Newspaper Page Text
l ATii ;;o;v ill i;a:vo:i ;ca 23 6 23 inJUH AY EI2EET, .mrter? And jobbers of . .., Forcisa 3 and 4 Donatio" Tor cash or'ai t RoyEiVcREDiT. We sre opening, t our ample wererooms, at the above I umbtra, a lock, ol Goods la each ot the ill departments t.1 oar business, superior to anything wo here heretofore ". Sh!.vt!r.-, !.". vT - ft .i : '. ; Q LOTJI ;pEP ARTME! :'; rbto Itaagrews, to " preeeat raagaltada eroder thj a' ledp ld tatte. Wespaxtenatrellnssof iNCYrOASSIMEKES bROADCLOTHS, " 'J t, J ., , , !, "'" 'SATINETS, - . c ; LADIES' CLOAINHGS,' ; -,k, ....... ;t .,, . .'TWEEDS, FARBBRS'eod IHEOBANTS'OASBIMBEIS; KINTCOKX "ANS, fro. to seats pe yard tf . ( tat upwards; '';''',' WEEDS, o P Fear ,oM ' "v ito I:';-'., l' PRINTED BAIINBI a 14 seats; , . AfirfKAf GotdirrpndinSlt Dress-Goods Department. ' : " Manchester DeLalnes, Hamilton'. lo.,i Paeifio do Printed UWM,. , Printed Brilllautee, fancy Ginghams, Bombasines, Blark.8ilka , .. , Taney Bill ., ' Printed Challls, . , Manchester Ginghams, . Glasgow . ... do. . Clinton da Ottoman Clothe, . Alpacas, . , . , , Poplins, . , AndthiNtvStUctStylttf FANCY SPRINC GOODS. . ,kf .. HarrbsaoPrtnta, Ooeheoe . do. Paellw do. a .'l . do. Richmond'! Prints, i, AmarlcaS . do. ; -l)unnell' do. Kmllkh do. - . jLliheeter, a. Priot,A.c ,--k-ajrTrsrrrr; ayTTONB. i..Zti. BbeetUas, Atlanlio A. Bhaetlngs, Stark ao. , . Amosaeag , oo. Jathrop Hi Bhawmut do-, . ppieton . . no. oo, ' avureu . ao. . "l CUca, ke., , do. focaeen ?.t ' All Uradtm ni WidOi: - hlbachbd biiirtingb anp snKiTuiaa. . ... .. . Dwkrht. . Lawrence, ijie7'. flreati'alla, Naumkeag, Ulii, i .. Waltham, - , Hoott,. . New Vork Mills, Ike., Ao. SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS, A LAM AND KI.ICT ABBOkTallNT. COTTON ADBS-a great variety. OHKCK.B . do. TICKINOB-Hill the leading brands DKNIMB v do. ' ' - do. BUIKT1NQ BrRlPKoVall tha leading brand, AtiBBKNB ' - ' " " 0ORKTJltAN .... . ate. . do. 0AMABK3,: PAPBR OAMBRIOB, OOLOBBB BKIOB, ato-, ate. , . CAM- LAME AND COMPLETE ST0CK8 OF V7H1T1 GOODS, - ' t B08IERT, - : TAB HK HOTIOSf, (icntlcincn's Furnishing Goods, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, L'ARPETS AND II.-CIOTMB, Afll-a great-rarlety of Xooda iaameA eUI of which wa Bird re amraeiTea w m ,w. w i prtZL larger portion atfroaa W to 30 per eent. jest nan laatyear. l,ATHR0P.LUDINGT0N&C0., - - 4. , ' rJEW YORIC. irarll STONE'&BAZAAR, No. 4 Ghvynno' Bloclc. if P. STONE & O'flAliltA A BENOWKECEIVUVOTIIEItt WIH. I. IKE GOODS, and Innte tna puouo eo uipeci them. No sorh stor of Goods baa ever been brought to thle market. Ilia South, In eonsequenee of the failure of the grain amp, haa not Keen acie w pureoaae in us ual now Uty Of rka goods, and thia faoihaa forced tha Importers to sell them at public auction. Oar buyer ( Mr. Stone) being In New York at these large sales, took advantage of thcmr and we can and will sell oar goods here, at leak than any one who purchased two weeks since, nald for them la New York. Our stock Is complete In very department of - . ELEGANT DRESS SILKS, OTTOMAN VELOURS, " ! . BROCHE VALENCIAS, PRINTED MERINOS, PRINTED COBURGS, 'M f '."- , DYED COBUGS HI-AHK A l-f AUA5. " - - - " .. ORLEANS, . FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, ALL WOOL DELAINES, . POPLINS, PRINTS, . , , . .. PELAINEa. SliAVS At.D CLOAKS! Five Thausand Dollars ,Worth Bought in One Day, " ' , V LADIES' FURS, HOSIER! DEPARTMENT. Men's, Ladles and Children's Under Bhlrts sad Drawars; Ladles, Misses and Ohlldren'a Hosiery ef all kinda, in Wool and Lamb's Wool; fleecy Lined and Cotton Gloves ol every make. A MmpleU w'aortment of all tha turaal rarie- Umm . ...... , LADIES' CLOTUS, S ' . .." " , , CASSIMERE8, OVERCOATINGS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, . . j. RLBBONS; - -- 'i. - - v .DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ladies and Qent'l Linen Cambrio Hand. , : i'. i . kercMefik, fte &c ; To persons who call on aa, we pledge oar words to show them the largest, best and obeapeat stock of Goods aver eeen la thia awrket, or pay tnem one dollar per boatwhile looking.. decl-dlyiitaaltw. BTONB A O'HARIU W. A. Batchelor'B Hair Dyel This splendid Hair Dye has ao aqnal tnstanlaneoosiln affect Besntiral Black or Natural Brown no staining . the skin orbjarlng toe Hair naMneataearamr aa affect of Btd Dyes, and Invigorates tha hair for life. None are gennlaa anises signed "W. A. Batche!or.w Bold STSTTWhera. ( ' - i OHAB. BATOHBLOR, Proprietor, lylC-wly , ; - 81 Barclay Btreet, New Tort. HAITI - DTE HAIR DYE. , ,.Wm, AEatchalor! Eajr Dye! Tha"" Original sutl But In the WorUI All others are mere imitaUona, and shonld be avoided Ifyoa wish to escape rldicnle. GttAT, BBS OB B03TT HAIB 9ysd InstaoUy to beaaurul and Nitural Brown or Black, Without Injury to HalrorBkin. T" '' ' ' "'" " flFTBBN MKDALB AND DIPLOMA hare bee awarded to Wot. A. Batohalor since 1F39, and over 90,08 applications hare been made te the Balr af hie patrons of his famous dyei-... ; WM.A.BATCHSLOR'8 HAIB DTI produces a sol r ant to be distinguished from natare, and It warranted net to Inj are In the least, however long It stay se.eontia- aeu.anauw m sjuouj m we n.u i arlgorated far Ufa by this splsndU Dye. wiMratedmrurehvliiiasvwndMJire.. ' I lold bi all elUed and towns ef the United Italaa Urn rs and Pnrny Goods Dealers. " .' Ilj"iiJ (ii'nnlnehu Die name and address apon aeteel yliesn ".- . -g on fonr Si.l"tof each POX, of WILLIAM A..fiA'iv-..''ii, A.l.'r..s ' ' ,. ijii aulas HATuusLUB, rjnpnetor, iria-wu tl Barclay street, tiew York. Is KJ at I TllE REVISED STATUTES -03T OIHO J A GENERAL NATCRH, IN FOROB ACO. k I860. "Inbau Josoph lL Dtyan,!:'";. ITB NOTES OF TUB PX0ISI0.V8 Of tSM ttS ! FSS3CS OOUBT, - ' ' I Contained' la hreaty-nba Tolnnat of In Ohio and Ohla ; ' Btata Ba porta,) ' ' . : ' '.!. ,r. ; ', I j AMD RirBBJENQBg TO FBIOB HVi. . Uf l.FANIEBJ.CITCHirEliD,E8q. .. i AHI. A tVtX ARO OONTBNIIItr INDEX 'J ;tij Two Royal 8ro.. Volumes.' Price $10 00. No oara or axpanaahai bMA apared to auk tha work oarfrot and reliable in all napcota. - - It baa now Iba Uglalatlre auction, baring been ap proved by atari? tua ananlmoua Tola of both Hoosea, Mt u ordered to be dtetributed to tha following Btata aad Oonniy offlcara: - ' tiorarnor. Attorney General. BnDrema Jodirea. Beora- iary. Comptroller, Treasurer and Auditor of Bute, and lathe Probata Coarta, Coorte of Common Pleae, Paper- lor and Pollea Ooarta. Aadltora. and the Gierke of the rariona. Ooarta In each county, ko tha ktamtera of the Benmte and Heuee of BepraeentaUraf of Jhla Btata, and tha OoTerneri of the eeveral Btatea of tbe Union. Tbia book, eontalnlng, aa It doai.allof the Btatntee sow In foros. and the authoritative oonatraotlon of them and af tbe Hew Uonautatlon, will be toaad to be especial ly seoiui in ua panonnanoe 01 tuetr diniei, 10 an . OOUNTT OFFIOBRB, t J0BTIOK8 0 THBPBAOB, . I TOWNSHIP TBC3TBK8, it'.... 0I.BB.KB OB TOWN8HIP8. and I t . . . - our OPVIOBUB. Inaamtieh aa renr many ehaneea have been made In tha Btarotea alnee tha pablloatlon ol the laat adltlona, by re peal, alteratlona and addlttona. and many Important de- elaiona hare been glrow by tha Bnpreme Oonrt on eon- mmrara - I ATTO UNISYS AT LAW, . . . . . !, BANKERS, HltaOHANTB ' 1 AND BUBINBSB MEN GBIfEBALLT, Will Bad toll an Invaluable Work. Tico Royal Bvo. Yolvm of over JSfmittn Bunirti : j .i-oyee, I In Btrong law Binding. Price 1 10. 00.',, PnblUhedby . " . ' ,' " " I ROBERT CiiARItE, As CO: Law Pabliahera, Bookaellere; Btatlonen and Importer! i No. 89 Wait rourtn atraec, feblR:dSm:la . Olndnnatl 0 PfJROnABEft WANTED forSOOpaekageaof Btattonerr and Jewelry, for aala at prion aa In- reload, lees 111 per cent, discount, at tbe express office at uoinmnna, unto. Akv. mm vnnted to sell tha best packets of station ery wlth "r withe at Jewelry) la the markea, at prieea lower than can be pare bated elsewnero. - Aoarasa, wiw stamp enclosed, - J. L. BAILS Y, "lylS-dtw ' .' 1M Court atreet, Boston, klasa. I TRAVELLERS! YTTTIKN .on o In New York . drive direct to the V , IKIIX HIIVMAN UVVSE, BBOASWAT, OORNKR Of HOUBTON BTBBT . ,i OondocUd on the , . ' KUKOPKAN PLAN Good Pare, Good Rooms; Prompt Attendaaee, and Mod- erau t bargee. BINGLI B00U8 50 0TB. 75 OTB.and 1 PER l)AY.; DOOBLB ROOMS and PARLORS (1,50 to 13. Meals aa ordered. This Hotel has all the appointments of tbe best hotels, a moat central location, and la heated throughout br steam. . BAMDsIL X. alBAD. narcblKUm . . .rropueior. I , . , JUHJI H WhuLUi A UEIiTrOBHOMEsCOWTISIENTAI., XX. MaKn.TTka, BsruaiTT, and lariM riaa in. uu. New Yoaa; Uucaiim1 and Omfiasor HxaTrusa Naw Yoaa Lira and Ooira. Mdtd.i Lira. Office), 61 IUfst St., BskTf o'a Ml SbT-dty . ., s j . Alexandre's Kid Gloves. 1-kl.AIM AND EBIBIiOIDERED, BIOUBl X QUBTAIRB and regular thape Blaok Kid Gloves, aibralderad In white, marenta. ourole. ate. TJndresaed- Kld Gloree. Miaaee Kid Gloves. A complete assortment of these celebrated Ulovee always for sale oy sain at BOM. tehli No. SB South High street. D HESS OOOD9, Netw and Attractive. i Mozamiioou, ! TiAviLiNa PoruN, ' ; " I . . ... Qgtm PoMJNBi, Is.,". .' ' ' f Poit DI CHtVIU, . GaictLLis, Fiinch Chinttm, KatNoH Musuns, Ftiwcn OkauiDiM, Chtmui WkBRiaa Silks, Elmant Daaes Silks, ,', Hiavt BAsqirt and Mantli Silks; And all other new and fseblonable materia most In demand for handsome Dresses and Mantillas. ' BAIN A BON, apriPJ No. 89 Booth High street. J3l 0.tL23LX. tt aviwo mis PAT BOLD OCR XX l Block of Groceries to 0. 8.DIM1NG. we cheerfully recommend him to our eld mtrone and friends. IUUD- iriLUk a sua. Columbus, March BOth, 1801 apl-dU TT'I.EOAUT FLAIR BLAOtl SlfuKS IOR Af atreet uasqaes im Mantua; also, auoa xmnrnta and Taassls to match, a ' BAia ssayWI - . - Summer Under Garments. LADIES LISLE CNDEH VEST". . Lediee Gaaae Merino do. do. ttaats Bilk Drawers and Shirts. ' i. Gents India Gauae Draweri and Bhlrts. - " Ooftea i. ... : . . . -. ". flauae Merlao TJader Bhlrla. . " Whits aad Browa Drilling Drawais- White Linea Drawers. . " Bbctra mrge Under Bbirta. ' -H Bapetier Bngliah Half Boas. ' , ioog geoekings. " fancy Cotton Half Hose. - : Suspenders. t . j s .., Ooldea Hill Shirts. . . - tot sal In great variety and at moderate I prieea, by . h - BAIN A BON, No. 39 Booth High street. nsy30. ' AJ ; V . S' i ti PRICII SIDVCKO IVrom the New York Ohsenrer-1 As all parties mamfaetarlsg Bewlna Machine, ere ob liged lo pty ktr. Howe a lieense on each machine sold, and are a eo compelled to make returns to him, under to tne number sold, bis nooks give a correct ute- ment. rroek tnls reliable soarea we have obtained tne following atatlttwe. Of the machines arade In the year itu, mere were sold, By Wheeler fc Wilson... 21,303 " I. M. Singer c Co.. ..10,953 u Grorer fc Baker...... 10.SW0 Ebowloc the sales of Wheeler A Wilson to be douhU tnose or any euer uompany." , , Awarded the hlghaet prevJlnras at the , United atakes rarra of 1B48, ltO aad IBM; ;, also at the ... . ., Ohio Stabs lairs ef 1859and WMt aad at nearly aU the Gouty gslrs in tha BUss. Onr Bilees. at lbs lata redaction, oralis lots iu onv lorjc mtcn maenine now soia, ana rat a trine ntgner tban the rnferiov too Mreoxt caom stlcA maoAtiwe, new forced upon the market. The WBKKLRB a WILSON BAOHINN makes the Loot sVrica the only One which cannot be raveled. It Aula ew Born Sun of tbe goods, leartni no rMlot or All wtoMvUnes warranted 3 Vtort. ana InttruMkm given in their use, free of charge.. u. vani,oi mgn n. voramows, v. W M. 8UMNBB A CO.. dec3 aawdloaAwom Pike's Opera House, Olndnnatl. riilk la 1 T T -.v. Notice, ClTYBASXt OF COLUMBUS. Tne roLLowmo changes svehe saade In the the officers of this Bank. January VUth, 1801, to wit: Wa. A. Putt. President, and Tnoaua Hoopra, Oaabler, reelgned their offices. Davie Tavmb, sq .. waa tnen eMeud President and WW. A. PLarr bd- poioiea veeaicr. . - . . k. t ny oraer oi ine a oara oi Directors. - t.-. ssb a, ltl-dtl. W. A. PLATT, Cashier. I , r rniT -pi Tjrj Igirj lr'DI ITS 7 TT ITl I TTNIOJW ENTKXOPEi-A RAU1TT Of . I designs, at V s,uu per iiw. TmOS LETTX2 AST) VOTX PAPXX. half the price charged by small dealers. TTTTIBAD QCARTBRB No. 7J Boath High street. Cola)tta,May8,lHtl. ,., J.H. EILSlf, . If siiiiii m"va a"- ewtm r , -I Tk i F. 'l ,.a - L i .- - H .'t, .;. .. INCREASED FACnJTIES! HAVING MOVED Iff TO. MY',, new building; '. . 1 HAVE ;: Gr-xreAtlsr Ettxlrtic:o5 -- ' MI ? t BOOK F JOB ! WHILE BOTH HAVE BEENV -. UEPIENISHED ; THROUGHOUT New; Types, BQrdeKOniaraents, FROM TBI CBLBBRAT1D FOUNDRY 6f C T. "WTLTTE 4 CO.,' SEW. TOEK; ; : tiros uakino it thi Host Complete Establishment ' ! ' IN THE CTTY.T'' 'X- t am ftorepftigd to SzwnU all Ordin for '; BOOK AITD JOB : PRiNTiisra, WITH DISPATCH! ; And la tht Koat pprov4 Btyla of tt Art. , i PARTIOULAB ATTINTI05 PAID TO , MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD IP XL-XJNT If IN G. '. Billa of Lading-, Clrcnlaira, Bill Ileade, . fllanka, Ueede C'ertlfloateia. llecelpta. Ikrar llcatete, :. ' , Heglatera, HOW CABPS, & BII1S. IN COLOKS, BT0TZ8, ' " "' ! KKVELOPEB,' , , COHTRACTI. cabdb;y'" " " i esasibob, IHustrated Show Bills; , FOR COUNTRY MERCHANTS, ' : Show BLUi Eand Bills, laboli, Concert Fro rramraes, Bonool ana CoUegs Bchamu, mo- tel BUla ( Fare, rnvitationa, Boolt Work .... OF EVERY! DESCRIPTION lehool and College Catalofues, BIlioallaneoTU rainphleta, j - ConiUtntioni, ieporti, Brlefg, Ae Printing in Gold, and Colors POST . ... . . i. - Printed ia Every Celor a Uammotli Hoe Cylinder, Tha only Tnu of tha kind la Central Ohio, . Mv fmnl I idea far dnlne m end all of the above deaorin lions of work, era bow ansurpsssed, and satisfaction will Do rasranuea u ail eases. - . TjAll work furnished promptly by (he time promised. I . BJOHABD NBVINS. WHO SHpULQ USS DR. J. DOVEE DODS IMPERIAL, WINE ; BITTERS? All who are afflicted with Incipient CoosnmpHoa er Weak Lnngs should ass these. All who suffer from Weak Stomachs, Indigestion. Dya- pepata er Plies anoa id ase tnem.. - AU who suffer from Oeasral ev BTerveasDeml Bestlessuessat aarht, Want ef Bleep, Ate., should ass them. ' .. i . All persons who are eoavalanent after fever er ether Sickness should ass them ... Miniaters ef tbe Aospel, Lawyers, Lecturers, aad al publlo speakers should use them. Book Keepers, and all persons reading a sedentary If should ase them. .. Tbesgedand roarm, snoald ass them. '-.-' -' All who require a stimulant or tonie should ase thsm. AUwheareaddietad to the ass of ardent spirits and warn lomform. snoald ase tnem.' . .. . , . They are saadeof a pure Sherry Wine, and of the na tive plana and herbs of the country, and snoald he re soameaded by ssstperaaea societies, eierKyiaen, pbni- ettns,aaaailirieuases namaaiiy. ut . j. - They are prepared by aa eapeitenead and smiirol phy. rlclaD. and. ealae Irea their medicinal proportiea, area moat detlghtfnl beveiaga aad yet, aa a medicine, are at inweeentaadnarmiemaatne aows or asavea. - . Bold by druggteta generally. ... ,i . . OHABXU WIDDIIXrUJ) ft CO., rraprtatori T8 William St., New York. K02EST8 ft SAMUEL, Agents, .'. Calaaubne, Ultlo eeoiOdAwlj!' f it- . n- - - . MRS, WINSLO W, An eaperleneed Nurse and Female Physician, presents to tne auaauon oi mowers, ner run wuiiJJite. ifct,i tiLwu . i which greatly facilitates the proeessof teething, ij soft, entng the ruau, radaoing all tnflamaatton-wll t allay ALL PAIN and spasmodlo action, and ia KIJI1E TOUEQULATE THE BOWELS, Depend apon It; mothers! 1 1 will rlre rest to yonrselvei ana bkixef ad bxaltb to toub mum We hare vat up and sold this article for over tea years. and CAN BAY, IN OONVIDBNOB AND TROTH, of it. What we have never beea able te say ef any other modi Sine NBVBR HAS IT PAILBD, IN A B1NGLB INST ANCI, TO ByPBOT A CURB, when tamely Used, ft ev er did we know aa Instance of dmmtisfaattoa by any one who sued it. On the contrary, all are delighted with Its operations, and speak ia terms of commendation ef Its aaegtcal adeem and asedicai virtues, we epeaa lo (bis suites "WHAT wa vo KNOW;" after sen years' expe rience, AND r La DOB OUH HlfUTATlON gOK liiK BULILLMBNT 01 WHAT WB HBRB DBOLAKB. In aunost evarv instance where tbe infant la snnerina from pain aad eahaastioa. relief will be foand to fUteen er twenty miantea after theSyrup Is admin la tered This valnaMe preparation Is the presorlption ef otic of the most BXPBklBNOBDand BK1LLVUL NUKeBSin New Bngland, and has been used elth nBVKK BAlIr . .. THOUSABDR ejr uasjcs..., , It sot en It relieve, the child from pain, hot tnTl Cor sica the stoskaeb and aowels, eorreots acidity, and aires tooe and enerzy to the whole artiest, it will almost la stantiy reuere ,...!-. eSlFUta 15 TBI BOVXIS, AJTD WTNA COTJO and ovireome eoavaistoaa, which. If not speedily reme. died, end la death. We believe It the BfidX aad HUH BUT BBHBDY IN THB WOULD, In all eases of DYJ acixaiti and viAHittiutA ut waeihar It arises from tee thine, or from any other oaase. Wa would say to every mother who hue child saOrrlng from snyof the foregoing cnmplaintr-DO NOT LIST YOUB PBgJCDIOES NOB Till PBIJCDIOESOB Ol'HBRS stand between you and your suffering child, and the re lief that will be SOUS yee, ARBOLUTBLY SCBB to follow the nssef this medicine. If timely used. Full di rections for aetne will accompany each bottle. None genuine anuss tne rae-timiie or uua.ns a raKKiNSi new i ora, w on ueeauiae wrapper. -. - sou ny su vruggisis inrougnont ins woria. Prl aelpml Of f ler 13 Ceaar Street M.T. PRICE ONLY 85 CENTS PER BOTTLE. 'imMmXm: '' ''"" ' -' ''-" npBIHn CLOAKS AID BA9QINES U K TLr.B-aks ac ton, ho. B South align street, mtvw. w. rio. wi vwr. v in D . -.,HMB n. I.IUIM. Mitel iM MM , , sioet stylish awaasr..: Also, saper. flala Itlack alike, very la heavy, deilgbcd eapressly for faprlU MsaUllaeaad BaeUlnas BLR ACT! ED lUKaxwin igg BHIBTIKGS, all wMahSrOf ssleeIetavAedseeksi aew eaered la greatest variety and at J' a 1 aDrua no wuww .viooi. m ;:L.r . .. ft i a i :xi 154 :4 MNM m o . .. i R ... - S3 '4 im INYITB ATIBNTION to soma of the moitep iraordinary cures by mjr. : , PECTORAL SYRUP. . J ,. ' ' --t .' J-y i; Ther are at home, and any one who has doubts can In , ...'.' KBYBKB IB PRBPARBO AT ANY TIMB To BXAMINB LUNQ8 WITHOUT OliARQKi FOB ALL TH08B WHO NKtiD BIS UKDlUlKKo. .. t i ....... , .. i ATTEND TO YOUB COLDS A case of Bvo years' landing eared by DR. KBYgBR'B PECTORAL BYBUP. ;., , ..v. PiTTBBUisR.Ian. al, I860. . Da. KiTssa: My wife haa been afflicted with a bad coush and difficult! of nreathina, for fire er six years. which , for several years back, had gradually increased in violence, ine complaint nas neon nereaiiary, ana ane bad been treated by several physicians without any re lief. In this state of her oaae, I procured some of your Pectoral Cough By rap. I bought, the first time, a fifty cent bottle, which relieved her very much 1 1 then called and got a dollar bottle, which eared her entirely, and she has now oo trace ef the former disease, except weak ness. I would also state that I used the medicine my self to a cold and comm. Tbe medicine curea me br tat ing one dose I express my entire satisfaction with the medicine, ana you are at liberty to pubiun mis a you desire to do so. - , , nil. wil,uh, . . . , . Alderman Fifth Ward. I . . . " , - prmBroon, Nov. 18, 185B. Dr. Kstsxr : Although not an advocate of Patent Medicines, in general, it affords me pleasure Indescrlba bis to recommend your Pectoral Syrup. Aa a medicine It la well worthy tbe attention of any person who may in any manner be afflicted with eoughs, oolds and hoarseness of any nind, and ror tne peculiar qoallncatlone lor re moving all that disagreeable sensation attending a ss- rereooia. ... . I have been, more or less, In my life, affected irlth the severest of colds and hoarseness. At times my throat would become so closed aa to prevent my speaking above a wnisper, ana by owing a tew flouts oi ine above syrup it would relieve me entirely In recommending thia medicine, I must unhesitatingly my that it is the best remedy I ever found, purporting to euro the above, nor should any family be without tills remedy for diseases so prevalent. ' Yours, moat respectfully, ' EDWARD J. J0NK1, Cashier Cltiiens' Deposit Bank. ' BTXDsnrmix.O., March If. IMS ' I have used Dr. Keyser's Cough Byrnp for a bad coni;h of several years standing, and can oheorfully say it Is tbe best medicine lor ine same tnal I nave ever liken. ,. .. , .; J.W.PRIOB. COL. PBATT AND DR KKYBKR'S PECTORAL SYRUP. Dr. Kama Dear Sir Bxcnse the delavnf my acanowieugtag me excellence ei your sectoral Uougn Syrup sooner. I take great pleasure In aaylng that it it all you say it Is. JltnoalctdtAtnoUtout of my cough aad thsrworat one I was ever afflicted with! I hare not used more than one-half of the bottle, and I can and do with that all who are aulicted would giro it aa fair a trial ss I liare done, and they, will be proud to say, "It is no anack medicine." I would not suffer anolhor such an attack for any consideration, or at any oost. I am con fident I can breathe more freely than I ev-r did. I shall always acknowledge a debt of gratitude for inventing m excellent a remedy, ion are at liberty to use my name la this regard, as you tbink proper at. I. PRATT, alessenger Uommon Vounctl, rltttburgh, Pa. Pittsburgh, May 11, loiS, . . . N. B 1 am no stranier to my fellow eltlieus, and who entertain doable can consult me personally. JB. a. r. PirnBoaon, April 21, lc57, READ TUB TRUTH. Dr. Krysu: 1 have a daugh ter who bu taken several medicines for a bad couuh without benefit among them Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I pnroTJed from you a battle or your I'hUlOKAL BYRUPTand before shetiad used half a bottle she wu relieved. The second bottle cured her entirely of her cough. JOHN DAUIN, Robinson street, Allegheny. I ' PmsBraen, December, 31, 1853. ' A GRKAT CURB BY DR, KKYSKK'r l'BUXOUAL BYBUP. I live lo Peebles township, Allegheny county. I bad a coughing and spitting, which commenced soout lbs tth at f ebruary but, and continued eight months. I employed the best physicians In the country, and my eough oonttnued Bnahated until early In Oolober. Al that time I was adrlsed to try your PKCTORAL C0CU11 SYRUP, which I did, and after I had taken one bottle I wae entirely free from the coughing and spitting, lhad despaired of ever getting well, end I think it should be known that this valuable Tkoicly will do for others what It has done In my oaae. JOHN C. LITTLE, . Witness B. M. Kntk. " Peebles tofnhlp. ! ' ' PiTTORTr., April 14, 1857. A WONDBRfTJL CURB. gome time alto, an old neighbor of mine waa.rery ill, with a bad-eough which every one supposed to be consumption. Ilia relatives told me that he had taken every remedy they heard of without benefit: bis brotner came to eve him die. and all were confirmed In the belief that he could not lire. I had about the third of a bottle of your Pastoral Syrup, which! (tare him, and it entirely cured him. to the aston ishment of all. What makes the oaae more remarkable, the extreme age of the man, he being ahoat eighty years Old. 1 nave no aouot ine rectors! sarea nis me. - ., JOHMN'GINNIB. DR. KEYBBll'8 PRC TOR AL BYBUP IN ELAIR8- YILLB. Plesse send me another supply of your rain- able "Peotoral Syrup," 'Almost ererybody around us haa the cold and are inquiring for "Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup." We hare so id sixteen bottles last week, and are now entirely out. Mr. A. Alter and Mr. P. Malier, both Of Blalrsviilo, Pa., tell ns they would not be without It In their families. In fact, all who ase it once want it again. Yours, respectfully, i. 8. WATTBRRON A E0N8, January), I860. ANOTHER NiV CERTIFICATE D It. KIYSBR'B PBOTORAL BYBUP. I had been troubled with a cough and cold lor several weeks so bad was it that I could not sleep, 1 had tbe advice and prescriptions from three of the best physicians in the oily, whom 1 could name, but do not do so. i nnaiiy procured a uotue or yoar sectoral Syrup, whlea curea me entirely. signea, J. W. BiMONTON, 36 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Fs , Jan. 9, I860, 'BTOP THATCOUOHINO."-'How can t do It?' "Oo to Keyser's oa Wood street and get a bottle of his Cough rcotoiaLBaa u tnataon t euro yww, your case must be desperate indeed." I his Is aspecunenof the colloquy one bears almost every day In cold catching periods of the rear. And we can, irom actual experiment, enter folly concur la the ad riser's admonition aa above, for we hare tried the "Pectoral,' in a most stubborn ease, with en lire success. Near two weeks ago we weut to Plttaburgh, with one of tne most oustressiog, contrary, mulish, an. sabduable eoughs we ever experienced since our advent upon thia rauudane sphere. We eoughed steadily aad labortoualy for one whole week, In hopes of tiring itout, but It was no go. in laot it seemea rainer to nave inv Droved br onutlce", and to bare acquired strenKtb.poten. ey and iMrtttOAMy by the operation. In this sure of thesleire. we eooihed our way to Keyser's. 144) WoodBu procured s fifty cent bottle of the "Pectoral;'' took iwl according to directions, anainiorty-eignt nours we were master of the field, tbe enemy baring unconditionally surrendered, altera brief but' nneqnal eonfllotwlth so formidable aa aararsary as noyser s famous "Uougn Pectoral. vrovmtviu vnjqptr, x'SO. i,,irou. . I""" i- ... PR. KIYSBR'B PBOTORAL 8YRUP Is prepared add scltttly Dr. GKORGB H, KKYBEK, 140 Wood street. pittsnurgn, ra. . . Uj- sold in kjoinmous ny uunaitTS a hamdnl rjHH OT II A CHE REIVED V, A. 8TJKE3 CTJlTC Prepared and told by DR. GBO. H. KKYSSR, 140 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa Price, 25 oeala. ILT Bold In Columbm by ROBERTS A SAMDEL. octx7:2tawddm. nEIITI' PAFEU COLL A III Aisn M Ween Tlea. ;;.. Handsome and economical. Also, Silk Tlea, Buirae, - ,. .- Linen Collara,' . . , . , Hall Hose, ;; ',. ; . , ' . , ' Drawers, Are. ! ) ? ...... BAIN A BON, ' apriS, , .. ,. No. SO South lii3h street.. Manufaotorers and Wholesale Dealers In BOOTS AND; SHOES, , IMorthweat Urner ol lligb. ana tiay Bt., . uoLCinuiiS,... ..............oiiio. "A large Sleek of I me and Staple Goods aa hand." STELLA miAWLSI STI2I.LA BHAWLSII In all desirable colors, and at very great bargains. BAIN at BON. apriu No. M South High street. tITA N T E U.-A O T. iw If "T O SELL T packages ef STATIONERY aad JBWBLRY, at 5rloes one-third less than ean be purchased elsewhere all on or address (stsmp enclosed) J,L.BAlLEVT,No Court st Boston, alus. march t):d3m. TTTIDB IBAWTLE BAKAOKS, BOTH v? Ws Hrand UlacK, last received ai iyas BAQl'l. ;l ' im v.-... t, Jt . .1,4 vj.'i. 5 i g-.R:,'! ' K . ' Ed '. i'j s i . 3 -: se m . a.: : 3 $'' '.t, ; pn'.' a t a. HUNNEWELL'S r : I . . . r ' ' l T vv; m UNIVERSAL - 5 HiougiipiDf. for all Throat and Lone Oomplatnta, boludng, with moetnerfeot results. Whoopim OotiaH, Cnaomo ana Ooaatoa Cotoua, lianaouui. ana Throat OoktrLiiara, always foreranaera of Oonaumptlon. Aa a Bootbuw araor u use -.o superior, rresa irom uu BmeUo properties, may be ased by most delicate oonsUa taiiona, and with perfect eonfldsnos. CELEBRATED f ir ,T0LU ANODYNE. Ths OauTin N.iTuaai, OnaTs ever offered to the world, oontalning not a particle of Opium, noraany sub stance but its slriotly veeelakle and medical properties. A euro Remedy for Nxnaaieu, RaasauTini, Gout, Tooth aho Bar Acns, Catarrh, Bosi or Hat Fxvkr, and all minor NeirousOomplalnti. For Lorn or Butxr, and Headache In aii its varieties, it has no equal, and to which .most andoubtod testmoal. alt are offered. ... . '", Fob Drxmioa TRmsm It Is a most perfect remedy. For Bowel OoarLAiMTS, after removing the pain It acts ss A physio, t most Important contrast with the oonstlpa tory effects of Opium. - - - - ' .. . " - . ifn Phvaici.iifL VnrmnuLt and Trial Bottles will he sent, and to Dealsr or Invalid a descriptive pamphlet without "postage-stamp." Prepared under the special supervision of ; , JOHN L. HUN Pi 12 WELL, r ' ', CBaTtLTT Airp rTURKAOlTmW, I Ko 9 Commercial Wharf, Bog ton, Kasi To whom please direct all communications. Prices Large Cough Remedy, 90 cents per bottle. Small , 35 " . " - I Tola Anodvne. SO " - ' For sale by tlie usual wholesale and retail dealers, ererywbeve. , -v B0HBRT8 A SAMUEL, N. B. MARPB, O. DENIG BONB. " A. 3- BOHTJKLLEB A SON, ' mayl7-wlv Agents for Columbus, Ohio ' m j p Weekly ' onio . si ATesman ! ; 17AYINQ A CII10ULATI0N j UBOER B7 8XTBB AL "' THOTJBAHDB Than any otho' paper In Ohio, outside of Olndnnatl Offers Facilities for Advertising Which CANNOT FAIL to bring KneedT.and' Uemnnerallve Ke turns ' To those who take adrantage ef them. TUB WKEK1VV STATESMAN, Dlstrlbufcd aa It is through erery Post Office In Ohio, Reaches a Large Class of Readers Whose patronage Is valuable, and who seldom see the Daily Editions of city Journals; and as only A Limited Number of Adwtisementi Are Inserted In Its coinmns, appoprlately and ' HANDSOMELY WSPLAYED! YBMt CltROT PAIITO ....... Lttr'fvot u3Lttozxtloxi -'-I i . . OF ALL I WHOLESALE DEALERS Adrexllslng In the (VEE5LY STATESMAN will fin ' " it advantagons In THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which It almost certain to follow an extensive dlsaemln . . atlon . . knowledge of their business .. ArJOKQ COUNTRY DEALERS I ADVERTISEMENTS INTENDED FOR Tho Weekly Statesman Should be handed in before Friday noon. THE ONLY PREPARATION , THAT HAS , STOOD THE TEST OE YEARS, And grows more ana more popnlar every day! And testimonials, new, and almost without number might be given from ladles and gentlemen In all grade, of soolety, whose united testimony none could resist, that Prof. Wood's Hair Bestoratirewill restore the bald and gray, and preserve the balr of the youth to old age, mall its youtntui beauty. Battle Creek, Mlch.i Dee, Slat, 1859. Pro. Wooo: Thee wilt please accent a line to inform thee that the hair on my head all fell off over twenty years ago, caused oy a complicated cnrooio disease, at tended with an eruption on the head. A continual eourse of suffering through life having reduced me to a state of dependence, I have not been able to obtain stuff for cans, neither bare I been able to ao wem op, in con- seauence of whlah mv bead has suffered extremely from cold. This Induced me lo pay Briggs A Hodgee alswst fllair Restorative, alwut the first of August last. I bsve faithfully followed tne directtont,ana tne nald spot is now oovered with hair thick and black, though short, It Is also coming In all over my-head.- Feeling confident that another large bottle would restore it entirely and permanently,, I feel anxious to persererre in its use, and being destitute of means to purchase any more, I would ask thee If thee wouldst not be willing to send me an order on thine agents for a bottle, and reoeive to thy self , the scripture declaration "the reward Is to those that arekindtoine widow and trie ratberless." , - Thy friend, SUSANNAH KIBBT. - LlBonler, Ndble County, Indiana. Feb. Sth. 1850. Paor. 0. J. Woooi Ittar tir:la the latter part of ine year uvn, wnue aiienamg me state ana national Law School of the State ot New York, my hair, from a cause uuknowa to me, commenced falling off very rap idly, so that ia the short space of six months, the whole nuper part of my scalp was almost entire I v bereft of Its covering, and much of the remaining portion upon the tide and baca part ol my need snortly alter became gray, so that you will not be surprised when I tell you that up on my return to the State of Indiana, my more casual acquaintances were not so much at a loss to discover the cause of the change In -my appearance, as my more inti mate acquaintances were to locoinlie me at all. - at once made application lo the most skillful physi cians in the country, but. reoelviui no assurance lrum them that my hair would again be restored, I was forocd to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately, In tne latter part oi ins year vssn, yourrtcitorative ass re commended to me by a druinritt, as beiua the most relia ble Hair Restorative in nue. 1 tried one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that tt was producing the aesirea enect. pwoo mat time, a nave Btea seven aot lart worth of your itetiorative, and as a result, have rich cent of very loft blaok balr, which no moaey can buy. . . . . . Asa mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill In tne production ol so wonderful an article, I have reoonv mended Its use to many of ay friends and acquaintances, who, I am happy to inform you, are using it with liks curefc. i cry rvftpcciiuiur, yours, . A. M. LATTA, "" ' Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers throngh ont the world. ... . The Restorative la nut up in bottles of three sites, vie: large, medium, and small; the small holds i a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at east twenty per cent, more in proportion man tne small. and retails for. two dollars a bottle; the large, holds a quart, 41) er eent. more in proportion, sad retails for J3 amine. 0. J. "WOOD A CO., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New kojk, and lie Market street, r)t. bonis, Mo. - And sold by ROUKKTS A BAUUKL. Oolumbus. Ohio. ana oy an good vrugguis ana sancy uooas iieaiers. apniiiaatweowur. WM, KNABE & CO., A T TlfEIH NEW SALEie-wwrr- XX JiVVJI, (. 1W JsALUMOUS oT. tnml ITKET, , , :J . . sap NOB. 1,2, Sand 7 N. 1UTAW BTK ... otter for sale their celebrated GOLDEN MEDAL, - .' AND SQ ARE F1ANO-POHTE3 Belne: blshry recommended by the first Professors and statical Amateurs of ths ooantrr. and . BVBRY . INBTEUMWNT" . WARRANTED FOR ' ' . - . FIVE YEARS The most fsatldlous customer mar relr upob bolus uRuiu every rc.ct. - . Termsiinerni. ' wv, KHAisatJU. SkLTZKR A WEBSTER, Agents, 0ot2C;lydw. ; , , ,- ;., Columbus, Ohio, T Watches I Diamondi !! Silrer Ware III A CHOICE AKSORTntEIsT OF COLD Ak and Silver Watches, In great variety, I am Agent for tbe Annticta Watch Co., and ean sell these excellent Watches at manufacturers' prices, either Wholesale or Retail. . Come and choose from my beautiful display of Duv aonds and other rich Jewelry. Btylesnew prices low. As to Silver Wars ef sterling quality, I ean show nsw patterns, very handsome. ., Silver Plated Ware, Tea Belts, Urns, Walters, Ceilort, Baskets, Pitchers, Goblets, Knives, Forks, Bpoons, Ad. Then I bare a supply of fine Table Cntlerr. Pm-k.i Knives. Basors. Ao., and man Fancy Gooda-neh as are desired for presents at such prices as are sn Induce ment to the purchaser! . WM, BLYNN, - - no, in Buckeye Block, marQl . North side State House square, ' fVjOTIOB is hereby glrsn that I have been duly ap. pointed administrator of tha estate of flh.rir. v Clark, late of Franklin county, deceased. - --' ' " RACHEL CLARK. B. H. OhUtenan, Attorneys. ... . ...... l0 ' s I Ileal . ( , KENTTEDY. ': OF UOXRCIiVt has discovered lo one ef ear common natter weeds a remedy that cures i i Evtarv Kind of Unnior. : .FROM, , , , Tho worst Borofnla down to a oommon PlmplA Be has tried It In orer elevea hundred oases, and ner-. er failed except In two eases, (both thunder humor ) He hu bow In bis possession over one hundred certificates of Its value, all within twenty miles ol Boston. Two bottles are warranted te cure a nursmg sore month. " : 1 : One to three bottles will care the worst kind cl Pimples ontheface ' " ' v- '. -r .Two or three bottles will elear the system of Mies. -Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst canker Is ths mouth or stomach. n Three to fire bottles are warranted torfure the worst kind of Eryslpe'as, One to two bottles are warranted to cure aunamoi the Byes. ' ' - Two bottles are warranted toeure running e ths ear and blntahe. imoni tha hair. - - Four to six botles are warranted lo cure corrupt and tanning ulcere. , . ' One bottle will cure scaly eruption of the skin. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the went kind of ringworm. - .. . . Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the most desnerate case of rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure salt-Rheum. Fire to eight bottles will cure the worst case of scro fula ' - - A benefit Is always experienced from the first bottle, a perfect cure Is warranted when ths above quantity Is "B- -- R0XBORY. MAB0. s Daaa Mi0i: The reputation ef the Medical Dis covery, In curing all kinds of bumon, is so well estab lished by the unanimous Voice of all who bare ever used It, that I need not say anything on the auhjeet, at the most skillful physicians and the moetoareful Druggists la tne country are unanimous in its praise. In oreaentlnx tha Medical Discovery to yoar notloe, 1 do it with a full knowledge of its curative power, in rsj llerlDg all, and curing most et those diseases te which you are unfortunately so liable. That most excruwt' disease to an affectionate mother, NCBSINO SOHE HIO ' TII, Is cured as If by a mlracie; yonr own temper is restored to Its natural sweetness, and yonr babe from short and fretful naps to calm and sweet slumbers; and the Medical Dlsoorery becomes a fountain of blessing to yoar ausbaad and household. In the more advanced stages of 4JANKLU Iter. tends to the stomach .causing DYSPEPSIA,- V: : which Is nothing but canker on the stomach ; than to the Intestines and , KIDNEYS, creating a sinking, gone feeling, and an Indifference eves to the cares of your family; Your stomach Is , , HAW AND lNI'LAiriED, your food distresses you, and yon ean only take eortala kinds, and even of that your system does not get half the nourishment It contain., as the aerlmonous fluid ef the canker eate Itnpt then your complexion loses Its bloom and becomes sallow and greenish, and your best day Is gone. - For want of nourishment yonr system be comes loose and flabby, and the fibres of your body be come relaxed Then follow a train ef diseases' which the Modioal Discovery is peculiarly adapted to CP HE) Palpitation of the heart, pain In the side, weakness a the spine and small of the back, pain of the hip joint when you retire, irregularity of the novels, and also, that roost excruciating of diseases, the ,' . PILES. ., How many thousand of poor women are snflsrlng from this disease and pining away a miserable life, and their next door neighbordoes not know the cause." I wish te impress on your mind that good old proverb,'An ounce of prevention Is better than a pound ot cure," In the 'MEDICAL DISCOVERY yoa have both the preventative and the1 cure, with this great ana gooa quality, mat win never, under any circumstances, ao you any injury. . . . "THE RIEDICAAj DINCOVEKY Is eapeclaly Intended for diseases of the blood, but since its introduction in tne western states, is lonna to b to best ' AGUE HE9IEDV that was eret before the public. .v . -- No change of diet erer neoesaary eat the best jou cat and get enough of It, DiRsoTtoRs roa era Adults one table spoonful per day Children over ten years, dessert spoonful Children from fire to eight years, tea spoonful. As no directions can be applicable to all eonsltutions, take sufficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. , Yours truly, DONNALD KENNEDY. Price $1.00 per bottle. For j erery druggist In the United Btates. , . sepSl-dAwly. DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? , DO YOU WANT A MUSTACIIE7 ' -s aa . . DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELLIHQHAH'8 CELEBRATED StimiilaliiigODgucnl, For the WMskeri and Hair The subscribers take pleaiure IA announclnt o the Citixens ol the United States, that they hare obtained the Agency for, and are now enabled to offer te the American public, tbe above Juitly celebrfted and world-renowned article. The STIMULATING ONGUENT U prepared by Dr. 0. P. BELLTNGTTA'M. an eminent phyiiciao of London, and It warranted to bring ont. ft UUCK R4H OI. ... . 1 . , Whiskers or a Mustache In from three to six weeks. This article Is the only one of the kind used by the French, and ia London and Paris It Is In aulrertaluse. It Is a beautiful, economical, soothlnr. ret stlmulatlns compound, acting as If by msglo upon the roots, causing abeautlful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to tba scalp, It will euro Baldmssb, and eanse to spring up in place of tbe bald spots a fine growth ot new hair. Ap- uiiea acooraing to directions, it will turn rib or Towr hair park, and restore gray balr to Its ordinal color, leering It soft, smooth, and flexible. Tbe "Oiterjiirr" is an Indispensable article la every gentleman's toilet, and after one week's use they would not for sny consideration bewlthontit. - . , Tbe subscribers are the only Agents for the article lo the United States, to whom all orders mutt be addressed. Price One Dollar a box for sale by all Druggists and Dealers; or a box of the "Onguent" (warranted to have the desired effect) will be sent to any who deal re U, by mall (direct), aecarely packed, on receipt of price and postage, B 1.18, Apply to or address IlOttAOB L. HKQBMAN A 00., MowaisTs, Ao., fcWMdAaBm 4 William Btreet, New-York, IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE, Steam Between Ireland anil America NEW YORK, B03TON AND GALWAY The following new and magnificent flnt-olaitpadJU Wheel Staamtbipt compose the above line: ADRIATIC, 5,888 toss burthen, Oapt,J. Miss (Formerly of the Collins Line.) . HIBERNIA, 4,400 tons burthen, Oapt. N. pRowes. COLUMBIA, 4,4110 " " " K. LtlTOlU ANGLIA, ' 4,400 " f Nioaotaoa PA01FI0, 2,UIW " y , " I. Shiib. PRINCH ALBRRT, (Screw.) ' 3,300 " " ' J.Waubb One ot the above ships wlirJeave New York or Boston alternately erery Tuesday fortnight, for Galway, car rying wo, government mailt, loucung al st, Johns, N. F. - , The Bteamers of this line hare been constructed with the greatest care, under the supervision of the gorem- DDni, MTvmwriitui wnopBruoenui, ana are unexcel led for comfort, safety and speed by any steamers afloat. They are commanded by able and experienced officer.. and every exertion will be made to promote the comfort oi passengers. , , A experienced surgeon attached to each ship. ' ' HATEH OF PASSAOK. f First-class N. Y. or Boston to Galway or Liverpool 8 100 pei'ona-ciai., ' - . . ..... 73 rirst-c ass. - .. i .. ,i toHt John's -u Third-elass, - " : ...' lo Galway or Liverpool, or any town In Ireland, on a Railway, - - - 30 1 llim-cmM nftaaenvera am liberal lr auiiollad with nm. rlsions of the bf at quality, cooked and served by the ser vants oi ine uompany. .- ' ! I.T. .-'- HETfRK TICKFTS. '"' 1 Parties wishing to send for their friends from the old country can obtain tickets f rem any town on a railway', In Ireland, or from the principal eitlee of England and Scot land, at very low rates. " ' Pssseosers' for New York, arrlvink br the -Boston Steamers, will be forwarded to New York free of enarge, For psssage or further information, apply io , -.1.1 i-.- j Wu ll.WKIRIIAM At the office of the Company, on the wharf, foot ef Canal atreet, new YoraV- HOW LAND A A8PINW ALL, Agents. aprtllftdSra. - Canton ilattingx v rstVli 'if '.'it V rrIUIrills- j!'..'o'p,:ii,HEf age;.; 4, "B.',' -4,,wiite) and' Red and : WUtelObecksd of superior qtiallty. For sale by,,. c.,.r , . BAIN A BON, aaS3 ' "' ' No, SB Boats BlgB '. j .':T5; J. IT T?.-T.T!A?I'?I SircssllciLiaki Ccrdial aad Blood ptrniprcii. Tbe fireateal Heniedr In The world;' - AN.DTBB .- ' - y- - HOST j UXLICXOTI , t'P DELIGHaTTJL1 - CORDIAL' ' Ever taken. V TT IS BTKICT- A ly a sclentlfls and Vegetable Compound, procured by the distil-. ' latlon of Roots, Iierlie and Barks, Yellow ' Dock, Blood Root, Barsaparllla, Wild Cherry Dark and Dan delion enters Into iter enmnofltlon. The an- ... . . Before Taklnj.Ur rsmediaialtei luiung' prladple ot each Ingredient Is thoroughly extreoted b my new method of dlsUlling, produog..a deUclous, -hUeratlng spirit, and the most INFALLIBLE remedy for I renovating the diseased system, and restoring the sick, suffering and debilitated INVALID to HEALTH and ' STRENGTH. . ,....-... .. , , WCLEAN'S STKENOTHENINO COH J J DIAL .., , ( . . Will effectually eare' . LIYEtt COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNB10B, . I . ' 1 i .7 T.I .i. . Ohronlo or Nervous DeWllty, Diseases or the Kidneys.1 and all diseases arising; from a disordered Liver or HtomJ ach, Dyapepata, Heartburn, Inward Piles, Acldltyor Blok ness of the Stomach, Fullness of Blood to tbe Heed, Dull ?aln or swimming In the head, PaliXallon of the Heart ullncas or Weight In the Stomach, Boar raecattons Choking or luffocatlng feeling when lying down, -Drvnees i. or Yellowness of the 6 kin and Bye, Night Sweatai la .' ward Fevers, Pain In the small of the back, chert or sldeu '"' Sodden Flashes of Heat, Depression of Spirits, .Frightful . ! a. dm: 33 Dreams. Lanraor. Despondency or any Nervous Diaeaae."! Sores or Blotches on the Bkln, and Fever and Aue (o ' Chills and Forer.) ' - " ' - . over a million of icoitiea ; ,'; ., Have been sold during the last six months, and In no In ... stance has U failed In firing entire satisfaction. Who . .. then, will sailer from Weak nets or Debility when Mo LB AN '8 BTKKNC1T1IENING CORDIAL will euro youf Mo language ean convey an adequate Idea of the Imme diate -and almoat mlrmaloua change produced by taking thai Cordial in ths diseased, debilitated and shattered Borrows system, whether broken down by excess, weak by nature, or unpaired by sickness, the relaxed and unstrung organisation Is restored to its pristine health and vigor. - j : 01A1IHIED FEKSOHS, : ( I , Or others conscious of Inability, from whatever caase, will find McLean s Strengthening Cordial a thecpugh regenerator of the system; and all who may have Injured tt.mtelveahy Improper Indulgences, wlllfind In the Cor dial a certain and speedy remedy. i TO tto Lsa4Iea. ; ' : McLean's Strengthening Cordial ! -, Is a sovereign and speedy cure for ' INCIPIENT CONSCIIIPTION, WHITES Obstructed or Dlfflcalt Menstruation, Inoohtlnenoe of Urine or Involuntary Discharge thereof, Falling of the Womb, Giddiness, Falntlbg dud all Diseases lncldne t Females. 1 - j , , Ihera Is XUtaka About, it.. Buffer no longer. Take it according to Directions. II will stimulate, strengthen and Invigorate yoa and cease the bloom of health to meant yonr oheek again. , Krery bottle la warranted to give satiaractltB. '' FOB CHILDREN. . tf your children are sickly, prfny, or afflicted, McLeans? Oordial will make them healthy, fat and robust, Debj , not a moment, try it, and you will be convinced. IT IS DELICIOUS TO TAKEJ Caption. Beware of ' Druggists or Dealer! who may try to palm apon yoa tome Bitter or Barsaparllla trash, which they eaa buy cheap, by saying It is just as good. Avoid snob awn. Ask lor McLean's Strengthening Cor dial, and take nothlngelse It Is the only remedy that will purify the blood thoroughly and at the same time the system. One tablespoonful taken every morning luting, Is certain preventive of Cholera, Chills and Fever, Yellow . Fever, or any preralenkBHseases. It Is put up In large tattles. " Prloe only II per bottle, or 8 bottles for tS. i J.H.MuLEAN, ' j ' ' Bole Proprietor of this Cordial, Also McLean sVoleanie Oil ailnlment. Principal Depot on the oorner of Third and Pine streets . Ml. Louis. Mo. . -. i ! ' McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. - ... , ' The beet Liniment In the World. The only safe and oertain on re for Oanoers, Piles, Swellings and Bron chitis, or Goitre, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Weakness of tbe Muscles, Ohronle or Inflammatory Rheumatism, Stiff ness of the Joints, contracted Muscles er Ligaments, Barache or Toothache, Bruises, Sprains, Wounds, Fresh Outs, Ulcers, Fever Bores, Caked Breasts Bore Nipples, Burns, Scalds, Bora Tkoat, or any Inflammation or Pain, no difference now severe, or how long the disease may ' bars existed. McLean's Celebrated Liniment Is a ear. tain remedy. . . Thousands of human beings have been saved a life cf leorepltude and misery by lbs ase of this invaluable med- ane. McLEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT Will relieve pain almost Instantaneously, and It wl cleanse, purify and heal the foulest sores In an incredl ly short time. ' " For Uoraes and Other Animals. McLean s celebrated Liniment is the only safe and re liable remedy for the care of Spavin, Ring Bone, Wind galls, Splints, Unnatural Bumps, Nodes or Swellings. It wUl never fall to cure Big Head, Poll Evil, Fit tula. Old running Bores or Bweeny, If properly applied. For Sprains, Bruises, Scratches, Bores or Wounds, Oraoksil . Heels, Chafes, Saddle or Collar. Galls It Is an Infallible remedy. Apply It as directed, and a cure Is certain in erery instance. '.&a Thentrifieno longer with the many worthless Llnl. aents offered to you. Obtain a supply of Dr. McLean' celebrated Liniment. It will core yoa. J, H. McLEAN, Bole Proprietor, ' . ' Corner of Third and Pine Streets, Bt. Louis, Mo. ' For sale by all druggists. For role by ROBBRIB A BAMUNL. aagW-dAwlr , Columbus. Ohio. . , FBOF. WOOD'S riinnic 1 BLOOD RENOVATOR His preolsely what its name indicates, ror, while, Ipleaaant to the taste, It Is re vivify I ag, exhllarat- ilng, invigorating and strengthening to the vital powers, and at the same time revivifies, tern- siatee, and renews the Blood In all Its purity, and .thus at once restores and renders th sysfens -tnlnrabUto aUackiof dittatt. It Is the only preparation erer offered to Die world, so chemi cally and skillfully combined as te be the most powerful tenia, and at the same time as perfectly ..I.. Jb, tn A. ,n mr.t u,rMt .eJVtftl.nft. With th. a. U liars of nature, and nance win loovuwavMuun sT'lsfomocA, and tone ap the digestive organs, and : thus allay all nervous and other irritation. It is j periectly exhilarating, and al the tame time it is Cl composed entirely of vegetables, yet so combined 71 as to produce the most thorough tooloeffeot, with H out producing any injurious consequences, nucn a remedy has long been felt to be a desideratum In the medical world, for It needs no medical skill to see that debility follows all altacka of disease, and 'proceeds and Indeed lays the system open lo the Insidious attacks of many of the most fatal, sach, for example, aa the following.: Consumption, In digestion, Dyspepsia, Lose of Appetite, Falntness, i,ervuua .iiiutuui, vua., ,' w .mvi 8': ileart, aelancnoiy, nignt sweats, iugaor, uiuom ness, Hetsntlon or, at wen as rainiui opsiructeu, too profuse, or too scant Menstruation, and Fall ing of the Womb. These all depend upon general debility. This pure, healthy, tonie Cordial and Blood Renorator Is as sure to cure as the sun toll tf rise and eel. - Xbere is ne mistake about IU Bat this is not all. If the system Is weakened, we are open to bilious attacks, the liver becomes torprdJ or worse aiseaseo, ue Kidneys reruse to perioral their functions, and we are troubled with scalding and Incontinence of urine, or Involuntary dls-l icharge of the same, pain In the back, side and be P.; p.- tf! tween the shoulders, exoeedlntlr liable to slluhil oias,oougns,anair anonecxed, soon emaciation loiiows, ana tne paueni toes down to a orematare 'grave. But space will not allow as to enumerate! the many Ills lo which we are liable la a weakened! condition of the system. But we will say, In thlal uorujai ana niooa jtenovator yoa nave a perfect, aio, pieasan, ana cuectuai remedy ror loss 01 Appetite, Dtllousnets, Flatulence, weak and sick awaraetvLaaguei AAver Complaint, Chills aad fercr. or any Bllioua attack. (Joailvaneu. Anl.liiv :-! of the Stomach, Nerrootueaa, Neuralgia, Palpiia- 0 nun ot we neart, AepeslOB-oi spirits. Sores, Pimples on the Face, or any disease arising from mpure blood, such aa Scrofnla. AtrralDelas. Broa. thitls, Cough, dlffloulty of Breathing, and all that! oolsse of diseases called female weakness, and M . snumerated above. We will aleo say the traveltr N i exposed to epidemics, change of climate and wat- er, wlllfind It a pleasant, sale and sure remedy,lxJ snd none should ever travel without. Keader.iV', ' try IL for we uurt vou von will find In It a in.n.L M Indeed, at well aa a friend in need. All oenonofll I Uadantary habits will find it a perfest preventive ofl fs at wen as cure lor utose alimente to whloh they are LJ particularly exposed. Hence mlnislers,studenU,st- 1 torneys, literary gentlemen.end ladles who are not . aocuatomed to much outdoor exercise, will find Its!1 to their adrantaee to kaen a bottle eonataiitlv-nn hand; and, above all. mothers, or those becoming lucht will VO thron.h tlimt mnat datiMrou. nflrin.!!,.' uot only wtli all their acoattosaed stranath. bull taio anu iree irom tbe thousand ailments so prev alent anoni the female portion of tha world. In short, It It indeed a mother'a oordial. . Try It, old 4 and young; no longer ran the risk ot delay; if will! m m ana nrnv. iim.iv mnnuMun ft HMMiora. tdlv Cortilal and hlaoA Htnotator. 4. O. J . WOOD . proprietor. 444 Broadwar. New York, aad 114 Marks t Btreet, BL Loals, Mo. aadi 3': told by UOBBHTB A BAUUKL, Oolumbus, Ohio, Isnd all good Druggists) Price7 One Dollai per Bottle. taarchHS-dAwsowly. j S M REPELLANT Oft WATER-PROOF CLOAK CLOTHS. A Bo, other makes ot Spring Cloak Oloths, In all desirable mixtures BlBdlnw, l'aa- & eels and Buttons to match. BAIN A SUN, , api 113 ' No. Bt South High etree ! v j P. exant Ribbons, la great variety at BAliS'S, . -1 ot . - No. S,Bign street. nnrn CORDIAL unaiivn