Newspaper Page Text
SATURDAY. MORNINO, .NOV. 30,, 18C1. Rail Road Time Table. Littu UuMi A OuuiMiut A Xuu R. R ' " '" ' v Imtm."'" "' Arrlra Nlnht Biorett. via Davton. t:U A. M. T 3.30 A, H Cincinnati Accommodation.-0:10 A, M, - 0:80 P. M. D tnna 145 P. la. . 3.U0 P. II Mali and Accommodation.. 4:00 P. K. '., ' 13:19 P. M, Jko. W. DoimiTV, Agent OoLomoi Ouvauso B. R. ' ' '' " Nltht liDree ......3:50 A.M. 1:30A.M. Mew YorkExpreei........ i:SP.U. , 1:30 P.M. - Jmn Pa.ttxx.ox, Agent. CiktralO.ioB. R. - t -,,. ' -'". . ...rt-Mi A. M. ! 1:30 A. U. i) 3 to p. . i: p.u. ' ' ' "W. 1 ViLLf Agent, PlTTetCIOD, CuLUMaue II OlBCUMAW B. R. ' , MallTraln ......... 4:00A.M.. 1.10A.M KapreteTraln W;33A.M. . I:30P.M Jot. lloiimon, Agent. -. M . - -OoLDMioi iMounorotu, B. R. " . ' tOoLOMIUI PlqUA A. IlIAA R. B.) - Chlaa.oIxDretl 8:00 A. ... 8:33 P. M. Mo.S " 3:00 P.M. 11:30 A. M. Btndutky " 8.41) A. 11. 3:00 P. M ' . 0. W. Imiti, Agent. Local Matters. Probate Court. Itemi of business transacted In the Probate Court of Franklin oonnty, Judge Albebv, dur i .i i. .it rv f i . tat.-. no tug tua wen euuiug riiusj uuuu, iiuvouiucr 18GI: . .-.: MARRIAGE LICENSES. Fourteen marriage lloensea wort Issueda gain of its od tbe preceding week. ADOPTION OF A CHILD. Jacob William Ilummerloh and Catharine Elliibetb Humnjcrlch, bit wlfo, wore, on peti tion to the (Jourt, granted leave under tbe etatue to adopt t a daughter a female infant bout five -months old, which bad been Aban doned by tta parenti and left at tbe residence of the petitioner! In Colambui about tiro weeki aluoe. The child takei the name of Catharine Elisabeth Huromerlch.. ' ' , PROBATE WILLS. The of Fallon, Colum bus, deceated, wai admitted to probate. Tbe will or Joseph Whlteblll, late ot Colum bus, deceased, was also admitted to probate. This will having been discovered since the grant of Administration on the testator's es tate, tbe Administration appeared in Court and surrendered their trust as suoh Administrators. ADMINISTRATION. ' Henry T. Chittenden, as Administrator it benit non of E. N. Gregory's estate, was '-authorized to bring suit on tbe bonds of A. A Chew, former Administrator it 'font non of said estate.. ., ':, In the case of John Westlerweller, Adminis trator of Charles Frinell'i estate e. Lemuel Frlazellend others,' the Administrator's report of tbe sale of real estate In Henry county was confirmed and deed ordered. P. B. Wilcox, Executor of Mary McCul lough, filed tbe final receipt of the sole legatee. GUARDIANSHIP. No.h F. firittoo, tiurdian of Joseph II. Brackenridge, gave additional security as re ' ' ' Court of Common Pleas. FRIDAY, Nov. 29. Tbe Criminal Term commenced to day. ' The papers in several cases against Thomas Jones and others for Illegal voting were ordered to be filed away, which dieposos of them for the present. . The ease of Wm. Knoderer for assault and battery, and the case of Rich el Phillips for rob bery were dismissed. Tbe case of Reiin Parker for malicious shoot ing with intent to kill, was dismissed. The defendant has, however, been Indicted at thii (the November) term of the Court for man slaughter. . ' ' In the case of Alex. Hays,' for soiling liquor oontrary to law, the defendant plead guilty, and was Sued five dollars and costs.'' In the Case of A. W. Djlson for assault and battery, tbe jury returned a verdlpt of " not guilty." '. :. .. , The ctso of James Liverpool, for rape was taken up for trial, but not disposed of When the court adjourned." " . it ST Tbe workshop ac tbe Penitentiary, which was burned on the 15.b of October, has been replaced by a new building one hundred and forty feet long by twenty-seven feet wide. Tbe new building was put up and under roof In three weeks from the time-of the fire. The machinery for the. manufacture of army sup plies will soon be Iq active operation In the new shop, under tbe euperlntondence ot its en terprising oocupant, Mr. Hajdon.4. ' . ' i ir ii i.'. .... ST Hon. David Tod, Governor eleot, is now in thii city, making arrangements for removing here, whioh he, designs, doing, we understand, before bis inauguration - t: V .V' l . ' " O Yesterday morning, A young man about eighteen years bf age, a son of Mr. B. C. Smith , who resides on Water street between Spring and Long streets, In the absence- of the family fiom the apartment, fell, in a fit as is supposed, against a kitchen stove, burning his right band to a crisp. , It la feared that amputation will be found necessary.- Tbe unfortunate youth has been subject to fits. , ',, ' t(t' v v Matoa' Court. Mayor Thomas disposed of quite a number of bard cases yesterday morn ing. Five Individuals were brought before blm for drunkennes tbree of whom paid their fines, and two were piaced. on (he chain gang. A noted vagrant woman was eentenoed to the olty prision for fifteen days, and a colored indi vidual was put on! he chain gang' fo?' picking' a soldier's pocket.'' : ? $.-.t .. ST It laj annoupced .that ,Col. Carrlngfons Regiment and the Sixteenth Regiment have re ceived marching orders, and will leave for T.nuiarilU fin Mimdat next. We' learn that at ten o'clock this morning, twelve companies'' of Col. Carringtbn'i Regiment and four companies ot tbe Sixteenth will be reviewed and Inspected at Camp Thomas.. lZlf O On Thursday bight, Mr. Andrew-Jame son, the keeper of an eating bouse on Broad street, died sudden'y of disease of , the heart.- He was advanced in yearn '- Recent Military Appointments. Cushman Cunningham, ' Wooster, Adjutant Sixteenth Regiment. ' ' ' " Sbillito S.Smith, Cincinnati, Firet Lieuten ant, Eighth Regiment. v ' W.F. Raynolds (Fourth Regiment), Battal ion Adjutant, Sixth Cavalry. ; Thos. J. Cocbran, Adjutant Seventy seventh Regiment, i . .: -. . Jerome M. Roppleyea, Adjutant Seventy sixth Regiment. '., , Spencer Franklin (private Sixth ReglmentJ, Adjutant Fifth Qavalry, . , r William P. Israel, Cole Grove, Major First Artillery. ' "v-vi. Leroy Crocket, Clyde, Major Seventy seoond Regiment. ... . J. B. Rice, Surgeon ,SeyentyTSecpndJRegl: ment. '' . r. , Homer C. Shaw, Lanoaster, Assistant Sur geon Tenth Regiment. .' J.C. Mann, Colebrook, Assistant Surgeon Thirty-ninth Regiment. . Faxaohino vs. Paaotici. Mr. Editor t A good state of morals Ii always desirable la ev ery community, and a sad state of things would bo ' the consequence of a lack of the proper moral element. Tbere are many always ruady to find fault with the wickedness of the times, who never oan see the mote in their own eyei and those who preach morals ought to practice them. I am led to these reflections by reading some paragraphs which have recently appeared in tbe local department pi tbe Ohio Stat Journal, lu reference to drluklcg soloons being kept open on Sundays. The writer (tbe local, of course,) complains that the laws Are not enforc ed la regard to this matter, and in a subsequent article states that bis former complaint bad not received attention, I have not the arlicloa be fore me, but I have given tbe substance. Now, bow does the Journal heal know that saloons are kept open on Sunday, In violation of law 1 He cannot possibly know, unless he visits them himself. Docs he do this) Is be a oommon Informer a spy 1 Has he commenced system of espionage upon the conduct of othorsl , Really, It would seem so prowling around upon Sunday, gathering up news and Items, violating tbe Sabbath himself, and then complaining of others! Very consistent, In deed! But this Is not tbe worst of It. Tbe Journal appeara on Monday mornings. All the type must be set on Sunday. Tbe bands are at work all day Sunday, shut up from the public gaze, but not from tbe sight of every eye. Their englno and press commence thumping away about niue o'clock Sunday evenings, disturbing quiet people in the neighborhood! And this Is tbe concern that complains ol saloons being kept open on Sundays! Admirable consistency I And yet more: For some time past the pave ment, directly In front of tbe Journal counting room, baa been occupied by two empty sugar hogsheads. These have afforded a shelter for a lot of rode bad boys, who use profane and inde cent language as'respeotable citizens are pass ing. They are a nuisance, obstructing the side walk, and if this heal should see them any other place, he would no doubt bave a paragraph in the Journal, complaining of them. He preaches, but he don't practice. He prowles about on Sun day, violating tbe day, and then Inveighs against others lor tbe lame tblng, if this local, and oth ers, would stay away from tbe saloons, they would not be open. Don't he know that! Who la bet Some one imported bcre to teach our oitizens good morale? Let ns prediot that be ii an . The first and two of tbe 19th letters of the alphabet, will explain' tbe stars. J . We shall hope to hear again from him next Monday, and will be anxious to know what ef feet bis would-be nkase has bad upon the saloons and morals of our people Until then, we rest the case. . 8TATE STREET. IT On Thursday Afternoon, Captains For sbey And Patton, of the First Regiment, Ohio cavalry, puaded their companies in tbe streets of our city, presenting a fine martial appear ance. and eliciting much commendation. "J. N." 8 it at Libxatt. This world-re- nowned champion of bis original philosophy is again at liberty, after having shown himself "the martyr of the nineteenth century;" but is again ready to ge into prison at the expiration of five months, ii "the cause of truth demands It." With all his superhuman attainments, "J. N." is as modest as a child, and as meek as a lamb, and there is nothing In his countenanco or his demeanor that would indicate, what is so unAJ rersally acknowledged,' that he is the greateetn orator, philosopher and satirist tbe world bas ever produced. "J. N." is now in this city. Tbe base envy and jealousy of the world have no terror for him. He holds a discharge from J. J. Johnson, Esq., the sheriff of Perry county, and James forter, E.;q., deputy, certifying that be was manaclcd and imprisoned In a cell in the jail of that county for tho apace .of fire days, and al lowing blm the privilege of re-entering his cell on the Sth of April next, for tbe space of twenty-five days, or life. "J. N." will lecture In this city on Monday evening next. Prepare to hear bim! He will also lecture in Ztneeville on tbe 5tb of Decem ber. ! Laces and Embroideries, ; VALENCIENEH, MALTESE &rOINT Lace Collar, and 8tt. French, Pusher and Thread Lies Veil., (new pattern!.) Valfnelene., Thread and Point Lac, Embroidered Collar, Sett, Trimmings and Skirt, Lao Barbel and Coiffure., Plain Linen Collar, ettaand Cuir., Kmbrotdertd collari and cum in cette. . BAIN As BON, ' No. S9. South High Street MINK MUFFS, TIOTOKINEB and CUFFS we are now telling at Very low pricei, al.o all other klndi (Uhionabl tan. PKTK BAND, deoSL ; ' . ' - No. 80 iouth UUjh it. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO MARRIED MEN. Or Tbose Oontcmpiatlnu: Irtarrlasre. , ink onderalgntd wlllglVelnronnatlon on a Terr it' Uniting and Important snbject, which will be valu 'd mora than A tboniand time. 1U coit by every married couple of any age or condition In lire. The Information will be lent by mall to any addreai on tie receipt of 85 cents Xtilftr) and one red itamp. -All letters ihonld be addressed to ' h. b. morris; H. t. ' oct31-lj3tawdkw , . .... Boitoq, Uaa. FEVEII3, FEVEIt AND AGCE.-D1I llooi Affectloni,Ooldl, Bheamatiimi, Ooatlreneii, Con1 umptloni, Affection, ot the Spleen, ot the Lirer, of the Heart, Tumors, and all diaeaiei which de.ttoy life, have always. exhibited, npon dluection ot tbe body, a number of bard or concrete points, either In some Of the organs named or In the blood veaaeli, tomelmes even ramifying in the fleih, and again depoiltedapon tbe tide of a bone. Now the little hard subitancea would nay loan if Brandrath'a Pill, wore uied; they would be purge oat of the syitem, and jears ot happy U'e would be the eufferer.' lot lostead of an early grave. Always purge but aim iliud In .Ickue.i. ' ' T. T. Carpenter,,,E.q.,'of Qoveraeur, St. Lawrence county, Hew York, Ct yeate -of age, saya he hunted Brandretb't Pillt for 34 yean, admlnlitered them flnt to hit ooachmian, who hid fever and ague;:gaT eight the day after the chtll; chtllt and,, farer leal severe; gave eight more U next day, and to irery other day until the chill and ferer did not return, which wat about eight days from' the flnt attack. He then gave four every other day for another week, when the man was entirely lettered to hit ntual good health.- 1 . ; 1 ,'' " He wat blmtelf attacked: took' them In the tame way, and was eared In leu time. . Hai uaed no other medi cine for 34 yeait; found them alwayi reliable for himaelf and family when tick; hat recommended them to thon tandi with the beat results , and feelt confident that eve ry family wo uld have a larger avenge of health if thete P11 It were used In tbe place of calomel and othoi hurtful remediei.1 ' ' . , ''"'", "'; ". ', . 1 ' Bold by John R. Cook,' Dmgglit, Oolnmbut, and by all mpectable dealen In mediclnet. .. , , OOTS3-dlm , , . ,;, ... .. 77Wn MANHOOD. ' L..-.. .r- Bow LOST, BOW RESTORED. , ', Jut Publiahod In a Sealed Knvelope) PrieeSett.l A LBOTTJRB ON TBI NATOBB, TREATMENT AND RADICAL OQH1 0 8PKEMATOR11UBA Or Seminal WeaVnete, lnrolnntary .Kmltaioni, Bexual Debility, and Impedimenta to Marriage ireoemllly, Nervcmaneae, Con tumptlon, Jfpllepty and Fit, Mental and Pnyaloal In capacity, resulting from Bell-aba, Its. By Robert i. Oulverwell, M. !., author of the Oreen Book,. ' A Boon to Tnonsande of Snfferert, Bent andei seal, in a plaia envelop, to any addreai, Sort paid, en receipt of . two a tamp, by p(, oil AS. . 0. KLIS, 187 Bowery, Ktw lork, Poet Office Box Ho46S. sep7!amdw THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH From all Parts of the World. REPORTED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN. REPORTED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN. WAR FOR THE UNION . Interesting Washington News. The Nashville Runs the Charleston Blockade. THE REBELS FALLING BACK FROM THE POTOMAC. The Latest News from Port Royal. THE REBEL FORTIFICATIONS AT ST. HELENA SOUND CAPTURED. An Expedition Sent Inland. THE STARS AND STRIPES FLOATING OVER GEORGIA TERRITORY. Approaches to Savannah Cut Off. LATEST FORM PENSACOLA. Latest from Missouri. &c. &c. &c. From Washington. Washinoton, Nov. 28. ThankenlvIntT was verv generally observed In the oamns to dav. The soldiers were amply provided with every thing tor tne purpose. An'oruer bas been issued to tbe Frovoet Mar shal to investigate tbe subject of passes, with a view of establishing a more uniform system, and afford greater security to tbe publio service. Tbere was a raconnoiesance from Generals Porter's and Smith's divisions to-dav in, the neighborhood ot Vienna. Tbe report of Major Belger, Quartermaster at Baltimore, Is satisfactory to the Department, showing tnat ne bas dispatched tbe freight of two hundred and three vessels by railroad to Washington within the last thirty days, being an average of two thousand tons daily; besides a large amount of stores to the Subsistence Department. [Special to the Tribune.] Adjutant-General Thomas aent out Instruc tions to day to Gen. Sherman at Beaufort to take possession of all-tbe crops on the Island cotton, corn, rice, etc., and to sblp tbe cotton, and sucn otner crops aa were not wanted for tbe army, to New York, to be sold there for account of the Government. Gen. Sherman was also directed to nse the negro slaves to gather and secure tbe crops of cotton and corn, and to erect bis defenses at Port R yal and other places on tbe Island. General Sumner s division consists of General Howard's and tbe Irish brigade, two more New York and one Pennsylvania reelment, with a suitable contingent of cavalry and artillery. It marched last night to its position, which Is be tween the divisions of Gens. Heintzleman and Franklin, the former having been pushed some distance further down the river [Herald's Dispatch.] Tbere is a report here to-day that the rebel steamer Nashville has ran the blockade off Charleston and entered that port with a valua ble cargo, consisting of-woolens, arms, wires for telegraphic use, salt, etc While tbe report comes only through rebel channels, tbere is rea son to believe it, as one of our consuls notified tbe Government somo time since that the Nash ville was loaded in a certain foreign port and was intending to run tbe blockade. Government is expecting news to arrive from Pickens in about two days. Tbe War Department is hourly exnectiot! the announcement from Geo. Sherman tbat he bas taken possession of the rebel fortifications com manding tbe entrance to St. Helena Sound, about fifteen milea north of Port Royal, and commanding the outlet of tbe Coosawand Com babee rivers, thus securing entire control of all tbe approaches from the ocean to the cluster of sua Islands, and affording another avenue for a movement toward the interior of the Palmet to Kingdom. . The rebela are already falling back from tbe Potomac before the slow, but certain advance ot the Union forces. They hardly offer resist ance to tbe passing of our vessels. Many have oome up within the last few daya loaded with coal, to such an extent as to lower the price of that article from ten dollars to seven dollars. Tbe Reliance came np to the Navy Yard from Indian Head last night. Capt. Hammond reports tbat just before be left, at half past one o'clock, a heavy fire waa opened from the rebel batteries at bbipping foint. Tbree or four shots were fired while the Reliance was in sight or nearing. morning coma ne accertained in regard to the object tbe rebels were firing at. No vessels appeared beyond Stump Neck; con sequently the supposition ia that the batteries on the Maryland shore; (Times' Dispatch.) Washinoton.' Nov. 28. Letters received from prisoners of tbe California Regiment, now in Richmond, snow tnat but tew were killed at tbe battle of Ball's Bluff. Many who were sup posed to bave been killed, are now prisoners tbere, and it la confidently asserted by the offi core that fifty will include tbe whole number of dead from tbat regiment. [To the Associated Press.] Washinoton, Nov. 29. Dispatohes received to day at tbe Navy Department from Flag-Officer Dupont, dated Port Royal, the 25th Inst., give tbe gratifying Intelligence that the flag of tbe United States is flying over tbe territory of the State ot Georgia. Tybee Island, which, he says, Is witbin easy mortar distance of Fort Pulaski, has been taken possession of, and the approaches to Savannah completely out off. On tbe Island is a strong marteiio tower, with battery at Its base. , ' 1 w Tbe following is tue rnuadeipbia Inquirer. rensacoia repon : Fortbiss Monboi, Nor. 27, P. M. Passen- eers by a Mas of truce from Norfolk thio morn ing, furnish some further news in regard to tbe fight at Fort Pickens. These particulars, it must be rememDerea, came through rebel sources. Gen. Bragg had not made a breaob in tho fort, as was before reported. Great excite ment was prevalent throughout the South re specting the battle, but it waa thought Bragg would be able to foroe CoL Brown to surrender. A meesoneer arrived from Pensaoola on Bun day last with a peremptory order lor reinforce ments. : Bractt .was at . that time hopeful of an early success, and was replying at intervale upon the lortresa witn areas eneci. mis regu lar salvos are described aa being really terrible. The General waa nerfeotlv cool and confident. No breach had yet been made, bnt on Monday one would be manliest, when Bragg expected reinforcements and would storm it with frealj troops and ordnanoe. Col. Brown bad concen trated a perfect storm of shot and shell npon the navy yard, burning it down toee.her with all the buildings and a considerable amount of ordnanoe stores. , , Pensacola had been evacuated by order of Gen. Bragg. .. . Col. Brown had called to bis assistance five vessels of war, all of Vhlch bad been driven off by the batteries. Tbe steam frigate Niagara waa almost riddled wilb shot and the Colorado thoroughly disabled. .-..:,.,.., ,, Gen. Bragg had declared to his troons that he would not surrender alive, and the greatest enthusiasm prevailed among tbe men. On Tues day Gen. Bragg wonld engage Col. Brown in front, and aend a large force on the Island so aa to take blm in the rear. It la generally believed that an aotloo has taken plaoe at Pensaoola between our Teasels and tbe rebels, aod that Bragg baa been whip ped, Pensaoola burned, and probably Bragg'a whole loroe captured. ' Tbe dispatchea In the Southern papers bave no apparent end or beginning, ana are very meagre. The cargo of tbe captured British Sobooner roomie oonsisted ol seven- Dales oi piannen, four oases of cloth, three boxes of atarob, twenty-five boxea of tin. one hundred and twenty baga of coffee, twenty barrels of potatoes, tbree nnnorea and ntty piga or lead, tniriy oags oi shot, one box of shoes, six bass of arrow root, one oase of pistols (revolvers), two oases of oavairy awords, and two eases or anoes. ine Marble was formerly named the Jno. W. An derson of Baltimore, and tbere la atrong pre sumption of ber Intention to run the blockade. She will be aent to Philadelphia for adjudica tion. . , . . . According to nresent Indications the Presi dent's message will not be sent bence In ad vance of its delivery to Congress. Tbe reason for Ibis ia probably the fact that It, aa well aa tbe reports of the Secretary of War and Navy, will be kept open till the latest moment, in or- aer to mane auon auditions ana alterations as tbe constantly recurring events may require. ' Sir Jno.Ferenson having denied tbat he waa act- Ins as a snv when vititiun this country, It la only justice to blm to say tbat he waa charged by many persona in the South with letters to be dis tributed through the postoffices of the North, and that on arriving at Washington and being advised that suoh a oonveyance of correspond ence wsa prohibited, at once repaired to tbe State Department and surrendered all tbe let ters to the Government. Snenoer'a new reneatlne breech loadine rifle was tried by a board of army officers, by order of Gen. MoClellan, on Friday. Tbey made a satisfactory report and recommended Ita intro duction into tbe service. An order for a sup ply had previously been Issued by the Navy De partment. Col. berdan will Brant no more commissions to raise companies of sharpshooters for bis brigade, aa enough bave already been granted to more t'.ian fill it. Tbose wishing to join this corps must enlist under Captains holding com missions prior to in is date. POSTOFFICE DEPARTMENT. November 29. It has been reported to thia Department that some postmasters have deolined to receive United States Treasury Notes, payable on de mand, when presented to them In postage stamps and stamped envolopss. Postmasters are therefore informed tbat these notes are to be received and disbursed by them as equiva lent in all respects to coin. order of the Poet master- H. N. GEEVLEY, Third Assistant Postmaster-General. First Thanksgiving in Virginia. Wheclino, Nov. 28.-For tbe firet time in the history of this commonwealth, to day was observed as a day of thanksgiving, and Gov. Pierpont tbe first Governor tbat ever proclaim ed one. Business in the oity was entirely suspended. Virginia Convention. Whielino, Nov. 28. A full organization of tbe Western Virginia Convention was perfected to-day. The work of forming a State Consti tution waa assigned to nine committees, with no division of sentiment on the question of a new State. The business will Ire dispatched as fast as possible, and application made to Congress early in tue session lor admittance. Tbe gen eral outside opiuion i that tbe gradual eman cipation clause will be adopted. New Feature in Telegraphing. Nxw YotK, Nov. 28. Tbe Canada's news waa received in this city, direot . from Halifax, tbe first case of tbe kind extant, through the agency of the telegraph reporters, Invented by Geo. a. llicks, tia , of Cleveland, Unio. Tbe wires were connected through, and at one writ ing the news was flashed direct from Halifax to this city. The Latest from Port Royal. New York, Nov. 28. Tbe steamer Illinois. from Port Royal, afternoon of tbe 25th, bringa tbe mail and seventy-four passengers, also sev eral prisoners. 1 be steamer r lag arrived at fort loyal on the 24th, reports that Tvbee Island was shelled by the Pocahontas, Seneca, Augusta and Flag, ana met ume or no response, a lorceoi. ma rines was aent on sbore and found it evacuated. Tbey took possession, hoisting the American flag. Tvbee Island is at tbe mouth of Savannah river. Contrabands continued to arrive at Port Roval In large numbers. Gen. Sherman bad built entrenchments across tbe whole Island. Sore throat prevailed among the troops. Large quantities of cotton were still being found in storehouses and barns mostly nngln ned. Another expedition, consisting of two brig ades, under Gen. Yiele, would soon sail ftom Port Royal for the Southern coast. Beaufort was still ;occupied by our troops. But two gunboats were anchored off tbe town. 1 he schooner fcsaex bas arrived at Hilton Head, and reports being chased and fired at by a privateer several times between St. Helena Sound and Hilton Head. ' Latest from the South. Louisville, Nov. 27. The Bowling Green Courier, of the 21st, says that the rebel Brig. Gen. George B. Crittenden, brother of Thomas C. Crittenden, the Federal Genefal, bas been promoted to a Major-Generalship, and assigned to tbe Department of Cumberland Gap. David L. fatterson, son-in-law of Andrew Jobnson, was arrested on tbe 19tb ult., and brought to Knoxville for trial. Tne rebel convention at KusselviIIe, made a declaration of independence, and adopted the laws and constitution of Kentucky, where they were not Inconsistent witb tbe oaths -of tbe rebel government. Kicbmond advioea aay tbat tbe British eteam sloop Racer waa expected soon. . it is reported tbat the privateer Sumter was captured on tho coast of Texas by the frigate Niagara, . , Release of Political Prisoners. Boston. Nov. 28. The following political Jrisoners, from Kentucky, were released to day : . W. Roberts, Joseph L. McFeal, W. E. Car ney, W. Grubbs, Stephen Wooldrldge, J. W, Griffin, Louis Hallolaws, Frank Crawe, Henry rnuriow, josepn buck and A. Mcuoweit. Treatment of Federal Prisoners at Richmond—Rebels Anxious to Exchange ' ' Boston, Nov. 28. Col. Lee, oi the Massa chusetts 20th, captured at Ball's Bluff, writea briefly from Kicbmond, on tbe lota, that, aa one of the officers drawn by lot to offset the course of our Government toward tbe rebel pirates, be is an inmate of a cell of the jail at Richmond. Tbe same Is true of other offioers. Hia health, and that of Major Leeve and Captaina Bowman and Rock wood, is good. Col. Lee is permitted to say, on good rebel anthoiity, or what be con siders ss suoh, that the rebel government la not only willing, bnt anxious to secure an exchange of prisoners with the United States Govern ment. The Enemy's Works at St. Helena Inlet Captured—An Expedition sent to the Interior of the Palmetto State. Nxw Yoik. Nov. 29. Letters from Port Royal report an Expedition left on the 24th for Bt. tieiena iniet, ana wjtnout striking a blow took tbe enemy's works. The guns bad been carried inland. Another Expedition to tbe In terlor was on its way. It was reported there were fourteen thousand rebels at Hardeevllle, twenty miles from Mil ton Head, under, Gen. Drayton, most of them impressed men. Tbe rebels are also said to be concentrating a foroe at Bloffton. . Appearances Indioate that tbe planters are determined to burn their crops on tbe appearance or our troops or gunboats. - Tbe rebels' guns at Braddocks Point, tbe ex treme eonthernly end of Hilton Head, Ireland, have been nnsplkcd and are now In redlness for age by our forces. - Baltimore, Nov. 09. The Old Point boat has arrived. A flag of truce brought some ladies from Norfolk, but no news. Tbe rebela are evidently endeavoring to keep back South ern news. . From Missouri. Roll a, Nor. 27. Our scouts this morning bring definite and reliable renorta of the move ments of lk enemy In tbe southwestern portion of the State. They were In the camp of the reoeia at narcoxis, on i nursaay usi. mcvsui looh nnderatanda tbe retrograde movement oi our army to be an attempt to get in their real. Hiaaoouta report to bim tbat our wbolo force was crossing the W bite Klver. MoCullocn marched to, and Is now encamped at Springfield with a force of four thousand men. .-.'., Gsnoral Rains, who had command at oar coxle with seven thousand men, left that place on Friday last, and baa joined McCuilooa by this time. General Prloe was at Pioevllle, McDonald oounty, with the balance of tbe rebel army - lie alio took op bis meron on r rioav, ana is aa vanolog northward to loin MoCullocb and Raina. Price on his march desolated and de stroyed everything to prevent our troops getting in bis rear. ' -. Tbere are do large bodies of rebela betwoen here and SoriDefield. There are over a thousand refugee families bere; many of Riem in a destitute condition, with a pitiful proepect for tbe winter, and more are constantly arriving. -The measles are raging In the different ctmpi here to great extent . St. JosxrH, Nov. 28. A band of rebels un der tbe notorious Gordon captured Capt. Robb, Capt. White and Lieut. Moonlight, tbree U. S. Officers, from tbe railroad train at Weston to day. Tbe rebej Stein, with fifty of bis follow ers, is reported to be near Weston. From Pensacola. Philaoelphia, Nov, 99. Tbe Inquirer's Fortress Monroe letter says rebel reports state tbat Pensacola has been evacnatsd and the Na vy Yard entirely destroyed by tbe firo of Fort Pickens. Gen. Bragg had sent for reinforce ments. The fire Federal veesela assisting Col. Brown are said to have been riddled with abut. The Case of Mason and Slidell. New York, Nov. 29. Edwin James, the die tingulshed Eoglish lawyer now resident bere, In a published letter in regard tj the Mason'hnd Slidell caso, aays: "When tbo question is snbmitted by tbe Cab inet of England to tbe law officers or ihe re sponsible adviser of tbe Crown, those author! ties, before giving any opinion, will In all pro bability require from tbe officer in command of tbe Trent distlnot answers to tbe following questions: First, Were you acquainted with tbe terms ot tier Majesty's proclamation command ing strlot neutrality on tbe part of all her sub jects during the term of hostilities between the Northern and Southern States? Second. Did you not know tbat tbe two gentlemen, when tney became passengers, not refugees, on board yonr vessel, were employing tbemselvea, or were employed, In an enterprise of direct hos tility to the constituted government of tbe United States? The answer to those two ciuet tions In tbe affirmative, and consistent with truth they oanoot be answered otherwise, will reduce tbe question to very narrow dimensions. Should any doubt exist upon tbe seoond propo sition, tbe message recently sent by Mr Jtff uavis to bis parliament at Ktchmncd will much facilitate Its solution. EDWIN JAMES. Seizure of Directed to Lord Lyons. Baltimore, Nov. 89. The Fortress Monroe correspondent oi tbe Philadelphia Inquirer an nounces tne arrival tbere ot tbe Uuited states gunboat Couer de Leon from Washington. She bad had shots fired at her, but received only one, doing little damage A man calling himself Bryan U liarra, of f orto Klco, wbo came from JN or I oik on Tues day with a flag of truce, was detained by Gen. Wool and Mb trunk examined. It contained valuable papers some sealed and stamped by the British Consul at Charleston and directed to Lord Lyons These were sent to Secretary Seward for inspection. O'Harra is suspected of having been an officer aboard tberingal, wmcn ne aaya ia to ne mtea out tor a man-or-war at Charleston, and will carry a formidable battery of Wbitworth rifled guns. He saya the rtiigai arrived on Tvbee two weeks since from Southampton via Porto Cabello, where she bad seen the Sumter often. . Some of the arms brought bv the Fingal are being used against Fort Pickens. New York, Nov. 29. Gea. Fremont arrived here last night. Tbe Constitution, witb tb advance guard of General Butler's expedi.ion, left Hampton Koads on Wed need ay alternoon for her dcetina tion southward. Baltimore, Nov. 23 Tbe Old Point boat has arrived, but don't bring any news. Nxw Yotk, Nov. 29 Tbe schooner J. N. Geoiu, from Ship Island, near New Orleans, reports the fortifications tbere finished, guns mounted and one hundred and fifty men detailed from tbe blockading fleet to work them fi.unv If..,. Mn . Nnr OQPKklj ftrA about thirty shells at the cimp of the Twenty- ngntn rennsyivania negiment, at. Harper's errT. tO-daT. The fir ml at Inno- ran, in which our lorces were unable t" renlv No body hurt. "- Boston, Nov. 29. Tbe eleven Kentuckians released from Fort Warren being destitute of money, were to-day sent borne at tbe expense of toe city ot woe too. samnei r. bainner ot new uedtora, was convicted ot fitting out a slaver and sentenced to pay a fine of one thousand dollars, and con Dement in jail five years. - Arrival the City of Baltimore. Cape Race, Nov. 29. Tbe City of Baltimore, from Liverpool 20th, and Queenstown 21st, passed here this evening. It is reported a large steamer lelt London with a full cargo of munitions of war for tho rebel states. Tbe pirate Nashville arrived at Southamp. on tne 2tsi. : va .tne itn ene Boarded tb American ehip Harvey Burch, from Havre to New York, took off Capt. Nelson and crew, and burned the ship to the water's edge. Sbe then landed tbe Captain and crew at Southamp ton, and remained there witn tbe rebel nte tit lug. Capt. Nelson says Capt. Pegram of the Nashville denies being a privateer and says sbe bas a cummission as a war steamer- Russell in his last letter aays, -Mr. Lincoln and his Cabinet were hot Indisposed to peaceful arbitration, and were probably considering tbe proposition or accepting or asking tbe interven tion of the greit European Powers. It is reported that several steamers were in sured In London to run to New Orleans and back for twenty guineas.- The French part of tbe Mexican Expedition comprises fifteen vessels, 'with tbree hundred and thirty guns, five thousand sailors and three thousand troops. '' ..... Red, White and Bine TVELAITIES. U ' . CALICOES li III HONS. SILKS," - BAIN Av SON, No. ! South niKh street. NECK TIB".. Jntt opened by ' apiSB ; ; Irish linen Goods. WAKHANTED FABK1C ' " Linen Bhtrt Boeomt Plain and Fancy Bhlrtlng and Boaom Llnene. . ( : Linen Sheetlnga and Pillow Caelnga. ' . Linen Cambric and Long Lawna. ' ' Linen Pocket-htndk fe, all tltee. Linen Towelllnga and Dlapere ' linen Napkin, and D'Oyltea. Linen Table Clothe end Satin Damaaka. Linen Towela with colored border.. " . Linen Stair Ooveringa and Cr h. : " - For aale at low price. BAIN A SON, febM No. W gonth High ttreel. BAIN & SON, No, 29 South High Street, Columbus, A RB HOW OFFBR1SQ A iV. 8000 yardi Tiavelln Dreta Oooda at BX, value B3D0 yard VniTeltng DrSae flood, at 19X, value 80 ctt. 8iM)0 yarda Bngliah Berge at I2H. value 8S eenta. low yard! rrencn urganuiet at is, vaiue mi cent. 8U0d yards Fait Oolored Lawna at 10, value IS eenta. 1000 yardi Foulard Dreae 811a. at 37X, value SO oente. 1500 yarda Super Plain Black Bilk at l 00. value BlttS Rpbee of Organdie Benure, and Bngliah Bentg, at one- half their value. .. BAIN at BON, JeM S9 South High Street. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. Columbus Retail Market. FRIDAY, November 29, 1861. To following are the retail quotation, corrected by If HMtlMnv. tinlM.U mnA -ll . u Wm. 1001 Sontb Uigb Btrtet. . . .: ; . ",. ', hWhest SOamw O.S.far a.. lo, Oat bn. ...S6. Maple do.... 0U40V Cornf m SOdHolaaoeo )'gal ' so. Butter fa UailklHynip gal. COcAl 00 Lard a CV0IO. TM ....tU),l Wksl 25 fallow f a IOc iHloOoffo ),.... 17(AlKt Dried AnnlMlt bu. . a'J 00 Jit do. ot. Dried feachea... 3 50(84 UO Blot f fn jsiivu saajtiw wwaww ww asaejtj - 1' White VeanaOou.llOtttSI S5 Broome dot . SI OOO 1 7S roiawtt, t iu..m.&u(0uw iiiay t ton SB 00 Salt in aack ..l&A'ttc Soap (box) t ocBtie 5 00 Salt bbl.. at uu I r lour e mi.. Beef. ewt ft) 0(1 White Wheal de Hum .l lib Rva Iauv at JJ.I... OS UXe Ilie sunt) Shoulder. a 8 Oaodlee, Opal, box., Oheeea V Sail Pork fowl..., SftSIOc Wood f cord.... Watii:, Mackerel No.l hf bbl a 10 Ml Hominy per both alackerelNolqrbbl $i 50 130 Whlaky per. fall. JSI 00 UaokerelNolklte-. 850 nhit. vi.h .... ii ftjt Raietne, U H. Box ,3 8S 3 SO Layer " .. Bultaa A White Vlab per qr bbl atl 00 IS. vw mn r m rig o . goo lierr lor bbl B5 00 Pronet ..,.,. lie Corn Meal I.... 4050e Wool Twin. ..... ,Hm M ik Kxge dot Pried Ver tUolOranberrlea S bbl... a? HO 1SJ40I WHOLESALE MARKET. WEEKLY REVIEW. f t ma-aalet at H 40 H SO for new red, and if 0 91 71 fow whit W-.IK.Yftl BU41HN rnanMla at Qua at Sue live email taiee at .'a5e. Uli tile, at a798. Potato Mice at S&SfUe. Oxaiia talet at B7cl 25. Blt rule at 91 UO par bbl. Whit Via rule at 10 2540 75 per bbl. Siivare, Tt-aa tod Oolite adraoclogetlll. Now York Market. [REPORTED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN] NEW YORK, Nov. 29. - him w. .v.. a . i ) u, svw balrt at S7c for Allddllof Uplenda. rLUUU upenea ueary aod oioted So lower; moderate . m a r. il fiw .thai, ami hnm. 1 -. 1 1 1 .u. bbl. at S3 SViiS 40 for Meo ed; i 35 J5 to for lup. ...... r. nn .W,M ..... a. . n. - ... . . lu . ..wiv.m u. nn4p.l IV IUT aupvr' An. wetlern; $i 5(K$5 70 for common to medium extra ..,.. A.- uim ' nil . .ki i . . . w.v,,f, v" "va.. wv ur .u,L,,iia wraDoa extra rouna hoon Ohio anil Afi 002lS 75 tar trmAm hran. H. hi..., w.v.iuK v.uwii.u uvui lumj w 4uuiru a .UU1J eaalerwlth very moderate demand; aalee of 900 bblt at It -IVS)-. Ai r... .n....nn.. uia. r.n -- ....... n. . i .- i i to choice txtra. RYB VLOUll Quiet and tttady with moderate tale at flto&i 40. OOUM MEAL Oi.l.l .ml ..I. a onn i.i.i. Jeraey at S3. nHiSKi-uarket euier; talee of 730 barrels at SOflSUJ.o; chiefly at the inalle price, but Including ex tra barrel! at outaide Sgure. WHEAT The market opened heavy and doted about onteent lower with only a moderate export demaod; aalea of 84,809 bu.h Chica0 .prlcg atSl J8'4l2i; I,- vuvuit, ClUH l .1H, W UUU QO Bll waukeeolubat 1 3S(eBl SS; S3.000 do amber Iowa at . i nttini on. ociui . i . . . ... . . kwi v, cw uu pprtDK aiaie v Jjfl.1 J, 3)0. twu ao .Ul.p u A M 1 . I .ia, ... o. i 1. 1 w.i.vEi ivu.v.iw.u.. . I, V,UW . tllUCI HUTUi.KU at II 304137; 7000 do Canadian elnb at $1 30; 8300 do mixed Canadian at fl 3J; 11500 do Indiana atl 30; 4000 do ohoice white Ulchlan at fl 33. RYE Ia modai-ata odI! hIm at 7 Rim htt.liiiU at83a7o. BARLKY Dull and nomloally unchanged. ffiKW WllVinll, &.t..l nk.n... n.l. .m iH.J...t. demand for export and home conaumpttoa; ealet of 6000 buah at 63(Sfi,e for sound mixed weatern, ehlafly at the OATS-In modflrate reanaitat for Jam. Pan. ada and atate. FOBK. Market It more actlre, but withoot material chaoge In price; ealet UO barreli at 13 50313 for meat; S 5039 for prime. BKKf In good requett; aalet 300 barreli at B494 SO for country prime; S5a5 50 for eonntry met; $1101.1! fur CM."..., ma... 1 1 '1 1 1 Ui .... n.H D.Im. meaa beef arm at BID WCSSO. BKtr UAUB-yaiet with email ealet at (13 603 IS SO. mora anlltra anrl lotfar with aalaa at uui aibats Dull ar.d prlcet favor pnrchaten; tales at 443ie for thoulden and 444o for heme. BACON Dull and price, faror the purchater; emoked meata in good demand at full prlcet; talet of 10 boxea Cumberland cot middle, at 7o. LARD Bn lea tteady; aalea of 1.800 bbli at 8KdXo. Included in ealet are 40U bblt deliverable in December and January at He. BUTTE it-Dull, at 10015c for Ch!o; and 133c for atate. OHBESB-Steidy at 4S3c . I 1. 11 II I. . ... . . . . . . . I uuiiAb uarae. aim ruiea rery nrm witn a moaer att buaioeta doing; talet of 840 bag. Kio at lVS'-'5.Kc; 100 baga Latuayra, to go to Philadelphia, at lVo,and 1 1 inn m la I-..I-.. .a I fl . WW mil. V.J IVU . I iim, RUGAR Kaw cnntlnntia Aim- aalaa nf Qfln hhtta flnha at 7X(88Kc. HOLASbCS Quiet and unchanged; aalet of 101 hhdt of Cuba Untcovado at k7c; and 1U hhdt of Porto Bico at 40c. STOCKS Better, but without actiTlly. Philadelphia Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN] PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 29. FLOCB-Doll; talet cf CO00 bblt luperfl-t at $4 37 lev j ou. WHEAT Firm; talee 14,000 buah red at fl 33S1 30. woiie i eiKevi ei. CORN Dull; aalet 3,000 buah at S3;. COFFEB Bio, at lSX 17c. PORK Meaa, at B13 50. LARD Balea at Oo. WHISKY-Dull at 21c. Cincinnati Hog Market. CINCINNATI, Nov. 28. Pork Packing operatione are nenally eoppoeed, by thoae engaged In the buaineaa to be exempt from all Ihe claimt of holldaya. Thia wai certainly the caie to-day. The recelpta of Uoge were large, and more drovera are In the eity thia evening than are often found here at any ene time. The cold turn taken by the weather a few daya ago, and the enow atorm of Uooday, together with the advance In prlcet which occurred at the tame time, gave the Uogt a itart from Ihe country, and we .hall hare thit week's receipt twollen greatly above thoae of preceding time to date. Lirgo offering hare tended to make the market heavy, but not to break It down aa much a wai anticipated. We glace the minimum fltore So leee per central, to that wt ave now a range of (3 80 to 13 40 for fair to choice Hogt. There were eereral talee made In grot, weight. It hat been noticed by experienced men in the buttneai that the Boga have been very materially better than ntu al foretrly packing, and moat all tbe groea weight will overrun, when d rested, the ordinary. ea.eulat.oni be tween groie and net weight. Commercial. New York Cattle Market. REPORT FOR THE WEEK ENDING WEDNESDAY, Nov. 27, 1861. TOTAL RECEIPTS CATTLE OF ALL KINDS, FOR THE WEEK. According to the report! from the teveral market plaoe In the city, there have been received thii weak, aa compared with last week: Sheep and B'ree. Oowt. Veal. Lamb Swine. Total AtAllerton'i 4 832 .43 380 557 . Brownlng'a.... SS 4 O'Brien, 159 38 Ohamberlin'a.. 38. 81 Sold bu're, Ber. SO .. Total...'..... 4,633 190 T'lpr'iweek. 4,1(18 11 Av. number w'k.l'ty'r. 4,364 356 18 5 Sol .... 78 8.008 .',... 133 3,137 .... 006 18,147 34,190 51.600 700 11,0711 117,771 47.383 m 8,709 7,696 81,867 BEEVES FROM DIFFERENT STATES. A. M. Allerton A Co., Proprietor! of the Washington Drove-yarde, 44th at, report tbe Cattle in Market from the following State.: Mewfetk l,4C3;Oonneo(lcul 30 Ohio . 044 New Jeraey S8 Indiana. - 488 T.xae. Illinoi. 63i0atvada 17 Kentucky 89UI-higan S17 Iowa iMIeeourl Pennaylvania SOlUaetaohuaetH. ..... . BEEF CATTLE. Number reported for thit market at Forty-fourth ireet, e,jaif . . . The prlcet to-day are quoted is follow.: . ., Flrat quality,... .7K8X I Ordinary... im Medium...?. 7ii(7 Kxtra... ........ Borne Extra good Beevet may be quoted at 8,e. The general average of tbe market ia 7Xe- The moet of Ihe aalet art at (kfllfc Pricea per head and per pound, bf different weight. Will be found In account! of talee of tundry drove. Total number of Beevet received In the city kbit week, 4,038. Thit 1536 head leie than laat week, and 874 heal lete than the average ot laat year. The average num ber at each Wednetday market laat year waa 3491 head, while the number to-.ier being 3333 thowi S41 heed more than the average, and 511 head leee thia this day week . THE CLOSE OF THE MARKET. WiBMitDtV. Kov. 87. Ae anticipated yesterday, the cleaiog ot Ihe maiket b very bad for owner. Ther it tea reel any demand by retail butch era, and the whole- tier, will only take the stock at a Mary dsKlioe. It appeara impoiaible la Mil all ue tmlloctu la the ptca, TRANSPORTATION. 1 1 the whole line ef railroad! frexe. Ulneml te Maine, (here le not a epet that hai ao muoh gwod and bad for ihe drovert aa Albany. In the flnt place, the Central Bond bave at Albany tb meet ample accommodation, tar unloading the veal number ef oart engaged ia tranaport Ing otook, the whole under the tupertoieadeno. ef Capt. Malloryand hia son, who are pwrleot model railroad agenn, from whom many other asen In the eame bualiNte might well take Itttona and follow their example. There, loo, the three teverne kept for the accommo dation of drovera have aameroue large feeding lota, lo cated upon dry eand, well forniahed with water, and taken altogether, the atation at Weal Albany 1 probably the moet eommodioui one for the livestock bualneaa in the world. But on leaving that ititlon the trouble of the drover begins. leave tb eand-hlll. tb road, in a wet time, le one tlough ef mad until fct reache tb paveeaent over which he hai to driva through ttettjtrfAlbny totajafepy. Thii drive I three mllee J0?!' J" UT ik"0WB U" " vv M t hold hll , cMtl here la the attMte. waitiu, hrriHre, Uironah ihm wnala Jaar- - a.., If K. k.. i - - ' , -..a ..a. aura m nil u . ferried, at tbl eeaaoa of the year, lb eUietUai when he reecbet what it called Una, at Boat Alli.r. k Sod Ue Whole ourfaoo la almoal ae Bald a eoiKUtlsa aa 1 - rr-i poo nruiei afaai Is aiaA a faat Aaan. aua nf anu I . -i T . , down. Drovere eetlmate thai their oatlle have told aa.. ' aral ilnllaaa a ha. 4 I... Ikl. I. . ..... - .w .a tajnarquenoe or f X- . poeury to enow, rain, and mud. Ib oalf remedy Ct ... . 1Dm" ot ma it a artdgt ever which ihe Judinn Hi... .... 1I... ... u ... . u WW . . - .- - .... . mi. avupwH vara can naaa. ao ae to load their stock at Weat Albany. THE SHEEP MARKET. JUtelpttthle week, W.H7. f hll (ia MM h. J ...I . . ZZ"j:Z: to"" -oh for pelt, by (tic ani i ikli XTS "'.""f'V on tnt flnt of the aaoath ' Kirr. IDD ILrjAMttl wAtM..L.j aaummt, Bfaaj "LI:"?4 "W over .n" M. 1 "d " diction, do x&&uzsi J- reduction of 85 a he. 1 .VI to v, at a rednetion of 8573 "i" . rtoZXS." 1 Sheep that.,., 100 M..u..l',,Jt.,Tt at 4 ,h, and, that .11. "it u" THE HOG MARKET. week, 34,1 W. ThlB la rnl nn I. n..Ana .11 . .xpeotaYnliaiydpS aTsS SS Wd'tl' K!T """'ein bo feund?,?! Uie exlenairt yarde at Ihe fool of Fortieth ,ilL Ii! larrer than all tka .i.i.,...k... .Z. . ., and .... .. i ,, eiangnter-noutee caa dUpoee of "PP1, P'lce of lire lioie ha rediVaA i si? (Htn(f( I. ........... ..;.-- 0isrbt. It Im thAMkl Ik. i at. ..... no- .1. thenVaUhe f ".J" ZZk Flninaall,.. ....... Vj'l Dtd W.l.h. Bmni KX0 Fir.iqimy,'m.l,1;i-;vf;v:,e NEW GOODS P. ROSE'S. irit ex.L1." ""'f ""r" tb. pub WBAB il"' "1,tn"n OOODB FOB OBNTtt CLOTHS, CASSIMESES, VESTIQNS.v And a general aaaorlment of ' FURNISHING rnnne of tht rlrbett and neateet atylot In the market- all f which I em telllnc, at th;nBlo...,rI,..? .' ! BATES FOB CABU. 1 rueeiaLB TT7 irk.-l a , a a a . . . . fry oHiV.eiiKiS."1 10 Iltvln hatA Inn. .... j ... . ' P. ROSE, Merchant Tailor, " Oolnmbue.Ohlo. AND BUNK BOOXMANUFACTOaV. SPLENDIDLY B4UIPPBD WITH IMPKOVED M A CH USEE Y AND STEAM POWER. N. W. LEFAVOR, Supt. N03 32, 34, 30, 39 NORTH HIGH 8TRSET, Slatoman Bnlldinir, Second- Fleer, orer a. Norlns' state Rteam PrlntlDir Rttni, EXTRA SUBSTANTIAL PAGED BLANK BOOKS, With or without Printed Ileadlngi, on Superior Paper RULED AND BOUND' To any required pattern. STATI DEPARTMENTS, RAILROAD OFFICES, BANKING HOUSIB. COUNT! OFFICBS. MERCHANTS Furnlahed at tb Lowett Price. BOOK BINDING, By the Edition or Single Volume MASAZtNES. MONTHLT PUBLIC ATI0N8 PAMPHLETS, , ' PAPERS, Baund In any Required Style tmtim and leE-BmDmc For Public-and Private tlbrarl.t. Orders from abroad will restive nromuland anael.l attention. Addreea, J. H. RILEY, or, N. W. LEFAVOR, Bookteller and Stationer, , . Superintendent' 7S South High Street. Franklin Bind. ry. aovl4-d3a , EXTBAOaDIlay BARGAINS. BATN & SON, so. 99 iouth man itbzxt, ARB 3STO-W OFFKBINO 1(000 yard Saner Plain Black Bllkt at 1 00 vain' tl asprrra. . 8,500 yard Traveling Drtu and Mantle Oooda It 1S oente valae 80 cent par jard. 8,000 yards Whlu Brllllantes at It 18 cent valae SO eenta per jard. 80C0 yards Fiive' and DomeeUe Glogb greetly ' dervaln. , . (. ; -AtiSO:- . LARGE AND DESIRABLE LOTS 09 ' KOZiltSXPaTJZB. U20BT5i:8,! - CHAIXM, fOTTLAES 8IUU, J3IOU8B BAEE0E8, UTIIUI, . . : tXWVB, ClUOOXS, . rOPLDII, , AND ALL OTHER New and ITaaMonable Ireaa QhotxX In the moet deilreble styles and at very lomrt prices. . ' "JML .A W T I Zjs Xj A m I Ot all materlale, made la the moet ttyllih manner aft . the lateet Parti Fatblont tnt moet elegant ttvle the eity. MAUI A SON, .. Hi 88 Sooth iligh ttreel. may 30 GOIiDEIf nil I. SHIHTS, r CrOLDBN BILL SHIRTS, - OOLDBN BILL SHIRTS. The pattorn ef theee ehlrte are new. Tbe Bodies, take, leevei and boaom i are formed to Si the pereoa with mm and, comfort. The mark ape each owe deelgnaUDc Uat alt may ba relied oa ebin eovnot, and aack ehirt I guaranteed well made A lull etocknfall qaatlUe onetantly for tale al BklN'S, mvrSH. N. aoerti Hlew i FANCY DHKRN ll,H,, FANCY DRB8S SILKS, FANOT DRESS SILKS, ' - W are bow eHertng our Immente etoek ef Fan or Dreaa '.i, Silks at pried Ine th ever before offered I thie eity. The attrnUo of the ladira of Uila city and vicinity le ollcited, a. our atock le very taleel and complete In all '". grade of food. I thia lluei - PKT1R BAIN, . . . evl. Bo 89 South lllirti atroet. VBHl SriLISH STKIPED riiTI SHAWLS, to new deelgni al 3 00 Value t)5 00. 1500 yard! Super Plal Black Bilk at tl 00 -Vain ' ' Bt SSayaid. ' French Merino. !. eente Value 874 eta a yard. " 75ent value tl OOayard. BAIN at ION, n6 Ho. W South Hick Street. FIAUfiOODIBY