Newspaper Page Text
LUDINGTON &;C0. ;i 25 TAaSPUCS, V-' : 20 ft 22 2SUERAY STRICT, v ,. i ijxj VST 1TOXL- IMPORTER! AND; iOBPEBS OK ,Porexsvnd,Po?iatio : BEY GOODS Ofr CA611PH AFfROVED CREDIT. w. .. m-nint, t our ample warerooma, at th above u.eJr? S Good la ach of . x dsp.flm.nU a.hlWledt th trad. , (, cloth Department Thi. ua grown toltipnaint irftlt a.aaWm.nt ol a buer of long ortoe Bad .ctnTwidged good IMtt. - W. ' h final and ebolcMl FANCY VESTING " WAN(W 'CASSIMERLS BROADCLOTHS, SATINETS, .,. . U LADIES' CUMINHUS,-. .C.'.--.--.rt ' iJWEEDS . . 'T. iw . v. f,om 9U to WX eentt per yard WlklV" , i WEEDS. W to IS nU pr yard-lat yr W ... MtoWi - PRINTED SATINETS,.! ".; . Andtther GtoJ corrtipondiitgli Lu. Dress-Goods - Department. Manchettei Di La'.net, Hamilton (do. : ' do. Printed Lawn, Printed Brilllaute, fancy Qlngbema, Boaaslnes, . . ' . Black bilk, r ;- - f ancj Bilk. Piloted Che'll. Manchester U Ingham l, Glasgow v afc ' Clinton do. Ottoman Clothe, AlpaC, ' A'uplin, , , iKt'A ' rte Sdtu 611 vf FANCY SpnirJC COOD3. :' UerrlmM Prlnta, ' 1 noebeeo do. Blrbmond'i Print, Amerioan do. Dannell' do. , . . Eoulbih do. PttAiAa - . do. Qnran' dO. m alaocneiwi, ' , , - DOMESTIC COTTON B. ....iteiuu.i. Atlantic A. BbeetltiR, do. do. do. do. roeaei i u.,,l. ' BLSA0I1KD BHIRTINOB AND PIIEKIINQB. ISali? Great Fall., Naumkeag, milT Waltbam, (New lortWIU, Ac.Ao. SHAWLS AND1IANT1LLAS, 1AMI AKDIlCT A9AOTylNT COTIOSABIB-a peal tariety . 0I1KCKB . do. ' " T1CR18Q8 U U leading krarw. rwkiiua At. - dtt rHIRTINQ BTiarE-ll the lead tot braud,. coasnt jmahb' a m k n an n . wv , do... . - do. UOWtENo do. do. U0L0KAD CAM- DAJAAbKB. PAPBR OAAlBiICa, "J. .BEIC8, Aon to- LARGE AND COUPLETS STOCKS OF VHITX GOODS, , B0SIEST, " -- TAJIKXI KOnOHS, Gentlemen's FnrnisliiBg Goods, DJrJBRELLAS AND PARASOLSr1 ' CABrETS AKD OIA.-CA.OXHS, And a ra rarlety of Aood not enuraerated-all of which we pledge ennelte to aell at the totrert mortal prioaf-th larger portion at from 10 to 30 per cent. In han laatyear. - LATflROP, LUMGTON & CO,, WEW YORK. ' - ..... ; STONE'S BAZAAH No. 4s -Ghvnne Block i;- p; stone &:0'flAiiiA a HKNOWRteElVIiVOTnEIBWIS IV IS ft GOODS, and lorit the publle U Intpoot tnam. No inch dock of Good ha eror bees brouht to thtomarkrt. The Boutn, In oonaequence oi ino lanure of the rain arop, ha not been able ! porohaM tlx aalqoaoUty ed rich goad, and thi faotha forced tlie Imsorter to aell them at pablla auction. Oar boyer ( Mr. Btone) being In New Turk at theet large (ale, took adnntag of them, and we can and will aell ur good kare, at lew than any en woo parchaned two week aiooe, paid for thaa in New I oik. Our itock le complete la every department of ELEGANT PRESS BILKS, ' OTTOMAN VELOURS, .- - BROCHE VALENCIA8, " v. . PRINTED MEXlNOSr '"! . - r . ; PRINTED C0BURG8, , .: - . , ; DYED COBUGSj BLACK ALPACAS, " ORLEANS, -" -" -- FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, c ' ALL WOOL DELAINES, -j .. r POPLINS, PRINTS, SHAWLS AMD CLOAKS! live TLausand Dollars Worth Bought in Ono 'Dayy " LADIES FURS, HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. yna Wlea and Children l rnder Shirt and Drawer LuttM. Mlaaaa and Chlldreo' Hotlery f all kind. In Wool and Lambf Wool; fleecy Lined and Cotton tilvTo of erery autk. ,v. - 1 A oemplet aaiortmeat , of All tha csual Tarie- LADIES' CLOTHS, 1 . 'CASSIMERES,"1 ... OVERCOATINGS. , - v .-- . TWEEDS, FLANNELS, - -' - RIBB0N3, ' DRESS TRIMMINGS, Lafliei and Qent'i linen Camlrio Eand ' kerci;i, Ac, &c. To perms who can on na, we pleJge our word to hew them the largeet, beet and cheapen dock of Good rrer een In thl market, or pay tUm cne dollar per bow while looking. Atel-dliStawltw. BTONB O'HAABA. , W. A. Batchelor's Eair Dye! v ... . - - ' 1 ' Thl aplendld Hair Dye baj no equal IsitantaneosOa effect Boaatifal Black or Nataral Brown ao rtalnlng the (kin erkiiulng tee Iiau reacOMetaeaeear la : effort ef Bad Dp, aod InrlgoratM th hair for lift Ren art genuine anlemttcood W A.'Btbior.T Bold eterj where. " , , , CHAI. BATOlilLOR, Proprietor, JylZwly blBaaay Btreet, Hew Tort, HAIR ;' DYE-r-HAHt " DTE. Wm. A. Batctelor'i Hair Dye! Th OriKiaal ud But i la . tho WotUI AU ether are mere UnltaUpu, nd ahonld be avoided Ifyoa wlh to eeoap ridicule.. , v , ORAI, RADOB RUBTI HAIR Dyed Instantly to . beautiful end Natural Brown or Black, with oaf Injury to PIPTBBN MKDALB A KB riPLOMAS tar' tie awarded to Wm. A. Batchelor ainc 1830, and oyer 80,00 application bat been toad to th Half of hi patron of htafameu dye. -".,.;. ' WM. A. BATCUELOB'8 BaIB DTB produce a ool Of lot to be dtiUngntohed ftoa natare, and I warranted not to tnjare la th kait, howerer long U may be eoatlo Bed, and th 111 effecla of Bad Py remedied! thHali BTlgomted fox llf by thl rrlcud'4 Dye. old la all cttia and town ef th United gtatr. Drantita and Fancy Good Dealer. JJThe Uennlne ha the nam and tddreet anon t iteel plate er-'nv ,,,, on four ililnuf tacA bo, of WiUJAM A. BA'loiii. i ' 'it. A'Hrt j . .. . t iiABLid BATOITllOS, PJoprletnr, . jyl 1' .. . , b BeroUygUirtt, Mew Kork. 1 ,.r ,i. Mt " ' !:'' .)"' uf r ' v -i '; 1 ' at . :NOW KEAJD Y.r-r. TIlU REVISED STATUTES i. Of tni ' OXX.'CCEI op omo it AOBtiEUAL KATDR1, IN PORCB AUG. 1. 1800. mT.T.ATwn BY Hon.; Joseph IL Swan, wra jrom or rat jsoisioss or jBt au "prixsocvbt, f : , ; (Contained la twenty-nla Totuaa of th Ohio nd Ohio ,..'' . Btato Beportt.) AND EKICEKNCCB SO P BI0B LAWS. YI.BANDERJ.CKlTCHirELD,Erj.1. AND A CU. AND C0NINIIT INBIX. In Two Rejl 8o. Volume. Frlo $10 W. v' .n orxMMbM pmb ipwi U Mk tto work lornl l Mrll th nnmlnioni Tt of Bol" i0"! uid ordtrad W M Ulimm " iwiwwuh . 1.A . B.M. OgrorDor, Atioruer uenii u..B. n .nimii.. Tmidni And Auditor of Hlt, and to tUe ProbU Count, CoorU of Common PleM, Boy'- I DaUm n..nrtfl. A miiinrm. uia ui u wi w. rrlom 0url la oach count, to tho Memboriof tho Senate nd Heo of JUpre nUtlTOi of thU Bttte, and .v. fljiMFhiH nf thp Mrml Bl&toaoi ui unions Thi book, oonuinlnit. oooe, ui i w sow In force, and the aataortuilT eoneiraoiion oi worn tnd of the Mew Oonelltailon, will bo found to to especial ly useful In tne penonnanco i iceir auuee, 10 i) ( O0UNTT 0PPICER8, JUbTIOIH 0 THPA0e, T0WNBUIPXHUB1 KK8, i . , CLMHKB W 10W NSniEB, and . ': ; ' ,, cm omosus. , , f naunuch ai rert manr ehaniea hat been mad In the tini ainnn the Dubllullan of the tail enluoDt. by re peal, alteration! and addition, and auny Important de oiiioni bar been firca by tbe B opium Court on eon- Irorerted point, all , AXTUUNKIB AT liAW, BADKHaB, MKK0HANT9 ' AND BDBlItBan A1N QENIRALLt, Will And ttil an toTaluabl Work. . - 7co Hovml Bto. Foteme of owr SintUn IhrnOrM j-aeve, . Infttoni Lw Binding.' Price 110.0U. PnblUhedby ROBERT CLAKICK, Oc CO., Law Publlihen, B?okMllen; Butlonen and Importer, - i i v No. 65 Wort lonrih Mreet, feblB:d9m:M ' OlnolnnaU 0. PritCIIASEH WANTED for8C0pcklof Stationary and Jtwelry, fol lata at price, ia In Tolctd, lea 10 pel cant, dlMoont, at UM tiprea office at Columbna, unio. a i. nnu wanted to kII the bnrt nackebj of Itatlen ery (with r without Jewelry) In the market, at prloe lower than can be pnichaied lewhre. Addreea, frith ,Ump.uc.od, J.1.BIIMT. yl5-4tw 151 Oourt ttreet, Batten, Ala . TRAVELLERS! T TT7VW .n tn Mm York . drle dlnet to th Y . ' JJlUUbOMAB MUtSE BR0AUTAT, C0RSBB 0 H0TJBT0H 8TBKT Conducted on th - ' KUKOPEAN PLAN. ' Good Tare, Good Boom, Prompt Attendance, cd Mod erate Charge. . u , . . , - , ... BINGM ROOMS BO CTS. 73 CTB. and II PBK 1AT ,'. DODBLB BOOMS and PABLO&B 1150 to 1. ' Meal u ordered. Thl Hotel baa all the appointment of the beet hotel, a mott central location, ana u neacta liiroughoat by l team. BAMC8L . MBAD, marctiM'Jm Proprietor. ;0HS H WEXZLES, A GENT FOB HOnC, COHTI NEN TA L X A mAXHATTm, Baccarrr, and lartue rut iw. t.o. Saw Toai; Hnimirn' and Cm Putf or HTrom k'aw You Lira and Oom. Mdtbaa lira Off lee, 81 Hljtm 8awaca OI ' t1-T .-. Alexandre's Kid Gloves. PLAIN AND ENBBOIDEHED, BIOIIS OCKTAIKJi and retnlarahap Black Kid O lor. embroidered In while, magenta, purple, Ate. Uadreeeed RldOloee. at late Eld Ulore. A complete aaeortmeut of Uuue celebrated OloTe alway for ale by bain at BUN, fbbn ." No. M Booth High itieet. DBESS GOODS, New aud Attractlww. Minamiauifl, , , Tbatbuwo Poruw, - ' " ' Cmm Popunb, Pon, DC Chctrks, .'.,7- ., Guumi, FtinoH Ctfitmn, ' FkCNCH MuSUNB, - Feihob Caoandih, ' - .- Chikuc WaiBiiia Siijis, EuOAitT DalSB SlLXB, ' Hiatt Babqdb and Mantlx Silxb; And all other new and fcihionabl materia aioit 1b demand for haodjoma Dreaa and Mantilla. i.. BAIN BON, aprS9 No. 29 Booth High itreet. TT A VI NO Till DAT SOLD VCB II Block of Grocerle to O. B.DJMINO, wecheerfully recoameud nun to oar old patron ana inena. I HUB. W AUUSB C BOB. CotambB, March sots, 1881 apl-dtf . T7EEOANT PLAIN BLACK MILKS POB ajj Btreet vaaquee ana aianueet aio auca inmrnia and Taaeei to maien, at ... BAUI-- aay3 .. j - . .. . - Stiramer Under Gornentg. LADIES LISLE DNDEB VESTS. -Ladle Oaua Merin do. do. ... - Grott Bilk Drawer and alilrt. -Gente India Gasa Drawer aod Bhlrta. Cotton . . " Gau Merino Under Phlri. ' ,' ; . ' White and Brown Drilling Drawer. ' White Linen Drawer. " Bxtr large Under Shirt. " Bupeilor BogUab Half Hoe. - : " Long Stocking. " fancy Cotton Half Hom. , ' Buipender. ' ' ( " Golden HUlBhlrt. 1 Fot bI la BTt Tarietw tni st moderate ptlew, by ' ' ' BAlNfcSON. No. SO Sooth High itreet. may 30.' V PBICIS BIDTJCED If rom th Newt ork Obwrrtr.l A all eartie mannftcturlD Bewlns Maehlna are oh- lltedloBa Air. Him a Uoenae eo eaoh machine Mid. and an a ao compelled to make return, to him, under oath, it to thenumber aid, hi book give acorreetatato- ment. rrom tnt raiiaot loan we Dare ootained u followtn statiitioa. Of the machine mad ia the saar ioo, tnea were torn, . v.' By Wheeler fc Wlltoa , ' I. M. BlnerCo..-..-..10.SJ " - ' Grorer Baker 1080 ' Bhowinc th ala of Whaler Wilaoa to be drmAU tnoa or any otoar vompaay.". . Awarded th highest prenrlnmt t ttia United State fain of 1838, IBM and ISM; alao at th - ObMBtat fain of IS50 and 180 tad at nearly all th Oowat fain la th Stale. Oar rrtoe, at the lata rednetlon. art at loa oa aaw we mw nnwiiuie nowoia, ana out a trice ntgner Ibaa the Interior two thrtad cAota $Hc maaAiiut, bow forced nnon the market. Th WHBBLBB fc WTXSOIf HA0HTSB makatht Loo; BrtCB the only one which cannot berareled. It ALIXI OR BOTH BIOBOI U gOOO, MT13g t rMtJ T tJutnonVi4 wvUrMd. AU maehinti uaranU& 3 year, mi intttucHon girea u tneir ua, rree or entree. H. CHART, 81 High It., CnlRmbnt, 0. decJ Jawdlnikwfir Plke't Opera Bona, Cincinnati,' fl. ... Mis?'- tt Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS THE rOLLOWlNO CHANGES WERE mad In the the officer, of thl Bank, January Stfth, 1H61, to wits W. A. Plstt. Pneldent. and To. aoopia, valuer, retlrned tbelr office. Darin Tatuii. Baq., wm tbn elected Praideat and Wm. A. Platt au- pouirva vawnr. ... . , u jjy oraer oi uie soera or irtrectore. febS, Uml-dtf. W. A. FLATT, Ceehier. THE TJITION FOimVER! TTRIOH FJIVEIOPES-A UAK1TY OJf r dnign. at f l.uu pel i,uw. . , ;- VmOS LETTER ABB BOTE FAPZ1. i half ta price charged by imall dealer,. TTTHBAD QUARTKR8 No. W Sooth Hlgli itreet, 'Colombo, MayB, 1861. J.H.BILEI bow Nos 35, S3 & 40, Nort Elgh fit. - INCREASED FACnjTIX3 l :; AEtiaACY,- E!iriESS.-LlISPATEg HAVING MOVED INTO MY HEW. BUILDIIIG, arontly nnlarfsed , --my..; I-,;...,.,-..- & JOB DEPARTMENT! WHILE BOTH HAVK BEEN ; ; : REPLENISnED ' THSCUCnOUT , fROM THI 0BLKBRAI1D POUND RI OP . c. t. wnrns a co., istsv youz, ' THUS HAKIXa R THJ) v. Most . Complete Establishment . ,in.:thb city. vk.", 1 mi. i i ' " . " t I am bow prowkrol to Extant til Ordart (or BOOK AND JOB PEINTINGr,: WITH DISPATCH! And la tho Kott Appnrti BtyU of trio Art.' ! . . pAinorrtAB attbhtios paid to . : MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD 3P niNTI TST Or - Bill mt Eadlairt ' ClreIrfj 11111 lleiada, Blank, Dceal, fJertlflcatea, AtecelBta,. Irr Xlckoto, Uegrlatera, HOW CARDS & BILLS IN COLORS, CHECKS, ' .; " , CABD8, " EIADIHGS, VOTES, lamom, ' C05TEACIS. IUustrated Show Dills, FOR COUNTRY MERCHANTS, . Slow Bills, Hind Bill, IbI, Coaetrt Pro fntmmM, Sohool and Co Lien lohemM, Ho tel Bllli of Ibto, Inviuiloiii, A. Booli. Worls. OF EVERY DEfipiUPTION School and Oollop CAtalog-ue, KlietUaneonj PamphltU, ConiUtntioTiB, Bport, Brlefj, fte Printing In Gold and Colon T JH 3FL Printed is tmj Color oa '-. : Haiiraoth Hoe Gylliider, Tao only Ptm of th kind ia Central Ohio. My fadllaM for doing any and all f to abort datarlp nona of work, an bow anuiptad, aod aainfaotloa will Dejruanunea ,a au lO'All work fornlabed promptly by th Hm prearltei . . BIOHABD MaTINB. . .. " T .who enotiD trsi DR. J. DQUEE DODS' - . - . VXtXS-ETAEUBS IMPERIAL WINE , BITTERS? All who are afflicted with Incipient Oonnunptton or Weak Lane ahould an them. All who luOei bn Wat Btomachi, Indication, Dyt pepela or Pile hoa!d a Cmib. All who (offer from General or KervoaiDebll Beetleunea at Bight, Wast of Bleep, fee., ehonld ut them. All proB who are oonralaaoant after flrrer or other dnkneae ahould ae them. Miniate re of th Goaptl, (awyera, Leotaran, and at pnbllo rpeaker ahoald aa them. . r Book keeper, and all nertoni leadln a acdautanr If (boald aa them. The aged and roaia ahoald aa tnea AU who require a etlaulanl or ton to ihould aa them. All who are addicted to toe aa of ardent eplrlli and wiih to Inform, thoald tae them. They aa mad ef a pun Bberry Win, tad ef fh Bar Ha plana and herb of th country, and ahoald be re- tommonded by tmprane todctlet, awrtjymtn, phyai. dan, and all friend f humanity. The art prepared by an experienced and aklllfnl phy- tteian, and, aside froa their Btedlcinal propertle, are a aott dellghtfal bercragei and yet, aa a nedidne, are m nnooentananarmiaaMUi oewtoi neavca. Bold by dragrto generally. CRABIJU WIDDLFISLD CO, Proprltton, 19 vTlUlam St.. Now York. R0BZRT8 ft BAinrEL; Agents, ,. 7.. CamsBataa vtAia . MIIB. WINSLOW, . .. , i . . J ... An eaptrleootd Kara and female Phyrlelaa, patent to in atuauoa a Bouert, aer S00 T HINO SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING ' which ffratly faellltata th proeea of toe thing, by toft, tning tne gnat, reducing all Inflammation wll 1 allay AiiiifAlfl and rpatmoaMs aouon, ana 1 . . i .., CHE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Depend upon It, mother, It will git rat to youralra and BELIEF AID HEALTH TO Y0TO DTFAJTS. We hare pot ap and aid thl arttol for orer ten rears. and CAN BAT, IN OONflDBNCJI AND TROTH, f It, what we hare aerer been able to ay of any other medr etne NBTBR BAB IT f AJLBD, IN A 8INQLB INBT ANCI. TO Bff JSOT A CURB, when timely ated. New er did ire know aa Initaco of diaatlafaettoa by any on who Med U. On tbe oontrary, all aredellgbted with la operation, and (peak la term of eommonrtatlon ef la uatoai e fleet and medical Ytrma. W apeak la IDM Batter "WHAT WB DO KNOW;" after tea yean' expe rience, AND PLBDGB OUR RBPUTATION fOBTA! f ULILLMBNT Of WHAT WB BIRB DBCLARB. la almost rry tnelenc when tbe Infant la raffering froa pain and n ha nation, relief will be found in flftoea or twenty atnutee alter uieDyrnp u aominuurea. Tbaralaabw preMratloa M the preartptlon or one or tbe mat EXPBRIBNOBDand BKlLLflfL NOB.4BB Is New England, and ha been ated with NKVBR fAIL- IXQ BUUCBHB In XAAOgja AnjgyH or VAIt It Botealy relieree th child froa pain, oat hrrlgor. ata the ttomaoh and bowel, oorreet aoidltr, and lira ton and energy to Uie whole DSVem. It wlU aim oat in euinuy nuni BlPlVa J3 TSX 10WXLB, ABB WIND COLIC knd oreroom conmulons, wtitch, S not epeedlly rem died, end In death. We belier rt th BHbl and BUR- B8T RBMBDY IN TUB WORLD, la ail ease efny BNTBRT and DIARilHCKA IN CHILD RaM. whetha arlMe from teething, or froa any ether ana. W would ay to erery mothsrwtto Baa eolld mtlerinr froa njrof the foremio onmnlainte DO NOT LKT TOITB PRBJUDIOBS NOR TUB PRBJUDIOKBOf OlitBRA Itand between you and our tuflerlnr child, and the n- nei inai win De bu yes, ausulutbli bubb to lollowtheaaef thaaedlcln.lf Umelrased. foil di rection lor aaing will eeeoapany earb bottle. Nop rename oniea the nelmil of OUKl'U fc,f BRKINB, aew aora, n on uie ouimuo wrapper. Boia ey au vruggutt inroagnout to world. Prl oclpal Office, 13 Cedar Street N.Y, PRICE ONLY 85 CENTS PER BOTTLE. oetSTAwlf i if SPRINO CLOAKS AND BASQINES NBW BTTLK8 liala & son, No, B Boata High arret, hare lut opened new tlylee ef Ourra Oia. muu Baeqciiia and Baoqra, made In the newe.1 and moat tyllih manner. Alto, Maperfe flnia Kitr k BIIM, rery Bary, detuned eiprenl, bu Uantllla and Basquina ',. faprilS . BLRACIIBD HIEETHGI ' AND BHIRTlMUd, all wtdtha, f Boat Mlebratod maka offered la greatat Tarkty sad at ery low P'loe. i aatn a bum, i' Bprlll" : ,w-- "- y Wo. W SflfltS Hlrt itreet,- m . . ti(. , r .'it :t.t-ir. g ..'. c 1 f.vV , . a .? v f g .v. i.2 .; , H - M) t 2 .; tjif i;--.':r'vr. JP i ii (3 ? r E Tf.' ! .' . a a wi ,i",v- p4 oil ; a "vr -H ..', ). , .i M . iit,tBiwibJ -tf' 6 ' i ,-, . i. CO . P v O H v LJ i r . i" !,'."'. C ;' , Tl. I '' )';.vi g t " to - C " 0 wi t .8 M-s . M .c. put ' a - r .- ' t.:J .. ..) , ...;.. M V 'H ' JJ , r .S . i.. Q ;i-!--rt4 HTI INYITB ATTBSIIOM to mbm of Iht mott ei- traordlnary oara by ay v u; PECTORAL SYRUP,;;;, Thar aa at koaa. ud toy on ah hat doubtt aaa In- tolr of th penoa who hat beta eared , DR. BTBTBIB IS PRBPABBO AT ANT TIMB Tn BXAMINB LUNGS WITHOUT OlIARUBi POR ALL TIIObB WHO MBAD HIS AUSI0INBB. . - ATT1WTI TA romt nni.Ttl A eaa of On vear landing eared by DR. KBYBKR'S P10T0RALBIRUP. - '- rrToa, Jab. ll, i860, Da. Ktraa h-kfy wife ha bat afflicted wit. bad aougb. and difficulty of braining, few Br or til years, which , f or areral yart bask, had gradually UMraeaedla Tlolenee. Tbe eomul-lnt aa been hereditary, and tht had baa treated by areral phyaldao without any re- llet. An tnia ,ute of Bar eaa, i prosona tome eg poor Patonl Ooach Imp. I kowhC th Bnt time, a art ant bottle, watch altered her rery mach 1 1 then sailed and got dollar bottle, which oursd her entirely, and tat ha bow a traoe f the forma dlaaas, except rak asa. A wouia auo ta mat A aaa in mauioina my alf to a com aoa oouxa. The aediotne eon a by lak log on doa I arprea my en tin atlafactlon with lb medicine, and yoa an at liberty ta pabllih thl If yoa aairawooio. . wm.wh.buh, . , , Alderaaa fifth Ward. PrrraDiaa. No. 18. 1R38. Da. Krrtn : Althonih not an adrocat of Patent Medirina, la general, it efforda me pleatura Indeecrlba ble to recommend year Peotoral Byrop. Aa a medicine It it well worthy the attention ef any penoa who may In any manner be afflicted with eoarhe, oold and boaraoea of any hind, and for the peculiar a salification, (or re Boring all that dltagraakl traatloB attending a a renoold. . I hare ban. mon er lea, In my life, affected with the a re rest of eolda and hoarseness. At lima my throat would boooat welueed a to prerrat myepeaklng abore a whliner, and by taking a few doea of the abore By rap It would reUere me entirely. 1 In reoommendlng thl medicine, I But nuhaltatlngly ay that it a th beet remedy I erer found, purporting to cure the abore, nor ahould any family be without thi nmtdy for dinette a pmalent. loan, moot reapeotfully, -i ' BDWARDJ. JONBd, Caahler Cluten' Deposit Bank. mm " BTavBtwriLLB, 0., March 14, 1B9B ' I data ated Dr. Keyar ' Oough Byrop for a bad eoogh of areral yan atanding, and eaa cheerfully ay it it the beet medicine for th am that I hare erer taken. J. W. PR10B. 00L. PRATT AND DB KBTSBR'S PEOTORAL SYRUP.-Da. Ktrasa Dear Bin Axons th delay of ay Mtnow lodging me ezceuenoe oi yoar rtoioral Uougb Syrupaoona. I Ink great platan In Baying that it li all you ay It a. 2tkooktdlt oia mt o my cogA and tbe wont en I wa erer afflicted wlthi I hare not aad mora than one-half ef t be bottle, and I can and do wish that all who are afflicted would giro It a fair t trial aa I hare done, and they will be proud to lay, "It it no quack aediotne." I would not suffer another such aa attack for any eonaideratlea, er at any eott. I aa coo. Sdeut I eaa bra the mora freely than 1 errf did. I shall alway aoknow ledge a debt of gratitude tor Inventing excellent a naedy. You an at liberty to aa my bum la thl regard, a you think proper. U. I.PRaTT, Maanger Common Council, Pittsburgh, Pa, Pittsburgh, May 11, IBM. N. ft I aa no .tranter to ay fclloscUIan.nd who entertain doabta eaa consult a personally. . 7 ,. 1 PrrrocaoB, April 84, 185T. BEAD THB TRUTH. Da. Karmai I hare a daugh ter who bat taken areral awdMna for a bad cough without benefit among them Ayer'e Cherry Partoral- 1 parcnaad ma poo a Bottle or yoar rJCOIORAL SYRUP, and before aha had seed half a bottle ah wa altered. Th aeond botti cored her entlnly of ha ougb. - - . ; JOHN DARIN, . . BobintoB ttreet, Allegheny. "' " ' Prrnrrotoa', December, 31, 1853. A GREAT CUBE BY Da, KBYBRR'S rBOIORAI STRCP -I Ut ia feeolee township, Allegheny county. I had a soughing and (pitting, which eommawed aeout tbe 4th of feomary last, and Oontinaed eight month. I employed the best physician la th eountry, and By eougk continued unaba,iod an til early in October. At that Ua I wa adriaed to try your PECTORAL COUGH B YRUP, which I did, and alter I had taken on bottle I wa entlnly free froa the ooughlng and (pitting. I had despaired of erer getting well, and I think tt should be know a that tha raiuabi remedy will do for other, what It ha don In mr esse. , , JOHN 0. LITTLE, Witnew B. M.Kjou. ; Pceblatownhip. Parrot Tr., April 14. 1857. A WONDBBfUL CUBE. Bom tun ago, aa old aeighbor of mine iu rery llli with a bad eough which rery eaa (opposed to beootuumpttoa. HI reiatira told at that he had taken arery remedy they bard without benefit; hit brother came to aa him die, and aU em anaiMd lu the heller oat a eeuld ao Ut. I had about th third of a aottl of you 1'ectoral gyroo. which I gar him, and it eonxely eured him, to the as too ls hiu eat of all. What maka tht naa mora remarkable, at the extreme age ef th man, bebulngaboatelghty year out. i oar a ooaot to reo torsi area nte me. ' JOHMM' GiNNIS. DB, KITBXB'S PEOTORAL BTRUPlN SLAIB8- YILLB. Please and m another tupply of your rain able "Pectoral Byrop," Almost everybody around at baitbteoldandarakoqatrlng for "Ir. Keyeer'. Pectoral bjrup." We hare told .lxtsea bottlet last week, and an bow entirely out. Mr. A. Alter and Mr. P. Maher, both ef BlairsTiils, Pa., tell ut they would not be without it In their f amlllea. la net, alt wh aa it once want ania. Xonn. raneetfullr. . J. 8. WATTXR80N At B0NI, January ju, wov. ANOTHER NEW CBRTIf 10ATB DR. XITBER' PEOTORAL BYRUP-I had aaa troubled with aoouih and oold tor areral weeks a bad was it that I ould not Imp. Ibad th adTtoe aod prescription! froa three the oert physicians la theelty, whoa 1 wold name, but do aoi ao ao. i nnaiiy pieenrea a collie a your reetorai eyrap, Which eurea m tnuniy airnea. J. W. BiMONTOlf, ' - - BS Liberty ttreot, Plttsharga, Pa., Jan. B, 1800, ' 'BT0P THATJOOUGHING" 'How can I do It r "0 to Keyar'eon Wood ttreet aad get a bottle of bltCoogh Pec total, and if that don't euro you, yoar aaa mutt be deeps rat indeed." Xhlt It a .pedis an of th olloquy on bean almost erery day la cold atehinf period of the year. And we can, froa actual experiment, cheer fully concur In the ad riser', admonition as aoere, for we Bare tried to "reotorai. ' in amort itnboorn eat, with en tin .ueoees. Near two week ago we wear to Pittsburgh, with one of the aott dlitnalng, oontrary, aollah, an aubdoabi ooogaa we erer experienced tu our ad rent apoa thu ausdaa pber. W aoghed ttoadUy aad laboriously for on whole week, la hopa of Hrina U out, but It wa no go. Ia fact It aemed rather to hare Im proved by practice, and to bar acquired trength,potn cy arid dlltrtuilAUJy by t'le operation. In Uiie elags of ua meg, we conjcea our way to ft. ey err a, ju wood BL procured ftfty cent bottle of the -Pectoral:' took It according to dlreoaone, and In forty -eight hours w were master of th field, thl snemy baTlnc aneonditlonall. nrrendered, after a brief but unequal mnfllet with to formtuaoie an adversary a jAeyart famoot "Cooith I, . , M f JTw 1 r. . ." " DR XBTBEB'S PECTORAL STRUT ll Drecand and aid by Dr. GEORGE B, AEIBKB. 140 Wood ttreet, Pittsburgh, Pa. . t.- " v... 1LT Bold la Columbus by ROBERTS fc BAHUEL. (JMIOTnACnE BEIBEDY. " ' O 'jk. BXTHK CTJRHJ. - - Fnpand and gold by Dt. GEO. H. BBIBBR. Pic,!5anta. m) 140 Wood tt., PltUborgh, Pa. UT Bold ta Ooiojohui by BOBBRTS At SAMUEL. oct7:iltwdm. - . .. - GENTS PAPEB Neck. Tlea. u -. . collars; AND Htndsoaa aad eoonomlcal. . Ala, Silk Tlea, . . : Bxtina, , ,. ., . Llnea Callar, ' '-' ;, - idall llae, , 1 V;, Unwtii,Ao, . , aavwr a, iav . I apr29 V " .'. .' ' . ,.lf,SoulAHlghlUoeU' MADufacturers and Wboletalo Dealers Id BOOTS AND SHOES, Northweot Corner of High and Gay 8ts. '.'-.Kro.oXa...- coLcnBi;s,.., ..onio. UA larg Slock of Pin and Btapl Ooodt en hand; p3Ndu - ' "" .' .f""".'.' ."' OTELLA SHAWLSI STELLA O BH AWLS 1 1 la all dalrabi colon, and at very great bargain. BAIN SON.' apriu No. 99 South High ttreet, WANTS! Dr A CENTS TO SELL package! of BTATIONBRT and JFBVTBLRf , at third tat thaa an be pursued elsewhera Call ea or add rea (stamp snclosudj J, L BAiLBT,Me to uourt a Bottoa, aiaa. ' aiarcn so:adm. WITH! irtANTLK BtfTAia.9,, JUOTU WkHtand lilaok, luit wcf,y.d at , "i IIUIHIEWELL'S - -r ... r C0UGII REMEDY. for at! Throat n Lnn Complaint, toeladng, with eetperferd raulta, Waoonia 0ooa, Cwaoau urn OoHxoa Oocaaa, iiaoKoaua u 1u.oa CoHrLaum, alway foraruaaer ef OoBiomptlOB. A A Booraua Braoy tt ha aapatlot.-- freed (rea all Opiate r metle prapertla, may te aeed by BJOtt dellott toatU; tuuont, an wua perieet anaiMnot, HUNITEWELL'S ! .a 1 f CELEBRATED A.1 ,. TOLU ANODYNE. . . 1 ' '. - ... , S ; I I ... , Tat fMaATBtr Mava Otutb eve offered to th world, eon tain ing not a particle of Opium, nor any tub llano but It atrlotly yegeWbl aod mtdioal propertla. A tun Remedy for Maoaaiau, BuaimaTira, Gout, Toora abb Ban Aoaa, Oatubb, Roet oa Mai Iitib, aad all minor Nerroat oeapwata. torn hom or Sua, and Headache tn alt la Tarletlea, It ha no equal, aad to which mat undoubted tatmonl' alt ar offered, - , " f oa Dauaioa T antra it it a Bat perfect nmtdy. f oa Bowat, OoarhAurn, after remorlng the pain It act a a pbvsts, bom Important eontratl with the eon.tlpar lory effect t Opium To Phveloiana. Pormulat and Trial Bottla srlll be tent. and to Dator er Inraltd a dearlptlT pamphlet wltheat upoetafe-stainp." rreriaraa aaaer to tpecm Bupemmoa oi , . . ( ,JOHM ti. UVNNEWELLt ' .! '! CBBHB ABB IVaBJtAOrOTIR, Bo 9 Comjuarolal 'Whkrf, Bogtcn, Kssb. . To Whom pla direct til ooaaaojilcatloni, i ... Price La rr Ooogh Remly, 50 wot per bottle. Small -X to am . A a kit AA l For Mbs) bj ihs) uuu vtaolCMli trid retail detUrt. BOBBRTS B4MTJEL, N. B. UARPE, lAiiaf firUW v r. I Jf ska" Tt kl hi T 11 UilP A VVPUBaa - - - " 1 MM. jynngu, G. DENIGSt SONS, A. J. B0HUBLLBR A BON, tuylv-wlT Agent tor uoiamba, UbM WEEKLY OHIO ' STATESMAN HAVING A CUMULATION . LABOEB BY : SEYEBAX TH0USABDS Than any otht' paper la Ohio, outside of Cincinnati Offers Facilities for 'Advertism Which CANNOT f AIL to bring "need and Bemnneratiwa Hetarn To Ihoa who ttk advantage of them. XHJu WEEKLY STATESMAN, Dtotrtbuted a It It through every Pott Offloe In Ohio, Reaches a Large Class of Readers Whoa patrooag I Til liable, aod who eeldoa tee the Dally (dltlohi of elty JocroaU; Bad ta only A limited Somber of. AdTertisements - An Inserted la It eotomni, appoprlately and HAt5D$0MELV WSPUVEO! , TWrr uaBBoT yaa to LttrAot jSLttontion ' OP AUt WHOLESALE DEALERS Advertising In the T BBKLT STATESMAN will fla It svlTtntagoo In THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which It almott eertalB to follow an tztentlT dltnmln . ttioa , . knowledge of their bolna AMOUQ COUSTBT DKA1EE8 1 ADTXBTIBBMBNTS INTENDED I0B The Weeklv Statesman ' Bbonldb banded In before PriJay noon, " "the;. ', . ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, An 4 griwi mora an aaara popular - owery day! " And testimonial!, new, and almott without somber Bight be given from ladla and gentlemen in ill grade, of .odety, whoa united testimony non could raltt, that Prat, Wood' Hair Rutoretive will reelora the bald and gray, and preeerve the hair of the youth to old age, In all iu youthful beauty. Battl Creek, MU-h., Da. Slit, I8S8. Paor. Wooni Th wilt plea accept a Un to Inform tha that th hair oa toy head all fell off orer twenty yean ago, cauad by aoompllated chroolo diaaa, at tended with aa eruption on the head. A couiiniul eoune of .offering through life haTing reduced me to ttate of dependence, I bar not been able to obtain stuff for aapa, neither bar I been able to do them ap, la oon aqueeo of which ay head ha suffered extremely from cold. Toil Induced me to pay Brigg It Hodga almott th last ant I had on arth for a two dollar bottl of thy Hair He. tenure, about the Bnt of August Int. I have faithfully fallowed th dlneUoBMnd th bald spot It now covered with hair thick and black, though abort, it It ala oom log In ill orer my head. Paling oonfident that another larg bottl would rotor It entlnly and permanently, 1 feci anxlon to perseverve In II oa, and being destitute of means a purohae any mora, I wonld ask tha if the wouldat not be willing to andmt an order en thin agent for a bottle, and receive to thy alf (th (Oriptun declaration "th reward Is to thoa that are kind to the widow ami the fatherlea." Thy friend, . bUBANNAH KIBBT. ' Ltgonler, Noble County, Indiana, fob. 5th, IBM, Paor. 0. J. Woobi Inr Sir: la the latter part of the year 1863, while attending the Btato and National Law School of th Btato ot Hew York, my hair, froa oaua unknown to me, commenced falling off very rap idly, ao that In th abort ipace of lx month, th whole upper pan ef ay scalp was almott entirely bereft of la oTaring, aod much of th remaining portion upon th tide and bees part of my head shortly afar became gray, ta that you will not be turprlasd when I tell yoa that up on my return to th Stat of Indiana, my mon canal aequaintanon war not w much at a loa to tUsoover tht oaua t to enaog in ay appearance, at my mon urn- mat acooeintanoa wen to nwoenn me at all. at ua mad application to th mat akillful phrsl dsn. in tha eountry, but, receiving no aaaranca from them that ay hair would again be restored, I wa foroed to become reconciled to my late, on til, fortunately, in the latter part or tne yar uai, poor aatoraure wa. re commended to me by a drnggitt, a being the mat nlla- bl Hair BatoratlTO In aa. 1 tried on bottle, and found to my great attraction that It wa producing the oeatrea eueci. bum mat time, j. nave uad wren dol lars' worth of your Restorative, and a a rault, hare rich ooat of eery lott black hair, wbloh no money wo boy. -- ' . ' " " . . - Ata mark of my gntltode for yoar labor and still In m proa action c so wonaenai an article, A bare reoom1 mended It aa to many of my friend and acaoalntaoce. who, I am happy to Inform you, an Ming It With Ilk enect. . Y ery ranecuuiiy, yuurs, , . , A. M. LATTA, ' .' .' ' Attorney aod Connallor at Law, Denot. 444 Broadway. And told bv all dalen throuah. out the world. , . Th Reatoratlr I put up in bottle of three tin, tu: large, medium, and email; the .mall hold )i a plutaand retail, for on dollar per bottle; the medium hold at least twenty per ant. mon In proportion thaa the mull, and null for two dollan a bottle; tha large holds a quart, 40 r oent. mora In proportion, and rvtaili for 3 a bottl. - O. J. WOOD at GO.. Proprietor, t44 Broadway. New Tore, and 114 Market Btreet, St. Lou it. Mo. And (old by BOBKJtTS BAftlUAL, Oolumbo. Ohio. ana by atkgooa siruggint ana tency uooa xwin. apruuaetwsowur. WM, KNABE & CO. AT THEIR. NEW SALES-, XrX. BOOM, HO, 150 BA11IMQMSSI. ARB ' ROB. 1,1, and TN. BUT AW BT. Offer for al tbelr alebnted GOLDEN MEDAL, - a&Asn , ' ' ' ' AND SQARE ' ' 1 ' FIANO- ORTES. Being highly neommendedjy the first Pnfeacn and Musical Amateur. of th eountry, and BTARY ' - ' -; i' ' . WBTBUMBNT , WABBANTED f OB ' ITTB TEARS Tht bob fastldloa. customer maw velv uooa beint pieasen m every respect. . v.- xeru nam. wa, r, ajsb m vu. , BBLTZBB A WI38TER, Agent, eet9A;lydw. Oolambej, Ohio. Watches I Diamonds !I Silver Ware !!! A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF GOLD A A. and Btlver Watches. Iu great vaxisty. - th ' I aa Acent for th Asia tea Watch Co.. and an an tnea eiceueni natcna at manuiaciuert piloet, cither Wholesale or Befall. Com and ehooa from ay baa tiro display of Dia mond and other rich Jewelry. Atrlu. new price, low. At to BIlTuf War ef iter ling quality. I can ahow new pattern, very handsome. ' I! Ivor piatcd War, Tea Setta Umi, Waiter, Castors, Baekela, PlWhert, Goblota, Rotva. Porks, Spoons, a. Then I have a topply of flu. Table Cutlery, Pocket Inivoa, Baaors, At., aad many fancy Goods inch a an desired for present at took trtoe, a an an rndnca. awht to th purchaser, t , , , WM. BLTNN, ' - " - ' no, j Buckeye J31ockf i marSl , ... North tide Btato Uooa auar. , XTOTI0E le hereby given thai I han keen duly an. ll pointed I administrator of tha Aetata, at .CnarU. Clark, Mt of JlnnkUa aMulxdectued. . AIT. CblOendefl. At ofnert.. ' ' lall-WW i :u , . v.d l'UftJ .! HETT ' a DISCOVER: OF THE AGk - MU. KENNEDY, OP KOIRDBTI badlaooTerea usuafouuaBuButaiM.Mj. a remedy that sora Every Ilind of Humor, PROM " ' ' ' ''.u Too wont SorofulA Iowa to a oomaoa Flmpltv Tit ha tried It la em eleven hundred oaaea. and na. r failed exoept In two esse., (both thunder humor ) Ue ha bow In hi pneeea ion ever ta hundred artlBcataof lit Talot, all within twenty mlla of Baton, Two bottla an warranted to can Burring tort mouth. , One to Ihra bottla wUl on n th wont kind f Plmpla onthfM. a Two or thn bottla will altar th tyriea of btlat Two bottla arawarrantod to ran tbe wont canker fa tht mouth or ttomaoh. ..... Three to At bottla an warranted to eon th wont kind of IrystpelH. On to two bottla art wanaotod to n atl homor thBya. . Two bottla an warranted to win running th ar tad bloloba aaon the hair. sour w tu pouti an warranted to tun eorrupi ait running u toe re. . .. unt Dottle win eun snair eruption or tn (kin Two or three boftla an warranted to con the want kind of ringworm. Twr three bottla an warranted to oar the aott aorpemt oa of rheumatism. Tone to fonr bottla an warranted tocnrealt-Kheaa lire to eight bottla will vara the wont oa of scro tal. ... A ben. fit I alway experienced froa the Ant botta, perfect can If warranted when the above quantity USD. aOXBnBT. MASS. Dnak Madam: Th nputatlon or th Medical Dig oovery, in curing all kind of humors, d a well tab llshed by the unanlmou Tola of all who bar aver aad It, that I need not ay anything en th nhject, u the moot skillful phyatelani aad the most caret ol Druggltl a u country an unanimout in Ita praise. In presenting the Medical Discovery to your actio. I do It with a full knowledge of Ita curative power, In rej Uerlng all, and earing Boat at thoa dlaaaa '0 which yoa an unfortanately a liabla. That moai troru.i.t. diaaa to an affatlonate mother, NVBSINO SOKE 01OI TH, . It cured u If by a miracle; your owa temper le restored to It natural twMtnea, and yoorbab froa abort aad fretful nap to aim and sweet tlumben; and the Medical Discovery become a fountain of bleaing to your husband aoa nouanoia. In the more advanced atxiree of CANKEH Itextendl to th stomach .canting Dx-SPEPSIA, which It nothing bat oanktr on th ttomtcht tbea to th In tea Una aad KIDNEYS, crating a staking, gon feeling, and in Indifference rvea to th carat of your family. Toaritomacht HAW AND INFLAMED, yoar food dltree yoa, and yoa eaa only lak otrtala kind, and even ef that your.rstea doa not get half the Boarlibment it aontalnt, m th aorimonoa fluid of th canker ml It up; then your ompkur.lon lota It bloom and become allow and greenish, and fonr bat day I gone, for want of nourishment your ty.tem coma looa and flabby, and the fibre of yoar body be come relaxed Then follow a train of diaaa which lb Medical Diaoorery I peculiarly adapted to . ' - . OTJREI - Palpitation of the hart, pain In the dde, weaknea the tpln. and imall of th back, pain of th hip Joket when yoa retire, Irregularity of the bowel, and ala, that moat excruciating of distant, th PILES., 1 How many thooand of poor women an Buffering froa thi diaaa ind pining away mlarabl life, and their next door neighbor doa not know the ata. 'I with to imprea on yoar mind that good old prorerbV'An onno. of prevention I bettor than a pound ot can," In the B1ED1CAL DISCOVERY you hiTt both th preventative and the cure, with thl. great and good quality, that It will Beyer, under any etroam.tanoea, ao yon any injury. THE MEDICAL DISCOVERY I Hpecltly Intended for disease, of the blood, bnt doa it Introduction in th Watern Btata, ll t found to a tne ecu , AtiC REMEDY f. J Ihatwt. ver before the pnbllc No change of diet rr Beoeatry oat the bat yoa cat and set enough of It. DiatoTioM roa ot Adult en table noonful a day Children over ten yean, deaert spoonful Childen from five to eight yan, tea spoonful. A no direction. an b applicable to all eonsttntions, tak nuBcient to optratt on the boweu twtoe a aajr. loan truly, DONNACD KBNNBDT. Price SI-00 per bottl. for y erery dragtiit la tbe Doited statet. ' apui dawiy DO YOU WiNT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT A M5JSTACHE7 DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE! BELLISOHAH'S i nir.imtiTin Stii'iuhiliDgOflgueat . ., f - . V . For the. Whiskers and Hair ; Th rahtcrlDen take pteuura In announolng tht Ottlaent of the United Btatesathst they have obtained the Agency for, and ar bow enabled to offer to the American public, the abort Juttly celebrated and world-renowned artlcl.. Tha ' STIMULATING ONGUENT t s ll prepared by Di. 0. P. BBLLINOHAM, an eminent physician of London, and It warranted to bring out a thick Ml of iv . . , Whiskers 'or a Mustache In from three to fix week. Thu article It the only on of the kind ated by the franco, and in London and Pari, tt it in nnlreral oa. It ia a beautiful, economical, toothing, yet tttmulattng compound, acting a If by magic upon the root, causing, a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to th tcalp, It will cure baukisb, and aoa to aprlng up In place of the bald ipot a fin growth of new hair. An- tiled accord leg to direction, It will tnm lis or towi tlr naa t, and ret to re gray hair to It original color, leavinr It toft, tmooth. and flexible. Th "OMOtwr" It an indispensable article tn every gentleman1! toilet, and ai tar one weeg'i na they wouiu not lor any conaiaerauon be without iu The lubaerlben an the only Agent forth arttol to th United State, to whom all order mult be iddreaed. Price One Dollar a box for ale by all Dragglst and Dealer.; or a box of the "Ongoent" (warranted to bare the deeired eueot) will be ant to any who desire it, by mall (direct), securely puked, on receipt ef price and pottage, ai. jo. Aiipiy to or aaarea HORACE L. HKQEMAN k 00., MtOMirat, etc., tobWd AwOm 4 VUUaa Btreet, New-Xork. IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE. Steam Bettyeea Ireland and America m NEW YORK, BOSTON AND GALWAY; The following new and magnificent flnt-cUtptddll whal Bieamauipt aompoa th abort line: , ADRIATIC, 5,888 toat borthin, - Capt, J. Map (formerly of the OoUlni lis.) OIBBBNIA, 4,400 toni burthen, Capt. N. Plows. COLUMBIA, 4,400 " " ' M. L iitob. ANGL1A, 4,400 C " NiobouoD PAO1H0, 8,000 ' l.gMB. , PRINOE ALBERT, (Bcnw.) B.3O0 " " " J.Waum. On of th abov thlpt will leT New Tcrk or Boston alternately erery Tuesday fortnight, for Galwiy, ar- rtng to gorerumsnt auui, toucning at at. John, Th Stamen of thl lint hav been oonttracted with th greatat oars, under the tupervlslon of th govern. mens, nave water-tigni oomparimenui, ana are uoexoei led for comfort, afety and road bv an ataem .flnaa. thoy are comminded Vy able and experienced ofheers. and every txertion Will be nadr to promot th comfort a puaengen. - An,exptrlenced Eargcon attached to aoh thlp. . HATES OP PASSAOB. ' U u. t Plnt-elaaN. X. or Botton to Oalway or Liverpool S100 Becond-olata. '..." 75 fint-olaa, toBI John' ' - 85 Ihlrd-lai, " ' to Galwiy or LtTvrpool, or any town in Inland, on a Hallway, - - - Bu Third -olaa psaaeesren an liberally applied with pro- TUion of the bat quality, cooked and aired by tbe (er rant of the Company. , - ,' ' ' : ' RETURN TICKETS. , - PartiM wlahins ta and for their friends from the old eountry can obtain ticket from any town on t railway. In Ireland, or froa the principal cluctof Boglafcd aod boo IV land, at v.ry low rate. .', " .. ... , Paaaenmra foe New Tork. errtvlo by th Baton. Steaucn, will be forwarded to New York tree of charge, j yor paatge or former ml0"gYjKu.jl; ' At th otto of the Company, on th wharf, foot ef Gaiiaittraet, new lore. , . . - HUWLAM9 at AsrinnAKMi an. ,,, aprlllB:dOB. 'f j Canton Llattincx i j m4 64, S-4, WIMIO al ilea SBI t .WMtoiUhcho t iwpenor qwiiy. or aw oa 7 ..,. ... tialM BON, h9 . MtBltoUaiBIty 0 . Er. J. TLUzLZHrn Circ-zlLciuli Cordial and Blood PTJirrpiiin. Tne Oreatee Mamedp us Tk Vorl, AND THI s - .iOOBDIAJ, i. , Even ', taren.:. V ITIS STRICT, ly a Kleotlae and Tegatable OoapeuBd, procured by th distil. latloa of Roots, Hera Bad Bark, Yellow Dock, Blood Boot, Barapartlla, Wild Cherry Bark aad Daa dellua Mton loto llitvaa Befort MlntU'o tMduaiflti Taklns principle f each tngredlint U Uio roughly wtraotod If my atw method of dialling, predjalnf de Udrua, ex hlleraUne eoirlL and th aot INf ALLIBLE remedy Cot renovating th dlseaad tyttem, ind mtoring th ima. ufferingaa debilitated INVALID to, HEALTH tod, BTRaVNUIH. . ,t v, . - .. BIcLEANS JITRENOTHENINU dOtt v . DIAL.. ". ' :' '' WlU ffetually eun LIT BR COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAONDIOS Chronic or Berroul Debility, Diaaa of th Kldneyaj and all diaaa arising frea a dtnidcraj Liver or Btom aoh, Dytpeptks, Eartbora, Inward Pile, Acidity or Blei. Ba of the ktumach, f allnea ef Blood to tbe Had, Dull rtlovttwlmmlngla the head, PalyAatloa of the Ban, allnea Of Wright ta th Blomach, Bour Bructatlont Choking or nffocatlnt feeling whea, lying down . Drvnea orYellowneaof tht Skin and Byea, Night Swats, In ward f even, Pain In the email of th back, chat or .Id. Budda riuiha of Hat, Depression f Bptrito, frightful Dreamt, Languor, Dapondenoy or any Ntrrout Dleeaa Bora or Blotoha oa th Bkln, and f ever and Ago (o Chill and f erer.) , , . OTr a MlUloa of if ottlee ... Hav baa (old during Ihs Ust six month, and Id bo ia I tana ha It failed ia giving sntlra aatltfaetlon. Wbev thea, win lofferfrem Wtakoea or DeMUt when Mo LEAN'S STRENGTHENING OORDIAL will can yool Ho lingutg an convey aa ad equal Idea of the imrn. dial and aim at mlraoalou abac re produced by taking tha Cordial la th diseased, debilitated aad ehattertd Bcrrou ylm, whether broken down by ezeea, weak by natare, or Impaired by itcknoa, the relaxed and unatruLf organisation U reelored to it priatln haaith and vigor. MARRIED kVEBSONSf i Or othen oontolou of Inability, froa whatonr aaaa, will And McLean Strengthening Cordial a thorough regenerator of the yttaa; and aU who may bit Injured tuemalra by Improper Indulgences, WlU find In IhtOor dial certain and rpady remedy. " ' .' To Ut Ladiea. ' 1 McLean's Strengthening Cordial ' . I a aoveratgn and rpeedy care for INCIPIENT CONSCMPTION.WIHTES Opatrooted or DUBoult Menatruation, tnoontlnene ef Crin or Involuntary Dlaoharg the reef, falling f th Womb, Glddinea, f tlntlhi and all Dlaase Incldne t fecial. " There U ao Xlstaka Aoot U. M Suffer ne longer. Take tt according to Direction. It will atimulate, atrengthen and lBTlgorato yoa andctata tbe bloom of halth to mount your cheek again. Bvery bottl a warsaaUd to give asilafaotlcB. . , . FOR CHXLDHENt ... . , n . . If yoat chlldreaan rekly, pony,OTafBlctd,McLAiik , Oordlal will make thoa healthy, fat and robust. Del not I moment, try it, and yoa wUl be eonTlnoed. .- i IT IS DELICIOUS TO TaKE: Oaotiob. Beware of Dragrlit or Dalen who may try to palm apoa yoa aoaie iilttor er BaiaparUla trtah, which they eaa bay cheap, byaytng It a Just a good. Avoid each men. Ask lor McLean'. B trength en !( Cor dial, and tak nothing ela It la th poly rendu that will purify th blood thoroughly and at the am Urn -strengthen the syitsa. On tableepoonful taken trtry morning fasting, la nrtala preventive of Cooler! Chill and lever, fellow fever, or any prevalent dlaaaa. It 1 pot Bp In larg bottla. Prioeonlyll per bottle, er bottla for 5. ' t J.B.M0LBAB, f Sol Proprietor of thl Oordlal, Auo MoLan,t Taleanle Oil adnlment. Priccrpal Depot oa th corner of Third and Pin rireet St. Loul. Mo. , MoLetn's Volcanlo Oil Liniment. " '' Th bat Liniment In th World. Th only tat and eertala can for Cancers, Pi la, Swell Inge and Bron chltu, er Goltn, Paralysis, Nturalgla, Wakna of th M usclas, Ohronlo or Inflatninttory Bhwimallan, Stlfl aa of th joint, oiitractod MunlM or Ligament, Bench or Toothache, BruKee, Bp rain, Wounds, Prcah Out, Ulan, fever Bora, Caked Brae ta SoraNlppla, Bum, Scald. Son Thoat, or any InflammaUoa or Fain, ne difference now wren, or ho Ion th diaaa map; bar exlited. MoLean i Ctitlmted Liniment at a ora lala raady. - Thooand of tinman beluga hay baa aved a life tf ttonpltud aad misery by th aa of thi tnvalnabl aeO McLEAN'S VOLCANIC Oil IaINIIvott ' ; B7UI relieve pain almost tnstantaaeonily, and it wl oleana, parlfy and heal the foulat ora in an Inertdi ly abort time. , ' - For Heroee and Other AniBial. ' - McLean alebnted Llnhaent hi the only aft and re-' liable remedy for the our of Spavin, Ring Bona, Wind-, gall, Splint, Unnatural Bump, Noda or Swelling. It wUl sever fail to cure Big Used, ToU Btll, fUtuia, O.d running Bora or Bwauy, if properly applied, tor ' Sprains, Bruiat, Bcratchet, Bona or Wounds, Cracked ' HNuvOhafet, Baddl or Collar 0 Jit It I an InfaiUbMi ramsay. Apply U a dlractad, a-d a eun to otrtala la (very Instance. ,tXj Then trifle no longer flth th e.any worth lea LhJ. loent offered to you. Obtain a suppis of Dr. MoLeaa' alebnted Llntmeiik It will our you. .. i , JJ. tt. MGLEAN,BolPropiMtor, ' , Corner of Third and Pin Street, BL Lvkj, Me. " lor al by all drugglit. for ale by ROBERTS A SAMUEL, -. augae-dfcwlf . Oolamhut. Chtt. , . P110F. WOOD'S . MTOimjB COil BLOOD nEKOVATOa : It praolMly what It nam India tea, for, while, pleasant to the taste, It 1 revivifying, exhilarat ing, Invigorating and itnngthenlng to the vital power, ind at th am urn renvina, rem- btata, and renew th Blood in all It purity, ao i thai it ono retton and render (A ntUm iT loWneraUsfo aMacAeUsa(s. It la tha only nrenanllon ever offered to the world. Lai tally and aklllfully combined a to be th powermi tonic, aaa at tnt am urn so prioowj dapid to, a to act In perleotacoordance with lh Et! i lar of nature, and heuce win mcm Maiicaiii tomaA, and ton up th dlgatir ergana, andQ thai allay all narvout ana outer lrnaiuua. unw . perlMtly exhilarating, and at th lameUaMlt Ml. Cjlcou llul composed atirely of vegetable, yet a conhloed, I la to produoe th mai.lhoroagn lonio eueot, wita loul producing any injurlou wnaqaaaee. Buck I, I . h.a Inn. hMn fell tabs a dauvideratnm in. I rr l.k- M.lrf tnm I, nu.t. n. m .4 inal .WUl fj-fct I H ic that debility follow all attack of diaaa, aid j proceed and indeed lay tn ytea open a tae fk jlniidlou attack of many ot th mat fatal, ach, II O'for txamplt, as the followlngi Consumption, Xn-I IdlgMliun,, Loa ef AppeUa, Vaintan, Nervou Irritability, Neuralgia, Ifalpltatkiaol lac) Pt Heart, Helarwholy, Hlghte wests, inguor,uiudw (Tlinea, Ketenlloa of, at well a rainrai eutruoted, In of the Womb. Thea aU depend upon generalJ lOO BIWU. W MIW ..ll.fcHa t.UU, W. J, ML, jdebUlty. hia pun, healthy, toni Uordlal andl Blood Renovator u u sun to aura a uie .ua to na and at. Then I ae mtouvk about It. - Bull W thl 1 not all. If th ytem to weakened, we are opea tobtltout tttaokt, th liver beocma tornidj lor won disease a, tn aianty lerua to ptiiorm inetr runcuona, ana wa an trouniea witn tcaiaing land Incontinence of urine, or Involuntary dis-l charge of the lame, pain la th back, tide and ke- llween tne tnouiaera, (xoeedlntly liaoi to iiirbll Molds, eougns, ana u aneaecKca, toe emaeuuoni follows, tnd th patient goa down to a prematura Igrare, Vat .pace win not allow ui to enumerate! in many nit to wnicn wt an liable in a weaaened kwnditloa of tht tyitea. Bat wc wUl y, In this! Cordial and Blood Renorator you ban a ixrteev saie, pieaan. anu lUKnai remeuy iox ioa oi Adds ute. niitoosnaa. rutuienoc wean ana tic stomach. Languor, Liver Complaint, Chill and Paver, er any Blllout attack. CoaUveness, Acidity! of to stomacn, aarrousnea, neuralgia, raipiiar Uoaof th Heart, irapnalon oi Bpirii, Bora, r-lmpla oa lb Pace, or any ulteaa analog fout aran biced. aueh a Borofula, Kry.lp.las, Broa Si' ihltl. Cough, difficulty of Braathing, and aU lhal'-j t jo lan of alla lemara weaansa,ana Muoaimisd akon. W e wlU ala (ay th traveler -A -a umlm nhuM of ellaaat and ST.i-1 r, wile-find it pleasant, & and .ura remedy, a. land aon ahould ever travel without. Reader, - ltv it. for we eaan yoa you will nnd in It a friend "1 indeed, M well a a triced la Bad. AU penont of sedentary aablt will nna it a perfect preventive el P. las well ea cure for thoa ailment to which they are. IpartMutarly exposed. Henamtnutorrwuoau,t tomey, Uterary tantieme ,and ladla wh are noi 'aocuatomed to much outdoor cxerelae, will find It a their advantage to keep I bottle eonetantiy on hand) and, abov aU. mother, r that becamiiul ueox wm go tnroagn 'that mat oangeron penou not cnlT wth all UimI. ajwuttAmftd atrenetii. hui I isaie ana irae irom the uiaatana ailment o prev alent among the female poruonei the wori. - tt, abort, II to Indeed a mother, cordial.. Try IC old: ill and young; no longer run the rl.k of delay i It win relievo ana nrov itaeii emuttaucaiiy a MMora 0, ana varaua anu jsiooa tunooawr. v.. yrwv.proprienir, vn sroaaway, new fork, and 114 Market Btreet, BU loois. kio.i and, 3.; t aid by auiBBRXB a BAau mit poiumbai, Uhio, tnd all good Druggists) tfrtoe On Dollsi pig Bottle. . . ,y , ... Barchi-daweowiy REPELLANT OH WATEn-Pl?P . CLOAX 0L0TSS. Alto, ctha of P. 'ring look 0 to the, la all dalrabl nUUirea Dindlnt-, 'iaw H aUandBatWnitoBaiotw ;h l BAIN As r.,yN, .j BprliS . Jfo, 99 Spulh tlb .)! ..j T)LACK kTRAVr aSONltETS AN I'X m 11 ..n( RIVwu I. .Mai rtri,!, mi BAIN li. ootf He, M.Iiiamiml, ;i 9- U 0). i BV