Newspaper Page Text
1 (9J)i0iStAtopM ' ' ' UL - Rail Road Time Table. Litti Vun jk 0I.CstUS A Xmia K. " - t U aaV- bwiK, ' Arrive NlRht KprM, V Dsyton, 00 A. MAl J:J" A. M, ill .1 .,-.r..i,w,a!iii A. M. U. MM) P. Mi T...i.l.. lis P.M. V l:UO P. M. uJl and AMjommodatlon..1 4:00 P.' M. M: P. M, OtlLCMBU It OUVCUX ' Night BiTiTs.....a..r.l8:W A.M. :A-i New Ioraixprei.a..w t.Ut.U. A.Mg.H. fleTil.OlllO B. .ft. V , . ..nuurwt '''$ Ml.hS .J.......l.4:00 A.'HV l:S0 A. M. T- y - ' 1 '' ? 1 frrtsswaisi, OiLomoi k'Oi'nonrtATi B B. - M.iir-f:..t:.....;.:'Wi.- . 1:30 A.M. I.r.rn.. Train:-, HfMAJ M. 1:30 P. U. Antnaim A- tlWllOOLlS. B. B.A' ' '- ; '" .'" Oolosuci Piuoa si IDlAA R. R.) No. i ixprtw;..:.."".' eon it m. 15:00 No. 8 .4?;Q0 P. U. 0:40 P. M. wt0.,ffi Smith, Agnt. Rail Road Time Table. LOCAL MATTERS. i bxAIK 0' MlOttAU FaLMK- MlCHitt. f At- LOit. who was snot In bli owo house on Banday evening,. Nov. 10, by one of a iquud. belonging to Col;. CAinwoTOtf'i Reglmentdled yesterday morning, the 20th Inst., from.the effeote of the woond ,We Unit tbit lh promtBcd Inreitlg (Ion into the facte connected with thin homlolde, to giro It DO harsher Dime! will no take place, and the result be made pnblio, : There is a sue- plclon In the pabllq mind that the slaughter of Fauvom was ODjuatiflabls: let that suspicion be allayed, or.jhe guilt party or patties be' pun IT ' 'i tW . Accidini" piok SmokiHo -tA correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial writes from the camp of the First Ohioat the mouth of Bait river, at the base of Muldraogh'a Hill, on the 13th, that a melnnchoW incident occurred on that day, In the tent of the" aon commissioned officers of Capt.- Ha arson's company (Cleveland Grays). Sergeant Ga'llowat wasrmoklng near a box of cartridges, when a spark from bla pipe Ignited therri, blowing up and burning the tent. Galloway was severely lnJured.SergeantWma set fatally, as Is supposed, and Sergeant Scott Slightly.'"1" f f " l ''''' ' 3 ,- '! r.' : AaaiVAt or Risil Paiioncu raoit Gdtan Dm. Sli ' rebel prisoners, captured near Gnyandotte' by Col. ZtioLii'e Fifth Virginia Regiment, arrived at Camp CbaBe yesterday Tnelf names are Chas. T, Everett, Peter Eve rett, David Frampton, Robert Reynolds, Wm'. C. Sogers and Stephen C-.Strother. Those men are among the most prominent citiicns of the (Juyandott neighborhood, one or two of them being quite wealthy. The cause of. their arrest, we underUind, Is alleged sympathy with the notorious Jcseins and bis marauding band In their resent attack, upon the garrieon at Guy idottsA'.aXjt:il.v. J rt jiw. i . - . ' - . vPaT OF SOIDIMS HtLD AS PsilONIBS OF Waa The following circular, has been issued by the War Department': . '. . ' . . The following plan for payiDg to the fami lies of officers and soldiers in the servloe of the United States, who are or may become prison ere of war, sums due them by the Govern merit, having been approved by the President, it is-published for the Information of all con cerned: - Payment will be made to persons presenting a written authority from a prisoner to draw his pay; or, without such authority, to his wife the guardian ol bis minor . children, or bis widowed mother, in tbe order named. ': l'. ,.i.' - Application for sucirpay most be made to the senior Paymaster of the dlatrict ' in which the regiment of the prisoner is serving, snd must be eoumpinied by the certificate of a Judge of a Court of the United States, of "a District Attor ney of . the . United States, or of some other party, under the seal of a Court of Record of the State In which the applicant is a resident, set ting for'h that the said applicant is the wife of the. prieorer, the guardian Of his children, or bis widowed mother, and if occupying either of the -two last relationships toward blm, tbat there li do one in existence who is more nearly related accordion to the above classification. Payments will be made to parties tbas author Ized aud identified, on their receipts made out In the manner that would be required of the prisoner himself, at least one month's pay in ail wasee being retained by the United States. The offloer making the payment will eee that it Is entered on the last previous muster roll for the oar meet of the prisoner's company, or will re port It, if those rolls are not in his possession, to the senior paymaster of the district, who will either attend to the entry or give notice of the payment to the Paymaster-General, if the rolls - - L. THOMAS. Adjutant-General. Thi Ohio Foacc in Service .The following statement shows the departments in which Ohio regiments are serving, the names of their Col onels, whether attached to brigades or not, if attached, under what Brigadier, eto.:j . : OHIO INFANTRY IN VIRGINIA. 3d Regiment, I. II. Marrow, Colonel, under Brig.-Gen. Reynolds.. - . , V,"?.!... 4 ih Regiment, John S Mason, Colonel, nudor BriBGeo. Keller. .'ua t .i, , t 6tb Regiment, S. H. Dunning, Colonel, under Brlg.-Gen. 'Kellet.'Tr :.. . XV Cih Regiment, W. K. Bjsloy, Colonel, under Brie. Gen, Revnolde. .m ?. ,t a 7th Reelment; E.'C Tiler," Colonel, under Brii.0o. Cox, l. :; -, V,'.,, '' "; V.V! 8th Regiment,-,-, Colonel, under Brig.-Gen lTAllv." riaJ'. -i'i.' - fn'jti , x . '. .;-.-v.. SJih Regiment; R-'LMcCookkColontl, under Brla?.-Gea. MoCook '(ectioe).' .-'V.-,'. lUth Regiment, W H. Lytle, Colonely under Brle.-Gn. Benham-." n Alth Regiment, C4-'ii?)Yj'11!et,s Colonel, under vrig.-uencox, ,. vj:i- ,., ,. 12tb Regiment, C B.j White; Colonel, under . Brig- Gen. BenhamV m'"! !. -t 13th Rqelmeoti W. Sj'Smltbj,' Colonel, under JtSri.-ueo. liennami t;.,..-! .u ..,.., S3d Regiment, E. P. Sosmmon, Colonel, un der command of Brig. Gen. Schccck; :21th Regiment, Jacob Amineo, ColoneJ, un'' dor Brie.-Gen. Alilrov. ..!-'- r- i..n' 25th Regiment, Jas A. Jones, Colonel, under 2Gth Regiment, Edward E, FyfTe, Coloael, (in der Brisi-Gen. Bckeackvp.M -v. x ' " f .-Gen. ocbencK , ' ' t leeiment, August Moor, Colonel, nbder BnfMoCook:6' ; leglment, Hugh B, Ewicg.Colonou w 28ih R Brle.-Gen 80th Reelment, dm BrlvGen. Sohenclb vi..-. 'j .oje.-J j324 Reglmebt, -Tboi. ;B. JFord Colonel ubafe JB4t)t ReguneDtrXTlSaDiieV'tialir Colonel, U6th Rejglment,;Geori CrookAColonel,u(iat 37th Regiment, Edward Sibor, Colonel, unat- taonedj""""'1''' ' """"'i jvrt.v , 44tb RegiinenJ, Samuel A; Gilbert Colonel 47th Regiment F. Pershner, Colonel under Brle.-Gen. McCoox (scune;. tr Twenty-three regiments Iri'Vlrglnla'; Brig. Gen; W. S. Koseoraoa, u. a, ..Army, command log ut iepartmenii ' ' y. IN KENTUCKY. 1st Regiment,' B. F. Smith, Colonel under Brlir..Oen. McD.'. McCcoki f Si Reglmentrtt. A. Harris,. Colonel, ,oader Brig.-Gen Nelson. ; i 14th Reelment, Jasr B. Steedman,' Colonel mnAur Brli?.-.Geri."Tbomai.""- 15th ReKlmontJ Moses B. DIoke'y?, Colonel. 17th Regiment, John Connelly Colonel rtBr1e..Gen. Thomas. 18th" Reciment,-T." Rl Slanlef.-Colonclrira- 19th lit:gfpenCW2l ,Bea(?y1''Coone,I," m attached. . eMMin.eAWiSSlW 80th Regiment, Chas. Whittlesey, Colonel, unattached, f - ; r ;i 2Ut Regiment, Jess S. Norton, Colonel, under Drig.-uen. tncu, aiouooic. , , 91st Regiment, Moses B. Walker, Colonel, nnder ung.-uen. raou, mouooa. .. v 33d Reuiment, Joshua A. SHI. 'Colonel, un der Brle.-Gen. Nelson." . 35th Realmont, Thomas Vandcv er, Colonel, nnder Brig.-Geu. Thomas ' 38th Regiment, Edwin D, Bradley, Colonel, under Brig.-Gen, Thomas. , i , 49th RoRlment. Wm. II. Gibson. Colouol. ODder Brig. uen. Mco, McfJook; . " I -K Slst Regiment, Stanler Mattha'wa".. Colonel. unattached. . , . ' ' ' , -r CiJlh ' Reglmiint, 'Jams'i, Fiffe. Colonel. onaer urig.-ueu. XNeisonr SiltsAn rAfflmnll In yAnfnrlrv. npIaArll. Goneral Don Carlos Baell commanding tbe de- IN MISSOURI. 27 th Regiment. John W. Fuller. Colonel, ub dsr Biltr.-Gen. Sturgis. V j. . 39th Regiment, Jobn Groosbeok, Colonel, un der Brig .Gen. Sturgis. , . " ," ; ' .Two regiments la Misjoari, Mj.-Vn. Ui leek commanding the department.-: .- -r ON OHIO BORDER, SERVICE. 41st Reelment, W. B. Haeen; Colonel, Galll- polis. ' t " 62d Reelment (G eonipabtes), F..B. Pond, Colonel, Marietta, -..I i - i . i u AgKreeate Ohio lnfantrv force In service, Nor. 18, 1SG1, forty two regiments and six oompanlcs, to which should .be added twelve batteries of artillery, and seven companies ' of oavalry. ... ' ' .;.;' V The foregoing statemwit shows that while the Ohio troops In service are under twelve Brigadiers (excepting the Generals command ing Departments one of whom, Roscorans, is an Ohio General, In the regular army), only foar are Obio Generals, Including R. L. Mo Cook, of the 9th Regiment, acting Brigadier. ': Tbe Brigadier-Generals In the volunteer ser vice for tbe war appointed from Ohio, are rank lne in the order of their names if date of ep polntment fixes the rank: J. D. Cox, R C Scbenck, W.' T. Sherman, A. MoDowell MoCook, O. M. - Mitchell, Wm. A.Burns, Melancthon S. Wade, George W. Morgan. ' .- : Eitrht Brigadiers for Dot less than fortv-flve thousand soldiers la servloe. This allotment is hardly according to the precedents of the War Department. In the regular service, Ohio bae one Briga dier besides Rosecrsns, Irvin McDowell, wbo commanded at Bull Run, which makes, for reg ular and volunteer service, ten Ublo Briga diers. COLUMBUS OPTICAL INSTITUTE. Tho Beet Artificial Ileilp to tbe lluiuan ttlgUt ever Invented. ' . JOSEPH 8. PERLEY, PRACTICAL & SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN, REEFS THE LARGEST ASSORT merit of tha moit Improved kinds o( SpecUclts. All bis Olanea, whether for ouar or far-ilghtcd, air iround In oodcato eonvax form with tht groateit ore, nu lo rait th Xyea of all eases, curing Weakness Diiilness or InflammstioD of tho E;es, and Imparting strength for long reading or fins sewing. Office. 13 East ptato street, at Beltier t TTebiter's llaslo 8 tor. Oysters! Oysters!! HAS JPST KTCEIVED, AND WILI, ba la daily reosipt, bf Kxprsss, of. PHESH CAN & KEQ OYSIERS, f r?m Baltimore and Fair Haven. -Call at Wturoei's Oysterand fruit Depot, Mo. 21 East BUte street. augSisU ; . Sheriffs Sale. John R. nuilard Hard i et al. Doo. 3, page 101. . ( '.. ' Superior Oourt of franklin coun vs.. Mary Young ty, Uhio. BV V1HTUE vr A WHIT OF VEND! to mi directed, from the Superior Court of frank lin county, Obio. I will Oder for sal at U dctir of tta Oourt ilouse, In the eity of Columbus, Ohio, On. Saturday, the 14th day of December, A. D. lSbt, between the hours of 10 o clock, A. Mm and 4 o'clock P. II., the following desonbed resl eatatc, sltusto in Franklin county, Ohio, to wlti ' ' -- A certain tract or parcel of land th the township of Nornlch. hounded aud described as follows: ltoclnDlDi at P. BV Avery's B. W. corner; thence E. on the line netwaett the Avery snd Mertban Urawrora's une to tne boundsryof thaO.P.andl. K.B.I thence N. W. with th K. K. to Avery's line; thrace 8. with the original surrey 11ns to Us place cf beginning, containing one acre of land, more or less, being prt of surrey No. 3,453, In th nam o( w ilitara varksdale. ,.r t - . .Appraised at 1S0 00. w - - . v-, ... , .. nawvrjKAn, pwiut rrinter's rees, ao.uu. , nov3-dltfcwtd ) Master Commissioner's Sale. 8. S Eastwood cod ) Superior Court. Tl B. Barrett BYVIRTDK OF AN ORDER OF SALE to me directed, from tha Superior Court of Frank lin Oooutjr, Ohio, I will offer for sale, at the door of th Oourt House, la the city i uoiumDus, on : Saturday, the 14th day of December, A. P. St one o'clock, P. M., the following described premites, annate In the county oli raoklin, ana &iie or untu, to wit: . ' Being the east part of the north half of In lot Mo. 107 of the city of Columbus, being thirty-one and one quarter (31X) feet wide on front street,, and extending westerly of lb same Width one buadred and thirty-two (113) teat. - - . , Appraitcaatfi.iuu Q. W. lTOFFJIAN, Bberiff, and Muster Cutumiss.onerr II. 0. Ncblb, Att'y.. Printer's rees tl 00.. nov7-dUtwld '.Master Commissioner's Sale. ' WhltlngandQ. M. Parsons, V ' ' ' ' Kzecutors of a. giraa,' ' Doc.3 p. 3G9. rs. " ( Superior Court. AmosJ. Furbeertal.' -J ' BT rlrtu of aa order of sal to me directed, from the Superior Court of of Franklin count, Ohio, I will offer for sale at tbs door of the Gears Home, In the city i polumbus, on. t ..y..:; i , Saturday, the 23th day of December, 1861, Between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock?. M-, the following described premises, to wiU Part of lot Mo. 8, of Baker and Mitchell's suWlrlslon of out-lot No. S3, Columbus, Ohio, beginning at tbe Southwest comer of said lot No. 9, at the northeast cor ner of the intersection of Mound end Seventh streets; theno eastwardly on Alound street on bueared ana twenty feet to aurlrata al ey: thence northwardly by said alley to the mldillc of iid lot No. 3; tiience west wardly parallel with Mound street to the front' un Ber. enth street; thence southwardly on Berentu street to the plsc ef begluning. Appraiica as aiuuj.. L. 0. W.'HTTFFMA!, Sheriff, ' .jru A " inii Master OommissioLer. Printer's fee 9i 00. rl. (;, . .!. l-i - aoflSidltfcwtdf ,tu ..u--1, v i, Master Commigsioner's, ..Sale, v ; 0. Baitfcger Admlnlstriitors1f ' ''' - v tfuperlot Court '. " D. fJi'Punaucki ei'al.' Tit VIBI0B OF' AN ORDKK Of 8 ALB TO MB U Oliwwu. irvui uio puperiur uvsn or s raaKlin ooun- ty, Ohio, I win offer ret sal M th door of th Oourt Boon In the eity of Columbus, on,. n p, u Oh Saturday, the 28th df of December, 86!,' kctween the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock" P, th followingdescrlbed premises, siUw't In Inuikils county, Bins oi uuio v wu: -in inn equal undivid. ed fourth .parts of all th lands, Unemeuu and water sowar leascu p; n am unswoiu. acunr memiierot ilia Board etPublte Works, to Christian Barriuger, and torio Isrrlngton by leas bearing data May 1st, 1H54, together With th andirlded three-fourth parts f all the structures, Improrements and machinery on said lands and of the ppnrtenencesthefeunts belonging, and of all th rights, benefit and prtrlleges wnatsoerer secured by said lease to said leasts. Th premises abor referred to are situate on the Columbus Feeder at the lock commonly known as fisher's lock, and said premises ar commonly known as the Uolumbus Mills. ' ' .. r . , ' Terms of sale one-half cash on day of sal, one-fourth in on yar, and one-fourth In two years, bearing Interest at o pr cent., defered payment secured by mortgage on premise. ' ,. , Appraised at 3750. 'v" H. B.-4hrsmlnlngnndlrlde4 one-fourth part ef th property will be sold at the sam time aud place and op oninaamieniis.i(.j -. .., w 1. m.. I i si aaojiat w. norm Air, stwritv ..' I I .'-'"i la jnd Muter Connnlslooer. tPririter's ft td 00. M t 0Tl7-dltWW. THE LATEST NEWS THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH From of the World. REPORTED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN. WAR FOR THE UNION. Lord Lyons on the Capture of Mason and Slidell. HE SAYS THEY MUST BE GIVEN UP OR REPARATION MADE. Rebel Pickets Advancing! FROM ROSECRANS'S ARMY. PREPARING TO MAKE A FORWARD MOVEMENT. Roanoke Abandoned by the Rebels After Destroying the Fort. Cotton and Corn at Port Royal. AFFAIRS IN MISSOURI. TERROR AGAIN REIGNS IN THE SOUTHWEST. THE REBELS PLUNDERING UNION CITIZENS. &c. &c. &c. From Washington. [Times Dispatch.] Washinoton, Nor. 19. Lord Lyons has sot behaved like a diplomatist since the news that Mason and olldell were on their way to Fort Warren. Although necessarily silent In his official capacity, unofficially he Is almost Imper tlnent In bis conversation. - lie assumes that there can be no question between his govern ment and ours tor the reason that tbe United States must yield the point in tbe controversy and will disavow the act of Captain Wilkes, and must return Mason and Slidell to - the bosons of the only power which seeme heartily . i . . i j. i . . . i . n . ,. 10 ueeiro me uiBinemuerineni oi mia nepuDUC. Edward Everett, Edward M. Stanton and Rererdy Johnson bave expressed the opinion that our right to take and keep Mason and Sli. dell la unquestionable, -. ' " ,; : , , . Tbe rebel pickets bave advanced a mile or two since Sunday. Gen. Porter reports a considerable force two miles from Vienna, whose purpose, according to the rumors which reach here, is to sweep off all lorage beyond Falls Churchv . - Gen. Culluru, lately of Gen. Scott's staff, has been appointed chief of Gen. Halleck'e staff and chief of engineers. He leaves for St. Louis on Thursday; To day an engine aud oars run ont on the Orange and Alexandria railroad beyond Spring field, the first time since the Bull Run battle. A complimentary dinner was given this even ing, to Geo. D. Prentice at the residence of Col. Forney. Secretary Cameron made a few re marks. r " " " (Times' Dispatch.) - It is reported that Col. Ward H. Lamoo.eeot in his resignation as U. S. Marshal for tho Dis trict ot Columbia, that he mipht assume com mand of his brigade, and the President refused to accept the resignation, stating that he could not spare him from his po ition as Marshal, at least for the ' ' [Herald's Dispatch.] A strong effort is being made here by prom inent Kentuckians to procure an exchange of Hoo.-una, a. Aioreneao, ot nentuosy, now confined at Fortress Monroe, for Charles An derson, of Texas, a brother to Brig.Gen. Rob't Andemon, wbo was seined and imprisoned, by the rebels tot hie adherence to the Union: 'Within the past few days, immense trains of loaded ariur wagons, ambulances and artillery carriages have been moving to Virginia. --Without Waiting to ascertain now far the act of Captain Wilkes la justified by acknowl edged established principles of international law, some of the Ministers from foreign parte have allowed, themselves lo bo betrayed into expressions exhibiting infinitely more passion and prejudice than judgment and diplomatic in telligence. Tbe representative of one power has openly declared that if Mason and Slidell bad been taken from a Spanish ebip he would have immediately demanded hie passports. Lord Lyon'ie said to have assumed" a menac ing tone, and to have declared that tbe prison, ere must be given up or ample reparation made for the offense offered to tha dignity of the British crown. ' Nothing of the kind has been officially Intimated, but in ordinary intercourse tbeee expressions ot disapprobation and hostility have unguardedly been made. -r - ' [To the Associated Press.] Diepatchea were received to-day from General Rosecrana tbat the rebel Floyd with bis entire force bad abandoned bia position near Gaulev Bridge and had gone toward Rlohville, where it is understood be intended to make stand. General Roseorans was still at Gauley Bridce. with his, entire command. Ha contemplates m akice a lorwara movement as soon as necessa ry arrangements can be made. . The health of tlio troops was excellent, v. . ... ; : ., . .. ,, [Special to the Post.] Wasuinqton, Nov. 20. The grand review of our troops held to-day at Ball's Cross Roads, bas attracted an immense crowd or spectators, and Washington ia nearly depopulated. Fifty thousand men are under review by uenerai Mo- Cletlan, and their excellent condition eliolta the warmest praise. Tbe soldiers are ready for any servioe tbat may be required, and tha reception they gave tne uenerai snowed tbat they have full faith in him as a leader. rf ,.',' Thirteen men of tha Fourteenth. Brooklyn Regiment of New York, wbo were engaged in tbe picket fight on Monday, are still missing; it is feared that they have fallen into the hands ol the enemy... . , .-.... The rebels continue their correspondence with their friends In Washington, and their mail. carriers la Virginia still defy, tbe Government, carrying messages to and from Richmond with out detection. .,(., ..- A ridiculous report is In circulation here to the effect tbat tbe Administration bas given as surances to the British government tbat British veseels shall have acoese to the cotton ports be fore the expiration of tbe.wlnter,',, ,.f.:J Rebels Rejoicing—Roanoke Abandoned— Meeting of the Rebel Congress. [Tribune's Correspondence.] FotT Monkoi, , Nov., 19. Lieut. t-Worden states that the intclllgenoa of the arrest of Mason and blideil caused great excitement among the rebels, who rejoiced in the prospect t a retaliation by bngiaoq. ... Two regiments from, Georgia and South Car- olina abandoned Roanoke Inland."" They have blown up the battery and gone home, ' ) t i he rebel uongrem met at rvionmona onbe 18th,'wIthout a quorum.:" , ;v;". ,'".'. '.r I The rebels are strengthening their main bat tery a tSe well's Point, anticipating an attacks I Niw Yoak.Nov.2U.-The bark Teresa re ports tbat aha apoke on tha 12th, Instant the schooner Winthrop from Wilmington, N. C, ior nassan. The Winthrop bad tun tbe block ade, with another schooner, four days previous. ly. On tho 17th lnst., in 1st. 38, long. 71, aba fell Is with tba brig Judge Whitmans from Bos ton for Fortress Monroo with granite, In a link ing condition . Sha took off Capt. Brag and crew, anu oruugat wem to ima port 4-sj ... I Sl I, lif J -V WrLMiNOTOw, Del'.. Nor. 20. Dtmont's now der mills exploded to day, destrovtcr. three muis ana Killing tare men. The Fleet to be Divided—Cotton and Cork. ,Niw Yoaa;, Not. SO.Tha Times1 Port Roy-f al correspondent says tha Beet is to be Uvuied, and transports, to convey six thousand troops, arc, to open another port.. Tha transports are now taxing n water lor niteen nays.. There ia sufficient cotton here and on Pope Island, uninjured,-to make three thousand bales, and corn bouses filled with about ten thousand bushels in tha ear. : . From Fortress Monroe. FoxTaua Monboi, Nov. 19 A flag of truce to-day from Norfolk brought down Lieut. Wor- den, who was taken as bearer of dlspatohe and Imprisoned some time at Montgomery, at the breaking oat of tho rebellion. lie has. been exchanged for Lieut. Bbarp, ot tha rebels, who was taken at Hatteras Inlet, and bas recently been confined on tha frigata Congress at New oort News. " v The HDauldlcsr and revenua cutter ivorwin hare arrived lrom Hatteras Inlet, but bring no news of Importance. No troops came up on the Spanldlng. A rebel steamer made a recon nolssance of tha inlet tha day before tbe Spaul- Jt.. ... A . . mug svvuruvu. i -, ( t r A contraband from Koanoxo isiana reports that the rebels bad destroyed their tort and were about to return to tbe mamiana.. Seizing a Suspected Hotel. Baltimoki, Nov. 20 f Somewhat of a sense tlon was produoed this morning In the' western section of the eity by the Provost-Marshal sending a large force of police to Miner's Hotel ana seising tne whole establishment ana an us contents, inoludlng a. large number of horses, the contents of the bar room, safe and 'vault The object of this movement li said to be to prostrate the mail arrangements of .tha rebel sympatbicerg bere. 'It is supposed tbat from this botel tnere has been regular communication kept up to West River and thence to Virginia. i he proprietors ot tbe botel bave not been sus pected generally, and are regarded as loyal men; but it is supposed: certain employees or loaeers nave oeen receiving ana transmitting letters South. A number of .letters bare been seized, but bave not yet been examined. Two parties, Wm?Hart and Jno. Earlj have been arrested. : .... .; rt, . ,'n. i i i m i i.t New York, Nov. SO. The steamer Saxonia, "which arrived to-day from Hamburg, brought as passengers the rnncede Wrede, ot itussis, and tbe Count da Valentine, of Trieste, who come to offer their military services to oor Government. ..... .. . Naval. New Yoaxs Nov. 20 The steamship Del. ware, Preston and Cosmopolltin, of the New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company, have been chattered by the Government for three months. They will immediately com mence ooallcg. Their destination is said to be Port Royal. The United States steam transport Atlantic lying at tho foot of Canal street, is now coaling and taking in provisions for Port Royal.. She will also carry troops. . . , . - The propeller gunboat Oneida was launched at the Navy Yard this afternoon. ' Blahoo Mcllvalne and family left to-dav for Liverpool on the Persia. - The Rebels in Accomac Disbanding. Baltimore, Nov. 20. News of the disband ing of about three thousand rebels in Accomac county, Va.,ls confirmed. 'As our expedition advanced, rebel flags disappeared, and Unionists hoisted American Hags. . Uen. Uix's proclama tioo, when received In camp where Union men had been dratted and forced into tbe rebel ser vice, cauaed them to rebel, and their officers were compelled lo disband them. The seces sionists had burned bridges and felled trees across the roads. ...... Missouri Dispatches. tion reached here to-day tbat our cavalry nnder Major Hough have overtaken and captured the rebels wbo seized our eupply train near War reniburg on Monday last. About one hundred and fifty prisoners were taken and tbe wagona recovered. 1 ".' [Correspondence of the St. Louis Democrat.] BJxrmaott City, Nov. 20. The old terror has settled down upon the counties of tbe South west, since ..the retrograde- movement of our army, and refugeea are beginning' to arrive again, driven from borne by the tear of .Trice's rebels, wbo are reported again advancing. Mr. Gravelly, member of the State Conven tion, arrived bere last night from Sprioefield, which place he left on Friday last.. He eaja a body of three thousand of Prioe'e cavalry. have made their appearance at Sarcoxie, and' that foraging parties follow up the track of our re ceding army, plundering Union citisens, and re newing with impunity every species of outrage. He passed strain of emigrant' wagons a mile long, containing Union refugees, and another train of five wagons arrived here to-day. Five prisoners were brought in to-day frcm Calloway oounty, the first fruits of an expedi tion which was sent to that county yesterday. These prisonrts are charged with repeated ouU rages on Union men. . - . j --- ' Kansas City, Nov. 20. Capt. Burohard with twenty-four men of Jennison's regiment attack' ed Capt. Hays with one hundred and fifty men, at his place of residence to-day,' and succeeded in driving them away, burning Hays's house and tbat of a man named Gregg, both Captaine in. the Southern army. - Capt. Burohard and Lieut. Boswick were slightly wounded, and two horses killed. ..The rebels had fire men killed and eight wounded. nv.9 : '--. '. ... Chicago, Nor. 12. The Galena and Chicago railroad declared a dividend to-day of five per cent., payable in New York city on the 1st of January. , ........ . ... . - From Kentucky. went on an exploring expedition np the Tennes see Rlrer yesterday,' and discovered a rebel battery near the Tennessee line. She threw one shell which routed tbe rebels. .Still further np another battery was discovered and engaged The rebels were again routed with a number killed. : -The Connestoga was bnt slightly dam aged in the encounter. She returned to day. y Louisville, Nov. 20. The Journal's leading correspondent from Laurel county. Ky., em- nhatioallv denies the prevalent report tbat citi zens of London refuse to sell the Federal Gov ernment provisions or ask exorbitant prices therefor; and also the statement that Zollicof fer had blockaded the Cumberland Gap road by blasting rocks, eta. .... Elegant Lace Mantillas. ISISJS I SSI BBSS SSSS S SS SSSSiSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SB SSSSSISSSj BAENT tt), 0O33", No. 29 South High St., HAT1 Just opened an lnvole of very large and handsome PUSHER, FRENCH, AND CHANTILLA LACE MANTILLAS AND POINTE3. Wide 'Trench ' Laces' for'1 Shawls. elreep Freoeh Flouncing Laces. t r Real Thread, Frenoh, Chantilla & Geneveee- Valenoiennei, Point de GazeBrussels and Threaa Laces and Collar, VALENCIENNES TRIMMED H'DKFS, MALTESE LACE COLLARS &. SETS, . LINEN COLLARS. & CUFFS, , -1 "" ' " - - In new Shapes. PAPER COLLARS & CUFFS,' )i H PBldBS 'tTNXJStrAlitiT i-o w. Traveling Dress Goods,' MOZAMBIQUE9, POM.ISS, BBKFBKRS'B OBIOKS ' .HLKB, fOIIi M 0HIVKE8, -. ! LAVILLAl, BROOHsV TALKNCIAB, As. eto. r Jh best and most fashionable styles la the cltjr,' i AT VEBYlJOW l?RIOKS. .v. .!!..-..-. J-- BAH as SOW, " South Hlh Street. .TIC DRESl'8lLK8,(, w' v M t IADV1 noos sivat,-.-' I'lJiVJHM I we ar now offering our Immense stock ot Fancy Drees Bilks at nrloe 1cm than eier befor ollered la this oity. The attention of th ladies of this eity and vicinity is solicited, a ow stock I very seleot and complete la all grades of good la Ibis tins. u paxjtn baih, aevM. Mo. 19 AsaUi Iilh itnet. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. New York Market. New York Market. [REPORTED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] NEW YORK, Nov. 20. OOTTOtf Tbtre li Jltlle mors dolnf, and th Saarkst rstn.rsuaoy. ,. j v .y V LOU IV The market still eontlnnaa fair for th ban gates of KMixi bhis at S5 305 S for rejeld J 50 ftti bi for tupfrnn slatst i &i&S IS for extra state aa HXMi !i for suosrnn western: as 65(3t M for oom man to medium extra Western: S5 OOtSO 00 for shin- ping brands ultra round hoop Ohio! 0 10310 7S 'or plug trade brandsdo, markat eloslnf rather qnltt, Canadian flour hear? and wlthont material Chang In price; sale of 7FO .bolt at; a avova w ror supsrnns; aa v 7 30 for common to oboios xtr. . j EVB ILOUaQuiet and steady at i 254 40. ' . CORN UIAL Untetand tuwhannd. W I1I8EY Without decided caaug; sales of 450 bbls atoxsio- ' ' ' WliaAT Deelned le, and enlf very nwdetat 4 msnd for export at th deciln. Bales of 18,1MJ0 tosh of Ohlcaao svrisf at tl 5(B1 t6i 1S.400 hush northwest ern clnbatai S5'A1 88Xi SOOO bush Baclne spring at SI SW.187; SS.000 bnsh Ullwaake olnb at 1 0l 30, IR.Mn hn.h mk red Iowa at at III 400 bush mixed sprlns and winter red slat at a 1 iKkSl 31 ; wlnUr red itat at at ' v,uwi roan winter reo weitxrn at ai 3dt W 400 amber Mlohisan at l ItKatl 40; 7,500 bash while Kentucky at 1 4ffl 54 latter price for extra; 10,500 white Canadian at s)l 40(31 43; Sl.SOO bash whit Michigan at II 44aU W; th Utter price for aail lots. - - - - HYB More actlreand firmer; salts 8,000 bnshsli at 87(B90o. tbe tetter for extreme prime. ' - - , BAHLKX Bcaros and nrmer: sales or suv msueu State at Bo. CORN favors buyers, modsrat boslness doing for export ard home eonsumpllont sales of 111,700 bushels at 61(11630 for damaged mixed western: 82iiXI for good to prims shipping do chlsfly 05905KS. OATB Firmer at 48349 for Canada; 48350 for Jer sey, western and state. fOBK air business aotngin porit marxeisiiu rnies In faror of purchasers; sales 087 bbls at I3 50aU3 00 fermess) a 13 50 for prime mess., BKBr Btoady with fair demsnd: sales of 340 barrels at $4S4 50 for country prime; $55 50 for country mess ailwis for repaciea mess, ana ior ex tra mess. Prim mess bef rules quiet. BHK9 HAUh HniTr and rather esisr; sales or lau barrels western at SI5 Si l' 50. CUT MKATS aul dull and neavr at imx ior shoulders and 585X for hams. . . HO i Dressed, firm aud in rair asm an a at oc. BACON In eood demand: tales of 1000 boxes mid. dllngs assorted euls snd quality, part dellrerabl la th (nture, at 07Xc i, a RD Bules quist at BXIaVWMc. BOTI IB-In food demand for hem consamptioD, bnt the hieh prloss check the sbipploc demand, and w quote Ohio at HMBiae; ror state. OUSB8K Mors actiT at 5ffl7o for Ohio, and 6-3 7Uc for ititt. 808AB Baw, DctlTSi sales 40hhds at 7X38efor Cnia; 8c for Porto Hico. - uus-VEa Ther has been less dome in tne market ror all kinds, but prices still rule verv firm; sales 250 bags ktareaibo and 50 bass Uanira at 18u 18c: Bio quiet at 77Xe. - - MULASBRB Quiet; do sales ar reported. HOP8 In moderate request at MmiOo tot common to prime. - . ' ' Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, Nov. 19. FLOOR Wu duller than any day for some time, and then was not enough done to establish quotations. Superfine could bare been bought at 84 0O4 10, and extra at 4 1594 S5. Fancy and family 4 3034 40. WHBAT Bed deolfaed to rtKgvHjc, but white, belm in lltrbt smpp'y, was firm at 85390c. Th demand Is chiefly from the eity and local country millers. court new corn advanced to vie; ow, steady at n OAT8 DecllniJ to 2727Xc, and dull. RYB-42343c, BARLKV Adraneed to 45!SW for sood to prim Fall. WQISKT-A good demand at llXc. BOOS There wu a brisk demand for boss In the morning, and 3 37 was paid for a lot of heavy, but af ter the news from New Tork wu announced quoting a decline of on dollar In jness pork, th market becaa rather heavy, and thouNf the receipts b liberal to-morrow, It Is probable that prices will give Way a shade. ... uommercuH Market. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 20. FLOUR Dull; sale of 8 000 barrels at 85 82. WHEAT Quiet: sslesof U.OOO bush red at tl 30 1 40! white at 1 4531 50. corn rimf; sales or 3,oou bash at 05c. OATB Bales at 40o. COFFE1 Rio 1510XO. ME88 PORK-115 00. 1ARD-0X0. 1" .: WflIBKY-rirmat91(S8Ie..i MILLIONS DF MONEY , For an Inch of Time! WAS ONCE THE EXCLAMATION OF a dying Queen., That Inch of time can be proeur a much cheaper rate, and many long years of . . HEALTH AND HAPPINESS enjoyed by consulting Dr. MBRRYWBATHKR, wbo Is curing the most obstinate and long-standing dlseuea of th LUNGS, 1IEART. LIVER, EIDN'KVB, BLAD DER, BTOMAOH RHEUMATISM DISEASES PECU LIAR TO FEMALES, SKIN DISEASES, AND ALL AFFE0TION8 OF 1U EYE AND BAR. . Facta are stubbarn Thing; near what the Philadelphia correspondent says in tbe "Commonwealth," Wilmington, Delaware, 9th of April, 1859: "An Xnglish gentleman, formerly connected frith, the British Army, and wbo styles himself th 'Indian Botanic Physician,' has of late gained an extensive repu tation her by his skill In curing all manner ot oom plaints. Soma of hi patients I have conversed with, and they pronounce his remedies and mod of treatment s very superior. Bom hav been restored as If by maglo. th medleln h uses la distilled by himself from various herbs possessing rare curative properties. "While acting In th army ho devoted hi leisure mo ments to a thorough study of th effects produced by certain medicinal roots and herb oa all manner of dis eases. It seems he ha found a snr aud speeqy reme dy for all the 'ills that flesh Is heir to.' Bis practice Is already extenslre and la dally Increasing. In th com plaints to which Females ant subjected, he hu no equal ua larg number her hav testified that they ow not only tnetr present good nealtn, bnt their lives, to tne skill of this Indian BotanioPhjslolan." ; Office 37 East State Street, Columbus. augl7-d3m , , . . OOXjXELVC if u st - Machine Manufacturing Company, stAMDrAonraiu o STEAM UNGINES & BOILERS, uasuBgt, JBUu-tsearuif, auonusry, x. .. .i jm i '. . -Atao, XFlAllX'OACa. vV oris, of cvtar Dcsoaimoit. -.. .. OHAB. AMBOS, Bnp't- " " " T. AM BOS, trees. decll. ia5-tt .,.,.,,,.., ' " The Court of Common Pleas Frank- rr,Hn County, Ohio. Bamael 0. Story et al.) " !"" - , t4 . If PCKSCANCE OF AN ORDER OF . th said Oourt to me directed. I will offer lor sale at publie auction at tho door e( the Oourt Houe,ln the eity oi uommpus, on ., , ,(.,b . . Satarday, the 21st day of Deoember, 18GI, " between th hours of 12 o'olock H. and 8 o'clock P.M., th following described real estate, situate in th couh tvof vranana ana Biateoi unto: - . Th nndlvlded two-ninths (t 9) of a oertaln tract r Saroel of land, situated In th conntyot Franklin and tat of Ohio, lying pa Darby Big Bun, a branch of Darby Creek, a pall ol unoriginal survey Ko. ail, and bounded and described aa follows: I Bexlnnliig at a large ston in th Run. lower corner to Joslah Blvens' lot la the south of said original survey No. J all; theno with said line soutn eignty nine (89) deerees east one hundred and forty (140) poles at th southeast comer, corner trs down; theno with th east line north on fl) degre east sUty-three and on half (3H) poles to a bur oak snd three red slms; Bonn tenty-nin (V) degress west one aunarea ana fif ( 1501 Doles to anoint in thoetrof the run, with Its meanders, to tbe pt4t beginning, tontaining sixty (00) acres mors or lee r . 3. '- a"" 1 ti i 1 Apprateed at ti HO per sere. I . , n HCFFMAS, Sheriff. Printer's fees S 00. SOTi-td. as. ,.n. .i NEWARK MACHINE WORKS, 1 ' MEWARIOHIO, tflanafaclarera ! all kinds et Par aauisj aast Mtatlanarr Steam Ea sTlaaes Haw railla, Orlat DU1U, dkx.o eVo. I AH! SOPlIi B4aimt B. & t. BLAND TJIaUnl J.AJ. a. DUVAIL StUmltl COLUMBUS MXaaiKt CO. Btaimllll B&ADMOBD CO. Btalmtllll Our Portable ft. trine and Baw Kill Was awarded the first premium of 50 at th Indiana Btate Fair for 1"60 over Lane A Bodley's on eoooontol Price, Lightneae, simplicity, economy of inel and superior character of lumber sawed. Our Btetlonary Inrlne waa awarded at th sam Pali the first premium of S). Our Portebl Nngln era awarded the first premltua el aiOU at the Fair at Mftnphls. Toon., over Btendy's Da Tail's, Columbus Machine Oo's., and Bradford Co"s. by a eommitte of practtoal BaUroad CngiiMwrs. ror price acq terms address WiLLARD WABNIB, Trteurarar, dec5 dAwlyecls. Nwxk,Oblo GREAT CURE DR. LELAND'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND1 IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOft Ehenmatigm, Gout and Neuralgia, ' AND A B0R1 CURB FOB All Mercurial Diseases. It I a conveniently arranged Band, containing a med icaid compound, to be worn around In Waist, without Injury to tu moet delloat persons; no ehansw In habits of. living is required, and it entirely remove th dis ease from th system, without producing th Injurious streets arising from th us of powerful Internal medi cines, which weaken and destroy th constitution, and (ire temporary relief only. By this treatment, the seed ilnal properties contained In thsBand come In contact with the blood and reach the dlsesse, through the pore of th skin, effecting In retry instance perfect ears, and restoring the parts atlltcted to a healthy condition. This Band Is also a mostpowerful Aim-HnonBU agent, and will entirely relieve the system from thsfwtstoipw sffscteof llercury. Moderate ease ar cured In a fw days, and we are constantly receiving testimonials of its efficacy In atvravated eases cf long standing. Paica 12,00. to be bad of Druggists generally, or ean be sentby mail or express, with full directions for as, to any part of th country direct from th Principal Office, Xo. 400 BHOADWAT, BTsw York. ' G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors. . 5. 5. Descriptive Circulars Bent Free. A.J. 8GQUELLIB St BON, DacsMttn, Aoswts, Ho. 77 B. High St., bet. Friend and mound, Columbus, 0. )X7'Airata Wanted Ererrwtiera. BihSS-lylsorlstp.dAw '. - Master Commissioner's Sale. Baoael Persons' Executant vs. S gapertor Couit. John K.Beylet all, ) BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF 8 A LB to me directed from the Superior Oourt of Franklin County, Ohio, I will offer for sal at th door of the Coun tlouse, In the city of Oolumbu, n Saturday- the 23th day of December, A. D. 1861, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. sUaadtVclockr. si. the following described real estate, situate In th oounty of Franklin and Btate of Ohio, to wit Lots Nos. seven, Oi eight, (8) nin. (0) and ten. (10) of 'John and lleory Miller's subdivision of lots No. lhty-ntne, (esj'nlnety. (90) snd nlnety-OLC, (01) of Crosby's addition to out-lots east of Columbus, as de Uneated on the plat thereof, re corded in volume one, page seventy, of the record of plats oi ss,a county. - . Apprais-.d Lots Nos. 7, 8, at X0 00 each. .0. W nCFFMAS,81wrifl ' " ' and Master Commissioner Printer s fees tO.OO. novl7-dli:wld Superior Court of franklin Coun . ty, Ohio. - ,0,tPh,D!""e(Doe.J.psg.ll9. John Oramer at al. i ale to P"' IN PURSUANCE OF AN OBDEK OF th said Oourt lo me directed, I will oiler for sal al th door of th Court Hons la th city of Colusa, bus, on . , Saturday, the 28th day of Deoember, 1861, between the hours bf 10 o'clock a. m., and 4 o'clock p. m, the following, described real estate, situate In ti county of Franklin, and (state of Ohio, to wit j . Th remaloder of a tract of land estimated to contain on hundred and Sto acres, known as the Old Poor lions Farm, being the same land conveyed by John An derson to bis sons Robert, Joshua, Reading and John Anderson, by deed dated July 13th. 1819, after cutting off fifty acres from the east side ot said tract, which wm sst off .to Robert King and wife, la an amicable partition, by deed dated Deoember lath, 18J5. . Appraised ot B05 00 per acre. ' " ' GEO. W. HUFFMAN, Sheriff. Printer's fees, 6 00. -Novi7,lfc81-wtd SHERIFFS SALE. B. Wilson Bnpertor Court. W.E.Bose, BV.TIRTOEOF AN OR DER OF IAJLE to m directed from th Superior Oourt of Franklin county, Ohio, I will offer for sal at th door of th Oourt Ilouse, in th City ol Columbus, on Saturday, December the 14th, A. D. 1861, -at two o'clock, P.M., the following described real estate, situate In th oounty of Franklin and BUM of Ohio, to wit: Ih south half ot a lot of land containing eighty sores, more or less; th said eighty acre, of which this part thereby oonvyd, is a traot oilglnally owned by Dr. George Stevenson, and which by oertaln proceedings In th Court of Common Pleas of Franklin county, now partitioned to and divided among th children and heirs at law of said Oeorg Stevenson, deceased: said prem ises hereby conveyed being known aa th south half of lot No.-17, as will fully appear, retereno being had to said proceedings In partition, set rortn in in Obanoery records of said Common Pleas, in book 3, pag 316. Appraised at M 00 per acre. liAunuo rr. nuririuAn.Bnenir, By lo, Dans, Deputy. R. Bbiild, Att'y. Printer's fee 9 00. aovs-dltfcwtd Sheriff's Sale. John Kennedy, vs. Common Pleas. ' James South tal.) - . TtY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF SALE JL) te me directed from the Oourt ot Common Pitas of Franklin oounty, Ohio, I will offer for sal at the door of th Oourt ilouse, in th oltyof Oolumbu, en Saturday, the 30th day of November, A. D 1001, at on o'clock: P. M., th following described real estate- situate In th oounty of Franklin, Stat of Ohio and oity ot Columbus, to wit: In cast one-half of the following premises, oommenctng on hundred ana eighty-four feet (184) west of the southeast corner of out lot number (.) inirty-nvo, ana being a part or saui out lot, at a atak. theno north on hundred and (ighty- seven and a half feet (187 X) to a stake, thence west fifty-seven feet (57) to a stake, thenc ssl fifty Hren feet (57) to th plsc of beginning, all of which line and corners, oowever,must be understood as eonespond- ng with thos of tbe streets ana alleys 01 in city w Columbus aforesaid, being the east one-half of the above described premises, and th sams conveyed to th said Jam South by said John Kennedy and wife by deed St even date herewith. . Appraised at 275. " Printer's fee to 00 0. W. HUFFMAN, Sheriff. octS4-dttwtd ' By Bd. Davis, Deputy. ; BAIN & SON, No. 29 SoatH High Street, Columbns, ABB rTOrT OPFKBIHQ ' 8000 yard Travtlla Dress Ooods at 8K, vain 19 sent. . 2500 yards Traveling Drss floods atlSX, vaoeS0et. gOUO yards English Besagew at 18, value cant. 1000 yards French Organdie at UK, value SO owita. . Stxiq yards Fast Oolored Lawns at 1U, ValM IS cents. 1000 yards Foulard Drees Bilks at 37 X, valu SO eants. 1S00 yards Super Plain Black Silk at t 00. value $1S Robes of Organdi Be rage, and Bnglish Bsrage, at one half their valu. . .-. , 1 BAIN It BON, !)St .. V ;. :. Boath BIgh Street. X UXANDREI K1B 6LOTES. t, All sums snd eolcrs last opMd a BAIHB, 44.11. .Wa High street. A.M , 3 . VMeaasmmsfrr "They go Right A9 iUt& Iualasit Rellell Btasj y n, Cwngt.t Pairlff yaur Braatj.. ; ' ' - - . trenftliaa yap Vaicai A r n a THROAT CONFECTIONS' 4BS -. ' , -w , t. GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOR LECTURER3. . GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, f--GOOD FOR SINGERS, I '. GOOD FOR CONgDMPTIVE3. : . OBSTLIMM OAARY . i. SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTHJNU IADIB3 ABK PIL10ITTBD WITH SPALDING'8 THROAT CONFECTIONS. OHILDRIH Car FOB ' "" - ' SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. Tbey relieve a Cough instantl . They clear the Throat. ' Tbey give streoftth and volume to tha voice. They impart a delicious aroma to tbe oreath They are delight! al lo the taste. . Thoy are made of simple herbs and cannot narm any one. . , I sdrls every one who tub a Ooaih tnm. snaks,' Vov er a Bad Breatn, or any dlffleBlty ef th Threat, u ..1 a package of my Throat Confection; hy will rtltev yon Instant, and 70a will sgrss with aa that 'lby go right to th Spot." Toa will Bad Uuna vwry asef I and plsasant white traTsllng or attending public meet Ion for sttlllngyosuf Oonr h or allarlni vour thirst 1 1 you try one paokag, I asa sat la saying that yon will ever afterwards consider then tndlspsmjable. Toa will Snd thesa at tb DranUts sal Dsaters le Msdlclnes. PRIM TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. My eignatu'r Is en each package. All others an counterfeit. -' A package will be tent by mall, prepaid, ea receipt o Thirty Cents. Address, Henry O. Spalding, , . MO. m CBDAB 1TBIIT, NEW YORK. ""SWV a NervousHeadache CURE By ta as ot these Pill th periodic attacks of Jtr eons or Wet Budacto snay b prevsated; and if takeo at tha commencement of an attack tamed 1st relief ftoei pain and slcknss srlll be obtained. . r They seldom fall In removing the Jfawsse and . ac4 to wbleb feoalM ar so snbjsct- Thsyact gently pc th bowels isaaovuig Ooswc F01 . Ut4rarg Mm, BMUuU, Iletteat Fsmal and all persons of tadmiary Habit, they are ! as LamaHt, Improving ths appttiU, glTiut Ion. 1 ' or to th dlgestlv organs, snd restoring lb tiaituv slasuclty and strna;th of th wlmte system. -i 1 - TBI CEPHALIC P1XLB ar th rwnlt of long laves' ligation and carefully sondnctad szperlmects, tutving been la ase snany years, daring which ttm they hav prersnted and iwlievtd a vast aeaouit of pain and suffer, log from Head ache, whether erlgisatiBg m the smtvoks system or from a deranged stats et the ttomatK ; They ar ntlrely vgtaul m thalr eosapoeliloi., so maybttakea al all time trtth perfeot ssttetv wtihcul snakinf any ehang cf diet, asset (A ctossssos mut diaofta&l tatt4 Tmdtrt it taty to mdmlnU er fumi eMldrm. , . ... BBWARB0F00UNIJIaFIIT8l ' Thtgtnuln hav elgnaters of Eor Q SpaMlcg on each Bos. Bold by Drmgglsts and all other Dealers In Msdlclne. A Box will b ssnt by saall, prepaid, on receipt f th Pzrloo, 03 Oonts. . All orders should b addreassd tor v . 1 . IIENUT O. BPACDINU, S Oosir Strsjat Ifaw Vrk. from th Izamuwr, Norfolk, Ta. Cephalic Pill accomplish th obot tor which the Were mad, vla.1 Oor of badaoo In all it form. from th Bxamlner, Norfolk, Ta. They hav been tested in mors tuaa a thoasaal aasaa With sntlr t Front the Democrat, St. Oloud, AUnn. ".. ., If voa ar. ot hav beam, troubled srtth th hesulssdiar. send fur a box, (Cephalic Pills,) so that you may havs them in ease of an attack. from th Advertiser, Provhteno, B I.:"" f The Cephalic Pills are said to be a romarkAbly effective', remedy for th headache, and one ot th vary best for tbat Terr frequent complaint. which has evar besn oovtred. - , from th Western B. B. Osaette, Chicago, 111. We hsartllv ssdorseMr. Bpauldlna?. and bla anetvated OsphaUcPUls. fro . " Eanawha Taltey Star, Kanawha, Ta. W ar snr that parsons raffniag with) th bsedaoh) who try thsm, wlU ttMk to them. A from th Bouthern Path Flndar, New Orleaas, Ls. , Try thesnl yew that ar afflicted, and r ar sure dial your testimony can be added so th already numerooa list that ha received benefits that a other msdicin can , produo. ; . ... .-.- " from thsBt. Loals Csmscrat. "'t"" Ths tautens demand ror th arttoi ,CphalM PUl ls rapidly Inoraastug. 1 , , ' m HT frost thtoaastt, Davenport. Umoi Mr. Spalding woald ot co nee I his aasasjith aasa. Ucl h did net svsos to assess real merit. uh r- TJ7"A rlngls bottl of 8f ALDINITt PRJPABBD OLfja will save tea time It oort aanaally . SP ALDINO'S PREPARED GLUE l u , SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I i SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUEl"" t ' m : ' ' ' SAT! THi PIB0IB1 'ifo--V , I00N0MTI ' . PIBPATOTII HJ"A Ivtvoa m Turn (ana Knt.''QI ' As accidents will happen, va la trail ngatated fas-." 11 lea, It I very teslrabi te hav some cdieap and . venleut way for swpalrlng Furnltura, Toys, C rookery ! gPALDDfQ'l PBBPABM0L0 w-, ;:.,, meets all snoh ease reeoo lea, and ao hosuwhold sn afford) v to be without It. It iaalways ready, and ap to th sttoal lag pclnt. : . "OBBFCl. IN ITBBT BOUSN." ' ' . B. A Brash asncmpanis cash bottisv u.r esnte. , .1 Addrees, 1 . i..- HBItBT 0. BPALDINO, ! Bo. ed. Cedar (Street, lie Ttik. fa ' OAonoN . .7, j AS eertaia anprtneipwa persons are attempting Ins off an the aaastln( nablie. tmltatloua of m " Latiousof ta . BBPABBO SLOB, I would on j tlon all persons to ersona ta - 1 bflfor puninsin, and se tht the full nam. .... iri'BPAIiDiriU'a PHBPABlaDaLUN.J IF, ' Ft k ea tLeoutsid wrapper; all etbr at swindling terfeits, a ek. 1AjV- -vAr