oallon or.itdres. (Ump enclosed) J L.BAILBY, N 154 Oonrt t Boston, aiaa. ' a march 8a.d3nt. nriim- BIANTLiB BAISAOE9 BOTH White and Black, last reesiTsA al aj, ?;;: f.iaW i&t i'.vIJ r!.:f 9n' fc'i Utoil?1? . ",f .svij-itj ut; l: j'-.!'cK i . -v 1 J of of it IIUNNEWELL'S ".i i ,ir,. a mi .'-J CU J COUGH REMEDY; .11 VI. i . TV . . .. ....... I1L t svrsu imwinq ijimi uootpiainse. moiuang, wiui moat perfect reault. Wuoonmi Cooaii, Ohbonio an Oo'hmob Oooan, Bhohohui an Th.oxt Oorvtm, alwsy foreruoner of Consumption. A. s bootiiim Bvaor It ba ne .uperlof. : freed tivm all Opiate or Rmttie pnpertle, may b need by molt delicate conitU tatloae, ui wltb prft conndtnoor "Y TOLU ANODYNE. r - ..... fn flaaanat NiTosui Otut' ever offered teth World, oonululng not particle of Opium, nor any sub itanoa but It itrlotly vey tabl and meilloal properties. A ion Remedy for Nidsxuiu,' RaanwaTniM, Gout, Toots sub Rab Acihb, OaTxaaa, Roaa oa Bar Iivra, ud ail minor blarvon Complaint. ' ' Foa Loss or Buov, ud lleadacb In alt it yanettea, It ha oo equal, ud to which moil undoubted teatmoal al. are offered. ..-? -' - ' Foa DaLiattw Taaamrs it II a moit perreot remedy, loa Bora, Oonruiirr. after removtn. the pain It acta as a phydo, a moat tmportut contrast with (h eon.tlj'a- lory eneeta or upturn. - . . . . To Phy.lolu., Formula and Trial Botllea will be sent, ud to Dealer or Invalid a descriptive nuipblet without poeiacvaiaoip. -. , . rrepsrea unur uis special upervwou si 1(, , ' joun I.. nt7jvNjt;MEii., - en cam air rnaRBacaDTiiT, So 9 Commercial Wharf, Boa ton, Kail Towhoapl direct all communication., , . r r Prlow-rLarg Cough Remedy, SO cent pr bo(tl i .J ' , Small " 25 " ." I Toin Anodvne. .l' For Ml. by th usual wholeml ud retail dealers, evorywaere; . u ' ' .. ROBBRTo a EMAiuai'i" - ' : maitra, ... ....... . 1 , 1 , U .1 1 .1 luun rt, uuim, " e. DENIG A BONB, A. J. BOBUBLLBR A SON, mrl7-wlv Agent for uolumbu. Ohio : t h e, . WEEKLY OinaiSTATESMAN. ' - HAVING A1CIBOULATIO11 --- UBQEB BT SEVEBbX " TH0US4NB8 Tbu any othe' pre' Ohio, of Cincinnati Offers Facilities Ui 'Advcrtisin i Which CANNOT PAIL to bring Kneedr and Bemiincrative lloiurni V ' To thoae who tak advantage of them.' ' THE .WEKKLV rjTATBSMAN B Istributed a It ll through every Post Office tn Ohio, Reaches a Large Class of Readers Who patronage ll valuable, and who seldom ice th. Dally Edittom of city Jonrmli; and a oly A Limited number of Advertisements Are Inserted in It edlunvo, appoiirlately and ; HANOSOMELV .OliPLAVEO! . Tamr jkkot rau,T0 , . .., . i . , jSLttxaot ..ttontion . OP ALL I '. . . , WHOLESALE DEALERS . Adwtlilng In the V.IEKLT STATESMAN will Sn it advutagous In , . - THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which I almott certain to follow u extensive dtuemln , " atlon knowledge of their bui!ness AM0K3 COUISTBY DE A1ESS ! ADVERTJ TEMENTB INTENDED FOR : The Weeklv Statesman I , Bbould be handcdla before Trtday noon. THE ONLY - PREPARATION - - TIIAT has ; ,f"2';; ':x STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, . ........... And Aretwa mare and mere papular -. erery; darl And testimonial!, new, ud almost ' without number might be given from ladle, and gentlemen In all grade, of aoctety, who united testimony none eoutd resist, tbatPror. Wood'a Hair Restorative will restore the bald ud gray, ud preterve the hair of th youth to old age, InallitSiOUthful beauty. - ",'' Battle Creek, Mich., Dee Si.t, 1858. Paor. Wood: Thee wilt please accept a Una to Inform thee that the hair on my bead all fell off over twenty year ago, caused by a complicated cbronlo disease, st tended with sn eruption on the bead, A continual oourse of luffering ihioogh life having reduced me to state of dependence, I hare not been able to obtain .tuff for caps, neither have I boon able to do thf m up, in con sequence of which my head hits suffered extremely from cold Thi. Induced me to pay Brigm A Hodges almoat tb laat cent I had un earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Balr Keatoratlve, atom the first of August last. 1 have faitbfullv followed the dlreoltiiia,itnd the bald .pot l. now covered with bair thick and black, though .bert. It I. also coming lo all over iny bend. Feeling confident taiat another large bottle wculd restore It tntlrely ud prmneotly, 1 pereeTerv io its use, ud being destitute of ucaua to purulkue uy more, 1 wuJld auk tlic if thee would.t not be willing to send me an order on thine agent, for a bottle, snd reoelve to thy self tb scripture declsratiun "ths reward 1. lo thou that are kind to the widow ud the fatherless " Thy friend, SOSaNNAH KIRBT.' , " Llgonler, Noble county, Indiana, Feo.-Ath, IM59. Paor. O. J. Woom JJtar 6tr: la the litter part of the year lfc53, while attending the Stat and National Law Bchool of tb. but ot New York, my bair, from a cans unknown to me, commenced falling off very rap idly, so that in the short space of six montha, the whole upper part 1 1 my scalp was almost entirely bereft of It covering, ud much cf Uie remaining portion upon ihe Ida and bu. part of my bead .aortly after became gray, o that you will not be surprised when 1 tell you that up on my return to lb Bute of Indiana, my more casual acquaintances were not so much at a loa to JUacovcr the cause of the change in my appearance, as my more intl- mate acquaintances were to .-ecosmise m at an. I at one made sppllcatlon to the moil akiilful physi cians In th country, but, receiving no assurance Lwm them tbat my hair would again b restored, 1 was forced In become reconciled to my flit, until, fortunately, the latter part of the year 1857, your Restorative was re eominended to ma b a druwtlst. as beioit the most relia ble Bair Restorative in us. . 1 tried on bottle, ud found to my great satisfaction that it was producing the desired effect. Since that time, I have used seven dol Inrs' worth of your Restorative, and a a remit, bay rich eoat of very iou oiaca pair, wmca no money cu Asa mark ot my gratitude for yonr labor and iklll'ln the nroduction of ao wonderful an article, I have recom- mended its use to many of my friends and aeauaintanee, who, Ism nappy to inform yon, ar Ming it wltb like effeot. yery ro.pecuuiiyfyour, , A. nL LATTA, Attorney anl Counsellor al Law, u Depot, 444 Broadway, at I sotf by all dealers through- ounno worm. - ' 1 Ths Restorative Is put up In bottle of three sites, vis: tare, medium, and small; the small holds U a pint, and retail for on dollar per bottle; the medium holds least twenty per cent, more In proportion than the .mall, and retails for two dollars a bonis; the large hold, quart, 40 r cent, more In proportion, and reUll. for S3 a boitl. ' ' 0 J WOOD A CO., Proprietor. 444 Broadway, New Yvt, and 114 Market street, Bt Louis, Ala. .... .. And told by ROUKKT8 a BAMU&L, Columbus, Ohio, ud by all good Druggists and ranry bv0da uealen. aprllltdAweoalj. WM, KNAB& & CO., A T Til I I It NEW satr.S-aCSW(cte'? IX BOOM, SO 150 JjALTIilOHBST.&y- II 9 I 11 ' - 1 HOS. 1,3, Blind 7 N. ROTA W.BTliilT, ; Offer for ul their celebrated GOLDEN MEDAL, i ;' - ' .... ., . , . , , GRAND ; :' " 1 ." '' ' AND 8QARE PIANOFORTES. - Being highly recommended by the first Frsfusmr aad Musical Amateur. ol uie country, ana - -,-t -. EVERY ' .'. cut ; 'J - - WARIltHTRn foil - S'.Vi't'j !C ' FIVE YEABB, Th most fsiUdloui customer may roly upon beiui pleased In svery respeot.,, , .'..-.- , i.. Terms liberal. : vrai. an w. 8RLTZBR A WEBaTBR, Agents, ' clll;lydw. .. x i : Columbus. Ohio Watches I Diamonds !! Silver Ware I!! A CHOICE A'-SOUTHENT 1 OULO ud Silver Watches, in great variety. I am Agent for the Aasvtioiw Witch Co., and est! ell these exeelleat .Watebe at manufaolUMn' pile, ither Wholesale or Retail,, '., v. .'. ,... ..-. t . Gome and choose from my beautiful display of Dia mond ud other rich Jewelry; " Styles new price, A to Sliver Ware of aterliug quality, I cau show new pattern, very bandlotne " """ Bllver Plated War. Tea Sett, Urn., Walter, Castor.. Baskets, Pitcher, uooieu, nnivrs, Suiks, opoob., Ate. Than I have a .upply of An Table Cutlery, Pocket Knives. Raaora. Ac, snd many fancy Goods rUch a. are desired for presents at such prices as are u Indue mem lo the purchaser! WM. hLYNN, i ji.fiJ i ' ' "' ,u Buckeye Jiiock, -t msrSl North side Rule House t.U ire ' NOTICE is hereby given Uial I have beenduly.p pointed administrator of the rnlal cf Cbark-i Clark, 1st of Viuklin county, deceased. ---' - w aauiiai, viiAaa. SBCUtteea,Attrae7i. c! rrl ettl' le.u-?F".7 itim.rjM 4T-t.rl .utr.avuM-' I itt t'(') e-ovii!,! i tulvi sW s a r'rj Mite KENNEDY, has discovered la ontxM . of uoxnnHYi I nf oar oomrnon pastunweed. a remedy tbat dure Every Kind of Humor,1 1 Pi .'",' f iROM The worst BoroTala down to r. common Flmpf Be bu tried It In over elevens hundred case: anA'nm. r failed ncept In two cases, (both thunder humor ) He has now In bis possession over n hundred certificates of lis vsiue, ail within twenty mile, ol Boston. ' Two bottles are warranted U euro a n untax eon month. : .. ,;, .. . ..' , One to three bditles will cure the wont kind hi T-iamles en the face, - - - ' j Two a three bolllee will olear the system of biles. ( 'Two bottles are warranted to aura tha worst oankar In tb mouth or itomicb. ' . , . . . . ' , Three lo Bv bottle an warranted to ears ihe wont Mndof Erytt peine. ...One to two tfbttlei are Wamuiteil to nn all hnmor the lye. - v.- , Two bottle an warranted to cur running o . the ear ud blotches among the balr. , . sour k six noiisa ar war ran tea to cure corrupt ana running ulcers. , , .... , , - tine bottle will ftnrs ArAIv arantlnn nr fhn akTrt ' " Two or three bollles are warranted to care the iararsl kind of ringworm, - Two or three bottle, an warranted to cure the aoat desperate oase of rheumatism. , ' r ; i Three to four bottles are warranted to euro salt-Rheum, Five to elsht bottles will cure tb worst case of soro fulai r-'it . , : : , ' . A benefit is alwayi experienced from the first bottle, perreot cure is warranted wiion the above quantity a eaea.-' - "" .- - ' ROXBHRT. siBS Dtta Uadsh: The reputntlon of the Itedlctil Dis covery, In curing all kinds of homom, . is so well etab uinca oy tn unsnimous voice of an woo auv eviir asd It, that I need not y anything cn the ' suWect, a tb moat skillful physioians and lb muetaateful Druggist. ia tneoouniry are unanimouaio lis praiae,.. . r, la predentin, the Medical Discovery to your notice. 1 do It with a full knowledge of IU urativowr, in re; tiering all, and curing moat oi those disee.: o whlob you are unfortunately so liahl. - Thai most disss. to an affectionate mother,. . M VBSINO ROKEjnO TII, Ii oured aa if by a miracle; your own temper la motored to It natural .weetnesa, ana your babe from short and fretful nap. to calm and .west .lumber.; ud the kledical Discovery become, a fountain of blessing to your husband and household. , In the more advanced .tape of s, OA All Kit 1 Itextsndsto the.toroach .oau.lng ' . -V t .-, DSAE1SIA,- .,'" '.-. , which Is nothing but canker en the atomaoB; than to Ha inteaune ud . -' KIVN e ir, i creating a sinking, gone feeling, and an indlSrrenee eves to Ibe cares of your family. : . Tour stomach ll '' , ' KAW AND KNFJLAiriED, your food di.treisei you.und yon can only take osrtala kinds, ud even of that your system does not get half the nourishment K contain.,' th aerlmonooi fluid df the canker eats it up i then your complexion lose, lie bloom and become, .allow and greenish, ud your beet day Is gone. For wsnt of nourishment your system be comes loose ud flabby, ud Uie fibre, of yonr -body be come relaxed Then lullow a train of diseases whlob tb Ued leal Discovery al peculiarly felapted to . j ; , ; j. t ,..,.cvBE),;;:1f.,,'v Palpitation of the heart, pain in the aide, weakness tha spin ud small of th bark, pain of Uw hip Joint when yon retire, Irregularity of the boweli, and also, that most excruciating of disease., the ; ' v .- - ' PlLESt ;'. : m. Bow masy thonisndof poor womon are luffering from Hill disease and pining away a miserable life, and their next door neighbor dees not know Uie cause. . I wish ts Impress on your mind that good old proverb, "An ounce of preveatlon Is better than a pound of cure," In the BIEDIOAli JDISCOVEB v. you have both tie preventative snd the core, wltb thi. gnat ud good quality, tbat it will never, ander uy circumstances, do you any injury ; '. THE MEDICAL, DISCOVEUV ' I tspeclaly Intended for dlseaees of the blood, bat lino Its introduction la the Western State., It ll found to br Ibe be.t . AOCE KEITIEDV 5 ' that wai ever before the public . ' '' J"! , No ebang of diet ever necessary eat ths beat you ear and get enough of it.. . . ., DiautrrioM ro pis Adult one table spoonful per d.iy Children over ten years, dessert spoonful Children from Ave to eight years, tea spoonful. . As no' directions can be applicable lo alL'consltutioj, tak lUffloient to opente oil the boweli twice a day, r .. , Your truly, ! . BONNALD KENNEDY. Price R1.00 per bottle, For ., ,, , y every drugiriit In the United Statei. ,., ' ., iep31dAwly. , J)0 YOU, f ANT; WniSM ' DO YOU WANT WHISKERS7 ; : t0 YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? - - w DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE. BELLIHQII AM'8 celebrates' SliiniihiUnsOiipeiit, 'For tha WMskeri and Hair 1 The subscribers lake pleasun In announcing 0 Ihe Oltiiens ot the United States, that they have obtained the A.ency for, and are now enabled to offer to the American publio, the above Justly celebrated and world-renowned article. The STIMULATING ONGUENT I prepared by Da. C. P. BELLINGBAM, u eminent physician of London, aod I warranted to bring out a thick aet of V. ; WLiskers.oir a Mustaclier In from three to tlx weeks. Thi. article I. the only on. of the kind naed by the French, and In London and Paris It ts In universal use. - ... It la a beauiilui, economical, soothing, yet stimulating compound, acting u if by magic upon the root., causing .beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. . If applied t the scarp, it will our aauiKu, ud ant to spring up In plat f Uie bald spots a Una growth of naw bair. Ap plied according to directions, ii will turn sin or towi hair daru. and restore array hair to It original color, leaving it soft, smooth, and flexible. The ONUorrr" is an Indispensable article In every gentleman' toilet, and alter on week' use they would nut for uy cooiidsretlon be without it.. , Tha subscribers sn the only Agent for Ike article in the United States, to whom all orders most be addressed Price One Hollar a box for sale , l.y all Druggists aad Dealers; or a box of the "unguent" (warranted to have the desired effect) will be sent to any who deslro It, by mail (dlreot), seenrsly packed, on receipt t puce ud postage, B I !. Apply to or atiures :, - ' tiORAgR L. UKOIUAst A CO,,,,., ,-. Ar --: .1 . . ., maaaiatab ,- . febSOdAsrUm ' '' 4 William Street, New-Tork IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE. Steam 'Between Iroland and America NEW.YORK, B03T0N AND GALWAY; The following new and magnlfleent flntNlaMpaddII wheel Steamship! compos tb alT Jtnei . t ADRI ATIO, 5,888 ton burthen, Oapt, J . Mac (formerly of the Colli" Lin.) BIBERNIA, . 4,400 ton. burthen, Oapt, N. Prows. COLUMBIA, i ; 4,410 "I ; I: , R. LliTOM. ANULIA, 4,4(10 ' I' " Niuuouoa PACIFIC, 8.C0O " " " I. Sana. PRINCE ALBEHT, (Screw.) ... , . 3,300 . . , - . J.Wauua. One of the sbove ship will lesv Naw Tork or Boston alternately every Tuesday fortnight, for Galway, car rying tb government mall., touching at St. Johns, N. . Tha Steamer, of thi. line have been conttrnoted with the greatest care, under the .upervlalon ot the govern ment, have water-tigui compartment, ua are unexcei led foroomfort, safety and speed by uy (team ra afloat. They are commanded by able and experienced officer, and every exertion will be made to promote the comfort ol passenger.. " -.",-,-- . An,experienced Surgeon attached to each ahlp. HATES OF PASSAGE. First-class N . Y . or Boston to Oalway or Liverpool 10 Second-claw, ' . " , , ' " First-claa. ...', M " ' L to St John' 115 Third-class. - ." " , to Galway or Liverpool, or any town la Ireland, oa a nan way, - - - an Thlrd-clauxisnedtrere are liberally supplied with pro visions of the best quality, cooked and served by tb ser vant of the Company. "w ' ". ' ' IIETUI1N TICKET!. , , -. Parties wlshln, to send for their friend from the old country can obtain ticket from any town on a railway, in Ireland, or from in principal citieaoi jaugiauu susnui land. t rery low nte.1 ' i r .A a y v t p.Mnsen fn Neat -York, arriving by. th Bolton Steamer., will he forwarded to New 5(ork f rr of charge. Jfor passage or lurther iniormaiion, !'' i . . ns d. n ivJiann, - At the office of the Company, on th wharf, foot of Canal .tract, New York. , . 1I0WLAND ASPINWAITj; Agent.- aprmD:dCa..' .-i-.VJ-rwt X'-i. 4 '-4, 6-4 s 9-4. White and ilest and hiU.Cbfek. wpflojr quallt,, . forla tyoa ' tobS? ",ul Na.SBonfhII!'l. .1... . .Wl nd i9 s ..- fxaatl Via sAiMttlid? t,t aua4 -tit; itt'iir Dr.J.H.McIEAW'S Eti'csllLcaliig Cordial and Blood n , r A'UiUir urn: '. 0 io tterla,' Tba OreAteat Uemrtdr In Tba . AND VHB .HOST DCLICIOUS AND cniQHTm 1 ' 0OHD1AL EVER "TAKEN, TTI9BTKICT X ly a HleutlB ud Vegettbl Oonpoaud,. irocurrd by tb distil Uon of Root, Herb , . and Bsrks, Yellow " Dock, Blood Root, Barsaparllla, Wild Cherry Bark and Dan delion enter Into Its mhiiumIIIm,. Th. MM. ... Before Taking,' remedw alter laKing. . i prteelpleolMch Ingredient I ttonughly wtraeted bp- j, my new method ol dUUUlng, producing a . dellel' ua, e. hllsretlng spirit, and tb mort 1NFALLIBLR remedy loi renoraUug tb dleeesed ytem, and jato'ln Jh. .Ick. unenn ud aebUltatea ini""' --- BTRRNaTH.- " ;. ' '.. ) , WcEEAN'S BTIIENGTHENINO COH iDIAl.. I Will .Sectually an V 'I LIVRU, COMPLAINT. DTSPIPBIA, JAUND10R, - . 1 " "i-U '! I'd I ' Chronlo or Nervoia Debility, Disease, of the lldnyj and all diseases arising from a disordered Llvei or Rtna son, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Inward PllM, Aelitity r Sick aa of tb Stomach, Fullness of Blood toAli fleai, Doll pain or swimming in tb head, PalLjsatlon of tlis Heart FullnsM oy Weight In the Stomach, Sour Iructationt Choking or suffocating feeling when lying down, Drvaee or Yellownea of the Bun ul JM Bight Swmu, la . ward Fever., Pain in Uis small of Bu back, ehsat or side. Sudden Flushea of Heat, Depression of Spirit, Frightful Dreams, Languor, Despondency or sny Nervous DIsnas Sore or Blotches oa tb Skin, ud Fever aad Ara (o Chilli snd Fsvr.) : i urer a naiisiosa t " Bay been told during th lat six months, and In no in stance hat It failed tn giving enUre atlsfuoB. .. Who , then, will suffer from Weakness or Debility when Mo LEAN'S BTRENUTBBNINd CORDIAL will erne yout i.; , No uuiRuaffe eu eowrey u aa(iuie ktsa oi in ucm dist ud almoat miraculous change produced by taking Ibis Cordial in tb diseased, debilitated ud abaiured i asrtou system, whether broken down by excess, weak by . nature, or unpaired by sickness, ths relaxed aud ansUui g 1 rgulsatlon U restored toll prislin bsalthaad vigor. ; v, -j- MAKMIED PEHNONB, - . .. f , Or eth.rf eoaadoui of Inability, fietn whatever cause, " will find tlcLeu Strengthening Cordial a tboronyB "J x regenr.tor of tb yta; and all who may hav Injured , Uiemselve by Improper Indulgences, will find In th 0or dial a certain ud speedy remedy. -: , - . J: t xt the iAAleae McLean's StrengtkQing Cordial - t ' I. a sovereign ud speedy cure for " ' INCIPIENT CONSCRIPTION.WHITEH .1 Obstructed orDlffloult Utnstruatloa, Inoontlneno of Urin or Involuntary Discharge thereof, Falling of tb Womb, aiddlnes., Fainting and all Diseases lncldnwt ' Femala. - . . t ...'. " Ther la no Mistake About It. . Buffer ne longer. Take it according to Directions. It wlllsUmulate, strengthen and Invigorate you and cans lb bloom ol health, to mount your cheek again. Every bottle is warranted logiveaalisfKtlta.. V FOB CniEDUEW. '" ' ' If your children are ickly, puny, or afflicted. McLean Tf '' . Cordial will saak them liealtby, fat ud robust. DeUj ; not a moment, try It, and you will be convinced. IT IS DELICIOUS TO TAKE: , ; ' Cannon. Beware of Drnggl.laor Dealer, who may try to palm upon you om Bitter or Baraaparilla traat , . which tLey can buy cheap, by aayini It I Just as good. Avoid such men. Ask for McLean's Strengthening Cor- . .. dial, ud tab nothing els It 1 the only remedy that . will purify the blood thoroughly ud al tb. am Urn ' atrenglhea tn system. . One tablespoouful taken every morning fasting, I certain prevenUve of Cholera, Chills and fever, Yellow . . Fever, or any prevalent diseases. It I put np la lars. tettlu. ' - ' , PrlMOnlySl psrboUii, or bottle. for 5. . ;,. , 1 , J.H.McLBAN, ..:.. i ' BoU Proprietor of Utt. Ooruml, AlaobioLWaVolculoOlllntmenl. Principal Depot oo the comer of Third ud Pin street Bi, Louis. Mo. -. J McLeaa'a Volcanic Oil Liniment. . ' Th bast Llnucent In th World. Th only safe ar,4 eertala euro for 0 sneers, Piles, Swelling ud Bron chitis, or Goitre, Psnlysts, Neuralgia. W eakness of tie I . Muscle, Cnronlo or Inflammatory Rheumatism, Btit aea ot the Joint, contracted Muscle or Ligament. Haracb or Toothache, Bruises, Sprains, Wounds, Fresh Cute, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Caked Breast. Bore Ripple., Barns, Scald. Sore Tboat, or uy Inflammation oi Pain, nadlfferenc now (ever, or ho long tb disease Buy nave existed, McLean's Celebrated Liniment la a on; . . lain remedy. Thousands of human belngi have been saved a llf tf lacraplluil ud misery by Ihe us of this invulnabi mac ein. ,. , MoLEAN'S VOLCANIC , OIL I -v, LINIMENT . Will relieve pain almott initutenaously, ud II wl .. Oleanse, purify ud heal the foulest sores In an Incredi ly short time. ....... . Ear Horace and Oilier Anlmala... McLean celebrated Linhnenl Is the only safe aad re- , liable remedy lor the cure of Spavin, Ring Bone, Wind falls, Splints, Unnatural Bumps, Node or Sweluog. It , will never fall to our Big liead, PoU Evil, Fistula, Old running Bores or Swee-..y, if properly applied. For Sprains, Bruise, Scratches, Bore or Wound, Cracked Ueela, Chafe, Saddle or iJollar lalu 11 la u lnfaUibi remedy. Apply it si diiocted, inda cur lsoertaLn la every instance. A, Then triueno longer w.Ji the many worthies. Linla ment offered to yon. Outainasup; ly ot Dl. McLean' . . celebrated Liniment. It will cure you. , , J. la. meEEAN,8oleP..i.rteb)r, t Corner ot Third and Pine Streats, St. i Jlf , Mr, -,. for nle uy all drugjlit. yursaioby ROBERTS A SAMUEL, augSO-dAwIy - Columbus, Ohle. PROF. WOOD'8 mmtm cqhoial AND B100D RENOVATOI sn I. precisely what Its name indicate, for, while (Ttnluuni lo las taste, it 1. rovivilvi ng, .xhilarat- H'lng, invigorating and trengthenlng u tb vital. luAwera.ana at uie - same h'.iu iwvivuioe, lorn- Istate., anu renews me oiooainau iu puruy. aou thu. at once rttloru ana rmum mm eysiew an- mdnerabU to attack of diuau. It is the only ' (preparation ever ouereu to in worm, so oneuu-j Mcally aud utiiuiiy rouuiuwi w w miv hiu.., jpowenul tonlo, and at tb same Urn io perfectly adansd to, a to act In parieot accordance Wltn in Cjliar ol nature, and hsuo will tooth th weuAesf si1 .ocA, ud ton up th digeatlve organs, ud T thus allav all nervoua and other irritation.' It h 'jlpeneotly axbllaraUug, aud at tb aaiu tun it isl sti leomposea niireiy oi vegetauies, yet so suminueu ss to produce the molt thorough tonlo effeot, witb I out producing uy Injurious consequences. Buoh H Ll a remedy has long been'felt to be a desideratum lu I, lib medical world, for It needs no medical skill to H we that debility follow all attack of disease, and . ipruoeeus suu uiuvm ". - j - a '.n.iHinu. atlacka of many of the most fatal, luch. 0 for example, as the followlngi OoniumpUoa, la- .digestion, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Falnlnea, Nervous srritaoiiiiy, neuralgia, Heart, Melancholy, nigni owesis, languor, uiuiu-i nea, Retenuon or, a wen m f auimi muiwwu too nrofuse, or too .cant Menstruation, ud Fall ing ol tb Womb. These all depend upon general debility. Ibli par, healthy, tonio Cordial and Blood nenovaior ia as aura so cure as uie auu so rie ud st. There ii no mis tak about It. Bat this Is not all. It the system is weakened, we are apeu to bilious attack, th liver becomes torpldJ or wore d is ease u, in auiney reius to psrionu ibeir function., ud w an troubled with scalding snd lncontinano Of Brine, or Involuntary Uis- clutra of Uie same, pain In th back, eld and be- tween lb thouldar, xcdinily liable to eliaall colds, ooughs,ud 11 anebeckau, soon emaciation follows, aud the patient goes aown io a premature 'grave. Bat .pace win not allow us a uaaemtei th many Ills to which w an liable In a weakened! 0 condkUon ot Uie system. But we will aay, la Ibis) Cordial ud Blood Hen orator yeu have a ptrtovi, lials, pleasant ud edectual remsdyfor to oi Aon.tite. nuiousness. jriatuwnca, weaa anu sicx dtomaon, Lugaor, Liver Complains, . Chills and raver, or uy Bilious attack, uoauviaeii, acidity of tb Stomach, Nervousness, Neuralgia, Palpita tion of the Heart, Depre Mian ol bplrils, Bore, fimpies oa tb Face, or any dls.ssa arising from muura blood, inch as Bcroiula, Bryaipslaa, ilrou 13. IbiUs, Cough, dimculty of Breauuug, aod all that oclaa of diseases called feioal weakness, udH enumerated above. W will also say Ibe traveler tj expoaea w epiaeaio) onau" wmv-i lor, will nna it a pleasant, sai ua sun reueuy 18'.' tua none saouia ever travel .imimi, try It,Iorwaaur you you will find tn Hainendj inaeeu.a wen a. a iriena in neeu. ah venous ui wdanunr bablU will find it a perfect preventive otlf a wall a oun far IImwi ailments to whloa ibey aie.U paruuuutri vxpoecu. neoue ui,uj,.,jvum,,. lornevs. literary asntlemen.STld ladle who are not ueustomed lo tuucb outdoor xerttss, will Iu4 ill to their advantage t keep a bottle constantly ou hand; and, above all, mothen, or tb beeoming snob; will go through tbat most dangerous periool noi oniy win an their aoouatomra siitubiu, uu. sal ud ires from the iBoaeuu aiunam n prev alent among tb female porUon of Uie world. . It ihort. It is indeed a mother's cordial. Try It, old a; 0, and young; no longer run the risk of delsyi Itwtiij relieve snd nrove llsell empnsucaiiy uwwra tlv Cordial and Mood Jtmotator. ' - lied. WOOD, proprietor, 444 Broadway, w York. and 114 Market Btreei, Bt. Louis, Mo., aou sold by ROBERTS A SAMUEL, Columtatt, Obk J snd all good, Jirugguia s-ric . vn sionsi pr Bottle. ' Bwrch-dweowiy REPEI EANT ' OH -tW ATEKaPBOOF : CLOAft C LOTUS. A 10, otbe aakaU Bprinaj 0 loak OloUis, In all de.lrabi mixtures Bindings, Ta. al. nd Ruttona ia aatoh; BAIN BON, p i fprUA.tft M,W8oatABUb.tra) h kS L ACfll sillAW iibJINET A. tf KW U . gut Rujbon, la gnat wtety A"'' f :D -mfkf Wlff'wilfc h h'-M XAiIi woa,rrvil1 a tnnit avia oaia l' b'oort ,uo yC vo. j i