Newspaper Page Text
. vOHIQUDAy ;MOENINQ;.DE0.'3, l80L- r tllLCLUZS VZ2 TUB, Inririably la. AiTRnet daily, tei-weehy akd yosiatti ... .. VMANYPEWNY & MILLER, tT Office Km. SB, 88 nd 40, Korth High ti ' w.u., yoi WW, MOU. rrl-wekly g fin .., irm ot kiVhtUking the ie Square ntfiaf-lYa,,JO'oo 0n " V moi.ll IH 00 On 11 month IIS uu On. Iqdare 3 weeks. .14 00 On S week., 3 00 UB ". 1 ink... 1 7K Jo " a month 10 (Ml Jn 8ieonlli,..fl W On 3dji... 1 00 vue i month. TJ OKI On "'llm.rllnn M ni r ... llumnof All notloe require to e publUbed br law, UnlnUK If wlered on the iMMeexolutlTelytftertKellrit week I ''n'iB"r 'ltl)boT xtitui; builluolnrU . tumou int ordinary rat .? "rT t:.'ni"?niouinarfr. i , ,. . i He, 'i 50 per line: nntelda ti. . . . . . . NotlouofmeoUiw.charliabkM aHetlea.Axm.1 lie. Vf I hmir nrlM. -"""' 'ironcit a w-v. i. fbetuleWlll notMwdodfro; 7 7 TT''.V7?: ! y. " the idrertlie wiy,TaBi pneeaame'Vtllr, i aenne weekly alone. Where lie D.I l niiwi. an both naed, then tit tharge 11 b Waekli arlll alf the rale of the Dally .neeiij .win M f w iMTrrwyMn eiy-icepl,fot a delnlt petlod.- rcoRMTonfi njt. COUNSELLOItS AT LAW, r (Offlcea f Oily Jttdje,) - k! ,. . NEW YORK. Bant tot-, . , . S00' luZl'm'"M" T- 8"Plor Court. ' : Hob. 11. . Payne, leUnd. 6. 1 ' ' Hon. U H. Hunter, Lancaster, O..' ' . i ' 0f9ta ., . , t Attorney and Counsellor nt Law, iao NOTARY PUBLIC, OFFIOl Jfo. 57. Hiail BTRBKT, ODE0N BUILD INO, oppoal(elhBnieHoue. ,rur Oolleotlon ind other matter promptly alleniltd to. fereneu girta when required. ' noTB-Iy i (LU of Philon'i XiUbllihrnent, K. T.,) 1 PHOPKIETOK OF TIT R E tf TO II K n-.if "ble Bhi Inr, Uilr Cultlor, Bhampoonlnr Curling tndSreMUif Saloon, ... 4 , ., .7 . South HIah Qt.,' over Bain's Store, ' hmtUlteUon will be given In 11 th Tarloai .ty1to!",;lI", Chllldre', f'lr- Oreealng don. In the beat C ALT HOUSE, :Ko.'178Norta High' Street,' " . COLUMBUS, OHIO. IHwSH'" SmSS ihi S,iV,Sk of th. train., ping p!o. tt" dMlll,!,"y convenient atop- Of tt7".frn7.,?,,P.,,-a11 !,8,r,0'.,hlWfif NATIONAL HOTEL, v MBA CmOH DEPOT, '(DOLTOBUS, OHIO. ite TvmT?jsrcTL,xEi. TBRM8... oct23-3m ..ONE DOLLAR PER DAY. F. A...B. SIMKDI8, Attorney at iiaw AND NOTARY PUBL,IC. Offlot-Aabo. Snlldlng , oppctlt Oipltol Square. ' . . , OOITJMB0B, OHIO, Attorney & CounseUbrVt Xaw, MARIoKHlqi c. lilley -And, Blank-Book Hanuaturer, : -iJrtEtS--HI0B F.coxnjaui, ohio E A tQ JTA S S "W OH K S. rrr Earner SpMntf- Water Xt.r, I ind Manulketnrer of nrwu and Composition CuUnst i . 'Inlahfd UmWorkof allDeecrlptloni. , ETeHroTTIating. andTGHdiVg J .uST ENCiL CUTTING, &C. CoJnmbnsJYjioIcsale LiqnbrSforc LACELLE ROSS & CO.',"" : COMSIO;; MERCHANTS, IMPORT ERt AND USAIBB IK 'r i r Foreign and Domestic Wine. Branfllei, r A1l to Ml' '1 ' ' 0 . t"l"' !;Ti.invi' , vnf';-.: fco tttt ALSO, i'..iiri(tMi"i.K'"( ( ,(.$.Lp RYE, JONONGAIIELA ft BOURBON 1'i tj .7''rT fM'ln IS KY. T r,r: S!rr j , 'IC& 224 SOUTH HlrtlfST.. 'WARBHOrJa ARti' i ii rnT.TmfTmr htnrri ' ' " i ''aet&dW VWEflRESTiEAUX: Vr,l (gffocBgiOR T6 MotCEB fc EESTtBA'O.t) " ' ' No. 106, ; Booth ; High; Stree QoXjXT3M:33TIg3;: GROCERIES, PROaUClt foreign; tod Domestic ;Frait3,'( f LOUR, JAI.T, LIQUORS, ETC ;"8tcnAtiEc6 r 'T" e'Ci- ' i . to J -- iiOiAL QUARTO DICTIONARY. The LateitThfl Lftrrt.'ni BatJ i m.i , . . " , tnoapest Eecause the- Best.t ,1W 1 . LiV . i m. . v. " I. Tb Moat Hollabla Standard Au4 thorlty of tbo Enirllih Laniriiasre.M O bJtd4;JCmtmi KiwxUort'ot Ohio "THIS BBBT INQIiIBII DI0TIONAET EXTANT. trary JTorymAr. I J'IIe. re of nundrea'tioui'and Wdnli WJioee mnltlfwloo meanljlfl ;nfl dolvtlon, torather With flieh correct epelllog,nd'pronnnlalloD ire clerl ."WV W ft.Jj t .Y I?! -i .7 oil' Wnoidtiart Commtrr.ial. Btad th4 Dioltimi of tho iftmJer of tU Ohio Stalt I T I. 'I 2(W)f' iIO0i8WfI. i The nndenlpied, memhen of the Ohio 8Ute Teeeher iMjoolatron, 4mrnd-fhnt() nas In 4echlBr, wrltlnt n pealrtig,the iorth6(frmphi( Dt .pronlnolattok of wrceitw ueyri Qnerto otioiiry. an ire molt eor il K ninend It the moat reliable itandard aur tnotltT of th CatUab UaOage, aa It ia now wrl ttrn and Lorim Axwrvi, Pretldeot Kenyon 'College, t LaaoaTT, irjerhTtendent Xanearllle tchoola M. I.'Oowneaw.enpPiibiro.gcfcooli, Binduaky. Joiiii Lvmch, Bup't I'abllo School, Ciroletllle. . nUI. n . II A VrV Knn't MU1 n. Ilnlnn lhnnl. ilcvelasd lenal. Seminar leSeLfcl.l.MUEnloo. iWM. MimiulL In nit DMU' John Oomh, Principal Blale Normal Bchool, Ulnnel Mk' i . . . . i . ' r Crc1iiow,FMnclpl lcrortli Iotermedte BchooL Cincinnati. 7 Kioan, Pr1nclrl-eNely Hornet HelieoH u T. xarruf, Prof. Mathematlc, Ohio Unlvenlly.j I W. KDwnBnp't Tmrf Vnk BchwM. ' ',; i mjv - i i. A. NoRToif, Anoctate Principal High School, CleyJ-led,'-1 , ,. i .-, . . i ! BO. 1 . f ' , I I IiiB)o"BTiEUa, irliiclpl Hlh Iclieol, Ofcrd !" ,J ' T i ; I lan K. t, nmu-roK, Principal OleTHand Initllnl. A. 6ARrwL, Preident of Klcctic Inatltute, vi ram W. L. Eltlri. Prnf. ef nfirnl.tri). Wlhtn' nnrrenltT. V .. H H. Biknrr, Ex Cemmltaloner of Common School, Unit Mormon, Prof. Rhetoric, Oherlln College. Tnoa.Uiu,Preident Antloch Oolleie. O. W. 11. fjATnilAHT. Pnf. ll.lh.Mall.. TTIrli .iHVUIiVRILUDi . .. . I fc.l TV.. Dayton ' CK"utAV0n' ttot- iMguage, High School. . M. BiiBtk, Bnp't Union School, Ashland. iforv AM ia IlaniWtA nVu PvtiMtn nt run. qi, jyoftuor; Author i and IHttUtguitM fductr tor$, hav mdorttd lAt abov tniimmt. . PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGE3 IN OHIO.,' MAirrrt Colhoi '"It U tml a maim(riunt n,v. an honor ft the author, th. publlghori, and the whole ountry." Preldent Andrew. Omo WawuTinTJnTimiTT.""UeiceedsWeipecta- Uon. -It Will be mi enldo In arthosrrahhv und nrmiiil. elation, and will often be conaulted by me for it neat and accurate dellnltlon." Preldent Thompson. W. R. Bcitcno Collio. "Heretofore we haveuicd Webater'a orthography. At a recent meeting of our 'f'7' U WM doi'll t ohaoee it to conform to that of Worcester' Royal Quarto Dictionary." President Qarfield. . tf WnMVi nt oordlal approbation." President Hltchoock., Onuim Cotuan. "It more 0111 meet my expecta tion. I recommend It a the aundanl auiii.r.i i orthoepy to my children end my pupil." President Aim oca CotXIOl. "I adont and atm In km In Im.i.. Ing, writing and speaking, the orthography and pronun ciation of Worcester' Koral Ouarto Dlotionarv." President Bill. 1 , I ,j ,i . ; ; "In all m"wrltln. neakln..nd tfarhln. t hv n. dearored to conform to the rule for orthography and pronunciation a contained In Worcester's Dictionary.'' Horace Mann, late President. Kurron CoLLasn, GiJieirR. "I molt cordially recom mond Uaa the moat reliabl. Itandard autborttr of the Bngllsh languag. aa) it I pow written and spoken." President Aidrewa. SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS OF OHIO. from Stt. Anion Smyth, CommUHoner of Common . ' Hekool in OMo. "Th. Dictionary I an Imperishable monument to the learning and Industry of Its anthor, and an honor to the world of letter. The mechanical eiecution I far supe rior to that of any other Lexicon with which I am ac quainted." ' - - - From Hon. IT. B. Barney. K Ommlnlon&r of ... . UchacU in Ohio. , "The most reliable atandard authority of th. lan-1""-.." . , -. : i Zjeodina; NewepapcrB of Ohio Say . Iron P14 GUm&oynA Herald of March 28. ' Th. orthography of th. Worcester Dictionary I tint need by moat, If not all, author of distinction In this country and England, and conform to the general usage 01 ordinary wnier. anu speaaera. Whatever prejudice may have existed previously, a careful study of thl volume will invariably be followed by a warm appreciation of Its great merits, and a desire to add It to th. well (elected library, be it large or small, It lea library In Itself, and will remain an imperisha ble record of the learning of It compiler. 'Iron A OlnotnnaU Commercial of April SO. Her. are upward of hundred thousand words good, bad and Indifferent whose multifarious meaning sod derivation, together with their correct spelling and pro nunciation, are set clearly before the eye. The work 1 unquestionably the greateat Thesaurus of English Words ver publish iCd.; from the Cleveland FlaindeaUr of Sept. SO, 1S60. i Evidently WoicxstiV Rovaj. Qdirto Dicnomav U not only the last, but the st work of the kind ever ta wed, and can. b no possibility snQer by comparison or controversy. 1 . From the Toledo Blade of Hay SO. ' At "to noKOKCunoit, WoKctarxtt is th Btakwrb followed by our best author! In definition h leaves nothing to be desired, and in OaTHoaniniT. it I sufficient ay that WoRcnT. can be aafely followed. INGnARI tc BRAGG, . ; PkMllioriRoakiellora8tatlanera, NO. 101 SUPERIOR ST., CLEVELAND, OHIO, j ,mai9. ... .... - , . , THE MUTUAL BENEFIT !. like Insurance company, OF , j Dividend January 1,180 1,45 ier Cent. ASSETS.. ' Statement January ..,12,550 50. Is ISOls Balance, per statement Jan. 1st, 18G0 $1,400 .162 39 Recalled for Premium dur- ' ing the year 10... 4763,053 55 1 -- Received for Interest during th year I860 214,014 19 Total receipt for 18C0. .'.. 977,007 74 ' v Paid 0 lalm by Death.967,050 00 Paid Policies surten- ' dered 41.111 2!l . . . .' Paid Balarie, Pot- , . ( ; ' age, raxes, ex- chanee. etc 3I.C20 54 Paid Commission to Agent Sl.TOI 30 . . Paid Physician' fee. 5,1X18 75 : , Paid Annultle ' 1,517 00 ' Paid Dividends dur ing th year 100,500 73 505,091 63 411,976 14 Nat Balance January lt, 180l..;..... ,,.1,813,558 50 A8BBT8. Cash on hand (0,0364 10 Bond and Morttraaea on Real Estate, worth double the . - , 1 - amount loaned..!.. 8,327,841 08 Premium Note, on Pollclea in lore, only drawing 0 per , eent. interest 1.970.864 17 1 1 ' 1 Real Estate 00.803 87 Loans on Borlp 8,031 44 , Premiums, Notes and Cosh, 4n coune ot traqsmlsslon. ... 45,343 75 Tt! Aet. .. .;.;(.-.....:;. ,u. S,8ia,550 50 T,ST5 Policies In fore, Insuring.. 190,420,538 1,435 new policies nave mod Dined during th year. After a careful calculation of th. present value of th. outstanding Policies of the Company, and baring th. necessary araou! In rexrv liwrefor, th. Director, hart declared a Dtvinmo of 45 per oent. on th. Premi um paid nt lb. table rated, to all policte. for lif. In force, isiueu prior vo 4uury , touv, payaoes accord Uig to th present ml. of the Company. Rate for all kind of Lit. Contlnnnote. Praanaei- uaes, BUtemenU, and Appllcatlona, will be furnished withqdt CHiaaa, at th. Office or Agendo of the Com pany, t t-ypz, , ---! 1 " - -? - - s t a Jiuex. u. i-AiicKBun, president. 1 . L. 0. 0R0YER, Vic President. BINJ. 0. MILLER. Secretary. No. 4 Johnson Block, : ?whW,I801.,ry.-ri: v - . s v - Oolnmbu, 0. PLAIN .AND riOCBEn BLACK - DRBBB SILKS, of ev.r..X ii. -fc J. asaonoMnt in th. city, and at aogt reasonable rate. , .r . ,, ",: ":;1L ' ' "aim bon,7 apnu - a. BoalkHlghrtrM , ! t;Ht;i ' 1861. 1862. Winter Arrangement—Time Changed. Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. AND CINCINNATI RAILROAD. J t i'.: -j ti , Connecllng it Oreatlin. with th. PITT8BDEOH, FT, TTATira ktmiCAOaTIATtEOAD i r rm&wrgh, JUtUUhljiUa ini SatUmon. Alit for fort Jfttynt and (ftfeago f ConnoctlnKit ClMelaftd'ilth the LAKS BItOKB BAlV a- -, .... tin i n t For IMinuirk, nnffalo, Albany, Ho TWO -TRAINS DAILY, I ! I: Ti 1 - ' il ' EXCEPT SUNDAY, From Oolumbus, In eonnectlon with Train on th. Anu jki,niA HtlLUOAINI. I i' ' 1 fc..- "1 FIRST TRAIN. NIUHt BXPBKBS Leave Oolumliiiii nt'x!r,n Aa MJ- will leav. passenger at air MaUoo. aroa at D.lawart uanllngtos, mi'li anile. a mtH tatttm Worth of alia. and atafl other .tAtlon. nn.n vicToi.Du i w:u a. m., uunairk 4:vm v. 41., Buffalo '; P-M., Albany :IS A. M., New York IS M., Button l.iU I t 01 ' ' ". 8B0OND TRAIN. ' NEW YORK EXPRESS-LeaveaColumbosatMiP. M.; will leave patarager at all nation. Greenwich, Kochester, Columbia and Olmsted being Flag nation, this train will not atop for passenger except upon sig nal. Arrive at Cleveland 8:30 P. M.. Dunkirk 3 A.M.. Buffalo 4:35 A. M., Albany 4:15 P. M., Now York 9:50 K Oa, J3U.IOD ii.W A. H. CONNECTIONS. At Crettlln. with Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayn and Chicago Railroad for Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Baltimore. Alao for Chicago. At Bh.lby, with Bandnsky, Mansfield and Newark Ball road, for all point 011 that road. Also for Toledo. At Crafton. with Cleveland and Toledo Railroad for Toledo and Chicago. At Cleveland, with Lake Bhore Railroad for Erie. Dunkirk, Buffalo, Nw York and Boston. Patent 81eeping Car are run on all Night Trains to Chicago, flew York .and Boston. - t , Baggae ChecJctd Through to Ken York and Bottom rin Cleveland; alto, to Philadelphia and Hero Yarkvla CreeUint. ' RETURNING. Night Express rrlvcsatColumhusat... 1:30 A. M. Cincinnati Kxpresa arrives at Columbus at 1:30 P. Id. Fare a Low aa by anyotber Ken to. Atlc for TickrUvia Crtttlinetr Cleveland E. 8. FLINT, buperintendent, Cleveland, Ohio. JAMES PATTERSON, Agent, Columbus, Ohio. Colombm, Nov 1G, 1801. CANADIAN & UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS TO AND rit on LONDONDERRY, 1 GLASGOW. Liverpool, Montreal, Quebec, and. KTEWTOrilX. Th. Montreal Ocean Bteamshlp Company' flrat-clas full-powered Olyde-bnllt Bteamera sail every Hat. urday from PORTLAND, carrying the Canadian and United State. Mall and passenger, NORWEGIAN, NORTH AMERICAN, BOHEMIAN, . ANGLO-SAXON, . NORTH BRITON. HIBERNIAN. CANADIAN, NOVABCOTIAN Ml or tost, Cbeapewt and QuickC. Con voyuuee iron . ASTESICA TO ALL FASTS OP XtTBOPX. Katea ot Pawngs to Europe, 930, &90. Will sail from LIVERPOOL every Wednesday, and from QUEBBO every Matnrday, calling at LONDONDERRY, to receive on board and land Mails and Paasengert, to and from Ireland and Scotland. 10l'hese Bteamera are built of Iron, In water-tight compartment, carry each an experienced Burgeon, and very attention I paid to th. comfort and aooommoda tloa of passenger. Aa they proceed direct to L0ND0N DERY, tk.jieat risk and delay of calling at St. John' la avoided. Glasgow passenger are furnished with ran passage Uoketa to and from Londonderry. . Return ticket granted at reduced rate. i Certificate Issued for carrying to and bringing out pas sengers from all th. principal town of Great Britain and Ireland, at reduced rates, by thl line of steamers, and by th. WASHINGTON LINE OF BAILING PACKETS, leaving Liverpool .very week. Sljrht Draft far C and upward pay able in England, Ireland, Scot-, land or Wale. 'For passage, apply at the Office. 23 I1ROA1). WAT, New Vork, and 19 WATEIl ST., Liverpool, ' BABEL 4t 8X1BLX, General Ag.nti, Or to- - J. RARMSTRONC, nolO-lydAxw Poit Offlce.Cofnmbus, Ohio. GUEHNSEY'S BALMI GUERNSEY'S BALM REMOVES AND PREVENTS I N ' flammation and pain, and heals th. wont burn, scald, bruise, cut or fresh wound of any kind, prevent welling and pain from bee ding, mosquito bitest and poisonous plant, neuralgia, rheumatism, ague in the breast, salt rheum, etc. When taken Internally, It will positively cure croup In children, and give Immedlat relief In Uie worst easer of tit terrible complaint) also, remove hoaraeneas and or throat. ; Price, V ceats. bottlo. Should be In eve ijhonae. For sale by Drug, gist and Storekeeper." IRV1NBT0NE, Bole Proprietor, H Spruce tt .New York ooWdatwIvia - . No real Justice can be don. the above nrenarntlona but by procuring and reading descriptive pamphleuU oe iouuu wiin an aeaiera, or win do sen ay Proprietor on demand. Formula and Trial Bottle sent to Phvsl eiana, who will And development in both worthy acceptance and approval. . - . Correspondence solicited from all whose necessities' or curiosity prompt to a trial of the above reliable Rem die. For ) by the usnn! wholesale and retell deiler everywhere. JTOIIN I,. HI7NNE WEIiEi Proarleto , V OHtlllBT AND FHARMAOIDTIBT, . No. 9 Commercial Wharf, Boaton, Mais. Robert at Samuel. N. B. Mamie. J. R. flnnk. J. u Denig, G. DeniK h. Hons, A. J. Bchueller dt Bon. AienU lor Columbus, Ohio. nurl-dlr - . Baltimore Clothing Honsc , HESS xtxxim. : wNorOTtntnta awo wboimu vnuaa or READY-MADE CLOTHING . No. 308 W, Roitimore-strectv", .,, ''( (aiTWMW inUTY 'AKU HOWARD,) mi UAL.TIATORE, aid it t-.y! 'rr: ,i . i ; , .. i . .... A UrgiAiaortmsnt of Flee and Furnish tuf . .Oood Cenatantly oa Band t V i OotSSdly .. , -,. -.. . . , ; , . t v , - r. ladies' iiaon : Pocket-Handk'fli, j HEinirrEDS)TITCnEDl.INEN HAND - - Embroidered Llnao Handk'a all prices. Hemmed Btltohedand plain do, do. ' . ..., ..Jo colored border. Moumlnf do black border . do. . . -do newalvl.croaeatltahed. Pin. Apple do i ' .' tew pattern. ... j MlsteV Plain and Hemmed Stitched do all price. 1 Comprising th moat aeleat akortmnt Ih th city and ,t."J,t.p''", - 'i. ' bain j son, ( feb1 v r T T r; ; Ha W South High Street, j RO N NE T S , RIBBONS TABS. ANA sBflaw ' ' T(i.tlBoatlaHlgfc C, "trry r r.' Winter Arrangement. Winter Arrangement. Little Miami & Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Cincinn(ltl,'pajtotf ft XhOianaoliii -r i u-t il i! .. i ,if,.' "i i !.:: i"-t Through to lndIanDolH WlthOMt Change of Cur, ; and but Pne .Qtiioge of Can between.,, !.! i it -.-.! Colunib'u to4 6t Louis.', " '. On and iAl" tf -Monlay, November .' 1861. "j i 1 r it - : . . Four Trains Daily from1 Columbus. 'j a'.- . i ' .... :- . 'NfanT EXPRBBI, tl Usyton, at S a. in., atopplng at London. XenkU Dayton. Middle twa and Hamilton. arriving at Cincinnati at 7:40 a. m.; and at Dayton at 5:05 a.m.; connecting at Cincinnati lor Louisville, Yin. cenne. St. Lout, and all paint Bouthweeti arriving at St. Louis at 11:30 p. m ; connecting at Dayton for Indianapolis, Lafayette, Terra Haute, Chicago, and all point west; am vie g at Indianapolis it 10:40 a. aa. " . rSEWNtRAIN. ACCOMMODATION af50a. m., stopping at all ata tlona between ColUmbua.ClhctnnaU and Dayton, a riving at Cincinnati a 1041 a. a., an at Dayton at 8:3ii . an. I. eonnectlcg at Olncinaatl with Mall Lin Steamboat for Louisville, an,Vt Jaysa 4nt Indlaaap oliseodUie.We.- 5r'-, . -.. , THIRD TRAIN. EXPRESS at 1:55 p. m., (topping at Jeffenon.'ton don, Charleston Xeola, Corwln, Morrow, Bo, Lebanon, Foster", Lore land and Milford, arriving at CincinnaU at 0:45 p. d., at Dayton at 5 p. m. j connecting at OIn with the Ohio and Mississippi Train for Louisville, Yin- cenne,, BL Louis, etc, etc., arriving at Bt. Lonls at 10:43 a. m.; connecting at Dayton for Indianapolis, La fayette, Terr. Haute, Chicago and all point West. ; FOURTH TRAIN. . MAIL at 4 p.. m , (topping at all itatlon between Columbus and Cincinnati; arriving; at Cincinnati at 9:t5 p. m. TO For further Information and Through Ticket, apply to M. L. D0IIERTY, Ticket Agent. Union Depot, Oolnmbna. ' P. W. 8TRADBR, General Ticket Agent, Cincinnati. . JN0. W. D0HBRTY, Agent, Colombo, . . , S. W. WOODWARD, . Superintendent, Cincinnati. Columbus, Nov. 10, 1601 . 1861. 1861. EAST. 1861. EAST. UNITED ARRANGEMENTS. TIME CHANGED. CENTRAL OHIO AND STEUBENVILLE SHORT LINE RAILROAD, UN II E D. CONNECTING AT PITTSBURGH! WITH THE Pennsylvania Central Railroad OFFER THE Hborteat, lnicket and Moat Do Ira Die laouie to ail Eastern Clue. , Trains Leave Columbus aa follows VI.mLLMRt, - vu rrxusmviLLt, marnlnir Expre. . Vast lini. M.'K3J P.M. 4:00 A. M. 3:10 P. M. ' 4:00 A, aaaira tr itxia 0:40 P. M. jRRiva at riTTSBonori 2:45 A. M. 4:10 P. M. 10:00 P. M. iitarv at iiiiiB0 . ,lr.l,. 3:10AM. 8:15 A.M.; 10:40 A. M. 4:10 P. M. 3:10 A. M. . Akiiva a baltik oaa 8:30 A.M. 8.20 A. M. 1:40 P.M. ABR1VB AT raiUPILPDIA. S:S0P. M. 7:40 A.M. 12:50 P. 7:40 A. M. M. kkw roax via auintowk, h. v. i :i:0OA.M. 0:50 P. M. 11:00 A.M. 5:00 P. M. VIA rnibADIU-HIA 10:15 P.M. 1:45 P.M. 1:45 P. M. 015 P. M- via aluittowh. -Paaienier by thl line reach New York In advance f any Northern rente. , 12:35 P. M. train I the onlv on. from Oolumbua at Uhls honr, and th only train by which puseoger can nKUNiunviiDr nasmnRion uui following oay, and arrive In Philadelphia or New York before dark. i XO'Sleeping car on all night train. j The Only Route from Colflmbu to Baltimore, Philadelphia or . New York . w t ; ! ' WITH ONLY ONE CHANGE OF'CARsi Thl train alao connect at Bellalr with th Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. TTTThl route I 30 MILES SHORTER lo Plttsbnnrh and more than 100 MILES SHORTER to New York, than Northern line. f D7 Baggage Checked Through to all Im portant point East. O" Ask .for Tickets via Bellaire or Stcu benvillo. 4 H7 Tickets Good over either Rout. - JOHN W, BROWN, General Ticket Agent Central Ohio R. R. IRA A. HUTOniNSON, , General Ticket Auont Bteubenvllle Short Lin. Columbus, Nov. 28, 1801. ... . I ' If REMOVAL. WIIUAM H. RESTIEAUX, dealer; in ' Groceries," .-. Produce, , ' Provisions, Foreign and Domestic Liquors, ; Fruits, ete'eto.",' HAS REMOVED BIS STORE FROM i NO. 34, NORTH HIGH STREET, 1 ' I TO j ' . No." 106, South High Street, i The old (tend recently occupied by.WM. MoDONALD He U la dally, receipt of .;,,, -r. V 4 NEW AND FRESH COODS Which hwUlll .-.j Cheap for Ca.h or Country Produce. XXj floods delivered to City trad free oIchargr.Ql ly - ," ' - - , Willi nm,A;: ca-iii ; COLlinBUB, OHIO, ! AGRiCULTURAi WAREHOUSE ' "' DEALER HI ' ' " ' GENERAL HARDWARE.! KAILS, GLASS, BASH, rDTT,!, 00RDAQ1, . Ouai, PItol, Wood Willow War, atharasd Rubber Belting, lac Lcathei, Eom tad atafv : r,7 bl-dly . flOhio. ; --r i . - 'A- unit , rally, per rear.. 0 00 Tri-Weekly, peryrar- t1' w4'AJlWlva MMV erda.. v 4 UV 1 00 A Bachelor's Love Marking. You would liave kifctrn It lor bachclor'a tbe moment you jra, yooV bead la the Boor! Blue, spicy wreathe of cigar emoke circling up to the ceillng-i-newspapere under the table uaat'le eoap in the" tiny bronze cafd receiver Uppers on the mantel-piece, and eenornl confii. Ion everywhere' 'And yet Mr'Thorobroolre poor, ueiuuea mortal aoiemtur btllered that hit room was In ho Inest perfect order P'or hadn't he poked th empty champagne bottke uuuer sue qo, ana irni ine wood box to keep mew BiinjisDj, anu naofr' Dig mottling gown urrr eu uainp luwwis, anu auBiea me anhe sprinkled beartb with his boat allk pocket hand- ercnici7 ' Ue'd like to-see a room In better trim than thatVgul he would! And now be waa mending hlmielf Bp preparatory to going oalllng; to call od thai very prettiest girl in tbe town. Jiot that he was particularly fond of to needle, but whea a fellow's whole foot goea through ' tbe nortbeiaii to of hta nocking, and mere ianrt a duhod od uia ahirt, It la time to re pair damage. 1 -"' " i t ; - " Now, a Mr. Thorutirooke'a whold stock of mduatrlaf Implement eonalsied ol a lump of wax, a cDormoua pair oi aoiaaofa, and one needle, the mending didn't progress rapidly.- Mis wav Of mamglug lha batbasi necetaarll involved aome delay; be bad to cot an tnose ueeiui Dttie appendages from another ahirt and aew them on, and next time, when tbe aeoona enirt waa wanted, why, it waa easy enough to make a transfer again. See what It ia to be a bachelor of genius, it never occurred to Dim to buy a few button extra! ' r "Buttons are not much trouble," said Mr. Thornbrooke' to himself, as he wined tbe tier- apiration from hla browj "but when It cornea to ooat aleevea, what in tbe mischief la a pcraon to doT I haven't black thread either," and be looked dolorously at a email tear juat in bla el bow, where aome vioioua nail bad caught in tbe broadcloth- "A blatk pin may do for to-oiebt, and to-morrow I'll aend It to the tailor.. The fact la, I ought to be married, and ao I would if I only dared to aak Lilian. O dearl I know ah wouldnct have me and yet I'm not ao cer tain either if I could only muster tbe courage boldly to pat the question! But jast aa eure aa 1 approacn the dangerous ground, my heart falls me! And then that doddt Jonea. with hia curled muatuche and hair parted In the middle, aiwaya nuugtng around Lilian and quoting poe try to her. II I could have the privilege of kicking blm across the street, I'd die happy! He tan't bashful, not he! If anmebodv would only Invent a new way of popping the question something that waa not quite ao embarrass- Unr hero gave hta black?, bios!v curia an ex tra brnsb, aurvered bimself critically in the giasa, ana toen, witn a deepaigb, eet forth to oall on tbe Identical Lilian Ravmond. reaolvinc. as be bad done a thouaand tlmca before, that if pornaps may be ud: tbe baehlulneES Of bachelors! When Mr. Thornbrooke arrived within the charmed precincts of Mr.. Raymond's hand aome parlor, velvet carpeted, chandeliered with sold and ormula. crowded to tha vert door with thoso charming kolck knacks' that only a woman' taate provides, Mies Lily waa at aome- in a oewiiaermeot or pink merino dress, edged with white lace around tbe pearly ahouldera, and a crimson mosa roae twisted in her aoft brown hair. She never looked half ao pretty, and thack Providence, Jonea wasn't on hand for once In hla life. , But, what . waa al most as bad, Lily's const n waa there a tall. Blender, black eyed girl, with arched llpa, and cneeaa aa rea aa a spiizenberg apple- O, how Thornbrooke wished that Mies Esther Allen waa at the bottom of the Red Sea, or anywhere else except in that particular parlor. And then her eyes were ao abarc b hadn't been doing id agreeaoi more wan lour annate, and half before ihe exclaimed: '.'Dear me, Mr. Thornbrooke pray excuse me Dot wnat on eartn ia tne matter with your eiDow." i ' Mark turned acarlet tbe traitorous black pin bad descried its pobt. . "Only a compound fracture In mv coat. Misa." said be, feeling as though Jiia face might do the duty of Mr. Raymond's chandeliers put together, 'you kuow we bachelora are not to be exempt Irom auch thinga." s ; ' . "Hold your arm, ait , and I'll aet all riant In one moment,'! said Either, instantly producing irom a secret recasa in ine loiua or nor areas a thimble and needle, threaded with black ailk. and setting expertly to work. , , r. "Ibere, now, consider yourself whole." ' "How skillful you are," said Mark admirioe- ly, after be bad thanked ber alncercly. "But you have ao many little concerns to work with. have only a needle and aupie wax beside my aciaaora!" - "You 'ought to 'have a hoiise-wife. Mr. Thornbrooke," aald Miss Lily, timidly lifting up ber long lashes In bla direction. Lily could never apeak to Thornbrooke without a soft. roay anadow on ner cheek.. ... "A what!" demanded Mark, turninr verv red. ..'.; A houae-wlfe." . ' "Yea." aald Mark, after a moment' hesita tion; "my my friends have told mo ao verv often and I really think so myself, you know. But what kind of a ono would you recommend. Miss Raymond?" ; ' ' " "Uh, a very pretty little concern. I'll aend you one in the morning, if you'll accept of it," abe added, with a roay light on ber cheek again. "If I'll accept It!" aaid Mark, feeling as be were in ao atmoaphere of pearl and gold with two wings sprouting out of hia broadcloth, on either side.' And juat as he waa opening hia lip to assure Mis Lily that be waa ready to take the precious gift in bla arms then and there, without any unnecessary delay, the Joor opened and In walked Jonca. Mark waa not at all oaunibalistio In hla nra- penaitlea, but then be eould have eaten Jonea up With uncommon pleasure. And there tbe fellow tat, pulling hla long mustache and talk ing the moat insipid twaddle aat and sat, un til Mark rose In despair to go. Even then he had no opportunity to exchange a private word with Lily. ' -1 - " . "xou'ii, you'll not rorget" "Oh, I'll be sura to remember." autd ahd. amlllngly, and ba'lf wondering at that unusual prmaw be gavv ber nuuoV- Ladle) olten do provide their bachelor friends ao." Mark went nomenbe harrofcat individual that ver trod a New York pavement. Indeed, so great was bla fellolty that he Indulged iu vari ous cymnaatie capers Indicative of bllsa. and only paused in them at the gruff cnutlou of a policeman, wno probably nkd lorgotten bla own oonrtingdaye-i ." ' w-.v .tt.- . -1 'Come, young man, what are you about?'' , M Was there ever I more delicate way of as suring me of her favorable consideration? Waa there ever t' more feminine admission of her sentiment? Ot course the will ootne herself an angel, an angel breathing air from Paradls,- obt the delirious words! VVouderin what neigh borhood ahe would lik mete engage a reeldenoe how aoon wonld It be best to name the day! Oh! If I abould awake, and Bud it al'. a bli.-eful dream!" t.,t'.-x' ;t. x i . .;..-: -. - Early next mornlngr-Mr. Thornbrooke tat briskly to work;"rtghtltig op things." How ne swept ana uustea .ana sooured the room ww aired to sol rid Ot the tobaooo amoka. and prickled with oologhe, and beautified general ly. At icngia wneu tb ouat wnsawept into a eornr and covered by a earelestly (!) disposed newspaper, he found Ahe window gla morky, and polished it witH tuch-vtngcaaor that hi flat, handkerchief ' and all, went through, sore ly damaging tha (hand, and neoeMitatiut the ungraoelul acoeaaory ot an aid bat 4e keep out the winter .blast for the tin being.' However, even hia "mishap didn't damp ui aplrtte, for wa not Lily coming? . ;-i.'...;ir . ; i Long and wearily be waited, yet n,o tinkle at the bell gave warning ef her approach.r'It'a all her . aweat femlnla modaatj' 1 thought h, and wa ontn r.m no f'1 L- g)rjra;: .!a-,rj! aal.rB'.tr?y7g0 r ierea l,iu lufinlt, lit... . . ' ( like Brovllle drum. He rushed to the door, ... , mu; BjriuuiDK OOV with a bog. ,i ...., , ' Mies Raymond'a comflimeuta, and ficre'a de houso-wlfe, air." - v "The house-wife, yon little Imp of Erebna!M V ata at as In, iL. il . a . . . Mark eluok back Into bla room and opened the boi, half eipaotlog o M8.a full: dressed '"""a UJ "sue irom it it Arabian Niabti! but no-It waa only a little bluo velvet book and lullof odd compartmenta, lo azore allk, con tain ng tape needle, aciaaora, ailk, thimble, and ,1 r wo,s-,aDla 008oHea. ti . ADd ihe oallg this a houan.arila i !? 'uffI bltterneaj of apirit at th downfall off hia brlcrhl llnn tj.,i- r - a., a, ... O " - w.. w. au ft W VII , Dpaperation gar bim- courage,' and off be oieu to toe Uavmond maiMinn. Ii.i..t..j . , . , - - . v,,iui,utw '" wr it there- were forty Joneses uw Kisiuvrs lucre. ). ; I 'VT '.i Ir'.i t r But Liliau wa aloue, aioging at bor embrold cry in tbe auiuhlcy wiodov ckaement. wear jne, Mr. J'barnbrook, hi a nv thl or lbs matter?'! ; , , .... rerbapa itwaa tbe ahadow from th .nl.nM crimion oaotui pliimta in tbe wludow that cava v. iuiu uciicaie glow peniap but w Mo.t; uu rigin aoapfOUiate. ' ' 1 "If". . I - -) I ' ' .1 . ) And maik aat dowa bt her aiiln .ml tnnk thA trcmunDg uutitrtrg qai a. u. . .,, u f "L m.a ?iL'gll "o. .tb i m.0yiin,L", wasn't Ihe kind I wanted at .11 "Not the kind von wanted!" "No; I prefer a living one, and I earn to tee i coma cuanee it. lar.ntnna ith u.. hair and eyes something, In abort. Mia Lilian. juo. juur pai.tTO fan 1 1 nav ItT" Lilly turned white and then red; anillt nl then buret into tears, and tried to draw away ber band, but Mark bold it fast. ' : "No, no, dear Lily: lirst tell me If I n. K... the treaaur! ask fori" , , "Yea," ahe aaid. with the nretlpat in tb world; and thtd, instead of releating the captive hand, tho unreasonable fellow took fin.. aeaion of the other too. But aa Lily did not object, we suppose it waa all right. And that waa the odd oath h mhlrh M.-b Thornbrooke diverged from tbe path of old bachelorhood, and stepped into the respectable rank of mutimooy. GEORGE SAND. HER MARRIAGE AND REMARKABLE PERSONAL HISTORY. Wo hive already quoted brUflr from Mrs. Howe's excellent paper on George Sand, in tbe last number of the Atlantic Manthl Tb. following piFBtgea, descriptive of the marrlse and pcouunl history of ibisremarkabla woman, will beread with interest: GEORGE SAND'S MARRIAGE Aurore, at first, waa neither bappy nor nnbappy in ber marriage. . Her surroundings were friend ly and pleaaant, and tbe birth of a eon, a third Maurice, aoon brought to ber experience th keenest joy of womanhood. Before this child numbered two year, however, ahe began to feel a certain Diana in ner Household existence, an emptiness, a discouragement as to all things, whose cause ahe oould not underaUnd. Iu thia ennui, ahe tella ua, her. husband sympathized, and by common conaeut tboy etrove to remedy it by frequent change of abode They vlaited Paris, PluBbio. returned to Nobant, made a jour ney in the Pjrcntea, a visit to Gullery, the chateau of Colouet Dudevant. Still the dark guest pursued them. Aurore doe not pretend that there waaany special cauae for her suffering. It waa but the vTid which ber passionate nature found iu a conventional and limited exiatenc, and for which aa yet abe know no remedy, Tbe fervor of Catholio devotion bad, as wt have aeen, long foisikan her; her etudiea did not eitisiy ber; ber chtldorn abe had by tbia time a daughter wereyotin Infancy; ber bus. band waa not uokld.but indifferent, and tbe obje-:t of indifference. She occupied hertelf with the business of ber estate, and with the want of th neighboring poor; but ehe waa unsuccessful in administering her expenaej, and ber narrow reve nue did not allow ber to give large satisfaction to ber charitable impulses. After aome years of seclualou and effort, abe began to dream of liber ty, of wealth in a word, tryiog her fortunea in Paria- She felt a rawer within her fur which she bad found no adequate task. She apeaka vaguely, too, of a Being platonlcally loved, and bvlog In like manner.absent for moat of the year, and aeen only for a few days at long intervals, whose correspondence bad added a new influence to bar life. ' Thia attenuated relation was, how ever,. brolceu before she made her esaiy of a new life. Her half-brother, HippoMe. brought to Nobaut a babit of joviality which aoon degene rated into ohronlc intemperance; and though ahe doea not accuae ber husband of participation in tbia vice, or, indeed, of any wrong toward her, ahe yet jnukca ua onderatand that an ocofaiooal eacapo from Nohant became to her almost a mat ter of neceasity. She, therefore, mad arrange ments, with ber husband's free consent, to paaa alternately three montba in Pari and three months at home, for an Indefinite period; and leaving Maurice iu good hands, and tbe little So. I lange, her daughter, for a abort time only,' the oame to Paria iu the winter with the Intention 1 of writing. . ,--, HER MALE ATTIRE. Her hopes and pretension were at -first very modeet. It bad been agreed that ber husband ahould pay her an annual pension of fifteen hun dred franoa. . She would have ben well aaii.fled to earn a like sum by ber literary efforts. She established herself inaamallmsniarte.aaoitof garret, and managed by great economy to furnlsM it ao mat aoiacge ocuid be made comfortable. She washed and ironed ber fine linen with ber own haoda. Not finding literary employment at oncb, and ber elender salary running very low, aho adopted male autre for a while, aa abe aaya, because ahe was too poor to dress herself suit able in any other. Tbe fashion of the period waa favor.ble to ber deaieo. Men, wore lona? equare akirted overcoats, down to tb beela. With one ot these, and trousers to match, with gray bat and large woolen cravat, ahe might easily paaa for a young student. . . " i cannot express tne pietaure my boo s gave me. I would gladly have slept with them on Withthese little Iron-shod beela I stood firm on the pavement. I flew from one cad of Pans to the other. I could have made the circuit nf the world IbuB attired, . Jicaides, mv clothes did not foarapoiling. Iran about in all weathers, I came back at all hours, I went to the pit of every theatre. No one paid me any attention or suspected my disguise. Besides that, I wore It with; tbe eutlre maaX ot coquetry in my costume and phjaioguomy disarmed all suapi oion. I waa too tll-dreased, and my manner wa too slmp'e, to attract or fix attention. Women know little bow to diaguie themselves,, even upon the stage, They are unwilling to eaorifice the alcudotness ql their waists, the emallnesaof . their feet, the prottinasa of their movements, the brllllartcy of their eje; and It i by all thee, nevertheless, it ia especially 'by the look, thit they might avoid easy detection. Tiiero ia a way of gliding in everywhere without c.udiug any one to turn around, and of vpeaklng In a low, unmodulated tone which de not euu. d ' like a flute in lb ears whioh may hear jou. Fur the real, la order not to be i muktd e man. you must already bavo the habitol yol nuking your self remarked as a woid.V . a . . , " Thl travesu, our heroine tills u, was of abort duration; it answered the oouveoioie ol aome months of . pjvei t,,r,d olxjii v, ta iraoiuou uiu nu rO boil; leu tiara lainr. unr n . 1 1 1 iu iiim i..,u i .y u.if.i.,...ui.A . . j . Dim. uui. m me Kreauv o;uiig- ii:cutn.,t4Ucl i in which aho lo-rroifud -ti,r.rf, tb disgui.e K..,n.Uj.U .i r. V. ifCu.Hl v .atlCPD lim UIJ.T.IHl'f,' 1., VUilUIliy 1 I i , . i r , . ' ' wi,.. ivi. uraigu, i.nui in l,r,. . . ..... .. i i .ak.. .... a i. ..... r waaaoou.totx.ayll koowu.40 be KItd by b1 prtcollar, often taken foV k and somttlm,. .., d Blf by indulging the error lu tUo-10 lv - ' HER WORKS. -She has aeen the poverty, and loalncerily of society; th htl quarreled with what she J Uona marrlag. th god of bigotry and hypw SJf'-fcL 07"'nn""' of opprertioa aad fraud; ?" " 'eoognlaing . the rnarrUg of ment of order and progress. Responding to the oho.,4 luete.nth -ceotily; she passion abova decorum and usage. Nor would aie'iSL's:.? DJ; w,ori,d,iConreM 3SS tie th delicate limit, between tbeae oppoelng' vi tal forces, b.twe.n i what we owe tooieaid what w owe to other. n h... k. . . pas. oo for which it Is nobl. to .uffer and saorl fice,J there la also a deeper divine of duty, far trau.cendlcg Ih. at her both tn eaerlfie and re ward. To thia diclna. bn r. . , , -, mm wmninv w an or ua, ber later life increasingly render bomag; and to It gentle redemption our Jovlng, pitying hrt-;h more loving, the more pitying for ber atory-are glad to leave her. . V AV. tbou lonff Uhn.lnn.l . A 1. or wonder, thou embalmer of thing moat flaet Ing, moat preciooa, o aealed Iu thy amber . .1 ''ThatKatnr.yrtreiii.mb.r.' ' '' I .'. Whawaofugltivl".j r: T . Thou haat wrought many a pcitur.of wild and guilty pasaieu-yet metbiok thou didst alway paint the mean aa mun. ihi..nn. . pue. Nobler stories, too, tbou but told, and thy lonaqelo iau pur as holy charUyand lofiy art could make ber. Tha Mmnl.innk.t u k. world of thy creation women are aubllme and men weak; mav not thi thin.. w.. and Judged Lv oum UmmtA woniaa' eve? inucn naraj ba.t tbou done? Nay .that tan Bed kuow. The mimuni. il,. -k- .n . of low Intrigue with bigb-flown dicta borrowed ,t,?, 'V 70r,k,' Thou rt no of "elr ort ; or, If it be indeed tkee they seek to imitate, "Dtclplt (xzmplar villi tmitabll . Thy faults have attracted them, not the virtue that redeem ihem. fihaka ... .i and with those who have loved much, and to whom much baa been forgiven, go In peace! Ibe abadea of the naeu will ,.. .. greeted Dante aod Virgil, when, thyself a shade, tbou goeat toward them. The heart that faint ed at rraneeaoa' sonovs will not refuse a throb ' lo thine. For there Is a gallery of great women. great Witb and without tin. whora than mn.t.ll between Sappho and Cleopatra, the Magdaleu tby neighbor nor yet removed wholly out o aight, the Mother of tbe Great Forglveneta til Hm.iS2foZZi STiVe by a eommllle of practical Railroad Kugineer. '. 0,.1 wi -'m" n'TtitfiTiBArr ' citl!","l2i'nl w V :"l " i6BB'.th uigb ttmiu J iMilDWAIltiSTOiU. ll'ST RECEIVED BY. , WM. A. GILL, No. 30 Worth High Street, Jo ii th Lrgit and Beat Selected Atrt or UXKH UFFERBD IN THIS OTTYI House Builders' Furniahin8 a -. Of EVERY STYLB AND QOALITY. f rench dc Anterieaa vVlUdOW 3rla9S3 PAIHTNOHOIINIIIN OIL, pdt p lu half pound can for family a, and Dry Paint In bulk. rushes of every variety & quality. .A Splendid Assortment of MACHINISTS TOOLS. CARRIAGE MATERIADS. ' AXES GRINDSTONES, ate UUNS, PISTOLS, SHOT, Ac ITSIIINO TACKLE. ROPE st CORD AG t:, I. RATHER AND INDIA RUBBER. BELTING. EDGES, MAULS, PUMPS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SCYTHES, dic - SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS Vable and Pocket Cattery. laspeouUly invite the attention of til IntamUtfo my oek ol Poebattod Table Cutiery. and .... ' NILVHH PLATED FORKS). '" ... fc. ".lb rable, Desert, and Tea Spoons. . Butter! Knivos, &c.; itOaBBRa St BROV. Maaafaoair,' Warranted o b nlrahaavy, Blectro-Plated, en genuine Atbatta.' - . Country kferehanta, Mtcbanioa, and other,1 art farrtsed oonllaod tnmtn any Stock, tt Its prepared to tell 'holesale and Retail. " "" ' WM A. ILL. Oolnmbot, Ohio, May 8. iriUO . , , NEWARK. MACHINE WOEKS, . '1'kiwark OHIO,' '.Y"' rriannfarinrere of all kind of Pat table and Htatlottarv titeam F.m -STlBee, avjw in Ilia, Crlat. lUllle,., . i.ASSS ioi-LXlBeaHHl B. tt . BLAjfb Y Beaten I J S. B. DCTALl Btatmlll COLCMBCt " -JfA CBTlt CQ- BaAnti! it SBADOBD t u.,-, iuo.Beatenl '- t , . Our ForUbl login and law If 111 . as swarded tke flnrt premium af 150 at th Indiana Stat. Fair for la6Snwr lan. A Bodleyt oa aaeoantol Price; llghtuees, simplicity,' eoouomy o( fuel and superior character of lumbar sawext.' Uur Stationary Bnrln. wt awarded, al th taste Bait the first premium of IjkiOO. - - . - unr g-onani Bngin waa awwroca me nrvr prmnma smfnwuiii w, ..inr-n. "JluL J?ltht'? wfcK, l wijrr,ia.-t1. .,. , , t Treasurer; MtwartfcOiiit ',,), . , , ... . t- . v,.. ....... r i r n t. . S A BHI.M. OBAN BEUHICB j IN stoOlt l.ll Tmu - - -- " - ' ' ' ' '" ' ' '"' ,n '- --) ,! W VI "-CI 1 ,1WV I i, ,; ... i