Newspaper Page Text
TUESDAY MORNING, DEC. 3, 1861 J Local Matters. Coiorkoational FiBTivi,-Tha ladles 1 of tbe Congregational poofotj will bold a Festlral at the parlors of tbe Church on Thursday eren Admlttanoe S5oj children 10j. Oysters and loe-oream lo alwfldaDce, . d3t. Council PooDmai, Tbe City Council met last crenlDg--rresldent Donaldson In the ohalr, Mtnutel of pravloni meeting lead and approyed RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. The City Clerk and City Tceaaurer submitted the following Statement of tht BecetpU and JDUlureemenU of tin vuy or uoivmoni from iioeemesr to jJtetmotr a, - RECEIPTS. Balance In Treasury Nor. 4 ...14,808 47 Btoaoia tojonn noma....- sj a w tint and License bj Mayor for Not. 81 05 OollMtloM In alarket Ilouie 88 82 174 37 Total .' , .$5,0 64 DISBURSEMENTS. Vlre Department 4B8 54 viiy rouco ..,., llarkal Hons, etc , Sewer and Drainage OuKepalrt, elo.. Bilsrtes, to... ...........a. ....4, mectlon Firit Ward Improvement ,. . Second do do fourth do do Fifth do ' do Balance In Treasury, Dee. 8 ....... 775 51) 47 60 17 44 S3 05 970 00 78 00 13 05 . 35 00 43 55 U30-1,8I0 68 3,2W It Total.. .5,049 64 PETITION PRESENTED. By Mr. Butler 01 Jobo Marrow for relief under a contraot entered into in 1857. Suit wai entered in tbe Court of Common Pleaa for dam age! for. expenditures not contemplated in tbe contraot. There having been no deoialre trial in court, it is asked (hat the matter be adjusted without further legal proceedings. The peti tion is indorsed wiCa a recommendation from the City Solicitor that a just allowance be made to the petitioner. Referred to Messrs. Com etock, Stanring and Smith as a select Commit, tee. " ' BILLS PASSED. To aesesa a special tax of fifty one cents and fonr mills on each foot front ol the real estate on the South side of Mound street between Sixth and Seventh stretti. , To grade Boone street from Washington av enue to Pike street. To assess a special tax of thirty-four cents and nine mills on each foot front of the real es tate on the East elde of Pearl street from Town to State street., ' To amend Section 5, of the Ordinance for the Appointment of a Chief Eogineer of the Fire Department, passed March 20, 1SC0, so as to read as follows: Sec. 5. That the Chief Eogineer shall re ceive for his servloes the sum of four hundred dollars per annum, payable quarterly from the City Treasury. 1 By the ordinance before the passage of this amendment, the salary of the Chief Eogineer was six hundred dollars. ELECTION OF CHIEF ENGINEER. The Council went into the election of a Chief Engineer of the Fire Department with tbe fol lowing result: John Miller received. J. . St. Clair. .6 votei. .4 " Thereupon, the President declared John Mil ler duly elected Chief Eogineer for one year from the fourth Monday in November, 1861 . . Adjonrned. 1. 0. 0. F. We are requested to inform the members of Capitol Encampment No. C, that some important amendment to the By-laws in reference to Dues and Benefits will be acted upon this (Tuesday) evening. The Patriarchs are notified to be in attendance. Fsom Tin Gallant Third Ohio We have had the pleasure of an interview with Lieuten ant Swayze, of Company A, Third Ohio (Col. Marrow's) Regiment. Lieutenant Swayze has come borne on furlough on account of ill health, but expects in a couple of weeks to be In a con dition to rejoin his Regiment now in Kentucky He speaks in glowing terms of the cheerful elastlo spirits which animate the brave boys of the Third and their gallant Colonels . Lieutenant Swayze will be happy tojlellver any letters or packages left at ibis office for members of his Regiment. ; D On Saturday afternoon Captain D- A. B Moore, with bis (tbe seoond) squad of the First Battalion of cavalry from Camp Chase, parad ed in the streets of onr oity, presenting a fine martial appearance and eliciting much com' mendatlon. . We understand they are under marching orders. They will, we have no doubt, give a good account of themselves if called upon to face the enemy. The Ninth Regiment. The Ninth Ohio Regiment, Col. McCook, after being paid off, left Cinoinnati for Louisville, on the Jacob - 8 trader! Saturday noon a few of tbe men whe had apparently been Indulging too freely in lager, insisted on leaving the boat and visiting their friends up town. Col.' McCook ordered the stragglers back to tbe boat. Several re monstrated, when the Colonel, boing mounted, flourished his sword pretty freely, giving several of tht obstreporoua men a. whack or two over tbe head and shoulders with the back of tha Mada nf M aiwnrrl. This mnlniitt nf Iha men were orderly and quiet. Several of tbe boys, however, during tbe absence of the Col onel, refused to permit the firemen to build fire in the fornaoes of the boat, declaring they most be paid off before they would permit steam to be raised, or the boat to depart. They finally left, in excellent spirits, and having been paid off, were as happy as laiks.. y i Depasture of Taoora,Twelve companies 'of tbe Eighteenth (Col. Carrington's) Reg! ment.U. 8. Infantry, and five companies of the Sixteenth Regiment left Camp Thomas yester day morning, with three days' cooked rations, for Kentucky. . The train occupied by the troops consisted of forty cars. Col. Carrington accom panled tbe troops; but it is understood' that he will return in 4 few days, and resume bis duties at Camp Thomas.- His regimont received on Saturday last an addition of one .hundred and sixty men from Pittsburgh. JJoond Ovia. Lieut. Burt and Joseph Owens, arrested for shooting Michael Fallon, were be for Esq. Miller yesterday morniog on charge of manslaughter. 1 They waived an ex aminatlon, and were bound over io the Court ( of Common fleas. ST. ' ANnssw's Dir. Last Baturday, the an niversary of tbe birth of St. Andrew, the tlto lar saint of Borland, was celebrated by the Caledonian Society of Cincinnati ,y a grand banquet In the evening at tbe St. Nicholas Ex change.' "n The Eoinsoroh IUview. From Leonard Scott Si Co., the fiuerioan publishers of Black wood's Magstins and tbe British Quarterlies, we bare received the Ootober number of the Edinburgh Review. It contains eleven articles, tbe most interesting of which are those on the Disunion of America, Lord Maoaulay'a History! Lavergneon the Agriculture of France, the Story of Burnt Njab, Tbiera'i Revolution of the Hundred Days, Mrs. Browniog's Poetry, and Dr. Hoiaey's Bampton Lecture on tbe Orl gtn, History and Present Obligation of Sunday. This last Is an admirable and exhaustive arti cle. ' Tbe article on "Tbe Disunion of America" has of course a peculiar interest at this time for readers on this tide of tbe Atlantic. It Is written with ability, and is said to be the pro duction of, Sir G. C. Lewis, one of Queen Vic toria's Cabinet Ministers. He Is regarded as echoing in this artiole the opinions of tbe Eng lish Premier, Lord Palmers ton. Be that aa it may, the main point the writer makes is that tbe North oaonot "maintain Its connection with the Sooth by foroe of arms.' The Edinburgh Review was established in 1802 to defend tbe Whig party in England and advooate Whig principles. It has always had a corps of able contributors. The price of tbe American edition is $3 a year; with Blackwood $5- Riviiw and Fiild Drill at Camp Chase. The troops at Camp Chase consisting of the First Regiment of Cavalry, Col. Ransom, (nine oompaoies): Fortieth Regiment of Infantry, Col. Cranorj Forty-second Regiment of Infan try, Col. Garfieldi Fifty-eighth Regiment of Infantry (four companies), Major Deleter, will be formed as a Brigade nnder the comman) of Brig. Gen. Chas. W. Hill, and reviewed by Gov. Dennison at Camp Chase, at precisely eleven o'clock, A M. of Wednesday, the 4tb inst. It Is the Intention to make tbe review a spirited affair, to occupy fees than an hour Tbe review being over, the Cavalry will ma neuver in one part of tbe field, for about two hours, under their own officers, while the Infan try, under the command of Brig. Gen. Hill, will ocenpy another part of the field with evolutions of the line, and some movements will be exe cuted by the Regiments separately, for want of room for tbe whole command. Both arms will load and fire with blank cart ridge during the drill. All are invited to at tend. Rioimentak Offioers. The following- is a list of the regimental officers .of the Sixty fourth and Sixty-fifth Regiments, O. V. (Sher man's Brigade), now at Camp Buckingham, Mansfield, Ohio: . SIXTY FOURTH REGIMENT. Colonel Jas. W. Forsyth, U. S. A. Lieut. Colonel Isaac Gass, Mansfield. Major John J. Williams, Marion. Adjutant William F. Sanders, Akron. Quartermaster Lorenzo D. Myers, Mans field, Surgeon Henry 0. Mack, Maneuold. Assistant Surgeon Hugh P. Anderson, Lex ington. Chaplain A. K. Utown. SIXTY FIFTH REGIMENT. Colonel Chas. G. Harker, U. S. A. Lieut.-Colonel Daniel French, Milleraburg. Major Jas. Olds, Mt. Gilead- Adjutant Horace H. Jnstis, Wooster. Quartermaster Wm. Farrar, Cambridge. Surgeon John G. Kyle, Xenia. Assistant Surgeon John C. Gill. Cleveland. Chaplain Andrew Bnrns. Major of Cavalry Wm. McLaughlin, Mans field. Captain of Artillery Cullen Bradley, U. S.A. Annivirsart of St. Francis Xavier This day, Deo. 3, is tbe three hundred and tenth an niversary of the death of St. Francis Xavier, the Apostle of the Indies. He was one of tbe most remarkable nfen of bis time. He was descended from one ;of tbe noble families of Spain. He graduated at the University of Paris, and afterward filled, with distinction, the chair of philosophy in that same institution. He was man full of ambition, and hoped that bis name, as a scholar, wwnld some day be resound ed throngbout the world. He was one of the first disciples of Loyola. The charity of Xavier was unbounded. When traveling, he always lodged at an hospital, if there happened to be one where he was. He devoted himself to the sick, and negleoted to perform no office for them, no matter bow disagreeable to his natur al feelings. Having become a priest, bis great, est desire was to go to the east, as a missionary. He departed on bis. journey from one of the poets of Portugal, and, after thirteen months, landed in Indiat Japan, and the numerous isl ands-contiguous to India.. Having been suc cessful in these places, he purposed to go to China, and tSlther be went though be never reaohed his destination, for he died on the Isl and of Sancien, a few miles from the main-land. He had been but ten years in the east, though in that time ho baptized three hundred thousand sonla. . O General McClellan's household furniture was shipped at Cincinnati for Washington on Sunday night, in charge of Adams' Express Company. His family were to follow yesterday morning. ;'; - ' ' P" An extensive battery- has been erected about two miles below Marietta on tbe banks of the Ohio river. Tbe Marietta folks think they are safe now. INTERESTING TO EVERY READER. II li an lndlipntable fact, that If anr peraon winta one of thon comfortable ESQUIMAUX BEAVER OVER COATS, h will niually find them In lam qaantttteaat MARCUS CHILDS'S. 18 any person desiroua of owning one of tbe late ityle of RSAVKR OVER COaTS, with cape attached. don't break your heada to learn where to find them, but go to the Oppoflte the Bute Home. Ton will find them theie In all colon, kept by r MARCUS GUILDS. DID you nerer wear any or tht BILE MIXED OAS BIMKR1 SUITS, which an told at tha Oapltal Olty Arcade? Ruh In and yon will find them In pllei, at , , , ' . MARCUS CHILDS'S. YOU may alio be In want of PANTS and TBSTB. and then It bat on establlahment in tha Weat when Pants and Veata an to be had in all atrlpea, ahapei, ItytCfli quanuHwana qamiue. Boa inw place la me tAniflU WII AKUADJS. TVON'T forget tht extenitre- assortment of PCRNIBR- IJ lHa U00D8, particularly B WOOLEN BHIuTH. Whtcn yon oan una in --neu, wmio ana oiae, ' at tna . (JArU ALi UlTX AKUAUiS, - Superintended by Harem Child. IF yon wish to wear garment HIDE TO OB DKH. yon can do no better than to ro to the Mar- Tailoring Establishment, next to the Arcade, and select yonr goods from a stock compulsing all oolon of Bearer uioua. vaaiimere, mis veimana riuso, vest ing, and you will son ly meet with a good fit by purchas slngat , . -,i,t M HIT ART GlftTLEMEK, whan they come to this elty, aa strangers, and wish to get a UHIfORM, It la to their sesi aarauoig io u ai " . MARCOS. CHILDS'S, When a large assortment of BLUE CLOTH and other article belonging io tne eqmpg oi an oincer can be Sad at tery modentt prices. j In short eall at . Iilarcus Childs's, ' Proprietor of that eitenilT talipes locality, j NO. li 23 and S5 HIGH STREET, , - OppotlrStheatattHonse. j oct87-U0m ' ' THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH From all Parts of the World. REPORTED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN. WAR FOR THE UNION. General Benham under Arrest. GEORGE D. PRENTICE EXPLAINS. Report from a Spv. Rebels Disposed to Abandon Virginia. BENHAM AND GWIN RELEASED FROM FORT WARREN. AFFAIRS IN MISSOURI. LATEST SOUTHERN NEWS. FROM PORT ROYAL. The Thirty-Seventh Congress. The Thirty-Seventh Congress. &c. &c. &c. From Washington. Washington. Nor. 30 The Herald's dis- pitch says that s proposition will be presented to lODgrees, auiuoriziug eaca commanding General to confiscate property of every descrip tion of those reluaiog to take tbe oath of alle giance. .... , ' e L 1 1- TT nearly an tne memoers oi oom nooses are here, Including Senator Powell, of Kentucky. Dispatches from aen. Koseorans state that be still occupies his old positions. Gen. tfonnam is under arrest lor permitting Floyd and bis gang to escape. Washington, Leo. i- A letter nas been re ceived from George D. Prentice, dated Nov. 2Cih, stating that he had nothing to do with tbe article in the Louisville journal, censuring the speech of Cameron made at a dinner given by Forney in honor of Prentice. The entire arti- clo was a misrepresentation of Cameron's speech, sent by some person without the knowl edge of Prentice. Secretary Cameron's spinioos are those expressed in bis instructions to Gens. Dupont and sberman, and will bo reiterated in his report to the President. The Ordnance Department of' tbe Navy finds considerable difficulty io getting transportation for heavy guns from point to point. The last ometai account oi tne wnereaoouts of the pirate Sumter is from our Consul at Paramaribo. He was informed that she was near or on shore about thirty miles off Curacoa. Washington, Deo. . - It is probable that the President will not communicate his message to morrow before ono o'clock, owine to the neces sary preliminaries of tbe openiog session. Tbe reports of tbe Secretaries of War and tbe Navy accompany the message. The Treasurer's re port will not "be sent in until Tuesday or Wednesday. JNo advance copies ot tne rresiaent's message have been transmitted. It will therefore be telegraphed. During the past weeK re Del picKets nave ap peared at Vienna, five miles beyord Lewins ville; also at Flint Hill, which overlooks Fair fax Court House. Tbey show no disposition to attack our men. No fear need be felt respecting tbe position of tbe Executive on the seizure of Mason and Slidell. He will take, as the publio will learn to-morrow, the same grounds aa that upon which the nation baa settled, holdfbe that Cant. Wilkes's only error was in not seizing the Trent also. Tbe Clerk of tbe House received a letter from Mr. Ely, of New York, now a prisoner at Rich mond. desiring his name put on tbe list, as he should be here to occupy nis seat this session. A Union spy who left here some three weeks ago for Richmond arrived to day. He left tbe latter place on Wednesday last. He brings important intelligence which be immediately communicated to our Government. He says tbe greatest excitement prevailed in Kicnmond and throughout tbe Soutb, respecting the naval and military expeditionffalong the entire South ern coast. The troops from the States most ex posed have signified their determination to re turn borne, and large numbers had already started. In Richmond a few. days before he left much difficulty was experienced in quelling rebellious spirit among several regiments from Georgia, South Carolina and Louisiana. They were restrained only by positive promises from Jeff. Davis and tbe Secretary of War that a sufficient numbe; of troops should be dispatch ed from those States to protect not only tbe States, but to drive the Yankees from Southern Soil. The Virginians, however, were indignant, and were threatening divers things against their Congress. mere seemed to De, ne says, a very general feeling among tbe Southern people to abandon Virginia entirely, and allow her to fall into the hands-of tbe Federal Government. Tbey re garded It as too expensive to keep an army on her soil. The rebels' hope now is merely to keep our army from advancing Into the interior from their coast landings.' Upon tbe renewed urgent application or ueo D. Prentice, of tbe Louisville Journal, Secreta ry Sewvrd yesterday ordered tbe release of his brother-ln law, uainoun uennam, ana tx-cena tor Gwin, from Fort Lafayette. Tbe reoort ot the becretary ot tbe Wavy. after mentioning tne capture oi Messrs. Mason and Slidell, says that the prompt and decisive action of Captain Wilkes on this occasion mer ited and received tbe emphatio approval of this Department, ana it too generous lorbearance was exhibited by bim in not capturing the ves sel which bad these rebel emissaries on board, it may. in view of the special circumstances, and of its patriotio motives, be excused; but it must by no means be permitted to constitute a prece dent hereafter for the treatment of any case of a similar infraotion of neutrality obligations by foreign vessels engaged in commerce or tbe carrying, trade. ITimes Correspondence. Jesse D. Bright, of Indiana, is here and in tends to take his seat In the Senate to morrow, notwithstanding hia treasonable letter to bis excellency Jeff. DaviB, President of the Confed erate States, recommending to the adoption of that rebel mnctionary aa tmprovea nrearm to be employed against tbe arms of tbe Union. Senator Powell, ot Kentucky, also arrived this morning, and, it is said, intends taking bis seat. ' i- '- In the case o. Breckinridge and Burnett, of Kentucky, their seats will probably be declared vacant, and It is thought by some that Senator Powell will be called upon for explanations. Senator foils, ot Missouri, is in tbe city and will take his seat. In reference to the disloyal members, it is Drooosed by many of the members of Congress to appoint a joint committee of Investigation, to ascertain what have been the acts of tbe ens peoted parties, and whenever the investigation sbows overt acts of treason, the report will recommend the expulsion ot the parties from their seats. Senator Bayard is Lere, but it remains to be seen whether he will curry out his pledges to resign in case ne louna tnai pis aieaueotion to the Union cause was not sustained bv the dm pie of Delaware, now that the State bas sbown its loyalty to be so unquestionable. It nas Deett ascertained tbat to-n eht there are not sufflolent members of either house in the city to constitute a quorum, bnt the de ficiency will probably be made up by the trains arriving to-morrow mornins:.- Tbe following are those who did not appear in the Senate chamber) - BreckenrifiM: Hn. Johnson, of Tennessee, Johnson of Missouri, Kennedy, Pierce, Polk, Sherman. Wllle. Wil. mot. Messrs. Baker and Bingham died during tne reoeee. ' . From Missouri. Rolla, Mo.,' Dee. 1. A scout who has fol lowed the army Of tbe rebels since the evaouav tloo of Sot nefleld. eame in yesterday, ne re ports the rebels, some fifteen thousand Strong, moving north in three divisions. Tbe rlgbt wlog, six thousand strong. Is commanded by Gen. McBride, resting on Stookton,teaar coun ty. Tbe left held a position near Nevada, Vernon oonnty, under command of Gen. Rains, with four thousand men. Gen. Price, with five thousand men, commanded the oenter, and was at or near Montloello, Vernon, county. These figures were obtained by our soout from tbe quartermaster of tbe rebel foroe. -Price's intention is to march into Kansas and make that State the field of bis operations, His snies recort to bim tbat Gen. Lane is at rort Boott with five thousand men. rnce win evade the latter, and pass Into Kansas at or near Butler. Bates county. Tbe march was taken uo on the 86th Inst. Col. Clarkson. com mandine the rear of tbe rebel army, left Green field on Sunday last. Gen. Price issued an or der to McColloch to follow bim, which the lat ter disregarded, and Is now moving toward Arkansas to no into winter aaarters. The rebels are poorly clad ana poony i3u, . . .... , . and evince a disposition to aisoana ana sees their homes. . - Fiftv of Freeman's marauders were at Steele- ville, breaking open stores and bouses and help log themselves to what tbey could find. Free man, himself, with two hundred men, is report ed in that vicinity. . Major Boweo, with one tnousana oavairy, leu here yesterday with the view or getting soma of Freeman and cuttles off his retreat. It is exceedingly frosty. On Friday last we bad a slight fall of snow. Sioaua. Dec. 1. Parties from the west ay tbe country between Lexington and Independ ence Is almost deserted, the men having gone to join Price or are attaching themselves to the various commands V bis officers throughout tbat region. J eon son's men are in Jackson county, De vastating the country, and various parties of armed rebels have gone into tbat section witn tbe avowed purpose of driving tbem out. Price's proclamation baa been circulating In the river counties about a week, and will doubt less induce large numbers to join tbe rebel army. 1 My informants say that for a distance of about sixty miles traveled yesterday and to day, taey met only one man on tne road. From Fortress Monroe. Fostrcss Monro, Deo. 1. No news from the South. Tbe steamer Spaulding arrived from Hatteras. She reports that several rebel gunboats bad been seen in tbe neighboring In lets. Leavenworth, Nov. 30 Tbe train on tbe Platte Couuty Railroad was seised testerday, on its arrival at Weston, by guerrillas under Sy Gordon. All tbe freight of the Express Com panies was appropriated. All the money In charge of tbe Express was raved. Tbe mail matter was not taken, uordon nau previously robbed the stores ot several Union men of Weston. No more trains will be run on that road until this gang is disposed of. ( Latest from the South. New York, Dec. 1. A Richmond dispatch of tbe 28ih says Congress yesterday passed a law admitting Missouri Into the soutbern Con federacy. fjongrcB8 reiused to make au advance on, or purchase produce of planters. The legislature or Mississippi passed bills authorizing the Governor to call out an option al number of volunteers for service at Colum bus, and appropriates half a million of dollars tberetor. The Governor of Louisiana appointed Henry R. Jackson, of Louisiana, Major General, and W. H. T. Walker, Brigadier-General, fj-tbe Louisiana army. .- Tbe Galveston Citizen reports the capture of tbe pirate Royal Yacht by tbe Federal steamer Santee; all the crew are prisoners. A northern gentleman, who bas resided io Mississippi for three years, arrived here yester day. Ho reports that at Memphis, a fortnight ago, there were ten thousand troops fortifying the river above and below. In Nashville there was a large force of well armed and clothed troops, nearly all from the Gulf. States, with the avowed intention to make Kentucky the bat tle field. 1 ne tbirty-tbousand additional troops called for by Gov. Harris would be held as a reserve. No fears were expressed of Blave in surrections. The leeling In East Tennessee is as unani mous tor tbo union as tbat in tbe Middle and West is for. rebellion. The Charleston Courier, of the 2Gth, reports the landing of Federal troops at Buckingham on tbe main land. I be rebel lorces made a for ward movement. Tbe Richmond Dispatch has a telegram, dat ed Savannah, 27th, saying: Com. Tamall, with Ohreesmall echoooers, attacked tbe Federal fleet in Cockspur Roads yesterday. Tbe engage ment lasted an hour. About fifty shots were fired. None on our side were Injured. Fail ing to draw, the Federal fleet under our guns at Fort Pulaski, Tatnall withdrew. It is re ported that the Yankees have taken possession of Warsaw, and are preparing to attack Pulaski. A Case for Investigation—Arrival of a Prize. New York, Dec. 2. A letter from Curacoa dated Nov. 9th, to the Herald, says the U. S. war steamer Iroquois arrived off this port from Laguyra yesterday morning, with tbe intention of entering, but her commander was informed by the government authorities that his vessel could enter, but would not be allowed to stay over forty-eight hours, unless in case oi dis tress. The commander's reply was that hie vessel should not enter the harbor on any such conditions, and immediately bore away,' steer ing westward. Moat probably this will prove an affair to be investigated by the United States government. Another valuable prize arrived at the Brook lyn Navy Yard yesterday, which was captured after a three hours' chase, on the 25th nit., by the steamer Penquin, while heading for Edisto Island, near Charleston, S. C. She proved to be the schooner Albiou, from Nassau, N. P, with a cargo worth $100,000, consisting of salt, oil, tin, fruit, and also arniB, ammunition, sad dles, and cavalry equipments of considerable Importance to tbe rebels just now. Virginia Convention. Wheeling, Deo. 2. In tbe Convention, Mr. Hag an of Boone county effered tbe following: whereas, in egro slavery is tbe origin And foundation of our National troubles, and The cause of tbe terrible rebellion in our midst, that is seeking to overthrow our Govern ment; and whereas slavery is incompatible Itb the Word of God, and detrimental to tbe interests of a free people as well as a wrong to tbe slaves themselves; therefore, Resolved, That the Convention inquire into tbe expediency of making the proposed new State a tree state, and tbat a provision be in serted for the gradual emancipation of all the slaves within the proposed boundaries of tbe new State, to be submitted to the people of the same ror tneir approval or rejection. Referred to tbe committee on fundamental and General Provisions. ...... Mr. Brown of Kanawha offered the follow ing: Resolved, Tbat the State of Kanawha ought to assume a just and eauitable oronortion of the estate uebt ot v irginia, ana in aomg eo disoriml nate between its irienas ana Joes, by paying first tne Donas neia Dy ner own loyal citizens; next, those held by loyal oltisens not resident 1n tbe State of Kanawhaj and of tbe excess a pro rata share. Mr. Caldwell of Marshall gave notice that he should ask tbat a provision be inserted in tbe Constitution to the effect that, when the Consti tution is submitted to the people, they shall then determine wnetner tbe name shall be West or n Virginia or Kanawha.' " Convicted of Treason. New York, Deo. 9 It Is reoorted that Col. Kerrigan, of the New York Twelfth Regiment. has been tried by a court-martial for treason and sentenced to be shot, and the warrant has been signed by be President. Kerrigan, is member of Congress from this oity. , A Skirmish. ' Baltimore, Deo. 2 A skirmish occurred on Friday night near New . Market, about five miles from Old Point, la which three rebels were killed. Including Ed. Eooit. a well known merchant of Richmond. His body was Identified t?y tetter in mi poo-ten. THIRTY SEVENTH CONGRESS. First Session. WASHINGTON, December 2. fcAT. The Tic President oalled lh tenet te or- der at boos. Abent forty niemlwr ware present. ' f Uo motion ei sir. Hal, twslv oioca was nxra the hour for oommenelDS dally sessions. - -On motion of sir. Grimes, a message wa ordered to be sent to the Hons, thai a anorum ef the Senate wa present wd ready to proceed (o business. ' Tha Senate concurred In tha resolution f the Bouse an informal reoesa was men taken. for tbe appointment of a J olnt oummltte to wait on the resident. - - - ...... Messrs. Hal. TmmbQll and Latham wen appointed said eommltue on the part of the Senate. Mr. Trumbull ef Illinois tar notioe Ibat be -would Introduce kill to-morrow te eonfisoate the property ef rebel and give Ireedom te peraon In slar Stales. Mr. Wilkinson ef Minnesota save notioe of a bill to abolish Ue dlsllnotlon between tegular and volunteer lorces. . The committee Anno nted to wait en the President re ported mat ne wonia oommunicaie bis arcings w vuu- gress to-morrow at noon, Adjourned. - - -... ' ' v ' Honsi. The Hons' etwned with prayer. The roll was then called. 114 members answered to their nsmes. Messrs. Sargent and fbelp of California, Hooper of nass.. Wilson or I .wa. Bernheisei. veieiaw irom uiau. and Oradlebaugh, Delegatefrom Nsada,-were sworn In. nr. vavi moved that nr. naynara oi lennesro am sworn in as a member rrom tn aeconu visinci oi xen nessee. a . Btevens of Fa. aald tbat Mr. Hsynara may nav toil properly eleottd, bat all knew the fact that the I m e or Tennessee was aa rar out oi mo uoion as ouuia It. As there were sereral other similar case, he thonght the subject brought forward bjr Mr. Davis should b ten! to tne committee on iceuons. Mr. Davis thought thit was an (xoeptlon t the rule. as Mr. Mayoard was elected by alarms majority at the August election, and before Tennessee had taken any steps to get out of the Union. Betide the projier oer- tiDcates were here. Mr. Btevens aiked the direct Question, whether M.y nard was elected before the State attempted to secede, atths time fixed hvlawl at. vawe replied mar ne was so iniormca, ana nnaer the law which bad existed lor a long time. Mr. Stevens then withdrew his motion aoa Mr. nsy nard was sworn In. vu umi o di ar. iiawo, ww Kfolvtd. That a committee be appointed MJoln such as may be appointed by the Ceoato to wait on the Presi dent and Inform him that a quorum of both Houses bas assembled, and Is ready to proceed to business. Mr. Hickman presented the certificate of the Provision al Government of North Carolina, dated at llatteras. as to tbe election of Mr. roster. Ue asked that the papers be read. Mr. Vallandiiham raised a qnestlon of order. The claim of Mr. Poster wax referred at the last session to tbe committee on Kleotions without favorable action. Mr. Hickman said this was a new question, dlflsrent from that of the last session. The Sneaker overruled Mr. Vallandiiham point of Older. Mr. Btevens of Pennsvlvanla said no harm would be done by reference of tbe question, and on his motion me case was referred to the committee on Elections. Mr. Watts, delegate from New Mexico, was. sworn In Air. B I air or Virginia, sncceswr to Mr. Carlisle, was also qualified. Mr. Ulchaidicn moved tbat Mr. Seirar be also sworn In. Mr. Dawes desired that the esse be referred. Mr. Hicbardson earnestly amued that Sesur should be sworn in. Tbe House should not deny the people of Aecomacana nortriampton counties proper representa tion, especially u they had laid down their arms which tbey bad taken up asalnst the federal ttovernment, and all the forms of law had been compiled with nnder the proclamation oi tne rrovmonai uorernment of t ir glnla. Mr-. He i long of Illinois argued that Mr. Segur should be admitted In accordance with the principles already settled at the extra seislon. Mr. Dawes designed no disrespect by wishing the quel. lion referred Ue wanted the House to consider tbe subject in all Its bearings. It should be ascertained whether this gentleman was elected by ten, twenty or a hundred voles In a district where ten thousand may be oast. Ue wanted a rule they could go by in tbe future. The suljcct was then leferred lo the committee on Eleotlons. - . - Messrs. Diddle of Pennsylvania, Burnham of Connect icut, Bennet, delegate from Colorado, and Wallace, del egate from Washington Territory, were severally sworn in. Mr. Calvert presented a memorial of Mr. Beach of Vlrginls, asking to bs admitted to a seat In the House. interred. A memorial was presented that air. Lowe be admitted as sn additional member from California. Referred. Mr. Loveloy offered a Joint resolution, tenderlna the thanks of Congress to Captain Wilkes for bis arrest of the traitor Slidell and Mason. Mr. EJeerton moved as a aubstltnte. that the Preal. dent present Wilkes with a gold medal, with suitable emblems and devices, expressive of tha high sense of gratitude and confidence entertained for him by Con gress in bis prompt arrest of tbe rebels Mason and Wi de 1 1. The substitute wa rejected and Iheorlalnal resolution adopted. Mr. Blair offored lh folIowlDsr aa a auestlon of nrlvl- lege: fieiolwd, That John K. Bold, member of this Bouse from the filth Congressional district ot Missouri, having taken np arms against the Government of the United 8ttes, Is hereby expelled from this House, and tbat the speaker notify the Uovernor of Missouri of the fact. Tbe resoluuon pasted. Mr. Colfax offered the following; Whir BAB. Mlcbael Corcoran wai taken nrlioner at Menus, and has. after suffering: other indlinlllea. been confined by the rebel authorities in the cell of a convict ed reloo: therefore. . Jtuoivtd, That the President of the United States be requested to similarly confine Jas. M Mason, late of Vligluia, and now In cuatods at Fort Warren, until Ool Corcoran shall be treatead as the United Btatrs have Heated an prisoners taken by tliem on the battle field lAppiauae in tne galleries. xn resolution was unanimously adopted. Mr. Illlott offered the foliowins: Besolvtd, bu Iho Some of Hmneentatlcet. First. that in behalf of the people in these S.atee we do again solemnly declare that the war in which we are now en gaged against the Insurgent bodies now In arms against tne uorernment, naa ror It object the sunnresslon or such rebellion and tbe le-establlsbment of the-rightful auuoruy oi me national uonstitution ana laws over tbe en lite extentof our common conntrr. Second, that, while we disclaim all nowsr nnder the Constitution to interfere by ordirary legislation with the institutions oi me several states, yet the war now exist ing must be conducted according to the nsagss and rlshts of military service; and that during it con lnoance the recognized aumority or tne maxim thai 'ue safety or the state I tbehigheit law." subordinates the riaht of property and dominate over civil relations. Third, that therefore we do herehv declare that in onr judgment ue rresiaent ot the United States, as the Commander-in-Chief of onr army, and the officers in command under him, have the right to emancipate all person held as slave In any military district In a state of Insurrection against the National Government; and mat we respectfully advise that such order ol emancipa tion be issued, whenever the same will avail to weaken the power of rebels In arms, or to strengthen the mill tary power of the loyal forces. Mr. Dunn moved to lay the resolution on the table; but ue motion wu disagreed tn yea 30, nays 77. in queation recurring on air. Hilloti's resolution. Mr. Koscoe Cobkling proposed an amendment which Mr. Elliott accepted, so as to make the resolution apply to we slaves oi uiaiovai cuisens. Oa motion of Hr. Btevens. the farther consideration of the resolution wa postponed Until tomorrow week. In order that It may be discussed and amendment sub mitted. Ue was In favor of tbe main leaiure of tbe proposition, but desired modification. Mr. Campbell gave notice tbat he would call up the following on next Tuesday week: Jietobvea, That in legislating to meet the exigencies ot the present rebellion, Congress should confiscate tbe property, elates included, or all rebels, and protect the property and right nnder lh Constitution and Laws, of all loyal oitlsene. . Mr. Steven submitted tha following for considera tion: . ... Whctsas, Slavery hs caused the present rebellion In tha United States; and whereas, there, can be no solid and permanent peace and union in this Republic so long as that institution exists within it; and wheret, slavas an now nted by the rebel as an essential mean of support ing and protracting the war; and where, by lb law of nations it is ngni to liberate this slaves i an enemy lo weaken his powers; therefore. Jle it enaclea ot tao Senate and Hove of JitvYttin tativet, That she President be requested to declare free, and direct our Generals and officers in command to offer freedom to all slaves who snail leave their masters, or aid iatquelllng the rebellion. II. Ana 04 u further retotoeiL That the United States pledge the faith of tbe nation to make full and fair com pensation to all loyal cltisena who are and shall remain active in supporting the Union, for all the loss they may sustain by virtue of this resolution. M. Fenton, fioa lh joint committee, reported that toey naa waited on tne rresiaent, and he directed them to stale that h would send in hie Meesai to-morrow at twelveo'elock. Mr. Stevens gave notice of his intention to Introduce a bill to septal certain laws oreitlng port of entry. Koscoe Conkllng submitted the following, which wu adopted: , Jieeoivea, That the Secretary of War be requested, if not inoompatiDie witn line pubiia interest, to report to this House whether any, and if any, what msasnrs have been taken to ascertain who is responsible for the disss trous movement or onr troop at Ball' Bias. Mr. Udell submitted the following, wnloh was adopted: WntaaAS, Col. M. Wood, of the 14th Regiment N. T. 8. M , who wu wonnded and taken prisoner (at the bat tle of Bull Run, hu now by the rebel authorities been ordered to confinement in a felon' prison, and by tbe same order is to be treated u a prisoner convicted of an infamous crime, tnereiore Kuolntd, That th President ot the United States be respectfully requested to order John Slidell to the asm character of prison , and t the same treatment, nnlll Colonel Wood shall be treated as the United State have assfl prisoners taken in battle. - Adjourned, - - . . a TThe following notice wot given nnder the rule: Hr. Bernhelsel presented the Constitution which wu framed by the Convention of Delegate assembled at Great Salt LAke uny utan, in aiarcn last, accompanied by a me morial asking Congress to admit Ibat territory Into the Union as State on an equal footing with lh original State.! , ' Virginia Legislature. Whiilim, Deo. 2 The Legislator mat in this city to-day. Lieutenant Governor Palsey 5 residing io the Senate, and Daniel. Frost, of acksoo, in the House. 1 Tbe Governor's message was sect Io this evening;. It Is a forcible review of the condi lion of this State and advocates strong meas ores against rebel abetters la our midst. ., j Col. Kramer of Monoogalie, offered a renola lion for it swingent confiscation law,, , "(:, a,' , i PoafLANDi Maine,, Deo. 2JOiir oity la flooded with ten dillar counterfeit notes on tbe Waterbury Banlf. of Connecticut. They are ex eonted equal to the original. " 1 Latest from Port Royal. Sew Yoat, Deo. 3. A special Washington dispatob lays tbat 8toretary Welles U , making arrangements to prevent any further oatreges 10 liniisn waters oy reoei privateers. , .. The Nashville will probably be overhauled M UovernmeDt vessels. -. - -,,!.-., . Eort Royal advices state that Tatoall's attack on the 26.0, wu not worthy tbe name of a bat- tie tie came witn tares or lour vessels near enoagb to fire. a few abota, which did no. dam ete.laod immediately retired.. -- Tibre 11 and Is not -vet occupied by onr troops- Tbe National colors are flying Irom tbe light-house. It la understood that Beanfort will be oecupl ed oo lbs 29th by five thousand Federal troops to prevent the secessionists taking: possession The expedition, South is supposed to be for rernandina. rive thousand troops are to go Southern News. Louisville, Dec. 2. Southern papers to tbe 20tn ult coutalu soattercd accounts oi tne Pickens affair- r Tbe bombardment commenced on tbe 21st, and continued with occasional intermissions night and day till tbe evening ot the 24th, when Col. Brawn ceased firing. Th rebels did not respond until after Fort Pickens opened Bre. Tbe fire of tbe Fort and tbe batteries out- sidoon Santa Rosa Island was directed against Fort McRae and other rebel batteries, tbe rebel steamers Times and Nelme, and the Navv Yard, while the Federal vesaels eoeaeed Fort McRae. ' '. Tbe rebels admit the loss of sixteen klllei and wounded .Considerable damage was done to Fort McRae, inoludin the oaviog in of tbe powder magazine, and the partial destruction of the Navy Yard at Warrington and a rebel train hauling provisions to tbe rebel army. . Tbe reb els seemed to aot strictly on tbe defensive. - 1 he at rles about tbe disabling; of tbe Colo rado and the Niagara appear unfounded. The Times and Nelrus were somewhat damaged, and go't out of tbe reaoh ot Col. Brown's fire. Ui. Brown reoei ved no reinforcements. Tbe East Teoteseee bridge burners are to be court martialcd. Ex 8 tale Senator Dickens is among ibe prisoners In Etst Tennessee Leg islatures oalled upon by the legislature for ex planation of alleged connection with bridge burning, denied all knowledge and asserted tbat tbe perpetrators were representatives of a small faction only. ine metnpms merchants1 meeting recom mended the banks to cut their bills into frao tional parts for change. There are no tidings irom urowniow. Tbe Charleston Courier deoreoates raislotr tbe black flag, and says it is urged principally by th'jse who keep a safe distance from the war. A Jew u. leans disoatob save Gov. Moore. Generals Lovell and Ruggers, on the 21th re- viewea twenty eigbt tnousana troops, Including fourteen hundred free colored. The Bowling Green Courier recommend seizing hostages for Kentucky rebels in Federal lriout. Superior Court of Franklin Coun ty, Ohio. Jorepb Phc. and wife. Boe. j, p,g, , 19, John Cramer el al. i ale D Partition. IN PURSUANCE OF AW OHllEK OF the said Oourt to me HtrAnteH. T iu Air- rn ai at the door of th Court Bouse in the city of Ooium bns, on Saturday, tbe 23th day of December, 1861, between the honrs of 10 o'clock a. m., and 4 o'clock p. m the following described reel estate, situate in the connty of Franklin, and Bute of Ohio, to wit; - Ibe remainder of a tract of land estimated to contain one hundred and five acres, known as tbe Old Poor House faim, being the same land oonveyed by John An derson to his sons Robert, Joshua, Reading and John Anderson, by. deed dated July 13th. 1830, after cutting off fifty seres from tbe east side of said tract, which was set off lo Robert King and wife. 1 an amicable partition, by deed dated December liith, 1H35. Appraised ot 03 00 per acre '' GEO. W. HUFFMAN, Sheriff. Printer's fees. 0 00. Nov 17, lrOl-wtd Sherifl 'a Sale. John 0 Doran an j Superior Court, tal.) vs W. II. zigiere BY VlHTlIEOr AN OHDEH Ol SALE to me directed, from the Superior Court of Vrar.k- lin Connty, Ohio, I will offer for sale, at the door of the Court-House, in tbe elty of Columbus, 00 Saturday, the 14th day of December, Ai D. IBbl, at one o'clock, p m . , the fullowtoe: described real es tate, situate in the county of franklin, and State of UlllO, 10 Wlli Twenty-one feet (31 ft.) off the North side of lot num b;r four (4), In a subdivision of lets 37 38. 30 at d 40 tn Desblei 's addition to the city of Columbus, reference being hsd lo the plat of Deshlrr and Hardy, recorded in ins neooruer e-oince 01 riansun county, In bjok No. 36, psge Hi I. Appraised St (1,300. Q. W. nUFPMAN, Sheriff lly Eo. Davis, Kept Printer's leee t 00 . nov3-dllwtd. Master Commissioner's Sale. C. Barrlnger' s Administrators. vs. Superior Court D. 0. Dunnuck, etal. J BY VIRTUE OP AN ORDER OV 8 ALB TO MI directed, from the Superior Oonrt of Franklin conn ty, Ohio, I will offer for sale at tbe door of the Oourt Hons in th city of Columbus, on On Saturday, the 28ih day of December, 1861, between the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. anl 4 o'clock P. M.. the foijewlng described premises, situate in Franklin county, State of Ohio to wil: The three equal undivld ed fonrlh part or all th lands, tenement and water power leased by Wayne Oriswold. acting member ot the Board of Publlo Work, to Christian Barrlnger, and Lortn Yerrington by lease bearing dat May 1st, 1854, together with the undivided three-fourth parte of all the structure. improvement ana macninery on said lands and of the appurtenenceatheieunte belonging, and ot all the right, neneni ana privileges Whatsoever secured by said lease to said lessee. Tbe premises above referred to are situate on the Columbus feeder at the lock commonly known as Fisher's lock, and said premise art commonly, known as the Columbus Mills. Terms of sale one-half cash on day of sal, one-fourth In one year, and one-fourth In two year, bearing interest at S per cent., defered payment secured by mortgage on premises. . Appraised at 13, ,750. N. B. The remaining undivided one-fourth part of the property win oe sold si tn same time and place, and up on the same terms. Appraised at 1 1,250. OEORQE W. nUFFXAN, Sheriff, , and Muter Commissioner. Printer's fee $8 00. novl7-dlttwtd. . (i II EAT CUBE DR. LEL AND'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Goat and Neuralgia, AND A 8UHB CUBE FOR ' All Mercurial Diseases. It Is a conveniently arranged Bund, containing a med icated compound, to be worn around the Waist, without Injury to the most delicate persons; no change tn habile of. living Is reauired, and It entirely remove the die ease from the system, without producing the Injurious efleota rising from uia nse or powerful internal medi cines, which sreaken and deetroy th constitution, mod give temporary relief only. By ttri treatment, the med icinal properties contained In the Band come In contact with the blood and reach the disease, through th pore of the akin, effecting in terw tnstano a perfect cure, and restoring thwuaits ailllcud to a healthy condition. This Band is also a mostpowerful AUTi-Maaccaiii. attest, and win entirely relieve lh system from the perntoioMt euecisoi mercury, moueraie ease are eoreainarew days, and we are constantly receiving testimonials of its emcacy in attgravatoa cases 01 long standing. raio tx.UO, to be had of Dnwuiits isnerally. or oan be sentby malt or etprese, with full directions for ne. to any part ol the country direct rrom the Principal Office, . . Ho. 409 BB0ADW4T, Vsw Yoik. 0. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprirtur t N. a. Descriptive Circulars Sent free.. A. i. BenUBLLIB SOU. Droouuts, Aojcnts, No. 77 8. High St., bet. Frfsnd and Mouud, Uoluinbus, 0 JJjAs;eB4 Wantcsl Kverrwlastrt;, i mh lylorltp dkw ' - 100 11 ATS CASSIA ; , 9 Oases No. 1 Oovsrnment Kulmegs. . . , . ,. xrraiisviovea -. l : r, - lOboxe Oltron. . .'' SO boxes SIB Balslns. . S5 ".1 Uyer-. do. . -, 100 drums Figs. . .. , H casks Ztnte, Qurrants, etc. tc , In store for sale by . , ' . ; ..- , WJd. H. KE8TIEAU5C, ov)9 ' -, ' ' 106 Soutb HlihrJlreet. 'I .' ' " THK BEST IBHAWDS OFEAIHIi. 1 ILOTJH, by bsrrel or dray load. i ., ... . , , t. i rat sal by - ' - r I -i wis IT ttanriairrv ' a sw ssii aa am wew m. m. m DOTlS 10 Sooth Bit Street. ! COMMERCIAL MATTERS, New York Market. [REPORTED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] NEW YORK, Dec. 2. ... , OOTTOS-Plrmer: sales of Mno kia tnvnioa. Ulddllnjf Upland. , PLODR-lhe market is a shad Una..' i .i J. are without much ol aogei demand moderate; sales il 00 bM at ti S0S 40 for rejeo ed; $i 105 so for taos V suusi $i 5Wi SO for extra state, $i KkS 40 for topi... j, hoe western; B3 S04SJ 70 for common to snedhssx extra wtrn; $i 60 DO for shipping brand extra rossod hoop Ohio and 8 0s 73 f0 trJe brand dotisarket viuwii iuwr may o ejooiM steady with every fair demand; sate of 850 bbl t Uc 40 for superfloej 5 537 40 for oomsnoa to cboioe 3x540. -. .uuiiwrawaaiosu b.n...,iag ,771" . .aoil, 01 UU . WHISKY HlM lw txrtit. mtl M. a m A.-... f JnZtt?11? AT w'tt,'i loo export demand; for very choice; whi, Canadian at tl 31146; jjoa 83Sfl " ' "I""' ' of .MP bushels . . BARLEY Rnlea'Arms .! sn ooa w v-.l-T.1. '1 r i. " ; . wwi au. CORK Qnlt firm; scarcely o moon doln. hawasmr, sale, huh I bush at 83X4Xc for ni iuM SSI ', era, chiefly 6364o aflo.,, u ooo bosh. In stor7a7lo ' for prim whit western. . . . , t?f2t7Sh '", with moderate sales at 4&47Xo for Jersey, Canada and state. . PORK- Market ennttna rwu 1. . 1 a .w imi, 1 vu J WlllIUSs f"Sj Wiimmm meas, 18 Ma 75 for prime. Included in sales are 5(10 Tr.r""" mss on private farms. Total atook new aod ' tS'J;'' M m bbU; """d last rSontbT V.Ottt; sans dat last year, ll.fJSS. BREP-Ia nochanged; sale 100 barrels at teVsMS' lor country prime; a5g5 60 for oountry mess: aiHastt for repacked mess; 1113 50 forextV mete Total lock now and old December 1, W,178 paokagee; same -dat. Ust month, mi; . d.t. Im( yet uTtT qJoTedaViai! qU" Del,- India nt. IS8" UAU8-U' '" "nail sales at 1 15 COS BACON Bide firm but quiet; smoked meats in tetter dTITdi,?ieT,.0, tSS0 h,hd WM,e"' .-5VLM,"A!?r,!""i ' 8Ko fo?.honlar. aau IUg nuTlf 4 7,5?Qa-ieMd " ,"T i,mui f on'f.BDlBiJr ,eut' " nrlce unchanged; sa'.e of 500 tierces end barrels at 8K9o . stsite. " lu('ie ror unio, and I5(jWo for OHEESE-Steady at 3J8flo OOfVEE Aelive and daxirf.rfi. lto '5X"Xi Bom'lneo at VX9 17c; IM bass Lsauavra on nrlv.i. ,... om u... ir.- acalbo at BH(Siibuc: SM h.,. j... .. 'oIs'Z.n 1, 54,305 begs Rio, 1800 bags and 1200 maU Java, SM bsgsandSIHt mat, , c.yl.n, JJ.ldl tag. M.b?.i33 . baas Laeusyra. 11.73 do Mi. n,in.. m ... .7.. 875 do Bow bay . " ' " 8MamKe- Stock of sugar in New York December 1 IHdlMIHT hhd. M.Wo, 84,034 hhd. and kxe cili' ,M0 bajs and OS 543 hhhds Porto Rico; do 18,1, 4 m hhds Helado. 1594 bhdslxxes, 14 64S hags ""ive.ww TALLOW Virm and In fair demand; sales tlO bbls prime wrstern at Ho 30 OOfl prime do olty and Busno AyresatBxSXc ' tx.M0.LA28Ki, 0,et ni 00 ,,e, 8tock la New Toik Dec. 1, IBSO. Cuba Muscovado 3014 hhds, do clayed 4t. Porto Rico 1S09, Cubt Muscovado 8319 bbls. do New Or?, leans and Texas 39-JH: lHOLmia s,i. clayed 387, Porto Rico 14a6 Cuba Muscovado bbla l?50, New Orleans and Texs do 700. IIIDEJ Dry. anlnt and ...k,.. .....j . moderate demand. We notice salea 15(0 mi'.h try slaughter on private terms. -!!?.2l-?Lh,.e,i,.,;.elnht,15'l W.OOOde'Mli. Il SSu A,,i?1?kl?; 4'w -i-newaar cKil'n , c!ubatlBlW;40.8Mdiwlnt 1 35 X ; 13,700 do amber MichTi ?, ."L" . Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, Nov. 30 I LOUR Remains as nezleated and dnli is .. k for several daja past. Sellers do not pre th market much with tbelr offerings for they could not effect salea without submitting to material concessions in p. lee. eupernne nas a loroinii quotation at f 1, and good fam lly is to be had at 4 S5. WHEAT- Is still qniie dull and offerlntrs are eonse qnently light. The sane range of pilces I maintained that nas been lately quoted. CORN-Is hard to buy at less than 27c, thottih distil lers stand off at more than x6c. - OATS Were irregularis rennrt.d h ,nir.... ,. bnt the market seems to rest as reported yesterday. BYB-Is in fair request at 40c. BARLEY Of prime quality sell readily at 45c. Holders stand for 3c to So per bushel above this fijure. WHISKY Dropped again Mo, and (3e met with a fair market. Commercial GOOD SAMARITAN. E. B. ARMSTRONG, No. 17 East Town Street, WHOLESALE & RBTAIL DEALER IN STOVES AND TIN WARE. TTr A laiire stock ot the GOOD SAMARITAN on hand novl2-d3m ' COLUMBUS . OPTICAL INSTITUTE. Tbe Beat Artificial Help to Ibe Human )ifflit ewer lsavented. . JOSEPH 8. PEELEY,'. PRACTICAL 4 SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN, KEEPS THE LARGEST ASSOHT ment of the moot improved kind ot Spec lac ie. All hi Glasses, whether for near or -far-sighted, sue ground in concavo convex form with the greatest care, so as to suit lh Bye of all oases, curing Weakness, : Disiloess or Inflammation of th Eyes, and Imparting tnngth fnsslocg reading or fin sewing. Oinee. 13 Kaat Bute street, at Saltier ex Wbter's Musie Btoro , , uj5-dly, NEW GOAL YARD THE CNDKIlSfefYBD KB it PS COPI. BTANILY 00 band and for tale, lh bsst quality of HOCKING GRATE COAL, which he will sell at the lowest market price. ' Call and examine my Coal before purchasing ss where. . Office at the store of Bradford, Eaydam tCe., kad of Canal. - . r. lUTSAH. OOXdTJMIjTJa Machine Mannfar tnring Ccmpaay , w Van tl a isMssr.,i - 1 sgANtrrarmnwas o IT K AM ENGINES & BOILERS ' Casting, KlU-flsarlng , Kaaklaarf. ALSO, flnUroad r tvsar DiscKirnoM. - ; t. v Cucrnnus, whi v. ' I . ! tJHAS. tMOOS, Sup! ... itaoM. Ilt't-li - t MBOa.Trsj' laces and Embroideries.'"'.''' J TAL.E,M!lENEr, 1TJ4I.TESK V P0UHT V 1 ace OnlUrsaod Sell. Vrenoh, Fusber and Thread I. see veils irsew patterns. Talenclenes, Thread and' Point Laoas, Kmbroidered Collar. Puis, TrlmoilnTe aod Skirts, Lace rtarbea and OolOurs, Plain 1.1'iea Collar, J etUaod Cuff, mbroidered Collars snd Cutis hs ' I ' BAIN It SON, --'' . Ne. SO, iontHIii bio s . in , . hi 0 tl 0 ft e & j a a o ti c. v -A