Newspaper Page Text
lAfniior, lumkcjon & co. a & 25 rr. rues .t: .' v- IMp6kTKiU" AND ..OSSSfeS OF.,.,'.. PoreJ2i-Mi4' Domestia j D II G O O P & OR CASH OR APPROVED CREDI T KK.t.'.oAl... W Vve heretofore . vnlMted to ihu Jrmle.. '.. .. ,:- .. i- 1 ' ; ' C LOTH DEPARTMENT,; : Tl.ll hAsgrowa tolUpreseot maenllade enaer T We kttfuumin Ho el acknowudge gooa an. he Bout na mow . . . . " FANCY VESTING - AND " " A NICY CASSIMERES BROADCLOTHS. ' ; '.;'. SATINETS,. , 1 ' . LADIES' CL0A1NMG3, MBROHANTS'OASBIMMM, . . .JeTrWT J CaNS. fror W. to 12 eenU per yard nn'i'-' . . - rA opwtrdi . ffilW, WH lo Keen per yard-last year el 18 ios: , - PRINTED BATINST8, At H cento; And othet OomU tormfondingli . ' Drep3-Qoods Department.- MAnehestei Ds talnes, Hamilton do. Psclno do Printed Lawns, Printed Brtlllenles Fancy Ginghams, Bombesin,, , ; s Hlick Bilks, - Fancy Bilks, . PiluUd Oballls, -' Manchester Ginghams, . Glasgow do. ' Clinton do. UttomAD OlothA, AlpACAii .. ' Vuiilint, : . AniikiNtttSelrelSlyUof FANCY SPRING COOLS. Richmond'! PrlnU, American do, Dunnell'e . do. , ngliih ' do. MerrhnAeFrlnU, Oocheoo do. Paolno t o. 5nJbeeter,o;PrlnU,e iir.jrteSlne, Atlanllo A. Bhe.ttr.gA, Burk Ithroa Bbawmnit Pocaeeet B0. - ' Amoeaeag AnDletoa ' do.. ." do. BvereU do. ' jo. TJUca,o., do. All Ofdt$ nd Width- ..,.- BLBACIIID WanentU, ' Lontuale, BHIBTTNGB AND JIHEBT1NQ8. Owlght, OreatValll, lawrene, Naamkceg. Bill, WAlthAB, Boott, Mew York Milto,, SHAAYLS AND MANTILLAS, A tAltOl ANI ItUCr AM0WH1NT. OOTTONAD-Arttarteti.v '. ,, i CHICKS -j do. , . ; , TlCKl8QB-n the leading braoda. - t ,. , , , , ShIRTINQ BrulPBS- All the leedlng brandi. AKKBBN8 . do. do. OORBBTJUABi do. do. "kB. 'PAFIR CAMWUCB,1 CoLoBAO CAM BRIC8, Ac , Aw. LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCKS OF WH1T1000DB, 4 ! - ' HOSIEBT, TAIBCX 50TI0H8, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, -CARPETS AND OIX-CJLOTHS, And A treat Variety of ooda not enomerated-all whthweWedgeourVlyee to eell at the totwrt mark tSlarfn portion at from 10 to 38 per cent, lea hen Uitjrear. I,ATflR0P,LUWNGT0N&C0., NEW YORK. uiirt . stone'sazaak; TsTn. At Gwvnne Blfxk. A; P. STONE & O'flAKRA a urmaiVKKrF.lVINOTnEIBWn. A E& 0001)8, And InTite Ine public to Inepect tnem. Ko euclf etock of Ooode hae rrer been brought ihli market. The Booth, In coneequence oi tue lauure of the train crop, hae not been able to purebaee the ne UAlquAiitltj of rich goode, "And laie facthu forced tbe importer! to eell them At publlo auction. Our borer ( Mr.Btone) being In New York at thee Urge aalet, took AdranUge of them. And we can and will eell our good! bare. At lem ihAn Anyone fimyuituc " -. uald for them In Mew York. Ouriio-'k UcompleU in erery department of ' ELEGANT DRESS SILKS, OTTOMAN VELOURS, BROCHE VALENCI AS, PR INTED MERINOS, PRINTED COBURGS, DYED COBUGSj BLACK ALPACAS, ORLEANS, FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, ALL WOOL DELAINES, POPLINS, PRINTS, 1 DKLAlNrJJ. SHAWLS AIID CLOAKS! Five Thaasand Dollars Worth Bonght in One Day.w"'. LADIES FURS, HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. : klen'e, Iadict And Children1! Under Bhlrte and Snwerei Ladlea, lliaeei and Children'. Boalery of All kinds, in Wool and Lamb'i Wool; Fleecy Lined and Cotton Olorei of erery make. . ' f ' ' ' ' J A cmptte Assortment of All thoiiiiml TArie LADIES' CLOTHS? '' ' ' V 1 , CASSIMERFA ' ' OVERCOATINGS, , , TWEEDS, KLANNELS, RIBBONS. DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ladiei andQent'i Unen Cambric Hand- . kercMefs, do, fto. To penoniwho call on u, w pledge ourwordi to ho them the Urgeet, beat and cheapest itock of Qoodi erer teenlnthlf market, er pay them one dollar per hour while looking. . ' ' 1 " " V 1 decMUauwltw. " gTOWM CHAKBA W. A. Batchelor'a Hair Dy8! -:; ThU cplendld Balr J3ya baa no AjaAl-MnitAntneo la effect Beautiful Black or Kataral Brown no ruining the akin or Injuring tiia Sai'r ronoaioa tne amur. ta Sect of Bad Dyea, and rnTlgorate the balr for life. Hon an tenntM aniens lined "W. AMUtehelor.H Bold ATerywhere. " CBAB. BATOHKLOE, Proprietor, Jylwl , .v: .m, . 81 BarcUvr Btreet, Blew Tori. - HAIR DYE HAIR . DYE. Wm. A. Batchelor'8 Hair Dye! Tk Original and tt la tiu Worldl Adl others are mere ImiUUonA, aod ahontd be Arplded tfyew wish to etcape ridicule. - OKAY, BJCP OB RU8TT BAIB Dyed huUntly to beautiful and Nstural Brown or BUck, without injury to HalrorBUaw . - -v . i' ; j tums MBDALB AMD PIPtOMAB turrt We Awarded U Wol. A. Batchelor lioce 1830, And oyer 80,00 ApplioaUoM UaT. keaa audA hi the Hair Of hi patron. f nil lunoaa lyai WM. A. BAICEKLOR'8 BAIB SYB produce! A ool r sot to be dlitlngulshed frcat nature, and la warranted et to tajon In the toast, howerer Urat It may be eontln eMd,and the 111 effeeU of Bad Djee remedied; , the Hill BTlgortted for Ufa by thU eptendid Dye. .. v. Bold In til etUer and town of the United Italee " Dragglit and Fancy Qoodi Deoleri. ' ' , KjHcboUeuutnehAethe same and addreai upon aiUel giUu eneraTioa on tour .idea of each, box, of VYILUAM . MATGHEl.OH. Alidr CUARLKB BATCHXLOB, Pioprletor, Jwlt wly : . . .Uiiarclaj street, New York. ' ... of to i TttH REVISED &1ATUTE3 ' OF TBI - f A GENERAL RATURH, IS fOttOl A 00. 1, IBfO, ' ' COLLATEDBY Hon. Joseph IL Swan, WtTa NOTES OF TBS DEOISIONS or TBSBV- fBxxx oov&t,:; , OonUlaed In twenty-nine volume, of the Ohio and Ohio BUt Reports J AND EEPERKNOBS 10 PRIOR LAWS, . - 4l' LE.ANDEH J.CHITCHU'El'DfKSq. AND A TOtt AMD fXWVIWIEBT IWDBA. la To Royal 8ro. Volume. Price SlU w. Ms ear or rpnM b bcn mptna u mm in. - he. . . . . . L - 1L . I. ocrfmt ad rellil to til mmfDU, Tl t i r , . It baa naw the LeglsUllve sancuow, """I 'r- nnd br Brl U.. .bmIiwim TOW of both IIooh and vm onlerad to M autnouwa to n iuiivwuii uoTornor, iwruoy .r' - r, O"ptroll, Irauurar And Aodltor of BUtj, And .V- ....L... rnn..a ii of Oommoo PIua. Bapor- lor And Polloi Oourti, Auditor, And lb Olorki of th Adam And HnM of BtpnMuteUfM of Ihli Bute, And a - " the HiArii BiiauaBoi mm univue Thl book, oonUlntng, A it dooa, All of he BUlutei i . .mi ik ttuLhnrlttlTA couitractloD of tnem tod of the Hew uoneuinuon, win o wuua w if BAtfttl In toe penormAnce oi weir nuiin, u .i OOUNTT OFFIOBEB, JTJBTIOhb Of IHI riAUl, TOWNBHIPTRUBTKlfS, OLKHKB OP T0WN81IIPBnd OUT omoKRa. f nmnnh u Ten auu cbAnMl hATe been nude 1 th BUtqut elnee the pnbllcAtlon of the leit edIUone, bf re immione end Addittoni. And mny imporUntde- eliione hare been giten hj the Bnrreine Court on eon- troTertd polnte. All ATTUIlWKlBAT XjAtt, J ! ' BANKKK8, HKHOHANTS AND UUB1NKBB MBN OKNliRAU.T, Will Sud thli An InTtloAble Work. Hon Jtnyal 8w). VolwnMofotar Hinoken Uvmlrtd In Strong Lair Binding. Price llO.OU. fuUithedbT . , ROBERT IjARICKj CO Law Pnbl'ihere. Bookeellere: BtaUoneri nd Impo'fra. Ho. AS nm ronrw febl8:d3a:t . ... Cincinnati 0 , DVRCI1A8EU WANTED forSCOpacktKtiot r A, .n.i for nil at orlcfA u In- rolced, lees 10 per cent, dlicount, at the eiprett oflice I aolombue, unio. ..... .ni. in ictl Ihe beetDAckeUof Itatlen er (wltb r without Jewelry) In the market, at prtcef I ion, tlun ran be nurehaeed eliewhera. Addreu.witn tamp enclotml, ,... lylV4tw J5 Court itreet, Boiton, Maw TRAVELLERS! wnnu Mm Vm. . Arwm rilreel 10 ine BROADWAY, CORNIR OP HOUSTON BW FT . ." , ; , , . ' Conductjdon the EuiRfJPEAN PLAN. flood Fare, Good Rooma, Prompt Atttndanee, and Mod erate Charge.. BINQLB K00M8 50 CTS. 75 CT8. and H PP-R lkX DODBLI ROOMS and FARIORI l,Wto Ueah as ordered. This Hotel has all the appointments of the beat hotels, a most oentral location, and 11 nceiea througbuut by ileam. BAMU1C1. B. MltAD. marohUiUm '. , Proprietor. I i.'.t jfjHH H WEXELEB,'" ' u A OBNTllOnHOME.COWTINIiWTAl XX BtAAAATTAA, AKTDniTT, ana TlWfi ww. New Yonit Maiu,iiiiA' and Oiti Fiaa or lUsxroaa Naw; Yoai IitraaadCoau. UuTVAk litru. . Office, 91 Hlcm St., aA'i HI eW-4l . . . " ? - Alexandre's Kid Gloves. . Tl". A IN AND EITIBKOIDF.RED. HODS I uimTAIKR aad malar shape Black BldfllOTee, embroidered In white, magenU, purple, dto. Dodieawd Kldlilorc. Mlssea Rid ttlorea. A oomplete assortment of these celebrated Olore. always for eaie try . . ' 1' ' . BAIN aa BON,' febSS ' . - No. M South, High etreat. DBE99 GOODS. New and Attractive. MoTiBAiQura, Tiavttmo Poruire, . CaiNi PortiNs, rort. Pt Chitiis, . . . Ggmttfo, Fiinch Chihtim, FlTNCH Muai.iNa, - .-' . ' FlIHCH OtQANPIH, , CmittBi Wasbimo Silis, Elioant Ditas Shjcs, , IIiavt Basooi and Mantli Silks; And All other new and fashionable materia mot demand fnr harHlimna' Prenei and Mantlllai.' - BAIN BON, ,uiM No. V) Booth BlRh ttreet. TT AVINO THIS DAT SOLD ( I I stock of Oroceriei to 0. 8. DaJTINO. we cheerfully recommend him to our old perron, ana menai. luua. niii.rta.riei ruin. Onlurulus, ataroh 20th, lstil-apl dtf i71I.KUANTPE.AIN BLACK MILKS FOB lli Btreet Basque. And Mantle.: also. Hlcb Trunmla T..I. . ....K .1 UAIN mAyi .. . .. . - -. . - Summer Under Garments. LADIES LISLE UNDER TFSTN. Ladies Oauxe Merino do. do. Genta Bilk Drawers and Shirt. OenU IndU Qauxe Drawer, and ShlrU. ' Cotton " .. " ,, - " Cause Merino Under Bhir'.. " White and Brown Drilling Drawer! r . " White Linen Drawer. " Bxtra Urge Under Bhirto.' . . " Bupeilor Xngllah Balf Hm.' . . 1 LoDg Btocklng.. " Fancy Cotton Dalf Hose. - Buspender..' " Uolden BU Bhlrti. F01 salt la treat variety aj,d at nuierle prioos, oy - 1 BA1M At BUN, No. 2 South High itrrot. may 30. rsicis BIDUCID From tbe New York ObeerVer. I i U A! all parties manufacturing Sewing MAohlnes areob- llfred to piy Mr. Howe a license en eaoh machine eeld, And Are a so compelled to make return, to him, under oatn. a to tne number aoia, cu doori gtre a correct u la ment. From this relUble source we hare obtained the following sutistios. ' Of tlie machines nude In the year lean, there ware sold, ' . ; . ) By Wheeler a Wilson..,-.,... .41,305 . I. M. Blnger A 'l Grorer A Baker . 10,280 Showing the tales of Wheeler A Wilson to be dtmNt those of any outer Company.", ... , Awarded the highest premiums at the United Bute. Fain of lh58, 1H59 and 13C30; ; also at the - - Ohio Bute Fairs of 1850 and ISBBi " and at nearly all the County Fairs In the BUU. Our prices, At the late reduction, are at tote as cmv khuc bum maenine now soia, ana nui a niae nigner loan tne interior two wrtaa mom shca macAUut, now InrvA nnon the mnrknt. . The WHEsSLBR A WILSON MAOHINB makes Ihe Lock Bnon the only one which cannot be raveled. It is iuii eu Born Bipawof the rood, learini no rMos or All maahint varrantti 3 ftart, mid inantaum gtrea In their use, free or ehsiye. . - 1 St.. vAAttifOI uigu s.. voiumees, u, .' , ' ... - ' WM. BUMNaIH A CO., dec3 2awilaitwm Pike's Opera Houee, CincinnAtl. Mi tij Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS nrlntroLLowiivo chances wehe A matte u Uw tha eOioera of thU Bsnk, January Kith, . inoi. u wiu wm. a. run. rreaident. ana Thomas Moomm, Cashier, realgued their office,. Davin Tatloa. Bsn.. was men elected r resident and WM. A. FLsrr an- pomreo uasiuer. - ... .. . rt fct , ...... . Mycroerof inenuaraoi ui rectors. ( ' feb S, lAOl-du. W. A. PL ATT, Onetiler. THD UNION POIIE VEltl TTNIOIl ENVfcLOPESo-A HAHITy Ot j .acsigna. attfuu por imi. . , 0 TJSIOH LETTER AlTO KOTX PAPS8, . at half the price ehsrged by small dealers. TTpHBAD QUARTS U8 No. 75 Sbath Hlch rlreet. CIoloiubuA, Mya,Jil. , .. J.H.-B1LBJ, at 3 In OHIO . STATE3Tt AH mini '1. Nos.' $6, J8 & 40, North Clgli St, INCIUEASEI) FACILITIXS I immi hi HAVING MOVID INTO MY NEW BUILDING, -I HAVB "- droatly mtxlairffoc5 MY- BOOK i JOB - WHILE BOTH HAVJB UithlN , UEPIJENISHED THROUGHOUT WITH New Types, iBorJcrs, Ornaments, &c FROM IH 01tlBAT WOOTDBT OP C. T. WHITE ft CO.. HEW TOBK, TITOS MAKINfl IT TO! ;' Most Complete Establishment IN THE CITY. I am now preprd to IiKOt all Ordlrt (Or BOOK AND JOB PBiNTiisra, WITH DISPATCH And ta thi K ott ApproTod Stylo of tna Art. PAMIOTJtAa ATT1NTI0S PAID TO, MERCANTILE AND RAILROA PHINTINO. atiiia mi l.i4ln-.e rirr.Alara, . ilill Ilende, Ulan It Deeds I'ltrtilloatee. Hecelpta, Dray Ticket, . Keglalera. nOW CARDS & BILLS IN COI4ORS, CHICKS, CARDS, HIADUQS, I0TCT, . EHVXLOPES, COHTBACTS Illustrated Show Bills, . FOR ' COUNTRY . MERCHANTS, Show U1 Hand Bllli, Labola, Conoert Pro rrammee. BcBool ana couer cnenen, no- Ml Bills of faro, Invitations, . Booll ' OF EVERY Worli DESORTFTION School and College. Catalogiua, . MUoelUneou Pafflphlots, V Conttitntiona, Reporti, Brief, AO Printing in Gold and Colors' IP O S T ' Printed la Ivory Color oa a Hammoth Hoe Cylinder ' Th'o only rross of tht kind la Central Ohio. Hy radlltlea fordolnf any and All of the abore deeertp tion. of work, are now unsurpassed, and eatlsraction will e rnsrsnteed In all csjms. JJjAll work furnished promptly by the time promised. aiunasv nsric WHO SHOULD DSS DR. J. BOVEE DODS' KGrBTTABXJHl IMPERIAL WLNE BIHERSt All who are afflicted with Incipient Consumption or Weak Long, should use them. All who euffer from Weak Btouneha, IodlgnUon- Dya pepiU or Pile should nee them. All who tuffer from General or NerrouDibll Reetlemnea At night, Want of Bleep, fco., ihould use AU persoai who are eonTaleerent afUi ferer or other alcknem should use them. aUniiUn of the Uospei, Lawyers, (.eeinrera, and ai publlo speAken should use them. Book Keeper., and all peraon. Uadlng AaedaoUry If should use tnem. . . Theagedand roflna should use tnem. All who require a stimulant or tonic should use them. All who are addicted to the use of ardent iplrlU and wish to intom, should use there. They are made of A pure Bberry Wine, and of Ihe na tire pUnU and herbs of the country, and should be re- eonunended by temperance societies, clergymen, phtit otane, and alltrtends of humanity. They are prepared by an experienced and skillful phy. AtcUn, and, aside from their medicinal properties, are a moat delightful bereragei and yet, ae a medicine, at. as nnoeentandharmtoesaAthe dews of haaToa. Bold by drugyteu generally. CHASLX1 WISBimiD CO., Proprietor!, 78 William St., New Yerk. E0BEET3 ft SAMUEL, Agents, ralfimtiue, Ohl 1MH3, WHTOLOW, An eer(eDoed Nart4 and few! PbTilclan, prtsentf A )Ka atlAallA Af mnfhaM halA " ' SOO T II I N O'lS YRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING . which vremUe facllltateA Ihe proosse of leethlBg. by soft enlng trie gums, reducing All lnBammatloo wllj allay Alib r aj n ana spusmoiiw aeuon, man , SCUr. TO KF.GVLATE THE BOWELS. Depend uponjt, motlien, II will give reel to yourselras ana BKLXEV AHD HEALTH TO TOUR DHaBTII. We hare put up and sold this Article for orer ten years, and OAN BAY, IN 00NMDF.NCKAND TRUTH, of it, wnat we baee never been able to aay of any outer mem cine NBVBB HAS IT FAILED, IN A BIN a LB INBT ANCB, TO BFFKCT A OUttB, when timely need. Her er did we know an Instance of dissaUsfastlon by any on. who need it. On the contrary, all are delighted with lU operation., and speak in term of eocumendaUoa of its magical effects ana meruea, Tiriuee. we epeaau wm matter "WHAT W DO KNOW;" after ten years' expe rience, AND P LB DOR OUR REPUTATION f OR TUB IOLILLMBNT OF WHAT WB rJKRB DBOLARB. In almoat even tnetanee where the Infant la snffering froi pain and exbausuon. relief will no rouna in niieea or twenty minuiee alter uwoyrup uwuiuiwwrai. ThiAvalnnht nnmaratlon U the oreeorlrrtloTi ef one ef the moat EXPERIENCED and 8K1LLFUL NURSEB lo New England, and has brea a led with BEVEB FAIL- Hv BUOOBBfl In .-'1 ' ' 'B' 11,, 1 J n An 1,9 ur ajjtaiss. Itaotonly relievee the child front pain, but Inrigor ea the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, end givei tone and energy to the whoU system. It will almoat lnl suntly relieve esirixo n to bowils, abd wind coiio end overcome eonvuisionA, wnlch, if not speedily rems died, end In death. We believe U ue ana buh EST REMEDY IN THE WORLD, in All cee of DYif BNTEUY And DIARRHOIA IN CHILDRKM, whethej U arises from teething, er from any other oausew We would say lo every mother who has a child suffering from any of the foregoing complain tf IX) NOT LET XOUB PREJUDICES NOR TUB PREJUDICES OF OIUIRb stand between you and your snoring child. And Ihe re lief that will be BUilB yea, ABSOLUTELY DHBE-to follow the use of tnumedlcino, If timely need. Fall di rections for using will accompany each bottle, None genuine unless the fac-simlls of CUBTIB A PRRKINBi Mew York, Is on Ihe outside wrapper. Bold by ail vroggtsu throughout tne worm. Frfaclpal Office, is Cedar Street N.V. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. 0127-dfcwly. SpniNfl CLOAKS An D BAS14INES NEW BTYLB3 Bain dc Hen, No. HftBoutli nth Mmet. Lave lust opened new styles of Cloth Oia- (silaaa. Basqoma. and Baoeeaa, made In the newel mud most stylish manner. Also, sapirs a-iam ItiacM eIH, very aeavy, eeaigooa expressly to, Mantillas and Uasqufneo laprlU BLKACnED SHEEXIiaus AND BHIRTINOd, All widths, ef most celebrated make. bos oilered la frcateet variety and at wry low prleer. ; liniK ass. rjvti prM .-' ' ; Jto. WSoqUtnifh etrecte - .: b: . ' Pi n 9 J d v.- ' s 8 ; 3 ; H- w :. s , . ..3 . ' 0; o . . B". .'.ii IlTl INTITI ATTKMTIOlf to wmo of the moit ex traordlntr Ottir by a j - PECTORAL SYRUP. . Th.y are At home, And any one who hu donbU oan In' VVL. KBY8ER 18 PRIPARBD AT ANY (1MB T( BXAM1NB LON08 WITHOUT OHARQHi FOR AI.I TBOBB WHO NBMD 11 IB MKDIOlNKfl. ATTBND TO YO0B 00LD8 A ease of Bve year Undlnn onred by DR. KBYBBtt'B PBUXUHAL BX AUr. ' rrrriscioa, Jan. il, 1C0. Da. Eavsn: Mv wlfa has been afflicted with a bad sonrh and diffieultv ofbreathlnc. for Bve or six year., wnicn.ior several veareDaoa. uau xnKiv.iv iudimku .u vlolenoe. The complaint hu been herediury, And sue bad been treated by several physician, witnoui Any re lief. In this lute of her oase, 1 procured aome 01 your Peroral Ooneh BvrOD. I bought, the Brat time, A fifty eent bottle, which relieved her very ranch ; I then called and got a dollar bottle, whloh cured her entirely, and Aha HAS now no traoe 01 uie lunner uisme, , ness. I would Also slate that l usea tne medicine my self to Acoldsndeough. The medicine cured me by tak Ing one dose I express my entire aaUsfeetlon with the medicine, ana you are at nnerty to pumuu 11 you desire to do eo.. WM. WiLBON, Alderman ymn WAra. , . , rrrrsaiiaau, nur. 10, icxio. Da. Knsta : Although not an advocate f Patent n Kr . a ,OKa Medicines, In general, It affords me pleasure indescribn hie to recommend vour Pectoral Syrup. A. a medicine It is well worthv-the Attention of any person a ho may any manner be afflicted with oought, oohls And boAraenes. of Any Ulna, Ana lor uie peculiar quMiucauone lor moving all that disagreeable sensation attending a 1 I have been, more or lea., in my life, Affected with severest ef colds and hoarseness. At time, my throat could become so closed a. to prevent my speaking above a whiiper, and by taxing a lew doses or ue Above eyrup II would relieve me entirely. In recommending this medicine, I must nnhesiUtlngly e, th.tll Is the best remedv I ever found, purporting euro the above, nor should any family be without remedy fordisearet so prevalent. ' Yonrs, most respectfully, . EDWARD J. JON Kb, Oaihier Oltlsens' Deposit Bank, STirasKviLt, 0 ., March 14, IK5 I have uicd Dr. Keyter's Oough Byrup for A bad couib of several years standing, and can cheerfully ta) It th. belt medicine for the same that I hare ever tiken. J.W. PRICE. COL. PRATT AND DR KEYBER'B PECTORAL BY UUP. Da. Katsxa Dear Bin Bxouse the delay my acknoKledglag the excellence of your Pectoral Oough Byrup sooner. 1 uxe great pleasure m saying mat it ail vou su It Is. U Kiwaom me notee out my and Ihe worst one 1 was ever afflicted with: I have uol ased more than one-half of t he bottle, and I can sod wish thai an who are afflicted would give it as lair a trial as I havs done, and they will be proud to say, "It Is quack medicine." I would not suffer another such attack for arts consideration, or at any eoet, 1 am cou. Sdeot I can breathe more freely than 1 ev-r did., I shall always acknoeledge a debt of, gratitude for inventing excellent a remedy. You are at liberty to use my name In this regard, aa you think proper B. F. PttaTI, Messenger Oommqp Council, 1'Uuburgh, (a. Plttebuigh, May 11, 1K0. ' N. B I am noatranger to mf (eilow-cltlieni. and who entertain doubts can conaa'it me personally. 1 b. y, PirrfBiauri, Apr.i Si, 18S7. BEAD TUB TKUTB. Da. Krrma,- loaveadaugh ler who has taken several medicines for a bad eoiuh without benefit among litem Ayer's Cherr.r Pectoral. I purchased from you a bottle of your PBCTOdAL BYRUP, and before she had need half a bottle she re lie rod. The tsoona bottle ourea ner entirely or cough. JOUM DAWN, " . Robinson street, Allegheny. A GREAT CURB BY DR, KKYBEH'B i'EUTOHAL ST HUP. I live in Peeblee township, Allegheny county. I bad a coughing and spitting, which oommenved aoout tbe eth of 1 ehruan last, ana conunuea eight monuis, employed Ihe best pbysuun. in ine country, ana cough continued A tups ted until early In October. that time I was advuud to try your PECTORAL COUGH BYRUP, which I did, and alter 1 bad Uken one bottle was entirely free from the coughing and spitting. 1 had despaired of ever getting well, end I think It should known that this valuable remedy will do for others what It has done Inmy case. JOHN C. Llll'LK,' Witness B. M. Ktra. Peebreitownhlp. ' ' '' PiTToa Tr., April If, 1S57. A PUL OUBB. Borne time ago, an neighbor ot mine was very ill, with A bad cough which every one supposed to be consumption, lils relatives told me that he had Uken every remedy they heard without benefit; his brother came to see him die, end were confirmed in the beliei that ne could not live. had about the third of A bottle of your Pectoral Byrup which I save him. And It entirely oured him, to the eston laliment of all. What makss the case more remarkable, Is tbe extreme Age of the man, he being about eighty years old. I bare no donbt the rectorai saved nis me. JOUMN'GJJiNIS DR. KEYBER'B PECTORAL BYRUP IN BLAIR8 YILLB. Please .end me another supply of your valu able "Pectoral Byrup," Almost everybody around has tbe cold and are Inquiring; for "Dr. Keyset! Pectoral Byrup.'' We have cold sixteen bottles last week.andar now entirely out. Mr. A. Alter and Mr. P. Matter, both otBUlrsviile, Pa , tell us they would not be without in their fsmllits. In fact, alt who use It onre want strain. . Yours, respectfully, J. B. WATTERBON fc B0N8. . jAnoaryW. ; ANOTHER NEW CERTIFICATE DR. KKYSER PEOTORAL BYRUP. 1 had been troubled with ncnugh and cold lor several weeks so bad was it that I could sleep, 1 had the advice and prescriptions from three the best physicians in the city, whom leould name, but not do so. . I noauy procured a Dome 01 your recto Byrup, which cured mo entirely. Bignea, . . . . J. W.BIMONTON. - IBOI.Iherty street, Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan U, I860, ' '" " ' ' ' 'STOP THATiCOUOUrNa." 'How cant dolt?' to K brier's on Wood street And get A bottle of ht.Ooogh Pectoiai, and If that don't onre yon, your case must decperaU Indeed." ThU isaipeeimonof the colloquy one beers almoat every day in cold catching periods the rear. And we can, from actual experiment, cheer fully concur In the adviser's admonition as above, for have tried the "Pectoral.'' in a moat stubborn' ease, with satire euoceeA. Nesr two weeks ago we went to Pittsburgh with, one of the most distressing, contrary, mulish, un lubduable coughs we ever experienced since our advent upon this mundane spnere. ne eougnea (teaaiiy laboriously for one whole week, in hopes of Uringit out, but it was no go. in net 11 eeemea ratner 10 nave nroved bv oractlce. and to have acquired streneth.poten' 2 and OtUrtuOtiUty by the operation. In this stage s siege, e coached our way to Keyser'e, 140 Wood proeureda fifty cent bottle of tbe -Pectoral)" look Aooordlag 10 aireouone, ana in lopy -crgm nours we were master of the field, th. enemy having unconditionally surrendered, after a brief but unequal oondiotwlth formidable an adversary as Keyaer'. famous "Cough Pectoral-"provmtws vnyptr, ine. is, izyj. . ...,,. y ... .1;... '. DB - KEYBER'B PECTORAL SYRUP Is prepared and cold hy Dr. OKORQB H. KBYBBH, lfD Wood ttreet, Pittsburgh, Pa. JL Bold in uoiiubous rry nuuisniB s rawusi,. rpOOTnCIIE BEiriEDV. , f repare.l aa.1 mid by , 1, a.:. J'" " " .' Da. OHO. H. KBYBBR, ' Price, U esuU. 0 Wood ft., Pittsburgh, Pa, fO Sold In Oolumbui by ROBERTS A SASJUEL ootx7:Buwdiim. 1 GENTS PAPER Neck Ttee. COLLARS .AND 1 Handsome and economical. Also, Silk Tl Nbli Llnei an sjoiiarc. naif isoee, Drawer!) Ac BAIN A SON. ' epr20 No. 89 towih Hhjh street. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In BOOTS AND SHOES; Northwest Corner of High and Gay 8t.,, f . i No. 61, (JOLIIMIIIH, .....OHIO. "A Urge Btork of Fine and SUple Goods on band." y3i-dtf .- l, ' '. ' , . ., ;! TELLA SHAWLS! STELLA BHAWL8I f In All desirable eolots, and At very great bargAlne. ' BAIN A BUN, apriu . - no. xu Boain uign street, fI7 ANTE D.-A OENTI TO sBLIi VV Dackaeea of STATIONERY and JEWELRY, at prices one-third lees than can be purchased elsewhere Oall on er address (sump enclosed) J. L. BAItBY,No 164 Court at., Boston, Mate. march Bb:a3m. TFJIDE BIANTLE BARAOES, BOTH, H ft Htand Black. Just received at 8 AIR'S. in rr ee vereeold. the to Is of 11 do no au ev was oer 1 my Al 1 be old of All J us It it not ot do rat "Go be of we Ana lav of 81. it so HUNNEWELL'S I k COUQII REMEDY J For all Tnxoat and tnn ComnlnlnU, InnTudr.f, With mostperfeot results, Wuoosuia CuuuU, Ohkomuj am A Common Coosha. Baouohiaa ado Tuaoat CoMrtAUrrs. always forerunners of Ooneumritloa. a. a Bootbum Svaurtt nai no auporior, steed from all (Jptate or Emetic properties, may be ased by most delicate eonstli tatioDA, and with perfect confidence. IIDNNEWELL'S " ' A T ' y;J Celebrated $ v; , ' TOLU ANODYNE. 'ir-' Tna GauTawr'NaTnaAL OrUTl ever offered to the world, containing not a partlola of Opium, nor any sub lUnoe nut IU strictly vegetable and medical properties. A sure Remedy for hiuaamia, buxdmstuim, uout, Tooth ab Baa Aoha, Cataarb, Rosa oa Hat Fivsn, and All minor Nervous ComplalnU. - Foa Loss er Buar, ana ueauaon. in an 11s vansun, It has no equal, and to which moat undoubted tesUnonl Als Are offered. .... . -- na neueimf T SIM VMS una most perreci remeoy. fit, BflVIL doaruim afUr removing the pain It acta as a physio, a moat important contrast wiiu uie oonsupu tory tffecu el Opium. ' , ' ; T ', TO rnyswiani, rormuias ana tnai puiugs win wku,, and to Dealer er Invalid1 a descriptive pamphlet wlthenl "postage-stamp." ' Prepared andsr the tpecul lupeirlilon of JOHN. L. IICNNE WELL, TOAMisTairB rwAAaUcwuTiirr, Ho 9 Commorolal Wharf, Boston. BTaat To whom please direct All communications. Prices Large Cough Remedy, SO oenU per bottle Bmall - " 1 . 96 ..; t . . . . rn II .1 Tola Anoayne, u yoTBsIe by the uiunl wholesMi and retail deilers, ROBERTO a SAKlUMlii n. o, Anr., G. DKNIG A BONB, A. J. BOHUBLLER A BON, mayl7-wlv ' Agent, for Columbus, Ohio , . .. THE.. WEEKLY OHIO STATESMAN HAVING A CIRCULATION LARGER BT BXTERAI TEOTJSANDI Than any oNie paper In Ohio, enUlde of Cincinnati Offers Facilities for Advertising Which CANNOT FAIL to bring Nnnnitv and Kcmu neratlTe Itetiirtie . ; Te those who Ukt advantage ef them'. THE WKKIiXiY STATESMAN Distributed si It Is through every Port Offloa In Ohio, Reaches a Large Class of Readers Who., patronage Ii TAluahle, and who seldom see the Dally Editions of city Journal!) and aa only A Limited Number of Advertisement Are tnivrted In Ira eoiumnf, appoprialely And ' HANDSOMELY DI$PtAVED! ' tost o.inioT ran TO JX.ttva.ot uCLttontiolx - OF ALL I ' ' WHOLESALE DEALERS Advertialrrg In' the W EEKLY STATESMAN will fin ; ,' It adVAnUgoui In . THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which If almost cerUla to follow an extensive diuemtn atlon knowledge of their business ' AMONG COUDTEY DEALERS I ADVERTISEMENTS INTKHDKD FOB Tho Weeldv Statesman Should be handed In before Friday noon. THE ONLY PREPARATION . THAT HAS STOOD TILE TEST OF YEAR3, And arrow more and more popular ewerr dawj And testimonials, new, and Almost without number mlsht be civen from ladles and gentlemen in all gredi of society, whose united teatlmony none could resist, that Prof, Wood'. Hair Restorative will restore the bald, and gray,-and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, In all lu youthful beauty .- . e Battle Creek, Mlr.h.j Deo. Sfct, .1B58. Por. Woon; Thee wilt please aocep't a line to Inform thee that the balr on my head all fell oil over twenty years ago, caused by a complicated chronic disease, at tended with an eruption on tne nvaa. a continual course of suffering through life having reduced me to sUU of dependence, I ticve not been Able to obtain stuff for caps, neither have I been able to do them up, in con sequence of which my hesd ha. suffered extremely from cold. This Induced me to pay Briggs A Hodge, almost the last cent I had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Hair Reetoratlre. about Uie first of August lsst. I have faithfully followed the directlons,and the bald spot Is now covered with balr thick and black, though short. It alio coming In all over my head. Feeling confident lhat another large bottle would restore It entirely and permanently, I feel anxloui to perseverve In it! uie, and being destltuM of means to purchase any more, would Ak thee If thee wouldst not be willing to send me an order on thine agenU for a bottle, And receive to thy self the soriptur, declaration "the reward Is to those that' are kind to tbe widow end the fatherless." Thy friend, BCSANNAII KIRBT, Llgonler, Noble Oounty, Indiana, Feb, 5th, IBM. Prior. 0. J. Wooni Dtar Sir: la the latter part Uie year 1653, while attending Uie State and National Law School of Uie Bute ot New York, my bair, from cause unknown to me, commenced falling off very rap. Idly, so that In the short space of alx months, the whole upper part cf my scalp was almoat entirely bereft of covering, and much cf the remaining portion upon Uie side and back part of my head shortly alter became gray, so ttiat yon will not be surprised when I tell you that up on my return lo the Bute of Indiana, my more casual acqualnUnces were not so much at a loss to discover the cause of thechangeln my appearance, ae my more Inti mate acqualnUnoes were to iccognUe me at All. At once made application to the moil skillful physi cians In tbe country, but, receiving no assurance from them lhat my bair would again be restored, I was forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortuhatelv. tbe Utter part ot the year IH57, your Restorative was re commended to me by a druggist, a being the most relia ble Hair Restorative In nss. I tried one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that It was producing deslrea euect. ninoc vm time, s nave uaea seven aoi Urs' worth of your Hestorallvo, and as a result, hare rich coat of very 10ft black bair, which no money can buv. i ' Ai a mark of my gratitude for year labor and skill tlie prodootlun of eo wonaenui an Article, A nave recom mended Its use to many of my friends aad ecaualnUnoes, who, 1 Am happy to Inform you, Are using It with like effect., very respeciiuiiy, yours, -; - A.M. LATTA, Attorney And Counsellor at Law. . Depot, 414 Broadway, And sold by All dealer! through out the world. ' . ' The Restorative Ii pot up in bottles of three sUea. via: large, medium, end small; the em?ll bolde A plus, And retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds least twenty per cent, more in proportion than Uie small, and relslls for two dolUro a bottle; the Urge holds quart, 40 er cent, more In proportion, and retails for A bottle., 0. J. WOOP A CO.. Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New Yok, and 114 Market Btreet, 8t. Louis, Mo. - And sold by BOBERTB A SAMUEL. Oolambus. Ohio. Ana by ell good vruggists sou fancy uooas Dealers. aprni:aweowu. ,t VM. KNABE & CO., A T THEIR NEW SALES-. XV BOOM, HO. ISO BALlIMOBJt ST. NOS. i.MAndfM.IUTAW ST Offer for Bale their celebrated GOLDEN MEDAL, . ,.. .....UtlAND .. , !--"V"i . ' AND SQARE " ' PIANO-FORTES . Being highly recommended by the first Professors and BanalcAl Amateurs of the country, end EVERY ' .- "' - " INSTRUMENT ' i ... . -i WARRANTED FOB ! FITB YEARS Tbe most fasUdloua customer aa rslv unon belni yiunHu in vvviy ieMva. i . - Tsmsnnerai. - wa.aiiauavu, c: BELTZEB A WBBBTBb, AgenU, octal; lyd w. 1 Oolumhus, Ohio Watches ! Diamonds It EjUyer Ware !!! A CHOICE AISOJITNP.NT OP GOLD XA. And Bilver Wctchef , la great variety.. : j : I am Agent for Uie AMaaioaa Watch ua., aod oan sell Uiese excellent Watcliof at manufacturer!' prlcei, eitner naoiesais or neiau. . u Come and ehoose frosn my beauOful display of Dia monds and other rich Jewelry. . Styles new prices low. - A. to Silver Ware of ttorling quality, I can show sew patterns, very nandsome . Bilver Plated Ware. Tea Belts. Cmi . Walters. Oaslnra. SsakeU, Pitchera GobleU, Knives, Fork.. Spoons. Ac. Then I have e supply of fine Table Outlerv. Pocket Knives. Baaors. Ac, and many Fancy Goods such as Are desired for presents at sucu prices as ase an Induce ment to we parcuaseri WM. UbkMN, ... ) ' no, 10 uuexeye Block, -marSI . . North side BUU House square. . NOTIOI U hereby given that I have been duly ap. pointed Administrator of Uie eeUto of Obaru. Cuuk, late of Franklin connty, deceased. . . BAUHEI, CLARK. S. A H. Cnlltenoen, Attorneyi. fciT? Jell-awW' "v '''". ' ' .. i-'"'.- ! ''..' . - f i.i. r .! a li 1 of a 1U in the In" at 1 3 THEjREAIEST OF THE AGE.. . KENNEDY. OF NOXIlIIBYl has discovered Is one of our oommon pasture wsedt remedy that earet .7 Every Kind of Humor, .1 ! ,' woM. ; ' " - ' The worst Scrofula down te a oommon rimpla. He has tried It In over eleven hnidred cases, and nev- srfsllcileioept In two eases, (both thunder humor X Hs hss now in his possession ever one hundred certificates of 1U value, All within twenty mile. Of Boston. Two bottlei are warranted te euro a nunlng sort mouth. One to three bottles will curs the wont kind 01 runpies en the face. , .Two or three battles will eleer the svstem or trues . Two bottle, are warranted to onre the wont canker In the month or stomach. Three to fire bottle are warranted to ear tnl won. kind of Bryiipelas. : una to twe bottle ere warranted 10 cure au numor theEyet. Two bottle, are warranted to euro running 0 the ear and hlotflliM emnne the hslv.' Four to ax botu. are warranted; to onre corrupt ana running nicer.. i ma hottie win aura losiv-arnnuoe or sue aain. Twoer three bottles are warranted to cure the Went kind of rlnvworm. Two or three bottle, are warranted lo curs th. most desperate case of rheumatism. -Three In four bottles are warranted to ou re Salt-Rheum Five to eight bottle, will care the wont ease 01 soro- fUlA A benefit Is alwava exnerleneed from the first bottle. A perfect cure It warranted when Uie Above quantity is aaen. BOXBOBY. MASS. r... Miniu: The rennUUon of the Medical Dlf eovery, in curing All kinds of humor. Is so well estab lished by uie unanimous voice 01 Ail wno nave ever mmmm It, that I need not say anything on the subject, ss the most skillful phyikjlaus and tbe most careful DrugglsUU tbe country are unanimous la 1U praise. In nreeentlne the Medioal Discovery to your notice, I do it with a full knowledge of 1U euratlve power, In re; llevlng all, and eurtng most 01 those disease! to which you are unfortunately so liable. That met exflro?, disease to an affectionate mother, NURSINO SORE BIO TH, Ii cared as if by a miracle; your own temper U restored to IU nstural sweetness, and your babe from short end fretful nsnf to calm and sweet slumbers; and Uie Medioal Discovery becomes a founUln ef blessing to your husband aad household. In the more advanced .hire, of CANKER Itextendi to Uie stomach .causing ' DYSPEPSIA, which Is nothing hot canker on the stomach then lo the Inteitinei and KIDNEYS, creating a Unking, gone feeling, and an Indifference even to Uie care, of your family. Your itomaoh If RAW AND IN r LAMED, vour food distresses you. end vou cab only take oerUla kinds, and even of that yonr.ystea doe. not get half the nourishment It oonUlne, ae the eernnonous fluid of the canker ecu Itupt then your complexion loses its bloom and become, sallow And green Uh, end your best day Is gone. For went of nourishment your system be come, loose and flabby, and the fibres of your body be come relaxed Then follow a train of diss ace. which the Medical Dlsoovery If pecullArly Adapted to t ...... CURE) PalplUtloa of the heart, pain In Uie side, weakness a the spins and .mall' of the back, pain of the hip Joint when yoa retire, IrreguUrlty of the bowel., and alee, that most excruciating of diseases, the PILES. . How many thousand of poor women are suffering froa thl. disease and pining Away a miserable llfci and their next door nelghbordoee not know the cause. I wish Impress on your mind that good eld proverb, "An ounce of prevention U better Uuia A pound of care," In the IT! E DIC A L DISCOVER! you have both the prevenUtlve and the cure, with this great And good quality, that It will naver, under any circumstances, do yoa any Injury. THE rtlEDICAL DISCOVERY " ' b especUly Intended for diseases of the blood, but since Its Introduction in ue nee tern ciaies, u is iouna to or the nest . , AUUE RE0IEDI - that was ever before the public : No change of diet ever neoeisary eat the best yoa eat And get enough of It. DinacTioKs roa nsn AdulU one table spoonful per day ObiUlren over ten yean, dessert spoonful Children from five to eight yean, tea spoonful. Aa ne directions can be applicable to all conaitutions, Uke sufficient operate on the bowels twice a day. . Youn truly, DONNALD KENNEDY. . Price $100 perboltle. For y every druggist Uie United BUtea. tepvi-eawiy, DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT WHISKERS 7 : DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE7 DO YOU-WANT A "MUSTACHE BKLLIHQHAM'S CELEBRATED Stimulating Ongncnt, For the Whiskers and Hair - The subscriben take pleasure In announcing e the Oltlsens of the United flutes, that they have obUTned Uie Agency for, and are now enabled to offer to the American public, the above juitly celebrated and world-renowned article. Tho STIMULATING ONGUENT Is prepared by Dr. 0. P. BELLINGHAM, AO eminent Bhyslcian of London, And Ii warranted to bring out lick sat of . .... ' Wliiskers or a Mnstache in from three to fix weeks. This Article le the only one of Uie kind used by Uie French, end In Loudon and Paris it U in universal use, ' Ills A beautiful, economical, soothing, yet atlmnUtlng compound, acting as if by magic upon the roou, causing a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to the scalp, It wUl cure BaLoana, And cause to spring up place of Uie bald fpoU a fine growth of new hair. Ap plied aooordlng to directions, ft will turn Bis or tows nairniAi,ana restore gray nairte iu original noior, leaving It soft smooth, and flexible. The "Oiiooxkt" an Indiapeuaable article in every gentleman's toilet, and after one week't nee they would not for any consideration bewitboutlt. ... ... The lobsorlbers are ihe only AgenU for the article the United Butes, to whom all orden must be addressed Price One DelUr a box for tale by All DruggUU And Dealen; or A box of the "Ongncnt" (warranted to have the desired effect) will be cent to Any who deal re it, mail (direct), securely packed, on receipt of price and postage, f 1 . in. appiy 10 or aaarees 1 HORACE L. HKQ1MAN A CO., naooeisTB, Ao., feVXakmCn t WlUUm Street, New York. IRISH STEAMSHIP. LINE Steam Between Ireland and America NEW YORK, BOSTON AND GALWAY The following new and magnificent fint-classpaddn wheel Steamihlpt compose the above line:. . ADRIATIC, .6888 toas burthen, Cspt,!. M40 . - ! - (Formerly of tbe Collins Line.) t. ..!.' HIBERNIA, - 4,400 tons burthen, Ospt. N. Paown, COLUMBIA. . 4.400 , It. LsiTOB. ANGLIA. . 4,400 "".'.' " . NioBoieoa PAOIPIO, 8,600 " I. Buna. PKINOM ALBERT, (Bovew.) W- 3,300 " " , " J.WALua. One ef the Above ships wUl leave New York or Boston alternately every Tuesday fortnight, for Galway, car. lying the government mans, touching at at. Johns, N. F. .. ti. 1 ' ' .- 1 The Steams n of this line have been constructed with the greatest can, under the supervision of Uie govern ment, nave water-tigm oomparimenm, Ana are unexcel led for comfort, safety And speed by any steams rs afloat. They an commanded by Able And experienced officers, and every exertion will be made to promote the comfort 01 passsngen. An;experiencea (surgeon attecnaa ta aaen thip. . . - 1 HATES OF PASSAGE. Flrat-cleas N . Y . or Boston to Galway or Liverpool 1 100 Becond-class, . " " 75 Fint-claas. " ' toBt ohn"f 1 ' ' 3S Third-class, " to Galway or Liverpool. or any town In Inland, oa a Hallway, - - -. SO Third-class pasaengera are liberally supplied with pro visions of the beet quality, cooked and served by the ser vants 01 ine uompeny. : . " ' RETURN TICKETS. ': Parties wishing to send for their friends from the old country can ebUIn tlckeU from any town en a railway, in Ireland, or from the principal dues of Bog land and scot land, at very low ntee. PajMniera for New .York. arrlvlnB bv the Boston Bteamera, will be forwarded to new xorx irwe 01 suaxgc For paaage or further Information, appiy w 7.. v . . Wat. II. WIOKHAM. Atthaeffioeof the Company, oa the wharf, footer OADAi street, new fork. .. . , UOWLAUV ABfinrrAuu, Ai"si. ; AprlllOidOia.. . . , j'.. 1 . .1 ' 1 .; v fr. ' jd. 5de e-4, wane an ma and 1 vVhlteiO becked of superior Su"ty. For tale ky BAIN A BON. sthSS HfH 111 , No.tSBoaUtBJga " ,; "l - - 1 i' II te to to J a In k hi by Tke Greateat Betaet Ua Tfec Wstridl, n ,. , AJTOTM. ., 1 K08T caicioui ti TiTTTTf! i TVWirt. . (HIHTUI A I, V CYER TAAiCN TTISSTHICT. i. ty a teteaaAe And vegoUble Oeenpeund, rooored by UA) distil latum of BeoW,Hsrbt .aad Barke, Telle Dock, Bleoi Eoet, - rkraanArllla. IT I 1 A Ai "J I Cherry Bark aaa Bsa- ff BM 11 'i. in delloa enters Into tu ! iimniMMriHflm. Th. . M Ccfow Mln2Jlr n rAmeduiincTiaKiBg. - prlnelpto ef aach I.RV.d.l my new metnoa ei aisuuui, hiw " rr. jr. hllentlng spirit, and the most IN FAXLIBLB remedy for ,tlSg the dlsessed eyeteea, end restoring tjh ft. ,r end debilitated INVALID ta HJJALTn and reoonii .ulTerlni STRENGTH. BleLKAN'S STRENTHEN1N4J COH , ' ' Win BeeaAlv eara . -OOMPLABfT, DYBPBPBIA. JAUND10R, LIVBR ' Ohronle or Bsrvoru DebUlty, Diseases ef the Kidneys, And all dlseaeat arising from a disordered Liver or fltomj ash. Dvspepila, Heartbon, Inward Plies. Aridity or Sick ness ef Um BtoraAoh, Fullness ef Blood to tbe lieaJ, Dull ' pain or swimming in the head, PalwAaUou of Uie Heart Fullness er Weight la theStemAoh, Sour Brwctotlone Choking or wffucattogreellPgwIieB iFln?". Drvneae or Yell'wness of the Skin and Byea, NfgbA BwcAUt, In ward Pwn.PslalptheexsAllcf'tUbae ebtors de. Sudden Flushes ef Beat, Drpreoslea of BplrlU, Frightful Dreams, Languor, Despondsaoy or any eae Diseaee BorWw Blotches ca the Sato, and Ferer lid Ague (e , Chill, and I.ver.) OTer m jailllOB, of tiOUiea nave been told during the last fla aeBtaad la no la tUnoa hat it tailed in giving entlrs tatlsntcflon . Who then, will lufferfrora Wealcoesi or Debility wama Mu LEAN'S STRENGTHENING; COSBIAL will ente youl No lAnguage can roavey aa adequate Idea of Uie hnme . dlau and Almost mfraeuloue Ahanae redueAd wy Uklns thl. OordUl In the diseased, dsMUuted and ahatursd nervous sysUm, wbethsr brelrea dewa ay eioeet, weak by nature, or 1b paired by alekaess, Uerslsu and nnlrmig organisation Is restored to Ha prietlae health and vigor. DIARRIbD rEKBwrtas Or othera emsctoaa ef tnAbmar, freat wBAtoresr suae, will find McLean a Ssrengtherltog ferial a the;, regenerator cf Uie system; and AllwM mj Bava lnjhi themselves by hnwreper iBdubrences, will Bad ta the Cor dUI a ceruin and lpeedy rerAedy. ' . ,( . Ta th lAsUaais ( McLeaii's Strs Cordial ., . . UaaoveseUV- , , - - W0IPE3afc'JK1f'iW"1'I'r-"' Obstructed orDlfllsuit MefliWuWrcentlnenoe of urine or invoiuewirr iiio'n -"v Womb, Giddiness, laintlar ItfeVali'Viava Fsmalet. : ." Urine or invoiuaury isuot! "j .( j""e - Wk- Suffer bo tonge,IuaanMrlreuonf. 11 wlllatimUU,stvesnthea Ad a.; v.avAyow and canae .k. ki. rj knh u mantit vtui aftesk araln. ' - migfyea Ad K ,;"" BveiyboUUUwarnuloirlveaatlsfAcUca. ' - ' rot. CHHiDaEffe -Ifyonr children are elckly, puny, or afflicted, McLean gj Cordial will make them hoalthy, fat and robust. Delia not a moment, try It, and yoa will be convinced. , IT IS DELICIOUS TO ;TAKE. Caonoa Beware of Dragglsteer Dealers who may try to palm upon yoa aome Bitter or BareaparilU train, Which they can boyoheep, by sayln It is Just aa good, Avoid each men. Aek for McLean's BareAgtoenlng Our dial, end Uke nothing else- It to tbe only remedy that will purify the blood thoroughly and at the same time strengthen the system. - - One Uhleepoonfal Urea, every morning fasting, If certain preventive of Cholera, Chills aod Fever, Yellow Fever, or any prevalent diseases. It to put ap la Urge bottles. Price only tl per bottle, or bottlei 1 for 5. --J.H. MoLBAN, ' , ' Sole Proprietor of wU OordUl, ; Also McLean'f Voloanle OU blniment, ' Principal Depot oa the ooroer of Third and Pine itreek) St. Louis. Mo. McLean's VoloanioOll Liniment. . The best Llrdment ta the World. The enle sals and oeruia enre for Canoe rs, PUea, BweUlpga and Bron chitis, or Goitre, ranlysto, Neuralgia, Weakneaf of the Muscles, OnronU or Infiamraatory BheumaUam, Still nese of the Jointa, contracted M use lee or LUtaments, Earache or Toothache, Bruises, Bprarna, Wounds, Fresh Outs, Ulcers, Fever Bone, Caked Breasto Bore Nipple,, Bums, BcAlds, Bore Thoat, or any InflammaUoii er Pain, nedlffemice how severs, or how long the disease any have existed. AfeLeaa'i Oils bra ted Liniment to a oer; tain remedy-4 Thousands of human beiaga have been saved a Ufa of deorepltade and misery by the use of this Invaluable mad rdne. McLEAN'S V0L0AN1U OIL IaaIwENT WIU relieve pain almoat IciUoUneoeHy, and It Wl cleanse, purify and heal the feaM tens la aa lacredl ly short time. . For noreee aattOUtex Astmala, McLean t cetebrated Ltnhwent b) the only tare and re liable remedy for the cure of Sparta, Ring Bone, W ind galls, SpluiU, CraatusU Bumna, Nodes or Dwellings. It will never fail to cure Big HeM, Foil Bvtl, FlatuU, Old running Bone or Sweeny, If properly applied. For Spralna, Braises, Bora tones, Sore er Wounds, Cracked Heels, ChAfss, BAdiUe or OelUr 6allf ft to ea lnflllbls remedy. Apply it aa ulreowd, And A cure-to eertaia la every Toitanoe. J -a; Then trifle ne longer wttlTtM Ktny wsrtaiM iiIlI. menu offered to you. Obuua a earvly of Dr. MoDran' relebraud It will TO, yo. ' J. II. McLEaS oeto Prourletor, Corner of Third and Ptoe Streets, Bu JmuIa, Me. ForsAlebyalldjaexUtf. . Formic by . , Br&JiBBffS A SAliaSL, . augao-dAwly- ' . CaluaaSuv 6ble. PEOF.WGOB'i BIOOD iWVATOfe H. It precisely what IU name ladloaUe, for, while. pleasant to the taste, it to revivify! ag, eahUarat- ,'log, Invigorating and sarengtaeiiiag te the vlull powen, and at Ue same Mme revivlttee, reltijl L. sutes, and renews the Blood la all lu parity, and Q tho. At enoe fwetorws ami revutere (Ae tytUnA in TmUnraU to attack aaitum. It 1. the only prepsntloa ever oilered to the- wet Id, -eo octemi- Hlcally aad skillfully eoabUed at to be ke most rjt I powerful tonle, and at toe earns same so perfectly ft U.i.ns.rf u.uMnili MrieotaeeordaAO wltn thai U lacs of nature, ana exam wm w ww. FlttomacX, and Una ap the digestive organs, And . thus alia all nerveat aad ether IrrluUen. It Isi 4 perieotlyexkllaratlrig,aadat tht tame tune It Is composed entirely of vegetables, yet so combined at to produce the aioatthonBgk torttocAeot, wlth-l ' 1 out producing any Injurtoai AonAtquenoee- Such), a remedy hat long been fell to be A desideratum lrf the medioal world, for it aeeds ns medioal skill to, 0 see thatdsblllty toliowt all attoeUof disease., end proceeds and indeed toys th system open to the LJ n Insidious etuokA of auny of the meet faUUtach, fnr MT.mnla. as tha fapliiwlnr: Oo&sumDttoo. Jm- Vdlgestlon, DyspepsU, Lose of Appetite, VsiitaessJ i iM-w.n. I.rl,.blltt. Nairabrta ralnlattloaot Uiel Pj Heart, Melanohely.Nlgat AweuU, Laogaor, Blddwn P nese, fceunUoa ef, as well aa Palnrei eWlraeted, Q too protuse, er wo seani auummii, mri -V t - j 1 m nng 01 sue vr obui. iiwi hvh b'-'i W) ideblUty . Into pare, healthy, toato Oerdlal andj nil hnAnU, 1. U .... in mm SB lilS SUB UlJi J . rise and set. Then to ae mistake aeeat rt. Builfl ' ibis U not ell. If the ty.issa to weAAeaed. we Araf TV iopen tobUtouAAtUoxA, the liver aeceaea torpl", Li worse dUeased, the UdAsrs refuse to perform M ' their fnoatlona, Aad we are Uwabled with scalding s ,S - and Incontinence of arlne, er tavolantary dii- charge of tbe tame, pain la the back, aide aod be- A tween Uie shoulders, exceed ipgly uabla ta siirhDii ; colds, oonens. una u uncnaoiea. seon esaaossuooj w follows, And uie patient gees dowa to a preenatoro . 'grave. But space will not eKow at to enumerate f the many tils to which we an UaeU la a weaissneii J oonuiuoa 01 uie sysnw. v wv it "VI tm mie . OordUl tnd Biped Renovator yea liAe a pertvotjij safe, pleasest and eaeetaAl remedy fac lose din AppetlU, blUoasneee, Flatulence, weak and tick "at dtomaoh, Luguor, Liver OoapUls, Csnlls aad Fever, or anv Bilious attack. astiveneea, Aeidity or tne BtOfaAoa, aervuessasa, iwmr lion of tbe lieart, DepreaNea ai epmts, cores, Plmplet oa the Face, or any daseee erUlng from nnura blood. tk aa Bersruia. snvsroeutt. ami., u, ihltle, Cough, difficulty of Breathing, and all mat lasa of disease, talied ! le eaaeee, and .numerated Above. We wiu ewe say w """ iexpoaed to epldemletKehABfe ot eilssaAO ana wat er, will ana u a aieasaii iavi t ok r 1 and none should ever travel without. Header. trlt forweaMravorewUlfijidln It a frlondi"n . - indd.aswellaaafrieudsB need. AU persons of l sedentary haWU wm nd U a perfect preventive 0! M as well asonn for those allsaeuu tewulsa they an U , partiouUrly exposed. Hence mlnlsUra,etadnta,et I tnrnasa. llterarv enUesneand ladle, whs are noli ...... aocustoaed to mack eutdeor exercise, will find It f te Uielr tdvanUge to keep a bottU oaaiUntly on 1 hand; and, above all, mothers, or these becoming saehi will go through that most dangerous period a. ,. , aaot only wth all their aoeustomed strengih, but Uf , , aafe and tree frost Uie thousand allmsaU Ae prev f " "', alentamong Uie femab portloa ef the world. - In ' abort, It U Indeed a ether'f eordUI. Try It, obi M.I.J find yoong; no longer run the rUk of deli ; It will v . Irelleve and prove Itself emphatically a Bettorit- A . , aWIaai (Jori4jrt AmA fibind kOfKUor, V. L'J V eta iTWtf , pru)r ratrVr t -btttb usmuwiai csrvvs 1 orKe inn 1 ii turuMii ovrrcr,, dim aauiabsi bbj.w.4 mm. a told hy HOflKUTB fc 8A-ILKL, OoluBiu.OhlOt rq atiA aII .TftsBi Drucro ialal Price One DalbtrliHf M per Bottle. , . ... , Bunuite-aawwowiy Is REPELLANT OR WATER-PKO0B OLOAK CLOTHS. Alee, ether makes of Bprihc 0 loak Cloths, In all desirable alataree Bindings, Tas sels and Button! lo natch. BAFN A BON, . , aptili : . BO. AVBouuaoiAUeus" LACK STRAW BONNETS AN Ft at a. mrnt BJU. In eraal vartetv at B US'S. acts ..... ,.(, a. a. aVrBia-hftM'- 1 'U yW.i 1.' j